Z 1 tTIM. TEMISDNY, NOVEMBER 12, 18G3 Tut Tuna, and last session of the Fortieth Congress (may its like never more be seen) will commence on Monday, December 7th. Unless the present law is repealed, thelfirst session of the Forty-first Congress •ill com mence at noon on the 4th of March. Is accordance with the previous adjourn ment; a session (if such it can be called) of Congress was held on Tuesday, lasting less than' four minutes, which was attended by no Democrat in the House, and only one in the Senate, while Senators Wade, and three others represented the Republicans. In the House, except:4lr. Colfax, only six others, all Republiemil, 'Were on_hand. brief prayer in each House, thanking the Lord for bringing the people to "right conclusions" in politics, both bodies adjourned. A SILLY MOVE - Some politicians, hungering for a bite at the spoils of the Federal Government under the coming regime, have proposed that the Seymour electors should case their votes unanimously for'Grant in the Electoral Col ,legt.. The pretence is that Generfli Grant would be relieved from any cbligation to the Radicals forlis*election, whereas every body knows thrit he is under no obligation at all to the extreine portion of that party, and 'Olathe IVSS only their nominee by ne cessity.. The real object of the proposal that the Seymour electors should vote tor him is - only a bid to sell out the Democracy for a slice of the spoils. There is not the slightest chance that any such absurd suggestion will be adopted. The Democracy would make it eb hot for thq traitors who could so basely betray their.confidence that they would be glad to escape the country.. f THE NETT PRESIDENT. N. Y. Herald expects that "the elec tion of Gen. Grant will be the beginning of the end of radicalism and the dawn of a new and- better dispensation." It states that "soon after his nomination, Gen. Grant said to a friend, who is a prolninent officer in the Nyar Department, that he had always been a Democrat and that he was a Democrat yet. He did net seek the Presidency', and did not care to fill that office for the mere honor or profit that it would' bring him ; but he did feel ambitious to be the means of restoring the country to its former peace and tranquil lly by completing, through civil authority, what as a military officer he-was obliged to leave unfinished. - Taking the testimony of those who have enjoyed to a greater or less degree the friendship and confidence of Gen. Grant, there does appear to br t a very well founded reason fin' indulging these expecta tions. Those who know him best assert that the General is possessed of an ardent desire to contribute all that is in his power towards softening the asperities of -Ithe present condi- tion of affairs in the country, and that he ai "‘ C teek: to so exercise the prerogatives of 11 office as to deserve the respect of all parties. Our expectations do not equal our hopes. TUE FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS Though General Grant is tip be the Presi dent of .the United * States after March 4th, 1809, he will not have such au oYerwhelm ing Radical majority in the next House of Representatives as has cursed the nation for the last four years. The Fortieth Congress, including the Southern carpetbaggers, was thus politically divi le l : Radicals, Democrats, Radical majority, - - - 110 Two-thirds, - - - - - 142 According to the latest returns at hand; the political complexion of the next House of RepresentatiCes will be as follows: Radicals, . 138 Democrats, - Radical majority, - - - 61 Two-thirds, In this calculation it is assumed that the Radicals Will elect three Congressmen in New Hampshire next March, and two, of the four to be chosen in Connecticut in April, though in the latter State they may se cure but one, as was the case, at the Congres sional election of 1867. Thus, it will be seen that the Radicals will not have a two,thirds vote in the. Forty-first as they have in the present Congress. c THE FINANCIAL. PANIC. Our latest advices from New York say that Wall street continues in an excited and unhealthy condition, end indicate that we are entering upon a period of financial de pression like that which overtook England before the resumption of specie payments. Government stocks continue to fall, and. though Secretary McCullough has promised to ease the money market by issuing more greenbacks, the great financial kings do not seem to put much faith in his ability to change the tide. Before the election, great promises were made of the happyeffects that would follow grant's election. Now we have the sequel, as given by the New York correspondent of the Philadelphia Ledger, a paper whose authority on mbney matters is beyond question: ' "The sudden and heavy depreciation in stocks has made beggars of many who, a few days ago, accounted themselves rich. The government credit is suffering severely along with the rest, while in mercantile cir cles business is well nigh paralyzed, owing to the impossibility of procuring discounts: Not a few Western men, who have been here to borrow money to move the crops, have gone home as they went. It is now ac: knowledged on - all hands that if this state of things does not experience a change her the better, soon, the most disastrous consequen ces to general business are inevitable." FEARFUL that they would be beaten in Florida, even over the bayonet and over the negro vote, the Radical managers at Wash ington caused the negro and carpet-bag Legis lature to pass an act vesting in themselves the choice of Presidential Electors, and tak ing it away from the people altogether! There is no language in which such an act of rascality can be sufficiently condemned. Only the most scandalous party would en tertain the idea for a moment. It is a rob bery of the people of their highest and dearest rights. What Would -have been thought if the present DeMocratic Legisla ture of Ohio had refused to allow the people of that State to, vote for President, and chosen the Electors themselves? Such an act would have led to revolution. • 'A rrtErry quarrel is going on among the carpet-baggers of Florida. Their Governor has proved distasteful to them, and impeach ment articles have been introduced against him in the Legislature. He declines to va cate his of lee; says the Legislature is not a legal body, as most of the members have accepted other offices. The principal mov ers in the Impeachment are the Lieut. Gov ernor; who wants the Governor's place, and a negro Secretary of State. The main charges against the Governor are "lying" and "corruption," which uply with equal force to! most of the carpettaggers. Trrravi thousand white men are disfran chised in.lVest Virginia, seventy thousand in Texas, ninety thousand in Mississippi, eighty thousand in Tainessee, ninety thou sand in Missouri, and large numbers in the other Southern States. This was done by the Radicals. : f More than half a million whites denied the right to vote td gratify party craft, and that power conferred upon as many negrocs Is this "a government of the pea pie by the people," such as white men fought to perpetuate? The November. Elections!. GRANT A MESOTtITY PRESIDENT. Great Gains of DemOOratle Congressmen - Republicans Lose their Two Thirds Vower.• The official figures of the election on Tues day of last week come in slowly, and we arc. unable to give an entirely accurate statement of the results. The following seems to be as nearly correct as can be furnished with the information at hand: NEW, Yom— New York gives Seymour over 0,000 majority, and elects Hoffman: by about 25,000. The discrepancy between them is owing to Hoffman's personal popularity, and to the fact that many who would have vo ted for Seymour disliked Frank Blair. :The Republicans have a majority in the Legisla ture, owing to the unfair manner in which the State is districted, and will return one of their party adherents to the E. S. Senate. The Democrats gain five Congressmen and the Republicans cope in the Buffalo district. The city of New York gave 59,891 majority for Seymour, and G 8,992 for Hoffman. Erie county, heretofore considered reliablyDento cratic, Went Republican by 7N majority. NEW JERSEY.—Se3 - mour's majority Is about 2,600 ; that of Randolph, the Demo cratic candidate for Governor, about 3,500. The Legislature will be Democratic, and we gain a U. S. Senator In place of Frelingbny sen. We also gain two Congressmen. PElffisyLvtaiu."—Grant's majority will be about 30,000. Philadelphia gave 5,81 e Repub lican majority and Allegheny county 10,810. In nearly every county the Democrats lose as compared with October. Our gain of Con gressmen is three. 31Issouni—Grant's majority.2l,ooo. The city of St. Louis gives a reduced Republican majority, and votes against negro suffrage by nearly 9,000 majority. 'The suffrage amend mufti is defeated in the State. We gain three , Congressmen, among whom is the gal lant veteran Gen. James Shields. The Leg islature is Republican. - TENNESSEE gites au estimated majority of 30,000 for Grant. Two Democrats are elec ted to Corrgress, a gain of one. - GElliOlA.—Seymour'g majority is enor mous, and will probably reach 45,000. We have, the whole Congressional delagation,'a DernOcratic gain of four. Nonni CAnoraNA disappoints us, giving Grant her electoral vote by 8,000 majority. We elect five Congressmen, however, n Dem ocratic gain of four. Sorra CAROUNA.—Grant's majority is reported to be 4,300 or. 5,000. We elect three Congressmen, a gain of the same num ber. • AmmaNsas. , —The result is uncertain, but the - probabilities are that the State has gone for Grant. We elect two Congressmen, a gain in both instances. At AlLUlA.—Returns are not definite, but it looks as if Grant would get her electo ral vote. We gain one more Congressmen. KtiNTUCKY.—Seymour's• majoritx is from 70;000 to 73,000. The Republican vote is in creased over the I•tst few yenta Thr ('on. gressional delegation will be unanimously Dernocra tie. CONNECTICUT gives Grant a majority o 3,000. ausols.—Grant's majority is about 50,- 000. The city of Chicago went Republican by 3,000. We make a gain of one Congress man. MrcuiGAN.—Grant's majority is 31,000, and the Congressmen are all Republicans. RIIOD.E ISLAND.—Grant's majority 6,443 with two Republican Congressmen. MARYLAND.—Seymour's majority is :33, 000, with a unanimous delegation to Con gross, a gain ()Cone in our favor. CALIFORNIA is in doubt, but from the fact that the Republicans are claiming frauds, we suspect the State has 'gone for Grant by a small majority. The city of San Francisco gives Seymour 1,313 majority. We have two of the three Congressmen. 01110.—Grant's majority 35,000. Cincin nati'gave 4,704 majority fore Republicans. We gained three Congressmen at the Octo• ber election. - )- 3ficttioxx goes for Grant by 15200. Mil waukee gives a Defnocratic majbrdy 01.2,- 110. We elect one Conggessman. lowa.—Grant's majority 53,000. The Con gressmen are all. Republicans, an negro suf rage is carried by 30,000. ; alucwEsovA.—Grant's majority 15,000. Ne gro suffrage is carried by 6,000. We gain one Congressman. Loursix".:4.—Seymour's majority 30,000. The city of New Orleans gave Grant only 276 votes out of over 24,000 cast. The dele gation is unanimously Democratic, a gain of four. 31AssAcursErrs.--Grant's majority 76,5.00. The Republicans gain lamely: in the Legisla ture, and secure all the State offices and Congressmen... Boston gives Grant 3,000 majority. NEW IlAuzartum.—Grant's majority 5, 000. OREGON is claimed by both parties, but the prospects favor the Democrats. \ Seymour has probably carried it by a small majority. NEVADA gives 1,000 Republican majority, awl elects a Congressman of the same party. :Istn.i.N.t.Grant 10,000 majority. The Democrats gained one Congressman in Octo ber. ' 111 Ame gives Grant 28,000 majority, and electi all Republican Congressmen. Vr.u.moNT gives Grant 52,500 majority: Her three Congressmen are all Republicans. KANSAS.—Grant's majority 5,000. A Re publican Congressman elected. NEnassEs..—Grant's majority 4,000 and the Republicans carry the Congressman. WEST YinGuiTA.—Grant's majority 8,000. The Legislature and Congressmen elect all Republicans. FLORIDA.--in this State the Legislature chose the electors, who are, of course, in fa vor of Grant. The people would have given a large majority for Seymour. The Congres sional election is to he held on the 23d. • DELAWARE gives Seymour 2,500 majority and elects a Democratic Congressman. The States of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas 'did not vote, being debarred by act of Congress. A summary of these returns gives the following table of electoral votes, which may he changed in a few instances: FOR GRANT. Electoral Majority. Vote • EMI _ _ __ N c w 'Hampshire . 7,0 ,7 0 . ' 7 Massachusetts- '14500 12 ' Rhode Islend 6,455 4 Connecticut l 3,041 sVermont 32,50 U 5 Pe rinsvlcania.t. ....... ......... ...... 1N.,413 al West...Virginia' , 8,000 5 0hi0.... .... ...35,1,00 - 21 Indiana • 10,01.0 13 Illinois ' ‘...00,600 . 16 Michigan .21,000 8 WisConain S lowa 53,000 s Nebraska ~. ~ 4,00 3 Tennessee —.i....50,030 10 Calitornla....—.. ------ 1 , 1 / 0 5 Nevada 1,001 3 Missouri • ^l,. II Kansas. ..... ...,...—.- 5,01J0 3 North car0tin......_....._ 9,000 9 South Carolina.._...., 6,007 It Iktlnuesota 5,900 9 Florida (Legislatturo)—........— Alabama - Total States, 26 - .214 FOR SEYMOUR.. . le 11,1rielly. E V ctoral ote.. Delaware - '201)0 a ueorgia ... . ... .........—...—..45,0011 ti Kentucky- .—...................70,00V 11 Loulnana 30, CO ti Maryland....._.„ - ..31.40f4 ' New Jer5e.......---....:—.... '2,03g 7 -New York 13,818 33 . Oregon. a Total States, B__.. " Total electoral • Necessary fora choice 3,18 - The State-Ina , voting would . all have en Democratic majorities, and if they had participated in the election, would have ad ded 23 ttf ! the eicetaittyote,for Seymour,taut 000,000 to his Int6thieS.:, Clerk. giant_ in cho sen President .by stlvorahrustired -thousand less than a majority of the citizetts of the Unl 7 : on. There are morn than '500,000 -. of the. most intelligent persons in.the 4ttintry franchised in the several Southetn Stews, in eluding Missouri and Wa-t 'Virginia, whose sentiments are ef no more weight in the ad ministration of the Government than if they lived in China or Australia. 'facia fair vote of all the citizens of the States been given, Seymour would have a majority of the elec toral college and an overwhelming proportion of the ballots of the people. We shall prove this statement at m Ire length in succeeding, issuer , . . NEWS OF THE WEEK. FIVE desperadoes were hung near Gilmer. Idaho Territory, on Fr ldly, by a vigilance committee. Gr.sEtt.u. Utt.otT has not yet resigned, and it is said that he will continue to hal his office until he is inaugurated. GOVERNOR REED of Florida, Rad., has been impeached by the State Legislature, Rad., for high crimes and misdemeanors. Tim November statement of the public debt shows a decrease during October of $7,- 51d,100.:-The total debt at present is $2,641.- 002,571. Ttm Y. World has a sensational story of a filibustering expedition fitting out in that city to capture Cuba, numbering twenty fire hundred men. . TuE War Department is in receipt of tele. graphic dispatches from all parts of the 800 th, which show that the electlone pasied off peaceably everyWliere. GOVEUNOR CRAWFORD, of Kansas, has re signed in order to accept the colonelcy of the regiment of Kansas Volunteer cavalry jutt raised for service against the Indians. THE financial troubles have reached the West. The Wisconsin State Bank has sus pended, with heavy liabilities, and a run commenced on Saturday on the Milwaukee Bank. AlosT of the publications about Grant's Cabinet arc the merest stuff, and have been manufactured in the brain of some hard-up correspondent or among the loafers eroud Washington. Two thousand stand of arms belonging to the Florida State Arsenal were seized by a party of unknown persons, while in transit through the Statc . on Thursday night and destroyed. A part of them have since been recovered. ON the 24th instant the Fenian Brother hood will hold a Congress in Philadelphia, composed of representatives from all parts of the United States, Canada, Ireland, Austra lia, and delegates from' England and Scot land. Their object Will be to concentrate their views .and lay them before the U. S. Congress for the action of that body. ONE of Gen. Gtnntsfirst acts, atter reach ing Washingtbn, was to order the destruction of several bushels of litters which have been sent to him there, in' relation to offices, &c. No record of them it-as kept, and this timely warning will probably save a vast amount of importunity in advance, and indicates a de termination not to allow the cares of state to weigu htln aown pr . ematurety. THEIZEL is deep tribulation in the-Depart ments at Washington, owing to the involun tary resignations, or departmental hari-kari, now so prevalent among the clerks to pre vent dismissal. The heads of the various Departments have gallantry atones to re tain the pretty female clerks for the present, but the ugly ones meet with no considera tion. Tm. Surratt case came up in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia at. Wash ington last week on motion to dismiss the appeal of the District Attorney from the decision of Judge Wylie discharging the prisoner on the plea of the statute of limita tion. The - appeal 'a as dismissed and the de cision discharging the prisoner was affirmed. Thus ends the Surratt trial. ' TILE completion of two more sections OD each end of the Pacific Railroad leaves only four hundred miles to be constructed, which are being completed at the rate of six miles per day, with the probability that two hun dred miles more will be finished this winter, and the other two hundred laid down in April. and May next. The President has or dered the Commissioners to examine the line to a point beyond the nine-h rndretith mile post west from Omaha. THE latest accounts from China and Japan show the prospects of the Christian mission aries to be anything but encouraging in those countries. At Yangchow, Mr. Taylor, the head of the Protestant mission, and his par ty have narrowly escaped death at the hands of a mob of infuriated Chinese, some thous and strong, who attacked and burnt the mis sion house ; and a decree laying the Christian religion under a formal , interdict has. been posted up at Honiara and the gate of Yoko hama. THE President has , been employing agents in the ssclveral cities of the United States, And especially in New York, to_ secretly search into the alleged frauds and corruptions going on among the reverutte officers and outside rings with which they work. These agents, lawyers of ability, firmness and integrity, have done their'duty quietly but effectively, and arc now prepared with affidavits and evidence showing the most startling Bands throughout the entire Internal Revenue Bu reau, and "implicating a large majority of those holding positions of trust under the Treasury Department. They are at present in Washington arranging the preliminaries for the grand raid soon to be made upon those who have been engaged in robbing the Government for the, past four or five years. Tun stock market in New York city, opened and closed in a panic on Tuesday, and the indications are that we ire entering upon a violent financial crisis, the end of which cannot be foreseen. The monetary stringency continues without material abate ment, failures are occurring and some of the speculative stocks are falling at the rate of from ten to twenty percent. a day. The truth about it appears to be that stocks have been held at factitious figures by reason of the manipulations of "the street," while other Commodities were slowly regaining their nor mal prices, and, now that the inflating ap paratus is removed, they collapse suddenly, in place .of dwindling gradually, as they ought. Moreover, holders have continued to, keep them up to excessively high rates in hope that the election of Grant would, in some inexplicable manner, ease the market, and make eery body happy at - once. Now that every everybody finds himself or his neighbor battered, the bottom is out of the specidative tub. Look out for lively times." K LNG WI/41AM ofkPrussia has opened the Prussian Dint with a speech from the throne. The relations of Prussia are declared to be satisfactory and fears- of war groundless. Baron Beust,since Sadowa the leading spirit in Austria, advises a peaceful solution of the Schleswig-Holstein difficulty. This does not mean much from due point of view, but it means a great deal from another point of view. Austria is not able to go to war with Prussia, and Austria is the only party which has just cause to feel aggrieved by the non fulfilment by Prussia, of the treaty of Prague. But France, though With les; reason, is more 1 1 incensed than even Austria with Prussia, be cause of her conduct in this matterofSchles wig-llolsteid. The danger *that if Prussia and Austria cannot agree; it alp prerabias Austria may lend-her influence-to-R.l,mm.- Thig would create at .once,i serions'dffliFulty.- Prussia would be done naless'Ae:cOulfi ealt, in the aid of *Raga, which it., is doubtful whether she conladoon this particular gees= It3e =West Ibttrthe nations wish peace, brititis less triarilfe j ..st that the heriziti is notelear:: There' are too rattny4Ouritag4- .Ing questions to allow ni to cobalnde that ecaltinued"Peuelitil Stlibtorrita certabiti.,l' Tun folltiwing is the speech of Gen. Grant ia re.,pouse to an ovation tendered to him - by several thousand citizens of Galena on Wednesday evening of last week : "Putt us kND FELLOW-CITT:ZF.I‘US OP GA. LENA : I thank von for this additional mark of your kindness. Sufficient, I supPOse, has now been heard of the result of the late elec tion to show upon whom it has fallen to ad mit:o4ter the affairs of the nation for the next fool years.. I suppose it is no egotism in me p say that the choice has fallen on me. The responsibilities of the position I feel, but ac cept them without fear, if I can have' the same support which has been given to me thus far. I thank you and all others who have fought together in this contest—a con test in which you are all interested personal ly as much as and perhaps more than I am. I now take occasion to bid you good-bye, as I leave here to-morrow for Washington, and shall 'probably sec but few of you again for some years to come, although it would give me great pleasure to make an annual pilgrim age to a place where I have enjoyed myself so much as I have here during the past few months' Tnt EXTERNAL aspect of affairs in Cuba does not improve as tithe advances. Under' guise of revolutionists; bands of robbers are devastating• the country. These depreda tions are confined chiefly to the eastern por tion of the island. Such, however, is the effect produced there that planters are unable to harvest their crops and famine is dreaded. In the disturbed district the mails within-the last few days have been frequently seized. Captain General Lersundi has been instruc ted by the government to exercise his dis cretion in dispensing with the'death penalty in the case of persons condemned for politi cal offences. Cuba Rl_ manifestly in a bad state. The Spanish Government has appoin ted a new Governor, who is said to be popu lar in Ctiba, and may mend matters. GEN. GRAM arrived in Washington, with his family, very .unexpectedly on Sunday, having taken every precaution to preyent popular_ demonstrations both there and on the route. He could not elude the Harris burg politicians, though, who were on hand for a reception when be reached that city. After reaching Washington, he kept himself aloof from all corners during the day, passing most of his time at the army headquarters. The sentinel on duty in front of his residence, and the servants at the door, were all ques tioned without success by the reporters. It is understood that he intends remaining in Washington during the winter, and the main subject that disturbs his mind at present is how to evade the office seeking bores. Tut intimations of Reverdy Johnson in England that the Alabama claims were vir .tually settled or were likely to be satisfactorily adjusted are not warranted by any know ledge in the possession of the State Depart ment. Mr. Johnson has made several propo sitions to the English Government which they would not accept, and they have made propositions which Mr. Seward would not accept, and there has been some telegraph ing lately upon the subject ; but nothing has been agreed upon, nor does there seem to be any probability of getting England into a position where that little bill will be paid by her. ON the 29th the Captain General of Cuba received instructions rrom cue plirrinuurn government to inaugurate such reforms as had been adopted in Spain. \ Up to the 31st, he had kept the dispatch as secret as possi ble. Numerous arrests ate being made, the prisoners in most Cases being supporters of the revolution in Spain. It was stated that Lemindi contemplates leaving the island for New York. Tile details of the fighting lead to the conclusion that tho Insurgents are brave and determined. They are said to number 3,000 men, and are favorable to in dependence or annexation with the United States. TUE latest story of the earthquake conies by way of St. Louis, from the Pacific ocean, where a trading vessel is said to have found a whole archipelago, whose islands are dia monds and emeralds. One island, 70 by 15 miles, is &particularly fine specimen of emer ald, being without flaw. As the smallest diamond in the lot weighed 200 tons, and they couldn't break any off, the crew unfortu nately brought no specimens home with them. The story is too big to be swallowed at one gulp., Gsn arum. was on Monday tendered a public receptiOn in - Washington, and made the following sensible reply: " lam glad to meet you all and receive your congratulations, but I :hope you will spare me any public demonstrations. I live in this city, and like to avoid demonstrations here as elsewhere, and, with my consent, there cannot be any. lam always ready-to meet such gentlemen as may call upon me at my office at any time, without public display or demonstration. This would be much more agreeable to me, and I hope it will be agreeable to you." WEsvos, the pedestrian, is preparing for his great walk of 5,000 miles in one hundred 'Consecutive days. Starting from an extreme point In Maine he will cross several States eastward, and bring np finally at St. Paul, Maine. EARTIIQUAICE shocks have been of almost daily occurrence in San Francisco since the 21st of October last, but the people are not getting used to them. SERIOUS trouble is apprehended between the whites and blacks in Arkansas, and Gov. Clayton has authorized the raising of 60,000 militia in the State. , POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS. Tim report that Andy 'proposes to veto the election of Grant lacks confirmation. 1r is estimated that the Republicahs spent $2,000,000 to carry Pennsylvania in October. IN the Republican Dictionary, "Manhood suffrage" means every body but Irishmen and Germans. Mn. JoaN QUINCY ADAMS was a candidate for Representative from Quincy as well as for Governor of Massachusetts, and was de feated in both instances. Tia qaestlon • has recently been asked, the coming man drink wine ?" It may now be taken for Grant-ed that the "coming man" will not• only drink wine but will smoke any quantity of tobacco. A yuraCROLS incident is reported to have occurred at the polls in Quincy, Mass. The Hon. Charles Francis Adams deposited a written ballot. A few minutes afterward he returned and stated that by mistake he had pule. receipted bill into the box. An exam ination proved the correctness of the state ment. It• is reported he voted the Republi can electoral and Democratic State tickets. Smeron Mona.tx and Representative Schenck, the authorized committee on the subject, have issued tho following "opinion": The undersigned are of opinion that no public exigency requires the attendance •of quorum of members of Congress on the 101 h instant: 1.31 D. MORGAN. ' ROBT, C. SCFIENCK. WAsutxovsx, Nov , . 4,1868. In other words, Grant having been elected without the aid of the South, there is no need of Congress meeting to "doetor" the re turns to its satisfaction. Wrrys the intrepid Paul Jones was in the midst of a hard fought battle, a cannon ball from the enemy's ship came boominz into his vessel, and threatened destruction and disaster to his crew. His adversaries, shuck led overtheir.tempwary advantage, and in sorentW xle . manifed a surienddr. "Surren: der," exclaimed the gallant seaman, "No! Never!—the 'battle has just begun!" He continued the fight, pouring broadsides into the enemy's shiP until her entire crew-were tilled or driven - from the deck, and the ship floated upon thealefelv..4 .2 4itratintlext wreck Democrats, imitate his example—Stand toj TOur Guns until' the last one hal been fired. The good ship ofttemocraey will yet outride the stores of 'Radical corruption and crime, 4d read i the part amid the cheers of millio&gof freepien! Tun Radicals of folva voted last week to strike the Word white out of their State Con stitution ; and the Tribune thanks God for their valor. The Tribune thanks God on small provocation. In an aggregate phpula tion of 671,013, lowa by the last census con tained exactly 506 colored male Americans of African descent, not enough, if every man of them were a barber, and every barber as clever as Olivier Le Dain, to shave one-alb-- I:telt varrof the male, white citizens of lowa on a bright Sunday. morning. But Ohio, with 30,673 denizens out of 2,3.19,511, has just voted that colored parsons shall not vote by a majority greater than its whole colored population. We commend to the Tribune a free version of the old lioratian.;maxim "Don't call in the gods to heal a fled-bite." A SPECIAL telegram to the Philadelphia Press, in relation to the. late Radical tri umph in Connecticut, declares "the registry law passed by the late Legislature did the business." That is a fact no one will deny who has examined the law referred to. By the provisions of the act thousands of poor. men were deprived of their votes in Novem ber. They could not comply with its unjust and vexatious provisions. Two days at least were required to perfect a registration, and business operators of the Radical faith denied their employees,whom they knew to be Dem ocrats, absence from labor for this length of time. In all parts of the Union the party in power are attacking the right of poor white men to vote. Acconotso to the returns filed at Harris burg, the following persons are elected Con gressmen from Pennsylvania : C. O'Neill, W. D. Kelley, W. Townsend, Oliver J. Dickey, Henry L. Cake, Ulysses Mercur, J. B. Pack er, John Cessna, D. J. Morrell, W. H. Arm strong, G. W. Scofield, G. W. tiltlllan, Jas. S. Negley, Darwin E. Phelp4 and J: Donley --IS Republicani, and Samuel J. Randall, John Moffat, J. R. Reading, John D. Stiles, J. Lawrence Getz, D. M. Van Auken,George W. Woodward, R.. 1. Haldeman and Henry D. Foster-9 Democrats. This is a Demo cratic gain of three members. Of dip above, six were elected by less than 515 majority, and the seats of Messrs. Foster, Moffat and Reading are to be contested. HAD there been• a fair ele'ction, without the agency of military or Colti.rressional tyranny, every Southern State would have voted by ,an immense majority for Seymour and Blair. Everybody admits this. This would have given them 116 electoral votes to stand on. New York ha%iltirty-three and New- Jersey seven elec.-1. - oral votes, making forty in all. -These, added to the 116, make 156 electoral votes, or only three less than .constitutes -a majority over all. Oregon or California would have given these three votes 'without doubt. Mr. Seymour has . not been beaten for President of the United States. He is the choke of the American people, but has been swindled mit of the office by the greatest ras cality. TUE papers arc full of speculations in •re gard to Grant's cabinet, each writer making up one to suit his own taste. A. special cor respondent, who has been at Galena, where Grant lives, is authorized to announce that romnrise all the names given below : Secretary of State, ——; War, - ; Treasury,— —; Navy, —; Interior, General, Postmaster General, This . may be implicitly relied upon THERE seems to be no lack of material from which to choose a Republican United States Senator in place of Mr. Buckalew. Already have been mentioned the names of Thomas M. Marshall and James K. Moor head, of Pittsburgh ; Benjamin H. Brewster and William H. Kemble, of Philadelphia; Galusha A. Grow, of Susquehanna,and Glen ni W,Scofield,of Warren. Still other names will probably be suggested within a few days. Tilt suggestion is not inappropriate that Mr. August Belmont,in rushing off to Europe alter signing the last address to the National Democratic Committee, about the "bigpght," "unbroken ranks," and all that; Imitated the militia, captain whoexhorted his command on the eve of battle thit : "Soldiers.,you see the foe advancing ; when danger comes near let every man take care of himself. Being a little lame I guess I'll start now." WE havonot_met a Democrat yet who is despondent under defeat. For the good of the country they all regret that we were not victorious,--they regret that we had traitors among , us who, at the elevenkh hour, basely deserted their colcirs;'itad went over. to the enemy 7 -but all are resolved to stand by their cause to the last. , Joii' J. BLAM was the Radical 'candidate for Governor of New Jersey. At the dedi cation of a "tannery" at Elizabeth b 5 re marked: "Fellow citizens! I have saw wigwams in the West—l have tiaw many wigwams—l have saw many wigwams with Injuns in 'em—but I have never saw such a wigwam as this !" '• MassAcurserrs is the Oliver Twist of the States. She is always asking for more, and generally gets-it The Philadelphia Ledger says: "Massachusetts, by continual ham mering, has just got two hundred and sixty one thousand more of her 'war _claims' al lowed by thi; Treasury," at Warshington, A YOUNG , gentleman and lady of New Al bany, Ind., made a novel bet on the Presiden tial-election. if Grant was elected the young Man agreed to many the lady, and if Sey mour was elected the lady was to marry the gentleman. Both parties are satisfied With the result. , , Tnc Cincinnati Chronicle says that if the present kind' of war is kept up on lien. But ler he will be the most prominent man in the eountry 7 ,—wAlch means that If It is clear ly proven that he stole all those spoons the Radicals will make him President sure. Gov. Scorr, of South Carolina, has viala ted the law about distinction on account of color, by offering $50,000 reward for the ar rest of the murderer of a pegro, while the amount offered for the slayer of a white man is $250. TIIE following advertisement appears in a Democratic exchange : "One bushel of corn is wanted at the office of the Lycoming Standard, to winter over our "rooster," as we shall not likely have further use for him until next October." Tna. Hartford, Conn., Democratic and Re publican clubs fraternized on' the nightof the election with the cry of "Let us have peace." In a procession the:Democrats were given the post of honor.- Tin: vote in General Butler's district stood --Butler, 13,113 ; Dana, (Ind. Rep.) 1,827 ; Lord, (Dem.) 4,956.. Butler's plurality over Dana, 11,291. 3Hts. PARTINGTON (B. P. Shillaber) was a Democratic candidate for the Massachusetts Legislature in the recent election, and was defeated. Tim Boston Post (Blem.) advertises for sale "eight roosters, good as new, never hav ing crowed but once." The Califoitiiii Eattimhake. The last steamer brought newspapers from the Pacific coast, giving interesting and de tailed accounts of the earthquakes that were felt in Sim-Francisco and other portions of the Gold en State on the Morning. of 'October 21. The, losses, although great, do not ap pear.to itottelbeen na.exteastve as at first:sup : posed. The bUildings thrown down or dam aged were chieflirrsuch as were defective tin construction or built on made ground. Well built house e, whether of brick, stone or frame work, litoCd. the Shoats, and the Out! mischief done them c was confined to windows, - fragile . furniture and Olasteri l a. The shocks seem to have beam 13oriao .apd front, fionitteneS to Nortirwestt, find t has Seen front; Wel 'chimneys on the North and. West.sides of housestave g sacral IT escAlsed ;whereas T h o se on the ispsit c* . allOtere.tbrown dbNn q; badly shaken.. • 4 . The first shack (M 1-2. minutes before 8 o'clock A. M.), UMW , forty4rto /oaten te 0/0111')oktkliAt4 and gathered violence as it continued until near the end. It was accompanied by the usual rumbling and gratin, sound, to which was added the loud rattling of window frames, shattering of glass, banging of doors, and the crash of objects falling from shelves and mantels. The first impulse. of nearly everybody was to rush into the streets, which were instantly filled all over the city with excited crowds, including some W.ll o had not yet completed their toilets or had rushed tumultuously from bed. Several light 'shocks were ° felt subsequent*, which in= creased the apprehensions of the multitude, and kept the streets filled as places of safety. The time of the second shock was 9:23 o'clock ; duration five seconds. Lighter and briefer tremors occurred at intervals of about half an hour until fifteen minutes past 12. The more pronounced bf these caused fresh stampedes to the street of those who were at tempting to conduct business or trying to work. Business generally was' suspend ; everybody was in the streets, especially in the dower, the business portion of the city, where the ground is most unsafe, the streets narrowest, and where there are the oldest and worst built brick buildings. The shock was preceded by asabterrane an noise like the rolling of many piece.tof heavy artillery. Then a shivering sensation of the earth, followed by most terrible undulations or waves, causing the houses to rock to and fro and many to tall. Nothing can be com pared to IL No motion or sensation assimi lates it at all except, perhaps, the, fear that might be caused by some unknown, unearth ly,. horrible, supernatural nothing—without a cause or ibundation. Great buildings bent, and heaved, and 'cracked in a manner terri ble to witness. Chimneys tottered and fell crashing to the earth In all parts of the city. Old buildings and thoSe in process of con struction were levelled to the earth, while others were riven from "turret to founda tion-stone." Some window panes were cracked or broken, some chimneys twisted or overthrown, some cornices and firewalls ; crumbled, and considerable plaster split. Mantel ornaments and shelved crockery were thrown down and broken ail over the city. Some top-heavy articles of furniture— like corner etageres loaded with books— were thrown. Tanks and dishes containing ..water and other liquids slopped their con tents. Clocks stopped running. 'Door bells rang. Imperfectly secured doors and -win dow . blinds opened. Toll structures, like steeples and towers,were seen to sway slight ly, and the motion af the earth under the Feet was unpleasantly plain to persons out of doors and not leaning against any superstnte ture. Horses started and snorted, exhibiting every sign of fear, and in some places dash ing off furiously with their riders or attached vehicles. Dogs crouched trembling and whining, and in the suburbs fowls flew to the 'trees • uttering notes of alarm. The panic among women and children was for a lbw minutes excessive, and their cries and tears were very moving. In every case but One the fatal ca.sualities resulted from the falling of brick or plaster, cornices or firewalls upon persons passing upon the sidewalks beneath. Had the shock occurred half an hour later, when a large number of persons would have been on their way to business and labor, many more would have been killed ;Ina wounded. Fissures are opened in the earth in many parts of the city, and springs called into ex- I istence in , the streets. A street car filledl with passengers was upset. The one side of the track has been elevated at least two lest from Its original position. In some of the low made portions of the city, houses have : sunk from six inchei to five feet Into the' earth. Streets are barricaded and houses propped up in every part of the city, at least throughout the business portion of it. Prop erty has already undergone a considerable depreciation in value, and speculators have now a golden opportunity to:amass fortunes in the purchase areal estate. The shock has been fillt more or less severely narotigtwut the State, and in souue places caused considerable destruction of property—though not, as far as ascertained, much loss of life. The Court-house and some other buildings at Los Angelos are re- Lorted in ruins. The Court-house at San eandro is totally deniolished, and Deputy County Clerk, J. W. dosselyn, instantly killed, while flying from the building. The Court-house was used as a prison, and all the prisoners were buried 'neath the ruins, Some fifteen or twenty were confined in the building at the time. Haywood, on the op posite aide of the bay from San 'Francisco, sus tained considerable injury. Edmondson's wheat warehouse is completely demolished. The Washington Hotel, is a hotel no longer— a perfect wreck. Many private residences are in the same condition.- Thousands of, people .were roaming the streets, fearing to remain in their houses. The hotels are al most untenanted: Hundreds of carriages left .the city with persons seeking the open country. ; Attorney As 'far as can be ascertained but ten or -twelve persons have been killed in San Fran cisco, though many more are supposed to be buried under the ruins. About sixty persons have been more or less injured. Many of the most valuable buildings in the city arc coin ,plete wrecks, and will have to be torn down. Many are pronounced unsafe, and people are not'permitted near them. The tall chimney of the workshop of the Alanicda Railroad vibrated more than a foot from its perpen'- dicular line, but was not thrown down. The water of the bay was perfectly smooth at the time of the shock, and no perceptible disturbance of the surface took, place. Even at the edge, where the' ground is almost level and-the water constantly shallow for a considerable distance, the ripple was hardly . noticable. The shock was felt on the steam ers very distinctly, dud the engines were stopped, the officers sUpposing that some ac cident bad occurred th the machinery.. The weather_ was warns and a perfect calm reined just preceding the convulsion. Af ter the earthquakes the atmosphere became extraordinarily fine and 'clear. The first in timation of an earthquake W 2.9 a low rumb ling sound. as of rushing waters or of the wind through the tops of trees, followed im mediately by a rolling motion, as of waves at sea,aud in a moment the motion was changed to one of a circular nature, that emptied pans of milk and tubs of water almost instantane ously. Slight earthquakes have been of almost daily occurrence since .ok.t. 21. On Thurs day night at nine o'clock there was a sharp shock, lasting twelve seconds and creating considerable alarm among the people. No damage was done to property. The quake was heavy at klan Jose. An eye-witness gives the following partic ulars : - "I was sitting at breakfast with my m ifs, children and mother-in law, when the first shock occurred. My wife nervously ti,ked me, "What's that ?" I replied that it was a heavy wagon passing, but a glance showed me that no vehicle was near. I ha.d hardly spoken when the second and heavier shock came, and my wife, with the most intense fear pictured on her face, shrieked that it was an earthquake. Then came the Mita shock, and they all'shrieked in fear and mental ago- ; ny. 3ly wife cried that the wall was orm- I ing. She had seen a crack Mille Master sep- I orate for about an inch. For about a second or two, I was completely unnerved and help leis, but I then partially regained m - compo sure, and, putting my arms round , the wo men, I shouted that there was no (larger at all—let the cartluptake he had as it mi4lit, as we were in a frame house. My wile said that there was, as she thought the earth was Opening. I replied that that was , itnpossible, II as I knew we were upon geed ground and not upon one of the many swamps of.the city which had been covered over. While I was quieting and direCting their attention to heaven and its preserving care, each second shock became stronger than its predecessor, i and with each he shrieks of the women and children grew orse. These, and the fear of the dreadful pl nomenon which was upon us, actually made my flesh creep. It was such a look in my wile's fare that first un nerved me, Finally, in much less time than it has taken to tell this, the last and strong est,undulation occurred. , When the shocks ceased, all were so weak' that they could not stand, and indeed I Was weak enough myself, though it was necessary for me to show a calmness which I did not feel. We found that everybody had rushed to the streets— the place of greatest danger. My family would have hurried out of the house also had I not restrained them. There were four per suns killed, all of whom lost their lives by running out of doors. "Of all the terrible experiences which hu man nature can undergo, by far the most dreadful is an earthquake. It suggests the coming of the last day, with all the terrible convulsions of nature, which are prophesied will accompany it. In fire, storms, and whirlwinds—no matter how dreadful they may be—man can do something, and still feels his power; but in an earthquake he has, no power; he can do nelliting whatever, ex cept stand or run, petrified with' fear, feeling indeed, as if lie would actually melt with ter ror." . • . . . A crew man is a locomotive, - and life'a track. Every 'night driVeS into "the bouse,'? and stops, -Bvery_morning he is fired up anew, and away began Awitchingid in one direction and then in another_ 1n this routine of business be forgets that the phys ical organization is of the tuestdelicate kind. If a bard iron locolittrtiie' ireeds constant ,atire, and to be well oiled up, and rubbed off every day,liew much more necessary is it that all men and women should Use' Planta:- lion Bitters; which vette ne 'phis Ultra of feyerything,wltichjs anatomy . to keep the, aystem s perfect, tegii:4ll4llll.. • , ITE.A_T) ! 11,1F1A1Flo ! THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSTE L IVER PRESENTED for the consideration of the American people, II nowll,l t shall we do with It? It Is a subject that should engage the attention and ellelt profonndeonsideration of every loyal, patriotic mind. And as the consideration of the seems tosbe monopolized by the lords of creation, they el:timing to have tke sole right tet;;,?C'' ipate, tlisrease of and enjoy the fruits thereof. We would therefore, for the benefit of th,A,7 curled, present another Issue fraught with interest, and In which, as yet, the Ladies hat a ifL Th ',„: the most prothinent part, viz: The Daily and Extensive ,lssne of Dry Goods FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EDSON, Anti the proprietors shlind ready, and still continu) to issue from their mammoth meek N '44 ,N strobie goods, the choicest pot tem..; nt the pubil the most enticing bargatun ever before 01E , Thi to e. We court the patronw of the public, and the competition or the frntrruity, for' Co 11., TI F 40 4Gr- Z 1 - !: sp, Still Me, and sell goods at 'agog that allow the public to live atm. LADLES. IF rot EDSON, CHURCHILL & CO.'s • And examine their line of ikfi; Jrl:Sl,t Poplins, French Ottoman, Empress Cloths, kLPACA POPLINS, FRENCH AND ENGLISH MERINOS, SCOTCH PLAID WATEIL•PROOF PLAIDS, "MANDARIN PLAIDS, ALPACAS IN ALL Claoh, Corded Alpacas. Camlet Cloths, Mandarin Lustre, Chen° Mohair,. lh Star Nri01:111,, Intli h .sergc.ote I-1 A_ Paisley, Brotian, Grand Duchess, Winter queen, Louise, E L E C 'l' 0 II A. L , E 3 C E I, ti I 0 It F 4 13 _.7ki Of ,very enlor and quality. Sixty rleoe, Union Flannel, to retail at it; tierth, 3B ILA Ifu Sloph, Very ('heap and Very' Good. - V - Ntii ij 11 Ur]'lUl,. Ifriiera - , Ribbon, Fringe, Heading, Iduttniql:Huinin.g. Linen ‘'utr. and Collar.,, rren,d, Len 1.. • Carpets.---Just opened, a Fine Assortment, AL.,1.43.1 41._) R. AI Of every ‘ariety awl ktyle, at exot edingl3 - low flame... and 4, Ti'or Lea .and ,Wear. I..rx (-Mire new llue ofForelgn and Domestic (intim We liave facilities for purehming tiuitu that renders us a tlPeldea ads :,111.2ge over .our competitors: ill kinds of Domestic ifoods will be issued for Cash from tfiis F.Mablishmetd. BLEACHED AND. BROWN 3.11.3TAL1N11, 1.4-4, !1-4, a-I, 4-4 awl P.-4, at the 1,41 , ..., 1 mark.; Look out for Day 'k Horton's Lined Clasped Skirt. We have the exclusive right to sell this skirt In this city. No lady that hai e‘er ti,ed t4i, ek:r %rill hesitate to prononnee it the most elegant In shape, the most durable, and in all respwt, the most desirable skirt ever Introduced Into the markt t. e thy , TnEtet-- No. 3 Noble Block, Next door to the Post Office. WOMAN. owing to the peculiar and Impor• taut relations which they sustain, their pe culiar organization, and the offices they per form, are subject to many sufferings. Freedom from these contribute In no small degree to their happiness and welfare, for none can be happy wno are 111. Not only so, but no one of these various female complaints tam-long be suffer, I to run on without involving the gener al health of the individual, and ere long produ cing permanent sickness and premature de cline. Nor is It pleasant to consult a physician for the relict of these various delicate affections and.ouly upou the most urgent necessity will a true woman so far sacrifice her greatest charm as to do this. The sex will then thank us for placing in their. hands simple specifies whielt will be found etileacions In reliQvlng and curing almost every one of those troublesome com plaints peculiar to the sex. EXTRACT IR - cur.—Hundreds stiffer on in silence, and hundreds of others sip s ply vainly to druggists and doctors, who either merely tantalize titem with the hope of a cure or apply remedies which make them worse. I would not wish to assert anything that would do injustice to the idnieted, but I an obliged to say that although it may be prodneed from ex cessive exhaustion of the powers of life,;by la borious employment, unwholesome air and food, profuse menstruation, the use of tea and coffee, and frequent childbirth, it is far oftener caused by direct irritation, applied to the mu cons membrane of the vagina itself. When reviewing the causes of these distress ing complaints, it Is most painful to contem plate- the attendant evils consequent upon them. It Is but simple justice to the subject to enumerate a few of the litany additional causes which so largely affect the life, health and hap piness of woman in all classes of 'society, and which, consequently, affect more or less direct ly, the , welfare of the ent ire human family. The mania that exists for precocious education and marriage, causes the years that nature desiginsl for corporeal development to be wasn't! and perverted in the restraints of dress, tile early eonflnement of school, and especially in the un healthy excitement of Abe hall-room. Thus, with the body half-clothed, and the mind un duly excited by pleasure, perverting in mid night revel the limns designed by nature for Sleep and test, the work of destruction is hall accomplished, In consequence of this early strain upon her system, unnecessmy kffort Isl.•quipii lay the delicate votary to retain her situation in school at a later any, thus aggravating the ev ii. Whim one excitement is.over, another in pt ospective keeps the nand morbidly sensitive 'to Impres shin, while the now constant restraint of lash hmble dress, absolutely forbidding the exer cise.inillspensahle to the all intlieliti runt reten tion of organic health and strength; the-expo sure to night air; the sudden change or Um) per attire; the complete prostration produced by excessive danein7.. must of necessity produce their legitimate effect, last, an early mar riage caps the climax of inbsery, and the unfor tunate one, hitherto so utterly n egardltiss of the plain dictates and rout. inst ranecsof herdelicate nature, become; an unwilling mibieet of medi cal treatment. This Is hot a truthfal picture 01 xperienee 02' thousands of our 2. onng wo men. Long before the nbillty to e%orekr• the fune tlons or the genera!, ve orizatP, they toinire all eduedtion of their pecultar - nen Otis system, composed of what is vaned the us.me, which is, in common Ns Ith the female breast and Ilps, ev /acidly undir the control of mental emotions and a...wait:ow, at an caro , period of life; and, :s ste shall Nuhsomently see. these emotions, when excessive, lend, long before puberty, to habits which the very life of their ileums ere nattlre has s.if-completed their develop mon% For Female Weakness and Debility, IN - bites or Leueorrinmt;Too Pront,e Menstruation, Ex hamd lon, Too Long tent Dined Period,. Prolap- MIS and Bearing Down, or Prolapsus Uteri, we otter the must perfect speetle known: lielinhohn, Compound Ex t rant of Buchu. Directions for use, diet and advice, accompany. Females In every period ot. We, from infancy to extreme-old age, will find II a remedy to tad nature id the discharge of its functions. Strengthis the glory of manhood and woman hood. Heimitold's Extract Bodin is more strengthening titan any or the preparations of Mark or Iron, infinitely safer, and mom pleas ant. lielmbold's Extract Duchu, h (sing re ceived the Indonement of the most prominent physicians in the United States, is now offered to afflicted humanity as a certain cure for the following diseases and sy pt runs, front whatever cause originating: General Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Imbecility, Determination of Blood to the Head, Confused Ideas, Hysteria, General Irritability, Restlessness and Sleeple,,- !MSS at Night, Absence of Muscular Efflciency, Toss of Appetite, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganivatlon or Paralysis of the Or gans of General ion, Palpitation of the Heart, and, in fact, alt the concomitants of a Nervous and Beklntutotl state of the system. To insure the genuine, cut this out. Ask for Helminthrs. Take no other. Stub] by Druggists and Dealers erverywhem Price Shin per bottle, or six bot tles for tl.rk. Delivered to any address. De scribe symptoms In all communications. Ad dress If. T.l.Leimbold'N. Y. Deng atuiChemical ware house, MI Broadway, N Nune are gentilue unless done up in steel-en graved 'wrapper, with fac.simlie of my Chemi cal Warehouse, and signed nov7s-it li. T. TIELMBOI.To. STI A 32 ED FROM the premises of the subscriber, in Sum mit tp., nmiles from the city, about four weeks ago, - three Spring Bull Calves, two of them a dark red and darker about the head, the other spotted, red and white. Any information concerning them left at this °tamer V. Shut tz.'s, South Brie willbe liberally rewarded. notissne . - .. , 3011 X HAIM JOB PRINT/NG of every kind, In Largo or small quantities, plain or colored, done In the best style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer mike YOB PRINTING' Of every kind, in ltirge or tti small quantities, plain or colored, done in the best style, and - lit moderate 'prices; at the Obsorver (Mims. • LANKtill MANI:BI—A complete REPIOrt. .1.) meat of every kind of Menke needed by :Attorneys. Justices. Constables and Busines s Se% for salankttut Observer Moe. CHURCHIL-L co,, WANT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOoDS, CALL, ,1T ~V L. .E: IL; S :%k" Edson, Churchill & Co., An Independent Daily N. .paper, and general • ern ing all the Neu, in a freNli, read• able, attraetn e manner, e.,ml. n..•d OW busine , s man eon find !nue to read tla• wliate, Charle , A. Dana, 1:.11na. and Manager. Prier a year, ;1,50 for thrr.• month, THE WEEKLY } SUN. Prepared M ith gnat care eenntry 4ul,serl• bet h. Poll( feat new, thoroughly condete.ed. Farmer.' Club lolly reported. Markets aura , . rarely given. hurt hultural and Agricultural Department edtt, Fuller. (.rat Variety o'.interestlng mists Malcom. Ti rnahltitz It, a thstsrate tiESERIL I'AMII.I NEWSPAPER. Those who wit for a (hut mighty reliable paper fir the p tiding most In: nortant Presidential (mapalan. a ill hind THE WEI:ELY NUN exactly ti 11A they 11,01. PrIN. SI n year: 20 copies to one aaare-n, sr; lie pre to one address, t. 7 ,"T7,50; I.} copies Id one whin,. Same size and t haracter t g. the we t ly, but fun baling twice a , much reading matter. and giving the new. with greater tre,line... Groat pains will itho be taken in making up the polit teal news ni the due fir thp. papir, that the reader, whatever be lu, p , dith>, trill and the SEMI-WEEKLY SUN to be MI le‘esnae comprehensive compendium of political Infor m:awn. In fact, ne 1114'..L11 that this .Mall he thelno , g valuable campaign paper in the truan try. Price, h 2 a year; to value:, to one wain( Sli; t2O eopie, to tunecopies to one atldre-.s, alway, in Jul !leo. ' .lt are a ., ••••t'N w City. Desirable Brewery for Sale. rinlE FN /EitslGN ED, being ohllgid by sick jg, gait bll•Illet.S. 0111.1 , for S.kle large Ulna t eri ilesirabl , Lager Beer Brewery, at I lrie, Penn'a. It is Merited On the aide of a hill Just outt.ale the city limits, and hail the ad vantage of a pure gravelly soil, with abundant Cellar nxuu. The works run by steam, and the machine ry :ill of the ,hest kind. There are tier arch, Anita, a rapacious malt e• liar and kiln, and a hplendid fermenting cellar, with plenty of storeage for Barley. Malt and llorK A good Malt mill Is attached. The cube tit, In the best order throughout, and is admittedly one of the finest establishments in the Unite , : States. The Brewery has a capacity of ten tho , :• sand barrels yearly. Connected with it are neree of super lorland, tinder excellent calms. thin, containing:VW Urape vines, and 11Cichaier Annie, Pear, Pluto, Cherry and Orn.iment ,l ttet , ;. The residence is in tho stunt building with the Brewery, fronting on the main ,n,ad. and atrords a magnificent view of tile city, lake and surrounding country. For further fin ulcers call upon or whin - 4s CHARLES Kitlif.F.R. Erl , !mo. 7111;1-,111 WM. NICK & SONS, Cor. 701 and State St , .. I) Td A. L PAINTS, COLORS, LINSEED 0I14; SPIRITS' TERPE,NTINE. .Irti,t, Paint and whife wash Brusia:, White Lead, Zinc, Paints. Agents for the Ai erill Chemical Paint Comp'Y. not ,ERIE, PA: If in want of a good and Pure ARTICLI: OF WHISKEY, - E. P. MIDDLETON'S Genuine old Wheat Whiskey 110Vo-361 ALE BREWERY! Gr - Eb: L. 13-4.1"( Formerly with Onthout t Baker Ili , cli• •dcr. having taken the well known Brewery on Frens,ll :Street, below Fourth, Erie, Faq Formerly iiecupfeil by Wm. Jacobkwonlil form his old * aerie:it n tancie and tho public geit• rally that lie is now brewing; a very eared' s ' . quality of _tie. From his long experience ant uniform success, he Is fully prepared to ill" t h ' best of satisfaction. Dealeniare invited to call. Iy9-ly CEO. I. IS.I6EK Book Agents RE MEETING with rare sneees4 in wiling Sir S. W. Baker's Explorations and Ad ventures :inning the Nilo Trloutdries of "' 3 ' . slid.% to which Is now added an account for the Captivity and Release of English Subject., and the career of the late Em for Theodore. No pe book is received among all classes of PeoPle with such unbounded favor, or so fully cob" blocs thrilling interest with a )lld instruction. ,Agents, male and female, sell it rapidly. IPAn admirable record et scientific e:tiner 2 * Gott, geographical discovery, and persoual ad venture."—ii. Y. Tribune.t • ' It Is gshed fn a very attractive' fMni, atu as entertaining as a romance --Boston Js.Os2f•- '.rieLl. Full particulars on application to O. P. C o z a f• 6:: CO., Publishers, Hartford, Conn.- BLANKS!— bl compl Blnntn gi en. elt sli M fbr We at the Obsery er aes,and r Mil r ,rj I s . The New York Sun. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SUN Is the kind to g rt. For sale only a WM. NICK' 70'2 state t..rtvt. MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers