SENTINEL & REPUBLICAN .: NIFFLIXTOWN: -tTedaedar, Kbv'r 0, J.VJ3. PENN'A. E. ETIJIE TABLE. passenger trains leavw Mifflin Station an follows: eastwh. Phiadelphia Express, Fast Line, Ilarriibttrg Accoinmo., Kail, I'aeiBc Express, Cincinnati Express, WCTWA, Pittsburg Express, Ciut.innaii Express, Pacific, rv Passenger, Mail, Kat Line, Mifflin, Nor 2, 1873. 1 25 a m. 3 2i a ni. II Z8 a m. 6 12 pm. 10 13 am. 8 611pm. 1 20 am. 2 21 a m. J OUam. 10 04 a nu 3 28 p m. oo p m. LOCAL iXTE LUGE SC&. The 27th day of this month is the National Thanksgiving day. The JJanking House of V. M. Lloyd & Co., of Alloona. suspenled at noon on last Thursday. Halloween was not forgotten by the boys. The results of their pranks were visible the inornirg after. Don't leave tbe farm, young man, if yon have one. It may be slow, but if one of all our Institute instructors em you take care of it there is nothing so j P-'oyed during the past campaign did mora cure. Cocolanius lodge, Xo. 397 K. of P. meet every Tuesday eveuing at 7 o'clock, in the Odd Fellows' Hall in this borough. A spectator went too near a perform ing bear in Mauch Chunk last week, sui was kn ocked down by a blow from the paw of the brute. The Commissioners building, at the northeast corner of the Court House Square, is beiug rapidly pushed for ward toward completion. Last Wednesday and Thursday were tbe first foretaste das of wiuler, and inclined ooc to visit Harley & Co.'s to look for more Warm clothing for the winter. They have a full supply. Tbe Akoor.a Tribune is iu receipt of a present. It was a porcupine, and for practical and useful purposes it might :.. .. . li u .n:...,. ...j c ' j wou.u uoi uave c.cucu me people a tuore The money disturbances have had a Ferrer-sing influence on Iron ore pros pecting in this county. However, there is perhtps a grain or two of cocsola tiuii iu the thought, which is correct as truth can be, that the ore iu the hills will not Fpoil. The old brici of the I'eiforJ house, it.ter.ded to be vnrked into the crw DDiiumg, nave una y "'"t ; .eie to k-ep off raia auJ Hiow, so that j tbey may be worked into tLe wall dur ing the anticipated cold weather, lloys nre new bui!y eiigagcd in cleaning them off. Z he fllow:n sl.jj?ts will be con'i'lerei .it the Teaehers' Iiisiiiute : Mineral Mn-ag?-uent and Govenm"i:t of SehoMs, Or iler , i btu-ly; Methyls of Recitation; Vo cal Music; Lavjrujge; Penuu'iship ; U.S. llisi'iry; Ariliitu;tic ; Geography; Physi ology and Hygiene ; flbject Leson ; Draw ing; Compulsory Elucatiiu ; Sik.uM teach ers d:-taiTi Tnpils after Schovl to Study Ii g'.eCtod L"sso:is t linEAK !5 Sewing Machine Trices Our readers will be iuiffestcd to learn that the Florecae Company have responded to the general call for lower prices for sewing inac'iincs, and will henceforth sell their well known and Fuierior machines at rcdU"tirU of' from 30 to 40 per cent, from former prices. In prosperous times Juniata county did not enjoy tha business prosperity j ar.d prods arising from having large! ' , , ,. , - i i I tuanutacturiiiff establishments within btr limits. Now she docs not suffer the pinching times and poverty that com communities with such establishment experience or suffer. With a few excep tional debt indiscretions, and they may le found everywhere and at all times, our cotumunity is soand, financially. A passing locomotive set fire to a bouae iu Huntingdon last Friday morn irg about 5 o'clock. Three houses, in cluding the one in which the Ere origi nated, were destroyed. Burning shin gles weie carried onto adjacent houses by the gale that was blowing at the time, atid a cumber of roofs were set on fire. The property holders was vigilant on their roofs and extinguished the fires as fast as they were kindled. At Ilollidaysburg, on Monday morn- ing a week, a house took lire upstairs. A sick babe Lad been left in its bed. V ben the fire was discovered it bad so far progressed that the upstairs could not be reached by the stairway, ( apt. J . It. McFarlane made an effort to save the child, but tbe fire and eruoke drove bim back. He, however, nothing daunt ed, effected an entrance to the room in which the child lay, from the outsida, and anidst smoke and fire reached the body of tbe babe and bore it to the ground; but, alas ! the little mtrtal bad been suflocated before be reached it. Sewiko Macbijiks. It is not our intcn tion to give the history of the various m cuiovs on exhibition at our last County Fair, but merely to take np the best one and speak a word in it favor. We refer to the Urover & Bakar Family Scwiug Ma chine. It has been long and favorably known in this stction of the country, and we are confident that the Committee who gave the Agent, Mr. J. B. M. Todd, of Pat terson, a Diploma for the best machine and the finest executed work, did but an act of justice to his well known enterprise. We predict an increase of sales for the New Improved Machine in this county, and will say for ourselves that we know ol none in the market so complett. in all its parts ; in fact, there is no kind of sewing it will not lo. Tbe recent improvements are so elab orate and yet so simple that it can be read ily handled by even a child. We say this from no mercenary motives; it is only aa act of justice. Teachers' Institutes Teacher' Institutes will be held as follow : At East Salem, beginning Friday evening, Nov. 7th, and coutiuning on Saturday, tbe 8th : and at McOoysville, begin ning on Friday evening, Nov. Htb, and coutinniog on Saturday, tbe Ifih, )8?3. Teachers and all friends of education are invited to attend and take part in the exercise. D. E. RoBtsoN, Co. Snp't. Fxblic Sale. Messrs. Stone & Pat terson, of Academia, will sell at pub lic sale, at the farm of James J. Pat terson, at Doyle's Mills, Juniata coun ty, n Thursday, November 20, 1873, the following personal property, vii : Seven bead of work and driving horses, one first-class mule, a good leader ; one colt tbreo years o!d next spring, four milk cows, sever head of young cattle, wagons, carriage, buggy, sleigh, sleds, and many other farming implements. Sale at 10 o'clock. See handbills. . Tb services of Prof. W. W. Woodruff, of Bucks county, Ta., have been secured lor the coming County Institute. Prof. W. was for nine ytirs County Superintendent of Chester county. Dr. J. P. Wickershain, State Superintendent, tiys of bim : Not Of the kiud of work needed, or did it bet tiT than Prof. Woodruff." T. L. Griswold, A. M., M. D., Principal of Piloomsburg Normal S.'hool, will be present and give instructions. Dr. G. comes well reeomuK'n led. At a call of the County Superinten dent, the teachers of Walker and ad joining townships convened at Jlexico, Juniata county, and organized a local lustitute, with D. E. Robinson as chair man, and J. II. Carney as secretary, on Friday evening, October 21, 1873, and continued till Saturday, the 25th, at which sixteen teachers and a large number of citizens were present, and a deep interest was manifested by all. The different difficult questions com mon to the teacher were taken op and discussed by all those present. Not only the teachers took an interest bat the citizens manifested a (?al for the advancement of the cause of education. It is hoped that all subsequent organi- tmn? ,,f tLL kiou d will be largely at tended, not only by the friends of edu cation iu g:n?ral, but more especially by the teachers of the county, so that they tnay be the better qualified to dis charge the duties devolving upon them. J. II., Sec't. New School House. A new school house Las jut been completed iu Mil- ford tonnsiiip, to late the rlace of the 1 2SS3G feet in size is of btlck, paint - , . , nortien adorn the front. The cornice is nicely mould- ed. The windo-s, eight in number, are large, contaiuicg fifteen 10x10 lights the sashes are bung with weights, and the shutters are paneled. The ont sidu woodwork is painted white. The outside door is an ornament ; it is 7 feet high, 31 feet wide, and 2 inches thick, four paneled, with circle-top raised moulding; the painting is in itn itatirn of oak, except the moulding, which is in imitation of walnut. Tbe exterior appearance of the building is very neat. The boue is entered through a vestibule 5x17 feet in size. Two doors open from the vestibule into the school room. The school room is beautiful ; the wainscoting, doors, and ".. i : 1 1 luuw ta"!"" lie paiutcu iu imita tion of oak. There are two ciosets, oue situated to the right and the other to the left of the vestibule, provided with shelves for dinner basket, books, .... i - ii t,. i i,..i.: . ' e they are entered from the school room, J . ana are a grai convenience. ine blackboard is 5 feet high, 2G feet long, and is finished with slate surface. The platform is 5x'J(i feet. The room is turninhed with Gothic desks, a teach er's table, and arm chair all from the furniture and apparatus establishment at J. A. Ilancroft k Co , 512 Arch street, Philadelphia. The house and outbuildings cost over $1700. Mr. Michael Stoner of Fermanagh town ship, was tbe builder. It reflects great credit upon the judgment and tas:e of the IWrd of Directors, wLicb is com posed of the following named gentle men ; Samuel Aughey, Abrani partner, J. T. iletlin, Henry Groninget W. N. Sterrett and George Groningerj Mr. S. E. Slum, of Delaware township, is the teacher for the present term. The citizens and pupils of the district may well congratulate themselves Ion the possession of so good a bouset The yard should be surrounded with a good fence and planted with shade trees. I R. Teachers Institcte. The Coun. ty Institute will be held in the Court House at MifUiutown, and wtll com mence oo Monday, November 24, 1873. Wanted, by a friend Two fat hogs. Pay cash. Inquire at this office. 21AUIIIED: PUMM SMITH On the 30th ult., at 7 o'chK-k P. M-, by Rev. II. C. Pardoe, Mr. Charles Dumra and Miss Annie Smith, both of Fermanagh township. MORTON SON DCFIELD On the 30th ulL, at 8 o'clock P. M-, by the same, Mr. Peter Mortonson and Miss Maria Duf lield, both of this borocgh. KEPNER PATS JfEBAKER At tbe Lutheran pirsonage, Perrysville, on Thurs day evening, October 30, 1873, by Kev. II. C. Shindle, Mr. Anstin B Kepner, of Mil ford township, and Miss Sue C. Panucbaker, of Heal township. VIED: JAMISON la McAIisterville, October II. 1873, Mrs. Euphemia Jamison, in tbe 1 Cltb year of her ago. Attkvtiox, J tout Scocts! T o a ar hereby ordered to parade at Perry .ville, on Saturday, November 9, 1873. at 10 o'clock A. M Ail men not present will be de barred from pay unless a reasonable excuse be oflerred at the time. Semi-annual in spection. By order of J. K. KOBISOX, - . - Captaiu Couitiundin?. MiTTUCW Roiwbs, O. S. - , 1JAY UP, All persons indebted to us for sub. scription, job work or advertising will confer a favor on as by settling the same as soon as possible, as we desire to close up our busiuess without delay. We can be found at our eld office dur. iug the next thirty days. After that time we shall send postal card to all who fail to settle. ALLISON & WILSON. October 10, 1873-4w. H1FFLIS AXD rATTERSO.t MARKETS Correeied weekly by the Mifflin and Tatter son Board of Commerce. ViirFLi-tTows October 10, 1873. M AaKCTlKO Butter, prime r-11 25 Lard 8 Tallow 8 Eggs, per dm 25 Vinegar, per qt 10 POKE. Hams, " lb 12 Shoulders k Side 7 VAKlEIlkS. Lake rierring 4 SO Unions........ 00 Beeswax, per ib 25 Soap, drv 8 Candles.". 12 Wool, washed................ 65 Bat' 8 IKTAILKD AKTK'LES. Petrolenm Fluid 40 Cal Hil, pr gall 40 Salt per sack 2-0 ca.ii!) asd sticns. Corrected weekly l.v 11. P. SulotifT x Co Wheal, red '. $1 fO Corn 60 Barley 60 Oatsold 35 uew 30 Clovrsecd 4 50 Timothy seed 2 5C Flaxseed 1 75 Potatoes 5i) J- X- II. A- StanilmiiuV Trice urreu', Corrected Weekly, Oct. 8, Mi. Prime Koll ?nlU-r fcr pound 25 Ejrjs, per doicn-.... 25 l'ried Apples per pound 8 Tallow " 8 Lard, " 8 Chickens, live " 8 IS aeon, Shoulder, " 10 lUui. " AVic Aituertisemenst. Auditor Notice. TI1K underrignul, appointed Auditor by the Orpb:ii!' Court of Juniata county to distribute the tU in (he bands of Philip Uorlej, Fxecutor vf John Sell, de ceased, late o! Fayette township, t and j bv notice ,. wia 1(e in ,,u oHicef ' " M ta;rt..wn, t.n Wedaextar. 'nven:ber ID KTJ ... 1.... .11 ....t ;......t.l in rh distribution. ! AI.FKED J. ' ct 1S7S- l'ATTEKSON, I Xotlce of Dissolution, j T".1 n t. Kurtz, iu ihe name and style of Hertz ler & Kurtz, at Van Wort, in tYaiker township, Juiiiiita county, has this day tv-cn dissolved bv mutual consent. All persons hiving un settled accounts will pleass call on ft', H. Kurtz, st Vat Weri, and make settlement, and having claims will present them for payment, the books and accounts are iu his hads tor sett!eui-it. N.iAH IIKKTZI.ER. WM. 11. KURTZ. f t. 22, 1873. T. II. Ktrtz will continne the business at the old stand. Tli inklul lor all past favors, he is hoM-ful of future putro:uge, and heartily invites ail to call auU examine his slock. Auditor Sot Ice. underMijned aiiiiiiU.-t bv rn HE he JL Court of Common Pleas of Juniata comity Auditor to distribute the balance in the hands of James S. Cox, Assignee ol Peter fcby, to and among the creditors of Ihe said Peter Eby, hsr-bv uive notice to all turtles intertisted therein that he will be lor that pnrtMise at his office in Mitllin t..wn, on FK1UAY, the 14th DAY OK XO YEMUF.K next. LCCIEN W. DOTY, Oct 22, 1873-td jli.itor. Trial List Tor Pccenbcr Term, Its'::. 1. Pr. O. M. Gra!iam vs. Overseers of Turhett township. Is"o.4I, Aril term, lb73. 2. State Ks-k vs. Keal McCoy. "S'o. 1.23 Sept term, l7'l. o. George tt. Gorton Vs Stmuel Hoff man. No. 1.4, Sept. t-rin, 1872. 4. John Wilson vs. Michael Bare. No. 14, December term, 1P72. 5. B. F.Crouse vs- John McManigle. No 40, Kebnian term, 1873. r. John Thompson vs. I'avid jniitn. 58, February t""t Wi3. 1. John henclon vs. Lzeiiici Campbell. No. K April Icrm. 173. 8. Wil!ian Waener vs. John Light. No. 29, April term, 173. y. Jonathan Hums vs. -lias bnvder. o 40. April term, ll73. 10. Margaret il. liunier vs. it. K. S Hear er tia. 0, Apni lerni, 11. Richard Johnson vs. David Smith. No. 110, April term, 1873. 12. Jesse Reed, Adm'rof Susan Graham, deceased, vs. Samuel T. Dimin, No. 119, September term, !? 3. 13. P. S. Liggett vs. B. F. Crouse. No. fi, Soptember term. 1 873 14. Jacob eiser vs lltnry Bey. Ao. 4, Septemlitr term, 1873. lo. m. Given, Assignee of C. J.Cbam berlin, vs. Wilber F. McCahan. No. 8, September term, 1873. lti. Jesse Iiriner vs. William C. Beale. Ko. ldfi, September term, 1873. 17. Elizabeth Stoulfer, Executrix of Hen ry rUoufler. No. Ml, September term, IRVIN D. WALLI5, ProOty. Pbotuoxotat's Orrica, Mittlintown, October 18, J873. BIG RUN FOR Wikg jyjacmsESw An agency for the New American Sewing Machine has been established in Miriiintown under tbe management of Messrs. John Shermer and J. W. Plett. Persons wish ing to buy the simplest, most durable, light est running, most noiseless, and, because of these qualities, the cheapest Machine, should before purchasing else here see the Ameri can. The tensions are exceedingly simple, and unlike any other Machine; Ilia shuttle require no thread. ng. Sold by lease, note, cash and on terris to suit any purchaser. OlEceat Will's Hotel. Sep 26, 1873-3m Caution. 4 LL rersm.s are hereby cautioned 1- against hunting or otherwise trespas sing on the binds ol the undi-rsigued 111 Walker township. All persons so offend ing will be dealt with to the full exleni of the law. JOHN R. ICAUFFMAN. A fine assortment of cloths, casstmeres. vesting; OiXX, aiwrys on linnd and for sale by S. 15. lAJLiWxV Aw Adierltsements. EW FCBXITUIIE STORE. The undersigned would inform the public that he has opened a FLRMTURE STORE In the o Tough ol Patterson, where ha bis . for sale KlLBOdRN & GATES' BEDROOM SETS, Walnut Bedroom Sets, ALL STYLES OF BEDSTEADS, Sofas, Lounges, Extension Tables, MARBLE TOP BUREAUS, II IRBLE TOP STATUS, So Hi, Uaneeat and Common Chaifs, Wash Stands, Also, a Large Lot of Carpets. As I run a car to Philadelphia weekly I am prepared to Sll all orders for furniture, carpets, iu:., in person. .. F. F. ROHM. Oct 22, l$73-tf NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Te have opened out in Jacob Thomis' parlor, one door north of the Juniata Hotel, the largest anil best stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, LADIES', MISSES' AND ' CHILDREN'S ever bron-ht to the county. We bay onr stock from Mannfactnrers and in large lots. We pay catk and expect to sell for rath, which will enable us to offer GOODS At Prices far Eelow the Average. WORK M ADE TO ORDER. This branch of thi business will bo su perintended by A. D. FASICiC, one of the best practical mechanics in the county. All kinds of repairing done. JLL WORK WJRRJSTED. COKNELIUS BARTLEY. July 2, 1873-tf fUNlATA VALLEY DANK. Pomeroy, Patterson, Jacobs & Co. mrruNToWN, jcni vta coisrT, fa. CAPITAL., 911O,0OO. JOSEPH POMER'IY, President. T. VAN IKVIN, Cashier. MRFCTor-s : Joseph Pom?roy, Jerome X. Tlimupson, John J. Patterson, George Jacobs, John Balshich, 11.11. Uechtel. S. Frank Eagle. Vniltd SI'il't Semrities, Banit, tc bouulit anl sold SectH-thirliti exrhaneed for Fire-tvelii$ at market rates. United States coupons paid. GoW and Si'vfr bought at highest! rates. Depotitt recrirtd. roilectwns made, draft en ihe principal citiei, and a general thinking Ounuris Iransaclra. lioiids and other valuable papers received 011 s-pix-ij! deposit. juneS'73 tf g . LOUDOV, MERCHANT TAILOR, in room in rear of Cryst;l Pa'ace Bui'ding, on Water Street, Miffiintown, Pa., FASUIONABLE GOODS always on hand. CUSTOM WOHK DONE on the shortest notice. GOODS POT.D by the yard or pattern. PERSONS bm ing goods can have them cut in garments free of charge. BUTTE. HOTS P.1TTERXS also for sale. ALL WORK WARRANTED. PRICES LOW. Oct 22, 1373-tf UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. Forseelt Wood A. Ma5i. STAAIOXARY AND PORTABLE STEAM E.GIES. The Best & Most Complete As- Bortment in the Market. These eneinns havo alwsvs maintained tbe very highest standard of excellence e make tbe manufacture of Encines. H01I era and Saw Mills spltv. We tinVe the largest and most complete works of the kind in the country, with machinery esoe ciallv adapted to Ihe work. e keep constantly on band large nnm- bcrs of bnguies, whicu wc furnish at the verv lowest prices and on the shortest no tice. We build Engines specially adapted to Mines, Saw .Mills, l,rist Mi. Is, Tanneries, Cotton Gins, Threshers and all classes of manufacturing. We are Dow bnildiug the celebrated Lane Circular baw MUI, the bast aud most com plete saw mill ever invented. We wake the manufacture of Saw Mill outfits a special feature of our business, and can I urnish complete on the shortest notice Our aim in all cases is tf. furnish the test machinery in the market, and work abso lutely uneqnaled for boauty of design, ecu a onir and strength. Send for circular and Price List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO"., Utica, N . Y. Oct 8, 1873. Administraterg .ottce. Ettatt of George Pile, deteated. TVTOTICE is herebv given that Letters of J.1 Aduiinistrttion cum tettamtnlo annexe on the estate of Isaac Pile, Lite of Dela ware township, deceasetl, have been granted to the undersigned. All pe. sons inuebted to said estate are requested to make iiu mediate payment, and those having claims will please present them duly authenticated lor settlement. S. (I. DRESSLER, AiiEL SUAFFEK, Oct 22-w JdminUtraturt. FMCTSISP HARDWARE, IRON, NALLS, GLASS, PAINTS, OILS. Huildcrs' A SPECIALTY. Tlie Place For Blacksmiths Mechanics. r CRYSTAL IF YOU WANT A 3V YTlll N THAT CAN BE PURCHASED AT A BOOT & AND THAT At TO A Good Article, Call at the LOOT and SHOE STORE of J. W. DEAN, Bridge Street, Patterson, Penn'a. HE CnECRFrialiT ISYITI28 IXSPECTIOX. Repairing Promptly Attended to. THE FALL iW IN ALL ITS GLDRY. AT , J. & IT. A. ST A L1B A UGH'S MAMMOTH STORE ! ! jVjST immense Stock of Goods JUST RECEll'EB. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. -:U:- DRY GOODS, QUEEXSWAI1E, HATS AND CAPS, 7 NEW CASH STOKE AT LOCUST GROYE, One and a half miles THE tubsonher wonld most respcetfnlly Inform the p:iblic that he has just oponcd a Store at Ihe above place, where he is prepared to suiiply all who may favor hi:u w ifh their patronage with the latest and most aelect DKT GOODS, OKKCERIES, Ql'EEX'sWARE, WOOD AXD WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS, HOOTS tt SHf'KS. HOME-MADE GOODS, YARNS, &C., All of which he oflera to ecll or exchange for country pioducs at THE "VERY T.OAVEST IllICES. Much lower, in Tact, than goods have been He will pay the highest market price for cither in cash or goods. Locust Grove, Aug. 8, !? D.W. Harley &Co.'s Ii the place THE BEST AINI MENS YOUTHS' & HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, WE are prepared to exhibit one of the most tins market, and at ASTOXISHIXtiLr LOW PRICES I Also, measures taken for suits aud t at short notice, very riasonJiie. Remember the place, in Hoffman's Water a'reeta, MIFFLIXTOWX, FA. WHAT TO WESB AKO HOW TO WEAR IT :0: Just step into SAMUEL ETUATER'S CLOTHING STOKE, Brid-u street, Fatterso:i Fa., and he will tell you all aliout it. Ilavine just retnnied from Thiladelphia and New York, he ran supply you with the Lateat and Choicest S ty lea t f CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Coata, Pants, Veits, Iat, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Watches ami Jewelry, Notins, Fur nishing Goods in endless variety, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth, r nr.iilure, ic., cbeayer than the cheapest, for the aauiu jiuliiy of goods. Call in and be couviuccU. ileasures Taken and Suits Made to Order. ratterstm, JI37 10, 1S73. SaMIjEL STK.VYEIL Hardware o c c I I 01 PALACE. SHOE STORE CAN UK HAD the Lowest Prices INSURE 1ST3 NOTIONS. Sm A -W-", r-rfl1 O fi Tt MILFORD TWP., soiith.west of Patterson. a.fsfrlioent of Also, wish a full aupply of sold within the county for many yrar. Locust I'usts, Ties and Wood, A. J. IIERTZLER. where you can Lay THE CHEAPEST ROYS' CLOTHING AXD fl-JlXlSIllXG GOODS. choice and select toclts ever offered in arts of suits, which will be wade to order New Building, corner of I'riJpe and may 8, I?73-!t CRYSTAL lrou can get any STOVE yoil Want at FRAIVCISCiJ' IIEATEKS A SPECIALITY Prices Low. STOVE WAREROOMS! Iron in the Blood MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. Ths Peruvian Sijrstp, a Protect ed Solution of the Protox'ulB of Iron, is to combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily iligestetl and axsimiltited with the blood as the simplest foml. 11 increases the qua n tit if of Nature's Own Vitalizing Agent, Iron in the blood, ami cfirrs "athonsand ills," f imp if bi Toning vp,lnvigorathig tisul I italizing the System. The en riched and vitalize! blood per meates erery part of Ihe body, repetiriiig damage and waste, searching out morbid t secre tions, end leaving nothing for Cisease to feed upon. This is the secret of the irotl tlcrful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diur-rliosajDoil.sJferi-oiisAfiections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Viffor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and BlaUlcr, Female ContplointsV and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a low it ate of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing efects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, rigor, aiul neuf life into all parts of the system, and building up an Iron (Jon- stifulion. Thousands liars been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, to strong, healthy, ami happy men and women; and in ral; rls ca n not reasonabl y hes itate to glee it a trial. Sec that each bottle han FERU V1AN SYRUP Woc n in tlie class, Zamptelcts Free SETH W. FOV.'LE L SONS, Proprietors, Xo. 1 3IUton Place, IttmUon Sold it Driggmts ccxciallt. D, P. MXOITF & CO, FORWARD A.D C0M.T1ISSI01 MERC II A N T S, IElI.tIIS ft GRAIN, LUMRER, COAL, TLASTER, SALT C E M E T, CALCINED PLASTER 1. A IflAd. MAfUb TUK VICTOR .SFWIN'fi MA0IIIXE t'O. want ivli ihle m d enerei-tic Alents in thN enrnty. The V ICTOH-' i' a Lock' fit -h, Slinttfe M:n (line, with Self setting Xeflle. h'-st fitiUhfil and moat i'rffct M chine i-fferefl. An iiien-ase fl fiver 50(1" r ceitt. on s ilts of lfi7S over 1ST I . For Terms Ac, Adflrpi--, VICTOIt SEWIXG MACHINE CO., Chestnut St., 1''a, I'a. VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE .IT PRIVATE S.I LI'. T!'.E UT'fl-rf'pnetl ollV-rs at private silo, a valuable I ir.ti fit' 1 1 i a-Trs, silu el in Milloid township, 3 milf-s wt til' Mi'lUn t4wn, afijifiui:!? Ix:i-ls of I a.ic liii.s and others, oil thi rtiiid Irom FaitersiMi to Johiis Uinn, having ihenttn i.-r.rlOfi T o Govd Drellins Honses, a B u.k D.:rn, ?pi "uig Utilise, and other out. liiiiidiiigs a s tie nu of n:ter fi:i n-tig near he hue, a::d a m rrr-l'-iiiiii p in of wa ter in the s; ring house. I !irre i a "rood I'rchiinl on the pri-iiii;tt-s. Kil'le"!i tenjs tf the ljve iartii is nffadow fmt Eilttv aerr are in a ptite of culLiv Hi n and Ihe oil ill .e m gifl tiuilier. Will h: sold at a hf prec fin application to the under, signed, lhef.irin is s.irriiuiidfl by iron ore lanl. .l id rtmihllesa plenty fif ore euuid be louitd on th" p-emip ClIKiS lol HER FAGELY. LASTED. A Wholesale FarehaM'nj .if for the NEW AMEKICAN Seivixg 1 ACIIINE. The Needle's eye is tho only hole to thread througth; Si-lf setting Xf-euij; runs lilit ; sews fast ; ch'MpesI lest matle best fln iied nifist tliir.ihid Machine in existence. WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR 3 YEARS. For Cir. nT irs, Teitrs. tr., address AMERICAN S. M. CO., Zl S. Secoml Street, llarrtburj, Femi'. J a z W a an, Maniger Harrish-irg, l'J. 170-Cui.- ar PALACE! 1, i:imine Cartt. THOMAS A. ELDER, 31. D.. Physician and Sanreon, MtPFLlSTOttW, TA. OtfitY Vnnra from 9t. n.tuir.I. Of. See in hi futhera resilience, at th-r width end of Water street. -n-fji-lf LFKED J. PATTERSON', ATT0RNET-AT-LAT7, MIFFUXTOWX, JUNIATA CO., TA. All biitinesa promptly altemW Uti Orricc With Jfrcnn.ih Lyons, E-j. JoriS E-. ATKIXSON'f ATTORNEY -AT -LAW, MIFFLIXTOWN,- PA. C7CoJlfrtinj SnftConvevancing prf!Bi't Iy aiui:ifi to. (rr-E On Bri.ljo atrwst, opjios-ile Court House Sfiaro. GUEAT KEDUCTiOX ix mi: PRICES OF TEETH. Full Upper or Lowor Sells as Low as i ! ? Itetli allow-fl to Iwe t!i rtticc un- l- tlie (lutirut is ?;i;i?rtcj. I Tffili rt'iiuitlf IimI an-l n p'rcil. Tn'.li li'li-.l tt fur iii'f. I Dtn'al wo k il'Hie fr p-rf!is without . tlif-ri If aviiij: tlnir liri-s, it tli-xir I. I T'!licli: sf pt-I in five iiii:in r w:h- imt f.!ncijn t : fflli, a Ihe IV-umI i .nccof ii. L. DtKK, tabl:slietl in Jli.i!:n- tfiwo in lOO. j O L: PER It, Jin 24. 172 Ut 'it.?r. EH T.4IL.OR SHOP. The nnfler"ttn,-l woalil rpf-'ftruiiy in- foriii the j ut l:c that he has c:Kfl a t A I LOR SHOP at his tvi.trre. on B.ifljre str.-ef, in the" Farker JI:inii)ii, and is now pr..'i'ir-'i to flo j CTJSTOI "VOKK 1 at short notice and in the mot durable and ' f:ishifiub!e ntanat'r. 1 He iiitviHlt to iut f'itt nfine h it ond wur!c ' and ak a share of th- puiiiie iairinaei. U1U.1AM V.1SK. ! 8. isra-tf. jew drk; stor:. liAiSKo fX II A -i L i , Mata tr"kVw'' tr r m w a S v r pa renis and srnifKEs, CI!FMH;aLI, iYF. stiff, faixt? 0 1 L V A R X i S i 1 E . i I , A S S, F UTT Y v tlMLUlL, LAMl'S, iiL KXKKS, CH1VXEYS, i K F -S 1 K S, HAIKKLiifc.S,TiX)Uf JJKUSHES, PER-FLlil-.KV.Co'MHS,-SOAFS.IIAIK OIL.Ti'BAc-. to, ciu.vns. x o T i it x y. STATION K K Y L A l : U E V A li I li I Y O F PATENT MEDICLi:s, Selected rith sreat can, ari Witrtiutecf ; irfm hiph authtrt1y. iry-i-iircsl ol AM" l.lULlili.') I fT ir.eflh :il pnrpf'!-es. .i FT-FKEa JUIFFIOXS cmpouncted witlr f't care. June 2-tt. ! !VE.r KOOK & SHOE STORE IX BESIPE.NCE, X CHERRY STREET,' .MiFFLiyiOWX, The mv'ert'jtned wnnld r.'nrKrtf :illr an nounce to the public th-it hi h it opvif l a Bo-t ami Shoe tore nt his;;:ii;.' tm Che-ry street, and keepi on hand a larger ami well keleetod sttxtk of KEADY-MADE WORK, for J1EX, WOMEX iid CFlfi.DSLN.- Ho ia hn prcp:ireI to nia:ii;rautiire, of the best material, all kinds i f HOOTS, SHOES AXD'JAITKRS for gents, lu'iies and chil'r-n. AIL WOBK WACKIMTFD. fiive me. a ell, f.,r I fe I conf.df-nt that I fan fnmif! ycu with any kind A wor.'i you may ti-ire. (IT" Repairing done neat'r and at rej.n abie rates. ini i j;.-. joiix south. H. CTORTI f9 Sit) MARKET STREET, 11 A II II I S C Y IT 4Vi. PA. DEALER IX JIAXOS Jt JAMi.NET QRUXXS. Aud all kinds of Molral IiiJrii!:icuti.- SHEET MUSIC. Thia house hays for onsh y never g;ive a note, and is, there fore, enabled to offer indtico- menfs to its patrons. Employs no agents, and gives all sigcnts commissions to its ctL-tomers-direct. CIRCULARS SEX't FREE. aep , li7J.Iy.' iXSTAXTANEoL'S RELIKF it SuUNLV RirtrnHiNt; Slh:? G .Traau BY I SING MY INSTANT UELIUt f OK THE Avt2A It acts insL.ullv. relh-vir. tre p-tr.iivsiu immetliately, and enabtiiiK the patient to lie. down ami sleep. I auJerBtt from this dis-" eastf twelve years, but suifer no more, ami worfe ami sleep as well as any one. War ranted to relieve ii the worst asc. Scut' by mail ou receiiit of pricv, hub lsllar pet" box ; aak. your I)',iipsi" fr .r. CHARLES K. HUR.'T Roche.-itef, Beaver Cj. Fav !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers