Vie 6tie Aftchig ehomer. ERIE. PA., lOCTOBE.R .12, 1865 IMpqtillng NOllate We desire that all accounts due this once shalt be fettled on or bolo?e the lit of /armory nest. Over 15000 of indebtedness ledge upon our hooka, Mostly to onati sums. trifling to the parties from whom they ire Cue, but important In the aggregate to no. It la o „„ . . i rr to our interest', that they be collected before th,,,,,,m.ceement of the new year. We shall send out beteen this and the dote mentioned, to evr y "dint's, whet/ter tbe not be large or email, and lop , they wilt be responded to in the right spirit. V.:e pereJ vat b 3 remitted by mail, or can be paid to any of th : fanv i, p. ' parties, who are our agonts In the place, end duly authorised to eolleot money due us, u ; rtvipt in our name tliereror v,,ter(qd W. C.Whlte ; rnlon, N. T. Rams • Corr! . d Weenie,. Amos Beath • l' sn ; Ynunegrille, Cpt. R. y:whithei tt Worn, rdi . ;01; Anans glob : Girerd. Cant. B. W. Plates, J. C. Cal:Como ; Albion, C. E. J • orth East, B. A. Tabor. Look, •c .a tt County Eleeßon Returns. . r etails from the county come in slow, c o r Ara able to give reports from only 103.!tricle The lacitswf interest in the re to 0 n oticeable in the city, appearsto , s, j t w e eded throughout the county /Not th , a a two thirds vote has been cast, if The ropublicans will have a majority s l ] ,lit tir) thousand, which is from a llou— onl tr nve lra hundred less than they 4onnt exctti ‘g eleotiod. Below we give few returns we have been able to ob- Davis. llsrti•auft. E ri e—lit dii , tfrt, 56 145 80 94 , .:I •• 39 76 401 " GO m%.1 E„t m , ll Creek - , 142 88 Nirbor Creel:, 75 142 ct ! .41 lough, 28 46 Elk Cret !..., 6 unj. Eavertis DAY —The election in this city ro , eel off with remarkable quiet, and a very light vote IFO3 polled—not much more than coe-third the uottal number. The day was a foe one, and the mnjority of persons appear. td too (ivy to either think or care about elco• t i on Tnieed, many di I nit know that the du had arrived, an 1 were only reminded of it by passing the voting places, or having - (Ism attention called to it by some acquaint. nee . IVe have never seen an election in whie% the interest was so small. The Re— pablicias male more eff3rt than (he Demo• ers i3 to zet cut thejr votes. and succeed-d, in coneevecce,in carrying all the'wards by con— siderable, though greatly reduced majorities. Had the suns zeal been shown by our friends, we mieht have obtained a better reset. On our tile the election was left to run itself— cl,;st of the time not even one Democrat being is attendance at any of the polls. By proper exertions, we cou'd have reduced the Repub. , majority in the c - unty to a thousand, and if the returns are not as gratifying as Democrats would desire, it must be attributed solely to their own lukewarmness and lack of energy, Braive,3 Maness.—Amos Densmore & i Co. have opened a 2)ur and feed store on the les c,,ide of State street, 'near Bth. Mayer & San have vtarted a new Tin, Sheet Iron Ware ml Stove Store, on the East side of State FL, above 12 h. The co-partnership between C. Siege', J. L Carver & ,Walter Scott, in the virelevale grocery trade, has been dissolved, and the bliviness will hereafter be conducted l Scott. The firm of G. & •teti has been dissolved, Mr. J. A. Metz I mhasing the former gentleman's inter. t. he i-m title wilt be Jarecki & Matz. Azro has seeared the services of Jacob Han :a, rich whose assistance he will carry on be grieery store lately occupied by Jas. 8-1 terre:t. Ensign S. H. Welsh, late of the ay, has taken the Life. Insurance Ageneje •c-ntly held by Downing & Geggin. Mr. ‘'.'av (Int k is the gentleman who lately em irked in the dry goods trade, in connection .'h Mr. Booth, and not Mr. J. D. Clark, the .attar, as stated in the OLVIESTt R. la.t week. "ere. T. J. Hoskinson and Jairies Williams ore purchased Georgq J. Morfon's Dock, - -loess. Scott & Rankin have disposed of, air dock business to Messrs. Van Sooter, leati and Noble. The latter Sim will not se possession until next year. ' - THEITILE —The theatrical Company row trf:rmit4 in Farrar Hall is one really w :f patronagA, and the public have exhito • el their appreciation of its merits by at -Ant , : in lane numhers. We have had 31 Any poor theatrical performances here that 'or people are somewhat OffUtintl9 uroiw out to s=e them until their qualities ere been ful'y testa', hut when thy once i them to be meritorious they Ire as liberal their atten lance as any community that no be foutd. The present troupe is by ftr taking the members as a whole. that .hire had here for several years. They ty none but first class pieces, and what . is commendable, are careful to ab ': from the vulgarities which have been '!'tone of moat of the performances her( to - :tho in our city. We can freely rec m. :i them to the eueonragement of our read bvt RICE'S MONUMENT TO TIIE Sot.olsas Girsrd L aion says Col. Rico's 3fonurcent c;mpleted and on its way to that place, 1 11/.11 to erected and ready for the inanc,n- terezmie3 which will occur on Wedner -I•N)v.l3t Several of our leading Getter '.eniti Itrge number of other disticiruich• i lkn4Dlgt.. have signified their intention of t , escnt. We look forward to the day . the e'ief that there will be the !welt trOe of people on that °melon ever he— ,4n together in Erie County. Our :,re busy perfecting their arrange il order that the 'dedication of this tzment .12%11 be a success. A omenl in extenled to all, both far and near. ••rresiut and tlke part in doing honor to tEmory of the gallant dead of Erie MAC Arctct irr4:—Two more accidents oc. Go the Philadelphia road, on Saturday. t ikthmuch train, which left here on Friday, • itto a freight train at Walsontown, dam Ihe locomotive somewhat, but injuring l.reon. The'Expross due in Erie at three on Sunday morning, bad a collision freight train near Montoursville, and ; I PG ' "riT until five in the afternoon. ` rr eker, a young man who has many act- Ott'tn:ei is this city, was killed, and say -711 Persons injured. If things progress at "''rye, touch longer, the road will gain an c:tariitle reputation. ,he Calinet'Organ of Mason & Hamlin ban an in , trument, wonderfulevolume and a variety of expression that " e;4.11e1 onl by a costly pipe organ, while irity and sweetne4p of lone ore truly It is most admirably calculatod to wants fimiline and mall ohlarcheFt Cie +n he tran.pnried with safety, taken no onrer,;mthan ft melodeon, does not soon t't o f nripp, and makce an elegant article illurniture f)r the parlor. We are but doing tienr to our readers by calling their &Un— olk to the Cabinet Organ.—dreerieste. Juar Liar.—The following are the Jarore drawn tho Court commencing on the last 2tfoodey of the present month: Erie—Wm W Todd, .J 0 Sodden, Wiy ford, Theobald C Goodrich, M spin, D McAllister. Milloreek--Chriatisa Riblag, Ursa &dila— raff. Willard Human, Jahn .+5l Warren, Jsok 31oCrery. Ilorborcreek—Benj Hinton, J L Minted, Wm A Lee. • North East—Seth Petit, S Mielaap, Yea na Jewett, Horace Shodiduck, A Stone. Venongo—D E Foote. Amity—Daniel B Allen. • Corry—S A Bennett John Clark. Union Borough—N T Ramat Leßoeuff—E K Range. Waterford Tp.—Wm Ormsby. Summit-be-IC el loy L A Hull Midaleboro--Henry Mantel. Edenhoro•--N' C Austin. Fraoklin—L D Brooks. Connoaut—H Silsby. Albion—Orville Brace. Flpringeeld—Aes Devore, IT Kelley. The following are th'e Grand and - Traverse Jurors for the Court of Quarter Sessions corn menciog on the last Monday of October: GRAND JCITORS.-Erie-Wm M Gallagher, L F P Bailey, N Murphy, J W Ayres, John Shahooher..P A Beaker. Henry Jared!. D Thomas, It Fetter. North East Tn—Jas W Jordan. Wattqburg—John Laing. Amity—L Blettesley. Wayne—Wm P Bassell. Union Borough—M If Jones. Waterford—F Baxter, John Lytle, Amin Rnherts. ' 0-eerie—Abram Knapp. Summit—E Lawrence. Washington—C Griswold. Franklin—J N Girard—P Bourn. Fairview—L Cushman. TRAVRRee, 3111tORIL—Erie—John Graham, Jacob Xuritz. Jos D Clark, J M Cludekunat, C M Tibbalq, J Shefftold. Mill - creek—ll Methorn, J W Ryan, E Good rich, Washington Love, Samuel Love, T Dunn, Geo B Bennet, John Cronenberger, Geo S Rns• sell. Gee Ozer. ITtrhorcreek—John Dodge, Jacob Shury. North East—Esra Bcouller , F 8 Seeley, Peter Melick. Greenfield—Daniel Fenton. Venango—Dtvis Doolittle." • • Wayne—V R L Barnes. Corry—l W Buttes. C A Bnsh. Union Borough—Thos Burners. Waterford Tp —Geo Coover, Levi Kibber. Summit—Wm Lawrence. Stephen C Lee. Washincton—Chas McClellan, M Etionhoro—Wm P Burchfield. Elkcreek—Beoj West, James GoodenoW, John Goodenow. . s itilbion—C G Andrews. Conneent—\fosea Brown, Ira Bogle, 010 Speu , ding, Henry Huntley. Springfield—Nathan Gould, Stephen For syth. Girard—Wm Aldrich. Fairview—Moses Barnett, 'his Osborn, Geo P Luther. Literary. The Atlantic Monthly for October contains the following: Saints who have bad Bodies, by G Reynolds; No Time like the Old Time, by Oliver Wendell Holmes ; Coupon Bends. J.. T. Trowbridge ; The Author of "Sant,". by Bayard Taylor; Needle and Garden, X; John Jordan, by Edmund Kirke ; Noel, by Henry W. Longfellow; Wilhelm Meister's Apprentineship. 11., by D. A. Wasson ; Dr: Johns, IX. by Donald G. Mitchell; Down the River, by 11..rriet E Prescott; Abraham Lin coln, a "Poem," by H. H. Brownell. (loner's LADY'S Book.—This well known magazine is terror ready for the month of Oct ober As usual, it is replete with splendid pot raview. fashion plates, recipes, literature, &c. It holds the position of the first mega. z'ne of the (description in the country, rind well it deserves to be. for the efforts of Mr. Godev to interest the ladies are unceasing. The Phrenedogieal Journyt for Otcober con tsins a portrait of Gen. Logan, and a delight. ful variety of reading matter. We prize this publication ss highly as rny we receive. it is always fresh, spirited and interesting, and as n family monthly has no superior. The PPderal Monthly for October is on env table An our readers know, it is a Demo cratic publication, and each issue, in addition to the excellent literary variety, contain, two or three exhaustive essays on the political subjocts of the day. The political artiolns in the October number are as follows At lantic ) on Neero Snffrage.; State Tax ation of United States Securities; The Fu ture of our Country; The Amnesty of Kin.? David ; Speeches of President Johnson and ThadJeus Stevens. The free-spoken and vigorously conducted O'd Guard makes its appearance with the.reo• ulority of clock work. While we are far from endorginz all of the editor's opinions, we must say for this publication that it comes nearer the stand point of the old fashioned Democraey than env we receive. The political matins contained in each volume is worth ten times its cost. We would sooner loge an exchanee with any other of the monthly publications than -the Old Guard. Ligcrtritic Coußms —The fi'th annual course of the Young Men's Christian Association, is to commence on Thursday, the 231 of Novem her A preliminary lecture is expected from Bishop Simpson on the 21 of the same month. iThe' course is to consist of fifteen lectures nFtead of twelve, the number included In pre sinus courses. though the Beason tickets will probably he cold at the same Ate, as those of the last course. After the introductory leo lure, Nov. 31, 1% series of five historical hat %lye* will be delivered by the Rev John Lord. L L D Stamford, Conn., Following Dr. Lord's will he lectures from John Gough. Bishop Nark of Rhode Island, B F. Taylor, 'Ralph Waldo Emerson. Readings by homes E. Murdoch, end lectures from other distinguish ed contlemen. It is proposed to conclude the winter's course with a series of foef or five scientific lectures by Prof. E. L. Youmans, should he return from Europe is time ; if not, by some tither equally able and learned savant. Wendell -Phillips promises to lecture for the Asonciation if he comes West stall, next wint er. Dr. follows u..d Lr t,asuiu utterly to come west of Enlist° to lecture Giles of Quincy. Maps., Tiffany of Chicago, Willett.; of Brooklyn, are expected to deliver lectures in case the scientific lectures are not finally arranged for. The course, judging from the names given, promises to be equal tn. if not superior in point of ability to any we have had here, but, ptlitically we regret to Fay, that we expect little or no improve ment. The lecturers named are all of that tape of men, who never fail, no matter what their theme may be, to lug in ,their atom inable partisan doctrines. Unfortunately, the lecturers of the country are nearly all of this class, and the Association, even if it. wee. dis posed differently, was put to the simple neces• ity of either employing 'them, or giving up its course altogether. Which policy would have been the best we leave for the public to decide. Sfir One of the l resolutions published as having been passed i at the Corry Republican fizzle asserts : : That the rebellion having bees crushed by force of arms, and IA a fearful sacrifice, in volring the loss of over two hundred thousand lives, and of over $300.000,000,000 00, It, is not only the right but the imperative duty, dm, dm Was ever such rank "disloyalty" as this_been before ? Why even the worst copperheads have agreed- - to call the debt three thousand millions, and yet here is an Abolition gather— ing boldly declaring that over three hun dred thousand millions ! What can snob_ an astonishing statement mean 1. Is this ore of the new ideas originated to make President Johneton's Administration unpopular, or ie it put forth as another argument in favor of the confiscation of Southern property ? ' We penes for an explsnation ! The job printing now tamed out by the Onssavaa Office •is not surpused . .by that of any establishment in the State. We are al most weekly making improvements to our office, and are determined that it shall before long be equal to any. If you are in need of job work, give us a trial. We warrant natio hellos, or no pay. A VIZI' RULIMICABLII Casn.—A young we man near Mina, IL Y .. who for reasons which will be readily nederstood, does nok wish her name to go before the public in this canna:- Lion. was reduced to- a very low condition of health from having taken cold at a particular time, and although she secured OW bale med ical aid the country afforded, she failed 4o ob tain the least relief. Bhs continued to, fait until she became a mere skeleton; and scares, ly a hope of recovery remained to cheer her self or friends. In this extremity, by the ad. vice of some one who-knew its efficacy in such cases, she was induced to make trial of Cart. er's Extract of Smart Weed. She commenced by taking very small doses, 'which soon began to be felt throughout her system, and a grad= nal return to health took place, and by the time she had used a few bottles of the Ex tract she was entirely restored to her former health, and no more hearty or • healthy girl can be seen in Chautauqua county. Hundreds of women can certify to the powers of the Weed in such eases. An exchange wants to know .by It is that notwithstanding the close of the war, the in creased productions of all kinds of manufac tures and abundance of food, the prioe of all articles of provisions and clothing is condign• ally advancing. It believes no 'earthly reasca can be given tojoetify this. Our eotemporary is not well posted on the laws of finance or the effects of paper etarrency.—Two new papers are soon to be started at Tidieute, Warren county, and Reno, Venango 00. If the publishers are not backed by a flowing well each, they will have a happy time.— Some wise chap lays down this truthful maxim : "We all Suffer mere from our own tongues than from anybody's else."--A married mon was recently at a party, and when he propos • ed to go home, was asked to Female a little longer. "Well,"_ he said ; "Perhaps I may as well, my wife U probably already as mad as she can be." Ta■ Mule Tut.—C. C. B. & C. D. C.— The first of the 'initials . above stand loran old friend to the public; one which everyone will recognise and for which every one hail a kind welcome; we refer to Coe's.Cough Dal um—the cheapest and best preparation in the world for croup, coughs. colds, and aDthroat and lung complaints. no second are Coe's Dyspepsia Cure—the only remedy ever known that is sure to cure dyspepsia..indireetion, flatulency, and general debility. Both ar ticlea are now too well known to need any praise from as. Let the afflicted always have them bandy. Legal Blanks. A fall assortment of all kinds of Attorney's Justices of the Peace, Constables and Oil Blanks, kept constantly on hand and for sale at the °assays' office. We have just printed a new style of Marriage Certificate, to which we invite special attention. Parties dealing in oil territory will find it to their advantage to purchase their Manta here, as they can be bought . from fifty to a hundred per cent. lower than in the oil towns. Dealers supplied at wholesale prices. aul7—tf Moss AND ELY C►NDy.—The Popularity of the Moss and Elm Cough candy, manufactured by Bener & Burgess, of this city, must be come more general. Wherever it has been introduced it has met with wonderful success. It is pleasant and effective as a remedy for coughs, hoarseness and throat diseases. While strong dough mixtures produce nausesu and sicken the patient, the Moss and Elm Candy soothes and relieves without any of the un • pleasant effects from the use of a strong mix ture. It rarely fails to relieve if taken in time and persevered in. Physicians recom mend it, and in many cases prescribe it. As s soothing expectorant it has no equal. * Dan Rice's "Great Moral Show " is on its way east, And is expected at Girard on the some - day that the soldiers' monument will bo edicated, November let. We trust the im— mortal Daniel will not forget to visit Erie be• ore the close of the season. "Again the play of pain Shoots o'er his features as the sudden gust Crisps the reluctant lake." By the Wee of Dr. D. H. Seelye's Liquid Cs tarrh Remedy all the terrible awe of Ca tarrh will be permanently removed. • Mu, too well they know, The pain, the woe," Caused by neglecting Catarrh in its earliest stages. Dr. D. H. Seelye's Liquid Catarrh Remedy will give relief in a abort time, and if directions are carefully followed. evils per manently cure this dread disease in its worst . form. It is said of the IPdies of France, that. as a clasp, they are the handsomest in the world. With their rosy cheeks and black hair, who Can help but think so. Dr. Velpau's Pills never fail to make the complexion of a healthy and ropy hue. Ladies, try them. So Id by all Druggistc. ocs-1m MARRIED. Jostrte—Wstsif—fn Titusville, at the mi. deuce of H. J. Palmer. by Rev. Thomas Stubbs, Mr. Frederick E. Joslyn, of Corry, to Miss Georgians Welsh, of this city, Smairv—FlALLan—At Connenutville, Pa , on the 26th ult., at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. W. Low, A. H. Sterritt, late Ist Lieut. and Adj't U. S. In fantry. and now of Erie, Pa., to Millie Hel len of Summerville, Pa.• Quise—MAolz.L—ln this city, by Rev. .111 r. Spaulding, on the 8d inst., Mr. Jas. Quinn, of Franklin, Venango Co., to Miss Meiy Jane Magill, of this city. Warms—Wm—ln this oily, on the 4th inst. by Rev. J. F. Spaulding, Mr. Frank Whit• ton, to Miss Hattie.F. Webb. only 'daughter of Geo. F. Webb, all of this city. • Baras—Taoas—At the residence of 1 4 . Thorn, Esq_Oct. sth, 1865. by Rev. E. A. John• son, Solomon E. Breen, of Horseheads, N. Y., and Miss Sarah J. Thorn, if this city. Hsantsy—Winta.—On the 10th inet.. by litgui i ngft Po gip M HENRY WIDLE, of Miasma township. On the 24th of Sept. by the Rev. Mr. Mend, of Union Mills, Wm. M. Patterson, of Amity, to Mies Barbary Darrnw, of Concord, Pa. On the 10th of Sept., by •the Rev. Wm. Gray, Mr. Franklin Culver, to Miss Harriet Chelton. .All of Concord, Pa. DIED. Lit—ln Moorhead's'lle, elrpt Mb, of diphthe ria, Lucius P. Lee. oldest sba of Perry sad Itebeaes.Lee, aged 20 years sad 6 mouth,. Ting 110THRIIPS ERLIRP, OR CORDIAL FOR CONFINRUXNI. This Claudia) has besa lone celebrated among `unarm. tog its peculiar strengthening sod soothing qualities, and Its use for • tar wee•a preview to"-Sosfinsment Is said to ensue • sate and eager confinement, tad a speed, getting e It an now be bad oorreetly prepared areordlog to the original tononia— groat the Citroen of Partrldgo, _Wry Irina. Cramp bask, Culephyllnus. ate, etc. Thou *IA. log to ass an-b • Preparation will Sod it mull better to procure this than to undertake u many do. to prepare tt thamselves, as this preparation contalos the full virtue, 0: the Ingredients in a eoncentrated and relish! e toms Prim per bottle. two dollars. berated asd sold by as3l-tt • J. S. COLTaff. Kr* Pa. , R. NA MR A LLPS (JIMA IRO SlIVWX—This D 81321 has thoroughly proved itself to to the best addle Mown &smiting Cashman, CS&o u mia numb and Rzaramm. It bag been baud an estelbmt remedy in etaay ears of Sou EWA Demme hat been removed by it, imotHmuturo hi. of twee greatly improved by ft. use. !um trivint and agreeable, and eves 11111101- ATE RIILII y to the dolt heavy mine teemed by &seams at the Heed. The sensation etas sudeg it are del oghtfal and toviporatiag. It opens and porgee out aU ob druittionie. etreagthuss the &ads and gins a healthy action to the puts allotted. lon than thirty of eels sod mid Dr. Marshall's Want' lied H knelt bat proved its groat value formal the comm=on diatom of the head, gad at lib& ga med, it Banda higher than ens tame It Is reecommind• ad by may of the bed physicians, and is mud with gnat memo mad eatialketim 000071011000. lean the Cie tilkate of Wholesale Drogglets to Mid The red rim e d hadag for many Min beea sequin led with Dr. liankeire Catarrh and Heada-I• Bsair„ and sold Is oar wholesale Inds; manta. gat. that lien it tote equal, in every memos; to the reemompily tams given of +t for the slue Citarrh Alketiont , and that Le 6seidedly the beet Wide ire have meg k's* for all imostaum dhows of the Hied. • B uff * Pim, !Med, t nage h Co.; Brow, Lemon k Red. Catlerhica.,left W. Pow* WilsoiA Valrtmok it 00.. 00 0 0 0 11 t Reashaw,ltdmande Co., H. H. Ray, Portland, le.; Ruses k Park. L. IL& b. Seada,Stophen Psol k Ch i lenel.kinor I Co., SeComea • Robblesi. L. fleeelil iCa., - 11. Ward. Clem & Co., Rub '4ll Hal e Nov York. Pot ilaig 17 inproiOdso 1 1 7! , t• 0f11111647. INllM!=:l==E=E!=r: ERIS COMIUIRCIAL COLLII6III I COB. OF ?ARK AND PEACH STREET, ERIE. - PA. t ji xmw cusurjuewar or-Accovms. ACTILLI, BOSINZSS rums., BEIKNIMS PrtfliALNBW. COIWUWtX. LAlr." COIfIIZItCUL U=MlO. tivitA Lin otiOTO • Ms "try liberal pstrousgs which has Wu rotted as dallier Um pot stsson. emboldens oas to -still tirtiurr pews otr elstais to public natio*. By ear NEW CLASSIFICATION OF ACCOUNTS, Book.K.49l2z.boamma .tho mod end, buena! sal mdidadory - d lb& &Moms. TEE TEN INITIATOR!' CARDS Coutpreturad the WHOLZ RUM or DOUBLE ENTRY ACCOUNTS, ♦nd exhibit enry possible variation on e THE OPENING AND CLOSING OF lICKINS, So that, two weeks thorough study of tkeia alone will seems more knowledge in the science which they teeth than the whole Course in some Commercial Schools la the eountry, DIPLOMAS AWARDED TO GRADUATES. BUSINESS PRACTICE This thepartssaat la so orgsobssd that vo AC TALLY BUY' AND SELL GOODS Of •eery Mad, making the tmoder, payment, entry, hm, the same as in the commercial traassetkam of the world SPENCERIAN PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS ♦ND ORNAMENTAL, NOT SUPASSED BY AwlY For both Ladles and Gentlemen. Claims daily wrrasumr. Tian to oomplet• the Coons to from 12 to 14 inoks We present the beet factlltlse end hold oat the ireetsat Indaannesta possible To the whole public, we extend an earnest imitation to call and numb. oar Coarse of Instruction. . WI aro now organising a Collage Band. AZ Adams, with tamp, T. COOK, Resident Principal, ♦. O. !KITH, Tischer Peanisruhip G. W. CiIISNDION, Towbar Comm raid Law Septionber 21. leeb—tt COAL 1 COAL 11 COAL IS 1 • NOW 13 SUE mut TO BUT. Ii ban UAW th. Lowest Time it will p thla Sawa. D. BURTON k SONS, At th• Bighth Street Yard. Erie, Han ea Haad ALL KINDS OF 801 T AND BARD COAL. Whirl they otter to moll at ilk* LOWEST FIGURES. GITs ns a all. Me warrant sitisisatioa Geolura . silum & CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK The attention of the Public and the trade II invited to oar Now Bode T-Octsys Rosewood Piano Fortes, which foe manna and parity of lone are anrinlimf, bY any heretofore offered to this martin. Tbey contain all the modern Improvements. Priamb, Grand Action, Harp Pedal, bon 'lra ne, Oyer-Strang Bass, se., and each in strument being made ander the personal an•reialon of Mr. J. 8. Gravateen. who has had A practical experience rimer f d years in their manufactare.le fully warranted in mess partiedlar. IHZ ■OROPESTZEN PLUM FORTIS^ ltiasived the swami of malt over all Aim at the celebrated 'WORLD% PAIR. Whom won ollattod lastramosts from the boot maken of LONDON, num. GERUND', PaLLADICLPDIA, BALTIXORZ, BOSTON. ' AND NNW YORK; And also at tha INSTITI7TI for Ave aneesseive years, the GOLD AND SILVER from both of Which can be egos et our wsretoom. _a l , Um juArodeatien of improvements or leaks a g with a strict all' system, are siatled to oßar £h..'im strumente at a pries which will ;mewed. painc—NO3, Seven Octave, round corsets. Rosewood plain mw $2.75. No.l Same Octave, round eeroirs,ftenrood heavy moulding $lOO. No. Z. sawn Oc/aTO. lonia cornea, Row wood Louis XIV style $321. Tints Net Cash in Current Descriptive circulars sent free. - snlo4l/14y REMOVAL & THE DRY GOODS STORE KNOWN Al MERRILL'S' WILL BUOYS ram min. TO THE NEW AND ELEGANT BLOBS REED HOUSE. LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS! &piaober 11, 11166-4w* Dale & CASSON, - Dwain is ALL RINDS ON awl: mar, PRIUTS, ITIONTAILNI AND PROTNIONS,, PM at between We sad /ma. Bei* Pa. Saving parelwee ear stook Wan the Ws vin is prime, 111$ _ led aosikbat amiss Ohl :aro. WI is • • *- 11' 18 7. ma.* prows of Msped oven li m = bad lOW Tamers sea always a Oa blend oar lot prise far mar setts. MIAMI/111 IN TES 41011FIlta 'TOWN*, s And on the I of Sallroad. WHIM was namsus. so. - - sin nil Call. . i1a1121312 SAT at JACOOWS MAIM' Tart Irismati f lsase. . . sal7•V ver ih ititilliaLo —' ----- gllF ia • • Aigtiiiiijig Pats Mili•rs. • i , , pa t _ unisavaa JOB OFFICE. We weeld respectailly can the atienitee of the petals to oar faciUties for doing JO Printing ei every demist Men. Flavin rapid Prunes and the bast styles of Type, we ow peppered to dowry** Iskihelebblag Ili% la • Illeasseretnal Loamy ether artablishmost, and en lime se nesosable ea the Beide or Cleveksed vlor. We, hays aided mead" two thorned dens worth of mate; to the once sizes U has ken la oat pomade% with the *Wept eprsekiiiig It rhea we thong* the onsennair 17 seeded. Hew well we bars seesesaid we Uwe Ow spesimena of our lobldwg, which may be sera la .eery pert of North Western Pearurriveale. to trally.'Tbans who want tasty verb are Invited le give us a call. We am do any kindof Printleg that ma to deals &sashimi, —sash for butanes es AU kind used by Coal °piaster., AU Ural used by Coal Ati= AU kinds mod by Coal s All kinds used by Merebants arid Strinekeepere, AU kind. need by Retailers and Omen% • All kieds used by lifeenfectorem s All binds wed by Medicine Dealers,. All kinds used by Auctioneers, All Mods used by Malbroad Agents, • An Wads mod by Pinks, Ali kinds vied by Lesnizien Mem An Ueda need by Stalk Cempense, • AU blade need by Bram; All kinds used by Co.. and Tor. Merehleits, Alibied* used by Zeman lam, Ilktadrasett by Prefendonal Mee. • Anthills and by LitinAry Soeistion; AU kinds need by Pawl. Mem, All kind. mod by Pateutbel, All Linde used by Producers of New; Art/cles, AU tieds used by Merchants of all , All kinds nerd by Architect., AU kind, used by fierommen AU Idea used by Artists messily All kinds used by PIOUS MAIM - • All kinds used by Napalm of LIMINIsIe An kinds used by Political All kinds used by Travelling Am% AU kinds need by Pariners, or Bonsai of tan estate, - AU kinds seed bytteellers of Pea scant Property, AU kinds eied,by eters, le shark all kinds need by - W*OW Oramsbymall,when sent brosponsible tarties,preaudi ly attended to. Agents ibr Shows, Concert ,he, whose reeponsiblity we are net sognalated with, mast pas la advance. la mess where pachagei are seat ad of the city by espesensed them:mans far whom they are intend. ad have not • regular amount at the alba. the bill he eollectioa will lavarlablys tbrwarded withlbsee. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pi . , NOTROTED L '1 TE R 8 • - BY ROYAL s & \J- PATENT ! • pereifreas Prateripties if Sir Cidr,ll, AL D., Metairiea lartrasedireiry to the Queen. • his invaluable medicine is unfailing In the etre of all hose painful and dinginess diaseree to which the constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstruction; and a epeedk cane may be relied on TO INANRIND LADINO tis peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, king on he monthly piltiod with regularity. Each bottle, prim One Dollar, hairs the Girramment Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits. • CAUTION. Than Pins silentai ma Se taken er ihmaisit daring Ow FIRST TIMER MONTHS f Presses:act, NW, are one to Meg en Armarringe, lad at erg saw /hr nay are refs. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Afilections, Paine fi the Back and Limbi, Fatigue/on elightezertion,Palpita• lion of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pins will effect a cure when all other means have failed: and al though a powerful temedy, do not contain Iron s oalontel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. full directions - Is the pamphlet around each package, which should be omehdly preserved. SOLD BY ALL DRUMM. Sole Agent for thi Unibod States and Canada, JOB MOANS, 27 Oortlandt St., New York. NAL-51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any Ms therlard agent, will tame a bottle, contain lag AO Ms. espffill-ly. • HARTFORD lIU INCUR MICR CO HAwrientit, cermet thy?. INCORPORATED le3o. 04PIT.;L wawa. T.O. ALLYN. Prat. • 0.11. COIL. 3.s' CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. , INCORPOR477,D 1817. C, Aetna. $2BOlO TM. Z. BAILEE, hest. GEO. W. LUTZ% fle.q. INSURANCE in the above old and reli in atteAstrlis Gas be obteratt tot CREAT. SALE or • Watches and Jewelry. 1,000.000 WORTH 1 TO BE DISPOSED of at On. Dollar each, without typed to Value, sot to be raid for until you ?mow what on are to teethe. By A. B. Rowers k Co., (drat for tholleuentiotorees.) No. 311 Beekman street, New York. Eir Reed the ibllowlag list of ;Abelee to be sold for osi DOLLAR UCH: 100 Gold hunting cue watches, $125 100 Gold watches, various styles, 75 200 Ladies' gold watches, 50 600 Silver watches, $2O to 35 8,000 Late style vest & neck chains, 6to 20 5;500 Gents' Cal. diamond pins, 6to 20 4,000 Cal. diamond ear drops, 5 to 10 3,000 Miniature revolving pins, 6to 10 2,000 Cal. diamond and enamelled gents' scarf pins, new styles, 6to 10 2,000 Masonic & emblem pins, 3to 10 2,500 Gold band bracelets, 8 In 20 8,000 Jet and mosiac brooches, 8 to 10 2,000 Cameo brooches, sto 20 8,000 Coral ear drops, 4to 6 2,000 Dial's!? Watch chains; Bto 16 6,000 Oeftts' pins; splendid assort'', 2 to' 10 4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttons, • 3 to 10 8,000 Sets studs & sleeve buttons, Bto 10 6,000 Sleeve buttons, plain & eng., 2to • 8 10,000 Plain & engraved rings. 2,60 to 10 8,000 Lockets, richly. engraved, 2to 10 16,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new & latest styles, 6 to 12 5,000 Handsome deal rings, Bto .8 2,000 Sate bosor studs,. 2,50 to 6 1,000 Gold pens & gold holders, 16 to 25 2,000 Bete Jet & gold pins "St ear drops, latest styles, "" 6to 10 2,000 Gold thimbles, pencils, &0., 4to 10,000 Gold pens, & silver ewes,. • 6to 8 10,000 Geld.pens, ebony holders, 4to 8 This entire Hat of beautiful and valuable goods will be sold for One Dona each. Certifiable of all OW above articl , a will be placed in envelopes and sealed. Than envelopes are seat by mail, sa ordered, without regard to choke. Oa the receipt of the eartillests yen will gee what 300 an to hare, and thini it li nt you option to mend the dollar sad tallb the artic:.• or not. lire eertinestes can be ordered for $1 ; eleven for $2; thirty for $6 ; sizty.five for CO; salt ens hundred for tile. We will meads single Certified* on receipt of id gents Arabi wasted, I. Wbeee we ear smemi tersos ; gond 23 cents fur one geelierota sad abeastar with termallol93l 36 ANsier:7l),* P 0, Bar, rto. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WHOLESALE, AND Namur& T"UI'IDERSIGNED RESPECTFUL sr futons their Mewls sad the public that they have opened the above buslares, oa the east-Ade of the Named, sat door to Yr. Jan Beebe, dry goods store,the where they eller or hale the bat stork a trade west of Hew Tort, selected from four aff erent manutactorlea and. bought at ' Reduced Prioes, AND WILL BIC BOLD Acconotsokr. Bredal mynah* giros • TO THE .LADIES. Withoat their patronage, bailees would be blockade& NOONAN A MX= atayll' Craihrd, Christian It bilk Deans GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, • Dried and Boded Nut* PANTS k MI/ Ship Chandlery, Bast Storm,. IhN, 03 4 NO. I siurrr a wpm. rum BOK Also, Public Dock, Foot of Butte *reed, sets, 1911110P4 • WI. 1. tIILtII7OIID. • F. CURIaIIIGN I Misli4t J. mow Row. , Ezzarrows NOTIOIL—Lstbes Tastasidati on dui iststs Jaws MM. doesseed. bb of r cask toirashlp. Erb south Pre..llolar bow =to the sadonigned.astbirb bobby gives -to a WEI aiplast said rats* to prosat %ay dub satbmortbabd, 11* Nettleton; sad Asa tabbed teat sumo TM mks poyasot bssediatobi E. L. MEE Grow T. limb& Terintaktp, 41lissi* ADmiiti velum's% Notews.. - I,,tai n i d m i . wawr U.. biome boot itrosted loillioosbeetibut ow um sitab..l sii6 mamma w. .r Vv.. siessa. sioti•• lie Meal ftval is Milliebooo to Kto maw laosedato piosis4 sal mum Ogal ut =d 4 olla sm i usu b ATIIIIPII4 6.1 Su" 'kr • • - 1 au x • . - . - - A Ai 11111511111; Mir& • • GOLDEN BITTER& A - PURELY VEGETABLE TONIC. • 111110011ATLNO ItcOMIUXIMMITor • Fatties the grebes snalaat the evil - abets akertiebe noise water. Will ms inoe re= WWil l ill enro sue OSUMI Debility. l = • Mann Win ewe Liner goeg Wlllszeite and create • hlateeealthy appetite. - wmlaesate the organs of dhremtlea and neellaratrel Iy imeaselhe teesperatare otitis body and the force a' drealatien. satin In bust sa a general eorrobanest et the systers t eeetgalan ao pobarnons dregs. and Is - TRX BEV TONIO 811TRitil IX MI WORLD. • RR trial is eisaestly solicited. 0110." 0. ROHM i 00 : , Tropriotots, Banos. K. Y. Chuirol Wont, Amnion two. Building U 2131 b BON BT., NW TORR. ask by _ail Drunitila for amt• Cr KW =BOADLZY. lAbb Tnntoono w tralik for sib by Hall & Worn,Outhe k Caw %In & Booth. NEM P. B. HONECKER, CARVER & HONECKER, smassaasa a arran . leaLZl Ell Leather, Hides,. ' Na. $ Parry 'Wok, Stab Bt. r Yr* Pa: Chnutintly on hand a Imp stock of SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO, LININGS FRENCH & AMERICAN CALF SKINS, HIPS, itIITIXOS, ammo's, ft • Au*. A nu. ASSORTMENT OF SHOEMAKERS' TOOLS, All of which they offer low k OAPI II OR PROil PAV. JCOB BOOTZ would respectfully an wawa to the people of Ws olt, ) sad oaaaty, that Ise ha •Psoid ON Oa Wed Mr of Pw,A Strad, a SkerS Wows Small - the Lake Min Depot,' Isevilar. •ill keep on hands; sr o user t .racnagrozra, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, LOUR And tray thing many kept in a Ant alai or' Wine,- Sweet-Cider and . Liquors. The If G *ghost Itazkot Pries paid . far Produce, nr 11111. ol an& ar afro MO • an, if you all& te slam good bar pledge ov tp.ielfto gall as not ' Low, than any otlior stars la . . • . . . . , New tatting Store. HE UNDE li3NED HAVE OPEN- T i iap • Clothing tore on the corner of Fourth and Stet* Wets , whe they promise to keep away, oa baud an good an ars Aroma of Clothing ,a an be found in the city, made in the best manner from th. best ma terial,aad so finished as to afford satisfaction to the most critical matomir. Patioular *Mention will be paid to Custom Work, in which breach ye propose to creel all other establishments in the city. We will al ways keep a fine stock of Cloths, Cassius:wee, Vesting', fro , from which re can select to the very best &dimities. . , Gents' g Gonda, Ot arm description, comprusing all articles la thatkee. The Clothing of Bo will also be mtde speciality. Cie' as a eall. BASSERIAN k EIJHNILDER, 020.13Asummur, Axazirr W. & amain= Late Cutter with X. Koch. je.2266-tf R. S. MO Bog lam to halo fiat tAbw harp sego Toth. lUCISSE B plot by Nam intend keeling a, large sasortme s at of Dressgicloils, Fancy Silks, GLOVE M!''Tnll4sl l l Maul patronage, lb. ma,. GEL MORT 27 Cour •100,000 WAT Pens, Nulls, Dons., t To be sold to vans. And not L . you are to toodts. SPLENDID All to be 800 Gents' gold 800 Ladles' got, 400 Gent? eilv 200 Diamond 8,000 Gold Vest 8,000 d! 8,000 (bold Oval 4,000 Chased Gol 2,000 Chetah/in° 6,000 Solitaire is 2,000 Lass a, 2,000 Coral, Opal 2,000 Mosiae, Jet tine Ear . 4,600 Coral, opal e m. S. drops, ~ 4 to 4,000 Cal. Diem breastpins, 2,50 to 3,000 Gold fob &v et 'mob keys, a to 4,000 Fob & seatgib bon slides, 8 to 4,000 Sets slotive Litton., eta., 3to 6,000 Gatti thimbl I, pencils, etm, 1 4 to 6,000 Miniaturel kets, ' sto 4,000 Mint locks magic spring, Bto 4,000 Gold tootbp ek e & crosses, 2to 6,000 Plain gold ngs, ' 4lt 5,000 Chtsed goldlyinis, 4 to 7,66 U Stone set & Signet rings 2,50 to 5.000 California dhunond rings, 2to 7,500 Seta ladies'jewelry—jet & . gold, • I 6,000 Bets ladies ji pearl, etc! 6,000 Gold pens, Ai stns; , oit, 111W/516" holders 6,000 Gold pent & - holders, a to 5,000 Gold pens, pen laden', • 6to 6,000 Silver goblets & cups, 6 to 1,000 Silver castors, ' 16 to 24100 Save:fruit ' cake baskets, 10 to 1,000 Doses silve tea spoons, 10 to 1,000 Do. tables ons & forks, • KANN t DLS7IIBIIIIOII. Certificates munlog article, and its velem; am goad IA Seated tam opus/ma well tailed: Os. of Knee eavalopm, motel lei the Certificate or Order for sm. Miles. (worth yyd 17011 dollar SiMatt Nil be mat by mill to any without regard c lees, reWpt of SS emits The purchaser will see that Are tide It thews and Its *alas which may be from One to nos Daubed Dollars, toad can then mad Oar Dallaracid receive the Article masted, or say other on the I et of the sense vitas and slier mufti the article, If it dose set give perfect eallahetion, we desire It to be immedi ately moused and the amount paid will be remade& By this mode we giro mentions from a varied disks( Ilse deeds°, the beet and latest styles and oft*. ilinek worth, et a ' pries, while all hare thews' of asmarisg articles of • eery highest value. t • Is Klemm we oh for forwarding the Certldeeas =sad doing the the mutt orfienty4re which mad be e closed in the order. rico Orr thimble will be mat ler ; sieves far s2l thitty foe di; sisAy4ealter 810; one hundred tor M. Parties ibeaUsg with to may impost rea h = 4 " un it Muse, lied the artiehe drama Till be seed iii i == s eetsrla as =gem Guarastied is all ogees Write you Amy Town, county sat 81/46 104 address SiLDIN /1/ 00 malnitliet - 17 Courilandt mteyet, New TA.. itsxmarersis mmu k T HUBBEL'S IMXICIIIMIM TO BINDIIIOI4 UPPICI!S AND IDDIATS, LASTS, Ne* Grocery! XZW GROCER! STORE. CIROCERIXze. ALIO, RISON &• SONS th. citing's. of trio anti vicinity thpir stook of GOODS DR IC, in the building kaaauly own- US k KEPLER, where they , HOISERY. &c. to our eutomiro for thou. put roopoetfolly ask a coaUananoe of Erie, Jan. 1,1e16. OLD!' EN ik CO., NG Jk.WELERS, dt Bt., New York. I HES, CHAINS, GOO &0., worth urea Ratr a Million t One Dollar Each without retard be paid Icr until you know what ST OF AILTIOLES, old for Doe Dollar Sub. Watches, 450 to $l5O d Watches, , 85 to .70 er Watches, 85 to 70 tags, j 60 to 100 • 144 Oliains,i 16 to o. 4 to and Bracelets, 4to Bracelets, 5 to tguard chains, 6to gold brooches, 4to rintine brooches, 4to Ir. Em. brooches, 4to Lava Sr, Florence/ *cps, / 4 . to welry-oiaeo, 4to 16 Lei extension. pencils, gold-nountei E K g . voismui DmLm. II 00% WIPP 4111., Pifth state swan, 123 PektMl* *law oppot4th. I=UMW 1865 • 6 14 yard estahliebed I. W. T.46106 4 ' NOAy Inthlllble remedies kooma." "hoe from Pobomr: . !'itot &spoons to the An lremlir." 4 ,14 hr soma eat ef this ho to diet "astir's" Bat, Rue, 410) Extet's, "Cedar's " Bed-lug Exteraingor. "Costar's"illeotria PoWdsr firr Insec's. lifSold by all Druagirta sad gelation irrosTwbvia. 111 Swaim!!! - of 111 irogthleas lailtallatui 'Yea that "Cloaraal" name la as ithabltim. bp; t • amalllnath; Wore you bay. . . • yr_ Pauroiras Deter, 452 SIOADWAN. N.Y. Ur Sold by al Mugging art Malan is Bile , Fa. 1865. INCEICABE Or "RATEL—The Former', Gaulle :raw. lift) muerte and prone by Itiyarre that one pair or lta , elll have • progeny sad Moms danta no len Os n est. la three MI6 Nov, name thin Inunanse family ea I) r4l kept d f own. they mould commie more food than wo aid run 66,000 human beluga, • tar Bee " Cotrcealt" adverthpessant In this paper. • RATS eases BlRDS.—Whoever engages in shioting ■mail birds is a cruel man • *boner aids In aatarm:ust- tug rsis is a benefactor. We should like moms eorrespondeats to give us the benefit of their stretivu.4. in drinng out these pests. We need Dodsetblpg t ruer dogs, eats, and traps for this buidnesa..7goissiefo 4. g • eat, N. T. cr Bee " Costal's " advertisement In this papa. ••1865. "COSTAR'S^ BAT LITRRIIIINATORLI and ears—the most p at et Reg-Ideation tneet:eg Iry hare ever attended. Every Rat that can get it, propttil prorated according to directions. will eat It, and er.-t • one that eats It will die, generally at some else* as ‘its tart an toudble from whertothe nieditas• was taken. • 14ke Uwe, • ®'see Coar.tali" adratteement la WI piper. HOTIEEKEZPO3 troubled with vellum needbe sou • loam if they urer " Cognate. " Exterminator. Weirs ye wood it to oneeatlefsetion ; sod it • box port 11%, ae would bare 'Me bare tried poisons, bat they elle, 4.4 notbion ; ,_but Costar's" artiele knocks the brine ant of Pea s King" Rados. Ants, and Bede-Begs, qui ter than vegan write it: Ma to great demand all over :he coantryo-Nalias, Oh4o, Gautt• mOosrmes" sdrortionsiat la thiapspr . YOKE FROM TBE PAIL ol' gat- TAYS . Rat. Roach, Ant., &e., Exterminator 'grain and provistona ass destroyed annually is .it county by terrain than wontd pay far two of tills 'Air and heat Hillar."—Lasseamor, Wia, Bova Bee a Costa Vii " adverting:oat In thin parer. FARMERS AND HOI7BISHREPERS—nhquId roe..n 1-e 44 that hnndredi of .dolbui• worth of rain. Pr mid nit. ko, are annually destroyed by Its , lam : ntz, • :1.1 other 1=4804 and vermin—all of srb n t NI r rev_ i ie.! by a few dollars' worth of "Conran' " Ilatate co, Out .bc.., ixtermlustor bcaght and used freely. '- ..1 gee U C0V1A...... 111 . 1 .....MitPinnelli in this p l) = M Sold in e, Pa., by all Druggists and ' 'l,, jea'ea Fr. Keystazie Stove Works Tibbab, Shirk & Widteheati, • MANIIIIACTITMI 01 MOVES & HOLLOW. WA 1{ E, Have • large Md extant,' assortment of Stc rca. Wholesale dud Retail. • TUE IRON GATY. ii a first-alsas Coal Cook Mon k with or without s. , rot; for bard or aoft aDay or wood, sail, SETTER THAN THE STEWART STuVE: WHEAT SHEAF & NEW ERA, Bata low oven Coal Cook Morita—mita woodeetz I tea be need sitter for coal or wood. THE FOREST OAR. we sr* stilt mosaufagitorlng this weobrotwd low. 4..14 Store for wood—with or wit/toot rrwarolr THE ME T OE, Akm Oen atm fir Veil "Mfg is a mew btors beautiful dirolro, aad sow for sale—togotaor with a large arsortmeat et elevated Ovso Cook Parlor Coot for wood or ma, aadllor and 011 o• Rom. for wood or e C. Y. 'fitirtALS, D. SHIRO., W. R. WILITZEIZA I Ix* Jan. 12. 111115—ti. ' New Mosta Store. • • ! • ' - PIANO - FORTES AND lIELODEONS, Nom the f ellowing oalsbrased_ MASUFACTURaiRS Steinway & Sons, New Tort. W. Knahe & Oe., Baltimore, Id. Lindeman k Sena, New York. W. B. Bradbury, New York. • Johbil. Denham, New York Ciroveeimm & Co, New York. Geo. A. Adam 6 co, Bast% X. T. - outset, Needham 4k Co. NewYark. • Prism at a Large Discount Ulm Lui facturer's Prices. PIANOS FROM $250 TO $1000: Abe, Instruction Books and ghost AU persons 'dialog a grit rate PSinele= l llo.l on, ars belts/ tb end amble oar batmet.: I bre perehaling amebae. . • Once. Reed" Meek, Stn}.street, 'ammi;Y mudie the s lit sziurAsan.4. Eir P. file—Brea7 Imbuing numbed be its re .13 ANOZ6L. I 10 8 10 6to 15 4to 10 - BANK NOTICE! Keystone National Batiit if ICrie 4 CAPITAL, $150,000. DIRECTORgs SICLOTN MARVIN, JOHN 11`.'1414,0:4 HUHU MARVIN, 1111:11TICII TOWN, O. NOUS. - °HANGS NOBLI4*ed. JOHN J. TOWN, • t . The 'bore bank triil be ripenellbi the transaitiono Monday, Dees 501, in Hughes' llork, Wait Mir of iltincht, betties limn% and .b.heds. Batistindorp paper diseoantal. Nosey received ea Deposit; Collections made and premeds smutted! oe vita ; . prempbues. Drat ts; Specie and leak Notasiesetit and 'At A shoe of Mlle Patinnage la rooming], solicited. .8 10 50 50 . 20 GEOMMUMES 1 GEOCBRINB WHOLESALE AND .RETA I L P. "MALT" Wanla respoithatly Warm W 11,011411 soft ha km apme., s Store la • No.. -It Nuirlitis' Block, Et le, li• VIII elves keep cs haat a lihriesappl) 2* anocipuits„ daocgEßY AND WOODEN WAS& WINES, LIQIIIIINI, 016111111 S, ajd ~IMAMS tat sae la me 66W J J , d r Term SI ?Militia& Id 1111 (*eta t 4 jestri4l4, 1865. L a paste—ad for Ras. Mies. Raw*, Sleek and AM Ask in , lba. fas i , isa. Is • liquti or wady Wild to L ihetroh and oleo u a pri mitive for Ded-asgo, M. • Is for Bads. Mariam', Boa, Bed-Bsits, heeds PUMA Meek Amisab, •a. SENN* 11, C4)IITAI, 1865. 1866. 1865. 1865. We al ".o maaafeeture the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers