Emportant 110ticro so-Adverttsements Inserted under this head ma id 15 cents per line of 10 words for the ftrst I^ rents (or the second, and 10 cents for each >Uhsequent insertion, Ter the PIM:IOUS .tretie Skala, at Tlekenmon Perry jyl3-Itn. .1. F. Ci0...*4 Erie City Intelltgeneo Mace, No 1'1,12 State street. JRIOI7-tf. - Far Reliable Insurance of all Schub( apply t., Rup,4.11, Agent,No.2BlCorth Park. Erie, jyl7lF-tf. For Insurance in well known and ItiONI re. Companies, apply to R. Russell, agent, tiq state - street. feta67-Iy. Ilonte to Rent at s4oo—snltable for store .n,l.lwelltnet: No. SIS state street Erie, Pat., war Noble Block. Z. F 4 3tiTii. j;,11117-tf. For Rent.—The Union House, corner ofll.ll street and Beech Lane. The House Is very eon. s enlent,—large barn attached. Enquire of J. .N Wvlsli, McLane House on Buffalo Riv.d.near th' Penn. Erie IL It shops. jyll Notice.—l wish to sell my entire household furniture, carpets, chairs, tables, stoves, bed stead., one new first-elnAs piano, one new first , organ..k one new , first-class bngry. very ve low for cash. " No, tiltiState street. Erie, Llyl7-tf„) Z. SMITH. Remo, stli—The Stove and Tin Ware store of re., has been removed to No. lird Jras stn'et, near the Buffalo Road, where will kept en liana n complete stock of goods in ‘,111411 the public are Invited to call examine. apt-tf. The Erie Lodge No. 211. I. 0. of • • p i :t octneets on every Tuoulay even ng, to the lad Fenton: Lodge noon', on State street, over jewelry store. Stranger Templarn Vlll. Jung tla• city are cordially Invited tote present. GEO. KNIGHT, .e. T. hlc 04: Alma., W. S. rny2-tf. M. Weigel, practi.-nl olnno torte tuner. Orden left at the Grover &Raker Sewing Ma chine Agent" - , 10) State idreet, Erie. Pm. or by n wi. %%ill receive prompt attention. A first clams sr.,riznian employed to do repairing of pianon :t u.l melodemm. Grand Fenian Ball—To be given July 19th, at Kura Hall, to In , attended by Vire President (moony+, General O'Neill, A. i.. 3forrlgon, Gen eral Spear, and several other dlgtingnisheel gentlemen. There Wilt be n Ireton* delivered by itoneral hero of Limestone Ridge, it the Opellillg of the ball. There trill be a find t ring baud hl attendance. Tickets one 1 ROSS'S Gentlemen's Furnishing Store.— hr. Wrirren L. Ross has taken the store lately randueted by anstiee, Clbeen Ai Gallagher. and fitted It up with everything neeeswary to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing establish meal. Ilk f•tock of Cloths. Ciuxqinleresi and Vest - leg% and Ready Made Clothing is superior to ;a thing ever brought to this city, and we defy any IMP to Vi it the store without finding some tbrtz to .M 1 Ms Mate. Mr. Ito.‘ ham been very in securing a Cutter who fs not Sur. ZI.IIVN% here. Fluter bin skillful supervision the eone.•tii turning out work equal to the ...dablieihments. No 'person Mtn INiv, s t n exelise fur going abroad for elothing attorda the convenienees that he . h, addition to his other goods. he has also ‘nia•ra , r .toek of Caps, linsirry, cra‘iit.,—ln short, everything that a num sr•oit• m ill+• clothing line can he got of Ross. for yourselves. j021477-t(. Uusintos nitectorp rardli inserted in thin depart -1.,..at for one veal*. at a dollar per line. WIIOLO3ALE . GROCEIts - - I '1111::;ne.v. Burge et Walker, 25 and 20 N. Park 54...tt St 590-and 50: French st. Joh ssten h Itrevellter, 513 French st. ti(IIOI.P.SALF. BOOTS AND AltOp.s Arburkl• & Clark. 32 North Park. BOOTS AND SI:101,X T.. It Nark, 14 Park Row. smith. 7L State street. rmatehart h Co.. 19 North Park. tiogve Zurn. 705 State street. F. Pfeffer, MG State st. I. Evan., State xt. BOOR' STORF... 4- . ratighor fi Meir'reary, North Park Spatror4l, French st. FLOUR fi FKED. If. H. liaver.tfrk. Park Row. Crouch t Rro., 519 French st. TaQUOR STORES Stott Michael, RV State It. smith, 24 North Park'. MUSTV 5T011.11 , . D. Ztegler. F - .)) State Rt. M N , Wm. Willing, Rl* Mato qt. SEWING SIACHINE AGENCIES ;rower & Baker, 820 State st. Wheeler & -123 State st: llowe SPW Mr Machine, £O2 French st. Singer Sewing Machine, Freneh ERITITS, PROM - CF.. 11. L. White, 8 South Park. CROCKERY d: GLASSWARE. TI. Glenny. 12 Park Row. Naar RoBenzwelg, 511 State st. WATCRES JEWELRY. \ Inn ft & Fl' her. 2 Park Row. - T. Aust in, 24 North Park. HATS AND CAPS. - .1. E. Wlh.on, 21 North Park. J. Kunr, Au't, 513 State street. Wm. Kendall. 51;14 French et. .T, If, Smith, :12.1 French VONFF:CTTONF.RY STORER. Boner c Burgess. -131 and 7tl) Stair , street DRCGS. AND 3TEDICINF-s, S. 11. Barnum, 1317 Peneli Street. Viers & Elliot, 4211 State street. 1114.11 A Warfel. an Slate at. Wilkins A Poll. 1312 I'each street. J. 11. Carver & Co., 21 North Park. Wtn. Nick S.: Sons. 712 Sthte street. Dr. S. Dickinson & Son, 711 State street, DRY GOODS. Nforiall. Stephens & Wllrley. G . It. Merrill. Decker, Koster & Lelia - tan, I= Peach at, Morrison Bros, 714 State at. l' !fen Hells, 710 State ad. Edson, Churchill & Co., 3 Noble Block. Rosenzweig & Bro., 512 State st. DRY GOODS AND CARPETS. Deifendorf. Gross & Foster. ' Warner Bros., .5114 State St. GROCERIES. Barton A Griffith. 1324 Peach at. ft ; A. Field A Co.. IVZir " F. J. Rexford & 1711 " A. A .1. dirahentler. 1210 " Henry Beckman. 104 :Stateat. Marshall. Christian .4 Craig, 21 North Park A. Gott 515 French at. A. \finale, Corner oth and State at, P. A, Becker A Co., 531 French at. Pavan A MeGiverin, rial French at. lime:on dr Dowell. Ffench st. F. Schlroidecker. AN State at, IT. V. Clans, ¶0 Fast Fifth st. P. Schaaf, 704 State at. ohlwiler's, over 19, Rosenzweig's Bleck. PITOTOGIT W. A. Lott, 1107 Peach st. _4;eo, C. Dunn. ever in and 30 :North Park. Dolph Bros„ Farrar Still Minding. S. D. Wager A Co., over 1121 Peach at. , TOBACCO AND era.uts. - E. It 'Welshman. 1344 Peach at. /roar: & A shine. 702 State st. C. Deck. 70.1 State at. M. \V. Mehl, 517 French at: IT, V. Sterner, 401 State at. • ITARDWARE. Shannon A Co., 1123 Peach at. W. \V. Pierce A 010 State st. .Mer ',Joker A Shannon, 107 French at' J. C. Setden, 521 French at. STOYFJS AND TINWARE. Isaac Vantassel, 1224 Peach at. Hubbard Bros„ 701 State at. • M. Mayer A Son, 1215 State at. Barr. Johnson & Co., 1015 and IRO State at. N. Muraliv, 22 North - Park. Ifirnrod ez Co , 1341 Sassafras at. GENERAL i'tiT)ERTAWF.RS. Co., 518 State at. FritNITITRE WAtintollts. J. IT. Rihlet A Co.„ 010 State at. CLOTHING STortE , .3. John & Son, Cr State st stllr h \fe•ltr•k, R. Wagot.r, C.)l StfttP st. Mark, & Mever, 4 Noble Rlru•k. • I. 'toms, No. ll)Nortb Park. ATTOUNKYS AT LAW t .1. Thwipcon, MI French st. James Sill, 51.. French ht. ' - • PHYSI(`IANS AIIRGEONS. I. L. Stewart. 30 North Park. house 417 Stati• gt E. J. Fraser, (Humcepathist). MS Peach Kt. MILLINERY & f4TRAW GOOAS. A. E. make, South Park': Ntrt. V. Curtis, 0 South Park. The Misses McGrath, OM Frenrh Kt. BRAIN FOUNI)RIES. .Nre,ll . l & Metz. W. 3 Statext. MAcIHNISTS, FOUNDERS AND BOILER - .11AKERS. 1 ,, N oriel]. Irall & Co., &1 and Pencil stg. - PIANING MILLS. 13.4. P. Prank & Son, cor. 4th and Peachatm 1,. White & Co., corner 11th and French st. Hugh Jones, corner 11th and Holland sts. D. P.. ENSIGN, li , k , ingeller and dealer in Btntlonery, Wall Ai- Magar.lnes, Newspaperx, &o. Country deal .upplid. store under liroten's Hotel, front -114; the Park. Jal'EC-tf. MUSIC STORE! PriE•es neduced: First ell Octave Iron Frame Ovenstrtins Rosewood Pianos 21'1' fis2So 'ro 8550 six Oetavo Plano Cas - od Rosewood Melodeons at $12.1. Organs from tt6s to Mo. NO. 815 STATE STENST, WE, PA. *sr Every Instrument warranted for Ave Year,. - Je3)-tf. T0 1 1.A.C.002 TCIII.A.CCI:3! J. W. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of NAVY, SPUN ROLLS, Bs, 10s, And all the other brandepr ' l Ol3 A CCO: NO. of pEYN !MEM NEW srrovia And - TM Ware Establishment ! A GOAD ASSORTMENT OF TIN WARE ALWAYS ON HAND. • Call at lllnkrad & C0.',0 ,roa sassafras street, near the ,Buf4lo - Road, Erie, It, my16137-tf. - • MINK, FOX, OR MUSK RAT TRAPS! • the dozen or single, for flak by C. HELIWN. WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PENN'A, my 18, 1867 C. F. Suurrs & Co.—For the benefit of our brethren of the Press, who ►nay have been swindled, like ourself,by the above firm, we publish the following extract. from a let ter received by us - from a reliable gentleman living. near Tmy, N. Y., to whom we had written in reglird to our account : " 1 would say have nothing further to do with them—they are bogus and rotten as can be." Tut: ,LAPANESE Tnours.—Our citizens generally will be delighted to learn that the celebrated troupe of -Japanese performers, whose exhibitions in the Eastern cities - luive been the subject of so much attention in the press, are soon to visit Erie. They will open in Farrar Hall, on Monday evening, the :Nth inst., to remain three days, anl if the reality comes half way up to their reputation we predict crowded houses for - them at each performance, Some of the operations of this troupe are said 'to . Ire the most remarkable and inexplicable ever exhibimil in this coun try: We shall await their appearance with a n ore than ordinary degree of interest. REPIMUCAN CylimniTEs.—,The following is n complete list of the pentons• who have thus tar been announced as candidates,for the Republican nomination in this county. The convention willmeet some time in Sep tember, and, it 'ls not likely that -many Wore names - will be added to the matter: Senate—M. B. Lowry, Erin - Assembly—Geo.•W., Starr, A. R. Kellogg, Erie; Geo: P: Rea, Girard; Samuel Reeder, Washington; Cha:-les C Boyd,.:Waterftird ; Chas.. - 0. Bowman, Corry; .T, D. Strartaban, Lellasuf Sberitr—J.. W. Swaney, Erie ; *Cob A. F. Swan, Fairview: Col. H. S. Campbell, Wa terford. Clerk of the Cortrts-- 7 C:ipt. A. N. Judson, Waterford ; Lieut.:James P. Crawford, North East Capr. Clots. L. Pierce, it - mango. • Cononiscioner—G. W. Brindle, Mill Creek; Otru Reed, McKean : in. B. Weed, Greene. Tiu Reed Rouse was inforinally opened to the public this (Thursday) looming, and has been visited by hundreds of Citizens of both sexes, all of whom are inn fuse in their expressions of athoiridon Over the convenience of its arrangement nod the elegance with which it has been famished. We believe it is not the intention of the managers to arrange at the Resent time for any formal dtrinonstmtiorit - Thiii -- arrimsoi having already been so large that they do not feel warranted in making further nutlaY titan is positively necessary.- There has been some talk among our yOung men of getting up a . grand hall in the course of a few weeks, and inviting the State ofileem as well as the prominent persons M all the neighboring towns nod cities, -but the programme does not appear to have been derinite6- decided upon. It certainly seems no more than tight that the citizens should decide upon some public means of testifying to Gen. Reed and , the managers of the house their appreciation of the liberality which has given us a hotel so worthy of pride, and which will do so touch towards advancing the reputation of. the city. WARREN COUNTY 4COSIES.—We are 'in debted to the Wairezt Mail for the following list of incomes in that county. Taking the business, wealth and population of the com munity into comparison, it gives n more fa vorable exhibit than that of our uwn county : W B Benedict 227 1 M B Dunham 300 \V J Booth 1,0304 as 1{ Eddy 2,800 E G Benedict 060'E T Hazeltine 250 F Benedict 5,000'A Hertzell 350 A C 1,750rWm 11 Heck 266 A C Baum 642,0 H Hunter .1,250 C W Ellis 3,7754 H - Hull ' 300 Jno Fuellhart 150jI H Hiller 560 J L Grandin 8,0008 P Johnson 4,940 '4l C Gibbs - 1001 A M . Johnson • '721 Jos Green 2,0501 H Jamieson 1,460 T Hanley 455'LL Lowry ' 4,160 A Jackson 300 IA 11 Ludtow 144 C V. Kinnear 400,Mary 11 Ludlow_l44 Chancy Smith 000,J F Phe mon ,170 Wll Kightlinger 1,1634 H Mitchell 1,425 T B Monks 1,054 Jas G - Marsh 900 J Parshall 21,000bD McKelvy 15,530 Dr W Potter 1,9204 A Neill-2,014 P Shaw 3,0624 as Roy 2,000 W P Smith 345. F A Randall 78 H Allen 18,900 q Struthers., 19,520 0 C Allen . 14,510,G W Scofield 921 E Barnes 100 Jos Schaffer 1,000. W D Brown 90%31 Schaffer 400 R Brown 3,SoolViilfe Tew 262 C P Bailey ' 2,600 i M C Talbott 200 Geo Ball 250 L D Wetmore 4;178 31 Beecher 5'25 Myron Waters - 1,010 Clark 681 1 J C Wells 348 E Cowan 500 1 L F Watson 5,100 A Pf Er% OP SPITE Womr.—The Dispatch of Saturday last having sought to convey the im preAsion that the list of incomes published in the last Observer is not reliable, we submitted it to Collector Douglas, who compared it with the records in his office. The following note from him should satisfy any who May have had doubt+ upon the subject : ' ' • ERIE, July 13, WurratAN—Sir : Your letter of the 12th inst., inquiring whether the list of In comes published in the Erie Observer on the 11th was correct, is received and the exami nation made. I have compared your pub lished list with the one in my office, and find it exactly rwrrtel. • , ' Respectfully, • • J. W. DouoLass, Collector.„ Immediately on receipt ..tif the' tdmve we sent a copy of it toile Disfilitat, with a re : - quest to publish it as a matter of common courtesy and justice. The only relion-e we have received is the fidlowing, from Ron day's is - sue of that paper: "I W. Douglass, Collector of Internal Revenue, writes the Observer that the in come list published in that paper 1:4 correct. Those who dispute it will, we suppo:+e, he af forded an opportunity of investigating for themselves."- Comment ij; unnececsary. We leave it for the public to decide of the character of a sheet which can give currenek to a spiteful paragraph like that in Saturday's Dispatch, and then, instead of being manly enough - to print - an official contragictian, attempt to wriggle out of the scrape. in the style last quoted. Tin:: Titusville Herald has become dissat isfied with the Cmwfonl county system of making nominations, and in reply Act the as sertion of the Philadelphia Press that "It has thus far worked well;' makes the following response: • "The Press is- mistaken: The Crawlbrd county system works . mischief to - the .party and creates general dissatishafion among the people. The pretence that it lessens corrup tion is all a sham. It quadruples the expen ses of office seekers, obliging diem to visit every town and hamlet, plead their cause, andpeddle their tickets. There i 3 quite as much bargaining and trickery in our system as in the delegate system and Just as mean men get office. There is infinitely more per sonal defitmation mad recrimination between rival candidates than under tire othersystem; and the breaches %herrn - tide are tot, often healed, but give rise 'to faction and division within the ranks of the party." • - It must be apparetit fo every itersirlial out sider that the Herald's assertions are truth fully based. The system in principle is right; in practice, it is-notoriously a failure. We shall not be surprised to learn of a movement for abolishing it 'in our neighboring county. We Democrats may well hope tosee the Rad? teals retain it, however, for nothing, is surer than if they do, within the nextlive year 14. Crawford county will givi3 our party time*, ity. Z. SMITH Ir pAlltoriAGE and progress are a test merit, the State Normal school at Edinboro is one of the beet =lmola for - all classes or students. In additiOn to , thorough lnatrac tion in all English brtmehes, instruction in French and German is how givitt - by en c4l-. nested German clergyman, Rev. R Bierde• mann. We advise all the young who intend going to school away from home, to go to Edinboro.: Circulars can bb obtained by ad dressing the Principal, J. A. Cooper, Edin holy), Erie Co., Pa.—Titusville Herald. PPITFIBIIRGH, PA Nem.= RETraxa.—The publication of the income list in the last Observe" has been at tended by the usual amount of criticism and sage sugfivit4 l - ArltnY '01" Ala rktinnti; re, ported do not come up to the public expec tation;und of conw there are hosts of peo ple rea4y to intiinfite that there, have been false statements on the part of some whose names appear in' the list--lioi-Ear their suspicions are correet;Atre haveno - means of knowing, but it shOuld always be remember- . edthat the official lists give to the maiipa pem in many cases do not afford a fair idea ofmen's.real incomes. The law allows deduction of $1;000, house rent; faxeN Interest paid, &e., amounting In fcieinstances to less um the gross sum of *1,1.00, nittl In some as high as two, three, (bur and even ten thowi. and dollars, neconling to the auutent of real elate owned and debts due by the parties. Tikeni Ifn'tl- T Otr4 tft ni '‘, 2l ln n t t ! t rif tQ JPlX e d atall, and itartit. re etving interest thereon are not Obliged torepOrt the amount. We' knolv thini - , 411 Y L iity whose - eettponv . amount tci several thousands.of dollars yeai. kr, vILE;4(. i!tknie# , sloptek !,. 6 14i,eur tin in come list. Begdes - these there iS a heavy revenue Itont l ptporation . ,and baidt, rMekS, *c., the tax npon which - iS"diqueted al the time the dividends are declared. Sq . ete of the richest awn : ittAte. city have aponsidera-_ blo portion of their means invested in this kind of property, trout which• they derive' large revenues that do not appear in the regular income list.' As a sample, it may be stated that Gen.-Beed, whose nntne pears in the published return for $3 , 4,100, really. had an income of $103,000i tbo Lad= mice Over the first mentioned sum either having paid 'a previous tax or not being subject re taxation. 'Mr. Noble's actudl in come. was 22,000, though to is only set down for 2i7& Many of our most promi nent citizens, such .ris Wrn, C. Curry, James C. Marshall, B. B. Vincent, Wm. L. tkott, and a couple dozen more who might be named, are situated in the sumo ul i k We have made an etrort to obtain tit nWss in comes from the county, but as there is no record kept of them at the ,Assessor's office it is impossible. The Assessors, only retain a record of those on which the tax -is paid directly by the individual, and ilibt 'the one which the• Collector funiihk for publi (-Minn. The Government would satiify pub- lie curiosity better by obliging a record to'be kept in the As. , essor's office of the entire amount ofineotne received by every citizen, and obviate an ituntense'amountAf otiet44ivt. gossip. We have no doubt that a the }gross 811114 made during the year would. be double in length and am not that whiek has liven given the Piddle. • • WE have thnmelapehoty4y to perform of writing the obituary . of.the Anti-Lowry ii lical element in this connty, It departed this life on the day Ituttthe intelligence W[ls received of M. s overwhelming sueeess in Crawtbrd. ••Gp .to that period it was very' bold. in asserting what it intended doing. First, thoproposai was made to defeat him in the County' Convention; then, that given up as hopeless' and a People's move ment resolved upon ; and finally it , was thought that the better plan might be to run an independent- ticket.. All these laudable enterprises have fallen through—must we say it—for want of backbone. The result in Crawford converted the raging Rona - into bleating sheep. It " dried up" the Dispatch • and Gazette so completely-'that neither •of them even dare say "boo!".. Mr. Lowry can well afford to chuckle, as he does. He has compelled his Radical enemies to creep into their kennels like - whipped spaniels, and from this time forward his course is an easy one. Ile will have no opposition that amounts to anything in the CtinntY Convention, and we should not be surprised to see him get a unan: hums vote. We - cannot pursue the melan choly subject further. Our hopes were built up to an exalted height on the asseverations of the lamented deceased—we had expected a lively campaign in consequence, and done our best to. promote the good cause—alas! to he rewarded thus! Such is 11;8 fate of lite. Lowry ruleth—Lowry is King—and there is no lonia a man in the . whole Radical party .of Erie county who has the courage to dis pute his claim. We dislike to tell it, but dm truth must be printed, " though the heavens fall!" Tut: Park Church Sabbath School celebra ted its tivelfth Anniversary on Sunday even ing last in a very apPropriate and Interesting manner. Addresses were delivered by Rev. G. F. Cain, the pastor, S. S. Spencer, Esq., Superintendent, and Prof li. 8. Jones, all ,of which were listened toiwithsttention and satisfaction. A large audience witnessed the exercises, and we have reason to believe that many persons were awakened too ntore hear ty sense of-the importance of the cause and of their duty in connection 'With it. The statistics of the school present : the following facts: Average number of scholars in at tendance ftr, ; number who received -prizes for regular attendance 39; number added to the school during the year about 80; Bible' verses,and hymns committed- by the infant class 1,000 ; - Bible verses committed by the Sabbath, school in addition to the regularles son, 10,683. One of the utr i st gratifying . fea tures of the Superintendent's report was the statement that during the year just passed there had been no death, either of teacher or scholar. - IT wim be recollected that last spring E Camphausen, Esq., a leading Democrat of the county, was re-elected Justice of the Peace in the West Ward, over James Skinner,- Esq., lladical, by a decisive majority, although both the election distrieni of which the Ward, is composed usually give heavy Radical ma jorities. The contest was mainly apersonal one, and notwithstanding the filet that Mr. E.'s Democracy was sought to be used against, him, his friends did not claim the result MS a political victory. A feeling of considerable bitterness subsequently arose, by the course of some of 31. r. Skinner's friends in instituting legal proceedings to prevent the successful candidate from serving in the office, on the ground that he did not...reside in the Ward at the time of the election. The case came up at an adjourned session of the Court, last week, Judge Vincent presto:Mg.. It was ably and exhattstively argued by both shies, and terminated in a decision in favor of Mr. Caraphausen. The Judge stated that it wax entirely within the option of the people to elect a Justice from any part of the county that they saw proper,but if he wished to serve he must afterwards move into the district for which he was elected. .Tas. much talked about and long delayed. series of city iMprovements has at length he- - gun in earnest; and before Elie year closes we will halm a thorough - system of sewernge and street paving. The work on the Fifth street, sewei has Veen in progress for"some time; and Is MY:racing as rapidly• as the eater of the ground will permit. This sewer Is tribe the main one in the city, all the others tending north and south running into it. empties into Mill Creek at a point near its month, far enough from' the centre of popu lation to avoid .the unpleasant results that would have followed from, a debouch far 3fier n, the•streant. • 0n, 7 Timm* morning .and was broken r 4 the n paving itinund the 'Parks, and the Winik.zpeeted - • pushed forward to etanitletiaa by fall. Thepaving of severatother:adiree4iiill also be cortnnetteed -In st - short• thne. • •The Im , Provemeata - ConleMphited fidA:yei;iiy - lil be a henry expense to oilfehLtetts,bot they will ~ie:worth THE Warren county Agricultural Society will hold its fifteenth annual Fair at Youngs vine, on September 18th, 19th and 20th.— The managers are making an effort to render it the moat attractive exhibition ever held in the county. LOCAL BREVITIES. _ .Tne,rnion:Star learnt__ that 3 woman i n the town of Wattaburg, hung herself one day week before last. It is believed that she was Ina state oeinsanity. , THE statement is givep out in the Eastern papers that there are 24 applicants for the position , of -Cattunlsaluner of Agriculture, made valiant** death Of :Vasa Newton, amcibitWborti we Welke the mow _of Gen. C 4 ,,Wthsm of this cigr, ' Dutz.thees, an exelumgw, dabanyare al- ways gie l itest tbr advertisers,` Why! 13(1. cause when %limey Is Veit Md. people are forced to tenimmize, fheir.Antytt read the advertiapnumfr to , aseatabl„wbet aells thb cheapest wttent,lhei Can 'imp - to the _ , • -,_ • trolixt.frpapeislateilltittDr. Decaisne, of Belgium, hat saccesifully tided,petroleum in npFattls of six hundred cases of itch. 'Ye have known a single application' of petro— leum . (when the patient went in sleep enough) io effectually _mut forever cure •al inordinate itching for speculation. _ . : A. i 1 GlitaND FENIAN BALL" 18 to be given in Farmr on Faiday evening, the 19th inlet., at which Gen. O'Neill will make a speech, and. Vice President Gibbons, Gen. 6pears, A. L. Morrison, and several oth4r prominent . Fenians will be present . Farther particulars' wfll be found among tbe"lMPort aut Notices."' .1)11 W. E. MAEILL advertises thatbo "will warrant and de te ud all persons wearing rub -her plates" made by him, " against the silly threats of Josiah Bacon, agent of the Good year vulcanite Company," who has been charging_ the Doctor with an infringement upon their patent. The Doctor's reputation is sufficient guarantee that what he • pledges himself to do Will be faithfully prformed. TIIE record of intennents kept by the Sec retary of the Cemetery Co. exhibits a re markable degree of health in our city and South Erie during the present season. Only twenty-two persons have been buried in the cemetery from May 10th to July 13th, of whom two were infants a few days old, two still born children, and six people residing in adjoining townships. THE German Savings Institution has risen into popular confidence - with a rapidity which is'ahnostineredible. Though iii ope ration but a few months, its deposits already exceed $17,000, most of which have been re ceived in small sums. The, Bank pays five per cent' on all deposits over five dollars, and' is a great favorite with people In moderato circumstances. . Tint subscriptions to the Library Fund or the T. M. C. Association are being collected by a committee appointed for that purpose. The Association has now about $O,OOO on Its subscription books, and confidently expects to reach the sum of $lO,OOO, which it setout to procure. It is intended to. have the Li brary and Reading Room open for the public use early in September. Tint Bankrupt Act protuises to ZIP) thelaW lawyers of,oil regions an abundance of bust- . ness. The number of persons in thatsection who desire to ayailtheniselves of its advant ages is very large. We arc informed by a gentleman from Titusville that in Mitt city there will be..tter test, than fifty applicantA, including -savextd.-nr-,:the leading business A sc nitOnEn 100.4 Laketitmerior iron, ore has been: receivedtttlids port;for shipment to furnacek at Dtmeannon, Columbia, Potts ville and Plea Grove s , in the lower part of the State. It is to be-used rts an experiment, to test whether- the Superior ore can compete suebessfUlly in that Section with the ore of eastern Pennsylvania. If its advantage in qual ity is found to be sufficient too verhalance the exPense of shipping, a heavy trade In that direction may spring up at our harbor. Auotrr three htmireq persons attended the lecture of , " lIrof." James Stewart, in Farrar Hall, on 3honday evening. The distinguished oratotwak bent on giving the andknce their money'S-Worth.- lie talked. away on every subject thatsuggestad itself, until the crowd, out of lire sympathy, .rose en masse and started to leave. As a specimen of oratory, it is the unanimous verdict of all who were present, that nothing like it was' ever beard before in Erie. Viva Is Stewart Tun' recent severe articles of the Dispatch upon the liquor question have worked up a high state of indignation among the whole sale dealers, hotel and saloon keepers' of the city. They have held several meetings, in which'the course of the paper ,was bitterly criticised. The Germans are also "up in lams" against our cotemporary. Both their - palters comedown upon it In eletigeltaiifmer articles, and the subject promises to become oue lof much interest in the future--.no less in a moral paint of view than it political one. Tut: Saturday evening No. 6 freight train on the La* Shore railroad, for Buffalo, load ed with white wood, coal and coal oil, when five miles east of this city, was discovered to be on fire. Through the exertionsthe passengers of the express train, from ICleve land, which came along at that time, the cars were uncoupled and the fire confined'to the car in which it originatedund 'whiehsitns en tirely destroyed. The express traiti ins de layed some two hours in cortseottenee. Tau Buffalo Courier says, "on Wednesday the Preside* of the 13nffalo dr Erie-Railroad, Hon. Win. Williams, and B. N. Brim n, Esq., the 13tperintendent, took a quie't i ride over, the road. The engine drawing the car they occupied was the Atlas, arid the engineer was Mr. Jim Shatz. The train was run from North East to Westriehl,- fiftegij miles, in eighteen minutes ; and the distance front Hamburg to this city, ten miles, was donein We, extraordinary time of eight minutes. This is the best time on , record so far as our railroad information extends. We might sug gest in this connection that the track on the entire line is In splendid condition, a fact which renders travel over it highly enjoy- IT MAT not be generally known to our our.roulers that a new railrosid is being built !from Warren tolDuukirk, which is destined 'to be one of the! most important links in the railroad communication of this section. When completed it will give an uninterrupted line of mad from Buffalo_ to Franklin, ; and from the latter place it Is designed to build a pond down the Allegheny to iNttsburgh..The new, road will have branches into the Mercer county coal fields, front which the projectors. expect to draw a large share of the trade whichnow comes to this city. -About two ihirdi of the stock necessary for its comple tion has already been subscribed, and it seenut likely that the enterprise will be successfidff. ticeonipUshed. Blind themselves to the tact - a s our (Alison% may, there ism questfon that theAdlitads being built all atottud us, fie- I signed especially to compete for theltitainess which luta heretofore centered at Etie; will *htuttibt hsve very material influence lipon our - interests. • • . • 4iiiinpait'tence of Mirini a strong Dena , &rade ticket next fall, is straitening a proper slegrerpc lateoistiunam Qui -pasty friends. The question is now generally discussed by the Democracy, and it is universally admitted that if the right kind of men are pieced in nomination by the county conventions, it will add Largely to the prospects of cur Ste ticket. - But a strong ticket. EICIIIIS_ItronOIa every part, weak. link Amy ,destr o Y-tba chain, no matter how powerM thereat °Me be. _Attention Must be paid not only to the' Itigiter - other,but in' all to be . "lea for.,Lit thibetit inert, in each district be sqleileroi de *064: and then let thehest Possible candidates be placed Jumopiltiation. No man has a right to refuse it nomination now, becituse he don't want office. In this movement of reform every Democrat wean tolls party and his ecamtry to permit the weight of his Influence to be used. if it will help the cause. A CORRESPONDENT of the IVOild has been through the Oil Regions, and •gives an ec.• count of its present condition—entertaining to all but those who have investments there. The wells have been generally abandoned. . The "companies" not caring to' save Bath small affairs as steam engines and tools in the wieck of such great hopes, iliey are left lying about loco°. It is reckoned that, of engines alone, two are stolen every day, shipped and sold. Farms are sold at ,every tat sale for some trifling matter of tax—farms for which thousands, and even hundreds of thousands, were paid two or three years ago. 13dme of the farmers of the region failed to, profit by the oil fever that aged all over the country. Near Pithole there . is a firm, the owner Of which refixed V. 50,000 fork, whilo,to.day the same farm house and all would not brig $3,000. Tun Tionesta Press asstahte the following queer atmonsteircusst for office. *own! bet that : M/3111M Barrington la an honest, wan end good fellow, as seen As a mind Dtmo emt : To TiFE PEOPLE OF FOAM CO.—rk. •Fira :—Through the solicitations of some of my friends, I have consented to become n candidate for Associate Judge—subject .to nomination the •Ilettincrtuk party of For est county. Should I be notnituttell and elected. Isbell endeavor, to the best of no ability:—wblch I nth sorry,.more on the ac count of the' public tharrm_y own, is nothing extra—to awenlcqual and exact justice to all, and at no tine steal more Mit of the pub lie crib 'than e.ta ccunGartablv carry Mt' Yours respectfully, - ' DANIEL HAREM:OTC/N. • Kbfgsley, July Bth, 1867: Tui folloning is thC ticket placed i in nom ination by the Democrats qi Young° coun ti;andlt is elahned to have a good, ptiospeet or success; ' ' Arembly—Hon. Ibib't Lumberton, Frank Associate Judge—=Copt. Wm. liassOn, Oil City. Treasurer-3.as. L. Porter, Clinton. County Commissioner—J. L. Forker, Cher ry Tree. Jury Commissioner—John P. McKinley, French Creek. -, Auditor—Joseph Bell, Sandy Creek. Hon. A. Plainer and John Phipps, Fm., of French Creek, were elected delegates to next year's Eteinoeratle State Oairvention. V 4 were In error last week In stating the time for holding the Radical Convention in Warren county. It tint on Tuesday last,and nominated the following ticket. There is much dis:qatisfitction . anumg the defested‘- pirants and their friends,,and threati of lmlt ing the ticketjare openly niade; Assetahly-/j. R. Clark, Warren; Sheriff, J. R.' Capron, Kinznft ; ProthonOtory, Jagger, Sugar Grove ; District Attorney, 0. O. Tremont, -Worrell; Comnahtsoner, W. G. Careelon ; Jury .ConunisMoner, W. W. Con nelly, Deerfield, • . TUE Dispatch having hail such wonderful success in °vet:shelf:hitt Senator Lowry, the liquor sellers.. and the cows ,that frequent . the Parks, has now commenced ant:against the butchers t which. will . undoubtedly_ be at tended with like victorious results. The fol lowing is its first effort in the new field of , "It is strange that sauna ti should be Ike scarce and high-priced when the 'raw mate rial" is so plentithl. There was never any more well fed dogs in the city` than at pres ent." . OUR city has had the honor of a visit dur ing the present - week from - Prof; Koepen, instructor and attache Of the King of Greece, —justly distinguished as one of the most learned and remarkable snen of the time. He visits the United States at the special re quest of the. King, to examine our battle ,fields and glean Memorials of the same, and also to Inaht. splecticum .from American literature - for the . RiVal iibrary at Athens. The Professor while here has been the guest of Mr. Myron Sanford. Tut'illfferenCe in the sum total of the Utz' Comes in our county for 1865 and 1866, can easily be understood by a comfmrason, of the taxes for each year. For 1865, the taxation up on the incomes amounted to $73,215 ; for 1866, it NVILS only $44,190, showing a falling offa - if $29,025. -The depmcsed condition of business leads to the belief that there will be a still greater reduction in the amount for 1867. Tun bid condition of the Erie & Watts burg plunk road (so-called) has long been a cause of complaint to the people along its line. They have protested strongly against being compelled to pay toll, and on Thursday last their protestations assumed a warlike phase, resulting In an attack upon every gate on the road, andlts total demolishment. We have not learned what course the stockhold ers intend pursuing. Tar friends. Cor. McCreary are undecid ed whether or not to bring him out Sao can didate for re-election to the Legislature. 1.7 p to the present time the candidates from the city for that position . are Messrs. Starr and Kellogg—the latter having the support of the "Young America" elentent of Radicalism, and the latter of the wealthy and busiOess class. • Gov. GEARY has pardoned Geo. Chambers,- who Sias convicted, at the. Venango county December sessions, 1866, °minin g malicious ly placed obstructions on the track of the Oil Creek railroad, and sentenced to five years and.slx months imprisonment In the Western Penitentiary, at Pittsburgh. • A Fins in Meadville on Monday morning destroyed the Barton House, Smith' s livery stable with six horse.c. Lennaw's dry goods store and Mr. McMulleu's•re•+idence. The loss is $40,000 and the insurance only $15,000. - • • WE learn that Mdtsrs. Rand & Sunderfln have succeeded in selling the right to use their Pneumatic Gas in the city of New York for_twO hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Brains are a good thing to possess.— Union 'Star; Yes, but Yankee itipudence Is better A WIPE SHOOTS'AT HER licsumni.—Po. Beeman Brinker arrested in- this city on Saturday last, Mrs. Fannie Nichols, on com plaint of her husband, Hr.- Wm. Nichols, for all attempt to shoot him. It Is the old story, slightly varied to suit condition and locality. Suffice it to say, that domestic infelicity, caused by a clandestine correspondence on the part of the wife, recently led to their sep aration.. A ft er Hying apart ibrseveral days, the banished wife proceeded to the house of het...liege lord, armed with a revolver, fur the purpose of obtaining her things, Here the parties met, and indulged hi lan alMreation, tiotralculaterto heal their lace-nit& 'feel: Inge, - The wife lied, 'and was pursued by the husbands when she tumixt upon him_ fired fired twoipistol shoa t neither of which Wolf Act. The hiniband'not wishing to longer Contend with his wife Jaiuler' such .dream- - , stances withdrewi kusturher master 'of the 'situation: The 'Justice decided that Mrs. ..lecholastiaidd answer to the - charge. at the mber termot coart.--Nsadri/le, Eltpug it be the man - who invented sleepr. quoth Sancho Pants. Slinilles often been murdered, net in- lifaybetleerease only, but in many modern ; ingtulces, by' balm.. tion, Nervous Disorder, neadaslle, 1414, host of other complaints, • For allauch there is a remedy ,'and sufferers may now exclaim ) , "Blessed be the man who invented the Plantation Bitters r This delicious Coidial rltililions se VW Greg liestsh;Giver, and aestoter. *- solve to buy a bottle, and don't sleep on D. Be wise in time: delhtfal toilet article—loperior to Cologne and at .half the price. . •- • • jill3-2t., Emma - manta taw lavame,..'s settled necessity with the American people. In deed„ catioutios alwapp, have been Fatal ways must be. used; 'ln `isome" formi by. all .4IK An' ltdrcountryethe of edddnbstr~tioti haVereilrorrinf i le rator Obi since „ were that `made of oes arid Rimbutk, rolird , inta* Their high :Pro salon in the public confidence has iinalbr been secured and fastened into permaaelAg i by Ayeri Cathartic Pills, the mesa combination of medicine Our the diseases they are intended to cure, that science can devise or art produce. Those who need pills, no I longer hesitate what pills to take Wilkey can get Apex's Pills.— Whirling (Vs.) Press. Tu American Organs, manufactured by S. D. & IL W. Smith, of .Boston, are remark ably goad - utel efflpetive- instruments., Their quality' of *rills peculiar - and most'-admir able, .they have great power when played full, and possess a , swell - apparatus of more than ordinary excellence, by means of which n fine errwendo or diminuindo is obtained, and they also respond instantly to the touch Choir leaders, societies, er musical, students, who wish to procure something very satisfac tory in the way of Reed Organs, will certainly do well to examine these superb instruments. —Proridriwe Journal. abbationstuti, HARDWARM! gziwarsit - 1401 MAU:TRADE I= eefeliEftY SHANNON SCrr Freneit fit., Annouhee that they have juat rt , or,ened their RETAIL tET'ARTNIENT And Invite the attention of all wanting Mr allso to ihttttennit Their Stock in the Largest ever held In - North-Welders Pennsyvaida! Comprking a general arsortment of all the art cies In their line. • FARMERS will thal what they want., BUILDERS will And whatthey want. BLACKBMITHS will find what they want. WAGON MAKERS watt and what they wan C4RPENTERS will find what they want. MASONS will find what they want. PAINTFJIR will find what they 'want. OLA7.IEBR wi l And what they want. MACHINISTS will And what they want. LUMBERMEN will find - Wind they want. COAL DEALERS will find what they want. In 01;n every kind or Haolware owed by any elrm In the community. will - a/map; 1* found on hand and raid nt the most rengonahle prices• =9 Fairbank's Standard Sgales! by, Coal, Platform, Wheelbarrow, Grocers Druggists', Butchers', Post Office • and Counter-! =1 Croton Glass Works ! All sizes of Masa constantly on hand at losfeat ehash A General Assortmeilt of N - Jk.IIJM, aH.ozv, pArtm OIP : ALL KINDS, CUTLERY, LOCKS, HINGES, AC., AC. The public are 'invited to call and examine for thernaelves. Remember the place, t()7 FRENCH STREET, Wayne Block-, opposite the Reed House nty2"B7-ti. 1867. EXCUItt3IONI4 FOR THE 1511:13DIER OF 1867 • The Gmnd Trunk Railway and Royal Mall Line of Simmer; with their connection In the States, will lune EXCURSION TICKETS From Niagara FMK via. Lake Ontario or Grand Trunk Railway and its conneetiona, (pauing the "Thousand lalanda " and the "Ra_pidaotthe St. - Lawrence ' try_ daylight,/ to New York, Boa ton, Saratoga,: Portland, Torontd, Montreal, Quebec, Providence, Newport, WRITE ROUNTAEMJAKE GEORGE, takt cff.orrt.tnr, &C These routes, by the Lakes, the St. Lawrence, through the Cantatas, tbe . Eastern and !diddle States, are among the mast pleasant, traversing a region abounding Ir beautiful scenery, with a refreshing and Invigorating atmosphere. Tick ets mod until lgov. Ist available by mil or steardm • Rates little more than HALF THE 13517 AL FARE. Meals and birth, Included between Toronto and Montreal. tz- For tickets or any information concern ing these routes, a l i talcrt a BABCOCK. je2iPla. Wright's 131gctr, Erie, Pa. .NoPrztiE . . Keystone National Bank, OV CAPITAL $250,000. DIRECTORS; SeWen Marvin.. John W. Bail, Marvin Bewter Town, 0. Noble. °FLANGE NOBLE, Prest. JNO. J. TOWN, Cash. The: above bankja w n b o t r u i a l i o n te business in its CORNER OF STATE AND EIGHTH STS. hatlithetory papa disemilated— Money e• calved on deposit: - Collections. -made and pro* eeeditaecounted for with promptness. Drafts, •814 s and Bank Notes bought and sold. A. sWonf publie patronage solicited. Ant/kerb/it'd ,Capital 41600,000. caPrrAt. PAM IN MAU'. • - . , THE SECOND, NATIONAL BANK opened for business on ' MONDAY, .DECFAinFIC UM. 4 14 ; • i In the banking °Mee previously occupied by the Meeehmit's Work, Brown's Building, nortb.eost corner of State street and public Park.. • WM. L. SCOTT, Prest. WM. C. CURRY, NO. PfatCrogs: WM. L. SCOTT, of firm of J. Hearn dab., 04al Dealers. • , JOB. M'OARTER, of firm of Belden, Bliss "& McCarter, Builders. • 0E0.2. MORTON,VoaI Dealer. - W. S. BROWN Agent Buffalo & Erie B. It. • JOHN C.•IBIROViSof firmarClemens,Caugh ey &worm Wholesale (Horses. erakan siwuctrolt Ararat ptxteli& Mo., Flour d. ts. - - A. BARS, or AIM Of Barr, Janstal & Res ting Mere .ADlnutarturas. • • - •V. PARII&R„ fun o f Gm, lk:runar r Vglokintle Groorma -- • -- J. DI ,I&lBl . oAKEW9roets. • ' de'r6t . ' MT=W7T 7 ;7q p. WA:intim* ar.:co.. would relietnot t *wanes th,t Atudi have q i t iniel k t 11 •• 42 0.4 1 .010 141 / 1 and ilk For the Orator and star,4 Ar 'tins Os cow Pllni*CE, flutter, Pogltty . 3illk. Ace., Orders from abroad will receive prompt tentlort at the lowest market Priam. Sir The highest prim in earth paid for pm?. duce. au161164f. No. 12 Par It ROw, between Brown's. Hotel & Heed House, Crookery; .China, Grimm Ware. Tin Toilet Wa e, SILVER. PLATED WARE! CEI3II TOLE COMERY, LOOKING -GLASSES, log Parfait, -China and Glass Tames and' ,Ornaments! Merehrentos' Shipplied ht 1eb414 than New York Prleesii. NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. f • . . • • • -4 NOW OPEN - AT No. 4 . Nst•ble7i Block,- Vie, P a., Two Doom South of the New Pest Osie • MEN'S, & CHILDREN'S CO '1 1 - 1-11 C • IN ENDLESS VARIETY. THE RICHEST SELECTION OF ELEGANT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND ITESTEIGS FOR THE CUSTOM TRADE. ALL NOVELTIES IN Vi - entlernen's: Goodß, ALSO, UMBRELLAS, TRUNKS. Sze., At Prices Satisfactory to-All. - An examination of our. Stock and Priem it re:,peetfully nly9-3m i MARKS & MEYER. ERIE RAILWAY. • Great Broad GangepoubleTrack Route to PITENI? IrCIVELIC., 'BOSTON, and the New England Cities. This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New York, 403 miles. Buffalo to New York, 4ZI miles. Salamanca to New York, 415 miles. And is from 21 to 27 MIIAM THE SH ORTEST ROUTE. All trains. run directly through. to New York, 415 MlLElllorlthout change of coaches. From and after April th, 1807_, trains will leave, in connection with all the Western Lcues , follows: From DUNKIRK and SAI.A.3IANCA. -by New York time-from Union Depots 7:30 A. Express Mall, from Dunkirk dully (except Sundays). Stops at Salamanca at Kai A. M., and connects at liorneltaville . and Corning with the a A. M. Express Mail from Buffalo and arrives in New York at 7 A. M. • • 2:35 P. DI., Lightning Express,_ from Salamanca daily (except Sundays). Intersects at Hor nellsville with =1 P. M. Train front Iluffalo, and arrives in New York at 7 A. at. 4:15 P. M. New York Night Expressp, from Dun kirk daily (except Sundays). dope at. Sala mane& at &.B P. 31., alai arrives in New York at 1.230 P. M., connecting 'with afternoon trains and Steamers for Boston and New England Cities. . From Buffalo-by New York time-from Depot corner Exchange anti Michigan Sts.: 6:45 A. 31., New York Day Erprees, daily (except Sundays). Arrives In New York at help P. M. • Connects at Great Baud with Delaware, • Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and at Jersey City With midnight express train for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 8:00 A. M. Express Mail, via. Avon and Monate is rifle, dally (extept sunday ). Arr I vPli in New York nt 7:0) A. U. Connects at Elmira with Williamsport .k Ellidra Railroad for Harris burg, Phikulelphin, Baltimore, Washington and points - South. - 220-i\ at., Lightning Express, daily (exceptSun .' • day), - eounecting with morning express trains for Boston and New England cities. Arrives in New York at 7:00 A. M 410 P. 31.,,New - yoric Night Express, daily. Con necta at Hornellsville with the 4:15P.M. train tram Dratkier. and arrirea ;Cow York at 12:30 P. M. 11:00 P. M.- Cincinnati Express,. 4a le (except Sundays), Arrives lia..New larg 03:25 P. 3f. Connects at Elmira milli Northern Central RailWae,for Williamsportgarrisburg, Phil sdelphta, Baltimore and Waehingten ; az • Great Bend with Delaware , ' Lackawanna Western Railroad, and at.-New York with afternoon trains and steamers by Boston and New England cities. Only 000 train East outiundaY, tokiVlbg Pat Wig P. 3L, and reaelaing New York at 12:3o .-11,; in advance of all other _route.. Boston and New England passengen+, with their baggage, are trans:erred, free of elute - 10;i ti New York. The best Ventilated and - most Luxurious Sleeping Cars in the Worldaccum patty all night train' an this Railway. n • Ilaggrerc checked thrcreall and: litre always as • low as by any other rents. . ASK FOR T/CKETa• VIA. ERIE RAILWAY,. which OM be obtained at all_principal ticket of fices in the West and Sonth-West. H. RIDDLE. • - WIL It. BARR. Gen'l Sup't. Gull Pass. Ag't. rebis'ea. 1867. NEW , VTILIVI. ificdtlt wisochtted with isteou the igt of Janun 'l • • ry Andrew Mayer, fb the ' • BOOT & SHOE *BUSINESS, The firm will be known flq C. Ellgietgirt At Cu„ and the business will be carried on %Iv hereto. tote at No. lit West rut*, Erte, Vu. C. ENG LE Il *opietking -Ne*. Buy Tipped ghoes for your children. A ntalority of the children wear holes In the toes of their shoes in 4 . 1,:en , few dogs; then the shoes are soon, worthless, anda new pair must he bought. The- nuly way 'to prevent this great waasaof tactney4* Whey shoes protected by sil v Theynerer 'wear out at the toe, and maker,a pate of shoes hot three tiii*4 as long as wftifigib , .. : tether MPS have been worn to some extent, nut anent have.prOved worthless. gllver Tips have anent andsubstantlal appear and do away entirely n with the disagree able sl_ght. of dirty stoc gs and protruding too., haVecontdan yOh hand the only . as sortment.of Sliver Tipped Shoo* to be found In the eltv; incltidinghine Sewed shoes, Bahnorais, Youths' Boots, .te.orhieh we offer, together with allarge and lastdonahle watortment - aid Gents' Fine /Leavy goods, at the lowest cash prlees.-- .• • C.•=GLELIART de CO„ WATCHES, DIAMONDS, - • :1E114.131 . Y, SILVER -WANE. 'And a great vaeleiy of FANCY GOODS, Paragon Milian", 28 N. Park Place. Ede.' Next door to itettliant's Union Express CO. A stock.of $20,000 warn' -mg elegant and hub• hatable goods will he offered, for the next three months, at a very great reduction to price. Thastoek Is all new and purchased at lower ,rtes of gold than tkowAnd ffeirtadned toavobi loam In ltsture,small - prolits and cash trtudae• iltaalassudnia/Uso customer and dealer. il leors established in U5,.14 the Mime btalann, esluttnsoutemuulltdete Mat no groat amount of sulsrepresentatlon wail bstoployed, hot t est enough Old Fogy and oung - Amerlra spl tto lns. warrant safe transactions and good taulta SIMI; SPOONS OP COIN SILVER, For sale or made to order, Watches and all kinds of Ume keepers and Jewelry earehdly Pared arid warranted, Give me a colt, zerZtg-t f, T. A ITSTIN. WM. E. GLENNY, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN COAL . OIL CHANDELIERS AND LAMPS, &C.. 4 1 / 4 , C., &C. .' IN GREAT , VARtftA: AT AU S TIN'S, =I Pkipi7a4* 419" For the Handkerchief., MON'S . A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Prat grant Perfume, Distilled from the R: and Beautiful Flower from which takes its name. , Manufactured only by PHALOII* $0 .k, NEW YORK. REWIRE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PLULONS—VOLE NO OTHER 6144 kr Armed& itemerlair• • CLIMAX V CLIMAX!! Page's Climax Salve, a Family blessing for 25 cents. It heals without a Scar. No family should be without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Ernptions of the Skin. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Spraibs, Bruises, Barns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, &e., it mates a perfect cure. •It has been used Over fifteen years ; without one failure. It . has no parallel—having . per feetlyi eradicated,illseise and 'healed' after all othr rented:EPA had tidied. It is a' compound of Arnica with, Imlay other Extracts anu Balsams, and put up in target boxes for the saute price than any other Ointment: 8011 by Ilrog7iAts ererTtrhere.• Whit° k Iluwland. Yroprictorv, 121 Liberty Street, Neol York. The EhoiUc Family Machine does all ki Sewing, thick or thin, without chance o Rion, and does heantital Embroidering. Lock Stitch Machines are used for light Leavy tallaring, by harness and shoe m tai n pleui ounA inelon—quiettind, easy . ration. Sewing machines exchanged and to rent ' the wort. or month, Bilk, lotion, Gil, Nee. ha ensudantly on hand. ape.1767-tf. AGENCY, a. 3) State . (R. H. FAXYLENER, M. D.. eirlaciEolg AND 110M(EPAT1110 PilysiciAN, =French Street, }hie, P. my9'674m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers