The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 28, 1863, Image 3
crie Atirtklu (Oberver. A SATURDAY, FEB 28, El Pt BLit; SALK BILLs, and Gernisda, printed at this of a• reasonable terms as they can be ,t 'toy other establishment k ISINNIER4, RFOINIIII4ITAL COLOBV, Si( I 11.••• 0 W Crowell , No 211 Sup, ret-t. lieTeliklld, 01110 10,11 Gni. El KsT-it iTF %N(•K e r,•,ve for sale at this (Mice a $:!.; War t u tile Iron City College, at Pittsburg ,h Wei Will well fur $2 ll The %elm& is min• very be..l in the e,ontry T 0 a yeone n wrtehing to at ten 4 a cowmen•inl 'Cotltt,i opp,irtunity. WS FROM ALL QUARTERS I hi' RIC'1 , 11. )1 1 I , tt Vo . jL • ,t / th • . i° • li di Wt: hive a nevi , lierriiiiiy•—the h.ll h pitssed both hous,iikand nl th.. Presidential b, b e „ _ li. pirs.t.e Alll. left King , tnn ,„ I , on too ',2141t u l , to b.• 41 ch o i r Whiletill port th. ,rt,•4:i,i/ ti-burg 1,%"pel • 4 , 1 'I . it it. I'l\ er la o4.rtl,wlhz th.• 1. 1 Itr I. i)•• „. will 1111.1.• t WAter 1 (11 die.' it .111 it E.‘ Hite latt'„nr.ri._ t , for gupril!,t 4 1 .1. Lek, tipml th, I.iii.l tnr Inv •,ftt-moon, '. t r. the ri.b4-.1 atmv, i Lito •k • nr the relieki it, liii-hin.lll.l, Was . 0. thy St Nieltok, If otol 111 N to- notort , t I %voCke-,1 W .v ttla, le a:ll.tx. s btkAaM(l hParm .11 einispqtrlH4 ;throw!. 1. letter from (}en. brut['; a:toy I , :iVs LioobThonlie,on, Secre .' the luteri , n, W.I. Captured on the - stri river, on the .11-t ultimo, in a npl han,led Over to t h o o tle ut Ad ,. Porter. Ine exporte from the p4i's ()! N elc . '‘‘ toreign ports 'luring the .notith o, iary arnounte‘.l in value to the sum of whili only 5.•4.6:14 574 .II teas. Darin.; 1 1 1-• truP tnonth 1e r they reached 4 .7. in;lini -4.2.1.,5z5,•274 to oper:e inten•led to lia%.• atu of. •troutni Wittshington co. teed With e••• winch can Le .t ,t time. nivi *it in% pnint P;titor in ‘ollevt , , I s lice 41113,•er tn taud dt- .-11 , ..tu tlly 1.•• II \ Wont CO IL \ a 1 tilt-I I• • ' Or - 41 , 1 117111.11.14 h in ft.,' •le:on.. 11 NILLtt IL.L:Lt- -till Lirtilit.wl their npLit Viek- I .,Lr-L• •in I 1.t.',, , L.:,L L) - The ehei- i, piL, tilt. 40 • L \ t;..% rt' SY. 11/t1 thr. , ll , th tle L ‘. rho %v(Lrk -t.#.441 1‘ '.l f l L he Lt. vv.)} k 41.1% ~ LL Per. 1,-.1!.1 trwn k t.. ;he trt tivit 1).•1111,11d,111,III rnrnene.>4l th d o 111 , t 1.1,..ned tiro, and the r intederate ,•y•— T,•-pnn(le.l 11AI the litiio;l,le sseek • • ,uppiied vc.tti -rirtiriont proviiions to last ifire. , months ,14.11"utehinson, of the schooner • if i% ward, arrived on Sat u r•las• Arno-us, reports that on theluth .11 latitude 211 I , ...n2itit•le 1;1 - • saw the rebel privatc‘•r fietrihn ci l a.ed hi. vt•••••-••1 t, r thret. •• r./it being to windward the .1 •ri he escaped by outsaiiing her the Wa4hineton t ••ommrind has at Ist.t heen definitel) re. , l for tien. and :cl•ls—tliat more important tiel 1 of • nn the i'mtinent Orin 01" Ono „ tw embraced within the now ahout to be gli t-ti hr •Hiectors of the arum 11 Stmt...., ti, t to alt. Glruruissicolt•: "f in -, Hev,riur , . on Fteenupt nt internal !Alf , tax, to .lanuAry exHus.% ts‘otpt, trc)na corporations, foul sa•- •rld from itamp4, of $', 1 ,14.7,- ')' this sum Pennsylvania ha. 4 p k;,l New York $2.2:-.!3.2.:15, an,l A eorre-tpon,lent, who iaj he ha- an mate knowledge of 4 '.a. Edei. the (-obi . iPt• o' the gunboat t ;ueen of t tie We -t, ..te et but nineteen year, of alp! youngest colonel in the army. 'flip t wander of the Mista.-:lpi Marine P.rtg whi h inclurit • the ..tetim rain II •et. irt+r lienrrAl "^r. i I the i'o!. t II tr,••, ,iu t co of ••ec: et:try of the "I'r:•Asur\ !: ( c ongress information ,i.:(ut CAI the revenue perpetr tie i 11l (IP' V r k Custom (oust'. 111 y 11.0 c on for several Mans, an , l of prominent clef kaAreimplic.tte4i • .I..voice4, false samples. do , have ...lie means, and false swe.‘ring te . c.tshed the frauds. It would seem ,ve tie suspected fact that an ad ient tariff is an Invitation t.) tniev,, fheri aie bign, it r(•tu , -.knit) nix the rebels, on thv itt-i ((`' •n. The Virginia Legi , lature, it 1. willirepudiate ',etcher', footi,ll at .ntliat way, on the grout,(l that the (on of prisoner* of war belong , ex (': ' , )the . 9nte. , le•ratf. ,ovot nment. (IPerned certain that the ongress will discountenance the Jett'. Divis inaugotratiii i x wli()1(- tourder.-,,, al , IV 41,.• 11.(\ Wit. week • r,,-ws from Ettrot.e Ihe I:.,l ig avmming dunen • 4r1(1 a pr,tvihiopal han f-3ta.bltshed In \Val4aw An at .' uaa been mault.l to p0,0,t the NIAt. ..elopolski, the Intimate counselor 0., 1 Duke Con4tentine, and hi, fain nn nue of the, family had (he(l yet. 1: -ported that the ItuQsian 4 .overn- LI !lA, rescinded the order te-: , ectin: • , !ion itt Poland, which le l to tip , r•‘K 0 the ILvo:ut/oh ro.• t toceivf..l at t; te.•h-t.J vo re "clot O,F, t own of Wengrocv had hcoll tit l'olee by the P. , i , staris.— " of f:uchin Carta ag 1 4:alost the Frencu, and 'onto -overe :14 ,- 1 taken place t_ 4 pll.lh t, e.l again t.) take pat:. , but u" -I I ne British Pat ItArnt -, nt ben by a yupen'.4 iTPecli, whit h 311- "1 tit it Lugl:it) I .toes not intend t ' .• in, her “tter , • 1 ti.i.-11:0 inn 411, t rhe the rvati‘e party •It port-I . ' .Irnot.e tn lioveriata. • T - I‘oo 1 DRArt F , etnrciett,si and larig, ate .Ate atl• •Itity appetite • - an ant ehange of rater and diet • tr ofdtaalpatton and late Lout. 1 , .0 q•lr.o nod tL• n. .! • , .1 sn.soquatic and mt.- r LrLat lr Trrt f tl,. t , oath an 1 aridit, ~t •*7 can r , s.p.pala and l'nnatif atu n •• Cl,lera buten. Meqs...e '`" or" tripla.nt in I NI r , u. il. AU. I, bitt.r. in th. world TL., mk t . the EMI t ; ru,l are. . I . , ataste.l relit IT lira, Ram, th• eel.. 111111123111 ' P• rtootm art L.n•r •nd nr. takr , t) .41th ....1...., • ~ tortico, eri!hoo r..,•1,1 to at• nr tulle :4) r.r0tt.u4.1 4 1..1 t , , 4. 11 , ale foorovni • t!ttat4. sticuaiiint ..I(;r , ,4rs, ()rue ti, l' A DRAKBkt,r &UEDA 2U Broadway, N Y ritiZE rolliTit.T. .et t !del - lain§ boast of deeds la was. Au 4 Minstrels time their most 'altar, ‘ nobler 'hems my impart It en,— ho pmts. of Hamm's 'matchless Nils flll4ll are found to every lead-- Mid Russia's •oosf•—and Anie'• wind bsor wondrous worts - tb• papers 111, Vroduceol by H►RIM C's mate-bier rills Does dines,. afflict goal do not doubt Tbl■ charming compound will ',arch it ”ut And ►rain your w.bel lll l II you Iv at vacs to yantica /NM. Tb..7'r, sate for call - both old and young aim.' are on every topple; I , lsease disarmed—en longer kills, wl• bleseed with Haisainall Pills L 7 Put up with English,Spanish, German and Preach dirr,ql.,l3. Price 25 cent* per box Sugar contest. Sea ad rPrllMpYbl na third page. For sale by all druggists in l• rta Je2S*6. l. 13 it DItKT 1 I T ":4 1 11;1A, , 1 }1. .: . 1, ysrio'slA, REIIVCK, k rKL, THK PRINCIPLE 0I 1/10KAIIN ~ k I 110.11 t i R. HAZARD, of Yortaaaoutla, nod. Likud. *A • tAea tj -Art . ..13 Jenne PIE perienea with tills the that in very few eases •oul4 tlie 4' 4rt • wog 1.. reluired if Brand:l46'e Mlle were a• Li the earl) of tiIICAMI." J J took, publi.urr of the Sanas?, at 8.1110 111/0.08, An% L'l I,th's Ptils cured ma of Dyspepsia whim r nth, 1111.411.0 had failed, and I wee actually given up and friends." • • 1...• le.l.llllinly .• ...vwn by N , the aril .11 , WWI 1/11.1. • Wn•l thnusands of °then hien!" are We,, kne , wl4, in fad dOneci 1111 an r. r pint :Jail I.; In 11n1.111•C oars they set AA • gentle r.ostiv sties, and purl(' lag liar bk,...1 -- I day canug th4ntaantla who are deemed ICI me , l. , lns Was sm. , ' hicespal 4 , r,..., S , Tlit.E.T, New York •,. I NI: priYartable dra h F I -T UNII) 111104 T I't•pu. , , 11 :.50 t.e uat .1 upon the bstr t tin t • s manurial Inuwo or black, la CRISTADORO S HAIR DYE It 0 ., irr,t. 1 , , 1.4 d earcle ul otloq dyes, Lourialari the het , • hp,' tl, pvit.)rius 14 ~ork uuldsoliansursiv, ktl It. preoeuce, to the 01.44411,r1 . , r rurwtua as I l' \ TIC I. 1.. T ‘l4ll,lfe•to-rd J CR.I`TA 1 1 h1R I, No 6 .tetor Hou.e, 1 " 11, *l'l , !led b) all l'a l r i , r• erel P. $l, f 4,0 U, and $ p.l vox, aecorthox ukO 1w , Cristadoro's Hair Preservative, I , e, .t imparts tla. utzooNt salt t , r4UtdUl 0014, and grant %ttallty to the Pr ie. Lb crata, $1 4,1 $2 vq. Soule, accortheg le size anglB62-1y H EI TK it ETtre ilAat ktErtithßATlV IT /S .1 1 / 4 / ) E, but restores gray hair to Its o; lisi• nal r..ity sup, the caplilary ltllbei • ith natural su•tenan, , rival e l by ego or di-rue. All Instsneous Ca..-tic, destroy ing the vi ta:ay an Liertity of the luttrothd afford of themselves no .tri-bs•nz flutinstreet'S Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to I , p natural , -olor, by en easy process, but rice. the i,s.r s LUXURI4NT RFAurr, prom-ites its growth, prevents its off, err...lli:at*, dandruff, and ir.,Arts health and plessanturois to the heed ft has ,toed the teat if tiot-, ' rl e ;ina. hag Coloring, and to r r" or •F•A , gin fir, ; y b o th it IS 5. ray 111 irspectabie deal - • ed by tia.'m or the CoolMeleilLi o , BronJway, Two Jan"-l4 1A 13 MI 1, 3 01.1 . IM:IIMP:it. C , , wilprir'of tor "Fort • +.l With 6./.11,5 nl ' wi the viethity of Salt al. , in' ! has er o.e great'y distinguished hinsaelf ea 1 1.110. -r, trader so I guide 111 an later-wk.. w , I!.r z,!in the adeaues of the a: lily to Ptah. • that • ,me este since, while grarsoing '•,l • • I, tl - td dt.covered so immense rot! of pure thr-ii‘h which the sun's raj s wete reflected with t e g of the Eno•t tnegisidesent reanbee, •illt that I, hat lint the !0z.,. sod bad newer Seim able tii It HoLta4,lll . l (,craws Hitters. which Can diin,,,.-red In the store of soy druggist or dealer in In • 1.;11..• will ponlicrif rare r),•pcpsia, Li rer Complaint, tour ki• . an 1 will sl.nnst festnee to the nld •!, , i;nr ‘.l " their )(wilful days I h tTti 1,1111E4. This delightful article for preeerring and tea ill' tbe human bsir is again put up by the origi nal nrrvfetor, and is now Made with the fume pm, skill and att,f,tiffn, which first crested Its immense and un preeedf fated A.ll, f f. no.r te.ttles aunually I It is at 1: 5 ''en! f. Fs ef In la-ge homes Tan million bot tles etc really be r.. 1 in a year when It a again known tbst II • l ill, f‘ren 1. I• my tb• most delightful hair ire , . be in 'he bit 'list it deaf:L.ll the scalp "I Cu fart aed dandruff, Pl we. the blur& lively, rich, luxuriant I pr. emits It from turning gray Tbefse err eenteld.rati knowing The It athairon has been tested kir f•ser tw.dve years, snd is warranted LA deaeri• fed A n.lady who values* beautiful head of hair will r... the K 4t It 14 finely 'performed, cheep and rat. nail- It Is Anid ..0 aft respectable &mime throughout the a. t.• fm RARNF.A k CO. 111d,ri New York H El.'vltiOLD.64 EXTILACT BUCIII , THR ORKAT 111.1.‘415“1.1 , VTR ACT Hr( Hl', THE GREAT DU RETIC NEI %I 301 A, i i.IrRACT THE GEE tT DTURICTIC rl-tA , 2T 11(.11112, 11F1 If B.;,1, TILE GREAT DIURE TIC 41, a and +i.... tie Remedy for Disci., of the r, Kidney!, t.rarel, Drolloy, Organ r Weakness, An f /111 duean«n of t) « Urinary (-) 901 I/ trkertleement tr, anotbrr co!umn Cut It ~ u t, a for the lbelieine at ono.. BEWARE OF COONTERILI TS DK. Tlnil I.` F.! 4, 11'.T1.AN 11011e4F. 1.1:S1 111LN T, in pint bottlea for S O )4 - ..nt., e,lll-, ace. Read the following Ito Neon, July 7, 1160 1,181, , 14 for • past year )Ul.ll. lIMEIZEICEID MEM H..... lam. /At 10.tlite, brulara, colic and r.r..1 ur r , &Listen.., f0..r.4 it the beet whale I weer company Pleat... bend Mx &I • ' J o r.rdy linmiet.t now lee have 101 horsee, very salami..., and lo not w ant In leave town with- IfrATT FROST, Manager Vat. Atubnrgh & Co.'. Mesececie. W I, f nil Drug,7rsta Office, 26 Coartlandt St., New r fa1621-4w. . _ - 1:1)17111C OBIEILV kat, 1.1 DzAit Sit —With your permission, I ba! to the leaden of your paper that I will send eel , . re mai' to a I who arlah it„, (Cr..,) a Recipe, with ns for making and using a Maple Vegetable Balm, t o• IS t . . , ll,c'u•lfy remove, In 40 days. Pimplee, B.l..whea, Tan, recklea, and all impuriti , a of the Skin, .eat mg the PllllllO. 11.41, clear, atnnotb and beautiful. EMI 1 alllal.o mall free to those having Bald Heads or Rare e a r,., aitnple dirtictious and Information that will rust, n Lltrrn to start a toll growth of Luxuriant W h i .•r a lio,.,•tarbe, in less than 30 days All ap r,i..t•l 0 11. :...»eir , br return mail sl'hout aurgr. Blespretiully yours, THOS CHAFIIAX , Chemist. Nu 831 Braadwar, New York. -- f -- I IT II 0 Ur i 1 0 N . !! I I i re H D y il be V al l irrLi P te..l u d cured t •^ of iladams Zadoc Forties Curatlve B.lsam T hia invaluable unethetne possesses th• extraordinary power t,l tetieruig immediately h• °plug Cough, Diffi culty of ll:eathing, floaroeneva, Huskiness and Tickling ol tut. Tbioat. It 10.4 en the Phlegm, and will be found to le .err agrvvable to e taste. It a not a violent r but tool sot—warm, noatolAng and creel i vv. Caii be taken by the *West person. or Yoologvot F.,1 antv by all drugglate, at 13 and 2S eta. per bottle. TOM IrtENIKEIOSIONIS A:111) IicAPERI PCSCIS UK , A POOR YOUNG MANI.—A • 11111, I.IIT.EIg 141.1`11 curd of the resulta of early ar t 4,, • 11., trove 111.1t1, CO of LeLISVOi.POCS, P•ad LI • LIVIA.. •11 nqutzt it a copy of the above intereetteg n.rr.turv, puttlothod by himself Thin little book is de warning mud eAuLuai to young wetland thou. ,uilPr SakSUL'a Ilitasure, Loss or Maaoay, I'lool ATI 14C•1, Ate , at the •11,0110 time thu means o' eel( cute. cupiee will be sent uuder • Ina pis,u uvelope,— e About charge,— t.. any who el it. by a.l,lre•sains the author, A ',AMR!. ,•, ts:Petir, .1. 1 1 - , 4 r • in informing (me Pantie, awl Al hn particular, ILA< we hie. -44.4.1 rta.1.11144 i• I" It 1 N s r CUM I NCREASI.:I) FACILITIES, And ar+ prepared b, All all orders fur )1: I AND II EATINCI STOV ES, wilt! FROIPIYESS Harm)/ • late Stoc rt . Iron, pierloos to bring burr,t out, 'fret as a decided advantage, un pile. of -ttovea, ; nett Wanda:Direr' who have bought o at prevent high prices Thint.talt,,, past (atom we hope, by strict atteotiro to the ,r,ntr Cumtnmers, to enotioue to merit their pa tr"nag. kb2r6ttl VINCENT, TIHAALrt, aHIRH h CD. H. li E N T A two story Dwelling goose s alt-1 uaied es Svrood Street, between Pesch and Mate street., near occupied by James G. Payne. lebl4t. ZDWIN J. KILBO. THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. Fm..v•lTxmwll-7,7-112 KNOWN AA " firLIBOLI71 4 F - GENUINE PREPARATIONS, HELMBOLTPA EITRACT "RUCIRC," SARAAPARILLA, IMPROVED HOSE WASH GENUINE PREPARATION, "•HIUIEiLY CUPICILPITILATIDI' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! A POSITIVE: AND SPECIFIC RllittlY 111.,.ThDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL /ND DROPS!" Thu audithse Increase.e the power of Digestion, and 4e:cites the ♦BBORBILNTS into ►ealthy notion, by which the W.ITERY OR C4LCIEROUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENT, ere minced, an well as pain and latlAtmenation, and la pod for ACE N, WO,VVY OR CHILBRIEN RELXBOLD'd EXTRACT BUM, jsal-lcu 4 : aLea,,,,, Habits of Dissipation, Fatly Indiscretion or ►Ouaer AMNIA') WITH THE. FOLLOWINg SYMPTOMS luilialoieition to Exerttoo, Lou of Power, I.ou of Illeacucy, Difficulty of Breathlog Weak Name, Trocisbilog, Horror of Mm a ,r, Waketoluews, ()amuses nt Vision, Palo I■ tLe Back. Uulaeracil Lassitude i.f the Flushing of the No ;y, 1i useu Oar :sy Otcl.l Froptioiss on the Foos, Hot Handl., Pallid Couotesaisco, Dry Dow of the Skin These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which 0/aka:indicts* In•st obit rwenovaa, anon f dkow ; IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, F.111.61T1C ►ITA la one of which the patieot mar expire Who CAO say that they axe not frequeatly followed ley those "direful diessoria" INSINITY AND CONSUMPTION Many sir aware of the close of thou oufferlog. but n,,oe u tli confess. The re-urds ui the Insane ♦gluros and thu metru3ohely deaths by l.ooaumptio■ bear ample •itswo• to the truth of the eseertinu The Constitution Onoe Affected with Organic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to Mresigthen and ate the system, RELMBOLIY 3 EXTRACT AU HU invariably does. A trial will convince the most skep tical VIC:HALES, FIRMA Lltrd, VIMALES ! 0114 Yocra, SIXOLA, N•aarah, OA CONTErrt.a.risru 114aBlAus, lute I . Lilt' L. r the ii-Lir.. t Butt... -- • h remedy, .te in Chl .. ii. "r ittiv,. . ... e; , ~ .:, , t'ft. ta (LI nes. ur Suppr,amou of the 1:11....4....5,y bracua4tooe, Lieerete.l or Sd a rruua 'tat.. ~1 the Fterae. Leucuriltea ..r WOh 14, itenhty. •nd far all .-htlip,e.ut ta,1.1. it t., the *ex, whether arising iron) Ind., reti,..o, 11441111 . I Illegipa.aou, or to the Del LINE. Olt tll % \ CAE OF LIFE NO FAMILY SII(iULD WITIII)UT IT Tate no Relearn. Mercury or l'opleassot Medicine for l ..,pleasant en.l Dangerous Durres. EELIBOLD'S EXTRACT WIC= 4ECR ET DI TEASES, to all their stages; at hale expense; Little or so thumps in diet; no ineonveniance, kND NO EXPOSURE It "noes heo tient d•rire, and gives strength to Urinate, tharry rrmoviog obstruction', previa:nag and Clll4Ol Stricture. of the l'rellata, allaylog Pal► aad i•llanona- Lon, so ft-v.o*ot in this ram or diseases and ripellieg Po! SO.VOCIS, l.!.) l4$EUq WOlOl OUT MA TIT& Thougands upon Thousands, %,1 , HO 1I .A E. BERN TRY TILT/MK OW t.,IUACK4.4. A ut6whe hare pal.: IiF.AVY FLEE to b cored la s abort tune, hays found they were deeetred, ihd that the" Pol• sou" has, by the use of "powerful uartngenta," been dried up in the syst,tn, to break out In an atir• vated form, sod PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE' RELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHII F'.r all A d-atioto. and Diasaasa of THE 12ELINAE V oritwo4, Wile Ler salon` lu MALL or FEMALE, from what - evrr caoN originating, and no toddler OF HOW LUNG PTANIIING. lha*e■.s ta . these Organs irquire the aid or a Diva/Tie RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICILIV IS Ta GREAT DlCritrne, An A 4 certain to have the destre<eiffeet is all Ma mma, for which It is nwoolaaasolod. BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! tioloa..ohro Highly Conoeatruted Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla ?hie ie a, athoetiou of the Blood, and attacks thorn/m -eal Organ., Liltingr of the Nom, Lars, Throat, Wind pipe, and o her Mucous S'orhacee mating lts appearance in IL.- (or • of L !cern Helmbold • extract Ilareaparltla punt, ft the iii ud. and removes all Scaly Tanyaleas of the akin, giving te the Complexion a Clear sot Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this eians of crreplaanta, its lgood-Funfong Yropertlei are preserved to a greater extent than any other prepszatton of Sar saparilla. Helmbold's Ross Wash. An ea , ellent Lotion for Di raw of a Syphilitic and as au Luiertion 10 Oblivion of this Urinary Orgatia, oriel ug from habits of disespation. need in con nection with tne hatreets buthu end SemaparUla, in math diseases as recommended 'ideate of the aka: Teapot), hie and reliable *use• ter will accompany the medicines CERTIFICATES OF (MILES, from 0101 to twenty years standing, with Damn know to .SCIA.PCI: AM) FAME. For Medical Properties of Buena, see Dispassion of the Culled Stairs I. Prof rear DENIES' valuable cora a the ha lite of Physic Mee recarki pied' by the lot* calehretied Dr. Army ebitadalpLia. See remarks aide by LW. ZPLICIIArIikbOIrELL. eelebrabrd Physician and Mamba of the Royal College of Surgeons, InL ad. and pa blishad la the Tramantions of }he ICltg and Queonno Journal. Sire Medico-Chiruegical . lterltw, published byiIEXII MIN TM/ rERS, Yellow of the Koyal College of !lon gtime sr'- most of the lets Standard Wolk., ot Medicine. Bccnr, $1 00 p.•r bott!e, or 6 for $5 00 $ / W 6 00 larsOrau Holm WA6O, 60 2 20 Or WI a dozen or each for $1: 00, wh eb will be sal clout to cure lb* woet obi tiuste civet, If dletetlotie an adhered to Dolintrrt to anj tddreaa, securely packed from oboe,- w„ • (Mae la all cominnEueStbo4,l. Carr* C+ .e t savice Personally appeared before ow au Alstarosaus of the city of Phlladitiphns, H T HILNIOL.D. who. Owing duly sworn, doll say, Ole p eparations contain um narcotic, no ausrenry. or other lapsfloue (1111 Clit oat ars paa, Ingots le ff T. IfICLUBM,III. Ftworil asKl out,wobed before me, this dq Nov ember, 1854HISEIMAN Aldensas. Nisth-etreet, above PICO, MU& ♦d Ir. Letter* for.inibraestiou ill COS 6 A T HgLlMOLtnisailst Dep. t 101 .math litatb -street, below Ch 004500. Mtn. 11110WARI OF IDOUNTIANIIIT44 AND IarRtNCITLSD DIALIRS, Who endeavor to dispose "or Tam o•r sw it 0 other" &radio es do ropotstboa attained by Ileletbeld's flesidee Priori:ethos, " " Extract Kuehn, Sirsarains, " '•lmpßoos Nsigh Hold by all Druggist• everywbirs. AXX FOX 111.11101.1711 TAME NO OTIMIL Cot oat tb• odvortlosonot, andl nod lor tt, AND PrOID imposrnott /AD EXPOSURE. foldlll3-1, ECM M3l EIELMBOLD'S COM POUND /OR Dluua or tu■ CAL SWELLINGS POK I :0=1:1110 IMII VEI3 SVPIIILIS AFFIDAVIT KREI. a H. HALL WINTER MILLINERY Which will lo sold CHEAP FOR CASH, OR READY-PAT. LT I's:teals., sttentkin paid in lolosehiag, esterlag mid pressing. Psimii "t.. dtli Oiorribovo ilia Dopot, ilio,-ro PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. ) Ladies of delicate health or impaired organisation, or to those by whom an Palmas@ of family is from any reason objectionable, the a:idealised woald oasr • preecriptioe which is perfectly reliable sad sags, and which bag been prescribed ta various parts 01 the old world for ibe past century. Although the Is very 'heap and Wimple, yet It has bon pat op la half plot bottles and Mid eery extensively at the exhorhltant prior of $6 pew bottle, the to proposes to-tamleti the recipe (obis, email cam og 111, by the )ownsalow Of fle's'h every can supply hereof( with • pealed ma.- Feud, at any drug store, for the titiNsA min 15 toots per year. Any playlets; or druirgist II 'WI you It le perfectly harmless, and thosun ode of tewthonitalhosa be promos of its eflasey. :ant to any part ul the stgrioilis nano% of $l, by addrasing Dr. J. C riXrfitArg, P. fl. goo. No. 2253, New lisren, CODS. IMPORTANT ill F•- OTI CE. For the speedy and Permanent Cure of tiefserrbes, Meet, I rett.rd Dimplaarges, & w a w a reeke d " YigAlly Zeii•sio,a,/a43ollfitioned • Genital Drikbitirr, mut lrritabiiity, Gravel, Stricture and Affeetioas ot the tidnays .ad Madder, which Ass been used by gram* of ONE HUNDRED PEYI3IIILUIS, TA their rri pracilot% with entire swank sapwood log Oub•bn Copal* Cupsulet. or my 110211POUJX1 lath. .rto knon n. BELLS SPECIFIC PILLS' are speedy In action, often atecting a eat. In a few dam and when a cure is elected it St nentasont. Thor are prepared from Vesoetaloie entracte that am harmless on the system aid nee--e sicken the stomach ar im pregnate the hromoth ; and being sareacted, all nau seous lute is 4 voiti•tt. No amens of diet is while lasing them. Nor does theh - action let= bushier parsuits Bach Box contains six dozen I'll.. Pries, ape dollar , end sold by s/1 Dromnists. Dr. liell's Treatise on Sensinal Weakness ABUSE, 4, - -A BUSE, EK)N OREII KA, MAST, ext. a Panoph of ate containing impatient advise to the 'T MEL Six canteen_ required to pay DA. BELLA*. ORKIN BOOK, A cow plate ties on GONOURHEA, °LUST, STRICT URZ, arnmus, Arc, detailing all the various stosok with ill Prescriptions In Enelah, adapted far self-treat. met without the aid of a Physician. Pries, one dollar. Mho Pine at Books wit be sent by mail, prepaid and seam tram robsless on receipt of the money by say advertised meat; J. ISKY MSW home* T 6 Cedar St., New York (Dot 5076.) ar gold to Ile by Dr. 1.. STRONG, THOS. 3. SIN CLAIR, and WY. NICK. Druggist' aultly TO COMIDMPTIVEB TIIE Advertiser. having been restored h <h to • few •r 1 . mph, remody at n e , baying FLAW r,-.1 • eleven Wu, atlt %VC. - Ll IA aL. It. 40. aisarg 4 b 1.% 1211114111 Of Cu. To au who &etre it, II" Si n. e• V •f tor pi . scriptoin rued tirre of • •th tot direction• bit preparing and toting Lis/. e , me, w Idi .11,1 Cud • 5C11.1 CCILI for (4.01aU/irTluN, iiituARMITIB, The only object of the advertiper is Pritittug the tion IP to benefit the itthi f@l sod priced information which be c•werives in S.• soil he below 111T.r7 alAfinfrr w Li. t lag , 4 nothiug, and msy prOT, vrushatic th. irt• rr.DwArtr , A W I LSON, trinlaruabtirey oel 11-3 m Kings 1 4.uutl, New Yuri J () II N NV F: L C 11, aeau/ AXD OIXIIPPIIk IX FOREIGN & DOIZBTIC FRUITS, WEDET•IILES, me, A.LIO, /X OYSTER+, POULTRY AND GAVE is their Seasons ler No. 2, Tracy's 810ek,114 CIDIAP-81D11, Twos St., - • Elll, Pa. Orders from either the City or Comitry tiled Promptly sad at lowest market rates. meet( PRIVATE AND PUBLIC PART/SS furnished on ikon aomaa, with *eery deseriptlos of Table Onto. menu, Cakes, Pyramids, lee Creams, Jollies, Fruits, Con_ lectionaries, Ste., 10. 1, appiloatlon to frb2ltf. JOHN I►KL4IBI, Chnapside, Cris, Pa D ISSOLUTION NOTICE. TIN Ilme of A 111 Canoe k Co. ta this day dissolved by mutual courant. rbe accounts of the Irm remain in the hands of A. W. Carson, who is author ised to collect the same and • ho will pay all locisistedoess of the firm on presentation. A. CARBOY , Waterford, Feb. 7, llCl—fbl4-3t IL 1.. WHITE. - STRAY HORSE. Canis to the reeedecor of the subscriber, in Yil I Crest tp , North of the Buffalo hood, adjoining the Fair Ground, a Bay Na,., with a small whits mart os the side of her neck, sharp shod, and about tan yea • of ago Tim owner is requested to eonse forward, prove property, pey charges and take her away, otherwise abs will be dealt with aceording to law. febl44t• lIIBDCRIC SHAPLIN. MANHOOD • How Lost How Restored JUST Published in a Sealed Envelope me. 6 eta. A Lactate on the Nature. Treatment and Radical Curs of Bppeerotstorrbora or Panical Meeh an*, Involustnry Emlaatoaa, Smnial Debility, and inioe di/seats to Marriage generally, Nervouniest, Consump tion. gpilepey and Pita ; Mental and Physical incapacity, resulting from f-Abiars, ROM'. ri' LVER- W ILL , Y. D., Author of the Green Book 4c. The world-reno% bed author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experienoe that the awful oonsequencee of delf•Abuse may be eihmtually removed without =edicts% and Without dangerous gurgles' oper ations, bougiaa, lastruments, rings or cordials, pointing est a mode of cur* at once cortaln tad tlhetual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri-ately, and radically This lecture will prove boon to thousands and thousands hest under sale, I. a plain envelope, to any address, of the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by ad &leant. ra-ly Da. CHAS. J. C. RUNE, bbl 1.7 Bowery, Now York, Poet Office Box, LASS. A PACT GENERALLY KIOWI, THAT the variety of new style Bed stead; at G Akio, Cottage, Conroe, Timed Core aer, Camp Sob, Juts: Lind sad other pattern, wrath serpentine and strait front, baadsowkely veneered Burnie, Extension, !Meng, Breakfast, Centre and other Tables, W barna, Quaker Manila. Gyp" and Damask Rota Beds, Hair and Bea limes Mattresses, Febelsr lAPtil a tad Bolsters with other nomehold furnitmet is, all inanalsotared from well seasoned lamas' are hoeltky materials, by experienoed workman and not byntice lido. For style, quilt/ and low prime I will cloven two-price dealers to undersell me. Feathery bcori-t.. 04 Fold. Oise wort, Parlor, Redo sow. ilikrobtote, bpring. Yarn sod other Cbol.r, rover , •ra and Wester* losno (moor% aro asettory 0041.4 and tioe4, maklag tlopol as Avow( as enrollee:jowl of the ebau, ober* Wiwi emu antkaild oatyp an' bno sixths durahis. Wiodipar, Bachis‘ Rowing an d Na,.., am choke Q barn wood rounds ellnebeQ through the seat and &mi. war• ranted to stand. Haratemtrry painted, and awl be bens ten for strength, price and With. Sprin t Beds. I have sold over 300 sad have the highest testimonial" with a list of prices et all goods peat on afpheanaa. Pitching sad 'hippie( Be..' After B• 111 years experience and con= ii rk to r pawl two pries dealers, lam to sell prior to an, give worth for your pay. sad M Ju s tice • all who trade with me. ; Lawlor, Lath, Swag 'ea Live Stock, Crude and Bellaied Oil, Store Pay, Premises ke., taken et Bur market mime for pay . Remember the piece, next oor.wr of 6th g uest oa State, Ere% re. a W. Cl.LititY. sevai-tt. Xsaufact'r and Commie's Saleenom YORKTOWN (not) TAKIEN 1 JEFF. DAVIS (OUGHT TO BE) HUNG! MOSES KOCH WOULD RESPECTFULLY in form his old Meads sod customers that M is still to his old stead, CORNER OF STATE & FIFTH BTB., when he invitee thou to tall sod ersann• his goods. His stoat is kr. sod well selected as any in Erie, and he is determined not to be seriersold. He bas jest received the largrot stock of SPRING AND kW R GuuDs near berwipit to Erie. II -t or. One pee. n .• • "f. Itxdoede r • t what b.f.- lir. • returned. 1862. 8 PILINtx. 1862 ERIE BONN Lail Magi iivOthei .51 E. H. S I T H, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER MILLINERY GOODS. lir Mintzer, pappliedwitb tiocKlost Now Tort Priam Portintlar atteotios paid to 81.settioff eod Drritsing Iltroo• No 3 Hoilaine Anat. 6tate St. uss Vitt LAGER BEER ! THE undersigned is prepared to supply dipal•rs with tbl hoot qualfty or the above m a in ed aseoileat beviirsp him his BREWERY, Masts at the gorier of Balkier Rood aa4Parade Street, new the South !.alert pert of the dty of !He. Beer delivered to gay eesteetero—eed for those outride the city-..deither or Me railroad-emote. ..gnu HAS. EOKIILIER. .1011 N V. 1111111114 Dwaii m Dar Woos, Owemuss, , Hanivhal, Nab. elus. Soldi_Pkieta, eta, _ger' IN 6''.llll aft And and Mlle Ilvon, En., Ps. OM. THE EARLY PHYSICAL DBORRICRACT _dir_ Elsa jest seisms! how Torlt, sot IL sow 'Pigs( bou ; STOCK uF F•LL JUST PUBLISHED BY DR. A. STONE. • Triode* es UN Coosa of WV PITOoII. Dualabs , of A:seeks& Paulo the owe of Dollillty, Codo awl Illoosomm. Thos otrikk 500 1 , 411 411 sorof UM= to poi Witting byes" mod onotok to tas= omotteoomtoe 4 ILL PAW= aid Orinehmritai any, Jetaidisyr soioot‘ile aka sod toosinosOfor ♦ND It will be sent by mall cm the rmalpt N two (11) ewe teParente ass asssisss! Psi not to Mai and 414. t a. book. Tam sisal Fail sot be Med and gat rib Wait Ladles I Toe too sheep at ease swags* eon of thffook. A Word set Ciammalhamthame AM** Im lasso wise will asilistie. - A class or maladies puma to a heellel Wind la the commnalty, doomlog at heist MAN loathe of Beth eat se annually, to aa oNaly woo. 77atos thanium .11117 ,halsortottli ttuderWilW. Thar adrenal amallidatiaa. or symptoms, are lames Delithty„ itelanithia amd ex. hanstloa; Manama or wertinia and time. of tie whole bob; shorter= or Mir riled breathing on areortg a kill sr itglit ;Wets Loa of the Bean; Aetbsta. Throat; shaking of the Reads ant blrai to I=and ta Waimea or stady; Mama• eight, 11lessory, stlmilame of the Bead. Ifounlipla.Pellm In la 'redoes bod parts the y•hi m to Ilmit 1110 tbieha. Lumbago, Dynamite et s, Ll the imagatrit*, et the bowels, deranged ~rem of tie Siikirgy• said Aland' of the body. Lonamehma sensor Albas,An. Lao vies it Homy, Hysteria sad Nervous Symms. Now, Lo ninety-ohm eases oat et ewers one imadred, all the ribose named disorders. and • host of ethers lOt named, aa ComnimpUon of the Lange sad that meet la sldtoos and wily form of Consumption of the Spinal Shrum, known as 'hares Dorsals+, and Taber llessesteri se. t rod sad mien la dismisses of Um Pavia Thema. Hems the oast of surresse on the pad rif old wheal predator Is treating symptom* only. Dr. Andrew Stone, Plodder" to the Trey Luag and Breath [GeV tattoo is row sturafed La beating this slam of _ mod maladies with thee:rest rietoalehing maeroes.— The treatment adopted by the hunitatlas la sew • It Is based upon soteattile pr pica, with new dierrevorsd ressodice, without mloseals or poisons. The facilities of ewe are such, t , at peuenta can be eared at theirhomes, is any part of the country, from sanest.deserlp= their cane,-by triter and hays the medicine mat by nail or 4 sprees. Printed interrogatories will bp forwarded on &pp) nation. Consumption. Catarrh mid &ewe of the Throat cured a. well at the home of the patients's at the lastitutioa, *tooling the Cold Meditated /Mit= IlAuailli OA_ was, with Inhaler and ample dlrestioss tor their nee, sad direct correspondence. Patients •poly log for latorr4ardese or advice, wart encl. - se return stamps to tweet attention. The attending physician will be found at the Inatitn• lion for aonaultation, from 9 a. ni. top p. m., each day. Sunday in the forenoon. Address, DR. AN DRICIII STONY., Physician to the Troy Lung and Ilyeinile 'agitate, lad Physician for Diseases of the Heart, !Vest and Lump, N Fuca Ursula, Troy, N. Y. jaalrelyl. J. C. BURGASII & WHOLESALE GROCERS, • ♦ND NUNCFACTUNZAS Or CRACKERS AND CANDY ; PROPRIETORS OF TILE Erie City Steam Bakery, (-; P,OCERIEs, PROVISIONS, it III)DEN WARE, FISII,SALF,W.ATERLIME, CARBON. ('IL, WINES AN LIQUvRS.- SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS, -• BUTTER, • 0 W C 4 WATER, W 11" ' oNitt PIC-NIC, a C.) BOSTON, - t/i g VZ CA 0 SUGAR, ._ ERIE CITY STEAM BAKERY CANDY! CUMMuN AND FANCY CANDIES. jaairet:s. Btate Steve, pint eton Abel. Test 0111 e• IHE subscriber will cheerfully send (free of charge) to all One iesine It„ the copy of allinarth rrr by 'bleb be was eared of Wilmot alma! Cos nimptioa. nulterers with Cossairriox, Asruu, Ilaosoaa any lung &Section, be sincerely hopes will try this If the./ do so they will be went than with the 'shall naiadsl for hie own complete restora tion, be Is anxious to place la the beads of - every sedlerse the meow of can. noes wishing the recipe with toll aireetions, kc., will please call on or address tinel Riv. B. ALLW, No. 66 Jobe Street. New Tech. N EW GAS LIGHT! TILE OLEO—WATER GAS I Patented Ly Prot. L. L. Bud., Jobe 17, MS. This Goo has been thorou g hly tooted b as of 11. sad it+ merits hare skied the greatest oneutioy. 11 Ii be atitoutsteturod for 50 CENTS PER 1,000 CUBIC FEET. It is perceotly tree ben ettensire men. not Hat& to expLosion and will not oondense In any temperature or etiolate. It has • bode superior to Um best Coal Gas mid gives • =NM more brilliant light. We are now prepared to Misr the Petrifies= Gap •Tiz 'sins to the Public, which meat meatiastly time rasp_ of all Mbar Goma, e mit essendlik villa it VIM be made, Ha_ of Ught, m pg its eaormaillty in •all cams where - good light is re ivrared• Pbr private dwellings in city or'country, Stow, •Clinreliss, Hotels, Ilieatres, Factorisa, Public Gardens, ec.., and am wily be adapted to Gas Works new I. operation, at vary little We will dispose of RlGt . fgror Cities, Tawas, Corantim or States, at modarsta prima. /or turtler partisialare apply to T. H. TUTTLZ, *WY, Jan lOcal. 313 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa, A GEM FOR TIIE MILLION, AND • ApLENDID ♦NL APPROPRIATE HOLIDAY PRIME= $5 SEWING MACHINE! The vabodirresi of practical With and • marvel of mi llo zry ;. imam Ulm ransdag stied' very rapelly sad mops • common seed* sad will last a 11114.tana.— At tar New York Stab hie, itsiddilollaioney and utility, was oonarso,d _this swam of las N will GA T UR. acYTLI, MINA, TUCK, avw c 11111•111401, stc.,, with a simple or double thread os may mabilial adapt ed to t h e sows 'so aTtrcs. the Whose, sashay the most Mishit to stitch by other swim lossithiss, Wag slvcd themabest. Tor MAW sad reph's apparel, sad same articles made of light tabries, it will, thomilars, be baad almost my Alt' ILL it is attached to the table like a sealag Wed, ead ao llaag no tension, aad rewaxing no labeieatfea er shasige et stiteh„ is slimy* reedy liar OpelriX/01114 sad sack a marvel of simplicity that, a childof six or eight yews ass trialla• 'taxa it, and uee It St"001111.111/SLLY. it It not at all liable to set eat of order. Each insehine is pot up is It moat Wt. acoontrtalall Ith fall and implicit dim:Liana, sad twealy-llve assidlee. Sent to any address in the United States oa receipt of an ord. r, aceloalsey CM ansocad,or may be oollsetod by lEs.. I o Jell wory of the maehiska. .1 the wou.y is mini with thsarillir and „ It .„ ~, mei the &dicey 1• • mike, free of way gapreas • LICI*II. , V. .%/1 partatulara, spoon. a/AiL. 1014.701111 e. L Llio • 473 Broader N Y. k .ry , Insner sad 4raaa•chabar, Moak have one of tames valuabl e asesag maelaibet• /824343. Flour, Pork, Beet Salt, Grain CL 0 VER, TIMOTHY MED, &e. - No. 2, Wayne 5100 k, TRILMCB MEM domtt es AM sad MiSh sm, SAIL PI Ne THE CONFESSIONS k EXPERIENCE I. or A Ni:AVOW INVALID. rabliated foe fa* bona mol as • taallaa la yeast mu, KW ethos% alio saga from Names , Bar. ly Decay, and ash kIIMI allamos IM mow of alittears. NaTao bas lanai law Wog attain el ti •••••••• I. aloha] bum fiato said lamp. Ely oaelostas • peolliadd aloialoa, Oslo lapin nay la hod of *swim, Naisamin LIT* raga, sp., ageigit Mi. Cinaltrahr. Tali OW. •Y2ZIOAI PZOPLZ, Physician to the Troy Ling and Hy etas Lands AND AGENTS FOR FAERBANK'S SCALES. OUR s rocK OF SPICES, FRUITS, NUTS, IS LARGE SODA BISCUIT Man Gracia red at UN ♦ SHARE or TRADE IS SOLICITED. J C. BURGESS & CO.. TO CONSUMPTIVES JIME. DEMOREBT'B solllll,o OM= L. Al. MOR RI SON, NNOIIbiIiAL.S DIALIA IN COUGH REMEDY CIONTI NUM to gain public favor sod &mad in all mmilitas, and oar the Ilroloosk its• perinea of si Mesa years, its 'reputation for elleacy la moist ?knout and Lass dissams Ls folly ruotoluod.— Wbroofflor this mediciait la moat Mews Its eiprita haws eg• tobilihr4 lb. mated popularity sad desaand. It has b.. sets I standard remedy 'tab maw people for amiai Palimailisdry bad Is del is their halms for Pens whewner required. As a este for Cough It Is v sad rebates—maims& niquiring won tow mesbot le ware a Cough of missy wort" standing. For curios Creep It to sot excelled, sad as a rumsdy taw AsUmaa its adismoscy cannot be doubted, haring netemod many per sous to Wealth after salleriag a loaf tens of pars with this miserabis dhows. for Bronchitis sad Boarsasess it he ash and reliable, quickly removing irritation Irma the us. 1 a Whooping Cough this Bawdy to of groat ll vo air r ha — m oo ' proompUy losoons rho &plumy sad vtoissas of the week sad shoeless the deems one half thou Its or tedious comm. All diseases of the leap and air passages depend epos lelitatisa or lafillloll/01001k is the Using , sasses smsubrane &at requires the prompt nee of thorough inedleitss to of Met their rionoval. Hall's Cough Reined, is ash, speedy aa , decimal in Its operatioa—is adapted to loth sexes, to ail sew mid eonstitatioss. hvw y person &filleted with either of the following dissases &noold ass this pleasant wised, and their velem will sues wises wikb ethers in se sseesseading its merits to &Elated neighbors sad *6414b SR use Hall's tough Remaly u cures (beds. 1118. Use Hall's CboyA Remedy it cures Group or .Rattles. MOIL. Use llall'r- tbuyla Remaly a cures Asch ma or Phthisic. agi_ Use Halls GrugA Remedy for rourrA• MI. Use Hall's Gov't Remedy 11 Strove/tem the hags. 311„. Use Hall's ()Yuba Randy for Browltitis. MIL Use Hall's CbugA Remedy for Hoarse use. Re— Use Hall's anwl, RsmeAly it Slrengtheft : to s Voice. MlLsolwil Use Halh Caw* Rand for W7tooping- A. It win greatly wedgy WI Wine* of this dhow and shot • les its tedious elms% Gavial! from Ho ordinary dura tion. Prierere of eountertetta bed bus imettatlesa—eall for Dr P. Mee Celebrated. Covet Beady sod as* that kur art tee Mostar* le spot the "nippy sad dberetione. INTILUNG TEHTIMOPIY. We. the undoniisod citizens of iris City and vicinity , moo mod br. P. HALL'S Ciflehrsticl Cough Remedy with groat sumesa, In miring &mum of Um Throat and Lungs. as: mi tali jeleacure la recommeculiag Ito nee to the. lffict.c as arf y and effectual remedy, fully worthy of public owe. Jamas Thompoos, Matthew Hamilton, D. Shirk, JobsMolbore, Sr. Scion an, \Ricliar4 Roes, JoI.. Traci, . lin. c, John W. WLano, Daniel BUS, Daniel *over, John W. Has, J. Robinson, C. Y. Met, .t, B. W. Y. Mhziarnocht, J. Mooiey, Jahn IL Daman, P. Z. Burton, J. W. Colvin, John N. Wanes, Shame= Sherwood, Wm. H. Mai, John IL St 11 Stows W. H. Cooper, A. ~u H. L. lesser, ./osoyb Deems, E. A. Rounatt, J. W. Hall. bay. Omni, J. IMlsbury, Orvios SMlth., Ludas A. Hull, C. Damara, Thomas krKers, M. Mr, ayo J. L. Long, B. 0. Root, W. H. her, J. Retention, VI, Wilson Lag. C 0... W. el las H. Finch, Daniel Epos, C. B. Irsight. P. kliA Lao. liaaasetarar aad Solo Proprioto Now aulldlag, lifthe 00. rums ro Ta PLR BOTTLE. AGENTS ac PUS OS.—Jaw A. WWI* Dr. reed; W. Toirrilow; T.& C0w1.. ,l Sprtnigkold• B.Proadit. beret IP. Loom krioan; I. B , Waterford; Bann k Bberwood„ Caton. W. B. tar Wattobargh; G. T. Jewett, North Boot: P. 0. lrlaboos, Zetonvillo; J G. ?lowers, Aibton; Tr,.r, tloort, and by scoots (amorally. IL ASS, MORE THAN TEN THOUSAN D BOTTLX.9 of this article have been sold is the vbetaity of Its preration. sizes IL introdueti and tar anosees attend it has bees very remarkable. There is searesly an ill t hatmewl is husiliee, bat what its timely we has either mired or relieved. Abundast evi dent* has been shown that it it very successful In curing all Storm of SORE THROAT, DIPTHERIA, SCARLETINA, &C., &C. —IT CURES-- Ministers' asidutawyers' Sore Throat IT CURES—BRONCHITIS. IT CURES—SALT RHEUM. IT CURES—SICK HEADACHE. IT CURES—BURNS, CHAFES, &C. IT CURES—CHOLICS; CRAMPS, &C IT CURES—PAIN IN THE BACK. IT CURES—RHEUMATISM. IT CURES—CHILL BLAIN& Gives prompt relief in Asthma LINIMENT AND PAIN KILLER, In Bottles at 25 and 50 Cts. Sold by all respectsbla Diagitits and Dra:ers In the thaltiod Y. WARD CLOSE 1 CO., Nos. Maud 139 William *root, Near Tett, Wbolemle Acacia, by same° orders will be promptly SUad. hawed sad geld by JOAN P. CARTER, Sri-, Pa. °ASTIR'S StIOAS COATE"' S %RCS TILL", AND NICKIII GIES/LAN 11..t1X CANDY. an. 113—it MEANIE The nadorslgned would respectfully return thanks for the patronage rroto(br extended to hint, and schelts eootlnaaaa of the mate. He ham rseccitlf cwwie es wady. icopn,roluents, among which aro a PAGING MACHINE, or paging Blank Boots, ivy moral of 'blot be is on &bled to do work of tkist innd aa met and u chimp Y IS can be doom in Buffalo. /laving had an EXPERIENCE OF TWENTY YEARS, I belly/we l can appeal for the public patronage with fell enmilloilinios in my ability to give aatiAndon. RULING, BINDING AND ALL KIND Dale to order. Cosstautly on band • ;arra supply ni Remember the plum. south-vest corner of State and TlMstrum* 'mood story. mutt door to the "Gazette' Eris, le nasty 2 Ith, 1163.-3 m T HE ATLANTIC MONTHLY. BEGINNING OP ♦ NEW VOLUME 111 XVI MTH VOLITNIZOTTEMATLANTIC IiONTgLY hoar • euounsnostrasot, to 1867, the Athodsc has rapidly imormiaed in edoeulatioa, and It now has the liai se idea of readers since its beginning, VII years ay. lie ty steadily aegateats, and It imatinties, men id Creteatirou and dangers Incident to our national cri sis, to pin ground is the estimation of the public. •t • time so I with ideate which touch the future dee their of Anaaries is every vital particular. the Pabilehers sad &Mende aid dee. it seeessery to promise that its mai will never None frost the Lomat paths of loyal "p.triotian and aairersal freedom. 14 opinions have al wayl beta an the tide of Liberty, Progress and Right, and the roans it lot adapted in its early caner, will ever be fa! TUX ST A ti Ml illi M i rbi, regularly eontributing to the ,Arientse idesithig, embraces many at the beet known authors la America Ittaratare, and warrants the pub/Mb ar la pi islagto Its issiliere the beet germ, the beet nada. Lila best Poems which Alltrielin Want lan tarn ish. LIST or IItaIULAR CONTIUSI7TOrtfL la PRDaI sad POVIST the ''Atlaatier Stet of Writers le ti=hect. The following , Authors we gill among the eeputAbettors : JaaMa Mandl Low• 11., Haan , W. r=llene , Lewis A Wahlo i m..i...".: '...... Hawthorne . irr W. Ib illa reemoo, Author .Ilargeret Routh," Oliver Sr. Holmes, /obi. G Whittier, R. P Whipple, Bayard Taylor, agOrge J 'lillard, Mrs. 11 B Stove, °The Country Person," Mau ferry," Harriet E. Preescret The Altlinettc'S '.•I , I C atributors tack.des =mu Olt. lesdlng Writ • .1 tuset,ca DR. P. HALL'S CELEBRATED D, P. assien, C.O. HoweLl, SOLD IN ERIE ONLY, BY PEITHISIC, AND CROUP is very valuable la GRAVEL, DROPSY AFFECTIONS. Is unsurpassed as a Also solo pro orl.. BOOK 13INDERY CORNER OF STATE 411) FIFTH STS OF WORK IM MY LINK BLANK The number for .tanosev. 1863. beeps the Tillllll..+The drlanitic is for sale by all Soot and 1' eri estscal dee las. Pries 26 cants a number Stibacriptions Owe ID , 1111.00, postage paid. Yearly subscriptions or stogie numbers aupplied by any dealer or by One . 48.1.1weia! Dosnbers not 0141111 oil iipplitatlo6 60 the 4 latoccsavorra roe licsilosourc. List of preallama. eth, fareishoil on application to the publishers. TECKYOB 6 TIZLDO, Publishers. 116 Waelitagtou It., Boehm lame BARLEY ! BARLEY ! The eakeeriber bug leer* lo rotas. kb Minas to the femme of Erie County, for the Burley t h ey hare sold to Ids dutagg the post 22 yams. lio sow *ham to bay 80 1 000 BUSHELS! ASA at an time TUI pay tits Itifilwat market price - Iltita.ast. 4-42. fa Cash A. ENG 1 1 1:11ithi jillaL etrsito=t l N All4' 00 sa v t7 ganta ill bug' Pl 6 WOW. . _ Airllll o ll .: II r ill° CATHARTIO Ite . - 12 PILLS. • 7, -- Are yut isk i flab* sod 0 • . coutpistaing t as yes aye o f ardor, with your mks dr. ir - , rs. sod your lbeltedi un• ale combriadde I Thad . ...MAUI(' C. toots gm thus Ur pal= ..rlO4l phis.. $a It of WIS. aid ode is awaited ups you, 4:- - a/ sod 'Weld be hearted by a 4 k4 . 1.: . tuaely re s at ths rOt raw N 0 r1i,..: ' 4.44, . oi. Take Aes Olds,. and clea ly nse out to p dists k. i N ICi‘-t-,.. . Lod purify the Wood, and . Ist lb* Maas wad eh nisei ', . " ' IC .trusted In health= They stimulate the e,. :•_,--. 't ~. _ ed tlot body Into egygnitegl Me ..._ _ z .. - Z.,..:=.-• UM', panty tie spasm fro tits obstruslisno *lda mks due... A eold settles whoewbare la the body, sal sir. 1-,, • Lh. ....tot el functions These, if not Missed. riia. ' IP..e, th0u...1 vas and tbe onerroasdlug orsuss, pee .* I . if aggrovettott, guatigglib sad dhow. Who. •• 'h. enuabbon, oppressed by the dendiedeeta, tag.• t let's Mlle. and nos how &goody they norm* On ~, ~.., a. ihn n( the gyMeete. pod with It the bisoynat r.. ri , ! ( h....ilia /Iran. What Is ties sad so aduissust I in. .11 , , .al i.tol • ~,• him. eoniplidat, is LW) UM hi NNW ..' Ili. 1,4. . ~,. I and dangerous tiletwapiera. The lade ..;,/..el',.. i .spats thew. award II sladlor obstrso- I ~: i,..1 .lerangetneuts M the satursi funotknui or liss 1..11,.•, ~.• , 4,1.11 r. and many of Uwe needy, awned 1 , , 14. ,itte It. •.an•. Nose who know lb. virtues ei glum I•.u. ~ :1 11,1, t to employ them whoa whasritg? tram :I. ~ • .i%••• 11., Ch.M. net, r..... 1 Needled physidiuss la sea et the . •: . 11i..., ...I from °dun' earl keowu pablhe yea ?. .1 my Mt 'Thant St. LOSINI, Ri. A, lei& Ye•tr Mlle are We wagon or all that hi 11t have cared att Latta dinaildar . .11 , • ••••.• 1, 1 .41 low lamb and OM Vast had paned 11••• sa,,tbar has Imo tong vier- I I tvt!. i.t.a.-Itsa and pMplos oft bar skis and .• %ft, our dada woo caved, Ms also aini and they Lave eared her ABA MOIWILLDMIL lA. a Family Playale. A:. W. °trim:v.oU, '4w Ovitaal. the prince of purges. Their ezeollint 1,11 1 , - 1 1 •.0 any rattuirtic ye poetess. Slow me •nd varctual ID till& oetkition the .„„ 6 ies.k.ei thew Invaluable to um la the doe: II callache,Bl•kileaditolte,Poul Stomach. tF,ort Dr ilboariDayd, Botagort. Dv .a Deo A ,r . Ire nuot answer you what complaints I 1.1%. e 1 w ith vriur l'illv better than to say all diet • •, • 0 , to rw - tpthrt tweeltit. I plarelrreat depen d -, e effectiovi iiithartio In my daily /000 Mg with v• ead believing ea I do that your Pill. afford ue the beet e 101 OD tars* YOU* them Welly intim*, Pa., May I, laid. Do 3 C. fns. Sir; I ban bon repeatedly eland ei the went ►wdache any body ma have by * don or two 1,1 t , %/1 r Pills. It booms to arise hoe a dell stoma* tliay cleanse at Mee. Yams with great rodent, 111 D. W. PRIMA, Clerk of &raster Cittram ell loom Disorders —Liver Complaints. Ron Dr. Madan lon. of Nem Pork aft. \.•t only en your 1411111 atizotrably adapted to their put. pas* as, an &portent, but I And their bonskeital edicts upon the vsl y marked loSeed. They bare in my pra► tie. proved more effectual Air the core of hoboes seer /..' strut than any 01111 remedy I can mention. I stsesrots tevaa that at. hats at wool' a pungostwo white M ean thy the cosindeoce of the prolusion sod lb. people. - OP len Inmate, Washington, D. C., 7th Tab, Ida& j hay. oak par Pins la iny geberal aria heryti4 1 ,-or tiro ...or sloes you made them, and cannot bentsts to th.y ar• th• best eathattic we entebry. Their nom .rand action on the Ilver Is quick and &dad, owls goontly they are an Winnable remedy *or derusesosouts C that organ Iron, 1 bete intim 6:012114 a ONO of •' ..i.our &room ro o dilate that It dld net twdili 7141 to them trotternally yours, ALONZO BALL, D "retch= of the Arent iiimried. Dysentery, Diarrlacta, Balaz, Weaves. Ynoi Vlll. hal. Lad a long trial 1p ay mutts*, and I I. I I th , ,.. u, 0..14.114 n. One nltla• albrinda I hare ••••-r f I hosr n it.racire 01:01 trek tlie Liver make' h.. 1.1 an .n rrazady. when eves In mall dale* Ibr . a..., nel diarr hea. nab auipar-easting . -• r acceptable and courant's' br we .. .4..p1 children. DI spop eta. Impel Ity of the Blood. I: Hiniss, 14 of Adana Mar's, Befifft. Pr 1 4t.1t 1 hate ;teed j Pilo with extraordinary •ny handy and tassel am What to visit -11..., T' regulate tb wens of dlgesttoo aad they an a very beet manly I have • end I 111111 cooadeatly recommend them to nli Tome, J. V. MYR& Wrealing CO, N. T. Oct. 216 111114. 11 I am using your Cathartat PUY to say plea t mot end them an excellent 7 to doom taii ..t em and perrlfy Ua ibitielligiMP V W last JOLLY G. MAMA ii. D t owlet igmatiors • Co. I VON/068, fs .slew, Rketaarataba. • Ileinesigla l kitrap• my, Paralysis, Ms, its. Prom Dr. J. T. row* lattnol, Casa& Too much cannot be add it roar Plus Ito lbs ewes et ow imams. If others of mar fraternity have Ihend elms to Mt., *NT *.IM jets nue la pedalo. to kw the bane& of the mahltnilee who him tl complaint, width, although bad manaik is awl; la the progenitor of others that arm wean I balk.* era Lemont to originate to the Deer, WS MK rule sleet that organ tad curs tho &s m. Prom Mrs. K. Jaunt, Pkysimmi s.i JialsOr, AMOR 1 find one or ton large doses etyma Pm., tam se lie river, am mmilast promotiors of tie ward Rift. 14ms • boa wholly or pintail,eupgreis it aa4 ago very ril.-rtual to dames the stemerath and nem& They ore no much the best physic we have I eeseminalid no other to my plaints. the Rev. Dr Haight, of the Pkatorhar /big Okerek. PRANG Horns, Savannah, tia., JIM. 6, 1666. 'sane lea: I should be ungrateful 03W the your skil- tigigitkbrasght um If I did mat report q sans to V.lll A CIAMIKUId sad brought se agar ...Altus entreats perms, w h ich glided la &ream riltsswae. Notwithstanding I bad the best el phrsidtsl,lb° ew worm and worse, until by the Tim a raw ..a , ellaut agent to Baltimore, Dr. Madman* I tried peer Pills. 'heir tiftecis wets slow, harm:mi. ly peresessiog lo the use of them. I am now entirely well. unseen Caieau, Bike Rouge, La.. 6 Dee. UAL De. Lyle : I bays been entirely eared, by yoar Tina, of Goitt • painful dinette that bad Meted no set a TiNCIINT BLIDI U.. S ^lt of the Pills In market metal* Iformary. oh 1.-11, although a valuable rained, In skilful hands, Is ...awn- 11A In a public pill, from the thmisital oseeme. that 11 eqiiently Sallow Its inanities. as. Theis • 11.•tti P , ' iner•tti y r tnin.ral subetanes whatever. go Pasco, 25 cents per Hoz, or 6 Boxes for $l. Prepared by Dr J C IYYB dtr CO., Lowell. Sass. AND. KIDNEY ' ,/7& 7) 4+ , c,) •PITTSBURtI, PA, Bonier of Pons And St. Moir THE Largest Commercial School of the Cslted maws, idol a paoronort of oiMy 4,14441 7.a^, ba n d ea u, La ay 7.a^, bow at &mos, the oaly °se whiab atords oozoploto sod rolialgo lastroatioa all the following to r tsaiebea eh I lieramstat, Asagataturtre, Stoma Moat, Roil Rs sad Beak Book rlfili.T PREMIUM • MUI and Ornamenitt Penmanship; alms Surrey ir Endowing told Matlientaties genatally. $ 33•08 Pap for a Cononorwal tonne; Stndiente eater and reties , at any time, illlmilitaMon , none tuition at half-print— Por Catolopis of 86 patio, Specimens of Eutaw sad Ornamental Penmanship, and a beautiful Collage visor at 8 Nuzzo hot, *maintain( a deal minty of Writing. LW tenni and flourishing, melon* $4 mats in stamps to thit Trinei JENKINS Ai BIOTH, olaysWily. Pittstinzg, Pa. HARTFORD YULE aunnuacz co., IRA allar0114.1) CONNZCTICIJT. nrcoßei24.4 Tenisio. c o orTaL H. IirNTLNGTON, ?rect. T. C. AM * hey BOOKS CITY Flai lIIIIIIRLICE COIIII7ANT, HARTFORD, (NAIIIECTICUT. /PICO* PORI TED !UT. CAPITAL prio,sso C. B. BOWERS, Pleat. C. C. WALTZ, Secy. E. U. COLE "INSURANCE in the above old sad mU. .1. able Companiarese be obtalsad oa march.l3-42. R. W. RUI Asset• 11.123 ON HAND OD 'S DAILY RECEIVING Boots And Shoes ! Tin tmaismoss will be oestiaotsai bj WY. Y. A2III7CILI. who has retarded to Ede left a view to become a per =meat reddest% sad headers to the trade ally and to bLe • d Weeds, as iavriatasa be call eammtise the above kt Sept. ERIE, PA. ERIE RAILWAY. iiIIIIINPME CHANGE OF HOURS, COMMON° SOIIZ AT, NOV. It, 111OL ‘ t " raana trill have Dasherk stabout the kneels, heave i .u: Eastward Dound—Dppart. Ott Lwow. 4 114 P. 11- • 48 St44k _ • . ... I$ as it. Past 4...an50- .....ag0 so 11. 111. t ......... ...............6 MI a. sr 111 I 814; "l att lam ese %rt. FAMIONABLIGny alOl Draseoo- 01111 P .0.. Dr J. G Own, of Chscark P. ARBUCKLE, Eue-Aparor UVULAS. $ IIieCORD, A LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK IN ALL VARIETIES, AT TIM LOWEST NETT PRICES STOCK AT No. 16, )forth-Rat Connor of *a Past and Pa m& lltriet,