Ili - NOT ALgotiqw, A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED 4 r VEGETABLE BMW!! 4.;PIIRE TONIC Dpator Hoofland's GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED UT I'4l. 01 DE.,JACKSON, PHILAD'A, PA. ,WILT. EFFECTUALLY CURB LIVER COUPL l IIST, DYSPEPSIA, Jarldiot,. Chrstskrr Nervous Iliaty, Dimas, ctf redneys. and all Dissass arising.fron difor4red Liver or Bloowsok each• as Cortstipa. , Bon, Inward ..Tallorresor Blood to the • - ,114)41. Acidity of the Stour, • eeh Nausea, Heartburn,Dieguit far *6Ol. rullueite or 'Welght the, SEo63ach. - quar elitictatioaa, Slaking ee Fluttering al the pit of the Stomach, Swim. nun,: et the Hest(' trreied and ehtficolt Breathing, at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating see. 'lawns Clem ItiVtelerepllitrre, Dtrunesiorinalaa, beta • or Webe before the :tit*. Yana mad 16t1126101iiitbir /lead. Dehdency oi rinupLeatioik; the 4.gin and . Eyes, Pain to tlAs did°. Bach, tu scideiPlualos of • eau iturning in the Flesh Co.. .taut ka6o6atlon 6Y 66 11, ' • and glint (Wan, - 'inn of $144;•• AND .WILL POSITEY;LIi nutvitn. YELLOW FEVER, i4311;10118 FEVER. &C THEY CUNT'Aiti NO ALCOHOL 011 BAD WHISKEY ! (Ley Cr= the stove thrksses to 'dusty -stlsiasUir end, of hvidrid: b • DO TOD WANT 8011ETE6O TO STRENG-TEIRN LOU! TQC7 WAN A. GOOD APPETIT-El DO YOU WANT TO BUILD UP YOUR CONSTITUTION ? DO YOU WA.Yr ¶G PEEL WELL? DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF NERVOI732TES3 DO I'OD Wan ENERG , Yt DO TOU wAN'T ~ TO SLEEP WELL? DO TOO WANT L BRISK AND VIGNA101:15 PULING IP . :YOU no, vas 1100FLA2(D'S '•GERMAN BITTERS: Pros J. Aliens Zrouss, D. D., Law . deb Itiierikr gala Of Religious IDsotiladrs. Althcnigh not die poi 4 to favor or ;se:4lmnd Patent liediclose in metal, through distrust °eft& invedi• anti and effects; I yet koow of no soflcient row= • man cur not Willy to.the bentat be bellow to hays received from coy simple preparation t in the hope that be may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this toe more readily in regent to hoof and's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. t. R. Jackson, of this city, because I was prejudiced against them for many years, tower the impreesiou that they were chlegy an alcoholic mixture lam indebteo to my friend Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this prejudice by proper testa, lona for encouragement to try them, when suffering frog grist and long continued ?hi tile of three bot tles of these Hitters, at the beginning of o:represent year , was followed by evident relief, and restoration to.• de gregof bodily and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months befee,aod had almost despaired of regainier. i thcreforw thank God and my friend for directing us to the use of them, , ParnrseA, Jazz 21,1111. S. NEWTON BROWN PARTICULAR NOTICE. ?hers ars maul preparatlntis told muter tha alma of Bitters, put up In 'quart Cottle:, eouteouadad of the cheapest whiskey or &mum rum, totting from 20 toll* state per gallon, Li. tags disguised by Aran Cr This class of ElUteri has canted and will Sentinel* to cease. as I.,ng as they can be sold, httadreds to dle the Lath of the dreutard. by their use the *Won IA Mitt continually under the Indecency, of Aleotiollefltiululants of the Worst had. the &moire tot Liquor Is created Cud lept up, and the result is all the horrors attendant uponr drunkard's We and death. /or those who desire and teal knee a liquor Bitten, vs pnbll.4 the (camping ravel pi: G Oats aidas iiree• WWI Germs Miters and mix with Three Quarts of ciemtd Braat r er WiniJkiv, and the result will be a prima. .aeon that willfar excel to medicinal virtues and true wszellence &wad the numeroui Liquor. Bitters La the mutat; and .I'l reef stunt Las. • You will hate all the virtues of floojtmtis Bttgrslu conaection vita a cted article of Liquor, at a umsbiess primp than these inssnar preparations will oust you. Ocala, Sail ores and Friends of Soldiers. We call the attention of all haring relations or friends in the army, to the tact that **HO fPLANLYS Gamin %mere wdl can nine Wake of the Mason messed by apinuree sal privations incident to camp We. In the ilea, published almost daily. to the °even:wipers. 00 the .:rival of the sick, it will be noticed that a very large ,ropurtiou are euttenag from debility. Every nee of that hind coo ba cured by lloollaid's airman Bitten. tei-eane resultiug from Camden of the dives. tiro organs arc ' , paddy renwred. We hare no batta lion in stating taa, if toes • Bann were freely used +moil our soidiers, hundreds of lives might be need .ast otherwise will bo lost • We call partnau attain* to the following remark- able and wall a ititenticetoi cure o one of the cotton's heroes, whose life, to nee his owe language, ..1114 been sand by the Bltpent" - • • a l'eMaszirtma, Magnet Mt 186.1. NNW& JOil , 1} Roams,— bro.!. goutlecom, your Half land's airman Bitten has saved my life. 'r:are Ii nek Iniaakt In this It is vouched fir b., numbers of my comrade*, soma of whose aunts are appecid.d, and oleo were far circlet int of ail the eteClUistAitcee of my ens. laza, and hive been for the last four yeas. a member of Sherwin'. celebrated battery, and under the immediate co in •ud of Captain it S. Ayres. Throngu the expo in re attendant upon me &cicada' duties, t was attacked 3 Sototober last with inflammalion of the lungs, and was direr airway -two day to the triad': I. 7 his was ful lire, by grett d-bi,ity. heighten. d by an attack of dye. enter,. I was then 1... moved from the White House, and seat o 4hl+ eity on laud the -to mar ",late of *slag" from which I landed on the 2ith of June dines "that lima( have been about ae low as say one road be and tl , l retain a ap-ak of tit...llly. For a week or more I was iCereely sole to swallow anything, and If I dit tore • m3rs..l down, it was WM eltetely thrown up again. 1 couht Oat even base • glass of water on my Aomori. Life -void not laat uudar these circumstantial& ; sad cordMily the physicians who bad bee workbag lath though 41311%Cometally, t rescue roe from tie grasp tte_dr.ead_Archer„ ( raptly told meikattkey route do no zaore for me and advised me to are a clergy. s s ent to enbasech, Worm trou of my Ueda,: fonds as k allotted me. An an marinate who visited me at th e weh lir. Frederick alembrots, of ninth below oh Ural, &drawl me, re a forlorn hope, to try your tiers, 00 1 k oil procured a matter I , non the time I ovum-nevi taking clan the gloomy shadow of death re eg-ti, ands au now, Weak 11 ,, C.(0r it, getting better. 111°601.1mm takes bat two bottles,. ham seised tan pound. aid I f el eatiValta• of be zit ;untamed to rejoin a, wif esad deep bw, !tun whom I have heard aothrog r WOW* wattle,, ler. awntlemavir I am a toyarTir pilau, from the It:dotty of Front Ito) al. To your la. vaidab'e Rating owe the earta,nty of fife which bas alien the place of vague Bars—, te your Bitten will I owe tae glorious privilege of Liam claping to mg bosom moue wkilre thilvat to me la . 'Veig truly yours, ISAAC" MA'AM!. We rally copra la the truth of tit where' etateammt, mere line dupl a / a ttar smug oaf c•ICIPIII• lift Bales% motored kris eepth /owe CoooLimaga, /at :kw York Battery. GeOnlaii. Allit.tit to. 11,11 th Maine. Lawn thikvaudi.94d New York. itzrowoom,-.41-4,1:41Mey, •alarzw„, r ,a 1 Vermont. flume' H. Jaren; +:o. i t. altWif guievaso. Co. U., fib Yale*. Jodi 4, oink co. , Ith aide*. Hamm how, Co. 11„22d New York. Natvidiat B. Tnortall, Co. 11P.,93k room mowing J. grateat‘ ad Vermont. Jo= AM- U% t)e.ll,. lonta roma. MAZE OF COUNTERFEris. Ise tbsi denature of "C. IL Jaekses„a Ia so g o slums of with bottlio. Mee pei Bettis TB Cgs., et Ball Nsa hr N. nosed yoar mud drafted Dot km tha utbdo, au be uttK br an; of Ito Intoxicating pripsi s ti ons mat why be eikud bib phew, but sired So p, out as irdi toward. wan was ly d, by uplink pavialka othop NAsimeroar, WI AIM STREET. is WV. IL IMMO! 6 CC* irramilis;` AM1L 4 1014444 1 : 114 6Psoi 10E2 I=2l To SUiLiidkieofia. Tr ' . lOU ,VAUTLBLI TSAI GOLD, YOU VAINABIII 'WIZ BOLD! YOU "ALTAIR& 'MU! GOLD I muumuu 11/411 GOLD Dr. JOHN L. LYON'S' French Periodical Drop, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, French Periodical Drops, ' tart. trim Impbetty. Of outrage'. •of the Illestro, ar au" rr 13 317311 TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO MEV IT IS WES TO Cl7llll ft Is lopessible M alley the Woos et health and essay aspirin!, sakes the Monies ant molar u t. the time, thii quantity sadnetallty. When they are Montrone ted, nature wakes her effort. to obtain her tt MECO other outlet, and, noises these Worts el native In lighted, the patient nasally experiment Despondensy, now nese and Wily CONiCIIPTION easszes Its way, and pnematarely teredneten a ntheisnals IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTION i IT REMOVER ALL OBSTRUCTION I IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUOTIOSSI IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I . IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR 1 TT IS A PERFECT -REGULATOR 1 IT IS A. PERFECT REGULATOR 1 IT IS A. PITLFROT ILIOULATOR 1 .4f ' BEAR Ng MIND. , BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, MOPS TO COU Reppeniin of The liktates. ban whatever inn though mare should betas' to ascertain it pragancy to the s cruck, as than 01011 would be ocra. *prod= niwassia . ; nay will she eartainly PU- T Oh? esientin. Venn Won tine dye Wore the montlilyl do timineara I win It alatintly in reedn ten not Ina writ raputinis Won sin stood. sash stranwslawnia BUY THE REST 1 BUY THE BEST 1 BUY THE BEST I BUY THE BEST 1 BUY THZ MIST! BUY THE SUREST I BUY THE SUREST I BUY THE SUREST I THEY ACT LIKE A CHARM. by stisigtheung sal invigorates& sad restoring the systems to a healthy oceeditten. It moderates all now, and removes an obstrastiene, and a genii my may le veiled et To Married Ladies, ste "pawl, =.l. ly ps =bride de the am,' tiod •ltit soak SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. SURE TO DO GOOD. 1 mad Walsh say of taettatoalata of it. 'd uty from gay ova to. but Mt pasties of parading bought and latitioaa 1101111 Wort as tabUe to so pion fiat I do not doma It ativiaaido. -11, oldeat. to .$o Ow lay sodiatao holm, the pa% i i l a %aloes to atoinroomay, bat to do good. It le pro touts( tie aostinan Ladies. that sot taa pottiotly OWN OM tit hood la any sea visildty. BE WISE - IN TINE! BE WISE IN TIMES BE WISE IN TIMBI BB WISE IN TIME! Lot lot ammo”mp woeTq a bottle of my' PERIOtt 2 mops, aid you boi sat isfied Ist I as so Importer. year dieted Mood That rootorod tbo bloom of Math to tear Womb, sad thereby maims boor mom valuable thou gold. /et raisfal or amity Ilmantattoa It MAIM Us Min. I. hare sow Lan mind es lootases of alady who hid moo siring from pistol maentatlos tom or OM yeas. sanest/is bee to Me now each Use 1 she MS appßid to moral eadnoot pkootoi vithoot relloL vies am bottle of moi_DILOT mumikom ONEpotii,E CURZSI ONE BOTTLE CIIBEBI ONE BOTTLE.CITEBB I ONE BOTTLE CTIBE3I DO NOT BE IMPOSED WON I DO KW BE' MPOSED UPON! DO NUT BE IMPOSED 'UPON! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON' • Bat sat this eat eat mei It bijou Dregght, ead It he has Dot lt.make Ida 01- tt mat or it meg he at as llama Apia ar the peat Mae, O. G. OVUM OM, •,, ' irassamesa Dammam lint Item, Osea Tao Skis osissispowi ii . OA sr betas. he Ws Wbellnels al.alais a ea, xi. :homed bY Jaw - :7 . "ret so* ba'k . Ira. a*. ago" arrb waspia, j mare 4 MEMMI ME 9SR FOB FIXA.LES. FOR PIMALMEI, FOB PIIELLEIS, POE PKIKALES, IT 18 SUEZ TO CURE I THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I' GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE BUY THE EMMET Buy - THE SAFEST I BUY THE !SAFEST! BUY THE SAFEST WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS I WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS I WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS I WHICH , IS LYON'S DROPS! CANNOT DO HARK. CANNOT.DO HARM. CANNOT DO HARM, CANNOT DO HARK. L abased every mew lIINIMI • 2 ; I ..,,,.' • .'i - :. • . , - 4+ ' • .7.r • , ' . I„ . ~/. . ; '.. , .:'.. .. ••.- - ...• *WU, . . '' - :A•efiltaz , ' '',..- - . • . Ad." •• .. . 14 B .... 4 BUFFALO; - ', - 1.16 ESCANTILE COLLEGE, CO R olivilabt k Uno. t stiturs, -, Is • itoPortait link Ilithio natootAecuts. toeat.d lo tho folleen i vr Who. :LW 1.4.1 LW YORK CITY, iIdROOIIC T , _ L __T DE TROIT PIIILADELPIIIA. :ALBA CLIVILAND; CHIC r.O SAINT 1.0171 A AND T.lll O. A $ Otolaire6lp lesiesel :from Theltale Cialeggbe entitle the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for so izalloileedAlmee..-- .!__ Deeds ia - tlaito lonatntlfais. la to to youssg men and tittloi; itilorsogi. pritatiod V L Coltman ar • orPustsed and tondustad apps a whit& moat secure to I kon aaperitte Inanition chi t possible faellitles for Importing a thotonikecon wereisil ciaeatioa, sad reader It; as a whole, the nod eokoprahansisa and ample' ardentthla u v& as Hook.Keeptien us all It 4 departamratiNT• OcvamOrefal Law, Commaretaiaxithaastia ship; are taaight la Lb. Dila thorough and poetical Agfeneinton' !eras= er Penananildis, fa laugh by c•capatent and Itsnacianoto totehas. .ateionforahtst i , payabla In,alrance, $4O. COUtte IMOD nay and eyeshot :—no mentos/ ResiireotTrlncipal at findhli; J. C. BILTAJIT. For farther Information. Peas call at tha Colley Koemt 01.4400 fir Cat&toso, sad Circalar easloans 4eltar stamp. ;, Address ItY! IffRATTON, . Safalo. N. T . eMutsys. v 7/1112T. ME NEW FIRM. CLEMENS, CAUGBEY,& BURGESS, gueesapre Ako, Ciencus,Clagbey k and/. C. Bargees Co., Wholesale Grocers I and Maashearers et Crackers and Candy ! GROCER'S% FLOC% PORK, • FISH, WATER LIMB, likLT, NAILS, ROPE, _CARBON 011 4 ALE, 'Mika LWOW, dat., 6 a. Oar Moak al • - SVGAIM. COFFEE, I SYRI7PS, IdOLASSES, ISPICIA FRUITS, NUTS, TOBACCO, 18 LARGE. oRAdiERs Naaufaetaritlat the ERIE CITI? STBAM BAKERT CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES! OIL tITROL, CAUSTIC SODA & GLUE At the lowest Yeast Pekes Commercial Batldlap, Erie, Pa. isp2ol3tL U. BURT. I. N. NRYART. EAGLE FOUNDRY-1 Pesch St, .id. t 4 Raids Read, lrie. HENRY & BRYANT, (mammon to Asbeecen At Sas' ry.) kmroraCrerizto Cs PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES„ TIN a Sauk IRON Wsas, - AND ALL KINDS os' IRON C.197iN04. Very. Stove *old by as "unmated k ere satidaetion. Rattles Slingli-ahata, Sad Irons, Re, on band or man whet wed to order. newt axes how Potarti of superior make and dam Witty always on woad. A and a fail trial of oar wil d is s, all we aak. HENRY a BRYAN?. mar634l. ERIE C I THY • BOOK', BINDERY 001rall OP STAPC AND FirThi ITB. The undersigned would tospectfutly return thanks for the patroaageherstorors untended to him, and solicits a scintillations of the same. He has recently made 'Amin improvements, snobs width are a PAGING , BIACiHINE, br paging Blank Books,by means of which he la enabled to do work of that kthd ea neati and aa asap an it eau be none in Baal°. Baring had an EXPERIENCE OF. TWENTY YEARS, 1 tellers 1 vas appeal for the, publle tratuuge with fall mailbags in by &WO t give sattllaeßoa. RULING, BINDING AND ALL KINDS OF WORPur Air Luis Done In order. Csaidantly ore hand a large supply ol! BLANK ' 8008 . 8. Remember the loath-west corner of State and Fifth streets. secemd eat% sent door to the . 6 0anettr • E. M. COLE. Erin, January ilth„ 11161-nrcr -NIE W' MUSIC 'STORE PIANO iP R T E-S 11112 11 : 1 1 1 0 1 1: 49 , , AND IItEI.ODE-0-Ng! T,e the following celebrated Puma Porte and Melodeon Manufacturers Light k Bradbury, New York. Bylaws, k Sona,New TOT*. Wlll.. Zigebe & Co., Baltimore. Md. 3. B. New ;Lieri. win k Cray, 4 ! kaB7 ' N. T. [intim! Plano Voile Maker, New York. Llndeneas k Bona, New Ye*. - Geo. A. Prince & Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Cartuirt, Needham & Co., Mew York. ALAN VAITS BS, .iCCORDI4IIIB, 1 0 101.11f8, PLUTILT. illes,Leetroatlon NOOks and !beet Mulde, •LL`;',EMY LOW FOR CM! R 'AU persona erlaldia a Stet rats Plane Forte err Iteledo. OM. ere laeleid le ealltandiessiolne our lastrumento __areolevelerre: te need's Block, State Mahn, nearly opposite the Poet Cake Z. SMITH. Parrs and Melodeon' warranted for tee yearn . , , _ • , SAMUEL 'R. LEWIS, MALAN ft -; ROOTS, SHOES = • ••• • • J. • a" MID ;„, • • litr'l33l3ES .• • MINN BLOCK.. 'RANCH smut VACING ?NV PLICL uktiaw. • 0ZN1V t.....6. ' a r sums-I NOTN, , AND OBILDINNIN itssesse, Ss* aMp ara. Can and tram& ;',l3.ild•ltolll.i.Lls' GAITERS! • :• - iitimOraterre ANIALSTIL ' Y. B. mins. MNOPINION, 1 01 00 REWARD. - Apia seitletae that will +lt twOoks, arisi.variza, 'PICKLIIII4 THE 11:1110,17c . , wisookNo &mop. or ran - • COIOII72ITTiVIC 1,3)17G111, aniptlek ia • COE'S COUGH:-AL ! la brMI a pirii reovsAira BOTiLit; hue 'N IN Wive ter,' sad aet sfsgii W aimea lite tuba s , l i gra e va. • Ws Us% la ear peiltessloa, ler tilthlit4l it struzaluagt seen 'lll's= from 77 siuNcrr Pargauis, whslurre seed lt ttaiir pretties Lad ilven it the pre eeslamme ever anyallbotieimpoild• IT DOES SOT DRY EP k CORIUM. • • bat teams it, so u t 0 stable the patiftSl to iSlontmli• freely. TWO OR TftRIDI bagel! WILL IIiViIIABLY ann. •II fittot9e hu oflsp Completely` Cared the moat - STUBBORN COUGH, and Metre, It is so sure end speedy to tuppetstlee. It Is dug, itsnalses, betlag purely Ireretsble. It Is very soomille to the lute, aad•say be, adtatutstorel to children °full ace. Is Casa si Casusina •UI Guarantees Cam N Y villas the roach of all, the prig being •a ONLY SIO CIENTO, Aaditltsiartltu.utpndthorough trail doei not "back up" the above statement, the money will be ~..landed Wsapthtrknowiugita saarits, and Mel Conddrot that one trial will secure ter it a home in every household. Do sat aureate away gni. Coughing,. when en small an investment wall sue your It mar be bad ataxy respeet able Druggist in town, who will funsieb you with a els. calm of genuine eertideate. cars. Dills." made. C. iI. CLARK Ilk CO.. Proprietors, NEW itivex, CONK. At Wholesale, by • JOHNSTON,it HOLLOWAY COWDEN, = 23 North Sixth am; Philadelphia, Pa. ar for Solo by Druggists is city; gantry and mry whin. 0ct.24'83-em. , ITHERII IS NO SUCH WOIiD 'AS FAIL." TARRANT'S COMFOOdiD , XXTRAICT Or CIIBEBS AND COPAIBA. This preparation Is particularly recommended to the If IC DIOAL PROFESSION and the PIISLIC,for the prompt and 'resin ears of DISEASES OF TAX BLADDER, KW EYE, URINARY • ORGANS, ETC. ! It may be relied no u the beet y,u3de for the adminle tration of three reniediee in the iange Claes of eip.ute of both wee, to which they ars applicable. It ' inter. feres with the digestion, and by its honeeotration, the dose la much reduced. K. D.—Purchasers are advised to ask for , Tamanes Compund Extract of Crisbebe & Copaiba, sod take nothing else, as imitations aid worthless prep• &rations, tinder similar names, are in thednarket. ettoe $lOO. -Sent by express en receipt of price. • liaalactuzvi ettic by I TARRANT h CO.. (o. Siresowieb Strout, Corner of Warm Street. NEW TIRE, And for sale by Druggists generally ! ciet24ll3-Iy., Agents Wanted. 912 POSITITLLY MADE / - 11021 20 egNTS. Snekel.hin • 61. 1" t i/ "4" R 7 "er7 Orton. 10 samples ant free by mil for 010 ants that Mani for 1111, by IL L. WOLCOTT, ITO Chatham Eqoare. of GLASS, 1 ,, 1 „,f,,,, riklit ir.CIDUCII.CATARRH IN ALL WI riPLI AND BTAIIItI. IrSORICC*A.RitH ADD ATZt7I CLIDATIMTIOX. /T CIIIIII CAT4BRII AID IIISTOS3I ras ETA SIOIT• Caw CATAARII AID 'moan no SoNsa or Salm. CIGARS, • It Cuss CATARRH AND PAIN Is Titr 'Taints. 1 ' • It penetrates to the very slat or tau terrible Oboe* and exterminates it, loot and branch, forever. Di. Good- Ate le the ant and only perm who ever told the world what Catarrb really wan—when it commenced—and who would cure it. Over Ude,' years ago, band floodale bnlMy struck out from the fallacious theor mode o f treatment of t iff loathsome malady, as laid down in "Eltaadatd Medield Worts" and teachings. to &senior its true cause and' lo cality, and to devise a permanent cure for it. Entre see ms has conned hie efforts, and he has now spest a life time in battling with this fell 'llamas, exp'oring its abret emhttsh. and making known to the wold the fact . il s ret Catarrh. which has tor yeses defied the skill and les e rch of medical ben sod authors of tha country and in u lope, tan now be mud, with the tam- unPorm certainty that morning f Maws night. Modem& wbo'ithre f; led every known m-ans flews us vein, have been pernmarnt li can by Dr. oodale's Calor It Ne., eds, and now praise the .bat extravagant toms of d.oliglet. phl'PO at the nearest agency or send a stamp for a pam et. Devised and prepared by D. Clooeszn. M. D:, New York. NORTON -a CO., Solo Agent.. 612 Rioadwav, N. Y.' I•Gr Said by garnet Canto, 4 West Park Row, agent ter k:de. }w7o4-1n• • ECONOMY IS . WEALTH 1 ' CURE YOUR-COUGH FOR 13 CENTS! THE BEST AND CHEAPEST HOUSEHOLD REMEDY IN THE WORLD I , • MADAME ZADOC PORTER'S . GREAT COUGH.REMEDYI leaClame ZADOC PORTER'S : Alva Balsam is woman 'abed aCeording to the - -Is, to curs is all ought', Cold., t; Gough, Aatbtaa, affections of the id Langs. __ly 11,. ... a 'into limes Ms cost. NOTICL—Savo Your Shim :--Do 2106 be per oseded to psychosis articles at ele. to sl,which do not mu tat* the virtues of a IS mat bottle of Madams Porter's Cu- Mire 'Balsam, the cost of mainuraetaring which Is as groat as that of almost any other medicine; and the very low pries at which It la said, mikes the profit to the miler apparently mall, and unprinelpkd dealers trill sonretinim rewowonend !other medicines as which their probte 'are larger. anlasathslllo/401111111i1 Insist. upon baying MAdarne roner's and son, other. Ask It,r Madams Potter's Cura tive, Balsam, prier 111 eta, and Li large bottles at 15 and tab my ethos.. If you marmot get it atria store pas ad another. rir Sold by all Druggists and Store keepers at 1.13 eta., and ha larger bottles at tl3 eta. HALL 1 RIJIXICVA, Proprietors, N. Y. JNO. S. CAR?E.E, Agent, Erie: L1an24143.13.1 NEW FIRM.. . - FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING WAS 031131 On Efate St-, Wynne Seventh and Eighth. The Snberniben have entered into the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE TRADE,. And propose making to order and keeping constantly on hand all kinds of Turnitare. Orders 'WI receive prompt attention. Repairing done on short notice. UNDEBTAKING. The nbeeribe es will gin special att.ntion to this de. preret at their boatmen They will isanufectare and keep conetantly on hand a late asecirtneent of Metallic Cues and Ceara, and held themselves in readiness to meet orders Lisfiebe lino, promptly, from thy put of the country. Debetneheed to spare no Orono to gin patinae. lion both nine sail of their goods set prices, they hope to secure le Man shun el priblie4a - MOORS =IT, aprlt7E-tf. ileeceseon to J. H. Must. Fat" DVS NCE MIME. NCR CONP COUNTY MUTUAL INSUB JLA /,LN'T. • Incorporated in 1859—Charter Perpetual I 1 Property linsnial Agana' Lon bt Fin Is. airy Tema en itheonills. Wiles Yuan. Potions limn tins thu darn% of Premium Notes, or upon the pill, Own of the gnat Stook Rates to Yong without the ibtbility of a Pitmans Not*. Lome paid without litiptien. One nit only ham ens been brought dat, h e afe avant, Ole Cowpiuty. This Otnier, emitirely free ins ant knaintehntien. • DUIZAITORO. Wm. B. }lam Jos. C. Mania. Jos. M. Starlit ?Mob, D. B. IrCnarn E. Babbitt, WmJ. Wuaael6J. . W. 8. Brom g J orge A. /DK Deoloada era* Jamb Homo.. . K. J adios. MIMS. JAL C. ltaarasb beast . Jaws Gams" Bsa. Ins. Y.Bnrmuisatv; Treas. Wow& Gen** kleCreuri /air Ms itgis. Ps. rote U. OIL REISTIVED MIT, ' : IMMEMMMINI m.iivmnm , m;zll if lauds 119 . 1 ". NO TAXILTSBOULD BE WITHOUT IT CATARRH. • "Lsunx_., 4, Gun. "ailgumair Maar • • 'N 113110Wi AS 4 1610100L1711" I_, •Na• t , GENUWI.PRIPAZATIOXII, jutug!un z yeas Fil4eit %nen,' \ft • • 111111.11110 Bois irOus. • N _ . , HaLaiioL: i \ota • • • .I, . 1 • G,ENIIINE PitiIP•SkTION, !inIVIRULY 00141,TiAT DP 1 1 t \ ~ COITNIIIIV , N 1 i • 1 , - FLUID, EXT/kattf BtOZ\7l i A PCOUTITZ AND isnlnino RINSIDT . \ 1 • • t ! i , , lel Atm.= et, TXII i I i • • RLADDE.R„ Z7DIfiTI, IifILArRL AId,,DROPSIF. CAL ARALLINGS. !'' Thla zdedisine inareelme Doe *rim et Dlitiettest. sad etettes the ABSORBENTS tab beilthy seta", by wit& the WATER.TOR CAILCiROUS dep/finls, sad ell UNNATURAL AENLAROZAIRNTS ere i vrell as pate mid fo6easseaDoe, sad Is geed Ise-114 1 . WOMEN OR CHILDREN. , HEIXDOLD'S EXTRACT SUOMI, Asti,l,4 - from rusins, el MoirWis. WV LtdiwnYa• w Om" ATTENDED WITH TIM rOLLOWI/11111T/1279111111,1 Indisposition to toortlem, imar of Posies ` Lou of Memory, DUloalty of instiVag. Weak Neva, f Trembling, Horror of Dimness et Vision. i Pain Vsin a k t IJnnersai Laarritzeto of the Tholibg 111111 UM aseutaz Sjaptak ;rgtime on tito Tam. Rot Handl, Pond Cosalmeimm Drrime - M Ike Skim ~ Thee, symptoms. if allow4te se es. whisk thitmedieine toTarlably remora, soon fellow IMPOTENCY, TATITEIT, ZYMZIMCI In one of which the Wiled may =elm Who eta swy that they art nodireft fretisen dlanwth. Uy e lffowed by thee. • "ul , INSANITY AND COSEMMAON. Many are aware of the !mu. of their nlinias, ,none contra Tim matte al Ur besot •aylame sod the melancholy deatkaby Cenenutiptien, Year maple witness to the truth of llmansetiow. The Constitution Once Afihotod with Organio iWeaktiess, Regains the aided itedieine In stneactleen sled iikoWer ate the IR item, ELLitIOLI7B ZX TRACT RUC= Inner,* dose.' • trial "rill ewnbee theneeet ger • time. rEmALEs, viniumm, sixtun I OLD as team. Rims, liasasze. es oowymersesum ILessuiro, In many ofhodose poseliar to Teseshel Mitred Dacha a unequalled by as other remody. as fa MU'," Ma or Mantles, 1, rabdalauls Su= or the Customary, Bvacuatioas. Ulearatest er state of thelfteros Limonites or Whams SWiIUt7, sad for all emaplabsie Widest to soy whether faiebog from lastlacretion, Habits if s. or Is tho , IDECI f LNIS OR -14 NOE .01 14111. _ as IlTa4fOnt Merl. , NO FAMILY SHOULD Di WITHOUT IT. Taks no Balism, lima* Of I:rapids/est 'Main /or Unpleasant sad i Daageteas RELKBOLD/ icrraear 31101/11 BECRET IDLEIZABIB, la all their starer at Map mow usu. se irishas. In diet; ao lassamlasse,z_ AND NO EXPOSUaI. It mums frequent desareb estel glees striae& to trriastoi thereby teaming obetieteliees, preventing sot mutat trietureo of the llretbra,; a aytes pain mad to tion; au free:met In this pin of soli upolllag POIF ON MIS, DM:4th) dir WORN 01774L471711. W4 lO lIAVB 111U4 TB% vim= Off QUACKS, -Awl who hare paid IMINY 71C121 to be amel s short Unto, have (sand they wens diwelved, sad that the . Poi son" hie, by tber use oR "poundal astrtageats," ham dried up In the system% to break oat is aa eeppwralled tons, sad a ; PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE! VEIN. HELM:BOMB EXTRACT BUCHII Tor all Afeetioas mad Dismiss of TIE! ORdNiARY 0R61.1 1 111, • Witethar existing is MALler am mass orig4uttlag, aad as matter . OF HOW _LDNO 6T•SDLNO. Diseases of this. Organi:reirdze tha aid of a Dungan. 112141BOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKU 13 TEX GREAT DIOWICI, - .ADOC PORTER'S $ prepared with all Wits care and skill, .ombloation of the meal's the vegetable n Words. Ita rem,- Mee aro beaad on to assist the lava'. vigorous eircala se blood Ulm the ADd tt Le certain to hail' the deified Whet Le Mr eases, for which It le receiraeoded. t is sot • violent bat emollient.— z, search; og and e au be taken 114 the mean or youngest BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! Helmbolcri Highly basisslested Cessposii Z.&DOC PORTER'S has been aced by Re for ores /Brum acquired its preset ely by being. mom ky those who ilare to their aillicted id others. _ This in act &Section of the Rlood, and atteeki i the Wee. sal Organs. Linings of Ups Noss, Semi. Threat. Wind pipe, and other Yneona Surteass, slaking tte eppeessme in the fur rof Weer& 13ohnholire Sateen, gbessegasdha parities the Bt,od, and removes all Sally Ilmaptloas of the Skin. giving to the C 411411411431 a Clear sot ilaaltkr Color. It being usparod expressly for tidal aim of complaints Its islood-Purifying loroputtas us ortiortod to a greater extant thaw. any other pnwaratigtai afar separilla. ' ADOC Pwrrrlrs brinp it to the it for ISM 1b• to be forth 100, An excellent Lotion fog Dleouts of 84 B,ollltlo Na ture. and u an inleedlen in Dtastare of tie Ertniu7 Organs, arising from habitant dlssipardent. awl la sea. nratinn with Alto Extract' Boehm sad dansparilla, to such dmsaaka as neoirtnainsdal. lEESMESI CERTIFICA?E OF CORES, From eight to twenty Teats staadlot, with sum iowurs to SCIA:NCE .11 , 1 D FAME. • For Medical Proportion of BUCRTI. ass Dlomostery of the tutted States. 1 See Prof mor acwzir Bala ba. Veal ea the Pram ties of Physic. • 1 ree murk* made by the tato, esoliduated Dr. PIM SICK, t'bilalelphLa. nee musks made by. Dr. RPHRilit IicDONTICLA a • elebrated Physician and Member of the Royal Collide of hurretios„ ireland. and pis bllelted la this Trameadone of the King and Sineea's Journal. ' el?, 4edioodhlrnrgtrlittevissr, pabliabed asitra- MIN TRAVERS, redo, of the Royal Wiley of Syr- Immo. 800 most of the late Stnndord Woib on Sodichion lima? arm,. . ill 00 per bciltis, erg Ow Si 00 " Baaaapaarzi.a; 100 " • : 100 brume Rou Wan, , 50 " " 12 00 Or half a dozen of each r $l2 00, which will be eal4 meat to ears the roost obatioate ewe. It dareellese me adhered to. . I Dolly's/id to am Mane. mord, pushed ass Aar. vattoo. Er Describe spoptopis Is AU esisistatstios. Cum istranteed. , Adria Erstia 4 . .. • . AFFIDAVIT. Personally appeared biters mos as Mamma et the city of PhtlAdcyhls, H. T. Hesamessa The. betas daAp sworn, Both say, Ms 'menthes miles so susetts; Co memory. or oast Warless drop, vat aro mai, reteteds. N. T. NILKDOLD. - &kat sad subscribed beam roe, this 234 d ay dNov ember, Übe. WY. P. sui Jadermaisi kathitrset. above loss,ttle. Adana Utters tot plan:alio& Vsealidima ndot. H. T. BICLIDIOLD. Depot 101 South . Too Modred, haw Clisoloat o 1111/e., BEWAILS ON F CKINTEIBNIUTIO • AND lINPRINDIPLED DZALZIA Who asusavor to , disiose mi Ot TRU" Of% acid * other articles ea the ropatittlem iittedod by • Goambse Propuitioda, : Marmot la Rash; eartsposfile. " topelvel Items , y aUtiroulat•o4l7o.o. . an POIA illUdlotAr tirtimpi CMENL • z eat D eittetts Mva '14•4 1 " ;debt is; ;ay AMID /300/311 WA AND IX/PO/a= T MilM JOB W141CN128114 MAU Thousands !tpou Thousands. Fluid I::dri*BFlsPluilla S YPJH IL IS. Helmbold'i Rasa Wash. 11:121101 • •It AV 8 atAki D - C A P s,i T Fos TJIE Jai L 1.. lON, • , • • BWI I I"H 'Si A P , DICING my recent visit to New York sad Pitilaoltiphts:l made aria ti geMente with the seA most lesdelanable manefectap•ni far a ena,,tant I t ..., le my Iles, tad ben now on ber.d a large . , f HATS, CAPS, ETC., ffirbrea g lit to Wedred market. 1 ses hey" i on hand two bon do PALM LEAF RATS, . .M INV deem eiIIOODB, received direct from the ma's. Wisdom whisk will be sold by the dssetrat Now York Mewl' prime. ' - •1 I hate also rescued Beebe's Spilmy Fiahloo in dilk Siltim , , B. BIIIT.cci. apetten. r ' , EMI READ QUA 11:41t, -TOR CBEAP GOODS!. Wholesale and p t atail MOUT - Alit PROVISION STORE, WINES AND • P. & IL SURMA.UDE GEER, axe tam reciivingat theirold steed. Ameli a= Beck, State street, a large and superior stook, of, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, INES, • \ LIQUORS, \ WILLOW, \ WOODEN, \AND • . STO ; W NE ARE, \ I I NIITS, ba, &a, t - topther with every thing fotihd-m a-Houser of this kind, which they will 14 as cheap as any other establishment in thhs city for Cash or most kinds of counry!prauce. Thus Imre *lsom hand one of thr, Irma any east SWIM of Telma sad dogma aver bstraght to Elie, to Oda lissr Invite the attention of the public. \ or GU sad a•—• nimbi/sixpence is better than • slew ar y iazn:r t rtly Cash Loyete 1,1314w:I mak . taar~ai u Grocery Iread. quarters! AMERICAN BLOCK, STATE STREET. Jana 2. MO-42. P. & if. SCALAUDAKIT.II. _ • DREAD, CRACKERS, AND SODA BISCUIT -CONFECTIONERIES, AT • WHOf.ESALE AND tETAIL. r ut •subscriber is now manufacturinb as kinds of CANDIES of the bist;quality and very 10 , less. I offer al kinds of CRACKERS, SODA HIS. CWT. CA=M, is, at snob low prieta that it will pay Country Msreksato to woos to Etta and ixaatina my stock Wow panto/lag elsoehtne. Meat* Families supplied at their homes. WM. SHERWOOD. jassllll4 Nearly opposite PoistiOnlea, Erie, Pa. N OTIC E. w• bin greet Flame in informing the rublie, and one utesereas Patrons in.partienlar; tLat we have wain reigureed I MANUFACTURING! STOVES ' I INCREASED Lad are prepared fa all all ardor' for WOKING AND HEATI#G STOVES, Sating purehased • large Stoat or hose, precious to Wag lutist eat, gine as a decked adrantage, Oa prise at Stores,) over ihuintantareis who hare bought Iron at 'present high Prices. Thiakhl tot pad favors, Ire hope, Iby strict altos', I IS tbs nuts if Cutomers, to contfnue to merit their fliV a l s i VINCENT, TIBB4 - 8, sni RK & CI) PREVENTION IS BETTER iTHAN CURE MO Ladies of delicate hdalth or impaired orgeskition, or tie those by whom an increase of *idly is tram any mama objectionable, Die undersigned - vespold Oaf • prescription which is, perfectly fellable and oak and which has boon proscribed In various parts of the old world for the put century. 'Although Is tory okay sad simple, yet it has been put up ln plat battles sod sold very extensively at the exhurui ( widp. $6 poebatus, ihe undergo:led proper.- to furnish -Wreaks ter the amtll sum of $l, hy the pospeerhou 0: Ida& sentry lady CIA supply herself arith a prrtect bare • gSkirti, at any drug store, for the trifllor cum of 2h of poi=Lay physician or druggist wall led )0:1 11 y harmless, and thousands of testunoxiala eau to proocred of Its alleser. Sent to ani part of the world on raalipt ot $l, by iddressum Dr. J. C. DEVER kUX, P. H. Box, No. liateu.,Conn. TO NITRATOUS SIIFERERS OF BOTH amts.—A REVEREND GENTLEV t`z luivieir bon restored to health in q f,sr days, after ; - ping all the until routine and Irregalsr ,xpetalve co. 4 e of trestosat without meow. considers it hi, sacred d u tj to eawunuateeto to his afilleted fullool creatures the rot > c of we. Hanes, on the neelpt.of an addreased euvekt,, les will egad (free) • copy of the prescripti, , n used. Ft eare .101131 M.• D0050Lt.,196 !Fulton street, Brook- DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED ' COUGH REiN E D CIONTINUES to gain favor and NW ; demsnd in all sections, and after the thorough os mium of sixteen yams, Its reputation for officac.) in sluing Throat and Lang diatoms 'as rally gust:tined.— 'benne this medicine Is most known its merits hare *Wished the vastest pop ularity and demand, It has be eline a standard remedy with many people for coring Itibinntnaty annsplaints and is kept in their houses rot F•i2 in whenever required. As a Cure for Coufth it .s y and ushabliv—seldom requiring more ta an one to :- to tante Cough of many weeks standing. For curing Croup It is not-excelled; and as a remedy for Asthma its sinew menet be doubted, having restored many per. sow to health after suffering • long term of sears with this miesraige cow. For Hroachttis and Hoarseness at is soh and reliable, quickly rwmoying irritation from the air passages. In Whooping Cough this Remedy Is of groat value--It promptly lemons the treqUency and violence of the cough. and shortens the disease One half from its or dinary tedious course. All disease' of the lungs and al; passages depend upon imitaVon or tallanamstiouln the lining mucus membrane. and regains the prompt use of thorough medicine to el *withal? removal. Hall's Cough Remedy is safe, speedy Sad Whet.'" in its operation—is adapted to both sexes, to all ages and lionstitatioas. fieettperson afflicted with either of tint following diseases should use this pleasant remedy and their soloed will soon mingle with others in trifeemseading He merits to &Minted neighbors and Adonis. ' 11111. Oa Halts Zbuish Remedyit ewes addl. MI6 Use Hales Cbugh Rcmc y it cures aroup .Rattles. • - iL Use Hates Omsk Remerl l y u cures Asth ma a PAthirie. 1111. UM Hall's COugh Ramify for Catarrh. MI. Use Hails Gough Remedy it Strengthens the haws. IS. The Hall!s Cough. Rent.:iofor Bronchitis. NW Use Hall's augh Remedy for Hoarse . nen. la. Use Halts Cbugh Berneily it Strengthenz as Voice- IS. Use Hags Ccrugh Remaly for Whooping , cough. it will really modify the totems oftiiii disease andshor ten Its tedious souse, oeirtuelf from; ita ordinary dura tion. lows of ematerrilts and Dane Imitatimue--call far Pr. P. Hall's Celebrated Cough Remedy and see that hie wri tes sigeature is upon the wrapper and directions. sraoriu TusTarizurci. We,tM esdardsd citisene of Erie City and viciblty, Yee meed Dr. P. aus's Celebrated Cough Remedy' with greatsusoms, la cartes &Mies of th• Throat and Duo ci,„ and take in recommending its use t the adliced as • and effectual remedy, frilly we r:by of public Jaws Thompson, Matthew Hamilton, D. :Shirk, Jobe Methars, Br. J. W. Ryan, Richard Rees. I. ?my, • Robert Cocluan„ J. T. ease, lobe W. ICLaae, Daniel bear,Daniel Hover, Jam W..Hais, J. Robins° n, , C. K. Riblet, Jebel B. Cochran, W. P. itindernecht, 3. %Women Ada It DUN" P. Lawton H 'J. W Carel, Atha M. 'Warren.-- Alaimo dbenreod, W. H. May, Jobs S. Hewn W. H. Cooper, 1 A. H. Arbeti, L. Pomba, Joseph Deemer, I E. A:Bennett, J. W. Ji Begs. Grant, I J. Salsbury, Orsies Sid*Luau A. H. Haler,Dummeme, Thomas rife H. O. gm I. W. IL Gallagher % , J. Robin/ion, Wilma Lag, Chas. W.Se Sh af. Finch, Maid Leer, D, P. Ensign, • ' C. IL Dowell, C. B. Wright. SOLD IN HIUB ONLY, BY P. HALL. llarrararrana and Sole Proprietor hall's Aw buthiwg, out. St. PRIOE U TO t: CSNTS 15R uorrLE. 1111111711 tN an CO.-Jams A. Whitt. Dr. Ely, Gi rard; WEL lialkaay. Fairview; T. 8. Cowles. Spriniciald WEL arnottit. Ndlaboro T. Luna* II N'ltosa;- Walsrbrd; Haase b Shasoird, Orton; W. B. MWattabarght O. 2. /wet; North East; 11. O. hilly ideiTUle; J. 0. 11 were, 4,114011; Ty' s; Esabpart.aad by stoats to nnllb. lit=E SUPPLY Ot• Simla Nabobs@ Jost matted. No sulphur, smell. ma Aimee Neer block la Me ;MA livinbedy will we Was after ciao trial. Fur .aile VI the box. &sea mid gross. • liberal 111Am:at-to We Trade. blelifint 11; BURGESS, BIM -Cor.ilt/i sad state eta. LABTIZEI AND FAMILIE§ • lappliedi with IN Orel" Lemon Ice, rano; Illoneofte. Mina, Confectionary and Fruit to any ~ley. •ylll-Ina. BEER & IMAMS. WE REQEIVE Outlook's, aid Cokes of ao kin& to onall 4010 sad shop hub. 1111•411. •• • • . SEMIRt iiiRaII ALARGE um - CI bow "WO sad Ilinj u Vor Ws by splhas . Bland& =I IM DIO WITH rsoirrnoas To Refiners and Oil -rurird r,i,i<h W :3P , oi are i.repare4toforrtt ferry tke APPARATUS_FOR REFINI Suet goistmo, Chemical aoi Store Ta Purntqe, ff.dirilles and hollers, oo tkeakan ea prices and 6u 3C41/k l / 1 1111141?. Partol w j b, shove, are lwrited W 1.11111M6 the work fen retrstry at tLe mouth of S:1.11 Creek, ID 1:6. 4111. furnish steam eatimr. tmt.ra tod all a comp:ate. wr tk tog horse power C! p a 1114,111. ettEli welihing 7400 0 Er, for VSM. ' L. RC, -reareliW.V —4l 1 4 1 11E1sTCLI'.8 JI.OTEL, ON Tait EI;IIOYEAa CICY'OF, NEW YORL 3/.7OLE EOO2lll FIXTY. Cure Pall Di • City Hall tgannre, Corner of Frei (Orroeyrn 4'irr Liam I:rala as they may bo ordered inn; e , 7 hero la a Barber's Shop and Bath Roc Hotel. Beware of Erman= and HAMLIN who k 11.131'41'W-Iy. U. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TE subscriber will cheerfully, 1. of charge) to ail who desire It, the c'P) hat sirr by which he was cured of that Daa uppption. Sonerers with CONfrarTioll, Altrnarz_ any lane affection, he wineirely hopes trill well satisiledlf they d 0 so they will beam with the tesult. Thankful for his own eot lion, he is anxious 14, pains in the bands o the weans of cure. Those wishing tba recd directions, he., will plazas tell on or addicts jonel-62. Rte. WIC d.l No 48 John Street. so P. ARBUCKLE, Sas:tabor to CLLIIIE itlieCORD, HAS ON HAND AND IS DAILY lit A LARGE AND COMPLETE STO Of Blots and S Ii ALL VARIETIFJ3, AT - TIM - LOWEST \ NETT PRICE& The business will be con acted by - WM.)I4R, who has returned to fist with • view tube manent resider.t, and ten ere to the • and to Lie • d friends, a in tattoo V , tho above STOCK AT No' North-West Corner of the Park an ERIE, PA Sept. NEW JERSEY LAIPS FOR .61.:40, ("ARDEN OR FRUIT FARYSoultabbi for es, ?ears, Raspbernes, Strawberries, rants, kr., of 1, 6,10, or 20 saps each, tog prices lor the present, via: 20 acres for a n.r $1 i u, 5 acres for 160,2% acres for HO, / ae Payable by $1 a week.. Also, good Crantlerrylasda. awl nllafre tots WOOD, •w Ly.ll/0 feet, atslo each, parable by a a week. The above land sod barns are situated rood, Washington Township, Burlington Car Jersey. For waiter information, apply, al• Stator, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN' j51.7'03.‘ 1. No. 00 Cedar 13 treat, New / BARLEY! 'BAR 71. f. suburibPr beg , . brae to return Ma tL termrra of F.rte County, for the Barley trk to kuni darn?, the put 22 years. El , iruhre to buy 80,0 0 0 - B lI'S H E Ant at an tame will pay the hlgbeat lii Cub. Erie, opt. 4-6 CLOTHING ! CLOTH Largest & Best Stock of in the City ! COME ANI)"SEE FOR youmr. NIO'6ES KOCH WOULD RESPECTFULLY in. . 'ono him old meads and cuatnal.ra that h. 11:-.s removed to the aplen , htl new Store Itoora NO. 10 r:5107% 111.0C/i, lvi., re ne air ,t , ....111.1Ln to govt.!, lii., xtJtA. le >A larze .1 ',ii 1104eCted /AA ally in Elie, awl hr is,1 not to b un,t( n. 1.1. ile his just tecr.ved the 'srpy Iltrck SPItECCi AND )41:31MER GOO) Ever bron g tt to Ent.. Du. motto I. the bett gaick tale, One pmee, anr. thnt the levreitt n , t what they are represented they may ,1 t.f l t• IkIORRISON & DINS WIIOtt.6.'ALB DEA_LVIS IN Flour, Pork, Beef, Salt, cLOvER, TIMOTHY SEED, th No. 2, Wayne Block, - FRENCII STREET, Fdlk and Su asy763l. N EW MILLINERY STORE! 311tS. E. It. Would revectfally ILLOOLIDCSI to the lathes of •iumty, that she will open, TUESD.II, APRIL 28, /8 at the, corner of French and Fifth streets, North of Wayne nail, a large and splendid of MILLINERY GOODS! Fresh from New York City, ecibra mg every unintlly contained In a grit c,asa establudunar kind. BLE.ICIIING, PRESSING AIND CO in the Drat Style, and, on the nao Tertng. Mrs. R, having bad exteoaire experlenes Is rifle., flatten hen-If that F•hir cau gtee entire V Ile public pstronaip is reg•peetfully soliated. ` p f 5, WOOl / WOOl / To Farmers & Wool Grow The undersigned has received en eider to pa IJO,U' J pouads Wool, for which thb hlgkeet amid will to- paid. It. S. itUSTi beptl9'o3tf. BENER & BURCE ti tit/LES ILE DEALERS 0 :fliiii 10 sical 4r4Z-v-371 TFIF. COUNTRY map , : SUPPLIRO WITH FRFSH CAN AND KEG -01'STEI ItEttr:lVr D }XERY DAY M) • WIIIILLITED TO GIVE W - Orders Solicited and Pror4 Attended to, aug;:r., I Well Digging. rtII E IJudersioed oilers 2 - his ...r,20 , a to the j Oblte ,a a 11 ell rhg.rer. Its has worked at the ice "r b.reitt er tor atxteeu remand put down b 5 Wel alu t t,ountv. W rlor with a lea r• nd hr apeat and rota way. refers toJoba. ' on the I eke Road, !sage 5.111' Rid:* itr ad, Noah hai l Summa Isaac tliertft, and others. ll not -:m. Wont El!\laßb,nert.Rnt?a•ltlitarril 0 SIEGEL, N • wut.n.EsALE & RETAIL DRAW Li GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Sr, LNICOM UNION BLOCK, BUIE, Would inv:te the attention of the publie tots LARGE STOCK OF GOODS I, Which he is determined to sell as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEn" F. V v lot of Liquors cannot be excelled is 5 . 1. %Yeah' n Pennsylvania. V. SCHULTZ & BRO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALI.v GROCERIES AND PROVISI OS4 EAGLE': VILLAGE:, ERIK CO.. I'-t• ru nt We keep on hLind a large and Tell selected sit: soe of ever) thing in our line, and will not pen; 3l° ` to be undersold. Ala.. a fine stock of W E;.:;, LIQUOIti to be surpassed in the county. r epel HARTFORD FIRE 131SURA Cs 11.4 ILTYISRII. CONNECTICUT._ .... I. ofi PO/Z:4 TED 1810. CAPITAL PArnAr H....HUNTINGTON. Pres 4. T. C. ALLIS."' CITY FIRE INSURANCE CONPArt I IA RTY 0 R ifig CONNECTICUT. ,-,is INCORPORATE() 1.34:. CAPITA -1,14 - " C. S. Bows Rs , Fleit. O. C.' warrs, sap INSURANCE in the above old A nd rai• ow be obit.tatradmailiall'Aidt EM
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