El wwologns OF COLUMISIA CO. tilo.4l tat judge—Hon. William Elwell. { Inn Derr, Assodat.) Judges-- Nor K. Ker Ahy n. Proth'y Ind Cl'k of Courto—Jesse Coleman, Registe and llevorder—John O. Freeze. ( Montgomery Cole, Commik,ioners— D ;rid Yeager, William U. Quick. Sheriff—Mordecai Millard. Treasurer—Jacob Yohe. IL. B Bawl., Auditors— John P Hannon. Jacob Binds. Commissioner's Clerk—Wm. Kriekbamn. I "otmuivioner's Attorney—K 11. Little. Mercantile Appraiser—W. 11. Jacoby. ('aunty Surveyor —lsaae A. Dewitt. 3 'istriet At t roney—Milton M. Traugh. , ironer—William J. limier. I.` unty Snperintemlent—Chns. Cl. Berkley, A sews Internal Revenue—ll. F. Clark. John Thomas, A. istant Azaessor— S. B. Diviner, Daniel Me Ilenry. I'i lector—Benjamin F. Hartman. 11 ooinNburg Normal helm' and Literary ilevaltute. BOA RD OF NSTRUCTIO N. 1 ENRY CAlt VER, A. M.. Princird, ifessem of lerbelleetunlamd 31..ral Somme, .nd Theory and Practice of Teaching. Miss Sarah A. Carver, Preceptress, ober of French, Botany and Ornamental Branches. bane 0. Best, A. 8., Pr ftissor of Ancient languages and Eng ..... lish Grammar. J. W. Ferree, A. M., 1, felior of Mathematics and Practical Astronomy, Rev. David C. John, A. M., Professor of Chemistry and Physics. F. M. Bates, char of Geognpily, History and Book k cc pi ng. James Brown, A istant Teacher of Mathematics and Eng lish Grammar. Miss Alice M. Carver, zacher of Music on Piano and Melodeon. Mrs. Hattie L. Rest, t teller of Vocal Music, and Assist. Teach er of Instrumental Music. Miss Julia G nest, Teacher of Model School. The Winter term will commence Novem b r 21, MA, and until our Boarding Hall it ready for Oecnpaney, on application to the cincip . al, students will be furnished with b mice tolensant It is better for students to commence at I te opening of the term ; but when this is i opructicable, tiny can enter at at y time. 'WESLEY WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °Mee IN DEMOCRAT AND STAR 00110ing SHIVE'S BLOCK. Mouth O. 'O7. ELOOMPIIIIRG PA. CHAS. O. BARKLE Y, Attorney tit Low, BLOODISMIG, COMMA CO., PA. Office in the Esehance ffillhOnn. vetoed mory, ever Withwyer & incohy'n Conlect.oncry Second duet &stye the Esthenge !Intel intnewebnrc, April 17. ISO. 0 G. k A It LE It, • Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOM 4111:01G, Pa. Woubi announce to his Menet* ane the public in genets', that be he.. resumed inn POW inn of lA* Will. Conveyancing and an legal trimness promptly attended in. (wrier in the Exchange KOlilting, PPEOllit MOT). 01/01' Eyre & fanyera Drug StOrti. Itionnishistn. Mar I. 1041. OM= ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG PA. Office, 2nti floor in Exchange Block, near the "tixeltange lintel." All business pieced in hie bawl* will he 'gentled in with pretuptites., and rare rolleetiotio the& with the leitot peseible delay elepi. 25, 1 Nil. . . Dr. E WELL%) SUCCESSOR TO HR, E. C. HARRISON. nate at No re.i.lenre on 1111Prt. hPlow Third. All outer, lelt there will be promptly await. rd in. blnorrisbers. Ott XI Wei HE SW A4I Il T E , (TOE UPPER 110 USE,) Orangeville, Columbia Co., pa. The Stibitriber reopectfelly jetrarfOt4 his friends and the public, that he has takes the above well known Ilt WPM OF ENT ERT kIN MEW.' and will be pleased to receive the roatotti of all who will favor him with a ca:l, lie will keep A 4144Itttil TA 111. IR, v liar well mocked v. ith the bra of I.otera, every effort wilt be wade to roofer eldire mati.rtir• tins. JOHN tl!tf DKR. Uranroki Kiwis ?A MGT. DR. Jr R. EVANS, Pnysklan and Surgeon, llAVii\li lora•ril neronsopoily op Main Street, OLOOMSBIIRG l'R,, would i n tom the public gonentlly, thin he I. preprsred to attend to all ImAineesiCoihrolly and l itoefunlly that nosy be intrusted to hie oars, on OMe adialaeaßli rale with the IMMO. BY lie pays strict attention to Snrgery Ili well n edition. bon. 0, In0:1,-17. '4• H MI; LIKNIIIOTTPS PHARMACY • -, ADE reeeivi it mare frepla Anil toile Hera. Ailleditturo.ll'o4lo and , - rang sitieleo wllOth have Irken - AI pull Aland. FOR (ASU AT LOWEST RATES, AND WILL. 111 POLD I.OW. Owing In the fall Drape end Mediators in ilie t Wee. Mears now mark. ins every article drown to old times ',three. Our awl is fulland romplete. Coll and see, and be ran, faced that his Is ibu place la uy. January 22. INA. NEW OYSTER SALOON, In the Intoomput of the 441 W LIEFICHBAID T.IMMED BUTZEk LEACOII, MITT, Fresh Oysters served up In every idyls nail at all hours ; with all the other ..11simi" (mid in Aril class Restaurants. XX Ale sonstantly nn hand, together with choke Ltqunrs of every brand. Everything In tiptop order shout this Fsloon, Rowdyism not tolerated. Step In and And my %loon In Mean neat Wm. Bloomsburg, Nov. MIRO. , . W SAMPLE & CO., N. Machinis's & Engineers NAIR & b & M. M. R . 111100MOPPURO, PA, Arc jortporoul w f,rruirh all kaulo of Machina Wort., ouch as STEAM ENGINES, Nuthiug, ?Whip, liotuelo,Caupliug‘. Mitl linarini, Raw suitutitito t.tr. , wile treks, Put cook*, titesio pipe, tuiutW'r with all kiwis or Avast ittlatio wmotaittly uu hand. Thwithitut hilarhtuou and tinior. Power* ststio to iir 110 elt 3AII, lt kinds M et Agricultural' Ma c hiner y re?torett. M! tkt. 410 GU ." 112.101111111 Aye es Raiz Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair i s thick ened, falling hair checked, and tau nese often, though not always, cured by he use. Nothing raft restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied acrd decayed. But such as remain can be saved for 'usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only bene fi t but not ha rm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desiraT Containing neither oil nor dye, it Cita not soil white cambric, and yet hats long on the hair, giving it a rich gloms lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & FRACTICALII) AruLrricAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. 113101 $l.OO. Ayer'► cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough. Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before In the whole history of mellielue, has anything wait so widely and /10 deeply upMm the eouthienee of mankluil, as this excenost relmstv for pulmonary complaints. Through WO( aeries 'of years, and among most of the races of men it has st - in higher and higher in their estlma• lion, as it has become better known. Its uniform elle reeler and pewee to cure the various affection. of the lungs and throat, have made It known ea a re• beide protector agalust them. While adapted to "tinder runes of disease and to young children, it hi at the name time the most cr*etsial nimeoly that can be given fur litelpkun emmumplion, and the Jan grmns affections of the throat and lungs. A. a pro vision ;waling sudden attacks of Croup, it should he Iwo on hand hi every family, and Indeed as an are sometimes subject to cohte and coughs, all should he provide/1 with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumptleir Is thought In. curable, 4111 great nombera of cases where the dies case retuned espial, have been nompletely cored, and the 'lethal' restored to *mind health by the Cheer!, Prelornl. So complete Is Its mastery over Me disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the limit obstinate of them yield to 11. When none log else could reach them, under the Cherry Pee (oral they subside and disappear. Iflngres and Paddle Speakers bid great pro. tection from it. Asthma ti always relieved and often wholly cured by It. .Hrossehiffs is generally cured by taking lbs Cherry Per/oral in small and frequent dose.. do generally are its virtues known that we need not publish OM certificates of them here, or do more than assure the public that 10 qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and ague, Intermittent !tom Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Dillon' !ever, so.. end indeed all the affections which arise from rnalarious, marsh, or mieszaatio poisons. Al its name Implkut, It does Cwre. and does not fill. Containing neither A rsenie,9lllnine, Bismuth, %Mr, nor any other mineral or polsonons suhatanen whatever, It In nowise Injures any patient. TM, number and Imporlance of its mires in the torte Ili* frill., are literally beyond neemint, and we believe without a parallel In the history of Arne meilkline. Our pride Is panned by the iwknowledgmenla ten meelve of fir radinal mires effereted In obstinate ease., and where other remedies had wholly failed. Ittmetilmateil persons, either resident in, or tracvlling ilo•ough nilasmutie. Iwo 111 les, will be pro. term., by taking the AGUE CURE' daily. For Lirrr Campfahols. arising from torpidity of the Liver, It is an CXl4.iiidit, rowdy, augmasting Mtn Liver Into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders 31111 Liver Complalote, It Is an errellent remedy, producing many truly re markable mires, where other meillelnes hail failed. Prepared by lot. J. D. Aran lie Co., Prartleal and Analytical Chemlets, Lowell, hisas., and sold all round the world. PRICE, $l.OO PER Berms. old by Moyer 8r0,t., Bloomsburg, anti all druggists and dealers everywhere. "EW BAKERY AND CON FEC TIONEBY Le3saradatbilagDl3a3auceozna OiII THIRD STREET. lKl.mv MARKET. BLOOM NMI KG, PA. J. r. rox. i'mptielorrif this establishment, wattle, resgembilly intbint his aid and new tustatiners, 'Mb bas everything Oiled np at his new smug In en able him in furnish them with DDHADoijAKEs, AND CON ruin 14)4KRIES, it hereinlnre. • 2: - /- Hereafter all persona. who have been fornieh ml with Ale, Lager r, and Porter, by the wh o le half, or quarter barrel, will tail upon WILLIAM UlL.MItf H. nt hiA gniann in Fhives" Block, Main Street, who hay hero authorizel by the underaianed to sail the mono wiltrosataulty have II Pupal) , on hand. which will he soh, at the iolWl.4t, market r Mr. r hiss In tonne- ogth his Nrrt y mid ', to fecte aery.. fitted up room. t" o. the Nate n It E CREAM, in all wh Roylavor him with Ih•Ir ammo. He la alm prepnred to make Ice Vrenni in large quiniti. Hearer partials. pnblir nt nodal Pilheringa, sin the race iwty he, everyihing pertaining to hio line el business will wteive careful and ilsligrni anoint inn. Er lie iw tluinkful to hi. martontern for mum fa viva, and mnat cordially niblicks a continuance of the 41111110 J. r. rux April 1, IRRT TUE LADY'S FR111039. Splendid Inducements to Sub scribers. The Lady's hired announree the following env , clew for italti: -.Pei seen Two,' by Ellzahrlls Pros co lt. author d f oliew a Walinal lied Her Wey," er.; lb' Prise of Two Motee Live.," by Amend* M. Isounine. au th or of ...floe ilebarry 'F la g on .," ; A New Noveleto by lowlve l'hanoley Mddlidd; moth or of "Ileeing from rm.,- kr.; 11..1 d hew N ov o by Mre. Henry Wood, the didlinenirbel Engloob Novelid, author of “Beet Lynne," dm; (millepoi Neb. W o w' i d! pruvelltrd It by 11l health) with nu onerous dllilltUf Solifll2.l by II brilliant 111017 of Indy write,,. The Lady'. lot iend it ill give a Icily eztvitiod keel eatravina, a Mildsuusts IMsublr pn e. hotly colored radhlon on Steel -111111 a lerpe as p o ri m os of Wood cote, lllu.trnlUq Use rosliseis. homy, %Voris, Its in every nimbus'. It will live a popular piece of iNualc-worth this cold of Ibn Illoussin.. to Itattlf-lo 'lvory nutishor. A ropy od ids 'arse and MsantlMl Prosuluni Merl Engraving —..Thu dune at Hums at leui"--o.neraved espiss,ly fur our millers. at a curt furi k n. reyavlun 1010w:a twirl, $lOOlO —will lag rrut, punt paid, to usury NI (Illt.311) subscrilisr, 1111.1 to every pwfwn swill live fill /I 1 . 11111. ThS IS a Re m of Ad I r e—roNOW ailemesieuss who nand In duds neuiss for IdeU haute lb. Bill of Nuvombor, shall residua the Noym il bfer end puemulwr Dulness, of lui. year In R .61/th,o, inskiug (mutest' nodded in all I And ell new sub. "MIMI' In, IMP 01111 1 1IfteIVOthr plainificout uecrin Illnliday number, waking tliiilesis moulds in all. TERMS : I ropy, and the !aria premium engraving, $1.30 I curium . ..... . . . . . 6.1 , 0 6 • . and awe . . 16.100 o • mud Pas_gralls, .! . IdUU Ono copy pitch i.)l . l.ally'a Intend awl Poet. and Prowlinn Ittigraviing, 100 The inner up ill elith will always twelve mm w•py op tan Pr, tuismi Ileelubliro urn club tv in; the premium tlngravlng,lintat realist Omit Duller apeesinen cola aunt will!, Adilrens. 111A1:0:11 k PIETIEDiti Tla Walnut ititellt, riaddelphic r •gl; $ KBl BLANKS!! SEW r* 0111 P REDUCED PVC $ TO C .11 SK OUT! L. : AIMLESS, ulfer her a row wools' id wily, low pokes DIIV-GOODS Or ALI. KINDS, NOTIONS, I1001).EKIRTS, BOOTS, 8110 ES, GAITERS, lIATS and CAPS, Stoneware, Queenaware, BASKETS, &o„ &c., Moot Largoino will lor glum no alloy goods will tw of WAY BELOW COW five him a toll If you %Job to dive money. OrtnbPr el. 011114,-3w, RNMOVAL OF C. C. 111 AMR'S 11111 W 111101111 TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. rim DOUR MVOS ' MIRWRAT 011,11:E." TIR: enderrlgned having recollool from the tl' Nil and compleW supply of SPRING AND SUMM)R DOT GOODS AND GROCERIES, Notions. Tin•ware. Hardware. Ce lls', and Willow Worn, Drain, Coo&cow ery, Gla•a•Ware,"omen }lda mid shoe., Flour, Pali. PIA and Meat ; all *st which 1 propwe gain It a very low Morelia rilph Or produr.... it and C.MAIIIL Illoosilabarg, Noon 3, 11487 lIAVE COME ,real indocenuUh► to age Mr In marernte wslh in our GRAND I DOLLAR SUB! Ail torn NII firs of Cool In ear Alper*. AT11111:8 free of ener to tier Amore, 1111AVIIINES free of unit In Ages's Idnelher Goode free of Arfrefe. I.IyRN frecoof Vogt loner Aerate,. 1411,KS Ned rill AW1. 4 1 fine olenin Inner Agent'. WHErd and mums free of Coal In Aleele. 11111:1 free of eta; In our Agents Grrot Untlitr liorgoins kr our Cusiouters. r ruff for our eieentu Agents wanted everywhe e MATMos, Jas. T. Stewart it Ca., 2 k 4 1 ey Meant New York, gi r 110111 K. BERWICK, PA. T. Bent. Taylor ) Proprietor. The proprietor begs lure to bikini the polder that he her token cheep or thorn wellAnurn Honer, which hoe of late sontkelooll t utriplete elwore iq both ne uterine nod interior appearance, waking the How in every teirm more comfortable and ioeitleig to the Mullen 1 111 10 in 1111 wet as its Incas pstroosote. The present proptiripa min elm.. n plllllll to umlaute this Wooer whet it has been, vie A well comforted More of enterintement trnv , ding public and ak others who.. nuninen. trace action• hue made thew ClikelL I PM 13 . 114111 . G REAP IMPROVEMENT IN SEII IN° 111ACIliNgs, Empire Shuttle Machine ! PA.I.ENRI)OII4 4 , SUI !Ivied/en?. N. Y., 4511 Wa.binalun eel, HI/Piano Uttl Cho. nut einem Philadelphia, P %TENTHS YEN. 14. 114410. 1111111 MACHINE le coartrueled on entirely new prinrlplee of wechattlent, pnewselny malty rare and enhmblo impr. enemata. haying hero examined by the must profound experts. and pronounced to be S'lmplicity mid erfirtrino Doinehined. It hie n straight needle perpendicular melon, makes the LAMA or Pill Tri.E., PTITCII. which will (whir r SIP stir SA Vtlti, and is allke on loath Miles ; performs perfect rowing on every dercription of material. from Leather to 'he fineet Illanenrat muslin, with wine, loom, or silk threndi frown the enlirerel to the demo number. Having neither CAM or 000 WIIKh i . . and tholdnet pnerible friction, it rune as gins', and is Eflghliatief/14 If Nandenn M r adalle. It n•lnlf en piny PPS caws.. lees power In diler It than any other machine In the market A airl twelve years of age ran work it 'seedily. without fatigue ur injury to health Ito Strength and wonderful Pimplirsiy nfronetreic Son render , " It almost impneeiblir to pi 0111 of order, and to till AItANTEcu by the company to pea en , Pre sallefettinn. . . . We tenglectrillly invite all ihnne who may derl►e la Iheuseelven with a omen article. In came moll I , IIIIIIOIP Ibis 1114111VALLIIill tine hair limit's inotrurtirm is oraicioil in ratakie tiny perron to work thin stiothine to Omit entire sat Arnie wanted for all lower l . the United Platt% arpre agearieeare riot already eatablrabed. for Calm. Wrier.. Cram' and Booth America, to whim a liberal dieroato will be WPM, I IVIPIRE OWING NIACIIINE Mm VA. 6.111 Broadway, B. Y. GENUINE MANURES. A LLEN & NEEDLEN, IMPIOYED St rEk 14108PHATE OF LINN, 'r Old tin nelard lrtlrle. unifitfryr In qnnlity, the ulna finely prepare lie ebeepeet rbue yllfiebella !Market. In Rep, 40b.1b. enelt,',Alrer WOO lb. AMMoNI ITRD U t Acknohlednrst In be thr snort till s nblo manure al the prier, (Mired In the imbibe, In Dago, ISO Iba, "lath, 111113 prr 2111101br. PURE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rates. PERUVIAN GUANO. We sell only No. I—received ditto from tha:Gov ernment. II A N , rlsi A apleathe marine. and one that to attracting week alien Vim from flornwr., re. had to Ithrrelr,lNkS Frilo9 l l lb.. LAND I'LASTEIt. In Darrell. al lowrot warkPt rotes. A pure nruiele A DIPCOONT TO '.BALERS OD ABOVE PRIOZP., Phnald the dealer near you net hewn nut ert , clen, send emir orders direct** me. and they will Ithee prompt attention. ALLEN & NEEDLES, coml.& Storm 41 P. Wllll.ll l trort. and 44 S. Delaware Avenue. DFAI.11:116 IN MIA. VANDI,NA AND Geniatm. 1.:014141PION Aug, I*l [ I4I ESTABLISHED IN 1041114 .--134 DENTISTRY. 1~0.0 0 W R, SIMEON DINTTIT RPRITIUTYUI.I.Y Were hie porno, lined services to the Indies had gentle 0 1 _ en of I.ontelberiend He Iv •• p w repared ll rro wend ell the Mari a.* .opmet lone le the Ihre of lal•pretramen.andeeprevltlef leteel Itopreved P9ACIEL.4I/h TES7 N; whirl or.ll he in orted on rno robber bo * telnerwell as the natnial teeth 311.errrl plate and Wok teeth na :wetvred ar• all of eretiena On teetthearefully @nape, 4y attended tak Ite4leestce and edit e a few door* • rot IPIII Caul II 14441. 14144 aide. / 1044 bliti. /one 4 lOU OMNIBUS LINE. Te undersipted Would renbeetrully apietutee In the Olsen* of Illeentsbury, end the public pe• lint', that he In rennin/ en °MUMS lAN6, be. • • .wreu th le Ilene 444 the eft mut Ball Real &firm dei• ` r.. . me y. (Bewley.' 'molded) le ,flea.'( With nraneal Utiles Ittaly HAIM 4 Wieol On the ColikWies4 and Willl4444post 1411 Bond, 444 *11111444e getup North and *nth oh the Leek. & Illeuniehury Reel. are In reed enoulttles, entruate• atomised comfortable, and chart es reentonahtn. Er rilfiONo Wfilbliell to met nicer tbele &lamas tlepatt• cam he acattututeasied, epee teaniteeble charges by leavlng timely Notice al any of the 110. tele, JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor, THIC ORICV CAUSE HUMAN MISERY. IN/PAT paillahelt, lea wiled ray.. lope. frien a toms. A lelltiote**The "mum treatment and arlical cue al mottos! Wealinom or maiorboca. ..jah e ormylpiSt.hilali'j Invollintery , 101 Z.7,7 o ,,y,apirveine Dabillty and. linv iii likings Si) %im ago evarally ; Unsminimloa, Item. and rd , m e mo ami Ppyalcal Warm (y_., dic. 41, B y t o jn 3, ClolVeririgilt pl. P.. author df MI .4mirni lin A,' Pc, TM world renowned aothor, la shim adMirdbla Low WC clearly PIG," from bla own azyorlehdo. Thai t h e room vonamPleama ptfloil•Abima may ba elfin umly removed **bolt _Nadler''. and *Mimi Elms , p lu m, Immo, opiriwwww, booplus. Inetrannomal ring', or cordial'. pi/Intim" Mita annhe orlibra nem certain and aladnal, by calash every afs roc on minor OM hr' mindligno any be, may cam WWII cheaply, privately and radically, This Las too will prove a buns to ilommods and lbonamolla. Meet Iln4of eon' to any adds''', Ina plain savelopo, on tempt of Mc mato, or two psolapa Wawa Alan Pr. Cul vowel,* 11411111110 firide.Priemll l ClutO Alldrem, CH Ad. J. C. KLINE A 5,0.. PI Naivety, New Torb. P. 0, bow 413400 Prin. le. IMO.— ly Print A 4* C 0 14 I? IC C I' 1 o ?; lc it Y . tinderrigned wMW tePreelhilly la Me public that he kris opened a I , IIDIT-1.71. ASO trONIPAI'I4 IN VA V ATONIC ro On building Tritely occupied by Ileenuril where he Is prepared to Irsiyai li all Mods ef, PLAIN k PANDY CANDINd. VANDINII. "'ORMAN' AND DOINEW111: NUM. NAM INA, 1/.11.• kv., 1111111/110111,41.1 oa lISTAIL. In rhos a full assorlnteest of ell kinds of goo* Iv Iris has of berloere. A great varlet, of 001,1,101, TOYS', No.. suitable for Ilia 11011daya. Polka's, nue /pupate RIIRAD AND CAKED, of all kiwis fresh every dap, EINIIIOTNIAN TOYP A call Is solicited, mid 01.11A'arther will be guises d. lON. N. PAL NCEIIAnt NWT you. 14 F., 111411 TOP WOLF & BARTON, (01:CCVASOKS TO M. I`, . BLOOMSBURG A r antotrlhain twin lewd the rhilniaw Mil and Mariana Pitay fawartly mama d by Miami t; Ohm will mailmen the Wrier,* at watalfatthilhil Doors, Bash, Blinds, Mouldings Ac. Thry ara rl.o preparmloo tarnish DRESSED FLOORING, SHINGLES, ■nd all maw/ EaNdwr rranlwail in she empeouelloo of hinds nfilirisoni thaw at • haw noire, IWO fee Jdnl and ail*, Prawn Ptutf hilrd with prolaiolaran and rate Order. rr•pecihnly aolif ile4. WOLV & 1144TUL hlantionlauh, April ORANGEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMBIA COUNTY, I'ENN'A. ,8011VAND RYKRYIT, Propririor. Would reepecilfintly imfares s bi• Mende and the rildlie in gesieraLithst kr his lakrly 'Oen Anise of Min erett.linesiii and conveniently Waned How. long grid by eloonnel Boreal. fog., VIII Neal 11111111• P is in complete order (or the enronmendation 14 hoarders, sod Orr the rnoterinuinnient of Nevi hors who way feel disposed in Navin blue with their custom. No losing and expose hove been firmed in repairing and rein risishilis this Hotel for Ile' ellleflall NOM of gueete, end 11011111111 051 IMO pen of the Proprielinv will be bit lundohe to milliner In their peraiieet wants. Ills Ilar will a lisape b e r ee ro.b,d wfi e, l b e best pad wed doges liquan . and his table with the best the insiliet spuds, lwrlYYrl. _ EXCHA NOE HOTEL, 11100X01117110. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The unilectianed burin, purchased and 'minty re• Stied This wellAnconn linage. Minitel! on NA opporiite ilia Conn House, reapNitfulli, isgracuis th+•n friends and the public genespilly. that Moir Hoare fa now in nester for the airtionnaintallion and enteriairmitat of travelers raiiy flute !pared no puling in promo,' al theezehnnite for the entr►luinnlent aad tiomrnill of their seems Their Howie I. 'Thelon, owl enjoys a genii biteineal 'oration OMNI dt , EMP.O rim di all Wpm, liciwceii ibis 1101110 e mad the different railroad Depots. by which fres/Wiry' will be 'married In nap from the rerperiiim Idlill rum IN dim titim lo MCC% lb. rare. KrIONIII • WANK. April 29. ma TO LAMPS Toot otirtottot to cancel to the moot dalearlakts ratitadiaa eta, $ nadir tel the retion,o f ,b,bo rec o m , dad &mast...Ma iaatd. nt 11. the - koala sex. Dr. Harvey's . CITRON° THERMAL 1.1P,M ALI.; PILLS, have been used tot apwardo '111.111114 UNVIIOIIII ItiertitS. 'May are adapted tat all anti only tilatil Sad wft,. toil ld Omit atti Oil II taken on titae. Dr. Harvey's GOLDEN 1:10IALF 1 , 11.11.8. rive mia.mts A HOX. are intended for medal flares requiring mere power ful medicine. 'fairy ern fium clearers stronger Mae the cordillera kind and are perlerlly hermlees sea If yna eanaat get them of yam, eltaillot I will Pew, tbria by ►Aura pnst•paid and *roue from 44 •ervalian an mewl of the memory I *Alainn swan an Illustrate/ pail ennibbninint I irr NM ID I.ll.lfrp on iipplimpi l ue. AdilfrPi J. ARYAN, M. U., NIL Un n ►awaif, ICKW VAPN Germantown Telegraph. A Amity and an kphletionwl .burnul: Devoted m Minim Literature Dwindles Nulty. Nuvelencl'ole* and Moral and Entertaining head Mg, generallt. In the Literary Deportment we Anil present the choicest varieties within the moth of uhf emended mean the Noveteits, TAM*. Poetry, rte., shall be oupplred ONI el the best and highest sauces, and be einatto anything lobe found la any Normal or antraasue. Agriculture and ilortimiltere. embracing Farming. Gardening. VIII* Raising, rte. trier labor* in this department for over thirty years. 'idea aim the cot. dist approbation et Hui pub, ie. Ohr harper* has been to furnish 11114111 laid pitiable itilormolion open these very Deponent brooches of irodusity and to protect them miter as within our power *Wert the tithe dortiipee and selfish purposes of the Ninny mimetic* odd sensation adventures by which a hornier is Dices. sandy assailed, This portion of ihr neeteriehorre fultgraph is stone worth the price of mihscription. NEWS IDIPANTINENT.—The same industry. fete and discrimination in patherills and preparing the Muting reorient' /hit day et •ressly for MI, paper. whirls hitherto has been one or its mulled features giving omit universe' sidistaction, wilt bit etthtinUed with redoubled efforts to meet the increasing de Mends of the public. TERMS, —Teo dollars unit Arty rents per annow No Orden. reeeived without the rash, mud ail OilhfCrie onus etopped at the end of the time paid ha, eliteet• men numbers sent Address PHILIP R. mein, Editor and Proptostor. 17,Iaaa lane. Dement two, Philailcil him Pa. . . _ *AZ INZIL salara 1Iw! windmill/ord tespactflilly announce, Om he has p elms, one Mew below Moyer's limy Him*. in the Harbanye! Ilhwk. o here hr, le prepred 10 conduct the barbells/ Aimless. la all its branch,,. The art Of coloring whiakers and monstachee is prarilcad by him most ekillfully. He ohm cleans making them Imat nearly as yowler new. spoil the most reasonable romp. Hawing procured th.r,arvire, of n fashiusahle hair dresser hu Is pee pared in In rapes where 11 is desirable au put sp or rat haw upon rramemble Orals frr Hair Tunic of ihr very best quality, asIII for classing hair, kepi consl.ally on hand. insulter sele. d. L, COLLINS. Illoomsburp. April I, IPGA, To the Public. Theundereistnedrempretfullyinforrie hie old friends and customer' that he kart ert lined ion thirties' Na. donee, and Is now •eany to bo wool eardiny m good order. VI hen good, Oren and Wall prepared *voile spoil me, my p trove ;rev look fur lOW ;MOS. ruLLisu, cui.oat lid and drepelag Cloth, done to order. Wolof left at Ilerinsmer• Plma,,giomes e bu ei , will ler taken end returned every two cc three weeks wails kW of week. The pay can be left at itartman's, Wool left et Orangevolle, at either of the stores. will be attended In promptly, No wool wagon le running for ate this entroner only in Bloomsburg and Orangeville, for the mecum tnodallua of those at a distance. UNOB3N VANIFA, June IT, IP6i. Near Orangeville. N Ew STOVE AND TIN SIIOP. ON 11 AIN alTli ENT.(NEARLY OPPOPITE I 1.L.8111 OTOS TO BLOONBIBULL PA. Tun upderolamod Pie km Oiled up, sud opened, hie now STOVE AMID TI N N In Oslo pleiee• where he le peopneed lo make lip New rip wARK of Mode Is lI I' lien, and do repair. Wei with iiitelneen nod Mop.ich, upon the wool row• vifiabie tem., 71it alio keep' on nand MOVE* of "1100. pawn, Nod style', *bleb be will will upon tensility will 11 1 11rakiuserg. Glee hiw• /11. Ile II a good mechanic and do. 'we'l'l of IN unblle pillroonge. JACOB METZ. Illonowlinwl. Sept. p, 1111111.—17. W. W. eiarigrOn Dentist, Mantel' teeth *Khoo* polls by mew otelliogl. It lapetlittly harmlett amid it now we/ witti good tl otto. All btortelwo of Dolitigry ottoodod to to the talent sir r«^ omit moil appWred II • god Moe, vie doot test of livens' 1.10 60 1 OW* 11110ftsbrio, h.,. 13,1887. New Stock of MUM 40:4111:7411147 FALL & WINTER %DODS. UV= 2411AMBA1110. PI VITRO attintion,to lit. rtprk of thrall and AA, I. 'Jonah's VWhiliardt MU Mors, on MAIN STREET. IILOO.IISRURG, limo floors above lbe American House, whore Mn Oar Jaw recrived irnm New Yard and ruillid•lphia, a 101 l nossetwent of Melo Aid Ilikey's Clothing, moiled' al the 1111.111 fishlonable dniable and Mind come, drawl 09.411 renthlini cif lox, Sark, 14.oelep Giotto 'tied Oil (Yolk Coale, and Panes, of 11l sovlo , ohnov, and color.. U. AO 'hie ro,lei. lobed his already largo otochof Pall sad Mater Shawls; wiped. llgerod *ad ploln Vows, earls, crOOIIII, Wortic, MIIIIO,II. hilielkorchiefo, illOnnn, pondors red haw gristles. N. her constantly on bind a large and well aelacted aseortnorat of Olathe and Vomited, which he In prepared to moan up ;nattier. Own any kind of clothing on VIII shaft stories and In the hest of mot. ner. All hill elothlog wade to wear and moot of it I, of hOutc mooorliciero. 43.0)1141 NIIRIPaxIICIPEkics•as A N critiliMMlPati c aoUllr e IN every Deserlpisna, PION 'ad Cheap. Ills UMW of Jewelry la win surpassed la Oils Ow. sad V. 11111111114 Als general asserimeni uflanthing, Watches lesrelry,ltc• I►AVIU LOWIIIIIBUIRG. Ilkaatalouri, nil. It lee. GIIKAT BAMJAINS AND PedlNCileill In Prices. The unclentivied will oat to the poblie tilt EAT las all limas of IXI trastici mai MDCIIIO •ar sr DRY 41001Y/4. amoonaiwi. GUEKNOWARI. Boole and bh•rr, Ilals, Car'. and itooporlo fit evety varietv. ther buoinpFr from thr drat of Jnno, will be eon• ducted en a orlicely CASH SYSTEM. end moons ' , Mine to percher@ enythieg le our lime Mt du au eta Very mill percentage on Current Wholesale Prices. All kindle or proffer* end grain tape In entities*. lEr We cordially invite the piddle to GIVE US A CALL gad a 'hare of ihrlr wrangle. Immo! k CIIII.MAN eale , V loll .• Jane lA, laaa. A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING E MPORIUM. Newly ipposite Me Epineopal Muth, CLOTHING OF AU, I.llf If stock is composed of line clothing, mention) end lolie priced--adopted In all romdillnm■, metre mod wows. lle has the latest styles for the MINOR -m due 1101011111eN1 Overcials and Mealleimes's shaw•e, Aram Inw tu the very boat arf Poi*Ainnubit mid well Nagle. hr OliblioN in my~ wadi of roadyoolole clothing, I hove piece goody Aar 'isogon ofdani, Ma Wag Catisionerrei, acc., &c. And twain, one of the Arm claps cutler'. I guano• 1., 4At in all eases and glee watiolicaiva. Also a awing of WOOLEI AND WHEN SMITS, isorkin g w, Weldor% Collars. dtnekr. itandlorrentain ...rerr)oloing on ohn ernolenoen`e line of clothing. Also, Hato, B o hr and Shigeo. Trunks and earprt Mara I will wr II al Iho prirea Please give Me a call bolare purrha•ini A I. EVANO, Illanmaharg. Nov CC 1014. noon. 14 IL I Urn. 61S 01$ API CUSPISTs. CI3IIIPISTB. WM T. HOPKINS, No ins AUth REF:T 111111.thei.r1111, Montrinrer thr Cdrimited ehrimithm oop NkirtsfiJr J'udiss, Misses mod . '1 ' 1 , 111., 0.111411W11t, and beat I , olllfy and style in the diseriestsMOM. Cvrry lady eltionld t y them.** ibe y recommend themselves be weinins tenger, foamiest at. it shone much trett..r. hetes purr Mamie then all others. ♦Vurreited in every rm to find sold at very Nw priers. Ask for Hop krtio*Chntriptor. Skirt. elnperiur hued made whole lone comets in hymen different smiles turtnittits the Ittitwrisl and Tr o itinp. min k t whiplon't Glove VUsing t ormmts, faNillfla in prices from rq events in $5444 tooth r with /mesh Recker* celebrated rime k Virt.Ven Ceirreta. superior obeyer and qtaltly. ten deferent grades. from Wu In SS its, The, are the Anew end best sends 04 the prism ev.'r imported. The trade supplied with Hoop nine and Cosset* it li it lowest sites Max* visiting lb.Cily itheuld not hid wi call and entente our Goods and prices. is we defy ill cam Pot lit. lens i e HOWER, has ripened /I 11,1.1 Ones INUOT, PIIOC. HAT AND CAP STORE. al one old eland OR Main Street. Illnomehurg. Flock fan 1111101 , 1101 of the very Meat awl twat 'ivies ever offen d to the Mittens of CrHuutblr cooniy. IN ran arconontoontot the public with tee following kinds soil at cheap noires: Mena roll boots, nue, oleo', hip, double pole. sup,. (hjilll . ll boats, Men's slave kid, Congrera. Men'. glove kid lialonerat shore, Men'.. "volume* bole', laud widows' gloom kid lawns, gattets, Women's Oise hide, very unto WOIIIIMIV• Pongout woracro ha ltnevale. Women's , won's nowecco anal calf oboes, cowmen shoo% Moro a' awl child's sharp, Men's, women'... mirror', buy.', and child'e Wapner*. lie Owl Reells is grid vioiety of HATO, CAP., AND STRAW MRIOIII of every kind. at the luwast pricee, bulb for cash and wow ry produce. Remember the ailrarinin is in our granola. I>.O M alarmed at the cry of high prove, but call nil. rev for yolireclves. Respectfully, H. C. MOWER. Sept. 4, 1067. tapA MEC:TIME TO YOUNG MEN Jost hibliehed. in a Staled Roveloon. Trice 6 Cla A Leconte on the N. lure. Trita.meot and Gallica! Cure MI PpPllllllll Offkllll% or listrulael Weakener. In voluntary liellerione. hemiel Debility, and hopedi• WWII In iblarrispe generally ; Nerviemnree, UAW remotion, lipilepsy, and rite . Memel and Physical Inca acity. resettle/ Irmo Self Aimee, he. ily Nnb J eel J. rolveverell, M. 11.. Author or the .•Green Pool," hr. The worlit•rennweed author, In this adotirehin Lectors, clearly peeves from hie own esperience that the awrel tortrequeares or et6.Abese may be Mktg godly removed without medicine, and without dam. promo seiruiral operations, bmigine, inatruments. 'lags, nr cordials. palatial nut a mode of core at once cousin sod effeeiaal• by which every sufferer, 110 metier r hat hi. condition may he, may cure him• self simply. privately, and radically. This Lecture will prove a Woe to thousands and ihoosanda. dent under earl. to any addreor, im a plain P.lllllll envelope." receipt cal ois mime, or two postage stumps. Also. Pr. Calverwell'e l'ailerrinac Guide," prier SS mote. Addles. lie publish C e rs AN.H J. C.ICILINIC t i 6), 113 Mowery. New Tor'. Poettillee h. c. 43011. Oct. Ith, ly. iPeuleaglu 1 . . N EW RESTAURANT, r melding In part of a foil lino of INGRAIN, WOOL L RAG CARITTS rpm clothe and caceiearce for laidies. cosh', fiend owe Omer Goode of al/ Pallerns and goallties, l'elmins and Prints of various .snoliise• a n d priests. PI airrhed and efOIIVII Muslims, Ladies rfiloch Corsets Is I BALMORAL BRUITS. O sod assommeni of Ladies and children's' Gaiters and Nal P. I r.iii armories and Spleen'. New alms owns of Glass and QaPeasware. ::ge:ea f t : l . l. l 6 llll l n h a ns eti r m a r e: l l , l : e mo r r 7 l k o e hili w yo p f u r c ie. r ad se . "l" s e e ti r u i nv i ni i i i . r h , i s , n i . :l m i r l i : flits &alias to all, aid not to be undersold by a ny J, J 111. oisishori, April All, IMIT. In illhive i e Bundle/ on Math &th at. --- . -- MOW Ell WM. GILMORE, Inform Ile eliiseue at bleawsbari sod vklelty tiros be bap apt bed a New REST4IIIIII ANT, w thlr Mem when he ipritwe 1119 •1411rleadw awl customers wall mod partake nt hi. refrewlmemil.— It is his litsaitiusi In Lump the bers LAGER BEER AND ALE, conrsonoy on bend) A ka, Porto!. illersapaMila. Mln oral Weser, Valley Lemonades, lifiebbemy end Lem en @mpg, cee Menem; be bad minim Imam; lint. In ibe eines line be menet, • ill% OW WAIIIII aM serpeireid 10 thre plate ; els. Pickled Oysters Clew, PeordireL ►irk, Illiatbseeed I:hrelien, Pickier Tripe mod Neel' Tongue, att, •a, lir pipe Ina a gm. article of alpril awl atewhog Ihrxtwo tinkle etietorpere, 117' Mae lota a call' illeacaubeig. Jose CI, INS. ARAM() RAIL ROAD. EUMMIR ARRANGEMENT Monday, MOWpct, tNGK. ONRAT TRUNK JI.IIIN nom rm.. Nonrit skit Norlii Wild Mr Philadelphia, Nrw 's ma. p,,,, / ilii. Poilville,'Paaisurim Aphiand, I...bariou. A11, , a town, Our...n, Bpiirais, Idifc Ilwreasier, Vidawhic, dir.. Ike. . , _ Truing' leave Ilarriehrtt Nir Wow York. as rwiawa al v im,suagaull a n,14 Wm. V 113.033 r ii canteen- Om with sOnl l lllr Train, on the Peen.yhenin Nail. road and arrivim at New Ifo/11itt Soy gull in on and II 43 *moo IR, ii B 3 P. PI 1111.1 9.6 UP. 11.. lllsephig Shire,aotoo V paaying the 311 • N cud CIS •N. nine without ehengo. laird loirriehuri foe Needing, Polteville,tuna. iim, ulai.raidne, ash'sail. Pine Grave. Alloottloiwn lead l'hilmoloolphla. at 11 le A lie and vO3 and 4 ili ra, Wailing 811.4010 s ap4 priaeiyal Way riallha. Ike ; . la a a mule' coniecilone kir Philadelphls and 45i iit ab i a flaky, row Paitoovellooo Schuylkill Salome ha 1,,, A ~,,.,is 'Schuylkill and Psequehoune Mall nest are florrirlierg al 3 30m P. i Rai f roil,: Leev New York et 000 a N. toy m 44 4 300 lad $ lig PIC thiladrkilis, ri'l hl3 • in. nod 3 au, pi e rm a ig curs accahelon . nyonn tool On '4, N. 4911 3 nfi N ON And t N 'taloa row New York wieboili Os ,aa.., ' Way paareaper 'lrian louver l'hiludelphin al 7;10 a I. ewinceliap with similar 'rain. nn Enet Pram; N.Y relu.nlac froth' Newhall at to 311 P N "tannin/ Ak a ll Abelian"; Poltsvilla let 711 and ll 43 • 10, and d 41 r m Shlllllol4lll 413 V 3 and II IP • N ; A•dilarol 71st a N. and IV 43 M sad 113 r 1.; Tamaqua of o 30 a. MI , and V 13 pod 4 75 r. N. Lerma l'utiorlllu via tlrlruylkoll Good .quelfruun Puilruad RI 7IU A Cur Ilarrleburg, mid It :wt fur Phu, Grove and 'rrrrunrn, Keel 4 Accommodnilmi TrAin :IvPs Reading 41730 A r rehiroiloor flow) IA r rotteliumn Arcniimurfellon Tram: limo at 043 A. N., ruturiliAllrurro At 430 r. alias, Nall Road Train* leave goading al 7 00 alias, and 6 IS r. n for Ephraim. Linz, Lattramor, l'ArtrWit6.l4l7wwil 0 1'409 lawr r Porki.timrn June 444 ar 9, dird 0 in, 04•111194V0i 1,49009. lailipperit al OIU a, v.. anr IVi p., run:l4'43;9p with similar trains on heading Nati N 114.1. On Sunday, : Guava New Vora ai M Olt P M Phita delphia ilOO A M. 00.13 14 P u in. aOn A Li, train 11 1 11 0 111 11 only to Raal4ng ; Voilruilla S 00 AM ; liar roam: S 93 A M. 4 10 and Ii 35 r a and 'lran' nr at I Cl, tt Wand 7 IA A 4 0 (or Ilorriorfard wild 7 IRO A Si, and 11 110 I. V (of New You' god 4 'd N. 6,1 Philadelphia. encansiailon, Seller gm, itrapon, Piqua., nod Prenr Won Ticket., to and I, nut nil palate at reduced Miro. Baggage ravalua t i Through; 190 potiosols allowed rxrh Padownger. G. A. talimtuot General iltqwriolooduto, Rending Pt. Aug Id, IFBO. . ik 8l)1414 Ji 1, le, 11 '8 :70 • KNOT AND MIME STPRE, 101TOPITE THE 0:111:11011.) On Main Street, Bloomsburg. n r rdhidtiher hated pladsdr« in nonnerteing to It e people fit.toteobeto, and trtripity, that he has hand a hop dud tlat assortmeut of 1100 TS AND 8 (IEB, h Idler shel gentlemen's wear. In pstil all lancier . nog Oily wroth it id lb hart viably, mid Ir Iu Orr 1,41 reliable iisamillieserers, 6r, being a pflinkyi 1 at Mil and a duarljudia of taStr 4,),:-...MUM IM I , lint likely In b. impopeil upon by rereivine 'OWN,. routional badly lung'', up. I b so desiring suylbleup in hie line would 1 10 well else bin a Gill, Wore puteininnos claevh trc . lie el'e I 000 D ARTICLE , no.d at prim to ond porch:tier& All per•nna who *Wok. light or heavy work MO h 01 odt ran ha littotittmoialled at boo eplabli Omen,. el A NO, repairing will he done with 000ton.onanit it *notch. On dregant noworionent of Ladled Offprint and now n at totters on bond. A. tiAti.l4.lo:a. lntll•. hint Lackavassa Sionandkarg Raili sad IN al WPM MO air TWO DAILY TRAINS. -um O 4 AND Ar'VW JANIIARY la , Dag, BArl lIIIKNDIKK TVAINS Wll.l. Kt. N AS F.' pumws. i. t; A V II: 80 V 1 . 11 WAli 11 A 14 AM PM. Leave Prranten. 330 7.10 4le .. Klintelaln. i.. 33 14•Ji SIM " Report 0,10 14,11 l• Danville, 11.51 0011 Arr at Northaniberlanol 111.30 0.33 LEAVE. al g 081'11 W A RD. A M PM I.ente MlWlllesile Ned, 7.1011 3 211 Neville, I'4o OM Karen. 0.13 I' M 0 37 I. Kin/intim, 10 30 V.AO 0 113 Arrive as rkrveles. 1100 4.011 In 13 l'raine IPNVIDE Kingainn at 030 .1: MI 611' Serpi...en enamel with Train lumina at NerrVera ..I 3.111 raevanavve Inking Trnin Amish rm.. orrani.n. ni 330 A yl al. %gettlritotorsia“.l.mai 11 Ilarrt.iffira 13 30 I' M. linlion.n, a 311 r M.. Woollingimt 10 101 1' MI via IN pert 113101 P110;141..41.1011 si i IMP M. 11. A. PONDA, nnal inarien. Jan. 311 Intl LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! ('ii HLruN~llllllri 1.0110 ER INC would re•opectfially Inform Us« public Out W y have their PLANING MILL now in operaiinn with an exiniiiiive nosiothwni ai L . Ca r a3 Utit:44 and am n.w pirtliirtill it. sllltpiy nit 0/11..t.. nl short notiea 4114 Ili ih.lnwest prir..s for .a.ll, I heir as. of limber coliat..b, nt While Fine Plank, Bonedx. Flooring, $ l 4 1111:11 C V hoards, Wilding, Hemlock Plank. melded or implatied, to *Mt pnrrha+eta rranto Sitar. Joke and Scantling or aft ewe. Their Notting Witt and Lumber Yard to Minato 1 at the liallrend Itettet. Very conveniently for iihippitta lowlier by the ratan . They are constantly matiutheturing lumber 01 all kinds, and persona who deem. lumber of every /.e• arription will do welt to ea mine Melt stark before hurenaving elsewhere. They are delermilool and tun. itiently prepared to mill ae rkeap as the They'll.° drake to Minna Um public and imperially 'hove who with to pitrehaoe htti.mtntlthat they have one Mill specially prepared to cut umber• or Wawa every Mae nail length required. Tutu* wishing In build or mailrooms for building, ran save money , giving use The undersigned tvoultl alert alincitnee 'hill they are prepared to *Mall kind of repairing of Machinery, *Heti as Threshing Marhinee Weer., Reaper. , and all kinds 01 agricultural Implements, upon reaeo u n• bin terms. AlMum", F. U. EV . Spey. Illoompbung, Prpt. Hy, Iss4i, lifixotiobarg Pa NEW FURNITURE ROOMS, ON MAIN STREKT, BLOOMSBURG, PENN' A. OA DM riMahMel Itriepectfelly inform the chit na or novo and vicinity, that he *las at bin r 41114110 a 1001,10, cbaire of every ilcerripilun, liiitenov, Widow Table% largo and small. /kabbala% of the WPM, rivles, yard nud Toilet Table*, Looking Glatoice. 'waffle* Homy other articles or eurnotolo no row itathcfacinte. The public are cordially invited to till sail et. amine bin Mock tie will Dell upon reasiiiiabl,q,"o, kind, Cr or furn i t ure n cheap tion w Aill verted be paid to ...tuition all April I, land, oF II J. BROWER, Cor. Alain d iron th.) . IF now offering in the Public b6oIEITIX7b OP SPRING GOODS N " COAL YARD. The whilerelpted reepeetfolly Inform, the clown. of Illooarbori sae Columbia enemy, that they Weep all the dllfereot outothre of stove coal aid ~twice lamp mil for molthino parreaee. on Ihnlr wharf, aa Yololes McKelat, Neal itan'e Foresee ; With a pod pale Safe° ealithoe the wharf,to welsh thel,hey and atrial. LikoWlar a Muth aid wealth, to deliver coi l to meth Who detelre It. As ws perehuae amount of coal, we !Inroad to Wrap a 'artier art i r i e sod sell at the very lowest yrkea. Please rail spa elamthe fur rthreelvea before pureheal Mlth itheleewheie J. W. lllvaitory, AINIUSTOS MASON. Tapartaleae4 will take, IN earhaaka for veal amid Ilierarleo, lAa followeig named aroirler Ilye,earn.o•l4. Potatoes, 11,aril, loara,,mmi itrr, lad aide meat, flatter, KiftP, Hay. 6r , pt olfoo 61rhooteaell proorrod kia CrOCOOY Ettore, ao)Mulia tkeir anal yard; I. W. Aptil IIOGIII4 COMMERCIAL roDE MASK ON EVERY 1114UGII &WU, Philadelphia, moo North. Ircittera Perilliziag Co., Chicago, MANUFArTuRRKS. PF WKS. BAUGH'S RAVVOIONE Pelee, etie per LIJi lbe !wintry! eIIICAWI NOW; rRITILIZON roirr. WM per YAK) Mi. PAL'( II eiIiVAGO BLOOD MANrfIF Pricy, 0.1 per Vl* Ibe. :111P above itnntires are furnished in both base Olfid )61111. ts. wttiebrver townies's pr lt r of IC`, - The bass ire natant in wvisht lAU prAnda. ~ e r ik it 4 The Intent inn a t armee* Is,ecrierinl n td the Net that the goatees of the Kinn Materiel Of tibia, the Wince Matinees ate ennipened are WI *elf ender content that We rah turai•h them of ontirtilf uniform quality non condition, nal that they eafttain a large aemainfe t.f iimmotoia than tiny miler Mete of elelletheillted manners le the 111 , Ott, itnuro 114 EONS. / $ ri.'SaVraftt A vilitot,y hilothdi bin. IV I I:It I I I.iki idii - Cot, t.uk. a. Lavoie ritr„tlOrnio". 07. Itoogh * .Com nor, 141 Vlororrar HMV b 0 procorOtt from Ovule's lo Hoy of the prioritot IDWISO MO United Stator or thootimou of ranudr joy ..:11 NNW 'VAL 1 MINER y f,• k it FANCY Goons, AT .jr - • sus. •x. 1.1411 T WI BELT, COLUMBIA COI' VI Y Fhf. watild re.pertfolly inform the eii item, ,o( Might Street alal virfitilY. Iliat alit tugs iii.l rtturnrd how the city with a r h I nn ,i ANI) FANCY GOoDd, wdl d e 4 to snit lit is Irak. KA X LTA mode to order, and ropnipng wirts online** moll drspotrlo. All work raNirt-d, 1)..1 Iwot and inns Linty manner. upon tea...mini( • ono. Paritehlar ntlehhirh im paid to Areom thaiiihe She ham r Nmt of NVII tiPhrtipiefil pedal lop lom the trade, MI hung mud for pair th.op, ettw pill st.n ply wrist havuß n . iiiintey 10011(11 it., part 111n114.141.. in rotsfinnni in 'IVO', ohtl,"adien. osn EWE is Worth:ten fit/11 , 6m0. Nosentlivr is 1+3157 %: 1 4 . ; AltltlV AI, tits t; 4/I !Fit I ES, AT SOK\ K. &RPM'S BTOrr: *1001 1 14,11114. 11,4 niihserillsr has Post r«iaraeA from ihl 4 n lrira with a halo and (Wire stock nor ...air Grocerir•is and Dry•Gori o Writ he Pifer, to the eitotelth or 111.thoo,•i %viols". 0. low NO tan Oe had to toy dent , , 4 , 4 tton tot the trinity. Ho. *tooth roon,oieth of the helot yoyiplinf nt IFVEE, St% tat, TEA, 1 , 1: 1 11 (of One gnu holt.) PM Es. 111111111 MI- NES. On their keosooto j VI OITIISI AND (mirk i•it ACK 11: MIA Ok A KS kr .&c , I, •• iriAl. & UNSHED 1111.5. r 111,0 n nice nosoffittilll or Pry lothetho no,. id a (oh variety oof goo& or the tolo.ol' , • other binds. Ito toloht too to which 1. • to , II Moll to bit rtia•b a hoe ot4otoortoteol or CELIA R WAR E ANI) 1V 1 141.0 AV WA ! #l/ whieh en rietor or roots h' has s• • II lido* of Modern OlVelitOnt, estetthit , %here known, nod whorl, otto%l tome OWN tlo oleo has n hoe supply ior French hloroccoes ; , 10%0 tir 0 1401 , 04.141 taftifils fog Ow. work ; awl it toot, Or 41 litre nownre meal Ant ezeiminst VIIIN P P.. rormq nt Msitt Nod trio, jpoom.bort Nov 10 . I. _ . trr Eat 84111114 NAG THE 711EAITAT AND NEPT riT s1'LEN1)11) ()EVES PAM Thio popular lirmoldr klarvadhe give* ro , homey shah any to the w r Id. Par IMO areolv improved, will emodirt IMYK IA; d PAO rtrd Emirleer , rftlerelid Steel Plates! waorramh Nn Moh Plater.? Twelve Odor. , Itera• ! Nitre lloodred '4ll mil Cuts! Tra , • Pas... of /I mdc A I Oro t 1 ill aharaeir for "not Irf r 1.1. A RA a ) ear. to Is dollar Ira* arm MO 1 , the 1 , 1 10 0. 0 1 '" Peterson." 1* "f killing T. Normal', are the heat pahriahrel novo here moo perodr, wrilerr are employed; 10 n 111 , ally for .1..1..p0u whit, in addition to matote4 el rhorl .war., Four rhweel Rev , hd. wtti be vven via .•Abity Ards,. . loom)." by Moo', Am. S. Stephen.; •••1 Illael.wmal Warw.." by the ',Moor of "-- Ihdr ;•• Wooer in Waahrooloo." Lee Ileiredirl; !and 'The throw 111' Huth, ,4" 1 4 0.1 Ma l ay '• U 1 0 11 PIM. a Aire ot of 411 sallow, IN. roe ;Or; ertrave on .I.', 011 . In Ve the 1 1 , 0101 PUN, hltfl ing vI*NO re.. 'than at be mom rhly a pattern, woo. si 41110,111 ,1 1 01 itteeitt.itt br tot 010 Otbett the NCO of 0 maker. /Vet, r•er.•ral paged Of 11011.ellttbi ao rrc«ipar; n 1 Alert. eeerylllll,ll SUPFAiIi I'liE3ll1 1 M 14;NGf,AV iwr s •oh ttinff lip* flub I*.w sod Off ATM. a Cs pV of ow tom and op 4 co ir ns. fur trawling ' , tot twrit.".. by Di ft , 41. " wrier lirnnux, duo Wong , rrettch um... Tim, 1 , &Amble premium ev.q. offered For iaclo as 040 r !Ma copy IA Truims -Ai.vvvi IN AUVA'WE 0110f...1104 One ! . 4 ear. Three 011.0.1* (Or ,no , you, Poo C,g n rr tor one year, rite I fopliPo I 'rot pod t In 'nit..? Op trl Eighl IrtfilsPel tram, awl Iv. pr Its.r up rnlitte,44r o pl , i 1 yr., pop i to patter np pt A.Nrenp, p.wt WSW. M14{114:14 I PeTv =1 Ortober A 10l MILE HEAL EsTxt AT SALL. Th e *oh 0f.1114'11 141'14 t he 6trall.lol.l.it rout nc p, It hi ply:sr/lull) 41' landimm twit 11.1411. I . ollllllhiil roputy. OM h« !nod i« llVOrty tat «h and «hot« of cultivation ho ore A owe om y ;Ind gond ho 4 fume r Atrirrs of pullet t dilltor land Thrre sor ,oeloo pifire and n Well of Nut, dour tol I ttwoolliold. A pore oddly on:Wm, hp* btoch lat«lr p 1 will heal if Oil In a short Mud I.o,arpefli *VW be 'men at fi.t«eh slily 11111 If do ottork and all «MC I «this t ply In IC 4.4. tololry, 111tootholturg, 1 0 4, WILLIAM Y K June 14, *OS w. STOVES AND TINWARE A. M. RUPERT, to hls ninny Mends and isitniei towers that he einitinnes the *hove helm. , old plate of business on MAIN Wien. BUGG. Ilia ritiliOniers and others ran be veto. with FANCY STOVES • or all Winds, Stovepips ii,Tints are, and evert •• . A astir* Found in all well retr - • AND TINWARE FAT/I'l4l4olMofitted NT$ tat • and on the, tenet rentottinhte lettne. spoirriNn. for hinters awl h 1101. up on short iodise. Also, all kinds of sepsis promptly and noon liberal wrists. ii. a i m o k e eps on hand a NUE Pent& Pans, of different slses end prises heolde iht. 'a, sassiest of Fisher's Patent rielf.ffnaistis sassiest:ans. Give him a call Jolt Id Man, tr. Ear L AND WINTL. Millinary Good* Al die Patio Stow of AI4IANIA WERKIIEISI. (myosins In MIMI 1141111111.111) 111.00)181PIRO, PA. The rook lite reopeelfully imforminil 11171 An furnfigheil with evolutions In Um MOW open the moat rrilmonablo temp, and in wowed for irtyle. hemuly, or disraloi. town, Hot M Ithil etylem of hatchonne , milking' rot women and mi,ice• r mad well emleoleted I. lho idlers o' Pfeil! Mohioi wia receive mperiml nit Ilmvlop pat 'Whiled front the Oil t all in ntyle, them her o cell WPM na win) Wow 111. Olemobing. thAukt 1 1 1 -1 00.--3 w CI P t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers