andgittraqi. The ••ro , mopoliton Art _Journal," for ,tt excellent number rff4 , 11 i,lt 1111.4 become of ..Nicodemum Night - . - A great many people brwi lee u, 'll,Le 1,, hear front him again. in Erie county is at adiseount I t- not tat offices to fill this Fall, cause t he interest in the game has departed reg . h.! •rtlNFit made a haloon a/wealth/a Lport. • , on the 4th, and came ,st, near Itottalo the same day rh , ••(irent Republic Nlouthly, for !„- 11100,1 nur table for some tittle ii;le , l with articles of more than or nolo. awl profusely illustrated w a lk _ Cho sher '4 new Sign on Looniim . build „, p 4 a magnificent affair : and .re of the ••name sort ' where that t r tit ea r I 4- RA 14A , 1, Emti.. of Girard, k an JO II candidate for the Leirialattire— , to-• ..t the Repuhlirin dock in the field I; evidentl 11 to the early birds , ~l, 11le Nrornig fW r I io. wife of The,,klore Hopkins of Lan , ha , eloped with a —young student hire College, Danville. The husband. II he heard it, quietly said, ••let her +lade " 1.. loan sensible or not " 1r • N% York A,” is perNival It E t' of %Call Atrert, tl.•'e killed on the Ntiebigatt . '1•••ta, wn, P# •t it llll2l'l'lolW ,t,., I, . • r ll r vas a porter and a man r ( Capt Longly oti ttateel"ua on Sunday ,Alth by S 4 r Ls, till• cit% N. Iti,tirance ill the -3v0.1 Maly- I o. not • rile. u. tuu. r 4. t iott the Eno , to be trunn,l t ihr V 1 kiln lord i l k little It. I.e. t.itte the ttrgith of (b.• uI li r roFred rillrieol The Nei ihrti the Etilf,,r 1 Ittal ~t 1 t 4111 311 , 1 ut I etttpletl to '1 OW h. ,1 •• 1•111 tii--1 rvo• to the "rht• .1 I% (.rie?,ratt• „fl .1-11111 yr rTI Lrie \n 4 ;cellri I•.i ti general tehl it it) - u.ort• Ql , Vivrely maree,l and .teftreett, but The verdict tot the public t. vtli right lcmdeul , Th.. Mew l% ..I,4trtial %ay., that at a Hine .pt the Dirtrior, of 'lie I aiiL ~t c..,111 3 l lief..llowing peruc.n , were elected .I•iuie' K ihek. .intro ltr -1.~'.i,l 1 \ I,ler an.l .1 .1 ock This s• ettletllntr.l t.. nr ..hrii,,nai 11,1 11,1111111. n barl l . 11 , X Pill N. 1.11 6.,41 1it , 111111.0 s Ihr iterIILIII ..t 111.1f1ien1. ',amt . % tot 1--viably, ir brother .11 ite% t.• 1 1 .11 it 1 ..11111- I'll -- I;M:r,te i.. , ih.•r • den... of ih.• flu, of th. ..1.1 3,1 ii Ai I here I. alv.a3. One 6it/e4 sheep in the rrxr. Hie Fiitirtli pari.e.l off in Erie with .ir.ll 01 echo The }init....if re-inieriiieni 'i,.i.w•un+..lrl.o II in she P...ifif. oh I I tii which hail heel' ez6niuwl 1,5• the ti !lie P unhu, y Slit Erie rout along 1, I bunt tin, VI ilgtlettillit II It 11.11 r I;.rel liet 121 rift• 21-*1•1111.1.age, bill leW 'lll4 L. n l 1131 Mi, 1 . . 01.1 iCtli 110.,re the I „r u,r 1.1,0.4 i 111 II would at I 113.11) )1P+1•111- Thr Gai`r”, r.rtmatr. ?hit !herr wcre at ip la II Iholotati.l people lidded to our 1.(,),11 11r think tht. e.ttuility 100 , a , /1 t,rt. h t'sreTer, there wa. 3 great rrowd. nm %err nipr,prinie \,. , r•inig, to ihe progrninuit., the Nltlitary J.• ~ trwtt- Plocirtie. of the piner lornard to ~ ."-tun ou the )% est nide ..1 Stith wtreet, the cou.tinnrol of l'ul Jolts 1% \ll L .Is.l k..vonntl. awl marched t•• thr EOPi I'nrk. " Melt I atreettutt of the piest.littg oftwer. 'ttity-r ITH• the exerei-e5 .11 the ,121:, were )efied by a suitable prayer from the Kt. , . Dr I • I•dlowed by the Rending of tht. Oi Jtors th,l 1.1. 1...( and an Addre4. spi.ropf tate to the oees ,,,, hs 1"r5,...1 1;11 tsi, F.•••. 1 The address of Ar I; is of in the highest terms It ,i0t.10.1 'hat ruck on which most Fourth-of- Jay arta/ant spitt—•••tpread eigleistu It I Tutipcat itigether the incidents ut our setoff.' wrr u ( isklependenee. and pariteularly chase , ,„ u if the struggle up , ti the Lake. in 4 44 - er!" wanner .llter it. et:m(lll.nd' he% r II w PAo4fChl the IttenWliet ton when • In• p eoce ,„, u re Li wed. and eedel t o here the exhumed :sere Interred with I Waal"' houvi---IteN .1 t \D ILirTio)llni2 perfi..rustug the hurtitl her% ice a, • ~r, l tng to the forms of the F.o4,enpal In (hitt, c on nec ti o n. AT./ to Xet at /*VW the f it-tion which Itaß teen raised whether the t, tt,tllll. u htth V. era re i,lterred on the ith. %,,te the of the t nriee men wit , . Tell in Ill:vile ' the /I)th of Sewell/her. u I M the I,,ll• Nile, le • y.,' 01 thus I:" LiciG Lo% F. . •: ..ptett./wr t: - I hare the bunny L. 111110.1 it , AF.. , nfo • arricnl here. with th,• firig 1..1% '" She ha- on 1..111 all Ihr this and , Aounded of the Squadron- I ha% e tin ute -111.11 qrralig , •TlWlll* 11 4 W)11 11111 to. 1 hrir relief. Uled, of the les er 111. - thard Nitil.tut , , and ilettry %nu P••••' - ing our r 1-isage front Put in rty I have th* iwnor he. 6. I 1.0 \ 1.1.. l \ ‘N ii.i joNK:.. \ N,N k D •otlow i lb 'who i. ywi hwtty, ~ Ltrl(.rl of our City. 111+ .•I IVI t, 01 Pol ado. toll 1„t111.01 %! !, u.r.l the rt..litei 111,epit al. mei C.,. curt Hull-e. I , t• that of t 1:.• -1, l ell,-1 ~tonne ~or fleet upon their nrnr•tl . her,' ~.y the Ith.vve Tilltoe .11.•1 m hollt :he 11,,1•11:11- were hiiriof om the i.,,c,1 near the I 4,1 Frew+ )%•11 Four .ened in the Bottle 0r poi 01 Sept lwl t. I .lteted in ale l'etm:lcr.‘ ..f I: 1 1..111.41 Church. Their names. lire •I /r. 1.. Renal, anti Iltigroth. liQ,shtileral of our eotetnpermeiii linve been igging alnint the fine loniuets of dowers• pre= •• hied to there hj• their Indy admirers. %Ve +l'( l unch in that line hnt. then ••nn he Cherry .111e.1 ion ere ill. t he sudden 11,.10% Ing of:111 o\ertlowilig basket which fount] %,ty our table Iron' the garden of Mrs, Til.lnil.•, gave nnnu•takenble evidence' F..r ■ho It we heret..t I tke off MIT beaver. our hest I.ow, Anti I=l httve au isecount of n very severe hul .t..rm, ncronipanied by thontlerand I , lllg *hid.' par.ol .o.wcr 1)14" .111 i ellgtertl part ul thi. county on We.1n,...13) of Inrt week.— The atom began *how II A. M. and contin ued without interntiasion until BP. M. In the of 'o knearti • near Stewart • P POW ihr lightning stratek seven timer. A tarn, belonging to Mr l'hartes Meath, was -strnek, fire coutmuniested lu it, aft 4 Barn and vonteuta totally destroyed. The lass to Mr. ti is. very be ricrr. as it contained besitleit large quantity of hay, most of his firming t utensils, besiden wagons, Winless, Ac., &e:— In Union another barn was struck and consid erably damaged. Altogether it was the most severe storm which has visited that region of country fur many years. ge4"- There was a singular and serious ac cident at Fredonia on the 4th, by which the leg of a man named Plume was broken. A cannon was being fired by the side of a church, to the front door of which stood the victim of the mishap. The angle of the building inter. vened between him and the cannon, and he would have been considered beyond all possi bility of suffering from any mischance con nected with the firing. But destiny laughs at impossibilities The gun burst in firing—a flying fragment struck a tree near the corner of the church, and was glanced against-the man standing within the door of the church, making him the only sufferer, we believe, by the acci dent. When can we ever call ourselves safe from harm lir Almost every body imagines it to be an easy thing to collect local news for a paper the week after the —glorious fourth ;" but our experience is to the contrary Every body kart the •fourth"—every body Leant the ora- lion, or ought to—every body listened to the reading of the Declaration, or are suppose.l to have listened—every body ma* the Pro cession, the Marshals, the Military, fir Societies, and the crowd—then why descrilhe them* To do so, k much like repeating a thrice-told joke—the joke is capital when first heard, but becomes "stale, flat and unprobt -oa,.- by constant repetition. True, we might full hack on the ••wakes - which our *Celtic' brethren kept up from "Jewry morn - till the ••full orhed . ' moon went to re.t—hut are their history not recorded in the legal archicves of 'our oily police, and on the more susceptible heads of those who participated' Then, we might write a chapter on the amount of their favorite beverage which our "Teutonic".fellow cittzensollered up to the -Goddess of Liberty' . at the rate of three cents a glass; hut where fore would our readers he interested, unless they are all given to statistics Then our "country cousins, - who came to town to see t ‘•fourth. - and indulge in Candy, Kisse4 ti nut Courtslitp, might he impressed into the rerviel• ot our local itemiser; hitt are limy a proper .ohjeci for the l , en " Verily, no ) Snug enjoy I hemsel rer —lei Ihe magnetic al traction of rosy lips, dimpiv.l eh ee 104, spit and crinoline, perform 11.1 allotted function*, • •for of such he "king.liiin of henren . .--on earth. VM„.. A tool 11114 probably f a tal accoleot eurre.l at Westfield on the naurtung of the It h Several young men were firing a sithete from it new brass piece just reeeked from the state, when there was a premature discharge while puling. hp whn•h ti man named stantield toe ear, of age, and it }AI mulled 'Ogle, .ono• l(,. were horribly l:u•erated. an•l it i+ tilnttil whether the latter will recover ..-tauneld had his right hand Idoo require amputation. and the lett anti broken and hand go badly lacerated that onl) twa tore finger., we re waved tigle had lett hand -hot in piece. and the arm broken The right :um was a mass of turn and blackened sinews from the shoulder to the hand The hone shore the elbow was broken. and a deep tiesh wound was made at the shoulder I line ep• was destroyed, and the other badly injuta l l.-- Ile has doubtless died ere thi. Stanfiehllwa• , native of this county. and law a mutiher re Itilng at Waterfor , l. 1k learnt hip trade, that f a Saddler, with Mr. John Law, of this rity The discharge wits occasioned by the premtiture removal of the thumb of the menet thehreneb. the piece haNing become heated lIE‘ There is nothing like necessity to make a man philosophical For eanniple, Editors are always supposed to he in debt, and the supposition is generally true hence it 1+ that ut• ; : of this class, after being crronted with the piper-ranker, three or four conimithle.. and the sheriff, thus philosophies o‘er his position: -The man wlw owes nobo,ly LI a poor mi•er able being: notumly manifest. any tnlere•l in has welfare—nobody*res a eimiinetatil cent whether he lines or dies die is lean, hungry, and generally as poor and wlkied am were the pin-feather• in Joli s turkey Nieitik al our great wen they are all deloo,---ehko every 14,4. ear men et 4rienee. our ettr .enaation painiqiera—all. the . whotir them. are deeper in debt than Pharaoh arm; were to the Red Sea It!eld entieides 11 111311 giTO.l hint a Ilion. e•xlinbiled and 10444 VlrW of human tature. keep. hint utevlng, eislly if he ne%.•t pit). rent. Nothing Will cure the cutt.itruptiott quicker than a arcane dose of dept properly taken T., we. is hu man. to pn). divine Therefore. till Wan 1.0- e,ane. , uperhiatiinn he mitoUbin ruuilntr .trinity The .cience of payment. ilie true modern science. is to get in debt somebody enough to pay surnelo.sly else 'whom )4111 owe By this means you nToid grit iue out of debt, and ye; maintain a reputation of paying. The greatneia of a ' li bation increases With it+ national debt Make a noir of thin at ninety days " griX... 1. at it strange how a remark which. when made Ity one of the —common people.' woull he coact leretl very COIIIIIIOII plrcr, be coulee the very easetwe of vt it amt w i slum when enunciated by n ntttn ••high in authority' We hare an example tior 3101 16 , 1 5, o f :•k; 1 . recently vtatied Buffalo, and the New oti. V•••t. and all hie partizan paper , , sssert that he has endeared himself to every NAV by his •.tteial qualities nd as au illustration of the tiovertior's • sueitiltility“ and ready wit, a paper, bearing the imposing aboriginal name of the T Tan, ,' Pi 111, leriglf) that a certain ••\lajor ' Introduced himself to the tioernitr at a railway station, and that tbe t;overnor invited him on board the e a r. to go Ibillalti; that the ••Mujor detelared that he was nut provided with tl clean shirt, and that the tiovernor thereupon replied ••Well, my eiod Sir. you tatty inset, one of mine. - t•At this it untent, mays the Tontiamada Frt./titer. geLitrul shout went up from the ear of es.- t•tirsioni.ts that had been looking on enjtiing the joke ' Well, now, thin remark nt thettov ernor luny be very witty, and therefore the •• j oke" may lie apparent, but really we can't see the point of it, -1113 t the MEI r bid any body ever intagAne a grass hopper was an imitative insect ? We turler did until we saw It stated that in part of Vir ginia they are acquiring the habit oilchewing tobacco. It is said they have eaten up the growing tobacco, crop—the nasty things: by and by they will be smoking cigars and drink ing vpirits, at this rate. do it again., pie We regret to see announced in the papers. the sudden death. of Hon. James Burn sides. president Judge of the Twenty-Fifth District of this State, composed of tit!. counties of Center, Clearfield and Clinton. On Friday evening last. just as he was staid tniflqg a ride at Bellefonte, he was thrown out of his buggy and instantly killed. lie was about 45 years old—and wherever known much respected. gel_ An asylum for inebriates will he opened in Cleveland next vp ing. Dr. Seelye, of the water cure that city. has coneltuled to oncert one of lie tnOldixtFa Ino iTels asylum. Lrmart maw Homier up in joined tio Republiguts The r' Journal lay+ he hail kited • it, "and that "they are 'he country "rill breathe frber and • • • `, ard ey ega ser county Alttan) his 're sive." easier. 4 ...M- raLonumn e n Ke Mt.m le:era NJ. mass nsmsd sad , jO . Pirophirritosy my to thelestatrisy. wow. llione: let'Ha omits be eleferlY delmeallUvi , ~ e dsl The cdoo have &heath it WSW the swat Judgment ' sielso, ettemersiag the virtue. of HOSTETTILIrSi 4 44. as may beams in tbe imulepequantitiee of th ardiedao that i s i r m w ti t i Laily sold Is otesi section of the It is Dow as greatly stiperim to all e remedies yet devi tor diseases of the digestive organ oseh to diarrbwoodysentery, dysp.p.b, and fee the Ds g mr a that arbMTrom de 'easement, of thorn portions 1 the wye tem. Hoitetter'n same is rhpW.ty Measles; a ousebeht word, fro* Maine to Texas, frost the shores 0104 Atlan tic to thepl'aeille. Try the article and be astrilbeji. Solt by all druggists in the world. ry s t . advertisement 14 omelets wines. FrMICK Auvitivrisamarr eof Da, Lay rokoipi Livr Imigorstor sod Family Catbar e ill. I*l laical:nor eolcima. ICTC Lill NUS' LIFE HAW ILA MA NT Youth to the Aired ! Strength to the Weak ! This n4a et preparation has met with** approval of tbe acuity ,;every peal of the world, and the discoverer and proprietor feat leanly proclaims it to be L'NEQVALLED , Ol a repstemsior sod resters-, of wasted or Inert tonetioas Hutchincte Life Exbilsrant should be toped by all new persons, as It stimulates the nerves to their natural work, aid will iiol predate a reaction aio osettee bow suddenly droppedi It 1. RIP.. a taLL.XI, Tail to and will gin it • tilt thr lint tin. A bow( potrsistrile.• in its use will 1,440 Ate tli.t stow/cc/I to a degree M trek,i health, and fort.r..r Tit* aced riot 1r eortnin to rook, ituirltinge' Lit i:vhilmant chounehold article anasnausik nail will :goer o to tb(( to holing and in strength, nod moat". them to Jive over vain the days of their pristine Joy It not uniy rafttlargtrs but xlrenghtens, and is , really as havaltr aid.. Wert, t ree repechilly to those who hare keen reduced to s condition of ,wretlityiby usiefortuae,nr ordinary sick ne.. inoittrr • hat the moue of the finpoteuey of arty human prom, thit. euprirb Exhilarant! •111 I . olloo‘, the r 1641 st oileir and lures eri ❑II WI WO( Ltre it xbilaraut should hi nerd by all per e‘ o r who briar dlwonto re4l nerves. s outieb, lie •r, MUOLIO. tar ziri/ott, L.rl , W ibit•Htwt, or /ow n, 14/ o 1 spirits it Is e‘lpound.d from batud.•se, powitot simpler, awl rout.ine not a pinto or w/toui of minersil "abidance lillllctrd with barfetlfteall., will discover in Ilutchtne"' tvb 'tented the realisation of Owls hopes of mak-rutty. Tloa Primo - WA* awl nista pproachisble; preparation 1 for sal•. Lt tbr Pnyvl•d•,r, It, H. lit - rollmop. at 1115 Chambers Strret, \.•o Y,•• k All orders should ba addressed to bias r•rot bir R•pmrs rror, ober,. thso Mom bottlr $1 : ala Ir,ttles t., T and C.4ltTKit • Rico 1:r.«, p a , 44.1,y 13 Thn age.' can bale bralth reaninnl I by Hutch%nom' .1. I. Ilnlarlnt, 41411 tuf4llll.le a 4 a rrijuvrwult, and II rnat,n, rtnenglll, atagir.t.l promploa* .. r ti par nl,l M.,1 frol.le IbPr110•3111 ft n..t ,t• ittfißlt Wail 11hat Kr), 4.5 1) Let Ihe nr Th,• %..,t4avi of !aver Complomat whl (lissom-re in liitdrho,... Id. ENIJIIIMUt II grand pottatiot, utooluallrd immediate a n d t.etosontrot rlfretio this diotreouilor Asitilitiot, It Blew IM molten the mind calm sod rimer -01 it rejuertiotes and erotism* ottetigth with magic its irk nem T S. 101.h1.1.A11t, It no, P. ♦ r r oil re««tv« o«w strength from oi mode. rat« use of that exeelleot invisoratot, Hutt-Mope Life. Ea 'Marmot It la healthful on all itu operations. A. au 1.11% Mot a no .goal—rvjavemaing the segeol and a«all . o aril. r oolderful celerity •n•rp«ratanrot afeet.— I'ARTF:It A lOW El IV, l'a 45.1 y Or II ulelodga* Ufa, Ell.illariatst. IP • rrinrrnator n 1 p.1.1,...whA1dw and tnlcnitablo ernillence. For all nal— iaa T. marled b., proddard, s it toast br PNPD• drr.d an infalljble b l. v cdle. It to alp,. a rum fbr afflktionp pier n the lint,, atosnaels or Lira", ha 'mammal In ritllltr, and phT4l. al ability. tioldbi, F.F.I 1.• 41. I y re- iluteh , Ov . I.tra Ealuhnnt, Ladirit of •eak sod oboakt take ;the. !TWO/file? LIM k•h,.arznt, , t kin male .Irony 4.•aJthy au.J h•ppr, ~,,, nbstrurt lone and irrogulatitaes from the menst rual ,•r,;aw., and reAt.,r.lh. 1,14.14,En of health to the sickly auJ .ftxte.l vatevroru fa". doll ey CARTER k Rltt) I. 46.1 y rr IL. D. rvoup rill find Ilutrlsitits' lay EahiArent .um ri•ine43 for all allotr auligsrOg: wad potion* who, tl.. 11.1.141 , 11.111 uw nl li h uhra,havelottomodtpjecteal, ~t their uerrhoa witemx sitatti-riht. anJ cenatgt•t..ns u :+••141 hl I*3 ?INN I.). I It, Er.. 4.1 t I. 4, root lA% 1. all tJ. lonw. 1 , 1 Lantaberf If be yr tl Wit Un. I/ ut elliatra 14e Exhilarant. Weak stotaarb, f,el.le d t t l..unn . tltrt.nlia of ter .at ta6coal4 r. halattabilttrue tbe• apirita, and a mart., to the above cm l., u :,.1 Enid by CARTES k BR° , and T S. SINCIAnt, rr Pa 45 I r • rr 1104 hlllO . I I 6.• E tillarnot: One. Joarwtll r.rnoro tr do.agr.rn Alt and di.trrroong effort* of W lod or Vlato• and t to. 111..111P0t thr atontath 'r.-rvirro lb. k•Or. te. ti. •tr , 4‘ or 4 10.11 1.1.1 all painful feelkrot• 1.01 SINCLAIR, Krt., Ps 4.S It Mt. F sAsliaraut t. iimet .-144^tu.1, ear .tv t 6. ws...t had qp.t Mrselill , s.lll 4 l eat./ of r 1 ?•1.1.1 , 6, ISp/OldiOnt• 111101/,r iltrancemehtm of thr Nt.oon. 1. lehiretn i . and .111 teeter the IIifsISEICII , OI •tr• • ii• • true Mlle.-al 11,11 rho rpehle i nee•e•P., *Psi a. kis tr, -•1 t , INCLA I'. heir Pa 4:• 1 ...,-- rte.- II / 0 .1,1 Nle IN 'V N N WIN LI,9'N:: - t• lift 1 •••• I'l I.miNS 14' S% , A beitlift 4. 10,4 "rho. ..iii speedy rreserb, Irer ilsoturfird fur •Il I)uwast+ , if li , I %rot 14.1 I.•mr 11,,4'.1,e15, ( 444, .10/1- an, t lamtaspesoa. BrorerAvf,s, 1.1 . - n, llourprurs, IM . r•II Hrtyhing, S”re Tbrudit, V A* . TH Pink: %‘" % VEILS g i yt• the il. ••I tusukaim....u.. , s.l 1 ....f....•1 I, I, I nut •6. 11" . 11e. . s..r. I • ill& ax.r..,rdtmi 1. 41r. t 1.,11,, 10,.r t4il ts. caret a rlva..l at,/ livtiur (Sri--- Tho •otto lao• oto • w trot••ro•I to per toot howlth wh•• hare t 'too ••Itt..r 11.1 n• to ,111.1 Tn sit et4.l4e. andi 1111 ennrli• Wiooalh••. are .14 ' II s 104 ity;rl: suit a rum — none need .1• •• lastr, no ma,liter hoe long tb. 440411.! tatty have exlvt tt mlv tw, prnat.1....1 the nrointe ateurier.4 It'll or:art. O 1 liot h , peleepli cienayed ha •tltu tel ehnuld the titers an impartial that Ti, to. • I IST • Asp PC1.1.1. 4 1. tat Its. the. Wafers are to tettlate tbey wlil ID OAF DAT T*lll.,Te the rri—t sett re 0(4 . 1/.101111 11011,TAPDYKA , and their regill‘r use Ir. , a ter at All UAW'S. ITICTI•APO the power and T tuthh of Ott , t. gresfir tanprot t fig 11$ (ADP, rAlD roma and ..learritts•, for ehlih putt*. they are regnlarly u.• .I by Itt•OA pritli*rnmnal incaliate. Jf 'lt Propnrtor, lineh e ater. N V. cent". I,er bna P ar tale by Carter k Pro an* 1. 1 Ills:delln Na) 7, 1 1 361.1 —46 lv gilpie. •W'll V AUK Wit "hick tre....wanght ia dirpneitinne ea they are walled, as coati...bead tot., litornacti, Headache, etc , though regarded a. salmi, n.atteit in th. in...lves, an, in ',eel lo k.., lintlentl.,ne ni .leruagement, a Inch it allow e.. 1 to entotaue. ettl insult la general dieener of the whole .trtelti it ill, all Itll MIN p11,10! 1,1,111 .1 r 4a the action it;, through and team)" bin dernd, that moment commence* a derangement, whirl. if not opeediir neenvilt.l he a reno.rel .4 the cottur, will lead iii IA a I. .tie It-! ..r baser tale and &obeli to Laver 01.14. plaiat, Ili sp. paia, premature old ago and Heath The stomach is the grand refereoir from •Lietime to thtfusod non tlehuient. and life and I Igor are imparted to the en tire ft) etre ) ! . :l• 111 all 104.0010, then. that the Atemoch le tept healthy, and hoe from C l aerjthlog eadculated to eseige a ii..-...l action, and hinder the performance rif it. It n, rte. to lit bet n.ns , and %hen through hadiecretinn, r.relerit or oilier lin innetaincee, the enerit of the Nei, are iroehated, and the ototnaeb end o ther pall, of Use 411411r1. 1 ~ , norm are 11I4asialA Mod inefAcient 11l the pet forma... “; 1 heir datlie., or • Len there in an excited ererrn.lior, then,! :..-.•m.. neeessiary ha reenrt tit Roane deificine, alto-. alter . ..lllr a4l ll enrrectant iinalitlen may ...Igor a t tronor omon and a heslala , line A genii*. aperient and laxative, will perhaps more thee .or other no-dirt:v., aceompli•M this , 1 1 04 r •tat It IA in thus character, ~f i W,1,1, 41,,011e, ant efficient aperient, lasaltr• eadiaor ,.,-tant, that It ‘I.IIWIN . S l ATHARTIC PILLS ant offer .' to the pu..lir 1.4.2ng entirely rerrlotlife In their coin poeltion, Lin v mat Ire adinitiminted Adel) to ail, n(,,,,,7 .., , N and re t, CO a • ll to the tofaM litneletellatite tonele, ea /.. ehe ~,,,rotaa nal , . For thezciarly cart. of 'ye ..A., lodkAnrwure, liewelimora, ail Ad. 1 4 dsii . , Ntekeess y aim ..tiereouri• Ailecemetio if = l / 2 , wed beewNyrww.ta rigl Me /Wiens apnea Sereireflp Wry reaiwt or no flaw Three Pills an already brilnalaig . to he Amon n so one of the brut gad mend elect ltal rernottlee, veal a.,4 the most perfect ensoloinud which has eve. Woo bellied for the maelere of Mane.. They erg Isatvaisted to fire retreforteria. er &Aar pen. 2,:0 do, pro inn, rill kg rehrwole.d. Sold in Erie roily, at BALUtliiiili Drag Ste., So :I, Hoed Bowie. Mood, B C. Ely, •94 PlOrlllll`Oll.TA 'NT 'TO VILMA 1.104 Dlt. ei (g L'..i.: it A • ', 4 PILL" Prepared by Corset's' ~ i ...semen, II It . Sew York lily The combination •.( ingredients lo these hilA are the result id a loon and .it t . wilt, prettier. The, Arent:hi in their It.rdiaoi, and e ann in ',erecting all trreiruharitiee, Paintel blertatros - LlGlia, 1, Ilao.llug all olaalrUrtiolll l , whether tram yam oi, otherwise, headache, path In the alide. palpitation of 'the I,44,,rh..hifee all 0. - you" alfectinen,irritation *l lag ee Iran in the beck and * tn., Waterbed alas% that vier fano Interruption of nature. TO stAusuito LADISO, Dr Cherteeteso's Pills are fairalfrahleore they will betel nio the monthly period with legularity. Ladle" who bevel been disappointed in the are of other Pille eaa Owe the utmost osoadenos to Dr. Cheesernan'r fille doing all that) they rreorent to do. 10. The I. one eouditinn of the female eymt NOTN. re tom as which the Mr cannot be taken without prodae-i, ins a Pi..t..l'Lletit itgrtl: LT. The condition iefernod to y MAO N A NCY—tlic reepit, ltitteaßßl AGE. Saab tbe ter...oode trodeney oflthe medicine to "retort the plan& Nie,tioos to a normal oditiod, that green the reproduc tive l ower of stature eel resist It. lirarranbeil purely le. wrid (metros aaytlideit In jutions. tliplicit di done, which should be road, se company each hoe. Pelee $l. hart by matt on ensinaing $1 to the ureteral neat. Sold' by oar DI mrgist la rum, limo in lima Vetted States. R. $. nnionmas, /Went for the It Hite.' States, 1111 Chambers St, Now 1144. 'To whom's!! Wheleitate ordereebeald ho addrmoi. T. R. SINCLANI, A J. L MAXON an CALL AT WILLING'S STORE for Pictures, LlLltocrapbs and PaWisp, UY your Musical Instrnmen at Wii nosap, " hale Palate Wens and the Peet li• alters a 1 FN OR CADI t, you must go to Ming's. Be keg*up tie %Deb I B ANKEtS are Cheapest , Al WILL/Waft. ERAMES, Framing, Mouldinipt,Veniers; Then le sot • loner see Ware e,etlea is team at llffillag's FIRE -WORKS for the FOURTH 1 , Bay time at W1LL1214113. THE FANCY Department comprises ev ery thin bag, sat yea met *alley en to tae lasi limo at 1111Mafa REPAIRING and Tuning done well, at Willtag'a nape all au PIANO FORTES from $25 to $550, • far sate sad la let. Slaty same. Mao Twirl twat be add la lids City abeam till let of leaseary. Irby i oat t o It ta t "We yea', at It. I *all gle War lien tbe DEATEUIP • i hated t no it acne—tbe fliff Mid Wee do heed. Die. Jody t in this city on Wednesday. June 2Sith, of . - disease of the heart, JOANA B. 1 11 011 1 1 TON.EATHER DUSTERS, gife of Wm. Thornton, Esq., aged 48 years. £At July S. WIT= 6 alb's. EIE aaal4fiat I In thin! City. on the Mit ult.,' by the Rev. Haw, Mr. D. F. MILL, 'of Eric and 111In5 N M. S%UTIT, of Herkimer, N. y. F_ .A... LONG}, Ind. D r Surgeon sad Dentist 7 twit thtorzcnor ye.. DR. L. having permapently kicateti at [lslas 11111 A will Abboud all wins Whim prahssion with preorwthest. All notiA malts* au the Ts•th perl.rwesi Nod warwullopd. rtlidsl tsith inemirts4l twin ape to an Patin arta , July 2, 1/40.-4 PANIO 1440 AIN EEC= DRY GOODS!! I RAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF DRESS GOODS coMPluslsu . - .3IIIiALDAS, oRGANDA ROBFS, TISSUES, BRAIZES, CRALLAIS, LAWNS, kt. • LACE vtlixrcrrs! Pureltaaed at the CLIAING 917 males of DEALERS. Many of them at PANIC PRICES ! i WIIICA I WILL sti.l. AT AIL. Miasmal. .a.cliveLzsc3c) I June 25.-3 WM. BELL .TH PIANO FORTE MELO I 'EON MANUFACTORY SAVE TWENTY PER CENT BY BUM° Or WILLIAM WILLING ZIEFLITS. 3PMEDe IV 'AL. 011 1 41 11 oti T 11 E ex perienee Of hril,ly Vellt Idea that I could make PIANOS AND MELODEONS In Xrio cheaper limn I GAM buy %hem elmyrbere. boranwe rent Is ehrofor, lumber In! chmtpar, coal to ebeap,, Imo the ;mute, uoluerd Me to employ rempetent and complote, extrerteneell workmen ' who carried on a Plane 'llhteelketory them• mire* for IV. yearN, &hal •bo Motel rite their entire Pt.ek neesemary to mak* such Instrtimenta, and I am DOW prepared to 'Urn'. h my DUIIWrI.O* friend. DM Pianos and Melodeons 01 eoperior Tone and finish, a4I I GIVAL.M.WI..attaV t ri r e2ECIEME I Tor and length of time, to glee COMPLMTM SATIMEACTION. My repot/Won as • Moinelan and business man would be loot d these luotroatetata aboold oot prove a... 4, and 1 swam , the pablie that bottling in spared In bring 14..0 the deolred malt. viz : Prodloriog • Ilww sod olibohoolial Moo, whirls will aloe good as* ftlu , moo losofor sham 1111117 PM.. I lioow of. TERMS VERY EAST ! PRICES VERY REAsoNABLE ' - ficlatri PATRONIZE "41' Your Own Citizen at "Home ! 04DERS at if ffOLES.4LE of RETAIL Irateeuteal promptly and lalrly Prdisew, seders on Storer', old Instrumento, ber, and say Una, 1114111 E ►eila ion again or oar to thy hur. will be taboo in tease** for Piano Porten, Melo doom, Dulcimer, and any Z bing /dee I bare in my an, PIANOS TO LET' TUNING GONE WELL' NEW MUSIC EVERY WEEK ! NONE BUT Tat BEST ARTICLES ON HAND Mt GENUINE VATRIrALICP Chioiuiriog di Son's Piano Fortes, •L• 1111 031 MAID • Hwy* you ewer 6~1 of woof Cblelieriag Plaso % AA swim., • here it la sad I will iwielwitir. It. IV KILLING T ' Eurrons.—Yati all remeralier offer Mr Horse* Waters of New York, ha• made for advortialag la your papers. The soder/rigor-4 will an h little better, it you efill favor Wm with a nail, and sill funnsb yon yrith ant I snpn you order or rieeire ms yi.ur nr,l4, WU 11'1111Ni: h4tie, Jug.. I )}.' PEWS IN AT. 1•11 . 1.*P1 l'llllll/I. InPrrb, fit. ea *tut in foirpnanre of a Ill'ardana •tol 1. airy. and Ils« autli.nity pr. n I. rliarlor nrr,rat . the. inlinuitig rev.. in I'At I. t Hl.lO 11 , ERIK. • rublir A tirt •t the ('hurch. nn th.• 3litti Aar. f Jul), t '2 P 11 , fn, the rnllirrtlntoi of Ibr armnry 1.11 nanamtennn•• ni Laura aasinot lb« moo , to liar 4„ laoLa,an4 mats of ...goe Nn of N snow of Pew Owner. i t N. C 0.., IN 19 . lirs D. 11.1./An., 111 , , 24 lt :I. 31) A I' J *A.m., ! 17 17 UG 7 J 11. li. isll,r, 1.10 216 1/ 1 04 :SA J 1111.1, , 13E1 201 ...el to) tamp. 70 J 01 houzlspok. A 11,iw, Terms mad« knos o au 4‘y of :441« ::kvetrlar) ur thr rote') a c 'Cris) July 2, laMll NOTICE) IS II ElitAil" I ‘' All tettlittOlt having friends in the I nil. )1 te ns)) Bury int ground, ion the corner of Viclith and Freer))) Streets.) in Kris), to remote nr ravine the renternt • r i elf remains, on or before OW 14th day of iietrdwu nest Throne remaining iu the grounds after that time will I,)) removed by the Trusters of the Congn-eatiod, sgretablf to the preview°, of the Act Of At...a:Ably, passiied s) the last sension of the Legislature. authorizing Raid realot Knit, July 2- 1659—1td By order attieTrnstee• - . BRUSHES AT WHOLESALE. PAI NT, 11 A IR. 1' E sT T O F., 1' AN N It s. 11 (I Ana nth+•+ kina. nl BRUSHES, WiIoLESALk: ANI) RETAIL. ikt %Pm' reduee4l Prwe o by Fsie, July cAR - rEit {Ito). Celebration of the Fourth ! N 1 N I.J vow N tV - • 4111 1it ‘ ' Corner of rta k .t-de • - Street,- -11111.1.1Ntrn •," 111;l1.1./ING-rjr s‘gn ""•1 of the Old Large dk Pee. Crsheert Iron morning till midnight AU, ham, munimana and non-ronitielans, arr invited A gond Mom-tont and piramint,-iarl anteroom for ladies,-the atom for the Ger Lenten. N. one is °Wi t ted to partake of the earreiara, Lot every One Ia orMomr to ow NO. lhaveral Vocal Illowind Chown have voted to at tend the °pawing, sod for them there is a large ball up staln, so that bone will he crowded. none who are fond of Vocal a. d butrumental Nark, had better eon*, for Men OW be nicety of it, and all of war home tairet boo. 'rho Inatromenta on exhibition are all of the drat Oars ordpr. No one awed COOK who is opposed to horn* entortalainentp. Immo pitons of arts, bowie arts, home Paumitoctil" hollm PabruPagui sod kip lotnewit of oar Otay Fli o l l 4ll, we peel you MILIOO,KWO~ Soap a s Yuma. Itrie, July 2, IN& Wll, WILLING. rya. v.k... 4 "nu^ I flit t Ts• I 'spud 117 ilt - 2 Nu T 41 104 21 32 '2.. 114 2; 11 SCUIr RBI N(; r.•••- I • L- 9 RIM * . ' ll rit t: 1111 rn~ •4141 f • • . . La.T in t = In tkuMran ma Prin• ue I s • 1 144 GREATEST TROUPE ItUIROPILLE AN) MALI AM, 111_041E+ Alin' OF WOWDERNILLY RAINED WORSEN AND PONIES, esocearr roamta, Amnon 'Acwr® nia two rsaarr ORM .NPll2l$O OVZL AND 1 1 =ll .11.111 . RAVI CFI2 ME 61•1311 a • VILATILLISIIM MISEMPIL TIM I 1•1! Torbord by Ibis MAMMOTH lIIITII=I2XML Is one of Imposing Spectibeiillar ittoet, b•big boe4oi by 118 MUM • • , I mamdmmim forum Li than , l em e i tabliehmept by Jbo.l9tentisam • - WMcul S. awl 00ah Ava.. Saw Til y it. at of $4.0. DRAWN BY A 4 • laaaalf GIL OF 131111i t ir CREAM CURER MASER. TVS RAGNOICIErr iihk • el INCLUDIta 2111 ENTUUII EMI 111110321141. , l'r.ebt TI M TA the NA M qf TIONA P L Criced TIM, COLOSSAL COMBINATION, Although advertised se owe O. puny. malty combat Os Edw. turn and grand coadattilatkit of the IV 3123L1FL El El FOLLOWING o CELEBRATED SITDS or THOROUGH BIM CIRCUS HORSES, lir: " ±".a'-;',"' GEN. RUFUS WELSH'S; r,- i " ' NATIONAL CIRCUS From Pbiladriphia. ~ lkL. B. LENT'S - NEW VOAK mugs e lei Prom Nibkir Gudsta. N. Y. COL. CHAS. MAY'S • SOUTHERN CIRCUS Prom Mobile a& New Orissa& - The Wardrobe Rousing' and ap puintXunntaare. of tbelllCOMair ftertipthon sad tbe bad mint aren't XATIRLILL. DAN CARDNER, OEI TOM AMERICAN CLOWN. e ul 'Lit...lute his 14' EDUCATED MULES, c• ia.AL.rcr referas .._ • .. ALM t. • " :.f,,- -';-. P. T. BARNU M, ....,,,,. . 1 .....- .. . In , their CONIC AND TRUY LAUOIIABLE SCENE& ~ .ag the anoes eelobrated of the iinkerin . flri 1.7 kn er olian name*a will of be found IL N , ' 1 - 1 1 C! )-* Ilk Freak IL Routon, v: ( ' y ~e o en ce = - - '. • ipirMise DU MAUR. :-_-:-'‘. kr. Henry Barth% 'Me oinrtralled Block Rope Vaulter \; and' tutepproschable Bum RAMS ,- • ". %Mit. The OW T RARTBEE wIII _ , In bUi entirely °VI aini = l i r t Horeemenehip. Fly Vault i and Lwatinif _ arm intleik ,w„,... E.t. Bari pod oases, while mem& an hit -4--- AP. , NAKED HOUP., and, at the mate time owning and balancing 1 /017,71G 7011,1328 T, A ? ra t a Seven Yam, in hk i m 4. 11 .4 f. lerr eal ibed go rival. fir. Wm. Xincade, somaaset_Man, sad MT TC BLZR In the World. Mr. Kin will also ah lds Kakidoectivides ttlimhihr. the but Wert of WI the funny mete, called PET' Minn& or Doh - Ptah to tbs Meat. Le Petite Ills Elise, The mu) RIDER. is am of the rams pleasing and tagladel kreural • • promo t ed hi the grad com bhus l or talent. Yousg. pretty. and modest, although ileariesa. eho Ores ... , 7. . `• . an ik 14 of "Mi l o s n, ip50......:e art .a'de^a,.._ moommonent cd" tbe Clirsos - led eseieripd In publiely declaring 11310 NUNN to be the Poire, r 4111. W ofireaUett, sad Best trmeitriciree MMs orld. • 4 11 • TER TEEMS .14 6-- great Clowns, ?,.- ,-- DAN GIRD BAIL 8.1111 WI:LBOB• and W. WINCADE. ' . Aseisted by Young DAN. the Three / • Year Old, the easelhar. t '''' and trusWeft Grimaldi mar l = la the. WS& - -• i' -' ► JNO. ritaxsuor. arms Liz, /e• ....zwialco -- -0. WK AD - KAT). o.tiattas mak, - Ii'LLNT). I „ LA P ANn. - --',.-- kin --- lIIg J. .1 I . 1 04 IL' . ABOLPN GONIUMNif ba... -- . ' d i ali4 the Chadds arde.lihran .., , - - M w sateres= al ktO • ais . . WILL EXIIIAIT AT ON YOLOND.A."'r , .7171.1 L" 11, 1859 On the lot eerner of 81111) end Holland Strew* I Zen or ens Neu.- Ashairsion only 23 Ceslay—N• Usalf-rMde. Doom opent 2 and 7 o'clock, P N. Performance toe en " mesas half ao hoes Ow. "W" Yids Company also perfbrut at Meade le the and North Last the 12th of July. J. W. IiANCKXII4 THE SECRET tOPIRKIITES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY Just, radioltod, CTRL* .25th Thousafici : AFEW \i u$ ON THE RATIONAL TREATIIIINT, with. out Medicine, el epermatembea, or Load Weakness, Modem! EsteeOM ilelidtbil and Nerroa• Debility, Premature Decay of the system, ll*Patialtel. MIA Issecilimenta to Marriage porrolty, Dr R. Di; LANEY, M. D. The hoprotalt flat Ouil Site moor shinning isowsoiaints etkrtnetief La thy imprudence and solitade alp/myth. lima *Molly removed visor! Manicure, i► Is thin moil pest TT. arty derpoestianted : and the entireif rem mad ty imecin treatment, so treatmen adopted by the An hod esydainel, by , WWI of which every one is rambled t* usitssto perfectly and at Our Rost poodi, east, thereb at - oldiog all the advertised nostrums of the dap. to onyoddreop, retie cod post hoe tea waled *a =Attila?, irK t ast Pa tiit Rrottlerr l l 'i t = sa l ;Me * Mt --Rua. 1 6R ' OLIYS COLUMN. - PRICES ' MCBEE 1 1 4 4 f 44 FIXTRAORDINARY = rr7rmmrr , ..i!,, ir I S W1033:13:E. lisT M. A. GRLSWOLI) TiriE BALANCE SUMMER SILKS Ten Oases of Goods just Rec'd 1,900 rds tine Printed 4-4 French (liints at 124, worth 30 cent.. 4, 1,200 Y'di fine j i'aris Printed Challs at 12e, Penis worth 25. 1,000 Y'ds Printed Brilliantsl24cents, worth 2.5 Mernnac, ecieheco and English Prints for 10 cents, worth 14. Lace Siamillae , einglc and double Flounced Lace Bornoua, Lace Point.. Stella Shawls in all colors, wiLli fine Cashmere Table Linens, Pillow Cot t ong, Linen and Colton Sheeting, Carpets, the stook belig very LARGE IN I Velvets, Brussels 84, Wool; RUGS, MATS, MATTING, OIL CLOTHS, !le Cheap and Fashionable. JOHN GRAHAM, .A. 17.021. 'laud Fourth *. Pa, hints ea bard, or ke weeder, um or AND *we cumuli°. • SON% at pekoe that gamma OM to sail* aIL Boy's Oasts for 60 ats. upwards. APING been at oonsiderable expense presottoie t tie Jabot &item out patteroa hr a elms et pais potee. ote• fee o t i l oo IitIIADY 'FADS C of vbklik 'Ali be mobil postly his CM to mho to elo atm* pe .at the worm la want .t MG* / trig loot soon Iwo sootbor loch M to boy obo*. s. B. Nava3 NlUhiyClottilogsods to orikrr ea norommoblo tonne, tatlelltottogi iwanooir4. tria, Joao 25, 111411.-41. BARGAINS. i tit GREAT BALE DRESS GOODS WILL OFFER ON Friday, Aumo.lo, 1869, REDUCED PRICES OF HIS LARGE ERIE DRESS GOODS Ti Ki ETU ER WITH FROM TH E • • , . .-,•.: IP 4 4 5 Cases 4PPPP ll'arege Robes, Double Skirts Barge Rohe, a 1.A.1 Orgazidi Robes. Double Skirts Organdi Robe. a Rich Silk Rot**, Double Skirts French Jstonets Plain and Prinied !lamp. Fine Organdie and Lawns Traveling Dream Goods Rich Silks. .k.C. &c. Ste 0f; 4 4 ALSO, JUST OPENEL, and rernell Hair Borders, terl eh NIT Ch - eat Bargain' In Towelmp, Linen Alieetinko Pillow Linens, rulriOn Shwetings, Table and Piano rovers l.see,eurtsin.. bripery Ite.t make Irish Llnenri, kid (Hoven, Mitts, Hosiery. Sc Superior Inducements MLR OFFERED IN WM. A. GRISWOLD. Brie, June 7, 1859 SOT'S maraiNG I ITEE - 'CASTITSTIItim' i‘: ,44:f UNF URL the.BANNER. BOOTS ANI) SHOES From No. 10, Brown's Bionic to Lately occupied by We are now prepared to furnish all of J. (i. Barr's old customers and the public gen. erall v with STOCK OF Gents Fine French Calf Boots, 110i)TS, .1101 - S,t. 101711 S BOOT.S, Patent Leather, Calf : n (I Prunnel Congress Gaiters; Cents calf awl patent leather Gent; Ladies, Misses, Childrens nov:4. vorrn.• \ I'IIILDWES SHOES 4PV 11.1. hi \10: 1T ALI. ITIcEs I. Ls (XING K EMS AND L teE kI - TERM oF E% EI:1 \I) kNI) l'lllcE Flo 75 CENTS I'vw Alt Ds. jicris Ladies White & Black ElatinElllppers. French Kid, Black and Bronzed Fine Kid. and Prunneia Baskin's, and every thine else in the line of Luba' Shoes air 411 111 , ,e. and Chiktrens' Shoes we have enough ntnt to spare. Bring on Me Mlle Misses...T=la iikir We have Leather and Findin p of all kinds, including Harness and Bridle teeth er; 4)nk and Spani,h solo leath er; F renc h and Emterli t.iiined Calf Skin -3, Calcutta Kip and upper leather: Binding and lin ing .king of all e..lors. and Lasts, Tan nerg l cif by the bl,l Erie, May .1. 1 • TO FARMERS. IF lOU 11".1.17 THE LIESr COMBINE!) 111 Walt all :1 Imp von, retil TIIE I.I6IITEST :MACH* IN I'SE Tbe Moir,. arelzhine only air. build 420 thirt,•ninft 1: pounds. and !kw r a p er 'owls* hundr. and rich! pounds, LIG lITEsT PI:. \ F r—N4 s 111 DRAFT - • Requiring one-thirilh a.. draft I hainiany r machine, as numrrona teat. at iris IP atth I 1W) ltamometrr, and tb. t...tupg.g, 1.1, ' , .1 In 'Wel,. si.” NIA 1.16.0 W STRONGEST A. MoST DUHARLI-i MACHINE Itring all 1kAa...‘,1 t la•at. Takla alit] platform. and tbo weight no Mot, 1;•• ti, g he the giVt Utiol4ol witl. :b. 1. tpt /glt of 011101111111/Ir. ode ..r 111.• ba,dr•lar la tit .111,n 113 , 1 , ' o rt ltImpt giving it I,c I.• a. lkt NO poN -- THE lii)RSES' NECK. The .1-12 , 1 f . 4 tt, r rt "Isfnelng the Itelffif t of the 1,4 - 0 of 11,, :-.m••, mot litll.l4llg the whose ~putt the Irn iftC A ho • SELF-. 11,11 h VINO ElNil Eli 'Lilt. iu tbt r..uPrct it t1111 , ..1Y any martian.. yet prodeetrel lio t,Nve by and dower Int.,. po.ndeutl) of the .1' rlo. -w le el, enallTingll tato throng, h demi toter/leo roll nttelon.„ upomec t ologro a n ,l g r • „„,l I,rer knoll& AH4 In II• no ottn f martian.. can b.1),.1,. it It eon alfto Int me . I. a ell 11 awe t l itot from to o e1r11104.11 awl *e • 411 1,4 MA, tin MI In stant, thus I,•, la •.• f unlk,,,hothrrm,••• log nr et el. v.. wegl -k PER YEt T 1'04E11Ni:11, NE 1111 INE Kurku.K .yuall.'n lb,. IrK ar rr.pml, • so.l •ugriblug .urea.• roe r • r, tikald Ibe I. at "raper . as • waiter RAK ELS E 1:411 , ..5T In thu 1,1111 It .0 , 111 ,k, „,„ oqmitoLial htm d.dor it, tLr gvAirf.' ibot sf.k• wit?. t • n,IkIrOPO h In. %LI, )1 i. %1., Ah, 1 Aral 1111.1 I • I. If he w.,•10.•tt• a 441 i )I•• gri.l4fld find rialtnt, Ii. 1 • 411.1 N.lti6b A,N (iltEitAlli.j). ~( I• VW .1111. r el , . wt I.lemetire 1).. , the cothrs oot n 10 V . • N, Isoot!.. r S. r either. rot u. •1 1, . o.i• , r lA.a ts• s s • 1 . ft, mower 14. r ..I, 1/14,1111 kis 111..1. II r ..1.. •I . IstatS, eerrw. r. d qute ar, itEityllcr 1\ \mon piirvrs it esorn..t toe ci0.00.41; tlran , 1.110 , A , pi, In toostrnetson, Nod hot IWO., to jorkotti ..I"Petieur; triad. u 1 line 1.e.! • ml• Am) II" • •••i n•••0 ,.). • ,, •nd bu y iffib •010.11.. r •• in 114 • • ••to • I.()WEsT PltIt'll) NI I M 11:1: The prlre a the "1..1 the r nbacbiep 4424. lbne llonut Mow. Up.. Ile,. ratilsirteft Illnelglngr $lOO .114nufarttind th. ro/ ;For/ 11,40 Tab.. 21r.•r. CM OF Sunnitiq• uud choice ,eieulimi , of pluiu PARIS MILLI NEIL Y o n Saturdiky Juno Utlt. ul 1188 A. E. COLE'S Bonnet Rooms, Paragon Building Erie, JUDO 11, 1859. :0 • z :4: •As - I :i . - I :4 1 FRONT and Back Parlor lied Room Elul KITCHEN NVIINITCIIIK. - _ 3314selellxiscovgnixDs,, 0417-„ ALL MOS Of • PIIMEI2.4Ir r RVt3B, P1ET1T13.338. - PAINTINGS, , - • AND OTINIZI Beasehrekl Requlsnes, Inoysirair-e TSIISIL Is daily ter ask, bade ST agehaor, or Cootanialisa, O. W. lIIIS E, reit. Sprteg Ha sad renames Jam 25.-3. Near Bib et, 1211 k Stets Al** IC*. 30 PER mow= AND EXPENSES PAID. WE WANT a law MOT , young awn at oitady Kta i , to Travel la the WWIe and lltatono Mafia, at the aD eso mood Salary. Iluainoaa tally and bonatablia For tall gattien bus, onions *llk stamp, garapply to AL M; t BIICILLZY, haty 1ibe..4.7. 11 Iteudatt, T. No. 13, Cadwell's Block, W. A. Griswold's Empire Stoves Gents OXFORD TIES; RUBBERS; A It'll ken A ..:•••.t• -OP - H.Ol\T INC3I EMI Pi IZI tzi MR,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers