r THE EONESDALE CITIZEN : THTJESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 3, 1908. CENT A WORD COLUMN. HEM,F.r BID9 will bereoelved hvlheun derilgned for the privilege of felling din nuts, lunches, (oft drinks, tobacco, clears nml fruit, at Thfl Wavna Countv Fnlr. Hent !W-Oet. 1. llids close Tuesday. Bept. 8. High t reserved to reject any or an mat. Kmkh&on W. Qamhxll, 8eo J. (JIHIi WANTED st the VOIQT UOUflE. Main street, Honesdale. I'll LOST In or near Honesdale, on flundav, Atir; l(lih, Catbunclale Hospital Claw Pin. i n. mr kiii pirate leave it at mi umu onice, JUST ItKCMVED A carload of light and lit avy lumber wacona wllli narrow and wide tires. Will fell very cheap. II. II A i TIN, Waymart, I'a. 15wt FcintfAi.e A second hand phaeton. In ftood rciiditln-. Inmilre at No. 307 fifteenth tlrttt, Honesdale. WALL I'AI'KH, borders and artlitlo dec orations, In creat Tarlely, ana or the lateit patterns. Tainting and paper hanging In ino uesi style, juur. ur.itiii, iw, isy. berry Place. THE CITIZEN Terms: Si. 50 per year In advance K.nlered at the Honesdale, I'a., I'oit Otfltf at second ciass man mailer. LOCAL, RECORD. Fetiooal and impersonal. All 0! tho lionosdale banks will be closed ou Monday, Sept. 7th, Labor Day. mere will bo no services Id tbo dor rata Luthcrau church, noxt Bunday. Tho Presbyterian and Kplsoopil churches will both bo opon for eorvieoR noxt Sunday On account of tho opening of tho Republican campaign, nt Youngetown, Ohio, Sspt. 5th and Utb, 1908, tho Erie Itiilroad (Jo. will soil round trip excur sion tickets to that city at reduced ratce. At toy of the loaders of tbo party will bo thorn and addross tho multitudes. This will givo au opportunity to moot faco to faco tho ptominout men of tho United B'.ates, and somo of thou tbo groatesl Btatismon tho world has uvor known. Consult tho Krie station agents before purchasing tickets. -Ciptain James Uam Circle, Ladies of tho Q. A. It., will meet to-morrow Friday evening, at 7:30. Thieves havo been stealing vegc- tables of all descriptions from tbo gar dons of Iionesdulcrs, for tbo past two wooks. Ooo man was soon at tho work, at au oariy hour oao morning last week, and was oasily recognized. Tho ball gamo at White Mills, las) Sundoy afternoon, contoetants, Cata eauqua v. Whito Mills, resulted in a score of C to 1 in favor of tho former club. Pennsylvania couples who wish to marry quietly in tho dtato of New York will be interested in a quostion that ha arisen respecting ono important point. It appears that ia many casos couples from othor States havo obtained licenses in ono town or city, and then, to avoid publicity, bavo boon married elsewhere Attorney General Jackson holds that this is illegal, as section 8 of the mar riage license law providos that "It the woman or both parties to bo married oro non-residents of the State, such li cense ohall bo obtatnod from tho clork or tho town or city in which tho mar rlugo is to bo pcrlormod." On tho nthor hand, donntor C bb, by whom tho law was framed, declares that tho license authorizes murriogo nnywhero in tho Htato. Tho Attorney General, however, has published a warniDe to clergymen and ethers authorized to pirforra the marriagocorcniuny, ngainst performing it under it liconsu issued in another town or city, ns 111 his opinion this would be a misdemeanor on their part. Harried, September 2J, 19J3, by the Rov. W. F. Ilopp, pastor of St. John's Lutbtrii.i church, Uiu Wilhi linu nilen nett to r.i. KnL7.ii.gcr, hoch of Uoncs dalo. The nowly wedded couple lett for their wrdding trip on tho 8:27 Erie train. Did you ever notico how lively and buetling Uoncsdalo's thoroughfares ap pear in tbo early morning hours, es pccially in tho vicinity of tho shoe fac tories, tho nino glass cutting shops, dec orating plant, elevator works, foundry, machine shops, box factory, knitting mill, ludioa' uiidorwoar plant, glovo and mitten factory, nlk and woolen mills, ax luctory, pants and shirt factory, otc , oto.l It may bo you do not arise suffici ently early to observe tho skillod em ployees hastening to workshop and mill. For a straugor to receive a favorablo improaeiou of our attractivu and thriv ing town, bo should bo out in tho oariy morning in order to boo the etlect our numerous industries havo on thogroater proportion of our population. Those busy, hard-working poeplo draw vast Bums of money into lionosdale from the outsido world, and they oro doing just what every industrial centor in the United States is now crying for work on goods to bo sold in all parte of our own land, and in Europo, thus stimulat ing tho valuo of locul property, and bringiug financial sucoess to the com munity, in proof of which peruse the -Btatemonla of tho Uonesdale National, Wayne County Savings, Dime, and Farmers' and Mochanics' Banks, with over l,u(Xi 000 of deposits, tho far groator proportion of which belongs to tbo om ploycosof our industrial plants. Mrc Hussoll Sago, it has just been made public, rocclved from tho estate Of her liuiband, wli . died Icily 22, 190t), 16; .11. . s ..0f 01.1CJ - BOO Married, Aug. an, urns, by Itev. V. F. Uopp, pastor of B;. John's Lutheran church, Mies A. Lytlo, of Cleveland Ohio, to Kdward Potcrs, of UoncBdalo. Tho National Encampment of tbo Q. A. If. will bo held at Toledo, Ohio, from August 31st to September 5th. Tickots from Uonesdale, via Brio, to liullulo, and thonco by boat to Toledo, and return, U 80; all rail loTolodouod roturn, $17 70. For ealo on and after Friday, Aug. 28th. On Sunday B'.. John's Lutboraa Bun aay scnooi was mo scene or a very pIcaBunt auair, when tbo school prosont od tbo superintendent Mra. Michael Leer chcr, with a handsomo gold watch, as a will merited testimonial for ber twctity-Uvo yoarsof duty as toachorand supoiintcndent. liav. Wra. F, Uopp, pastor of tbo church, made tho presen tatiou, with an address exprestiog tbo general appreciation of her services, to which Mrs. Lasrchcr responded in hap py vein. There was appropriate tinging by tho choir and infant class. On Mou day opening Mrs. Lterchor cntertainod her class, tbo teachers, and the pastor 14 li t homo on CUR etroot. One Klisoll, of Klssell's Bprlngs, Westmoreland county, whilo strolling along a stream in I hat eounty, last week, discovered a largo trout swimming in tbo shallow water, which ho promptly shot, although ho knew it was against tho law, tbo trout season having ended. Tbo trout was eighteen laches long, and ho was proud of his prize, which bo be gan exhibiting to bis friends. A game warden got wiso and arrcstod Klesell. It cost blm 59 0, dlridod as follows.' $10 for shooting n trout t2! for soiling it; 110 for taking it out of season, and $1 80 for cods. And now bo wishes ho had nover seen tho flsb. The Endiuott-Jobnson shoe plant. locatod at Endicott, Broome Co., N. Y., a short distance from Biughamton, is tho largest maker of shoos in the world. Tho firm is now going to ci cot a new up per leathor tannery, GO -by 175 feet, and five etorica high. It will give employ ment to 250 poople. In a short time the firm will mako all tho loathcr usod in their factories. The Olvcr family re-union was held Aug. 28, 1908, at tho residence of Rov A. (j. Ulver, near tno Dig cim, aoout 200 being present. A dioner embracing all tbo delicacies of tbeeoason, 'as serv ed, after which Ualeey Lai .op, of Scranton, called tho gathering to order, in his usual happy manner. The Olvet family association was then organized with A. 0. Olvcr, of Uoncsdalo, Presi dent; F. S. Olver, of Bjranton, and Luther Olvcr, of Tyler Uill, Vice Proci deals; J. D. Iloblnsoo, of Ilnneslal-', aud W. M. Olver, of Boranton, Secreta ries, and Alfrod li. Olver, of lloucsda.'o, Treasurer. It was decidod to mako the re-union mi annual atliir, tho meeting in 1909 to bo ia tho samo place. Header of The Citizen, doos your copy havo a penny stamp attached I If en, it denotos that you are in arrcara for a year or more. Kindly remit Lai anco due, and then tho postal taws will permit us to omit tbo stamp. It is roported that capitalists aro ne gotiating for tho purchosonf Lako A nil. Hov. W. U. Hiller will conduct ecrv ices in tho Beolyvillo chapel, to-morrow, Friday ovouiog. W. Wallace Ham, of tho Now York Sun, Bendsus an invitation, programme and menu nt tho bar quot tendered the American Olympic Team on tho OTa sion of their victorious return from Eng land, by Paul Ucnkel, host at Keen's Chop Uouse, Now York city, on Satur day evoning last, August 29:h. Needless to say that the menu comprised every thing toothsomo, palatosomo and stom al hsome. every dish being bonorod by tbo namo of oao of tho returning heroes ; or that the after-dinner entertainment, comprising Bpecchos, recitations and m ieical numbers galoro, with Paul Hon ml as toastmaetor, was altogether wor thy of tho occasion. Tho programme ai,d menu are printod on whito eatin and aro as dainty as the entertainment was high-toned and enjoyable. -On Friday of last week, Goorgi D.my killed on tbo Caso farm at Indian Orchard, a rattlcsnako with elorcn rat- tic 3 and a button, indicating an age of twelvo years. Mr. Dony, being verj a. arly blind, first cncountcioi tbo snake whilo on bis way for cows ia pasture, and was satisfied that tbo reptilo struck ut bim. Later, armed with a stout stick he returned to tbo preserves of his sanke ship, and by well directed blows secured a knockout. Tho fltring of rattles ran) bo seen at Bucrket's restaurant. Kroitner Brothers havo tho contract for eroding a wing, VI b 21 foot, ou the south bido of tho M. K. parsonago, and work on it has been commencod. Tnero will bo a meotiDg of tbo He- publican voters of Uonesdale, in the rooms rocontly occupied by tbo lato Dr. U. A. Dusinbcrro, in tho Allen Uouso to morrow, Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, for tbo purpoeo of organizing a ltepubli can Club. All Republicans aro urged to be present. "Tho Throe of V," a delightful drama, was writtoa by Miss Rachel Oothers, and is ono of tho most success ful and beet plays ever brought beforo tbo public, andshohas realized a fortune from it ia royalties. Its original run of 10 1 nights at tbo Madison Square Tha tro, New York, was attended by audi ences that taxed Iho capacity of that fas'iionablo playbouso. Every critic in town praised it, and it wus roally the mot important of tho Reason's successes. Thh groat play is comiug to Uonesdale. Tho leading rolo of Rby MacChcsney will bo played by MiBS Janet Waldorf, who will bo favorably remembered ns tbo star in "Tbo Eternal City," previ ous to which Bho made a tour of the world in clansic drama, meeting wiih flattering success. Don't miss seeing a groat play and a charming actress. Walkill, Ulster Co., N. Y claims tbo distinction of having bad tbo first croamory in operation in tbo United Statos, established within its borders, taking tho milk, daily, of 375 cows, tho date being 1801. It was followed by a condoneary established by ono of tho Uordons, and still in operation at Wall kill. K.Darwin Ponwarden has purchased tbo intorest of his father-ic-law, John Kieflor.iu thoCarloy Brook acid factory, together with. 225 acros in Damascus, known as tbo Weston property. The acid factory property comprises about thirty acres, and besides tho factory contains Mr. Ponwardon's rosidenco and store, tbroo othor dwelling housos and a blacksmith shop, Mr. Penwardon has been manager of tho factory tinco it was established, and under hid judicious su pervision and business ability It has boon ono of tbo most successful iu tho coun try. Uo is now tbo Bolo nropriotor. The members of tho golf club aro to have a supper on tho porches of tbo club house, noxt Monday, Labor Day First tablo at & o clock, Good headway is being mido on tho uow brick parsonage of tbo Uormiin Lutheran church. Tho walls are up and uarponters arn now at work on the root. Tho poatoffieodopirtmontat Wash ington has issued u new ordor to tho of- foct that tbo namo of the town must bo addod to overy post olU-io sign hereafter, as "Poatofllce, lionosdale, Pa," Christian Rjoao, an aged rosident of Lidgodalo, was found dead in a creek. noar his residence, on tho aftoraooo of Aug, 20th, death resulting from drown ing. It is not known how ho fell Id, but probably whilo Buffering from hoart disease Mr. Rooso was born la Ger many Id 1HX1. Uo came to this country in 1855, and locatod soon after in Lodgo 1 dale Uo is Burvlvod by seven children. -Che55:h Annual pu tdeof the Uiaes dale Firn Department on Thursday last was, as uual, a most nreiitabls and well managed display. The Eist Uones dale and Texas No. 4 Hook and Ladder and E-iglao Companies were out ia full forco, aud added largely to tho attract iveness of tho street demonstration. .Protection Co. had both of tho steamers with the hose and fuel carts In lino, sad tbo suburban organizations turned out with allot their apparatus. The firemen were all in parade uniforms and wore whito gloves, attracting flattering at tention from tho groat crowds of people who filled tho sidewalks along tho line of march. The Uonosdalo Band and East Uonosdalo Fife and Drum Corps furnished excelleot musio during the pa- rado and at tho plcoio at Bellevue Park which followed in tho afternoon and evening. Tho day was all that could bo desired, and tho attendance at tbo park was largo, and addod (350 to tho Com pany's bank balance. IJoneedalo has abundant reason to bo proud of Its fire department, and doos well to show its appreciation when such occasions afford tbo opportunity. The fifth annual re-union of tho Peck and Alexander families was held in Unlondale, Aug. 28th, somo 125 being preeont. A fino repast wua partaken of sloven deaths occurred in tho families daring tho past year, and flvo births Brief addresses were made by George W. Peck, Robert Alexandor, J. U. Peck and C. L. Peck. Tbo following aro the officers for tho coming year: E M. Pock 'f Carbondalo, Prosident; C. L Peck, of Wilkcs-Barro, Vice President; J. J. Per ham, of Niagara, Secretary, and Bylva- nua Pock, of Mount Pleasant, Treasurer. The ro union closed by all uniting in singing "Blest Bo tbo Tio That Binds." Mm. 8. J. Katz Is vlntlng relative In New York olty. Mlm Annabel Itlchardnon, of Port Ji-r- vlt, li the gueet of Iloneccdalo relative!. Mr. Emanuel Freeman and daughter, Huth arepaMlng thin week In Hcraotcui, -John Hleller, of North Main olreet, I. In very poor health, a fufferer from dia betes. --Heeler Drake, of Uonesdale, wai Hih guest, last week, of Itandall 1). Sayre, of Mtlford. M. E. Jacohsou, of tbo Uotton store, la in New York city, purchasing goods for the fall trade. Misses Mary and Mildred Cyphers, of Uonesdale, are being entertained by Scran Ion friends. Miss Millie Biebas, of Uonesdale, Is now em loyed In the ofllce of The Democrat, at Montrose. Miss May Green, of Newfoundland, Is pasting a few days with Scranton friends and relatives. Itev. M. IJ. Fuller and wife, of Carbon dale, spent Monday at the home of Itev. 0 II. Lees, of Prompton. Edward Monaban, of Wtnwood, is nnvt employed in the ofllce of the Carnegie Steel Co., at Pittsburg. -itev. W. E. Lawtoti, of Ilamasous, will oiuciato In the Ilaptlit church, next Bunday. morning and evening. lllohard Iloborts, of Old Forge, oooupled the pulpit of the l'resbyterlau chureb, of i'romptou, last Sunday. Itev. W. II. Hiller and family expoct to occupy their new home at the corner of llth and Church streets, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yale, of Lebanon township, were ntertalued last week at the home of W. H. Dloss, of Peekvllle. Mrs. Theodore Klein, of Lake Ariel, after a visit of two weeks with Scranton relatives, has just returned borne. Mrs. Thomas A. Crossley Is passing this week with her paronts, Itev. and Mrs. J. D. Sumner, at Dalton, Lack, county. Mrs. C. W. Tanner and children, of Peck rille, who passed several weeks at Beach Lake, returned home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. J, Jones, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are at the homo of the latter's father, John Illeller, of North Main street. Mrs. Chas. E. Brink returned to Hones- date, on Mouday, after au extended visit with relatives in Watcrbury, Conn. Married, in Uonesdale, Aug, 20, 1008, by the Itev. Win. Dassel, Miss Frances Sporer to Kred. Hleller, both of Cherry Illdge. Mrs. Jacob Freeman, of Church street, left last Monday morning for an extended viell with relative at Cleveland, Ohio. .Jefferson Brown, of Duquesne, I'a., near I'ittsburg, attended the funeral of his uncle, the late Jacob Freeman, last woek. Itev. Dr. P. II. Brooks, of Wilkes-Barre, will preach in the Presbyterian church, of I'roruplon, next Sunday evening, at 7:30. Mrs. Flora Vanllusklrk and Miss Mil- Ire.l M. Green, of Scranton, are enjoying themselves at the Preston Park club bouse. Misses Alice 7.. Gregory and Amy Clark, of Uonesdale, who have been In England for several weeks, sailed for home yester day. Miss Margaret Eberbardt, of North Main street, will spend the coming two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Uenry Kiefer, of Scran ton. A marriage license was issued in Scran ton, on Monday, to Alexander Dietrich, of Waymart, aud Mlas LydiaM. Bean, of Simp son. Misses Nellie Keating, of Carbondale, aud Mareella White, of Simpson, have been the guests of Uonesdale relatives for sever al d-iys. Miss Laura Cortrlght, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Cortrlght, hai entered upon u course of study in the Scranton Business College, Frank Mnnahan, formerly of Wlnwoel, is now Assistant Superintendent of au ex- ciirlve coal property, at llravobiirg, near 1'ittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Crossley, of Sc ranton, reglslerud at "Tho (Jilchrisl," Lake Como, on Monday, for a sojourn of three weeks. Itev. Dr. Ebenezer Flaek and family, of Hcrantou, returned to their home last Mon day, having spent u month's vacation in Prompton, Miss Flora Samuels returned to her home 111 New York city, last week, after an ex- Icii'lo 1 visit with her sutler, Mrs. H. J. Katz, nl Kill street. Miss Dorcithy O't'onnell, of llnnesdal t now lining 11 good position In the olllen of I: It. W. He.iile, clerk of the L S, District Court, Hcrunlou. Hon. N. F. UnderwooJ.'who passed July and August at his former home, Lake Como, returned to his preseut resldeuee, llloom tleld.N. J last week. Hon. Chas. A. McCarty, of Uonesdale, represents Wayne county, as a member of Ihe Executive Committee of the Bryan League of Pennsylvania. Hon. John Kutibach, of Uonesdale, has recently been elected President of the Horan on Fire Ins. Co. Us capital Is f 1(10,000, with a surplus of a similar amount, Homer Greene, Esq , will bo ono of the speakers at the re-nnion of tbo old Del. and !! ud. and Penn'n Coal Co.'s Gravity employ ees In Luna Park, Scranton, 011 Saturday Capt. It. T. Hall, of the U.S. navy, doing duly lu the Brooklyn navy yard, was In Uonesdale several days last week, as the guest of his friend, Lieut, ItobertT, Menner Married, 111 Uonesdale, Aug. Mth, by the Itev. W. II. Hiller, Miss Mary J, Harvey to William C. Weeks, both of Indian Orchard They are to make their homo 111 White Mills, Graham Watts and J. KJ. Cook left last Saturday for Toledo, Ohio, to attend the national encampment of the (J, A. It. On Tuesday, John Fischer left for the same puipose, Mr, and Mrs. Ueorge N, Bonhtm, of White Valley, returned home last week from a vaoatlon of four weeks, which were pleasantly passed with Ariel and Carbon dalo relatives. Dr. Powell was bailed to attend Jaoob Kelter, of Cherry Ridge, last Saturday, who In falling from a load of hay. broke bis left arm between the wrist and elbow. He was also badly bruised. Misses Jennie and Mary Beoor, who were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. O. P. Bommer, and cousins, the Misses Heoor, of West street, have returned to their borne In Dunmore. Mrs. O. T. Chambers, of llth street, ac companied ber daughter, Mra. George G. Johns, of New York olty, to her home, on Wednesday morning, for a visit of some two weeks. Mrs. John Rotenoranz, of 15th street, pent several days In Carbondale, last week, with her son Lloyd, who has been very 111, with typhoid fever, but Is now somewhat belter. Miss Emma Menner, of Tni Cittzbn of fice, lett last Saturday morning for a vaoa tlon of two weeks, which will be spent with relatives In Hartford, Conn., and other towns In that State, Hon. and Mrs. E. B. Hardenbergh, and daughter, Miss C. Louise Hardenbergh, were in Glenbuin, near Scranton, yesterday, In attendance at the marriage of Mils Sadie Spenoer to Donald Walte. Mrs. Earah O'Brien, of Uonesdale, and Mrs. Merrltt and three sons, and Miss Katb erlne Smith, of Scranton, passed several days last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Morgan, In Cherry Itldge. Mrs. C. W. Hobbs, of Mlddletown, N. Y., la being entertained by ber sister, Mrs. William Uill, ot Blandln. Her husband will be remembered as a former passenger con ductor on the old Del. & Hud. Gravity Rail road. Hon. Joel G. Hill, ot Lookout, has been endorsed by the Democratic Committee of Wayne county, as a candidate for State Senator, to Mil the vaoancy oansed by the death of Hon. G. Frank Howland, of Pike eounty. Henry G. Diller, of Scranton, a well known musician, who recently celebrated his 8?lb birthday, Is still young and sprightly for one ot his age. He was for a loug period 11 resident of our borough, and leader of the Honesdale band. Mr. and Mrs. Harry W, Rowley, and lit tle son, of Brooklyn, N. Y., have been at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. M. L. Tracy, slnoe last Saturday, and to-day tbey go to Budd's, at Beach Lake, for an outing of some ten days. Isaao P., a son of Samuel J. Foster, of jfracuse, and great-grandson of tsaao P. foster, for years a most prominent resident in I business man of Honesdale, Is la towu, being entertained by his uncle, George Fester, of Kth street. J. I. Henshaw, a son of A. M. Henshaw, if Indian Orchard, and who has been Ihe efficient and popular principal ot Ihe Win wood, Preston township, high school, for the past year, has been engaged to fill the sams position for the oomlng year. Earl Hughes, Miss Hazel Hughes, Miss Edna Moikrantz, of New York city, and Walter Bigart, ot Dunmore, are vlsltiug their oouslne, Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Thomas, cl Honesdale. F. U, Thomas and visitors spent last Thursday at First Pond. Hon. F. C. Bunnell, a former Congress u.m irom this district, then living a t Tuuk .iiiuock, Is a great sufferer from rbeuuia- Irin, aud Is undergoing a course ot treat ment In a Burlington, Vt.. sanitarium. Miss Millicent Brown, ot East Honol ulu, goes to Downsvllle, N. V next week, In.- a visit of two weeks with her friend. Mrs. John D. Holmes. Mr. Holmes was for twelve years the engineer for the Durlaud, t'li impion Shoe Co. Honry O. Silkman, the owner ot Lake Henry, In Salem township, offers the prop i lly for sale, together with all of the adji- eut land. It was formerly known as Cobb's pond, aud comprises about 175 aores, looated at an elevation of nearly 1500 feet above lice water. Mr. and Mrs. John Gaughan, of Bebasto 1', near Scranton, have been severely at- Dieted of late, they havlog lost four ohlldreu duiiug the month of August, from tbatter. lible scourge, soarlet fever. Outof a family uf nine children all that Is left them Is a lit tle ono year old son. Married, In Hamllnton, Aug. 20, 1008, by tlu Hev. L. T. VauCampen, father of the room, assisted by Itev. J. II. Bovee. Mist race Cobb to Merrltt 8. VanUampen, both f Salem. Tbey are to make their home In I) imasous, where the groom Is fllllag the u-ttlon of principal of the high sohool. Clayton V. Moore, of Hanoook, N, Y., was a Uonesdale visitor, several days last wc ek. He was a storekeeper In Buoklng- hiu township, this county, for a long peri od, leaving there In 1889, and going to Han cock, where he beoame proprietor of the Hancock House, retiring In January, 1008. Hev. Beth 11. Downlo, ot the Presbyte rian church, ot Bath, Northampton county, who passed his vaoation at Gettysburg, ui tiled eaob member of his congregation, every Sunday, a short sermon printed In small type, on a postal oard. A novel Idea, and it took Immensely with his oongrcga- inn. Charles W. Babbitt, ot Uonesdale, and Mrs. Elizabeth Barrett, formerly connected with Dr. Davidson's oflloe. In Boston, were piletly married at St. Thomas's Parish House, In Bomervllle, Mass., Wednesday, August 20th, 1008. After the ceremony a supper was served at the residence ot the bride's sister. Mrs. E. B. Burnham and daughter, Miss Euima, of Sorantou, who were the guests of llou. E. B. Hardenbergh and family, for some two weeks, returned home last Mon- duy morning. The family were for a num ber ot years residents of Honesdale, with a hoine at the corner of llth and Church streets. John D, Braudrlfl and wife, of Mlllvllle, N J., who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fi .tuk Stelnman, ot llth street, for some ten lays, returned home on Monday. The late Juiues M. Urooklleld, of Brooklyn. N. Y., and at one time owner of the East Uones dale glass works, was aliunde of Mr, Braud- rllt. Miss VeraStanley, of Cincinnati, a mem ber of the "Babes In Toyland" troupe, fa vored the congregation of the Presbyterian church, last Bunday morning and evening, with solos, which were finely rendered. In the luornlng she sang "The Lost Chord," by Sullivan, and In the eyeulng, "The Day Is Ended," by Baitlett. Hev. I). It. Ellis, of Annvllle, Lebanon Co, Pa., riled Aug, 28, luOd, aged 64 years unit 7 months. He was a native of Wales, Deceased was a member of the crew of the Monitor in Its celebrated coulilct with the Mi-rrlmac. The sole survivor of that noted naval battle is now William Durst, of 1315 Ueorge street, Philadelphia. Thomas B. Clark and family returned from their auto trip lo Ulngham, Mass., yc.terday noon. Toe second day's drive comprised 10J miles from Sprlnglield, Mass ., which was covered in ten and a balf hours. There were no mishaps during the entire Journey, which speaks volumes lu favor of their cur, which Is a Stoddard-Uayton Married, Id Saint John's It. C, church, uonesdale, Aug.'.n, 1UIW, by the Itev. Thorn as Jordan, Miss Mary Leonard to Nathan Wilcox, both of Canaan township. Miss Kalberlne Leonard, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and John Leonard, brother of the bride, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox will reside at Ihe bride's borne. A good picture of Ituxb A. Lancaster , of South Sterlioit, and till two grandsons, Osear and Kverett, appeared In last Friday's Phil adelphia Press. Mr, Lancaster wai born Hupl. U, Wli; established bis turning plant luHoutn Sterling, lu 18171 hat been ones of the prominent and leading oltlteni ever slncie be reached the ago of manhood I a life long Hepubllean ; baa filled nearly all tba looal cdlces of the town f bai been postmas ter or si years, and honored and reapeolud by all. Lyndon Lee, of Mt. Vernon, N. Y a student at Amherst Collegs, who Is In Uones dale with his parents, ou account ot tho se rious Illness of hls.grand father, Couucllmtn John Hleller, of North Main street, has Mil the distinction ot winning a fraternity scholarship In his college, au honor gienll) prlzod by those who have bad the good for tune to attain It. Uenry Williams, of St. Liwrence, South Dakota, a former resident ot Hones tale, but who has not been hele In ti years, has been In town for some days. Uo was lirlug lu our borough during the civil war, and en listed lu Co. A, Ztth Emergency Militia, un der Capt. Samuel Allen. Upon his return he re-entered the service In Co. C, ll.'tli Penn'a Volunteers, and was badly wounded Married, In St. John's It. C. church, Honesdale, Sept. 1, 1008, by the Rev. Thomas M. Uanley, Miss Agnes It, McCormlck, of Uonesdale, to Charles A, Moylan, of Way mart. Mies Beatrice Uavey presided at the organ. Miss Agnes Moylan, of Permoy, was bridesmaid, and the best man, John McCor mlck. They were the recipients ot many costly remembrances from fi lends, Mr. and Mrs. Moylan are to make their home In Waymart. William II. Btone, of 1010 Court street, met with a painful mishap on Monday morning last. Standing on a tall step-ladder be was engaged In picking pears from a small tree In his yard, and In order to reach Ihe point on one of the higher branches, placed one foot on a limb whl h proved to be dead and brittle, and broke under his weight. He fell about twilvu feet to the lawn, and although fortunately escaping without broken bones, lie was badly shaken up, and considerably cut about the face b the brvakliigof theeye.glasses he was wear ing. As the physician who was called pro nounced his Injuries not to be pencils, hi wilt probably be out again In a few days. Gen. Kuropalkln's Mem olrs of the Hus-(o-Japanese war, which wore suppresscl by tbo Russian authorities, furnish th - leal lag article in the September Mct'liiroV. lie makes striking charges concerning Ihe oausesof tho war, and remarkable 1 evolu tions concerning the great policies of the Russian Empire. Uenry Grab tin's story of Charlotte Corday has a line, romantic up peal ; Gertrude UaH's'Tho House of Mu sic," Is a love story of unusual c.ua'lty and Insight; Elmore Elliott Poake contributes "Jungle Blood," Stella Wynne llcrron a lively comedy of ihlld life called "The Americanizing of Andre Francois, Fils" ; and Perceval Gibbon tells another African tale, "The Buried Anchor" ; Kill 11 Teriy's Hemlnlsoences of English notabilities, run ning Irom the time of her early f headship with Lewis Carroll, tho author of "Alice In Wonderland," to Bernard Shaw. The Hem Inlscenoesof Carl Scburz will end with the last chapter of his extraotdltiary llr ; Geo. V. Alger contributes an illuminating nr Hole on a subject of great current impor tance entitled "Taft and Labor." There are poems by Louise Imogen Guiney, A. 1 . Ueustmau aud Edward Vance Cook. Sterling. Auo.iiOth. John (iillner has typhoid fever aud Is pretty sick. B. L. Deohard does uot Improve, am) It Is not probable that he will miiviw many days. J. H. Leo Is n filleted with eczema. Last week Mrs. H. N. Grot. itml Mr--W. H. Lesher took In the Furiueri,' Pie ulo at Helvldere, N. J. Mrs. A. J. U ross. Heulah anil MHtn... and Mrs. U. J. Moou are vititlug . .1. friends. Prof. N. Fratitz, of East Htroudsliurg, Is In towu tc-.lnj. Susie Cross Is now at AfJiurj Park. Master Lowell Onus Is epcuiil ti-11. fen days with Usruntou friencJe, anil Plojc, J UroBs left for New Jercey lu-iiay. Mutei (ieorge has beeu with bis N. J. eoui-lut lor the past fortnight. Minute Howe, of Sorauton, Is spending a few days with her parents. Lynmu J, Clllpluaud Elbert Howe took an outing lu Philadelphia Inn week. Ou the eveulugof the 2.id, Mrs. F. A Neville kindly conducted League n rvlm- For i-ouie ttiuo past Uraiiville Wrlistei has had u good position lu New Yuik City, but lie is uow home ou a foilulgln't vaoatlon. We understand thut Prof. Keen hit beeu eugaged us principal of the new high school, and the grounds have been reoeutly graded. We are pleased to note that wo have 11 now blacksmith lu town, John Nice, 01 Halew, and a Mr. llatzel for helper We hope he will be able to 1111 "11 long-leli want." A new grange Is also instituted, to meet every two weeks. Mrs. Leonard Is the guest of her tidier, Mrs. Eliza Noble. Royal J. Cross nltoheil for the Arlellte.- at Ariel last Saturday, and they heat the Sorantou team to the tune of 9 to 2. Capt. Warreu U. Moore Post oV'J (i A U., will hold a memorial service In the churoh Sept. 12, at 2:;I0 p. in. Wu think no veterau 01 tins Post lias died during the year. butMeBdamee Slovens. Hidweii and Sadler have departed, and perhaps others. uu August 5th 8. N. Cross took au ex cilrtlon to Baratogti Springs, Like (leorge, Plattsburg, Montreal, (Quebec, lleaupre, uauaita, stopping oil at Alba uy, N. Y., ou returning, aud alto tultiug 11 tne -uu annual convention or the 1'. O. i. ot A., at Hazeltou, 25 7. Hulllce It to aay the outing was a very pleasant one, and he never bail a better or more inter estlDg trip In his life. Tliecouveiillon at Ilareltou was u very Interesting and at times exciting oue, anil over BOOilelegates were present. The order now numberx about 80,000 iu Pennsylvania. nr. a. n. ttnuons, 01 iNowroiiiiiiiaiiil, kindly reviewed tho Sundav school to day, and gave us a very Instructive talk. Btella cross Is uow at Mountain Park, Md., seut as u delegate by the Y. M. (,'. A. of Wyomlug Seminary. Sunday evening Itev. McMlllen read llrowlng's "Saul" aud made explanatory remarks. hie roaatnit 01 tno not act." n pbraso which has boon used constantly letoro tno select committco it tho I louse of Commons on tho employment of military 10 cases of disturbance, is 11 convenient colloquialism out nothing mere, as a matter 01 fact, no mama trate who is about lu call upon the soiuiers 10 queu a not ovir alt mpis to roau ino otututo 1 ueorge 1, u 0, c,, -monly known as tho Riot Act ot 1715 What bH uoos 19 to rectto tho Dioclama- tion coutainod 111 the net. It runs us. follows: "Our Sovereign Lord 1:.. King cbargeth and cc, n 'iuIIdci- eitas boiug ussemblov aely to disperse themselves ably to depart to their habitant. 1.- to their lawful business, upon tbo puiihcoiUu'i.- ed in tho act made in tbo first year of king Qoorgo for provonling tumultuous and riotous uescinblies. UoJ save tho King I" Crkwu representing tho Unitod States and Canadian government aro at work marking the boundary lino. Tho Unit ed States is represoutud by J. O. Tuylor Of WoshlnKton. while A. H ltainbolh. of Oltuwu, has chargoof IhoUanadi n interests. Tho now markers will lo placed so that standing ut one the n xt in line will bo visible Uranito poet will bo used and will bo imbodded in cement built below tho frost lino, Tho posts aro square, tlireo feet high, taptr lug at tho top, "U.S." being marked oa ono sido and "Canada" on tho oppo site. Id Paris a company bun contracted with tbo municipal authorities for nil tbo foliage to bo derived from tho trees ot tbo public squares, gardens, ctrccls ana wooas wiinui tne limits of the city. Thoso loaves aro to bo compressed under high oreesuro and will then bo convert ed into a fuel, which, it is claimed will uavo a iar greater caioruiu capacity than any other fuel known. "This gas bill is only for 25 cents." "Well, eirt" "Can't you add fit I'v boon writing my wlto that I'm spending my evenings at borne." Elslo Mother, Mrs. Uoosovelt is tho "flrnt lady In tho land," Isn't ihe Mother Yes. dear. but. for irracloua ako, don't let Ilridgot hear you say it JOLLY TAR STANDARD Tlntley't 16-oz. Kllml Utl Eglantine ,1 OldPMCh Coupons from REDICUT and PICNIC TWIST Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many 8 tiler useful presents as shown by catalog : Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tga Fountain Pen I0O Tags English Steel Razor SO Tags Otstlemaa's Watch 200 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves, with presents with which to redeem tags. If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home, write us for catalog. PREMIUM DEPARTMENT THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Jet-soy City, H: Ji Iu Hemoriani. rbules S. Masou died at bis home, Farm. inston, Conn., Auk. -. 1U08. He was In his zreeii house, looking alter bis plants, when tie was sttlelcen with paralysis, living only a few hours. Ills wife, formerly Miss Emma I'atmore, of Uonesdale, died of consump tion, April 12, 11)01. John I). Klzer died at Klzers, Laok. Co., Aui:. 30, loin, after a long Illness, apod 81 yars, .3 mouths and 7 days. Ho was well an I (ni or ably known to many residents ot nane eounty. Mr. Kizer was a. member of tho M. R. chureb. a Mason and an (Mil Ki'llou-. He loaves three sons, John D., Al ton S. and William W., all of Scranton. Jnceb Freeman, one of our most highly re nt eteil residents, iliej at his home on Churoh tree!, Aug. 28, 1D08. Ho was born In Oer- nuny. Mai eh 12, lsW, and came to the Unite il 'tales lu 1851, locating in New Yorkcitj, 'ollowmjc Ins trade, that of cap making. He ',t-( atno a re shlent of Honesdale lu 1653, ami .'Uiliaiked In the elolhtni; business, wbtob he lontlriueil until 1900, when his sons beoame Ills meet ssois. He was married In 1802, his iri.le btlug Mists Ilaehel Levy, of New York it Uiecused was a member of Ampble )ou Lodge, No. .TO, 1. O. O. F of Hamllu I'm, and tbo Knttrhtsof Honor, of Hones lale. A largo delegation of Odd Fellows ittc-mli d the funeral, last Sunday after, -loan, aid conducted the Impressive burial ervlc cs of tho order at .the grave. Mr. Fret man Is survived by bis wife, four sons, !''iuimie, hugene, and Leo, of Honesdale, ami .1 1 II ley, of Pittsburg; a daughter, Mrs. lax Lovl, of Cleveland, Ohio; oue sister, Mrs. Isaao Scblanker, of l'aterson, N. J., and two brothers, Slmou J. and Morris, of Honesdale, Itev, H. Salzman, ot Wllkes narre, o iliciatcd at tho funeral, Intel men! iu the Hebrew cemetery. Ilatvley Auo. Dlst. Ono ot tho largest fuuer hi that bas been ecen in liawloy for -nuny years gavo evidenco of tho esteem 1 1 which Mrs. Uyroo T. Snyder, who i io J labt Wednesday morning, was held ay many acquaintances eho bad made turing her long residence in this place. Hev. 11 1. lilploy, assisted by Rev. John 11. Tuthill, of Beach Lako, officiated Tho order of tho Eistern Star, of which Mrs. ,nyder was an honored member had charge of tho sorvico at the ceme tary. Oa Wednesday and Thursday, Bepl. Hi h and 17th, tho 25'h annual e.ouven non of tho W. C. T. U. will bo held in the M K church in this borough. Tho convention, will opeo at 2 o'clock v. M on Wednesday. Thursday, dinner and slipper will bo served to all delegates together at tho small sum of 20 rents. All other entertainments will bo fur nished at tho homes freo of charge All delegates and others entitled to enter tainment, who czpoct to attend tho con vention aro requostcd to notify Mrs. l. liinglmrr, chairman ot tho entertain ing committeo during tho first week in September so that good and ampin provision may bo mado for all. For convenience, all aro requested to register at tho church on arrival. M ry Word and niece, Mao Ward, of Seelyville, spent Sunday with the for mer's aunt, Mrs. L. Umgham. Mr. and Mrs. John V. lioche, son John and Mies Agnes Daly, all of Bcranlon, spent several days in town last woek. Tlviv were Eue"t at Schuman's hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, lieemer havo since last Thursday, an auxiliary to their family It is n lino baby boy. Hov, II. 1'. Oirvey, of St. Monica's) church Philadelphia, was a guest of lw I' C Winters it few days last week Bethany. Skit 1 -Mr. and Mrs Harry Bh k I' III' p'utiil parentis nf n dauchlei turn Monday. August il U, Mr a,,d Mi Maurice Fi ki and fumi- 'y ire v it to AlJenvillo. M jii lay. wheic tho) will make their future homo. Tneir ma: y friends hero rogrot thtir Uipar lire. ThoC!amp Joyfuls br. kii ramp vfr sorioKfiill an1 roturncJ lo their home hsro nu Monday M'. and Mrs A M. UoTslmw, of li di ii, Orchard, and Mr. and .Mm Thomae and ili'.tu liter, Ida, of IVikvllle, wen i alii rs 1 1 town on Saturday. Kluur -V ciersoii and Willi Corlriglu of Vv ilkes-ilurrc, nro spnidlni; their vi - rati' i i here, with thn former e pirinie Mr anil Mrs. W. 1'. Anderson, Mi', and Mrs Kekhnrt and daurtVer l.o it . will loam Btturdiy for their t oiiu hi New Yoi k. Way Mi Hi z n has been driving tin I H oge iho'pnst wc. k, while Mr. Homer v"m nt Camp. Kmlnl, will. In o very short lime, enable tin. slcjiiiiLi n m iln tu work It Stirulilcll. urn Hie ueik It sliouhl do Is to digest all It e Inriijon cat. Whtn Ihe slomac h can't do it kiiclul cine m ll for It. and In tljii meanllmu the stouuic li is pelting: stronger and ahia to lane up us hi; 11 iar natural work again. K.O' ilnl lik'i'SU nil tnu cat. It makes thaitom neli sunt and II la pleasant to lake. It la sum lure Uy I'l'.ll. Hie IHUgRltl. Onk of iho largest lobsters taken in Maino walrra in recent years was caught near Diddoford I'ool last week. It weiched 111 pounds. Ai compared with tho lobalcru usually ocon this was a giant. Harry II. Ayer, rcgiator of probate in York Cjuntv. drew tho prize while hauling traps, Mr. Ayer will have the specimon set up. Various estimates as to inn proDitoie ago ot tois veteran wero Kiven by linnormen ana otners arouna tho pool. Ono guvo it as his opinion that tho lobster was from forty to fitly years old. I)eV Ill's Carhollzed Wllch Hazel Halve ricommendwl at tbu belt thine to use for piles, it is, oi course, goon lor anyiiung I nous. Bold by 1'JUis The Uruggut wneru tarn is iimmiihj, nawaru oi imiia A tag from a 10-cent piece will count PULL vain A tag from 5-etnt piece will count HALF valua TOBACCO with valuable Jags Save your tags from TOWN TALK NAVY SPEAR HEAD Sailor's Prlda Ma ttsr Workman Flak J.T. Bttsk Bear Ivy Hons Shoo Brldl Mt French Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pockttbook 80 Tags Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Beit Steel Shears 75 Tags KATZ BROS. Autumn Dress Goods Madam, if you want a new gown, it will pay you to visit our Dress Goods Department and see the new weaves and designs at less money than elsewhere. Gents' Furnishings New Neglige Shirts best -2$ and $i . quality at 89c. Best Joe. Shirt made at 39c. Underwear The best assortment of Underwear in town you can see in this department. KATZ BROS. It is not what you get But what you Save that makes you rich. Start with a Household Bank while you are young and save a tenth of your income, no it in the HONESDALE DIME BANK. This institution will also take care of your business account and furnish you free a check book, so that you can pay your bills by check. LOANS madeon good security to all classes of people. Money sent by draft in perfect safety to any part of the world. CALL AT BANK and get a booklet that tells you all about how to do a banking business, which can be done by mail. MENNER & CO.'S STORES jbUPTODATE ma. Summer Goods FOR 1908 Stylish. Nobby and Comfortable Wash Suits All Shades.J Walking, Traveling and Evening Separate Skirts. New Spring and Summer Single Jackets. Dlack and Leading Shades. Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors. Fancy Styles in Tailor-Make Shirt Waists at Menner & Co.'s Dept. Stores. Scranton Business College. Tne Largest Business Training Bchoo In Pennsylvania Outeidoot Philadelphia and Pittsburg, will begin its fifteenth year Tuesday, twpi. I. juonaay win do enrollment day. Graduates Ulltog poiitioos ana in business for themselves not only in Bcranlon but la nearly all the large citiea in the U. B. Write for Information. II. D. BUCK. Principal, Bcranlon, Pa. DeWltt't Utile Early Itltert are small pills, eaiy to lake, gentle and ture. Hold by full. The Druggist. Oft) Statesman W. N. Tinttey KstnlUsI Grangtr Twist Old Hermty Lady's Poeketbook 50Ttg Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tag 60-yd. Fishing Reel 0 Tag matter how small and deposit XI OTIOK OF INCORPORATION. Ko irl ties It hereby Riven Ibat an application will be made lo tbe Governor of tba Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, on Friday, September 2S. 1808, by Harry J. Atkinson, and Anthony J. Lobb, under tbe Aot of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennn vania. entitled "An Aot lo nrovlda far li. Incorporation and regulation of rarlaln corporations, approved April it, Wli, and the supplements thereto, tor tbe obarUrot an Intended corporation to be called, "The Atkinson Box and Lumber Company," tba character and object of wblob la lo manu facture lumber, boxes, tbookt and parts of tame, and for tbeae purpose to bava, pa, test and enjoy all tbe tlgbit, benefits and prlvllegei of laid Aot of Assembly and It tupplenientt. A. T. tJKAKLH, Bolloltor lloneadalt), Pa., Bept 1, WXM. Uwi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers