American citizen. (Butler, Butler County, Pa.) 1863-1872, September 11, 1867, Image 1

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    VOLUME 4.
jm. « m- *• «-•»- * m * ■
Jt j- Office N. B Corner of DUmond, lUitlf-r, Pa "aft
J. X. A J. |MKVIi\n:,
Attonie y w at LaW >
Offlce. on 8. K. of Diamond nnd Main at. Bntler. Pa.
' Charles M'Candless,
*•* " j *-
efflet, on Sooth (Hi comer of Diamond, Better, P»
Offlce, ou Main Street. Bntlor, Pa "S#
OKO. A. * •«°. W " ll,E^ '
n- Office on Main Jtrcet, oppoelt, S-.hnui.lemau's
Cb thing Store, Butler, Pa.
. XI. IK. «t
WflPattend to all buslnesseAtruated tohis care prompt
ly. Special attention given to the collections otJen.
rtMU./ldek Fay and Bounties.
Will also art as agent fur those wishing to bay or
1 .»n South sido of Diamond, in Bredin's building,
Duller Pa.
J. W. YOUNG, Surveyor.
Benzonia, Benzie Co.,
yrApril Q4,U«7,1.v. Michigan.
Atloriiey nl l#w,
Office, South-west Corner of Diamond
(Tbat formerly occupied T.y Ilon.Cliaa. C Snllivan.)
Mavjt/m-ly) BUTLETIi T»A.
whvtz'ii i. bmnam,
All orne y-a t Liiw,
HAVING rerenlly returned from California, lia,
reenmed the practice ol Uw ,n llutior.
Particular attention given to business in the Stat
of California, e*p -dally roll wet ion- ,
rangements with responsibU parties in that ctate.
Office in Boyd's Building, Mam Street.
August 14th, Wl7— «mos.
A. M. NF.YMAN, M. D.
Physician and Hurgoon
Ofßc immed»atwiy opposite Walker s buildings
Butler. Dec.
W. 8. HTJSELTON, M. X>.,
{Laf of the V. S. ArmyJ
TVo. 117 'Federal Htrvet,
Orrtcs Horns: J
''■■""J!" 's P M 112 * U.KGHESr CITT
„ ,t„ 8 j May 29, Y. 7,3 rooe.
MRS. T. J. LoW.M AN,
Would respectfully inform the citizens of thin p!ace
that she 1h prepared to do all Limls of »«ch a*
Drew Making, Serines Gents Shirts and rhl J' ,^.T ? "
pare!. Also* U*CH\ Agent for Wheeler and Wilson H
Sewing Machine*. * ol> . 2u, U67, tt.
GEORQE bose,
House, Sign &. Ornamental Painter.
Paper Haning Done on *he Shortost Notice.
BtTLVK.Aug. 28, IHB7—ly.
Fashionable Hatters,
No. s!t St Clnlr Street,
(Between Liberty and Penn Street., nppr.nite Si. Clal
Ilats, Caps k Straw Goods of every
style anil quality, ,
At I lie very I.owcst Prices.
May 22,1867. lyr.
Confectioner and Cake Baker,
Ho. 10U Fetlcrftl Street,
Allegheny city, Fa.
Jce Cream, Soda Water, fruits, Nttta. Jellloa, Pick lei,
Ac., alwayfl on hand.
Particulfr attention paid to orders.
May 22,18R7, lyr
physician & burgeon,
Butler County, T»a.
Will promptly to all buaineca cntr«*t£d t»l«
R M F Eli EN CE S:
Dr. Crawford, Cooprrstown, Pa.
l)r. {'Vaukiin. l'a.
I>r. Hasskr. Cochranton, Pa.
Dr. Fowler. Harrlsyiile, Va.
Dr«. Foster A Huffman, Cliqtopville, Pa.
Dr. Coulter, Ceutrevitye, p a .
Dr. Livingston, 44 4 ' (july 3, —ly
Wilson & Underwood,
No. Ift South West Diamond*
Adjoining Beplor*s Hotel#
One of the. cheapest and best Wholesale and Relax
Worts in the two cities. (Xtll and examine our Stock and
Prices. (May 29, *67.Snips.
THEunderalgned having aaaociated themselves in the
Tailoring business, would leapectfolly sny to the
xiublic in general that they have just received the Fail
j*nd Winter Fashions, and are prepared to make up
/elotbing in the latest and most approved style Plecrr
call and examine our Fashions and Specimens of met,
and boys' wear. Special attention yiven t«» boya' cjoth-
August 12, im tf.
Cor, Fourth and Sinithfield Streets,
Pittsburgh, r»,
Important to Holdars of 7-30 Bonds, Dated August
7 15th, IBG4.
The Government has given noiice that the notes due
AUOUST 15th, lt>67, muat be ptesentcd for conversion
An or before tbat day, otherwise they will be paid at
their face vniue. causing a loss to the holder of about SE V
Wf will continue to exchange 6-iXfe for 7-30e until
AugUHt irsili.
yiug. 7, IWT, It IRA p. JI'VAY A CO.
Select § Mtrjr,
Bt B. M. M LUIB.
Here In the dim old woods,
Thii glorious Sabbath even,
I kneel amntt tfcatail ure*n uaka.
And offi-rtiaiikl to Fleaveu.
This placets meant for prayw,
A hiiuse not reared by man ;
"So human architect e'r dreamed
Of such a noble plan.
The floor, the bright green earth.
The road the sapli ire sky :
The pnlpit, this tall oak ; the choir,
The wind that paaies by.
Uera, free from t 11 and cirß,
Far from the clty'n Jin.
How sweet to knee! nnd ank from Go d
Forgiveness for our sin.
llero,'mid His glorious works,
These colottadea of free*
These moM grown rocks and summer flowers .
'Phii piild otherial breeze :
Who ran but feel His powav,
Thrcngh all th'-< wide abp^Bl
Ay. hanr a voire within thoapal
fiiy, "Jlowan-l womhlp ilcl!"
Oli I Thou who »olest on high,
O'er heaven, and earth, end seas,
Who gemmed the firmament with «tnr*,
And planted all these trees;
Eeneath whose care the woilds
In endleas cycles roll—
Thou healer of all praise and prayer—
Speak peace un:o my soul!
The Wrant-Jolmsoii t-orres
rommenti of the Repnblican Preis
From t he Chicago Tribune.
Tho letter written by General Grant
to the President protesting against tho
removal of General Sheridan is publish
ed. It is not too much to say that this
noble document antioipate'd every argu
ment which has been urged by the press
and people of the country against that
ill-advised step, and that it presented
the reasons why that step should not be
taken in more pointed and concise terms
than have been employed by anybody
else. Tho unmistakable will ot the
people, tho great services of Gen. Sher
idan, the bad effect which his removal
would have on the unreconstructed ele
ment of the South, the repeated ex
pression of Gen. Thomas's wish not to be
made the instrument of censuring Gen.
Sheridan, and tho duty devolving upon
the President to execute tho llccon
struction Law faithfully—are all point,
c-d out in nervous language, which
leaves no doubt that General Grant was
deeply solicitious that the order should
not be insisted on. So one oan read
the letter without feeling that the most
cruel injustice has been dofic to tho
great soldier, by those wlio havo charg
ed him with sympathizing with " An
drew Johnson's policy." There is not
a word which does not breathe the ti fi>
est loyalty to tho principles upon which
the rebellion was put down and the work
of reconstruction undertaken by Con
gress. Above all, thJ injunction which
l;c gives tJ tho President, that this is a
republic in which the will of the pco
pcoplc, constitutionally expressed, is to
bo obeyed, ia most significant ami hou>
orable. The capture of Lee's army was
not a prouder addition to the wreath of
the Generai's fame than this letter to a
faithless Executive.
[From the Phliadellpha Tnqnirrr ]
Johnson evidently looked upon it as
Grant's duty to run over to the White
House, and after touching his hat and
performing sundry genuflection", to
give to the occupant thereof an unquali
ed indorsement of his action. Again
Mr. Johnson has been disappointed.
Tho man who would take nothing less
than unconditional surrenders from
Huckner at Fort Donolson, Pomberton
at Yioksburg, and Loo at Appomattox
Court House, was not yet prepared to
surrender his own ideas of justico and
patriotism to the representative of those
who wore compelled to lay down tho
arms of treason beforo tho invincible
legions of the Union uuder his com
No statesman in the land could havo
summarized the evils resulting from Mr.
Johnson's course in fewer words, or
placed them more forcibly before the
people than ha% General Grant in theso
three brief instances. Ilts has gathered
theiu together in a nutshell, and every
one can compiehcnd at a glanco the
fearful responsibilities which the PresU
dent assumed when ho thrust aside
General Grant's unanswerable protest,
and issued the order for Sheridan's re
[From the New York Times ]
To those who have assailed the fidel
ity of General Grant to the principles of
the Republican Party, his letter must
bring intense mortification- It rebuts
i so eoocßaivcly the aspersions which the
Tribunal has tost upon his naiua, and
shows so completely the clearness and
depth of his convictioaa, that its ap»
pearance in print does him timely and
essential service
[From the Philadelphia Preas.]
The earnest patriotic words of Grant
will convey comfort and encouragement
to every northern and national heart.
They are what the country expjeted of
him, and what she demauds of every
true citizen in this hour.
(From tho Cincinnati Times.
General Graut's letter to the Presi
dent protesting against the removal of
Sheridan, expresses tho sense of the
supporters of the Government and de
fines the General's position so that it
cau not be mistaken. It does the Gen
eral great credit.
[Dispatches to the Philadelphia Inquirer .]
Considerable curiosity is eprcssed to
see the protest Grant made against Stan
ton's removal referred to in his letter
but wiich was withbpld . It is said to
" Let us have Faith that Right makes Might; and in that Faith let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it"--A. Lincoln.
bo eoqehed in much stronger language
even than that used in relation to Sher*
idan, but for reasons best known to him.
self, .the president kept it from the pub
licc. Grunt stock is decidedly above
par today in Washington.
[From the Washington Chronicle.]
It is easy to sec now why tho Presi
dent was so reluctant to let tho letter
appear. Tho reasons are evidently cx-,
actly those wc have assigned. Mr. John
son would far rather have submitted to
the extraction of one of his molars thati
to have parted with this proof of Gcn
■eral Grant's full sympathy with the loyal
millions of his countrymen in his views
on reconstruction Think of Andrew
Johnson claiming that Grant and him'
self were in full accord on the great
questions of the day ! He would have
given much to have the people believe
so until after the fall elections, but
truth cannot be always suppressed. *
* * * General Grant is known to
the people. He is knewu as a patriot
as a soldier true to the cause he fought
for. The country can no lougcr be dc
ceivcd as to his position. It is as well
assured of his truth and patriotism as ot
And row w Johnson's falsehood and per
fiidy, and the latter can no more involve
him in his own deep di=graco by making
him a member of his Cabinet than he
can elevate himself to the high station
which the General of the armies of tho
Union holds in the grateful recollec
tions of the American poople.
[From tho Chicago Journal ]
But the main interest clusters about
Gen. Grant's letter. His habitual retis
cencc gives place to a positive and full
expression of Sheridan and his admin
istration. the authority of Congress tho
duty of the presider.t as a servant of the
people and of the unreconstructed rebels.
The case has never been so well put by
any one else as by General Grant in this
concise and powerful protest—especially
the second paragraph. Tho long-drawn
out petifogging of the President sonnds
most pitiable by the side of it. A
stronger contrast is hardly conceivable.
Leaving Congress in it-s legislative and
judicial capacities to deal with the Pres
ident for daring to usurp raconstru-turn
powers expressly delegated to the Gen
erl of tho army, but wrested from him
by tho superior force of tho Command
er-iu Chief, lie sets forth with matchless
force tho other objections to the remo
val of General Sheridan. If Congress
goes with eijual vigor to the rescue of
the General's authority from I'residen
tial usurpation, it will bring A. J. to
terms without much delay. An aban
donment of his present course of usurp-,
ation, or impeachment will be the result
if Congress is only as true to its obliga
tions ns General Grunt was and is to his.
It is to bo hoped that the l'hillipses,
Gcologj's aud Tiltons who havo been
making war upon General Grant will
now bo honorable enough to ackuowl
c Ige their error, or at least to ceaso their
[From the Philadelphia Gazette ]
It is of importance, as placing Grant
before th'o country in his true light as
the oarnest and reliablo adherent of
the Congressional policy of reconstruc
tion and as the determined opponent of
the reactionary policy upon which John
son has been bent. His lanuagge is so
plain, so forcible and so straight to the
point as to leave no room for quibble as
tO his opinions. He takes issue boldly
and openly with the President by say
ing that the removal of Sheridan " will
be regarded as an effort to defeat the
laws of Congress," which wc take to be
nbout as direct an imitation ot what he
thinks of Johnson's course as lie could
well give.
[From the New York Post.]
What of Geuoral Grant on the other
hand ? His statesmanlike letter will put
to shame the persons and press who
have for several weeks been trying to fix
upon him, for their private purposes, tho
suspicion of foolishness cquual to Mr.
Johnson's. * * *
General Grant's opiniocs on recon
struction are not a secret. lie has spo
ken freely with many persons; and
there was not tho slightest occasion for
misrepresentations to which he has late
ly been subjected. He believcsjthat the I
work of reconstruction ought, ou every
account to be completed as quickly a3
possible. He holds that the country is
seriously injured by the long delay which
has occurred. He thiuks that military I
rule over the South is not neatly so bad
or so dangerous fur the South as for the
country at large ; that, as ho once put
it to a friend 10 conversation, it is just
as it was with slavery, which, though it
was hurtful and mischievous to all, was
far more injurious to the master thau to
the slave. Grant holds tbat tho Con
gre»«ional policy, when it was declared,
should have been carried into effect at
once ; that all opposition to it <tt;lu to
be discouraged ; and that it is expedU
ent to that end that all parts cf the
Government should appear to be cordi
ally united in carrying it out, to tho end
that the whole country may, as speedily
as possible, be placed under the peace*
ful Supremacy of the Constitution, and
all parts be represented in Congress.
Now in this faith Grant has the great
er part of the Ilcpublicau party with
him. And is not, of course, favored by
the persons who desire to a keep the couu
try in a turmoil, who wish still further
to delay the work of reconstruction, who
insist on confiscation, etc.
But grant has with him, in bis be
half, the greater part of the Hepublicau
party, which earnestly desires the com
pletion of the work of reconstruction, and
he has with him also a considerable part
of the Democratic party, which has the
same desire. Statesmanship is to do the
best possible. It io not to grow furi
ous because your owu wishes are impos
sible. It is not to put a stop to every
thing because affairs do not go our own
way. Gen. Grant' is not a politician,
but his letter shows him to bo a states
man and a patriot; a man wise enough
to see that it is best to work with tho
mcaus at hand, and to a possible end ;
and clear-headed enough not to forget
the end in looking at the means.
[From the Baltimore Amercan.
Such language from a man of General
Grant's equal mind and reticent nature
is of unmistakable import. * * *
The loyal masses will thank General
Grant for these words. We believe a
very short time will prove how truly lie
has foreslialowed the effect of the Pres
dent's renewed policy of obstruction.
The reply of the President's shows
how strongly he felt the effect of General
Grant's protest, though determined to
disregard it. His chagrin crops out io
the intimatiou that he had not askod
for "a formal report," but only a "varbal
statement of the General's views. A
verbal statement he could have twisted
into auythiug to suit, with the aid of
tho serviceable correspondents who aro
instructed at the convenient periods to
seek an interview with him j but a for
mal, written protest is as unmanageble
as the truth and earnostnoss in which
Genonral Grant has made it. It will
stand to condciuu the President when its
foresight has bi>eu approved by events.
[From the Troy, N. Y., Times.]
The letter of General Grant is worthy
of the man. It dispels all doubt of his
position, touching the removal; and it
effectually silence the clamors raisad by
the Tribune as to Gen. Grant's agency
in making the uufortunate substitution
of commanders. •
Dead Animals
Auimal matter contains every element
that is necesary to grow every pant knowu.
In it aro phospate and car onate of limo
ammonia, carbon in short in the best form
all the essentials of vegetable growth.—
Whenever a fowl, cat, dog. sheep, pig,
horse or cow dies, let tho carcass be cut
up and added to the manure heap. The
carcass of a single horso will turn loads
of useless muck or peat into manure, rich
er than any ordinary barn yard dung.—
Why tlion suffir it to decay useless and
aanoyingly 'I It is true it is not lost, for
the gases tliat«taint tho air are appropri
ated by plants; but tho farinw who owns
cd tho animnl gets but a small portion of
what should bo all his own. Why will
wo waste tho dead energies of the horse,
when he has lost the living ones?
If our readers will heed what wc say,
they will not|suffer dead animals to annoy
the eye and disgust tho nose hereafter. —
Bury them in the manure heap; add some
quick lime to hasten decay, aud charcoal
dust or plaster to absorb the gasses, and
much will bo-gainod in tho good appear
anco of tho farm and in tho quality of the
manure. If your neighbor beso improv-
to waste a dead animal, beg it
of him, that it may not be detrimental to
health and useless vegetation. Laws
should be passed to conjpol tho saving of
this most powerful of fertilizers, when
common sense and decency fail to do it.
Whenoyer it is desirabla to hasten de-,
cay, aud rapidly turn animal matter into
manure, sulphuric acid may be used.
This would be too expensive (although
the acid is cheap) for farm purposes, but
may be eui( loyed Jt'or the garden, where
expenses is not so important. It is fre
quently desirable to have a rich manure
in the garden, and it is not at hand. An*
inial matter put into sulphusic acid will
in a few hours furnish it. Every liouso
will supply much refuse animal matter.
To this, ruts, mice, feathers, hair, bones,
horns, &c., may bo added. If the garb
age of a slaughter house can be got, it
should be. All these will soon be re
duced to an available state, be inoffen,
sive, and add great fertility to tho soil
where used. Tho requisite quantity of
aciil may bo ascertained by experiment
—about ten or fil'teon pounds is usually
allowed for one hundred pounds of ani
mal matter.
RELIGION is thought by many to con
sist iu what in the New Testament is
denominated repentance. But religion
comas after that.—Wheu you have had
your nots, your negatives, which aro
necessary, then comes the positives, the
affirmatives. .Real love of truth, real
meekness and gentleness, roal generosity,
real highmindedness, real lovo to God
and genuit.: love to man —these are ro
The Political Situation
The removal of General Sheridan has
deeply moved the country. The pocu,
liarly brilliant service of General Bhor
idan in the w*r; his equally faithful
service as military Governor of Louisi
ana and Texas; his frank and fearless
spirit in every position, and a certain
generosity and gallanty of nature, have
endeared him to tho popular heart.
The name of no horo ot the war, not ex
cepting that of Grant himsolf, so iu
flauies universal enthusiasm as that of
Sheridan. Paintiug aud poetry havo
combiued to celobrato his ride up the
Shenandah—a rido which turned the
tide of a most important battle, at a most
critical moment of tho war. Young,
modest, ardent; a trained soldier, an ir
resistible leader, the idol of his men, tho
cherished friend of his Commander,
Sheridan came from the war beloved by
the whole people.
When he was appointed to tho com
mand of tho district of which Now Or
leans is tho headquarters it wis not
known what his executive power in that
kind might be, and it was supposed that
like most soldiers, ho had, in the com,
mon phrase, no politics. But like ev
ery man who went into the rebel seotiou
without politics he very soon acquired
them, lfuring tho summer of 18G0,
when by the complicity of inaotion the
President of United States sanc
tioned the effort of tho rebels to massa
cre Union men, General Sheridan wan
tho man who told tho whole truth to
the country, and Andrew Johnson has
never forgiven him. From that time
General Sheridan has wholly approved
the Radical policy, and the President
has inflexibly resolved upon his remo
But General Grant was known to sym
pathize with General Sheridan, and
their published correspondence shows
how faithfully tho General supported
his subordinate. It is thorefore plain
tbat General Grant was as disagreeable
to the President as General Shoridan.
The President knew tha f . thoro was no
man more steadily hostile to his policy,
110 man moro suspicious of his purposes
no man moro desirons that he should bo
closely watched and chocked by C'on«
gres that General Grant. Moreover, it
was becoming very ovidont that this man
so hostile to the Presidential policy, and
af so vast a popularity, was very likely
to be tho next President, upou the nom
ination of the party which. elected Mr.
Johnson, ami which he had betrayed.
The President thus found himself face
to face with Congress, with the vast loy
ai political organization in every part of
the country, and with the great soldiers
of tho wur, excepting General Sherman.
In this position ho has also and natural
ly found himself practically paralyzod.
lie has boen conscious of the disastrous
failure of his administration, and that
he was drifting amidst universal distrust
into tho great and final contempt of his
tory. For ho has no friends. The
Democrats use him only to perplex their
political foes. The late rebels, like For
syth of Mobile, and others, reproach
him with indecision and temidity. The
New York Humid, which to-day tries to
prop the Presidential purpose to with
atand tho popular will, yestorday cried
lustily for his impeachmcut for resisting
it. Those who appear to support him
are more to be feared by liim than those
who unswervingly and frankly deuouncc
aud lesist them.
Under theso circumstances tho Pres
ident has naturally sought to take some
courso by which with, one blow ho could
reach many enemies. And ho has fouud
it in tho suspension of Mr. Stanton, and
the dircstion of General Grant to assumo
ad interim the duties of the Secretary
of War, and to transmit the order of re-,
moval to General Sheridan. This at
once excites a tendency toward distrust
of General Grant upon the part of tho
Republican party ; it tends to poison
the personal relations of Grant and Sher
idan. It raises Sheridan as a candidate
for the Presidency ; and it kiudlcs the
hope of that ludicrous'politicali Macawber
the Demooratic party, that something
may "ftirn up." Tho President's double
object is io ruiu Grant politically and to
defy the Republican party.
But we suppose that nobody in tho
country, Democrat or Republican doubts,
tbat General Grant is as ,hostile as ever
to the policy of the President,and that he
warmly opposed the removal of General
Sheridan. Tno only question is why he
went into the Cabinet, and why he is
willing to appear to acquiesce in the
policy of the president. But it is not
necessary to loek far for tho reason.
General Grant may havo considered
himself ordered by tho Commander-in>
Chief, or he may have wished to pre
vent the entrance of some one into the
Cabinet less hostile than ho to the Pres
ident's system It is folly to Bay that
every member of the Cabinet must be
presumed to sympathize with the Presi
dent. Was Mr. S'anton presumed to be
in such sympathy ?
I It is, therefore, it seems to us, unfair
linthe Tribune to insinuate that General
Grant has any rympathy whatever with
the President. It does not say so, in
deed opeuly; but such is the impression
it produces. As we havo before sug
gested, this is not the way to defeat Gon
eral Grant as a Presidential candidate.
That must be done, if at all, by showiug
that the Republican party duos not know
what ho thinks or where ho stands. It
is evident that in tho present situation ot
the country, which no one probably
understands bettor than General Grant,
no man cau expect to receive the nom
ination of the dominant party who is not
willing to say that ho wholly and
heartily agrees with its policy, and feels
the uecessity of its ascendency. Gener
al Grant has not yet publicly expressed
himself upon this point, although all his
actious show his general sympathy with
that party. It is, therefore, premature
both to iusist that he must be the can
didate and that undor no circumstances
cnii he or ought he to be tho candidate.
If Genora! Grant would liko to have
the nomination of both parties, or if he
would prefer to he nominated without
expressing himself inoro plainly, then
wo should say that he certainly could
nut be and should not bo the Republican
candidate ; and we greatly misconceive
General Grant himself if ho expects the
Republican nomination upon such forms.
He knows of course, that the party which
is as sure as anything political can bo to
elect its candidate will not nominate in
tho dark or for luck. He also knows,
probably, that under the circumstances
he could not bo nominated by tho Dom
ocrats. Would he then be likely to suc
ceed upon a "people's nomination 7" Wo
think certainly uot, because we do not
believe that he would as a third candi
date seriously reduce tho Ilopublican
vote. Meanwhile we repeat that tho im
portant Consideration in tho Presidantial
campaipu is tho oontitmed dominance of
the Republican party.'— Harpers Weekly.
A Confirmed tjrumliler.
Some time ago there lived in Edin
burgh a well-known grumbler, named
Sandy Black, whoso often recurring fits
of spleen or indgestion produced somo
amusing scones of senseless irritability,
which were highly relished by all ezcept
the brute's good, patient little wile.
One morning Sandy roso bent on a
quarrel ; tho buddies and eggs wore ex
cellent. done to a turn, aud had been or
dered by himself the previous evening ;
and breakfast passod without the lookcd
for cause of complaint.
'•What will you have for dinner,
Sandy 7" said Mrs. Black.
'.'A chicken, madaip," the hus
'■Roast or boiled?" askod the wifo.
"Confound it, maunm, if you had been
a good and considerate wife, you'd have
known before this what I liked," Sandy
growled out and, slamming the door be
hind him, left the house. It was in the
spring, and a friend who was present
heard the little wife say, "Sandy's bent
on a disturbapco today ;I sh all not please
hitn, do what I can."
The dinner time came, and Sandy and
his friend sat down to dinner; the fish
was eaten in silence, and, on raising th e
cover of tho dish boforc him,in a tower
ing passion he called out, "Boiled chick
en ! I hate it, madam A chicken boil
ed is a chicken spoiled."
Immediately the cover was raised from
another chicken, roasted to a turn.
''Madam, I wont eat roast chicken,"
roaicd Sandy ; "you know how it should
havo bean cooked !"
At tbat instant a broiled chicken with
mushrooms, was placed on the table,
"Without grceu peas!" roared tho
'llprp they are; dear," said Mrs.
f'llow daro you spend my money in
that way 7
"They were a present," said tho wife,
interrupting him.
Rising from his chair and rushing
from tho room, amidst a roar of laughter
from his friend, he clenched his fist and
shouted, 'How dare you receive a pros
cnt without my leave !"
—Amoung the antiquated l#wa and
customs of some of the smaller German
States, which will be abolished on their
annexation to Prussia, uot the least
curious are those relating to marriage.
In Electoral Hesse no man was allowed
to marry if under twenty-two aud no
woman if undereighteen. The result of
this somewhat severe law was, that while
in othor countries girls try to make poo
ple believe they aro "sweet seventeen"
for many yea's after they havo left school,
tho Hessian young ladies often doclaro
themselves to bo eighteen yoaro old long
before they havo reached that age. The
Prussian authorities, however will change
all that, the law of Prussia making the
miuimum marriageable ago eighteen for
a man and fourteen for a woman. In
Wartcmburg men are not allowed to
marry under twenty-five, except by
special dispensation. A curious law,
said to date from tho Yisigoths, also
exists in that country, forbidding any
woman to marry a man twelve years
younger than herself. In other German
States similar anomalies occur. Thus,
in Saxony, the miuimum marriageable
age for a man is twenty-one ; for a wo
man there is no restriction. In Aus
trian boy of fourteen mty marry a girl
of twelve , while in Baden marriages
where tho bride groom is under twenty
five or the bride undor eighteen, are not
allowed unless sanctioned by the police
onco speaking of a lady who hed recently
died. A young lady immediately asked,
"0, sir, how did she die 7" The verier'
able mau replied, "There is a more im
portant question than that, my dear,
which you Bhould have asked first."
"Sir," said she, "what can bo
more important than ' How did sho die ?' |
" How did she live 7" he replied.
—Why will the book of Maximilian's
privato papers, about to be published, be
uninteresting? Because it will be a
Blanc book.
—The man who am lonely since
my Mother Died" isn'lrquite so lonely
now. The old man married agaiu, aud
his step-mother makes jt liveiy enough
for him.
—An Impudent liusbaud man—One
who horrawe his wife's feelings.
—When is a crop likely to b»r -decep
tive 'I When it is all in your rye.
—Why are ideas like beards ? J?o>
cause men don't get them till they grow
up and women never get them. (Shame
—Why is a \na« refusing a chew of
tobacco like tho stem of the tobacco leaf'
lie cause it's tho refuse of the weod.
—Why is Hiram I'oWers the meanest
of men 'I —Because ho chiseled a poor
Greek slave out of a pcico of marble.
What one cow asks another: " Wh*
cud you bo thinking of ?" Answer—
What I chews 1"
—How may a man be known from a
fatigued dog '! Oua wears a shirt, tho
other pants.
—What riches are those that certainly
make themselves wings and fly away ?
Folly has more commentators than
wisdom—perhaps Uecauso her works aro
raoro numerous.
—lf ill luck befall yOa, think that it
may ba a blessing to semebody else, ami
that your turn may como next.
—Our lives are truly at an end when
wc are beloved no longer; the chilliness
of the grave has been passed through.
—Love is the shadow of the morning,
which decreases as the day advances.—
Friendship is the shadow of the evening,
whichstreugtli&ris with tho sotting sun of
—To economize is to draw in as much
as possible. The ladies apply this art to
their persons, and the result is a very
small waist.
—An invalid Irishman being arested
for vagrauey putin tho plea, that if ha
bad all tho work in tho world ho could
not do it.
" What aro yousmanhing that dog's
head for ' don't you see that he's as
dead as a stona t" "Yes 1 does : but ho
did kill mine chickens and suck mino
eggs, and I did shoot him burry dead.
and now I Imls him know tint dere is an
hneafter !" and the Teuton whacked
away on the poor dog's skull.
—A young lawyer was examining a
banktupt as to how he had spent bis
money. Thore was about two thousand
pounds unaccounted for, when tho attor
ney put on a severe, scrutinizing faoe,
and exclaimed with much self-compla
cency ;
''Now, sir, I want you to tell this
court and jury how you used those two
thousand pounds."
The bankrupt put on a sorio couiiu
face, winkod at the audience, and ex
claimed ;
"The lawyers got that!"
Tho judge and sudienco were con
vulsed with laughter, and the counsel
lor was glad to let the bankrupt go-
HAD SrrcM.S.—Being at a dinner,
Johny passed his plata for turnip. As
he had but recootly attended school, his
father said :
"Spell turnip, Johny and I wiU servo
"T-u r D o-p," shouted tho young
"O. fy my son, that is not right j
hold up your head, and hoar how pa
spells it—t-u-r-n-u-p," (turnip.)
"Sakes-a-live," ejaculated Madam,
from tho head of tho table, "I should
like to know if I am married to a man
that can't spell his own vegetables !"
Mr. Smith's dignity was wounded,
lie had been schoolmastor down Kast,
and he thought he knew turnips.
"Spell it yourself, my dear," cried
Mr. Smith, wiping his moustacho with
unusual car?, while ho glanced knowing
ly around tho table.
"Well, I guess I'm able to," jerked
Mrs. Smith, with a sublime toss of her
cap border—"t-u-r-n-ep, (turnip.)
Words aro generally spelt as tqoy aro
"I say as its pronounced turnop,"
shouted Johnny.
"It's proaounccd turn-up," said Mr.
"It is pronounced turn-ep," reiterated
After niuch wrangling tho family re*
membercd there was a dictionary in tho
house, which was called for, and as we
left wc had th<?plcasurc of hearing them
spell in concert, and with evident suis
prise t u-r-nip.
SATURDAY NlGHT. —Somebody gat
off the following beautiful paragraph on
the doting night of tho week.—There
is a volume of truth and sense in it:
"Saturday night makes people human,
sets their hearts to beating softly, as
they used to do before the world turned
them into war drums and jarred them tg„
pieces with tattoes. The lodger closes
with a clash; the iron doorod vaults
come to with a bang; up go tho shut
ters with a will; click goos the key in
the lock. It is Saturday tyight, and bu
siness breathes fiee again. Homeward,
ho ! The door that has been ajar all week
gently closes behind him, tho world is
a 1 s'lut out. Shut out ? Shut in, rather.
Here are his treasures after all, and not
in tho vault, and not in the book—save
the record in the olijLtamily IJible —and
not in tjie bank. Jlay b>) you are a
bachelor, frogty and forty, Then, poor
fellow, Saturday night is nothing to you
just as you are nothiug to anybody. Get
a wife, blue eyed or black eyed, but
abovo qll, true eyed ; get a Jittla homo,
no mattor how little, and a little sofa,
just to hold two, or two and a half) and
then get the two, or two and a half in it,
of a Saturday Light, and then read this
paragraph by the light of your wife's
ejes. thank God and take courage."