The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 17, 1860, Image 1

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    ilic foie tsbantet.
• r ,11• 4 lnglo subeeribera, if poid la advance
lave Ctopt•fi will be Neat to one address for Ilk sad
-emir late fur keret' einba.
• , .ute,ril,er falling to pay within the year, the
• •
.hernettnued weal the sdoeol mute out et
st. per i ear, end left erltb a proper Whore for
.. , Fifteen llrros or le,a, make a aquare."696
, .. ,, e 9996 , $ 76 One square 3 months $3 00
• I ~, .. 100 One " 6 " 600
•• threw, " I 2 5t
One " 9 " 676
..' ~., • a.,,,,,.. * 'Par, ehartgyable at. plesaure, 810
, - ' I..onttip., $6; 6 months, $6; 9 months,
s. Ar, $1.5.
~,i, ~r 10 aquaren—ofte year, $6O; 6 tit*,
onth*, $lB. 0:
• • AO. Inatorted In lbw Business Director! at 113 per
„, .., , k,,.... allowed (or a Card, over ale, and ender
• and Editorial natters. 10 cents a line ; but no
I...aoti` w ill Tnested among tbe Special Notices
one 40IIIr.
tierehante afrd others requiring frequent chants*
•or dveitaaments will be allowedly° aquares. paper,
• for $l5 Inc additional apace, the charges will
o•-oporto•n, and the dvertimmenta must he *tried)
tool to the leßltimate buidoras firth. actvertmer.
ran.wilt mhprtiorments reguirtd
• for r earls adveirtwing will be prevented half-marly
1 1., '.
or THIS PlAell--015M to Sr , "
,roer of Peach Stn.% •nd the Public Nitare, Krie
,2 11. 1(1,41i1r,
71. 1.11 , i.rll in Moots sad Shnee at
. „ 11.t,11. at No 111,radaell'e Monk Stye NO./at,
11.101 MN*, 11'1d:1411NY iSt
Witni.r.sAut iinonesui, sod healers in
Imparted Winn. sail Livia/11,1"Mo Smart,
.t mit, Fiat', Uil , and A.gienia for Modals anitalo
I and 2 Conimerrial Pulldinp , North n
• ,onrn, Erie , Pa.
1.1.1,11E10N do Co.
Whni..oo. and Itt.tail [hugest's • n d
1,1 Oda, Paint', Maas, Dy. Staff; ke.,ace..Pin 6
Houma, trontinit the Publ.. Pqnszn, tale
•rb I w—/y
W 11 1'1.1,,
multkilsoN HOUSE.
..rn.r of goostod and likrket qtreet—one square east 01
hangs, Warren, Ps. Rcpt 29--17
1 ) IL. J. *THWART
r.. . Work. ka.t.lenee, Prown'il notol
4 .Ihe.• hour* 121,, 2 n.clnek. P. %I. jorie9iciS- 63
1 ) It. 0. 1.. E.ILLIOTT.
RILS I.•KNT nprr , ..7.
.Ibroo n.l Dwelling In iroath Perk Row,
t Plot of gti. Rank building+.
te, Inlr lu. 0.b%
_ _
I I. I • 1.141 t., BLANK RNA 1111.0R7ACTCRICR,
4tor, ~t Itindern.chng Block, frio,
tP• A f; RIRWM.D, Jobber, anJ RelakD
•r to .•rrry deaertidion of Foreign and DoroeaDe Dry
. r 'trT.•trnaa. NI Clothe, kn.
I , 111 WIN r. W111,440k1.
aren't:4Kr k CurvesLau* AT Laer * Frie Pa
" • 4tleet, near the Park. in the Arnonean
.4 the huthilag, nernpseci h. F k
hiaudeker He will always hg found in his office. and
WIMP...A punctually attended tn.
A. s4llAntitY,
Ilt Al. lIIYORTICD WIN'S AND Lly11•01101,
•w i• t .r French ttranclics, nln., he, Chanp.ohrn..
(11*.4, NI of rt. '4 alogs, Sherry. Fort,ood all Mods
i.• WI/Im, 111.0 mancitatta rer of roetttied Who,
11 , mrhon, Monnnolcla, Are , Revd flour. on
41 - roitx ET AT LAW, Girard. litrir Counts,
untie and (Abet bnaineas attended to with
.11.1 di.pxtrh
I N.012(.1 if J. VIIIIbitTON.
I V.. 1 / 4 1/ A gloom and C vITIIIII4OIIM Mftrehant.
' ' • APalor In Ralt. Filth, Flour and
r. PARlttn,
1 voAton iiitninaan, and dealers in
ii,.,, is Yonder, .11..1, Caps, ilafetr
Fish , tina 3 and 4, t iiiii
• Puddings. Frio Pa.
I .A...11111ttl)A011.
\ HOLICAA L k glt? 4.1. 1 IKA LigRA
14 - .trpr la, Ilattinon,..ll r 9 , the.a. kr
I & CO..
Vo itnnti. II RiOrk
1 . .1 1 % -% V.V."41.
711 , PPArli. WEEP In Btit r.
Frit, P.
I.IIIN %RN di: CIO..
•••••1/I[III49IMA Ni*.retAnto
•nr • I. F L ~ rr M Vl.lli, nrnt *gent fnr n daily line el
'le.iniere, PrThtn - Fri. P.
.11 11,1 , C. lola 1111 , innfteturer ..• •+••L,
rese. lo) the whatr fe.110 , 11
row\ t 1 . 111,CM.
junler • k tille • u L tamale and Itrt
n.l Pinine Chaim. No. 4 Roy .6 - so• Ri , rib.,
v•*. 11111'1:I. V. 4%.
1 41 . 1r —Mlle* remove.) t..
aryl 01 StAt• qtreot, t t n the north of tto
1 1111\ N. WALKAKIL.
pri•tript nttnntton to the Ineoine 1.111.4
•tri • the parmen. nrTaxen in the .1.31 es of Mix
•• A ttl *lc... till nil tinier. for the porrhwe
4 . mt..1.1)11 , C,4,
rl IV/I,PLFQ AI rand Retail dealer in all Lind.
German and American Hardwire, A n riia,
kr Saddlery and Carnal, Tnmalinga•
Inn,: and l'arllng French atreei, nprmit. th g .
Frt.. Pa.
I I. 1/11%VNINf:.
%TT , . %TV kT 1. Tk . 4111 JrTTICT AY TR)
te praetlee In (kr ..everl4l Court. of line County,
'. • • , n , l faithtl 1.1 t.,ttion an bu•i nee. en
• • r... ~hi.1.,,,.1., either ao Attorney nr
,n Itloek.enener of Stat. and Wfth
%. ft1.4()4.
4. \V , 11.10 , rtn Flour, Pork, , alt, kr
s, 1, ..nunerrial FturWmgn, Erie, Pt
1 I UDELL. d M %RPM.
11 tir,,,,•,l•Hitivt &Steam F.nginea,Retilers.
d,,; or. 4 ul to ra I mrsi.roeuita, Railroad Car.,
. 01.0 M,
J a , M.trr arer Kai k Wbolerale and Retail
lealef to Well and C . -lateen Pump. of auperinr quality. the
,eareat and heat onw in tote Shoo no 7'weltth irtrwet
•ear Pesch, Erie, Pa.
re- Aqueduct far earryinc water for family, farm nr
purpnews for sale cbeop.
Nlg $ A niiiiiii 57 CO.,
Ditties If GOLD, Silver, Bank ?fetes,
.I. •
• rtliwiLtea of Deposit, fin. Sight exchange on the pita
-1.1 rides coneJantly for axle. 016ce190 9 Retni Tinto*
t•.,t aI <• Si niusitris.
1 RT R
w it en ar. uca tit s LLOlialt i.G..
r. ,, mon', Ship Chandler,. Wood and Willow wars ke..,
kr , State Street, F.rie, Peon.
Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Defile!
Millinery, Hosiery, Zephyr Knitting, and Yankee No
toms. Together with a general assortment of kadles
oods Pesch street,lth .have Depot. Jan.2l
mu4s B. Pi. RHODES,
for heeler 4 Wllsrin's ftelking Machines. Mona in
Beet.. • Moth., But Park, Erie,P. stitehinf done
. 1 .•oe to ( ) Her. Fisshlons seeerred monthlr
Deaf% &WWI . &Z. RKCK lA N.
11 WHEILLAIL. Lit AJED HATalt ritelleTßY, and
In Flour, Port, Ptah, Salt, Itrarla, Wood Yid
illow Ware, !Calla sod Glair, at ho. 2 Wzightli Block
w i xirt , lß.ranT. NWT
T-3 •
az J.
I/11 LIMA In OreoP/ 4 / 4 ., PrOVIIIii 400, PT.-
tuff, Pork, Fish, %at, antin, Flour, Fruits, Nuts, Man.,
v Brooms. Pails, Wooden, Wilton and Stone Ware,
Tvrine Cash. Prices low. No. 4Wright'm Block,
qtsto titre/4.1 doors above the Part Oates, NT*, Pe
V RIMA DP•11110 MLA •
Croaery, Glassiratir sad Saddlery, Nos. 11 and 12
to pin. Block, eormar of Fifth and Stab. atrmeta, Iris, Pa.
•twolurry Air w. Da Madsen
E.b. 26, 111119.-Iy3B
TTORIZT 1.0n.--0411oe in Neutral
itl"rh, over Neuberger L Bokar's Clothing , Store• Ra
t rsooe no State Street. _ _
S (' rig 1 4 ' o ll e. of Coal. Sall, MAIN Plffirrl
ke., A ke. Public Dock, Erie, Ps. bl
•. won. i II
, 11W111(1111 •
•11 M. A 11.1PVT111 4 1.
rizscsn la Clodra t Watches. rive' Jew-
Silver Spoons, Plated Wise, Looking Glasses, Gilt
Cuthry and Fuser Goods, Paragon Building,
north side West Perk new Pesch it
(t.aee+.ra Stewart 4 six emit%)
• • LII 1/11) Ratan Diva/user, former of State and
Palata,ollll. Drs-Striffs. GU" Cs*Vb""'
II • o ,ifie Moat ftrnahoo, iso•
"Int l
WD CoMMILIAIt 41 . Lew.
Mow remore4/to apron rooms of Roweesweir's
~r n.r State filteeet and the Public Aquarn, Rri., Pa.
.. - _
\V ".
05... Booty's . ..... .
:10,k thortll elde of Pulelle Square, formerly occup y
m... 11 R ro. All wort wanwolled.
ATTOILWI IT LA ir--Offiee Oia 6th Street,
....rly opfrnAlt. the Court Hou.o. Erie, hi.
W K. MAGILL ...-,
DICNTINT, Offaeo In Renee- 4 1 ia.••
* , ..e.. Rltw.k, earth lido of the Park, VA% Pi.
OFFICE, Paragon Block, near North
West Corner of the rublis &m•" Pa.
A New Plan for . Selling Goods.
The only Institutlot of the Mod fa the wm►d ,
Price of OUTS, 26 eta.; 60 eta., & 11,00.
!MY 40017 M, WooKA,JCWELRY, 1101UsICLI.
1 , 4 4 1%.1 WENIN, ke,ke
Positively tho best CHANCE knows
to Make Money.
Ever) person orderhug OM bora this Inatitatloo 11
get valuable gifts oftbe very bastquality, worth
from the amount taveatral fa $1,460
' sent on daily to our patrons free
of transportation charges. Great lodunamenta
form cleats. Tn nne in a dub of 40, at 60 eta *web, its
will give a Hunting eased Lever Silver Watch, and fully
40 eta and upwards worth of grinds to *web of the others
in the club. To one in a els!. of 60 at 81,00 each we will
give a teautitul pure containing a Ten Dollar tioloi pleve.
To another lo the same dab, we will eV. II superb Alma.
Watch, and warrant It to keep time for nor ;ear. And to
all others In the club we will glee onv dnllar and op
warda worth agars's, Proems acting as aggents in get
ting up eluba and sending angle orders can deduct 25
per rent oa all mnneva milteeted. Thnwisolielting orders
for the American Gilt Koterpriae, sill please make 111 re
port aibniten a. non a week. Persona nrderng flirts and
p s i being estiegied no arrioral Ott.. goods, ma have their
mower by returning the nifta In good girder. Pond Dinn
er by 'expense wbao conemilseit at seed ramrod, by mail
Gift' shipped in 48 bouts after tit. order la reerie,l
Addrem all nrdera to
11.0 10.1m30---lim
PORK, six.,
AT 11 7 1101,ESAii1 4 ',.
\u. 7, Bonnell Mock,
Erie, Oct g, 1619
Scotch and Irish Whiskies,
Choice Old Mowmgahela,
AND 1{1"E
'lmo. on flan , : t(1I (Arvid and Bost g4lpet,l olnok n/
Fine Old Whiskey
of II • .11.10•••• in tho Coital or which irk Web
it amp i." 41 by sin. F.. F. 1111,014:ToN h. 14}11).,
1 y 5 North Front id
Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c.
\*,) 116 Walnut Street. and No II Granite t
NO. A .1, 114'oto
7. Th...” BL (k
Rm.., Oct R,
R 4 c.ltll S Eit•Ti > N T
tin A t -a Chantberet N. .
Itl'LU 1114 ifv the Tr.i.le that thp% :I!
V 4ilwnln, %% • • ktt, in nen and niolf rnltery • thn
A NtLIO Print, it nigh ext rig e•Viprs 1 . 01•111.. tb. ..” 'On fg.•
rilwrtion I.f oi 6;1 inn %I. I MO, II ttali Shvisivr ...Igo •
Our Pont.••. .•al.. r t halt • t s. si•ri. • III.)
with wlttenot,-
g - 4 , ' (w.f.,. 1 .1 ..inpt I • stirm.l•4l 1, - I r
Brewers, Blasters and. Hop Dilalers.
AAV ENG purcha•ed intereft
of GEOIROR W. SMITH, In thn old and well-k,.nwe
Point Brewery, Pittsburg,
We are now prepared to ramie!, to the onsneroue custom
ers of the obi firm, with ea article nt X, XX. !Cermet t
and Ritter Aim that cannot be excelled by any estabitab •
or•nt in this country.
For the accommodation of uur ruetomera in this eye
two, we have lippointed Memos Cauchey ft (lark, WPM. ,
sale nrOopes, of Crfe, oar Dote scoots for Oda cirtuity.
feblll-437 FLKM2HO afffi'S
8 00 K S ,
Magazines, Paper, Stationery,
Erie, F.L. 211,
Tll E subscribers have now on hand the
largest and snort variad $t rot of
•vor in this city, witteb ire offer to nen,
.1.,r Cash ur short Credit" u any Home in this
city. Gl.* a. a call and onandno.
jone9-43. No. 2 Wright's Stook, Sr* Pa.
S EIEX3k 14litARS,
111 Swifts( .St
HAT looks m'.re comfortable in win
es than a bright sod &Wag stover Theo use
Dtzoo's Stove Polish. It Wes a for brighter sod more
lasting lustre, with loalf the labor. of any other article
peed for that purpose. Sold by
oeti.—f9 CARTER k 8114.
bought far $1 at J. C. FIRLDRN*S.
I am prepared to furnisil Rehr easy kiwi or
Mae at mash less prisons than ever *adore sold la this city
Aug. 110. J C. SELIigN
SPICE - I of all KINIXi,
lit No 2. WriOt's Bloat.
- 'mons A N, KILN DlakCo._
ril O. VW
rr Lutist Rtylfe,—Putt opesed as tbe
rot Park J..etryMors. Y. 11. ALTATIN.
r.a. new
?FRY Y AHD'S Y. R. Too (pr 3m to I prr pound.
" Imparial for to to 61 pr pound
Goopondor Tea for do per pound.
(lolonß and Prounbotur to to Teprfb
arrant.) to giro NI of or noosill renod o d
3 3
wiuotrriS BLOCK,
Doffwaio and romp Frsuis.
Willow, Wood sad-Maas Hare, Vegetables, kr.., are al
ways en bead sad 'citing ebeesk, at
APA I sq. JOHN DA NT ARM Nee Oretery.
- _
BUTTER ! BUTTER ! !—W e will pay
easb for Better 1. Ftrides er lees quint*, dartskg
the coming meson
may 6 TIBRALS, era= it CO.
J. M. COLLIER, & oltia
State Street.
F. P. M. & TIRO.,
sar, [talon, t fiL/NE 4 CdRR(//./
TnLileacieti t ipikillea.
AS goyim tau tics t• ,
D. P. ENNIMI, Proprietor.
Pruning Knives,
J C 11X I .DNlett
Wheel. • full soortmeat of chafe*
G. A. Bennett & Co.,
(Successors in Rogers if Barnett.)
F7 . ‘Tr”Trr ' t ... i ' 7 . UMr . ni
HAVE n large and well &sleeted Stock
A.mes' Shovels and Spades 1
-11)E8--110118E 8110E8-T
-SA-ErrYiaMMV‘r ,
HARMERS TRlblitrbiGB, Ste
In fa,oi elowet every thing, at the 01413tand,
R*IRE BLOCK, Noe. 11 mid It,
estate, ifilltremet, sari•.
jnn 14---14 a. A. BENNETT *-CO.
A I, 14,; 143 0.
ITerz, 2.01 M
Gents.' Dress and Soft Baia
" Walking & Traveling Owe.
Boys' Caps and Soft Kota
hildren's Fancy Hats m i. Oape,
Xter ts Tiu UMW.
lArte StA,Ek of conr4.• itußsi.quisf; 43oortzi, gm
411. K .nd rmict s i:Love<l.
A 1,-,.111 ti i 1.001 tment nt Tips, Ansrfit,fltabltsmado44lo4l%
DT (3. 83 JELNIICITI accocraiszta
I a a largo atoek of Hata ( &pa and Ftrair dooda, Pan"
I ...hi halo e Y.
&tie Ntr• el
Nev. . 41111ra a ettII.IOMLIFMI4.
If 1. 0.,. 1..111{1114410 on the Mutual plus, giving
h. n..urr.l. Tartlets. Mot In thr ;weer, of dos Orrimpa
about rshilliy torytord goo pressalust piart. .
a l ..n the Lahr* and ausls Insured ore the cone
+syn.-10.1r term. Luaus' "'III be ÜbsnJt7 add poesptly
Ir. n inertlrsndine handler' owl stkurprukarkg
, n town or rountry, fur. Ilmlt.d term parmaratly.
Jorrph, Jennie Rook
thross.llllsis Jobo C. Darla,
Mobrrt Bursar..., Jobs Garrrtl..
f l o g b Craig, Samuel FAlwards,
H.ory la.roben, David B. fbniney,
Charter Krlley, brae R. Davis.
Milian. Falwell, Minim May,
flr B. 'I anauss, Dr. 11. 111. Bantam.
John !eller, Jr. Spencer Macaw,
Ulm J. Neelhi,
Folwar. Jetta 11. Perrone,
J. (I. Johanna, U. Joann %woke.
dmnod A loader,
•e. Mau , ire*
K ten Aso 8. swami" Sirey.
nir Appliestirre ems be wain be
Kr* April d, 1147: J. RILLLOGO. part, irks.
TRY IT. i The tossubetweeire of thhi astir*, InBUY n.
TRY TT. • • &ring i' to the public , he r e no heel- REMIT
ce /
TRY IT. baths le fay iug that It Is !be beat Sr* sitrYW.
TRY IT.. ele of the kind senalesessed. Ono BUY eT.
TRY IT. the propeietorsbse bees espesed is Ow BUY IT.
TRY fT• ensautoetere of Balm far .hIIVY n'.
TRY IT. lweerswhieh Is • wasessede fortis Allitilr IT.
TRY I T iv, sod prowalseelese cdtbeestiebialter• soy IT.
TRY IT. led. . All they salt is for Itosasiumbire RUT IT.
IRY IT sad other* to i BUY IT.
TRY IT. , sod Uat does not rove all It le nose- BUY g.
TRY IT. , mended, the on wUI be teteadid., WY IT.
TRY IT . It is pet ula posed ppm, mad brew 1!.
TRY IT. for sate by r 6 pepeebilde cruets. , WY R.
TRY TT.! Usosbetureve, Ws Ts. ' BUY IT
WHEN completed, six years ago, the St
N lobelia was aolarcohy praraeosed the blibb
catirsoleot. thersoikly oripooteed aecie
fishmeal on this osottorat.
1r hat It was taw, it nizates to-day, seithest a Ossi is
is she, fa swactossewas, - end fa the galechhaleNte if
ecorfort sod enjoyment.
The flatafiasseeresuratatiose ter I.o6lBspecalay to
eluding 1•• essoptoto oohs at clbottateeleo for FLA-
rho boa4red csareepao owe he arersethrty crotwe et
the tabas 414 three piddle ebbs roam' ash
that sioftero art has &sired fbr the eon arat = g r.
dal verification , of the barollkor polite hie hmrsoillttod
he la vals, or bbilbsted bb ilogebblibbl IMMO& , • •
The ashy ropes of
dart...llam its uNtott a a . ea ars
lea hogri-lies nies fewts IN MMO'llialaellid
every year by the aewearted inarrUeos of thornerOasso.
aux -26—AmIr. ?Man W ELL. Wiintiala a CO.
Flour, Pork Beef, Bat,
No. 1, o (moist Buildings,
iltatweis. Stmte Ind Pe SU.,
i t FINE 80)4 of Foncy Brands act
ja, GARS nod T 00.4,000. Call sad aramine 'bent at
Goads delleoted to se Y per et the city. LARTAIIir
Arm, [wolfs, MD, mated and Vomit Mains
Try Redystre embed, granntated.
.ad Gate V, New Grimm, litameadertta
Sniare. Waft law et BAIITARDPIL
TRAv ELMO BAGS.—A fine assortment
st M Oar. et tire eters of
oeLll-19 WM. at DOD.
i l. ri
t- '
!-. t
„A l
. #.
t 7 RRMILltRigi .11.4
RH It ANT, No. Reed
- —+
IR il 0 IP.likAllie T
IT osmium I. siiint4it
--Asp- '4
Ws loved bra as our owe. Pow
Lai tbroarb rho wasoy
4 1 111.
Ws maned bar lit . with Ma
OM Mord bar West 1.11
Stss strors to weal osatsobal ,
W• Adored We Ulfelifil 1111 1. • ' ' 1
But Whoa slaw is* WOK 0 1014111 1 1101 40 ' . .
Abe wort bar Ms .way.: . • dig 1. ,y ~ - :
We strove by wary ate, Poor Ad*
By every task& art,
And every vatic mew be W . llll
Her sorrow from b bearl. • 7 ."
Bat WU ellsetrweiped tieemelit wewenno.,
Mod redder grow web dap;
Hu cheat war always wit.lomp
Sbe wept her IWe away.
awl wbflo Gibe wept wad silrenS peer abild,
To pay oar logo with snailne,
Andelbie her sorrow NMI tae Ismgo
With meet sod playdal
Wet lip row whiter, tad hit
Blew paler day by 66y,
ADd bevirted,WiWwidad,
She wept her BM away.
db. 4.4. whoa Tamar alit,
The child ire weld riot is,.,
MA hardly ocairalair tissi
W. laid bee Is taborets. :i.
She Dery could Wei thaday
Her rioted Natio-4W:
Thcky amid sot Ilriapara. paiallo4 4
TharAlaralrer Nada by N. ,
fki4ct giUalsb;t.
The Gipsex's Revenge.
"Welcome, welcome , tut • •
- 4 I cried
e group of firetty, merry 'tie a sweet,
bedevolent tookhnt • • Sered the
&airing room whelrerthey conversing.
"We wore just thpadringidillaWyotinlind
wishing Ton were. here to •UN wr one of
your defightfal steeled."
")11,.est, willingly t my dear pi, vmuld 1
oldie you, but invieed I feef el4rOirfn . l.
to-night, I fear my tale stout to Inter
est' you."
“Ne - leer of that, Awnt Nellikk but as you
awe so sad, we will wait usitilieeme other
But. she, dear, kind rum, seeing we
were disappointed, said, -I,*lll tell
you the muse of my dep eveh
trig: but in imagination t wth-easier you
back to the days when 1. tesitaakinglung,
lighthearted girl like yourip. Full of
Ide and gladness . I tripped along the,
pathway of life , plunkang wren or alto -
tion hues every bestir. littkulliAkkill4al
my 4right dreams would ita sluipeUed
by the dark clouds of bitter
"Our house was a perfect ; Con
tent and happiness beams -4* int
mate's face. One even
jelling the pure pleasi
a Lap wafts heard at the dour,
entered, announcing to .tax
rfulgPr desired to see hirn. 4
Ire instantly arose,
the room wa.. met by a
wrapped in a heavy cloak
pregame you are Dr..
w.w, looking vaiorstly at - inil4 ,s,aent.
"Well. Itottrir, stir
in . and 1 want you to
We bailie In see ber."
--Vier~in i atn
who did not ielinti
ori such an indrawn
"Yes. very." rep,: man, steitly, prr I r(mhi Rake be , guink, Doetnr. or she
will be dead bekire we reach home--hove
lie repeaii) I wfriati 4 WON a ilikkoliay
—tart 1C..• 1).. rat sire mine—but
now. am (1....41110•• ..1111 41)ip, its light.
it i Viento ny wife, mr own rinrling wife,
dyiftg. ,tirr,ounded by iiwery anti wen
ob, my bled," he gtotbied to deep agonY.
"it it H. th) will, Apar rue tht. dreadful
trill,- 1.
.fy lather genii). tvelied hint a, lie Kid
with his face buried m his hands, sayuig
the horses were ready., In * moment they
were rapidly drivin& to the stranger's
home, and, "(minted, onward, for the sake
a i
of heaven," were the nl d
words uttered.
Alighting at a en a cottage, at the
outshine of the city, a man pushed open
a creaking door, and entering a miserable,
cheeileas room, beekciaed my father to ap
proach the bed upon which the sick woman
was lying. s
My father saw in a moment that no hu
man aid could avail/Awe anything ; and it
was with relawnsooe hilfliparted
to her despairing hushes:4i ; but he, in
whose lonpoto the lam of her life was not
yet extinguished, beg ged my father to do
something at lean to *lkon the iddrerer.
"William, coutenear me—l wish to 'mask
to yon eve-I depart," murmured the dying
The man arose, and kneeling by the bed
side, took here pale, thin hand in his, and
kissing it fondly, exelaimett, "Oh, my Ma
ry, little I thought when due I clasped
this loved hand in mine, and pledged be
fore God's holy alter to love and protect
you forever, and when I. took you from
your friends to shammy home toad beset,
Oh, Mary, I never dreamed that Shia.
be the end of it—wretch that Lank---74 c y l
did 1 not leave you' in the *did of the
comfort and affluent* thdt once Was yours.
and von would hareem:sped this misery."
"William," said tee sufferer gently, "I
am dying ; do not dinsub my last moments
by thoughts like these, for never , did I re
gret my choioe-.-and if wealth end Inxerry
were mine, I would give them all foothee."
=to her, who bed been standings* the
was about learn when the we
man, w ho had forgotten his presence, 'mo
tioned him to draw near.
"Listen, Doctor, to what I have to say.
It does not, indeed, concern you, and per
haps I Mn trespassing on your kindness,
bus I feel, with the gonfalon( your noble
heart you will lug fn my _story., ,
My father seated himsel f , while the no
man related as foltoirs :
"Mine, Doctat'lle beets it tieWitge fate ;
and short though my life hie been, it has
been me eventful woe. I have no remelts
hn,nosof my. parents, for in my childhood
I had no settled4ome, but led a wander
ing life With s Lipsey bend, who ever trott
ed me With kin - antis ; yet 1 always fancied
I did Dot belonged, them ; tot at thatime
I:bethought treaded ma little, for I was
too full of_gaieky to think long on anything
serious. Fnma A Arik4.lrolip r ome child, /
grew up to he a WI gulp t sitteen,beloved
by the band of dirk gipetes, and was treat
ed as a queen stidesg them. My slightest'
word was law. aid it wasstrangeto see the
Aetucieruese and.supem which they.tendor
ed to me. ; ,j
"But the y hat; b.,Ortulded as outlaws,
and the gowers es tatit bad set a large price
upon their h e One clay we had taken
refbge in a cave, afterbeing hunted as
wild bands, whin we Wife suddenly mer
prised and earned by a barge body Of
constabulary," 1
"We werainnin priaooes o and afters short
trial the band ere condemned to death ;
il i a
but my Yeittb fled me friends, and the
venerable 3i ; who hicT taken' an inter
est in me, having no children, adopted me
as his own.' , -
tilt. PA
"I. weft blifwly at the terrible fate of
my old conapniona, whom I sincerely
• L'~~.AT+J ~'
1 . .` 4 4
loved; PM air I was bidding theme hot
M " il,. t4e.cbief, who was a sterurraPi
' t tinsin,'esdied me to him, handed me
- biltiC;ind bade me on my honor
ninistkonpen46 - nittil my twenty-that birth
diitvl *Wendy vowing to do his bidding,
I bade him a last farewell."
"My home with the Judge and his beau
tiftd wife was all that I oould desire ; they
loved riat beaderly, and did all in their
powes to make me happy. I had the best
UlAs=l every attention was paid to
1110 ' It.'
"At leAi o u
v. in I entered society as the
adoptift of Jul Dudley • was
iftill roSeiv ' ; 'find reigned a bell during
tfift'wftiilei season: - •My adopted father,
who wet very. proudiof me, intanded that
1 shooldinalueu great match, but when I
40 104iiltiik i WO bestwo4 vny a ff ections
ors my' Walled' his rage knew no bounds.
HWdeoisiied that ncs beggar should win me,
eintibu‘so me heteeforth consider Ids friend,
the, gj supiwee #iinigleSon, as my future
4 4 4 t d:
• pTied that T would not wed any per
son iblit William, and that it wotikl be use
less to urge me in the matter. I was in
dignidit at his applying such an epithet to
ho l
Wil ", - who was a man of rare talents
and young lawyer struggling to attain an
• position in the world."
sager, be bade me begone.
'Too ' mid he 'have I harbored you,
un 1 girl, in my home , never think
ing like/ a viper you would sting me
wh I least suspected it. Begone !' he
cried as he almost hurled me from his
"Lasting my adopted father, I sought to
be reeonoiled to him, but he was dead to
my entreaties unless I would give up Wit
ham. '
"That week William and I were ruarricsl,
and humble r though our home was, happi
ness ever hovered around us, until one un
fortunate day, my husband was'riding in
haste to a neighboring town, when he was
wn from his horse and severely hurt.
For weeks his life was despaired of. Night
and day I watched by the bedside of my
only earthly hope. and the Almighty at last
rewarded my efforts and spared i my
band's life. During the excit ent I had
forgotten that we were almost )ennilem,
and soon the reality stared us i the Nee.
We were forced to leave our I retty cot
tage, and William, whose wea noes pre
vented his working, with unu tte ble egos' v
watched me as I endeavored o earn a
small pittance to sustain:life. t my con
stitution was not strong, and I was soon at
tacked by a dangerous illness which is now
wasting , l
my life away. I have ut a short
time to live, Doctor, and 114 thi is the au•
niversary of my twenty first b rtli day, I
would, before I die, have the mystery which
hangs over my life unravelled. Doctor,
please hand we that box lying on the man
tle. Poor William," Ai, said, -tu,gang
over and kissing her hu..liand's pale brow,
"be comforted."
••My Mary." he murmured, ••I will riev
er know comfort again."
fiu,ker, as desired, opened the Lux,
aid took out a bundle of paper N and was
itiont haridingAheia to the man, when the
women mid, "William is too agitated, Moe
sjamk' be kind enough to read them
49144 ) 1 914 1 wak?"
A slip . of paper fell from his hand, mid
- Ang It up. ety father read :
That' '‘• Mary,
hair mourned for tong yea, , i.-i it thus
find you : my Clod, -pare, oh. tipari• my
child." be Kind twifli frantic emitton, kiss.
lug her.
"Fat het. Lo,ther vv.t.. all 4110 could ttiur
tour, she kirk exhati4ted up.ii her
-William, I mu Oily father too; love me
OS a son. Our loyea one may yet 11Y.• . lout
tl'tt t., t,tke her, w, nov
er "
groarmly my fm.h..r's harni
- We wondered why lather did not re
turn that night. and were not a little
tonislied to gee hint driving madly up
the hangs next morning. and in exeited
tones, ordering the servants to place it hed
in the easy old family carriage, and direct
ed my mother to prepare to twelve a sick
pertain. , Without waiting to give eny ex
planation, he hurried back to the sick. amp
in about an hour he and Willi
carried in the sick woman, and laid her in
the soft, comfortable bed, which my moth
er had prepared.
Calling her into the library, he told who
Wins. The shock was too !or toy
meatier, and she iswooned upon the floor.
Upon palavering, she gazed wildly about,
mufmurisig. "kly Mary, my little one, have
sy trough*, you back ?"
Oh, how affecting was the meeting he
twain, my mother and her long lost alau h
ter tend when I kirqsed my sister'g hand I
feltellhat 1 would willingly give my life to
ewe per's.
"Mother," she said one day, "do tell ale
who was Emanuel Vallerino."
NeMy child." said my mother. with a Ri eh
"he was my adopted brother, mid in that
light did I ever regard him ; but he, un
known to me, loved me with all the fervor
of his passionate nature He declared his
Affection for me, hut I told lion I was the
affianced of your father. He then at•ow
ed before heaven, if ever I became t hew ife
of Hubert Austin, he would be avenged. I
heeded not his threat, and won after was
married. A few years after you were born
you werestolen from us. In vain we m.areli
ed in every direction, and long, long, my
Mary, we have mourned you as dead."
• • « • « .„
The night wind wailed sadly around our
home as the shadow oft-teeth deepened up
on the brow of sister Miry.
" Father— W Miens—Mother—ell eome
Emir me," she murmured faintly. "I would
seskyou alt before I depart. Good bye,"
she exclaimed, kissing* affectionately.—
'lollido not weep for me 4 I am leaving you
butler s - time ; arid oh,' what a happy re
union ours will be when we meet in yon
tirhOtt, i virit lend. Dot hush, they are
taco IL L : see their arms outstretched to
t e. 1 hear the ramie of the hea'ren
,le m. Farewell earth—farewell.
all that is dear to me, farewell. Almighty
Ood. unto Thee I commend my spirit. Je
sus, receive mfr soul." And with one faint
gasp, the soul of my beloved sister was
*ldled to fire realms of bliss.
It would toe needless for me to pietaire
our grief at her loss. It was heartfelt, earn
est; ♦nd poor William at this moment
neededell our tenderest sympathies.
"Girls," said Aunt Ella, as she saw the
tearful eyes of her attentive auditors, "this
night is the anniversary of that death bed
geese. -Do yon wonder that I am wad
"Oh, no, darling Aunt Ella," they all ex
claimed, "It was a amine too touching ever
to be forgotten ;hut tell us, Auntie, is dear,
good Uncle William, who is always so kind,
yet so sorrowful; the William of whom you
speak, t"
"Yea, girls.; he has never forgotten his
idolised wife ; atoll often thought, when
you were teasing him about getting mar
ried, what deep wounds you must have in
dicted on his breaking heart." -
"Had we known we were inflicting pain."
said the girls, sobbing. "we would not for
NUMBER 94.,.,
a moment think of tranneiting hTnm, but
the future will show how-sairry' woos, for
the past."
From that day many aArlessing did Wil
liam Warrington best** upon the fairy
prong girls wito sorieit ksecothe ) blt mel
ancholy, and by a thousand sell of leled
neas to render him happy:: nod. Way who
loved him as a brother , . found in him that
friend which the young need, a sincere
and truthful counsellor in every act of their
J AxA NEAL Liens FuLaa.—The Hon.
Frank Han, who k now in Japan. Brake
thus favorably of the Nlphonese en;
"During more than a half year's reed
deuce in Japan, I have never seen a quiz.
rel among young or old. I WAN ,- never
seen a blow struck, isciircely an envy face.
I have seen the children at their sports,
flying their kites; on the hill, and no Inland
of intertangled strings or kites lodged in
the trees provoked angry wards,or inlayer
tience. I have seen them intent on, their
game of jack - stones and marbles undfirethe
shaded gateways orthe tempira, but. have
never seen an approach to a quarrel :dhow
them. They are taught -
_implicit obedi
ence to their parents, bat f have' never
seen one of them chastised. Respect and
reverence to the aged is universal. A pry
ing child is a rarity seldouiseen. Wehave
nothing to teach them in . this respect out
of our abundant civlrfsaffon. speak*hat
I know of the little folks of Japan; for
more than any other foreigner have I been
among them. 01 all that Japan holds
there is nothing that I like half so well as
the happy children. I shall always remem
ber their sine black eyes and ruddy brown
face with pleasure. i have played taittle
dore with the little maidens in the streets,
and down kites w the fluids with as happy
a set of boys as Oue could wish to see. They
have been may guides in my rambles; shown
me where all the streams and ponds were,
whore the dowers lay hid in the thicket,
where the berries were ripening ori the
hills ; they have brought me shells from
the ocean and blossoms from the field, pre
senting them with the modesty and a
less bashful Amur than a young American
soy wow.' (to. We have hunted the fox
holes together, and looked for the green
and golden ducks among the hedge. They
have laughed at tny broken Japanese and
taught nail 1.-tier. and for a happy, good .
.4.t rif chilthrn I will turn oat my
little Japatte,• against the world. tied
bles- the bo 4 and girls of Niphon !"
York correipOndent of the Boston Traveller
N :
'•A short time .inee one of the many
agetts that are abroad selecting musical
talent for iA merles, sent on to the rare of
Adams & Co.'s Express, a French girl, who
wit, en aiged to teach tor one year in &south
ern institution, on a -:glary of taper year.
thr her via' ) to .Now York she saw a Ger
man merchant of this city, who was smitten
with her, for she was a young lady of daz
zling beauty. lie followed her to New
York, and made a formal proposal for her
liana. The gentleman was well-known to
the house of Adams A' Co. r a Man of
wealth and standing. Rut the,yottng teach
es. declined the proposal, idOeset, till log
oputract for teaching licyku r trikdlimtra,
and the consent of her
the .4 -tletran was '4IP.
The ' grosto,
ment. with a uualmi
A 11+TEW1 , 1*. IhrT —S.oet 'minx gentle
man to a de•toigni•thed 'Ail praciiitiori
el in - kat whist do you
youc-elt alien )011.1114re a turn of
ti i ,• ! - 11glit attack ?"-
- tlo mit hoot toy wa , the reply.
"Anil if not cur , .s'nu, what then?"
••tio without lily 6Upp401.. “But. if that
Jaen not cute you. what then r .. "tio with
nut utt hi We pity -ictare seldom
take medicine nttriselveri, lit Wit" them In
our lanulti-, tor we know that abstinence
I,etler, hut we cannot make our patients
h.-hey. , It "
A Pootos RiNit.—The following story is
going the round of the paperst t'A gentle
man who had two (lays acc purchased
' 4 nm " ot t ieets of art at a shop in the Rue
s t Honore wv- , engaged in examining an
ancient t inc.. when he gave hinraelfa alight
scratch in the hamd with a sharp part of
it. Ile isohtinucd talking with the dealer
for a ,port time, when he suddenly felt an
Ind t-cril table "en t ton over his whole body,
which nil to }tastily Le all his faaulties,
and he s. .n tecameseriously ill that it was
consitleiisl ticce--at y to send fora medical
wan. Flo- doctor immediately discovered
every .ytittitott of poison by some mineral
sulett.ini.e. Ile applied strong antidotes,
and in a -tort tone the gentleman was in
a ineabtire recovered. Tile ring in ques
tion hat mg been examined- by the medi
eat man, who had long resoled in Venice,
was found to le what was formerly called
a -death ring." In Ilan in Italy when acts
of poison lllt were fretment about the mid
dle of time seventeenth century. Attached
to it troode were two claws of a lion, made
of the %harvest steel• anti having clefts in
them tilled with a violent poiton. lit a
crowded aissecultly, or in a hall, the wearer
of this fatal ring wishing to exercise re
venge on any person, would take their
hand, and when pressing it, the sharp claw
would be sure to indict a slight scratch on
the skin. This was enough, for on the fol
lowing morning the victim would be sure
to be found dead. Notwithstanding the
ninny years since rho poison on the ring
had been placed there, it retained its
strength mtliicieoLly to cause great Moon
venience to the gentleman, as stated."—
-- - - - -4IIP
larlietuing a man complain that polit•
ical papers of all kinds bad become such
liars that he did not believe any of them,
reminds, us of the story of the miller and
his two sons. I Comity into the mill and
finding the grist in the hopper, the old
man dried out, “Totn, have you tolled this
grist'""Yes sir." "1411, have you tolled
this grist?" "Yes sir." "You are a pack
of lying scoundrels," says the old MAIL "I
don't believe a word you say—l'll toll it
myself !'
Tits PaßAtn or RAILROADS.—A Buenas
Ayres - letter, of the 30th of August, turn
ishes the following curious information :
-The Government has determined to
proceed at once with the *railmad, which
is already in opertion fortwenty miles to
the wrel. The concessions given to. rail
road companies in this oountry are unheard
of in the (Jollied States. For example, it
is usual for the State to guaranty an inter
est of from seven • - ter-nine per cent. per
annum t to give public( property: to give
ample grounds for buildings, freedom frost
taxes, release from duties in transporting
materials, &o. If railroad stock, with such
bolstering. is not goal, it cannot be good
anywhere. Add to these concessions the
fact that here are no hills to dig down, and
but few' low p•s to be reined that there
is no tunneling to be done, but few streams
to be crossed, and no frosts nor floods to
provide against, and this must be the
parkdirie of railroads."
Luten's Devue.—The a lLiev. eery Ward
• hrereseesie thlntherts
a tla i ftwo uu folPpiess =AS
In to mini dis
and „
It is not the Indian alone who loves to
carry the scalps be has taken in battle;
there are thousands , of beta., - male and
&mate, who love to -Wry En =the
number Of viethnelbey have of
oe,rupted, torment them over and beset
of Therner men iehh ,
to corrupt the rem , who lo” to taste
them gardens visa and nois them
knee evil eensplismoss, to jest the leravenof
lion into their souls, and wait till it
to leaven' the whole lump. They
seem to have a horrible gloat of Idenntun
in doing this. They mast all the efforts
Of their victims to break sway ; and if he
does l'att. away, they pail him down in;
and tied lets snob men live l
Did you eversion spider spinning his web
in the corner? With what delicacy_ of his
loom does he spin all the webl blew it
shines in the sun I and who has span it all
right; sad after spinning it he makes him
self a little bole, in which ho goes back
and lies in wait for a fly galls* sur
veyed and philosophised on the Universe.
He looks upon the web, and the 'saturant
he touches it how the spider rushes out to
seise him i and if he be • small insect and
a large spider, he will bite him sad roll
him up ill the web; Or if he be s tarp fly,
he commences rolling up and preparing
by and by to eat him ; and iffor a nisteent
the poor little 11l turns to escape, how be
rushes out and instantly seises him spin,
and rolls him ctif and up, 'over and over,
more closely then ever and then drags
him down to mrse corner
I have seen men treat men just so. They
spin just such' webs, and then sit in some
dark corner till they wind their coil around
him till ha is hoiedesely entangled in the
web ; leading him in their infernal work,
and rolling him over and over again in its
meshes ; and ifithe poor victim begins to
sing and buss in his efforts to break away,
how I have seen; them rush out again and
carry them back and utterly ruin them in
their house of infamy I
A SALTY Jocs.—lf our Democratic
friends will laugh half as heartily at the
following good one as we hare, it will in •
measure compensate them for the long
faces they are compelled to wear, especial
ly if they can "phancy the phelinks' of the
Chancellor when he was taken down. The
story owes its paternity to the editorof the
Mobile Tribune •
"Some years ago, at a time when there
was a triangular contest in progress be
tween the Whiss,Did Line Democrats and
"Fire Eaters," it was announced that the
late John Mortise/Mk, of Monroe, would ad
dress the people of that °smutty in behalf
of the Whigs. Chaneeller Lesesne was
sent up from Mobile to meet him, as re
prPsentative of the Southern Rights par
ty. The Chancellor wqre strops to his
pun teleuris, (then not s prevalent fashion
in Monroe.) and having a habit of putting
his hand., behind, when speaking, and lift
mg the skirts of his coat, he displayed
large, new brass buckle, that fastened his
"Mr. Morriseett replyi r g, remarked, in
his own peculiar and tni stable vein, that
the people of Monroe cild!not 'need to re
ceive political instruction from Mobile—
least of all from a gentleman who worega&
/mesa under his boots and a breast pet on
the Rest of his breeches.'
Poravoza.—John N. Maine, of New Wil
mington Tp., writes us as %flows : "I
hare trimi the tanbark, and have found it
a great 4.41 outage. I planted one place
without tanbark, and had food potatoes.
I planted another piece adjoining, and put.
a ibriirel full of Umlaut on each hill, atid
the res_ult was, that ma the same qualitrof
- POO limiv olltiAlmi WOO
to t , mon pot.-
Tost us
The a quality _ We ever sew,
and not,. rotten one in the sot. Those far
mers who at our instance, have tried the
tan, will please report for publication, so
that we may post the results for futufe re
ference.—New Casde (Pa.) Clinsuck.
mer. of the ship Othello, te llsa good
story. It appears that• his crew is corn
(Tmostly of students from some
gi the interior of New York State—
aft intelligent young men, dof wealthy
tarn Liles, they are t ry kindly by the
captain and his of While off Cape
llorn, on here the ship encoun
tered a very re k ry g gale, accompanied by
hail and snow, and after for many
hours under nothing but a close-reefed
main topsail, it became necessary to take
in even that sail. All the "boys" were
safely stowed below in the forecastle, when
the mate went forward and sung out
"Come on deck, all of you, and furl this
main topsail." Surprised, after the lapse
of a few minutes. in not seeing the crew
come up, the mate again went forward
and said: "If you don't come on deck soon ,
this topsail will blow away."
"All right, Mr. Shermau,"was th# reply.
"Please tell the captain that we ha* con
cluded to let the old topsail blow away,
and we'll pay for it."
McLean, Cashier of the Boone County
Bank of Lebanon, Ind., J. D. Hussey!
Albert H. linger, Niles .1 Bibley, and
J. D. Chipman, connected with the same
institution, were arrested to-day, charged
with forgery and circulating money fraud
ulently issued, and were committed td jail.
in default of $5,00P ' bail each. It jai sup
posed that these parties eircuLstecnfrom
$300,000 to 5500,000 in counterfeit bills of
the Boone County Bank, in Indiana. lowa,
Illinois, and Missouri. Forty-five thousand
dollars in genuine notes were issued by
the Auditor of the State. The spurious
and genuine notesare from the same plate,
while the Auditor's and Register's names
are counterfeited on the former. A. Spoon
er, President of the Bank, made his escape
from the city to-day. About $lOO,OOO of
this counterfeit have been received by
the bankers here from correspondents in
the west. Several hundred dollars in
spurious bills were redeemed at the Bank
at Lebanon yesterday.
Mr There lived in Duchess county a
few years ago, an Irishwoman, whom we
will call Mrs. Flynn. ' She was a widow,
and had oneson, called Larry. Mrs. Flynn
was the best man of the two, and did the
fighting of the family. One day the Sher
iff caned on her to collect her taxes, and,
as the old lady was opposed to paying her
debts, an altercation ensued, 4in which
Mrs. Flynn used some very prong lan
guage. The Sheriff, at last, opuld stand
it no longer, and told her if the only wore
h t i te
the breeches he would knock r down.—
Mrs. Flynn ran to the door, d calling
to Larry, who was at work in garden,
said: "Larry, ye devil, come bete and give
me your breeches., lie shan't have any
excuse for not giving an honest lady satis
To Mass Puna Was or Arms.—Take
pure cider made from ' sound ripe apples,
as it runs from the [lnns; put sixty pounds
of common brown sugar into fifteen gal
lons of the cider and let it dissolve; then
put the mixture into a pure barrel, and
fill the barrel up to within two gallons of
being full, with clean eider; put the cask in
Ihlool place, leaving the bung out three or
four weeks,