fEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PENN'A, JULY 23, IS6S Observer for . the Campaign. flic Observer will be furnished to MU , . ': 'ub.cribers from this date, until the of the presidential canvass, at the fol a: low rates mOntlo, copies. six months. plcs; : six months, and au. addi tiou py tor the oue up tlu , - - 00 LI • ICC month: - - • .$0 vs , 0, three months, - - • :150 three months, - • - .1.00 ~I!,:criptions may commence at any date :Tun this and election, and will be discontinued when the time has ex -I,:vd feba-tf. fifty cents for Three Mouths. l a order to areommodate Clubs and sub „lle, who u i-h to receive the paper for a .tied period, we have concluded to take month:: subscriptions from now until s o vember election. The price of sub ,;ntien will .14e fifty rents for the three ; t h., and the r aper will be prdmptly coos as the time expires. At ,ac rate, it ought to be an easy matter I,,air of ourtwenty-five hundred sub rt.. to 4ecure at least one or two addi oaincs, and we hope to be able to of a lit of five thousand before the jyl6-If. IRE TgE Warren Leilger says Hon. W. P. ~•;;;, of Jefferson county, declines, "for reasons," to be considered a Demo -,..c candidate for Congress in this district, that influential journal suggests the of Judge Brown, of Warren, as the ; ..s , available nominee the party could se : It says "he is Well known throughout district iL an able lawyer and a gentle- Al thougk not au extremist in'expres • •;. vet he has a lively knowledge of the in- Congress has perpetrated on the and if he should be elected, he woull upst in righting the great wrongs that been committed." We can . heartily every word that may be said JudgC's favor, and if he should be a. the standard-bearer of our forces Congressional contest, promise to him - efficient support. j;rt. DF-KILTEIt ACT USCQNSTITUTION 0.. • ' 4 llprne Court of Pennsylvania has an opinion unnitiewasly declaring ~, r teract, which has been a source of h annoyaoce to election officers, to be ,it-titutioutd. The Court say that an • L t tgislature cannot disfranchise a unajr the Constitution, who hag not tried and convicted of desertion, and nit. refusal to receive the vote of one tiled to report, was illegal: nuts , the infrnal contrivance , of the al-, 1,. re \ eat a free balltit, are brushed IV 11 , 4i•try and IV's - crier laws were main reliince of the Radicals fur carry • iknnsvhani... Those gone, all their are tied The Supreme Court could have , ecn the elaborate articles which Gazette published in favor of the con,ti ii Any of the law, or their decision -iil,urcly have been different. Naturalization. ;1, , • benefit of those who wish to pro .laturalization papers previous to the ,s, we publish the list of Courts that 11.1 d between this date and Noveni- arzwlleoCcourt, last lily ono or two (lay:. • 24, regular term of Qq.irt,r Sea I i,1111:4 tWo week , .. September '2•;tit, regular term of ninion'i'lea:, lasting two week:. - huie, rift apply for it:Mir:LEL ttion any either of theAv Courtr are in ses e A special term of Coart for natitrali .lon purpo , es, will prohablv be hell, as d, :I.Weelt or two ',rel. i.MF. to the State td-r. in petober, and the Presidential in ,veznhel. We shall endeavor to keep our pe ., ted in regard to any other session coact which may 1, held, and in the .•-onime suggest that those entitled to nal :,ll7atiou make their arrangements for ap- Nn; at the earliest convenient date. I mt. Di-patch characterizes as `•small bus ,' the exposition we save last week of !- .double-dealing in the matter •',e increased salary to Congressmen, and, 'h an innocent air that is really-refreshing, 'l. that "it will be time enough to credit a ridiculous story as .that, when the --f should be adduced." We presume it t not be denied by our cotempoary that % `c6iield did write a letter just on the eve elution, in 1866, saying he had nut a the extra pay, and "intended to leave impreision that he would not take it:' tpi•tle k too frebli in the minds of the c to admit of dispute, and the Dispatch 14Voi: more effrontery than we believe it - if it undertakes to deny its exist- Our statement that Mr. Scofield after :-sergted of the increased salary, not . lidanding the statements of this letter, -- lased on authority which ought to be ? with the Dispatch, whatever others a dent it, being no less than a Radical zpondent of that most intensely and - , ,t , •ntly Radical journal, the Erie (Liz ' No one, we presume, 'will suppose tt.e !suer paper would have printed the if it had not been written by a respon zerilleman in full party standing, and -:ace no doubt that the editor of the z'tt. it ill freely - furnish his name in case • • , :mired to settle a question of veracity. more satisfactory way would be fur ..,1;tor of the Dispatch to write direct to I'r=a-ury department at Washington. sent that this be done at once, and nliwer published as conspicuously as the in which Mr. Scofield's conduct is ,;.t to be palliated. ' a ty be "small business" to expose these tricks on the part of one whoso post - ,ads us to expect a high sense of honor Outracter, but the people trill be apt to tin snother light. We charge Scofield haviue written his letter in 186 d, for q.tetts object of deceiving the voters of It•dri'et. Re meant to take the extra pay time, and did take it as soon as be had :red all election by means which no other a a (mailing and unscrupulous trickster magogm coabl resort to. The editor Dispatch, by attempting to pervert the in the case, and shield his patron, favor : party candidate from deserved cm ': cringed in an emphatically "small which, will as certainly rebound Lill. as night follows day. hue Ratification Meeting in Corry. CORRY, *Tilly 18th, 1363. - • -ref the 04. , errer—Iltar Sir:—The De of Corry and vicinity held a ratid meeting on Friday evening, near the llouse, 31. Crosby, Esq., President • Corry Pamocratic Club, taking the 31r. Crosby announced the object of tine in a few very appropriate and rA"Aiuent remarks, and then introduced '• A. B. MeCalinont, of Franklin, who about one hour and a half, delivering ILL beSt speeches it has been our priv : to litten to in many years, during - - 1 1 , Le was frequently applauded by an e audlence of .at least 2,060 people. IV. Gunnison, Esq., of your city, was ; *".• 1 iturrxluced, and closed the spe.tking of telling rind effective address, at the Which three hearty cheers were the speakers, and three .more for :Sey - lual Blair. The meeting was a sue wits a precursor to that glorious vie nLi h awaits us in November next. ' Yours truly, OccAstox.u.. U village In the suburbs of :1::1111e, hes been made a borough. The -L,tion was June 30.—D/spate/I. •L Dispatch forgets to state-,—uninten ., no doubt—that this "first election" :41 la a clean Democratic sweep of the 1 . 1 g 3 a officers. flip -hip-hurrah, for the 'l/.1;1% borough of Vallouia. A Novel ColterVion. Gen. 11. ('sever, the admitted originator of a railroad across the Continent, aud famil iarly known as the "father of the Pacific R. ," has written a letter i i v hick lie makes some novel as well as important suggestions in connection with that gicat thoroughfare. The General visited' our dike lately, and gave its his views more at length, by which we are convinced that if his Health and life are (Tared he will yet accomplish all he piomises. Although eighty years of age, with a head white as snow, his faculties re main unimpaired, and of all the men we ever met he is one of the most agiceAdeti:on versationalists. In the letter to which we first referred, he says : "I mean to go right on, propose and estab lish, if •I live, as nearly as possible, an air line route Between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans (on the surface of which float nine tenths of all the commerce of the world) for a railroad, with a track eight or ten feet wide. The passenger cars on this road will be travelling hotels, whereas Pullman's cars are ori# substitutes, and I first described them in iny pamphlet written and published at Washington twenty-one years ago last January. These passenger cars will be large and splendid, accommodating from three to four and even five hundred passengers with all the comforts of any hotel in this or any other country. I will say to the public, - call this Utopian, vain, visionary, if you please. My first plan of. the present Pacific Railroad was called so and laughed at for four or five years after I had begun to recommend it, write articles for it, and in all ways to labor hard in its favor. Further, I mean, if alive, when the road is completed and all things in order, to travel from the city of San Fran cisco to the city of New York in forty-eight hours. We have got a model car in New Jersey built of cedar, with 'each wheel run ning by itself like a wheelbarrow, and a small engine about the size of a barrel in the bow of the car, and have run it at the rate of over two miles a MIMI:C. 'Nvith perfect safe ty and ease." - SI.(NI -, 00 THE Corry Telegraph acknowledges Gov. Seymour "to be one Of the most perfect gen tlemen -of the day, an able statesman, and next to Chase the strongest man the Democ racy could have nominated," but fairly boils over with wrath at the thought of. General Blair's nomination. The ticket, it says, is— " Weakened by the fact of putting on for Vice President such a mean, mi,erable, know nothing cuss as Frank Blair. The party has stultified if not killed itself by ac cepting such miserable white trash as he for the second office in the country. Ills letter shows him to be a fool ; his political record shows him to he an ass, and his egotism is enough to kill any man's prospects in a de cent community.'' Whew ! Won't his friends hold our taniablq cotemporary until he cools, and prevent hint from doing something desperate ? Who would suppose that this "miserable, know-nothing cuss" was'onee the favorite of the Radicals throughout the country, was elected to Con gre,s by them and an admitted leader of their party, did more to save Missouri 'to the Union (lien any oilier m.tn, and was one of the brv , t, lAA and mos* stieee , Slui gene rids of the war While he acted with the Radical, he was a•hero, a statesman and a patriot ; now, that he has deserted them, lie is a "miserable, know-nothing cuss," "fool" and -"ass:" '"A very great difference,—Mr. Snooks,---a very great difference whether your cf gores my bull or my bull gores your OE TIIE number of mosquitoes in the bay and in the 10 21 ity o f the babe surpasses all pre 'dens experience. The delightful breezes in the ev.eningS would render sailing parties trebly numerous were it not for the pertina cious attentions of these insolent little in sects. They swarm about in perfect clouds, making the air distressingly musical with their peculiar songs, lighting on every part of the body, and, even - piercing the thickest clothing. A few friends of ours visited the Peninsula last wick, thinkingtto find on its shores relief from the dust and heat of-the city. One of them stripped for a bath, but was at once attacked by the mosquitoes with such vigor that he was, compelled to resume his toilet with more baste titan_ is compatible with strict propriety. The others took a short walk, and happening to step into the bushes, created a commotion that wilt live in their memories tbr years. The disturbed and indignant insects flew ithout in millions, making a sound that resembled the roar of Niagara at a distance, and attacked the inva tiers with it solidity and. perseveranc3 that would have 'paralyzed the bravest heart. It did not require many minutes to induce them , to leave such inhospitable shores, and as the boat flew towntds the dock as rapidlyas two oars could drive it, the mutterings of the oc cupants, united to their desperate efforts to keep off the bold pursuers, made up a life incident wldch we would rather describe than participate in. Tim Republican has worked itself into a tremendous fit of anger because some of the. delegates to the County Convention, last week, desired to return to the-old system of making nominations. It calls their argu ments "specious, illogical and ill-timed:" declares that the attempt was "in opposition to the wishes of- the people ;", and lifts up its hands in horror over "the old and miscrably corrupt system of delegate electic>ns"by which its friends secured, what share of political favors has fallen to them. Under that =Alt od, it says, "fittecn or twenty, or perhaps thirty party hacks or trimmets-M, would meet at a district school house, or corner grocery, and there determine the whole mat ter fora ward or township of front two to five hundred voters." If this picture is a true one of the inside workings of the party, we are not amazed that it should have be come a stench iu the nostrils of the people, and the only surprise is that its wickedness was noCtliseovered long ago. The Republi can calls upon its followers not to allow the new system "to be wrenched from them with such indecent haste, and by such unfair and extraordinary means ;" and call its enemies "a few disappointed aspirantssr their friends" who were "left out in liar cold ;"—"schcraers who desire to ride into power." Verily, the Christian unity which prevails in pie Radi cal ranks of our county is a w onderful thing to look upon'. TILE following is the resolution voted for in COIILM::s by Mr. Scofield, to which we referred last week. It will be perceived that it proposes to "repudiate" one-tenth of the interest which the Government agreed tp pay its creditors. The Democratic plan, which the Radical journals and speakers de nounce so bitterly, is to pay off all the debt in greenbacks and stop the interest, while Scofield deliberately N=otes to withhold a tenth of, the interest, which amounts to a virtual repudiation of the same proportion of the debt. After -this, let us hear no more from hiS supporters about ''repudiation " "RtNolecd, That the Committee of Ways and Means be and are hereby instructed to report without unnecessary delay a bill levy ing a tax of at least ten per cent. on the in terest of the bonds of the United Stat cs, to be assessed and collected annually by the Sec retary of the Treasury and such of his sub ordinates as may be charged with the duty of paying interest on the bonded indelk2d ness of the United States." Tun Dispatch admits that the BurLau of En gineers "have all along favored appropria tions to o.lr liat:bor," but thifilss "that fact does Ir.: detract from the ill' )rts made in rlat 441 r, etiou by oar rvprcs , -attalvo." In other word , , thc .cottla mcloubm,ily in.vc Bern un the re, om:mahlation of the Dare ot,..het r ticuticltf k still to have the exclutske cre.lit of iccuriag them, and be returned ,to Congress for an unlimited period in consequence. The Dispatch's logic is un answerable. TO THE PEOPLE OF ERIE AND VICINITY.— Having concluded to retire front business by the first of October, we will sell our stock of dry goods al much less than value. We must close the s,tock out, regardless of cost. This is . a favorable opportunity to purchase fall and winter dry goods cheap. G. B. Merrill & co., No. 6 need Home, Eric. jylC•tf. LOCAL BREVITIES. IME TnE well known actor autrthatuatie read er, Evelyn Evan , , beconte a Methodist preacher. THE F 1 1c : - " tltyt prop.; ty e sold AuguA :Ali, 11 ill no doubt attract the lt , ntion ofilto,e who ;ire looking k,r choice n.iness locations• ft iq not often that stick ropci is o 111•1.41 at atolion. 11 Ith Itic li.i lie tl tiptqt the of on , more firominent men& r of their party. quo k, 1.. linapp, the detected Wayne tombhip thief, was a "It ooly toil" man, and a warm admirer of Grant. Tim Dispatch iuge John H. Walker, Esq., for U. S. Senator, in place of Mr Buck alew, who-ie term s. expires on- the 4th of March neVt. lie stands di much chance of getting the place, ag a man would to reach the- FUJI in a lialloon. • ca t i t - f ropti,ti of St. l'atint . church will hold t Pic-nic in Cochran's grove, on Thursday, July ',loth Extensive prepara- thins are being - made, and it is expected to be: one of the hira - e , t and pleasatitest of the EMEMI TuF.-firMof G. B. 3lerrill & Co. will retire front bu , iness by the first of October, and are closing out their stock at reduced prices. Country dealers and others will consult their interests . by gividg them a call, as they are selling low. lhalear Di ,triet conf,rence, at Eid2,-1 way, on Tuesday, re-nominated (legiii W. Seolield, by a unanimous vote, as the candi date for Congre,,. A ba: , ,is of repre.entation in future conferences -*as adopted, which gives Eric six and the other counties three votes each. 'THE Dispatch h:.,3 "kithur catpluynicat" than to inform the public. whether Gov. Gearv's speech was correctly reported. We trust it,is not the same hind of "onploy ment" in which it was engng,ed while doctor ing the Governor's remarks so as to gratify its petty spite and make hint appear ridicu lous. At:our eight o'clock thia ing :t German sailor who came up from Buf falo on Wednesday, with a number of others, to ship on a vessel lying at the foot of_State street, fell down a pair of stairs leading to a boat-house and broke his neck, death en suing in. , ;,iantly. lie was in liquor at the time. I:vEny Democritt should hend his utmost ener , zies towards accnring the circulation of sound hater, tbrthe next three monthz% There are few members of the party, howev er bumble, who inav not in this way, render them.elvcs ellie4nt laborer. in the cam,e. Let every'to . wp , hip, borough and ard Phil) make this one of the lirst stun; I. d- the prgrc., ”f" this WHILE commending the . ent,:rpri.w and ta , te of thn,e who are enli,tcd is 11.11in,r fountains plaeLd in the Parb.s, at an exp,n,e (If proled fifteen hundred or two thou-and (foliar., we ,utg.v,e,t whether it would not be A - ells to get safely through with the costly hn provements nlrcady conunenCed, belbre un- dertalng new ones for n - wre ornanient. IVith our h^:rry debt :Ind taxation, it would seem as if there ought to be a stop put to expenditures that arc not nt,,,,,t0t,b. "recerns IT—for a year or two at least. A N exchanie publishes the following 4m pie method of keeping ice water fOr a long time. We do not know how elrectis,e it may be, but it is cheap enough to merit a trial: "Place between two sheets of paper, (news paper will answer, thick brown is better,) a layer of cotton lmtting, about half an inch in thidkuess, fasten the ends of paper and-bat ting together, forming a circle, then sew- or paste a crown over one end, making A box the shape of a stove pipe hat, minus the rim. Place this over an ordinary pitcher finial with ice water, making it sleep enough to rest on the table, so as to exclude the air, and the reader will be surprised at the length of time his ice will keep and the water remain cold atter the ice is melted." LE - rrEtt to the editor front one of the most prominent gentlemen in Warren says : "The DeMaeraty in this region feel bound to win, are in c'xcellent spirits, and full of determinntion—fltr more so than I have ever known them. We are about building a wig 'want for campaign pttrposes." - Let the Dem ocrats of : Eric city take pattern from their brethren plsewhere, throw aside their doubts and fears; and prepare to tatack the enemy with that vigor which alone can give es suc cess. The encouraging tidings we receive from every put of the county assure us that nothing but :our own supinene., will prevent the anno( ttic party from redaeing the Radical majority several hundred in Oc tober. ' THE article seized Ly the porce at the oust of C. L. Knapp, hi Beaver Dam, were placed on exhibition for identification in a store room in NOble - Block 1,v4 week, and attracted . probably not 1e,.5 than two thou sand vi,itors, - . They forced about as curious a collection as Barnum s, embracing every thing that was ever seen or imagined, from rich dresses and under-clothing to the most tritlirq-article of domestic 11 , e or ornament. KnaPp' had a pe,,ohdal for taking all he could lay hi , hand; upon, and the surprising point is how he could have kept up his thieving operatioui so long and soils a varied ex- tut without its becoming .notorious in the e(mununity wheie he livcd. He and liiS wife are in jail awaiting trial, and e•miplain sorely of the way in which their reputatitin haq been damaged by the pnlicp. - Tuc Ob'erver alleges that our ioresenta tire voted fur the bill proponine to with hold a tax of teu per cent.Trom the interest on the Governmeni bonds, which passed the House a week or more ago. This may be so, and it may mt. Our attention was not Spec ially directed in, that way. But we think our neighbor is mistaken. Whether mista ken or not, however, we are not in f tv.n. of any such taxation.—Di•;'-uhch. The Dispatch could readily have a,cer tained whether we were "mistaken" or not by consulting its files of New York or Wash ington papers. Why did it not do so, and avoid an appearance , of ignorance that is in excusable in a journal occupying its posi tion ? Was it for fear that the truth was ex actly as we had stated ? Whether willing or not, we intend that. it 3 "attention" shall be more "specially directed in that way here. , • after. • , THE Girard Crisis publishet a resolution which, it says, was adopted by the Soldiers' and'Sailors' Convention, that must have been overlooked by us in reading the proceedings of that patriotic mid intruential body. The foliewin,g is a copy: • " v,l re , That the thanks of ,the Soldiers and Sailors of the United States are due to Col. Dan Rice, of Pennsylvania,. for the many valuable service: he has rendered the Widows and Orphans of our fallen com rades." The Crisis gravely adds: "After the highly complim'entary resolu tion of thanks, voted Col. Rice by the de fenders of their country, he peremptorily re: flsed to permit his name •to go before the National Convention as a candidate for President, saying that he had ;how received all the hopor he was desirous of Obtaining.'" WE publish the following for the special benefit of Mr. Scofield, who was the nal instrument in having Gen. Moran turned out of his seat in Congress, that his Rulieal friend Delano might have a clans to pocket *lO,OOO of the people's money. It conics in the form of a telegram from Zanesville, Ohio, dated July 10th: "The workingmen's meeting held here to night, got up under the auspices of the Radi cals, resulted in a complete triumph for Gen. Morgan, the Democratic nominee for Con gress. The resolutions passed favor Morgan for Congress, Seymour for President and Blair for Vice President. The meeting was large and enthusiastic, an r - the resolutions took the Radicals by surpri:.e. The last one directed the Speaker, Rev. 3lr. Hamilton, a Radical, to inform the'people of the Thir teenth district that Morgan's majority would be three thousand. Seymour, Blair and Morgan is tho'watchwortV In rvcry Well !unpaged household the question is how to reduce expenditures, and the result is very general complaints from the retail trade. This process of con tracting expenses must go on still further, until consumption is snore evenly regulated by production ; and then we may expect a healthier condition of trade. A year or two may ensue before business affairs assume flajr re , :mlar channel 4 Hard :is the times Ste at pi c•ent, we anticipate a still more cm hatrassing condition of things before the country returns to its normal condition. It Is hooves all to conduct their affairs with the strictest caution, to economize at every point, and 'to carefully provide for the worst that may Cgllle. TUE Radical papers of this section all set up a great howl over what they style the "repudiation" ideas of the Democracy. They filrget to tell their readers that, according to their theory, the two highest officers elected by their party in this district are "miutia tiouhds." Mr. Scofield, their member of Con gress, whom every man who bellows himself lioarSe On this subject will support in Octo ber, I voted . for a , resolution, to withhold ten per cent. of the interest on Government bonds; and Mr. Lowry, their State Sen ator, is nn openly avowed and enthusiastic advocate of Pendleton's plan of paying the bonds in. greenbacks. A 'little consistency, gentlernen,---just for variety's sake. TuE Radical papers of our city, taking their cue front the larger organs of the party, arc ~ triving hard to create the impression that, the nomtnat*ts of the New York Con vention arc not well received by the Demo cratic masses. The solicitude they display on this point clearly shows that with a united Democratic party they have no hopes of sue ecsq. We - tried they will be able to make their suppoi ti•rs believe that` everything is just is they tell them. When our enemies' leaders commence the campaign by impress ing their furcus with an overweening confi dence that n ill be sure to relax their energies, their defeat may be confidently predicted. Dkpatelt «litorial force at present consists of Mr. Samuel Pcrley tformerly of the C:hronicle) as political, Mr. William Reed as lob al and Mr. Samuel Woods as night edi tors.; Under Mr. Lynn five editors were em ployed, in addition to his own services. The red - uMion of the force lessens the expense for editMitil services more than one-half. The present managers have started out with the determination to identify themselves fully with the Radical organizatiort, and will sup port all its nominees. We certainly prefer ti l t, to the false colors of "independence" un der which it sailed before. . • STimit:s r.soN, Esq., of llighspire,Dau phin county, one of the ablest Democrats in Pennsylvania, has written tr pamphlet for campaign use, which bids fair to become widely known and read. It takes up the question or disunion from its prig in, shows that its real authors wet e the Abolitionists of 'New England, and conclusively fastens the responsibility of the late war upon the agita totsitf the North. We wish that a copy of this admirable document could be placed in the bands of every t ooter in America. The priceds :?•:2.:10 per hundred copies, or $2O per thou and. - A'srtttsc near the Keystone Pail and Tub Factory, on Twelfth street, is attracting con siderjable attention for its reported medicinal properties. • The water is strongly impreg nated with minerals, and is claimed to have done won leri in testoying %lose to health who have tried its virtues. It half be true that is alleged of, it, our citizens will no longer be required to expend large sums of money for the privilege of drinking nauseat ing water at the lashhinafile resorts of the East. Tut: %Oath of Monday prates of "liar moriy in the Radical ranks ;" and, in an ad joining column,lampoons Senators Trumbull and Henderson for, opposing Edmund's bill "excluding the electoral votes of such South ern States as have not been reorgunized"—ac ,cusing them of "rivaling Garret Davis in de nunCiation of the bill ;" then, with Senator Edmund's, sneering at Trumbull for getting a complimentary notice in the I:cational Idielh gencer. ll:irmony forsooth ! Do you call this harmony, neighbor? THE tint volunteer military company we have heard of since the war, was organized in Corry last week, with F. IL Allen as Cap tain.: Years ago, every town of a , few hun cl•cd inhabitants had its military company, and sometimes two, but the Mexican war caused a thinning out of the number. The re bellion led,to the disbanding of nearly all in the Country, and since then military parades, except by the regular Service; have been few and rar between. Tnu Dbpatch -is mistakeh. We are not "hard to Please." 'We simply wish to know. if Gov. CfCary's address ac published in that paper is the same one he delivered, and if not Why a correct report was refused him? Our neighbor will not only "please" us, but many of its own followers,Awho cannot be lieve that a great statesman like Gov. Geary would make such a bungling speech as the Dispatch seek to father him with,] by giving an explicit answer. A rnivayn letter to the editor, from one of the most -reliable gentlemen in Eastern Pennsylvania, says : "The Democrats in this region are sanguine of success. Grant and Colfax will be the worst whipped pair who have ever started on the Presidential course. Top will think me over enthusiastic, but you know me well enough to know that my cal culation; on politic; have seldom been wrong." THE 3Diad.Ville, Republican says Conneaut Marsh, in tiett county, is One vact bed-of peat, thirteen miles long, half a mile wide, and frotti live to twenty feet deep. The peat makes-a bright, clear fire, emits an intense heat mid very little smoke, and burns ak long as the same -weight of soft coal. The Re publican advocates its use for the general purposes to which coal is applied in this sec tion. • TF. Lake Shore Sominary building at North East is to be three stories high, with a French roof,and one hundred and fifty feet long by an average width of fifty feet.- The grading of the grounds has been completed, and the managers are endeavoring to push for ward the erection of the building as fast as possible. 3ln. R. W. Boom, a staunch Democrat of Glide township, Warren county, was last week nude the happy father of two healthy girls weighing nineteen pounds. The War ren adgcr thinks "an increase of the Demo cratic vote in that town may be confidently looked fur next fall." What relation the tiVo events bear to ode another our cotemporary dos not explain. Mi.›.ut.t. Rut; EN" E Wit win' LS:„Co., of Cony, haye opened an office in this city for the sale of Anthracite coal at wholesale and retail. We have known Mr. Wright for a long time as • an incurable Radical, but most clever man, and freely commend him• to the pat ronage of all who. wish a good article of coal at the lowest price. THE Catalogue of the State Nonnal School at Edinboro has been instl i ed for the last tertn, and embraces much that is interesting to the people of this and neighboring counties. Every pet son who has a son or a daughter whom they desire to provide with an educa gbh should - send for a copy. Tni third annual trotting Fair, under the auspices of the Buffalo Park Association, will commence at that city on the inst., and last four days. The premiums amount t0'.1.20,000. We presume a large number of our horsemen will be in attendance. Wno is "Wiunie Wide-Awake?" is the universal inquiry. If anybody knows, they are better informed than the. editor. "Win nie" is too smart a girl to keep her light "hid under a bushel." Trurcit Heaven for rain dt ! After aiz weeks or more of African heat and drought, it came on Tuesday night in copious shoaTers, reviving the parched vcgetationoutd making the hearts of all leap with joy. How glori ous it seemed ! and what renewed animation it gave to everything! receiving the bless ings of thousands who never appreciated its value before. We fervently hope that the era of Sahara like. do,t awl lionght i en,l,•d for the pre-ent stunmer. WE hope this \tick's Obscit er will :Ad an early day for the tatitiwtion When the Observer does set a day, we will have a ratification meeting in earnest— not such a sickly affair as the funeral gath ering a lbw weeks ago. After that bilious occasion, We wonder how our frjend of the Gazette can read.or think of the word "rati fication" without pain in the stomach. J. E. PEFFER & Co. hare opened an agency in the rear of Gensbeimer's clothing store for the Singer "noiseless Family Sewing Machines." These are among the best arti cles in their line manufactured. Forowurned-.Forenrmed. With the "heated term".contes the danger of that frightful pegtitenee—cholera. What untold and indiscribable misery it has brought into thousands of households in our land every year for geneAtions -past. A specific and certain preventotive, es well as speedy and obsol(ite cure for this :iwful dis ease is the Great Household Remedy, now known all over the world as Mishler's Herb Bitters. It will positively fortify the system against the attacks of Asiatic Cholera, chol era morbus, cholera -infantum, (Roraima, summer 'complaint, dysenterf', cholic, pain— ter'scholic, &c. D. H. Bissell, M. D., Physt : clau-in-chief of the U. S. Hospital Ship "Fal con," highly recommends it for oholcra, and has used it with marvellous success in such cases. It acts like an angel of mercy in every instance. Sold by all. druggists and dealers, Dr. S. B. Hartman • Co., Proprictors,.Lan caster, Pa. BRYAN'S GRAND CARAYAN.-011 Monday, August 3a, a really fine establishment is to visit our city. That it ,will draw out a large concourse of people we do not doubt, lbr its attractions are of a character which no one can slight: A menagerie of its proportions or merit has never before been organized, and we, as well as the public, know that a wild beast show, with even a respectable as sortment of 6pccimens, invariably commands a patronage that a Circus or Theatre can never attract. No one objects to an animal exhibition, but upon the contrary the major ity of person's, with good reason, regard such establishments as schools affording valuable laid practical information. In association with the carav:M is a first class circus, comprising among its perform ers Mrs. Jacob Showles, the sister of Col. Dan Itice. The clown is Pete Conklin, a good, genial sort of a "cuss," whose ways and sayings arc 'highly suggestive of fun.- The procession Mr. Bryan makes upon the streets is grand, and his canvass covers an acre of ground. lie has selected for his location the premises on Peach and Sassafras streets, be tween 10th and 11th streets. "'Wm' four metallic qualifications a mad may be pretty sure of earthly success. Those are Gold in his pocket, tiilver in his tongue, Brass in his lace, and Iron , in his heart." But •for a tonic appetizer, and as a gentle stimulant, there is reliable 'irtue in Planta lion Bitters. No article has ever been so popular or done half so much, good. Let all who haw , not already tried this great stow: achie, at once test its quality. We under stand that the Druggists and Grocers of this section are selling vast quantities. and that scarcely a family is without it... MAGNOLIA WATEIL-A. &HAIM toilet ar tichi—superfor to Cologne ;ma at half the price. jy33-'lt. /I=MQ 3lonnrsoN—RElrrr—On the 9th inst., at the ' Robinson House, Edinboro, by Elder 11. C. Rogers, Mr. Geo. W. Morrison to Miss Sallie Hewit, both of Conneaut township. DIED. ' ' EATON—In Sprihgfield, on the 3d inst., Mrs C. T. Eaton, nged 31 years. Pah) abbcrttscincntr, 47,,—AdvertLsements, to secure Insertion, mnst be handed in by 9 o:elbeir on Thurmlay morn ing. AU advertisements will be continued nt the expense of the advertlner, unless ordered fora specified time. LOST. 130'17 N SATURDAY LAST, my son Johnny, aged O 9. 1 ,4 years, left my house in Harbor Creek Tp., 9 miles from Erie, near C.ipt. and has not yet returned. Ile was seen last on Monday, near the Woolen Factory on the Watr erford Plank road. He had 'on a blue striped shirt, gray pants and straw hat; has blue eves and tight hair. Anybody who can give infor mation of his whereabouts will confer a great favor on, his grieved parents by addressing • ' JOHN OTT. Care of Wm. Hinton, Ilarbar Creek, Erie co, dy2.1.4t. CITY WORK. • ~ 3ROPOSALS will be received up to Aufmst 1, ISGS, for the C 01152 ruction of an Iron Bridge on oth Street, over the Cabal, also for abut ments for the mune. Plans and specifications to be heel' at the of fice of the City Engineer. 31. lIARTLEB, G. M. SMITH, ' N EICEIELAUB, Jr., J.,0. BAKER, Street COLIIIII.Heo. G. W. F. SHERWIN, flty Engineer, , ,ft , 2 1-2 t Stale •Street Property for Sale AT 1.1 412 "1" / 0 IN. . r VII E TWO very choice business 1011, situated on the west side of state street (north of Tenth fit.l, will be sold,at public auction at the Court House in Erie, on Wedtiesday, Aug. uUy at 10 o'clock, a. in. These lots are each twenty feet and two In ches In front, by one hundred and forty-seven feet in depth, to a public alley eighteen feet wide, which extends through from Ninth to Tent streets, TEItM or SALE. One-third each; rerAshider payable in tr•o annual Instalments, with Interest to be seemed by mortgage. WM. A. OA LBRAITII, Agent for the Owners. Discharge in Bankruptcy. TN TILE DISTRICT COURT of e t oiled TV for the Western District of Pennsyl vania. William Sherer, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, Istri, baying ap plied for a discharge from all his debts, and oth er claims provable under said net, by order of the Court, notice L 4 hereby given to alt creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the iihit day of August, 124C,4, nt 10 o'clock", A. at., before S. F.. woodruff, Esq., 'Register, 'at his °Mee, In the city of Erle; Penna., to show can e,, If any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, 'notice L 4 hereby given t hat the second and third meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, required by the Inh and :glib sections of said act, will be held before the said !twister, at, the Mute time and place. , S.-C. McCANDLEsq, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. Jyit.3-12w. I= Eugene 'Wright & Co., I=l WYOMING VALLEY, LEHIG4 PITTSTON: BEAVER CREEK AND MOUNT CARMEL • ANTIIRACITE COAL. Principal Office, Wright's Brick Block, cbrner Washington and Center Sts., Corry,Ta. Office in Erie, Pa., with li. B. Itaversttck, No. tr East Park Row. Jy7.l-31r, The Singer Manufacturing 6.91 NEW Noiseless Family Sewing 11 A . C.l II I N E S The undersigned beg leave to announce that they have recently opencil rooms In the city of Erie, where they will keep on hand an assort ment of the above FAMILY er, SIANUFACrUIIISG MACHINES COTTON AND LINEN TIII au), SILKS, TWIST, • Superior 31faehhie Oil, 'N eedies. All machines delivered, and warranted for three years. Instructions given free. Sale rooms rear of Genshelmer's elottikt Store. GI: State 3ticet. J. E. PEFFER S co., JY'Rr/Y Agents Sor Erie County. r.'cto atibt;tiortnento. PUBLIC SALE OF TIM Poor House Property ! 31 - VI IiTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF THE G 3 powers conferred by the Act of the Gene it Assembly of the Commonwealth Of POO • sylruihi entitled "An art taunt horize t he Con rt of Erie r, nutty to appoint a discreet person to act in eon eeetion 'with the Commissioners of Erie enmity MO the Directont of the Poor of said county to sell the real estate of the Poor house and use t lie proceeds In purchasing land and erect Mg buildings for the use of the potir of said eounty," approved:the 2ltieday of :dumb, lva,by t h e rd of lillitrillfg,k)ners fort he coun ty of Erie, Pennsylvania, the Boardof Directors of the pes,r and of the Rouse of Employment Of the county of Erie, and Samuel G. Brotherton, specially appointed by said Court, by force of said Act constituted a Board to sell the land, selected, reserved and occupied for the use of t he Poor fur the county of Erie, which land is lora ted on the Ridge Road and Canal, about four miles more or less southwesterly from the City .of Erie, described as follows, to wit: Com mencing at the southwest corner of the land!: known and called the third section of the town of Erie at a post, thence north 1.7 degrees, west one hundred and thirty-one and one,half per ches to a post; thence north di degrees, east one hundred and twenty-one and seven-tenth per ches to a post; thence south :'?• degrees, east one hundred and thirty-one and one-half perches to a post; thence westwardly oneh nndred and twtlity-one and seven-tenth perches to the plan!of beginning, containing one hundred acres of land. The said laud Is bounded on the south by the Itidge Road, west by lands of J. Evans and north and east by hands of N. War - The buildings and improvements on the said land are as follows, to wit • One large two story brick building, now, and heretofore Inn. 4 as a Poor - House; one wooden building erected for a lio4pital; a wash house, bakery, ,ke., and two barns, a nice thrifty 'orchard, grapes, cherries, et:e. At a meeting of the said Board held at the of fice of the Commissioners of Erie County, on June 17th, all the members being present. .it W 11.14 resolved by a majority of the members of mad Board to sell -tho said hereinbefore des cribed poor House Farm at public auction, on the Court House steps, in the city of Erie, to the highest and best Milder; on Tuesday, July 28111, issi, at 2 o'clock P. IL, which said sale will then and there take place, of which notice is hereby given. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase mon ey In hand, and the balance In two equal annu al Instailmejits, with Interest to bepald annu ally, to be secured by judgment bond and mon'. gage on the premises. • L. M. CHILDS, ) ' S. J. GODFREY Co. Coin's. WM'. 13. WEEIq ' ANDREW THO.IPSON. Director of Poor Board of Sale, Eric June 16, kik?. • Je2s-3t, Warrant in Bankruptcy. r IBIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Sth day of June, A. D., ds4s, a Warrant in Bank ruptcy was Issued rigaint tile estate of Charles Beers, ,of Erie city, In the cotugy of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, who has ts , tti adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; That the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him and fur his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors .uf the said bankrupt, to prose their debts and to choose one of more Assignees of Ids estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt cy, to be holden at the Mae of the Register, in the city of Ode, in the county of Erie and State of Penn'a, before S. E. Woodruff, Register, on the I;th day or Aim A. D., Istili,at 10 o'clock, A. M. TILAAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. jy2,-iw. J3" 2 3 - 2t WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. ri , mstsTOGIVENOTICEthat on the ISth day of May, A. L. INN, a warrant In bankrupt cy was issued against the estate of W. P. Evart,. of Union' Mills, In the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay.ment of any debts and delivery of any property- belonging to hint, for his use, and the transfer of any property by him aro forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to move their debts and to cliorp:e one or more Assignees of his estat,g, e will be held at a Court Bankrnptcy, to be lloran at the °Mee of the Register, in the city of Erle, be fore S. E. Woodruff, Esq.. Register In said dis trict, on the 12th day of A ugust 1. ISA at 10 o'clock, A. M. 'DION:As A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By Ci. I'. Dm is, Dept. U. S. Marshal. WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. THIS IS TO dIVE NOTICE that on the Sth tl f l "4l'sb ' t 7.1. e - AClSighodrgicnst estate l. Cook, if the boro' of Union Mills, county of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who' has been ad judged a Lankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery orally prop erty belonging to him, for his use, and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said baukropt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be ]fell at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the ottlee of the Register, in the city of Erie, before S. K Woodru tr, Esq., Register in said district, on the 12th day of Aug. A.D., IRIS, at 11 o'clock, A. M. TtiOMAS A. RoWLEY, U. S. Marshal Messenger. it. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. Assignee in Bankruptcy. IN Tlll DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District of Pcnu'a, in the matter of Mortez Newman, bankrupt. TMr undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of Mortez Newman, of Corry, Erie county, and State of Pennsylvania, within said LICA rict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt'upon his own petition by the District Court of said district, dated at Erle, Pa., July 13, D, M. E. DUNLAP, Assignee. Assignee in Bankruptcy. 'EN TIIE DISTRICT COURT of the- United I States for the Western District of Pennsyl vania, in the matter of S. B, Mann & L. Fisher, bankrupts: The undersigned hereby gives no t lee of his appointment as assignee of Mann & Fisher, of Erie city, Erie county, and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who have been adjudged bamtrupts upon their own peti tion, I,y' the District Court of said district, dated at Erie, pa., July 15, A. D. h , as, QHARLES M. LYNCH, Assignee. At ty, of Law, No. 515 French St., Erie, Pa. jyltkiw. • assignee in . Bankruptcy. - TN THE •DISTRICT COURT of the United 1 states for the Western District of Pennsyl nia, in the matter of James E.Wilson,bankrupt. The undersigned herebyives notice of ap pointment as assignee of James E. Wilson, of Erie City, In the county of Erlo and State of Penn'a, within said district,*ho has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the .I)l , triet Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., July l% A. D.lSas, HENRYH H. RIBLET, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No. l3':llPeach St., Erie; Pa. jyl4-3w. • .S.....signee in Bankruptcy. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United Sta tes .I. for the WeNt.rn Di'trict of Pentia. In the matter of Philander 9. Finn, bankrupt. The un -I,:igned herebygives notice of his apnointrnent as as,igneeof P. U. Finn, of Erie city, county of Eric, and State of Petia, within acid dis thct, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon Ins OWII petition, by the bLstrict Court of said district, dated nt Erie ? Pa., July It, A. D., HENRY M. Assignee, At ty. at Low, No. Pal Peach St., Erie, Pa. • — Assignee in Bankruptcy. N TILE Disrucr COURT of the United 1 States for the Western District of Penn'a,'ln the matter of William Shearer, bankrupt. The unnersenied hereby gives notice of his appoint ment :Ls iu-signee of W. Shearer, of Erte, In the county of Erie and State of Penn'', within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district dated at Erie, Pa., July 15, A. P., 1 , f , . IrE.NRy mBLET,ASSIZULV. . ' Atty. at Law No 155 Peach it., Erie, Pa. Asuignee in Bankinptey. • IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the We,tern District of Pennsylvania, in the matter of Henry H. Myers, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as Assignee of Henry H. Myers, of -Union Born, Erie county and State of Penn'a, within the said district, who has been at judged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dis trict Coati of saki district, dated at Erie, Pa., Jo !y 9, t, D. 'wt. HENRY f 7. RIBLET, Assignee, - Atty. at Law, No. =Peach St., Erie, Pa. iy1.13-3w, Assignee in Rankrnpiey. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District of Penn'a, in the matter of Thomas W. Faster, bankrupt. The undersigneol hereby gives notice' of his appointment as Assignee of Thos. W. Foster, of Union borough Erie count y and state of Penn'a, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., July 10, ISCcI. HENRY M. =LET, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No, Ittr3P , ach St.;Erie, l'a. Jyl.l4;tv. • Assignee in Bankruptcy. 77 N .THE DISTRICT COURT of the • Unfted States for the Western District of Pa., in the matter of Timothy P. Babcock, Bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as assignee of T. I'. Babcock, of Waterford, in the county of Erie and State of Penn'a, within said distrlid, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon Its own petition by the District Court of a ant district, dated at Erie, Pa.. July 11, HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee, Atty.nt Law, No, 1123 peach Si., Erie, Pa. jy,l6-Iw. I= At.,signee in Bankruptcy. Ix TILE - DISTRICT COURT of the 'United ' States for the Western District of Pennn, in the matter of Joseph Justice, bankrupt. The nndersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as assignee of Joseph Justice, of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, within i.ald district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district, dated at Erie, PA., July HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No. 1:1?...1 Peach St., Erie, Pa. y9-41w. Assignee in•Bankruptey. N - THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States I for the Western District of Pennsylvania, in the matter of T. J. Hoskiuson, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of T. J. Hoskinson, of Erie city, Erie Co., and Slate of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been tulpulged bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Conrt of said district, dated at Erie, Pa, July it, A. D., ISCS. HENRY M. =LET, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No. =Peach St., Erie, Pa. • Jyti-3w. Assignee in Bankruptcy. TN TH E DISTH CP-COURT of the United States 1 for the Western District of Pennsylvania, In the matter of Win. K. Witter, bankrupt. Thu undersigned hereby' gives notice of his ap pointment ns assignee of Wm. IC. Witter, of Corry, Erie county and State of Penn sylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the Distrivt Court of said district, dated at Erie, 1'.1., July si, A. D., Irtkitt. 31. E. DVNLAP, Assignee, TOB PRINTING of every kind, in large or ty kraal' quantities, plain or colored, done In the best style, and at =aerate prices, at the Observer onkel =EI liv - A_rr IP con, Tarim G-lANT THE BOSS IS COMING! ! ONLY MENAGERIE ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT. MARK THE DAY AND DATE!! MONDAY, FINE CENTRAL- LOCATION FOR THE MAMMOTH SIX CENTER POLE TENT, Peach and Sassafras Streets, between 10th & 11th. e, _ s.‘ . I .. rrelli .._ -4 . -.: r~ It.~Y -I . ( THIS 4 s . i,";;',. . . 6 ,41 - I:' ,-, ' MENAGERIE! - -- -- itoOrk . \ , ..,„,.... „,„, 13 the Largest, Ihnd Varl;i• o l h a u 7,l moot Valuable Cullen. _._. ~ . , v., I t r- • .---- -,TEIEALSTZ' lIND E 15 ,..... r ' Ese r concentrated In one cat abll,hment. , , "1.? 'l, LESS DUPLICATIONS I , s '>.- ... 1 1 . , . '. L il t • MORE DIFFERENT AND RARE SPECIES. l' .1 r -.. . ...":-...- . ' AN ..-1. --- - --ir -- - ,f• -., - \,--, - - -- An. the WIIITE fIACTiII.tIV t' IMF.T.; CILETAIT i',',..•...'. - -t, - - ...". 1.1--ol'Alart; An . r.f tr.. r.) -,I reee of LIONS, 1.10.3r.55 i. 7 ~.. . AND WHELP,: A TRIO OF ZEBRAS, non. Darn and T . , ."- e" •at-str" - -. ( . ..:t ; The F. rfern.•ez -I , 4itie. - QUEEN . LMMA." and '4,j, t ; i..` , ..n,...i that moes.lof EL - 10,11013e u ender. the .mallent. and young-.....i1.. -- I , ' ".:',;, ~' ' , TA' rot calf ewe Import,l. • TINY TIM: A SENEGAL SER. - :Jr " _ 4.... _ 1- VA L; THE TI:I'll IBEX oF THE ALI., . A STATELY , , --- '" . ---•-••• PAIL OF ELK: THE SILKEN FLEECED LAMAS; ••• O 11{ - ;,, _, ' ,.. . , ..x:..4 .. ..7 N..-7.-T—__ TIC}:!:. j: !. t 1,.....1:-KAN 1:1. - -1 ft, and a MONOTEIL BENGAL ~.4 .4 ' ~,.:;... ;4. .4,- In tbeDen3 will be found i ... _ ~, - ; - .1.:,: . \ y,,.:‘,..,. . t A1'1.,: :.1 c'..n.tic 1.1,mn. Africa-1 and American Panthers, t s - - Brazlhan &m00r... l'utnas. African and Anutic bqTards, ' .e`, id . . Ptelped Ilycnon, l'acorn, Grlttly. Black, Brown and (Anna- ,„ , ‘‘. . ..A •,-• Con Wan., Conguces, ttottni Hyenas. Zebra., Camels, , tnen=rit..s., K111C...2,0.1., iiill.lC, , , Dromedorkn, \Vols.% "" 4 ' -- - L-n-na-..-.. \ „ - -;_ ) Prang., (),..trich., Lynx...Tack:lls.o*r, .. fell can Eazln, Vultur. s. Womhatan. Posen, all kinds of Carnierroun, r -.' pkiiitz.....- Aquatic, and Lich 1 . 1 , un,•.1 Fordirn and Domenic Itted.; and an 111111 , 11:111V , N L ii `A it.,lt II as-.rive :it of Ap.r, 11.1,- • --- 11 -- 7.) ) I.e•ne, 310.1 h.) a . .r..1 ether Miner Annual 2. '''‘, c? ' . FELIX MCDONA.LD 7 , - ....-- , t, whiie:ct Um Dena of tbe - — 44 . _ j 3 2-4w* •• 3 =4.c . , • - wilf , *! % 4 •N - R,2-1w .:, THE CIRCUS z. 3, ‘ , 11, been ‘o arrtnced that none bnt PTIVAT-CILA.SS fr ) 11 •,i- .. A RTII.TES wall, employed In the E.IIIIISIrtuNs IN THE RING. _ , OP4 -.-.. - MAD'LLE CODONA, • •"- ffOrti'l Tight Rope E-qulllbrinii.t. r" / "".' -, r r - Z.: ~.„,---es- , - - MRS. LIBBIE SHOWLES A- opkti -- :- C * Female Horse Preceptre,t. MR. HARRY CODONA, • .....3.:, : " . "-- 7,11 - .•• .ig` iiik rmiteipal Equestrian. •'• 'l(7' '''' 't MR. J. SHOWLES , 4 .• ....-;' 4' 4 :• 1 .4t. • Antlyonli in Rider. - 1:.' 7 "!. - . •,•• \l:,, PETE cONKLIN, ..,;,... A ,T,...._. A The Best Clown of the age. le- , A , ~ r , JOHN CoNKLIN, - A eaperior Mundane and -Eclat performer. 0 0MINNIE, THE SPRITE. Smallest. youngt.st, an•l m0...t clever Child Rider ever be ,' tore the public. NI, rare, ANGELO, KYLE, RUNYON. ATKINS, &TONE. / °Nut:. Ma -f• ri FEED, 61.:01:6E. and la:LiliNE, mil itant., the Leading People. • - w„,..4 ' ---; THE PROCESSION klV.t,e , --4.- --,, -rd - Will at once show Low i ..„- ..`—'•- Extensive the Caravan, Gigantic the Circus, . Mammoth the Menagerie . ; ~ ..-,--/:; ~..... Really are. *. ' 1 IA il , ' 2 % . • , r..lacm cLail. cam - a c3icixam, , - 1 . , ,,, 4 , 4 ~, . Contatning DOUGLASS' CORNET BAND, drawn by ‘ . .. -- 4.!iiiik•,.,_. IN' TEN STYLISH CREAMS, • Ite - ,--:.—Aols. : Gaily eaparlsoned. -- Two Elephantsin Crimson-Housings. CAMELS AND DIMMED:ARIES. 530 0 Tiactiaisiivre• 32/021.61 Emerald and Gilt. decorated with Elaborately Painted l• laws, each one drawn by MATCHED DAPPLED GREYS ! Reined by Driver< In full Uniform: Waving Plumes from each Animals Head . Flags,Banners and - Ensigns Fly. Ina from et el•y Vehicle. . _ c. MUSIC A.YD SPLENDOR in.the line, Enthusiast:: Cheers • - marling the course of / . The Gorgeous Parade! ~.._ ~,.. Which will terminate with an et:position of the CIRCUS i . „ ifioljte •• ;„ RETINUE. with Illoodeu /101 - .les. I'vcries and Mules. Fr ~/, ~ , : •••,.. : ii AN ENTIRE NEW OUTFIT IA '_ tz" Coat 5300,500. -in - lie , ,-;_.,_ - ALL FREER. COSTLI & SPLENDID. 1 a 7nl ivs Every lota mado for the Initial Campaign of title GRAND f ..- CA.RAVAN. • V1 0 " ----' .. • -TWO PEHFOIMANCES DAILY. 4 , -.,, ..,.., „ V Afternoon aim Night. at 2 and 11 i , M. Doors at I and 614 • , - .1... , -.. ..1. I.'-- P M., In order to allow Vernon to see all the 77C9Z1 l! :'• .1' • 4. - ./ .. -irliTriV,Gr ITIFZEL/3. ea' s us --', N.... ....:.---;,-.- - w ADm tssioN , 4, cErrs • ..--,;-.• - cuiuntEs; 10 years of age and all under .. Atli CENTS A_ugust 3d. Westfield, Saturday, August Vriirard, Puesiday, A.11.,g-ust 4th. F. 31. KELM, Manager. - VJ • 4 MONSTERS OF THE FOREST' :f „ . .:,--____--tr.... Will give a al -. : THRILLING SENSATIONAL S Z CENE! ,07.- ~ . M This Gentnan who has made 7 V.! i r t tt BRUTE TUITION A - SCIENCE, ;:= =. l - f, X, - , Enjoys In Europe a WELL DESERVED REPUTATION ;)..,...., - %.._w-- \ . ~.. ii M aster M an" • , i'' master Over Brutes, ;_•_. --7. And L 3 there recornized and acknowledged as the most . t:i. -- 41sre' I: it euecesstul breaker of . - a ~,....„„ SANGUINARY CREATURES. ' - ---- 17:e - ,., - WILL EXHIBIT AT AUG. 3d. C. 11. CASTLE S 1: N. eri
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