WIC 11. JACOBY, Editor. WEDNICSDAY, IF GREENBACKS 1E Of M ENOUGH TO Of TI FAR , t, THE NECHANI TI Al3O 14HCBCHAN THE SOLDIER . , AND THE SOLDIER'S WIDOW WHO PAY TAKES, THEY ABE GOOD ENOUGH TO PAY THE WBONabSDH OLD f#N4 utimm Er, er moe c a e 1. ..Ir -641 !ton AirmrawimailiAtr atom: effoum K Donjt, ~ 4 00.: —or PAYeireCanfr• .o#l Mt na cuumuzion - OEN. WELLINGTON ooLumnik meow.. (hill for the liatilortallteeihtrat• le Conveuttiosii - The NatiefmtPlernocratlc Committee, IT irtus of the anther( ty enforced upon them Ly dialog National Detnoeratie Conventicle eta _meting hold this day at Wasthington, P. r., voted to hold the next Convention for the portage of nominating candidates for president and Viee•Preridat of tine United States on the 4th day of July, 1564, at 12 o'clock E., in the City of .Nsw lurk. ' The t asi.q of representation„ss fixed by the last National Democratic Convention, is double the number of tleuretors and Nile.. smutty% in Congress of high Stste under the last a pporlitenuent‘ t Each State invited to' uilealetegates eceordingly. 1 6 34...rf Arm= Duman, Obsirman. FIIEDRICK 0: / / MACE, secretary. RlViuthington, rebruarr 1 1 2; 181114. 'fug IstrEAMSTWIT trial is still going on ; the counsel fur the President hating finish• ed their argument+, Bingham, one of Managers, commenced to make the closing. argument on Alondny last and was expected to close ft on Tuesday (yesterday.) The int petichens rely on Bingham to redeem some of the ground they hate lost by the terrible assaults of' Groesbeck and Everts. The ease WM so tbomughly used up, however, by those gentleman that it is rant believed that Bingham will appeal more to the par tisan prejudices of the Renate than to any thing else. Some of Ma friends advised him the other day to limit his argument to three or four hours, but he would not con vent, and will no doubt speak until the ad journment of the Court on Tuesday after noon. ' TIIE IVashiagton curroapaadegt of the Cincinnati On•toirrol'ua writes as follows of tho coot of the impeachment trial! "I am told that the printing of fhe tick ets of edmiasien to the trial will cost fttl,ooo. Tey arc coupon tickets, large and stiff, and stamped, and to make them permanent sou venirs the name of Sergeant-at-Arms Brown end the title " Impeachment of the Presi dent," era written across theta with prodig ious display. The et poem of the trial to the Government hes been variously estima ted at between two hundred thousand dol lars and a half million. To bring Conte ia dividual witnesses here will cost alone tivo thousand dollar+. General Rousseau, for example, will get forty cents a mile for his trip coming and returning. having been in tbrm twice summoned, netting himself the handsome sum of say nine thousand dollertl. Ten cents a info each way is paid to wit nesses, cud two dollars a day for attoodauce; the mileage is liberally iaterpreted by eery ingtwo writs and paying tun wawa for both. NEW 'lmmo/tn.—We understand, says the .iftiton;on, that the Catawissa R. B. Co. have concluded to extend their road from this place to Williamsport on this side of the river, passingthrough ltlrelvvene'Ville and near forbutrille, thus tapping that rich , agricultural region in the upper end of the cuuuyt• Ibis appears to ua to ben good move. The Biqa() licet.ion of road between this place and Williann.port is now compel led to do duty for throe railroada—.the Y. & hl., Catowisaa, and Northam Coutud--ell of them, doing a heavy freight buaiuc and haring a fair automat of passenger trafie. The ornteettnenee is that the road is.6ontin natty blockaded with trill's; every switch and side track le in ese and much detention h caused thereby. We treat therefore for the good of all the roads as well as of our fripdf in the,uppereni, the now road will br Piled klut;li ai rapidly as gosbiLle. TIIE YATIOYAL bill0(1141IC COMA?. os. —Tho Congip&y:u nal Democratic Ex essiivo Committal composed of &tattoo Doolittio and Backstair, and Represente . tivoa Itandall, of Pesasylventa; Ilarnum,'of Connootiout; Humphrey, of Now York, Itels, of Illinois; nimble, of Kentucky; and Oeneral Thomas /Mug, of the District, have nnitcd in a request to Ron. August Belmont, Chairman of the National Demo cratic litaccutiro Committee, to reconvene the latter committee with the view of acieet, its and earlier time for the mooting of the National Conmittion la New York City. The onip reascousgod for,tlis is to lengthen the campaign. At is, nice brother vtorkingason? You pay about oae half your earnings, either di lolly or indirectly so hod and elothe a lot of lazy negroes and thieving officiale.‘shout one fourth to pay btAttiboldors lutercstatpou tho mortgages they hold upon your labor, and upon tbpy do not pay a cent of tai—and the Other fourthis left you to feed, clothe and school ,pains fatniliels. You ad, utinr . thia way of arettitg along, or yottliould not rote for Mougraliatzt that has fastened this State of afEdtir Open gore. A Ltrrua family malmsey" has been goiog on for the put two pears tin Eleven ilelch Conn., over a matter in cash rho not erneodiss twenty-five was, and fifteen hundred dollars hey° already been expended in the court• ahont it, with no better pros pect of seulcuient than at first. The parties are atebboki of good standing in the Meth odist Church, and own property among them to the value or two millions one hen lred dollarti. The news from the South show that the negroes there are carrying the elections "all hollow." .ht l i k eyer. eleotlo carried men i ns hi 1 tto to aim void ow 'n I So ghoul ted as r uli ; no vo under a o n giv theist ith autho ' , the 's of rage, 'lnce °agrees luui no power whatever to make a negro a voter in any State of the Vision for State ahem, much lees to make him eligible to State offices. Ilenoe, of course, State constitutions ratified by the unlawffil ballots of negroes, and all Suitt IMI lacwialluttrn, , ',beta W Mdiiaano means, are glarineffauds, which cannot bo +Winded or given effect Wuihr at valitl7 ground whatsier, which no la* - of thin can legitimate, and which ought' to shook ' the common sense and honesty 'tithe whole sountry. Bat AO ars mooring Ary the Radical flootionin estagrem to tor, the next Presidential election for the Broiled tiekeh and at that end Mai bt'weented, toaseible at all events and be . * means, lbe "store.. said *lotions will be confirmed It ht Con gressional. 'isolation. this the National. Onistitetiow, and State sovereignty, will be trodden under foot, that the negro may koep the Radical party in power. TiiILITAD7( 4b,ND CIVIL. AUTHORITY. —A country governed by military law, that is, by mutt:tot alerted and whoaro noweleotives and who hold their offices during good be havior, and only subject to removal through their own peculiar usages and regulations, and not through the action of any civil tri bunal, is governed by a despnenun, of wee. No one disputes the feet A. Dentoeuttie government, where the poople majto their own constitutions, to suit themselsea, in cludes provision fur a military force, but speeifias shall be subject, to the civil authorities, who, however, can orgy act le. gaily in eoeorditueo with the fundamental law. Therefore, the appointment by Congress of Niditary men to superood• civil offieers and carry on govoronsont in time of peace, is utterly opposed to the genius of Demo cratic iwititutions made for the protection of the people. if Congress has the right to appoint an caw of the army, with power himself, or through another, to etiperoctie civil authorities, and carry on government, they do not derive it fmm among any of the powers delegated to them. It is bold TV arpation ; they have an must right to sitpoint soy man, not an oilloer of the army, to do the same thing. On a mere pretext of their own making, they have an equal right to appoint any man governor or any state, and to clothe him with authority to abrogate all the Mire to suit himself, and to force a new and hateful constitution upon the people of that State. Such aro the tre mendous powers claimed and now exercised by the present usurping Radical .Congress. M=ll DRAIII OP WILLIAX C. RIVEB.7—WIII, 0 itiveB, a gentleman extensively known in political life, and one of the few remaining members of a distinguished class of Virginia gentlemen, died at his residence, near Char. lottsville, Virginia, on Sunday ,last, in the 75th year of his age. During his life ho oc cupied many important public positions, and Las left a distinguished name and record kind him. In 1823 he entered Congress, and served ibr six years. Ja 1829 President Jackson appointed him United States Min ister to France, where ho remained until 1832. Returning to Virginia he was elected a United.Statos Senator from that State, and served in that capacity, with but, a few months intermission, until 1845. II() then retired to private , life, and abstained alto gether from polities until 1849, when ho was for the second time appointed Minister to Prance. On his return home he withdrew altogether ; from polities, and devoted him time tolaw and literature. his "history of the Life and Times of James Madison" tubed considerable to his reputation. : For eight years Mr. hives avoided everything like political life, but the secession Move ment of 1861 bronght him out again, and he appeared before the' public as a delegate to the Peace Convention held during that year. HISTORY or THE WAR-.41Y ALEXANDER Srevaays.—Thie is a wed( that should be read by al. The well-known ability of Mr. Stephens, end the opportunitiet which he enjoyed to observe the rise, progress and fall of dm Confederacy, render him of 'all mes the meat competent to write its history. The work in dew in press by the National Publishing' Company, 26 South Seventh street, Philadelphia,nnd will appear at an early day. Agents are now realising large eorcimiSsions on the sales, and we commend the *DA to the attention of musvasE-ers.— See' advertisements fOr agents wonted in dothor'column. QCAKTZSLY RiPORT 01 ?RI NA abetniet of the quar terly reports of the tuitional banking see,o ciation shows the aggregate amount of resources to be $1,495,438,0075 the loans and disecants, :wind* overdrafts, are $827,720,000; the speoie about Arleen mill ions awl a thial; legal tender note', nearly $84,000,000; compoand interest notes, $38,04000, and three per aunt certificates, $24,24,000. The liabilities show :—Nat Cloonan); sytettautdtandiag, $294,000,000; Stsi.e.bank, mites out itagding, S3,OOOAOD, individsal dfpviite welrly $62,040,• 000., • l'irt negro Bureau military orgenlration down South undo; 18,000 men, and, Wets $117,000,00. The Bureau , caste N much mere, and the negro, Conyontimi oot likri sum minting in roilida Rini 13 5 0 000,000 yearly, for all tits. writalted corn Nand of tomfoolery' and 78*Oibp. The North pays the bill It pars to eTelifile the negro and dovreae the white man. It is sweating and toiling, and etarvlng the mass es, to fUrnigh means to the Mongrel power to perpetuate Its deepdtiam and MTh this country into a Mongrelized monarchy. 4. 41. Cor,. JOHN IlAuums, a loading lawyerin Schuylkill county, and a Fnldier of the war of IFI2, OA in the city of Beading on the 3d instant, =EI . too pl Ashy, pr 'god tho tartans. The tonne of the three great trials alike yin ingn k* g tpookerio} nis ;doffc Odo k ant It the itellouso. &Lao hecCn etrTpPad savtaiclike; and liaittapahl• *Ming him. eelf: JAI iiiinnwpOod wigi the epics and the pa-eatmeo.,„itinpine Rump, and watched'hy crowds of Congressional pimps whose Amen; him cum es *on their, guilty eQuichluMrillft4. whims. ..Pescfflum and Per- Adieus rosehheatioushave left him without a, soldier to,proteet the President from in -4i * and outrage. The sworn oillears of the itful bin WhisPiasil with the pktmod usurpers of Congos to depose him, and there mama little doidiCtliat. the oonepiraes wilt aucceed. FON wed it* Accoria 6o6 with the thaw of.t)figim.litat, 'la the in sane program of a revolatian, =ohs, snow going on, while the bulk pf the army of the I.leited States is eteeding guard over the abused and impoverished Seattle/7v peo phi, the recreant liadera of that Army, with a seloat asoDrfules.t oaf troope d should 100PhIP Lug jolters to their constitutions' command er. All things seem to combine to prontoto the success gt the conspiracy and the fall of Johnson. Ilis military arrangement of the District of the Atlantic, tioeugli which it was hoped. he might by able to ooneteraot the formidable military preparationa of his enemies and protect the Government, wore rendered abortive by his own act, for while proceeding with his plan, hn.signed an ap propriation bill, into which there was sur reptitiously injected a provisiou requiring all military orders to pass though the hands of Grant., the were creature of the Attune Congress. By this 'tingle Stroke the midi: tary parade and glittering promises of Han cock andhie Atlantic Department were res.. duped to a string of empty when. The President's in a worse pretlicanunit than before, and iauock may 69d himself cash lewd by the same individual whom he landed as the Carpet of the Wu Depart ment. The singular confusion of blunders and crimes thathas charnoterised johnson's admiuistration—none of which enter into the impeachment indictment—Booms to have resolved itself into a fatality pointing to him as the first victim to be deposed and marched out of the White Ileum by a con spiracy originating in a fragment of a eceor dinate branch of the Government. Who can say that he will be the last victim? Ile cannot appeal to the country in his own be half, fur his sentence debars him from again asking for the support of the people.. Ile cannot depend upon the decency or she jue tioe of his judicial foes, for they have neith er, and will render judgement outside of the evidence, as they boast of acting outside of the Constitution. The trial has exposed the rottenness of the jury. The House im peached for niereinary ends The Senate promises to convict for the same reasons. Already the hooka of vultures who have fa cilitated the ex peri meat ere hovering around the rising sue of 'Wade, demanding their reward and share of the Darien. Johnson has but one hopeful remedy, and that is the nee of the same appliances that were used to secure his impeachment lie must strike hands with the conspirators, concede to de mands of the doubtful watchers of the Sen ate in order to secure their votes, or prepare to pack and check his baggage for foreign parts. In either event, there can be ;eft upon history, by this impeachment,,.no oth ,er than the most fatal and disgraceful chip ter, and render the authors of the, conspi racy abhorred through future generations. The fore doomed Prisoner of the White flouso will be but another addition to the long and ghostly line of !Wilms of Aboli tion fanatacien.—Crisis. 1=1:12 ROBBERY or AN EXPRYAH MERFEWORR. .—New York, May I.—About baff-past ibur d'eloek this morning, while J. F. Prime, messenger in the employ of the merchants' Union Express Company, wtuton his way to this city in one of the NeW tork Central &inroad care, be ems seizedby two men Just as the train was passibg (arisen, and bound band and foot. A bag' was then se ettrely fastened around his head to *event tiro five' screaming, and in this helpless condition he was tied to a stove in the corner of the ter. The men then prbeeeded in the' coolest manner possible, to take possession of all the money he had in charge, amount ing to $ll,OOO, of whioh $9,000 was in cur rency and the remainder in gold. As the train epproaehed New York the thieves went over to where he was bound, and tested the cords to make sure that he could not get free in thee to cause their most.. They secreted the money on their persons and left. Shortly after the arrival of the train, thettart wee opened by the porters of the Hudson River Railroad Oompany, ind Brown was &trod almost insensible. The 61/101 Was reported at onoo to the 'Officers of thelhateril Superintendent; on 'Broadway, intElihairediately caused detectives to be *pits& for the mrrpose of tracking the no affair was 'so well managed litit to oho has yet been rotted 4 , :r lead to their arrest. AT 1 1 41‘1011, Geer*. on Thundei, a no* gro hawked a white hay down io s publio ahem, injuring her new, . it fight be. twee* the fiehitea wed bisolue, who were gathered in esoelderable meads at the rear 410th immediately blued, sod many ow both Ades wore seristolY iitiimod• Pistols* Woos and clubs were freely mod. The soldiers hilly charged through the smote, ud soo. coded in diopereing the ootetbatantr. The negro. who knee/toe thOblatlY down was eligLily wounded by g i pletgi ,hog, '•*Norm in Cheyenne; Wit'. Infbrmeel of tho crime for which parsons are lynched by ob. serving the tree tram which their b6dies suspend. There is a speoill tree ter each crime in the code of Cheyenne. our o' , Louis he ewe'', ri toilriiitlql widteellieffering friendship. Thor wore trostod kindly and started off. pig jr4ow pan% they itl i7d and V 4411411 liiindOhavo hit ioinity fraquendy of ate. o MI different stations siotill the *A Bt. Louis, April 3).—An °malt , special despatch to the Drainertertillytraat lb* Indiana yesterday killed four Ma bier Plnm Ore* &Woe, and another band nealped too reed *ear 13141n0r Station. A letter from fort Randall earl that the Indians stole a number of horses from the nog on the lOtb, and yesterday rtnethor party ran of Ate. ponies. They said they wore going toattaak.the whites. Adriees At to Fort Ellie say that the Blaok•feet - Indians *hot Nathaniel Crabtree, near Drowned ffan'y Rapids, and dole the make• *mu Captain Cook. The elephant Romeo, which wu on ex hibition in Philudelphie within a week or two, has gone on a tow through the interi or of the State. Not long lino" be killed lila keeper, ami while en his way to Lanese ter a fcw days ego, he beam. awl , and Restive, and among other freaks ho killed horse, injured other snunela, demolished wagons, fences, telegraph polea,, and &mai after five hours beating and stabbing bo riitiA for mercy and reached Laneaster in ntit to take part in the show in the avert ing. • 0. • Tun two Ica.l ing cities of the Northwest, Cincinnati and Chicago, at their late muni cipal eleetions, show the following signifi cant gains for the Democracy In a twelve months; Chicago, four thousand eight hun dred. In many of the smaller towns in that section of the Union, the gains have been proportionatelylarge. This is omi,side of the account. What is there to balsam it? Where have the Radicals made any gains? In New liampchire their majority was reduced fully one-half in the late State contest, while it rimeeticot q:no Democrats re-eleefea: Governor uglisb by a majority double . tillt` he received in Izra. now are signs of the times that cannot be mistaken. They presage a glorious victory for the De meeracy, and the return of peace end prow• parity le the ROHM:ft. —On Tuesday night of lint week, ildr. Frank Van .Ostem, farmer, liv. log in Bush' township, Northumberland county, Was robbed by his hired man, nam ed Bennet Gateman, °fano goldlever Watch one Silver lever do. and a compe4tion gold Lepine Watch ; also of e floe black dress coat, two pair of kid gloves, a pair of fine boots and a small amount of money, The scamp had been at work for Mr. V. about two weeks and arose lsifore daylight, on Wednesday morning, and absconded with the above plunder.—Danvt7/e litielligencer. Fiat. —A dispatch from Pittsburgh says that the Montana Oil Works, located a mile from that city, were totally destroyed by fire on Saturday morning, together with 1,2(X) barrels of oil. Loss between 820,000 and $30,000; insured for $11,()00. Three Mme dwellings adjoining were also burned. RS-BrILDIXO.—We notice that workmen am busily engaged in rebeilding the Nation al Iron Comparry'4 Machine shop lately ee atroy64l by fire. We are pleased to see this, ea this ostablishmett when in operation giver constant employment to a largo num ber of worktnen.—Ausoille intolliymeer, N. P. &mu, who Inks tried nt Wilkes- Barra last week for murder,; ba been ac quitted, News Ileum —Registration in IVashington City a negro majority of 150 in all the wards. —A tempest has broken four of the five glibina rine telemph cables connecting Franoo and Belgium with England. imiieCnent araintot the Arian prix• Often in Newgato Pnaen, London, is said to be sixty A.A. long• -4 Western man has neeectly been blessed with twin colts, twin calves, and twin children. —ln the l'aragnayan War it is calculated that 40,000 lives have been lost ihnn wounds, and 40,000 from oholera. —The Central Democratic Club of West morland oottutY. Ps. have doolared for Gen. W. S. Ilancook for l'resident. The Roo. (Yews F. Wilson, of lowa, declines to rub fbt Congress again. lie is now serving out his fourth term. The offloial majority for the constitution In South Carolina, as reported by General Claaby, lP 43,400. New Orleans Tribune, a negro organ published by negroes has impended for want of support. ...The New York State Meerobly his pass co resolutions its favor of taxing Govern. went Ponds, by a vote of yeas 49, nap, 30. —General Buchman has appointed a bowl of three army oflitsofit tb extrmlne and count tho vOtill ih theloaleinne eketion, —The Woys sad means committee het /2tlted Nam Ploorbeaci i Itlayanini and suboonanittee to draw op a Tv rit7r, —Cite It nnual consumption of iron in Rue. Ida is now set down at 12,000,000 pounds-- e total which sheens s considetable progress upon former rms. • I St: eft. Broils, ; aidetant heetboat's Bu. man Como? reioser. dor limed a cmulsr, )nstruottng, tAie . ,l3nreaw Agents in that Btate nbt to attelad iibtttical oonven , lions. VAASA/ED. In t'stow4no, nit tile' IMP utt., hp key, a G. Dill, likr. David A. libel*, otiknown, Mio Sarah E. Johnston, of Jernotowo. At Dspvgle, oq lir , Gib ult., by I;et_hl. A. Stoke, Mr, do o C, Girton, ko Diw Margaret Anti einwnolll, both of Itetalook township, lkitnitOtttmnaty, Pi. i (hi 'clitimlay night, April 23d, of a stroke of Palsy, Ahrwhani Bower, et' Orange tier, ('ohunhia county. apt' about 7.') years, ;333 A special Omaha ports that adv; state that t .inoon a party of eked the rail latter were ki escaped. 0 counted. They =3 DIMS). M ale withheld. The oonititutiona ana, phyel the lee* robust rosy be Re Iffiengtha 1111106Inclibrified by a aitunit of 1100 MIT.; VOUS AITTEII,B as to reader them ait p$ invulnerable, not poly t i e the attacks o epidemic disorders, but able to the ordinary complaints which prevail in all setuileiocend sesioder. leithe im mense importance ot' purtgarvit )1111DICA- 4 nog wore.nniversally hmistratood, this im cotnparabte vegetable antidote, which is al ready the mom popular_ tens e the '* brad, woald everywhere be chased eatiorig the sta• plea of life, and activity would dare to be without it. The time may arrito when this Hail! ho the case, for every year adds bun *tirecle of thous:cede to the diet of those who nee "Trt :Awl= esUinta ut Len" le good and g Spirits. and if you have them not, the nest bait thing is what mill remove bloom to the' faded cheek and hosimentb the drooping heart. The great MIA aro remedy is Plantatioujiitters, which OUT physicians recommend tohoth male and Ibmale pittientii es a safe, reliable, agreeable and cordial stimulant. They contain noth ing to disagree with the most delicate con. mantle°, and have won golden opi ens' front all who have tried theme; and probably ne artiel6 was ever trletli PO many persons. rimy oblate thedeprees and give strength to tho weak. M Mitaxnun WArta.—A delightful toilet trtiele—superior to Cologne and at liar die prior. No. 11. M AItRET REPORT. Wheat per bushel, 4,...0e $0 Co y rn, , t , ............aii .L 6O 00000 bey* q••• • •• + Mei* / 111/ Buckwheat " 1 00 Oats, I i , . . f Clowerosed " RO • 7 00 Fhwuwed, " 00000 .".. ..,. 2 60 Ifri'd apples " , t.n.14,•... 11. 60 l'otatoes, " 140 Plonr per barrel, ~ 13 00 Butter, 40 Ems per d05eat,..i...we44.4..4..;,...5..4,44.,. '2O T..allow per t0wini5.,ww,,,,...04...,,b . 14 ani '' , •,, o , .., 4,,• q ••• 15 liainm, " - " 20 " -,uldt Walden ' " • 15 Hay per lon 15 00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. waL~. ~ap~s~. . WINDOW. ISHLDMI, WEDS TASSELS, • '• FIXTUSES, Just Ftwelvia M gm *tore se Nam 'tern, Ilpipbrot by TUORNTON. • Slifonsablui, May I, Well ass. NEW CARRIAGE AND SMITH BM A. S. CROSSLEY, . line opened a i:arrinse an 4 Smith Stop on Ilron few dunes beton, Yak. in Sleevelet/lira, wlierc h • will b fauna at all tiers ready W repair 014 weir it, mate new, and in shrift, An all little of Or per• Sarnw to bh line of bie4wilsa A. a mina& ironer 'be hi+ uu 011.rjorg w 'hi' lie intends also !SuWilli new wigwam. Give alma a call. Piaitems are lib.ral. {Repair wort will recent c epeeist at• (mytt'Arl-tf olumbla County Agrkultural Society. TUB anoint merits, at the Columbia Onnotty Au ricnltnral, llorticuliurli.l. su Mechauseal A•accia• lion fel th• election .4 oft cent to nerve one year. will be bell at the I:antrt Mouse, to illooniahurg, ow Mt urday, the 11th day of May, InGS, between the nonce of II and 3 (Velma, p. n. Juseru P. (x.ANca. Neel. L O. Ronny, Peer lilhontaburi, May 0,1800-3 t. lrr All conaty paper. ple•ee copy. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notiea Is Ittrehy given 'bat, tie boob ICCOUraII of the drat of &nun at Las. la !kali township, Colum• but Coe nty. *net be eluded tql betweew tabs date and the 2:.ith nay of May. lock otherwise they *di be piece,' iu tbs aasds of a ptoodr moor to enfitece Culiestlaft. The 114100 t latintocr of Um ftra, wtil It tried- to waking ',Memento from day to day uarit lie Uwe opeetilled, after latish tbseiesel pre/actinide bill be instituted, Me, 6, ikwei. Notice. NoTice is acridly girls, lllat • pronalasary Ills, dated Septanibor 14. f•II7, dor April I, 18bil, 0,4 by Joh* WsIN,, to fumy of Koury Wattle:a, and by Wsiiic AS4/1/11411/ to Wary Ortwiaa, fir one hintifrat/ and eirry.slir dollars, srld 0111 lallirb omits, dye dollars ars anillorsall. 1. lost or raiirtaid.: and all perms are bsreby tuitions Q against purchasing ar saeutruirag said int., as gagorir albs Ord lies bean sloped. Hgloll WITYYIIig, Illartriburg, April el, 1610-9 t. new binientry Goods At the Fang Store qf ° •rr „ AN JilA, WERKIIIEISEE, 4)le , (OVOCKPOR TO MIST SAIXI.II`,) tlLOollirerga, PA. The pubtle are retteriethiliy informen OM they ene fOrsdabad with everything la Om blillleary line upon the moat reasonable term., and in goods not imposed frw ogle, beautyor lotribillry la this town. Her gpring styles or'hat., bonneta,And other artleito for Womeit end Pelmet wear, are beaetiftri aid well calculated to ask tge melee of the most lbstldloss. Give her a call Store on Main .trret , (hong aide) below MOM: GE DLOOMBOLIRO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. The undersigned hieing purchased and !atoll re fitted Ole well.known Donee, situated nn MAIN ST., fesisdrately aphoatts the Court Noun, respectfully informs their friends and the pistil's generally, that theft %OUP/ I. new In °riot fan astrommodstioa and enterutinaiont of travelers. They have spired no pains In preparing thenxthense for the entertainment and comfort of their wets Their House is spacious, end enjoys a good business heaths a. Ord N {l,lll et all time. between thieporn and the difereolt Mimed Depots, ley which trayeters will be conveyed to and from the reapeemme ihatleaa to due time to met ail ears. KOONM & CLAIM. April OD, igag. EXCILANGE RESTAURANT. •• • Ths Tv°teleran liatv WI re novauid Rll4 reoete4 the* NurrAuxArtr, an lbekkapakacial of the EXCHANGE HOTEL, They *sold moist resi)irgnity solicit atantlaetnre ef p wia q of {her old enelesento f and re/04141i Vitt arc attaatiOa Of JIM Dist ID Visit rifted:gents aa Milers : ' - • SHELL OYSTERS, lOW CANNED orerEitS Omega overtire, PRIM! I , IIM 1 0 th- 1060 . Per week. RAM ANT I bOiauNA, bill of TAQTY'ORS 'AND CrOARS. rr Wring an be served up to Ilmatornars at a 1111011Npla note !a VA 910110 1 1 ISTEWWI, CHAIED, MOO, Os LAW, 4,. ., 14811. 0 1 411. . 4 0 14 , 4 1 l ixmai CLAIM i 81w00 11 111.1.010. 111411.- ZE THERE afUl Ire an eleellnft held at the leatltate, on the Rai aktarday of VW Ile it. Warm the hoar. of three aid five o'clock in the afternoon, by the litortholders Olive Illostreshart Literary lastit , :ce, to elect three Trustees IA carte three years and one 'Fruriee to terve one year, and for other iropnriant business. F. U. HIER, Seertiery. Illoornobore. April tr, InOiktt. IT"," Rtrittt All flidoultotAi pleats ropy. The °Melal Winery of the War, les. I aid yet ;bad I 4 : ton e• _ siren prodrolow Wa piosiles • change of fare, both aSmeable and salutary, and WI Intel keine' trent of thiclilgheet order. The Great Arearisea Way has at last found a historian worthy of Ile 11 . 1 P.rtentio , find al whose hands it will recelre that moderate, candid and Impartial treatment which truth and Jul. ties me urgently demand, The Intense door, or , it will rat'! be said e s•ateina ' s , ti g i rt isstypelPitlos happ , tatas 64141. i L - MO fla ft jost, , repastiftlpMelpera lo ;brae eillir, , Out Ulotion, INaia., 1101 subscribers la NO dare, Os* ifilampils, llidli. 106 sabortilwrs la Ilse days &ad WC)? silars mid NM air Wm,. and • Gill ilata i r lib l tha ,wskik, *lib Neu Autive of Id lia. - 7 Cil ' # T. , " ' /1,11400, NATIONAL, P1;11141 4 1111103 a).. 90 &Wit IlksOth Illas. MileAsipabs, F. . Ape it 18138-41. 11KE1416 contun BONE lIIANU . 1 41tv1NG,..4 ALLENTOWN, PA, Te lemur, (nod sad sure rreps use thi s t i greuer amount or the mm fee rosaisee. erg •r rulpitoble County tee Lid neklUenute that ors brio` 05.41'110141n a aorta o( riebneet as timidly is iyki, use or Iltribig's Soso Alooorii. We' Kona you will nova rages Ws rzw.sliorot. Orders Iliad by tuber PAXTON & P•., or by A. 1, A Logarttorit . Agent, April 119, 1.03-30. Iloauaaaa, r.. = AMEN 4 NEEDLES, SOILS mialWitor (It um AND non IZTOPUI of 'Mgt, IMPROVED SUPER riesrarrs fF LME, PEWIT/AIM* PURE GROUND DONE At Loweet Market Rata& PERUVIAN GUANO. We Pell only No. I—received direct kola the acre erocneot. guilt PHOOMATKIR Bass. ?OO lbs. sub. TEM. 11% pet ?OM lbe Ammoniate, VEILTIIWZRIt In Raga, MO lea. sob. PRICE. $3 pee milk A I:UPCOUNTRY:I DEALER'S 0111 Agricultural 117,r1,11, Brach Sr., Plum St s ., (Ake, & el S. Water Street, and V B. Delaware Avenue. • DPAI.fI IN ODA CANDIJR AND OF:NE*4I. CYJIINDArloN n tlIgge. I de PEA April 911, 161111.416 • • LADIES' DRESS NAKIN4I. • NEW ANT FASHIONABLE SPRING GOODS. THE undersigned would respectfully Invite the attention of the citizens of this plata and vicinity, to their new and laity foods, at their Morton M sin Street, second door earn of Joseph Raabley • Cabinet and (Asir Looms, where they arc prepared to Coati 4 ilukc 1 7 1) Dresses, Coats, Ike , the latest •tyl e. Also sell pattern. for La. dies' rl mid (110(111, and for Children's wear thee theist a call. 'Mei IswireverrUilag ot Ow best In their line, nrid cheap far cash, JULIA A. a SADIF, I. BAILICLIIT. Alameda A. ail SrJ, 041-14 e. TUB lime of reseivint prUsnesala for the ererll^n of the Veva Half Bloc in 1000titstirr, I. Pst , ridet/ until the Gro or M ap. 'llia plans and specifications can be examined during one week previous to that data by eoi I log upon tie Ell,lll DING CObllirrTfill. Bloomsburg, April 22, 111114-11 t Coopering 1 Coopering THC atarecr Ater reepactfulli a.anounme Mat s o prepared to Manufacture SCHVG 6 LIZ. Espy. Pa BARRELS, TUI3S, A ta. TP. BUCKETS, CHIMNS, I, „ 4n d averything In the line of Coved% REPATRING DONE TO ORDER and at abort • notice. t 7 Hie fa located n• M•la 111Caeb 2Hratiaab•rt. •ear dm GOB Cootpaay's railroad, lL 21. WILLIAMS. illooalabarg, April 22, 1842. Removal of the Dead. DI humours of An Act of the Legislature, ap• proved April 111$ IMO, *sato is hereby glees to 11l persons haying friende oc relatives butted within the epees of feet on Mate Street' erre, feet on Iron etreet, qa the tiouthersw e.orner of M. Peol's Church Yard eloosnabum, that the bodies must be refigured br I. movivtallnonew of foelliVelet beer. tho Arid day of line. ISM. or that they will be re. glowed aura re Ms mod by the Vestry Of sal/ Church by euthrwity lemur By oiler of the Vestry. J. J. BBOVVIM, ryesideut. r. Eartsuity. di Msaburt Aprli tre:IPI18-31. 0/041r. to Oho prenatal,' of OW oabooribet. in Con• Ire townlhlp. Wombla eOu nty on or about too tati at Meantime , lain, a RED II Ilittli. woth while ',DU upon la. and • t•rge wart on rigat bind laa• *all bolt., to ono poem. to as abort to& ?sant er4rf.. minor In rootwotad income forward, prove propert', pay rhartes and take her aw ay, otherwlos oho will be out .0 etwordkop to tow. ANDREW/ slam!. ram tui p., April I, Isla. MP NT WOW. it. a. fail*. WOLF & BARTON, (strbctitotom Te s. C. snivr,) • INVOMSBIIIIG, PA. Ts. tenbacribire bonen/ )is id the Mint*/ MI and Machina Rho fistitetil 9nnliPl , 4 by tO Nitre, win enettettle tMa beteleeet or nearehteeßflng Doors, HoshOlinds, Mouldings Bteelthen. kn. linhy set"nlvelptentereed be imenleh DRESSED FLOORING, SHINGLES, and all 011tir LIMNS, feltar6d In the en nftrvetion•r lla bind,xurmty y lcg i ao st4 gar; rei =, pressnnee and tam Cden w e t ua ipltelhed RA MN. 111101Riebein. IL 113$/-41. NOTICIt Iir*,!LIARS. / I nn MtIVICAN' ittntlitt) arid resAy iG 1J,11111. , liolo.oo.lll4lloYowile irk : it ufi a t auw. • eta so pit tbousuill essoimPo.• • vi.-4 „. . w •,/ . • • is oo ..•• 0 " " W . . 00 Apply to Lit.'oltoUt• b. co., April li, itaiivii i.. II vToon , , ..... _ estate will mit lownidiata papoient to ON wider flood Ist:tutor ROHR Mciit! , lß V I,AVI SON HUl:Fide, April 11, / C f4i r XV( WPIi. ml:man= ff 2 211 Eztension. EbTlitAT lIIEUIFER. AND GROCERY &TORE. 7 „t o I r e k melt uovIrl:. r oV,VerVir.r.: - , „ I. oana arc P ia lie heaps Do Yen/ a so , D, FISH, DRIED BEEF, c Ilkosiders, Iliaan, A , GREEN YEGETAIILM I N mar soiame, ?melt Med aisqrsiber Pub la lea. titles to slit eietessere, Vessel, Weser iee. a.&.... Pythiad I. this Ilas Prapartif c 7 NM' s. ipi er I yn t rt ilea pees tqls e tcwlt I sued i bee Mang. At' pa thli le a4l la tit* narks r . *WNW I ffPfei r Effalgr" tCtltAj 1910 los m e gloss 1•10•Cielleelows aid ty Tooth Tot leo county, c wrida, Ply lolgprSONdary g_l•l4roular. do:lodtdmeee of uifir mm i•mTe the next Mar Tarim .r Court. or prover loyal orceellner fees tel il4l resorted till* MN ne tania rile /QUI P, TOW UK, vwiter, er i" . w , • NiflD Aril hi, I • So. 1,, e•insi'm ADM WOW PirrlCD Estia. uj EtiVatvi-Mcilasql decoded, • !otters of A.tootoillOoißPOo is doe soles M td ward ilotfOort like of (hoop serwimiel p. toeety, trointorir,lmo boos rowed by Om Ilitigler of said meaty, to Thomas Mrlte.q 6114 Oftee who troth relit* Ir Ofanri terriMillp; sad restaty aforesaid. Ali pennies Unclog airlifts or deemed' against ilia Wale of tMeiresWitat are recanted to present siren ellotilietretere erkhoui *ant NI p vibes indebted are relocated to teats pay. Mint. —TONAL OteHIBIAT. " me ,. tyitUS.IIIeIINNILY. Omuta teweehip, Apelf is. 1111111,—Ow.• -WEN MOUSE. BERWICK., I'A.. T. Bent. Taylor, Propriat,or. The proprietor begs leaveito Inform the Wilts 1141 ÷ he ewe When elialtge 134. this well Mown ow“ r which ham or late ondergon• a complete c la both tie exterior and interior appearance. lin 1: 1 4 1 .12 11 -I,, , ,vseciisnoor ..d fowl,. oi lli P P V i dlitgvering p ft o well Ii Ile local powwows*. Ttio ^peon% lweiprielar will swirl, rici paws to continue this lloose A what It has been, eh" I ii‘; wog pecibded illri:e IFiielliireitt 4, 0 w traveling public and al bows whom; bliiiineva tray,- wit iwii have suds ikille faelts• I App IS. INC LATELY OPENED. tllL uariendaied woald raapeetrally whoa.. d Illoabori and eternity, drat opened a Shop on Iron 'treat, heirloom, Mill ialia llaard. whore ha 1.111 fed Ism Sit ordotaall AMiIIeSSISS• lowa se all Ito brarttlaea. Oboists s or Dletalio or OtherpotibilV mica with prompt/au/ad despite& Repairs dasep• I y made wall blurb K. 'Erratum*. !actuator 114 se ;drilling °leans bottomod rhairs. upholeterial. NAM and anis bottom efirdir. Pattern. far COPtiate MN& no. etly and sad fwd.?, are sal *it'd eilhot topetson or by aIW. ?kayo (roma *medals arrive tit abort wake. sonar ROAN. Illoesnainorg, April brk SSW r. Cs v DltaelallAse Xotice. ?U eniviscinticshoo WlllnittWore 'misting betwinis W. W. Brno.* old Abbatt, trailing mnitst lire firm of N. W. fllrAitt In ibis day (Stnii to Itro) dissolved 4 !union, consent. The lade nod wants net in the heeds of Y. W. Draw for soul*. Intuit nird cot lection. 11108. V. ARV/Tr. M. M. "ROBOT. Ca'swims*, April la, 114818-31. WOOL! WOOL! 1 WOOL! 1 I CLOTH it XCIIIA PISMO I , ollt WOOL: Tim under.igned will pay iti• bistros% war et price is r gas of' for sloth •liher at his own ma Moira. whop. Dear 1111111. Williamsport.* ciqr. on oar Wool WWI floral Plussar at Roe us 'rills, Pa. J. iY MA.14 1 / 1 0. POOL S. JIPP Auditor's Notice. Jacob Shoemaker, et.. 51.• 1 In the Assisi of Caton vs. Mess foe VishissAi• theso• Michael Coos. 11. No O. Ws. Tars. 1867, Flerl FACIAL The auditor appointed by the (hart is the abort, cape, w ilieletbeite the messy Mw soNseys. IN the order estalthiplad by law, will Meet lI parties le lerrrted Inc the purro*s of hie oppoiltiment. on THURSO* Y. APRIL ills, ink at io Walesa a., w,. at his sills', la Bloosuslairo. Pa. 8. [!(Ott. Molitor. Bloctinsburg, April 1, 1868. cum - 0 Mower, Reaper, and Self-Raker, WITH S/DX DBLIIIIIT. LI lILTACTIMEII IT J. S. MARSH St, CO., Lti'MAURO. UNIOY OOUP TY. KIM 4. The undersigned has hoenleppotnted artet (*TX.. 'amble County. for the Pala of the above Alga mold reapers sad newPra, seue Vitt an IcitA maitifetturft4 by said company. 4. U. &LULL ginsine Afro A. 1111184 m. HOW TO GET RICH, OR ,‘ Tilt ROAD TO WEALTII. 99 jag pubstsidi.shi Pia* 10014 who commenced business with a capitol or but $l3. slid swans , on Art years the hapiggionoe futons o sie oco. !hogback coining lufassiation if which • mirrimenry of ins warld's goads wasybehoh Wood l• rsir AIRI:1114/. 11 5.150 shows the Maw/ aids Ado of the picture—that of the sa m,,oss uhrtnro and god IMO whrreby thosisawils ewe /earl? becoming wealthy whom lobos; ittirethsw•with in. formation for amp maigutuni at asiclim which west with a ready gals at all gummy of the yeas, wherrby any sae son eleu at lust WOO saisoolly, Also 135 secrets of ALIPiII PVC never helliwe published. We cahoot sttanfpt to siva a Nil description of thessa• untg, but taiga to Ulf that it opens own to all Which, if pursued will slangy lead to wealth. YOGA I gun, nut of enisloysis at, don't fall to semen a COPY of this work, You grill steer redact your a evestimeat : Pries $l. Addrers, L TAYLOR ilk 801 , 1, Meriden, Cuss. Adufl 11, •1 HOOP SKIRTS. SIM. W. T. HOPKINVI "owe mate" of "Keystone Inane," Burgh. beat emillchimpaid tow priced loop .Hirt is He amen Trail oblige, 13 "primp 11l 74 "peep. lll.Pkpad 40 lip elev. 44.43. Plata ethic tape. 30 spring", KO ovate. 4 Mrlap 6S metal 70 springs, 11.13; and 73 spring", WV. Warrants.' 15 reepeot:, "Dor own make' of "Velma Plairts," 'cloves' tape trials, from In to 30 ',mg", 1190 to 11.50 Plato, tare , !e. Se PPT/I l Se from '33 cents lo 42 30 Tele," d 2 am are better thee those sold by other et. tab liehmeuts as brit clam goods, "ad at much lower prices. geig "chow** *hie are In Ile erg wily "uperier to all othd none Mai MOW/ the public, and only hive to be eramitedm ONO to eOfi• • n,,e every one, of the fact. Bilsoufectercd of the beet Hasa 4nlerted 6 / 1 0011111 "tell ep14014. eOPe • rthr tepee. 'rt tbe style Oldie toetalic stn age owl Newt of Pylori/4 iiimikosailk% tot Mm it, 4 eteetteliell Other TA ecentey, "ad ' 42. n rases TIRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. .1 t e wiertr's Drug PION cot Illtreitt. A red mar. Mid a ukvon • *A Ploax solaria, rtieteitie. FSI s. GIN aa4 Veiratelare, always he il, aid VIPMW freid sattypee Yea It toy arm tL SUrPu la {writ • QUALITY GUARANTRID. Prescriptions earthily rammalattlta u mow, Drug Store, Ayers gird Jamie Ithiltargrhalrig Moyn. 1"i Storm, Wimihrot's Ti, Cuggig,t. Live , Oil Winslow's Soothki Syrup, sold Moyers Drs Store. For lay reliable patiet atedieillie;ellll at Mote Dmi 'tom Leather of 111 gray, wboienie ited retail, it J. Mayer'• /Vt.' May 5. ilitd.—lt 11111 WRSLET WIRT, ATTORNEY:kr% LAW. OAer I r DfIrODAAT Ale PTAS 041414, SKIVE'S .BLOCKt Muck 6,. '6l. ItAblisintla PA _ . BLANKS I BLANKS ! I ()I every doscrirtiorm Icr Pale, st o 110,1111 fr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers