floonuiturg Ws. EL JACOUIr t Editor. wSDNIISD,►r.. 1)1Ce. 'l3, Ping. Jr After next week there will bo no pa per printed at this office, arrangements hav ing been made toconsolidato the OrsioettAT with the Cot INDIAN. Those of our sub scribers who retx.tivo the Culututiaa and Democrat next week, after the issuing and sending out of the 111,00SISMITM1 DP3IIOIIIIAT, will understand how it is that they reooiee two copies in ono week, This will of course only happen to those who do not now take both papers. In our next we will make our speech. HOW IN Thule. More the election we were told by all the Radical orators that all burdens of taxation fell on a few persous—that the poor 111311 yaid none of the taxes—but wo said all tlio time that it was nothing but a dodge to get votes for Grant, and so it was ; and to 'how that our !maiden was right; wu will prove it by Radical authority. Chief JuAtim Chase, in his charge to the Grand Jury of the District Court of Richmond, said : lle admonish you, gentlemen ; to exeer (•ise your uunust vigilance on the subject.— Frauds in revenue are an evil which tit', whole land cries out upon, and frauds upon the revenue are frauds upon the whole body a taxpayers, and so use reho cots, dcias, worm or is sheltacd ‘4,1(14 tiny roqf lotour humble, now escapes Jima bcrutioo. There is the truth in a nut shell. Pan you crack the nut, Radical orators? Were you telling t h e people the truth, or were you deliberately deceiving them belhre the election? It looks very much like the lat ter. "Murder will out." - ..... - The nester Vaughn Sensation We are glad thin unfortunate young wo man has been saved from the gallows, and hope she will reform, but it is a ease over which nn extraordinary amount of senti• mental twaddle has been sprinkled ; an when the plain facts were brought out, all the highfalutin nonsense about "injured in uocetw," "blighted hopes," "beauty lured to ruin," through man's treachery, etc., was completely exp Wed. Poor Hester Vaughn nut impelled by want, in a good home, work ing for pay, which she received promptly, surrounded by respectability and refinement, no use her own language, "sinfully met a common laboring man, not under prowl-c of marring°, met him but once, and the re sult of this wetting was a child of shame." It atrikos us that the weak-minded women who arc working up this case, had boner find a comfortable home for Hester, as soon as possible, and drop the subject. It has been quite as well ventilated as ilester's virtue and their common sense will allow. SPAtm.—The condition of affairs in Spain ist unsatisfactory. The unnecessary delays ib re-establishing order, by means of a torus of government acceptable to the majority of the people, have • led to an insurrection in Cadis and troubles in 31adrid. According to the present arrangement, the Cortes will not meet until 'the middle of February. Meanwhile the Isabella partisans and the :;artists are opposing the Republicans and Monarchists, who are the friends of order. Ferdinand of Portugal is said to be willing to accept the throne, ifoffered by the Ill don. With Kspartero as Regent, he king in his seventy-seventh year, tho question would be wily postponed for a few years, when there would be a better chance fbr es tebli•shiug a republic. Garibaldi, writing from Capron*, advises that a republic be proclaimed at once, and that a Dietatt r be appointed for two years. There is a question of changing the Span ish flag. Instead of a stripe of yellow be tween two of rod, there is to be olio of yellow, rod, and violet—the old colors of Castile. The desire is to dismiss whatever has been associated with the wicked and weak Bour bon& TIIK SUPREME Count —A bill has been introduced in the Senate to increase the number of Judges on the Hunch of the So prani° Court. When Andrew Johnson came into power, a , law was pas.scd, reducing the number, in order to prevent him from filling a vacancy. The proposed inerea.-e at this time is admitted by the New York Tritium to be in consoquenix► of the censer vatisni of some of the Judges appointed by Mr. himxilti. That amounts to a distinct confession, that the Itadiuls intend to pack the highest Judicial tribumil of the land wits pliant tools, who will decide acor►rding to the deinauds of their party. flow long can liberty continue to exist under any goy ernn►unt when such an outrage is openly committed I IT is generally conceded titat "the times arc hard," and that before the winter doses they will be "more so." The "good' time miming" when the Itadioal President was elected, has not yetmwlu its apwara tt e e , and the indications are that it will not "set in" until the people have experienced more suffering and distress. Why is this? The Radicals promised all kinds of pleasant end agreeable things if they secured a now lease of power. Now that they have been cessful, let us begin to have some of the benefits and blessings freely promised before the election. Will our Republican lime, be o kind sr to explain? There are ninny who voted the Radical ticket at the late election with the belief that they would experieitee no "hard er times" than they wore having, but things are turning out differently. Why 44 it ? That's the question! COZZI SEVYAIR MY Gov. aRARY.- Fitmernki, of the Phitulsilphia City hem, rap , "Clea ry soya ho will, uot hang poor IleAter Vaughn. Ae ho never hotly* hhs word, that ought to settle her cute." I= ...The friends of (]enrol McClellan is Washington Foy that Ito will bo offered the Secretaryship of War by Uruut. A LITTLK TOO few days Anon we received the Prospectus of the New York Tribune, for the year IS6O, asking us to give it one or more insertions, "us may seem t• tujust." It would make newly two A umns in our aper, and besides the setting up a th(!emni , situ puwishiajof the pew, an exchange is required of oar week ly fir the year, This is a little more than we nfc in the habit of doing for our Demo. erotic Dailies. In the first place we du not agree with the Tcibunc, politically, and in the second place there is a little too much labor about its prospectus to insure its pub tiontion in many Democratic papers at least. What we would do for the Tribune at this or at any other time in the way of assisting in its circulation we desire to be gratitously dune. We are not willing to lend our col umns in the way some of our Radical oppo sition °temporaries would wish to use thetn. The Tribune has Wen so long and favorably known by the Ainerican - people as the lead ing political newspaper of this country that it needs no introduction by the country weekly press. As 0 newspaper it has few if any equals and no ruperiurs. It always eon tains full and aoeurate reports of Congress and the State Legislature, besides careful summaries of news front all quarters of the Globe. Its correspondence from all the principle centres of home and abroad is of treat interest to the rending public. This paper devotes more space to agritalturo, commerce, markets and politics then any other 'lnput in New York city. Price of Dilly, one year, *lO ; for six months, $5.00. Thu semi-weekly Tribune will be furnished to subscribers at tits); two copies, one year ; the weekly Tribune, ono year, $2.00 ; five *eApies, $9.00 ; ten copies,sl tI.OJ. If any of our Republican friends desire a lice, truly luy,ll and rafligil MICNMIIIer, we would ad vise them to subscribe for the Tribune. To Democrats we would only soy, support your own papers, but if you are determined to have an opposition paper, take the wort. =1:11 Tttr ChillieotWo Adartive wfmts George 11. Pendleton for Goveinor of Ohio, and says with the "Young Eagle of the West" for a (=dilate, the Radical majority would dissolve like a llibric of a dram. To which the Pittsburg rose replies: If there was any positive assurance or this result, we think the Young Eagle might go into the dissolving business, but it might turn out that he would get dissolved in the process, whieh would not be encouraging for future prospects. The latts(t scrap wo have from one of Washhume's friends is that Pendle ton, Seymour and McClellan will be offered places in General Grant's cabinet. If the coming n e w intends to fight it out on that lino there will be music in the spheres! 0, what will Uncle Gabriel say? Tit E Legislature of Pennsylvania will con vene on Tuesday the 5111 of January nest. The contest for Speaker of the House haM narrowed down between Clark, of l'hiladel plain, watt Sir:nig, of Tiega. The Suits Treas.:riser will be elected on tho third Tuesday in January. Mr. Irwi► is a candidate for re-election, and he has, as yet, no competitor. A United States Senator in place of Mr. Buck tilew, will be chosen on the reemul Tuesday after the fleeting and organisation of the Legislatture. If the House shall or ganize within six days after its convocation, the Senator will he elected on Tuesday, Ow Itith of the mouth. Who the lucky man will be it is at present bard to tell. I=l VD— The Prospeetw or the Philadelphia Age will Ix: found in another column. of to day's Dotorttxr. This paper should be sustained. It is i a bold ani fearless ex ponent—has done a great deal of good to the party. The paper needs support, as all Democratic papers do, to make them feel more able and rigorous in their fights with the common enemy., The Doily :lye is the largest and beat daily in the State, and the Weekly Aye bears and sustains reputation of being a first class newspaper Send and get it. flu() a year. Hon. Itichn►ond L. Junes, of Reading, will receive the support of the Democrats in the next Legislature for speaker, He ham nerved the people of Burks County in the Legislature with both credit to them and himself for two years, and was re-elected at the late election for the third term. The compliment, though a hullow cue, would be on bite properly bestowed. Crl=lllMl NEtittOCARIVX•BMIOUS.—It see ms that the South is not only to bo afflicted with the swat's t' lean and lantern-jawed Yankees., who ore pushing themselves into every va- cant office they can find, but that the Ne gro Congressmen i'rout that section arc also of the carpet-bag species. The mulatto who is now hanging round the lobby of the Muse, waiting for a recognition of his claims as n Representative from Louisiana, is not a Southern negm. lie emigrated front Ohio since the war, where it scents he voted lin Lincolu in ISC.O, contrary to the laws of that State. Now this vagrant Northern negro pops up as a Represents. Live of the arm voters of the Saudi. In the name of the barbers, the boot-blacks, the waiters, the black tnochanio■, and the field hands of the South, we protest against this as unfair. Let them send men of' their own class, it' we must have negro Congress men from the South, and not black carpet- Laggers.—Lancaster Intrligencrr. 1=•=1•11=1 SAD ACCIDENT. +A Fidler Shot hy hw &H.—Ono of the saddest accidents we have been called upon to. record tbr some time occurred yesterday morning, in West Beaver township, this county. The.Gtets in regard to the matter, as wo have been able to gath er them Do as thllows Eli Latubert, in company with his son William, a young man about twenty years of age, went to the hog stublo with the intention of shooting the hugs but the gun seemed to be out of order and while the young man WAS fixing at it dui load went off and enturod the loft side of the father—the ball passing through the body—and ho tWI dead almost instantly. lk tr. Lambert was about baycars old and leaves a atilt and wa,satilaccu.—Stiiiiagrove. Timm. Ilpllnlers. ...Aaron Iliadic from to death ono nirlit last week near Pittston. ...It is staid tbe next Mahon Legislature will abolish capital punishment. ...A three million Catholic. cathedral is being built in Uenton, China, and another in l'ekin. ....Isigerbeerish—the new style of gent's hats. Look a though thoy had been punched on top with a brick. ...Ono B . wallow doesa't make a summer, but young mon should remember that too many twallows are certain to make e ...There is a revolution in the State of Tamaulipas, in Mexico, and that bloody botcher, Eseobedo, has been well thrashed. ...Negro boys in their teens voted at lAt• Ile Rock. Gray headed white men, the pioneers of the State, were denied the right.. —James N. Marks has been nominated by the l'resident as the successor of Mr. Cake as Collector of the Port of l'hiladel p h in. Asa l'acker offers to build a railroad between Montrose and Tunkliannock, if the people along the route will grade it. ...Monard, tho 'negro Congreasinan, has received his certificate from Gov. IVarmouth as member elect from Louisiana. ...The libel suit against the editors of the "Clinton Democrat"—■ Mr. Poortuan com plainant—tried at Lock Haven last week, resulted in a verdict of acquittal. ...The Cameron county ladevem/cat tut• vocates the claims. of L. A. Mackey, of Lock Haven, as the next DeniocrAtio candi date for Governor. ...William NWT was almost instantly kill- IA; one day last week, by being caught and crushed in the belting and machinery at Minim, Noglo st Co.'s steaiu saw will, in Lcwi.shurg. ...Wendell Phillips says the greatest dan ger to the country is pew) with the South. Peace is as great an enemy to such rascals as Phillips as righteousness is to the devil. ...Approaching antiquated maidens are hereby notified that Leap Year, with its privileges, will positively clone on the 31st of the present month. ...In the lunatic asylum near Tumiito there is a man who has been an inmate for fifteen years, and during all that time he has not been known to speak a word to a living soul. !lc in not dumb either. ...Cul. Wynkoop, the Indian agent, has resigned. Ile okays the late Sand Creek light was nothing but a cold hearted massa cre on our part of friendly India:is. —Hon. Daniel Agnew, of the Supremo Court, was seriously injured by a fall, a few days Binoe, at his residence in Beaver, which will prevent him from taking his rest upon the Bench for some time. ...The Presbyterian church at Coutsville require total abstinence as a condition of men►bership. The pastor and all the mem bers, numbering three hundred, have signed the tentperance pledge. ...Washington is literally swarming with office :seekers. There are at present at the national capital a larger number of appli cants fur clerkships in the various depart ments than ever before known, and the ory is still they come. ...There isla town In Ohio where the peo ple have lived so long on pork that they arc beginning to contract some of it►i' habits.— When a neighbor dies, they lay him out as they do a hog, with a corn cob in his mouth ...licnry Ward Beecher had the check to ask one of the Allentown church congrega tions $5OO for one evening's lecture—s2thi in advance. Bully for Henry ; and bullier for the congregation in refusing to engage him- ...There are twelve criminals in the State Prison of :Maine under sentence of death for murder in the first degree. If they were in Mississippi we should have a pro tracted Radical howl over the prevalence of crime in the "rebel" States. ...The Sunbury Ga....flit: u►ys that Patrick Purse!, who was arrested and camunitted to jail in Sunbury on suspicion of king im plicated in the ilea murder, has ken dis charged, there being no evidence against ...William Heed, of Milton, was run over and killed by the cars on Monday of last week, while walking on the track of the P. At E. road, near Lewisburg station. He was upwards of 75 years of ago. ...On Wednesday morning last,before day light, an attempt was made to rob the First National Bank of Northumberland. The burglars entered at one of the windows, and attempted to blow the lock off of the vault, but were unsueoessful, and had to retreat without pay fur their trouble. ...A man named Joseph Martin, a resi dent of Brooklyn, New York, committed suicide at the State Capitcl Hotel, Harris burg, week before last. Ile was a carpen ter and builder, in easy circumstances, and no reason is known for the committing of the deed. His age was about 60 years. ...In the Senate, Mr. Morton, of Indiana, introduced an not in relation to a mite fur an Executive Mansion, which provides that certain lands situated on Meridian Hill be taken and appropriated for the use of the United-States for building an-Executive Mansion thereon. The bill appropriates $125,000 to carry out its provisions. ...Elmira has a genius in the shape of a saloon keeper, who has trained a number of rats to run across the floor and waken his customers who sleep about on the chairs.— The startled drinkers see the rats; the bar keeper declares there arc no rats there; and the former, thinking delirium, tremens ap proaching, quickly start for home. ...Tito Store Guard says that quite an ex eitoment was raised along the streets of liar risburg last week by the appearance of an animal of the proportion of a small ele phant, but which proved to be a largo steer brought on from Kentucky for John Casey. It is intended for Christmas show beef, and weighs 3,070 pounds.. Ho is but Saw pars. YIIOIIP/I(15. 61 , NE AGE," Ibi• /1114414 .. el ., LATE TliE 1)0 C 1 A Daily Mod Weekly /known& Juarsal le flilay*kia I bapromateNta eery Deptertrahlit; -Milieu!, Literary, onansreial, Fireaseial, snul Ayrialltarefl. The publishers of 9%c Ave hog taco! l the ttention of the. Democratic and Conserv,. 'vo guniont to the Daily and Weekly hone if" their toopulat4OttreeL Thu general 'nil ,mination of sound politieal information oust result•lti great e good to the Democratic arty. Wherceer I udicaltrat sri u ls its pax in, fel as 14 prompt in farniAiag the anti ale I Wo have Just finished an exciting political trugglo, sod the I)amocrtitie party, vigor us uudiosnayoil, is now ready to begin he fight again, and to fight on until victory •• owns our efforts. One of the noun powerful energies in se •uring victory is the Democratie press of' he country, and every man who can afford o subscribe for a Democratic newspaper .hould at once do so. TILE DAILY AGE Vill continue to be in the future what it as in the past—the earnest defender of ho Union and the Constitution—the hold nd fearless advocate of Democratic princi les—and the constant and unyielding foe itltudivalism in every form that it presents melt' to the poople. It will contain the !fa st news from all parts of the world. Dip ussions of all sulkjects of general interest nd importance; editorial confluents on gov 'roma, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all he current question., of the day, and will lave all the characteristics of a live, leading, irogressivo Journal. THE WEEKLY AGE Will be a complete compendium of the news of the weak, and will contain a large quan tity of original, political, literary, agricul tural, and miscellaneous matter, Dialing it in an respects a irk-claw family journal, as well for the politician as the general reader. TERMS OF THE DAILY. Ono copy, one year, SU.OO; Nix months, 14.50; thnxi mouths, $2.50; for any lest; period at the rate of ono Dollu per month. Payment requitod invariably in advance. Postage on the Daily, e.irty cents per guar , ter, or one dollar and twenty cents per an num, to !s prepaid at the office of delivery. TER NIS OF TII E WEEKLY. Ono copy ono year, $2. five copies , one 'year, $9; ton copies, one year, $17.541; twenty copies, one your, $33. Postage on the weekly, five cents per quarter, or twen ty cents per annutn, to be•pre-paid at the ofike of delivery. In order to place the weekly within the reach of all, the pablit , hers present the fol lowing extraordinary low Cq:P r IT it ATES. One Hunt:lrv:l eopiet i one year, al al tire: 4,4(A to one punion 11100.01 one oopy .extra to th 3 gotta. up o 1 the club —adlitional copies at the owe price. • • Seventy-five copies, ono ye tr, ad to ono person tirt4.oo And ouo copy extra to the getter up of the clod-additional copies at the sante price. Fitly copies, one year, all uddremed to one person ict12.50 One copy extra to the getter up of the club—addittotial copies at the 1431110 price. 11'14 copies, one year all addressed to one person $32.00 And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—additional copies at the same price. Thirty copies, one year, all addressed to one person • • *42.00 And one copy extra to the getter up of the club—additional copies at the mime price. Twenty copies,one year, all a.ldressed one person Sjuott And one copy ettra to the getter up •of the club—additional copies at the saute prim . , Ten copies, one year, all addressed to one pets n *M.:at And one copy . extra to the getter up ,of the club--siddi mono' copies at the same price. Five copies, olio year, all addressed to one person $8.50 These prices, which arc cash invariably in advance, apply only to yearly autweribers, and the papers Hoist, in every case without exeeptiott, be sent to one person,and not addressed severally to the metubrs of the club. It will be observed that our offer of an extra copy to the getter up of a club, re fers only to a club of ten or more. ire- The above terms will be rigidly ad hered to. !hullo on Philadelphia, or Post office ()niers, Payable to the order of the beingsafer, are preleitble to any other mode of remittance. All who send money by Express must prepay Express charges. Specimen copies of the Daily and Weekly sent gratis on a pplication at this of flat. Advertisements inserted at tnoderote rates. WELSH & HOUR. 14 and 16 South Seventh street, Philadelphia. I=l PIIKENOLOUICA I. JOURNAL-A ,MoNits- IX MAUAZI E.— Devoted to Science, Liter ature , and General Intelligence, especially to Ethnology, Phrenology, I'hysiology, Physiognomy, Psychology, Elucatiotr, and to all these progressive measures calculated to Itefonn, Elevate, and Improve Mankind socially, Intellectually and Spiritually.— Embellished with numerous Portraits from Life, and other Engravings. Published the first of every month. The l'hrenolollical Journal for January contains Iteverdy Johnson as a Diplomat; Napoleon Bona part, his character and genius; T. S. Ar thur; Church, Bierstadt, Gifford, Page, Huntington, and six other eminent Ameri can Artists; Peculiarities of American Faces Dietetic Habits or Great Men • Racial Types and Peculiarities as illustrated in the Lives of Grim Men; Physiogowy of Abraham and his IVilb ; The Now Year ; How the Doe tom appreciate Phrenology; Thirteen Vari eties of Dogs, etc., eta, with fine l'ortruits and Illustrations. Prima 30 cents, or S 3 a year. New Volume just begun. Address S. R. SV 369 Broadway, N. Y. PLENHI I) CHRISTMAS POESENT, FOXE TO Atd..—The enterprising proprietors of the American Stool Journal have put up 300,- ono aspics in packages of 3 each, with a finely illustrated show Bill, Premium List, &o. which they offer to send free and post poet to all who apply fur thew. Every Farmer and Stock Broader should avail themselves of this generous offer (to give away over 830,000 worth of books,) as the three numbers contain near 100 pages of choioe original articles, and a great number of valuable recipes for the ewe of various diseases to which Horses, rattle, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, &c., are liable. Farman will find this monthly a very efficient aid in all the departments of Farming and Stock Breeding. It hue Veterinary Department under the charge of one of the Abbott. Pro fessors in the 1/tilted States, who answers through the journal, fro° of charge, all questions relating to sick, injured oz:dis eased horses, cattle, sheep, swine or pot* try. Thu ever/ sobsenbeir has a Horse and Cattle Doctor free. This dlmrnal is furnished at the low price of $1,1_41 a veer, specimen-copies free. Address, }d. P. Dol.- n & Co., Publishers, Parkesburgf Chester math 611411101P0f Littrary COilitosuilosi; This valuable Literary Weekly will corn -14 I 1 (mut a w lame els ary . . ~ig newt a nor. th heat. Clue• 1 on ~..a; elegant, I: • gad in I nt ..r - iht flar d rt nt le 01Icd wi ,Mrilloid IN of • the hl tit illgoollenoo hir the nujet elninent Write's in od"r country; impala ales of thiu and Land; Choice Miscollimg; the rarest, gloms of l'uottxi Sketches of Travel; 'lope Amusement; 1% st and Humor, etc., ete. An unrivalled airps of the host writers and ar tists have been eggs* for the minim year, and every department will bo placed all Wilt • Ilnialtod and prima system that experience can devise or money pm- duce. JKaoli number will be beautifully il lustrated. In also the JAterarg Contpon ifea is roam fifteen hundred "pure inches, forming a mammoth weekly of sixteen oc tavo pages, and making a volume of $32 pages each year, containi early twice as much reading matter and of a more refined character than any other weekly paper. No money orpains will be spared in order to render Gleason's Literary Companient for 1869 the handsomest and host wcokly_papor ever•prodeeed in the United states. Terms —I subscriber , . one year, $3; 4 subscribers, t}o; 10 subscri bers, ono year, $ 2 / 3 , and ono gratis to the gator-up of a club of ten. One copy of the Literary Companion and one copy of the /Amt. eircie , together, one year, 50. Sample copies will be sent free by addr essing 4 F. uteAtION, 40 SUWON)! St., . Boston, Masa: The Old O. and far January. This staunch, bold, and unflinching Dem ocratic veteran opens the campaign of ISM.) with its usual sturdy blows fur the Consti tution and restoration of the White Man's Government. In its literurydepattment it promises much. 'rho opening glory, the "Cub of the Panther," by W. Gilmore Sinus, one of the best ever written by that popular author. The miscellaneous de partment of the journal has been prepared with extraordinary care, and is replete with the most interesting topics. The Editor's Table is especially rich and varied, and all in all, The Old Guard never had stronger claims upon the lovers ofgpod reading ry evewhere than are presented in the open ing number of the New Year. iVe would especially call attention to the very able article by the editor, entitled "Sliding into Monarchy." It is the determination of the publishers that The Old Guard for 1869 shall in every respect be an improvement even upon the present character of this tru ly popular penodieal. Price 25 cents; $3 per year. Van Evrie, Horton A; Co., pub lishers, 1f,2 Nassau Street, New York. The “Little Corporal." Alfred 14. Sewell's "Little Corporal" pub lished at Chicago, Illinois, is one of the wort beautiful, tasty and proper publica tions made in this country for children, and every well-orderedly should take a copy for the boys and girls. The influence of there publitsitions thr youth, cannot he ever estimated. 'Our little chaps'' have been renting the "Little Corprirar these two years, and they wouldn't "take a farm for BILLIARD PARLOR. —.J. S. Hall, 11 1 1.1., of the Heppalier Howse, has placed in one of the gentleman's parlors nn elegant billiard table for the accommodation of the nuttier ouss gusts of his house. We venture the U. sertion that there isnot a finer billiard room in the State. Ilu i 3 also getting on tables liar Isis billiard room and restaurant in the ba:ement, which is presided over by F. 31. Hirton, a more gentlemanly and accontmo dating fellow than whom never opened an oypter or drew a glass of ale. —.Ashland A.l. vacate. New ECLIPTIC MA OA 7:1 N K.—Turnbull and ltlurdock, 54 Lexington Street, Haiti. more. $4.00 per annum. The January number of this excellent magaxine is before us old the reputation of the publishers i. fuy sustained. It con taines a most choice selection of current lit eature' and is in ever essential respect dif ferent from the trashy periodicals which so extensively prevails at the present day.— Ikaders who prefer° some matter, either in the world of reality, or 'of fiction, will do well to procure the Eci.trric. HOTEL CIRNox.—Mr. K. S. Rich) has &loosed of ono-half of the Luzerne House to Mr. T. 11. flull, until recently connected with the Lehigh and Susquehanna llailwad As conductor. The new firm are already making some Yeti desirable improvements in the basement of the hotel. The restaur ant will he provided with a ladies depart ment, to which there will be an entrance front the Square and from the first floor of the hotel. Every luxury in season will be served up, such u game of all kinds, and the best wino; and liquor will grace the bar. The highest compliment that could be paid the hotel would be to assure our renders that it will not full behind the management of Mr. Read, one of the present proprie- Wakes/Aare Union. II•FIRANK LESLIE'S CADY'S MAUAZINIL fur January, is on our table. This is the best magazine for the ladies published. It contains a great supply of iirshion plates and patterns, more reading, and is most handsomely printed. Terms only 83.00 a your. Send and get it if you desire the best Lady's Magazine in America. Address, Frank Leslie, 537 Pearl St., N• Y. =CI TIIB church-Ruing people of Westport, New York, bold "mush-and milk soda bles."—Bc. Why not? It is not the mush and milk that.wake tho "sociable," but the intellect ualiifol such as congregato together. Nioriness Notices. NW Dr. Hower has, in connection with his shoo trade, introduced that of the fur. He has some of the amen furs to be found in this market. Don't be backward, geoid buy, and be satisfied. It went cost much. WS. Go to the Keystone Store to buy your boots and shoos. All stook warronted and prices to suit the purehaaers. Store on Main and Market Streets. * $ J. J. Brower is asiltislonishiag the natives, with his large salsa and eheap goods. At his store is the place to buy and plt Cull satisfaction. Dry goods very cheap. 111E73 MARRIED. On Wedneaday; Dommbor 241, lneg, at Northumberland, Pa. Mr. Charles W: Bop der, of Bloomaburg, 'Pa., to Mho Mum limiter, or DU Lille, Pa. ...'!'tiff Wad* ot ritinfors committed by berme people throughout the country Is get. ting to be very large. " lialkitinetEl o olllli; .1r.....* Wheat 16 Inishol, if 112 110 /I,,Yer II I 50 Corn, 16 ssss r ... • . or. .• • ihr ••• I (X) Buckwheat " # 1 00 Oats, 66 80 Cloversced " 7 00 Flaxseed, " ' 260 Dri'd apples " 2 50 Potatoes, " 100 Flour per barrel, 13 00 Butter, 50 Kty Per thmen,„,.... .. .. . ......". 26 Tallo po und, w per ' ' 14 Lard 25 Hams, " 26 Shoulders, " 18 nay Per ton, 15 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENT& READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT Monday, December 14, MINAT TIMM LINN PIMP/ TIIk NtrITII nee North Wen Orr Philadelphia. New York, leak log. Potravitte, ninepin Pharaohs, Aahlee.l. Loh saes, Altreiewa, Easton, Ephrata, Lan. Larcener, Calemble Iv.. ka 'hallo leave Hawlableg for New Wiry, as m o w. al 3 SM, 3 SO and 11 11/ a X, It 40 st. 2113,11130 via Cannon- Inn Willi similar Trains on She Pennsylvania nail- toed and arriving at New York al II MI a ■„ 1 / 3 1 1 No .n, 3.60, 2.110, 10.121 r. M, and 0.13 a X ritoperlin ilr. Sleeping l'ers accompanying. Ma VS a. X. and 1111.30 r, u. Trains Mikan* amino% 'nave lincrialivirg for liee,llnp, Pintsseis. Tama• qua, Minersville. Pins Ware, Al. fitillown and Philadelphia. ate 10 a ■ and I 03 amid IV P ■ slopping at Lebanon and principal Way mations, this 4 IV r a mol lag connection'. lior Philadelphia, and eishindion only. Fill follow ille, Ikhuylkill 'lnv.') and Minim vie gam/Mill and ghweinchanim fail mil, leave Ilarrirhnrp al 3 In P N. Returning looms New York al 1100 a, 12 hi and S 111 &Vine a, Philadelphia at d 13 a in. and . 1 .30p.in Plarping taro arnanipanyina Well no a. N, nn,l .i lo and Ii Int p ts monis (rani Now York wilhoni rli ode. Way Piarenper 1 rain leaver Philadelphia as 7 :10 a N. esowieciing with similar Wino on Coat Penni HAI rolarninx froin Booths, at 433 P X slapping at at Mations Lear* PMUvilleni 741 and Hl3 •N. and 243 P 1111anat1hla LI S 2.3 • tir f A.tiliand 7 Oa • m.. mm.l 12 30 Tamaqua at 14 30 4 111141 Y.pl P Go, Lealltlfultovill4t v.a ilchttylkill and 4 11 4.4 , 10tiassa Builrued at 7 IU A u. Cur Iluiri.burs, mud II au& u Nr Pima Urove and 'rrnitionl. keildiPl ACCOIIIIIIIII.III4IiUII Train : LOITITS Reading 617 Ma PI returning !•aver Ptiii...l.4iihou al 41. a. rntirtown Areniumulaiion Train : 1"11/1r, lowa al U Li a. al., returning leaves Philadelphia al 4 011 r. K. lembla fail Rand Trains WOW! Reading at 7 On h. M. Mild I, 13 r. r. for Ephrata. Whs, Lancaster. Columbia. lac. Trainmen Mailman Train.. Irma rotk 14141/011 bar lion at If 13 A. it. and 110 r.x itruseninn: bears Yampa , kat d a. it., and 14 43 r. x., maintain with nitioilat taint on Kenning tail Mead, tut Sander* ; Leave New Yuri. at ti 011 Chile delphoa n tai M. and 3 131' the HIM A Al, train running Italy td Readier ; Peatveltle N.at A M. ; Nar rat aux 3 31.1 A M. 4 JO awl la U r a and Reading al I 03. IRO and 7 13 A tl lot Ilattitharg at 11 .0 A M. sad 731 rUf New York and 413 l'lll. for Philadelphia. Commutation. Mlles ge, Sealant. Stboal am; gator. viva rie&rif, to and /tow AI reduced tats. Manage checked llst °ash ; lull anomie Ml me,' Nub l'aaren„cf• M. A. rt 11101,68 General Sapetiktetaleat., Reading PL. Dee 14. 1080„ Explevrott's NOTICE. Estate of Assneth Raker, Into of Centre l'owit:•ltip, deceased. Lettere teatime:elm am the eettatt of *smolt nn ker. late of reiette townrb.p, VOilliftbi4 County. de. ceased, have been panted by the keiii.tur of said comity. to U. At. and la W. Hak•u. or Genres town , s hip, ummoddia t amity dialog...oar having claim. aka net the estate Are requested th present them Mt settlement; shot uh prawn* in 'rated to the estate will make immediate payment to the a:Lento/a. M. KAKI L # cm 8 W. ILIAKIM tom Dec. Ilk IS4 !ENTRE TOWNSHIP 110 U FUN!). A LI VITOR'S 'Err .ITRIIIS VT, Chas, 11. Dielterich, C'ullectur of Bounty %kr, To balance on Duplicate. or ruled lel year 21;96 ( r. Hy film OM John I mower, 010%70 fly rowintioito, 310.60 fly konowllrroil Milo taken elf hie Auld.l.y richnol 0 , 4041. Ily Wi.lo HY 00100 16 poll las and error of 12 cons*. 20,12 —14:96.1 11. A. Schtermeselitistr, Gullet:tor of Awai t:A To amount of floplisdlo for 1067, Sflo2 U, ('r. fly cork to John 11111, Toms/sorer, rine 96 Hy eassiserasisour oil Ussislicato, 4*.26 -tiy balance ins llopheato does Twp.. 410 $216326 .lolut lli 1, Y'retteurer ref Bounty Fund, 1)r. To riots from I% D. Illourrecn, un.lees sr, .10:2;01 11. A erhsveppunheirer, du 1704 96 Hy enob plod J. 11, t gelidly. bond and Inlrtnrb 31713 Ily coot paid 11. W. do 33 , 514 Hy " Maoyan•l AiLimn. do In; n 3 Orrvrllug. do 419.311 Hy .• 11. V. Ninon du 31143 Hy '• J .eolly 1.16.1 riq rib'la.t lrar'e ointment, Nita Ny Mali lon PI J.C.rico Rillorllll, mug In trial conk J I', Stroh. meyer, let% fly cork paid 11411000 1 Nlyhord, t 41,110 Ily ratil paid cannel Illeyhard, Ica. tar I 411. PAO Ily ca 4 paid Win. U. Hurley. sti'y. 10.011 11y I'lillip Creasy, lot. on 1141,411f0r I year. 399 Ay amount paid Ito ntway and Jana by, paldephing lbir aemini. r/fle Ily cash plll.l lag Hating this ain't, S 1/ 1 9 Hy amount duo TfUalllagr Oil 101 l year'o Milowend. 131.49 By TIMIPUfer 0 cuiumlotion. 113 JP! 011t .n1 Hal. d•te Treaturer. J We, the underalpeed, Atolltors, do hereby certify that we have carefully eaterladat the taregolog at taunt aud dud timer to be cerrew t. ( Larayotto Crawl, A u di. Aaron Kelehner, tom Jani A. Hutch6on, (Mr, 16, 156$ pU BLIU SALE. The subscriber will s. lI at Public Kale. as Saturday, thr 26th day (f Ikrouter, ISGS, At Kisllor'n Dotal, in I.lstawinnit. C. lamina Conn .7, Pa., tbo ueOlvittod oar half of all that certain TRACT OF LAND, Called the "Oil Mill." Wilma Irlin umwe►hip, ra..olimul..l miler fro•n ValAwialls, Cuillaiiiing 133 3-A ACRES, more or irtlll. with the aporortenaneert, adjcininit hinds of Abraham Lilly, Reuben liggio. Jaw* bob man. and other*. The ovenwate thereon model of a tfutwo story dwelling imam barn, a two story frame oil atilt al the Roaring etrrk, mot other out buildings. About 40 arms Metre( are farm hind, the bailor,. covered with heavy timber, prince pdtly Pine, Hemlock, Ike.. end or well worth the at Motion of tapritiliste and .seders. Pale to eintintenee ut g o tit tk, r. M., oa seid (ley, when renditions will he made home by SAMUEL. SithiallAV. Administrator of the Estate or Peter Point'. dee'dd lota of Prederich I p., atotoremery twenty. Pa. Otte 9„ IMSI-31. • NOTICE. • There wilt lie a ' , pedal inco me of the 011riollitm4ery of the Illonin,thera Un h urt Sevin/ &Hid Adeorindimi, nt N o'clock on odeerder eve. Ind, December Intl, lOW, to eonehter the &I. towing al. erothwie and anrendmenis IA the fly-Lew*: seilion 3 is. Art IN be emended by addle, '.Ram April to &Timber, nod at 7 o'clock 141.111 October to March " it. Election I la An. X, be emended 4 Inserting the wind, "and l'rearureir" alter the word Secre tary, 3, it a la Art. XV:11. be emend J by adding th following : And provided oleo, there iv money enneleh to pay Ike ledge tied in the Treasory." 4. Semien3 to Art XVII, be "tricken out ay order el J. J. lailOWXll, 11. Kansa, 'weber. President. Dee.% 111116-31, AciEtrirs WANTED. $111) io 111.1100 per month, or a COMMiII. Oen harm stblsb *Mcs ihst entount eaa bit wads by the laird insensate COIIIIIONI I.BIVISI FAMILY SitYVING MACHINE, rikelpio.uo. rot Circulars and Trots address C. 1110WF318 /I 1 . 0.. floc. 2-w3 3 . 70 Furth Third Pt. l'biladilpida. Pe. JOB WORK 14. scaly czcoutod at this uthoo. t. REIIIIIIIMER & BRO.. lisr,im hEALER 8 I=l MEN'S & BOY'S CLOTHING GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SOUTH MAIN STREET, Below Market, opposite Correll's Store, lierrmfmr J , Is4l a. Tito oirtrocrifier toot on hand, DS trio *oil irooorrt entinbli.ltnagnt on Main oltit+.l. i row tionro abort, Opt 4.:utirt Monne. Pinot lode. She lloJett and twit velvets* nooht intent or BOOTS AND SHOES, Of tyre eftered to the poltlin 1114 wire, are sorb no to omit all rialto.. ar wire his. rm. MIMS INt Into t.very ntyle. Irons too heavy il-to ble.•Me,i ttt , •ny to the noel Po-n,h a* weir a• !.artier', M and 4'14410,W now*, ow rant variety. and warranted to tw lor the, he'll to tnu. 1411f111111. are t t M. resiml a. nII riot •• Ile itto.fre. wean e•iwrial attention In hi, , rtork g,vul•. intett , lt d for *lutist Wear. At being or untrocit HATS AND CAPS. Ile has atm a NI and antapti tie eintsiitssi a ha. and Caps of nano kind. and or iho I,,tevi and ton•t approved myloa The 441144 W Wl4 advt . riot* OMIT seen in this titatin't. • or Sable, Pilaf, Mink. Pnairrel, Atoll 'prim'. other kinds. I adi..a' repec MaW.. um, IP.Wa. end lien• neatens' heave. I Nils, Glove* and Vonore.. Poloca tar 44 64 0 i 0 000 Pirett t Mr these rune 'as it is lain none mirk PAO 100 044 41 1 W14 0.1 0 040 + 04 1M- A isms• esperti Ittlt..pittitko the ivolerti n that all the ;thrive totirteg P 1.1 6e enlist Or the a. ati tour 4 441 4 1 0. 4 0 140 Y here heel* *alerted atilt the greatest 444 4 '. $1.411 44 10 notarial 4044 tvnr•ar.naktp. lty 411 owner stop and eliminate the *leek litthre patella. nag el.avo IfrrP. as tipenoe as well as dirnp paintwvnt may he saved. 11. C. 11014;11. Dee, 1.1064 EST R AA T. Came to the /weinim's of the sokleriber, in Untawbtsa. MI or alt.ott the list a Ithiv, , olher, • a email and W I rrE. hi WEit yin conitlimn. • •7 owner will route torWarti. loot , en'e• fly. p y th,traer. and late 11 „ ~, others is 4 It Mill be dogma. ii ni Oho 1111% direrta., P. a, GAitettru. rWie. 2, U4I w 3 NOTICE'. Atl person* hat OM rlfoorrilltord•orro novo. or *lrak fir* . 4 horrOtor two reolOirlOttni to v at tbw ACerhilpige 11.4..1. NO onme hrtwacn the mod " of Xi.- vt•hober and the 13th .01' Detchsholt., U=M2l J. IL MAIZE'S mAmmrd GROCERY, SIIITE'S BLOCK, MAIN Sr, BLOOMSBURG, PENN. ExTRA FAMILY FLOUR cuustantly up haikt. AlOl, $1 ,71 IWCO ASP MOM/WA (.)( ait kinds, chime tat CAS. H. Vie CAI paid lur Mutter and Eggs Nuv. .4.3,1i0n5-pd Li DIES' PRESS NAKINC NEW AND t ASMONA 111, WINTER GOODS. THE ttildell4ll.4l Woral.l rovp.liffilly inirH.. HIM Mention of the tithreno i•f this plate and vicinity. In their new toad fancy Awaits, at their pewee Mita *Met, !Proud 411.1 t ono* or loorPh Y'r Cithist't and Chair 04)1111/. where they are prepared to Furnish (lourlß dr• MILT Up /.)reload,Cow, . 1 he . in The Wert pier. AiPO tell patterns 1.. r Lst d Meows midi:nate. still INT 0. hiNiterVe Give thew a rill. They homy rv, tr, theitetthe beat. in their line. and riser,. rir reds J1 , 11.1A A. & tIABR M. Rummy, Bloomrboing. Nov, 3. = NEW STORE SZYLikev.ik3r' CILKID:OUM3 IN BLOOMSBURG. MILLER A, WOLF, ReopeetAdly gammon, that they have effissaisamsevt , he Muremotile 11144•43c0s in all us ltraiwbee," Neill )/ ?Maui; Store Rooms im Mobs SI., known as the Maus propetty, and have now in *VITO A *FI TLI, ASSORT3IENT OF CRAPS, in their 1111 P, whit* they have seirettal with a good , ' deal of ease, sad will soli milts Lowest Possible Rolm, Their *took fa inmplete he every pirti pier, and itr quilt ty mot prim ranee* fail to sive fall aittilitetion, 'I hey mak the patronise of the public. "thin the , laritsee that urtr-KATE GOODS AND PAIR MALANG' may always be expected. Give theme trim. 'reek rimless are not Mind with. old snooty amts. hat with now ones, and with hew' and mow price*. Attention was paid to the selection of goods solim hle, also, for the. Fah and Winter trade. Gomel pro. etife the bargain% The hisMeitt market pr ices allowed for all country produce in i armoigi, f or sisals Moron's Main street, iron front, with lilt , * windows. , Wept, 21, . , FORKS HOTEL, GEO. W. MAUER, Preprie Ifbe shove well•known bowl hoe recently under ;nom redirsd chimps in its internal arianstinieNlP and its proprietor announcer lo hie Cornier rusher and the Werellium politic thin hie accommodation for the rowers oir hil l sonata aro served to MIMI i. the country. Hie ieble will always be found an 110111131; with untistantial (sold. but with a the delicacies of the 3101111011, 1111 3 MOM sad 111130111 (except this popular barons/a known an .JW‘Hinwp,', purcbaved Menet front the importing howice, a ro en. Welly pure. and free form all polsonens drag.. Na lbankfid for • liberal patrolling. in the pad, and' will continue lw 'Mewl,* it Ike fatten. 110311106 W. INAUcEIt. huta WI Nl6-1C WELL DIGGING. TheNsieripheeed gives entice In IMO public genet. ally Mal be I 1 n pteesleei W *Hit, Ultlo6ll, aid ie. bereaved ie dill welle 00 'beet t,..10r upon Ibe Frontrolible term. Ile hoe bed In hie Inn{ entellik pure lisp IMO harllfe/s rerrorbeble ewetear r 519.1 Ve 'Wog *grim% dons IN Its hoe would de well lir give boo a I'l4l. INIMLIAM Illovimg,berg 41111%, 10117, 11121 -AND BLOOMMING, 'CR , Y C.11A1141144Ar QM
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