(ite &ride Atrechig 11)1,1mrcr, EitlE, PA.. SATtitilkA \' Cal` 31 Campaign Subscriberq, i;. , 5.. , r.f ,11 . 1, 4 C;;;;•r1 n,il , oat p,:• and the paper , wilt he prompt iv ;sail, ACCOrtiing to prri it`t't•lN't. . I },er direction', tv, 4,11 , ;! , t,11 , 1 11 L.. ra i:.141 11. e -or-TA 1',.111‘111 otir 7 .1. - 1 , 6 111(1.•1,`W Vitt ttlit. thou "four rttr.itt , who know n hwt tieltreg to be indebted to us, to !ieflie their iv. tible, 4 - tefore the, tir•tt tiny of We hare looivS , puytittoto. to e„tnoutli of 3nlitutry: Art•l us it ion to the it our crettitorq or tern when their due, prompt in meeting reBent 111..1,1.44yr. for out• nt look 9 Ati.)V7 4 hall ft Ce to our ; ousts st pass leuttary next, :,eet during the _s net our/fiih lelnp paying ve Walt to he het 01 floors p ention. Our t • ever more tha'n large enough to meet every sbligetion which we are owing ; nu l w. c (11 •el but believelhat the patrout; hibtted so mucl;kindues3 to it's in i tit,. p Will come promptly forward, [loci that they are acquainted Kith our neeessitte4 l :out help to relieve us from all er or/ pecuniary embarrasomont We make title anneal n• debtor or the estxhli , thtuent. nrol h.,po that on will re~ponil without delay. Poricut Uri:oil:D.—The cr.l eu4ive I'..llPry f Slessrs Webb & tielloyg, kuown resque Isle Works, wig totally destroyed by ire on fiuutlay, , morning lust, with ion of the kiln, which is sa,i'd to lae d.tily iightly injured. The fire why first discovered ..pout 4 o'clock, and before !any etriirt couhi to made to extinguish it the lisrhole bnihling was in lames. A large atileipitnf Croekery, for the winter trade, wr , kleMruyel, ',vet her with almost everything attached to the, i:ott ern The loss is estimated at about "t 1 11) on whigh thgre is tin insurance. We earnestly sympathise with Merirs:Vi el h Kellogg in their raisfort one, and \ rust that our citizens will not fail to give thrill all the encouragement necessary to start til• the road.. fittafety and promberi(r. They are both upright, hard•working and 'Newt oitizens, possessing the clePlll of Itie entire community. Will not our people talie warning before it it too late and orgauiie an ctlieiont ili e de partment! We will venom. to 9.tik`ri ai.lt ther'e is hardly another plitee in the Utiiutt, -) shrintefully deficient in ti,i, regard om 1 1:r , e• ft is to he feared, though, that nothing It, to in the won terrible misfortune will awailtett our citizens to a true sense of the dahgers 'Which cow overhang them, from n want o pn over tire apparatus, nut faithful organiz• 1 tion I to work them. 6tg4,,, in mule u statement in lb kS ' , UP of the Observer two weeks ego, based upon an editorial statement in the Cleve;awl 1 ('iallole,t1- er, to the effect that while the U. 8.1:e. Michi gan lay at Detroit, her gun . bore' upon the souse occupied by Yallainlightim iti the t ",n Canada opptrsite that city. Thy paragraph Was given without comment awl j 34 a mere news item ; and no one except :1 bigot 4.1. fool would have supposed that it was intet.,l,o for any political object. D events, however, to have aroused the ire of one of that OrP,3 of individuals who never can ace anytning: in the course of au opponent, whc demos in . 1 last 'week's Gazettf, thatthe ! efficer,, of the Michigan gave Vallandioduitu 't a thought " while ut Detroit, and says they went 'here only to recruit men for: the navy, Ile nt-s in timates that the statement was publielic.l by us to create "aympathy for Vallandi4lutas and through him, for his so-called Democratic par ty.". We can hardly believe thst any of cern of the Michigan are the authors of th.., article, in question. In our relations with' them, we have always found then to he gen tlemen, and as such, had they seen anything objectionable in our ptiragraph, it is certain they would have come to 413 in a minlc ri.y, end asked for a correction, which they know we should readily have given. The art let. is more likely to have been written by our of the jaundiced political dimagogn , e4 who make the Gatette the me'dium of tneir foltninati,.ns, and who never let slip.any opportunity to stir up prejudice against those who do not chime in with their own views of public potiey. ALTIRATION IN TUE ScitooL leaf tention of our readers is directed to the. fief that, by the Sot of April 1 Mt, 186:I, the sum appropriated for the support ~f cominon schools for the school year ending on the rust Mor.day of June, 18(4, is to be divided h aw-mg the several districts, in -proportion to ihe number of children attending scho,.l therein, and not, as formerly, according to the winther o f f resident eatables. Thi•t is au Unportlut alteration, and will materially clinnge the, amounts received by the different Now, as we understand the auhject. the ;fteat er the number of scholars quid the tonn regn• las their attendance upon tholfuldic ~cioouiy, the greater will be the amount of 'Bowl - rp. .ceived from the State treasuteru—ffirri4!%:try Patriot. HAIM. To Llecanta.—lC anybody con •anything better than this, !et him bring it lorwarcl. It is said in be relaled by Mr. Gough, in one of his temperance lettures: "pro men, after drinkin and elrounniii night, *lift saiooll, started in the inurnini; to gq home:: it wa 3 a beaati. ul, 4unn-; morning, aud, as diet Staggered sion,z, th futl,,veing conversation • . No . 1 — wool blilue4:" :;(3 don't Mil ttito ye: That's (hie) •tuu 1--" Taint—it's (hie; 11..,011 - tell ye il';• ,up let,s I ,,mt e t , t o firs luau we meet." No.....—.(Agreeil." The two toddled along tor 101lett they chanced In 00'0 fi Mitt ut eKtolly the s.sme condition with thoiisel he in- Evidual was immediately ,rested n, the 1.1- lowing interrogation: No. 1-4.• 1. shay old follow : got into little 'spute ; wont ye to 'elp out. iron. here' sap, iltti the mutt, pointing u pwards to, t.11#:lol who w..-1 btu-. ing fiercely down upon them] say moon. • Now we're gain' to the twitter to You What, it. sun or (Lie) boon "" Tlie person ii4dre.ise!.l hr-teed otter considerable difficulty, ,1 4 4:1411s1. 3 ‘3131,-pu3l, endithen commenced to serdtinize, ns well .to he mould, the burning orb overhead—repeat ing in it meditative .torie of voice: -Sun— moon—sun—.Chic) --moon." Alter a churl 'oliserration, 'he exclaimed •.ract ie. gent leffifl'm a stranger in this part (hie) td' the citOry, and 1 can't tell whether /14 r l tn or (hiej moon." Thus the matter was undecided, and in ebriates No. 1 and 2 reeled away, Nailed and disheartened _by the unsatisfactory ,result: of their search into astronomical niyHerics. 111111 Rll4llll6NT.—The Voto of this regi ment was taken, as a aalitter‘ot curiosity, and rnulteJ as follows: Officers,- - Enlisted men, Total, Not voting, 6 Money iVautea. i The ut• 411,.•1 the WoocivrarJ 0 i 1 Curl iu EU Ili t'4lfowiog Is P. correct copy of the I,la by Filthlenti • ••!Sto Iri •it 'wok.] Apply."l ItriFh Need Akvy.'• The ither day as I wit , ' eJ out • Upott a will go4e‘e c s 'to I.l.verliArmoco" kt.oot docent 1 kot.w \;e11, wort tio• !dm, oiould sun. • 1,1 r . 1, 3 ylOl WI: 1,4 tit t I t ' ll 4 w,coullry I o' tti't 1,•11 s 1, te *lien you soy, Ito Irish uredepplf! ft.Lotit your soldiers 1,111 tell nie if you (nut, It the bravest of them all . ' .tre not true Irislttetr: Wiwi tilts Rebellion first broke out, "it'i• want men," was the cry. Bur they never made an exception hy— "No Irish need apply'!" If toy country you dislike, Matil Of Geller:o.i mull of Staten.en, lib' !rig:tail can The Poets, tun, well known to you, Are Univerial finqs,; There'l Campbell, Nlnore and Conner, Awl Ooldnuitli, by the by: . Where will you tied their equals'? tined apply :" " If 'Os tuy inotntri - you dislike, din Ju. , t take IL trip to They'll ireld you liken man: 'lite whiskey they'll;potir , into you AY lung al you Chu etan , l. he•trt and Laud they'll welcome you. "i'llen tell me the reason why our errs otlend with that dirty cry. "No Irish need apply!" li ltk my country you {dislike, Vic. And when you leave this worl4 of carp, 'They'll put. you in the earth . , For they Her e uti all alike when dead, No touter what's our birth; They'll make no such exceptions then Between either you or I; 13111 i hope pld Nick leis ou his door— "No Irish need apply !" If 'tis my country youdolklike, tic grief Paragraphs., ge- The iohi of Messrs. 1141 , 15 & Battles, of Uirard, Icy the late lire in Milwaukee, is S-25,001. 1 . Stint - The torpor blotto of a new Catholic Church was laid at Titusville, on Sunday, - Ole llth inst., Bishop Young officiating. reit- Bev. Julius Degraeir of this city has been appointed Co. Superintendent, in place of D. I'. Ensign, resigned. • A man named .16 - seplt Mcßride was drowned in the tirgt look, on Monday. He attenipte.l to crawl upon the gates, and lost his bal,inve. It9iN. 111141t1 , 4 men who are ton prejudiced to advertke iu Deiueeratic pacers, Tie pre same, do n c ewe alnutt Demoexatie patson- . E'er A new volume of Rurper's \ lltagavlne will commence with the December number, aml those who wish to s ubeeeibe can do ao by calling on jos. R. Starrett, at the PasCoffice. pee— Rev. A. II: Carrier has been compelled Icy ill-health to resign the charge of the Presbyterian congregation at North East. Ilia place will he hard to supply. . ittica,.. Tho County Teaeliers'i Institute will meet iii Edinboro, on the ltlth' of November, and bisi, mail tlit'':!fith. State Superintendent Ccourn and ten 'own) , Superintendents hate promised to attend. i. Ear The Gd:ettr, which has several times insinuated theh Judge Thompson, of the Su preme Court, supported Curtin la the last election, this week announces that it watilais taken. . odr'The G.nzette . 14 determined not to see any good to Ciov.Seyntour. It vents its 'Spite ihi4 week iv picking flaws with the wording of hie tat prod! &milieu, asking for voluziteers in rasp., Se to the President's rail. • 4 ) - - (r. Arne 4 Reath; of Wayne town ship. yi his the list - i.ix months, has obtained nearly- .i. hundred now Fttb9cribers for the Obscrt4r. We commend his zeal and energy to lemOialruts. in all part 3of the county. • Rev—los 11. Pressley and family re ceived 3 .orpri.e visit from members of his congregation and personal friends on l'hurs day evening of la-It week, receiving on the on.trt , ion money :and other oracles to the value of $250 oar Ale:Wyllie is to haven regular course of lecture.; this winter. Wendell NAnips, John IS, (I;ttgh Atina E. Dickinson, ltev. W. Milburn eel Edmund Kirke have been positively" engaged. Donry Ward Beecher says: 4 4 Life would We a perpetual Ilea hunt if a man were obliged to mull down all the indeadoes, lave racities, insinuations and suspicions which are uttered again , t r't^...r The tr.trk Oa the Western Division of the Phdadelphial& Erie Railroad, is now laid 15 miles beyond tihetfiold, and bi; from this city, to what is called the But'ainit. Only 53 miles in all remain to he laid to complete the road. bra. Messr•i. F. A. Weimr, of Lutsicity, and, John Uhr, or Mill Creek, have opened a new grorery starts en Efate st., near the railroad hridgo ; They are built honest and industrious lm , ineqs men, enjoying the este.ent of all who know - them. We refer our readers to their advertkement, and take pleasure in mom mendimc them to the puhlie patronage. cam' six 3 icar3 ago, according to the News, ''n hunter Otot a direr at a lick where. the centt , r of. the town" of Corry now N. Two years :T., 'the brat buittling in the. place was erected, tta , i at the pre , tont titne (lorry eon. population of about 1,800, tri pros• pyrou.,, ithluArious and etittYrptiming as any otlyr community br the sire, in the Union. 'A.S. The continuation of "X political Con vcr4Ation" ii po , timited to tit xt week. The writer intends fornidang a=eries of theie art Idles, Ltriti:4 the views of the two parties in a shape in which theY - iwilr be more gene rally real thsit if 'hey appeared ns labored.- c.•lionunicatious. The complimentary tnan: to.r io which the llrst number has been re eeired, encoura.;:ot hint to believe thus they will not bq unwelcome to the readers of the p ;per. - Pen:-.ReaH, thututi , s, At rears of Pay, J..e.,.cau ho procured by the WidoWS,Orphans, and uext of kin f these who have died in the service of the Cnitekt State - 4; also, by Soldiers and Seamen who arn' disabled by wounds Re ceived or disease contracted, upon application to O. P. Oaterevn, Licensod Military sand Naval Claim Agent. Office in the Common Council ltoom, Wright's Block, corner State and- Fifth sts., (ur Jar the Diapiwch Ace.) Erie, Pa. • 7-y . . jr' The Erie DOpateh.prophecles that We gill toon tire of Four Newbury press. We were very careful in the selection of our machine, taking the advice of several who had used your favorite Campbell; mad° ve rily believe that we have the better of the two. You ought to :lee Repub.:. bean. Our Sleadville ootemporary is probably not as well acquainted with the Dispatch "men" as some of be rest of the _ornft. If he was, ho would not pay much - attention to any opi nion they express. It ie a chief part of their occupation to • snap and snarl, and "stick their noses is other people's busisese 1" SO. We learn that arrangements an About completed for a regular course of lectures In this city during the ',tinier. Thellst includes fltpitt, Phillips, Everett, Gough, and other popular speakers. Above all, yre hope the gentlemen Concerned in the matter will not toritet the !tweet poet and perfect gentleman, F lie gave - , us' last winter, what ii adiuitted by everybody who heerd, it, the most polished and interesting lecture of tie wdmtu course.• 7 car_ The share of Petinsylvenia, under the hiit 0111 of the Pre4ident for 300,000 men, will be in the neighborhood of 30 or 40 thou. sand. Erie County's quote will be about a thousand or fifteen hundred, which she will have to raise either by volunteering or con scription. It appears to be the common im preiodou amongst lending men that the next Cougres4 will abolish the $3OO chose, mak ing all go who ere drafted, or furnish a sUb ci itute. soft., Improve the opportunity. Don't fail to go to the great Bankrupt Shoe Bale, 14 State street, next door to Gable k. liendrich's dry goods store, and lay in a tarp stoat for 0 yettiPe wear. , In leas than three months they willsbe worth GO per cent. more, for all stock is steadily adranoing. These goods are hciug !sold ter the benefit of creditors, and will he closed out without regard to coat. Go early to secure a good selectiOrt, at 14 State St. An !intended circular has been sent out from the Provost Marshal General's oftice, by which it appears that fer every recruit who is a veteran volunteer, a bounty and premium amounting to $lO2 will be paid, and to all othSr recruits not veterans, $302: These are fur the old organisations. The object is to 4311- courage volunteering, to those who are drafted receive only $lOO bounty. L. Aquing the Democratic nominees for Assembly, in Buffalo, we notice our ...indom itable"' cotemporary, (leo. J. Bryan, En., 0Q the Daily Post.• We do hot know enough about the political character of Mr. B.'s district to be able to tell what his chances of election are, but of this we are sure, that he deserves to be successful. lie is a man, every inch of him. tor The Ohio Farmer says that coal oil hall been found, by accident, to be a most effective: means of protecting ft‘tit trees against the , ravages of the curculio, by placing sawdust, saturated with the ail, at the foot of the tree. Me- Persons buying groceries, &c., will find the store of P. Schaff, in Hughes' Block, a good place to deal at. Mr. 8. is an obliging anti enterprising man, and, spares no pains id please his customers. EDINBOtO Nonust, Sonoot.—We are much pleased to learn that this flue institution Is in a more prosperoua' condition at the present time than even the most ardent friends of the faculty anticipated. The catalogue issued on the first of the month showed an attendance of 14ti pupils in the Normal department dtii ing the last session. This large number is already exceeded for the winter term, the . ~ names of 15S young men and ladies being upon the roll, or more than double the usual list. During the 'last term important addi tions have been made to the buildings and apparatus, including a superior Glytnnasiuto, piano, melodeon, cabinet, organ and sevaial valuable instruments topillustrate the subjethe of light, heat and pneumatics. The readihg room attached to the sehool contains many of the leading daily and bfeekly newspapers, the ethiCational journals of all the Free States, and other interestin# publications. IWe hear abundant testimony/to the good management of the school, and ihe prosperity that`awaita it. Prof. Cooper,/ the new Principal, is em phatically a "liverlia.nkee," and, if the !MC (teal that has attehded his &torts thus far be any criterion, i/ Must be admitted that :the managers have /at length found " the right man fur the right place." ' . i Iscaasse or Vorss.—flae Crawford Tour nal has an interesting article contrasting the increase of votes in that county and this, which would appear to indicate that the po pulation of Crawford County is growing More largely tlian that of Eric. The Jost:hal says : " The whole number of votes polled is Crawford County for President in 1860, was 8,821. The whole vote for Governor at the last election is 10,371, an increase of 1,333 in three years. When we take into consider ation the large number of our voters who are in the arwY our vote now is remarkable. There is no doubt that ,the growth of our county in wealth and population excels that of almost any other county in the State. The eoniparative increase of the vote in Crawford nud Erie is as follows: . 1860 1893. GAIN. Crawford, . . . 2,82.1 10,877 ; 1,553 Erie, . ti,991 9,519 828 Crawford over Erie, POLITICAL PatACHIRO.—We commend to Pe4sone Mallon, Osborne, Ana the Whole crew of politico-theological quacks, the fol lowiug sentiment uttered by Father Bytes, the first pastor os. Park Street Church, Boston, we believe have thrown up' four breastworks, behind which I have entrenched Myself, neither Of which can be enforced. In the first place, I do not understand politics; in the second place, you sU do, every titan anal mother's son of you; in the third, place, you have politics all the week—pray let one day in ceven be devoted to religion ; in the fourth place, I am engaged in a.work of in 'finitely more importance. dive me any sub ject to preach of More consequence than the truth I bring you and I will pruash on 'lt nest Sabbath." Cot.. 11. C: ALLILUAL—Among ttie new metobers?elect fo the next Legislature, ; on the opposition aide, we notice the name ;of Col. 11. C Allman, from the Dauphin district We have known Col. Alleman for many years, and, although we have never agreed with him politically, it gives us pleasure to bear witness to tiist fine abilities, Cecial qualities and uprightness of character. He has worked his way up entirely. by his own efforts, to a position at the bsr of Harrisburg, surpassed by few lawyers of his years. We predict foi him a career of honor and usefulness in the Legislature. Lear/Sea Bossrrs.—A Philadelphia paper says: •. We have been shown ladies', bonnets made of leather. What is more, they are very pretty. In a Week or so they will be in the market. We also examined very pretty artificial flowers, the foliage of which was of the s. material. The eolors are almost the natural hue_of the tnaterial—rasaet;--in dif ferent shades. The, price is aboutfahe ma. as for flowers with foliage of muslin or . vel vet." Speaking of bonnets remind. us that E. IL Smith, State street, between 7th and Bth, has always on hand the latest styles of, Millinery goods which he Will sell et the ,very lowest prices. , * Ntw Causou.—The members of the Epis- copal Congregation have firmly decided to erect a new church building, on the site the present one, at a cost of $85,000. The . edifice will be of stone, nod the design is ez4 peeled to be ono of the tastiest in the co* 'try. Some $26,000 or over 'hare beet "nisi berthed *heady towards the new structure; and the lacking amount, it is expected, will ap riatibrsasia. T 1- .} Cowalltrartost Moser —A Wpshingttinali: path says that the receipts of money paid by ;drafted men now amount to $9,000,000, which, it is expected, will be increased by one, or two millions more. • The wholeof this awn, it I. said,' is to be appropriated to te crafting under the recent prooltunation of the President. The people should demand that every cent of the %menet be appropriated to faisittg ' , Volunteers In the districts where it wee collicted. What justice is there, for in stitter, ; in appropriating the money taken from peisons iu this county, ond using it for ohtalnitig'recruite to be applied on the pilots of Ohio or Massachusetts ' IPwrnitaon's,—Now is the time for getting up clubs for this, the cheapest, and one of the best, odour monthly publications, the new volume commencing with the December number. We have had the pleasure of exchanging with Peterson for many years,, and regard it as very little, if at all, inferior to the more costly Magazines. The terms are $2 a year fur single copies; 3 for e 5 ; 5 for $7,50 ; 8 for SIU; 12 for $l5; 16 for $2O. (Communicated.) , Ma. EDITOR: Please publish the following : " Why ,is It that one cannot cross the Park without getting up to his ankles in inud Because our City Councils are so busy making eide•walks a mile out of town they have no time to attend to those in the city!' t•tacreee.—Thayer & Noyes' United States birous' was announced to close its summer campaign at (Mingo this week. Dan, Rice gives his clqaing. exhibition in Pittsburg on the alet of , this month. Both circuses will go into winter quarters at Girard. Duns AND BLANKS.—Wo have just got up a new!form of heed, the neatest ever printed in this city. Attorneys, Justices of the Peace; and others, needing blank forms, will find a'full supply of the most npproved styles at this office. VOIPLISOKO BK.SWELtir j , Giosns ILearzi, PILOPRISTOR. flea maaufaetured at Me establishment has ob tained a wide reputation. Orders solicited and promptly filled- Customers ordering by the quantity will bare It delivered at the door, Touts Casa. 0et24'63-1y AtIiCArrLEMAN, Cured of Nervous DebUlty, fucocupetsocy, Pre ; mature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, elle be happy to furnish to all who Peed It ;free of charge) }he helps and directions for 'waking the simple Remedy need In bbi me. These wishing to profit by his esperietioe—end powers a Valuable Remedy receive theieune by return mall (carefully sealed/ by addressing JOHN D.OODEN, artgl&Sna.• No. CO Nassau Street, New York. NEW MILLINERY :STORE! MEd. E. H. REILLY, Would respectfully announce, to the Wks of Erie aid tidally, that she will open, TIIESDAY, APRIL 28, 186 Z, at the corner of Preach and Fifth streets, two doors North of Wayne Nall, a large and splendid assortment of - '1 MILLINERY GOODS ! Preah trona Now York City, nadir/zing every+ article oaually contained In a brat clue estabilahrnent of the kind. BLEACHING; PRESSIISO AND COLORING, Done to the Beet Style, and an the rand tieuonabis Terms. Kn. IL. having bad extensive experience in the bast nee; fritters herself that she can give entire satiangdien. The public patxotrage le respectfully solicited. sprtildltt BOOTS & SHOES -AT Wholesale and Retail ! ! C. ENGLEH&RT ' , Raring brushwood tho stock of and rented the store room , romatly occupied 'by Charley Minn', in ROSENZWEIG'S BLOCK. Nett Door to Ciark i 4 Metedlra Banking 0,./[et, Rtectrully ansogrrees that he ha/ma contlaolog the bo sma, and Invites ths public to give bl.o a call. llt trill keep on hand a large and superior stock of eget,- thing is his lloe, including_ G ENTLEM EN'S FEE L COMMON ROOTS & SHOES, LADIRV (Miters, Balniorals, Shoes, Slippers, NUIS.4Es , SALMORALS; CAITERS, &C., CHILDREN'S SHOES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS Hairing obtained Ms stock directly from tba tnanufse- Utters, be frets conildent or selling at least as low. If not lower, than soy other dealer liartkidar /Vietnam Given i• Custom Wart. brad ch of business! being urids.r the sa te si e tead. Ope of Yr OBADIAH kill3.ltß,, the pubile geed no larther evidence that their orderi's be prialaptir and skillfully atteuyleal to. REPAIRING ATTENDED TO. The Public are reepeettully Invited to give me a still end see for themselves. I feel perfect reliance io my ability to give entire gotlatietiou to all who favor me with their patronage. sug2ol3tf. Ilehlal.F:11 ART. Fall and Winter Goods). DRY GOODS!, FANCY DRESS GOODS, • SHAWLS, Cloths and Cassimeres, Over teatings and Cloakings, FLANNELS AN D LINDSEYS, ANG A LARGE STOCK OF Brown and Bleached ' 'MEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS JUST RECEIVED, BY JOHN C. BEEBE. Oat. 17, 1863--401 $76 Reward. LOST, on, the 81,11 in s t., at Edinboro, ill Erie exioitty ,• POCKI POOL °entail:ill:lr about in money iso4 a numb , ' of valuable pawn, amour which were the follewias : An obligattcal r.i.2aust (.o.lvil Tory for rlb; one ariiust t: Blystone uud J, IL Pli...r. Hug for SIOd; one spout William sod tircar Cirtolo :‘or oho a,..ernit Wm. Nash for about eZ'Ar, also, rI4 noun other pawn 4.r much value. fly reloroiu; I , o 2 ket book sod Pri r2l4 1. 4 1 ere to th e undarmqucd, the Under will be permitted to retain tht money. oetir63--aw• JCiiIN cluAlr . Cow Lost. WA.4 biLASRD trout the pre:nines of.. the saber Iber, at the corner of lAlt and Parade eft. on Monday evening, Rent. 21Ith,► Deep Red Cow, threr years al this Mo apenbil MAI on her body. Any person rettinting her to the undersigned, at the above place, will be well rewarded. '2lllOl$Y Roil KATY. wet17413-ht• NEW F111,14.k • . • FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING , WARE o.3,4l..St.,between Seventh and TigbtL. , The Subscribers bete entered Into tee Cabinet Waklni and FURNITURE". TRADE, And propose soaking to ardor sue knoptag coostaaliy.oa Esod all kind' of Yotoltore. o r d s es trill metre prosopt slimness. Repairing doue op short tattoo- UNDBUTA4I4.ISIG. • Th• - asbeseltots tritighlraposibt sateutios to this de• petssont of Moir tandanst They wilt masseactaro sad keep esoatantly as hand • largo assartossot of Metallic Own sad ‘11•44 and •ht?td thsuisolv% is readlosss to moo t m ama is thlellse, prosopU,k, MA say pert ot.the s esster. Ileteinatteed Obeyers to seeds to give satisfac tion both to %equality of thelr roods 01•1 ptlook they yep r netts*s Ilbiesl share at plibUo_pstronsin 1100 At At RIK" niaribe ' ' ASSeiniello 4. R. Sam: . t Second mammoth; Stock FALL & WINTEIt GOODS !' NOW ARRIVING, AT - ViIIL P. HAYES & CO'S. ELEGANT DRESS GOODS ! MERINOS AND WOOL PLAIDS, BROCADE REPS, ALPACAS, PLAID POPLINS, 111QHATR aLASE. • Together wills complete staorts►ent of MEDIUM AND LOW - PRICED Dress Goods ! SHAWLS ! SHAWLS ! The Nest Complete Aseortment Liii;al.,..aLLLl..6.Ej,lM. • : 4,' " Double and Slagle Real Cashmeres, At from $25 to $5O CHNE LANE, PAISLY, MIDDLESEX, DOUBLZ AND 8111014 WOOL SHAWLS. ALSO, • CASHMERE SCARFS! OF ALL QrUALITIIN Opened This flay, HEAvy Trees ud Dee Skis Berer SACQUES AND, -IVIANLES . 6 ' AND 1 ''-- . . 1 MEDIUM PRICED MAXTLESI . TIIE FINEST ASSORTMENT WE HAVE EVER OFFERED.] Our Stock in this line wilt the Coil stantly Replerushed with the ' Newest and Rest Goods ' ,to be bad. 1 • SILKS i, 'WE CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO IFF THE LARGrEST ASSORTMHNT OF GOOD GOODS ! 1N DRESS SILICS! IN'THE: CITY. I Monday, Oct. 12,11803, WE WILL . OPEN (R. R. PER3IITTIN(I,)" WORSTED G4OP)k ZEPHYR HOODS. r ? ' 4 • • • NUBIAS, SONTAGSI ZA.IUAVE In ('banningStyles,And (10101..., : ALSO, CLOT 1-JB, CA S S I .5I E 1? ES, OLOV) ,- ,S, - .11 LS I 1: li Y , .. i I AN 1) .., Domestic Goods of every Description IN ALL NEXTIVEE,K,,, WE:SEIALL OP ; :N A COMMANDING OF LADIES' & CHILDREN'S FURS. No pains will he sparocl to make this one of the most inviting IleatureB of oar Inutei, I . Our Stock of iGoodis t Offers to the Public (both (Wholesale and Retail buyers) the best of fr . atilitice for re plenishing their stock it faeceasiriea said luxuries. • Sur Large stock, bough)t in August and - SePtember. at the low ratni of exchange, and for cash down, our 4J Join , Join, bought at. Auction andsisewhere, and our LARGE AND CONVINKRNT ROMS, ' I Offer inducements to the i)urelmier rarely equaled. ' • _ WM. P. HATES& CO., - ME CRAPE DE NORDS, 4 4.I3II4INIMaWi W. 14 04170,117. I •.- 7'77. • N W FIRM. CLEmENS,CAUGHEir &BURGESS I ,luiemasora to nuOmoi,Cangteley Ir. Co. awl J. C. B.rgr sJtta., Wholesale Crocers I and Ilannfeetarero of Crackers and Candy ! GROCERIES, FLOUR, YORL SALT, NAILS, • GLASS, , • ROPE. CARBON OIL, ALE, WINES, LIQUORS, &c., &c.. thir Stock. of SUGARS, TEAS, ;COFFEE, , I Afi)LASSES, 11E1 FRUITS, TOBACCO, IS LARCE. CRACKkRS blaautatturarl at the ERIE CITY STEA AI BAKERY CANDY! COMMON AND FANCY CANDIES! OIL VITROL, CAUSTIC SODA .t GLUE At the lowest Ilerket Priers Casoftere.lal Bundinia, Erie, Pa THE EARLY PHYSICAL DEGENERACY AMERICAN PEOPLE, JUST PUBLISHED BV DR. A. STONE Physicianto thi Troy Lung and gienic Institute. A Treatise on' the Cause* of Early Phyalcal•Dotlioa of AlDOttellon People : the alma° of Debility, Con ' suroQtlon aria litarareaus.• Ma work Arose of Mil moral :woe, aviLua is civic, IfdAlitaiair loartaiya, mad appeals dtreotty to Oa agora' coootimootro of ALL, PARENTS AIM Gwardiaxo ostLei dwaisir sabnikkin f a relialge aids eta Avatar:se for I It will pent by mail on th e receipt of two (3) cent Btaut Puente and Guardians'. Fall not to send and ob. u Wok, Toting men I 'Fail not to send and get this book. Ladies t You too alioald at once secures copy of k. A Word of tiottoio, Comartentloßo Adrleo to those w in will itolloet. A blase of maladies prevail to • fearful extent is the community, doming , at least 300,000.yontha of both sex es annually, to en early grace. These diseases are Tory Imperfectly understood. Their external manifestation, or symptoms, are Nervous Reality, Relaxation and Ex haustion; Earasrune or wasting and consumption of the tissues of the whole body; abortnets orb:loathing or hur ried breathing on a hill or flight of stain; Ives palpitation of the Heart; Asthma, Bronchitis and sore Throat', eliding of the Hands. and Limbs; aversion to society and to business or study; dimness of eye sight, toss of Memory, (liminess of the Bead, Neuralgia,.Paiu In in variousparts of the body; Pains in the back or limbo, Lumbago. lisspepnia or indigestion, irregularity of the bowels, deranged _oecretions of Abe Kidneys and other glands of the body, Lorwmplares or Fleur Alts*, kn. Like wise Epilepsy, Hysteria and Nervous Spasms. .Nibw, In ninety-nine rases out ut every one hundred, all the above named dison.lers, and a Lost of others not named, ILSCOLIAIITIVUOU of 1.13.• Longa and that most in sidious nod wil form r.l Consumption of the Spival Herres, known as 'Paha P0r,31...4..ind Tribes Strusenteri ea, hats their seat and Uto iu diesaaes of the Pelvic Patars. Hence the %solid ILICCCSSun the part of old school practice In treating symptoms only. [Jr. Andrew Stone. Physician. to the Troy Long and -Hygienic isatitution is now engaged in treating this clean of modern Maladies with the most astonishing stmeess.--. Thd treatment adapted Witte Institution is new; it is blued upon} scientific principles, with new discovered noziedlen, without minerals or poisons. The facilities of este are such, that patients can be cured at their houses, is any part Of the country, from accurate descriptions of their case, by letter' and have the medicine rent by mail of express . . Print ed interrogatories will be forwarded on application. • Courntaptlon, Qatari% and diseases of the Throat cured se well at the home albs patient/se at the Institution, by sending the Cold Medicated !SHAUN° BALSAMIC V•- row" with Inhaler and ample slerettoms tor their use, and direct correspondence. Ydienta epplyiug for interrciratiree. or advice, meet et:Hilo*. return !damp. to went attention. The attend/0g physician will he found at the institu tion for contcitation, from 9 a. tn. to 9 p. to , each day. Sottday in tie forenoon. Athlone, - • ANPRXIY STONg, Physielaci to the Troy Lung acid Hygienic loptltote, and Physician for Diseases of the Heart, Throat and Loehr% 516 Path:tin...4 Troy ! N. Y. jan3'63.71. ERIE RAILWAY. tßeaigffilka l AEßlLOW CIIANG'E OF HOURS, COMM ENCI • mos.:4.y. JUNK 22., Trtioa adi Iraru Unoklrk rt thl I,,llowis K r hours Ea.atward Bound—Depart. • Wight I.: '<pre. . 35 • . Stock kit rim lulu A. II Fut... .... .. , ..4 30 A. w Way ....... . • _ . .... 00 • . New 'Void Repress end' zitoeilExpreee rtio every dey wupl - • EGEL, C. wnoi.zaaLE & RETAIL DRA T. GROCERIES; PROVISIONS & LIQUORS UNION 111 1 .00 K. 'EMU. Woitd. Unita the attention °Ube public to his LJCItti • E STOCK_ OF .0001)S! Which he le detennluelf to eru es CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST I w lM a lly let of M i ners cermet be eieelled In Worth flinusybrauls. Wool 1 - WOOl 1 TO , Farmers & Wool Growers. wohwriped bws rocwirwi Otd.r to purihim 100,000 pounds Wool, tor which the highest mitsi vice wail*waW J& 8. orpUirwou. • 'W i l l i j ilti k l iali j e . z : . •, .. . . . • WE are now receiving a daily r nplir of CAN OYWrixs cholas , A 7/ %N.. ) V. shall pay particular attaistlan to th* RitaU.Tnidslaaa oar ellSliothors est" F r !" bi hog supplied Irltli 710311 sad 0000 at all Waft. . DiagUlla.l SOMA • 11201018. NO-T. , ALCOHOLIC 1. o- amass,. u:s.scrunnit: A• 111411 LY CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT ! Doctor Hoofland's GERIAN BITTERS, PREPARED IIV ~ ?i DR. C_-M."JACKSON, PIIILAVA, PA W EFFECTUALLY CURE LIVER. COMPLAINT:;DYSPEPSIA, LEIB Jaundtee, I Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of thr Kidneys, and all Disease," arisingfrani . disordered Liver or Stomach, WATER LIME, each as Gustation. tion,lowird Piles; follammor Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stow , soh, Mamma; HeartburnAsgest for Food.l Fallow or Weight in the humiach, ttoar Eructations, Sinking or • Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach. Swim ming of the HeadAturried and difficult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, Choking orSnffssttogwu aatloaa whekin a lying posture, Dlmnela of Vixino, Dots or Watia!before the Sight, }ever and Doll Pain lo the Head, 'Deficiency of Penpiration, Yeliorrneea of the Okln and Sloe, Palo in the Side. Back, l'heet, Lambs, ht., Sudden Fluaties of Beet, Burning In the Flesh, Coo -1 ntaut, Imagination of Ertl, and great Mores • eton o spints. sY ran 's, S P 14 'ES, NUTS, CIGARS YELLOW FEVER, 1111;191JR , FEVER, .cif; ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISKEY SOMETHLNG O STRENGTHEN 10U TO BUILD UP YOWR CONSTITUTION ? A. BRISK AND VIG4JROUS FEELING Flora J. Newlin" Eiro lto, D. D, Sdairr of the Extvio podia of Retie - 10u now Wee. Although notdisposed to favor or recommend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust er their ingredi ents and effeets; I yet know Of no safildent VINIKID why a man may not testify to the benefit be belideis himself to have received from any gimp!' preparation, in the hope that he may thins contribute to the benefit of others. do this to. more readily la regard to Booftand's Ger num Widen, preps:Why Dr. C. Y. Jackson, et this city, Weenie I was prejudiced against them for many year,. under the impression that they were °hied) , an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to My friend Robert Shoemaker, &so. for the remora! et this prejadtce by proper testa, and fur encouragement to try them, when *offering from great and long continued debility. The nso of three bot tles of these lalttars, at the teTtnalaz of thepresoatyear, was followed by, evident relict, and restorattou to • de •groo of bodily and mental ?Igor which / had not felt for six months before,and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for directing me to the use of them. Thera are many preparations sold under the nuns of Bitten, put up In quart bottles, compounded of the cheapest whiskey or centavo), ram, coating from :0•t"o 40 coda per gallon, the teats dieguiwil by Anise or Corian der Seed. This class of Hitters blur canoed and will 'cottons to cause, as long is they can be sold, huadreda to die the death of the drankard. By their use the system is kept continually under the Influence of- Alcoholic Stimulsnte of the worst kind, the desire fa Liquor Is created and kept np, and the result Is all the horrors attendant upon a drunkard's life and death. For those wbb desire and , wsU hers • Liquor Bitters, werpublish the following receipt: Get Olokßattla Hoe lases Genitals finites and mix with 'Arts Warts of Good Breed, or Whisks', and the resqlt will be a preps • tation that will/neva/ lu medicinal virtues and true excellence any id the" unmerotua liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost muck his. You will have all the virtues of Hooillaswes Bitters in connection a goad article or Liquor, at • touch leas Drum than these intoner protaratlons will cost you. t. ittettlon, Seldieni. Ana Friendz Mohnen'. We rail the attention of all having relations or friends iu the Army. to the fact that “Hiiiiivi.gyamt fie, al .. (id Bitters" will cure moe truths 01 th e dieeg ere mi tt be exposure/ anti privation., incident to camp lite. 1 the lists, published almost dour 111 the newspapers, nu the arrival of the sink, it will be noticed that a very large proportiou are Kunming lons debility.' Every case of that kiwi . cap lul readily CUP/ 14 Hooltauire uerman Bitters. PI-140ft resulting from ilisonleiv of the Misr, tiie urgent ore speedily removed. We have no hesita• Lon in stating that, it these Hitters were freely usel arming our soldiers ' huuttrisla of lire, mi g ht B. eared that otherwise will Ls lost .. We can particular atteution to the fulloiriug remark• able and well authouticstrd eon. of new al" tee uatteten %emelt, whore life, to are his owo Istogusge, ^Las brew saved by the bitten:" VincentLetts, August MA Mewl. Amer ell. gentlemen, your Hoof- Berman Bittern has paved my lite. There is no mistake lit thle, It le vouched for by numbers of my comrades, soLUO Of V. buss name., ore appended, end who wore fully toguiraut Quail the cireuiustauris of illy cue.-. Irm ~and have been for the lost four yvat k a member et tel..hristeti batter,, and under the ionnedistc etc:mu/Ludo( Captain It h. Ayres,. Thrett,:h the e sort attendant rayon 1117 sr.tnuu I duties. I our ;It turned in November hint wilt, lIIIIIIII3IhIIIIIII ut t he Lliady, mail Was for sere:lrv-too IVN,OI 110rIpl: I. 1 1 / 1 • f rt lowed 6 y pest tlebaiity. h. 1011teued by so attacv et dye ,entery. I iris then removed from (hr flute {louse. so sent to this city n. s tootot the ` . .te. sour • •toto of Mai , me," from which I 11/.11.1,40t. the :NIL 4 .1 Jute, 'Alec., the time I horn Lieu I.;Yr In oh, 010. rolllJ tatt.l still l etrin too ot • 4 a,. lor 1..01e wise. aeArcaly able to snolle , , , tin,lbo 1, nO,l of I tha to lre it morsel down, it can o.sn up .Ifnmu I coubt not clerk kieun t lags Of water PIA Ills NUM. 11. 1,1(1.1 , 01.111111.14t I4lst UillEr ta w .. - .ordiagly the physicia • who had hee "rutting into. lolly, though unsucilensfully, t re..eue mr from for *rasp of the dread draper, frsol.l& told rn that coy could do go more for me and adtb.ed we to see a clergy - Ina,,,and to niskesueb disposition of tor limits.! fwdo es bestsuited tie. to sctinaintaute n run visited me at the hospital, Hr. FrotictiLk Stelcitinin, of 9.1\111 Arch Street, adrined tor , as a forlorn tiope, l lo try y Oa/ Bitters, and Ludt, procured • bottle. From the time 1 coinateueetl taking them the gloomy shadow death I , c,ded, and t out now, thank I.OC. for it, sett fi„.; Though I hare taken but two Lott 1,.5, tottolot leo pounds, and t feel sanguine, ot leeng yeti witted to rel.du my wife and daughter, Ironic hum I nut, hest,' ro.thtu, fiteeilhtoen mouth*: for, gentlemen, I ma n t,gal V, Iginian, from the vicinity 01 Front Royal. To 'bur ii, valuable Bitter* I owe the certainty of life who th has taken the place of vagnefears—to your Bitters wit; 1 a 1.,. the glorioqs privilege of again clesplug ter wy leiliam those who ire dearest to me ut life. Very truly yours, _ ISAAC MALON E. IV, fully demur to the truth of the ■hove atateuteot, us Ire had despaired ot teeing our comrade, Mr. Ihdone, restored to health : Jolts CUDDLII6AOK, let Now York Marry. Gito Lot A A caul'. Co. C., 11th Usitt. LIVIA GISIVCALIIIZ.V24.I Nir Itprk. I. E. 9ri6016.. lit Artillery, Battery J r.isviritt., Co. F.,34 Vermoot. flimsy B. J stout, co R., do. fitkik . T. IikeDOVALD, CO. C., oth Yaine. J:to. F. Wkr.o. Co. 8., )th Maine. IlrAiskx Boca, Cu 114,72.1 New York. bi,I2SAII/IL B. TROII•d• to. P, 9llll Pra• ANDEKW J. KIXIBALL, Co. A., 34 Vermont. JOON - ix 3, Co. 13., 106th Poona. sae that the denature of "C. V. Jackeon," la on the wean's' of each iota,. Pelee per Bottle IS ets., es' SW . Des. ter Se. sh ma hl your nearest druggist, tot hare the article. do pot be pat elf by any of the lineal/Wing prep/wallops that gay be awed to its plum but -wad to us, and we will tonrxrd, recur* ;wawa, by , ezpat.. PRINCIPAL OFFICE A. MANUFACTORY, NO .631 ,ARM MEET: • • Joinik.a (satoieson to Q. tt. 3ics9ON spa) Pact or vol tuts M toriguieb sad noir - town falba taltailltaii. • 4 k •, A PURE 'TONIC 1, AND WILL !K)y►tivly►.Y PRF.VICNT THEY CONTA I N 'NO Th.y "ILL CIMI the above Stamm la u Inety-otne ci•u out of a bundrel. DO YOU WANT YOU WAN A GOOD A PPETITE? DO YOU WANT DO YUU WLNT TO FEEL WELL? DO lOU WAN? ,TO GET RID OF NERVOUSNESS DO YOU WANT G. Y ? ENER DO YOU WANT TO. SLEEP WELL? DO YOU WANT IF, YOU DO. " lIOOFLANIYS GERMAN BITTERS PaiwW, Jona 7+ '1.e..i1. J. NEWTON BROWN PARTICULAR NOTICE. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEIT
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