Zig 4trie Arechig ethoerver. ERIE, PA., JANUARY 18 . , 1866. 'Written for the Observier.] False. 011 y fairy gonna, my visits dove, gy hop* end light of lite. I w ear by Rim who rake above Thy preCIOCII NI! I dierly ten And ling to nuke nay wife. • yd :•tenon. death, my dear, for thee, And Minn my dunces me; For you rd breve the bonnet% wet; Roth het no joys, my loys,lbe me, :an thee, my lady fm„... Thai 'poke a lover to his Meld, Upon a agivPv's eve, down the pebbled bank they strayed And nistled that he mast lave. H e pressed ber trimly to kis begirt And kissed her o'er and o'er, Then with a fond embrace they p int— Aad nererlneet they more: . The girl she waits to hear from htm— gat All her hopes are vela, dad rain her sighs, abd rain her tears— They ne'er shall meet again. A n d there. she treacle the self gam beach. An d Jo Ai lei o'er the en. A n d watches every coaling chip That she his fore ow see Ole he, away In foreign lands, ifith girli doth stray, t.lls to them the tale he told To hi r so far away. Mr. John Gensheimer, one of oar oldest ers blisheil clothing merchants, has taken j ut° 'psrteerebip his eon and the firm will Water be known u that of Gensheimer & frersons in-need of articles in their line dad this firm one of the pleasantest in the city to deal with. EDITORIAL CoNvsavor. = The Editorial Convention, which convened at Brown's Hotel, on Wednesday afternoon; was one of the most delightful gatherin . ga it has ever been cer pleasure to attend. About some sixteen or eighteen representatives of the Press were P' relent and the proceedings were conducted in a spirit of frankness and sociability that will render the occasion memorable to all who participated. A supper was given in the t uning to the members of the Convention, vhieh was attended by a number of our prom inent citizens, ona everything passed off in a highly gratifying manner. We have no time to give a fuller report of the proceedings, but we assure those of the fraternity who were net present that they missed one of the finest elite that has taken place for many years in this section. .kSnutous OCCUitIISNCIL—On Fridty night, daring the heavy thunder storm, the central !onion of the new Reed House building, itraving on French. street, and including epece about twenty feet in width by five sto rho in height, fell down with a terrible crash, carrying with it all the adjoining wood work in the interior. The occurrence is attributed b) some to a defective foundation, by others to poor brick, and by many more to faulty architecture. The wall did.not fall either out or' is, so would be supposed, but simply spatted down, leaving the brisk and rubbish in the cellar of the building. It was evident to all thee an occurrence something like this was probable, and many predictions to that dent hare been made by persons versed in building The entire structure appears to be weakly built, and the walls on 'the Park side are cracked in a number of places. It Is very greatly to be regretted that a building u cost• ly and extensive as this should not have been constructed in a more substantial manner.— ralees some measures are taken to secure the walls, the credit of the edifice must be seri ously impaired for many years, and instead of being, as was anticipated, a glory and benefit to the place, it will become 'an object of fear sad ridicule. • BLIND TOM, THE ItirsioAL P.BODIGT.--Tbi9 edebrated character, who has been attracting great attention in the eastern cities, is ad vertised to give two concerts in Farrar Hall, comma:log on Monday evening next. From the comments of oar exchanges, we [adge that Blind Tom is an object of . peenliar sterest. lie is a negro boy, who was born ightless, ind whose age was only eixtema last Monday. To everything ‘, but music, 'mita. bone in greater or lees degree associated with t, and a parrot-like repetition of words and ententes, he in essentially idiotic. Hie brain large, but his forehead does not come up to he ordinary negro standard of height or 'ith. His emotional character is strong, .d its manifestations at all tines when list. slog to others on the plane are almost ♦ie— ent, and always ludicrous in the extreme.-- t ie of hearing is eery acute, and when elleens he listens intensely ; although when Iptez!ly indifferent he seems to remember crrectly." From early childhood his m ini ts'enti have been remarkable, and he is ltepatz'e of all who tee him. He plays the nut difficult compositions upon the Piano r.:h me, and repeats any production played preaence, after hearing it but one time. 2t.,hap been giving concerts during the week atuffalo, and the papers there describe them utzeng the Enna largely attended and inter.. eg per held' in the city. fistsciat —We have received the report !the State Auditor General for the year -la g Nor. id , 1865, from which vie glean l ifilloving facts of local fioanoial interest. "tain)unt of tax on real and personal es g t Paid by Erie county was $13,971, by 'word $13,112, and by Warren $4,231, The eouities paid a special tax of one half en the dollar, per act of May 16, 1861, t . :o.svs: Erie $2,681, Crawford $2,546, I ." , *le•O' O. The railroads in this vicinity 'Qui on tonnage as follows: Erie & Pitts. 52.141, Erie & North East $14,754, el;bia At Erie $8.211. The following us paid into the State Treasury by ••°ate bankers: Clark & Metcalf $635,57; ' & West $39,54 ; Vincent, Bailey & t l3 Ml ; Battles & Webster $27,34. G. • C4:120, Prothonotary, : paid $595,68, and LO, Jr , Register, $1,686,68 for tax on .4, trials, deeds, &c. S. Res, Jr., paid '; 41 ,68 .collateral inheritance tax. E. D. Nutty Treasurer, paid $2,794,83 for '•ere' her noes ; - $475 for theatre, circus • selaserie licensee; $483 for eating an.l beer saloon licenses; and $ll4 Pliers' licenses. The county rec'elved ' , di , : as its Aare of the common school and the State Normal School at Fain- Il lteceired an appropriation of $5,000. WI ? Norms. —Mr. E. J. •Kelso, ' .4 1 Recorder from 1824 to 1886, informs *At he hos still on hand a large number tads Pissed in his charge daring his term o>Fce. Some of them are of great Jig— vute to the owners of the property they the and they may save considerable bY obtaining possession of the doors• . 7 4 . MI such be requests to call at his lor:e immediately, and sec are their deeds. (Sao.lB.tf.) Xiceretry sad Woodward, House of rHelliativen will pleaseacceptoar tttanb eqiisof Lelialstive dootiinnic -- Obit%Awry. Died, on the 6t.h.alt., 0111 -board theM. a. steam sloop of war " Saginaw," at Acapilo, Mexico, and while in command ,of that ship, Lieut. Cone_g &ht. W. Scott, U. broth er of Wm, L, Scott, of this eity..i Is the death of this pills* young officer; the service has los: one of its choioest spirits; the country a serviceable citizen ; society, ap affable, talented sad Christian gentlemaie.— But the loss falls heaviest upon those doles; er and more endearing ties; aa aged and widowed mother, an only brother and sister, in whom his kind and unselfish netlike hid planted affection's sanotu.a their lose is parable. Lieut. Comd'g Seat entered the service as midshipman on the 9th Sept', 1841, and grad natal NA. 8 in his class, numbering 58, se the naval academy. Although but a youth com— paratively, from his high standing. he was re tained several years as an Instructor in the institution, thus becoming preceptor to many now of his own grade. When the rebellion broke out, although a Southerner by birth and education, be main— tained his allegiance to his Government. faith fully and gallantly discharging his 'ditty in many dangerous and responsible positions throughout the war. After peace was restored, be was ordered to the Pacific to command the Saginaw, and while at the port of Acapulco, where the ship was stationed to protect our citizens and the interests of the Government, was attacked with the fever 'incident to that climate, and fell a victim after three weeks' . Mr. Scofield Entiorses Negro intim& 4r. Scofield, (PS ,)..expreesed his views against the eolonliation of the black race. and in the course of his remarks said that the Republican peril would adhere to its prinoi. pies. The more we degrade the negroes the more we degrade ourselves ; .and the mere we elevate ourselves the more we elevate the negroee The cheapest end best elevation is to inspire them with self respect. Give the colored people free suffrage, and you awaken the animation of the whole race throughout the United States. The pending bill should be passed to inaugurate this principle, and there was no better place than the District of Columbia to begin the work. The above, which we clip from the New Tork Tribune's report of Congressional pro ceedings, will surprise many, though not Guise who are well acquainted with the pecu liar characteristics of our member of Con gress. He has been playing a double game for the last year—pretending to be a conserv ative when . among conservatives, and a radical when among radicals—and we are gratified to know that he has finally concluded to present himself in•his true colors. Our member IS one of the clue of men who always take the strong side, and we may Conclude that the advocates of negro voting are in a majority among the Republican leaders in this district. As Mr. Scofield Is a candidate for renomina• Lion, and will in all probability be again the candidate of his party, we here his eenti mente as uttered above will be kept before the people. The majority in our district may have been blinded to sustain the Republican policy in the past, but we do not think they are quite prepared to endorse negro equality. Mornay Conzec—But three more lectures remain to complete the course 'provided by the Y. M. C. Association. On the 25th inst. Rev. Henry Giles, of Quincy, Maas., will give en address, his subject being "The Jews in History." He will be followed by B. F. Taylor, Esq., an ever welcome lecturer, who will discourse upon " Thought and Her Chariots,". on the 30th inst. The course will close on the ith of February by the appear -anoe of Miss Anna E. Dickinson• in her favor. ite character of the Public Scold. Her sub ject—" Home Thrusts,"—will afford ample opporttnity for the display of the qualities in which by common consent she is acknowledged to surpass any womsn of the present day. Letter from Greenfield Towshlii. GESINVISLD, Jon. 13, 1866 Entros. Ossman :—The agent of the' Li brarian Association bee visited several reboots in the towns of Greene and Waterford, calling ,neetings to organise Libraries, and hassnet with considerable success. The people tjesr Wm. Weeds, Lattimore, Sweetman's, Wiley and Yaple's Districts took hold with a will.— The troable seems to be to get the people out to the meetings so as to organize. We hope the interest will increase. The general health throughout the cannily seems to be good. Business active. All wish ing oil to be found, some expecting it. Re ports of new raliroale in every man's mouth, terminating at different points, and starting no telling where, but following both branches of French Creek, running tbrongh every man's farm in the county. But time will tell what ws shall have and where it will be. CLAIN Answov.—S. Todd Perley, Esq., has removed his claim agency from Wayoe Hall to Olerk'• building, Northwest corner of the Park, directly opposite the let Presbyterian church. Mr. P. has bed much experience In the department. at Washington, and has been eminently successful in the branch of business to which he has given his particular attention. We heartily recommend him to any who have claims for colleotion. (Jan. 18.110.) ;- ter D W. Hutchinson. United Staten Claim Agent, Girard,.Penns. Pensions, Back Pay, Bounty, and all other claims against the Goa arnment attended to with prOmpiness. Charges reasonable. Application toy mail attended to the same as if made in person. ' (Jan.18.6m.) Sorrows of the it Phut Contributor." For the benefit of a numerous class of am bilious men who aspire to become popular lecturers, I send you a few iten a of my expe riesce. I went to Southern Illinois to get started as a lecturer. I told my hotel keeper that it was my first effort in the lecture line, that I did not care for money if 1 could only get started. I was unfortunate on that occd pion either in my subject or my audience. My subject was, " The urgent necessity f, r the immediate revival and thorough reorgan isation of the Know Nothing party." My audience were all Irish. I got started. Being advertised by the nom-de-phase of the " Fat Contributor," my audience is some times disappointed in the size of the lecturer. Such was the case in a town-I visited in Min nesota last summer. My audience was small, owing to the public being suddenly and se verely indisposed—they were indisposed to come to the lecture. My audience, in fact, consisted of but one people. He was a gun• Osman. I began my discourse, " Gentlemen and Ladies," but changed quickly to " Be spoofed Sir." Before I could proceed any further my audience arose indignantly to its feet, as one:man. I inquired the cause of the interruption. "Sir," be said, "the audience is &sap. pointed in the she of the lecturer." " Well, my dear sir," said I, " the lecturer is disappointed In the size of the audience, and it you will not say anything about size, I won't." He allowed me to proceed, end at the con clusion was so well rivaled .that be urged me to stay another night, when be promised me a much larger audience. He could not come himself, but would send his wife, who weighed Iwo hundred and sixty five pounds.' I didn't stay. I have had a good deal 'of money in my houses at one time and another—generally lathe pockitsff same wealthy man in the audience: I always cane home with money, however; I borrow some in Ome home witb. I have bad some large houses The largest ' house j. had was at Louisville, firy. That house must have been Iwo hundred feet long, nin-,.ty feet wide; while in height it came pretty high all the receipts to pay rent. A Louis villa editor said a good thing about me. He said: "The 'Fat Contributor' lectured last night to a small house. His style reseal:4s _ . Artemis Ward's, but he has not the ease sad grace of Artemis before en eitilenete.'! As though's lecturer could be Ms we before an audience, when the audience would net pay expenses. As grace accompanies meat, and there wasn't profit enough in the bonne ,th_buy-etteal, where's your putt lie said, in coneltudoth that I would int prcure. with practice. if I bad capital enough to s ectiatinne the- puttee. And MI In the .feee of the acknowledged _AKA that I had a tipltal lecture. . The fullest house I have had was at 'thole City; in the oil _regions. Every ma* who came was full of bete. The lecture went off well, notwithstanding.. It didn't go ',off so well as my doorkeeper did—he went's with the receipts. I gave two consecutive lectures at 0* City. At the conclusion of ttiasecond 'man one of the first chinas (the second aids had not yet arrived,) arose end assured met delighted them greatly. Re said they Whet enjoyed themselves so teach since the They, era were hung. Re added that was at the request of the audience en mane altogether— that I should Ma/ another night. The land lord of the inn where I was stopping. arose somewhat hastily, and stated that I couldn't stay another sight with him, unless my bill was secured. Such is sometimes the encour agement that gealus,receives at the heads of the mercenary. A little town on the Allegheny turned oat well. The principal-oocupatton of the inlmb- Hants was to haul oil. That being the only halt they had, I lectured is a grocery. The people tuned out in the most tusexpected meaner; they turned out the lights—then they turned ant the lecturer because he wasn't fat enough. They gave ms twenty minutes tc. leave town. I told them if they'd make it twenty dollars I'd go. A 6 the termination of the twenty minutes I felt something come against me very vapidly from behind. My first impression was that it was from an old fashioned leather valise Subsequent reflection has convinced me that it was a boot. I shook hands with then an widi mach feeling. I told them they meld escuse me, for I felt that I had get to go ! Leaving somewhat hastily I caught the sound of bherab voices in that grocery, singing In tones of the most pathetic inquiry : Shall we never more behold thee, Never hear that winning voice sofa 1" I jelled book that they Wouldn't—not if r could help it. "That 'winning voice" didn't seem to win IR that neighborhood. A friend adilsed me to go twice to the lame place. He said although I might only snake expenses the int time, the next time it would be different. It was, to be sure ; I only paid expenses the first time, but yet the second time—l didn't. I have tried my agents. • They proved unsatisfactory with one exception.— He never asked for money. He never alluded to money but once. Bald he to me one day: "You don't ears for money, do you?" " No, indeed," said I. " I tbought not," said he, "I never saw you have'• cent " t humor Lim in thole harmless light flights of wit. You may hear from me again. *Thisely. PILL= Consamtrroz. Items of Local Interest. The concluding leotnre of the series upon Ile% by Rev. Mr. Laurie, In the Universalist °buret, wkll be delivered on Sunday, the 28th inst. The Dunkirk 17alos has bees eompellod by the high pt:iee of all the articles used la the printing business, to raise its subseriptioa price. .. Hon. C. V. Culver; Representative from the Crawford end Vnngo distriet, is the young. est member of Congress—being but thirty five. Hon. Theatiene Stevens is the oldest— seventy three. Some of the oil companies which last year. in paying• lazes, misused their stook at $lO per share, now Talus the Buse *took at fire cents a share. "What a fall was there, my countrymen " We have a few eoppi left of the Observer of January 4th, containing a list of the mar— riages and deaths in the county, which any persons desiring them can obtain by calling at this office. Mr. Aldrich bas been removed from the past office at Plates, in this county, and Wm. M. Connell appointed in his place. The former is an cut and out advocate of negro equality, anrhis successor is said to be a • man of more conservative views. A story is told of a lady at Pithole, who, while on her way to lie Morey Farm Hotel, from Holmden street, got stuck In the mire, and bad to be fished out by some gentlemen. Another counterfeit greenback SlO bill has made its appearance. The signatures of Spin ner and Chittenden are good, but the portrait of me, Lincoln is come, and the bill gene rally 'much heavier in appearance than the original. A cotemporary calls attention to the fact that the year 1805 was fevered with fifty thee Sundsys—the first and last, day being a Sab• bath. It, will be quits a number of years before the same circumstance occurs spin. The Meadville' Republican states that the whole amount ofospital invested there in tags during the past year exceeds $870,000. We presume this is Inclusive (lithe soot, of the improvements made by the A. 8i G. W. R. IL Co., which have been quite extensive in that vicinity. " One of our editorial cotemporaries, with wisdom. beyond the usual, run, thus sagely observes ; It is not what we earn, but what we cave, that makes us rich; it is not what we eat, but what we digest, that makes us etronfi ; it is not whi,t we read, but what we remember, that makes us learned. All this Is -very simple, but it is worth recolleeting.h Mr. 13. Catlin has - received the appointment of Secretary to the committee on contested elections' in the State Susie. The position is an easy one, and , will leave Mr. C. an abundance of time to flatter Mr. Lowry, and calumniate his opposentsi through the Got ! umns of the Corry Telegraph, Girard 17nles and Union Mills Bulletin. Senator Clymer, of erks county, sad Bea• at or Lowry, of this county, occupy Mts in the Senate chamber, thin session, immediately adjoining. We sweetly know whether to congratulate Mr. Lowry upon the sound po- Mimi company he has got into, or to ooltdole with Mr. Clymer on account of the doubtful sort thatcirountstanoss barn thrown upon Mr. Lowry seems to be held in high fiver by Ms Republican associates in the State Sen ate, if we are to judge by the committees be hes been placed upon. Re is chairman of the 'committee on Federal Relations, which con— stitutes him the leader of his party in the Senate, and a member of the committees on Ranks, Railroads, Military Affairs sad Pen— 'dour and Gratuities: The low standard of ability possessed by the Republican party in the Senate is best exemplified by facts like these. The still, of Wm. P. Murray & Co.'. refinery, Mr. Jonu Seperintendest, on Mill Creek, south of the railroad bridge, blew up early on Monday morning, with a report Thiel' sounded Ilk, the disokarge of a cannon. The top of the still was taken off jizt above the riveting is Glean as if eat with an inetrument, and carried away some linty or seveati feet. At the same time the ell in thestill 'aught on fire, and the flames lisped high in the air, malting a display superior to the best pyro technical efforts. The cold weather has the effect of making the refining business mere than unusually risky, kern the tendepoy ef `the pipes to frees, up tad prevent the Pune from ensiles, and most of ow establish.- meats of that Mad have stopped to await :milder season. People who an hod of patronising the Va rious • Mit Coitoorti . and jewelsy ecneerus abiltd tCa country,itay derive Beta s bansikeuut S Eels heti lib eh:ve learned from amu in the business on Tuesday. lie. 'alarmed onstitst the se-ealled gold and f.ilrer articles litettibuted arsi 611 imitations, and cogs rte parties but a,more trifle. Thus, for its.; Osseo, "gold" rings advertiied on 'the Maas being worth $l, an bought at ,eholesale in New York for 110,3 Th per dosen, or less than foitiligul-$149 11 ; . "ge,t4", watches valued at Vie, test flees $ll to $4, sad: "gold" sets of Jewel', ;raga st $l6, soot about 40 ends. These items area specimen of As whole, and is the mojoiity of easel vilim gifts are &deer-, tilled, they do sot cost the-rassals $5 for every $lOO worth debited to be distributed. If the public were generally aware of the deceptiai ptsosised by this ohms of concerns, they would soon dis out for want of patronage. The Corry Deily Telegraph came to as on Tuesdayeveaing with an entire new dress, and the name extended so as to read "Corry announces its Intention to eapport the so. called Republican principles hereafter, and Daily Telegraph and Erie Co. Republican." It claims to be the especial organ of that party la the county. We have always heretofore been led to suppose that, one of the editors of the Telegraph claimed to be ♦ Democrat, and wereit not that we long agyonoluded not to be surprised at any .political change, we might be tempted to expresit some setonielt meat at his present positioa. The paper, we Infer, is to be the champion Of Mr. Lowry. The &dials Express, noticing the closing of the Quartermaster's Depariment in that city, stave* compliments Capt . . R. O. Wilson for the satieflotery maws in widish he Per formed the duties of his position. It says : "He has expended between one and two althea, of dollars at this port, without a single instance of treasure or fault finding on lie part of the War Department or any of its subordinate ofileers. as an evidence of the favor which has met his official einduot, we Rill refer to the feet that he has been nomi nated to the Beasts •for a eolonelcy in the regular army." The - Express states further that• the, Cap tain designs retains's* to Erie and resuming the practice of the lew. The statement is made that the railroad from Irvine to Pith°le will be in "running order by the ist of May. • The Pith°le and Franklin B. R. is expected to be completed before that date, and within the next summer it Is intended to extend the Allegheny Valley R. R. to Franklin, which will complete the through line between-Pittsburgh sad the P. KB. R. R. at Irvine. When this is done we will have two routes to Pittsburgh—one by the E. & P. R. L, aad the other dolin the Alle gheny River. The former having the advaq. !age in distance by a number . o, miles, will always be the favorite for travelers from our shy. A petition is in circulation for the removal of the post oMee to a location in the vicinity`. of Seventh or Eighth streets. The friends or ,the movement argue that the present site is outside of the business centre of the place, and that a regard for the convenience of the public requires that the otlice should be situ ated in some pore eligible locality. if is claimed, on the other hand, that the larger portion of the baldness is concentrated near the Park, and at - the dicks, _and that the present situation of theofice is better suited to the majority of persons who have the greatest Interest in it than the one proposed. An interesting local quarrel bids fair to spring up on the subjeet. We understand that the first payment of $lO,OOO made to Mr. Lowry for hie Westfield railroad privilegerhas been divided among the stockholders of the Tiptoe Land and Mining Co., to the amount of s2,6ol) . eich. Of course this is not investing it in the railroad from Erie to Mitiville.—Dispatek. Bosh, neighbor. If you believe , any such story, you are not as well acquainted with Lowry as some of ne. He is the last man in the world to divide the proceeds of his specu lations with anybody. In his speeches through this district during the last three or four campaigns, Mr. Scofield persisted in clslaing the Administration as the Government. He has seen proper during the present session of Congress to co-operato with the disunion radicals, and in opposition to the Administration ; therefore, in accord ance with his own doctrines, he must now be an enemy of the Government. How do the "loyal" pimple of the district, who were so taxieue to "sustain the Government,", like the ides-of being represented at Washington 'by a "copperhead !" A Convention of Sabbath School teachers, pastors of churches, and Mends of the Mi.: glees education of children is to be held in Park Church, on the 6th Ind 6th of February. An invitation is extended-to the Mends of the cause throughout all that section of the coun try. A number of eloquent and prominent speakers are expected to be present. Our paragraph; in another place, Baying that the lecture course will close with Miss Dickinson's harangue, is incorrect. The fiat lecture of the course will be delivered by , Bishop Simpson, on. the 'venlig of February 14th.. His subject will be the original, in structive and entertaining one: "Abrsham Lincoln." We understand that the sisters of the St. Vincent Society have purchased the brick residence on Second street owned-by James C. Katsina Seq, and ooeupied by Mr. Wm..o. Arbuckle, to be used as a Hospital. It is de signed to be open to. persons of every reli giose persuasion, and the inmates will be en titled to the services of each ministers and physicians as they may prefer. The Weirea Mail urges the rebuilding ol she bridge at that place, which was destroyed some years ago. Itirvidd seem as -if such a movement Weald commend itself to the hearty approbation and 1111001MrSpnialt of the people of the town. No stranger visits the place without halal; mvprised that so necessary a measure for its prosperity should have been se long neglected. The members of Perry Fire C. propose give a ball shortly, for the purpose of raising funds to ,tarnish their new engin.) house. The sempsay have given so many evi dences of their seal and (doing - in - the ser vice; that any measure which may be proposed for their benefit silt 'undoubtedly command the favor of oar citizens. Owing to a severe acel4oat to his left hand, Mr. Clerk, the y**114•11 after singing two -or three pieces, was compelled to postpone his uncut until farther notice. The slight . op portunity the audience had to judge of hii qualities u a singer gave them a warm lux pression la his favor, sad be can rely_ upon having a fall house on his nut visit to Erie. A meeting vu held at the First Methodist church oa Monday, at - whisk committees vele appointed to pumas charter and collect funds fer a Protestant HospitaL Another neetiag will be bald at the First Presbyterian Aare) on Meads; evening asst. We have another letter 'from ofiddy O'Ra feet;," which will appear seat week. The saw friends of• the Illahrioao 4, Tiddy" will be &HOW Se beer that be bas seat itaithei for publiutioa. We iierel4d — ripen on Neatly by Mr. Another or therbey,auvloyed at sat lug the fires •ta rise -eeb.ol 'home buried it Mill Creek teyrnahlkwhcrequesta ite to my that the erai:entea that tenr - pVionnl sakes in al barrel within the buitiling on the merit• tog-ot_ thi : firteksitaneeprt. ...Hemp! the boy did not - take Lineable 04.0 the doe. that morning at . A aorreoponllem:l4 the Coansautsille Am ond says it would be dillies!' to doable widish . is the best lookisi seinabtri of do Roam at Harrisburg—Mr. Stuntman!, of Crawford, or CoL McCreary. elitis t If thesis two Olds met are the handsomest, 'oedema gradate, what a homely Hi of fellows the seat must be! We understand that parties have Omni, the lots on the nasal, at er sear its. intenm tion with Front street, for the prprOcee of erecting perpetual lime kilns upon the& the geatlemen soneerned have an abundance at capital, end inked earning on the Mishima upon a more extetudve Male than it has emir been eoadueted hire.' • - Cards with the words For Bale " and "To Let" printed upon them in large-letters end a blank left lor the name of di party to whoa application is to be made, ke pt constantly on hand at the Observer office. On Friday, about midnight, a heavy germ of thunder and lightning occurred, a phonon' ens not ofte'n witneeeed at this period of the year. W. W. Wolf, sheriff of York oowsty, died at York on the 224 ult. We obsrie by our exchanges that no legs than thres "lora " applicants were at Berrieliars sitar the An% two days before Mr. Wolf was dead. • • N K W. /It x. Atm Ocdf hu mated with himself is the WHOLXB4it AND IZT4IL GROCERY. RIISINEB*B R. Jo. AIM J. 71. PArlieboll, Of No tb !pineal& Pa; sad lam tybeweiged audit Ike for dein/ bwisset, to batmen 'memo et tbs TeibTioage Abe* glees by the pelge. W. atilt make no speetility to SUPPLY BOARDING ROBBER, BOTILLB AND PRl*Ari PAIILEIN With evArything they need in the jtatabli Ling, !hi public can dopind on the BEST ,OF GOODS BEING BOLD. AT TRZ LOWEST PRIOR/1 CM 111‘ 72.111C11 ST., wc, PA. KADY PAY STOUR. Dal A. MI ILNIG Weald respecttarki Warne the Piddle that he hes ratcheted tb. STOCK OF GROCER:CS OP 141Ifid L ALUM °okra or Sex Alto ems S. • When ho taint. to Imp aolood sat orkertuott at PANCLT G8.00E111813 & PROVISIONS, - WOOD k lIIILLOW WART, AND VAINITT DS as ts kept la Irle. Kept eoastaatly ox UAL- " • BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR, WARILINTZD A GOOD ABTICLZ! tom' The hithest Market r 2 10* paid for an 'drib sr Country Produce. lar Goode delivered din ct ellarp to any pert of Din City. dectlll.4l AMERICAN UOVME. SOTITS WKST QORXU OP MI ?AZI & Inn 111%, RBIE, PA. JOHN D I JNCAN, PROPRIETOR. The andaaagaed halo; taboo dome et tio above wall-known Hotel and refittad .ttAccassiacier fay* sr cpeothally solicits • share of the oabliepateotoge. Tow rrasoaabla, sad aceosamodatione arra to mel la the thy. 1141 r For the cosemieses of pone from tie ataatq a good stable has Men attached to the seolV64-4to. ' J&V aL D.IIICIAIt. F 111:1T CLA FARE YOE SALE. The anaemia-00 i onto for ply hi. Tam la Barber Cre k tn.. on thaildnlalo Toad, 41)1 altos (tombs. eity and half a ogle trten Wselgtille, adloialog that of Bea • judo Chambers. It cootaloa SO agree of eaperlor lead. well watered. level and in tr t rate order. A large or chard of 'l...n4l(lin:tit ii on lb* preauses. The improve mania consist of ei new two-sto y name Dwelling Bowe, two good Barns awl all the oweerwary out baildhupr Tama of payment will be jam Apply to TllO3. Ap ply &HAUGE!, or-11. A. DAVI/MOW. Erie City. Secl4'6s I'm CLEMENS, CAU6UEV 41; 1117RUIDge, ..- WHOWIALZ GROOM AND PROVISION DEALERS, R~'~'~7r'l WOODEN WARS, HAILS, GLASS, NOM 1 ' W• 112 WHITE LIME, OIL VITRIOL, CAUSTIC SODA. GLUM keg NOS. 25 & M NORTH PARK f3TRXRT, ERIE. PA. deelniatf. cRAWNORD, R 17131 & Nakao Is GROCE RIVE AND PRO#IBIONA, Dried sad Roiled hank Mott sod 011 a. Slitp Chandlery, Boat Storm 80, NO. 7 BEATTY% BLOCH, TARN. SOW, Also, Public Dock, beta elate stook ERIE,•PA. WV. A. CRAWFORD. • • I. 1. • I 11.42114-tf . J. MOW UTE HARTFORD FIRE INAVILIMOR OS.. HARTFORD, CORRIOCTICOF. ' INCDRPORAT/4/1 1810. CIIPITA. WM" T. C. AT.T.TH, Preat. G. IL 0011. 4 Omer CITY Flan INMHILANOIC GOMPAPIV. HARTFORD, CONNICTICUT 11VCOR POE ATED /847. t orrrAz Wu* E. BAKER, Fred. GEO. I. =Mk SWF. lasumne• is the above old MA ratable Oseqw :kiss awn be obtained consplplist v r t . tio golumai ion& tusre”2-42. FA USTI lOU. BALE. - The anderstreed arm for Mile btu Weak% Term to Barber Creek fp , on Theta** Road, about I miles (rata Erie, and 2 mite treamilarber Creek etetien. It sentsime Id /WM of Met elan land, sheet OS of cat* are eikaisi and the balance well timbered. The letpereemileM een ant ate* gded Traces Meese% tee geed Maw Smut. and all the swans?, enthellatay.. An eseelleet chard is on the premises. A good green of crater nee through the Farm. Terms of age mild be aug. Inquire of Jeteph McCarter, Mete. PL. or et JOSITH McCann',ba, t On the proutem. "Jao4-lm' VARIi FOR SALE. • wiilesilinod Minn Minns fir WS. hi Harbor Creek tp.,tK Wise tram rats awl ea, hiandlo - fromthe Station Road . Said him *ortolan SS owns or 1 „ „ d repa timptpranill4.' 'with rood tines batik two bum and otlurr comfortable ootheildiort. AA% s. Twice orchard, toginabili to boor, and pod watt. Put bond is wet: adapted to gram and grin( gram with iota school nod 11 4 4:ilavytweas le. hod shoo • tainable wood lot. eo WC sera, stir by, with in downs upon it. .Iror further furth latorzstbentwilldriall* undowdenod on the itaidsom • - dinalle. ARNOLD .104.1)/X. RXRCIDIVIVO NOTIVX, -a- totters tonamenherj on the estate of lobs Cronterr deed. late of Herber Weelt TA* tenuity 11,.,b been ranted to the unhaslised; solleel is ptirser to an Indrbted to esld hetet* to wits pefr moot, end these Metes elates wait the sew nip present them, duly satheatieste4 Mr settlement. RICHARD CIODWLDY, Ssosibr. Harbor Cook. Dee. 14111111-lhe• • • • MOURISON & VICOLVISAIM DMZ'S.= VIAIIR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, 'GRAM, • cLovgit, ?Maras Mei IS NOB. 401 AND 508, -rum= - num!, 'Betwies litlkaa4 Stridi k Iteis. v•i,001111 Bee* Braids, Diu t Pattma, Its. OA. 8 ply brain : Good all Waot rasrato, at $l,BO , y'd : rind prigint art Tan Motto, Base cusets of the Derntifel Mail* Pattern, Coen% Melltailo. Floor Oil Cloths, ail rim. KAN awl "Mini; Stair Oil Ciotti, heavy; Oil Cloth by the 0.44 large •- • MN% to com • tato tem wittier& piedng, Valet' Bane aod Meta. Coma Gad Manilla Door Xala. sta k "Ottpate and Mod. . All liel/M Wit & ad pigs Winds. Ellodas, Ilattaad Omen Efterti ... Belbadalarlibafte, all width,. • • . . . .- --- limes us. Ottikaa atlas oat. Owes sad ass It. Iltlegsat iiUL and Braised Window Condoes..Cartsin Books, Picture Illotklamsis,Cosds.kaSes. ;Peeitibta to this Itao sem be Stud ken. A Sp: emlld Assortment Lai by tbesTard. Ithesst Doelm_tor U tooto than MO. Mull& Zarb. Moulin also. Lawn f litUa g ia linailsono Lam nor Vontibide Madova r atilt rob and Piztoros. The largest sasoitinont of . - Wall anillilndow Paper In tb. town. Lusa Tles largest ode sooeteseat P of Glass Goods tkle iseminet at priests that des eomptlittoo. Megan' Bleae.hed Table Di r vide, at O per yard. We au ban geode Is ail vides, frau' Os sparsest to the finest Dealießeimadt. Itaoldia, all 'Wu and prom W a job lot ot these goods at $3 oar dew; all Limn, stiell nre.snakist the stsbrestermis the =dee. Ihmitaut end Dana* Wow. lipisadtd Rubin* Towels at s4l,6op_or dna, all Lissa. tlswant ft tostaback Tow: "es **Mies Ws, at tie very low price of AO oats. Irish Llama, Sheeting Lirwas, 11111rqns Uwe; Ur.. Da Geste. wise and Children's Lisa Handicer• • good, all Haadhsrehisf at t*IP dos: Gielejadlesdfiems.l3ays sod Claldree's Goths aaa Wool Massa all pews. Tho beet stook lo town. "A good Cott.* Saw at U els. per par. 11/later Gloves tbr Verybody. YANKEE NOTIONS AT WHOLESALE I aliatobot flboatioro Maw, Mawr Mattlso ha Mato good Auk*? Dosaatla Goodsat ler prime. We tor a so Dim good% thintiot mat as to bop • aleck at littslablag Goods. Call Wan •It tio bargain sott tm • W. 1. GARDNER, Itho Loa gown Sloe, Ws% Ps. MTlmp ohm le sails the eaperrhioe el Xt.& LIEHILIMOLD, 11i0 levell tam la thle • -I C . XXGUI4III/AZIP s BOOTS AND SHOES, azak auurtimomis or CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, TWA tats this.iatiehed et Maratha kis Moab t I his Meads sad the pa& rowan" be their Maul setroaege beestaisr timbei to lilah sail hopes Le hats a asotheasttea tke m i l take Osman La hdorassog OW palls that 1 ea ks( RLLDT PADS 110011 AND 150 AS CNIAL • --is 71/01' ♦ MIMS 0111141 , 111,. Thus eay Neese thikpbee. aid len still aabiag the beet quintile of Outs' Lots sad Shoes. for wiikth I so y= bat the ROT of al O. = ITORRYCL under the Sapse• a& taditektabmid sMasaito ass lie PLITMER PATENT BOOTS, lau sow period to slake the Thar Patna loots tam} maser sot to he sazysaesd Style sag Cr I ohms keep oa hand i solo:tin of Ike bed is et Mash sal Anerkaa ()Woad Rips. P. L—Regabiag atteado4 to. isrlifittt anti ELAM ' j. , ro. wer YOUR RONNY lA= E. COUGHLIN'S BOOT• AN) SHOE STORE, BIM Stmt. Newly Opposite tail Poet ClieL 4,4=aheml,, Boot wed Shoo Posaler. *** Platte that be bes newlywed Mortised to *More Zoos as two abed, mealy swells ths Post to etre Oltee,, whorl, be Writes elf bie old blitodi-aad outomers ki r aeon. Peetteelar litigation gives to • ' R. E P,A I IL IN 01 loriog eeneel werboes, sad wporlationdleg an ha bodousself.hobelleves be .as give.. good Abell& boa sob WI at an few Flom at sal Wow penes is tbo db. Good PM Wimatod. WOW. KilrffrOKll AMYX WORKER ' TIBBLLS, SHIRR I WHITEHEL.D, PLATIVIWRIMM STOlrill AND N 014.01 WAlnti Dan latip sat ri rriail I. lp at immtubt is ft of Storms at THE IRON GATE Is firse.eileter Osel Oa* wither without roar weir. bar hard es erdt werl, et weed, and le BETTER THAN THE STEWART STOVE • we &Ivo suasbeitari Die WNZAT sas•r IND NSW SRA, are kw er eme Chol &eh 111.114111..1iti11i reed grebee— a be sod Ober Ow moil or weed. THE FOR ; EBT JAY. We are satil imaafastarlag Ude weleitated low area Sim for wood—with et witheat ratervoir. THE MENTOR, • Lew One Stove fat Wood. This la a weir Store, lesatifal letto. aad sow for saie—toretaer with a tarp aesortateat of elevated Orte Coot, Parlor Cook for wood or coal, sad Parlor aad Oilkie atom, for wood or coal. C. x. mum. D. IWII, W. B. WIDIZIMILD Itris, Jan. It 11110-4 a. E RIE ALE BIigSVICZY, OORNIN ON PARADE AND BD77ALO EITINST3 ERIE CITY LAGER BREWERY, CORM 07 roma AID . RIDGE BUM% WE WAIT AND EARLEY WARENOIIBBB, cost= or rra sum AND CANAL DAsnr. Tab mad Abler XX sad ILK Alas, ' A. lbstqad=asal Varieties at Lager, Mao Ibiestad Ito Meta* (balltbe rat awl Itastay, tbe lead bat era br ask by A. KM. • • ordffale. NSW 101112U,VEZ aTent. Weald rampaatally Warm Oa pulls Sat they bn apaasel a , FUREITURE WARE-1100'X, IN GABLE'S BLOCK, MIME NU MID OTEf =ll. OS MTN • libese lbw Weed a. a..p mostuarw bibs* a pal elsortmest et NEW AND WELL SELECTED FURNITURE WIN zesprikpOr *MA a denst tbiPablispat. gawpJ. B. =LIT h a nd V H. W. SPOONiIi. N EW Winn. . 1113112151 M AND OMINAZING WARE-80 . 0MS! Oa Stage. Whom &vast& sad ISOM Thi Ilabodbals Iwo sabred late the Wiwi Nadas sal FURNITURE a ' TRADE, • Lad promo waking as VAR aaa r =amaataalty ma Mai klub of Oriels le Naha paaapt a any. sagas. timatios. Oapakda. dam ea UNDERTAKING 1 ?lot adearaars will glarapeolial attudiaa is Ws slo • Calmat tide ler faus. "nay "CO miaaistare sad aaZaa ck ria ' kart slim amnarsat K pathos Cam sad sad Isolittbamahair is as bus r free wet ardonla Haa. s arf Put of Ulf imam. Dalarained to as Abe* tagtve aatiolia• tSaa foil ta taw alsality Is goals aasCpelea, they Ups to sem a Masai atiablia pallsommo. 11100111 & NM" • agrlll3-11. flaililiaaT to 3. IL limn. A USTIN'S J a ir s Ls Y •ae FANCY GOODS STORE rears Balla% Na 211 North Pa* Moe eSegeat steak of Ireahloesble Goods toe the Ileihlere. erest=he old resod. The horst sad misty of threnall 'GOLD .013 lam AIRMAN MTV yaw g CI , 0 4litoleistratiza ,es the estate-0 towel Sony Nis &late et Nelteas*. Wm Ca l'a i liesiais beast vessesdl to the sthasnlys Mots Om to aU thsi. to sail W. to sake Pi" lath& sad thew twin _deter the awls will prsasot thalish del: theasistisaadreettisesest. &Nth% Pa& U. zaas ao . nous arum . „ w " It 1 0 - . VW filer Ltk tooossooo Ootapopy et Pit biota( toma tosiothirrod hoot Davide( 1111111 to lama Whilldla Oosido i all forms la mad or 1.40 be t eared la odd oospooto um 101 l or radio ik OWL at th e Moo* Wks et Qs Cow toy, ~lie Am el Costrtorb u lVoo jaf4s. Gm. Aged ilitorlota LIII lasozooso Co. N - 0 a o__ • . iieheneiony otig Itandot Soli lea lift loy bed end Mood villosatioel moo er provookties. sod widest ow esmot; Weis to Mitt all poem sot to toot bee s ow mooreadsoo DOS woo ails et bee oursiset 1 sommiiiiipokoh4PB~ EINEM CARPETS,, CARPETS, CARPETS I A NEW ASSORTDLENT.OF CARPETS! TAUNT SPRING BALANCE CURTAIN FLXTURE I NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS I LINENS, LINENS, LINENS. T 0 W N LI T N GLOVES AND HOSIERY! DZALIIIL 11 I! Mt J. B. GIBLET & 00. XXIII, P&. 'a.* ass is star la $ s db, at eitt madams. T. 11 Atraltlf. 102,11 NOVICK* Jug opened, r s GROAT ENGIJOR REAIRDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBBATXD FEMALE PILLS PROTECTED ROYALS'PATENT ! Prepared bard o Preeettp! ion of Mr. J. Clarke, I), Physieien tetraordlnery to the Queen. W invaluable medicine is unfailing in the sure of el theme painter and danger° as diseases to which the female thestitalloa is welded. It moderato' all same and re. mom all obetractions, and a speedy care say be relied Oa • TO IdAIIIIIAD LADIES it le peculiarly milted. Harill, In a short time, bring on the monthly yoriod with regularity. • Zech bete,* price One Dollar, bean the Government Stamp *likes. Britain, to prevent counterfeits, neee Nile sheshi set he rakes by Amnia turiag tke 71887 THRLT MOIITHS ef Prereeney, es tho tree ars Wee's Itruicarriess, hat al way ether time they tere eels. • Is all mass of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Paine In the Back and Limbs, Patieneoa elight exertion i Palpita• ton of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites; these Ma sill Pape a cure Then all other mane have failed: and al • though a powerful ismer, do noteentatalron, calomel, antimony or anythhag hurtful to the constitution. dens In the pamphlet monad each par Mtge, :which should be ceaufally preserved. BOLD SY ALL DRUGGISTS Sole Agent for the United States &Oa Canada, JOB SOSO% ft Cortlandt St., New Ira& w.s.—sl,oo and S postage stamps anteloaed to any an thorised agent, trill !anus • bottle, containing 60 Pills se 04414-Iy. HIS,DQp•KTICRS FOR CHEAP GOODS! WHOLZBALE AND IMAM - GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, WIN • LIQUORS. F. & M. SCHLAUDECKER, Are now reariving at their old stand, tm•rtecn Mort mite* street, w large and superior stock of "Crocerieir, Providons, Wane, Liquors. Wlllow, Wooden, and Stone Were, Traits, Math ho, ✓tn. bother with • found in a Rouse of tide bind. which they will NU as cheap am any other *dab liskenst V tlds city for Camp or most kinds of country produce. They have also on hand one of the largest and Moat Stock' at !ohm* and Stpincirrer brought to Erie, to which they Invite the attention of tha ny. OM sod see ine—et atniblestepeoce le better then a slow thUnagceasequeatly Cs& buyers will dad great lupine by ailing ate' GROCERY HEADQUARTERS, -AMERICAN BLOCS, STATE STREET.- Jaw saw-52 N EW GROCEF.Y STORE. Thu undersigned luorsopen u t e d a low Grocery Store, on BAST SIDE OF STATS ST., ad HOURS BOWS OF RAILROAD BRIDOR, Whore they intend keeping a hall intpply of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, HUTS, CROCICIRY WARE, • Pantie Notio•a, Willow Ware, Cbnfectionaries Tobacco and agars. Ana esseythlng usually ma End In an establishment of the sort. Alsip em bead s stock at Fresh Oysters of the Best &sada. at lowest market prices. W. an) dottrialmod to odor wood adineatootto am any elm dealers to the sty, and Welts JO WA% to nal, *maddest that no eaa gin satire raUeUtn. doelede•tf T. A. Wgilgillt A UHL 3rOalljpll BIVILINLAVH, ICASUYACTUMICOY BOOTS WHOLNIIALS AND ItITAS. I L pleasure ht anaounelec to the publie tha I hare added to w former btotlltlee a complete sett SHOE MACHINERY, whisk will eaabis se to tathafseture and belt Hewett att Word ClillAndt THIN lISRIETO7OII3. Navin had long experienoe as to the wants of eat t sem I Mall take Epochal Was in preparing my stork t Batt then. I have th e admire eight In Ude eltl- to the PLUMES PATENT BOOTS & SHOES, for the benefit of my crcutowara, and only ask a W.:l of than. tosatWy any one as to theiz supoisreorofort over Moss road* in tho old way. The Plums Boot needs no brealdng In; It Is as easy from tbs start as one worn for soma time. My • CUSTOM DEPARTIKEN? WWI naives ova and al re J. carnal' erpecdal mit ten as workmen which cannot be exedied la the country. Boots and Shoes rambled on shut mottos. Coaateatis on hand a large stook of LX4THICIF. LASTS AND FINDINGS teadesing mI ttuMks to mg friends and autos:um tot past penouge, I hope by J tart and bohotable dealing to aandt • Nallausses of tUs mine, and ondlallf invite all to call and monism my stock before perchselng emb odies*. mar 6 64U. s II L - 18 8 A . 114. 11 Y ' the Bakery of W. J. &ads, being the only one in NorthnotteraPannsyltania4upplled with all the latest Im I ansidnery, and king furnished with a corps of tires. the proprietor la mewed to au. names ready to Itu atdsra with which he inaT p lainit 2 eitir quality of goods unexcelled, Icd at a lob will defy competition. Ali the here! contract Western Ear Yet*, Eastern Ohio and No - , lx. seats; reentylrania am being visited by my aoctiy, who are Maine orders for the tolldwing line of goods, at the lowest market prises : Batter, Sugar, Water, oyr Wins, Barton and SOISI Crackers, Pilet Bread, GI rot eta By crackers only wal.h from 44 to 60 pon nds I ttVbarrel—a Mee article Particular attention g.. as to the jibbing. trade, Cake and steam =indeed •ry. corner of Ptah sad Sams fru strata, Erie , Pa. • aliflUrly W. J. ShNDS. p BUSACR I 1116003141011 TO CARVER & HONECIKER, rrannsua • anVuu slum nr LEATHER, HIDES, &C . Na $ Sem mo. , State Street, Ma, Penn's Ceastaatty ea !sand a tarp steak of SOLI LEATHER, MOROCCO. LININGS BINDINCIP, FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, KIPS, lIPPISS AND BPLITII, URNS, pogo, Lorstlegs, Galloon'. is ABBOBTIdENT OT SHOENAKBRIP TOOlai, All of "Was he *bus lov for CASH OR PRORiT PAY. MA7ll$ll-41. CtITY AND COUNTY T: l4.6in 'L—lfere mot a• isihNi thrulbolt tit end ready mathematician? Again through the notices of the wslatusiaess colleges and institutions of • to see his name as prefeetior of tiitics. CAUTION T. k M. SCIEII4,IIDAgIiIi WI AND SHOES ALIO, ♦ WIZ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers