ilic foie tsbantet. o4' AND POLITICAL JOURNAL B Y B. F. SLOAN. • r ,11• 4 lnglo subeeribera, if poid la advance lave Ctopt•fi will be Neat to one address for Ilk sad -emir late fur keret' einba. • , .ute,ril,er falling to pay within the year, the • • .hernettnued weal the sdoeol mute out et st. per i ear, end left erltb a proper Whore for TERIN cIF ADVERTISING: .. , Fifteen llrros or le,a, make a aquare."696 , .. ,, e 9996 , $ 76 One square 3 months $3 00 • I ~, .. 100 One " 6 " 600 •• threw, " I 2 5t One " 9 " 676 ..' ~., • a.,,,,,.. * 'Par, ehartgyable at. plesaure, 810 , - ' I..onttip., $6; 6 months, $6; 9 months, s. Ar, $1.5. ~,i, ~r 10 aquaren—ofte year, $6O; 6 tit*, onth*, $lB. 0: • • AO. Inatorted In lbw Business Director! at 113 per „, .., , k,,.... allowed (or a Card, over ale, and ender • and Editorial natters. 10 cents a line ; but no I...aoti` w ill Tnested among tbe Special Notices among one 40IIIr. tierehante afrd others requiring frequent chants* •or dveitaaments will be allowedly° aquares. paper, • for $l5 Inc additional apace, the charges will o•-oporto•n, and the dvertimmenta must he *tried) tool to the leßltimate buidoras firth. actvertmer. ran.wilt mhprtiorments reguirtd • for r earls adveirtwing will be prevented half-marly BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 1., '. or THIS PlAell--015M to Sr , " ,roer of Peach Stn.% •nd the Public Nitare, Krie ,2 11. 1(1,41i1r, 71. 1.11 , i.rll in Moots sad Shnee at . „ 11.t,11. at No 111,radaell'e Monk Stye NO./at, 11.101 MN*, 11'1d:1411NY iSt Witni.r.sAut iinonesui, sod healers in Imparted Winn. sail Livia/11,1"Mo Smart, .t mit, Fiat', Uil , and A.gienia for Modals anitalo I and 2 Conimerrial Pulldinp , North n • ,onrn, Erie , Pa. 1.1.1,11E10N do Co. Whni..oo. and Itt.tail [hugest's • n d 1,1 Oda, Paint', Maas, Dy. Staff; ke.,ace..Pin 6 Houma, trontinit the Publ.. Pqnszn, tale •rb I w—/y W 11 1'1.1,, multkilsoN HOUSE. ..rn.r of goostod and likrket qtreet—one square east 01 hangs, Warren, Ps. Rcpt 29--17 1 ) IL. J. *THWART A , TIVING PZIYiIIICLUI and Sri.:4ox r.. . Work. ka.t.lenee, Prown'il notol 4 .Ihe.• hour* 121,, 2 n.clnek. P. %I. jorie9iciS- 63 1 ) It. 0. 1.. E.ILLIOTT. RILS I.•KNT nprr , ..7. .Ibroo n.l Dwelling In iroath Perk Row, t Plot of gti. Rank building+. te, Inlr lu. 0.b% _ _ OLE, I I. I • 1.141 t., BLANK RNA 1111.0R7ACTCRICR, 4tor, ~t Itindern.chng Block, frio, tP• A f; RIRWM.D, Jobber, anJ RelakD •r to .•rrry deaertidion of Foreign and DoroeaDe Dry . r 'trT.•trnaa. NI Clothe, kn. I , 111 WIN r. W111,440k1. aren't:4Kr k CurvesLau* AT Laer * Frie Pa f " • 4tleet, near the Park. in the Arnonean .4 the huthilag, nernpseci h. F k hiaudeker He will always hg found in his office. and WIMP...A punctually attended tn. 111 A. s4llAntitY, Ilt Al. lIIYORTICD WIN'S AND Lly11•01101, I •w i• t .r French ttranclics, nln., he, Chanp.ohrn.. (11*.4, NI of rt. '4 alogs, Sherry. Fort,ood all Mods i.• WI/Im, 111.0 mancitatta rer of roetttied Who, 11 , mrhon, Monnnolcla, Are , Revd flour. on =EI Crfl.Rll. 41 - roitx ET AT LAW, Girard. litrir Counts, untie and (Abet bnaineas attended to with .11.1 di.pxtrh - I N.012(.1 if J. VIIIIbitTON. I V.. 1 / 4 1/ A gloom and C vITIIIII4OIIM Mftrehant. ' ' • APalor In Ralt. Filth, Flour and r. PARlttn, 1 voAton iiitninaan, and dealers in ii,.,, is Yonder, .11..1, Caps, ilafetr Fish , tina 3 and 4, t iiiii • Puddings. Frio Pa. 4T I .A...11111ttl)A011. \ HOLICAA L k glt? 4.1. 1 IKA LigRA 14 - .trpr la, Ilattinon,..ll r 9 , the.a. kr 1. I & CO.. I C , IOIICS IIT CR0,W•11,4 OCT Vo itnnti. II RiOrk 1 . .1 1 % -% V.V."41. 711 , PPArli. WEEP In Btit r. Frit, P. I.IIIN %RN di: CIO.. •••••1/I[III49IMA Ni*.retAnto •nr • I. F L ~ rr M Vl.lli, nrnt *gent fnr n daily line el 'le.iniere, PrThtn - Fri. P. 1(1.1111. .11 11,1 , C. lola 1111 , innfteturer ..• •+••L, rese. lo) the whatr fe.110 , 11 'll,wh row\ t 1 . 111,CM. junler • k tille • u L tamale and Itrt n.l Pinine Chaim. No. 4 Roy .6 - so• Ri , rib., v•*. 11111'1:I. V. 4%. 1 41 . 1r —Mlle* remove.) t.. aryl 01 StAt• qtreot, t t n the north of tto rte 1 1111\ N. WALKAKIL. ATTOKNYY At t.Aw, At pri•tript nttnntton to the Ineoine 1.111.4 •tri • the parmen. nrTaxen in the .1.31 es of Mix •• A ttl *lc... till nil tinier. for the porrhwe .• 4 . mt..1.1)11 , C,4, rl IV/I,PLFQ AI rand Retail dealer in all Lind. German and American Hardwire, A n riia, kr Saddlery and Carnal, Tnmalinga• Inn,: and l'arllng French atreei, nprmit. th g . Frt.. Pa. I I. 1/11%VNINf:. %TT , . %TV kT 1. Tk . 4111 JrTTICT AY TR) te praetlee In (kr ..everl4l Court. of line County, '. • • , n , l faithtl 1.1 t.,ttion an bu•i nee. en • • r... ~hi.1.,,,.1., either ao Attorney nr ,n Itloek.enener of Stat. and Wfth %. ft1.4()4. 4. \V , 11.10 , rtn Flour, Pork, , alt, kr s, 1, ..nunerrial FturWmgn, Erie, Pt 1 I UDELL. d M %RPM. 11 tir,,,,•,l•Hitivt &Steam F.nginea,Retilers. I d,,; or. 4 ul to ra I mrsi.roeuita, Railroad Car., . 01.0 M, J a , M.trr arer Kai k Wbolerale and Retail lealef to Well and C . -lateen Pump. of auperinr quality. the ,eareat and heat onw in tote Shoo no 7'weltth irtrwet •ear Pesch, Erie, Pa. re- Aqueduct far earryinc water for family, farm nr purpnews for sale cbeop. Nlg $ A niiiiiii 57 CO., Ditties If GOLD, Silver, Bank ?fetes, .I. • • rtliwiLtea of Deposit, fin. Sight exchange on the pita -1.1 rides coneJantly for axle. 016ce190 9 Retni Tinto* t•.,t aI <• Si niusitris. 1 RT R w it en ar. uca tit s LLOlialt i.G.. In Ground. r. ,, mon', Ship Chandler,. Wood and Willow wars ke.., kr , State Street, F.rie, Peon. - MRB. S. H. HALL. Manufacturer and Wholesale and Retail Defile! Millinery, Hosiery, Zephyr Knitting, and Yankee No toms. Together with a general assortment of kadles oods Pesch street,lth .have Depot. Jan.2l mu4s B. Pi. RHODES, ANIIIOIII4 ULM PRIMP MARS*, and Agent for heeler 4 Wllsrin's ftelking Machines. Mona in Beet.. • Moth., But Park, Erie,P. stitehinf done . 1 .•oe to ( ) Her. Fisshlons seeerred monthlr Deaf% &WWI . &Z. RKCK lA N. 11 WHEILLAIL. Lit AJED HATalt ritelleTßY, and In Flour, Port, Ptah, Salt, Itrarla, Wood Yid illow Ware, !Calla sod Glair, at ho. 2 Wzightli Block ro. w i xirt , lß.ranT. NWT T-3 • az J. I/11 LIMA In OreoP/ 4 / 4 ., PrOVIIIii 400, PT.- ' tuff, Pork, Fish, %at, antin, Flour, Fruits, Nuts, Man., v Brooms. Pails, Wooden, Wilton and Stone Ware, Tvrine Cash. Prices low. No. 4Wright'm Block, qtsto titre/4.1 doors above the Part Oates, NT*, Pe & BENNUTT, V RIMA DP•11110 MLA • Croaery, Glassiratir sad Saddlery, Nos. 11 and 12 to pin. Block, eormar of Fifth and Stab. atrmeta, Iris, Pa. IME=I3 NEWTON PUTT! PI, •twolurry Air w. Da Madsen Ps. E.b. 26, 111119.-Iy3B t. DAV IMPORT. TTORIZT 1.0n.--0411oe in Neutral itl"rh, over Neuberger L Bokar's Clothing , Store• Ra t rsooe no State Street. _ _ S (' rig 1 4 ' o ll e. of Coal. Sall, MAIN Plffirrl ke., A ke. Public Dock, Erie, Ps. bl •. won. i II , 11W111(1111 • •11 M. A 11.1PVT111 4 1. I• rizscsn la Clodra t Watches. rive' Jew- Silver Spoons, Plated Wise, Looking Glasses, Gilt Cuthry and Fuser Goods, Paragon Building, north side West Perk new Pesch it rl. .v, (t.aee+.ra Stewart 4 six emit%) • • LII 1/11) Ratan Diva/user, former of State and Palata,ollll. Drs-Striffs. GU" Cs*Vb""' II • o ,ifie Moat ftrnahoo, iso• W11.1.1A711 "Int l WD CoMMILIAIt 41 . Lew. Mow remore4/to apron rooms of Roweesweir's ~r n.r State filteeet and the Public Aquarn, Rri., Pa. .. - _ \V ". 05... Booty's . ..... . :10,k thortll elde of Pulelle Square, formerly occup y m... 11 R ro. All wort wanwolled. WM. A. (1A LMMAITII. ATTOILWI IT LA ir--Offiee Oia 6th Street, ....rly opfrnAlt. the Court Hou.o. Erie, hi. -- W K. MAGILL ...-, DICNTINT, Offaeo In Renee- 4 1 ia.•• * , ..e.. Rltw.k, earth lido of the Park, VA% Pi. SPR.Scrit, SPENcER Jr,'MARVIN ATTOUNETB do COVAMELLOIstie AT LAW OFFICE, Paragon Block, near North West Corner of the rublis &m•" Pa. B. F. SLOAN, EDITOR & PROPRIETOR. VOLUME 31 GIFT E NTE RP RISE. A New Plan for . Selling Goods. The only Institutlot of the Mod fa the wm►d , Price of OUTS, 26 eta.; 60 eta., & 11,00. ARTICLES ---- DISTRIBUTED. IT Mr' nY MONET, GOLD ANT) SILVER WATCM !MY 40017 M, WooKA,JCWELRY, 1101UsICLI. 1 , 4 4 1%.1 WENIN, ke,ke Positively tho best CHANCE knows to Make Money. Ever) person orderhug OM bora this Inatitatloo 11 get valuable gifts oftbe very bastquality, worth from the amount taveatral fa $1,460 G' ' sent on daily to our patrons free of transportation charges. Great lodunamenta form cleats. Tn nne in a dub of 40, at 60 eta *web, its will give a Hunting eased Lever Silver Watch, and fully 40 eta and upwards worth of grinds to *web of the others in the club. To one in a els!. of 60 at 81,00 each we will give a teautitul pure containing a Ten Dollar tioloi pleve. To another lo the same dab, we will eV. II superb Alma. Watch, and warrant It to keep time for nor ;ear. And to all others In the club we will glee onv dnllar and op warda worth agars's, Proems acting as aggents in get ting up eluba and sending angle orders can deduct 25 per rent oa all mnneva milteeted. Thnwisolielting orders for the American Gilt Koterpriae, sill please make 111 re port aibniten a. non a week. Persona nrderng flirts and p s i being estiegied no arrioral Ott.. goods, ma have their mower by returning the nifta In good girder. Pond Dinn er by 'expense wbao conemilseit at seed ramrod, by mail Gift' shipped in 48 bouts after tit. order la reerie,l Addrem all nrdera to PROPRIETOR 11.0 10.1m30---lim J. C. RITIZCirESS & CO., GROCERIES, FLOUR, PORK, six., AT 11 7 1101,ESAii1 4 ',. \u. 7, Bonnell Mock, Erie, Oct g, 1619 E. P. MIDDLETON & BRO., COGNAC & ROCHELLE BRANDIES, .IEICOT-aZa.41.1%71) Scotch and Irish Whiskies, P4)I2T. SHERRI, KAPERIA ANT) CIIANtP.AGNE WINES. Choice Old Mowmgahela, WHET, AND 1{1"E 'lmo. on flan , : t(1I (Arvid and Bost g4lpet,l olnok n/ Fine Old Whiskey of II • .11.10•••• in tho Coital or which irk Web it amp i." 41 by sin. F.. F. 1111,014:ToN h. 14}11)., 1 y 5 North Front id J. N. KLINE & CO fIifIZZCE Wines, Brandies, Gins, &c. \*,) 116 Walnut Street. and No II Granite t NO. A .1, 114'oto T. C. BURGESS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS 7. Th...” BL (k Rm.., Oct R, DEFOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO. R 4 c.ltll S Eit•Ti > N T tin A t -a Chantberet N. . Itl'LU 1114 ifv the Tr.i.le that thp% :I! V 4ilwnln, %% • • ktt, in nen and niolf rnltery • thn WAIISIITTA PRINTS! M S GI- A NtLIO Print, it nigh ext rig e•Viprs 1 . 01•111.. tb. ..” 'On fg.• rilwrtion I.f oi 6;1 inn %I. I MO, II ttali Shvisivr ...Igo • Our Pont.••. .•al.. r t halt • t s. si•ri. • III.) with wlttenot,- g - 4 , ' (w.f.,. 1 .1 ..inpt I • stirm.l•4l 1, - I r GEORGE W. SM IT I.) Brewers, Blasters and. Hop Dilalers. AAV ENG purcha•ed intereft of GEOIROR W. SMITH, In thn old and well-k,.nwe Point Brewery, Pittsburg, We are now prepared to ramie!, to the onsneroue custom ers of the obi firm, with ea article nt X, XX. !Cermet t and Ritter Aim that cannot be excelled by any estabitab • or•nt in this country. For the accommodation of uur ruetomera in this eye two, we have lippointed Memos Cauchey ft (lark, WPM. , sale nrOopes, of Crfe, oar Dote scoots for Oda cirtuity. feblll-437 FLKM2HO afffi'S 8 00 K S , Magazines, Paper, Stationery, PARK ROW BOOK STORE Erie, F.L. 211, CritOC ERI ! G ROC ERI ! Tll E subscribers have now on hand the largest and snort variad $t rot of CI - ROOOMIROI MS •vor in this city, witteb ire offer to nen, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, .1.,r Cash ur short Credit" u any Home in this city. Gl.* a. a call and onandno. RINDKIINECHT jone9-43. No. 2 Wright's Stook, Sr* Pa. S EIEX3k 14litARS, 111 Swifts( .St HAT looks m'.re comfortable in win es than a bright sod &Wag stover Theo use Dtzoo's Stove Polish. It Wes a for brighter sod more lasting lustre, with loalf the labor. of any other article peed for that purpose. Sold by oeti.—f9 CARTER k 8114. ONE DOLLAR. $l,OO. A(;00D WARRANTED AXE can be bought far $1 at J. C. FIRLDRN*S. SCALES! SCALES !! I am prepared to furnisil Rehr easy kiwi or Mae at mash less prisons than ever *adore sold la this city Aug. 110. J C. SELIigN SPICE - I of all KINIXi, lit No 2. WriOt's Bloat. - 'mons A N, KILN DlakCo._ ril O. VW PARIS FANS, COMBS & HAIR PINS, rr Lutist Rtylfe,—Putt opesed as tbe rot Park J..etryMors. Y. 11. ALTATIN. r.a. new ?FRY Y AHD'S Y. R. Too (pr 3m to I prr pound. " Imparial for to to 61 pr pound Goopondor Tea for do per pound. (lolonß and Prounbotur to to Teprfb arrant.) to giro NI of or noosill renod o d 3 3 wiuotrriS BLOCK, SPA T F STREET, - ERIE, PA , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Doffwaio and romp Frsuis. Willow, Wood sad-Maas Hare, Vegetables, kr.., are al ways en bead sad 'citing ebeesk, at APA I sq. JOHN DA NT ARM Nee Oretery. - _ BUTTER ! BUTTER ! !—W e will pay easb for Better 1. Ftrides er lees quint*, dartskg the coming meson may 6 TIBRALS, era= it CO. SISLDIM MARVIN E AMERICAN TRIM SEAR OF THI ENTERriuss J. M. COLLIER, & oltia State Street. IR 832=1 F. P. M. & TIRO., sar, [talon, t fiL/NE 4 CdRR(//./ tIIPORTi;RS (IF' TnLileacieti t ipikillea. I= AS goyim tau tics t• , MEEZI FLEXING BRO'S., xSUCCi.S•SOR.I TI) WALLPAPER, &a., Mil D. P. ENNIMI, Proprietor. Pruning Knives, J C 11X I .DNlett Wheel. • full soortmeat of chafe* G. A. Bennett & Co., (Successors in Rogers if Barnett.) F7 . ‘Tr”Trr ' t ... i ' 7 . UMr . ni HAVE n large and well &sleeted Stock of IRON VIOSS, BELLOWS, A.mes' Shovels and Spades 1 N AILS-{PIPE BOXES—WASHES a.1311V -11)E8--110118E 8110E8-T -SA-ErrYiaMMV‘r , HARMERS TRlblitrbiGB, Ste CUTLERY ! PLATED WARE! In fa,oi elowet every thing, at the 01413tand, R*IRE BLOCK, Noe. 11 mid It, estate, ifilltremet, sari•. jnn 14---14 a. A. BENNETT *-CO. A I, 14,; 143 0. 4YNAPKIA OP ITerz, 2.01 M STOCK. 1, Gents.' Dress and Soft Baia " Walking & Traveling Owe. Boys' Caps and Soft Kota hildren's Fancy Hats m i. Oape, Xter ts Tiu UMW. lArte StA,Ek of conr4.• itußsi.quisf; 43oortzi, gm 411. K .nd rmict s i:Love