-FPMK oft N KWH. 0 The •mow at the Crawford House. White o uieins, is i> inches deep A ,leaf and dumb man in Connecticut, w arned a deaf and dumb woman, has had children horn to him all of whom hear and t tins in limigor purchased last year Ore ~1 .price gum, and they estimated that tine prepared article will this year Fazes It is u,sed fur chewing. O'hile n Mrs Cox was lying on her &nth . $ fee day , ago, In New York. herhueband ,„-, .truck her a violent blow in the month, icti knocked out two or her teeth. Lplitt Maxis Child, a famous &bob writer. has applied for permission to nurse Brown, whom she eulogises as a "brave ertn 44,1 n noble patriot." Gov Wise has tiled it _t chain gong has been established in %elm , ' f,,r the benefit of an able bodied !et- The day it went into operation, the .. 1 1,0n,b. of the ball and chain undertook to .e an iiimorrection, but tailed. -The people of lioldernews, N. H., announce •N rt• , the proceeds of which are to be appro ved to the purchase of a itearm. The print circular announcing the entertainment, and tu ng attendance, pronounces the enterprise in which ePery want sitorddtake an interest. -Jeremiah Parker of Goffstown, N. II , got rIQIIS wife Nome months ago and deserted %11,. Foote of the same place found her cloto for Mr. Foote wearying, Mid a day or ,rocs the hopeful pair eloped together Foote leaves five children. —At a late Court in Montgomery county, 1 , 11111 L. SLUilit TOCOVeTed SI,SOO to-t the Philadelphia and Norristown Rail- d t outptui,y, for injuries sustninetl by the .41stri l z, of Lis lett an two plsees, while R plo tter or , ql th , ro id, at the flute of Ow Reel- I 011 the :r.hl fi of "'An If !I ry - f 4)111.1 h t rve"verol doom of one rent from ill, editor of the whom he Mid socd for libel A t 11.1 e to the char*cter of the paper joiq sui jou consider it. Per i., the Judge had no Character 7r-injure, or rh,i the M. uo power to injure it rive yems store a fit tiler in 111ois, not tio,nooltng tilt fiiv neighbors dnsistied that be shying the food wet , ut on his farm one 'mama peach trees,and 111 M SOILIOn was offer (en thousand dollars for the crop which ho ill, /ail. dd in the lot for fourteen thousand A 1Ir• Peterq, Aro...apparently died in (Ai°, recently, wail some nt hur r ied by her husband's ar r• in -pile of remonstrances. lhig up a few nhe w►s resuscitated and i 4 a I l'et , l'ring The husband has been ar r,•l that he may explain. I ph3 ettt ILI itetaitt,(7ottnty of 'fasting++, n k.l.t e- Ihe intetiettlant of the death of a .I [ l , l 41 y wo, Who .tarveJ iseraelf to h h.ou it so pertititiotwt belief that (Intl re w..,l her t" , tt it) urdrr hi he .rove.! She I , 41 the 27tli of September, having been i) dui vittlinut for.il al any kind dipatelt from Worcester, Mito.ot, gays : r II I6tIlN roN, In ri qpeeelt at grauley 111411, 1. e. , h•r, the 1.1 her night, tt.t.erted Ihnt nine 01 I t.tt of the republicans of Worcassier ay ni lort,l With the tipoirreetion, and only re tie,/ that rapt grown was not succeAsful Inirlurnt w: reCelV , f4l with applatote by oa .le4l house _ le. ) , eight or nine 4 yeare old, in Valley .tie. ...n the .4th ult., went to a neigh r • 14. , t0w slide the older memberr• of the ullwent, and with a gun deliberate down a girl, nbont 1° years of age, 'Lug her 1 1 / 1 1tall fly. The troy Rain tieing first %aid the gun had fallen 'Levi dl) and rtmt her lie subsequently stn. •1 thlt war toad at her and had killed r TIo i had atten.led school together and l aarrelod The hoy had threatene.l to girl, and took thin ()cession In carry .L 10- th reat be Harper's Ferry invader, told his ilott if !frown lied taken hie advice and to the monnlains at once, with his ',,tiers ,in,t what Arno. they could gather, woohl hose teen Able to succeed, and that A wtw the enterprise only failed through i• of the 1111 TO alwlitionint Fred. ..igiat.% That individual was to have .1) , .»w• with a large hand early "'"In) , lull rook says, conveyed the tio •tiol tr•iittol till nearly night, but , aid , loin I s o me " The election riots in italtitnore have re.- , I,A ihn• tar in the death of hat two person*. very large number Were mare or les* , o•Iy injUretl. The scenes at the various we , . are depicte.l at leegth in the parer% The returns, so far as the toceruikti, are, it is needle/4r in say, , trlo•ltaiwglyl - favoral,le to the American and th i e nt ;jie cam,. have made the slate ,•t “f the ri y etieetoetfol The Democrat 1, 01 ) )111* 4.ver, have seettred the Levisla- The Bligab , pare.re yety that voung nine down from Chicago (n 3 she prupeDer tittes that just before the tremen.laue '• I Si h h tteettere4 Ott the Lake. /ar,t week, filimber bird!, tit on various partA of •I eller The Captain on ..eing them • +. t. 1,1... to -eek a harbor ; and so 110 Tip y h,NI Ivotraly rtit Illt l'ree.ilte u ibr came In that stunt', the pro . 'lt. t %poly-three of her paAoteogerit • s %or.. rwt itns. These Liras sere har- Le. r• ,fit trouble. Mai also were messengers • oo•+ lise"tah and her living freight. Fa al , %)i hob written s !otter to dm fteeo.rrat, from ("annals West, deity : ..Na r hav tug tort Cart. Cook, or that he has any man, tieing or dead, to be at ,ipe r Ferry. He intimates tbst be knows r. thou? the tuatter i than be chooses to tell at ,nt slut Kips that be left Rochester for ; „f avoiding the U.S. Officers, who, ' made i protracted visit to that « t..r the .ole purpose of having an inter w him. He winds up by saying that. he I. in carry out a 'previous)). formal repo . T. ... make a tour to England ape recently tried is the Court of Com hex. at Lancaster, in this State, iodioodes tr 4 tom hod of legal procedure exists which, resorted to, may do touch to brook whole system of manufacturing drug „,iitorw The plaintiffs, who were eaten -I,,inors dealers, sued the defendant, who l'wel keeper in lAhcaster, for the recovery a t Imiui of forty-Pin dollars, for a barrel of rYe whiskey.” Thedefencewss. that the , io) not eorre• pond with the sample by "'"hit was sold, and in fact that it contained p”ieortous substances. The latter "' ' , penes t‘, have been establiehed by chem . t. lo which the liquor was , aubjeted in '.• Fre , ettes of the (4 , 1111 Rfni jury The Ter i jury wax to faror of tlitt defendant, • sin g the plaintiff nothlng for the Whiskey No- There has been a Sickles salt in St. Louis. and Wm. Ediyards, a leading lawyer in that city, has -been shot by a young man named Shields. Mrs. Shields was fair and frail and Edwards easy in con science, and from such plastic mate/U.ls an improper intimacy swung up, which led to the separation of Shields and his wife and the act of vengeance upon Ed wards. The Sickles fever seems prevalent to an astonishing extent just now. With in the past week we have noticed some half a dozen instances of unfaithful wives and revengefid husbands. , Is It an error of the moon I Brie Wholesale Prices Current. SIRSADOTtIFITS, now, Ill Oasis mid Doe% • NM_ so No OO Itoi•Coolds, Stopootas, A °OE SO " W iaeoodia , 4 Ti4o6 50 Doetwrboat 11442. Vert, S DOW SO wheat, 11b114, . busoli., I 2541 IS R. - . t ISOM ILS Conk &WWI . TO ay.. MOW .: 40002 r ksr u m .4. ..... ..... _ .. 1 00 .. , IMO% 10101111.- Potatoes, Bras. Driad Pcsaaboia, ► lb, Satire, . . Lard, Pomo. Hoar. disooddaeo, Big, ado... Widto Tisk V Bat Y a 14 " Cwt., NaeltaraL Mac 1 la 3, ♦ lid,— Port, mom, 411100111111215, Smuts.— 0,• P. R. . . ...... Crashed. Powtkitett Come, 41.,, Grab, Et.. Porn'. —Ate, • Pty. FM Notaissa.—N. 0 , 1 , 0•1„ TaAe.--Yousgrilybon." lb. bripel 61, Bid.* Brims —Peppir,.. Flabeata, (lovas. - • - Nutmegs, Lamp Oh, V (MI., Laird Oil, ?antler., Oil. U rd , R cord, - w Soft, FLEX A DVICUTISIKMKPIT of Ilu. q !. gir Livor lmigurator and Venally ancilocr column. lir MW wihrthow, en eaperieserii sinrae and fourileipbriieiria, h as a Soothing Ityrup for lortaisgr. which greatly facilitates the process of teething by sartealag the game redeciog all inflammation —frill allay all pain itoil is sure to 'egoists the bowels— Depend upon It, mothers, It will glee neat to yourselves, an relief and health to your infanta. Perfectly safe In all capes See advertisement In another column. I yll. - IN Vart Well eertois amd speedy remedy weer dm - veered far al Diemen of the Mee* am, Lasts, Ithewts, Coble, Coriassapties, Orrnsehetse, hVilaterts, Hoorseerst, 141- era Bresarair, Bore 7ira.t . fre .e., THOM WA WEltt4 rive the moat tastantaueous aad perfect relief mod when waterer... 4 with secerdiag to dinsetioas, sever tall to egret a rapki tad lasting mire.— Thomas& have basil restored to perfect health who have tried other meow is vain. To all darn sad oh masa tottowt they are equally a blowing and a cure—none deed despair, no matter how lows the disease may'sbave exist ed., or however severe It may be, provided the organic etruetareot the vital ogees is not hopelessly decoyed gysty nes afilieted should giro thorn se Impartial OW To Tocuorrs A* Poetic Reticule" thew Wafers aro rovotiOrly rsitrobio ; they wit! in alit PAY *ornate the most spree, oteastnoal hoarseness ; sad their nrirokar nor for a kw days will, at all Uwe, Wenner , the poorer awl setsblllty of the voice, greatly improving its tone, cow polo and clearness, for which psrpw• they am regular" toed by many prokesiottal rotalistta. JOB NORMA, Rola Proprietor, Rochester, N Y. Price 45 emote per bet. Per talc Dr Carter at and lho. 1.. I BaJdwia. Kay 4, 1/160--71y 111/TCHlNtite LIVE EXIIII.AKAPor Troth to the Aged iltreagth to the Weak' preporstioas how met with the approval of the *rutty 1.. •••••••ry part of Um world s and the iliaroverer awl proprietor Sou levelly pencloiros it to be UME4/,11M as a rep/senator wed preform. of wasted or inert functions. listetriocs* Life irthilisrant should be used by all nerv ous k.rroons, ma it ettnivilatro the nerves to their natural cork, sod will not produce s reaction on matter how suddenly dropped. It it aim a ititatin memo, awl will give relief in ornror via with the find doer A brief pi. , 1511..v In Its um will riot...vote the stomach to a degree of perfect health. and banish dyspepsia forever. The axed ehoold be certain to snake Hatching.' I.if abillaraut s household article Inasmuch as it will mle* them v..uthful infeeling wad in strength, and enable then. to live over sous the days of their pristios Joy It not onlreabilarafee bat etreoghterm„ood is really ao Invalu able blessing s eaperielly to those Who have beet reduced to a condition of servility by misfortune, or ordinary sick - nem. No matter what the imam of the impotency of any human organ, tbia superb Exhilaroat Mil remove the effect at noes sod forever. lintel:dap' Life tabilaraut should be need by ill pr eemie who have disordered aeries, stomach, liver, mueett tar action, torpid intellect., or Mower of spirits It is ~onspounded from Mutinies; yet powerful pimples. and mutate. #4lt a grain or atom of mineral suleetanne. Vemales aleicted with horresogia, will dimorer Natehiags• Life ezbitarant the realisatkoi of their Impee .1 maternity. This remarkable and anappenochable preparation le for gale by the Proprietor, R. H. Hertairmes, at 16.5 Vhsenbere novel, New York. All orders should he oddrevreed to him !tent by Ismail everywhere One barge bottle $1 • pit tattles for p. Sold by I'.:i. SINCLAIR, and CANTER k 0/10114RN s Sete. y nr The iced me bar boon& renewed hT Ilutobblirm` 1.16 Ribilsrartt, Th rbieb brialkllible se a rntuvenant, maul Irt revotorit wastool otztosirth, with =astral _protoptoolut 'mod ♦ostirrtiol portostoorim. For old iki'd lipolidoperooliii it ham !Not ita equal Sold by t'ARTKR & ratimirx Frio. Po. 15.1 y jar Th• Vketim of Lirns Compinint ttiscrov•r in Nu-hints' Lite Itshilarant gsnar4s, nosy/tune.% or Initn•dint• and rrnutostst • is &lab...swing myfalnt: it lit ' residers the mind Wes and el•,••• rejamspantea and restoring strength •Ith nkswir luirtassns. T. 21. 111PICLAIR, Kris, Ps. 413.1 y or no wont 'rill r•selino woo otrealt6 fame • mode rats Iwo of that onoallont invinotent, iinteltise lA6. ICtllitasent. It Is boaltli6al in all It. operettooto. A. um .origarent it las ea ontial—roturonollng the aged awl weekly with wonderful (*Wit, and porinactoot rang.— , 01.1 by CARTER k 131t0. trio. Po. 46.1 y rr Hatchings tAfr f:shitarant /P a rejuvenator nI urappn•aehahla afA tut:linable aseettonot. for all Der :m:ls di,wwww, no wary' how produord, It menet be row .•.treed an kW tilde unsettle- It la taro a rare (• r alltictioos •otartoß to Übe liter, stomach nr bolas. Juo Wasiak it .treolth, vitalityi sad pilyrii al 'Nifty. SoLay rAkTint k haft grim, Pit, 46.17. nr lilac-M.)2le Life Ethilseaot. LaglleA of wear anJ eolintitutiobi, rh4..,1.1 take the llntxbitive ii.thi.arsint; .t will make y lama', hatttl,y anti happy, remove all °blaring iotio owl i rreru tacitly/ from the mead rual organs, and meson, the Wooto of health to the oteldy Ana waatad akrirwors Pam'. Sold by cAtriut t Itßn. Knit. Er The Derroas will hod Hatchlope Life Exhilasent Lure manly for all their wterlog; Lad perms' rho, tom the lajodieloos nee 01 liquor, have became deieetwi, od their narrow eyatease ataittenA. and emititattema ,token down. Bold by T. S. 81NCLAM, Krie Pa. 451 y. TM Dpireptie can key* all MI am.a sasi.ked it ail nal one Life W.ak dowse* disention. distreiniatiernsaingonontive nabitabiiiour now, ow *fits, will led • andor in Übe snow* arm wasni. sbu b' CAJITXR 4 BRO., and T. 8. 1N LAIR, VA.., Pa. ra r. noteillore /AO Cloodosmilltassova lba dlascreitalie aballatailas arras of varied or nate- Waco, tad lbs moaroat Uot atorricb rroolrea the iniigora lag fake* %vast:mode( load and all palabillisliota Will lo roloorod. soW by t. B. latateLAlß, lrfe. Pa. aa.lf. Matador? UP ILlALlarant H coda bad ellbirlisal, ear lasoli; worst sad smart worrasatiod woo of Dy CoNits, sad sU otter aersagosses= onataseir sad basis. sad will rwrise tap vastaseboly sad dreogdwir sydrlte lanseilataly. Tao fesdAs,_awrroaa, and strAly aboald ti It. Sold by T. & SINCLAIR, SAN Pa. I IllreitTAllT ?el FIVIIA LIM PK. liltalthlAllr3 riusi. Pillared b Caraehee - h. D.. Nee Took City. The ereabiaatian of logiondisollo la these PIM ere the malt of a Way sad 'agitates . e r gtr ide rall= iartala ta o gat" reatirr au whether hero cold or ottervirits, pals la tie OA% of tho *Nestorianll perm* eapetto pals la So ladt and hobs, ea, e ms* ith tuba treat intervildea at Ware. 71011114821.11181 LAIIIIII4 Ik. Cliereerea's Tills en lartilaahlo,es they will brhay as the totastlity smith with mreitaity larbeemliehmate lees dieeppelarbal the ace erethar • Pilte ere Ow the eteraet esaildratee u Dr. Chtermea's Mb daisy all that to do. N IMart. nom Is oao eesallie• et the Weak syr hat la viptelt the Mb owlet he labia *Oast prolate tyr. recuLIAR =W LT. The ermeadaa reletrad to b rataxmicir—th. malt, mtecmiutuat, 0.4, I. the trraattaltit temitssay at the amatitia• to PALM the MIMI &mittens Le • ass it se ea, fief *vim the r*Pred•s nor pram. of Wart ammo! testa Warnutta:Ac t ely vegetable m , sad hopftesaaythise ht. jorile diebeLieekk Tra4. se nampayky hay. Piles $l. heat by maga .gala hay SI 'le the sweat ese s t. fisphi by eve Wages* hi every LIMO Is Ow Vaned Maks. IL B. livresueady Swat fee the (hated State+, hatCbatabanalt-, Now' Tart. to e how all 117beleeate orders sheltie be adointrad. T. B.BIDI J. IL FRANCIIII. 111110 jaJNIJKAII. ' Y. It 11101 V 3.., Igtir Coatsto rows Melt. * Poor or Om Origloal reel opa• moot.* So all; Nampa's' Ilireanie white iiii in meow* dOpleges mid le Um These ,pltia an nothing bow. e have beam wad try the doviovil for echo years. both* hears amtAhmeihm. Elk sepanaleded Maga bl "Ma *MI ; .14 be be l'Ared by emartheesand ladles wheritave wag I= ig eamill the ppluspane, for the alleviation et theme rrardaritias of. whatever paten, aa wen as sit= pr~oaary to those limiter whose bealth ietllleit pareett as thomecivre of Bo family , se w ers am P ss4 rie_kessolat whist curd : at tbose il w while prilawastoie tha proprietor adeniude so - fry alter tie above sinneultirio, altheengli theft would prerwat any entichlefle the health i otherwirethrea pilla an nreoeuaendiod. Vail lied .zplklt dlneOsia cempsay mob boa. ter tale lee L.ll. Itilitllllll. It r, and Bleeper, Waterford. N. IL—Osa &liar mid Wee palter' damp enitimed Ile any 1110141dird lIVISIN will lemma eire***l ot leUll , ler /a lms mail. C. MOSBY, Glos.'s' Agent, July 211. 11169.—1yt. Sidralo, N.Y. CI DIM Can be PILBSSINTSD 611WKILIF For att i gth of nine i nitie abetted nitiontmandeel by New sod Ow Ae chassette Saran at it mot ostr entirely bananas, but Its addition to eider wetly 1 / 1 1- 11NraMMI Ito quality. to 6. Itsad IA the dots ot 0616122 & Nee. 6, 1666,-411. 6110. SUNBURY& ERIE RAILROAD FMK VINIMININIMB 610- ....... ea 60 THE hours for Passenger Trains on this Kosid Is. 111 be as ailkowa, aatittattber Bailee 114016 10012 709 leell Aviv* Qom) Kurt. Arrive, Gone Wron 8.00 A. * Et* 646 P. * 8,23 du ~!.Belle Waloy, 400 do 8.0 do .. ~...L00gd0n5,...........4-63 ski kdo do ..,...Jacksous„.. ...4*B do 9+06 do— .Waktrford, .A-1S do • 9•111 do .. I ._Lo Bend 4-a8 do 0 , 35 do ... „tinkle Mak— 340 do 1040 do . .. Concord ) -231+ do 10-44 do . ...Lovell% ...... —.LSI do 004117 50 3 75 7 00 10006 60 16 604324 00 . ....... .17 00 10:26 do ....Colosoboo, .640 do 10.60 do . Crook 2-40 do A rrive, 1140 do .. JW11i0d,.....L00t0,04/3 do Appltoatione for Freighthoor g ra be wads to SANIIIII. H. NHTCALY, or the noderd BAWL. A. BLACK. Soot's Otdoe, W D.. Erie, Not 6, '6O. Boot W. D. IVROLEILILLIC -- DRUG STORE /CON eXteg 1 1,140 14 1,41.41% 44056 45448 44470 ... 40400 iosial 2 10411 10%0 1 / 24430 " 6 40 00 .... Sb i 00 7 00 40 0 '2404 50 ....1 144.2 00 In the City of Erie I TN anticipation of a considerable increase to the Trade to this City, on the opening of the Fun holy and Erie licillruwd, Liao subscribers hive !Mde tarp additions to their STOCK, in alt Its departments, and an to all the orders of those who may favor them rn"t i Vray, at prices that esnoot WI to prove natiaineto ry and enmity a easnUntsaaee of mistook Teethe militias aloof( or near the lirw of reillinsd, will Bad this City a moat ewurecient ',want at which to supply themselves at replenish their rarities Meeks, and the SUM of UN' 944 aesthete, The White Fear !Rare peablieldh ml,tointos the Bank of Consiseros, is the plane at which to obtain anp and in the Hoe of PURE WINES AND LW( MS, PA NTS. ul LS, VARNISHES NV! NDOW U LASS, DYESTUFFS Ae.. dtc., &c Lot 'bow oho bale hoo,totoro t their orders lebstwird, turn tO..ir attoutioo soul to the Mors al r. 41, 1859 -CAItTkR k BROTHRk. _ . 50 517. E S tIF W IN 1)0W OLASSt FROICH AND AMERICAN, by the box. (tr ial. floc CARTSH , k 1134.0 OE MADUER AM' INDI (ii ), of the very beta quality, by the Cask Of in leas quaatittes, by ("ARM k ItRO 0223 STILL IN THE FIELD ! L. I. BALDWIN, 1101LESALS AND Strati. DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. 5, Re, Muse AVINI; repl;•Mslied my Stock, I am prepare 4 to forninh the following latitift nluallr No w they oak obtained at any similar entab• llhoo•tkt ivectlort • 1)1;0;s, MEDICIN ES . VIIENIICALti, I , .ti VAUNISHEN, DYE sn'Erg, PEIDTMEiti, r 1 N't* Elt'S A I:IICLFA, W I \ I/41W L Ass AN I) PUTTY. The Drags anal 11,1irines are wiirrsoted to he 'reek pare and parodue Ihiie now on hand and receiving IL very superior stork of Fine Havana and Principe Cigars, Also, Pure Wines and Brandies YOB. DIEDICA.I. lIECE. &C Orden promptly tillo,l and r&tishbrtion guaramtier iT ¢A,-.) t r prier ana q ttan ti t Jr. Eir RF.WEMBER THE I.AI•14 • ! • ?dm. Reed Ilemor, KAN, Nov it, I.Wi n kS just recoived from tho t'ompany, _Usnoher supply these Kett* obtatnett deist pracatialat at the hate Vstr, setttng (ram SA,oo,stl upwards, bir the As.nt nosh G. W. le:Lt./ 4 12Y. - CSI 4 Lp? OYSTERS 1 04STMIR.S. J• THE. citizeng of Erie and vicinit y are respectfully Int ilea to otllst the Moirrou lint nit, near the th•pra, there tall N. maul $ superior t o t of ovoiTuum, I)irortly front tau Fur Noses Mariurts, klallt or no Pale rersons eJgagtni ht the Wiwlelenir trade , till do tell to ,all /store looking tsr th,, AP •• ran •it fold) there, 40 CIMMI NM at other pia... PrlP,ltrt 2rn 11 .t w11,:40,4 k iYt X3C(47./21.e1r 1-14-411.144, And propose. to sell them tiCK.lt To induce purchasers to CONE UP TOWN nigh to lay in A 4..1 for the Littb. ones or procure any in lios line. h.t lx - lween 4th k 9th Wigs and Ornamental Hair ! ! mr ran !he mttention of the Ltutiem i m .it;,•fttl.•mrn n.I adjoining nountlivOn 'oar mann/in-tumour to order from itur, Norklaraf, FAltr /from Bresdpeas, Hrorelrli, H mita Galeria, nod, H rind/. CVoeses, Ro w ., sou boon gaol lor the past .Is months in OPler tat iturrooro to ilia art, enable. eta to tusk.. any kind of fancy nr plain flair Worts, *%Ur raanwt 1.. purlieus/41. Wing in or .011 by marl the hair 0.1 your dermomed or living trienda, and have • vshaakan and .I.lrd keep/rake of it—tn the directions of esietek par ticular attention *III r.. piton. rose &wiring *nett am oPtioroll../ to call soon, as shortly they will lir otempeoel 'milli work prolamine,' for Cliristnias An aaanranient of Kira, Dogma and Reads liopt nn 11,1111.1 and for vain. Old Braids made nvet in improvral ittyl4• a t r X411.1r4 ilnir u n der Wurbylo fin Shop, between the Wed Hoene mad Orr wa's 1 1.4.1, Erie, Ps- tteL 29,-31 21. llaor Hair boright. _ r&uditorie Notice. Ttl the heirs and legal arpro4•ntative4 of DA% 111 TEtletuLlitit, doormen,. We of the flononth, now city of Laueneter. Tho undersigned Auditor, annoeritee/ fry the Orphans' Court al Lierecastsr county, to relent distribution of the talsorin en the hands of Wen. tl Witsl, adatiotetratot uf the eitate4asill Trtaelar, late of th e Homneett ions pity of I„. r, dersertorA, to and aineatily those Tha are 1.1.11 y eutitimf thereto, a ill enest for the parpron nf htt opyorinineent,nn HAM AY, the lit day ed otenvegs, A. ft. Ites9, at Y o'clock in the afternoon, at ON I.lbrory Boom, In the Conrt lionee, In the city of Lancaster, when and whoneall persona tray 'Mari If they think Drover. net 39-11t.21 MOS. n twiathwas. 1 - t11:1V10 VAL I MISS FANNY E. RHODES, 731 SI II 8 8 DX .1111. 73 S. , FELAS REMOVED to Beebe Block, cot oar' of Sixth stwoo sad th. Pobik Slurs, tow tars) when she to pow teeming her Pall and Winter Fialsiona, And will be h► to allow them to hoe restamots and ritontir. nod MOO , their order* for Rapport to hot tine. Dia, Ott. a, Tat —lll.tt, --- - - MRS S. H. HALL, Peach Bt, above the Depot, Erie Ps. HAS just returned from New York, end . now roopiwing low Asa a PALL mad worm Good& ootisirtiag of Pelee! Sofia sad Strew BONNKTS, RIBBONS, 111111. riAErUMILK FSATIFIVIS, ha, Ao CAPS sod ISSAPPIII2IM9 of tb. Lava SSA.. a Bonnet rftsiatl, Cbooftkok Vohot Ahhaoirhl him Loma, Hoop SA Saybir Hoods, XidMq 8 4 1,,, =silk &who It 011pitiOr QIIIIMY, la Of orbki IS or ka C SU or ready poi. lar Porthole, • paid to Illisiatog sad I*. biar.Booosol ootorodt* &doable Woo. winian. from thi einstoLotalgtat at Intalatak ot o mon primootno 'boo* Now T trio, OaL ta t 1110.-10. 1lltri ". 1. H. BALL. iTATlitik CAPS AT COST. 1 AVINO , T e asiotherkiadd4R; - teelkl rW aril mow tiro stook et pats t'ape by the Dom' or Mi dcos:. .11, S. • \ e-- v;er Goo& ore &hood two, hovioir berm alsoot orals the est TO/ DAT/ sad *batiks, tosicepo §n biro T ark. I hate a lugs stork n( Bu4lo Bober, that M. Rill Or rola st oromeooll too priors. h. SU Frio, Ott. lb, Milt —IL ~~,~ •~=~ SPRING \Nr TELIN (-;- op hi, Sw.re with His usual variety of HAIR JEWELRY I GRISWOU . YS fdownri. PM', AUTUMN TRADE! ! STATE BrigLIECE3T, Opposite Browses Hotel 1 r7r, DRY GOODS STORE I (heat Attraction in Brie. Dry Goods, CARPETS, etc, FOR ALL OF ' NORTH WESTERN PENN'A. X-sossas 3Pric•eami 111 'l' 3 'WWI IRIII W_. A. ORISWOLD lIAS JIM? litatlglirKD 4WD Now Often Mr CASH ! Lewßwr PILICES, The Largest A lost Attractive Stock of "D) [IQ' 'V 00 0 D '9 CIAILIFILIPIIMIIII spa House Furnishing Goods, Xis Etrles i Brie, Prun' a 4 4 4) 4 4 IP 4 f 4 4 From 10 to 20 per Cent OLD WINES, BRANDIES, Gina, Fine Old Bye & Bourbon Whiikies, riceas, Pickled and Pretuerved Fruits, Fe. AS.Vir ciareb e• At this Establishment 1! I NO. 3, REED ilomic et i ocit, r.. BUYING GOODS iiiii EVERY DaieRIPTION OF DRYS 83:ZLICS, ILZ2, -17 ItI,ACX AND Ul►lA►ItED cl,Olll CWARS AND ItAtiLANS Montebello Cloaks, 111 F, OEMS (.)F FA R 10 N . Cloak Cloths and Trimmings. PATTERNS Fi )R Rich Point. Lot* KRcrL, f'ollars and Slerivro from S2O to st,l N'aleneiennes and llipure Lace Collars and Sleeves, Fine French and Swiss Setts Collars & Sleeves, DOMESTIC ADD House Furnishing Goods Madder Prints GI cents per yard. Rest Madder Prints warranted, only 10 oents law yard. thrxxl quality DeLaines only 124 cent& Morn than one hundred styles Del.sine. beet quality made, els. worth 2a. 0 4 4 Carpets and Oil Cloths, JUST RECEIVED OVER 200 PIECFS Perim* P'untisking liStwk Room (nut House: Will find it to their advantage to examine this sTOCIL English, Velvet and Brussels cy.A.ruParrsa, All Wool, Throe My sad Ingrain CARPETS! A good Wool Carpet tko , 50 eta. a yard. A good i.:arpet, eta. DRUGGETTS, RUGS, ALL WIDTHS. Lase and Itidondeed Ourtnin Window Droposy ! DAM ASK AND WINDOW SA AD% Lc., Faie, t tat. 21,11359.-17 rug AND AR OFFER ND AT THAN CAX RI SOLD NT AT THE A SAVINO OF CAN BE MADE BY MEI DRESS GOODS INDIA. FRENCH. tatnen F. WO( L, AND CLOAKS and RAGLANS Embroideries a Lases, 141 0 .814 TRIMMIN(IS, Hosiery and Gloves, OF EVERY BTYLEI CRUMB cuYrus. HASSACKS, iwid 01 L CLOTHS OF Wl[. A. GRISWOLD. 1859 Fall ExpOsition. Sig & (11185 10E1 BEE 111-VE!! NO. 1, BROWN'S HOTEL HATS & JORDAN, DEALERS & JOBBERS IN PLAIN AN]) FANCY JAMS FABRII'S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; RIBBONS, EMBROIDERIES, LACM WHITE GOODS, CLOAK/8, RAGLANS, SHAWLS, 0 LAW &S s H A N DR ERCH i EFS, ,DROiS TRIM WINGS, to. be. be. j_j AVE now opened s [Urge and varied _ILL rest! at DRY GOODS FOR FALL SALES. Selected with reftwonoe to tbr wants or the "MILLION." A full line of Black and Fancy itilks! Plain and Fancy liarinonal Panneluta and Mourning floods! American and English Prints! Irish and Scotch Table and Shirting Linens! Napkins and Towelingsl Cloths, Cpannneta, and Sftttinetts, Standard make; of Bleached and Brown I kmentic Goods, Tick ings, 1 )en i m., Shirting Stripe}, &e. &c. Goods from Ancl4on and other Job lots Weekly! We aim to keep our stock full of Ramona able Goode! Pricrs Amy* nut& to wit awl crn4/ Nleort nme • Buyers!: AT TILE BEE HIVE. HAYES h JORDAN. No: 1, Brown's Hotel. Erie, Sept. 23 15.59., Oct L 1859. SUMNER & CO., 11111KNITIOUI, ♦an neAlAfts 91 ~let Wo are just opening a Fine Aesaortment of the ABOVE GOODS which we offer to Dealers and Families In a Pure State. ?RR WART or A I ‘111,11Y1%.' Has long been felt in this community and country, and that deficiency we now propose to supply. We Import all our Foreign floods and Select our Whiskies with e good deal of care. Ae we sea &fly for Cash or Approved Paper, Wo can BELL AS LOW nn-any - litaltiE in Few York or Philadelphia And guarantee to do so ! rir Au oar (10410$ wAiKitt wilco to ie wetly so we repeepent TV /CM, and good of itylwrg to ow( Stock. tri.J.1;449 SALSBURY & WELSH, Agts. FRUIT SHIPPERS, MO Dealers in Oysters, FIFTH St., 11E1'WEEN STATE & Fit EN4 Eltl E. R. SA 15 J(bH N N 61,11 WHOLESALE. IMPORTANT CHANG El! JJOHNSTON BRO.. havinp disposegi theirentlew uurrAtt. nom, will byes this tin.* bore 4wynte their main. &Mention In jobbing GROCHRIBIi, FLOUR, IsIL SA LT, KT( . , At their spacious sales rooms, Vora" State and AAA streets, Erie P a . Ohre increased facilities enable us to com pete with any J 0 B . B RR 8 west of iirjrar T1311.3K find an examination of our strobm., is respectfully solicited from all who visit this Market for the purpose of buying goods. Having mode 'willowmimesis for securing the best BrandE of Flour, Direct from the IteMl of Flour market, we feel confident that the VARIETY !►F BRANDS we are now enabled taoffer cannot fail to meet the manta of thin whole aectihn of country. 0ct.8.'6918. J. JOHNSTON St BRO. NOTICE. ~ Aurz ,wi . ns, thoi2t, exception, knosk ing hips inesinsd $o n•, ,r' reknotoily rp q rwsil- Tato pa the sow without Ma,, as the Ist. cheer' hi Gar bWsnr readora aa early Ottpoaal of aolasttied laillit, baparativw, sad we tramp that OP ladalgraer INK Anima mated will ha amatafully taelPoneatad by a prompt ra yons, to Wm optic*. pat I. J. JOHNterflli It BRO. i PALL MILLINERY ! mai A. 0(114 "fould call attention Imm her dock of 1~1 mtd Flinty Gm* cof of ›.,.., 0 ;4 1 114;.• ;48 i i .i sr. rt 3 Thirty-one Spring aad lidatheee HOOP SKIRTS HEAD DRESSES, EMBROIDERY. TOURNOUR AND FRENCH 'CORSETS. ; VAINCIENNEB RUMBLE. AND THREAD LACKS. maxsznicatays 07 :0111P1t11076 -QUALITY, Bonnet aad Rabat Vebret and Bonnet materi als paterafly. Plaster Bonnet Blocks ! le., liMiners supplied et wholessle, dud particular attention paid to orders. sisft,. Mesehing sad Pressing and colorinj of Boasets done in a superior meaner. grin, Oct. 8, 'G9--ltd Paragon Mock, OFmy own m 414 of any tleeeriptinn, wallow at low yarkee, Pandegal. nave Pay, al by weekly og =ILI 10 Mttaut Uwe. 0. W. RWlty, N. Mat* it., wart 6 th, *tic NO. 3, Rl= NOUSX. M'CO . NIE EY it -SHANNON, Have on hand a largi stock of IRON, Cut and Wrought Spike, 4014 2'NE El BUILDERS' HARDWARE, CA RP Esr vats"n 1:4, Silt WEL:4 ant SPADES, MINT, MULEV, MILL, flitCULAit eitlgirt.4!UT Springs, Azle*, ANVILS, 'VICFS; AND BELL MS Wrought Nuts and Washers. MALLEABLE IRON, TARLE AND TocKET I) L. 4 TED .SpooN.s . AN. 0 FUIthS, BORING - MACHIN ai ELEYS' W.ATA ANT) WATER PROOF CAPS, SHOT BELTS, and POWDER FLASKS, NO. 3, Reed Rouse, Erie, M'CY)NKEY & SIIANNON grio /lag. 4, Mil. EAGLE FOUNDRY. PEACH Street, above the Buffalo Rory!, Pa Acheron k Henry rreald rrapeetrully tall lbw atomaira, of the public to their law and nomplete assortment of PARLOR, OPIUM AND COOK ferOVEN. Comprising rime of the moat mobil and thimble kinds wb marmot fall togiro aatirfactino Dime who uee tbem. We warrant all oar stoves and stoma satisfaction ont lull) "pmslied *mg the party gore Dot receive valor fnr bie money we will make it all right. Our stoves ...taint fire" and will prove crt•litable as bonne tniinutac to , Kettles, Slater shoos, gad !rows sad all smaller ofCtutt- Sage on band or manufactured to order l'kows sus Plow-Pozwrs or superior make sad dura bilit.s always nn baud. A call sad sWm trial of our arti cles is all we ask and we will guarantee aatuifsetion. Krim, oat. 21, DUO. ACIIKSON ik HENRY. HAYES & JORDAN WI LL OPEN SATURDAY OCT'. g? n NEW STYLES VA ENC . ! ES FANCY MOH A I T{K (1 7 ur DeC AV F,RS, FRENCH HER! Ni tq. American & English DeLaines, NEW I)l.l`4lii NS, SILAWLS, SILKS &c. Bought at the recent AUCTION rinsing out 4ale4 at flreat SLAUGHTER! • Oct. t, IV.Ar 15. This Way, Gentlemen I N MVP HU ? WINTER CLOTHING GENSHEIMER'S I Corner of State and Seventh sta., Erie, ~ , rr II E t.utr.,ertl.er l e ', ''' - h - I, 4 "„.. P s m a t d7p i a l st wr r g :5: .._ Store, nn the Corn. rof AtAte snot Seventh ,t,... of - 4 ' • 4 ig . n large •to.ek of VAL,. i fi : 1 414 . A NII UIt.:TP.II Ciint)s, i ~./ , i. oil? 1 of do , latent it•illS• and • . 'l4 , . -.4 • . • . . _/ 401... .ntano to Iteeltoe hand.' Wye a... firtncwit t or HEADY MAI)I4. CLOTHING, Malted to tie MIKA SON. Coaskistlag Dream, Frock and Sack Coats of ...eery sty to sod prier, Vests of .0 k intla, Cravatw, Shirts lirsoorik, liaiolltorehipla, Collars, Hoomeiy of 4illsont "ualitio : 111 abort, ho tootle rows ITIiCI4I. tonally kept lb a Clothing Yartatitiabinent. Ilia tiothing in manufitettirol frf hinwolf, and warrantol istual to any in the city. !swoons wishing in him HO , will .lo volt to each and .canine lit. lio Intend.. not to hs• 4udersol.l I,t any v.taalli.lino.lit imommt of New York.— obs.le to order , ou eh.n t not ire rir ihnil forret the plat', GrrArrirnre• Clever, ter rer itf Mate rael Aereldli arerta - Kr., :lei& 24 I Mr. JIM I:F.NAIIRAMtR. THE GREAT WONDER 01? TIM NINETF.ENTII CENTURY PROFESSOR WOOD'S BAIR RESTORAME. SA' S pie DernOcrid Bedewwe publish a letter to Pr. Wood, of this from a gentl'essau la Mabee. which s w ats c lom me ty of , i superior merits of b.s lour tome. Mich eviden c e m us t have its Meet, when mining Imm a reliable Boum , certificates sue miamoteew of troth, lb. Dr. needs no so ootolusna, nor useless 'merry from the press : Hare, Your; JIM. 94, 18641 : Profaner 0. J. Tsai 41 Ch.. liairruntow : Filiviag my attention opal a few months since to tlve. bilbl benelleial effects oryour hair reatora tire, I was iodated to make application °fa beep my own hole, which had bream." quite gray, probably one-third white : my will...burs were of the mme diaracter. Some thine 111.4001 Nib.: I procured a bottle oryour Mar f e st, ratter and used it 1 soon found it was proving what I had wished. I used It shout twice a week flame slave procured another bottle of 'bleb 1 bare used some. 1 cam now certify to the world that the gray or white hair has totally disappeared, both on tow head sod floe, and my heir has resumed its natural color, and I wip e . more wet and glory than it has been before for Twenty-am years. lam now city years old ; my good 'tie at the age of any -ten, baa used It with name eftct. The above notice I deem doe to you foryour valuable discovery. lan savoned that whommr will ritt a ttillah as per diewotionn, will not lutes occasion to eon my iftsbutents lam le althorn of this city andarasidem h em Str the last Moo years, and am known taboarly ovary one byre and adjoining towns. Any use you may m a ke of the abort _with my name attached. is at your 01,4100. as I wish to preemee the beauties of natant in edema as welt as myself. lam truly, yours, A. C RAYMOND. Ratrsit!eMs.n. ht, 1566. p2ACII• wontrs HAIR KICITORATIVIc Professor Wood—Deor rtlr : Having had the misfortune to loon , the hest portion of my hair, from !tar effects of the yellow freer in New Orhom, In 1864, I was induced to make a trial of your reparaidna, and /bead it to aa sweria the very Wag needed. ly lair is now Welt nod glom', and no words can expense my obligations to you In giving to the selicted each • tremnre. VINIXY JOHNSON. The emkot Rm. J. K. Bram is a adaister b fir alas standing, and pudor of the Orthedni Much lit Itrwobdold, Lis. He la * gentleman of pest Infseete owed nothernalty beloved. Dritit. Brookfield, Joh. 14 MIK p h ,smi o r wine—Doe Sir: Navin made trial et your Nair ltestoralles, It Ores w pkoreare to % i ia its id lest has Moo inutellent to miming Wawa dasetrue and • constant tendency to itching. with wh ichl have been *nabbed boo my childhood ; and had also restored my bait, wield' was twoosolag gray, to its erilstual paler. 1 Yaw* useelho other *Wale with amithfiel Ilke the Ism pleasure or malt. Tours troth J. 1L MAW. The keektrathe is poi op to Betties of S stew, via lame, waste and roll ; the mall hells )6 • plat,ari rekihi for one dollar per bottle t tie medium lola at least twenty per cent mare IA proportion than the mall Mails for two dollars a bottle; the huge holds a qua" 441 per emit more in proportion and retails for Sit • bottle. tl. J. WOOD k tyl , Proprietors. Mt Broadway. New Mott. (in the mot N. Y. Win. Railing Katablisimerata ear 114 Morbid St, SI. lasi., Abdbold by all igno4l Drowsta and Vatbey a 410411 Dealers. MritIATE +l."rzs Am) iktAo pER compotTign, by aovs cARTaR /lc RRO. N - AILS, AND HAND SAWS CM I' I P E RO X EAr, CUTLERY, WHIPS, &C., &C., ME 0110 VIM 4,llAUltit3 Al ICY SIMI 111111 E 3xtra Charge S 5 for Horarnero. 95 . BIWA I)WA Y, !beim Machines Pew from to o spools, se purcluoied Rom the More, requiring no re wisdoms of thread ; the) Rem, Fell, Rather, and Stitch to a superior style, ti Mal, isawasch OM" by their own openstion, nitbout rept... to the hand-needle, as is :comma by ether maeltimc -- Tbey Will do bettor and cheaper sewing than s seampir.s. sow, even if she worts for wee mad as tear, and are, ue 9 0041011 whk7. the bead Maohnes in the market for &mil, sewing, ea sassaat of their almplicity, durability, ea. .. Saisasgessiont, and adaptation to .all varieties of 6.11,81. 1 serrimr—exessoting either heavy sir doe wort . with equal ilacillty, and without special adjustment Su geloietree at the unquestioned superiority of Ossaysi It %mast BEwnt Macunni COM PMET be Imre to regretfully refer to tbe4o/kueloe TE'STIMOYIALs "Hawing had one of Grover & BaJusea Machines 14 ~.) Wait, for Pearly a year sad s-half, I take plrsoom, lu commending It as every way relbthis for the plarpnio .bleb it is desigsed—Family ✓r.4r., Leavitt, wife of .116... bewrsit, AWN, of A E Pendent. "1 ennlenn myself tlelighte4 with your Sowing line/...‘. which IMP been In my family for nom) mouth.. It slimy, been rnody (.r duty', Miutring no adjnotYncrit,n , easily adapted to Terry ramify of faxmly eeyring, um I ziuunglng like *unto of thyeml. - -Afro. L4:r6. r 4 Clemens* Adomoto. Rek. Dr Strialiaral, gehor of "After trying arveral diSerent gomt machines I pi, &reed yours, on amount of Its einsplicity, and the ve, fact ear with which it is managed, at well as the strength and durability of the mem. after long Wxperirnee, 1 kl.l competent to meek in this nilltbder, and u. can kienth reemilmend it Gsr every variety of fluidly sewtrig."— Mrs E. B. Sposser, of tie Railer fiJ Brosithre Styr "i have wed a GROW= at Rim Sevin Ofachlo• for two years, sad have bund It adapted to at, kinds of taw ny sewing, from Cambric to Broadcloth. Garments hat. , been worn out without the giving way of a stitch. The klachise is sadly kept he order, and eamiy uerd."—Mrs. A. R. Midprek, Mje ff Rey. Dm prisipple, New York ''Your Seeing Maclaine.bas heen in use in far family thepast two years, and the ladles request me to give you their taatlmoolala to Ito perfect wiaptedimea, as well as labor-eattog qualftlea la the perbrmanee of family ate. hoojebobt erwing.!'—geicrt Atew leek. .r., aerweral mouth& we haws word (borer fig Haar, Sewing 'lsobel. and bar* moma no the eonoluwon Dint Vnly body who Liu". be, ...rip e istatatelitly wad gladly door, would Iv moot fortunate in smortiming on. of theae reliable and indrfatigablr rwardb—wornen, wb..rr i=uuslitira of beauty, abetertA, sad amplersty, a,* t."— J. W. Mama, datugitter of Gra. lieo. P ar. &Ater of Ike thaw JoterwaL Kitrnet oi • letter hone Ttion, t I.lu erre, Aeon -imp rentionum, nww resident in Sydney, New Sgruth WaJew, dated J.1111.111/7 111611 ; had s tent made In Melbourne, In lits 3, in whh,b there were over threo thousand yards of_ikewing done with one of Grover k Baker's blaeltlues, end • env* WOW of that hat outatood all the Orals name towed by tailors wit% a needle and Leine." "If II oilier could be Railed op from his warty Welt, he would sling the advent of Grover k *tiler as $ more le nignant miracle of art than waft twee Pulean's smithy tIN 11.0131(1 denounee outdo fight oh irt-makjog as 'the din tu I spring of woes unnumhered."—Posf. Mora. "I take pleasure In Raying, that the Grover * Hewing Machines have more than anatainod my •IliwVidl lien. Alter trying and returning °then, 1 have three ..t thew la operation In my dOk.rent planes, a n y. *fur (..u, yearn' trial, have no fault to itlet."-epl H. iheuneod Scanlon of *meth Onovhaa. "Icy wife hoe ,Ixed one of Grove" ft lbeker's Pen ni, ;el. Ing /Lachine' fat AMON time, end Nun isti.ded the best tabor-wrisig goibehimis that ban been inveoted.— I take much phoontee In liV•mattypding it to the patiie." Gr. Mania Gaggivior gf nesomare. "ft is a beautiful thing, and put" 'everybody into an ex - eitement of rood humor. Wert Is Catholic, I should insist upon Sabots Grower and NAM' baring an eternal holiday in counnemotution of thtfr good &vela rot Mt ananity."—Clealeas It Cep. "I think It by far the best patent is use. n/S V Achtn can be adapted trem the enrol esinbsie be the bawled easihnere. It mews stronger, faster, and more beautifully than one ma imagine. !hobo could not be replaced, money ensid not hey it."—Afre. J. G. Noma Amiesite 7isee. sprody. rary twat, and dwisbia it Its work eaudly understood and kept to repair. I eatoortly meow Mend tido Machine to all my aaqartlabuicei and .then." —Mrs. H. 4. Arrest, Nesq4is "Vie and this Machine to work to our ratlataction, sod with pleasure recommend it to the peals, es we belie,. th e Gr e yer k Dabs to he the beat itawine Vocative in tor." —Awry arettara .dtherrea, "If used exclaairrly tor &telly purpose*, with ordinary care, I will wager they will last one 'three sooty years and ten,' and never get out of 11:-"—Jada Ertl:foe, Neehoi/le, "f have bad year Machine for /*semi Weeks. and am perfeetly satisfied that the work It does to the best and moot heentifel that ever was made."—Maggie Annyess, Naskoil . Is, Tom •*1 an. my Yaehine upon Crete, dmesinekhie, and be. linen Mt:eking, and the work is admirable—far better than the best hand-vowing, or any other machine 1 heresy..., seen.^—.4.o H. Thewqrsorr, Autunite, 7bee. 9 and the emir the strongest, end moat beauttlol I have ever teen, made either by heed or machine, and re gard Um Grover 4- Baker Machine as ono of the greatest himeings to our sea."—Airs. Taylor, Nashville, 7kee. 9 have one of Grover & Baker's Eterrion Machine., to nee in my family, and And it invaluable. I eam ronedeetir recommend it to all persons In went of * roachine:•_ri T. 71kmereesa, Iteskenlia, Tkaa. "I take pleasure in certifying to the utility of the floor er k Baker tdewiag Machines. Items owl one no almost emery description of work for months, and find it much stronger and bettor in erer♦ rospeet than work doer. In hand - -Mr& A Ir. ft.itrier, Iffatiseille, ram. "I *fluid Iso totalling to dispose of my firmer /t Raker Lachine for a largo asnount, could I not replace it sgAttn It piosouro."--Mee H. G. Sonnet, LUlLlttniik, Thor "tor two kiselainoa, purchased from you, do the work of twenty young ladies. W. with ptomaine trwoinmend the drover k Baker Sewing Idarbirso to to the best in use."-0. Ms/Jamul Co., dL Thur. "no Grover k Raker Sewingilagbios works admirably I think the Mitch and work Fax sriporiirr to that of am Sewing klaebitto 1 oror maw. On into work, I think the Leedom. would be hard to J Deere, ilterapkoo, Tee* tlnd the Ilawhine ntx.lr nottuteed, very durable, mot take pleamire In recommend's!" It to all who wish mannnmy, and phmaurc " 114.- 1411:t e fiecver k Raker 4. Illsehines have given atoll sationection that se shorn u Ily nacoannend them to all • be wish a good and selastantial :towing Mae-blue. It e‘eentew work with mach one and speed, and wwweltsielr Thai' any other machine I bare nen ' —JYrs. R R. Mittieß, lets, rms. ol am happy toxin. my tretisteny in fame of beerier Baker's Sewing Machine, sod of the perfect satielactieo it gives In every respect It sea a neatly. mid Is by to means camp/lasted, and I prefer it to 411 othersl hare **ca."— mrs. Aryan, rife of Rev A. M. Bryan, Menspids, Tram "It afford,. rue much pleasure to say, that the Machina works well : and I de. not hesitate to recommend It sa parenting all tbe advantages you claim for It- le i la very much pleased with It, and ere take planauto• m cer tify mg to this effeet.. - , Rrts.kler, tit gives me phluarnt to Hod the Grover k Baser gra ing Ilardiine giving an mute. -rands. I ion 1 hare it in con stant use, and find it ail 11141 could be Je 4d .,„A. It th e moat simple and .Inrabile machine In 0*.., and J l wa ntly rearooduend 11. - --P N. White, Memphis, Than. w w iri , examined, and wed many other kinds of leering Machines, I feel he.. to say that the Ili over a Ba ker Ilaetsiaro are far at ericr to an othe ei , it , use Primmer wits, l e , Then wl eunsidler my Setirlww Haehlow Ines/1141a, ha u l %said ant take flee Uwe* Its coat, If i eutibl nut .1 14 4 jt a . With it.i mt. ite all my family mewing In abiiiit the Wok enailit with my Nrais s Nuahrine, 7bgni. ow- sEN F( JR ACI RCU LA R. J. J. LINTS. Agent. Erie March 12, ISM —1y.14). Groceries ! Groceries ! BECKMAN, KENDIG & CO., No. 2, Wnghe a Block, Fru Po lIAVE JUST RECEIVED Prow t ti,J. citte. the LARWEST amid .ASSORTYNNT of GROCERIES, 00, brought to Mks lowtot, which vs of* to WI • WHOLE/LILLE or RETAIL Abo band constantly, SA LT-PORE.--W lIIT E FISR-M ACK- EREL-CODFISII- L A [W-15A ILS- A X 1, , ,---(;LASS--W1 X/1), •A\l► WILLOW WAR/31 WlTlscsloassilAcs "Fsell.lll.etaal. 10 *8 band 200 Bids P 1013112 Winter Apples. Mao a large aisartmead at KIWI& lad ff4y. Rap...lW si tiL ua rvieNsp, timid Ilepe, Oakum had PI Whokaal• Water Lbna constantly on hand r.: 17 0=7:a l d i rpla n aaMrb "bora. alar &do, Sit. BIPLICIAN DID & da, warn 214. Auction and Conunission.. HAVING taken the &Ore on %%ear. AU*" nabob lekseelt. eeesmpled by Moore Itoefe,l ease as 7 oserviensan ab AUCTION - Mt, and ism give prompt atiestitese to vales csi f;. 4. tand Merchandise. lave Slack, Furniture. ,te Adverse , * wade on Goode lett for nolo or on rousigo asset. Reel legato or Stock negotietione attend...l to on rooms:aide Ovine. WAIJU CHILITEIt. trio, Nov. 6, I$ tett 0 $ t *2 f. NEW YORK
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