The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 27, 1867, Image 3

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    important iloticeo.
dvertisenients inserted under this head
ing at 15 cents per 11ne of 10 words for the nrst
insertion, 12 cents for the second, and lO cents
for each subsequent insertion.
Try the Famous Arctic Sotto, of Diekrnsan
& Snit, Perry Block. Jyl3-Im.
.1. F. erci-is's Eric City Intelligence om m . N o ,
r 9,2 State ntrort. Jalo'o7-tf.
'For Inalurance In Well known and most to
t lat.le Companies, apply to R. W. Russell, agent,
;ill state street. teb2l'o7-Iy.
A Lady cannot get In a safer place to buy a
of,dty goods than at No. Ha State streeL
oiyivtt. Old stand of Gabel dt Etenriebs.
•Lsdies Please Take Illotlee.—The hest stock
of p r opt Goods and Silks, without exception, is
~1 No. 716 State street. P. ifzurtzetra,
9-tf. Old stand of Gable fi Henricha
Remnant Prints 10 eprits ; Rose from WI eth.
L ip: Cloaking!! from 81 per yunt op; Black Silk
from $1.21 up. No. 716 Mote street.
T o9-tt. P. REL<IIICITM.
r e moval.—Dr. M. Chopin luut removed him
,t .,„ 1 „1 rat..., to the corner of State street and
ti t , nob, (over the Marine Bank.) where be will
Ile happy to sots any who may need his profes
.l,,tial .erg leer. Je6-2w•
ReITIOVIIL—The Ftove and Tin Ware store of
111 rat & 'O.; has linen removed to No. LUlltian
stowt, near the Buffalo 'load, where will
it kept en hand .n complete 'dock. of moods In
their line, n Ideli the public are Invited to call
3 10 °Famine. apt-tf.
The Erie Lodge No. 211. L 0. of Good Tem
plar,. meet' , on every TiloalaY evening, in the
.w Fellows' reMigo Room, on State street, over
Jareek I's Jewelry store. Stranger Templar,' vis
'tint! the city are cordialGlyF. inKsitot vlteil to
,' ile present.
Fit +'R it ItEL, ILI. S, : r tll3-2-tr.
Ladie• will nlent“ , notice the cards of Mr.
Dry Goods Dealer,_ He Is very mod.
in 4111•11kinQ or his huiilneria, hut, are done gay,
tlmn i• not s a better stock nor goods sold ehea.
vr 1.1%. litre hint in call, at No. 718 State
s. H. Weigel, iwaetleal piano forte tuner.
In-141, left nt the \Grover ,t tinktbr Sewing Mrs.
ch i" A ze ary. S2o street, Fie, Pa., or by
mall, will reel we prompt attention. A lint clam
norliman employol to do repairing of pianos
Rua melodeon,.
43u5int55 T3irtttorp.
Thisinesq eard4 Inserted In this depart
went for one year, at a dollar per line.
- -
wifor,Es %LE Gnorgjts. •
r.olgher. n.q, Walker, tri and :11N. Park
MIIe4.FAI and al French Kt.
Johreron Ro:1111er, 513 French lit.
wir t ti,F:.\LF. rsix)r.4 AND SHOES.
rbnekle ('lark, :r2 North Pork.
- - -
Boom AND sitoEs
L. 11. t'•lark, 14 Park Row.
S. Z. Smith, A State street.
Englehart k Po.. 19 North Park,
le. mze Zurn. VII State street.
F. Pfeffer. Rl6 State ht.
I 'alllaler Niefteary, North Park,
11. gpatrord, .12 . 1 French mt.,
- -
if. P. Ha v..r41 la'. Park Row,
rroa , h,t. 1ini...119 French at.
Stott t MIMI:lel, ti2l State at. -
E. P. 3 .1 State
Wm. Willing, Sag State
(;rover S: Baker, R. 33 State st.
Wheeler & 3:':3 State st.
4 White, s South Park. .
Km. fr. Moony. 12 Pnrk Rom
Fax% ito4enzwelk, 514 State tit.
• I w.vrrrips ec JEWELRY.
M u n &Visitor. 2 Park Row.
L E. WiNort, 21 North Park. •
.t et, 513 State street.
W 521 1 A French rt.
- Bor As Burgess. 4.31 and TOO State street
•4. P.. Barnum, 1117 Peach street.
Viers & Elliot, 429 State street., •
Iran & Warfel. 610 State st. •
Wilkins & Doll. 1312 Peach street,
J. h. Carver & Co., 21 North Park.
Win. Nick &Sons. 702 State street.
Dr. S. Dickinson & 50n,711 State street.
DRY (10()DS.
Nfonoll. Stephens & Wilde)•.
G. R. Merrill.
Decker, Koster & Lehman. 1314 Peach , st.
Morrison Bros. 714 State st.
P. Ifenriehs, 710 State st.
Edson, Churchill & 3 Noble Block.
Itmenzwelg Rm., 512 State st.
Delfendorf. Gross tr Foster.
Warner Brno., .506 State st.
Barton it-Griffith, 15524 Peach st.
R. A. Field & ••
F. J. Rexford & Co.. 141 ••
A. & .1. ftbender, 12IR
Henry Berl:man, 501 State st.
Marshall. Christian & Craig, 21 North Park
A. GMT, 5121 French sr.
A.. Minnhz, Corner Rib and State at,
P. A: Becker & Co., 551 French st,
Bryan & Mcfilverin. :ill; French st.
Ranson & Howell. I= French st.
F, Sollaucleelzer, C2l State st.
W. A. Lott, 1307 Peach st.
(leo. C. Dunn. over and 30 North Park.
Dolph 8r0.., Farnie Hall Building.
.. It. Welsihnutn. 131:1 Pmrh' Rt.
Ho:s•I tt Ask hie, 70i1 State st.
I'. De, , clc. 7ift State st. •
St. W. Mehl, 517 French st:
11. Y. Sterner, 4111 State st.
, 4!inntirin & rrz; Peach st.
W. W. Pierce & Co., 830 Stnte st.
McConkey & Shannon,. 547 French Pt.
Isrme Vantassel, 1224 Pearh it.
Hubbard Bros.. 701 fitato
M. May..r 4 f40n„1215 State st.
PlArr. Johnson th Co., 11118 and 1035 State
'N. Murphy,'Ll North Park.
J. If. Riblet & en., MIS-State Ft..
J. ILlnlei ken., RIR State pt.
John Gonotheitner & Son, Gt 2 State Mt
Mellek, 1213 State st.
Y. Wagner, 01 St ate pit.
Mark% .t Meyer, 4 Soblo Block. -
_ .
• ilrba Rbbtrtioemettto.
. .
so-Advert Nem puts, to secure insertion, must
be handed in by Z o'clock. on 'Wednesday after
notm. All advertisements trill be continued at
the expen.e of the advertiser, unless ordered
fora specitted time.
• I _, , _ _ ,
Margaret Yemnins, lwl No. 1.0 August Term,
her next friend Yohn L. Igai. • Common Pleas
Ile Barry, .1.. ( 0f Erie Co. Anus
101. ' I Subpoena in Divorce.
iktn. , '.4 Wiltlloll4. J
R13.1 - I.E on Most .Yeomans, defendant, to ap•
pear on the fourth Monday of August next,
to show eause. If any, why decree of said Court,
dfrorrihe said Margaret Yeomans from him,
the said Moses. Yeomans., shonld not he granted.
je:r-lw. • - If. L. BROWN. Sheriff.
Ell7-11...t1. KePper. by 1 Nu. .I.ustuot Term,
her riett friend, J. Fur- 11367.
mon Pleas of Erie Co.
Clirktoptier Rapper.
RI - ix. on ehrbitopher Ketmer. defendant, to
appear on the 4th Monday of Anmmt next,
t^ show eattw. If any, why decree of maid Court,
4ivorelo.4,lbl 1 7 .117.31,0til Kopper from him, the
Kyimer.mhould not beeranted.
11. L. BROWN,Shorlff.
rQTIt Vir.ll from the premises , . of the snbseri-
CI her, on the Wattsburg & Union mad. four
fr , ,in l'ition. on Thum:lnv, June
small Bright - Ray 3fare, about 10 or II yearn old.
ith both hind feet nearly white, and a SOW/
NrUlti , ',addle mark hark of the left 'Moulder. A
reward will he given for her return, or
inf ,, rned ion tint will lead to her reenverv.
ie.t7-2w F.. 11. BROWER.
• •
iti)rtitzli of South Erie•••Ordlnanee.
Br f t ordained by the Burgess:indent:fn
.:l ..; h Erle, that all owners of loteor parts
”f bd.,. or portions sf land, on the different
r,et 4 lately gruled, or hereafter to be graded,
in '3O Borough, he, and the same are hereby re
wilted, to make or cause to be made, within
illtrivAays after such grading, guest, sulettantial
Ald.sw;dics in front of their lot or lots, said side
s 0 be of gravel.
"47..2. That In ease the said owner or owners
lot. , aforestilil shall neglect or refuse to com-
Pivs lib the provisions of the lid section of this
onhnatie% the Burgess and Council shall cause
tie; ...01.sidewalk or sidewalks to ha made, and
' , Meet 'the amount due for said work from the
r , -Pectyo owner or owners by due course of
orddried and enaeted this 4th day of June,
WM. HENRY, Burgess.
LTTJE, Clerk. Je9lw.
It tn., ,c, hire I gUeas I must 0 and get one
hoW are him ehargeST
Why, don't you know, lie Re
than any other Merchant Tailor in tofu, hue
No ! Is that so?
Of eourse It le: go to his Store,
No. 626 State Street,
'And glve him a chance to make you a salt, and
you 'Alli never buy anywhere else. -
ERIE, PENN'A, JUNE 27, 1867
Cleveland & Erie and Erie & Pittsburgh time
12 minutes slaws= than Erie city{ Bullblo do
Erie 6 , minutes FASTER ; Philadelphia & Erle 10
minutes PASTEL
Going Mud.
7:35 p. Lelneinnati Express. Going West
2M p. m Day Expre55.............1:00 P. in
&.31) a, m.-Mall and accommodation._ 6:00 n.
1:15a. m. Night Express &Id a. m
..... Toledo Express 10:10 n.
Mika. M. N. Y. it Steamboat Express a. in
PHILADELPHIA& ERlE. Leave. Arrive.
GM p. m. - Erie Ex press "1Q0) a. ru.
1025 a. m............ F.rie Mall .... 4.01 p. in.
-R.-00 . a. tn..-Warren Accommodation._ Cc4s p. in.
Leave. AixWe.
Mtn o rn......—.Pittshargh Express.. 1:30 p. rn.
&10 p. 11:35 p.
wAnnEz: & FRANI:LIN.
Lean - a Irelncton. Leaves Olt City - . m —Mall— tiai a. in.
p. Express 'lain: M.
ft:10 p. in. ...... --Buffalo Express p. m.
Ai' Railroad officers are requelted to Inform
us when any changes arc made In the above
We invite the speCial,attention of businea
!nen throughout the county to the Business
Directory which we have opened in another
column. It is our desire, if possible, to se
cure the insertion of the name of every per
son or firm doing business in - the count); in
this column. The cost to each is but a trifle,
and the advantages of the Directory are ap
parent at a Office.
In order to extend the circulation of• the
OBSERVER as widely as possible, during the
coming campaign, we offerit at the following
or rang:
From the Ist of July to October 1711 t,
(the next issue after election,) 63 cents,
From the Ist of August to October
17th, - - -. 50 cents.
From the Ist of September to Octo
ber nth
AU subscriptions will be promptly &won
, nued at the end of the period for whieh
[ley are paid, unless otherwise ordered.
Some of otir friends do not yet seem to un
derstand the' nee• system which we have
adopted in conducting our business.
Be it known, then, to one and all, that
hereafter, we - intend collecting all our sub-
Iscription accounts yearly, without distinction
of person. 'ln every case where subscribers
fail to settle their accounts before the- end of
the year, a bill will be sent to them, and it' it
is not properly responded to, the paper will
be discontinued.
We repeat, what we have said - before, that
we have been compelled to resort to this
system as a measure of self protection. The
ord plan of allowing accounts to run for Years
may have done when matters were differ
ent, bnt in times like the present, when we
are obliged to pay cash down for everything,
it won't work. It is to be hoped that all the
friends of the paper will see the sounijuess
of this position without further explanation,
and when they receive our little epistles, re
spond with that promptness and cheerful.
ness which DemOcrats should ever display
towards the advovates of their principles.
Tut: kareity of local items has induced
the Dunkirk Union to venture upon a new
feature in that line, of which the folloWing Is
a sample. It promises to become immen.iely
June 17th, Mr. Huff. Mr. 'IV is now
_ -
stopping at the Eric Hotel with his mother.
At the time of his arrival his weight was
eight and a half pounds, and us his health is
good, he hopes by the helps of the healthful
breezes of Lake kricond sumpttions fare of
—grandfather,--minnost of the Erie Hotel,
soon to become one of the heavy weights both
morally and physic-all yof our town. We bid
the little stranger God speed, may he be the
light of the household and a blessing to the
parental roof
We beg a thousand pardons for the omis
sion of this in our last issue. 31r. Chauncey
Rathbun arrived on the evening of the 6th or
morning of the 7th. As the young man is
wanting a set of teeth, the Doctor (father)
will have a small job on hand, and we hope
for the young man a good tit and the Doc
tor's usual reasonable price 4. We understand
that `fie - (C. B.) soon expects to enter into
partnership with his father in the dental busi
nes. The firm to be known as B. Rathbun
& Son.
Our entemporary evidently anticipates tt
largely increased subscription list, on the
strength of introducing this department into
its columns, as in another portion of the pa
per we find the following :
Extra copies of this week's Union can he
had on application at this office. -
TILE F 15111750 FrICORE.—The whole com
munity has been in excitement for the past
two weeks over the great abundance of fish
being caught in the Lake at this point. Noth-i
ing has ever been known, and. it . is the
leading topic of speculation in every part of
the-city. The favorite fishing grounds are in
the open Luke, a few hundred yards outside
of the harbor, though we are informed that
parties have met with nearly as much success
alongside the piers at the entrance. Hosts of
fishermen are out at all hours of the day, and
the number of the finny tribe that they bring
back with them would be incredible to per
sons in less fav'ored localities. On Saturday
afternoon, fifteen hosts, containing tot less
than fifty inmates, nude and female, were
anchored outside of the harbor, within a few
yards of each other.. Their close proxiiiity.
did not have the least effect upon the fishing,
and thiise Who understood the knack"Of pro
perly baiting their hooks, were rewarded with
astonishing success.- In most cases, the line
Was scarcely thrown into the water until it
caught a fish, and the sport was exhilerating
to a degree seldom attained. The fish are
nearly all perch, and average from three
quarters of a foot to a foot in length. Out of
at least fifteen hundred that we . Saw, during
our visit to the locality, there : were not half
a dozen that would fall lielow . this size. To
give readers abroad some impression of the
way in which the fish bite, we will state that
a party of two, after an alikenee of about
three hours, returned with Ram hundred fish,
and this is a fair sample of the
_luck which
attends nearly all after they once acquire the
knack of the business.
The sensation produced by thisi extntonli
pary state of things may be easily imagined.
The boats in the harbor are kept in constant
use, and not less than a couple hundred per
sons visit the favorite localities daily. Almost
every hour of the day parties pass our office
with enormous strings offish, in most eases so
heavy that two men are needed to carry them.
A string of forty or fitly is not thought worth
bringing home, and would subject the person
carrying them to ridicule. The news of the
wonderful sport has spread far and wide, and
crowds of persons from - the neighboring
towns have come in to participate in the fish-.
lug. If it continues for any. length of time ,
fish will become a drug upon the market, and,
Erie will acquire a reputation throughout the
country as. the Paradise of anglers.
Fort ern eT GmAno.—The gocid people of
Girard and vicinity are • preparing for a
regular . old fashioned celebration of the
Fourth. The day will be ushered in by a salute
of thirteen guns, and . ringing of bells. At 10
o'clock a procession will be formed in the
Square, and march through the principal
streets. The Declaration is to be read by S.
Todd Pericy, Esq:, and an oration will be de
livered by Rev. C. L Shipman. Capt. D.W.
Hutchinson is to preside at the meeting, and
E. D. Pickett will act as Marshall. In the
afternoon the Fairview Fantastift will invade
the town. The festivities will close with a
fine display of fireworks. Girard never fails
to perforrg her full share of patriotic duty.
PREP Antertoss for the Indian War are going
on upon an extended scale. Every few days
military equipments and supplies pass this
city, on their wow to the West..
nosiness Directory.
Observer for the Campaign.
Our New System.
.Lowry Carries Crawford County.
The Radical primary elections held in
Crawford comity, on Friday of last week, re
sulted, as we eitpected they would, In the
success of Mr. Lowry by a heavy majority.
In the Eastern and Western portions of the
county, his vote is well nigh, unanimous, and
even in the middle portions his _competitor
did not run as well as his friends ardirleated
This triumph of Hr. Lowry is more to be at
tribiited to his adroit management and plaus
ible character, than to any particular degree
Or personal popularity. It must be apparent
to his friends, no less than to outsiders, that_
individually he is not a favorite with his par
ty, but he IIAS that peculiar tact and boldness
which do more towards winning political
battles titan the purest character or the pre
foundest ability. His gun boat scheme and
new county dodge are as ridiculous as they
are ingenious, but they, were sprung before
the attention of the people at just the right
moment to suit the, purpose intended, and
have borne forth the'fruits that were expect
ed from them. For appearance sake, the
humbug will be kept up perhaps for a year
or two after election, but those who seriously
expect either Federal or State aid towards
the enitirgement of the canal for naval
purposes, or that a new county will be crea
ted out of the Western part of CraSvford,will
be as egregiously duped as the South was
when it supposed that-secession could be ac
complished without a struggle. ,
The selection of Mr. Lowry by a direct
vote of the Radical masses, is a fair,com
mentary upon the professions of patriotism
which that party has mole in.' the last six
Nears. The issue was presented to them of
sustaining a soldier of admitted worth and
talent, or a mere politician, who 1.,m0 rich
during the war, while others were devoting
their lives and means towrirtli the success of
the Union : anti by their deliberate action
they have tvject«l the former to promote the
advancement of the latter! Could anything
be more suggestive of the hypocrisy which
has grown into a trade in our politics than
such a verdict! The Colonel of the gallant
old 8:Id regiment, the favorite of the whole
North-West, whose - colors were torn to pieces
by Southern bulletsond whose columns were
so decimated that hardly air original member
was left at the end of the war—a man of ac
knowledged bravery and fine attainments—
deserted by the very people whose homes he
fought to protect, and pushed out of the way
to make room for a plausible professional of
lice-seeker Oh, for the consistency of our
modern so-called "loyalty!"
Of couAO this triumph of He' Lowry is
decisive that he will again be the nominee of
the Radicals for the. State Senate. His ene
mies in the party ranks in Erie county, though
numerous, are neither courageous enough,
nor possessed of the necessary perseverance
and shrewdness to make the slightest approach
to an effective opposition. We have no doubt
that he will carry the CoUnty Convention
nearly unanimously, and henceforth his pow
er may iie_reg s arded as being so firmly estab
lished for years to come, that he can control
the machinery of the party to suit himself.
It is very likely that some new scheme to de
feat him before the people may be originated,
but the timidity and want of adroit manage
ment which his Radical enemies have dis
played heretofore are not oiery encouraging
for Democrats to participate in it, and unless
there is something of a more positive, deter
mined and influential character than has
been tried in the past, we ilrefer to ran
araout and out ticket, from top to bottom, of
true and tried members of our own party.
30 cents
Yur. NrcuousoN opinhins
respecting the Nicholson parethent are of so
diverse a nature that it is very difficult for a
disinterested person to make up his mind
upon the subject. We had scarcely finished
reading an elnimwate eulogy upon it, when a
copy Of the Chicago Times was handed us,
in Which the paving, as laid down in that
city, is criticised with merciless-severity.. As
we have already published a statement from
an exchange, in " which the pavement was
commended to the public, it isoo more than
just that we should permit our readers to see
the other side of the question, and some sub
mit the following extrAttfrom the editorial
in the Times:
"If tiny persons shall be induced to favor
the Nicholson street flooring on account of
representations that the speculators may make
concerning its success in Chicago, they will
suffer themselvesto be humbugged with their
eyes wide open. The Nicholson street floor
ing is not a success in Chicago, butis a fail
ure, just as it will be everywhere else. It is
but a very slight improvement on the old
Flan of horizontal planking, which was first
introduced and extensively practised in this
city twenty years ago. The planks did very
well on streets where there was no heavy
teaming, and so does the Nicholson " style of
flooring. So long as Chicago remained a
country village, three-inch oak planks, laid
on a compact roadway of sand, were found
to constitute an economical and satisfactory
style of street flooring. So now in such
places as Kalamazoo, Oshkosh, Milwaukee,
Joliet, Springfield, etc., the Nicholson floor
ing (which differs but little from the oak planl
flooring) would probably answer the require
ments of economy and usefulness. But when
any of those places attain the size and.busi
ness importance of Chicago, they wjll find
something more substantial and durable
than a wooden floor Ls' required in their busi
nessstreets. They will do wisely to profit by
the costly experience of Chicago, and not at
tempt to make a whistle out of a pigs
or a street pavement out of pine lumber. It
cannot be done. The most useful i putTor
the Nicholson street flooring has served in
Chicago has been to prove its own Worthless
Tin prospects at present look to us as if
the contest for Radical Legislative • can
didates in this city would he more than usu
ally vigorous. The candidates thus tbr are
Messrs: G. W. Starr and A. R. Kellogg, to
which it is likely Gen. McCreary, one of our
late members of the House, will be added. It
is understood that Gen. McCreary did not
return with the expectmion of-being re-elect
ed, but since his arrival home he hay been
urged by many of his friends, who regard his
legislative experience as possessing consider
able value, to accept a nomination in case it
is tendered him, and, although he leas not
positively decided, it is more than likely that
he will conclude to become a candidate. In
such an event, the fight in the city will vir
tually be narrowed down to McCreary and
Kellogg, .as Mr. Starr will hardly feel:like
entering upon a hotly contested campaign.
Kellogg is a young man of much energy,who
has had a good deal of experiencein running
Radical caucuses, and knows how: to put it
to practical use. His extensive acquaintance
with our younger citizens' will enable him to
rally a large share of them to his support,
and whether or not be succeeds, he will give
his competitors considerable trouble. , The
'result in Crawford divests the Senatorial is
sue of much of its interest here, and the main
squabble will be upon the Assemblyman and
WE are happy in being able to announce
the completion - and formal" opening of the
Jamestowd & Franklin It. R., extending
from the" village otdamestown, on the Erie
& Pittsburg It R., to the borough of Frank
lin, in Venango 'county. This result opens
up to the trade of Erie a new and desirable
section of country, which our business men
will doubtless 'hasten to occupy. ,It will
give persons abroad some idea of the rapid
development of North-Western Pennsylva
nia, when we inform them that the James
town & Franklin is the tenth railroad which
has been. completed in this portion of the
State since 1840, as follows:
Ist. Pbila. & Erie.
2d. Atlantic & Great Western
3d. Erie & Pittsburgh.
4th. Oil Creek R. R. -•
IStb... Farmer's R R.
Gth. Plthole & Oil City. "
7th. Franklin Branch of the A. & G. W
Bth. Warren & Franklin.
91h. Cross CIO RR. -
10th. Jamestown & Franklin.
Sun. building in New York is less active
now than at any former time.
A PAPER in Painesville, edited by a Rev.,
has an impious aitiele on the "Dam nui
sance ." '
TUE Erie Conference of the Methodist
church meets at New Castle on the 10th of
Trui.cheapest place in the city—as we can
testify from experience—to buy blank books
and stationery is tit Caughey le McCreary's,
between Brown's Hotel anti the Reed House.
• Tun jail of Crawford county must be near
ly as safe a one as ours. On Friday. night
eight prisoners escaped freak %three of wbom
werelmder sentence for larceny and highway
robbery. At our latest advises only two bad
been captured.
Tuz treasuries both of the city and South
Erie are empty. Those who hold accounts
against eithei of the corporations will have
to wait until the tax collectors imminence
making their returns, before they can receive
their pay..
wanting strawberries will tind.them
always fresh at Ti. L White's, No: 8, South
_Mr. W. keeps on band every kind
of seasonable fruit, and housekeepers should
not fail to give Itim.thele patronage.
PAtcrals writhiw... to Canada should bear in
mind that the former distinction between
Canada East and' West is obliterated, and all
letters must, hereafter, be directed to the
Province of Ontirio or Quebec, as the ease
may be, in the DOminion of Canada.
THE Dispatch, in
,commenting upon the
result - of the Ritdical Primary. election-in
Crawfori county, remarks as follows: "If
he is elected, by ;a majority great or small,
the pill is for the people of Crawford county
to swallow, and it will make the battle in
Erie county so Much . more severe that it may
have to be swallowed here also." As Shaks
peare would say, "Clear as mud r
Lownv's majokty in Crawford county is
1436, out of nearly 4,000 votes cast. His
Radical enemies in this county have conclud
ed to pit a candidate against him, to endeav
or to secure his defeat at the County Con
vention, and it stems to be settled that Col.
T. M. Walker, of the 111th regiment, will be
the man. Es-Mayor King was 'urged to al
low the Use of name, but declined to• be
come a candidate. - •
THE stockholders of. the Erie & North
East anti BuffalO & State Line B. B. Compa
nies have voted-In favor of consolidating the
property and franchises of the two corpora
tions, in act-Ord:ince ivith an act of the last
Legislature. The consolidated company has
selected the follhwing as its officers:
Williams, President; Chas. IL Lee, Vice
President ; B. N. Brown, General Superin
Tae old saying, "GU abroad for - news,"
is strikingly verified in the following front
the New York Tribune of Monday:
An election for State Senator and A'ase mi
laymen was held in Crawford connty,Pa., on
Friday last, which has probably resulted in
the choice of a Democratic Senator. The
imperfect returns received indicate the elec
tion of Lowry (Dem.) over McCoy (Rep.) by
rtmalority of about 500."
Tin; new Masonic Hall, in Noble's Block,
was dedicated lon Monday afternoon, with
imposing ecreinonies.‘ A large number of
the fraternity at ended from abroad, and the
hospitability es ended to them by oar citi
zens made a very favorable impression. In
the evening a grand promenade Concert and
Festival was held in the Hall, which was
participated in by an immense concourse of
ladies and gentlemen, and which gave the
utmost satisfaction to all. The incidents of
the day have given Masonry a StrongZr hold
than ever upon the respect of the communt
ty, and will ht4..e the tendency to materially
increase the applications for membeiship. • •
THE followhig are the officers of the Y.
M. C. Association for the ensuing year:
President, Chas. C. - Shirk; Vice President,
E. L. Felton; Recording Secretary, Chas. E.
Gunnison; Coiresponding Secretary, C.W.
Lytle; Treasurer, J. L. Russell; Librarian,
A. R. Caughey; Assistant Librarian, H. S.
Jones. We oingratulate 'our young friend,
Mr. Shirk, on his re-election to the Presi
dency, 4 . po.iiion he filled last year, with
fidelity and rare acceptance. Mr. CaugheY
is again choseri head of the Lecture commit
tee, a post In which he has served for u nut&
her of years, and the duties of which he, is
better adapted to perform, perhaps, than
any other person in the community..
Out?. influential daily cotempopry, having
succeeded in completely annihilating Lowry,
will, in all prohability,.now turn its gigantic
batteries with redoubled vigor upon the
cows, pigs and geese that infest the city lim
its. The public may expect to see a full list,
per diem, of all the cows that visit the . East
Park, with graphic sketches of each par
ticular boviiie,including the color of their hair,
the particular shape — of their hornit, the ca
pacity of their appetites, the length or their
tails, and the comparative modesty or im
modesty of their demeanor. In the difficult
task of regenerating the political, moral and
other evili wbieb prevail, our co.temporaty
is perfectly at home, as the wonderful suc
cess that has attended its past efforts abun
dantl.;. testify.
• PEnsoNs who have, recently visited our
city from Philadelphin; and other places 'in .
the Southern phrt of the State, express than
selves no less astonished at its growth than
ielighted with its appearance, situation and
climate. S ri‘tominent gentlemun who was
here ;I few days ago remarked to us that he
knew of nu location he would so soon pass
the summer :in as Eric. The fine, bracing
breezes from the Lake temper the atmos
phere here in the summer to - a degree that
only those who live In the sultry places or
the interior can properly appreciate. We
feel assured that with the opening of a first
class hotel, Erie will become a plai.e of much
resort for parties from Philadelphia and else
where, who wish to secure a pleasant place
for spending the hot season of the yeas.
+I.IOSF: ofour readers who are looking about
for a machini! of the kind will find Doilge's
Reaper and Mower and Self Raking Harves
ter just the article they need. Messrs. Pierce
Co. have it for sale at• their .hanlware*
store, where nil who desire can have an op
portunity of seeing it, and obtain descriptive
circulars. These machines have been
thoroughly tested in this section, and the en
tire satisfactiOn they have giiren makes them
sell better than any other machine in the
market. Messrs. P. Co. deserve to be
heartily congratulated upon the hit they
have made in their agency for patent'agri
cultural. implements The [Corse Hoc they
sell has, like the Mowing Machine, attained
an unrivalled popularity. About two- hunt
red and fifty have already been disposed of
this season, and the high favor in which the
-fanners regard 'them, makes it certain that
the hoe will remain a standard article for
years to come.
THE elevator of Messrs. Brown, McCarter,
Shannon (k, Co., 'at our harbor, is progreming
with great rapidity, and will be ready for.
eratlons by - the coating fall. No , less than
sixty men are employed in different capaci
ties, and the speedy way iii which the work
is being pushed ahead, speaks more than
words for the enterprise and energy of the
firm. The elevator will have a-capacity for
unloading and storing 190,000 bushels of grain
per day . , and is so arranged that within thirty
days it, can be enlarged to any extent requir
The machinery will be heavy enough to
meet any demand that may be made, upon it,
being as powerful as that of the largest Buffalo
concerns. We are pleased to o learn that the
prospects for the elevator are of the most
flattering kind. Parties in Philadelphia have
given assurances of a large patronage as soon
as it is completed, and the owners feel com
plete confidence In the profitable character of
the enterprise.
Tut: Titusville Herald takes up the cudgel ,
in favor of Rev. J. L. Hays, and applies it
with vigor to the politiciani who played the
trick upon him by which he was with
drawn from the field as a candidate for As
sembly. A says his fiends had tuade "a .
vigorbus canvass in Ithcbehalf, and the pros
pectsweroconsidered not inferior to those
of any competitor." 'The matter of his de
clination "was arranged at, Meadville among
some of his professed friends, and without
any sort of intimation that such a course was
intended. Mr. Hays heard a rumor to .that
effect and at once started for Meadyille, but
upon anfling there found that the announce
meld of his 'withdrawal' had already been
published da the Crafrford Journal, and ex
tensively circulated throughout the county.
lie was justly indignant at the proceeding,
but it was too late to counteract the effect of'
the infamous net, and he was compelled to
yield to the necessity imposed." While we
acknowledge the unfairness of Mr. Hays'
treatment, we cannot say that we sympa
thize with himjn his troubles. During Me
war he was one of the most unfair enemies
of Democrats: that we know' of, and by his
vituperative denunciations of them frOM the
pulpit secured an odium that will' attach; to
him for years. Having deliberately made
his lieu with- the class of politicians who.
were congenial to him, he can blame no one
but himself if at this late day, - he finds them
to be what we Ipe always told him. Our
sympathies witly' r politiciarts as a class are
not the wanuesf at the best, but for none of
the genus do we Wive a• more thorough con
tempt than those who degrade the pulpit to
minister to party ends, or their own selfish
purposes. •
WE hear but one report in, regard to the
crops in this section. In every part of the
county they give . the mast encouraging
prospects, and, unless indications prove de
ceptiye, we shall have a most bountiful har
vest There are few persons in the com
munity who will not be gratified with this
intelligence—the farmers, because it affords
the . prontise of 4 more profitable recompenqe
for their labor—the tradesmen, because it is
the token of an active fall business,—and the ,
mechanic, because it will bring, down the
prices of provisions to a more economical
standard. Let other interests monopolize
the attention of legislators . and philosophers
as they may, it Ls the agricultural after all,
that forms the basis of every sound and pro:q•
perous country. , •
Wating:: county bids fair to b&ome quite
as celebrated for ambitious politicians as her
'neighbor Crawford. We find the following
list of patriotic individnals who are willing
to serve the dear people, in the columns of
the . Mail -
Assembly—W. F., Dalrymple, of Pitts
Sheriff-LA. Willoughby, Columbus; Qzro
A. Smith, Columbus; Nathaniel Sill, Plea
sant;, Henry Babeoek, Conewango ; J. 11.
Capron, Kinzua.
Prothonotary William Jagger, Sugar
District Attorricy—W. W. Wilbur, - 0. 0
Tnintum, and Frank D. Reeves, all of War .
WE HAVE received the new catalogue• and
circular of the State Normal School at Edin
boro. We are glad to see it improves filial
year to year. Several years ago we said we
thought it one of the best schools in the State,
and we think it has since steadily increased
its reputation and efficiency. In all points
which make a first class school -it is unsur
passed. All persons who intend to teach should
send for' l l circular. Address the Principal,
Prof. J. A. Eooper, Edinboro,•Erie Pa.—
Erie Daily Dispatch.
A NEw Telegraph fine is being built be
tween New York and Chicago, by the Atlan
tic Pacific Company. It is intended to
compete with the Union line r whose monop
oly has led to extortionate Charges, which we
are surprisd that thepeopleitave borne with
patience to long as they have. The new line
wilt have an office in this city. Its - comple;
tint' will work as much of a change in tele
graph' charges as the establishment of the
Merchants' Company did in express rates.
, -
WE have the comforting assurance at last
that the Reed House will be opened to the
public accommodation some time in July.
Let the united public offer up prayers day.
and night that this much wished for event
may not be postponed longer than the end of
the month, at furthest. The managers o are
hastening matters to the best of. their ability,
and if another disappointment occurs we are
assured that it will be no fault of their's.
THE acknowledged position of Erie_ ias the
leading coal mart of the Lakes , is not likely
to be diminished by the present season's op
erations. Ina single day last week Our ship
ments were over 5,000 tons. With an en
larged canal—which, by the way, we suggest
that the Company had bead undertake to
econiplish itself, and not Wait for the uncer
tainty of State or Federal aid—the trade of
our harbor would be trebled inside of tire
THE new stove works of Messrs. Tibbals,
Shirk it Whitehead, at the comerof Twelfth
and SassAfras streets, are expected to be cam-,
ifieted about the Ist of August, The-estab
lishment will be one of the most extensive
west of the Alleghenies, and will not only re-.
fleet much credit upon the enterprising firm
by which it is.being erected, but he sif much
benefit to the interests of the city.
TUE Conneautvillc Record, having noticed
that our City Councils have some difficulty
occasionally in keeping a quorum together,
suggests that they "can learn a better dodge
than locking their doors, from the action of
the august body" in that 'place, "who, when
any business is to be tran'sactett hold iftseeret
session and NI to notify Such members as
are not certain to vote with those interest
WE call the attention (.4 such of our read
ers as may be contemplating an
during the present season, to the advertise
ment of Messrs. Flower S Babcock. A num
ber of parties who availed themselves last year
of the advantages ()trend by these gentlemen
inform us that the trip is' one of the most de
lightful that they ever psirticipited in.
Tun "ever glorious 1 7 Ourth"—a1a, at the
rate the people have been losing respect for
it of late years, we fear it will soon drop its
glory—occurring next week on Thursday,
the usital day of our publication, we :tall go
to press on Wednesday in order. to give our
workmen a chaucs to celebrate. Advertisers
will please keep thefact in remembrance.
Turk drug store of Hall it Warfel, on State
street, is one of the most flourishing estab
lishments in the tity. These gentlemen, with
little parade, have built up an extremely
large tratleond it would surprise most of our
citizens do take a look through their store,
and see the extensive nature of their trans
Sax WAKE is evidently ambitious of win
ning a reputation as a pugilist, He has had
no less than three little knock downs with
brother contrabands, during the last week or
two, and each time came off first best. Ram
will win the belt, if he keeps on, and probab
ly a snug retreat in Warren's Fifth Avenue
Hotel besides.
We regret to be compelled to announce
that no arrangements for a general celebra
tion of the Foufth have been made in the
city, and it is hardly probable that any will
be at this late day.. The only demonstrations
of a public nature will be those of the Irish
and German societies, already'alluded to in
our columns. ,
' THE body ,of a dead man was found on the
beach at gorth East, last week, and has been
identified as that of William Boyle, who was
last seen alive on the dock of the Anthracite
Coal Company, on the night 'of Saturday,
ttielfith last, When found, the' head was
half imbedded In the sand, sand, with the face
downwanl. .
- Tam graduation this summer, of young Mr.
Greer, a son of Judge Greer, will leave a va
cancy for this district at West Point. Judge
Scofield has recommended the selection of
Mr. Miller, of Waterford, for the place-, and
as the Tvord of a Congressman is' law upon
that point, he will be selected.
Mr. Miller volunteered in the 83d regiment
when a. Mpg oyerii years of pge, and con- .
tinued . in the service until, the close of the
war, lie deserved the honor more than
njne-tenths of those do who are giVCTS
pointments at the Academy.
A GRAND celebration of the Fourth is to
taltp place at Miles' Grove, as well as Girard.
There will be firing of cannon, music by. the
Fairview %luta public dinner, social games,
a Fantastic parade and -fireworks. S. Todd
Perley, Esq. will read the '..Declaration, and
Rev. C. S. Shipman deliver the oration.
Two AIITICLEN on our first page last week,
got mixed up, in arranging the type, and one
of them in particular made about as funny a
story as we have read inn long time. As the
story was told in the disarranged matter; it
was truly a case for 'sympathy.
Tun Terperance Band will appear on
the a beautiful new nnifortd„ the
production of Mr. B. 3feGnalt, whose skill
as a tailor is warrant enough that the work
, -
will he done well. . '
t'A NFIE LD,cooLy—O n the 21st inst, at the
Eagle Hotel, Waterford, by' C. W. S. An
derson, Esq., Mr. John Canfield to Miss
Mary Cooly, both of Waterford.. .
11 - es—Cou--On the 11th• inst.,. at Park
Church Pamnage, by Rev.. Geo. F. Cain.
;,Tames Duck to Margaret Ann Coe, both of
Petroleum Centre.
REED—Surrn- - --On the 20th inst., at the.resi
dence of Da Lyman Smith, by Rev. Mr.
*Gillett, Mr: John M. Reed to MN. Levisa
B. Smith, all or this city. -1
litcE—MEssEntntrrtr—On' the 20th inst., by
Rev. William Todd. Mr. Peter Rice to Miss
Hannah Messersmith, both of this city.
Locswoop—ln Corry, on the 13th inst.,
Freddy, son of Hiram H. and Mary Lack
wood, aged 9 months and 7 days:
O'Burm—ln Corry, on the 19th inst., of con
sumption, Daniel O'Brien.
MIDDLETON.—On the 11th inst., in Water
ton], or consumption, Charlotte 8. Middle
ton, age 132 years.
Pato abbertistmento.
QTRATED from the premises of the Sub/wri
-1-1 her, in Wesleyville, on Thnrsday, June alth,
n Tellow-Ray Colt, 3 years old with black
giving mane, tall and legs. Any person infor-
Illittioll that will Jemi to her recovery will be
liberally rewarded. '
: '.ll
1507:Vs;inich St:.
Announce that they have Just. cc-opened their
And invite the attention of all wanting Pant
ware to the same
Their Stock Is the Largest ever held In
ierth.Western Pennsyvanla I _
ennaprlsthry, a general nccnrtment at all the art,
• clef% In their line.
FARMIMIS will find what they want.
BUILDERS will find what they want.
BLACKSMITHS will find what they *ant.
WAGON MAKERS will find what they want
CARPENTERS will find what they want.
MASONS will find What they want.
PAINTERS will Sind what they want.
GLAZIERS will find what they want. •
MACHINISTS will and what they want.
LITIBERMEN will find what they want.
COAL DEALERS will find what they want.
In short every kind of _Hardware any
class In the conurtunity, will always he lonad
on hand and sold at the mast reasonablepricest.
Fairbank's Standard Scales!
llay, Coal. Platform, W-beelharrmr, fimeer4
. Druggists'. Butchors'; Post OM*
and CounterZ
Croton Glass Works !
AllodzL•9' of °las.% constantly on hand at lowest
chash pricea;
A General Assortment of
The public are invited Pleat' and examine for
thionaelvea. Itentember the place,
Wayne Bletek, opposite the Reed Rouse
my:n.74 f.
The brand Think Railway and Royal Mall
Lino of Stamen', with kheir connection in the
States, will Mute
From Mamas FalLq, via. Lake Ontario or Omnd
Trunk Railway and Ha connections, (miming
the "Thousand Islands " itnd the Rapids of the
Rt. Lawrence" by dayllght,l to Now York ; Bos
ton, Saratoga. Portland, Toronto, Montreal,
Quebec, Providence, Newport, •
- These mates, by the Lakes, the SLlstarrenee,
thmugh the Canada:4 the Eastern and 31111411 e
Rtates, are anume the most, pleasant, traversing
a region abounding in beautiful scenery, with a
refreshing and Invigorating atmosphere, Tick
eta good 'until Nov. Ist, available by rail or
steamer. Rates little more than
Simla and birth Included between Toronto
and Montreal.
For tickets or any informatton concern
ing these routes, moray to
.le2o-^n. \Vright'a Block, Erie, Pa.
TOINACCO .A.7 1 111:14020.0LIMS.
The ptrico to get a n doke article of Tobacco
Innor Cigarris at
B. 2. 2/211.42222A2 1 2 1368 PEACH ST.
South of the Union Depot.
Always on hand a good assortment of the
above articles of every grade, wholesale and re
tail; . Also, Pipes, Pooches, Doses and ile►okers'
Articles of every description. Please favor me
with a call. Don't fontet, the place, 1308 Peach
street, meta7-Iy.
No. 12 Park Row, between Brown's Hotel & Reed Honse,
Crockery, Chinn, Gamin Wore, Tin Tenet Ware;
Parlan, China and Glass Vases and Ornaments !
IVlrpelattnitm4 r 6 liapplied at lesdri than 111 - 4-ve York Pa•ii>eia.
No: 4 Noble's Block, Rde, Pa.,
Grentlenrien't4 Furnis:hing Goo.
At Prices Satisfactory to All.
An exadiuntion of our Stuck and• Prices is re3wtfully
MN 9-3111
Great Broad Gauge tiouble Track Route to
and the. New England Citleg.
This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New
York, 400 miles Buffalo to New York, , lß
Sa'snuffles to New York 415 miles. And is from
trains run directly through to New York, 450
MILES, without change Of crxtches, •
From and after April 2), ItM , trains wilt leave,
In connection with all the Western Lines . , as
follows: From DUNKIRK and SALAMANCA
—by New York time—from Union llypotm:
7:30 3L, Express 3fall, from Dunkirk daily
(except Sundays). Stops at Salanuinea at
moo A. IL, and connects at Hornellsville
and Cornin with the A. M. Express Mull
from Buffa lo
o and arrives in New York at 7
233 P. M., Lightning Express from ttalantatnea
daily (except Sundays). Intersects at Dor
nellxville with 2:21 P. M. Train from Dutralo,
anti arrives In New York at 7 A. M.
4:15 P. M. New York Night Express. from Dun
kirk dally (except Sundays ) . Stops at tints
mum= at 0:35 P. 31., and arrves - In New York
at 12:30 P. 31., connecting with afternoon
trains and steamers for Easton and New
From Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot
cornerl..•xcluange and Michigan Sta.:
5:15 A. M., New York Day Express, daily (except'
Sundays). Arrives in New York at 10:30 P. M.
Connects at Great Bend with Delaware,
Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and at
Jersey City with midnight express train for
Phlladelpitta Baltimore and Washington.
5:00 A. 31., Express Mail,vla. Avon and Hornells
vUle; daily (except Sunday). Arrives in New
• York at 711)0 4. N. Connects at Elmira with
Elmira Railskul for Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington
and points Sbuth.
Lightning Express,daily (except Sun
day), connecting with morning express
. trains for Boston and New England cities.
Arrives In New York at 'NM A. M..
0:10 I'. 31., New York Night Express.dally. Con
wets at HornellsvilLe with tbel:lsP. M. train
from Dunkirk, and arrives in New York, at
1230 P:
11:11P. M., Cincinnati Express. daily (except
Sundays). Arrives In New Yorkat3 5P.31.
Connects at. Elmira with Northern Central
Railway,tor Willimusport,Haresburg, Phil
adelphia, Baltimore and Washington; at
Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna &
Western Railroad, and at , New York with
afternoon -trains and steamers for Boston
and New England cities.
Only one train East on Sunday, leaving ita Mt
la at 6:I0 P. 31., and reaching New York at 12:30
P. 31., in advance of all other routm
lkotan and New England passengers, with
their hs=age, are trans erred, free of charge,in
!s e * York.
The last Ventilated and most Luxurious
Sleeping tarn iu the World accompany al rnlght
trains on-this Railway.
Baggage checked through and faro always as
low as by any other route.
which can be obtained at all principal ticket of
deo) in the West and South-West.
GentSup' t. Coil Pass. A;; t.
NI - 1w FIRM.
Having nnnoetated with me on the int of Janua
ry Andrew Mayer, in the
The firm will i.e known ant'. Ent;lehart
and the business will 1n carried on an hereto
foreat No. 19 Went Park, Erie, to.
SOMeltil N'C.
Buy Sliver Tipped :.:hoes for your children. A
majority of the children wear holes in the toes
of their shoes in a very few days; then the shoes
are noon worthless, and a new pair must he
bought. The only way to prevent this grept
waste of money is to buy shoes protected by sli
ver tips. They never wear out at the toe, and
make a pair of shoes last three times as lung as
without Tips. Leather Caps have been. worn to
some extent, but they have proved worthless.
Silver Tips have a neat and substantial appear
ance, and do away entirely with the disagree
able sight of dirty stockings and protruding
toes. We have constantly on hand the only as
sortment of Silver TippeA Shoes to be found in
the city, Including tine Sewed shoes, linimombi.
Youths' Hoots, Jte., which we offer, toget her with
a large and fashionable Assortment of Ladles'
and (lents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest
gash prices.
erica-tr. C. FNOLEHART & CO.
.totl a great variety of
Paragon Building, 28 N. Park place, Erie,
Next door to lieteluoara troloo raiven co
A stack of MAXI worth of elegant and lash*
months,goos will be offered, for the next three
at a very great reduction in price.
The stock is all new and purchased at lower
rates of gold than now, and determined toilet:old
lames in fature, small profits and cash tmnsac-
Roos shall benefit alike customer and dealer.
Thirty years established In Erie In the same
business, may be some guarantee that no great
amount of misrepresentation will be employed,
butjust enough Old Fogy and Young America
spirit to warrant safe transactions and good
For sale or made to order. Watches and all
kinds of time keeperaand Jewelry carefully re
paired and warranted. (live TM a call.
mytra7-t f. T. M. .IrSTIN.
,acce., ace., scc.
p7Mr' 4 IMMNr;T=MI
Two Dom South of the New Post Offie .
CT_. 4 00 a' I-I lIN 4 G- !
, TRUNKS, &c..,
For the Handkerchief.
A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Pra
grant Perfume, Distilled from the Rare
and Beautiful Plower from which - , it
takes its name.
Motnifacturcil only by PIIALON & SON
- Sold br Drug Lets carusilift - -
Page's Climax Salve, a Family
blessing for 26 cents.
It heals without a scar., " No
family should be. without it.
We warrant It to cure Scrofula
Sores, Salt Rheum,Chilblains, 'c
Tetter, Pimples, an d Eruptions
of the Skin.. For Sore Breast or
Nipples, Cuts,- Sprains," Bruises,
Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands,
4te., it makes a perfect cure. -
It has been, used over fifteen
yam, without one failure.
It has no —havier
fectly eradicatedparallel diseas e and
healed afterall other remedies had
failed. It is a compound of Arnica
with many other Extracts and
Balsams, and put up in larger
boxes for the same price than any
other Ointment.
&14 b y u nis e s t s irerywhero. White Sc IforlA4
imekitem 121 Liberty atuet, New York.
le R. H. FAULKNER, M. D. ;
81111GEON A...ND uoNcErwratc i'II ' IrSICINN,
=French Street, Erie, Pa.
. rny9T7-6m.