11l E OBSERVER. .;KIFTETII, 1. CAL EDITOR fl tl NIORNING, JUNE 23. 1860 • •twi El. 1: BATE 4. , Crawford 'wen appoiotea Deploy Stele Su . it•lt 1.1 ,It l'ommou Schools o p, ler+ have hen irsued by Brig's.,le En . CH,,N t uttnuttn, ordering all the uniform ( 4 0tripaniem of this County to he the law direct., in t h e c i t y of of July, for in.pertion - member+ of "si Vincent de IMO S..elety . will have an excursion 1 „( 11,, , Fourth of July, at Stou rrl !Itt nuividc the city limits, on The proceeds of I ickei saleg ~,1.1,. I•,, the —pour fund — of he church. ME Kneltler, formerly of thim Le keen tried in Buffalo fur rfi, Hod, r .•1 10. 1.111 . by ioison, the jury he ,gree. i+ again on trial in I hat t , ‘ • , tiv then were challenged rutill he found who had not ex :• inn pu,i win the CRAP, - g e r %t reeeived a copy of the "Daily td,untatti Herald," published at Denver Territory 1.11 the list of etoi r o anti e‘.l et Denver eity, June Ist, we •t, of 11113.'1es, S 8 HAM , I II II Price and W Stanfield. from h 114.1, in !him county my' The ladies connected with 'he First .ie4( rhttrch of this city, will give a Straw ., tti Festival Lida ( Friday) evening, at the te.a ( 'torch Luilding, corner of Seventh and " I --the funds collected to he applied .tv.irds the et( inguibliment of the Church tet 111 are invited to attend 2159,.. 11e uwe nn tti..,lug) iu ou uI. criher occupying., much of our apace wuhadver Itaetuent, to the lido-ton of reading utat , er People will adsert 1,1 in the (Piv•re, r we can t help it, and wouldn ttf we could Though we have reduced the ..ize of our type, still we are crowded 11 e prom l`ie an improvement he fore = The Man.naleerlebrition next. Tuesday t‘t be Inxgely by the ft atertt thi. and 1.11,1n.ng it-. ilii. MIN. I \ 1 ork, alk.l tile ritil,w) N. Elie r exe.ir-1..il It 118 %ill I.c. Inn.r,,r whi, h I% I , 0 1 , . pi t.. Ult ., ' r 0 lin. ,`Nk . r.l; .1:01,11•4 111 E ul I t•I nlt tho I lii,r frii b r ,y I ht. Nl.ll. ,yrr,t4,ll. 1,111. .t I lug' Pi t.ll Li.' . r. 11•.1. Ut i i C. , Ili , 411.1 It". full Fri(' I I .• L,. , .1.i.• n I'.r9llr tiLI lllp , i •.• ~.uui• 11. 1.1 ..11 iLo 1 h • F •• i IMEM r I °li , .1.11! 1,, r. , ill% tri i /, - . - I' ti lll 1% 1111 I v l , Ot li•t '1 • ' 1 , 11, • II 1 ., :I , l', r.—/ nmi (;vii 11 ct ,v~'t 1,. 1, ,11 I ht t hicy Ti pt.-. I ',.t n•y•11.1 i, Irnu %% n.„r ht IN ....1.•••1 h t . „ t,!.• ..f .141.11, 'I 1,. 1\ I, 11t1i I.•I: 1100 hi n I: 0.1 ,•ii% 11.11 f. 110..01,1 nIVIII 111.1 .11 t %,•,i 11, next 11,1 n u. I ) 01 i ) . `,.7. r~:l•t li oil .4 =1 rv,• 111 I %VII I ,•1'•11,•wi •r 3 r there s, lONI4 lit I•XII I 4 , 1 •tllle toll! litt• 41 . Pii11 .4 1 cal run 11way !loin her engine+ ant' r.ltinititz .0. HilN ‘'.r , ..I I wur id ‘lt R , ,Ab A, , mix T accident ”,•• urrea S F. 11 11 ith.,tit 2 miles this I inn m We , lnevlaty by whiff h wALL t. F. I•ngineor ,lir ot his :egm Lad ly sr n.i i near Immediate ainputa oi a' the thigh ir ft. 4 totth,l neee..taty to .the if. The engine WW4 coming around tine, nt moderate speed, when it ran into tr .ve of cattle throwing it from the track and I .1% n a -deep embank Men! The tirem3n •I‘e.l hy jumping The Xenia aa. ni:rtdy demolighed :hut the in.. iR COM para- Nrlt trifling, a it wn+ an ohd machine, and irk worthle.s air Ntritsrs Eton Am, att , t 4.‘ 4 U.:• and h S% Ile-kit. all of tiii4 ct•a. have -truck (h 1 in their well on the•%llegheny liter, between arren .nd the mouth ..t" Uit cre e l, If all rri..rt4 tii.e true. tlik die luo.t productive hy lii of nn) yet opened itinking the yield as high as thitt , and I,nrrel. fref d.ty We. hope Ilit• high —4 ant letpal 1(.1Is or it- ,lirtit•TA rnly te• realized We 1111.1er441111d ‘IO.O.+TO I:AS Ell, i this city, lotre Gonna MI in a Nrfl wlitcli i 14.) tire boring vt !ion Allegheny at a .1”pill "1" ninety tees are %i ill boring, tlie .ii.liettilllll:4 ate th,Li nl [be pre.eni depth 1.1 ennnoi riot .4.014 01 eight 111 ten loirrels er ,Inv skir The Film Inntial Horse -' , how (.1 the 1.0 and Meel.anic+' l uital of ehantathina hel.l ft I the gronnd4 Ihe Society Freaorwt, on Thormlay a rid Frola% of lam The tirm prize Frirotting 1.) four year 11 ...h. wa. awnr.le.l 1.1 N Van Denson, of =I u•I. The tir.t for trotting hy Ihree fear taken by Vii Denton, of rredonin. Ft ot; Chem Creek. got the firwt pr.•nllnw r-r -role iroutng howe•. The 'line hVilig 111111 ,- 111 see The fir‘i prize for '4,111% WMv won hl, • %% to Moore, of M)-•\ t t•r, totitt. ook +be prr u, I •. vyto.4t +ru ilenit i lir•+i 1.1 eloiiiink if .11 !1,.. .woel,l•tk.•• toe E%,r Indic , i on 101 l pil,tand ,•,1 i,“\r+l I'4l' 110 10 0111• in OWD Ni , • r•tni tie emirtf In ilt lu•rI imrl.4 01 I rii• 111111•. 11011111 M I. tll /le tt crop 1- 11. maturing: %i n k .1‘ !ht. : , .pwitern wheat groar)ng States 1- in 1.1-"gre.. Aftt'r a thorough el 111,11 .navels. the conclusion to tttly.,•l4l,le. that tt,r t..rtheorning htt.r..t will u.• 4.1 the it,,,+t ablivitirtrat ,•• ..t gathered 11,r‘o-i 1 , 04 n whole 1 in:min and . •I tic.alLo% utlhl'arultna•ap ~r 1,, I,+l tal.4rekl hul even in thu.e. • trier Wall) rundieling ae. i en, ise Milt , ll l, l u,.t be •iiit pri-wil if the i • .1 , 1111 - :IVer3)(r tltile••• wv eiCept li*s flineted ne\rryi, 11,110 in How fu Rarin Boots OIL —We have re ceived, fr. in an entirely 'reliable source, the fol lowing, which is the sum total of all the pretended secrets" that Seneca Oil refiners lay claim to. It will be seen that it requires but 11111)1di capital to entry on works of cosiderahle magni tude. • Ist. Start with a moderate fire, and heat up rery graduhlly and slowly. 2d. When the distilled product ceases to be opalescent. change the receiving vessel ; after this there is less danger of boiling over; What, follows is an illuminating and lion-implosive 3•1. When two thirds have pasSedover, tatin• tain the water in the worm-tub at from 90° to 100° at the bottom, allowing it to pass off from the surface at from 200° to 212° F. 4th. On no account allow the stream of dis tilled Oil discharging from the worm to inter mit ; the diminished temperature, which is the cause of this, necessitates over-heating, and occasions loss of prisluct. A Cast-iron BtilVof 800 Gallons capacity, charged with 500 Gallons of Oil, should occupy from four to five hours in gradual heating up before Oil runs from the worm, and will require about twelve hours in running. over 450 Gal lons 'The distance from the !bottom of the Stilt to the Orate-Bars should be three feet, and the furnace draught very moderate. The Bantule portions of theme Oils are so ex tremely volatile, that a distiller, accuatomed to run off coal oil, will almost invariably fire up too rapidly and boil over, unless duly cau tioned. Await separating the furnace from the worn tub or tank. good ventilation from the worm up and out through the roof of the still-house, a gas or air pipe, and siphon termination to the worm, are necessary to prevent accidents. Neither lamp, candle, nor flame of any kind, should he permitted near the worm under any pretext whatever The odor of these oils may be removed by agitation, with two per cent of a concentrated lye acoustic Soda. —Sp Or 1400 Potash ive is not au effective Two per cent oi concentrated Sulphuric .\c , l ;rill diminish thr burning properties of the douilleil product, besides causiny a precip itate of paraftine If an alkali he introduced into the Still, with it %kw to remove the odor or improve rite tint, superheated steam must he passed into the Still to prevent foaming over 11rought-lron Stills arc• preferable to Cast- Iron. store they afford a greater ~ urface, and thereby permit the inure uniform and gradual ipplic•itom I hr•.t The temperature at which the lies purt , ,, u. of Ilie.' (til. Way I.e e tr- ex,...rd p 111113 I=l ,1 1 ,1 , I 11, 011 h.:, cent the 't Tlll. lit!: • 1 meeting Ihs Kir ( Il 0. Counts %as held uI the lei nn t I lie mornm i t, 01 :be ill Inelnoty of tl n • Hoff Join A I.lltt 1) 1 . 1,,, , •,at (4." Pr.-1.1.111 , J 1' \I ..It , llll I. 1111.1 J , •ll\ 11 \l , l I.k kit. . 1111.1 S tt .r.. 0 I tut E,,ir ii i o u'n'inu =ERIE I IMEMME=I 111111 ,. . kelit.y It the t .11..vring nett" revort”.l , t n.l a4h.pted I{ 1 ,, It ha. 1.1e.t.e•1 Ih% l'roN 'deuce to rehioi‘.• trove our itild.t our late 11.4.11 , 1 the tl‘ n .1‘.11% Judge ut the SIN th .1 net. nn.l ne, the member. ‘,t iti,• tr and ipt ILu l owl of Erie ire ht.:0.13 ing nur regnl.ll,, I, , r n, , t er vet. for his hienithi:t Nr 1111.1.• r., 11 ' 1 U" i/ Tlitll %%0 •L• 1111 Kish ittirp rcptt un ,t,count ufhls it, Ili) tir •••• twin—l. 1- I! ue hene%.lence----1,14 h t , grew 11111 , 0,111 l) ,L I‘.,r Ur. ,1111111- utbarnly xud yourte..) Iml_o, u evet N•tliter, .1 } ) , .111 iikl I.f •fi•--:”lrtlifif , •ri u 111%.• nu4i 1•• nblr , i, nit .0“,,i , 1, 1 the rotill h' Tli wc tender 14 , f , 4:44 to Li- L„•resvPJ w.doir, o ur .yttipw Ity to 11...,‘,1 affliction iimtlitts ~t .444 14 rt ly t tll,•rt Ul. u t hen, and 1,41e41-ely tr.st tlt t• I lit to .eek snd fut.i in ill, rt•tlecnoo. Itnt it 1.1 litnl.tlittuz. no I h..% ,•.et iteirvi•lotis,lfl 14..ir eye., tn.ll.t he t be-t ll•-•it , •/. 11, t will at hart.' It Mara al anti wear 11., it.lifil I izpun The It Itt•rt•••1 • : •I t, 1.' , ..,1r , i, 11..ir 11,. l'..url likmor L. ',' ),..1.,",..,1 thirtng tier la , ,ng of the tharrigi I pr , ,..e....1 01 le i l[ ...,1,,,E, Th.,, a ropy illy 11-1,(•..et1i4g- h. , men( to the fati.ii:, of tile .Icrenee, . nit.' 1111 1 .1iSi11 . 1 in the papers .0 the 4'o,enty Messr.. IValker, Kt.l.", VEck,er%t,i,ltiftS•s(l, Lti Camp. Sun! I:etp.,n, Stll. uti.l i:tho; w•veril'y ail. iressed the meeting tn-esau of ti d many private virtues and tin eminent puLttr service of the .keensed I The meeting then utljournNl to rr at the Court TI on e, and Di D quarter het rr I n clock M . to 'mewl the fttnernl. ALLgitHENY CoLLEct.--Frnti the Menthille Reim!,born We cunilen.se the following pro gramme for the different Anniversary exeret.e. of Allegheny Colleges - nil the iieeietie. ronbre r. , 1 with it The Allegheny Literary Society Anni..•rua rh will be held on Friday evening June Central !fall The Biblical 1,11.4%r:try Society Antiiv..r-mr . ) will he liel4l,.ti Saitiy eveifitig. 1!•!, entral Ilall The Puiteral Sermon of Rer Int Barker. late Pre.itletal of the College, will he preached by ite% Ilunter, I) , al Ventral HAIL on Sunday afternoon, June 21, SI 3 o'clock, P In the evening the Lecture before the Biblical Society will he clels%ero,i by U Si Cbtrk. A M., at the Meth. Church. The Philo Franklin Literatty Society Anni versary will he belt' on 'Monthly evening, June 25, at t'entral The Re-union of "old Philoes - will be held on the afternoon of Friday, June 22d, at their Hall, The Re-union of Allegheny Society will he held on Monday a.teraoon, 'Hine 25th, at their Hall. The Alumni Association of Alleghenq College hold their Quadrennial meeting on TuOnlay et ternoon, June 2tith, RI Central Hall. The l'otnmeuceinent Exercises of th College will he held on Wednesday, June 27tli, at C'ett Ira' Ilall, commencing in the morning The Graduating Class nnmhers twenty-twit. Mtooe by the North-East Brass Bawl. - Both Side.. f! . f the Grape 4,l"frehon, - the title of a new work announced some time since. and which has just beep issued by A Al Spangler, editor of "The Farmer and tiardner." It is a neat volume, in which the important (0(.444 whether the present system afcuUi 'ration, pruning and general management, is better adapted to promote health. vigor. lon gevity and productiveness in the grape vine. than a closer approximation to nature . * sys tent. i 4 ably discussed. The article on the classification of the species and varieties oft he gr..pry Sine, i+ not only new. hut cattle highest importuner Every grads► grower, if he has hut a single vine. should haven copy, particularly as it 0311 he had fur the trifling sum of :IT, cis. in cloth or 26rts in paper binding Address. A M SPANGLER, Philadelphia expeneh.e.l insure .1 It I.e- 11 .1111u.1i% ‘‘lt•l Upon the tnot Jun to Adopt lip re4,,,,01,,,r1. Ounirr s, July, bas been fit our tsti We, and reed sod re-read by the female portion of our household for some time. The ladies are all pleased with the &gettable miscellany which is presented for their perusal this month. There is a warm summer look about the maga :lna, 'which make* it just the thing to have on your parlor table at this season, or just the thing to take with you into the country, or in fact anywhere, when you wish to while away • lounging hour pleasantly. rir limes? k STILATTOI(II MIIICANTILJ COLAMM— This institution stands unprecedented to the sueressful llchkrveament of the objects for which It wee estabnabod, the educative of your men for the reties pursuits of Magness itfe. The maim of Instrecticm 4 most thor ough and practiced, end its beet rosonusw,dation is the tanivenal malefaction and SUOMI! of Its graduates; error whom may be found young moo from nearly every Spite in the Union. With its loorwesing age It secures btill greeter *meadow* with the Witte, and the highest esteem of Its pupils and patrons. During the put year k i has received a larger home petrouage than ever before. ifihrog men desirous of obtaining s practical edumilkin cannot do better than enter We institution —IN/a& Rerikke. We hear it said that some of the young Lincolnites of this city seriously entertain the proje+t of building a rail-pen, in which to bold 'meetings during the campaign. They bare imbibed the idea somehow that 1860 re aetuldes 1840, in enthusiasm for their nominee. So it does—about se much as a summer breeze does a tornado—but they will never discov er the difference until they attempt to spread 'their sails' Str PLANTATION TonuT, or 014 Homestead Tonic, is the name of,si new drink got up by Dense, the Bingh►mpton Bitters man. It is represented to be especially adapted to the climate of this country, free from all intoxicat ing qualities, and the most efficient, wholesome and delicious Tonic in the world. J. C. Bra (Ass & Co.. are the wholesale agents in this city D ar A new military company has been or ganized in Fairview, this county Ouvra HAZARD PrkRT FIII.OIiON ( whew!) is to he Captain, and S B Weitiocsa and D. Loso, Lieutenants. or A lady in New York committed suicide the other day because her husband used tobac co Consumers of the "weed" will make a note of 06.1' are- The pulpits of nearly all our city churches were filled by strangers on Sunday MARRIAGES thtthe l'lth in., by Hey Joseph H ley. Mr S .1 McKSI6IIT tu SOPIIRCINI I'tHtF, 411 i4f this city. 41 the 121 h Lr Rev Anita-wit) Lama Ali SA ALL F:L ELIAMIAN to Alie 4 MARiI A Ri:r lilt thisit, nu or Fairview .ki Y on the I ill) twit . hr Rev lionnifon. Mr REUEL L N(tRTIIRtI' ot Livonia, , t.. MLim lIARRIETJ TII4I\I As of rone•ils, N. A DEATHS. lu city• on the 16111 CTilt It H only chill .htllle•+ nod month+ mid tt; .6y. New ,Mail A.rrangemen,, \ I .11 . 1,..1 thl. date. tt Ili). • %I. I N. st, Frio It It \..a Hyllnioau.ll.4l6Att n. %%At l lt 1117a1. • rt. It 11 V1.1...r, rnrlkli a, l War tttt , Bniler @ME rid Nirg..4ll and I. chatmro \hila, N atertord, and S t K N... ••b•lphu, 4 1 / 4 tt'a.bin¢ton k• • s.„tand F ( 111.,¢i., ‘n.l Pittoburg— ...... %....,.% . is Vtst,fur..,Tu•klay a, Tburmbky• I'_. It /11 DM ' Cftrto.r Hall, Ortle \ . k ',roe, l'llirtda,R, hnn.ila \ Nod =I lS F SLiilN I' NI I's , April '.. IseA) .3pccial ).loticts. %VI:. ARE .IUTIIOI2III.EII 'lO I`4- o 44 , 11 AS F. 1F: I.; I , ..1 Fru., s• rill.. 11.1 0.. ti.r te0.. , ,,t1 I It. r0r.1..r, p0.).14.-t t.. IL« d«cnow st II • TII FltliNVII It . 1) II It tlOl V I "es (' El. E lilt 1 1T1..1, II ~ .et I •• 51' KI• Fatlua rn.na- i•rivart.ti t., • Ult. I .tsgtll4l npl•••n, n,. .l • • L0t...4k ••,, 111.... lot., I 11 4 .I.4.plAngeo alp! It rolruln t i••••• ••(*bnlai•o... til•ve nt.• t•ut b... In•nn II 'l.- u•sn, )rtvrt. U. 11l to F raiser and 1n1,••••••• ‘• iW NIP /,./•* in •••••-r• , a 11•• be b• urg• d I, ti, • •unnuo 11101,11%P0 6avr one.: l twus, I.•• mak.. t t • •"• I ,q lan • • '••• n11•••• - tation ..f ti., , ., ••••1••••••, i •••••• • .1 'll.. 1. • 1.1 ••r• tut ••• n • t.• 1..., •v• prep xn •r tea 41\41r. • 6t.S. t••... 1.. 1114 .1.1.( ~ rt.,' ••• ••.. • instil,. • Pr..g•••••nt INItat•••, ••• ••••••• -4; • • •••*••• • I • •, • •••“• dr• •• nnottonnli a•knt•ti .1 a.l , Ike. I • n be.- preet.4ll, as prvoprtidor A.MPUIDYII DO IVlAlonOrlibli. n. Ott, itv..1.41.0. • ....4”...D1t1011, 11141dird , t/gll their Fre. e• any mineb 1.4 In lb.. halvah; IttileflldAVl theme reOloinendeti Full and otp'ieft direction 1,1.1, ma« by L I, RALOWIN, Erie 6 ,, , SI. per, Waterford •••li —I/nr•lollAr rod three iwo.t.d,ge statopiftmlomoi to itiattee •pactage of pllU by 1••• %orb MAO CROSFIY,, - .Poenil Agent, Jo!. 23, 1 . 40.-1)1 Buffalo, N it gar1114111.111.1...ra Tl'lltieloili I.llal 11 It l% T. The recipe for making this celebrated Liniment was ontaitted bi a gerntimMui while visitutg the Turkish Empire, a few sea.. since. While there he • itneased its use upon hnmer, Sod so PPLIPPLAIIiLi• were the corm, he tenchwie4 to purchase the recipe for making it Tor his os u nee, ((nothing more. After returning to this eon.. tea, Its made some, and trital It In revere( names of melt tigs, rheumatism. bruises, etc.,and (Mind (Ito cure more speedily than any article ever clairovered Becoming re iiiiainteil with the gentleman, I pure/mood the recipe, and have made and used It with great oneness. and found one ha'f bad never been told of its Intrinsic ',aloe. For Rheu matism, Sprains. Chilblains, Pains in the Bark or Chest, Crenate% &Walled knee, Sore Throat, Neurai t tie, Tterith sehe of govillings of ever, kind--it is warranted to curia For florae. rl pruned, Chafed. Wind'' ( e I led. ('racial heels, etc ,it Is the most valuable medicine tit tugtte The pro prietor, knowing full well its merits, will zebrine.. every Arent to et fund the money arbor@ perfect satisfaction is nit given A large number of certificate.. would he given if n.sevitari, lint one trial will iintis'y lb.. most skoptisa , It is pref.-I:thy safe to take inwarty in ease ..f I ..lie or Cramp The liniment is for sale by all Drug/late . 1 Ili Ititii•i• k t•ft, Ploprietor% No. htel :4>Arftw_et., Ver }'.irk. ''uld in Frio, be I, I lialiterfn, No A, Item. I I..ht , r , iirl Carter k tiro , {'ark Row etprilr 47 r , : 1 1`.' Jilt. P. 31A Li..—Drer Ste -.From motivia of ei--- , tether sod Martmoity lu me Mealtimes and social relations, I take plessnre In (*abetting bonito 11114.11 r, or ruflering whemerre omortnwihy le preeented• , ynipethy silt, the aflltet..l induce* tut to Whir= the pubic thr..ugb "u, that I Meer bew,. tr.mithett with the Asthma , hr l'hthirue Inc several year% which at times gave use much upeasiness Loth in nod) and mind Mr complaint eras toad, affected try changes, In the weathr:r often attended with • dry and troublesome cough. which convinced we that, I must find a speedy and thorough 'nestle:N.lra its rsinoral, or else submit to the dangerous consequent., of a lung disease able was daily growing tedious and oda athlete. d fewdoes I bought a bottle of your .t.k/ekrairit Costa ," and before all um used, NV w.....ir breathing became tree and natural, my cough wee entire ly gone, ins disease ism eared, and my 'width is fully re. stored. I reoummead this medicine to all persons aiMiet. Kt with Asthma or Phthisiit, Cough and other lung com plaints ma safe, speedy and thorough fouted7- D. H. ScEIRIDE, F.kir„ Feb. 15, IMO. Captain of the Steamer Liortroih marchli,ll43o ' 3m41 pDR. VALREAD'eI CANEZ/3114 E.— The Greatest Discovery of the A g . I—For the almost irortantaosthe ease of maw io the mouth, throat er etossecb, resetting from Scarlatina or Typhus Fevers, or any other earns ; sore nipples, tiliserabed £oar, hum. three of all kinds, ionises breath. Att. It is the heat portlier for the breath of anything ever offered to the public. To whiten and pentane the teeth. apply with bro th ; it wall lostautly restore all tartar sod other forsigo sub• ataoces, and leave the teethes white and their as pearls It le entirely tree Irons all plenteous substances, and can be given loan infant with perfect safety. It ilt a velnable article or every family to bare In the hnule, as It will remove Mtn frOUI btu and bare. quicker than anything known Ire will 'warrant it to give %lithe faction in every cue. reiee Ski cent* pier bottle. J IItIItRII.I. h ,Prepriletete, lOU Miran street, New Yorke gold io Frir, to 1. ( In, No CN RA..n:l'll.mo.. awl rooter A. Bro , Park Eloir THE PONVESSIONS AND EXYE BII;NCE 07 A VlCTlM..—Prisiewd the tostellt and es A warning and a caution to young men who under leum. Arrears Dritedify, iismatirre Thu', Ire. as A c..usesnonce of earls 'wrong ; suppl)lng at the Kam, time t h e Mellall of See Cure. By a sufferer fermi the Als,re cansuamil from medical InapodUan and quackery. Movie copies [mailed free] on reeeivinic i postpaid Krt. vetoer, Irmding the address of the %Rohl:ant Addnrsa, Nalhanrel Wayttir, Bedford, %imp Co., New York. &until,- 4m46 iivs. WlllittlLOW, as esperienend nuts and female physician, hens Soothing ityrep to Chi era teething. which greatly facilitates the promos o esethiss by sottealag the gums...educing ell indarmantloa allay all pain and is sure tiwregatate Lbw itepeo.l upon it, mothers., it will give rest to yourselves lhodreller aa.l health to your Influrta. Perteetly oar to II Mar. AM. advertisement In another comma Ir T. EC:KKK A DVIKKTIPSENIMPIT a nil 4A FORD'S Lite r nod Vaulty r*thae . awtbar abue 1 Second Arrival Large and Attractive Stock SMIK&SUIER SOODS R. S. Morrison's Now is the time to secure GREAT BARGAINS!! (fur goods having been purchased since the mcent, downfall in PRICEg. I am now prela►red to offer at 16814 than 1 3 .A.N1C PRICES 1 SILK RAREGES, CIIALLIES, GRAY MOHAIRS, TRAVELING DRESS GOODS, ORGANDIES, JAe. ONETS, LAWNS, LACE POINTS, JAPAN ESE MANTILLAS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, I ARASOLs, For the Next Thirty Days, AT ItROOM) PRIORS 1 june9-53. R. S. MORRISON. GREAT BARGAINS SPRING Si SUMMER GOODS ! NEW STORE IN PA RACION BLOCK Rs. moinisox is now Opening and • daily Reeeliing a Splendid Stock of IiERLAN, FRENCH, SWISFI AND AMERICAN DRY GOODS, to Great Variety of styles and eolcrting : Plllbracing all the novelties of the season, u fast as they appear to the Eastern Market We wonlit call Partici:Oar Attention to our Eatensuie Stook of SCOTCH AND IRISH LINENS, EMBROIDERING, HANDKERCHIEFS, DRESS TRIVING, WHITE 1; OCIDS, qm, 110.41kRY, GLOVES. and all 11. Ilt l.rn qt,l. IR of , I , ka, Drroo Goods. k. We hire Imo I • t-plowli.l ‘rportmeot of t 1 "Tit A\ 1) .11. K M INTII.I,AS, V/t/e'l,f II 1-1 , rffINT" , , -TFI I %V 1?, el th', ••• I A n'zt.l tt tt ty, ai • et•milayYte itodt I f tttuteltt I. it R 110 RM-A t:S; .ale MX) IST MAY! 1860_ Good News for the Million ! E\T, Twit \ k A lt Eno 14.1.i•1N lug. tor ~ cot I. • .•. n n.l T.om, rtfwt., nn ==l 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS ! pry Goods, IZIMEI 1.: 1.. I• '.l Groceries, Hard Ware, MIME I • I' %I n I VI Glassware, - Soots & Shoes, 11. °disci y Macao CJ lc. thiro. is, EZEI 11113 Web. I s., Whieh haNr 144 , 11 ptirell , tged l l'l4terli market, 15 per Crllll Ire. Omen early li.priimpalleep. ana4l r. rratvoc rn w‘thAnir. r„ r all khl 4.i (I 110 r, I.nrober,xprri , ‘,l I PO V.‘I,IIItISALS.FiIIIKA A ( rl• 0 AspiziNG, 14;0. jir War_ »,y fah. Ilirp ea amt•pis T II I . IN: Gents.' Dress and Soft Hats " Walking & Traveling Caps Boys' Cape end Soft Hata. O hildren's Fancy Hats & Cape, 1.-ITELY TRIM %1 An endleeks ‘1,.•1% of Mena', limn' sod Childrven'i STRAW and 1.1 , 6:1 ()RN A Lanz. Stock,lf tIENTA.' RNA CIOODS, - K SILK and LIKI V I NI: GLOVES, • itENTs: iiuslERY OF ALL RINI*: A b•su ttlul awbort meat of Twv, Stirfx, 9 lock* and Collars Ze'a., St 1:1.23.132D MX0171913E1: • wrir stipr. FROVT RNTRANCE, lea lame ptoek of mt., cap..nd ytr►w n o w„, Palm t.e►f 'rat. at Who lreale. line, slay 5. Ml' ANT, N 6. 6, heed Hons. "One of the most successful Fire Insurance Companies of this or any other country." —Superinintdent of ',ingr ain Apartment, State of Nev. York. 1 . , ... ---.--. 9 s ' ~.. ..r. I 1 z • ..... I. \ V o! \ i V \ SkVlittkV 1 ' • ._ aI L. ; 164, \ II +MORO .Mk 1 CC .0 F 4114C1_ .;141°‘ CASH CAPITAL, - $1,500,',00 SURPLUS OVER, - 6043,000 AppLICATIONS Solicited, [ma Policies issued on as favorable terms as an; pompom of tespooslbilny, and all losses isonseatel adjusted and paid by the undersigned, the duly auk agent, Ap 18-4 J. T. DOWNING. Tin Ware for Everybody! THE RIGHT PLACE TO GET IT IS at N. RP H Y'S Old and Established Stand, Park arm, between Brown's Hotel and the Seed BOUM. Ilea amertment amptimes every article to the Tin, Sheet Iron and C.opper liar—Brittannia and Ja panned ware, Stoves, &c. The celebrated Stewart Cooking Stove ! the greatest rind brat In the world I eupplkot at masons ble priests. This stove for general utility and beauty of flnirh la rutty eolLd "rxeelsiair" Hoimekeepers are earnestly invited to examine it. in addition, f have a genre' emeortmem of rook nod Parlor Staves of the beet pitttflOl and 121111urattnm. enenprlning as large• an luonri. Men( 1.11 can be f..uud In the tlty. I have the agruey for the sad* of the oolohnitod BRECICINRIDOE COAL OIL 4- LAMPS! the ettnapoot, Mat and moat safe light of the ago—the hnnierlinotiren Monti, an, Ant anbetitute Ina gm in eclat non, If •"u want Anything 1u my lin. Klt. tull a est{-1 wOl i.tj.ft all an t., nua6rt and tn-lec. Krid.. May 5, 1111511. N. MURPHY. PAINTS 1 PAINTS ! T II AVE on Itand and wil Brill own at ve ." low prices, a tans, avahortment of PAINTS A N I) COLORS! cotwUttleg, in part, of WHITE LEAD, .s'NoW WHITE ZINC, I'oI?CELAIN FINISH, C brow. And Freorb Green, dry and in oil, Irmo,* (teit ro. vmatian Sad. Fire Proofint. Chievoto mad Areadaan V. notllion, board and raa I.ltowird on , Tg q ,,,, t tie r , tv, Mara, he Prr■en• intending tr , taint .111 Sad it to dies. advantage to rail hefore parastalsig obi...them at U.. Paint ' , tore or T. S. RIDICILAIR, toa)bil— 31. Corner State I,Abd OF A AT New Store. 113113 AT THE 11111111111111111 Oi ckery, II .„1 1141.. . ,r( =MEE rir REMFAIHER jui C. A: Bernie' If/4 - C, R 7., Vitecessors A. 'Boone Bautstt.) Fi Jos. 11 and 191 1012n112 MAUL, HAVE a large and well detected Stork of IRO NAILS, STEEL, SPIKE, SPRINOO 4 AN VI LEI, VICES. BELLOWS, Ames' Shovels and Spades NAILS-PIPE BOXES-WASHER SAW -HUES-11ORSE SHOES 8.A.DD1.A3E111,"1", HA RNESB TRIMMINGS, &a. PLATED WARE: CUTLERY In fact almost every thing, at the Old Stand EMPIRE BLOCK, Noe. 11 and 12, Altai**, 11111treert, Mrieb, Pow. jan.2B--84. G. A. BENNETT & co CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE STC:)l‘,3i:3, LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL OIL No t 2. Empire Block, by . O. A. BENNETT & cu Kris, Jae. 211,180011.-34 HEAD QUARTERS I DRUG STORE, No. 6, REED HOUSE, ERIE, PA. Yaw Piairekaalaa Drag, Medicines, Paints, (lils, Dye Atolls, Varnishes, l'alnape• Article*, Window Mass and Patty, Ch ar ..1., Perfumery, Fin. Toilet Snap., Fine Flair and Tooth Brio hes, Pyre Wines and for Medical Purposes, Ca:10140w, [turn log FluM, Paint Brushes, and all tither articles Gewalt) found in a Wholesale & Retail Drug Store. Cottntry merchants will find that they tan purchase goods in the line 1.1 Drugs, kn., at thin establishmeot at 1 . 1 e) low rates t tut' (.teiiities ft, )ohhin.if are not aurpaaa to la the ctll S•taela,tion guaranteed w tit regard to price. and i t uallt . ) 1 . 1.11. Fri+. Whit.. 1 eal for .ate at BALDWIN'S STORE. Llttao.d Oil fur sale at BALDWIN'S DRUG STDBE ra.rtwon rii Ittopertor to Coal only on* dollar per gallon. *1 Rai/WINN DRI'G pr11:11 - 48 So. 6, Read Douse GRFAT EXCITEMENT EIZITI Sign of the Big Shoe F! No, 18 3Mtu.irbirc. fait calro. W her.. the pmf:riot.r. , er. juat r.O.tring •nlgd♦ BOOTS, SHOES a FINDINGS, t■ tirrat Yuri,i• alba gralnks! Ilufillai.mt to Rupp); any perwont fly parde..hvirinf to par champ, and win pledge thyropehry a to qKI.I. THF. %AVIV. QUALII OF noi )11 At Cheap Rat.a than say other Eatablislimarnt i■ Thin Section of Country liaTlng decide.' to , elt G.i. CASH DR RIULDI PAY, Thort4.l, providing on rowl. pm With the noregoary trireme In an►umm.tr our plotn Awl enable u• to .011 \t LAW. ritif kw Tli ft at u VWIOHBoIOt, who 41c , A I.lllg ( RKUIT lieSilli Rita, w e w n o w .died nor Merida and raw tom,* In (ALI, sod IN A.. lb« en.prilliont of 3r'l"z7VG C .411. 8 EC We .re PeePsied to ell tbe Orderyof coomrßr CHA3TS AND DN.! LEL,' with WI Areertnends ei Sisk Work of Suprrier geeisfy at eery Larw gates, and ao►tlit rail from them before goiog further, and paying higher nitre. Our LIM MI lIIIIN Mtn? balsa well 'applied. Pervious wishing to nrchnoe will do well to look at oar Stock beforepurcluuring elorwheed. We &Ws retatu the *WOWS of Ir. Cotter in our Custom Department. Wh0m....11 earned reputation for Gone Yrrs .1 1 4, Do coma:brut from um. April ;.'l--46 Few Opening—New Goods ! R. B. _ll CT B-11 AR D W 01.1.1) respectfully IrSorin hi. friends sod the public generally, that ti k ,,g3, , goarnetieve. Tin,Copper Sr. Sheet Iron Buapeas, to ot its .wrietirli, at Nn 'l. RRltlrft ftl4l.ktidt. no 1 4 We Street, nr.pneite griyhr.Rl;w4, where ems be bond, at all three, a le..s supple at ally and evert tbiagin that line. together with a Large wewi , 'Nwerst ^r. Japartwed and Britannia Were COOKNO & PARLOR STUYES • And House FiaraiNhiug Goods getiersLly. .c.bei ng and Repairing egol . kind... Mermaid to potitipt -17 stud ninon:ollr. Reefing, Untie,* ■at Croifitartilini pot op at .hot malin• To oll.thoso in wont of onything In my HIM. I "gold" levy give ow a call. es I an boon.' nr•t to he Not Ai 441 eboopneso or ouslit r of gOOlill. Apra., 14.111 M. Q n HOVELs, and Toppi Stands, Blower* ►l.'dttade. for sale by zt .1 C. ivi,Dsm. HAYES & JORDAN, 1E351 BEE HIVE!! DRY GOODS! HAYES & JORDAN A X 4EB, DRESS tiOODS, HAYES & JORDAN DRY GUODs. HAYES & JORDAN FOR THE TRA DE HAYES & JORDAN HAYES & JORDAN 13 E - IVE ! ! CASH DRY GO DS HOUSE ! Wholesale and Retail ! ! OIL CLOTHS, &C. No. 5, Exchange Row. Spring and Summer Goods ! ! JUSTICE hat, reln , m , J 4, raring awl it.t.tv bindr Inth nr r... to Whom he to IiOR n-eetriaz a Dry ant outp.m.r pt.. , k. spßi.vr; ANI) 11FR f. 01)' In biz 4uu , which bu will matt ap t•• :10 , c1 flew, and orsoiittit to givr sathifsictiow or. to. wmlo I* , Roos b ww. t an7t-timg nl lutek lino eatt Wing foirlr ,Icalt with, a• he If opt up paw ige 4 .4 but ittlt.h ot 4. to 111 git me • 4.lartion easidiukilly on hand a F ood soooirtni.nt MADE CLOTHING ! et *raw wake and warranted to In. a. repreaontoni or alebalkerunth . d. Pestiina parnhaaing for (' (All ■re In% ited t.' Ball and 41.111111:11110 Gooda and Prievn, a I nrn devraaine t.) porn ebony for OVA. WEIr CLITT/ Ni dons on abort none. nod warranted aprtll4-411 JOHN W Jt . •TICF. NEW YORK & ERIE R. R. °HANG EOF HOURS, 11)MMEN4 NI ;: roNnAir, MAY Ai, Wu. Trains will leavelldrit at &b it the totally ang la. ta • • Tit BA RR k KELSBY INTERESTING FACTS FOR INIMTBODY •~ NO. 1, BROWN'S HOTEL SELL CHEAPER THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE IN ERIE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP SILKS. WOOLEN AND OTHER ERER OPENED IN ERIE, AND ARE RECEIVING NEW STYLES AND NEW FABRICS DAILY. ARE WELL PERSUADED THAT GoOD STOCKS AND LOW PRICES MUST SELL THE WHOLE COMMUNITY IS AROUSED AND AWAKENED Tu ITS BEST' INTEREST, AND HUI oF THEN 116. THE MOST ~'Y.NI'H.II. 1.04' Urti 1:4:11N LOW ANI) SELLING LoW OF THE) ‘N'si c()111'1..k \ IDF"FRNIPF. 1:E1 1; 1.1. {4l:'' \ 1 :4. km 1' Hu( im PN% \ NI) Tut :•• 1 i STI 1 10 THE EVEIt) fiol)) 111 . 1 . : 4 THEIR klmw II AYES & JORDAN. rhe PRICES at a Inch the\ are otrored, :Ire .1- GOLD DOLLARS At Ninety Cents ! CARPETING ME WM. BELL REMOVED ! sprill -1• i No. $, Brown's Hotel. State •tieet Zastward Bound—Depart Nary Tork Itzpreite .....3 10 A. Aelenlo4ation ..... ft 0 A U. Atocit_ Knives- ..... :I,i 14 CiDelltditt IttlirPoo. . . ..... 1 r X ittiftid. . - l' • Way rrikiabt - Stock *spews. mmel Kam* r DrtglAt Tr•ths tuol VI. y - The Aemmernemistiam Maio rtilawi• • mar At ft , I: /Dugan°. Evrtwib• ad .4m/A nia)or ruusa.nl% 1•. f , . kil re., hot remismeslte trip ai t 1 43 I. m eitit.r Irene. rue ir•cept 614.1.1•% 4111 A, 111INttT I,w„ ~ tt , t XTil. Ittt•tt*h . liemkirt, April 9, 11010-11 New Millinery MlStqF.cc tri ni•ITLR ").., wfin '1 (61,4 11 , 1V4 0 01,00,1 r nrw end stirowirno•ut Millinery 4:3-01zorysi. TX 1 . 1)01119' BLACK. T AITK S TREE T, 1;Y rOTAIUS. Whoocir the la.lla•i are :malted to call sod c aarn • lee Tong and plaw. cay.. April 21, IMO- WOOL! WOOL!! WOOL!!!' ,•to. 10 ..1t, vI.II,AVN the Agency for eureita. , inc I WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, W0..1 lUr F.xteasive Kaskterti Fartarte• and trill K,••• r zu , 11 0 . 4 1 in i t the tattiest Market l'nee in CASH I•gr ant twoovi..t Ittnt ' r,tr. GI.: ••• na I • vuu.D.. nay be otbere.l tinellßtliN SMYTH tom weit'AZ NT k crt•KmAtc. , may 26---51 I tt rigt,t • fll,n . Ktle. Y. WOONKEY & SHANNON'S REED HOUSE! If you want to buy FATTg HARDWARE• A T NO. 2 REED HOUSE Can be found A Large Assortment of PLATED KNIVER, PLATED SPOONS, PLATED FORKS, CARVERS AND FORKS, TABLE KNIVES & FORKS, BREAD KNIVES, BUTCHER KNIVES, BUTCHER'S STEEL/3, BUTCHER'S SAWS k CLEAVERS. Skates ! Skates ! Skates! AT McCONKEY it SHANNON'S Bells ! Bells ! Bells I CHOPPING AXES, HAND AXES, BROAD AXES, ALSO, A PEW BOYS AXES, at STORE TRUCKS, AT McCONKEY & SHANNON'S Sawa ! Saws !! M I:LEV—MILL—AND THOSS CDT—WOOD .4ND HAND, at NO. 2 REED HOUSE. STEEL CUTTER SIMES, SPRINGS AND ARUM, IRON, STEEL AND NAILS, BELLOWS, ANVILS & CARPF:NTERS' TOOLS, BI ILDERS' II kRDWARE, LIK'KS, LATCHES, ho., dr c 'C4) FRONTING THE PARK, REED AND NO. 1 FRENCH STREET, Sign of the ANVIL. 111 E :,v,• :tl-,, A zents for NAYLOR, V rlt h I ry, Celebrated Cut Stool Mane .0..1 also for Viso. sspile• . 1 ,, 1., (on.. Er 11 . 1 l. 1,45‘.5—..29 1.1343C0. talinMith IBM ill MIR 20,000 SOLD IN THE LAST 5 YEARS, \N \ 1:1; 1.6E1 IF 4.OOOAVEAR , V, In r (Atm Atinufue ••,, ~ •/wr ,S'lng?c Est/1644h ,, It' .61. 111%*. nem in rear. •-.. of Manufacture, A . ..41 I.u• am rcpar....l to make. such will:- • • • h..r••••. nut', 1:1raly •• • :r•usistanor, may demand 4 ..4 t.. lnpu e 1 be h•miii, I jolt ~:r•a•l, Irrt Lir• aant•••l ital7loll , , n• 4r 1 Au A Tao ,'r,—tan 1:110•11840 to ;111 • ••• . • t.• to - the ease resepk.te machine for t •• tivir a 'Milt] 1./.1•13 113c6. 1 . . • , I. • •I mak n, a i'h a /Agfa Alraaght • iv A•••• •e /I, i ' , I, or tackier the* is cc ystirrii be Mail , . nn, r„11 . • I 1.. • rt,t • tirrt,rrn of the trefeacnre• of this ma r••• 1:.• 1 n s. ii i• Inn pat. Died ibernir jointed Cre t• • •ratrrer, eutting apparatus ta •.•., • ...... „ .1 : ;•••wn 4.i re ob.lllUttloll.l l rh ll44 ue OM. • • 1 • A• Lflit of thi driver in hie place, A, and rOmplictted arrange• „„ „, t„ ....ject A Castor Wheel, upon ; I.n• Lein mided. to the grain . i• rr:te , mit the homes from • • • •••• ;••••K vote draught; Mom a • . . • •• •1 for throwing out, and ••.• •• " o - TU rf the machine 11,04b11111 trri •• A .1 n th much greater 0.1111 , Avis rtrrti.or L - further information as to oft 1.1 , 11, ti.l II to %or,' It, c, •r. I. .1 'rill I tt. nor, as I,reti.fore, that ilintoirvi I 11 ;tie at I:bert, to work my Kachice throve A the harrtst, wt.h an' other. AND KEEP, AND IR, Till. \ PREgERRED Er Apots Are ... I ke CYRUS H. 11cCOR1I1CK k BRO. 11 , ,r, ii, At-entry Eno., Ps. may 26 —6l. HAYES &JORDAN ~,WILL uI'EN TIIIS DAY .t Challaiem and Won i.• >we Hog their real Venn. SHAWLS, many of them FYINr par rent wader prior, at HAYID3 It JORDAN'S. ut II EN . t I IA CE, all Silk—Silk and Lace awful cheap at HAYES & JORDAN'S. 13.\ \."ttl from auction, muA under rtlar Nit , 4 , at the BEE HIVE ( - I FRENCII MUSLI NS and I,llltiftli 'lntl cheap at HAYES & JORDAN'S, I[lon Bleached Mtudins the "rtt 141 '4 r Cll t 4 Ter Atltti aor Where at HAVES it JORDAN'S.' LK -, at Ilargains; some real IKt 'I AZ t , tr.,/ ftllril tor C.llOlCe patterns at 11 IVES & JORDAN'S. CI tii 11 mnn Summer Stuffs, I I rittt, Yittl 4:lt, /103 I Irk ILT—eVery thine In this I,le tt,nt is • .1.. , man) g• tit rcuch ander price at th" BEE HIVE. etLi : T k from hen to three • • .a t.« twught e•rewhere. Aleo Lath.' CRAIN", beat , •• • HAVES k 14/ROAN'S. RI Doul,le Capes, 3,5, 7, w 11 ' , 1t ,, , , s t rt rverst„t.. and Berne Angtabie N.. ve.4 • ,, t• i• bud ,er, cheap at ma,_ -.4 HALES & JORDAN'S Ein "Man! Know Thyself." 1, II I' N Elt 'S MEDICAL MANUAL: )1. 0, • anal - to 1 popular Travail.« on MAN A ND WO MAN , The, . • unCoot,, .oak Sinai ;tumoral.. . ;, , 4 4. , .• gur Oho .I.el'ay • 1••\-re f 1%•1 161.1.1r11. -ate character, •.•..,.1.11..11 Vt th« Iwits 14 .JI lid of Nature's Gott. • !,1 1: TNV ENT Y -1:IV 11 l' P.NTS ii " 1"1 0 nothor of the above volume is a ii • KI-1., Iµ3 tr. • tul having devoted a quarter ~i e ~....t.r, to the Altial% nod end treat o.• o t 01 -.% ',lain viol kindred di•Ordell , as a al ,. , a h., . ii. 1,.. l. ...me po•revse4 of most Invaluable Iniormsti .n to .•, ~1 In the .11rtlf, cud is able to compress 111t0 t 4.1. koet tllll l'1111•ifok the very quinteaseneo of medical ~., oLer, oo 11,, kiui ortaut at11.4.-Ct.; all the ersult of the , % per, Ili .4 01 the most entioent ph) Aldan* In Europe and i m,•:•, is 11,orouglily drtoonetrated in his 01,11 highly ...4e. -.,fu. pmetriee In the Vestment of secret diseases its ”,„ , 11, une an,ie of mi k e* in the City al Philadelphia 7',,. ,;,,, on!, tv the Proimetor 3( Olostetrie,s in Penn „l 0 Oat I ' , //eqe, t'ii iladelphta. .11r. II l'i%it./rr , M1•:1 , 11f.tl. II ANI . AL."—The author al 11.1. work. unlike the majority of those who advertne to ~,, : t. .ears.. of •Itteh it trostt, la • OPUtlartTlt of one of the best Colievet in the I:tated St•tee. It afford! me 1••••is11T. tot re, ea:nem:l him to the tltt , Oltn•s•vit., or to the VII-TIM of Cot 1 naemea, 10 I SCCIICIISPT L and lt2 PS 1111Stliti priketionor. In e !coo honor and Integrity they ma) pines the treat at to ondeuee. Jongrit P. Losasiioll. m • D. / , , .1 Vl' ~...u. l, e ll [I. of renntrNitvino4l t". k . roty, l'hil.lelphm. ;. .., .T.,, • • ". ~• t•, ~.i tots I ....umony to the pro ~ ~ „,, ~. . ,•. A tl'i•or•.t the "AlltilliC•L Id Alkt'Al. uu .. u. , pc • 1 1 . 1........ •of the It...at:4a (Alum, tout, • if ' 4• , • r t..'. _ - • It , lint- 1•1 P. c• eta.)e under may wetter. o, ..I •••41 It.• •kill 40, , over utvaiteet 'n teetortor to perPeet e.,'ti,, 0, .ort, in.' It lee. , lir.. (tit. rkstirist has twee roll ' • ' l . , l'o•Iltiout of 1-otromil ...., o n.e, i. .1 the hitteththe 1., , , , the0.1 ~, • • .• .1 t etle , v, I do .14)f 'twit Ulm Sr i here been sel l 41.111DM1 with , ~.., u m. deem it an mere than - • • .- , l. , oilov'e to the nut. rlisuntr •,.• .., .. . ,to ..eornmeml , In& II rue ;I A 1,..pe • . ••••14 . • •••1••••C•i'_ . 1.1 CLIO luheirtttv they nub ~,,I. 1) A • if. 1.61 , WrilP4oll4 . A ilifil..ll it • ~, , .„ Lc,. • ..ov..l4ped. sill he for• aided free n , .• v, 1.40. • I the I rotted Atatteo for 2.5 r( filar, to t .•P , ^. r^: t / 0 00., v....a pa t, I tlotlif.,A, , ell Poi, ..L„ rs 1., Vl', l'htl.dolpt.i• re µ......., o r s C a , , • ..-. •n,l Rook totent•, 1.1.111 ~.....' .1 • 11, ..t literal to, n,s literrtiy i •,-1 vk 1.11, •. I r ~ltklr r: t• 1111 4 ).t• t = Glax'EttlFS! r i r 7U" 1 . 11, • i • n4.w on invid th, 1 vari...l , l•ek ~ f 0-12,0CERI3ES GO TO NO. SI AT NO. 2 REED HOUSE . NO, 2 REED HOUSE A LARGE STOCK • • +bw , 111 . .•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers