si itc Crit iftehig elioenter. ERIE. PA., NOVEMBER 22, 1866, Aok ylie row TIM Onsmirrwit.—The following gentle m so are dilly authorised to :weirs money dna tbl, oft.ce os subsciption, and receipt for the same. Psulles to whom ws have 'ant bills, cur either pay to theta, or ?Mit as by mail, as they lied most coovenistit : East B. A. Tabor W. 0 White Fsl,n Ifos•si Smiles Lockport J. C. Cirstrus ta 0..05s Amos Ffeatb Girird, Capt. D. W. Hatch enlombus W. C Howard _ _ (mean F-Ant , ln or, r , C. Wriehi r.nnii'm Lane, W. Sherman Filob,ro M. 9a ey Fsirwiew Amos Rhone spvitniboir, Jon. O Rsir- Vittsbnrir L. Robinson flinsham Youneeville, G. J. Whitssay r, a4 nen J. W. Robin:sr Garland •U. Jackson T A ks PI-agent H. C. Titus "ook W. C. Webb F ,,,,,.. , ,i r;17154-t Aura Hist Greens Wm Orton sw. c..1 , ,ey H. L. Pianosl Petroleam Center. Dr T. H riinot. O. C. Lott ' Y 9 tna• t z„,, U W. How .1 , Oali Grove W. C Ford n ~0.. Cr.,', , , Capt. P. Wit. i Vortholia, nterbe • awes;:: [lard Waslarvilie Geo. Ronnell j ,, , ,„ F. Y. O. Cate , Riles Greve E. Hall DE UP 13a.trs."—The following parties Wier. neglected to pay las the indebtedness aa: this office, we take this method of re freshice their memories, in the hope that they csmpel us to resort to more unpleas ,nt ~,,,,zw•es. We trust that other parties, to we have repeatedly sent bills, witho ' r ,cc iciag any satisfactory response, will not c~ spat ti , n pursue the same mole of remind- ;h ' n of their ohlivitions to the printer lie p Tirgue, Sparta, 3 80 0. Ti. Mitteson, Marvin, N. Y 525 P. Smith, Albion, - . , 8 75 It L. St.ples, Erie, - - - ,7 40 Erie, - - t - 6 10 Q Smith. North East, - -- 525 B It Burr, Girard, - - 8 43 St John Perry, Corry, - Juneß, Edinboro, - - „ 455 Tl:Jl , ile. Victoria, - . 187 Lontoi.. C'arion, Pa., ' - 4 87 S. Thorne, Detroit, - - - 487 J ui ta. Norton, Qu tequeton,•lowa . 6 00 Other names will be added to the above list; es circumstances seem to justify us in doing F O. n0v.15-tf, A Tot L 'MT'S ROM* STOLEN' nem TILE Gntre..—The Buffalo Cominereiai, Advertiser that a gravelin Pine:Hill Cemetery, near :id city-, has been vitilated, and the body of laughter of Colonel IP. H. Berens. elolen. Colonel Berens says hie daughter died P ud .denly of whatwas supposed to be disease of the heart, in October, 1865. and was icterrbd in the cemetery. On Thursday of last week, Colonel - Berens' concluded to remove his daughter's remains to a lot which he bad pur ehased'in the Same cemetery.. On removing the earth, the cover of the pine box which en closed the coffin watt found to •be loose, and ppon further examination, the sorrowful fact Was revealed that the coffin had been broken "nano and the body stolen. The upper portion of the lid of the coffin, where it is attached With hinges, bad been forced open, a piece of the side split off, and the body drawn ,out, after which the lid was replaced with appar seat hate, and the grave made to assume its . former arpearance. Colonel Berens feels enitlent that the outrage *as perpetrated on the night of the day on which his daughter was buried, its the sodding which he caused to be placed upon the grave on the succeeding day has not since been disturbed. The Trus tees of the cemetery have offered a reward .of $5OO for information which will lead to the detection of the guilty parties. - FAMILY Gaoccurgs.—lf there is one quality we postess,above another it is a taste fir the goii3 things of this life, and probably impel led by this impulse as much es by anything else, we caught ourself the other day peering about the grocery storeof Goff, Patterson & Ca., '515 French street.. A very short examination vorinced 114 Cr. t if we were a family man 'which wA dot% expect to be for some time to come) one of the first things we should do would be to secure Messes. G. P. & Co as our quartermasters. Bet ides being courteous and obliging gentlemen, we found their stock to be a No. fin all respects, embracing about everything 'that could be thought of in the grocery and provision line. One of the most agreeable features of housekeeping, we should judge, would be ( to be able to know that there' is a store where you can go and procure your groceries and all the of ceteras appertain ing to that class of trade, with the certainty that they ar: of.the best quality and bought at fair prices. Just Ench a „place is rite estab lishment of These gentlemen,, and in ceiling the attention of our readers to the fact, we do it with the more satisfaction because we know (Fat we• ore simply dOing en act of justice to one of the most energetic and, so - clunodallsg.firtus in. the city. The Union Mills Star, alluding to the fact that operations on the Union & Titusville It R. are obliged:to be &toyed to next spring closes its paragraph, with the following too tfuthful comments: "Now the people of Erie are as direetly'interrstld in the project as wo are, and have abundant moons to complete the work Bat they move so .eloir that other places with half the natural advantages she possesses out-strip . ber in material progress, and will continue to dO so unless she wake up from her Rip Van Winkle sleep in which she has been indulging for so many years." 'lt is with shame that we are compelled to acknow lelge that the unsure, here expressed is no more than correct. Our people have shown a a lethargy on this subject that admits of no 'excuse There are few ~of them but admit that, the proposed rood Will be of vital benefit 11 our interests, and yet, with one or two ex ceptions, no( one of our citizens has lifted a hand in aid of the enterp rise . Had this road been built when' it w 4 first suggested, Erie :usteal of receiving bat the mere drpipinge f ;he oil trade, would to-day be the center of ill the Yost operatioas of that section. ' *tor, ACM :d.; :1 It .1 tsar Democettqa brethren in Crawford cotta :'are congratulating themselves upon 1 the, notwithstanding their want of tnc t-9, the.y male a gain this_year of 166 • tee :'cr tile result in 1864. This increase was "cited under circumstances particularly diffi e,:t: Dill exhibits a degree of vigilance and i - t>treinition that is heartily' deserving of The re'ult in - Titusville is especially ! enmesh:cr. ~1 1 few yearsigo th e i vote there ro:i clearly three to•onc in favor of the .11e tztlieiss ,in a poll of a couple hundred: yell., with an able and enterprising daily firer hi -the interest of the opposition, they , e Only 97 mijority- in a poll of about 700. lealing Democrats of Titusville are young t:1 iTe men, and the returns show that `7 lii their lull duty. rl/4-irs Fos TRIAL.—The following cases 14,- 1 down for trial at the Court commenc i'g sz the gerund Monday of December: k'eltiderv s Erie City Iron Works, Issue. r" Eri n re Baker, Church vs Oakley, Van ::19iuk vs Milks, Landphere is Zinn et at, :xecutor s or Williams V. 9 McNair, Meaner vs Bliss ve C P. & A. RR: Co., Olds vs ::reekCTtn Co., Whicher we Caughey et al, :„tota vs Bowman, Wright vs Dunha, st. Morton, Gregor vs Rice— Vanatta we A- BR. ro., Burton vs Plower, Flo* "velSraw.n et al, Use Warner ye Aldrich, 1.,..ker et al we Loomis & 'Tyler, Bnikholta et t-‘.l Evans, Seeley Ts Carnahanoßeichert vs Rtithert, Shaefer & wife ve Vansise. E rrs ',Fres i-8. Smith, Ratter& Fernier, rr ar received another-splendid etosk of ladies' e4a %Ts:Russian sable, royal ermine, fine 3arir caul. Reel variety, of ladies' And g ' 4(B ' furs, all of which will be gold cheaper rtr,o et any other establish:lent in America 1' -4ore-atd-see them. ynov22-11.8 Corson PESTIVAL.—The ladies of the !Jai itd Preabyterian Church 'will give an enter lazeta at Farrar Hall, oo Wednesday even iettf thv 2816 of Novi ober. The public are rtsall) invite S attend. Ta`stsra Sr. Itsltito:o.--Oui readers are meetly aware that for some time coaSiderable interest has been felt by a large class of our citizens in regard to the proposed Railroad along Twelfth street from the Cleveland lc Erie track, west of the city, to the new dock at the land light house. The line proposed is the-one followed by the Cleveland & Erie com pany, when,by means of the well remembered 'Railroad War," they were compelled to ex tend their track to the harbor. In order lo comply with the terms of their chattel, they made a grade down Twelfth street, laid a track upon it, and run a few trains. For many years the line has been neglected, the Iron been taken up, and the arose ties gone into decay uron the main portion of the route. Until a year or two, the track has been used by a couple of manufacturing firms, but for some cause they ceased their operations upon it, and until lately the project of a railroad upon the street seemed to be abandoned. Pre suming it would never be tired for that pur pose, a Jorge number of persons bare erected buildings upon it, and the street bade fair in a short time to become one of the most popu lous in the city. The Atbracite Cool 8: Iron Co., inlookingabent for a connection between their dock and the Lake Shore railroad hit upon this route - the easiest and cheapest for accomplishing their purpose. The grading is all perfect, and with the exception of a bridge or two, everything is ready foe laying the rails, so that a large elm of money can be saved over any other feasible route. This scheme, however, is vie eitly opposed by the property owners oi7 the street, and they bete thus far successfully resisted alrJefforts to lay the track. Oa several occasions' when work men commenced operations, they have been driven away, and Lbe opposition at last took encli-a abate that they ceased their efforts en tirely. The matter is now in the courts, on a test case to decide whether the company have a legal right to lay the track, after • the route had once Ipen abandoned and the street built up-with residences. Oa' the-part of the company it is claimed ; Ist. That the route is the best that can be secured from the Like to the Lake Shore road. 2d That it will be the means of bringing a heavy coal trade io our harbor, which cannot be obtained otherwise. • . 3d. That we have no exclusively manufac turing street, and that the railroad would of fer facilities for that purpose which would render the property there more valuable Shan at present. 4th. That it is not consistent to oppose a railroad now, after our community once nearly unanimously contended for one upon the Emma thoroughfare. The citizens of Twelfth street, and those who sympathize with them, argue, on the - other • • band : Ist. That the company can obtain as good a route elsewhere, and one that would be bet ter for interats of the city. • 2d. Th)t they bought their property under the supposition that 'no railrOd would ever occupy the street, and it is unfair now to sub ject them to; the inconveniences and dangers arising from one. 3d. That the crossing of our streets by rail roads is already enough of an annoyance, with out another nearer the main business portion of the city. 4th. That the benefit derived from - the ad ditional trade would be overbalanced by the damage done ~to property in the Western portion of the city„arising from another series of railroad crossings as last indicated. This is a full and frank statemelikt. of the issues, and will etiahle all - to take a clearer view of the matter. We have been solicited by each of the parties to lend our influence in their favor, but for the present the course that saems most fair is Co present theAtrgu mints nn bath sides, and leave our readers to form - their own judgment upon them. I 'teresting 'News Items. John . Breckinridge's hair has turned almcst w It is ;Aid that Commodore Vanderbilt in tends to'retire . .frorn: active business a 3 soon as be obtp ins a competence. His estate is now estimated at only $50,000,000. A man was fined $l4 et New wren, on Saturday, for tying a rope to a baulky horbe's tongue and attemping to pull him along by it. Twenty convicted criminals were sent off to .the Albany Penitentiary from Washington on Thursday, for terms varying from cue to six rears. There were - only three white persons in the lot. A confederate soldier, named Olefin,' eup poeed to have been killed. Murfreesbo-o turned up nt Nashville, and found his wife re married. He sold out his share in the bride for'',two cow& On Sunday two negro lads were plying with a gun io St. Joseph, Missouri. One of 'theca placed the gutkat his head and dared the other to pull the trigger. He responded to the challenge by discharging the gun, instant ly killing his companion: Daniel Dittuire, of Ciarksburz, Virginia, set a spring gun for thieves who had stolen his honey. Daniel beard the gun in the night, ann on examination found his own brother lying stone dead at the door. The house at Appomatoz, in which General Lee surrendered to Grant, is advertised for sale. Some enterprising Yankee Should buy s it, and mike it up into canes and snuff-boxes. A voting lad named Deadbeat shot and kil led aMr.Shopperd, in l'ranklinCounty. lowa, a few days since. The bay.called Mr. Shep peril a liar, in a dispute. Mr. Shepperd at tempted to punish him, when the lad levelled his gun and fired. The Chicago Post sayeahat there are per eons at Cairo with diving-belle, preparing to hint for the safe of the steamer W. R Carter, which contains over a million of dollars, of which they are to hare one-half if recovered. It lies about thirty-five miles above Vicksburg, buried in the bed of the Mississippi, and has been under water for six months. A SAD lioNcratoon.—Dr. La Faroe. of Agency, married a Miss Dudley, laq Thurs day, and the happy couple started on their" bridal tcnr. They arrived at Burlington, and took dinner at the hotel. The fair t ride never looked so lovely, and the heart .of the hos-- hand was joyful While they -were seated at the table, the rice of the bride suddenly nit= derwent a change; the cheeks grew pallid. and the eyes stared - Wildly around. The doc tor immediately noticed the horrihle transfor mation, t.nd caught her in his arms. Bat af fection was powerless to_ rescue. Tho poor man soon dice iverod that he was holding in his embrace a maniac wife. Wi.bout a pre monitory symptom, she had suddenly become insane. The doctor returned to Agency the next day, bearing with him the wreck of his beautiful young wife.—Ottumtea (Iowa) Mer cury. The greatest evil of British rule in Ireland is the church establishment. The population of Ireland is religiously divided as follows: Of every 100 inhabitants, 81 are Bowan Cath olics, n Episcopalians, and 8 Protestant dis senters. The Church iv England revsnaes are,to ten bishops and archbishops, $395 000 annually, and to the inferior clergy, $2,999, 000 annually, for taking care of about 160,- 000 souls. The Roman Cathotio clergy, num bering twenty-four bishops and near -three thousand priests, are;supported solely by vol untary offerings of people who are taxed by the government to support English. clergymen in idleness. Besides ibis, there is expended on church edifices $750,000 annually by tbei Protestant ecclesiastical commissioners, while the Catholic churches are built by Subscrip tion. A DAVOIITEIt OF GEN, SCOTT DIES BRAKES HEARTED.—D, is not generally known that the eldest daughter of the laic Geri. Scott died broken-hearted in a French Convent, because her tither would not give his consent to her marriage with a young French nobleman and officer, who was unobjectionable in every reipect, except that (loners! Scott did not wish to Dave a son-in-lay against whom be multi have to draw his sword in the event of a col lision between France and the United States, in which the suitor to the hand of his daugh ter would have to take a part, in his capacity rf officer in the French army. “The COm mander-in.Chief of tee Unitild States army should not enter into such entangling al liances," was Gen. Scott's obstinate reply to his daughter's and wife's entreaties. The poor young lady. who, - while still a pupil at Madams Chvgarney's school in lkiew York, bad been distinguished on account of her re markable accomplishments, now retired to a convent, where she died a. short time after ward. The Easton Free Press, (Radical). a short time ago, contained an editorial urging Dan Rice as a people's and soldier's canditiate for President in 1868. Novel as it may appear, We are informed that the Press's artiele was meant In earnest, and that a movement is act wally on foot among the showmen of the country to bring Dan into the field. The Col-. oust himself does not seem averse to the in tended honor, and tolls some most astonishing stories of the inducements that are held out to him to become a candidate. Haclkims that several hundred papers stand ready to give him their support, and boasts that all that is necessary is for 'him to announce his willing ness to run, to secure a wonderful demonstra tion in his favor. We shall see what we shall see; bat our advice to Dan would be, that if he Wants to remain a happy man, he had bet ter not become a candidate foaany; office. MARRIED. Dicitrrost-McOnsov.n—ln Buffalo, Nov. 181 b, by Rev. Mr. Marshall, Mr, Georg*" W Digh ton, of this city, to Miss Aggie - B. McGre ger, of-Buffalo. LedEs—flsstaros—ln Edinboro, Nov. 7th, by Rev. Wm. Grassi', Horses M Leg's", M. D., of Louisville, Crawford Cc.,to Mee Lot tie A. Hamilton, of Edinboro DIED. BLENNER.—In this city, on Thursday morning, the 22cTiost., Johnny W., eon of Joseph nod Enninda Wenner, aged' Et years, 10 months and 18 days. HATZ9-At Waterford; on Sunday morning, Nov. ISth. after a short illness, Polly Hayes. in the 63d. year of her age. KIELECO—On the MTh inst.; Melvin M. Kelso, Esq., of Fairview township., aged SO years. Medical 'Notices. Fon sixteen years I was sorely distressed with the Asthma. A groat portion of the time I was unable to work, and frequently for weeks at a time. I could obtain sleep on ly by setting up in a chair, being unable to breathe is a lying posture. In my long search after relief, I, of course, tried many medicines, but ail to little or no purpose, un til I need Carter's Compound Extract of Smart Weed. This met my case at once, and the very great relief :I have experienced by using it convinces me that it is no more than -my duty . to make the fact public, that others now suffering as I used to suffer, may know where and hew I obtained my relief. I have also used the same preparation as a liniment -and in Colds with great 'stiff/lotion, and con eider it a very useful article and one that every family would do well to keep about them. ALYBED EDDY. North Java, N. Y.: Aug. 21st.--oct2s-tt Tun DYSPEPTIC.Z-The trials and sufferings of the Dyspeptic can only be realised by those so unfortunate as to be atllitited by this disease, and yet how many of - them suffer and continue to suffer! Why they do this so pa tiently it is impossible to tell. It may be from ignorance of any certain remedy, or it may be froth prejudice against the use of a Patent Medicine. Boofland'a German Bitters has cured thousands of the worst oases of Dyspep sia, and each day adds new names to the re cord of its ueefulnesit, Give the Bitters a trial: Forsale by all druggists. They are net a Whiskey drink. nov22-2w SCEPTUSINO.—It is actually surprising how soon our people have learned to prise that in. valuable article known as Coe;s • Dyspepsia Cure. It certainly acts like magic, for it will cure - the very worst cases of dyspepsia, and enable the patient, wife has lived for years upon Grisham bread and the nl.inest food, to eat, any thing he chooses without fear of dis tress. It is consi lered the most valuable rem edy known for all diseases of the stomach and bowels. WHEBE ' TO ATTEND SCLIOOL.-.-Tha State Normal School at Edinboro is a place where sound, practical education Is given by Professional teachers. Ir you want a correct likeness go to Wager dr, Co.'e photograph rooms, 1829 Peach street, above depot. Having introduced "all the latest improvements in the art, they flat ter themselves they can satisfy the most fas tidious. They have the most pleasant and airy rooms this side of .the eastern cities, an improved background, beautiful side decora tions and a large life sized mi ror, in which the subjects can look themselved square in the face while the picture is being taken.= Tho sky light is the largest in the city, and picture can be taken in a cloudy day as well as in tho clearest Sept.l3-tf. Our readers needing Boots or Shoes will do well to call at the'store of S. Z. Smith, Em pire Block, State Street, before making their purchases. His stook of goods is one of the largest in the city, and his prim ns low as any. Boots and shoes made to order in the best style. Repairing done promptly and satisfaciorily. norl-lm. rIIERE is nothing equal to the Dandelion, an a cure for Liver Complaint and Coqtirene , s„ A fair trial of Carter's Compound rxtract of this old fashioned herb, will uonvince any coo of the truth of this statement. 'Sold by all' Druggists—at one dollar a bottle.. oct2s-tf vsy- For a parlor or sitting room stove, no one is equal to the Morning G'ory, for sale by Flimrod -St - Company; 605 French street. 0ct.25-tf. g A fro made in' the Morning Glory stove can be kept up all the winter round, without kindling. For sale by Himrnd & Company, 605 FrenotLatreet : 0m..25-tf. WY" , The cheapest, safest,- simplest and iplettenotest store to use is the Morning Glory, for sale by Marred & Company, GO5 French street. - 0ct.25-tf. RED" !Mattered constitutions restored by Helmbold's Extract Hoehn. tf A Ifonns Ilnucsia;— From'old and Young, from rich and poor, fiom high born and lowly, comes The universal voice of ratio for Hairs Tegetabde Sicilian Bair Renewer. It L a perfect and miraculous art'cle. Cures bald ness. Makes Bair grow. A fetter dressing than any , 4"pornatum." Softens bruit, dry and wiry hair into beautiful silken trsas.o. Bat, oboe* all. the great wonder Sr the rapidity with whist it re..torea gray 'hair to its original color. Use it a few time. and presto, change, the whitest and worst looking bale resumes Its youthful beauty.. It does not dye the hair, but strikes at the root and tills it with 7aw life and coloring matter. It will not take a if g and dlesgreeable trial to pears the truth of this Matter. The first application will do good. Yc.n will ee4tbe natural color retoraing every day, and before Poi know it, the old. gray, di , ollored appeirstes of the hair will be gone, giving plane to lustros., eh' rang and eantiful looks. Ask for Ball's Steilts• fish. Fteneerer; no other sr• Vele to at all like It in etre. Ton will find It Cheap to buy, pleasant to try, and !are 4> do you good. There are many Imitations, Be ewe yon get tho pa shas. R. P. FULL & CO., Nubtus, N. 11., Propeesif. For see by all draggles. oct2fr tf PIRCPARIM (In. OP PALM AND MAC*. For preparing, reaming and leautifying the Hair, and is the moot.delightfal and wonderful aril:de the world ever prodneed. Ladlu wtll End it not only a 'certain remedz , to re store, darken and beautify the liar, but also &desirable article for tbo toilet, as It Is hlsbly perfumed with • rich and delicate prefaces, independent of the fragrsnt odor of the oils of palm an&meco. ' THE MARVEL OF PERU " A new and beautiful perfame, widen in delicacy of sod the troseity with. which it ellnirs to the bandl:erehlefand person is unequalled. The above artelles for sale by all drageste aid per. atels,at $1 per bottle each. Seat by expresi to aay address by the proprietor., T. W. WaliltlT St CO, • ostl&ly 11X1 Liberty St;eet, New York. Tat C0N7185101111 awn EsTßlrfoll or AS TITALII). Publiebed for the benefit and aa a CACTION TO YOUNG NEN. and others, who 'Miler from Nereocue Debility, Presnatnrs Decay of Ifsebood, *n, supplying at the Name time ha MAASS or Sus-Corm. By one who his cured himself after anderSoing coemilersble quackery. By enclosing • postpaid addressed envelope, single coit ion, free of charge, easy be had of the author, NAITA NUL MAYFAIR, ESQ. ' an3o-am Broskters, won Co_ 8. 7. Lt.trarrok 81OBIr s by bar nextfrieod, In the Court of Common Stephen Ring. Pleas of bee 00. ye. ; No: Nor. Teem, nee. JAILE3 BOOBY. $ •in mannumes of a rule of (Joint. dnly entered, the lib. &feigned, appointed to take tun bony In the above entitled cue. will attend to the dpties of big appoint ment on the Ed day of Deeembor. A. 17. 7810 at hla Maw at Wells Omani, in the tonoty of Brie, commencing at 70 o'clock a. nr . when and when all pumas Interested mess IlttAll4 It they as proper. ' 6111.4 t 80142? per. New Alivertisements. PUBLIC SALE! will be sold et the reedinee of the subbuilber, half tulle south of the village of Plizolirw. ON WEDNESDAY, NOV, 28Th, 188 G, at ten o'clock, Ji..111, the following property r Two Mines. three Cowl. two Calves. one handfed Sheep, eight Stoats. one' Lamber Wagon, one track Wagon. Cal r`nnle one two-borse Carriam one Pair of Plow,leds. onadeadng Machine. one Tanning Will, Hap, Mane, ffaineu, three Stores, one Cook Moire, fa item Ceue, &a. nue-will SIMI ander 00, easli—ovit $lO, nine months credit with interest and approved security. 0,11. EilliSZY. Fairtievi,Nor.l2, 1861 . n0224t NEW CONFE*ONERY, . TOY AND FANCY GOODS STORE ! BENER /E. BURGESS, HATO opened at 730 STATE' STREET, A RETAIL CANDY. TOY, FRUIT AND NOTION STORE, Wbere their enatovaerg wtil slimy'. dud A FULL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS IN OUR LINE They will keep • good line of TOYS, NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS Art!) • FRESH CONFECTIONERY • OF EVERY VARIETY L r Being ►tanntactnrery their feellities are the beet for eoppiring their eastothre with FRES a CANDY EVERY DAY. Buten A Bininss, no State Strut. na22•fjml BRNISIC & BURGESS, ZLIIITTAVITZIMI OP PURE CONFECTIONERY! And Wholesale Dealer, In FINE GROCERIES, FRUIT, RUTS, TOYS, NOTIONS , FANCY GOODS, FOR THE .HOLIDAY TRADEI We hare a !a•ge assortment of FINE CANDY, SUGAR TOYS, IRON, WOOD, CHINA ' AND TIN TOYS. YANKEE NOTIONS, OF ALL RINDS A GENERAL LINE OF GOODS FOR THE • HOLIDAYS . . DEALERS WILL lUD I' II E AISDATIIIIIII. coupmri:' AND PRICES ' LOW ! BENER & BURGESS, 431'STATE STREET. n 022 gull WALKER 8; HONECKER, DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE, 817 STATE ST., ERIE, PA EfOUSE9 'AND LOTS FOlt SALE 'New ?tame hones on 'Holland •treat, between 24 and td. Fri•, Pa. Lot 82!4 1 7 1 65. Tiles low; tri•zan esey. • New two 'tote Frame Flnnes On 33 greet, between Cheetnnt and !firth, - Lot 425 by V. Cheap, on *llily tenon. I 'oiseaelon elan tenmalately„ Three honera on 13th Street between Peach and Eas es:rev. I ore 4 234 'by 142 each; pries low. tetree slip. Prune hence on 811, street, between- Slat* and Peach; poseeeeton lat of Arra Fretne h"nee on 12th street, between Peach and Sae slim; In L 4234 by 1 1 0 sill be sold at a rest bargsln Noose And lot on 6th street b•tweee Peach and .0 sena. tot 421.4 by 140• wit' be 'Old N a cra t bargain Bones and lot on enl street, between Peach sad - u• ashes Lot 8114 by 185. Pons. a d two lot. na Bib street, between Poplar and Merry. Price low and terms my. Brick hnu.e on 6th street, between fisrrmn sad Pa r •4e. Lot i• 234 be 16'; on long time—price low. statue and two 104 on French street, between 4th and btb; term• easy, mice low. Worse and Int on corner 6th end German streets, let Eng b lrb. price low, on long time. • Several toe residence.. ranging In prim* from .1-6,000 to $95 000, In the bestlocatio. e in the city Ernune and lot on east `'.ve• ill Street between Freteb and }lolls, d. witti Sine trait tree aril splendid water. HOLM and tot on west Seventh street, between Peach and .wtsstras. Vint brick house on Falb street, between French and Tiettend. Drier hones on east Sieh street 'nonee and lot on south side of 12th street. third doer from -Tasatftea 800/sand lot on Fourth street between &item and Myrtle. 'Bowe and lot on Sassafras, between 12th and lath street,. 3d door from 12th. ' Brick hone& with Id serer of land, to Waterford. The rrelderee of Col.Camoball. - Brlek bonne on 1111 i Street, between Peach and gam. fro"; resblenee of Mlles Boyle. Frame bonne on 11th street, between Peach and Sas safras, lot 82)4 by :ea. LOTS FOR SALE 22 feet by 147 to on 18 Mot Omen north went corner State and 10• b street. • 24 feet by 100, on Saito street, between sth and etb, out old*. at feet by 100..esat side State etre. t. corner of 7th. • 21 felt by one hunttred,ea et aide State street,itljoialag th- &bees. BHA store on State street, between Itb and Bth Ste Lot , r 1 65 . 40 by 165 south aide of 10th street, part of out lot No. 6z7. 74 by 100. south side 10th street, near Ash Lane, part of out lot No. EST. 41% by 165 on 6th arrest, between Garman 4n4 1101 land No. 9157 82.4 by 14.1 on 6th street, between German and lloly land. N 0.1474. 82% by US, on tth !trete, between Getman and not la-d, No. 1062 • Four tall city lota on Poplar Ebel% between 4th and 4th atteets: Throe full city lot. on Flftb stzeotibotween Poplar and Chary. 63 feet be SO 1.2, corner Pearl and 2d street , 100 feet by :65 en Bth greet, between French and Hot land Flve lots on 9th thee; 311 by 160, to an idle., between Wallace end Aah Lane; on lOng7tlme end very cheap. At by 163, on 14th street, near Ail' Lane; yen cheap. Two fall eltN lots on 11th street, between Caestnut and Walnut streets. Four full sib lob en 121 h street, lktireen Chestaut and 'Friona strew. ea 1 2 by litS on French it vit,botwoen 2d and 821 2 by 1611.0 n west etti arrest, core'? of Myrtle, ad joining NV Hine. Each " • Y+P lots on Sassafras street. Delitleel 4th. in 1-2 be ley eorner'otalb and Poplar; poise low. 40 by Nita en alley, on east side Stale street. between 12th and -.Btb; will all twenty feet if dilated, eery Pin+ 'videos* lot of 11 aerea adjoining Capt. Wilkins and T. 8. Carter, in 11111 Meek. 20 by le; on east side Rate, between eth and fifth streets. FARMR FOR SALE Murry. 3 miles fr'm . Die. Women Bad Road and P. & R. tai road; 40 acres of tintbar. &lianas in thi blithest state of a Itivation; brick boom. with rood barn and One orehard. , 42 news on (kap& RIM Els mho from Brie—good or shard; 63 acres timber: goad grain lard: well watered 300 arras on Lab Road, four miles , from Iffie—hompaj barn and amyl orchard. EMZZZGZETIE SO sow of h•mloek that er land Dear Concord Station, on the P, & R , R 64 vary champ. Parer-I other rood farms within ,two miles 'of the rdsertei of lend two and one-hairtidepfrom Eris, on Wsttaborgh road, bosom. ewe taros two orcheedo. 31 sera in Omen township. two miles from r 5 Wes two miles tram Erie, near Ridge Road, under ens ,tatisation. .• Mures Boar Hirborercal., on Lake Raid, am Roar Imo era k . . Una amount of Oil Law% and prairie log was in Peaoa•lraala. Went Vireo* aad Canada, are offr.rad at extremely" low prices. : • orM-f1 GOFF, PATTERSON Sc'CO., 615 PRESCOTT MEET. HAVE GOT GROCERIES TO SELL THAT'S sot you CAN GET GOOD AT ONE DOLLAR PER POUND A? Gorr, PAIIIBSON b COM 111 hash &Net. &4.,Pt► BARR, JOHNSON & DEALERS IN STOVES PIONEER IRON WORIS, ERIE, PENNA Cur deck Is the largest and best west of infra°, em• beating among ethers, the followleg 411 hymen trariates t T 11.:E- 31A.GIC, A PAitLOR COAL trrarE—'TWO slier • ThLister• Lajas' the lame In pnuelple the r. P. Stewart. and Is in every respect Its equal. WO over It for sale with unlimited eondderee In Its merit!. The Rifle Is sold by as at ,a much lower pries thlrzt that of the Stewart, and is warranted to be all we ell ea far It. THE U. S. GRAN Thie is beyouldoubt the 'hest operaitr.i Stove for bait coal ta-ths market. There is as In either kindling the Are or managing it all and it eau be easily regulated to secure Ju4 sac as is required. Fire an be kept In it through without danger. No one who has ever seen it ratios would want to use any other. , T IT:E ORTENT A: L' Perfions venting the Oriental, can be 'Opp] at Low Fivire:. PAItLOIk.STOWCE We have the eichisive right In l'entuigl manufacturing the celebrated MORNING GLORY ADMITTEDLY TIIE :BEST EVER. INTRO .thto on band, the Modal Parlor, Fa Ch Belle, Pearl, (nobs Rester, and Belle Clottagti. COOKING STOVES. Our stock Is my laria;coulatlarg la pal as COMET, MONITOR (foi wood), - scosoutit, vicrT)fti PROGB.E.MVS, SMICp, BEPUBLIF, 7R111M91, ALSO iIEALER3 IN HOTEL RANGES OF ALL SI In elnding Van's Icepi.crred—the beet In the T. BUCK'S PATENT 6 1101. 1 4 TIOTEL STOVE! BLODGETT,PASTAT BAKERS , = SHEET IRON STOVES V UILN 4C E And, la Gat, eTenthleg !Lawn to the frad. . - or Tux' Pante ARE INVITED TO •AICD EXAMINE On GOODS. AT •w. W. PIERCE co.'s • CORNER 'STATE. AND NINTH GET TBE BEST. This we consider the very beat article of its elese.Me have held the sole ereney WMe for several years, and it gives universal satisfactirn • , It is self feeding, and there Is no danger of receiv,iog any Wort whatever. The material to he otitis taken in regularly, and the knives do not clog.. 'teats termite:km and sorghum, wet or dry, ris ily as hay or straw.. Its eimplieity 'and durability rich that it never gets out of order through perforating Its leetim.te work. The Roeheeter reed Cutter has taken the highest pre mium wherever eshibited at any fair, ti•ate or county. It is anqualifiediv the best Machine made.' t I It cots any length desired, from ore-eighti ; to sine inch. sdJusted in anunnent, and Rielly' stays is put. .1 • Pflanz-No.l. improved, 7 inch throat, 115. , No; 2, 0 inch throat. gig. Fanners, cell and see this Cutting Boa before ref chasing elsewhere. We have ,on band and can tarnish any Other varlety.desired. but Ibis Is the beat. I . do ImMense stock of Ag I:cultural Implements Alen. ormthing in this ilia of Madero., Stove., Tin Ware, fse. 4e, W. WI PIERCE CO a 022 tf • Corner State acid 9th Se: . GOFF, PATTERSON & CO., • • 615. FRSNCII. STRUT, ' do selling ALL KINDS OF FRUITS! L &toed. Dried. Green, IP ititerre d, Foreign, kn.. Catt and sea the large lissortraent. THE BEST LANTERN row 7411131E1CE1 USE, 15 AT GOFF,. PATTEICSON & J 615 YPENCII STREST, It bursts litticile 011 Brit rite M I L just opened s FASHIONABLE MILLINERY STORE . Your doors south of the depot, next ?nor to the hack and fa now prepared to &wraith the ladies of Elle 44 vicinity with the latest fethlonr, made up In the beat style by an accomplished mi'llner, fait from oar of Plhe beat establishments In finffalo. ' , I We have made arrangements to receive- all of -the 'fated styles and Whims' as 'coon nether are faceired' In Now York. It is our elm to please the most thetidll• one, ce hare a lance assortment at Uteri Ta nmacro, Notions. Ike. Ledira. Osaka call and /Amine or stock berme purchasing olionithere. Blenching and presstag,- , }lreselog felts, end aft erotic, In oar 'toe done on the shortest notice. • nol4-3e2 REMEDIAL INSTlttrik, _ rot ivicat , oaszo. No. 14 BOND stat Err, NNW, ToRK roll Information. watt the kikkest tatisserider also a Book on •Spereici Means, in a ssapd eiestertli. sent tree, • Re este aut void for tits,.sil yqui alit sat surd ; for, as sisersts dFt obvsielsns ate steetralir aspastere, witkont Wetness nn dramsr shoold be trusted., Enclose a stamp for postage, add direct to nR. L4WRISOR, No. 14 BOND STRRY.T, NEW YORK. • . • 00v15:66-17J F&RISI FOR •SALE. • Ot 170 screw about 100 scenic eleared..the balaiWs II good timbered land, with a house "aid bins on it la yaw orchard of 120 grafted apple bete god so da anew fruit trees: Bltttated, first term Routh of Samuel Tieldelbsos, on the Ridge Rped, and about fonsinites kern Etie, Pa., in Wesc ittllcreek Township., For farther partlitulari esquire of novls-4f. - ROWRAD BROWN.I non tr TU; 41 AMON dr naliunr eADDIET oPavi tortv tillfrrant styles, adapted to tarred sod recular mule, for PO to $BOO 0te1t...1 Fifty-ono rid or allrer medals, at Mitt lint pretatttms awarded them. ltta~ tasted Wilmot* Ms. stilitosa. MASON at HAULM, Bostott.orY4lsoN IMlTllia.ltew TOIL .1.11.011 CM 1., 1 / f i I MI I= I= Cooking o troable ft.rwardr, Loh • hut the night In ope- ad by as !MEI I;rCED, I,Ellnderi Ertl CITAIIPION, HARIdO?? and DINING NOON. gE 2311 Z 3 'PALL IMI =1 R ATS, CAM, FURS, AND FURNISHIN.G GOODS! WM C. 'ROC , . i• 514 State Sired, opposite Brown's Hotel, Erie, llu jnet opeiel a splendid stock -face rUtf.for dies and Minxes, cooperator Canes, !Tilt Ca•es, Tatou, Vieterines,Collara, Skating KIM tdorre and Cu!,4 in Hodson Say, Amble Dark. Mink. Erentoe. F tch, Marten, Siberian Sinirrel, River Mink, French Coney, do. Yon WO particularly reqmetted to inspect ety_large arsortoont and pries. GENTLEMEN'S FOBS, OF ALL KINDS I ,L splendid assortment of ,lIAII'S AND CAPS! 1 • ' Tae Boston, Croquet, Ilohripse, Bismarck, Driving. Clip. per. Climplon and Dortrr Irate; **so s fall steel of 14r•rt atyirs of 81.1 k col Carinztra Bats;' . s'eo Caps for Pall and Mater wear. A splendid stork of OENT`LENIEN'S . FUUNISffIS6 GOODS OF EVERY DE3CRIPTION Bedalei sod other Fury Babes. All the stiosto goods are of the ilist .qaslity. gad stout fseblonable. and rlll be 4ald cheaper than soy other bonie in the city. 1 K 0 C IT , 514 State s eed. - - oct24-tt I. I • opposite Brown's Hotel. DR. SCHENCK'S M4NDRAKE PILLS. SuGstititte for ClllOllll. Thut 1 . 418 ere colno. , el of rari,..” root; itr..7m; potrer to reins it., tocict:ocrt. of the liver m promptly and effectually as bine pill 'or i±renry, and without, producing any or thong clittigrecoMe or ditorerte effects which often follow the me of the latter. In alt bilionadlaorden thew Pills may be used with cendence. as they promote the dinharge of vitiated bile, and remove flume obdtructloni from the liver and binary dada, which aro the came of \ affections in general. SCIIF,LNCR'S iIANHIL‘gE PILLS cure SI& Headache, and !indite:den of tbo Liver, indim:ed by callow eWn, coated tougue, cxaslivene.a, droweine...m. and a c-4cral falba.; of Tvearinext and laziitudo, showing that iho liver la bi i torpid or obstruct..d condition. • • • In' Ebert, these Pals may be coed with adorn all mom when a pursdive or alterative metero la rederod. rause ac:: tor "Dr. Scheme:6 Illandrate P 1116," and oheerve that the two lik‘ttemed 01, the Doctor aro on the GoverunicoLittampLone when in the In:: stage of Coneumption, add the other In his present health. Sold by all Drug:iota and dealers . Peat 25 mute per box. Prinmoal Office, No; 15 North Gth Street, Pleladelphla, P. I general Wnoacealo Agent!: Ocna.s Barnes & 21 Park now New York; Sj S. dance, IOS In9rC BIIMMOI., bld. Jblin D.- Yak, N. cot, or Fourth and Walnut gt., Cincinnati, Obto; 1 Walker. k Taylor, VA and t'd Watanh Avontic,, Chicares Ill,; Colllns Brothers, Poi:aimed corner of Second and Vino Ste., 8;. Lade, o. , tali t; als iv. ea. Vao.l Yr J VSSOL UT lON 1110•PAIITNBILMEIIP • The firm heretofore existing under the name of CARTER t CARVER, Wu dissolved by mutual consent, dating from January 16th, 188 e, idr. Carter Miring% , The books of the old firm may be found it the old plate. Prompt settlements requested.' ' 8. CARTER.. J. 13. CARVER, Mr Carver has aasoeated Ida aon with him, and will cohtinne the badness under the name and firm of -J. B. CARVER & CO. , goepinz-a now and well selected dock of Drags. Medl• doe■, Fine, Chemical", new Pharmaceutical Prepare; Wee, Pare Perfumes, Fancy A rtleler. de. 7be experienced clerks of this house are retained and persons esn rely upon being Correctly served at all times. biovel.—The sairbtes or Mr. J. S. Crartr have also barn orenred, Bad be will be Eappy to meet Ws old trirmbiand customers .t nue tf 2l. PARK [ROW,—THE guru, • b • You ArEN• , _.. , T O I , 13pTIAN Asso . 1866. n ERIE, PENN A . • 1867. REGULAR) LECTURE COURSE - , mom 'FARRAR •HAIL • This course' wilt enusizt of thirteen lectures, to be de• livered as nosily as pratticablo in the following order i 1. Nov. 23 1 .xenry r Tinc - nt, Esi ,or England. Safi jet,. "The Late Groat A tnerici Contlietanu tbeFfiends and r nomieg of *merles in r.n d." , 2. Nor ,J. hr. Subject, ..Ternsilem; its Inhabitant. and Shurronneings." 3. Pee 4--ITo be filled., - • 4 Dee. 11-131.1 Leeds, K. D. Etnbject, ..Tronsatt's Foriablnducnee " 6. Dre.l2—bto Leafe, V. D. Sullioet,...ntysleal Cul tote" - 6. Dee.lB—q. F. TUT!or, Eq. 'tobject,' Sue96u." 7. Dec. 28.—jobn D. Dough, E. Subject, "Corlot fly." 8. Son.3—Slira A 13133 E. DICLiII6O[I. Saljecylle R•f oeted Roue ^ 9. Jr.n.itLliev. John Lo.d. I.L.D Satioct, "Slurtin Lather and the German Deformottop." 10 Jan. 0-Rev. John Lord, 1). Subject, "Ea tinorblilurbe and Parliamentary Eiognenee 11. Jan. 13= 7 :Ialphl Waldo Emerson. (Subject t 3 be supr.lled.) , 12. JIM 22-c Prof. E. L. Youmans. &ablest, "rdo cation In Engkand." I 13. Jan. 39--James' E. kturdont (probably). Select Feedings. lilt possible thst one or two of the eubjee'a fertile lectures will h e changed; but generally they will be as above atat.d. , • . lieserred sesta for the - Coarse will be sold at auction in Farrar Bail, at 9 o'clock -on Thinrsiler morning, the 16th inst. The - following Wei for seats leave been agreed upon; and ail hiss will be in emcees of these rates . floe sent, Iwo nets, Three Beata. Four seats. ;Fire Beate,: ' Each odd gait. Tickets to single lectures, , 40 The bidding will not be for choice In any part of the House (a proceeding ihat wnol4 doubtlese lead to mat confoslon and delay), but,particular 'testa will be of fered. begioningwah thoae hat are considered moat desirable—fay So. 9 or 10 In tko bloat of nests. Rub bid will be for a Seat (or sitting) fo^ one poison, with the privilege of, five emits (tad no more) in the same settee, at the sates rate—the bide, es elated above, to be considered min leanest, of the assessed valuation of the seats. F unless/10 ittb.nd to beetirne purehavere of seats will be expected to pay for tb pm at one,. an no Feats will be .reeervad, of tickets and checks tuned for them till pay. meet In made ANT the close of the Indian (which will not 60111 the bidding ceases) any of the remaining gnats may be bought at the assessed valuation. - • cte hare endeavored to prepa.e the very bed worse of lecture' it was pondble for us to organise. Most of the lecturers owcuret. are old termites herr, but we had added nee or two new ones that we t ' hlnkwill prove acceptable. Three or four whom we know our Patrons would have been glad to hear again --such ae Pr, liolland, or Chapin. Prof. Agassis, etn.—but were unable to come this winter. The course will coat of at least $l,OOO ; and wa venture to assert that,, in the character or the lecturers. and in tbs Interest and u 11- it 7 of the lecture.. it will folly equi,it not surpass, any Conde that will be delivered in any of the neigh boring eities. We tend the friends of true intellectual cultivation and entertainment will show their spored ation ~of our efforts by liberally contributing to the 0.C1170. A. A. cAraarr. • 0.0. Not,. • P. L. Pnirox, W. R. DATUPORT. E. Wm, [ Ann Gorr, • j 0. E. Clrsmoox. Lecture Committee LYON riMODICAL DRAWS. --r THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR InREGUL ARITLES There Drope are a scientifically compouiord fluid ,preparation, and better than any pills. powders or nos. tnatos. Being Iluntl, their action is direct and positive, rendering than a reliable; speed. and certain specific for the cure of all obstructions and suppressions of ra ter,. Their popularity is' indicated by the' fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually soli and consumed by the ladles of A*IISTICI ' every one of whom' speak to titine strongest terms of prints of their great merits.— They are rapidly taking the place of every ottar female moody, and are, cou'dered by all who know taught of Ouse, am the sweat, Welt and most infallible prepara tion to the world, for tbt mire of all female comalsints, the removal of all obttructlons of nature, and the pro. motion of health, nigularity and strength. Sepllcit di rections, stating _when qtey may be need, and explain, lag when and wa r they ahould not, and cald not be used TV bout onsdneing stints contrary to natured cho sen laws, will be 'found carefully folded around each bottle, with the written signature of John L. Lyon, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 193 Chapel street, New Haven. Conn., who can be consulted either per or by letter (enclosing stamp) conceralng all ,private *emus itafemale weartneues. Sold by Druggbits everywhere. . CI, G. CLARK k CO., n0.760-ly Cen'l /gents for U. S. notiCanadas. PROCLAMATION IN DIVORCE. 7 - 1 uroixDi seosv. tio Court of Cosomon'Pless, by her nest : Mend, Erie Co., 1 Stephen Slap No. St, Her. %NM, tate, vit. / Alfas ' Subpoena fn Moro; JAMEt SCOBT. , f return "HIM* Illtrereae, Lneindafteeby did preer her petition to the Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Ilona for the eorrnt• or Erie, prayier for the caws therein rot forth, she Wert to divorwd from her huarand. Ames &abr. ,ontios is hereby siren to the add Junes Booby, to Deana appear before out Judges at Erie at a court of common plea' then sod there -to be hoiden, for too empty of Vie, oaths third Monday in Norember,l366, in Hower add 'polities .end abide the jaciemenret the wart ID the atintlaii. IL L. DROWN, Sheriffs Ole Cat. VL 11161. nay. . AT TETE SIGN OF THE FLAG MONELL, STEPHEICS do WILDEt, NO. 6 SEED norsz. Raring ortde large pure-bum In New York, 'Boston, and Phlladelptda, we are no► prepared to offer at remonabli prices our large and ►ell sideatmd STOCK OF GOODS! 81L113, Black and ' Colored. Plain and Itipt;loos, Empress Clot, sq. Poplins, French and Irish; Black and Colored Alvan's; Ck I clad, Malaya Striped DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY. DZ LUNZS; Zrosl De Isataes; Lailino; Catara and Bobo do Chavber• • LACES; Velenticem; Mon Glopurs;., Taint and Threal. SHAWLS, plug and Square. Polalsy and Broche. CLOAKS and Duquines; Balmoral Skirts. A lug* stock of Cloths for men arid boy's yens: Wool.rn Vlintete, all qualities and price.. • , Canton Flannel,, Clenched and Drown. • mnels, F i len an/Chocked:Silk Wasp Flannels. prints,Engllth and Domestic. • • • Remnant Mats, Bleaetesd and Drown Cottons. Cotton ram, Cotton Batting, Ticks. Vennlns and Stetpae, Knit Goods, Bonder, Nobles •-d Breakfast ittitwle, Woolen and Cotton foolery, Delmore' Nose, YANKEE NOTIONS ! Ad. GREAT VARIETY OF FANCY. GOODS: Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Hoop Skirts Our stack was never do [all and complete u the present time. A T E .SIGN 0 F THE FLAG, NO. 6 REED nous! MONAL; STEPHENS -& WILDEY LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH 1 LIFX-HEALTH-STRENGTH! LIFEHEALTH-STRENGTH! DR. JUAN DELAnWiIis.IPS SPECIFIC PILLS Are prepared the idessime. 0 'fanciers & Dupont. pharmecoentistr, No. 214, Rue Lombard. Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Stun Dstamarrs. chief phystrian to the Ilorpltal du Nord on lArtroisers. LIMAS 07 Z00011110010:1•1702. Puna, Way 6th, 18'3. Gentlemen e hare used the "Swift° Pills" mule from Dr. Del e's preecription, during several years past, in one ?irate and public practice. end have bound them e most energetic and efficient remedy in esse• of .9pelaistorhoea or Seminal Weaktreu, nightly, daily or prema.nre emissions; sexesl weako ss or impotency; special detsugements of the nervous system; weakne• sea seising from secret habits and atmeal exceesesfrelaza tiara of the genital ofgans; weak spine; affections of the eyes; °LImV ' or let duet " deposits! is the urine; “Milke diaeharges; paleness of tee skis, with sunken cheeks or bloodless lips; "pinched'. fetters; irregular idiot of the heart, end In all the ghastly train of symptoms arising from over use, shares, or loss, from any cense: of the nervous force. We earnestly advise the profession, and all persons leafleting from any symptomatic or organic aff•ctioas of the gm:lite-urinary myetems. to use theme p 1 Is. With high-respect, we are yours moat smestelys It A. BXLVRITAIRW, M. D., G. D. DC14111)01', 11. 0., - JUIr Dr Larnaca, In D. To Gerinetere k Dupont, No:2111 Rae Lombud, Parse. Sedsohry and studious occupations, xleties. or whatever te , de to impair the vital action' of he brain, di.tressins and eroNtrraesing disorders of the vi ilersystem. tltudents, elero men, and awyere there !, re, who are eareefally liable - to these ersolleesser, should resort promptle to ti Deletes:nes Specific Pills. A pamphlet, cont.ining fall particulars, eri , h direr tlone and advice, printed in Pench Cartoon. Spanish, and Eoglieb, aerompanies each box, and will be sent by ma.l, free of coat, to nay who will write for it. ?nee g 1 per box, or six boles for $5. br all the principal dreiggleta, of will be gent by melt, aectirely real• d from all Nervation. on receipt of the epe•lfled pnee by any arth-rized agent. or b• the role semi for Anterlo,, 0-WAY. G. VUo B; do Ca., 27 Cnrttandt sit...N. -Y. Awhorsied agents for Zrie: S. D. Car. er & Co., Hall Y. Warfel. octlA-1•eow T .. Mt RAT ENG LIN II REM R D - • PSOTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S ' CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS Prepared-from a Prescrip•lon of ell, J. Clarke, M. D., Phyoi elan Extraordinary to the Queen. Tall Invaluable medicine is unfailing in the mire of all tool, painful and dangero as diseases to which the female epfaiitution la 'object, It moderates all excess and re motes all obstructioni from whatever came. ,A speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES • Itl p eculiatirmite d. It wil, In a a bort time . , • b rin - . g on n the outlay p eriod with regularity. CAUTION. $3 50 7 00 10101. 18 00 - 16 00 300 nese Pills sbordd not be taken by Fatale* drring tAa FIRST -THREE MOyTHS of Pregnaley. as tlirg are rase to bring on Afiscerriage, bat as any otter :ions they are cafe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain, in the Beek and Limb*, Fatigue on ellent exertion,Palpita Lion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means hare felled: and al though *powerful , einedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Fall direction* in the pamphlet around each -oat kegs, which should he'earefuily preserved. , Sold by Drugiriete. P rix $I rer tattle. SPECIAL NOTICE. It to the Bite of every valuable medicine to be coon terfelt-d. Be cautious. therefore, and tee that the let tem' T. & B." are hi. wn In the bottle, and that h wrap per Ram tl e fac•almile of th. Niglio tare of a C. Ba'awin & Co, and Job llosse. Without which non, are genuine. B.—One dollar with eighteen costa for r o•tage, enclosed to any authorised 'agent or to the sole general agent for the United State* anriStritlah dominions. JOB MOSES, 27 Corttandt St. New York, will Insure a bottle centairdog Oft pill& by return mall, securely sealed from all' obserration. Agents for Brie, Ball k Warfel, and J. B. Catrer & Co. otlf,l)eow paoDucE MARKET. M. P. WORDEN S:, CO., Would respectfully announce that they have opened a .store at NO. 428 ISSNOS ST, BETWZEN 4TH AND 62H,, PA.,. For the pattehase ima sale of ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY .PRODUCE, BL'TTER, POULTRY, MILK; ko. ar Orders from abroad will retries prompt alien lon at the Lowest Market Prices. . . ' er The idshest pries In Cash paid for Trodnie. .1*%11641 FALL ik WINTER MILLINERY ROODS: SIRS. S. 11. BALL ' Taloa pleasure to annonneltig to the piddle t h at ahe hu opened • new store ' Haimon'e Btoek,2 Squarei south of Union Depoi, Where eke itn keep constantly • lime variety opt IitILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, "ficdpery, Clothe, and a general anortount of everything nasally kept on hand in a store of the kind. ai • A Dow tock of OooMi just meelyed from Um Ean. • ... . STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, EDINDOIIO, ERIS cor.qTr, PA Thle school ones excellent ifikeilttliki for °Wahl • tboeoneb, prectleal Snolbh education: Tee State as sists those 'rho Puma to beams timbers. A cutle Sate from this tostitot'on iasood toy llte to all puts of Penneylyanta, and exempts the hdldeittom eumlnatlon by school Mom. The vlater opine penember nth. I • • Tor MI or catakerne t lateen 110 a. 0001111 RUMMER, trept27-tf I TEE GREAT ETRENGTAispuria TOhiU (Not a If/data PreparatioN) 1100FLANW8 GERMAN BITTERS!. will care Debility resulting from any Mao irteatrr, Prostration of the syst•zit "slued by wire hardship', 'apatite; firrilrior We. Maas, el. thins. trials or hassle, adults or you amp th. sitillad In tea Ditty's spare Tonic, not dependent on bad llquatfor ger almost mi. !unto's effect. DYSPEPSIA, And ditesAu resulting froin &smears of the tad Digestive orgsm, 111 eased by 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. nil Ditties has peeformid owes curse. gi►es betty, eatisfactlen, has inorelesthuorty, has more respectabls people to ►ouch foe it than Loy other article in the MU kat. We defy any one to oontradiet this sorartlaa, and' win pay 14000 to Amy one who will produce a cortillinte published by ua that is not genuine. IrOOFI4 AND'S GEBNIAN DITTEBB, IRBern may dual otobronfe or arrears debility wad &swat of tkut kidneys. °born the follawfacryriPfeszi rennin from abort's/sof the dkristfat MIMS I - ConstipsUott, Inward Pike, Valium of Blood to the Bead,,Addity of the Stomach, Naasea,:liesstburne Dlr oat for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Soar Eructations, Slaking or Fluttering at the Pet of the Stimach, Swimming of the lieml, - Eurned sad difficult ' Breaching, Flattering at th• Heart, Choi leg or Sallocat• isle Sensations when in a itng pasture, Diatom of Vier ion. Dots or Webs before t • *lab; Fern sad Dull Palo, in the Head, Detelency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Alit and Eyes, Pain Di the Sao, Back, Chest, Umbs, &r, Sadden Flushes of Hut, naming in th e flesh. Con• slant imaginings of Evil and great Myrmidon of Ilmaraxl, that this }Mee le sataleheolle, soutane no rum or erbiskey,and cannot make drunkard., but it the best tank to the lined. apeD WHO SAYS 80. from Win. W. D. Potirrisrl, Pastor of Twelfth BaptCt Cantab. PhllaxSa. Gentlemen,— I hive reeently bees laboring wader the &stressing effects of ittdigwatlan,scoompaniedhy • prom trotion of the narrow 4,114 , 12. Nomerous eutned.W were recommended by frien4_ and eome of th em tasted, tam without fella Your /doodad's °meth Bitten were recommended blPeilifula who bad !fled them. and whose favorable motion of these Bittern Induced me to try 0091. i mud cordage that I had en ayeedmi to f'ateat Medicines from the wthonewd and one'. quer* "Bitters" whete only COI wroth to be to palm off sweetened m.d dragged liquorupene the eocomonity is I 411 way and the underlay*, which. I feu, is to make many a firmed drunkard. drenkard. Anon lemming that ,011111 wu really • medicinal preparation I took it with happy effect lie ar,tion, not only upon the stomach, but upon the nertutte epithet, wu prompt and gratifying. I feel that I bare derived meat and pernent benefit from the -ems of it few bottles. Very rerpeetfulli core, W. SIFIG.MIIID, Ito. 254 Trutthantazon St. From the Rev.?. D Feudal', Militant EdltoiChtiFtian Chronicle, fltiladm I have derived decided benefit from the nu of Hoodand German Bitters, and I feel It my privilege to recommend them a e a most valuable_ tonic. to all wbo are gaffe ring from general debility or from diseases mining from the derangement allot liver Yonre truly, From Rev. D. Marti" Tutor of the Paasayank Church. Philada. Prom the many :mutable reconmendations given to Dr. El oolland's German lintel% I,wee induced to give th2sn • trial. after using several bottles, 1 found them to be e good remedy for deoility; ands most exivellent tariff! for the .stoma . D. From nee. Wm Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vinton Bat to ; rn and (N. 1) Saptist Chamblee. ns used tamily &number of ottles et yon. Floollana's German Sitters, I have to say t regard their WI an excellent akeglicine, specially adapted to remove the diseases they are recommended or. They strengthen and Invigorate the ',item *ben debilitated, and are use fat in disorders of.the liver, lose of appetite, do. I an also Tee:mil:mended them to several of my friends. she have tried Om, and &and them grotty beneficial In the restoration of health. Years truly, Wit. Baru, Oda Eintchinzon St., Plaids: BEWARE OF COUNTEREITS. See that the -signature of IL/AC/340N" L oa the wrapper of each bcetle Should yolrnearest druggist not have the artiste do not be put al by any of the intoxicating preparation that may be effemt In its place, but and to rut and we will ferried, seentely recited, by err , - rir Prfutdpel &Zoe and Manatee ry, No. am Arch Street,Philadelphia,Pa. JONWI k MUMS, • tHiliesseont to O. H. Jaeltson k C 0.,) Proprietor. For sale by drogpsts and dealers In every town In the United Stare. C oal. ‘a. COAL. THE PLACE - 20 BUY COAL' CIIEA? 'IS AT SALTSMAN & CO.'s, .• Cool Yard, cbreei ctTWelfth and Peach Streets, Erie, Ps, who keep ronntantly on hind Lehigh and Pittston (Timsum hump and prepared, Elhasnokin. Egg, Store, and lintsiser'Eltaminons for pate and steam, and BLOSSBURG, PITTSBURG AND.BEaVER, For Block=lth Purposes conr Coal la an rieelrea by ran, Is kept on dry plank door. and TELL scliEDato BEFORE DELITEIY We ater great ladvemeato to parties wishing to lay in their winter topply,alao to dealers pa:autos by.the ear load. ar Otte to a tall and • stoup tee to ere 'ACAD. tiort . Jalyl9'o3-tf SALTSILLISI k CO. pRIZLEY.9 NATIONAL C/4131 AGENCY. omee In •Farrar Hall liolliiing, Erie, SOLDIER'S BOUNTY elahoanta for extra booty allowedhy Isle acts of Centres, can have the same promptly collected by seodlog their discharge, to' me, the reallat of which win be promptly actuewleated sod .nattuctlons re tarred INCIREL9E - OF PENSIONS $l5 per month for total loss of use of either log or arm, instead e Es. 82 p•t month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seaman. Also, other Inersases. . , ADDITIONAL von vot.,orrteras or s.A. Three month, pay proper ' fay all In service !larch 3d, and discharged attar April Dth, .18Re. Claim/ canted. Claims ter arrears of pay, and sensiono, and aaunt• premien, collected Unequalled facilities fur e nrinx and cc:m*l4llx cases. allowance la prierinays of war - collected. Only arcenc7 in North-Weston( penziobra obe wberd ydirs of experience in lice V. 8. Tremor:can be found. Thanktnl fht the Teri liberal patronage beehive& in the past. ye hops tor increased exnerienee and yore mating attention to patrons to seem their continued favor. Office in Farrar Hall Building. •- dthints, ast9- it 8. TOM) PVRI,TIV, - Lack Box 101, &Wink IMPORTANT TO EVILDRRS The Largest and Best stock e; PAINTS, OILS, VAMNISIIES, GLASS, And BRUSHES inEtie znai be found at HALL 1- ARFRL'S DRUG STORE, Srvni Sr 6,, Noire or Sm►sam Haring bad long esporfeuee in the trade.wea»satbkd to ;tepid, parties with a superior quality of goods et the lowest prices. Our stock embraces a general variety of ertrythlrig that Painters wet end them. eh . ° give no their , pstronsge COO rely on not being atsarpoluted. ' torily VirOrders for Furnishing buildlage rlllL to satisfac- CALL AND EXIME OUR STOCK. • sul&ly GREAT BARGAINS inWallyapere .QAUGHEY, IticCREARY & CO., - Having determined to rearigfrose the Wall Paper trade, aro norr Miming itteirentin dock, Inelad GILTS, BATIK* MOILS VON AND 'COMMON WALL 1' A,P.E 4.8 AND BORDERS AT ALMOST ANT !'RICE. Thle i rare opportunity for pergola wWdni to pa per their hoymthle WI Of :nun spilt& to lay in tLeir stook It LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES are compelled to dam Oat one vet pt oen Wee &lately, to make room for as focremed stock of Book', Skidoos:l i *tare% pietmre hung. •e. CAI7O73I'Y, ItcOBEAST & 00/ OYSTERS! OYSTERS F. A..W.113ER & CO., 814 STI:7I ST., • liars eommeseed keeping. Pratt .B.Catitihepotwated Baltimore 0‘ stem which they will eon either - 1)y Um eau or ease. These Orates ars eassidereti the keel% the market. Hotels. Woo= sad private temUlee ap plied at low pima : ort44ll pritte ‘LfeturrY mum." tap, • ,• Will do am sal bona *ark at,* diaat *lit thin SO • Aber.. .717 it. manubbettls -may by ZIEGLER & SMITE!, WHOLESALE DROO. PAIIIr,+ . OLABB PEAL B atbbl'Ee h! No: pt*rtit, stiretmd*: .. . , ADS is Roney. ' lattorogi a trotstrattott cot tho sego of John r, Enditeh, Wit Otoosetimmildtt, Lola.natty, havlog been pasted to the auttsmittood. notice is borsht &ea to 411 t me ted to had hits% to milli to modiste onot, lasvisi Wan • MOM Oa soma will preset them, duly authOttitotoditor settle mut. , ? • c, t CHRINTDINh gran" 112M264100. 1!!!! E. D. PSNDALL. AND ' PAINTEDS Na 11 Put Row
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers