DANVILLE INTELLIGENCER- V< L LXXV. FERRY SERVICE UNSATISFACTORY Owing lo llio low conditl' n I <1 • river II la impo«»lbl* to «n> Hi 1 fit a tarry boat' al Newopei ki» •! 'm • wl.aa Al »>» latter |il«i» II " Hi' < ' auiuti tiiiid, liaH been Iviiu* ' 1111 1 diy upon tlm land The heavy ralna of the |x < '!■»>« teem to have liail no rflet ton ihc nv er ami eanli i'uy llieeniiililion* are It »s favorable for the operation of the Dan vilit* ferry Ixiat. Tlik ill i ITed oil lravt-1 but wot u this I'ily anil S.nilli ll.iiivillo In becoming worse nil Hi' tiine aud delay* of fiom lilleon min utes lo over an hour nre ilally oiur ranooa. The ferrymen have been doing ev erything in then power to facilitate matters, but eiaini th.»t with the low state of he river nothing much can be done The cable has become quite 1 osr Old should In* tightened. A iiiiii hr of push poles should be iu roMd.ucsi at times when the Hat scra|>es along the rivrr bottom as this is ub tut the only way the boat can be started after grounding. The last pole was broken on Monday night. One of the most dilllnult things to oniiMnd with is the overloading ol the boat. At present uot more than two or three heavy teams should be tarried eaoli time. The heavy load ing of the boat causes most nt the de lav In crossing the river. The river will liavo to rise at least four inches before anything like good service can lie maintained. It. is said lii.it the cable will be tightened today wliloli It is expecte I will help matters ■ouicwhal. Oatawissa's Historic Eapine. Tim Catawissa, the original engine used ou tlio first trip inado over the railroad between Taniaqua and Port Clinton In lKlß.is on exhibition at tlio at. Louis Exposition. Mr. Beusinger, tormeily of Malmnoy City, wlio was eleven years old at tlio tiuio, says that It was the tirst steam ougtno in actual service in this oouiitry. It was run on the lino ot twenty mllos between Tauiaqua and Port Clinton. The road was fitted up with woollen rails on top of which was scrap iron. The new "iiivoutlon' creatod all sorts of excitement throughout that region, people reallv fearing it as tlio forerun ner of the end of the world. This tweuty miles of roads was not origin ally lutended for passenger traffic, hut for the carrying of coal. It pulled what wera then nailed drilt. ears, anil was able to haul about tweuty of theui at one time. Kaoh car oarriod about one and one lialf tous of coal, or 8,0110 pounds, while uow any ordinary railroad on glue hauls a train of twenty or more oars, each one of which carries from tweuty to thirty tous of the black diamonds. This Improvement and for ward step shows that eitlior tlio min ister of seventy years ago was wrong when be said that it was the devil s work,or the old fellow must have been getting in Ills work pretty lively ever »ino6. A Surprise Party. A surprise party was tendered SV. P. Roth at his home on Bloom street, Friday evening, in honor of bis twen ty-fifth birthday. During the evening excellent refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Koohor and sou, Mr. and Mrs. Miohael Scott, Mr. and Mrs Madden and daughter Olive, Mr. anil Mrs. Oyer, Mr. and Mrs. Crumb, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hodge and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Riohaid Wbapliau, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Kerus and daughter, Mrs. Joseph Dielil, Mrs. Hannah Roth, Miss Julia Crumb, Misses Lizzie and Elsie Srott, Miss Ooldie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and son, Mrs. Alice Gray and sou, Miss Blanche Manning, Miss Evelyn Moyor, Mr. and Mrs SV: P. Roth and daughters, Misses Jennie and Edna Dyer, Messrs. Willi# n Dielil, Fred. Lewis, Ralph Itoweg Sylvoster Dougherty, Olias. W. Raver, Jr., (J. J, Cunningham, Hurt Povey, Frank G. Raver and John Shank. Distinguished Fishiug Party. Judge Martin Hell, Captain Habuock, W. I. Woodcock, all of Hollidaysburg, aud Colonel William J. Maxwell of Altoona.comprisod a fishing party that left on main line express this morning for Ryde, whore they will spend sev eral days at tlio clubhouse of the Juniata Fishing and Hunting Associa tion. Dr. J. A. Rohrnr, Republican candidate for couuty treasurer, was at the depot to see the hoys oil', and was sorry that business prevented him from going along. When the train reached Tyrone Oaptaiu Clark, of Clearfield, the so-called champion salmon fisher man of tills section of tlio country, fouud tlio party. Mr, Clark is a rival of Dr. Rohrer for the honor of cham pion salmon fisherman but tlio doctor 1B still a number of points ahead ol him.— Altooua Mirror. Col. Maxwell formerly resided in Dauville. His many friends hero wil be pleased to learn that he is now one of Altoona's famous flshetmon. Broke His Arm. lia, the little son ot Peter G. Hay lor, South Danville, is confined to tin house with a broken arm. The little fellow with some other bins en Hull day was swinging under a tree ncai the river, when lie sustained » fall whloh resulted in a hail fracture o the left arm. Dr. Suiith set the brok •u bone. Will I Sl : . SPECIAL IIAIIOT BOXES The «i cial election at which onr ciliMUi* nrc it'll In *oli< n|ion Ilia til men i«llig tln> Borough'. mill - i.t.ilt.i h fur ilit- poi|io«e nf paving MMlairttl ami In tilling municipal I Jihi Will lake pUec nil uext Tuesday, A.ll nt.l '.'ml. There are several qiiest ions connect fil Willi tin- s|iecial elaoliiiD which arc .naeli diaou.nad.not only hy Ihoae who have tho i-oildllct ol it on tlioir hum I h hut hy llio olectora in gui.iral and |»io plo nlioiit llio utrnet. The jioint to ila larniina, it hiioiu., ia how lai the gen eral election lawn apply to a special election of tliia aort. Kow ar» lullllil to qnention whether the ivgulnr voling booth* may he un til. Hut there ia much doubt whether tlm regnlur ballot boxea, ooiitainlng tickets, list nf voters, &u., scaled up nt the close of the last oleotion and net to he opened mi ll the morning of the next election, can legally be used at the special election next Tuesday ; also whether the places at which lit|Uor is sold may remain open. The Act of 181)1 "To Kegulato the manner ol increasing indebtedness ol municipalities" sets forth that such elections shall be held at the place, tiuie and uuder the saiuo legulations as provided liy law foi the holding of municipal elections. It provide! that tickets properly and legally labeled "shall lie deposited iu a box providod for that purpose as is provided by law in regard to other tickuts reoolved at said elections." The above removes the last doubt as to whether the regular voting booths may be used at the special ekolion, but it is not quite dear enough ou the other point relating to ballot boxes to satisfy oui Councilman aud to be on the safe side they have decided to use special ballot boxes aud have already ordered the same to bo made. W. Kase West, Attorney for the County Commissioners, yesterday ren dered an opiniou stating that the reg alar ballot boxes may not bo used at. a special election, nuoh as held on next Tuesday. AH to the other qaestiou in volvod whether or not the bars must close during the election there seems to bo hut little difference of opiniou, as the law seems very plain. The sec tion relating to liquor roads as fol lows : "It shall not bo lawful for any per son with or without a license to soil to any person any intoxicating drink on any day on which elections are now or hereafter may l>e required to bo hold." Putting on the Finishing Touches, l'lio Standard Construction Company posterday began the filial cleaning up if the trultoy truck,wliioh plaoes it in londition tor tratlic whenever the oars jru ready for running. The earth, which was piled up over tho tr.iuk lifter the rails were laid,has become lieaten down as solid as any iitlier part of tlio street. This earth is now being carefully (log up down to a level with tlio top of the rails and carted over to Boifsnyder's cinder tip, whore it is damped near the canal The special poles are be Ind planted nil along Hlooiu street and the clean ing up aliove desorihed follows as the finishing touch of tlio road. Tlio streot as far as tho work lias progressed pres ents a very tidy and presentable ap pearance the only blemish lyiug in the fact, that tho trolley track,wliioli con forms with the established grade, lies several inches below the general level of the streot, which was macadamized to conform with former surveys. In time it is understood that tho streot is to he rogradod to conform with tlio established grade but bow soon Coun cil intends to outer upon tho work is nol known. In its present stati it may prove ilillioult to drain the street prop erly and damage is foared from wash ing. Now Steps at St. Joseph'e Oliurcli, Among the improvements at St. .Jos eph's Oatholio Churoh 1h tlin rebuild ing oi the stono steps at tlin thr»o en trances nt tlu) front of tho oliuroh. At each floor tliero is a Might of Homo four stops bnilt ot large drossed stono, wliifiti have boon there over sinoo the church wax built. Under the aotion of rlio elements tlin stono has begun to disintegrate and are 110 longer sightly nor safe. Tlin steps are being entirely rebuilt, dressed blue stone tailing the plaoo of tho old. I). J. Hogera is doing the , work. The new stops are nn essential im provoment and along with the hand some new towor overhead will add very muoli to the appoaranoo ot the churoh. Rebuilding The Smoke Stake. The sixty-foot smoko stack bolong ing to the Danvillo Milling Com pany's plant, North Mill street, is be ing rebuilt, the work having been on dor way for a wook pakt. The stack, which is of brick, under the lapse of long year' bad become very insecure Tho nast iron frame nn the top was eaten through by the rust, while the | brickwork showed a big fissure whioli extended troni the top downward sov oral feet. It was necessary to scaffold tho big stack from bottom to top. The rebuild ing of tho brickwork was completed yesterday and every thing was in readi noss for placing the new cast Iron frame >u position on top. Beyond this nothing more remains to be done than to reiuovo|the scaffolding. -ri.KTXIKD HUT TO TRUTH, VO UIUMTT AM9 LAW--HO FA TO* RWATH OH A*» "• rmA» SHALL 4WE' I>A\ VILLK. MONTOtJH COINTY. I\\.. Fill DAY, .111/V -'U. IWM SCHOOL IIIIAKH IN SESSION A regular in* • ting <»t tHfliool Hoard «ii<i Itclrl MiiihliiT ••%». Dlrertors llarpel, Oreene, Parnnli Hnrn*. Mar ing, WrrkheiM-r. Ortlt. I rumbo*. r. Fischer, Adam* and Jacd |'»* i*li t. At a preview* met ting tin attention of tin* Hoard wa* oalb'd toll»» |kk>i heating facilities of the > eond Ward school house, which I **t y« ar had lo tie closed on SCV*ral occasions mi »»• count of insufficient licit K>miii»t"« Hocuroit by tin- Haildiiiß and Kepair Ooiumitoee iliowcil tlmt tin* ro-t of re« pairs would be HO I norinous, that the Hoarit wm* of the opinion r:»s»t iipw furnaces wodM bo nmr • i rimorui ,, al. A bid was road from tin 4 I)an»ill« Stove Jk Mfg. Oo . ofTeriug t» erect Ihrrt. No. It Beaver Kurnaiei, incltid inn brick work an I masonry, tlm fur naces to stand ready for liring, for $131.00. On motion tlm bid was ac cepted and the forna<es ordered Tin' furnaces in tin* Second Ward building have beon iu OHO 17 years and have outlived their usefulness. The Secretary was ordered to notify tlie janitors that hereafter they would be expected lo close the shutters on all buildings every evening after the schools have been dismissed. This duly formerly devolved upon the teach ers. But one bid was receive! for the calcimining of the eight rooms in the Second and Third Ward buildings. No aetiou was taken in the matter. The Secretary was ordered to adver tise for bids tor the oloiiniug of the various school houses. The following bills wore orderod paid : U. L. Oordy $200.00 r. A R OOA) ( Jo 10# 98 Interest on Bonds 150.00 T. W. Hale 14.97 K. NV. Peters 20.00 Calvin Eggoit 15.00 Taxes 14.88 J. Doster'sSons 8.00 A. <j Boat 'i ■ Krwin Hunter. 2.00 Hobert. Miller 5.00 S. Lormer. 5.00 It All Dependsou the Eleotion, The railing is being placed in posi tion on the coping along side ot the new culvert, Mill street. It. adds much to the appearance and conveys a good idea of how nicely the whole improve ment will show up when tho culvert, is cleaned up and pavod and the side walks lowered. Persons generally have become very weary of tho unsightly appearauoe presented Uy tho old and iriegular sidewalks at each end pt the culvert and they can not understand why there should be so much delay in having them lowered to conform with the es tablished grade. It was learned yesterday that delay in the matter is necessary. In case Mill street is to be paved the curbing will have to be set to correspond, while should the result of the special elec tion be unfavorable and street paving have to he ahaudoned the curbing will differ little, if any, from that employ ed at. present. Obviously, therefore, it would be inexpedient to lower the sidewalks until alter the special eloo tiou when it will bo known just how the curbing is to be set. Not Quite Ready to Begin Work. A large number ot' men in quest, of employment early yesterday morning repaired to the Borough lino to see what tho prospocts were for getting work on the new road to he built to Mausdalo under tho Act of April 15, ll>o3. The contractors, however, wore not on tho ground and the mon after wait ing awhile roturned to Danville. W. U. (Jakes, representative of tho Maryland Construction Company,who is stopping at Hotel Oilver. in an in terview last evening stated that some preliminary work remains to be accom plished and he was not certain that tho actual work of construction will begin this week. He was certain that nothing will be done today. Mr. Oakos will remain on the ground and will employ teams and men, put ting them to work as fast, as they en tor tho company's service. Few men liavo been employed. A Workman's Paiuful Injury. Richard Miller, son of Charles Mill er, Uppor Mulberry street, is eon 11 nod to his home with a bad cut on his kneo sustained while working on the trolley liue Tuesday. Ho was assist ing to plant poles on Bloom street. He was standing in a hole and with an axe was endeavoring to got rid of a large root that interfered with the digging. The root suddenly giving way the axe landed on Richard's knee at the joint, inflicting a long gash nearly half an iuch deep. Dr. S. Y. Thompson rendered sur gical aid. Parish Outing a Fiue Suocess. The annual parish outing of Christ I Episcopal church, which was held at Hunter's Park yesterday, was a mos successful and enjoyable event. The attendance, it is said, was larger than at any time in recent, jears. It was distinctively a haskot picnic and nothing was omitied that would eontrihate to the pleasure o! the out ing, both for the children and the grown-up people. Dinner and suppm* | were both partaken of at the l'ark. ' Wyle's orchestra furnished the music. IIATIIINi; ACCIDENT NEAR HUE MIL William Woolrldge, the foottwn year old son of Mt«. Krancl. Wool ridge, Ka.l Krnnt «treci,l» confined to hi. home owing to an accident which Itcfitll hi in while bathing lirar Hlun Hill on Halnrday afteruoou William, Willi .evetal companion*, -larted across the river in a boat about three o'clock. The water neat lllue Hill in quite deep and make, the lie.t hathiug site along the river. As the boat was being rowed across the tiver William, anxious to have hi. hath, re moved liia clothing. When the party had reached a point about fifty feel from the South shore, lie stood .not mi the sea< and plunged into the wat er. The water was uot clear on Satur day owing to the recent rains and the Isiy hi diving struck his head with cradling lorce against a huge rock, the top of wliloli was scarcely two feet fiom the water's surface. Strange lo say he did not lone consciousness anil with the blood streaming from a long gash in his head, groped his way to the boat. He was taken home im mediately and Dr. Stock called. The cut was '% inches in length and re quired many stitches to close it. A Vary Favorable Report. Corbin & Goodrich, Philadelphia agents lor the Hartford Steam Hoiler Insurance Company yesterday lorward ed the report of Inspector F. H. Repp on the condition of the boilers at the Water Works. Mr. Repp made tho inspection last Friday auil found the boilers abovo the aveiage, expressing himself to that effect after lie had completed l|is work. The inspection was made as a preliminary Btep to having them in sured. Tho report is as follows: To the Borough of Duuville: "There is some loose scale and de posit on tho bottom of these boilers and at the rear eud, which we rooom nicnd washed out. Otherwise boilers are clean, and the openings to con nections are clear. The shell plates aud heads are sound, and the braces are taut. Thore is some light corrosion and pitting on the tubes; but so far as it is possible for us to see this, it is not sufficient to bo serious. It has probably been caused by the boilei standing oat of use with water in it; and if the boilers are to stand idle for any length or time, wo would recoiumond that (lie water he drawn oil', and that Hi»y be knpt dry as possible. "Externally there aro no evidences of leaking, or any serious corrosiou. Tho settings aro also in good repair. "It would be bettor if tho blow-oft pipes were taken from tho bottoms of tho boilers, at tho rear eud, and, in stead of from tho rear head, as ex plained by the Inspector. It would bo more dosirable if the wator con nections to tho wator oolumn were taken from tho lower part of the frout head, as explained by tho Inspeotor, as at present they aro ooveiod by the brickwork and oanuot bo examined. Otherwise the couueotious were all iu good ooudition, and tho stoam gauges are correot." OORRIN & GOODRICH, Agents, P. H. REPP, Inspector. Death of a South Danville Resident. Oharles G. Hiiughawout, a highly ruHpoototl resident of South Danville, died hint evening after along illiiosp, heart failure oomplioated with other diseases causing death after much suf fering. The dooeased was horn in Rush township 71 years ago and reuiovod to South Danville from his Kipp'B Run farm in 181)11. At the time of his death lie was serving his second term as ■lußtice of the Poaeo in Uearhart town ship, and had fillod at various timos the olllcos of school diroctor and sup ervisor. Despite his Illness ho was quito aetivo going to Rochester, N. Y., a month ago for treatment. Mr. Haughawout is survived by his wife, two daughtors, Rhoda (Mrs. William Clark) of South Danville and Jennio (Mrs. Elmer Mowery) of this city and one son, J. O. Haughawout, who resides on the farm at Klpp's Run. Funeral arrangements will he announced lator. Oivil War Veterau Laid to Rest, Funeral services over the romains of Daniel Brown, whose death ooourrred 011 Thursday of last week, were held Sunday afternoon at two o'clock from Trinity M. E. ohnroli. Kov. N. K. Oleaver, pastor of the ohnroli, as sisted by Rev. S. B. Evans, pastor of St. Paul's M. E. church, officiating. The pall.bearers were George Gard ner, B. B. Brown, Thomas Jamos, William Hoddens, Henry Weaver and Harry Kerns, veteran oomrados of the Civil War and members of the Grand Army of which the deceased was a l member. Interment was made in the 1 soldiers' plot at the Odd Follows" ' cometery. Those present from a distance were •Toliu and .lames Brown of Fleetwood, Burks county, and George Brown of Kutztown, brothers of the deceased; Mrs. Ida Gething of Pittsburg, Miss Lisszio Perry of Roadlng and Mr. and Mrs. John Carl of Milton. All Day Shoot. The Danville gun club will hold av. all day shoot at Hunter's Park on Labor Day. Blue rook targets will be throwu for a cout a piece. This shoot will be for the local sportsmen only. DANVILLE TO SIN 111 KVII) TROLLEY The Danville and Sonbury Trolley Company, a new corporation to which a charter wa. granted about tin days ago, .larted the .urvey work at South Danville Monday morning. The for mation ol till. oom| any was quietly arranged in order to facilitate the pre liuiinary work and active opera lion, ye.terilay came in the nature of a surprise to many residents on both side, of the river. 2 Trolley nervice between this city and Sunltury will be a boon to both towns. It means more business for Danville, good service for the farmers ami a great convenience for the resident, of South Danville auil Riverside. Clyde O. Yettor, Esij., of lllooius burg, is ptesideiit of the company, llagfiihtich of Rloomsburg, sec retary and W. A. Heller of this city, treasurer. The Directors of the com pany are O. J J . Hancock of Danville, •lames Coleman of Hloomsburg, Dr. Wolf of Espy, Howard Weiss of Sieg fried and Dr. liiegel of Catnsaiiqua. III an interview with Mr Heller last evening that gentleman stated that the road will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible. He is hard at work at present obtaining the right of way and if everything goes smoothly aloug this Hue and no unexpected ob stacles arise, the new roail will be un der waj ill the early Fall. Mr. Heller is a mokt earnest worker. He is a man of wide experience in the trolley bus irit'ss and his part iu the successful launching of the Danville and Hlooms urg Trolley Company was by no means a small one. It was a woik tlint inspired confidence,anil the enthusiasm iu which lie has taken hold of the Danville and Sunbury line augurs well for its early completion. No route has been definitely decid ed upon and will not he known until the snrvcy has been completed. Mat thew M. Reynolds ol Bloomaborg is In charge of this work. He is assisted by F. Allen of Rloomsburg and John Gorman of this city. The building of the lins from Dan ville to Suubury will serve as another link to tho great trolley system that is rapidly advancing over tho entire State. With the building of the line between Berwick aud Shickshinny, aud the Dauvillo aud Suubury road tho eutire distance betwoen Suubury aud Forest City by way ot Wilkes bjrru, Scranton and Oarbondale will have been covered, making a total of 104 miles. A lino to Sliamokin whioh It is expected will be built in tho near future, will connect every town ill Central Pennsylvania. The Value of a Y. M. 0. A. Ticket. A membership ticket iu tho Young Men's Christian Association is ot more valnc than most young men imagine, and it would be a wiso thing for some of tho mull of Danville to consider the matter of membership, especially if they expect to visit other towns or oitieß. The plan, adopted by the As sociations throughout the country, to acknowledge unexpired membership tickets of othor organizations of same kiud.is of the greatest benefit to young men whon away from home. A prac tical illustration of this comes to the local Association through Mr. Sidney Oaunard, who recently visited tho World's Fair, at St. Louis. He states that his ticket was accepted for full privileges at Buftalo, Chicago and St. Louis, and that every courtesy was ! shown liiiu, not only in tho use of privileges at the various Association Buildings, such as swimming pool, baths, reading room, eto., but also ill the matter of finding comfortable hoarding plaoes,restaurants and places ot interest. One of the Danville Y. M. C. A. members,who was ill good standing at home,could not uso the privileges dur ing a visit to Sr. Louis,because ho did not tako Ills Y. M. O. A. ticket with him. It is a wiso thing for members to koep these tiokets in their pookct as they are of value to tho possessors in many ways, especially whon away from homo. Id Honor of a Son. B. F. Cohen entertained a number of friends at his home on Mill streot yosterday morning ill honor of the re oont arrival of a baby boy at tho Coh en homestead. An elaborate dinner was served. Those present were Simon Dreifuss, Horbort Droifuss, Philip Bonzbaoh, Benjamin Beuzbach, R. L. Marks, H. L. Gross, Dr. E. A. Curry. Abraham Bosenstoin, J. J. Newman, Benjamin Miller, Jacob Kngle, Harry Goldman, I. Stein, Benjamin Rosen steiu and Rev. S. Rabinowitz of Mt. Oarmel. Wet Weather Hurt Business. Despite the wet weather on Satur day evening a largo number of pooplo woro to be seen on Mill Btreet and though tho businesss of the moi chants suffurod a great doal, a number of stores were fairly busy early ill the evening. A number of festivals were interfer ed with aud tho dance at Hunter's Park had to bo catlod off. Tho raiu kept up until yestorday at uoon when the sun along with a cool air made tho weather conditions all that could be desired. Oircus at Sunbnry. The t.ig Forepaugh aud Sells Broth ers circus will exhibit at Suubury dur ing the month of August. This is one of the largest circußes now touring the cooutry. SAD HEATH OF HSSCEAHAIT M i<« Mabel Oearhart, a highly • *tecmtd and popular young lady of this rity died at the WillianiNpoit hos pital at I .15 Sundav morning, after an tlliies* of but four day*. The news of Miss Oearliarl'a death came ss a gicat shock to her many friend, here. She left Danville just one week ago for a vacation, going to Sunhury for a visit On Tnonlay she joined an excursion fiom that place to Kagl. Mime re »nd while there was tak en seriously ill. As soon as possible she was brought back to Sunbury where it wss found that the case was one of appendicitis and it was decided to remove her to the Williamsport hos pital where an operation was perform ed, Thursday morning. Soon after the operation she rallied and her recovery was looked for. On Satuiday she grew worse, the dread disease, peritonitis, developing and she sank rapidly, death following alter mnch sulToriug. Her mother, Mrs. Samuel Detweiler, and several friends from this city were with her when the end came. Universal regret was heard on all sides Sunday over the sad now., miss Gearhart had hosts of friends. She was but 3(1 years of age, of prepossessing appearauce and poi-sesscil of a charm ing personality. Her engagement to Wcitzell Down, a well known youug mail of Sunbury, was announced liat a short time ago, the wedding to taka place early iu September. The funeral of Miss Mabel Gearhart took placo from the Gearhart home, corner of Ferry and Front stroots.Tues day aftoruoon at 1 :i)0 o'clock, tho Rev. John Sherman, pastor of the First Baptist ohurch, officiating The funeral was an usually large ono and but a small number of friends were enabled to get into the house. Both Front aud Ferry streets in the vicinity of the Gearhart home were completely blocked with people. A great many of those were strangers, from nearby towns. The lloral offerings were magnificent ami included a large omblem of roses, presented by the T. B. F. olub of which Miss Gearhart was a member. Bloch aud Beuzbach'B employes sent a very flno rieiigu "Gates Ajar." Out flowers from friends In Danville, Haz lcton and Suubury were hanked about the casket. Uev. Mr. Sherman spoke most feel ingly using as his toxt "Give place, for the maid is not dead but sleop etli," Matt. U—24. Mr. Sherman said in part: "All croation seems to have its en emies. Vegetation has its euemiea in insects, birds, etc. Theso again have their ouoniios in other birds, insects, animals. Mankind has its ouemy aud suffers lnoro keenly than vegetation or animals. There is a constant foroe that tonds to keep man from enjoying the fullness of pleasure. This force lias the form of poverty, wealth, sick ness, accidont, shame, death. " Death is usually regarded as man's greatest, most, dreaded enemy. It seems to cause more sorrow aud tears than unything else. In the home of Jairus there was sorrow because of the death of the daughter. In their Rorrow they sent, for the Master. He brought a message of com fort aud joy: "Woep not tho maid is not. dead but sloepeth!" He had authority to make this state ment, beoanse of what lie had accom plished. So today we bring the authoritative words of the Mastor: "She is not dead, but sloepoth." If asleep then there is aii awaken ing. Since havirg made her peace with her God her awakening is a glor ious one ; no more paiu, nor sorrow. Her loss to family aud friends is severe but we would not call her hack. She is boyond our help. We can do uo more. Let ns be prepared to meet her tliero." Tho pall bearers wore: Harry Titley, Joseph Lowonstein, Frank Fry, Frank Montague and Frank Ateuof this oity and William Brown of Suubury. Ill torment was made iir Mt. Vornon cemotery, Rivorside. Among those present from a distauce wore; Mrs. Dowiiß,Miss Lizzio Downs, Weitzel Downs, Miss Maud Gregg and Nathan Kauffman of Suubury, Mrs. John Moyer of Hazletou, Mrs. Will iam Reed ot Philadelphia, Miss Paul ine Myers, Miss Leah Minoomoyer and William Miucemoyer of Montgomery Miss Virgie Johns uf Northumber land and Miss Izora Heddeus aud Clyde Hoddens of Washingtonville. Tightening dp Ferry Gable. County Commissioner O. W. Cook yesterday snooeoded in tightening np the ferry cable and as a result the flat boat lust ovening made better time than during several days past. The slaok cable, whioh seemed to sag nearly ten feet in the middle of the river, and the shallow current whioh now has reached nearly low water mark, both conspired to impair the service of tho ferry and the flat boat during yesterday forenoon made very poor progress, indeed. The Uonnty Commissioner and his men l>y ilint of very hard work snc coedod in raisiug tho nablo at least oiKht feet at tho lowest point and it now is stretched across the river high er than at'any time since tho ferry was established. The offoot of the tight wire is naite manifest in the increased speed of the forry boat., whioh last evening moved fastor than at any time since low wat er. ROOSEVELT NOTIFIED OYBTISH BAY, L. 1., July 87 - i'resldent Roosevelt wa. notified form ally today of hi. nomination for the presidency by the national Republican convention. The ceremony took place at hi. couutry home at Sagamore Hill, three mile, from till, village. In ac cordance with the wi.li of the Hre.l dent,the ceremony wa. made a. simple as pos.ible. The formal notification of the action of the convention was made on behalf of a committee rep resenting every .late and territory iu the United States, by Joacpli O. Can. non, speaker of the House of Repres entative.. The dav opened with ideal weather and arrangements for the cereinony were completed at an early hour. The wide vetanda of the house at Saga more Hill, hxtending almost entirely around the house, was decorated with American Hags liuug Iroin pillar to pillar. In addition many houses in the neighborhood of the Roosevelt home and in Oyster Hay were draped with the national colors. Aoioss the main street ol the village there hung a large Roosevelt and Fairbanks banner. The special train bearing the mem bers of the notliicp.iion committee auil the invited guests left Long Island Oity at 10:83 a. m., and arrived here at 11 :35 o'clock. Only three of the members of the committee wero ab sent. ]i!<y wore anirs . l,oomlis, of Florida; Scuatoi Chaunoey M. Depew, of New York, who In in Europe and Senator Clarence D. Clark, of Wyom ing. Included among the invited guests were men prominent in all walks of life. Among them were personal and political friends of the President in New York State, life-long friends and neighbors on Long Island, inoluding the pastors of the Oyster Bay clmrolies and the oßioials of the National and the New York State Republican org anizations. i'liose present numbered about 125. It was neoesßary to limit the number on account of the isolation of Sagamore Hill and the lack of facil ities for the accommodation of a larger assemblage. On arrival at Sagamore Hill, the committee men were reoeived by Presi dent Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt and National Chairman Oortelyoa. All of the liouso gu6sts of the President were scattered about the veraada and as the oooupants of oacli carriage alighted they were welcomed by the President and each was presented to Mrs. Roose velt. At the ooncluHiou of the formal re ooption, the coreinony of notification begau. While the members of the family, the house guests and some of the distinguished visitors were assem bled ou the verauda, a majority of those in attendance gathered on the lawu faoiug the veranda. When Speak er Cannon rose to deliver his sneeoh of notifloation, he was greeted with applause. His remarks were of a crisp, eulog istio oharaoter. At the olose of Mr. Oauuou's address the President advanoed to the veranda under a great festoon of American flags, delivered Ilia address in response to the notification. As lio facod the assemblage lie was warmly applauded. He said in part I am deeply sensible of the high hon or oouferred npou me by the repre sentatives of the Republican party as sembled in convention, and I accept the nomination for the Presidenoy with solemn realization of the obliga tions I assume. I heartily approve the declaration of principles whioh the Kepublioan National convention has adopted,aud at some future day I shall oommunicate to you, Ur, Chairman, more at length and in detail a formal writton acceptance of the nomination. Three years ago I became President bocause of the death of my lamented predecessor. I then stated that it was my purpose to carry out his principles and policies for tiie honor and interest of the oountry. To the best of my ab ility I have kept the promise thus made. If next November my oountry meu confirm at the polls the aotion of the convention you represent I shall, under Providenoe, continue to work with an eye single to the welfare of all our people. A party is of worth only in so far as it promotes the national interest, and every official, high or low, oau serve his party best by rendering to the peo ple the best servioe of whioh he is capable. Effeoilve government oomes ouly as the result of the loyal 00-op oration of many different persons. The members of a legislative majority,the oflloers In the various departments of the administration,and legislative and exeoutive brandies as towards each other, must work together with subor dination of self to the oommou end of suooessful government. We who have been entrusted with power as public servants daring the past seven years of administration aud legislation now oome before the people content to be judged by our record of achieve ment. In the years that have gone by we have made (The deed square with the word-, and if we are continued in power we, shall unswervingly follow out the great lines of publio polioy whioh the Republican party has al ready laid down ; a publio polioy to whioh we are giving and shall give, a united, and therefore an efficient,sup port. The river has reaohed the loweßt point in years. NO. :I7 ENGINEER HAS HEAD CRUSHED Shinriel U. handles, of Monburjr, aged 41 years, a Peunaylvanla Kail road engineer, met will) a fatal acol dent about lialf a mile b«low Loyal nock, 011 the Kaatern dlvlaioa. at la 30 o'clock, yeatefday. He nan coming cant on atock train, and wlill* leaning out of the window, wan (track on the head by noma on known ohjeot, and hla akoil eruihul He wan brought to Montgomery, • distance of aliout aix milea, and takeu to a hotel at that place. A doctor waa auniinoued, who fonud him in a dying condition. Hia brother, Conductor Krank liau dloa, of Suubury, waa notified of th« accident, anil wax taken to Montgom ery 011 a apeclal train. lie waa an extra passenger engineer and a faithful, trustworthy employe. Ho went into the aervlce of the 00m panr in 1888. He waa promoted to an engineer about twelve years ago. His fattier,the lato William Kandlei, who waa an engineer on the N. O. R. W., waa blown np with liia engine at Herndon in IHfIS. Handles died about two hours after the accident. Farms for Railroaders. The Pennsylvania railroad has un der consideration a plan by which all of the thousauds of lta employes may, if thoy ao doaire, become proprietor* of little farms. The plan contemplates the parceling out of desirable land belonging to the railroad company, along the varioua lines of traok, and permitting the freo use of this land to evory employee who wishes to put the laud under cultivation. In cases where the employee him self might not have the time to con duct u little track farm, the offer would hold good, if the members of the employees family are willing to look after the land. In thousands of oases such farms could be provided within a short distance of the hoiuei of the men, and iu every oase the farms would be iu a plaoe that would make easy the marketing of suoh pro dace ai waj not oonsomed by the families of the employee. Dr. W. H. Tolmau, direotor of the American Institute of Sooial Scienoe, in New York, brought the plau to the attention of President Cassatt in a let ter, whioli, besides advocating the ad vantages of the plan,showed how suc cessfully the same idea is being oarri ed out at present along the varioua railroads in Franoe. It was shown that the Northern railroad in Frauoe has provided farms for 8,000 of its em ployees,and that, the Eastern road has provided farms for 2,800,the Southern road for 2, <>oo and the Orleans road for more than <I,OOO employees, and that the farms, besides aiding the prosperity of the railroad men,also in crease the prosperity of tho road and add materially to the wealth of the entire nation. President Oiissutt. replied to the letter inn oordial note, saying that lie had considered the matter carefully, and was impressed with the figures from Frauce, and oonoluded by stating that he had turned the letter over to the superintendent of the railroad with instructions to report upon the feasi bility of the scheme. Along some lines the road lias not enough land along the right of way,but along other lines it is believed the plan oould be easily carried out. To Engage in Frog Uulture, More than one hundred Pennsylva* nians have beoome suddenly Interest ed in frog culture. That number of applications for frogs have been received at the Department of Fisheries, at Harrisburg, since Fri day morning in response to the an nouncement of Commissioner Ueehan that the Department was ready and willing to furnish the nuoleus for what Ur. Owen Wister's Virginian oalled a "herd" of frogs. Uajor Evans, of the Department of Fisheries, before leaving for Atlantic Oity to attend the meeting of the Na tional Fish Association Tuesday, We dnesday and Thursday of this week said that he believed that most of the ap plioantß are going into the frog raising industry. Nearly all of them are farmers and they have probably heard of the nice prices frog legs bring in the urban markets and they are willing to profit by a by-product of the farm that will be very little trouble. "All you need," said Uajor Evans, "is a pieoe of marshy ground and the frogs will take oare of themselves. The marsh ought to be fenoed in,how ever, as frogs are migratory beasts. They are as good eating as ohioken, some people think muoh better, and they are not nearly so hard to prepare for cooking." The frogs furnished by the Depart ment to applioants are shipped froui the Erie and Corry hatcheries, where tliev are bred in the ponds ouslde the hatohery walls. Want foot Bridge Over Biver. At Nesoopeok a'petition is belr.g cir culated lor a foot bridge aorosk the river. Thus far S4BO has been sub scribed, but that amount will be in creased to |SOO at least. JThoee work ing for the foot bridge figure the ex pense to be abont $1,500. This they expeot to be met by Nesoopeok and Berwick raising at least S9OO, the Pennsylvania Railroad supplying the oables and giving S3OO, and the com missioners of the two ooonties each aiding to the extent of $l5O.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers