___________ --,--e - WEE LT OBSERVIM. - • • ._.. --___ ~....._____ , .. Eg . ________ . . " "t).:•0:":Yrri.B1Poullar it(gfeltAn gni", ' . , _ .. . ____ ' • il - , . ' :'•''l,7 ! ;•- o'i. 1' -. . . . . t zcsirr oN _. Two fthu.aur 17CD Firer. Curs per - " - • . . • ',, paid in &draw:* ; THltill DOIAARI/Ili Bei . . - .- - ' ' . • • - octll ' :I n e7l tio e xpiration of the year. Subscriber' , ---.-. -. ' , '-., ~ THE r: cy:tter will be charge.' FLPfT Czars a i . _ . IMO" '*----'=" .G - ..,,,,-.. ' ' ',:- . . . . . •. 1 ,, ,,,_ .. - , i n a d:llion. rfar g vt..l —One Square of Ten Lines owe in• giirlz•R t r,o3; t‘o iiii4rtions $1,15 ; thyme hon. : one mouth $2,50 ; ten months 20; 4.60;1ii Month/ s7,oo;ea• year $ 12 I:ift; tersdrr,rrisemants in proportion. Them rates t 1 strictly adhered to, unless- changed by i r g ,wh i l tto:met, or It the option of the publisher& Audi scarcer, Strays, Dirorces and like advertise er.el2,oci ; Adnribistrator's 'Notices S3SA ; Loesi vate a lino; Marriage Notices TWIWITT• r , a nis a pieeer; nbitomy FoUrea (over three lines estror.) fire cents per line. Original poetry. nu .l 0. , .n.;ra at the riquest of the editor. one dollar he ; 'All advertisements will be acinUntuid at 54 ,, wool of the person advertising. %tog ordered oat by his direction, unless a specified period la n pos for their insertion. tisrl NG.-11e have one of :the best Jobbing nt h, Stair, and are ready to do all work la . 01 %,; loss be entrusted to us, in equal style " t e m ent outside of the largest cities. t;l.Fammon.eAtions should be addressed to itditor and Proprietor. rore e_o_senswimmwsmsmsmmi 1311siness Directory. 81. 1 1KELY, ATto,RNITT AT LAW. Rldgwae tr,7,1140 practice in adjoining Counties. 1 1. CUTLER. A . rt naxitt at Law, Girard, Cale Cionaty, .a .her bnainus attended to with 116T310 it Arrozgly Ar LAW, in Walkses Of. e t ,et. ie. 'Pa. ' ang 7'69 F. Ce.11 7, N , BoozsztLca and Doge, in Stationery, Nent , pipni, &e. Country den stoltr Brown's gotel,fronting the Perk. rtsr 77 i v; Os !It ATTOR3ISTB A3D CoIITWILLOWI AT LAW. i A+teo llock, near North West corner of the Erte, Pa. BENNETT. JCITICZ OP Tilt Puns. 011011111PC01:14 r s „, 810,k, French Stryet, betwom 711th and junelb-2. , I N s wi !LUM, ATToRNITS At Law. Ridgway, PII. rt. ILSesn, Ctmerna and Jefferson eoanttiw.. DAD3q.e.s-Iv.] W. W. WILBPR. cAnrlllt'S francs or TRI ?WM Para/OR Block, Feet.,( Farrar Hell, Erie. P►. , tS. lirN:NiAtiNi, , ,Ar /KIST AT LAW AND JUOTIOICIIP 'trent, Coor.rincer and Collector. te batldtnq, el uthweit comer of Ftitlt and .I,Enr, PL. ap13.664 tao 11 I: jnax CeostNIIIII4II2, at the new R. rule runt,. boa • n hand • larva assort iironet. Prvleionii. Wood and Willow Wares, T..bsceo, •genrsi, , to which bane ; e,!!ii the attention of the public, tatlaited that 'sr se vol harKtins u can be had in ant part writes mar3o'66-1v tLII,SELDEN de 111.1 i lUNTIACIrRIRB 0 tall= Arlealtarsl 'implements. Railroad Oars, e °L „A, kLBRAITit. ATTOILTIT AT LAW -.Older ()scathe:reit, 7c , latt the Court Boum, Eria,Pa. • N BEEBE, Dutra IN DITGOODII, • Peen" VII 11, ONaa, Seed, Plaster, etc., eor ,i;th greet and PaS!tc SWIM, El* Ps. jartt D. gsiSORNE, LITIRT AWD SALE STABLE, OD Eighth :v...0 State ana Frezeh. Fine norms and Car :et on rruonahle terma. my2164-Iy. URI' AND *ILE STABLES, cannot nr FRANCE! AND 7te suture, Fitz. ruchr. Prop-istor. Good H Ines and Carriages 1,): had molerate prices. Sept. 28, IMS-ly Mit:AKER. do SUTOR, . WROLIFIALI Jab EITAIL Dumas sz acd Prori.lioni. Flour and Paad. Wood and are, , Liquors, T ita,Stata 2ett to Tootles House o. eres-u ENTI ISYSALER, Dealer In Groneries, Pro:dine, Provialoin, 7,1:0,i and stone Ware, Winer, Liquors, he, ziree; opposite the Postoflice, Erie, Pa. marred-1y K. .11AGILL, Drrnrr, Oleos in Roan- • • its .. 3'.eek ,toTfh ..tde of the Put, LAG, . 1 1Z1iPPA Di N.M. 441..—D1aguwLv OPPOSITE THE PASEZEOLIt tin Cant, Pa.. Being newly fitted op In the cc :PI xi :rite, le now open to the public. Hash ell to C 3 the arrival of all Paiwencer Tralne t eittk, Of day. • °ARLEY BROS., Propn. M. COLE. • Boom 13 mom Burt Boat llororroctosza 0 Story off .to dornoeht's Block, Erie, Pa. ILK tittTEL, Waterford. ROSIBT LIMIZ, Pommel. o.'4o=ll3a:tattoos, sod outdo' &Mottos Oros to .zantt of guests. ap6,563,• BBST PIANGS IN AtIttRICA rude by S. DRIICKIR k CO SG Sells Them. • TITFS WUILLDIN, N. D., t'snrazoiAir •Scs :4 floor Realty's Block, Wait Park. Eris, Ps, nem!, Chestlan Sr Rath's 14 toes. Regll4lool Kmea Fltthgtrast. East of Preach ,hocre-4 to 10A. x., and 2 to IP. N. U.I.PICKEtING, DENTIST. c' tte Peonsy 'rants Celine of Mahal Sra- Of.s :r Wright's Bleck (orer Viers k Klliotra :hang, Erie, Ps. 11.7rIENOR IT PiltSlllBlol. ?len., D. D. S., !forth derentliitrest, Blckiagttam,. D. 3., No. 243, North Nln lh Maul. MAZE MIMI, TURIE ArrOHIITI AMID 001711111114.01111 AT LAW ! ONi SPRINa ST., OppOSIM Crittenden Hall •4, Da Coßertion and ail other ;erg bast .I " 4 "fori. Venanto, Erie, Warren and Torre • tttended to artfully sad promptly. torm—Wri. A. Galbraith, Whitman k Breda n',Fnepver & Marvin, Erie, Pa. 0. Ftr , iro; Hon. 8. P.Johneon, W. D.Brown k Out. Warren, Pa. CT I V li • ' Dohs! and Mr. W. Sharer -are no longer &goats or otherwise. nor am I to ,l*s' their lepreientatioce or actions whatever. Litt 1 , ..0 duped t wish to say that the sole t•e•brst.,l Uoa.ter k Co.'s Pianos and the Orono lot western Penosylva LA, to the Allegheny mountains, Is in e eottA• I, at icy other person may eay. mtnuinz such tastraineots of any other •I-ct opelf are liable to to celled upon for my 'At- • WM WILLI'S°. OLIEIt HU 9 I.MT FOR DYCK:ABE... slid Dna= & '•?ntee, the best now made, and Masao h r4, Ltot Organs. Old Pianos taken la exchange. ' • kuideace. Union Mills, Eris Co., ?a. CORMERCIAL COLLEUE. ACUTY: Pri F naspal. L Gao. W. Otltilacir Prof. of Commercial "M; :zimplitied, new Classification of Aes -1:s• Slorm.er Practice, Ornamental and Bait. tcia.p Commercial Lan, Ccuniasseial Arith s:sei tern, ke., for ladles and gents. The IN comprehend the whole basis of in at:sr:sta.'s/ ethllott every poodble traria. elosint lsoisks 'So expense colitis" rats this a pleasant, practical and perdu, 'us "The City of Schools " Practical Al sis,,rrs •ill be employed. Terms—Toitirn vissn— fbs best fssilitiss and greatest la' lead for Cit:ulara, :It 4.CE ISLE POTTEKY, I P:TWR4"I ECOND & VIM &TS., • PaszA. I "rtmei haws eeeoeis'oi thetosalvos,under Lai style pf Webb & Ch 1144. In the Pottery bull old eland, on the anal, between Sewn cro. ,t...ptt,otage of the custotion of the old coo , ta of the public g o o o rollY. Prowi m imi ,nratzost endeavor to etre portiat oirlotoodno. TIZO. T. WXBB. JAY 8. CHILDS'. NINMONI & VIFII.I.IA3IS. 'canna* to flo^rgr J. Warta*. E:1110 ~ a COT .M Merchants, Wholesolo dudes . " t i l Bthvnlisaas Cool. Aeon for N. T. P.sple's Lk. of Stemmas. East Pabllo Pock. TODD PERIALY, ' of the U. V. ?mammy Department add, • for tiqliliera, Airi, clerk's P I lnC . N W o , mer lit Vrvibt tarissi Chive ,rsiir- !Wintry, et 47.1 aorect i d with dality lad din e-iconi obtained and WV. ~rR!Np:, evea 7 l4l to. lir. P. baring had ate ,tper.enee in the &RANI of the various 1M 7. lcie thimalictent he era nadir all kinds of Goversasat 41111.6tAl VOLUME 3'6. T im BRIDAL enAntigu i , as Zito of Warming and instruction sent Men--publialked by and imaociation, • d sent fres of cha-ge inaTal • opt. Address Dr. J. :MILLEN HOUGHTON. Jon* Iy. Philadelphia, P.. Eat OVS DEB (LIT Y. iletulnal W•alutele. Ah. 1.11 btit wed by one who has cured himself and Into-. drags of others, en I will tall you ngthing,bat the truth. address with stamp, j 411'0 ly. BOX 11 - 7, Barton. Baia. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE OF I St - Barri:lPM relation to the human ',stool' mile and female; the CUM/ and treatment of disown the marriage =doom of the world ; ho• to readll, and thonaand things never published before the re vised and enlarged edition of MID/OA'. Cosmos Seen, • elltiong book for curtain' people, and a good book tor mu' one. 400 pages. 100 illostratons. Piles $1 60. Coolants table I tot tree to soy Mitred'. gooks My be had at the book dares, or will be went by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. •Addrees, g. B. POOTB, N. D., em 1130 Broadway, New Toh. rro coNsumrTi V vet. The advertiser havlog been restotti Lo bealth in few wets by • vary simple remedy, alter beat .g suffered several years with • aerate king affection, and that dread dims toe, Con. ow:option—la anzious to snake kno an to his fellow-sal-, fe the 111114011 Of can, To all who desire ft. be will tend a copy of the pris• seriptlon used, (tree of shores.) with the direction for prepuing and sting the same, which they will end a rare cure f , r C •ssioroptlol. tatbm ti Rronehttis, Colds, Co ,, phis, ate. The only of jest of the ethertiser In seal ing the preeeriptioe is to benefit the affileted.aud spread information 'rivets ha concerts to be invaluable: and be hopes /veer 'otiose will try he remedy, as it will east them nothing, and may prove a bl.oxlnt. Parties wishing the preser pline,rarz, try rkantiasit, will please addr, eui Rev. RIM Rn WILSON, der:2BlB4y. Willismsoargh, Kings Co., N. T. BILDIS ZAZYUIt UNBORN OW YOUTEIN—A goutlemau who hie Ea suffered ter yearn trout Nervou • Debility. Prem. Lure Drury. and aq the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering hunateity, send free to all who mad it. the recipe and directions foe making the simple reused' , by which he was rptred. aufferere wishing' to pro fi t by the advertiser's erser'enee can do so byrid; d.vssing JOll4 R. OGIEN, ileeffll 65 ly. No. 13 Chambers St., N. T. OTHANGH. BUT THUR.—Every venlig ltdy and gentlwwan an the Malted vistas can bear somettang vet, much to their witaetage by return mail, Mesa charge) be addressing the undarelened. Ttose harts( no re of being humbugged will ob Ige by not turtkaing this end. All others will please address their obedientsort ant, THOR. P. CHAPMAN, dee3Y63-Iy. 831 Broadway. N. Y. oottf64tf. lat) MIMES' A311111.081A FOIL 11A114— n, The Original and Genuine A 'fibroid& U preptred by J. Allen Reeves and is the best hair dressing and pre. aervative now is one. - It stets the bale Adana oat, ceases it to grow thick and long and prevents it from turning rentsterely gray. It ensile des dandruff, clean. Fee, beautifies and renders the b it soft, g`osay and ear ly. Bay it, try it and be oneness& Deal be put off with a spurious article. Ask for Reeves' Auited. and take no other. For eels by Wigging and Beaten is Fancy Goods everywhere. Mos 26 cents per bottle—s 6 per &tee. Address, RF.F.YRS' AMBROSIA OEM. 62 YulteenSt. ,New York City. 01 o.'fs-3m DM. fit IRS t 1.4 L LPPI CATA Snuff has thoroughly proved Melt to to t h e beet artiale knows brewing Caramnr, Cows re ram BRAD and HILADACHIL It has berm found WI exeallant mead, In many MOPS of Roan BTU. DIA7IIIIIIi hY INIMMINMOVS4 by it, and Hume° has often been greatly bithrovel by Its ma. It b fragrant and agreeable, and gives ATE HELM to the doll heavy pains caused by difilleow or the Head. The esneatione attar using it are d•hghtful and invigorating. It opens and purges ant all yob obsidians. strengthens the glands and gives a healthy setlon to the parts aerated. More than thirtyyears of and use of Dr Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff has proved its great value for all the common diseases o' the head, and at thin mo ment Wean& higher than inveterate hie reconumsad ed by many of the best physician; Lulls wad with great gamey and estiMantion anenwhere. Read the Certificate of Wholusle Druggists in 1894 • The undeedgmed having for many MIS berm sequin tad with Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Hesdwhe deal, and sold In our wholesale trade, chlartallv Mate that we ta ller. itto be equal, In ovary respect, to the recommends- Rona givern of it for the care of Catarrh t, :lbetlons, and I. It decidedly the best article we ml oar knorto for all common datum of the Head.' Burr k Peru, Reed, aaatln & Co., Brown, Lamson & Co., Reed. Cutler & Co., Seth W. Fowls. Wilson. Fairback & Co., Boston ; Renshaw, Edmauda k Co., 0. H Hay, yosmasd, Me.; Rama Ir. Park, ♦. B. k t,. Bands, Stephan Paul & Co..smel Minor & Co-, Memnon & Robbins, A. Seovill & Co., V. Want, Clogs & Co., Bush & Gale, New York. For sale by all Druggists. Try it. Nep2lll/l-1F L YON'S PICRIODIC4f. DROPS. -... THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR ' IRREGULARITIES. These Deops are a adyntiflcally compOundtd laid aveparaUen, and better than any pills. powders or nos- Unitas. Being liquii, their action is direct an I positive, rendering them • reliable,, epode sad =lain Braids for tim ears of all obstruestioes and sapprosaions of na ture. Their popularity is indi-ated by the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually snit and consumed by the ladies of America, every one of whom speak in Pm strongest terms of pries. of their groat merits.— They are rapidly taking the place of every otter tenni. remedy, and are eons dared by all who know aright of them, as the sureet, safest and mast infallible prepara tion in the world, for the cure of all female eomelaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the pm motion of health, regularity and strength. replicit di rations. Eating when they may be need, and explain ing when iurd'why they should not, and c veld not be awed wi host producing 'Teets contrary to nature's oh o . son limy will be found earefally folded around each bottle, with the written signature or John L. Lyon, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 101 Chapel street, New Raven, Cons., who an be consulted either per sonally or by letter, (enclosing stamp) 061101122 1 / 1 11 all private &eases sad female weaknesses. Bold by Druggists everywhere. C. O. CLAES k CO, ' rrAf f-1 Olga Agents for 11. !Ladd Canada& gain& ly R. TALBorr4, rts.t.m • . • • D (Awri-Dvseernc ) Craospomi of highly Concsatrated aztracts from Roots and Verbs of the greatest medical veto. prepared from the orkisal prescription of the celebrated Dr. Tal bott, . red used by him with remarkable imam for twenty years. An infallible remedy in all DISC agg3 of the uvor„, or say derangement of the DIGESTITZ ORGANS. They Cure Marti's", Dispsplit, Berth,ll, - Jan:idles , Biliousness Liver Complaint. The wall-known Dr. Matt says of these Pll4 " I hive aged the formula from which your Pills are made, In my radios for over 1 2 year • thly htve the finest et feet upon thra Liver &ad Digeatire Orgasm of say niedi clue in the Worid, and are the most perfect Punitive which has ewer yet been cads by anybody. - Thew are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to ewe Their panetrating properties stimalate the vital astbrities of the body, remove the obstraetions of its organs. parity the Wood, *ad expel dismiss. The, purge out the foul humors which breed and grow &wimps*, stimulate 'biggish or disordered organs late their =aural action, and impart a healthy tons with atsosurth to the whole eyebolts. Hot only do they extra the every day aim: p slats of everybody, bat also formidable and dangerous dims's% and being purely vegetable are free from any risk or harm." They create pure blood and remove all 'impurities from the oyster], hence are a *Nal,' cure for revers, Headache, Piles, Itereuzal Diaaaaen and Bereditgry Humors. Doss—for adults,-oae_Pill is the momtog ; for children ender arm's, haft a PIU. Pries One Pillar par Box- Trade supplied, or sent by Nall, post paid, to any part of the United states or Canada on receipt of prior. None guanine without the 6e-airalle signature of V. Nott Talbott, V. D. V. MOTT TALBOT! & Co., Proprietors, cierfillay Ns. 62 Yalta" *mat, New York. F INKLE dk LYON MEWING MACHINE CO. 01/10, 691 Droadirerr. New York. wartanwan,..-Ale.r a fair trial: It ailyiparaon due not regard the-Finkle k Lyon Sowing Maclaine as superior to any machine in mutat, he nu relent it and hare hie money. It hu taken many of the highest priftea—is lets complicated than any other first - claim machine—does a wider . rasp or work vitamin .duaMiles—reestles so taking apart to clean or °it, and no 'gammas' to *et jets. dla, Env late tau on °repents machine. W.V.—any Clergyman undios ma two orders tor Sto chines. shall receive sae for himself as a imaent. The aims proposition hextudedte reoffriaso and Teachers. We hero now otimple'ed out Yee lifanatectory at a costa slue MOW inducting Paw mamma and la portant igraovancars; and the oajeet of the above pre . osition Is to swore the Imowdlate introduction of our Improved marlin' into away town of the Uoited States without inestrizg the groat expense of *traveling agent Thu proposition casset avail in tease occupied by oar o a n argots. Platoon& for deoer:ptlve Catalogue, irlth sautpki of eeeins. jai rest:LUCIUS LYON, Sees., - _ T. COnK "DAUM BOK BALX. . r.."`" Thai wodetair affirm his Farm for idttuitod la limtar Crook .7% miles from Ens and °oil half mils from the Station BoaL Bald farm contains fa urn of land under pod imptovomo-ta with good limo hook two tam and whir entufortiblo outbuildings. Mao. a Foul whorl, boglnning to bob, utt good water. poi. load la viii ndtjtad to gram and spring grains with good Wheal sat millerivilage , boar bi ; 'And also &venal* wood lot. eostaining sag wt.. soar bp with man eloaring oprua it. for fiarthot , hewn atlas Ingntr• of the mid on the mato. doo7llo. 41.2N0LD JORDAN, A own, mums vosiriVicsitnium: or ea* a Mass lot s Wasted Psoasrlvasto 4v, anasAptiroes Intlt sad lath strosts. Otsodse addition to the city of Itrts,sod nor Um Nasals* Mops of the F. k 6. R R. Also two sits tot Nos. 9A sad Tl. ocassr of Plumb and Ilaildo stratU. Us slats lots EU too sOld sta hargAs snails I. tor saga. Roping or jallt•Sa• T. A. Ainrrili. Jam4ll6.ly 18801.1iITIO - arm of Belli Warrior this day dibrolord by ow tnal consent. The business will be conducted by Worsts ltrothere, who as authorised to agn te i [MIA Nnyielt.--111 owns tottabkd J. theist. Am of Son oc warier se masted to all hrusehetaly tad MO. nes Why eitimiltite Oise Brosowt thew imam Biorkeat. aorinikt - Special Notices. TWO DOLLARS AND A.TIAI.F. PER YEAR; 17 PAID IN AD'ANt . :E: 300 IF 7::' ,l f PAW UNTIL THE_ END oF vuE YEAR ERIE, PA,THURSDAY AFTERNOON; FEBRUARY 1, I~Sfi6 p . GREAT STR ENGTIRRN ING TUNIC olds Wlldrey PnTarstl 1100FLANIPS 'f - GERMAN BITTERS! . tars 1 Debility malting from any cause wbatimar, Prostration of the system, canred by severs hariabina, erposuren, ferns or Maims of estop lib. Soldiers, cdtisear, wale or few* Multi or youth, will and to this Bitten spurs' Tonle, rheidopendent on bad Hirers for their almost la • /unions effect DYSPEPSIA, And Comm malting from disorders - of the Liyor sad Dteeatt,a orzaas, are mind by • MOOFLAND'S • G ERMAN BITTERS. This Bitters has imformel more cams, 1t,.. better satisfaction, has more testimony, has more respectable. proplis to youth for it than any other article is the mir. het. We day any one to ociotr.Ciot this sasertkm, aN vii=l,o4 to arty one who will predate a oertillcate by to that is not pandas, • HOOFLAND'S qERMAII-DiTTERB, Wlllestro twiny eas of ehrort'o or torvints doblllty aid &soots •• oe the kktooys. ()towns the following el topkres 'malting from disorJo es of .ho ellgasttro orison s Constipation, Toward Piles, Fulling of Blood to the find, acidtty of the Stoma-h. Nouns, Hurlbut's', Ms guit irr Yard, Fulness or I eipht to tho Stomach, Soar Eructations, Slaking or Fluttering at the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Reid, Slurried sod difileelt Brsarbing, Fl attiring at the lieut. Cho log or Sailboat. og Sansaticaut who in a lying pos'urv, Diastwas of Via ion. Dote or WO,. before the right, Fever an i Dull Pala in the Heal Def. cliney of ramiratioo, yellowne ss o f the: kln sod Ryes, Pain in the Side. Back, Cheat, Limbs, he. Sudden Flomkee of Hee, Burningid the Flesh, Co.. stint imaginings of Stil and great Depression of Spirit,. Resanssa, that thti Bitters is not alchoolle, containi no ma or whiakey, and cannot make drunkards, but is the nett tonic in the world. RIAD WHO SAYS SO from Rae. W. D. SeVeriti. Pootor of Twol!th . Baptist Chureb. Phibids. Gentlemen- I hare ressatly been laboring under' UM datrewlog effects of indiprtion, Lee led by a pros. Nation of the Wrong Ayetem. Nnfnerobs reni•dtie *We remmiumded by friend.. and some of theta tamed, Ind without relief. Tr or Boodand's Grorua 'Mors went recommended by persons who bad :rind them, sad whose tsvortbhmeAlon of these Bitten Loduvd roe to try t , ma. I meat coulee, that I bad an steralau to retort Weaken.. from the "thousand and owe" quick "BROW whose only elm seems to be to palm off sweetened and drugged liquor upon the emm aity in a airway, end tba tevehney of which, I fem. Is to tube limey a un armed drunkard Upon learalog that ours wan a medicinal preparation I tut It with happy effect. Its action, nit oily upon the ate each, fiat apse the serums system, was prompt and gratifying. I flee that I bay, derived irmit and permanent benefit trots the we of • few bottles. Very reepactiroly W. D. bithirefilltD, No. 2M Mantua:on Pt. Iron** Rev. D yeala . ll, Asq.tant Editor Cheittai chr?,iele: I ham derived decided benefit Irian the stirofffoolimure German Bitters, sot heel stay privileire to recommend them ae a mot valuable tonle to ill who are Buffering from penal debility or from Maculae arising from the derangement of the liver. YOlllll truly, Z. D. TINDALL. Frani Bor. D. Dare" Castor or till Pump=lt Daatist Chants, PLUada- From the many reapretab'a recoanzenUtiorin gran to Dr. Hoot and'. German Dithers,' Iran la &tend to ere theta a trtai. attar axing moveral Mind than tab° a rbe o .004 h r d"ilUbtrlztO , toaat auallest Mate tor to=. . , From Est. Wm. 9ealth, formerly Pastor of the Vinous, town and Mitivills Baptist Churches. naming heed ts my family a number of batties of Soar Roodandl Germari Bitters, 1 hare to say I regard them as ma insellsat issitietss, ape dear sdesteJ to .Umove the diseases they eh recommended or. They imearhou and leifewrate the system when debilitated, eat an us tot ta disoniers of the liver, lefts mrsppetlte. &e. 1 hems shm.reemesmatled them to mews'ol my- T hies& whe 'hue tried the., and far od them greoPyb,eseeetel ht the nstorstios cf health'. Tours trily, WIL SETH, 961 linteiriasos St, Plalmoia. BEWARE OF COUNTEREITEI. See that the afgoatuts of 'O. Y. JACtSON" le an thaw wrapper °leach boql• Shnit'd yo ,r Dearest &west not hare the &Attie de not be pat at by any of the totortostrap, preparations that at be cffered is its bat send re as and we will foment aeourely packed, by erepreaa Ptinelpal Oak/ and lfangteotory . No. e l l Arid' Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JOirri k' EVANS. [deeeeesore to C. N. Jackie/I h Co,) Proprietori. Fora ile by druggists and dealers to every torn in the United States. &MS ItUBBBEL•8 GOLDEN BITTERS. .A PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. INVIGORATING k STItzNGTEMNING, fortlßes thrsystem triad Ms nil 'Seta of awhile roes lista Will eius Dyrpopirs. Will cur, weaner. Will care Ovum! Debtll t7 WLll cm, lisoribarii. Will enir•Hoodaabo. R ill ewe Liver complain.. Will excite and meats a healthf appetite. WI Ireton* the mans of aad seolorabo ly Increase the tarps of the body and lb. tom Or= bales, setting In feet as • general sottoboriat of tie eyeless, oonlatolas ao polo:moan drag', and IS ?HI BLIT TONIC 9T?! ix Tag wows. ♦ e 1r trial is serassily sollsitaL ' (11CO. 0. EWE/BM k 00 7j r=til .y. Central Cepnt, team Swiss 111:!D SON ST.; YORE. Tot sale by all Druggist* Greearsi&a. MINNIG & fIOADLE.Y. Sal; Wholands Agway and for sala by Hall & Vied, Carter & Corm awl WU um la Beath. • • • a. oet/IY&L. NOTIVZ TO V INO PDODC(3Y POI SALE. we are now rtnuttag • Market Lll3lll from ids to Re lan, on the Philadelphia it Itrie reillosd, Ind trfah:ng genus dl blade of VIGETABLIS AND COUNTRY PNODUDI To earti it ea, hue established,. Depot ea Firma sressr t In the raw of the obi Seed , Some, BETWURif STATE AND TRIPTAI MUM If kora ...at bi at •n ticniyolkdy to mete sod pky , . • =EMT, ,MARIF2I' caa ' - , testae Nate. AU hatiat hodueslor see itte request• od to ere so • sell. Istvan foe Ilortest Oopot t _ _MU St. sugto,lBBs4l Mart JACKSON. 0.1100=11113 : ItUCHIULtta - . . AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,I • _ P. SCHAAF, 'raid essiostfalty labrea tbs pabllo that be bis aping . NO. 2 HUGHES',JILOCK, ERIE, PA.; loam bs dltalsy.lny So bind • largssairtv • GROCERIES ! CROCKERY' AND WOODEN" WARY.I • L/QtrOZl•c l4 44t .... } P, • Aiding:plus' wally fora els as sma . imaast MI kind. • t r. is rossusible as as ether t +lst J shy ' - c • . U 1 W . gLLBBV • -• LICIDMILD A 187110118.111, AND GENERAL BUSINESS - AGENT!! Obtain ileums and Stem tee Mine rantinivand tone atOres, Betas anni Dwelling', with or tithrnit furniture, for those &Ring np henindinnpigg. Allinio lin I ail Wads of" " wrocrlN ?RUM; IICRCHANDItt, 80tr81tt00 mittstruar i mimes, moves,. PICTIIIO4. MEWS.% 11113 . 111. 1N' JIND:017?1)001 LIP/ECTab t4 N 41/13. Thom f t btag to WI by prtrst• suits" fad ~sfrraaaae~~ swim oa soy *idol flopettir laltaird Ise ' by soatton. noes basin or all*. aux boa to adrintoge by &Obis r to toicat lb+ trznow raßsrroaterrou zste, 1;16 sairditf. EAGLE 1/01.1N0liT. T&ACE sr, Ai4oyslas itll/74X0 TEENSY, BRYAN? ' SHERIVOO, (nausea' to Miaow k ilmnyj PARLOMOOK AND OFFICE STOWE, ' Trer h Sark hox , AND ALL lobs O pick. camas. Ririe? Stove sold try as worssi* 'JO gboAitialtsatios. I