TliE HONESDALE CITIZEN: THURSDAY M PEKING, JULY 30, 1908. THE CITIZEN Terms: 81.50 peryear In advance Entered t the Ilonesdale. Fa.. Toit Orfloc as second class mall maiicr. CENT ft WORD COLUMN. BTIIA Y.-Taken upon thn IMth day of July 19. w, irnliiKiinl trtspaifliiironthclinprov .... t ihn.nt,.r.titinr. in Canaan tOWtl' ship, in Wu)norouuly,tm which ''''' ' two tnPch owf, grade Jersey descriirtlnn. The owner Is miiirod lo ovh ht prop erty inshldstrujs, pay th- daraagMnnn nil reasonable charges, com B?1,,r'1,;' Mid insl- ..I keeping ! otherwise it'll f will Pf sold Htid proceedings l) had the """"" Pr"v"1H1 "y i.Tia, PKAItCE, 'Itcsemont Farm." ? arvlew. (.Brbondale Post Draw, July Klh. 190". FirHai.r A wnnrl hand phaelon.ln pood i miof,. Impure at No. .KT Fifteenth street, Ilonesdale, Port KENT OH HAIjK A 0 room home, corner ot Went aiitl Thlrleentli streets. Ap ply of II. K. or O. I llassctt, Ilonesdale. A line assortment of Screen Doors and Window Pi reenB nt O. Walls's. 7tt Ilesl grade of Portland I'einonl nnd Sewer I'i..iul U. Walts's. 711 WA lit. I'APKK, bonleia and artistic dec iimllons, In ureal variety, Bnd of the latest ling ana (taper nanping in juiin mkrky, isr? uy- pullerus. running am the best stylo, berry Place. Heoond hand furniture for tale, cheap, at .10. lr.tti street. Ami choice plants, fern, lite., for pale, cheap, at Sir; 15th street. For HhIi Qullta In groat variety of pat term, with lanoy work ol various stylo, Mrs. I. N. Korman, l.'.T I'otlnge street, llnnesdale. Personal and Impersonal. ltcndcr of Tiik, does your copy have a penny stump attached! If no. It denotes that you nro in nrrenrs .nycar or more. Kindly remit bnl unco due, nnd then tho postal laws will permit ua to omit tho stamp. Who ia to harvest Inn buckwheat in Oentrnl l'orkt Tho prospects now aoom brighter (or a woll-otp'ilppod armory for (Jo. K. Tho ball gnmo in Athletic I'ark, lest flaturday, tho contestants being Hones dalo v. tho Kaal F.ndors, ot Scranton, resulted disastrously to tho visitors by n seoro of it to o. Tho fair and aiippor in aid of tho Tyler 1 fill cbnpol will bo hold on Wed nesday afternoon and ovcniDg, August 12tn. Ico cream, rako, fancy articles, etc, will bo for salo. Supper, 2r. coots; first tablo ot 6 o'clock. Tho Tylor Uill band will furnlBb the music. Tho following promotions havo ro oontly boon mode in Co. K: Wayne 1 1 men and Richard Reed to Sergeants, Charles Fnntz. Albert Mc Mulloii and Goo. Qibnoy lo Corporals, and Geo. Doscher, lo Artificer. I'iko county having failed to avail itself of tho $15,000 allotted to it for road building, by thoS'.ato Deportment of Highways, tho monoy is to bo devot ed to other purposes, tho most import ant of them being a complcto survoy of tho county, with maps, which work will probably tnko about a year to com plete A barn belonging to M. L O'Oara, of Mount I'leaeant, was struck by light ning on tho oveuiug of July 21st, and was totally destroyed by fire, with its entiro contents, comprising hay, farm tools, etc. Tho real ostato of Josoph Buek waldor, late of Palmyra township, com prising 03 acres of land, dwelling, two barns, orchards, etc., wanoold nt public salo, July 24th, lo Josoph F. Bishop. Consideration, tl.r.GO Tho oflleo of tho Honrsdalo Consoli dated Light, lloat mid Power C). is now in their now mid llnely fitted up quar ters In tho Lyric building. Bushels of hucklobTriea have betn gathered in tho vicinity of Farvicw, during tlio past week, by residents ot Uoncednlo and vicinity. A Polish roeidont of Alice, West tnorcland county, recently bacamo dis trustful of banks, nnd withdrew his eaviugs, amounting to I7im, from a Mount Pleasant financial institution, and carefully wrapping tho bills in some rags, depositod them in a stovo. lis wifo added tho dust from tho daily sweopings to tho accumulation, until tho etovo was completely tilled. A boardor, after lighting his pipe, ono evening last week, throw the still burn log match into the improvised sufo, and in a moment, its contents, money nud all, was reduced to ashes. Tho 25th annual rouuion of tho 141st Pemi'a Voluntcors will bo held at Wya hieing, Bradford county, on Wednesday, Aug. 20th. full particulars can bo ob tamed by uddrotMing tho former chap lain of tho regiment, Roc David Craft, of Augclicn, N. Y. Thorn worn 12S bids for two build ings to bo orccted nt Furview, for the proposed asylum for tho criminal in- sano. Tliu three lowest bidders woro Goorgo A. Glonn it Co , Josoph .1 Flan nagan, unit Motxgor fc Wills, of Phtln dolplii I. A 4 tho bids will bt awarded on tho Itil.h nnd tho micccHstul bidder botng givou ten days' uotiqo to commonco work, tho work will bo commoner! ou August Hull. Tho Domming family ro-union will bn hold in C.trpoiitor's grove, Uniondale, Busq. county, on Wednesday, August 19th. On Wednesday ol lm' wn.'l: I". I) r,. J. dul , , V -iweenny and li'iv.d m nu. , .n ..oiption tween t'liilundalc and Koruit City, woro convicted buforu Justice J, K. Tilliiny, of Mount Pleasant, of Mailing with illegal devices, In Bpruco I.uWt, Preston, and sentonced to lines ot f SO each, and one-fourth ot tho costs of prosscution, or in dofault of payment, undergo imprisonment ono day for eaah dollar ot the poualty unpild, Not pay ing bofore tho J ddtioo, they woro brougbt to tho county jill by Bpoeial Kish War den J. Ii. Bherwoud, Jr. On Siturday, Williams paid hid linn and (7 n7 costs, and ou Honda) tlolmus did likuwiso, and upon such piymouts they wero ro leaaoJ. OuTucsJay, Haley ondawooney ooughod up the pinaltlos and bade faro- well lo tho liospitaliln Roadknight Houbo. Tho total oxponso of tho business wao12 2S. Tho voto on tho further incroaso of tho school district debt, on Tuesday, shows that tho pooplo havo conlidonco In tho school board, and that after put ting their hands to tho plow tboy aro not looking back. Huviug oegun wttn adding I IU.iuhi to tho indobtodness, thoy follow with authorizing a supplemental dobt of f ir,KM, evidently bolioving that thoy nro putting Hie money whero It will do tho most good. Tho voto on the Incroaso wan 201 "yes," and X! "No." Yf. I .u.,v. avnunffsonof John J. Kohler, the -The thunder storm at tho camp of -To secure a .loan givon oi toe Buper)n(eIld .h. v n P nt neitvsbure. last wook, mors' Loan and Trust Company ot rtew from bIc.olo nt the hon,e of hit . -..j . V..I. nix. thn DelHWara BL uuason i iai.iii . " ...... bill nud, York city, tho Delaware in wninn mrcu puiuioid " -- . . ht-iifhtnlnc. tonU Company, oo inursaayoi blown down, and Ibo enmp grounas flooded, roculls somo ot tho oxporioncc ot McClellon's army in tbo Chlctcanom Iny swamps, in tho latter part ot May and until aftor tho mlddlo ot Juno, 1SG2. Generally, tho greater part of tho day was oppressively hot. In tho afternoon, or toward night, tbo clouds began to gathor, a cold oast wind sot n. and a violont thunder storm arose, with hoavy rain, that laetod for soveral hours. Men woro killed by lightning n thoir tents, and on ono occasion a battery was Btruck aud two horses kill od. but fortunately the limbors tnd caissons wero not touched, or a dootruc- live explosion would havo followod. Tho ground was soondronchod, nnd tho men woro loft sbivoring In tho mud, or sitting on their tents to keep them from boing blown away. Such storms occur red thrco or four times a week. Ono of tho sovoroBt took ploco on tho night of May 30th, converting the ground Into mud, and raising tho Chickahoralny until it overflowed its banks on both sides. The 3d and 4th corps of tbo Union nrmy woro on tho south side of beBtroom. and atnbout noon on the 31st Gen. Johnston with a heavy rebnl forco attacked thorn, oxpocting to crush tbem boforo holp could nrrivo from tho opposite side. This result was nearly accomplished, Gon, Sumner, of tho 2J corps, had just cotnplotod two brid gos on his corps front, but baforo or ders lo cros wero given both woro awash. Thn lower bridgo, after ono brigade had crossed, wns swept away. Thn remainder of tho oorpi succecdi'd n crosiiug at tho upper bri.tgo, though wus n foot under water, and wus held down in Its pluco by tho weight of tho marching (.Miliums with their nrlll lery. The water continued to riso. nnd sojii nfter tho troops rrnMi'-d the other horo the bridge wont to ploccs nnd dialed awny. But Sumner's arrival on tho fluid checked thn reb'iU. though the Initio continued until dark. Ii wis resumed the next morning, nnd routitiund until nearly noon, when the rrbtla vithdrow. This baltlo wna rail ed "Sjvcn I'liies by thu rebels from locality boaring that name, where it be gan, and "f air uaus uy tno union rmy, from tho ruilroait station nruiind which niostof lliollghiiugon the second day look place. Co K will go to Philadelphia, Oct. Cth, to participate in the (olebrotion of Founders' Day, in that city, Oct. th ud probubly to Pittsburg, tho week following, to lako part In a parade tboro. The following nro tho toauhor ol Tcxui township for tlio coming year: (.'oar's bcIij jI, Mihi Albina Buiith; Geniing Hill, Mis4 Julia Hchimmel, principal, Miss Millie Weaver, prininry dopirtmont; Caurcb Hill, Mish Agnes liurvoy, principal, uus r. nmu k. r torn, primary; llurd's, Mtss Mary iiiggiue; Maiig'e, Miss Mury Murph ; rjebonu ovcr's, Miss Mario McDjrmoot; lidy- wuod -Lane high school, Miss Maude Murray, principal, Miss Alico Ij. Mc Keiina. primary; Bunnell Hill, MU Ksslo Kolly ; Tracy villo, Miss Ida Cob man, principal, Miss Bessie U Dudley, nrhnari : heonardsville. Miss Lillian Ssoonoy; Indian Orchard, Miss Marie Murphy. MiS4 Bessie Bunnoll was oloot od pubstituto teacher for tho township. Park Lake is boiog rapidly filled up near tho btalo oridgo, uy tno stouc washed dowu from Torrej 'a poud, anil n a short time there will bo a very lim ited epaco for tbo water, which will ri suit in or o of tho most beautiful spots in Honesdulo being obliterated. West Pork street bos just been given a thor ough coating of crushod stono, brought roin the grounds of tbo golf club, a ong distanco away, wny tno stone was uot tuken from tho bed of Parle Luke, within a very ehort distanco, is a query many tionosuaiors aro asking themselves. "Cjnip Comfort," a social organi zation mainly composed ot former reti dents of Dyberry una vicinity, but now iving in Usi-.iun, uro at present en joy inga two-vrekB orllngon tho shores of Luko PovntollF. I. F. Dunn iB tbo president of tl:o club, which ucuully passes the tvo weoko in this county on tho banks of tbo Dyborry. In our list of now buildings, last week, being erected in Honesdulo, we ueglectod lo mention the now two story brick parsonage ot tlio Gorman Lutheran church. Tboluyingof brick on name will bo commenced noxt week. Tho election for olllcers of tho Ploas- ii nt Mount Improvement Association wan held July 14lh, with tho following result: J. K Tiflauy, Prosidont; John D. Bruunuu. Vico President: J. Ii. ken nedy, Socretnry, und Mrs. K. T. Tiltuuy, Troasuror. Tho body ot James Long wus ox burned from its resting ploco in tho Rural Comotery, of Hornnll, N. V, one day last week, und till Ml lukun from thu pockets ot tbo clothing in which it wus buried, March !Uli. For somo timo boforo his doath ho had impressed ou the minds of his family that after his death ho would coma buck, and, while unseen by mortals ho would travel about for a time. Bo impressed were the members ot tho family that at tho timo of his burial thoy placed two bills and a Ml cent pieco in tho pockoli of tho clothing iu which tho body was buried, for tho purpose ot providing for expenses in case hn should return to earth. Upon thn ndvicu of friends, tho family obtained permiHsinii to exhumo last wook, mortencod its entiro property for ISO.- (100,000. Tno mortgage was filod in the court houso ot Wllkce-Barro, by Wollcs it Torroy, attornoys of Scranton, July 23, and was at onco sont to tho Hocor dors of the various couotlos in which tho property of tho company is located to bo placed on rocord. It is tho larg est obligation of its kind ever placed on record in Luzorne county, and doubt less will stand first in amount on tho list ot mortgage, obligations in all other counties in which tho company's hold ings are located. Tbo loan is to be ex ponded in meeting outstanding bond issues and for general improvements. Tho first nnd rofuddlng mortgage datod May 1, 1903, makes tbo principal duo May 1, 1913; tho total authorized issue being $50,000,000. In the management nnd adjustment ot this immonso eum Thomas J. Barnolt has been appointed tbo attorney for tho Farmers' Loan ft Trust Company to take acknowledg ment of deed and indentures, and F. J. Lovec to act in behalf of the D. & B. Company. Tho priocipal amount in volved at tho time ot tho execution ot the mortgago was not to oxoeed (13,300, ooo The holdings of the Del. t Hud. cover a largo oxpanse of territory in Pennsylvania and New York necessita ting tho recording o tho M,0oo,0Oo"' mortgago in Luzorno, Lackawanna, Buequebanua and Wayne counties In ihis Slate, and in Chenango, Delawaro, OiBego, Tioga, Bohohario, Schenectady, Albany, Rensselaer, Saratoga, Wash ington, Warron, Ksex aud Franklin counties in tho Btato of Now York, -A dispatch from Lako Ariol on Tuesday last, states that Kugono Lea cher, a contractor and builder of that village attempted suicido on tho pre vious Saturday, as tho result ot a pro longed debauch. While in a field near the stock farm, ho inflicted o Jagged wound neur bis heart with a jaukknifo, but was prevented from currying out Ins evident Uchikii to kill himself, by pirties engaged in haying near b). A'h"n tho knife was taken from him he beciuia violently dolirious, nnd was re moved to Ins homi on tbo Liknvillo road and kept under watch until on the idviee of Dr. Whilo, who was called, lie was taken to tlio Hill9idc Homo, near Hcrauton, for treatment. Lr-scher is sai I to be a lino architect and is the designer of a number of fine residences in and about Ariel. Martin Cauflold, Honesdale's expert nnd artistic granite and marblo dealer has just orected three handsome and lastly monumonls in Mnplewood come toiy, Corbondalo. -On Monday, Mrs. Henry Kvoritt, ol Uroudnburg, was killed by thu electric -urroDt in a singular manner. In con H-. inn nco ot on injury to Iho cross-arm ot mi electric light pole, thu feed wire nud beon allowed to rest ou a guy win attached to a polo, ot tho back of thi Hvcritt yard, aud the clothes line wot tA iHiiid around the. guy wire. Tho feeu wire charged tho guy wiro and tho damp dollies lino with electricity. Mrs. Ever itt, in hanging out bor washing.standing o.i tho damp ground, took hold of the lino, rind recoived a current of electricity grand fther,.ln Seelyvllle, last Monday, and broke his right arm. Ilev. A. L. Wblttaker, reel or of' the Epis copal church, and family, will pam nearly tho entire month of August at Cape Cod, Mass. There will be no services In the church during hn absence. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar E. Bunnell, of Uooes- dale, have just received Information mat Additional Nearly Forgotten Facta- w - ".o n..n.n n-n nnn rr ihix Hrai Icetiirn 1 barn ron.ilrnd. It was built 112 team rooms in Uoneedale. was built by Moses ' ago, and yet tho siding of old yellow Cummings, father ot Amos J. Cum mlngs, on tho site ot the present T,K-ub nor restaurant, and dedicated April 11, 18411, at which timo a discourse was delivered by Rov, K. K. Guild. Later in the month Dr. Boyntoa gave four lectures on electricity and magnetism ot telegraphy in complcto operation, and oxplaining its principles. Abram I. Stryker settled in Cherry Ridge township, then part of Caouan, in ItSOl. He diod there Tuesday, May S, 184C, agod 74 yors. Kuob Wood ward was tho first settlor in tho town ship. His eon Ebom-zor, lived on what is now the Perry A. Clark torm. An other son Abisha, lebo cloarod up tlio Wobb farm near Bethany, was tho father of tho late Supremo Court Judge, George W. Woodward. Tbo first Main street bridgo over the West Branch was built io 184G, 7, W. Arnold and Klias Stanton furnishing the lumber. It was mainly paid for by private subscription. A telegraph line connecting Albany and Buffalo was complotod July 14, 1810, and was doscribod as being "tho longest in the world." The act of Congress pensioning survi ving eoldiors of the War ot lnl2 wus passedaFebruary 14 1871, considerably morothan halt a century after thn war ended. theslnrklettaorlierscksKe-alltlledsURh! , . ,., hoU ,i,,i,il.,,I. Mnroc'o metcm ter at the home or tneir son, unrie u. Bunnell, of Buffalo, a few days ago. Rev. F. C. Card, after a faithful servloe of five years as pastor of the Baptist church, flawley, has tendered bli resignation, it be ing his Intention to enter Upon a course of study In a theological college in the fall. Miss Bessie L. Dudley, of fcast Uones dale, has been retained as teacher ot the Traoyvllle School, which, considering the number of worthy applicants for thu posi tion, was a well merited token ot apprecia tion. Mr. and Mrs. a. A. Oday, of North Main street, left yesterday morning for their an nual vacation, which will be spent at Cort land and Frontenao, N, Y and fishing on the St. Lawrence river, In their own naptha launoh, -Hon. John Kuhbaeb, President, and John Deckel, Seoretary and Manager of the Independent Ice Co., expect to visit Phila delphia and York, Pa., to Inspect the lee manufacturing plants, with a view to In stalling one here for the next year's supply of let, Mrs. Orry B. Uadsell and son, Roger, ot Rrooklyn, N. Y and Miss Weldmann, of Mlddletown, N. Y., are guests at the home ut Mrs. Uadsell's father, Graham Watts. Miss Widemanu delightfully rendered a solo In the Presbyterian church, last Sun day, at the morning and eveulug service. Thomas Ilensey, who went to Boston with the Otires, and has been on the police fnrctiof that city for twntr-nlne years. Is paying his annual visit to his mother, sisters aud brother, at the Bethany farm home stead, and Incidentally renewing bis au iiialiilaiice with bis many friends inllnuer dale, Time Is dealing very gently Willi hue. Richmond, the five year old sou of Mr and airs. Alfred It Carey, of West street, tell from the stnue wall of his home, on Wednesday of last week, and broke bis rluht arm III two places, one Just above his rlf and the other In the el how Joint, A a he w us vaccinated In the left aim the day hefore he tell, he Is now suffering lioru two severely sore arms. Andrew M.Clarke, of Buffalo, N. Y a native, of Honest le, is looking over the town ai!aln, after labsenceot twenly lire years. Ho speaks lu glowlug terms ot the evidences of prosperity lo tin seen every. wherein tins imiacuiate vicinity and the wonderful advancements made, especially lie line of manufacturing. For the past twenty years he has been a resident of lluf flo. aud for the last twelve years has held a position lu the Bureau of Water, of that iiy. He served his country bravely and well during the oivll war, first as a private in Co. (1, lh I'enn'a Volunteers, after- naids as Corporal of Co. B, Bill I'enn'a Cavalry, and then as Lieutenant of Co. M ufVic same regiment. His priocipal object iu cetulng tc Moncsdalowas for Ihe purpose ut nilliug the graves of his parents, Mr ml Mr. Wiu. M. Clarke, in (Hen Dyherr). a century old "Printers' iloro is Epitaph:" Here lies, his Jnrm In pi, Beneath litis tniiih with hritir nvercrown, How tuiiiiy tiiM-M lar uuwni ihicr tyi Nealu some Imp'iW ie tuiH ' TIioukIi now in Death's mi hnti't A mouldering heap itur luckless lies, He'll reappear In (ialirlel's muni iw. And rrl.(f lo the skies. in Memonam. Mrs. Adelaide A. Truesdale died In South Cnnaan, July 'ii, ItMW, ot a complication or ii'etises, aged M years. She was a native ii t'arliondale, where she made her home until 1M&. She Is survived by her mother, Mrs Julia Arnold, two brothers, aud a sia l.r. Intermeutin Ihe East cemetery. South Caiman. tho body. Alter tho money was gotten thu body was immediately rn-buried -Tho ladios of Texan No 1 Improvo mont Association cloarod fli'J 25 by thoir piculu last Saturday -Rsfrigorator thiuvos uru agui operating in Honesdulo -Mrs. JohiiP. Jnmrjs has Bildher furni nt Fortculu, on tho Dol. nnd Hud railroad, comprising 21 acres, houso, birn, Ujo, W. B)x, of Whito Mills. -Tho Uonesdalo school district has recoived Iho Stuto appropriation ot t-', 50:1 r.'j, regular, with l'.i."i to apply on payment to teachers under a now logis lativa act, making u total of 1:1,038 List year tho amount was 12,327 2i rogular, showing u gain ot Till 69 Ii favor of 19(8. Tbo National Guard of Pennsylvn nia will bo paid for thoir services at tbo recent Gettysburg eiicunipmout in day or twu. Tlio.'ld brigade, of whle tho lllihregimont is a part, will rocoivn fMI'JSH 91. Co. K, of HonesdolO, will recolvo about I,ikm), a neat littles sum to bo put in circulation iu this locality, Co. K is having n reaplto from drills lor a few wookg, Bulltcicnt Btrength to cause instants- on.) death. Tbo Improvement Associatior has u4 placod four additional snttetb in town for tho accommodation of pedet- ans. Ono each nn tbe north and nth side of Park Lake; one at tbo foot M il street, aud ono on High street, thn use ot those on tbo way to tbo golf grounds. North Park already has suverul resting places within its bounds -Hon. Galusha A Grow, lately de cjihcJ, introducod a bill in Congress the admission of Kansas into tho Union. A movomont is now on foot in that Htnto to erect a monument within is bounds to bis memory. I. Ii. Hower goes to his new Held of labor, Media, I'a., week afler next. Mehdames Win. I.. Allen aud M. Parsons, f I'li kvillH.are pusslngafew daysat Beach ake. - -Joseph N. Welch spent a few days last week iu Driflon, I'll., as the guest of Rev, J Ware and family. -Sir. and Mrs. Charles Pellenz, of llun- rnore, wero entertained last Sunday by ontMdale relatives. Miss k'ulc F.ldrcd, of llth street, is visit. friends in Peckvllle, Scranton and Wllkes-ttarre, this week Miss Edllh K, Hwift returned from fir. Ilui us's hospital, Scranton, last Saturday tejilly Improved in health Miss Kdnu N. Kuapp, of East Houesdalu, i lieiug tntei tallied by her sister, Mrs. Ed sou II. fllandln, of Ureen Ridge. -Mr. aud Mrs. John E. Richmond will uve for their annual tour to tlio White Mountain, ou or akout Aug. llith Perry f). (larduer, of Soraulou, Is visit ug his grandparents, Mr. uud Mrs. Benj (larduer, uf East and Mill streets, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Slearnes, of Wilkes It n re, passed last Sunday at the home uf useph A. Iodic, on North Main street. -Mrs. It. II. Brown nnd daughter, Miss Kliirence (I. Brown, left yesterday inurinug or a few days pleasure in Ihe Motropr lis. Mrs. R. T. Searle, Ihe mother of A. T, Si arlc, Ksi , of Ilonesdale, will pass the re mainder nf tho summer at Thettord, Ver luont. Mrs. E. X. Coleman, of West street, and Miss llertrude Rockwell, of Court street, mi. Iieing entertained Iiy Annum, N. V latives. -Mrs, Henry II. Hall, of Orson, hut for- nierly of lloiie.dale, fell down stairs h few I iys iigu, uud is now siilleiini; severely (Mini tin efTects Mi uud Mrs. .1 M. Austin and lieorire illl.liirlT, uf lll'liau llrchir.t, were guest ,iit s'i.k uf Mr. aud Mis. A. W. Hartiiug, if Cllllll'IMIII, N. V Mi. and Mrs. Harry II. Hy liar and daiigh ers, Kiuiuii aud Hurali, of t'uughkonp'iH, N. v., urn guests ut tlio hoiueuf I'rothuuo I ,ii y llauluii ami finally. Mrs. U Hcheriuerhorn, ot Uth ilreet coos to Haverhill, Mass , this week, to hn Ihoguentnf a former Hnnesdalcr, Mrs, (Is car 1. Courser, foi a week. Misses Fruiiccs and Helen Cuiitlelil, uf Wert Park slreel, will pass Iho coming llirce weeks at the home ttt their sister, Mrs, Martin T. Lynch, uf Towanda, I'a. Ilev. Ilr. Win. II. Swift und wifo will pass two weeks Iu August at Lake Minne. Vii..ku, u I -in 1 1 1 fill summer resort Iu thu Hliawaiiguuk moil main, neur Elleiivilli, N. V. Miss Floreiicu H. Ricller, duughlerof Mr uud Mrs John U. Illttler, of Tiiunur Falls, will enter iipun a course of study, ut the Wilson College, Cliam hershurg, l'a III the fall. Mrs. Mary 1'arveii and daug liter. Miss Charles I,. Ammer, aged To years, a broth er of (Jottleib Ammer, of Fifth street, died at Ids home, lull Capouse Avenue, Sorau lou, on Saturday Bfternoon last, from tbe rfficts ot a fall. He was born lu Germany, hul wus for a number of years employed in Ilonesdale as a stationary engineer. About twenty-live years ago he went to Scranton, where he found employment as an euglneer ui one of tbe coal mines of thatolty. He ea es a wife and eight daughters. The re mains were brought to Ilonesdale, and the luterment took place yesterday, Wednes day, morning, In the German Lutheran oem- enry, after servieesln the oburoh conducted by Hie Rev, Wm. F. Hoop. Khen Harrison Clark, senior member of Ihe mercantile firm ol Clark Jr. bullock, hoi ii at the homestead, Clark Corners, Cheiry Ridge, November 0, 1D46, but for many years a prominent resident of Hones- tale, died at his residence, ueartbe borough line lu Texas township, on Friday evening lasl, Two years ago a slight stroke of paral ysis excited considerable apprehension as to his condition, but being of apparently fine physliiue, and soon appearing on the street, aud In attendance on bis ordinary liusiuess duties, It was generally thought lhat a much longer lease of life mlgbt be anticipated. For some time this flattering estimate as to bis health appeared to be well warranted, but eventually a reourrenee of the original trouble supervened, and at turn number of slight seizures of the same nature be finally succumbed on the evening nf July !M, 100, as stated. Tbe funeral tor vices were held from bis late home, North Main street, on Monday afternoon last, at ;l o'clock, Rev, W, H, Hiller, pastor of tbe M. K. church, oflioiallOK. Mr. Clark was a son ol E. H. Clark, of Cherry Ridge, and Maria K. Williams, his wife, of Oarbondale, He was liberally educated In tbe public schools ol his native township and vlolnlty, aud e- ourlug a position lu the hardware store ot John )C, Jenkins, ex-prothonolary of the county, was eventually admitted as a tuem er of tbe Uim, In lt&! be was nominated fur the otllou of Sheriff by the Demon racy of the oounty, aud eleoted over Moses T. Youug, uf Damascus, by a majority of 1,174. After serving acceptably his three years' term, he remained with his suuoessor Thomas Medland, as deputy aud occupant of the Sheriff's house, until be was In I8i(j made poatinaslerof Ilonesdale by Preslden Cleveland. He remained lu thatoBloe until superseded at the oloseof bis four' incumbency by bis deputy, Wm, F. Brigsrs. ou theuccesiion of President Harrison. The linn of Clark & Bullock was then eitablisb ml, ot which Mr, Clark was the senior mein our, and with which be was identified at Ihedute of his death. He was for many years a cousistent member aud oftlolal of IhcM.E church, aud was aliu eounected with the luual Indues of Iho Klllguls of Hon- or and lloyiil Arcanum. His wife, Laura, liiuuhler of thu lain Daniel u, Kuu, ot rieelv ville, sin vlves him, as do tho folluwlug hlhllen . Herbert, ut Randolph, Cattarau gus county, N. Y, ; Dr. Edwin and Daniel, living ill Pittsburg ; Mrs. Cbas. F. Bullock, wife uf the juulor member of i Ills linn, aud Mrs, KdwIuJeuklus, bolb of Uouesdulu. He is alio survived by a brother, Hon. l'erry A. Clark, Secretary of the Wayne Co, Far mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co,, aud two sisters, Mrs. John K. Kuo, of Brewster, N, V., and Mrs. Frederick I. Keen, of Ihis ilace, lu politics Mr. Clark was a pro pounced Democrat, aud as his olllclal pre leriueiit shows, stood high lu Ihe estimation of his political associates. As a private cltl.on be was deservedly popular and greatly respected. That "tho world moves" is well illui -a tod by tbo wondorful advancement made iu tho art of picture lukiug by photography, coiumonciug with t he crudodagiierruotyposol 1I9, requiring half an hour's exposure, and en.Img with thn present "(1 ish of un cje' pro cess. Pictures aro now taken in then original colors, a foat which waa ridi culed while L L. Hill whs oxperimcat- mg in that direction, little moro ibuii halt a century n;o. A claim having been made oy him in 1851 that ho bad accomplished tho making of adaguir- ret type showing tho natural colors, a oommilteo of scientists was appjinteJ to makn un investigation. It rcporica n November, ISM, that "Mr. Hill h'.s ot only deluded mtny profossors of thi Ddguerruu art but binifclf, thorough y and completely," that the origin i.l bo dtacovoiy was a delusion, lhat thu tssuuiod progress nd improvement 1 1 t wus a delusion, ni,d lhat "the onl thought respecting it in which there i no delusion is for every inn to ubandci. iny possible faith iu Mr, Hill's abilitu i o produce natural colors in duguorrcc- ypos, of which tbo whole history hue been an unmitigated delusion." Probably the fastest "overland" trip between Hawloy und Houesdnlo evui made was accomplished by ono ot the Allen stage outfits on the llth ot April, 18U8 -forty years ago. The stage, filled with passengers and hitched to four spirited horses, drove up in front of tho Kvon Houbo, in Hawloy, tho driver winding the linos around tbo brake bandte and jumping from tho box to col lect his advance faros. Whilo ho wub so engagod the toam started, but boforo tbo horses got undor great headway ull ot tbo passengers bad jumped out, ana all were unhurt with the oxcoption ot Engineer Clark, then engaged iu build ng tho Jefferson (Honesdulo Branch railroad) whose right log was broken Meeting and overtaking sovoral teams on the road and turning out and giving halt the road as occasion required, tbo stago made tbe trip ot ton miles to Honesdalo in thirty-flvo minutes and ton seconds. When the fact is taken into consideration that tho road is a very orooked ouo, with numorous bridges and dangerous curves, all of which wore passed without tho slight. est injur" to horses or vehicle and tho ontire distanco mado at a thrco and a half minute clip, tho run must bo re garded as a very romorkublo ono in moro senses than ono. Tbo runaways brought up at tbe stage barns in Hones dale with the lines still wound about tho brake handle. found to bo as found ns ever, it was built by John Land, a son of Robert Lnd,wbo in J7(I3 was sent to Cochecton, then known by tbo Indian name Cushe. tunk, ns a justice of tbo peace under tho colonial government, and settled on what afterward became the Col. Calvin Skinnor property, ot Milanville. John Ltnd succeeded to the homoetoad and took out a patont for a tract of four hundrod and thirty acres. He married a daughter of Daniel Skinner and they had eleven children, one ot tho daugh ters, Maxamillia, bocoming tbe wife ot John Burchor, of Damascus, father ot John L. Burchor, ot North Main street. Thero aro throe fire places in tbe old houso, in which Ibo dato ot tho erection ot tho building, 179C, appears. In another item an account is given ot a stage runaway over the Hawley turn pike, in 1803, which resulted very for tunately for all hands. On tho sixth ot tbo following month, however, the old coach mot with another experience which provod more disastrous. Turning tbo corner of 5th and Church streets, noar tho gas works, the stage capsized, and tho horses ran as far as tho covered bridgo, where they were stopped by a party ot circus men whoso show exhib ited in Hooosdalo that day. There were oleven psBsoogors, besides tbo baggage, drawn by four horses. Honry F, Torrcy sustained a broken leg; a Mr. Arnold, ot Rhndo Island, and James Harrison, of Binghamton, woro quite badly burt, and two Indies were scvcroly cut about he luce. The Wayne County Medical Sioicty was organized Saturday, May 19, 18fo. Dr. K T. Iiosey was nlected President; Dr. J II. Thomas, Vico President ; Dr. C, A, Diisinoorro. Secretary ; Dr. V C Phnlpa. Treumiier, and J. AV Nibs made dologato to tho Stale Medical A ; icintion, with Dr. Pholps as alternalo Muriay-Mnckcy at tlio Lyric. One ( f the largest and best repertoire e. imp uiics mi tho road to daj will open week h engagement at thn Lyric, be- inning, Monday, Aug. 3d, It is the well-known nnd popular fuvorite Mu'- ty-Mickof Oi. M inagor U'lrny hai tlio bj-t compnuy he has ever had. vorytbing now bin ibj natm. Twenty fivo pooplo aro with thocompany, head- 1 by G.iorgo A Butler, las', s.issm odin; man with Iho Tanbauser Stock at Milwaukee, and 'is Goldio Clevc- .in 1 late leading K .y Peoples' Stock. 'mango, others in t1-" company urn the 'II known ri'iihor ao'.or, Oftarles v. Guinmrio, Ilia villain in tha play, Liny Si.ifon, "William G. Price, Kd ouo, Lnw Griffith. S. Valo. H. A Maekey, W. S. Montgomery, John J- ibs, Oils Lontz, Mao B. Hurst, Maud Sheldon Mario Frock, Oubia Lse and Xnvi Ivi.i.lcll, nnd tho vauduvillo line is Frovoli, tho Mystic. Smith aua 'I'lrn, high class instrumentalisie iVillnm Prico tbo comedian that is fun. i)', Mn-B I1 reck tbe singing and dancing irl. Hummoud tho hoop roller. Tbe ompany carries a car load ot apociul nenery uod over 75 handsome drops. .Uondav night tho company will prt- sint ono of tho bsst plays over written, tiio Minister's Son." Ldies will be idmitted Monday night for 15 cents 4jau on sale Monday, at9 A. M., at the hontro. Mbtinees Wednesday and Saturday at2:3o. Pricos 10 and 20 cents. These Hot Days are creatine? a demand for Wash Skirts, Wash Suits, Wash Dresses and Shirt Waists. We offer the greatest assortment of New Summer Styles at 33 per cent, less than the regular price. Everything in Wliitewear Ladies' Under-Muslins, made of good materials, the best workmanship, at matchless prices. KAT7 niOtHiQ: N tJt H fbna Has? I B'WWa Just a little Cascasweet Is all that Isneoes sarv to uive your baby when It Is cross aud peUVISU, UtUIUISHM CUUlttlUS UU U)ISIBI nor harmful drugs and is highly recom mended hy mothers everywhere, Coufurms to the National I'uie Food and Drug Law, Mold by I'KIL, The Druggist. F.lhel, of Philadelphia, am speudlug so me t.,- n'jlln inlnwinir n "' ' "'." Tsi' "' m""", U,r"- Maiud prne5e?ir Frank Hteliiinail and Mr. nnd Mrs, Lester -titution nf fran trBnfeo Ms TuRKie-cont fares are a failure in Clovoluud. In the face of a deficit of dedolt of nreoedine tbe in Btitution of free transfers. Mavor Tom 11. nuuii. jonnson aumiis the neceeaity ot re den. w. k'nnnn. of F-ast Ilonesdale. for storine Ihe fares to somethinr aoorox a loiiE period thn etiicieut oouductar ou Hie (mating tho old basis. Forfeiture Of ii., .. hruiinii nf 1 in, e.riH. ami rauiuv. i ma luaaa in ina ddiv aiisrnnuvB. auib will probably remove lo Horuell, N, Y In probubly marks the beginning of tbe a short time. ouu ul uijuuusuuuiu in uuiu (wiism While tho lato Hon. Kphrnim W Hamlin was serving his torm as Senator in 1853, himself and wito woro both tokon desperately ill in Hirrisburg, his life, especially, being for somo timo do spairod ot. They wero finally brought home by easy stages, Mr. Hamlin muk ing the journey in au arm chair. Hi wus aftlictod with severe hnmorrhigos ot tho lungs from his youth, yet lived to bo oigbty-ono yonrs of age. It wax his custom to sleep wilh a bottlo of old fashioned cod liver oil at bis bodsido, from which bo took ropi i is ilroii.;htB us occasion required. John Adams, Thomas JelToricin, James Monroo, Ztchary Taylor, Martin Vuu iliiron, Andrew Johnson, ,lam"s A. (lar flold and Ulyssos 8. Grnnt ull died in July, Tho following Presidents wero born at rogulur intervening periods ot eight yours and rotirod from olllco ul iho sumo regular periods : John Adams, boru 1735; rotirod 18ul ; JolTorsoii, birn 1743; rotirod lMi:i; Madison, born 1751, retired 1817; Monroe, burn 17511, retired 1825, John Quinuy Adams was born in 17G7, eight yearn uf lor James .Monroe, and bad hosorvod twu terms, as did tho others, ho would have gono out ot olllco eight years aftor Monroo retired. Tbo first lodgo ot Froo Masons in thin country was opened in Boston, Mais., ono hundred and sevouty-flvo years ago to-day July 30, 1733. Thomas Meredith, son of United states Troasuror Samuel Meredith, originated tho fight against the Delawaro & Huil son Canal Company in 182'J. It was claimed by birn that rafting in Wnynn county and on the Delawaro was seri ously interfered with, but tho raftsmon repudiated bis mixing in thoir ufTairs, and the Legislature appointed au inves tigating oommittoe, which, aftor exam ination of the canal, docidod in favor of tbo company nnd against any interfer ence with its charter. Homo timn since Charles K. Beach, who Uvea iu what u known as "thu old Skin- Dreher. .1 1 i.v 27th. The old saw mill belonging to A. ('. Augol, at Angels, will be re modeled fur a bonrillug bouse for tbe workmen on the State road In Drelier. A gang of a hundred or more men and ilfteeu liorsos will bo on the ground next week, to start the work uud it will re quire some push to complete the three miles uf road ijolore we have frost. Work ou the ereot Ion of the new Mo ravian church begun ou Monday, July liidi. Frederick Deitz. Jr.. anil fmollc nf Wuterbury, Cuuu., have luoved to the reslileuoe of F. Deitz. ant It is rennrteil that Mr. Deitz will ereot a bakery ou the v nuh nun uiive 111 ooiineollou with It an up to date ice oreum parlor aud restau rant. A farewell rooelitlon and linnnuet wan tendered D. L. Prey, on Saturday evening at the I'niipuu Valley House, by tbe Nev, (lice Club. Mr. Frey expeote tuuo to (icorciu 11 a few (lava, to take ulmruu of a butt ui; establishment In wniuii nc nun ins nroiiiur Aluuzo frey are uterosted. John Zulir. wife uud son. of New Vurk oitv. Illso the Mihhch Lillian. Frances. Minnie und Louise Huiiu uu. uf the same oily, are guests ul Uliurlcs Heig uud fuiu uy. Frank Walter anil wife, ot Brooklyu, are giiesie ui cum waiter uuil leuiuy. Miss liliil&lursoli, of the Nurses' Tralu lug Schoul, uf Wiliulugtuii, Del,, iB spend lug tier vacation In Drelier, uud Green town, I'iko (Jo. ' Mrs. Levlue Fribolo. of Greentowu who iiuil a leg broken and was otherwise injured Iiy being tiirowu from a wagou Iiy the liorsee running away, about twu weeks ugu, is getting along uiuely, and in iu 11 tair way to reouver. Miss Oeoruiuua Pbilliiisis a verv vouur; uud lately arrived boarder at the home ul Mr. anil Mrs. Heurge F. Phillips, ol running. 1), Itiughuiu, nf Hawley, was a guest nt the I'aupao Valley House, ou Satur day lust, ami lu the evening be gave to me rcKiuouiH 01 ilewionuuiauil au open ulr uriiUHipliune eouaert. It was excel - tionally Hue iiiiihIii, and was a rare frue treat. lieu. L. Waltz has Unfiled bis haying inr (ins sousuii 111111 bus liouseu 47 loan (if gooil liny. I.'rrips of corn, buckwheat nud pot 11 tciee 111 thin vim til t y inive 11 Healthy 1111 priuulsliig look mill witli fair weather ciiinlitiuiiH are likely 10 c ve a irooi yield Haying in well under way anil tlit hulk nl l.ccroi lm been gathered in L-nod iKiudltiiiii. I lata l'ivo nruuiise uf it tair uelil In grnlii, but the straw will be short There lsiiillo mi nrruy of city peupl III 1 1 1 iv 1 1 mid witli Ireiiueiit ilunccs inn straw rules tbeiiily iiiiuslus lire euioy lug tueii vacation. Bethany. ,li ia asm. Mrs. Helen llllnlirlat ami ilnugbier, l.iliilietb, retiirueil Friday, al ler spoil. Iiiil- Iwn weeka at Anbury I'ark Tile hie oreitui s nihil fur tliu base hall il it Ii, Hattiriluy eveulug, was u great siicoii-H mid untied ft I To (or the boys Airs. Suiitliaril anil daughter, (Jora Mllilreil, ill l;udleutt, W. ., have beuu visiting tho former n ulster, Urn, W, II, riiL'iiur. 1 hey leave this week for homu Henry Kent, uf (Jurhoudale, Is la town looKiiur titter ins nee iiitereste. W111. lluiisor buHguun uu his nuuual llHlilug trip unit Wiu, Hhurwooil la man aging tile stuge anil mall route. Kdnu lllitku, Illln (lamuiell uud her guest, Ltiliau Audersoit, of Wilkes-Harre, uro speudlug the nay at lisacu Luke, Ulss nrown uuil iriuun, 01 uonesdala, are guests of Mrs. Woodhutise. Viiiulng CJoily left Friday for her for mer home In Wotortowu, N. Y., and will also visit lu the Aillruuilaoks. MI'S Mury U. Uilobrlst returned Fri day! from a month's sojourn lu Wllkes-lluir-i aud Kiugstori. Ho'ly Cody lias beenuutertaluliig Miss llohbelii, of Uoneedale, for a week. J, V. Htaruei und assistants, Walter Blames and Wayne llaseii, are putting oiiKOornlce und ahlugllug tbe home of Kd, lluoker. MENNER & CO.'S STORES Summer Goods FOR 1908 StylWi. Noliby and Cnnilrirl ilile Wash Suits All Shadn. aa2i Walking, Traveling and Evening S( paratc Skirts. N'cw Spring and Summer Single Jackets. Black and Leading Shades. Jumper and Shirt Waist Wash Dresses. Newest Styles and Colors. Fancy Styles in Tailor-Make Shirt Waists at Menner & Co.'s Dept. Stores. I YOUR INVITATION : J If vou have never had any dealinas with us, please to considerthisan in vitation to aive us a trial. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank, HONESDALE, PA. Milanville. I111.Y STth.. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Tyler. of Mlddletown, N. Y., and Adelbert Ty ler, or Wllkes-ttarre, are spenuiug lueir vacations with Mr. and Mrs. Q. H. Ty ler. Misses Ruth and Dorothy Carr. of Dunuiore, are visiting their auut, Miss Minnie way. Mrs. FrauK uariz, 01 uoooeoiou, hiiu Mabel Knesset, of Hawley, visited their mint, Mrs. Ueorge Bruober, last week. ur. anu airs, ljauue uuvo remrueu from Ibelr vacation uud all are glad to weluume Mr. Lmge'e retnru lolhe store The MISBea Dallev returned to Mew York, Saturday, after a fortnight's stay ut It. J, Hooker's, mis is tno ynuni: ladies' third year lu town, uud they ex press entire eatisfaotlnu uud expeet lo return another year. Yale SKluuer will return 10 uuiiaio, this week. Miss Marjorle Uavllauil aud frleuu, who have been eulovlne their vaoatlou at Falls Grove, returned to tbe olty ou Unndsv. Friday afternoou tbe towns west were visited by a heavy rain storm, wbioh brought all the ureeks up In uu unusual ly abort time. 1 ne rain, wuiuu wus iuudh needed In this vicinity, did uot reaoh here until evoulug. Tbe Delaware rose rapidly, uuil many boatu went down the river Tbe trains ou the Erie were verv late Saturday, espeolully those r.,ii,, tin, went.. Mesdaiuea Htruttuueyeruud Hill, Mlsa Htruteiueyer, uud Messrs. 11 111, Logan uud Btruusbury, who have beuu board ing ut M. L. Hkluuer'e pleasant home, returned tu Orange, H. J ou Saturday. "Good morning I" said the claim agent, cheerfully, to thu puliuut with a broken lug uud head in bandages "I have good news for you. Yes, sir. Tbe company tools Borry for you. It is willing to for give and forget. Boullesst Wby, man, it's all soul." "liuudy to pay about five tbousandt" "N-no, not oxuolly tbat. But I am authorized to sign Ul agreement uot to prosejute you tor letting yourself got thrown on tbe right-of-way uud block ing rush-hour trafflc" A municipal Puatejr Institute, where viotims of dogs or other onimala wbojo bites produce r obi is, can be cared for at cost or at the city's oxponso, ia proposed by a Chicago Alderman, who has pre pared an ordinance providing for tbo institution. Tbe funds for its support ure to come trim tbe dog license fees, wbioh last year amounted to $111,600. Ariel. July 28tb. Onr base ball team de feated tbe Aebnry team, at Sorautoa, latt Saturday afternoon, in an Interest ing came, soore, 0-3. in ine evemnz au ioe oream soolal wus beld for tbe bene fit of tbe team. Net proceeds about $15. Several ulse catches were made In taa lake, last week. Mr. Uuderwood eanght a piokerel welghlug 2J pounds, and II. O'Brien a bass weighing Si pounds. H. B. Need has sold bis creamery to Dautonlo Hrotbers, of Soranton. Tbe new parties expeot to make a cfaMae factory ont of tbe old oreamery. Mrs. Brouilinh aud two children, ot New York uity, ure visiting ber mother, Mrs. Charles Mills. Miss Moulter, or tbe Y, W. 0. A. oot lace gave twoverydellgbtlulaoloaln tbe church, on Sunday morning,, aud even ing. Mrs. F. Neville, of Lovelaud, Colorado, who has been visiting ber slster-lu-law, Mrs. K. W, Simons, baa returned to tbe Susqnebuuua saulturluui. Harold aud Francis Slelter, of Itnaaa, N. Y are visiting relatives In town. Miss Bertha Sunderoook ,1s at borne, alter uu extended visit lu Mew York. Another room la being added to our high subool building, wbleb la a great improvement. K. D. Keyea Is the purchaser of Ilr. Williamson's beautiful reildeuoa and property. Mrs. Dora Simons baa returned from six weeks' visit with ber sou, Ularanas. While there sbe visited frleuds aud ulaoea of lutereat lu Michigan und Canada. airs, ueorge muith, who reaeutly un derwent au operation In Dr. llurus's pri vate hospital, ttorauiou, is uuiug uiealv. Mi,s Luna Fowler, ol Ariel, who la aui- pluyed ut tbe Bluff House, Miltord, suf lered a severe sliook, reaeutly, lu tbe eleutrloal storm wblob fiaated over tbat plaee. She was reuderad unconscious lor several hours, but fortuuutely do other serious oousequeuoes followsd. Mrs. win. aims uua two oniiaren, or Indiana, are speudtug a few weeks with Irleuds here, Mrs. Milts was formerly Miss Kutbrvn Kellaui. danirbtar ol Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Kellaui. Frances Hlmous Isspendlug a few days with Honesdulo friends. Uerl Oarber, of FJlon. Wit , sayst I have nniv taken four doses of vour Kidney aud llladder Fills und they have donB lor me more man any umer meuiuuie uas i i I am .till tallni. Ihu (Ulls U I WUDl U tHAT feot oure." Mr. UartTar refers to DeWlll's Klooey uod bladder Fills. Bold by I'KIL, xue Druggist. , Ernesto Nathan, the flyndio of Roma, says the "Frankfurter Zoltung," recouc ly had orected at bis own oxpnnae a marble shelf In tbe potter's field of the Itoman cjmolery, Tbe inscription statee tbat tbe olty, mindful ot its obligation 10 tbe industry ot the lowly, remembers those whose toil being ovtr bave tailed into narxeleas graves. Tbe new long Gloves, in Bilk ant Kid nan be bad at 11KNNEU & CO.'& BU) Du. C It. DItA.nY, Dentist, Honesdal, Pa OKKICK. UOUU8-S A h, lo 6 1. at. Any evening by appointment. Oitiasus' phone Bit, Hissioaioiw, Mo. M X.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers