crie Atirtklu (Oberver. A SATURDAY, FEB 28, El Pt BLit; SALK BILLs, and Gernisda, printed at this of a• reasonable terms as they can be ,t 'toy other establishment k ISINNIER4, RFOINIIII4ITAL COLOBV, Si( I 11.••• 0 W Crowell , No 211 Sup, ret-t. lieTeliklld, 01110 10,11 Gni. El KsT-it iTF %N(•K e r,•,ve for sale at this (Mice a $:!.; War t u tile Iron City College, at Pittsburg ,h Wei Will well fur $2 ll The %elm& is min• very be..l in the e,ontry T 0 a yeone n wrtehing to at ten 4 a cowmen•inl 'Cotltt,i opp,irtunity. WS FROM ALL QUARTERS I hi' RIC'1 , 11. )1 1 I , tt Vo . jL • ,t / th • . i° • li di Wt: hive a nevi , lierriiiiiy•—the h.ll h pitssed both hous,iikand nl th.. Presidential b, b e „ _ li. pirs.t.e Alll. left King , tnn ,„ I , on too ',2141t u l , to b.• 41 ch o i r Whiletill port th. ,rt,•4:i,i/ ti-burg 1,%"pel • 4 , 1 'I . it it. I'l\ er la o4.rtl,wlhz th.• 1. 1 Itr I. i)•• „. will 1111.1.• t WAter 1 (11 die.' it .111 it E.‘ Hite latt'„nr.ri._ t , for gupril!,t 4 1 .1. Lek, tipml th, I.iii.l tnr Inv •,ftt-moon, '. t r. the ri.b4-.1 atmv, i Lito •k • nr the relieki it, liii-hin.lll.l, Was . 0. thy St Nieltok, If otol 111 N to- notort , t I %voCke-,1 W .v ttla, le a:ll.tx. s btkAaM(l hParm .11 einispqtrlH4 ;throw!. 1. letter from (}en. brut['; a:toy I , :iVs LioobThonlie,on, Secre .' the luteri , n, W.I. Captured on the - stri river, on the .11-t ultimo, in a npl han,led Over to t h o o tle ut Ad ,. Porter. Ine exporte from the p4i's ()! N elc . '‘‘ toreign ports 'luring the .notith o, iary arnounte‘.l in value to the sum of whili only 5.•4.6:14 574 .II teas. Darin.; 1 1 1-• truP tnonth 1e r they reached 4 .7. in;lini -4.2.1.,5z5,•274 to oper:e inten•led to lia%.• atu of. •troutni Wittshington co. teed With e••• winch can Le .t ,t time. nivi *it in% pnint P;titor in ‘ollevt , , I s lice 41113,•er tn taud dt- .-11 , ..tu tlly 1.•• II \ Wont CO IL \ a 1 tilt-I I• • ' Or - 41 , 1 117111.11.14 h in ft.,' •le:on.. 11 NILLtt IL.L:Lt- -till Lirtilit.wl their npLit Viek- I .,Lr-L• •in I 1.t.',, , L.:,L L) - The ehei- i, piL, tilt. 40 • L \ t;..% rt' SY. 11/t1 thr. , ll , th tle L ‘. rho %v(Lrk -t.#.441 1‘ '.l f l L he Lt. vv.)} k 41.1% ~ LL Per. 1,-.1!.1 trwn k t.. ;he trt tivit 1).•1111,11d,111,III rnrnene.>4l th d o 111 , t 1.1,..ned tiro, and the r intederate ,•y•— T,•-pnn(le.l 11AI the litiio;l,le sseek • • ,uppiied vc.tti -rirtiriont proviiions to last ifire. , months ,14.11"utehinson, of the schooner • if i% ward, arrived on Sat u r•las• Arno-us, reports that on theluth .11 latitude 211 I , ...n2itit•le 1;1 - • saw the rebel privatc‘•r fietrihn ci l a.ed hi. vt•••••-••1 t, r thret. •• r./it being to windward the .1 •ri he escaped by outsaiiing her the Wa4hineton t ••ommrind has at Ist.t heen definitel) re. , l for tien. and :cl•ls—tliat more important tiel 1 of • nn the i'mtinent Orin 01" Ono „ tw embraced within the now ahout to be gli t-ti hr •Hiectors of the arum 11 Stmt...., ti, t to alt. Glruruissicolt•: "f in -, Hev,riur , . on Fteenupt nt internal !Alf , tax, to .lanuAry exHus.% ts‘otpt, trc)na corporations, foul sa•- •rld from itamp4, of $', 1 ,14.7,- ')' this sum Pennsylvania ha. 4 p k;,l New York $2.2:-.!3.2.:15, an,l A eorre-tpon,lent, who iaj he ha- an mate knowledge of 4 '.a. Edei. the (-obi . iPt• o' the gunboat t ;ueen of t tie We -t, ..te et but nineteen year, of alp! youngest colonel in the army. 'flip t wander of the Mista.-:lpi Marine P.rtg whi h inclurit • the ..tetim rain II •et. irt+r lienrrAl "^r. i I the i'o!. t II tr,••, ,iu t co of ••ec: et:try of the "I'r:•Asur\ !: ( c ongress information ,i.:(ut CAI the revenue perpetr tie i 11l (IP' V r k Custom (oust'. 111 y 11.0 c on for several Mans, an , l of prominent clef kaAreimplic.tte4i • .I..voice4, false samples. do , have ...lie means, and false swe.‘ring te . c.tshed the frauds. It would seem ,ve tie suspected fact that an ad ient tariff is an Invitation t.) tniev,, fheri aie bign, it r(•tu , -.knit) nix the rebels, on thv itt-i ((`' •n. The Virginia Legi , lature, it 1. willirepudiate ',etcher', footi,ll at .ntliat way, on the grout,(l that the (on of prisoner* of war belong , ex (': ' , )the . 9nte. , le•ratf. ,ovot nment. (IPerned certain that the ongress will discountenance the Jett'. Divis inaugotratiii i x wli()1(- tourder.-,,, al , IV 41,.• 11.(\ Wit. week • r,,-ws from Ettrot.e Ihe I:.,l ig avmming dunen • 4r1(1 a pr,tvihiopal han f-3ta.bltshed In \Val4aw An at .' uaa been mault.l to p0,0,t the NIAt. ..elopolski, the Intimate counselor 0., 1 Duke Con4tentine, and hi, fain nn nue of the, family had (he(l yet. 1: -ported that the ItuQsian 4 .overn- LI !lA, rescinded the order te-: , ectin: • , !ion itt Poland, which le l to tip , r•‘K 0 the ILvo:ut/oh ro.• t toceivf..l at t; te.•h-t.J vo re "clot O,F, t own of Wengrocv had hcoll tit l'olee by the P. , i , staris.— " of f:uchin Carta ag 1 4:alost the Frencu, and 'onto -overe :14 ,- 1 taken place t_ 4 pll.lh t, e.l again t.) take pat:. , but u" -I I ne British Pat ItArnt -, nt ben by a yupen'.4 iTPecli, whit h 311- "1 tit it Lugl:it) I .toes not intend t ' .• in, her “tter , • 1 ti.i.-11:0 inn 411, t rhe the rvati‘e party •It port-I . ' .Irnot.e tn lioveriata. • T - I‘oo 1 DRArt F , etnrciett,si and larig, ate .Ate atl• •Itity appetite • - an ant ehange of rater and diet • tr ofdtaalpatton and late Lout. 1 , .0 q•lr.o nod tL• n. .! • , .1 sn.soquatic and mt.- r LrLat lr Trrt f tl,. t , oath an 1 aridit, ~t •*7 can r , s.p.pala and l'nnatif atu n •• Cl,lera buten. Meqs...e '`" or" tripla.nt in I NI r , u. il. AU. I, bitt.r. in th. world TL., mk t . the EMI t ; ru,l are. . I . , ataste.l relit IT lira, Ram, th• eel.. 111111123111 ' P• rtootm art L.n•r •nd nr. takr , t) .41th ....1...., • ~ tortico, eri!hoo r..,•1,1 to at• nr tulle :4) r.r0tt.u4.1 4 1..1 t , , 4. 11 , ale foorovni • t!ttat4. sticuaiiint ..I(;r , ,4rs, ()rue ti, l' A DRAKBkt,r &UEDA 2U Broadway, N Y ritiZE rolliTit.T. .et t !del - lain§ boast of deeds la was. Au 4 Minstrels time their most 'altar, ‘ nobler 'hems my impart It en,— ho pmts. of Hamm's 'matchless Nils flll4ll are found to every lead-- Mid Russia's •oosf•—and Anie'• wind bsor wondrous worts - tb• papers 111, Vroduceol by H►RIM C's mate-bier rills Does dines,. afflict goal do not doubt Tbl■ charming compound will ',arch it ”ut And ►rain your w.bel lll l II you Iv at vacs to yantica /NM. Tb..7'r, sate for call - both old and young aim.' are on every topple; I , lsease disarmed—en longer kills, wl• bleseed with Haisainall Pills L 7 Put up with English,Spanish, German and Preach dirr,ql.,l3. Price 25 cent* per box Sugar contest. Sea ad rPrllMpYbl na third page. For sale by all druggists in l• rta Je2S*6. l. 13 it DItKT 1 I T ":4 1 11;1A, , 1 }1. .: . 1, ysrio'slA, REIIVCK, k rKL, THK PRINCIPLE 0I 1/10KAIIN ~ k I 110.11 t i R. HAZARD, of Yortaaaoutla, nod. Likud. *A • tAea tj -Art . ..13 Jenne PIE perienea with tills the that in very few eases •oul4 tlie 4' 4rt • wog 1.. reluired if Brand:l46'e Mlle were a• Li the earl) of tiIICAMI." J J took, publi.urr of the Sanas?, at 8.1110 111/0.08, An% L'l I,th's Ptils cured ma of Dyspepsia whim r nth, 1111.411.0 had failed, and I wee actually given up and friends." • • 1...• le.l.llllinly .• ...vwn by N , the aril .11 , WWI 1/11.1. • Wn•l thnusands of °then hien!" are We,, kne , wl4, in fad dOneci 1111 an r. r pint :Jail I.; In 11n1.111•C oars they set AA • gentle r.ostiv sties, and purl(' lag liar bk,...1 -- I day canug th4ntaantla who are deemed ICI me , l. , lns Was sm. , ' hicespal 4 , r,..., S , Tlit.E.T, New York •,. I NI: priYartable dra h F I -T UNII) 111104 T I't•pu. , , 11 :.50 t.e uat .1 upon the bstr t tin t • s manurial Inuwo or black, la CRISTADORO S HAIR DYE It 0 ., irr,t. 1 , , 1.4 d earcle ul otloq dyes, Lourialari the het , • hp,' tl, pvit.)rius 14 ~ork uuldsoliansursiv, ktl It. preoeuce, to the 01.44411,r1 . , r rurwtua as I l' \ TIC I. 1.. T ‘l4ll,lfe•to-rd J CR.I`TA 1 1 h1R I, No 6 .tetor Hou.e, 1 " 11, *l'l , !led b) all l'a l r i , r• erel P. $l, f 4,0 U, and $ p.l vox, aecorthox ukO 1w , Cristadoro's Hair Preservative, I , e, .t imparts tla. utzooNt salt t , r4UtdUl 0014, and grant %ttallty to the Pr ie. Lb crata, $1 4,1 $2 vq. Soule, accortheg le size anglB62-1y H EI TK it ETtre ilAat ktErtithßATlV IT /S .1 1 / 4 / ) E, but restores gray hair to Its o; lisi• nal r..ity sup, the caplilary ltllbei • ith natural su•tenan, , rival e l by ego or di-rue. All Instsneous Ca..-tic, destroy ing the vi ta:ay an Liertity of the luttrothd afford of themselves no .tri-bs•nz flutinstreet'S Inimitable Coloring not only restores hair to I , p natural , -olor, by en easy process, but rice. the i,s.r s LUXURI4NT RFAurr, prom-ites its growth, prevents its off, err...lli:at*, dandruff, and ir.,Arts health and plessanturois to the heed ft has ,toed the teat if tiot-, ' rl e ;ina. hag Coloring, and to r r" or •F•A , gin fir, ; y b o th it IS 5. ray 111 irspectabie deal - • ed by tia.'m or the CoolMeleilLi o , BronJway, Two Jan"-l4 1A 13 MI 1, 3 01.1 . IM:IIMP:it. C , , wilprir'of tor "Fort • +.l With 6./.11,5 nl ' wi the viethity of Salt al. , in' ! has er o.e great'y distinguished hinsaelf ea 1 1.110. -r, trader so I guide 111 an later-wk.. w , I!.r z,!in the adeaues of the a: lily to Ptah. • that • ,me este since, while grarsoing '•,l • • I, tl - td dt.covered so immense rot! of pure thr-ii‘h which the sun's raj s wete reflected with t e g of the Eno•t tnegisidesent reanbee, •illt that I, hat lint the !0z.,. sod bad newer Seim able tii It HoLta4,lll . l (,craws Hitters. which Can diin,,,.-red In the store of soy druggist or dealer in In • 1.;11..• will ponlicrif rare r),•pcpsia, Li rer Complaint, tour ki• . an 1 will sl.nnst festnee to the nld •!, , i;nr ‘.l " their )(wilful days I h tTti 1,1111E4. This delightful article for preeerring and tea ill' tbe human bsir is again put up by the origi nal nrrvfetor, and is now Made with the fume pm, skill and att,f,tiffn, which first crested Its immense and un preeedf fated A.ll, f f. no.r te.ttles aunually I It is at 1: 5 ''en! f. Fs ef In la-ge homes Tan million bot tles etc really be r.. 1 in a year when It a again known tbst II • l ill, f‘ren 1. I• my tb• most delightful hair ire , . be in 'he bit 'list it deaf:L.ll the scalp "I Cu fart aed dandruff, Pl we. the blur& lively, rich, luxuriant I pr. emits It from turning gray Tbefse err eenteld.rati knowing The It athairon has been tested kir f•ser tw.dve years, snd is warranted LA deaeri• fed A n.lady who values* beautiful head of hair will r... the K 4t It 14 finely 'performed, cheep and rat. nail- It Is Anid ..0 aft respectable &mime throughout the a. t.• fm RARNF.A k CO. 111d,ri New York H El.'vltiOLD.64 EXTILACT BUCIII , THR ORKAT 111.1.‘415“1.1 , VTR ACT Hr( Hl', THE GREAT DU RETIC NEI %I 301 A, i i.IrRACT THE GEE tT DTURICTIC rl-tA , 2T 11(.11112, 11F1 If B.;,1, TILE GREAT DIURE TIC 41, a and +i.... tie Remedy for Disci., of the r, Kidney!, t.rarel, Drolloy, Organ r Weakness, An f /111 duean«n of t) « Urinary (-) 901 I/ trkertleement tr, anotbrr co!umn Cut It ~ u t, a for the lbelieine at ono.. BEWARE OF COONTERILI TS DK. Tlnil I.` F.! 4, 11'.T1.AN 11011e4F. 1.1:S1 111LN T, in pint bottlea for S O )4 - ..nt., e,lll-, ace. Read the following Ito Neon, July 7, 1160 1,181, , 14 for • past year )Ul.ll. lIMEIZEICEID MEM H..... lam. /At 10.tlite, brulara, colic and r.r..1 ur r , &Listen.., f0..r.4 it the beet whale I weer company Pleat... bend Mx &I • ' J o r.rdy linmiet.t now lee have 101 horsee, very salami..., and lo not w ant In leave town with- IfrATT FROST, Manager Vat. Atubnrgh & Co.'. Mesececie. W I, f nil Drug,7rsta Office, 26 Coartlandt St., New r fa1621-4w. . _ - 1:1)17111C OBIEILV kat, 1.1 DzAit Sit —With your permission, I ba! to the leaden of your paper that I will send eel , . re mai' to a I who arlah it„, (Cr..,) a Recipe, with ns for making and using a Maple Vegetable Balm, t o• IS t . . , ll,c'u•lfy remove, In 40 days. Pimplee, B.l..whea, Tan, recklea, and all impuriti , a of the Skin, .eat mg the PllllllO. 11.41, clear, atnnotb and beautiful. EMI 1 alllal.o mall free to those having Bald Heads or Rare e a r,., aitnple dirtictious and Information that will rust, n Lltrrn to start a toll growth of Luxuriant W h i .•r a lio,.,•tarbe, in less than 30 days All ap r,i..t•l 0 11. :...»eir , br return mail sl'hout aurgr. Blespretiully yours, THOS CHAFIIAX , Chemist. Nu 831 Braadwar, New York. -- f -- I IT II 0 Ur i 1 0 N . !! I I i re H D y il be V al l irrLi P te..l u d cured t •^ of iladams Zadoc Forties Curatlve B.lsam T hia invaluable unethetne possesses th• extraordinary power t,l tetieruig immediately h• °plug Cough, Diffi culty of ll:eathing, floaroeneva, Huskiness and Tickling ol tut. Tbioat. It 10.4 en the Phlegm, and will be found to le .err agrvvable to e taste. It a not a violent r but tool sot—warm, noatolAng and creel i vv. Caii be taken by the *West person. or Yoologvot F.,1 antv by all drugglate, at 13 and 2S eta. per bottle. TOM IrtENIKEIOSIONIS A:111) IicAPERI PCSCIS UK , A POOR YOUNG MANI.—A • 11111, I.IIT.EIg 141.1`11 curd of the resulta of early ar t 4,, • 11., trove 111.1t1, CO of LeLISVOi.POCS, P•ad LI • LIVIA.. •11 nqutzt it a copy of the above intereetteg n.rr.turv, puttlothod by himself Thin little book is de warning mud eAuLuai to young wetland thou. ,uilPr SakSUL'a Ilitasure, Loss or Maaoay, I'lool ATI 14C•1, Ate , at the •11,0110 time thu means o' eel( cute. cupiee will be sent uuder • Ina pis,u uvelope,— e About charge,— t.. any who el it. by a.l,lre•sains the author, A ',AMR!. ,•, ts:Petir, .1. 1 1 - , 4 r • in informing (me Pantie, awl Al hn particular, ILA< we hie. -44.4.1 rta.1.11144 i• I" It 1 N s r CUM I NCREASI.:I) FACILITIES, And ar+ prepared b, All all orders fur )1: I AND II EATINCI STOV ES, wilt! FROIPIYESS Harm)/ • late Stoc rt . Iron, pierloos to bring burr,t out, 'fret as a decided advantage, un pile. of -ttovea, ; nett Wanda:Direr' who have bought o at prevent high prices Thint.talt,,, past (atom we hope, by strict atteotiro to the ,r,ntr Cumtnmers, to enotioue to merit their pa tr"nag. kb2r6ttl VINCENT, TIHAALrt, aHIRH h CD. H. li E N T A two story Dwelling goose s alt-1 uaied es Svrood Street, between Pesch and Mate street., near occupied by James G. Payne. lebl4t. ZDWIN J. KILBO. THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. Fm..v•lTxmwll-7,7-112 KNOWN AA " firLIBOLI71 4 F - GENUINE PREPARATIONS, HELMBOLTPA EITRACT "RUCIRC," SARAAPARILLA, IMPROVED HOSE WASH GENUINE PREPARATION, "•HIUIEiLY CUPICILPITILATIDI' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU! A POSITIVE: AND SPECIFIC RllittlY 111.,.ThDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL /ND DROPS!" Thu audithse Increase.e the power of Digestion, and 4e:cites the ♦BBORBILNTS into ►ealthy notion, by which the W.ITERY OR C4LCIEROUS depositions, and all UNNATURAL ENLARGEMENT, ere minced, an well as pain and latlAtmenation, and la pod for ACE N, WO,VVY OR CHILBRIEN RELXBOLD'd EXTRACT BUM, jsal-lcu 4 : aLea,,,,, Habits of Dissipation, Fatly Indiscretion or ►Ouaer AMNIA') WITH THE. FOLLOWINg SYMPTOMS luilialoieition to Exerttoo, Lou of Power, I.ou of Illeacucy, Difficulty of Breathlog Weak Name, Trocisbilog, Horror of Mm a ,r, Waketoluews, ()amuses nt Vision, Palo I■ tLe Back. Uulaeracil Lassitude i.f the Flushing of the No ;y, 1i useu Oar :sy Otcl.l Froptioiss on the Foos, Hot Handl., Pallid Couotesaisco, Dry Dow of the Skin These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which 0/aka:indicts* In•st obit rwenovaa, anon f dkow ; IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, F.111.61T1C ►ITA la one of which the patieot mar expire Who CAO say that they axe not frequeatly followed ley those "direful diessoria" INSINITY AND CONSUMPTION Many sir aware of the close of thou oufferlog. but n,,oe u tli confess. The re-urds ui the Insane ♦gluros and thu metru3ohely deaths by l.ooaumptio■ bear ample •itswo• to the truth of the eseertinu The Constitution Onoe Affected with Organic Weakness, Requires the aid of medicine to Mresigthen and ate the system, RELMBOLIY 3 EXTRACT AU HU invariably does. A trial will convince the most skep tical VIC:HALES, FIRMA Lltrd, VIMALES ! 0114 Yocra, SIXOLA, N•aarah, OA CONTErrt.a.risru 114aBlAus, lute I . Lilt' L. r the ii-Lir.. t Butt... -- • h remedy, .te in Chl .. ii. "r ittiv,. . ... e; , ~ .:, , t'ft. ta (LI nes. ur Suppr,amou of the 1:11....4....5,y bracua4tooe, Lieerete.l or Sd a rruua 'tat.. ~1 the Fterae. Leucuriltea ..r WOh 14, itenhty. •nd far all .-htlip,e.ut ta,1.1. it t., the *ex, whether arising iron) Ind., reti,..o, 11441111 . I Illegipa.aou, or to the Del LINE. Olt tll % \ CAE OF LIFE NO FAMILY SII(iULD WITIII)UT IT Tate no Relearn. Mercury or l'opleassot Medicine for l ..,pleasant en.l Dangerous Durres. EELIBOLD'S EXTRACT WIC= 4ECR ET DI TEASES, to all their stages; at hale expense; Little or so thumps in diet; no ineonveniance, kND NO EXPOSURE It "noes heo tient d•rire, and gives strength to Urinate, tharry rrmoviog obstruction', previa:nag and Clll4Ol Stricture. of the l'rellata, allaylog Pal► aad i•llanona- Lon, so ft-v.o*ot in this ram or diseases and ripellieg Po! SO.VOCIS, l.!.) l4$EUq WOlOl OUT MA TIT& Thougands upon Thousands, %,1 , HO 1I .A E. BERN TRY TILT/MK OW t.,IUACK4.4. A ut6whe hare pal.: IiF.AVY FLEE to b cored la s abort tune, hays found they were deeetred, ihd that the" Pol• sou" has, by the use of "powerful uartngenta," been dried up in the syst,tn, to break out In an atir• vated form, sod PERHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE' RELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHII F'.r all A d-atioto. and Diasaasa of THE 12ELINAE V oritwo4, Wile Ler salon` lu MALL or FEMALE, from what - evrr caoN originating, and no toddler OF HOW LUNG PTANIIING. lha*e■.s ta . these Organs irquire the aid or a Diva/Tie RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BIICILIV IS Ta GREAT DlCritrne, An A 4 certain to have the destre