The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 01, 1866, Image 1

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--,--e - WEE LT OBSERVIM. -
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" "t).:•0:":Yrri.B1Poullar it(gfeltAn gni", ' .
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' :'•''l,7 ! ;•- o'i. 1' -. . . . . t
zcsirr oN _. Two fthu.aur 17CD Firer. Curs per
- " - • . .
• ',, paid in &draw:* ; THltill DOIAARI/Ili Bei . . - .- - ' ' . • • -
octll '
:I n e7l tio e xpiration of the year. Subscriber' , ---.-. -. ' , '-., ~
r: cy:tter will be charge.' FLPfT Czars a i . _
. IMO" '*----'=" .G - ..,,,,-.. ' ' ',:-
. . .
. .
•. 1 ,, ,,,_ .. - ,
i n a d:llion.
rfar g vt..l —One Square of Ten Lines owe in•
t r,o3; t‘o iiii4rtions $1,15 ; thyme hon.
: one mouth $2,50 ; ten months 20;
4.60;1ii Month/ s7,oo;ea• year $ 12 I:ift;
tersdrr,rrisemants in proportion. Them rates
t 1 strictly adhered to, unless- changed by i r g ,wh i l
tto:met, or It the option of the publisher& Audi
scarcer, Strays, Dirorces and like advertise
er.el2,oci ; Adnribistrator's 'Notices S3SA ; Loesi
vate a lino; Marriage Notices TWIWITT•
r , a nis a pieeer; nbitomy FoUrea (over three lines
estror.) fire cents per line. Original poetry. nu
0. , .n.;ra at the riquest of the editor. one dollar
he ; 'All advertisements will be acinUntuid at
54 ,, wool of the person advertising. %tog ordered
oat by his direction, unless a specified period la
n pos for their insertion.
tisrl NG.-11e
have one of :the best Jobbing
nt h, Stair, and are ready to do all work la
. 01 %,; loss be entrusted to us, in equal style
" t e m ent outside of the largest cities.
t;l.Fammon.eAtions should be addressed to
itditor and Proprietor.
rore e_o_senswimmwsmsmsmmi
1311siness Directory.
81. 1 1KELY,
ATto,RNITT AT LAW. Rldgwae
tr,7,1140 practice in adjoining Counties.
1 1.
A . rt naxitt at Law, Girard, Cale Cionaty,
.a .her bnainus attended to with
116T310 it
Arrozgly Ar LAW, in Walkses Of.
e t ,et. ie. 'Pa. ' ang 7'69
F. Ce.11 7, N ,
BoozsztLca and Doge, in Stationery,
Nent , pipni, &e. Country den
stoltr Brown's gotel,fronting the Perk.
rtsr 77
i v; Os !It
i A+teo llock, near North West corner of the
Erte, Pa.
JCITICZ OP Tilt Puns. 011011111PC01:14
r s „, 810,k, French Stryet, betwom 711th and
, I N s wi !LUM,
ATToRNITS At Law. Ridgway, PII.
rt. ILSesn, Ctmerna and Jefferson eoanttiw..
DAD3q.e.s-Iv.] W. W. WILBPR.
francs or TRI ?WM Para/OR Block,
Feet.,( Farrar Hell, Erie. P►.
, tS. lirN:NiAtiNi, ,
'trent, Coor.rincer and Collector.
te batldtnq, el uthweit comer of Ftitlt and
.I,Enr, PL. ap13.664
tao 11 I:
jnax CeostNIIIII4II2, at the new
R. rule runt,. boa • n hand • larva assort
iironet. Prvleionii. Wood and Willow Wares,
T..bsceo, •genrsi, , to which bane
; e,!!ii the attention of the public, tatlaited that
'sr se vol harKtins u can be had in ant part
writes mar3o'66-1v
tLII,SELDEN de 111.1 i
Arlealtarsl 'implements. Railroad Oars,
e °L
„A, kLBRAITit.
ATTOILTIT AT LAW -.Older ()scathe:reit,
7c , latt the Court Boum, Eria,Pa.
• Peen" VII 11, ONaa, Seed, Plaster, etc., eor
,i;th greet and PaS!tc SWIM, El* Ps. jartt
D. gsiSORNE,
:v...0 State ana Frezeh. Fine norms and Car
:et on rruonahle terma. my2164-Iy.
cannot nr FRANCE! AND 7te suture, Fitz.
ruchr. Prop-istor. Good H Ines and Carriages
1,): had molerate prices. Sept. 28, IMS-ly
Mit:AKER. do SUTOR, .
acd Prori.lioni. Flour and Paad. Wood and
are, , Liquors, T ita,Stata
2ett to Tootles House o.
Dealer In Groneries, Pro:dine, Provialoin,
7,1:0,i and stone Ware, Winer, Liquors, he,
ziree; opposite the Postoflice, Erie, Pa.
K. .11AGILL,
Drrnrr, Oleos in Roan- • • its ..
3'.eek ,toTfh ..tde of the Put, LAG, .
1 1Z1iPPA Di N.M.
Cant, Pa.. Being newly fitted op In the cc :PI xi
:rite, le now open to the public. Hash ell to
C 3 the arrival of all Paiwencer Tralne t eittk,
Of day. • °ARLEY BROS., Propn.
M. COLE. •
Boom 13 mom Burt Boat llororroctosza
0 Story off .to dornoeht's Block, Erie, Pa.
ILK tittTEL, Waterford.
o.'4o=ll3a:tattoos, sod outdo' &Mottos Oros to
.zantt of guests. ap6,563,•
rude by
SG Sells Them. •
t'snrazoiAir •Scs
:4 floor Realty's Block, Wait Park. Eris, Ps,
nem!, Chestlan Sr Rath's 14 toes. Regll4lool
Kmea Fltthgtrast. East of Preach
,hocre-4 to 10A. x., and 2 to IP. N.
c' tte Peonsy 'rants Celine of Mahal Sra-
Of.s :r Wright's Bleck (orer Viers k Klliotra
:hang, Erie, Ps.
11.7rIENOR IT PiltSlllBlol.
?len., D. D. S., !forth derentliitrest,
Blckiagttam,. D. 3., No. 243, North Nln lh
ArrOHIITI AMID 001711111114.01111 AT LAW
! ONi SPRINa ST., OppOSIM Crittenden Hall
•4, Da Coßertion and ail other ;erg bast
.I " 4 "fori. Venanto, Erie, Warren and Torre
• tttended to artfully sad promptly.
torm—Wri. A. Galbraith, Whitman k Breda
n',Fnepver & Marvin, Erie, Pa.
0. Ftr , iro; Hon. 8. P.Johneon, W. D.Brown
k Out. Warren, Pa.
CT I V li •
' Dohs! and Mr. W. Sharer -are no longer
&goats or otherwise. nor am I to
,l*s' their lepreientatioce or actions whatever.
Litt 1 , ..0 duped t wish to say that the sole
t•e•brst.,l Uoa.ter k Co.'s Pianos and the
Orono lot western Penosylva
LA, to the Allegheny mountains, Is in
e eottA• I, at icy other person may eay.
mtnuinz such tastraineots of any other
•I-ct opelf are liable to to celled upon for my
'At- • WM WILLI'S°.
I.MT FOR DYCK:ABE... slid Dna= &
'•?ntee, the best now made, and Masao h
r4, Ltot Organs. Old Pianos taken la exchange.
' • kuideace. Union Mills, Eris Co., ?a.
Pri F naspal. L
Gao. W. Otltilacir
Prof. of Commercial
"M; :zimplitied, new Classification of Aes
-1:s• Practice, Ornamental and Bait.
tcia.p Commercial Lan, Ccuniasseial Arith
s:sei tern, ke., for ladles and gents. The
IN comprehend the whole basis of
in at:sr:sta.'s/ ethllott every poodble traria.
elosint lsoisks 'So expense colitis"
rats this a pleasant, practical and perdu,
'us "The City of Schools " Practical Al
sis,,rrs •ill be employed. Terms—Toitirn
vissn— fbs best fssilitiss and greatest la'
lead for Cit:ulara,
• PaszA.
I "rtmei haws eeeoeis'oi thetosalvos,under
Lai style pf Webb & Ch 1144. In the Pottery bull
old eland, on the anal, between Sewn
,t...ptt,otage of the custotion of the old
coo , ta of the public g o o o rollY. Prowi m imi
,nratzost endeavor to etre portiat oirlotoodno.
'canna* to flo^rgr J. Warta*.
~ a COT .M Merchants, Wholesolo dudes
. " t i l Bthvnlisaas Cool. Aeon for N. T.
P.sple's Lk. of Stemmas. East Pabllo Pock.
of the U. V. ?mammy Department add,
• for tiqliliera,
Airi, clerk's P I lnC . N W o , mer
lit Vrvibt tarissi Chive ,rsiir- !Wintry,
et 47.1 aorect i d with dality lad din
e-iconi obtained and WV.
~rR!Np:, evea 7 l4l to. lir. P. baring had ate
,tper.enee in the &RANI of the various 1M
7. lcie thimalictent he era nadir
all kinds of Goversasat 41111.6tAl
T im BRIDAL enAntigu i , as Zito of Warming
and instruction
Men--publialked by
and imaociation, • d sent fres of cha-ge inaTal •
opt. Address Dr. J. :MILLEN HOUGHTON.
Jon* Iy. Philadelphia, P..
Eat OVS DEB (LIT Y. iletulnal W•alutele. Ah.
1.11 btit wed by one who has cured himself and Into-.
drags of others, en I will tall you ngthing,bat the truth.
address with stamp,
j 411'0 ly. BOX 11 - 7, Barton. Baia.
I St - Barri:lPM relation to the human ',stool' mile
and female; the CUM/ and treatment of disown the
marriage =doom of the world ; ho• to
readll, and
thonaand things never published before the re
vised and enlarged edition of MID/OA'. Cosmos Seen,
• elltiong book for curtain' people, and a good book tor
mu' one. 400 pages. 100 illostratons. Piles $1 60.
Coolants table I tot tree to soy Mitred'. gooks My be
had at the book dares, or will be went by mail, post
paid, on receipt of the price. •Addrees,
g. B. POOTB, N. D.,
em 1130 Broadway, New Toh.
rro coNsumrTi V vet. The advertiser havlog
been restotti Lo bealth in few wets by • vary
simple remedy, alter beat .g suffered several years with
• aerate king affection, and that dread dims toe, Con.
ow:option—la anzious to snake kno an to his fellow-sal-,
fe the 111114011 Of can,
To all who desire ft. be will tend a copy of the pris•
seriptlon used, (tree of shores.) with the direction for
prepuing and sting the same, which they will end a
rare cure f , r C •ssioroptlol. tatbm ti Rronehttis, Colds,
Co ,, phis, ate. The only of jest of the ethertiser In seal
ing the preeeriptioe is to benefit the affileted.aud spread
information 'rivets ha concerts to be invaluable: and be
hopes /veer 'otiose will try he remedy, as it will east
them nothing, and may prove a bl.oxlnt.
Parties wishing the preser pline,rarz, try rkantiasit,
will please addr, eui Rev. RIM Rn WILSON,
der:2BlB4y. Willismsoargh, Kings Co., N. T.
UNBORN OW YOUTEIN—A goutlemau who hie
Ea suffered ter yearn trout Nervou • Debility. Prem.
Lure Drury. and aq the effects of youthful Indiscretion,
will for the sake of suffering hunateity, send free to all
who mad it. the recipe and directions foe making the
simple reused' , by which he was rptred. aufferere wishing'
to pro fi t by the advertiser's erser'enee can do so byrid;
d.vssing JOll4 R. OGIEN,
ileeffll 65 ly. No. 13 Chambers St., N. T.
OTHANGH. BUT THUR.—Every venlig ltdy and
gentlwwan an the Malted vistas can bear somettang
vet, much to their witaetage by return mail, Mesa
charge) be addressing the undarelened. Ttose harts(
no re of being humbugged will ob Ige by not turtkaing this
end. All others will please address their obedientsort
dee3Y63-Iy. 831 Broadway. N. Y.
lat) MIMES' A311111.081A FOIL 11A114—
n, The Original and Genuine A 'fibroid& U preptred
by J. Allen Reeves and is the best hair dressing and pre.
aervative now is one. - It stets the bale Adana oat,
ceases it to grow thick and long and prevents it from
turning rentsterely gray. It ensile des dandruff, clean.
Fee, beautifies and renders the b it soft, g`osay and ear
ly. Bay it, try it and be oneness& Deal be put off
with a spurious article. Ask for Reeves' Auited. and
take no other. For eels by Wigging and Beaten is
Fancy Goods everywhere.
Mos 26 cents per bottle—s 6 per &tee. Address,
62 YulteenSt. ,New York City.
01 o.'fs-3m
DM. fit IRS t 1.4 L LPPI CATA
Snuff has thoroughly proved Melt to to t h e beet
artiale knows brewing Caramnr, Cows re ram BRAD
and HILADACHIL It has berm found WI exeallant mead,
by it, and Hume° has often been greatly bithrovel by
Its ma. It b fragrant and agreeable, and gives
ATE HELM to the doll heavy pains caused by difilleow
or the Head. The esneatione attar using it are d•hghtful
and invigorating. It opens and purges ant all yob
obsidians. strengthens the glands and gives a healthy
setlon to the parts aerated.
More than thirtyyears of and use of Dr Marshall's
Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great value
for all the common diseases o' the head, and at thin mo
ment Wean& higher than inveterate hie reconumsad
ed by many of the best physician; Lulls wad with great
gamey and estiMantion anenwhere. Read the Certificate
of Wholusle Druggists in 1894 •
The undeedgmed having for many MIS berm sequin
tad with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Hesdwhe deal, and
sold In our wholesale trade, chlartallv Mate that we ta
ller. itto be equal, In ovary respect, to the recommends-
Rona givern of it for the care of Catarrh t, :lbetlons, and
I. It decidedly the best article we ml oar knorto
for all common datum of the Head.'
Burr k Peru, Reed, aaatln & Co., Brown, Lamson &
Co., Reed. Cutler & Co., Seth W. Fowls. Wilson. Fairback
& Co., Boston ; Renshaw, Edmauda k Co., 0. H Hay,
yosmasd, Me.; Rama Ir. Park, ♦. B. k t,. Bands, Stephan
Paul & Co..smel Minor & Co-, Memnon & Robbins, A.
Seovill & Co., V. Want, Clogs & Co., Bush & Gale,
New York.
For sale by all Druggists. Try it. Nep2lll/l-1F
These Deops are a adyntiflcally compOundtd laid
aveparaUen, and better than any pills. powders or nos-
Unitas. Being liquii, their action is direct an I positive,
rendering them • reliable,, epode sad =lain Braids
for tim ears of all obstruestioes and sapprosaions of na
ture. Their popularity is indi-ated by the fact that
over 100,000 bottles are annually snit and consumed by
the ladies of America, every one of whom speak in
Pm strongest terms of pries. of their groat merits.—
They are rapidly taking the place of every otter tenni.
remedy, and are eons dared by all who know aright of
them, as the sureet, safest and mast infallible prepara
tion in the world, for the cure of all female eomelaints,
the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the pm
motion of health, regularity and strength. replicit di
rations. Eating when they may be need, and explain
ing when iurd'why they should not, and c veld not be
awed wi host producing 'Teets contrary to nature's oh o .
son limy will be found earefally folded around each
bottle, with the written signature or John L. Lyon,
without which none are genuine.
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 101 Chapel street,
New Raven, Cons., who an be consulted either per
sonally or by letter, (enclosing stamp) 061101122 1 / 1 11 all
private &eases sad female weaknesses.
Bold by Druggists everywhere.
C. O. CLAES k CO, '
rrAf f-1 Olga Agents for 11. !Ladd Canada&
gain& ly
R. TALBorr4, rts.t.m •
. • •
(Awri-Dvseernc )
Craospomi of highly Concsatrated aztracts from
Roots and Verbs of the greatest medical veto. prepared
from the orkisal prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tal
bott, . red used by him with remarkable imam for
twenty years. An infallible remedy in all DISC agg3
of the uvor„, or say derangement of the DIGESTITZ
They Cure Marti's", Dispsplit, Berth,ll, - Jan:idles ,
Biliousness Liver Complaint.
The wall-known Dr. Matt says of these Pll4 " I hive
aged the formula from which your Pills are made, In
my radios for over 1 2 year • thly htve the finest et
feet upon thra Liver &ad Digeatire Orgasm of say niedi
clue in the Worid, and are the most perfect Punitive
which has ewer yet been cads by anybody. - Thew are
safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to ewe Their
panetrating properties stimalate the vital astbrities of
the body, remove the obstraetions of its organs. parity
the Wood, *ad expel dismiss. The, purge out the foul
humors which breed and grow &wimps*, stimulate
'biggish or disordered organs late their =aural action,
and impart a healthy tons with atsosurth to the whole
eyebolts. Hot only do they extra the every day aim:
p slats of everybody, bat also formidable and dangerous
dims's% and being purely vegetable are free from any
risk or harm."
They create pure blood and remove all 'impurities
from the oyster], hence are a *Nal,' cure for revers,
Headache, Piles, Itereuzal Diaaaaen and Bereditgry
Humors. Doss—for adults,-oae_Pill is the momtog ;
for children ender arm's, haft a PIU.
Pries One Pillar par Box- Trade supplied, or sent by
Nall, post paid, to any part of the United states or
Canada on receipt of prior. None guanine without the
6e-airalle signature of V. Nott Talbott, V. D.
V. MOTT TALBOT! & Co., Proprietors,
cierfillay Ns. 62 Yalta" *mat, New York.
01/10, 691 Droadirerr. New York.
wartanwan,..-Ale.r a fair trial: It ailyiparaon due not
regard the-Finkle k Lyon Sowing Maclaine as superior
to any machine in mutat, he nu relent it and hare hie
money. It hu taken many of the highest priftea—is lets
complicated than any other first - claim machine—does a
wider . rasp or work vitamin .duaMiles—reestles so
taking apart to clean or °it, and no 'gammas' to *et jets.
dla, Env late tau on °repents machine.
W.V.—any Clergyman undios ma two orders tor Sto
chines. shall receive sae for himself as a imaent. The
aims proposition hextudedte reoffriaso and Teachers.
We hero now otimple'ed out Yee lifanatectory at a
costa slue MOW inducting Paw mamma and la
portant igraovancars; and the oajeet of the above pre .
osition Is to swore the Imowdlate introduction of our
Improved marlin' into away town of the Uoited States
without inestrizg the groat expense of *traveling agent
Thu proposition casset avail in tease occupied by oar
o a n argots.
Platoon& for deoer:ptlve Catalogue, irlth sautpki of
jai rest:LUCIUS LYON, Sees.,
- _
Thai wodetair affirm his Farm for idttuitod la
limtar Crook .7% miles from Ens and °oil half mils
from the Station BoaL Bald farm contains fa urn of
land under pod imptovomo-ta with good limo hook
two tam and whir entufortiblo outbuildings. Mao. a
Foul whorl, boglnning to bob, utt good water. poi.
load la viii ndtjtad to gram and spring grains with good
Wheal sat millerivilage , boar bi ; 'And also &venal*
wood lot. eostaining sag wt.. soar bp with man
eloaring oprua it. for fiarthot , hewn atlas Ingntr• of the
mid on the mato.
doo7llo. 41.2N0LD JORDAN,
A own, mums vosiriVicsitnium:
or ea* a Mass lot s Wasted Psoasrlvasto 4v,
anasAptiroes Intlt sad lath strosts. Otsodse addition to
the city of Itrts,sod nor Um Nasals* Mops of the F.
k 6. R R. Also two sits tot Nos. 9A sad Tl. ocassr of
Plumb and Ilaildo stratU. Us slats lots EU too sOld
sta hargAs snails I. tor saga. Roping or
jallt•Sa• T. A. Ainrrili.
18801.1iITIO -
arm of Belli Warrior this day dibrolord by ow
tnal consent. The business will be conducted by Worsts
ltrothere, who as authorised to agn te i
Nnyielt.--111 owns tottabkd J. theist. Am of Son
oc warier se masted to all hrusehetaly tad MO.
nes Why eitimiltite Oise Brosowt thew
imam Biorkeat.
aorinikt -
Special Notices.
olds Wlldrey PnTarstl
. tars
Debility malting from any cause wbatimar, Prostration
of the system, canred by severs hariabina, erposuren,
ferns or Maims of estop lib. Soldiers, cdtisear, wale
or few* Multi or youth, will and to this Bitten spurs'
Tonle, rheidopendent on bad Hirers for their almost la •
/unions effect
And Comm malting from disorders - of the Liyor sad
Dteeatt,a orzaas, are mind by •
This Bitters has imformel more cams, 1t,.. better
satisfaction, has more testimony, has more respectable.
proplis to youth for it than any other article is the mir.
het. We day any one to ociotr.Ciot this sasertkm, aN
vii=l,o4 to arty one who will predate a oertillcate
by to that is not pandas,
Wlllestro twiny eas of ehrort'o or torvints doblllty aid
&soots •• oe the kktooys. ()towns the following el topkres
'malting from disorJo es of .ho ellgasttro orison s
Constipation, Toward Piles, Fulling of Blood to the
find, acidtty of the Stoma-h. Nouns, Hurlbut's', Ms
guit irr Yard, Fulness or I eipht to tho Stomach, Soar
Eructations, Slaking or Fluttering at the Fit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Reid, Slurried sod difileelt
Brsarbing, Fl attiring at the lieut. Cho log or Sailboat.
og Sansaticaut who in a lying pos'urv, Diastwas of Via
ion. Dote or WO,. before the right, Fever an i Dull Pala
in the Heal Def. cliney of ramiratioo, yellowne ss o f
the: kln sod Ryes, Pain in the Side. Back, Cheat, Limbs,
he. Sudden Flomkee of Hee, Burningid the Flesh, Co..
stint imaginings of Stil and great Depression of Spirit,.
Resanssa, that thti Bitters is not alchoolle, containi
no ma or whiakey, and cannot make drunkards, but is
the nett tonic in the world.
from Rae. W. D. SeVeriti. Pootor of Twol!th . Baptist
Chureb. Phibids.
Gentlemen- I hare ressatly been laboring under' UM
datrewlog effects of indiprtion, Lee led by a pros.
Nation of the Wrong Ayetem. Nnfnerobs reni•dtie *We
remmiumded by friend.. and some of theta tamed, Ind
without relief. Tr or Boodand's Grorua 'Mors went
recommended by persons who bad :rind them, sad whose
tsvortbhmeAlon of these Bitten Loduvd roe to try
t , ma. I meat coulee, that I bad an steralau to retort
Weaken.. from the "thousand and owe" quick "BROW
whose only elm seems to be to palm off sweetened and
drugged liquor upon the emm aity in a airway, end
tba tevehney of which, I fem. Is to tube limey a un
armed drunkard Upon learalog that ours wan
a medicinal preparation I tut It with happy effect. Its
action, nit oily upon the ate each, fiat apse the serums
system, was prompt and gratifying. I flee that I bay,
derived irmit and permanent benefit trots the we of •
few bottles. Very reepactiroly
W. D. bithirefilltD, No. 2M Mantua:on Pt.
Iron** Rev. D yeala . ll, Asq.tant Editor Cheittai
I ham derived decided benefit Irian the stirofffoolimure
German Bitters, sot heel stay privileire to recommend
them ae a mot valuable tonle to ill who are Buffering
from penal debility or from Maculae arising from the
derangement of the liver.
YOlllll truly, Z. D. TINDALL.
Frani Bor. D. Dare" Castor or till Pump=lt Daatist
Chants, PLUada-
From the many reapretab'a recoanzenUtiorin gran to
Dr. Hoot and'. German Dithers,' Iran la &tend to ere theta
a trtai. attar axing moveral Mind than tab° a
rbe o
.004 h r d"ilUbtrlztO , toaat auallest Mate tor
to=. . ,
From Est. Wm. 9ealth, formerly Pastor of the Vinous,
town and Mitivills Baptist Churches.
naming heed ts my family a number of batties of Soar
Roodandl Germari Bitters, 1 hare to say I regard them
as ma insellsat issitietss, ape dear sdesteJ to .Umove
the diseases they eh recommended or. They imearhou
and leifewrate the system when debilitated, eat an us
tot ta disoniers of the liver, lefts mrsppetlte. &e. 1 hems
shm.reemesmatled them to mews'ol my- T hies& whe
'hue tried the., and far od them greoPyb,eseeetel ht the
nstorstios cf health'. Tours trily,
WIL SETH, 961 linteiriasos St, Plalmoia.
See that the afgoatuts of 'O. Y. JACtSON" le an thaw
wrapper °leach boql•
Shnit'd yo ,r Dearest &west not hare the &Attie de
not be pat at by any of the totortostrap, preparations
that at be cffered is its bat send re as and we
will foment aeourely packed, by erepreaa
Ptinelpal Oak/ and lfangteotory . No. e l l Arid'
Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
JOirri k' EVANS.
[deeeeesore to C. N. Jackie/I h Co,) Proprietori.
Fora ile by druggists and dealers to every torn in the
United States. &MS
fortlßes thrsystem triad Ms nil 'Seta of awhile
roes lista
Will eius Dyrpopirs.
Will cur, weaner.
Will care Ovum! Debtll t7
WLll cm, lisoribarii.
Will enir•Hoodaabo.
R ill ewe Liver complain..
Will excite and meats a healthf appetite.
WI Ireton* the mans of aad seolorabo
ly Increase the tarps of the body and lb. tom
Or= bales, setting In feet as • general sottoboriat of tie
eyeless, oonlatolas ao polo:moan drag', and IS
?HI BLIT TONIC 9T?! ix Tag wows.
♦ e 1r trial is serassily sollsitaL '
(11CO. 0. EWE/BM k 00 7j r=til .y.
Central Cepnt, team Swiss 111:!D
Tot sale by all Druggist* Greearsi&a.
MINNIG & fIOADLE.Y. Sal; Wholands Agway
and for sala by Hall & Vied, Carter & Corm awl WU
um la Beath. • • • a.
we are now rtnuttag • Market Lll3lll from ids to Re
lan, on the Philadelphia it Itrie reillosd, Ind trfah:ng
genus dl blade of
To earti it ea, hue established,. Depot ea
Firma sressr t
In the raw of the obi Seed , Some,
If kora bi at •n ticniyolkdy to mete sod pky
, .
• =EMT, ,MARIF2I' caa ' -
testae Nate. AU hatiat hodueslor see itte request•
od to ere so • sell. Istvan foe Ilortest Oopot t _
_MU St.
sugto,lBBs4l Mart JACKSON.
0.1100=11113 : ItUCHIULtta -
. .
• _
'raid essiostfalty labrea tbs pabllo that be bis aping .
loam bs dltalsy.lny So bind • largssairtv
• L/QtrOZl•c l4 44t .... } P, •
Aiding:plus' wally fora els as sma . imaast
MI kind.
• t r. is rossusible as as ether t +lst J
shy ' - c • .
U 1 W . gLLBBV •
LICIDMILD A 187110118.111,
Obtain ileums and Stem tee Mine rantinivand tone
atOres, Betas anni Dwelling', with or tithrnit
furniture, for those &Ring np henindinnpigg. Allinio lin I
ail Wads of" "
wrocrlN ?RUM; IICRCHANDItt, 80tr81tt00
mittstruar i mimes, moves,.
PICTIIIO4. MEWS.% 11113 . 111. 1N' JIND:017?1)001
LIP/ECTab t4 N 41/13.
Thom f t btag to WI by prtrst• suits" fad ~sfrraaaae~~
swim oa soy *idol flopettir laltaird Ise '
by soatton. noes basin or all*. aux boa to
adrintoge by &Obis r to toicat lb+
trznow raßsrroaterrou
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EAGLE 1/01.1N0liT.
T&ACE sr, Ai4oyslas itll/74X0
(nausea' to Miaow k ilmnyj
' Trer h Sark hox ,
AND ALL lobs O pick. camas.
Ririe? Stove sold try as worssi* 'JO gboAitialtsatios.
I<ettlw,ilelo-sikomi. gad Irons, hos od lap 4 or MI
i 0• • 010 N 4 wtIIIOMI
sasrss -
is s A
i sa - ar A
daror7dNA•ss/sadOW trial Moor sr*
ale - . ,WANT•BppOi:i
Over the Way.
GODS In her child •hko pnitt,
Out from the gulden day;
Tiding away In the lighten tweak
?flare Silver stars sad the wasbesens meet,
Over the silent wsy.
Over tha bosom tenderly'
The pearl- wblte bands as • pre tredv
Thelashee lie on her cheeks so thin— •
Where the softest blush of the rose bath been—
allotting the blue other eyes within
The ran lid. elosed Le rest.
Over the await brow lorinte
Twiaeth her doming hair;
Bhe say fragile that Lore tent down
FTOIS2 Ma heavenly gem that init bright crown,
To Anal", her brow with ,Ita waves so brown,
' Light as the dimpl'ng air.
;obi he sleep with tie lender smile
,1 Prose on her elect lips
Di the farewell ki." of her dew • !math.
Cold in the clasp of the angel Death,
Like the last fair bad of a faded wreath,
• Whose bloom the white (rut nips
Rolla—hashed in your downy bed
Over the refugia' bough—
Do yea Was her voice from your glad duet,
WLee the dew /a the beast or the rose Is set,
TtL Its velvet Ilpr • Ith the essence wet
Is orient utmost `low'
Eno bud—alder your shady loaf
Elid from the sunny day—
Do You min the glance of the els so bri,hr,
Whose blue was hearse to your timid light ?
It is.beuning pow In a world of light.
ifearta—where the declines head Lath
Held by Linens shining ray—
Do you know that the touch of her giontlehtunl
Polk brighten the hasp in the unknown land
Oh, s • wake for us in the angel band,
Our the starry way I
Hanging of a Woman at Pittsburgh•
PITTSBURGH, JAW. 18, 1866.
The dreadful scene of a weed ago was re
peated here to-day. Another capital' excu
tion inch place. Martha Grinder, the "mo 3ern
Boilia: l 've' bung for the murder, on the let
et August last,:of Mrs. Mary Caroline Caru
thers. As or last Friday, the most inteas,
excitement prevailed among the public of the
city, sad the hanging of Mrs. Grinder was
the topic of coaventuion everywhere. The
murder foi which Marechall and Freake were
hung was eltarsetetised by the utmost cold
blooded brutality. But the murder for which
Mrs, Grinder perished to day, was the em
bodito4 t at of relined and fieurdiah cruelty. For
cruel ateadlnesa of purpose, finished diaboi
heal; heartless treachery and terrible nerve to
inflict torture, it etasda.unmatched here, and
1 believe in the 'mire country.
TEI 01111111141.
Martha Grinder was a woman of forty or
perhaps forty five years - of age. She was of
medium mature, was slight anti delicate of
form, an hid .a . ceuntinanhe rather amiable
and pleasing. The inspressioi. of a stranger
would be that she was a woman of most deli
cite seitelbilities and tender sy iopithies. Her
iddreu w.a pleasing, and she had the power
of obtaining Influence over all classes. She
was a Kentuckian of humble birth, .and Ler
jouth was almost entirely neglected. She
repeived no education and no religious train
whatever. At the age of fourteen she
married and had two•ehitdren, twins. In a
short time het hus*dand died, and soon after
hie death the married her eecend husband,
George Griader, a laborer in the cosl•yards
of - Louisville. About sir, years ego they re=
moved to this. Mtg.,. Whoa they came here
they, were in most indigent circumstances.
So poor were they tit times they depended on
the neighbors for food. A few sleeks after
their arrival, however, they suddenly changed
sheir•mode of living, and seemed to have be
come soddenly rich. Mee. Grinder accounted
fur their access of wealth' by saying that a
rink uncle others, an ex Governor of Indiana,
had settled *lO,OOO on her little girl. The
family removed to a respectable portion of
Allegheny City. and until the arrest of Mrs.
Grinder continued to live in Gray's Alley, in
that city. Mrs. G. soon acquired great popes.
laxity in the neighborhood; she was unwear
ied in her miaistratisna to the s:ck and dis
tressed. For every case of sickness she had
some Special medicine or seine peculiar deli.
easy which she insisted on the sufferer taking.
Her kindness wu unlimited and her watch.
fuluess'unwearied. She acquired the repute
tion throughout the neighborhood of being a
modal Christian women. She united herself
with the Methodist TplitEopal Church, and the
name of Mrs. Grinder wu almost synonymous
witfrctirii of iildt. - • -
- - Crime minim& always go on, even under
such circumstances, without exciting suspi•
cion andlinding itself out. At last it came
to be spoken of in Gray's Alloy that there
was au extraordinary number of deaths in
Glatzeighborheod. sod that dreadful and pe.
"slier sickness, such as had never before been
knows these, abounded on every side. sore.
over, - the sickness was uniform in its peculi
arity. People began to say, too, that several
et She deaths bad omurrid under Mn. Grin
der*roof, sad that almoet every person who
partook • - 'ot her hospitality or accepted her,
usinistrationv suffered from these peculiar'
zapteios. - Miss Boatman, Mrs. Caruthers,
Grinder, the brother of the suspected
woman's husband, s little child Which had
been left to her care . by its mother, another
brother of Mrs. G.'S husband, who died
in !an army hospital after eating delicacies
sent him by his sister in-law--all these and
more: wen - Sald to have met their deaths at
Unbinds of this dreadinb woman, lad it was,
whispered that many others whb were yet
allei'owed their lives to the fact of tbeir'hay.
bog got out from the teach of her fatal care:
- All these rimers lad dark suspidiona -cul—
minated at last in an information lodged on
the 24th of August het, before Mayor Lowry,
by' limes 'B. Caruthers,' charging Mattbs.
Grinder with the murder of his wife,' Mary.
Caroline Caruthers, by poison: - A warrant
woe hewed, end the woman : was, after tome
difhealtt' arrested' 'end brought 'before' the
Mayer. Bhe asserted 'her innocence strenu
ously, and professed to be horror stricken at
then bare thcittght of loch a crime. The bdd'y
lit Mrs:: Caruthers was elhained, anerhe con
-tents-4f the ateinach-'enbjeoled to obethical
analysis by PMf. Otto' With, of' this city. - A
Urge 'amount of antimony and 'arsenic was
found, sufficient to have caused the -death 6f
two or three. The , remains of ethers Were
also -taken up and enbjeeted- to- tasty selt.;-.-
Pelson was found En severaLbodits, sad •tits
proof wail- stenos% positive that Mrs Grimier
administerinl 'the yetasn. Coroner elaweent
held an inquest in every calm, tind in every
ease she verdict of the jury' was to Om ethet
that the demeaned died by poison admie t -iered
by:Martha Grinder: On the 14th of ,ctober
the grand jury returned s true till against
'Mn. Grinder for the murder of Mary Caro-.
lies Carothers:
Ts■ kuinsi
for which Abe wu indicted, cad for which she
periehea iam b perhaps, nowlare alum
slonethici several other; with. 'hitch she*"
charged; but,thapircwastarteu were peculiar,
sat Audi 14 case dam sure aggravated. -r
Tbim'!ouri ions! ;was, a bride of grau
Pfau bugq and in the:iduca of youth
enikpegfee!.heeith. She Tee amiable is
altuactu and vaa a Walt* with all her Ile
viabitiungs:, Isk Inas lestaheand her roams
ituabind took possaudan of.a bolus in.firap,'4
Any, post to that,necupied by Mrs. Oriedert
bee,} In the Isrigilliorho94 1 4 * 11. 1P: Prilegted heir father
* l ibp t her reeniage with one thquaad
dallara Ps,casaiy, pawl thet4hetaeney was 1.9
her how- Mrs. GTinder, as was sharloi,D N
lei; huger' incessant. and ,devoted in beet
agutions and asighbaly-kindcesses. Very
soon 414 44 14 1 14:1•:Ciilitkers bees= .000914
r!istei 314•!MiA*040.4.9ounis
to 11. =ad* ler maay at sot or
delicate kindnestiard friendly teener. eity: On
the 2ith of June, Mrs.
took tea
with—Mrs. Grinder, at her invitation. Soca
after her return home she was seised with
violent purging. and •tomitings, attended by
the most intense burning pain. As soon as
she bad reoevered sufficiently she went home
to her father% in Newcastle. Mr. Caruthers
returned immediately •to Allegheny. Mrs.
Grinder met him with a cordial welcome, and
endeavored to make the time of kis wife's at.. ,
mos as pleasant as possible. She cooled
appetising meals for him, and had him to tea
in her own house. Very soon he was seised
with the same symptoms as his wife. Mrs.
Grinder was unremitting in her care and at
tentions. Every article of food, and drink,
end every. dose of medicine for the sick man
was prepared and administered by her. The
sick man continued to grow ripidly worse,
and at last his wife was telegraphed to come
to him, as he was believed to be dying. She
came, and was perfectly well, having recov
ered her health entirely during her absence.
Mrs. Grinder met her with tender sympathy,
and in order that the young wife might bestow
undivided attention upon her husband, her o&
prepared the food for them both. Mrs. Caen
there had been home hardly twenty - to hour.
when she was taken violently dolt nil • with
the same symptoms sabefore. She se lied s
litt'e from time to time, but, continued; to be
newel, and sometimes severely so, for is long
time. Mrs. Grinder was still the assiduous
friend and untiring =tree, and lost no oppor
tunity in edministering to the needs ef the
young husband and wife. On the 16th of
July Mrs. Caruthers again took tea with Mrs
Grinder, and was immediately seized with a
renewal of all her previous most violent sOf
ferings. She c•mtinued to suffer the most ex
cruciating torture and ta pow rapidly wore.
mail the Ist of August when death released
her. During her entire eicknesi Mrs. Grinder
remained her constant nurse. No article of
food, no portion of medicine was administered
to the sick couple by, any hands but hers, if
she could prevent it, Even the ice and the
milk of the family eke was destroying were
taken in charge by ifer, sod, unmoved by the
terrible tcrtures she was inflicting, and the
sad pleadings of the dying woman for some
pure w)Ker to quench the horrible burning
the poison caused, she still continued to apply
the poison in every shape. Even in dressing
a Mist ._r on the poor girls breast, she could
not refrain from sprinkling the cursed powder
on the burning surface I This wu one of the
murders which Mrs. Grinder committed, and
the one for which she (lied.
—Harper's "'sells-
Mn the 24th day of October Muth& Grinder
was put on trial for her life, before Judges
Sterrett and Stowe. .11e-trial was protracted
through six days, during which time the court
room was crowded to suffocation every day,
with indignant end excited men and women.
The utmort .excitement and bitterns,. pre
vailed. People could hardly refrain, a por
tion of the time, from seizing the terrible
woman and tearing her to pieces. The evi
dence en the trial was fairly crushing in its
immense, accumulation and conclusive characi•
ter. The woman was preyed, .not only to
have killed, and made'attempts to kill; bat to
have experimented at random with her devil
ish arts. The entire neighborhood, end every
body that came in her way, were made to
illustrate the powers of her drugs, and when
she set out in earnest to billebe did it
such relentless cruelty ; not murdering by
one stroke, but killing her victims lingering
in th'e very excess of agony, and 'seeding to
takes mamas and horrible interest in noting
bow much they coulil endure and how long
she could keep them alive. Her demeanor on
the trial was moat singular and remarkable.
The self sustaining power she evinced was
marvelous. ' She set unmoved by the slightest
eppearanue cf emotion while the moat damn.
ing revelations were made against her, When
a shudder ran through the entire court room
as some new atrocity was developed, she eat
calm and placid. When the bereaved itus
band, in a voice broken by sobs, described
the terrible sufferings and tragic death of his
wife, Mrs. Grinder was almost the only one
who did not weep: At last the trial eoncleded,
and the jury returned a verdict of I st:Ratty of
murder in tho first degree " On Saturday,
November 4, Mrs Grinder was brought into
court and sentenced to death. She received
her sentence not is she .endured the trial,
with perfect. composure, but with tears and
moans. On the - sth of December the death
warrant was received, fixing the time of her
execution for to day.
For some days after the reception of her
death warrant. Mrs. Grinder was exceedingly
unwell and very much depressed. Many
thought tbs,t she would never live to see the
day of her execution. it was believed that If
she did not die of sickness she would contrive
to poison herself. Two, or three attempts
were made by her, and once she swallowed
strychnine, but the prompt action of the jail
physician saved her life. Her latest oppor
tunity was on Wednesday night. A female
vagrant succeeded in smuggling a quantity of
morphine into the condemned woman's cell.
It was _discovered, however, before she had
taken it. It was a theory of many that the
commission of such orient must be the result
of a monomania. Te test this , a medical com
mission, consisting of Thietere• Reed, King
and Corwin, was appointed •te enemies her
mental • condition. Oa Wednesday .tkey re
ported her sane in every respect, and the
preparations for the execution were ordered
to go forward. She warn much depreesed on
the day of Merseitalre and Freckles . .. Me
ntion, but rallied during the evening•and de
clare 3 she had not slept so soundly for weeks
as night. For the past week she has.
appeAred in better health sad spirits than ba t
fore state het. arrest. Bhe has bean social
and cheerful, rhatting.and laughing pleasant
ly with thosnabout her. Last night the ate a
hearty ,upper, and sending for the wife of
Warden White, she talked very pleasantly
until eleven o'clock: At that time her at
tending clergymen, Rev. lirs. Holmes and
Leinsabaugh, visited her and remained with
her in conversation, and' prayed tarn three
o'clock, when she retired. She slept peace
fally,pntll seven o'clock , when she *nee and
partook of a hearty breakfast. Elbe seemed
in the meet cheerful spirits, and convened
with perfect composure Mt her approaching ;
death: The clergymen visited .ber again,
and remained. with her mail a little after,
eleven, when they . left her to ,perform the
trivet of death. Bhe previously stated what
wished provided forler final wardrobe,
and her wishes had beenearried out to the
letter. Bhe was very fastidious in h r dress..
lautor the execution. and
.required Ler hair!
to be carefully„ oiled and plaited, and eveiyi
ford of her garments arranged with preeision.l
A little before the time appointed for her ex
ecutiote. Mr. Marshall,• one of her tleuitsel,',
visited her cell. :As be came In, she held oat,
her hand to him, and slid: , "Mr. Marshall.
I • ant a great, greit sinner; but Christ, Is a
great, great 8 &vier." Theattending energy.,
mat *gain prayed with her,snd sans a byes,
is which eke feebly Joined..
Shortly before one o'clock Sheriff Stewart
entered her cell. She . greeted him pleasantly,
end said,f. Mr. Stewart., bare you come for
me! "Yes, Nu. 'Grinder, Use time- hes
"Yee, June is emitting for me. too."
She bugle, nod ter Irma were pinioned bJ tbri
elboimbehind' her ts ck. !nil, this was 4
Eng 'said I'd 'rather. dic po
othcrdesik,,, but this'll right; I desitlittrif.'
Th.e..lTV riPlf Preeetded 'ea : lrd Nis tettaira,l
cling retearatt preeedutg, Ind Hrs. Grinoler,
following, supported by the two cterOmen.l
She *OW trady, tied "Melt falter*, sad!
baked st the scaffold *latest ciseighegessa. l ,
tow' , kg 0 .9 tea".PUI011118014 tut
on her face, and in her' neat dress of. beAwp
merino with white frilliegi, she ettemedinoite
like_ a lady out for - in - iiring than a, doomed
worn:nil Bring to the rabbet. She ascended
the atfpe to the roaffuld With et firm, light
step. surveying the maid, iseiaihUe , 4:404,
with" the eschaseag WA" , Dr.
Resift ;#etel.ed stork ri,ipi,.sitk tbis
piaidiesS , bpi,
1111101 LB Tllll LXNA3IITION.
and left the scaffold, except Sheriff Stewart.
The only remark she made was to tell the
sheriff that Mr. Holmes hid her confession.
,Sfr. Stewart then adjusted the noose,
- no tea
ture of her faadt changing (hiring:the ireful
preparation. This the sheriff left the
ecsffotd, applied . his feet to the trigger, the
drop fell, and, it four minutes past one, Mar
tha Grinder was struggling intei eternity. A
strange thing occurred as She fell. The rope
slipped the cap partially from her face, and
while swinging at the halter's end, by a
,mighty •effort she' put up one of her hands
suffteientir to draw it down again over her
distorted features, thus in death asserting the
native modesty of woman. Re" struggled
painfully, but at the end of twe•ve minutes.
the pulse had ceased, andlife was declared
extinct. After hanging half an hour, she
was cut down and given up to the authorities
to bury.
At ten o'clock last night the condemned
woman made the following confession to - the
clergymen in her eell
Prirentiaan, Jaa. 18, 180.
• In view of ,my departure in s few hours
from earth, I want to say that I' acknowledge
my guilt In the use of Mrs. Caruthers end
also the Miss Buchanan, but lam in
nocent of all the other charges, made against
me in the pspers,in poisoning , people: But,
bad as I have been, I feel stilt _Outi, for
Christ's sake, has forgiven me, and through
pis mercy 1 hope to find an entrance to heaven.
I die sithout any hard feelings toward any
One, forgiving all as I hope to he forgiven
Mr. Stewart has been very kind to me, and
has dine, all' in his power to make rue com
fortable. I pray that he .nay be assisted in
hie duty, and rewarded for his kindness. Mr.
White has also been very kind to• me, and
treated me with respect. alwa3a. May God
be good to him .If .I had been faithful to my
church duties, it would have been different
with me; but I am thankful that God is so
good as to return to me now that I do try to
come back to him.
Wiluesses—C: A. — Holmes,
H. Leinsabaugh
—The Deacon's wagon stopped one morning
before Widow Jones' door, and he gave the
usual country sign, that be wanted somebody
in the house, by dropping the reins and sit
'ling double with hit elbows on his knees.
Out .ttipped the Widow, lively as a cricket,
'with a tremendous black libbon on he: snow
white cap. "Good morning " was. said on
both aides, and the widow waited for what
was is be further said
" Well, Ma'am Jones, perhaps you dos%
want to sell one of your cows, now, ter noth
ing, any way, doyou'!"
" Well, there, Mister Smith, you couldn't
have !poke, my mind better. A poor lone
Woman like me does not knew what to do
With se many creturs, and I should be glad to
trade if we can fix a."
, So they adjourned to the meadow. Deacon
White looked at Roan—thin at the widow—at
Brindle—then at the widow—at the Downing
pow 7 --then at the widow again—and to thro'
the whole forty. '
The same call was made every day for.s
Week, but the deacon could not decide which
row Le wanted. At length, on Saturday,
;when the widow Jones was in' hurry to get
through her baking for Sun lay, and had
peer so much to do in bee hous , , as all
farmers,' wives and widows have on Saturday,
she wu • little'impatient. Deacon White was
irresolute as ever.
" Thal -'ere Downing cow is a pretty fair
l eretur," said he, " but," —he stopped to
'glance at the widow'e lace, and then walked
around her—not the widow, but tke cow.
"The Downing cow I knew before the late .
Mr. Jones bought her." Here he pighed at
the allusion to the late Mr. Jones ; she sighed,
and both looked at each other. It was a
;highly interesting moment.
" Old Roan is a faithful old milch,. and so
'is Brindle—but I have known better. 7 d
long stare succeeded his speech—the pause
was getting awkward—and at last Mrs. Jones
broke out:
"Lord! Mr. Mite, if I'm the cow'you
want, do say so! "
The intentions of the deacon and the widow
were published the next day.
A Naas° MaasLuni.—The following mar
riage 'ceremony is furnished by a correspon
dent. The officiating darkey is a plantation
preacher, and the g• subiects " being before
him, he nye:
I. Here is a couple who have walked out to
night winking to be jined in and through love
and wishing all dem dot have ;tiring twizem
hold der peace cow and foreaer more, I wants
every ear to hear, every head to enjoy.
4, Mr. Jim Thompson,
whomsoever stands
featly by your left side, de , you take her for
your dearly beloved wife; to wait on her
through sickness and through health, safe
and be safe, 'holy, loving and be loved ? Do her mother? Do you love her fait er ?
Do you love her mistress?? Do you love God
de best ?"•
Answer- 1 . 6 .1 do." •
" Mies Thompson, whomsomerof elands
flatly by your side do yon tote Ito tie your
beloved. husband, to wait on him' through
health sad confliction, sale and be sate, holy
and be holy? Do you love, his father ? Do
you love his mother? Do you lon his broth•
en? But do you love God de best ? "
Answer— ,, I will."
'4l shall pronounce Mr. Jim to bold Mine
pronounce you both man and wife by the
eemnisadmeste of •Clod. Wephall hope, and
trusting through God that you may die right
now sad forever more. Now, Mi. Jim, slew
your bride. " • - "
' 44 New let us sin him,:
o't Myra fate a rill. 40, dais &flair,
- Ye *retched sinsars ars," te., Anna
How ...ate Fascs WITH The HIAD Orr
It is eoesidered oa all aides that the body
does sot feel one instant after its deespitation,
for the brain bolas the seat' of sensation to
the whole frame through the medium of-the
spinal marrow, every part of the body beneath
the joint at:which the latter may he divided
must bo deprived of feeling nut it by no
means follows that • the' head II deprived of
sensation immediately after its decapitation,
nor that it may not riTilitits °pompousness,
and like the head of the Irish knight who
was 'kilied by Saladin in the holy War, get
up and declare that it was not cdt Off by so
sweet a scimitar before—nor, like that' of the
assassin Legere, swear roundly ' ac the exion
tioner for notikeeping a keener axe; but it le
quite possible that it star be troubled with
very _serious reflections upon the irrevocabili
ty of its fate and the urfelness of its depri
vations.. In sapport of this unpleasant , theory,
many facts are adduced, with snivel vouchers
for their authenticity. Among others is the
unfortunate Queen. of Beets, whose lips con
tinued to move is prayer farlt least a quarter
of an hour after the. executioner bad per
formed his - duties. Widt states the r t having
pat his month to the ear cf a decapitated
criminal's head, and called him by acme,the
eyes turned to the side from whence the ;eke
same; and the fact is attested by Fontanelle,
Masora, Quill .tine, Manche and dldiai. - Os
on the word, murder"". beteg called, in the
ease of a etiminal being 'tented feir 'that
aim at Cobituets, the half dosed ayes sputa&
Wide .W 4 .411 fi*Presicik of 49r14 14 * °Laic"
who stood,.ep9u4d.. .
The asp! who committed a diabolleil atm
daut of w 104., &timid - boy h 1 Union ocwitty,
'trh.; meet week, elite, We tailored' 101,ars
toiled' is' Bradley toasty by nekriiiii:
bsleß krroasbe back he confassed ttfejta%
int; ,Went to advisee where tbi murder wee
committed lid sot 'the knife Which bi bid
twirl, and aft crirerd - concealed wader* fot.
AtteT,the prtper examination, - he was burned
to'd old scirroes andlederal Islam ma—
gi Vipeek Oa* frisits the fir*
ne 01411 ti
late kin brousktio I
" Pub. Doc." last year cost $2,188,010 78.
Poor, old Uncle Sam ! Poor, dear, &toted
tax payers! ' .
The Poughkeepsie Eagle fella a story of a
cow that cominittrd suicide is that neighbor
hood lately, by drowning is s strum throe
feet deep. Cause, probably, disipptiated
"Now, girls," raid Mrs. 'Partingtoa, the
other day to her nieces, +t youmast get Ws
bands as soon as possillje or anyll be mur
dered." •' Why so, Aunt?" " Why, Pies
by the paper that we've got almost Aileen
thcusand poet offices, and that nearly, all an
'em dispatches' a mall every day."'
There fs a child in Staunton, Va., Seven
weeks old, which weighs only one pound and
a halt. When botn it could be pat into a taa
cup, and then weigheetanly half ayound.,
A man-who had recovered .thivemales of
his brother from a battle Sold near,Petess
burg, found that coffins and trittepottatien
were expensive. lie therefore **try 'put
the bones in his carpet bag, and tech them
Bella Agee, a °mariner', committed suicide
io Mobile last week. tiy a curious coinci
dence, the man who betrayed her dint of
small pox the same day to a heapital of that.
The Macon (Ga.) Journal, of a late dote.
rays : "From what we can learn, we are lea
to fear that there were at: least four white
ladies, living In this viiinity, brittally rav
ished by negro troops on Sunday nierklaat."
flea Swelp y, Secretary of Was of the
(rich Repub hi% who wags dismissed tram the
fruited States service by Secretary Stanton
/or "absence without lene,""haa been rein
gated by Gen. Grant.
A newly arrived John Chinaman in Cali
fornia purohated some ice last sumeser,- sad
ending it very wet laid it out le. dry at hitt MM.
pn going to look for,it again,
found it bad
disappeared. and forthwith accused the whole
Chinese neighborhood with larceny. A gene
ral riot was the consequence.
A letter writer describes one of the Maim*.
elmactta Senators M strikingly kanalanine,
andwearing a plum colored Goat and, light
tinder dress, and glancing repeatedly at the
ladies gaßery to see hew mon, eyes mew
turned towards him. Is it Starner? s• •
The Richmond Dispatch' %fen:Mu that an
invitation was given to the Depose and col
ored people of Richmond on Sunday last, at
the African church in that city, to scrod a
colony North- to obtain employment, aid to
take the pine" of the Irish"ant !I Detail,"
as the speaker said.
Ea•GoT. Liken, who has arrived cospojfialiti;
Carolina, gives a sad account of the
bility of inducing negroes to work, aid says
that unless something is done, the entire seep
of the South will be a failure. This is the
ease in all sections of the South, where redl.
cal emissaries have bad time to w'rk upon
the negroes' ignorance.
An eccentric clergyman, lately &Nab' in
his pulpit to the subject of family pvern•
meat, remarked that it is often acid, Then
no such thing now a days as family gov
ernment." " But it'. false," Slat he." all
false There is just as much family:govern
ment now as there ever was—just as winch as
in the days of our •fathers and grandfathers.
The only difference is, that then the old folks
did the governing, now it is donely the young
ones ! "
Daring one, of the last betties Mexico a
Frenchman was wonededeeverely brtheithigiii
and for four or five days mini surgeons
hers engaged
,in attempting to discover the*
ball. Their soundings gave him excruciating
pain. On the fifth, day he ebuld'beat it •e.
longer, sbd cried to the eurgeorf e : a Gen
tlemen, in heaven's name. what are you
aboht!" "We are looking for the belt"
s. Mos Dieu! Why didn't you war se at brat ?
is is, in my 'waistcoat pocket !"
Coss rot a Foes Motrin..Whoa tho=sw•
eau:patent wan near their home. little Bteplist
loved to" - go with his father, who wu an °BI-, :
air, - to see the tents, the drill, and to hear the
washy. Ha wu mud about the gulp, and ,
learned even to beat a tattoo wpostha dawn.
One day the General came up, and and no
rery'vane - wbrdar.` r The child' know Oa
language was wicked; sad saldlo4l4 Glow
.it is wrong to
salh.Werds : si
you do." After a little while the General ;
swore ageiS. "Oh, etc" said the little half.
!pit would not do for you to tie lay taitands%
little boy." " 'W,hy act, xi; Ship t " 11 8*-
.oause, sir, if she should hear
,you say wicked
words, she would wash 'bur :Death of a with
soap - and ebirooal." . . I ,
q TbeWashingtonnorrespoisdent of the; Hos.
ton Commonwealth relates the followings L
member of Congress—a-sew mosabor—.ante
to the city a few,ders age-osedatteis Ail seat.
After be had been there three diva, he peeks_ d
up, pod his ',Missed took passage for hale.
beloi asked - when he should return, ids
reply was, he hoped seem.' He WI sees
enough -of it. ,/..ny mita-wisp led a regular
btialners to attend to, a family end home to go
to, and social eircleti into whist bsinenrity;
hypocrisy and treachery had set sateen, was
&big fool to.come and spend his Unit in Con
gress. "But," said one to-hiss. esitsider
the honor!" " Honor be banged'!" eald be,
t,s any man with southeast:l otlenesay to
govern him, would lose thatnAlisread faith is
man and himself, if he staid in Washingtee a
—A young German girl °sued Melo;
who is dsscrilied as haslet been samerkablyt
handeome, committed suloida,la China. oa.
Thursday • last, by taltlag stryelealge4., The
coroncr's inquait elicited the fact *at she
bad bean
,t educed sad betrayed da..herlionse
is Germanyly her loser, thateha had fed to
this ihuntry, to,,hide her Aherne Ind, imia her
;meats framdtsgrace, and Th at she was low
expected to.beciomo a mother.: This, !not bad
preyed heavily on her mind and gauged 'kir
mach depression of spirits. She left stetter
Id be' sent - to her parents, 'and seethe? for s
Mend, in which she requested tbat her leier'S
picture might be buried with her.
J am es ire/on, the great Raw Isitag4 orbs—
lad lawyer tif - Daniel Webstariabeyiatal, tilt
engaged as. counsel is the ealebnibitieial-st ,
Rev. It t . L Avery, 11
. 11 Methodlo.4ll. tot 114
murder of a young lady ill Med. - Be
experienced great Manley. i. abialaingibitl4
denea• Sufficient. ta-astablialnAieniami,hrimi
gri• 1 44 tow l olo4.`kiiol. Ilk 0114 It
work, a well 'known clergymisi milted raven
Leta, - oreititimat, aid eg,4
claimed: asok; Mi Mises; ISt EN
the eeidenee aille will o)*Pliantlkee Amory.,
"Well, wt at is it ? "• "Tee, di; y
it. I had a dream last night, Is' eddidi the
angel Gabriel appeared, sad veliAlimpride
imeeenL" ig Very pod, sir; r Urns, Salwaii
SW" ill e 1 41fdis ! 0 #1. 1 ". , 4 40. 1 4
ATI,L /Moan*
' l .llF6izil go yes,*piatry-liraair.
Whale go yr a is the rain ?"
"toroto ,
Who Wad Ms Speniol mein,
“:1 they have .•eo Tny
if !Cot 'c6feideig , tO'n4E , -• ”`
It et 10 esd la hate bun
• anis; on tn. inn"
"At Niafal., Pretty , /NO,
Tete Wit to }Alotadirr tofu;
Ton Wile's le the Oceitn,
♦ henarea halms dawn
"Elie hair is turned to 111%-kllip,
His gee are &sage! to Ames.
•ad twice two rim hors knitted
The coral round hie boor•
orbs blommas am 4 the elover
Shill bloom sad bloom saila,
Bat ■vier shill your lover
'Come o'er the Spanish mail r
Bat Moats moor hooded,
- rot sioarafiel: said oho:
"It is so tad to have litin
♦ tailing on the IMO
Shelett In the d atne.s;
I heard lb* sea-ittllesereesh,
Sad burly wields weni groullui
• With brokers on the brao.i.
The belle of old Nantucket,
What touehlog things they Bald,
When Waggle lay • eleeplei
With Wks mond her bend.
The parson preached a sermon,
And prayed and preached gabs—
Bat she h. d gone tt. Wit le,
Aersts the Spacial sm!n !
Items of AU Sorts.