important iloticeo. dvertisenients inserted under this head ing at 15 cents per 11ne of 10 words for the nrst insertion, 12 cents for the second, and lO cents for each subsequent insertion. Try the Famous Arctic Sotto, of Diekrnsan & Snit, Perry Block. Jyl3-Im. .1. F. erci-is's Eric City Intelligence om m . N o , r 9,2 State ntrort. Jalo'o7-tf. 'For Inalurance In Well known and most to t lat.le Companies, apply to R. W. Russell, agent, ;ill state street. teb2l'o7-Iy. A Lady cannot get In a safer place to buy a of,dty goods than at No. Ha State streeL _Gitantnua, oiyivtt. Old stand of Gabel dt Etenriebs. •Lsdies Please Take Illotlee.—The hest stock of p r opt Goods and Silks, without exception, is ~1 No. 716 State street. P. ifzurtzetra, 9-tf. Old stand of Gable fi Henricha Remnant Prints 10 eprits ; Rose from WI eth. L ip: Cloaking!! from 81 per yunt op; Black Silk from $1.21 up. No. 716 Mote street. T o9-tt. P. RELeia. NEW' YORK CLOTHING HOUSE! No: 4 Noble's Block, Rde, Pa., MEN'S, .BOY'S,& CHILDREN'S IN ENDLESS VARIETY. TILE RICHEST, SELECTION OF ELEGANT CLOTHS, CASSINERES AND YESTINGS FOR THE CUSTOM TRADE. ALL NOVELTIES IN Grentlenrien't4 Furnis:hing Goo. At Prices Satisfactory to All. An exadiuntion of our Stuck and• Prices is re3wtfully MN 9-3111 ERIE RAILWAY. Great Broad Gauge tiouble Track Route to IV - VIW 'YORK, iIiDF3TCON, and the. New England Citleg. This Railway extends from Dunkirk to New York, 400 miles Buffalo to New York, , lß Sa'snuffles to New York 415 miles. And is from to 27 MILKS THE SHORTEST ROUTE. All trains run directly through to New York, 450 MILES, without change Of crxtches, • From and after April 2), ItM , trains wilt leave, In connection with all the Western Lines . , as follows: From DUNKIRK and SALAMANCA —by New York time—from Union llypotm: 7:30 3L, Express 3fall, from Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salanuinea at moo A. IL, and connects at Hornellsville and Cornin with the A. M. Express Mull from Buffa lo o and arrives in New York at 7 .M. 233 P. M., Lightning Express from ttalantatnea daily (except Sundays). Intersects at Dor nellxville with 2:21 P. M. Train from Dutralo, anti arrives In New York at 7 A. M. 4:15 P. M. New York Night Express. from Dun kirk dally (except Sundays ) . Stops at tints mum= at 0:35 P. 31., and arrves - In New York at 12:30 P. 31., connecting with afternoon trains and steamers for Easton and New EnglandVitles, From Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot cornerl..•xcluange and Michigan Sta.: 5:15 A. M., New York Day Express, daily (except' Sundays). Arrives in New York at 10:30 P. M. Connects at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and at Jersey City with midnight express train for Phlladelpitta Baltimore and Washington. 5:00 A. 31., Express Mail,vla. Avon and Hornells vUle; daily (except Sunday). Arrives in New • York at 711)0 4. N. Connects at Elmira with Elmira Railskul for Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and points Sbuth. Lightning Express,daily (except Sun day), connecting with morning express . trains for Boston and New England cities. Arrives In New York at 'NM A. M.. 0:10 I'. 31., New York Night Express.dally. Con wets at HornellsvilLe with tbel:lsP. M. train from Dunkirk, and arrives in New York, at 1230 P: 11:11P. M., Cincinnati Express. daily (except Sundays). Arrives In New Yorkat3 5P.31. Connects at. Elmira with Northern Central Railway,tor Willimusport,Haresburg, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington; at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and at , New York with afternoon -trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. Only one train East on Sunday, leaving ita Mt la at 6:I0 P. 31., and reaching New York at 12:30 P. 31., in advance of all other routm lkotan and New England passengers, with their hs=age, are trans erred, free of charge,in !s e * York. The last Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping tarn iu the World accompany al rnlght trains on-this Railway. Baggage checked through and faro always as low as by any other route. ASK VOR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at all principal ticket of deo) in the West and South-West. It. RIDDLE. WM. It. WARR. GentSup' t. Coil Pass. A;; t. NI - 1w FIRM. Having nnnoetated with me on the int of Janua ry Andrew Mayer, in the BOOT &-SHOE BUSINESS, The firm will i.e known ant'. Ent;lehart and the business will 1n carried on an hereto foreat No. 19 Went Park, Erie, to. C. ENG LE HART. SOMeltil N'C. Buy Sliver Tipped :.:hoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes in a very few days; then the shoes are noon worthless, and a new pair must he bought. The only way to prevent this grept waste of money is to buy shoes protected by sli ver tips. They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as lung as without Tips. Leather Caps have been. worn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Silver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings and protruding toes. We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver TippeA Shoes to be found in the city, Including tine Sewed shoes, linimombi. Youths' Hoots, Jte., which we offer, toget her with a large and fashionable Assortment of Ladles' and (lents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest gash prices. erica-tr. C. FNOLEHART & CO. 1867. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, stoma WARP„ .totl a great variety of V A N - CY - GOODS, AT AUSTIN'S, Paragon Building, 28 N. Park place, Erie, Next door to lieteluoara troloo raiven co A stack of MAXI worth of elegant and lash* months,goos will be offered, for the next three at a very great reduction in price. The stock is all new and purchased at lower rates of gold than now, and determined toilet:old lames in fature, small profits and cash tmnsac- Roos shall benefit alike customer and dealer. Thirty years established In Erie In the same business, may be some guarantee that no great amount of misrepresentation will be employed, butjust enough Old Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant safe transactions and good bargains. SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER. For sale or made to order. Watches and all kinds of time keeperaand Jewelry carefully re paired and warranted. (live TM a call. mytra7-t f. T. M. .IrSTIN. IMPORTER AND DEALER IN COAL OIL CHANDELIERS AND LAMPS," ,acce., ace., scc. IN GREAT VARIETY p7Mr' 4 IMMNr;T=MI NOW OPFIN AT Two Dom South of the New Post Offie . CT_. 4 00 a' I-I lIN 4 G- ! ALSO, , TRUNKS, &c.., MARKS ii; MEYER pktal,a;maaiiio For the Handkerchief. MON'S A Most Exquisite, Delicate, and Pra grant Perfume, Distilled from the Rare and Beautiful Plower from which - , it takes its name. Motnifacturcil only by PIIALON & SON NEW YORK. lAlllllolllllokiimlilmai ASK FOR PUALOWS-TAKE NO OTHER. - Sold br Drug Lets carusilift - - CLIMAX. I! Page's Climax Salve, a Family blessing for 26 cents. It heals without a scar., " No family should be. without it. We warrant It to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum,Chilblains, 'c Tetter, Pimples, an d Eruptions of the Skin.. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts,- Sprains," Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, 4te., it makes a perfect cure. - It has been, used over fifteen yam, without one failure. It has no —havier fectly eradicatedparallel diseas e and healed afterall other remedies had failed. It is a compound of Arnica with many other Extracts and Balsams, and put up in larger boxes for the same price than any other Ointment. &14 b y u nis e s t s irerywhero. White Sc IforlA4 imekitem 121 Liberty atuet, New York. le R. H. FAULKNER, M. D. ; 81111GEON A...ND uoNcErwratc i'II ' IrSICINN, =French Street, Erie, Pa. . rny9T7-6m.