Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, January 08, 1868, Image 3

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- There was a detention on the Cata.. I
viiva Railroad on Monday evening last,
caused by en nerident happening to one of
the heavy freight trains. killing one of the
breikeinAti and injuring one or two other etei
ployees at the i•aine time. The mail train
come in ut a late hour in consequence. We
are informed (hut these are the lads ; and
if so, it is the first. Pieriotte accident that has
happened on this wail for n long series
yenta. This road in nee (11' the most sue
resat' in the State in guarding against the
lees of life.
FREE itAII.HOAI) w.-iiuti. Samuel
Meetutoutt and 'lon. W. Davi., both
Rads., sad both aspirants fur the Speaker•
ship of the lower House of the Legislature,
have written letters avowing themselves in
favor of a flee railroad law, mid pledging
themselves, in ease of their election, to place
no man on the Railroad Committee who is
inimical to the measure. The most singular
feature shout these epistles is, that the Leg
i,haters of a party which stands pledged to
the passage of a flve railroad law should
have deemed it necessary to write them at
an. Donneratic Swami,
Thu E4-1 4 mA Romeo, known as one, if not
the largo 4 in the country. was phossl a
short time nine*, on a farm at dlathorn,
Montgomery CounV, , For winter quar
ters by his owner, Mr. Forepaw& and
leaving his lou.per, Mr. W. 8.
in charge. On Wednesday last Mr. Williams
went to the place whore the Elephant was
kept, for the purpose of washing the flee,
tusks, and other portions of the holly of
the animal, and while thus engaged Romeo
attacked thrusting one of his
tusks into his body and treading upon him.
The et ies of the keeper slimmed a number
of persons, when the Elephant allowed the
wounded u n to to be removed without oppo
sition. Williams Wll4 so dreadfully injured
that he died in about oLe hour utter helps
* The La Coast heigiortai has Alan:-
itn (brut. his trendy enlarged—pre•
scenting right rays —and printed upon new
type. We repot this paper It 4 one or the
Le....t or our ltuasocratie exchange 4. It is
true th.srware Pentoerats who do not think
as we ll u r t hi s I,nper a s we do ; is our
°pi ll ion, show men are a dm upon the
Dawes:l6c party, awl we would Ise much
lotter oi* without them. We want, at thin
time. nod in Net ttlwayts have minted, more
jibt :owls morn as the bt Citine
y A#A14.411...4 WWII!
IV. , might metai.m, to expos , e the in
wissnps irltirtr l strA ars people the
p 3.1 year; ly the eorru; tawl ruinous:par
ty po tr. 1141, Quit-spo%en
pern 3r.s wl'at the sant and•houisnore.
Cir.-31E0e there paper.l and the people will
I r o ligf from the heavy burdens
that are now weighing them down to the
earth and there grinding theta to powder.
Sts i v e.—l'oeta—Pstinters—Preaeliers
I'l itptr. -- Printers awl PIA dein n —all suffer
trine spepsia, ervounsess, Loss or Ap
petite, Liver Complaints. tot I till tliseo , e4
whiel l they limy cure or prevent by the we
ur Plantvien Bitters. 1r those anffirrets
these Hitters, the Poetry tvolltl he jjiar•
or, the P.tire.inz=grontler, de:Seri:l(mi live
lier. the actin;; triter. the Printing neate-.
and the Polities hot - tester. Thin Apftmdid
tonic t ti vi tt , o me s the synern. and enaltles
the brain b, w.trk
Perli.visQ 1;4 article W:V4 aver :to wNII calor
sAl by ail who hare used it.
MA 1:N t ILI IVATEII..-A tloligtfol to;let
arti,.lo—ruiwrior to Cologne au l at halt' tho
price. No. 46.
voul.l pr•ra%; is Vorifeshis Ifor•clo'Jr
If it ►hne' I he .11,4,4111 y ntono.mer.l ni• a neheul the
t eltc:l $14r,4 411 I, tedielt Wet Span.
ncnii thcl us moo, 11: dr l'i:TrWrA errrimi
It , el,l IV mmintae»tred. an 1 that hearefotth tho
Comr 4frolesia, awl preventative orals
41 , 111 6q !Oat to the wor Id t The
Mlomr. rtw r I. the Irlthel , r,
the 4 ., :) tamer. 44 , Irththry etltherit : the
her on Ow ((slitter Of etritivition : the tidier,
ern , peil tip to ern.vied City tonentente ; nil • (rot Va.
,ccco, oeedinu nn ItIVth:4111:1 : the shirerlult Ott.
OM of MM.. and the nctrotto rf hoth sears erctr.
%%too, Would boon with et tel. too deep for W 14 4 ,10,
tin„t'hr• re,e4 nor entrective, incnlnriott 4.1,1
lb. had h` •n 111.1U,1 Olt of natio
ptep 14:thity ikl:l4.loth to epirnmie dOo
'4 , :t 4ttheitllo, a )40sonter nt tonctitn.
iror. an Teppetl2 . ..r, a shann3hie. and it mite
dy for for , e:+ debt !fly no medicinal prep tration
ha r atte: mei the reparation or IttorpErTMA
I , llli Er% It in thn Ilot , lt:110L11 ToNic fir the
Alt t I.1: Ithe 1 . 01 . twenty yearN,
t 4.1 to Ills huninn prohatollty will let sn for centnries
t” radio. The 111:4thate4 of rteimire recognise its
111 dd. stA 114,1 tt t? -, smpitati.,tity raft triefirinn of
the in 000 r iy proved l.y its 142 A, and vVer increaring
lll'h:tars I:r.t:Atot of Wild Cherry
I* , ,r the owl. oft 4 , 410, , ” Ida ”Itar.enr., A.Ottin
It, 0101)/3, cr;,up. tll.;;opiti3 Con 11. rourt;;llN
; re;ol.o.lthot to I 00111r11 ,tl,
ThIA great triiietty ix 10.. %sell htloWil and is vvr
rwitlVO ttiq ingeb pawl to Wake it 11+ , 441 4 / 1 0y ut els
V. 80 Wle , Otilt" three*.lott of IN ttioi It , trteti it to
Syr taut it AIN Iti curitig
of 1:1e moat nthofqa';.: thatitilt4, and that
L ll tctto r ;fret (foal tti , uAnva fittovloOlti, afle•
Ittg 1 ..4 - . 1 tilt* tetilV , lY. tiehttoti 113tNt orentOtt to re
eort to Olhor AltiOitttirtot t 7 IlitOrt , a 1011»i" t redo/a
Tr.t! MOM' r I.:Ter if 9f.
Wt.,' WI). no p, N. Y.. 19, for,o
‘t, tf. fios, Boston.
boring tb.; won• o of loZ'el I tray very
lunch out of lo , nlth, ortieted with n .rel.eto
yalst in toe eido nod Longo, and o gener4l ibrpres e too
or health to ottili eo 1 , 11. 0, 011. no greotly to ;thin. nty•
li nun t'l+.l ,o * no to restlll Dort rig t. nue
I 0rt..1 *vein' eit;ltty reenunnendtA remedies. will)
❑itbf or no pond rerolt. and hod ronetudod to try Itei
o tr o et or o rtouttr rn climate upon toy hvutth ; but. 114r1
11/1. , C.311)13:: thll4ll4llllltVill 118 0 1 t. I wit* $114.10.
d by Ilia fluent ettibitittion or your ;tarot, Mr.
Ilontley to give Itr. triton% or Wild Clint.
ry a Irl , ll. 1011 , 1 SO, 11l to tilY tr.; P lllll4 1111•
1110 , 011,.1 0 . 411101 perm tow it ft:li,. I by tb.. non of roily nue
bottle. owl I out toiw to as goo , ' 9-41115 nO, eVer..
to here y our Italsoni ono sit ttel wet rionediew. run
1', . 11 0 .4 .'.. 00 1 0 1. 0 . rind all t.titt4 litoen,oo.. 811 W ,111 tine,
11110.11: 0 .11,0 v 4111 0 ,144 recutiAniqlit it its ouch
truly. IT.Ttig W.
r, l .arr.i I I sr. w ettwr.r; rot.lBTr..6o,ltt
v ut,rtaly.
e Curt, •nr tivroritia.
1 it. 111411 , r01d f.l-110.4
11,4,41, Lci. rerkerebure, Weft. VII,
t tlt a to ISt Auds•e+. July 3, P.M, Re totems
eel tri Itiliittlf.g ricers whuul tusiit.i.,,tieed telt
log pule lieluie Wulff, aa,l utu 150 W futilely cured
el SetoNet."
pr. tuderr, lodine Water
10 *vim poi itirm of loditie, withotit 4 1114tVent, the
ttoot .powerru - Vifislttiog Arita and Knoturnitve
known. covninrs fn.!.
J. I'. Proprbant :141Pey Otreet. Net ,
York, Said
T E fib,ALING POO 1.,
Itnernr , l Reporto. far YOUNG ME
i the flit m E 41P 1 4 01.1 TV DE, omit the ERRORS
' WORM and DISEAREM ninth de*trny the manly
ft*, nu , l create impediment, tit MARRIAGE,
sure ernes rebut, Sent in ornled ten*, en
' • Iran at ehntte. hAdreen DR, 3. lOWAN
, I VAIN, Pointeletphie,
07 t
14:nn. —We regret to hare to record the
death of our old friend, Judge Satutud Oaks,
who deported this life at his late residence
in Limestone Township, this County, on the
lAA ult., aged 71 years, Judge Oaks-woes
much respected eitioen, and well known to
most of the older citizens of this County
and Colombia, having peen at one 011ie As
sociate Judge rat' Columbia Comity previous
to Mioitour being btrif-ken off. lle also
served two terms as merrier of the State
Legislature from this Itistriet.—Dttitullic
0 , 1401•
The attention of the Democratic, and rim
servative citizens of the country is called to
the Daily and Weekly issue at' Ms widely
circulated journal. The diluiemination of
sound political doctrines should commend
the earnest attention of every trite friend of
the Union and the Constitution. The
events of the past political year are full of
sigriitieonee. The uprising of the people in
opposition to the destructive policy of Rad
icalism, clearly shows that the maws are
determined to restore again to power the
gmat Demoeratic party, every page of whose
history is filled with the glory and prosperity
of our common country. No more effectual
method for presenting the 'froth am be de
vised, than in circulating Democratic jour
nals. It is the intention of the Proprietors
of Ins: Aug to make it, in every way,
worthy of the support and eimailence that
have beretotare been extended to it. Iso.
prevenient, are eatitemplated in every de
pertinent. and no pains or expense will be
spared to keep it in the front taut: of Amer
The Ape contains the LATEST
txtut.tatoule lawn ALI, PAltTri SW Tim
wiittmo, with articles on Government, Poli
ties, Tmile, Finance, and all the elirrent
questions of the dav ; Lwal Intelligenee,
Market' Reports, Priees Current, yltoek
Quotations, and tfoninicreial fide&
gence, Reports of Tullis Gatherings, For
eign and Domestic Correspondence, Leital
Reports, Rook Notices, Theatrical Criti
cisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Ma
rie, Agricultural Matters, and discussions
of whatever !.ili t it:444 are of' general interest
and importance. lie-ides special telegram%
it has all the &slum:hes of the Associated
Press from every part of the I :nited states,
awl also the. Associated Press despatches re
mired by the Atlantic Cable; and the news
from all parts of Europe brought by the
steamers, is instantly telegraphed from
whateverpoint the steamers fi rst touch.
The Weekly Age will be a complete
compendium of the news of the week, a n d
la...ides the leading editorials from the I tally,
will (-martin a Loge unionist of interesting
matter e reinireil expre. %ly for the weekly
issue. It will be in all respects a first class
ramify journal. particularly adapted to the
Polit Winn, the rarmer the. Merchant. the
Meehanie, the Family rirde, and the Gen
eral Reader, having, in fact, every charm ,
teristie of a live newspaper. At ass early
day will be begun an intensely inter/04Mg
serial, by one of the most popular awl As
einating authors, and it is :lbw the intention
to publish, from week to week, in the mum
of the year, three or four of the best and
TERMS OF THE DATLY.—One copy, one
year, $9.00: six months, $4.50; three
month, $2.40; for any less period, at the
rate of one dollar per month. Iltyotest Li
r,triably irr nil, gesce. ruAuge no die Daily.
e e,,t, per ...planer, or wee dollar and
twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid at
at the office 11E4k:livery%
Timms or THE WEELLY. —One copy, one
year, ; five eopies, one year, $9; ten
copies, one year $17.:0 ; twenty copies,
One year , 4 1.33. To elidet. 'de re (he iMpfra
MT MO to !Mt fldfir<Vl, the l'ollowing reduc
tion will he made : Five (video one year.
68.5 f I ; Ten covics, one year, t.f.i.:ep ;
Twenty copies, one year. $3O. A ropy will
be furnished gratis for eaeli club of ten. or
more, to one address. for ma. year. Bu
nten, retpapli Ihrif s'fidsly
age on the Weekly, five cents per quarter,
or twenty cents per annum. to be prepitio at
the oflice of delivery.
ier^ The above terms will be rigidly ad
hered to. Drafts on Philadelphia, or Post
alive orders, pqablo to the orders of the
Puldishers, being safer,• are preferable
any other mode of remittance.. All wilto
semi money by Express, must pre-pay
Express Speeimen copies of the
Daily and tt'eekly sent gratis, on applica
tion at this °Flee. Advertisements inserted
at moderate rates.
Maros IV ELM' & ROHM
Chestnut Street,
ehiladelphia dc. Erie Rail Road,
Itnrllll .vvro tutto:r norri: ramnicx
11.11411116, 44'11.1.1A4IztrUKT,
On :AI N 4 ht Tram*
Oa and after MtlV Da V. NOVINBCII.Mth it67.ltm
thiIIN no the rhiladaittlfia & raja Itt l Read will
t ut) a, IA.Ve..
%V EST lA" A R
VAII. TRAIN leaved Pio hole Iph la 11 111 p m
Northatubertml .0 a, at
;olive at Erie h 00 p. w
htt: EXl'Sfbi4 (ewe* ellibidetptiia t. Oh town
Northomberland 0 44
• arrive at U 43 a, 10
RIAM RA MAU. leaves flolauelphia ft 00 a m
'• Northumberland 4 pat
arrive at Isaak itswca 14Sp. w.
MAIL TR 414; leaves Cal. , 4a 13 a m
•• 11; ,, rilmmlovrIand I VI a. so ,
vulva nt Ph,iudetphir V 33 n 141 .
RIM Crl'43ol tenver 11,34 4 l% p m
'• IVorthmalmrland 5 310. m
arrive no Phetad , tpltia tOO p.
ELSII IL% MAIL Inane,. blank navel' 7 10 a, in
Noribumberlana lu I 6 a to
ti arrive at Philadelphia P 111 p.
Nail and Latoreem llllret With all train* ea
W ARIIFN & FRANKLIN It Passimartre
leaving, Pitilailelphia at 11 On M. arrive at Irtsftetun
at II M It U., and Oil lily at 9 SO a m .
Lrnviau Philatkiphin at It at P. it arrive at Oil
itity at 4 Xi p.
trll l / 1 , on Warren & Franklin Railway make
Ohre roiiiiertiun• at Oil Cily with trams Mr Frank •
Its awl Netroletim Centre RAGGAGE 411FCKIllt
TiIhOUGII. A. L. TYLER, General rtup't
Oct. 30, Mt
. .
Ina undnreigncci woula reavectrahy announcer
gter public OA ho hoer upetted
rins.-(A.A....q , 'ON ructiv STORM
ut thr tytil , llaa Wei y occupied try Ileraar.l Stelmo'
wavto be t. pr.•p;trnd 10 furni h all Itindg of
19,,% N & FANCY r‘NOIIIS.
ittcycil NM 1-.4±1, FON': IGNI
RAISIN& &C.. &r.
In c loot a full auaortutant of all kio 1. of goode
hia 11“41 bU4lllO$O. A groat carkty of
DO L. I. $ T 0 Y ~ be c, ,
aultahle for the Holidays. ['articular attention
given to
of pli kloolp Nosh ovary day,
iittievraml CAMEO, viittirrmAs TOVN.
A roll if 111111Citelitond lostioraellon will bu pavan.
Nee. 11, 147. &AN ANT JA
1, 0 1 0014! WOOL!! WOOL!!!
Tor umloroiywril will poy lb r highest market price
In earkoaso far Moth either of Ale n vn amnorlie ore.
While lrer.r Milli. Williamsport. Of Coy. Nring on
yllll, Wool to the Wool Plaimmat Mille, at Mordant.
v iiis, Pi. 1. R= IMMO.
lOApt. 4, Mt
And Catarrh, trylonl with lh. utotoot minces., by J.
lelA ACM. M. It. Oculist and Auriol ((ortuerly
den, Holland.) N 0.319 PIN Stud.
TeoMonolith', Motu the noopl rioinble source. to tlw
City end Country oho he /Wen at bio ottica. The turd•
teal rarUity nn invited to iieerotipsny Iltelr pstleol s.
IA he he. Ira serr, , te In hie pincilur ARTIVICIAL
vitthout Folio. Nu dints. tor tArt.U.
I April 43,
11 4 1 It EE TO EVJ itVBO D V. V.
A lerr• a pp. Circular. /lying information of the
guider' imporiatice loth, young or both Bram
11 pri., bog hu the homely maylbricoier beautiful,
the dower.' regretted . and Iltu foranarn loved.
No youths lady or gentleman choutil Nil to ecnit
'half edam', sad meelva a appY Part Paid. by ".
turn WWI. Ad.ircte PO. Drawer, al. Tray, N. Y.
Veb 47 106-1,
rims" Ms. r. Testker, Depot tumbler •t Salisbury.
•y har.• boon troarded for r cara %kith a bad besot
Onlll , l I Mee 0/11%411,11 1 y, arid aset r MelNllta►Oy.—
111.. 1.140 l ,1111..10 ,. 1' it fl161100•10li WSW MON
than naafi! I.uta ardry. pod I until your Melte. All
•I►aa of II haver PIM r di inivent.,l. without hakaligi
111. lota rd I) fatioralana, I think, thy trathawling Ira.
ture of the Skirt,."
W rot,.LE, hPUY.ilu.lnn Pll.Priclol
Pohl by re Uruggi.ts, ult 3 el.. I h.'s. della by Mall
Or 33 Cid.
madrive 11. V. Thornton. 111 , . arra(Ehrb A,t,01
°Vat. royunt and rsychemetriean, who limit
astunielsrd the scientific aann•qi of On Old World,
has non 'mated herself at nucleon, N. V. Aladune
Thornton such wonderful pawn,. of MCC
onil Mato, a. to (noble her to Impart knowledge of
the (readept unvorWrict, to the mgt.: or alai rind of
tilbBl.Po. While is a mate or trance, she deli no
-1011 the err) (return.' of the person you are to mar
try, ahol by the nisi of no instrument of 'mellow pow •
eh kaoWII an the l'pyrhOo.olropo, so pro
dace a lifelike picture Of lile lulurr hiabb l ryd or woe
of the applicant. tog. titer with date of senrrinae. pro
onion ill lat'. leadoult traits of character, &c This
rohoomitit, thimerools of tertintoniala ran are
fort Phew *end a hen .:esirra a certified eritill•
rote, nr airtltril pumanter, Mal the pl, lure le what
it purp o rts tope. By ear1...11018 01.1/111 kof blur.
and arattair play., of birth PL., 41i•Von111011 and coat•
leitorr,aort raclwiulr filly G . lllO and Ail col •
npe addreared to ourrelf you will tweets« the to, -
tar. Sad alealrart int•onottion by return mail. All
houliminieatiniss 'weirdly elnifident,al. .101.1frtn in
defier. lIIAPAiIt: r. 0, B o a
11Juren.P1. V. Ire!' I.7'di - ly
•-• _
To her country ham., nller a implant of a kw
month. in the City. war hardly ntratmard by Der
Mends. In plat.. sof a towns..., tor tie gush.rd flea,
.h, had a soil ruby completion of almost,. marble
aulnethneac and ineteasl of teensy three rise really
appeared but eighteen. l'imn inquiry a.mlhr motes
of an great a chanty. rhe plainly i.sld them that pile
mad ihr Circassian Balm, anti tonaldered it an 1q•
valuable sesmistilien to any Lady** toilut ill it, ussa
any I ady or Gentleman can iutpreve their 1/011.ii
app....raw.. an hundred fold. It It vinyl , in it, coin.
hinalsen.a. future iteretif is ample, yet tustsspaaa•
rd in its eifleary in drawing IMpatliveg tr no, alal
heahog,tluniiritat mid lit Miffing the alms bud rom
plea' . Ity Its. direct action en the entitle it drat% a
Iroru U all it. in.' I loudly healing the taile,
and leaving the %111 face ar , N.lturt int..0,10:1 it ..bwild
be. rim's'. amt. animals awl heauliful. Prise $l. rem
by matt or taper.. or nt an orth , r by tv. 1..
co.Agg at i i )., was, No 3 IKr.t Fayette St.,
Sylacume. N. V. The .sly American Agent. for the
rale of the .ante. Feb ly
Mira by the et* of Dit flit N 1.1.E1l EU KR
"Ira tat. Imo tatad prratattoutty.ahe at a triflioccoat.
Tim attontoblite ourtroo which has attemiod thee
leratinolle Ineast - ino for and Net road
ao,lionor at 11..1,110e. a n d Poostralson 1/1.0
of Mtvtatot titterer I 018.4.,011. or missy of thu con
or 1.0.104 of youthful inelis , trctinn, waders it the
HOW valuehlo artpar.i.rOn over efernetro. l .
II a 111 ft.ININVe lotywit ott,ctions.
irorriplirjß OIRItIV or 1.111411 pr. !WIN Of
on t o., .iv, thoottlato r..11 . ......1ru0ti05i.
!,miry of Iw..n I sly, 14r II nIII 110. oppetile.
1011 e W h.. Isr 11th nr thou.• a 1... liar e destroyed It by
rat 0, or .. r.t ova• lirec
is, hi. Isolobuce...l Ito mere by ..thttat l / 4
Do. Ito." and Si siordot prat:. hut read Wilboat
.1..11} for the blow and he at nntr VC /lorr.l to health
and Isappino•e. A toorprti 'Ore coarooteed IN
r.v. ry 111dISIIIM l'ri. I.
01 f•Nlf li./111 , •• 1.1 rnr ad•
dr,or. SJ. Oar hustle is wlOrtent to elfert a care 11.
all 0111.111111 (arr..
.has. fit Joistvith.** Pp. roll , Poll,, f. r the speedy
an.t wrovito•nt rnrr of
Ilirehaffire, Gy..v..1 Plots Oro and atl affertinils Of
the M.llOlO aUll 111:1.1,r. l'orio rlrri in from
Orir VI Ilse 414yri. Th r aro prorored from vegetable
•strarto that are Is rUilrpo 011 I lir sy.T.lll. and newer
Ile: •I••... insproanato thu hwath No
rlidsuro of dirt it neer NI. Hof
door (hole *ellen ist buy Manner interfere Wills boar
low p0t...00. Pete SI pot h.q.
Either of tile alu.rr 0.01111. 4 0.1 °slick • P'll l hr soul
Its buy toldroo•...lotooly 110.1110.1, and pmt pool, by
mail nr repose en roreipt 01 prier. Miro,* all or.
der. h. 111.111:141. 11 4 11 11 T I 8 & Cu.. Na. led
Meer at.. Troy. N.'.. rub V. 'll7 ly.
B. H. STOILIER, Proprietor.
This 'sit new ?LIRA int«ly fittiqt norm' th«seromiri
0.,10,a al the traveloor public gratritilv. 1/1111 1 1a 1 la 00
Maju Sirio:t. 410 a &sirs above thd Court !bow. oft
o•liat ix ;moult us the •itobbixon properly," 0.
r«atrally 14vatt to ti « town, ato o•I pleitivelt 01100
tot 410 I.IP to 0010010 lovooioies loving in that putt 01 ;colt lo
brie the Oi tta 111114110101 I% 1.1,14:9ap.
'rho proprivioi 'fret* 41100410 t that ito is tot re r«.l
la core olootivol i otli,1" to plot to hi+ pI 04. nu.i wot,hi
Soltelt a fait poi tioa th« babhc 1 - 141itarige.
thoow.titait. Jiay I.
of root. tont. of Ow wort emta*•at
Chetotats rot I:loop., rood:
Pip .aoyt w00n0,W44 rewolt* may h.. anti,:itutttd lootoo. In loom water,..
lor. N. Amocot , .., alter tift,:en 1,111 , f of wci.aruBc re.
14 , Uri fl add esperinient, ton* mr,e4e.l in dotwooltoiaa
one and one ginner of lodine to earn tinid ounce o f
tt IPC and the area• a. , :.n< Qin,' result. low fr,loirtd fta
Wittiro'orly lit ectollati and iitset.neb thtruliout.
Circuluro freo.
tor. N. Ander t' lodine Water i* for sate by J. P.
DIN SMORE, ati WI Wert. New bark, and h) uli
toroagista. Nov ort,
C I 11;lut V.
Coneks. Colds Erenthithr Ass ii‘nin,rup, d'heupirti
()Pug h,. Quips y, and the t am. fteas o
tots flOWIP.t.os ut the Threat bop. pt. ti,lf
111 O.IT rhangeublu climate i, ell sedfollo ti ,, t sear
taw are finiip,op. • nousto td rise ampl o ,
duene‘. how iutportatit then in have at hand
certain antidote to all these complaints. Experience
proves that tins valets in fficier's Belson to an ra
tio t not found in any other ri wetly however severe
Itutterieg, the application of this Soothing, pleat,
ins and n onderfut lialiain at once vaniptishes the
disease and retrieves the sufferer to %%musk! health.
MR. !MIN 111. To
Or H ALIAttN. Plis nom Comm, N. V.—writes:
•• t was urged by a neighbor to get one bottle al:
the Datong) fat my wilt!, Maim assured h. hint that
ix case O did not produce good Whirl., he would buy
tyr the bottle lit Dwelt; Ott the strength of such prat.
Oral ev ideate or its merits. I procured a bottle. My
wire at this tune WOO $0 low with what the physi•
clans termed Seated Voiortisoption an to be unable
In f ume herself kern the bed, t (waiting coosimitly
and nosing more or tees blood. f tutlifilt4ittd
the Ualsom as driveled. and was so muck pleased
with its operate a that I obtained another bottle,
and contimied Biting it. Belem this bottle Was en*
mutely ustd, she crated coughing and was strung
roeugh to so up. The fifth bottle entimly restored
her In health, doing that which tieVttriti Physicians
had tried to do but had faileo."
Prepared by SENO W. VtiWt.E. at SON. IS Ten'
nano l t.. lii+ston . sod lot sale by Oruggisto generally
Ah hetettee knewttht themeehtee ttidehte4 to the
elidetemeed, ere goillerkei 101114k1.1111111C111 , Wltilo4s
11110 J Kt, 4 'VAL M.II
itieute.bltie. I''+ 1444
11:i~t11~` 1.1 XULTh
A semicolon Who Ia early 116 *us a mclim to that
ecionmis alto em common In youth. which reaultoti
in Pommel Niroknew, Into'Watt Collodion* and
Nervous t'ro►trattun and cai..a omit mottos hie dart
an hopeless usioofy. After yam( tounoruod !awe•
1111110 without tacos*. ha obtained Irmo a rriand BOW
chaplet rules and staatripliont that alfcctrt a par•
imment cute, tin behalf of entrariog he milts he
will land the some rretl of thaw M all who moy
de►ire it. *damn Lill7AN TUENAINE.
1114410 n D. bible Homo, New Yuri'.
November 6. lOW.
Qt every thrrefirtioun ter raialikinaltm ee
A rinntlemen %he rufere.l f.r yenro frnat Nerving
Orbi i'rcuntura Meta), and ill the effnets of
"'Milli 011 Itilitottrtiull, will, Al On rake uf suffering
Ain, in all nerd it. the ',Top..
rnA ilirecii.tio for sighing the +tipple rented/ by
%herb hr war cured. thifferete wirbin't profit by
the silver' leer's experience. ran do an by 11141.1 r riming
IN perrnrt confident,., JOHN B. 04:01".N. et retlar
Sireet. New YYrY May J. Inel.
I I3*.lrourr* envelope and *3 renttend I twill wrlld
rais sow vsitimbly Intormalluio that Vb 111 plraoe
AddrOill MI AIRY MOOR I:, r3l Broadway. N. Y.
May Ili. Iti:l4-Iy.
111, Lost y MAN It' MT it WWII,. A retina
men e.t.a iffered for yeere from Norval's and
lientint Drbllity, Sightly Etwortuos, and etentlnat
Woak neap. the result of entithint had tocrelloa. and
emetic Ilea/ ffllfille hie dap, In novelette misery. will.
for the eche of 'uttering man, rend to PH, one afflict.
ed. M. wimple otettbe deed by him, %latch effected a
runt In a few week. eller the toilfire of numerrnte
an•dirinee. lend a dirreted Plitr9l4C anti otainp anJ
Wall 01.1 you I, , thine Add reed,
Ilt•Ib ft. N, V. City.
%L nu ft:v. cou , ru, ri,ANEN tr l tI.KEN 1 rfM.
Prorlio-ogi by Urn urn of Prof. DIKURCI'X' rig Idea
1.6 VEI.: X. UDC application warrant...l In Curt
Ihn !!!!! Pt @Haight anJ ...gibbon' hap of rubor US
Into 'navy ringlet.. 11. , briny anrarve curls. filo
born open by It,, lootonnabloo ot redo sad Imniton
wlth the Utn.l away Ina rrrultr, 1•ar• no Injury to
Ito, bait. Pik.; by wail, oralr..l and punning. 81.-
114i.criptin. circular moiled Iron. Addro•otirkors,
..0., t Itrlowa, No, 0,5 Kitt. it., Troy,
oi• lot Wo Vallsd Stoics.
FL1101:4 HAIR t
To the lad le I I/Irv:Malty, till. invaluable depihtiory
recommend,. 111.0(14 being an intlisp,neible
1,11.1 , to leonine beauty. le roily applied. does not
burn or toinre Iho akin. but art* Wittily on tbp, root,
44 is tlarruntcd to moue, eaperfluuns hair front
low Inhale:lJ., or from any trait id* tin , b•oly. tom.
nietely. tutall. and radically egtirpotiog the Peale.
leayinig lb, ohm it.,11. ainolith 1101.1 natural. This la
the only reel 111111‘• u•eil by the Vr. , tieti, and to the
play do•pilaiery in ezi,denee. rfl , e Zs
eon! per pa. knee coot pot paid. to any ' , Wrote. ein
, f an order, by ilt,Ctitlt. nit Mill IA CO.
Feb. Cbeiniatagr:3 River at. Troy, N.V.
',lien: cornett. glad tiding. of Joy to all,
To young and to old, 10 prat and to wen ;
lie twain) nbich once *no ro pr-nluua and lam
111 I rte tot all, and UI way be lair.
Oh! Wid i.autilul art! Nir,
%Jell starry nye, bud radiant hair. ceiling tendrils snit, eine, ine.l,
roeriained (be very harm and miej (Aim&
For Curling tt:• Ifni, of PIGIer Pox Wtoy tn 4
filosry 11.'408.1A of bra, y
Mil. 14•1“. I
NY mine lido ankle Ladies amt Crittltin.4l rsa
beautify theniartara a thadaand fold. II is tar only
dirties is law WadAtha' wflf rust straight I:sis. and
at the mime leas fire it a beautiful riosu appoar.
bake. 'net tlepor Coma Not 41.10,y .Ude the hair.
but ift‘igorates haanttrea and tisanes' it ; is Willy
mut deliettuay reriv..,e4. and the moot co•up4te
article al the kind neon offered in the Animism' pab•
lie. The Pridoer roma will *Put to any address.
sealed had pn.tpaid lit St Addr.•ss all (nesse'. tr.
L. CLARIS & GO • I tirtaiall No. 3 Wsia Paresis el..
Syracusae. N. Y. Pub •r,
aril Am! OCI:ATetI :1 11010,11:OM
In front to to 41 h• ute.
:7ol•aton'a Olen:tent cures The 2t-.h.
Wheat ob's C.a.:tenon% cute. VALI Rheum
Whearon a Ointment row. Tette
Whm.ton'e toicttrent vireo Berbers' Iteb
Wileiten's Ointment curt* Old Pores.
Wbll4lol/ . 11 O.a•incnt curets Every kind
of Humor Ilk. Magic.
Priro. ntca Ifni ; by tuoil.OW a'? .!lr , is
%Vti.t.liS k rorrLit so. nu wasbongtob etives
Mitre. PJr .:Jr by an Druigtoots.
1 - '47. I )r.
311'STACIT s
p,.reej In veer upon the fretv.ttlf . +l Cleo to front
three to flee tt I.r o•tatt 1., itervianwe Kee
taeretet.r l'apilla:re. the meet reemierrei discovery
In suudern sheer. Retied upon the Beard and Hart
to on .111/n inirarttleur tourteer. II lila twee Wed
I.y the Milo. of Paris mad t.rutJun with Ihe meet Sat
trying raceme. Nelbee of all perehreera 1011 bP
redieterel. vet if *Mire PI•110441e1 ion to not Riven in
*very istetakre.the motley writ be cheerfully reload.
ed. thrice by mast. reeled an.l porthAl. 51. Duo.
r f ortivr tirrel.irs And terlimtnti.l. waHrA bre. Ad•
site*. NI RUNK. $I11•1" el & CU.. Clantuirte, Dm.
Raver Amer. Troy. N. V.. pole near. fur the
United *rate.. IE4. C. 160 —ty.
wosur.un BUT TRUE.
MADAMM itammersiv. the walla renowned
Aforelogibt cant tiannnarahul tali Clairvet Mit, It bile
in a clairvoyant elate delineates the very fenturea rec
the wiliest you are to tenrry, and 11
illtAtitliioiit tt foten , ze prtwnr, known an the Ptytlan
inotroor, guunti urn eo nrotinee a perfect anti life
like pit taw or the (adore hush:tad or weft. of the np•
;decant, with data and marriage,orcrq , 7lion, leatlioa
traits and character ate. rhoi is no itopoeltion, no
tavaintordals without number can tirtg`ft. ity «tattoo.
place of birth. age. 06+614111.a. ruler of eye. a•rd
hair, and encloriog tiny cent., it rd stamped
ope I+4,ltmotti to ~, ,m iwit.timt ttitt 1006%0 pkillN
by room of mail, together with derircd information
Et Adtir ,, * iu co urn, MAO %MC
P tt. ha% t , r.". Weal N. Y.
rah,..:. 1447 t."
Like the vhh-er+, RaNa F'er ii , ttle 10 :he trgt it.q
fiery cnnteutr of she dtep interest, 10 remov.i the
!Mal' of such etifferibe nis PlitY Sc'e""011 to rite.
hal the II:uod by eupplyin*V: with its Lc: Coma
(4 Prhttetrel enlutioh of the. Prot,:side of trn,)
0,, mrtrt.otty• And givi strerizt.t. vigor and neap
file to N.140:+1 spar tn. W
LI [AM lOr A LL11451. rlllBl Rev. RICUARD B. Ergot.
"tor pc ate t was a carter front that my
escams wearisome through th lir it' , Vieltt nod
persistent recurrence : fleetly a eartninele roomed in
the moan of my Mick . During its progress Moo pleete
of ee, owpoted tiPart were every day 0. two cut (sway
sod the prostration end tterxtvul Otettlattitite or th
system were peat, hairs I hail re ;WV wed 4011)
this itttieh two smaller carbuncles broke out Mogi
tap. nod 1 was again threatened with a rueurrenini f
*.oWlrtrfog% to win eit I had no tong been subjected
it was et this tithe that I 1.011111 EOM) taking the I%
i.I VIA.I +Vliltp. 1 e.Cntiimed taking it till I bail
used five m , store then 1 bays bed nothing of
the so., r yi , ar , I woe one of the srestest
I; 00-daciurn gave We partial and tempo.
ot but th,s (.110044We remedy. with a kmil
was 10t111,1*e s, dine, went tilfeetty to the root of its
work a lie a thoroughness worthy of its total:Jung,:
Cher deter."
A page Pautphint sent fres The genuine bee
..Peruvisu dont." blown in tho glom
1, F. DthiSklolie. Prnoyht , r.
No.:0 bey It. Scsv York,
Fuld by nil dritggikld.
car , ' i;1 a vary ohne, Om
elliAlllls dA ROMA.
NI NG YURII. 1111 A PrED ItAiCll5, U4l Ltl
fi4i'l.l:l4 1.1!11111 4 ,
Is is Tytsisipt in 44100, 4 , 040444 pats Ca *Ott and
„A lt " the mu.*, awry tankiHll awrilingo atid Sala•
thatirm, pelf 4). InagiC,—thus affording toner 440 a
cionpli.ia rota.
SWIII W. rt/WLS & SON, COlOOO, Proprietor,.
Sethi Ly all Ortiggii44, Grat. , tit. 404 Ut aft country
afore. Orciituaut It, Inol.--4a.
lediff itIA iIUUUU:
//own Lost, How &stored.
Just Published, a new edition of
tiII.II7I7I.VCRWLI.I.'d Calehin 4 ell vs .,
1..111 CU,. (Witilolll, 1111411C1110,..fry n00n,,, luo ti , a ,
",al Weak tiers. Inyelunl..ry "rattail L 11.11.1,.,
telle)r tleitial soul laetivacity. llllCetliterate
In Slarritntet eta. ; eke Conaumption, I.lltit pay. sad
riga indeted by !self.' 0444110110 ur decrial extract'.
d.`,o - Price. I n a pealed envelope, only d canto.
The ralebraled anther in this admirable canny
clearly dettionetralce, irniu a Shirty peat.' success.
1511 practice, that the ',taunting follllllllllllCell 1111 K.
Abu*, bs radically cured without the drag Pi•
1100 use cal ioternal niedicine o tho application of
th e kutia—pnialintooll a undo of core at mice aim.
pie. certain. Mill tilfor{usi. by means of which even
sufferer, nu inattur what his condition way be, may
cure himself cheaply. privately, and radically.
ilt This Immure should too in the panda of every
youth and every mho in the laud.
debt. wider seal, In a pletn eeirelntie, to any
thou pull on receipt of ale WM, or two post
Address tho publishers.
111 01. 3, C. MANN& 1.7 0 ,
ler Iluwery, Nan York, fristollico lo We,
Nov. 117, 18117.—Mat
Vie 'brim of youthfol tedlaenUnn itantroys his
hippiners, talon his prawn,' for twist nojoymont
marriage ondAtin pursuit of botiontio and nod, I Ir
life in winery but by Om timely ono or the long trod
and fritblul remedy
Dell's Specific Pills,
he may mew/ Irlr health. Dolor Therefore na do.
lay in u.lni Ikea IPs4o.ely, speedy lief and
ail% main efleet • tole in all tares of Seminal Weak
here, Erma.ions, Physical mad Merriam Debility and
dersroporvilia of the urinary organs. kottlY, tom,
di le derived by u.Pig n 'Oiler 110 Z. IR Ile rillirOy
veritable and harmless and no change of dist Id
nee PPPPP y whilst mains them.
hire line troller per box with full dlirvilono.
turd by Urng4lm generally. In places where
they cannot be pr.rcurnd I will *end them by malt
post-paid and accrue fr , m observation en receipt (1
lb. money. Addreee. J. fIitYAV, A. U. mid Litnao•
was New Yowl.
Private and confidential citculua will be sent to
gonllemen free of ehlree.
819 Broadway, New Tork,
11.1PECIAL TREAT In tIIr in Porno.
Hal. %via al, rinar* null Nervous Ih 'masa* 1 1 n' 4l '
Or feioiala. Ant 10.1 Ric end tottClip.odento it.priur
t`t.Rs lOthlrl
TO CIZOTLIMIIM.-1 well goad !lir private* and 'nail •
dentist tor ulare feu e mo t s. and tier Iu CEPIG
*alulitoe ' , ratio* on '''wind IYeak nese. by by . Itua
L. Saw.. lOU parse.
Tn LAOItO will send wiy ['rivet* Circular with
Anaturiorral r.nir ay in from of taave. and fur In
tante a valuable irt.itier. by Hr. Junta II
inturatatiwa Oil Olt Oishj , •ct, ID
tertot t 0 tho nr t,
Ell= 1M
Your strvrtrinn is milled ur 1110 tenet rfllurlrud
remedies evor Snows (la the removal of shirr mufti'
dmi dersogetritels Incident le Ms Ismsle sec
Dr. Harvey's
r, stpiNirdo Tll , ll/11r VZ alti RIO
11.0.01)1,( TI•oy Sr.. miipttd for iitt
55, Y LSltaand mare fan in dila, action 41 take* S
Dr. !larva's
bee Intendrd fur ervial t,nre r•galrint more poetry.
till no:die:Re, They are Ptur 11.1, rt.ll iltrungte than
the, ordinary flied and •re perteily herthhest *13.11
II yon cannot get thew of our ertlyttioit f wVA mord
ni by triton a **l, post•patd and .1.,t11n (ran ob•
oiervation on rPc.n,t of Om rion.y.
I will elm •, , ad an Iltualrattd and Contl.ntial
limiter In I,adira 10/ app!ltati.lll.
AJdroos J. II VAAL N. tL. oil da.a4awar. VO, X
I • J. BROWER, (c ,t Ircn
ea flew OrttiDi to the Polak bta STOCK 1r
coosiotill. la pact of a felt Ilse of
res. Oaths and tasaltreas fn g 4 41..•
linn&ant• Wee* 0•••,,t of all rai,t r n•
14•Ialna and Prima • f aarinan'emir wa an,
Writhed sad bran n .3aufwas. Laanta franci•
flood oisorinat of Ladles sod thildeeno' aiderd
sisal 11.44..
rigida Graced's eel !pine. New aseletwent
Glass and 411,11ftefollart.
El-Vo. I Maculal ittan• lattr and ono , ttawb flartato.
Sala la the lowa to wake your atl•che^l. as 1 aro
mantas loads at very law pwcle en t 4 .4 , 0 ti
taw dtallay to all. and nut to La vu , latattit! ky oaf.
I. S.
Itonaistotrg. Apo,. 3 , 1 tco.
BOOT AND *HOE wronr.,
imprints iti : EP t3CUP.IL cituiv.u.;
On Main Street, Bloomsburg.
Th. tohortilwf t.Jr. plrsnnf lo a.•.wonting to
tca p•ortt r f !Ito , m•ttre, rtnd . lelnity, that ha ha,
on band a Ime sad floi asp ortiotr! of
gentlanira'a•••ar. to ...I all 'Ratite.
Hi. City Mnft i. of .1... b..t panty. and Iv ta itr
awl reliable awouftrtort•: btn • pfbrlickl
ockulau and a good judge of
i:1 4 :10 381.33.
be la not lit.cly to be tirpor,,i upun by ►tceiving
wertitleas material haply mad. up.
Thome &airing ou) thine in hie in. world &well
to Itiee bum a tali, bri,,rt. put:basil's *Newborn. 1W
seats ■
*tut it price, to Pun purcliotera.
Alt persone MAn desire 11;h1 or heavy wore made
to ro,fr t can a.. accmionialated 41. hi. eP4LI 111`i
frpaiting too done VI ocatiores and
A o elegant a.r.rlan.nt a /Attic, fining and Mm
1id...1e A. tkiI.I.LDLL
api tl 7. tee%
411: , M4entirw , i ...Pritatttv ***trtirt* to hfe
Own& that he it** ovl mil 1 of :ifin nod
ie the 10%1t room of
itarthimi het woes, oet•ltea“ coquet of Main 41.14
mt.A.te, IthboinoLure, hi.
f4uiie;)eatretunedlroia l'itittithiph '4 with ti torso
al “.7i ut
Fall and Winser Clothing
A ro rp.nceno , *'. Fnrrishilif 004.111. &C &e. tie Ret•
ten I,llwielf that he can plume all. Mattock fair
v E:J re,
. ism !RI?,
CO z .
C' '....5T ,
/Oa A
rE.lrt , FRY,
C,itNNFILM dptt ,
*nil in Net every i;ing in the Ctothin or rvolublug
Itne ut
LOW / 1 ,1 re.
eddltion to the Shove he bee en cleieht tose4t
morn of
Clothes, Cassitnerg, and Vehting«.
ciothina woo :nom, ret lb,: Shorts of it el: ce
(MI end ere Whet purr.tteeret elseVettet
Octok r 10, I XI
[THE urrEit uoutirl
Orangeville, Columbia CO., Pa.
The elubetriber teepecifolly Worms hie
friends and the public: test he has taken the
above well ',ewe
and will be plea...A to receive the cuptent of all who
wilt Pivot' him *tilt it lie will keep
A 44404tD MILE,
nlir wall narked %Kb the twin. or Liquor,. en.:
avers ed'*L wilt be diode to t end..., • otire eatiefar,
tree JJUN
intogeelo Muth 20 tfor,
• 'rtW 111 ho cold al grlSoto flnln a Irra:7
s mi I 'IT, etiolated nn ditllh 11104 RI10103.;
e 'tn•"ta shove Iron. near the Pleinine 11111
J & i'n ,In illooniebdrd. lila Pottle in a
hilliding. Iwo 'lntl'. Mel. with cellar,
and .01 finished The , lid 111 Or good eisa, m ex•
rookni condition. end wull Womb, with evil, de
wanton', flu Olen (NIL' All useeesairy outbuildings
out orriied The terine Will be Riede liberal, and
food title /Oven ror fuetb9r part,' ular• Invilro
lhl. Mitre. Nov, 13, 1847.
matter of pupation, to the moon of Audtbee for
distribution of the estate of Peter Breland. thirememil
&mietober nth, 1d67. Q. C. Kehler. req.' iumornted
eommimi 'mar to take teetimoey. By Om Court.
Cortihml from the Record, Jame Couleur. Chub,
TO parties intennted In the ahmm cane tabe °Mire,
:bet 1 pheil attend for the purpose of Ulf appoint.
men*, at my Mace. to blooireburi, on Friday, ;halals
day of November, Ido7, at 111 o'clock. a. no.
U. C, 1144111.14, AuJiter.
00,10, WC
Tlfsge second eumallosast of OF. lagol6lo l o lll in
lbs Illosiosiogri Wain so
Institute u au tlim
inter tinnier eabreAring will plimiwi pot heir
111150111110, 111U4
1•. rmldaikt
Plc( 2,1061
429, HOOP SKIRT& 628.
WM. T. 1110PKINSI,
"Our Ors Alb:
An,' mrre titan Owe year, atilt API , eO 104 .Tp•r!•
reeeifor in the tortstarriiirto nr PT21011.1 , F met
QUALITY 1110 kr pkitrio, w. aff.r our ,:ustly tele.
Ittalotl guotl, Itlrrehanis end the ilohlle In full
"hild"nr .. ' I " If fnnffl"f ', f t NI othr to I fay
Arnefltan roe it.) Sit mg kt r wiedird kr
all %11n 0 ..Nr ot deal to 'ham. Oa Way sloe nano oaf.
fafa•lioa than rhy toth•r awl 1. , •01(0,ryd them
In ts fly t. - ttot •t. 'welt PO 111 litre'. PAM, th.uf4
tank« a noir of flu* (Att. rfely reo P. hu Pos ring
g I hem 1, triqf .110,11,1dn aft p Ithot t littlhet lay.
• Hit 1144$ /meta. ninitrorn • r rAry /Prig. lingth sad
polo lot 1.44. r Mt are„ Mill l,4ddr. n. Ala., ilatts
MAW: 0 1 10 1 .1t.•iiht , d end ' , Pi.".
Ask (ere 014 a Make , " Nod tro fint deret••
s 4. r.e tt....t v.. love -11.. I. w vv , a nn the . f•pf . s
hOWton 0 14 ' h Pont , . WA that y are afarava • W.
T. Iff•l'Vf NB. Mrtittfattuter.ll7l MO , Pit! ot. rtilit•
dr " twos • itll tapr others are len.lne.
Mon. frflalatli) 00 I 00'1 a full Ilre Near
sud Easter, Mane pkoolo, et •ro sfota.
Ithigesalt and Retail,
At 'he PfIII,OIpri,PIIIA ! I 'v wow r
uri 1,1,?of N... Lil M.!! 11111shopkil
Li M T. surriss.
01 14,
NEW B IER Y AND c oNitc..
2.21z0l allk.)11 gts aaranal?
o Tullio!) STREET,
PIEVOW mAxar.• - •
ni.ooniont:RG, PL,
J. T. r(IX, Prep,letnr r tbleften::!ithlirnt
r•pnectfully 1n6,1,n hie uI4 and flew r.u.o ,, trvro. In^
It. hea nvlrltlilfq Illtrd qr neve •lintsd
elle Wm In Inflooph Won with PRF.4II, CAKM,
AND ettNEV.C . IILINILIIII:44. 5. hetetnlore.
C. 7" Ile hge made eunnerwnto for the asle r f
Pro ad, wit It VI po, El ascots, u 1,4 keel.' • t..; one. tttn•
viy Plotte dor.rtS) eivumte
"EXCIIANI;J: 81.711,D1NG3,"
r taelle de/traits bleed tea be aerotnetotlelef
et all tite..e,
TT H. trete/ ell mtamic will MS..* liowtifirwleh
rd %WI 14:rf 11.ft.11111 Porte!, ohni4
b4l. nr riar••• mill rail upo4 V.' It..lAi
f:f I:. ar his Palfinn
Fhiven* Block, Main Street,
who Ate boon tothorizo f 'P the andel signad en po'l
tn. Not *Of r,•4.111i!) bay, • poor!? p 01,3.0,
*Wel Well Ye ovIJ it th. riVq•
Mt. r. nit In cOnromll,4l %MI ins ItOccr) aria C `11•
ettod up Mlle ref AP aPie
Xll orlits arty finer him slid their ruit , el lie
is Sian preparr..ll4 &mks its I.7tesru id Later quw •
U.S fur limbs. paw, et yodel gedelings. es ins
rein MI) be. ['v./jibing ;.:oolong le his HIS rf
business will votive co/oral efof 4llitebl lIIMLItItt ,
YT U. a 'NON to be tiist.diotis fK re 3 4
yet.. and *oaf it , 141.0q 'Adis atoll Innetrm of to
sums. J. Y. tu.l.
April 1 1041.
CAMPI!O9..I4:t owns rI TCZRIKK.
Winn .'td V wean? 11.1 t•
men(. Hat? Thr lc 3011,0,44 Q, AtIVISCIfI 11111 SW
it K. Tonle liett.•,.
tiIMPOI.NO V 1 ILO Ctlr.lltY STP.t:P.
P 1 , 1.14 St'irs• n trnri. f tmictionla estefey um
teleitt•d ali bNita•
NP , It comart..7 f:Lers4 witnv:l:
141 , onist.dre. tlet. P. lbw:.
GIN fur 11111412 as & New le trs t
.t mrtgarrivg or r: r. sw.i) Asti Rumen
Tnnuctufaii.v stiut.A.Teo. Ai TIM tef..v
tittcx or sio &tun. AND eATI 4 FACTIOI
Inn ..H4 Rnl,l Wollner %V.itehto 9'4 1 11 0 1101
1 1 ") MAIle 1. 1111.4 ateto F. 11'..D VIA
by l.sdl.a sate:r..enameled. lilt t' :an
pet field Itwnlinet brothom terWstelles.ll3o In 3.4
5it41414 tinorong f neltrh l e 10/ to at
3100 6014 mr.tie.g war. hrs. ISO to Sus
Shit Ca S !touting Anii.fltit, %Sikhs', 10h in C s
Ilentind looters. Sol to 10 o
304 4 111:01.11141114 loonies.% 75 to t' I
sun Gold Loortlee• %Vetches. 3t to tt.•l
Itl:11 1 rponee. Su to 71
5440. illtint %Vitale", SO to Irl
2300 itur.tire Milo*, Watch's. SS to .71
3 Ott Areuried Watcher!, ill tondo. 10 to 74
The IMerit clerk 11111 be disrorei tl;c rptter
on. 'rite 1.1.1.. giving Every pstroo ■ One 110M11-1e
c 0,4 alto., for Sin. without regard to raid*
Vl'vonoor Min.& I`,, , 11,/ r,o•ouair.N. , w Turk. with
to Immeosstely oospme of It. etouse orrevotternt eine%
rettlirttot, nAhiing tile erlrrlea 0.11 "'heed In 11 1 / 6 1 e4
lute:np.a a 54 till mixed Iltidereireeutllird rn
the stlirbii , net ii .•d t II I hi If 15111:11 1a... upon P1)1414.01
of Tin toottr•s, whether It he it wwhh worth Swap
or one worth lass. Tho 'churn n 1 any of our thrts•
Ovate* s you to the orioles named thew'''.
upon payment. of Its ',WI,. 1111 J in nit
ertirle valued lees thou $lO Is .1 tort any etroll
ease, It *5ll at none be seen (loot this Is tin inttrip7.
Mot a ettstrltt foslelll4 stinsish Alm!'
may he hartoOpotod on eveo by the moat fastidious.
A single certl3 , stle will be brill by mull. poet pod,
upon noe'l's 01 4 1 Wits. Sas for $l. leaven for St
ttoloy three awl elegant for SS. MeV *is
and htote :iirht u.n for $lO, one hundred
Marl most ittprili SV for SM. To svelte or Cool
toiebios employment, this Ii a NITS appottoelty. It
to a 1.1.11,—,t0y coi.lutird 1.4.11P1E dui! nOtboris•
.4. hi It. dud •,7,isi to the moat raoe•
untruly siih! by Eaprerr. with 101 l
for r0i15 4,7 "0 on Of Iti" , Y, su obit Ito diemotsflyttoos
rzn possitlo 'fn' US. '01.11.1r..a
IS lilac f, HWTUEa & 4 u. Impotoo4l.
141 flreudo ay, Ass Vary'
Oct. :Vt. IPL7
c:.rmx. "MM. ruit Toys*
of kt!lff3,ll:". r44t the
!I n T"I A S T
01,877.11.3 15Y THE CAN Q,VAtif
11111171TEIR & JACOBY,
Mer.'t , lnn TS tr
rcx ra.4
rPrhange rp
rtepz, rou.v,
rN , tr :AO*:RT.
ritED L. VVI.D,II.' EL
Nr.v. "
,; C ° so GEON DE2iTSsT.
fifta re VA. 1 eL L V efferent§ prefer*.
tonal Iketl.TlCCe to the ladies, and gent , •
n of bi..oinahnigunc vicinity, Hs la
pupated to attend to nil the winos
orijratioee in the into nt hit Iffl.0101"1 IlintllOrro,l6ll
WWI VIC Insert improved PONCI4,, , INV TA% TN; whir
w II I , a in ir lied on inl , tolatina t•il yet and eithher ter
to I {MAW' II as the nation! teeth plate and block teeth manufactured sr , ail
.41.10 , 41... in teeth • , _a re re fly 4.4 propctly attended I.
itrAtlenretanet cilir a few door. above the Goitre
el 4 n... 1:1 I
Itt , v. FI.AVARD A. W I LPON ritll nod M..
nr charste, to olt dlitirt it. the prrscribtion attilt
the dttectietto rot twatto t t and attug the 11111110 ill
reutedy by shun l'e w3s cur../ a I 111121 pfrrelit , a
and that &mut .3100.3 tot Catotunamton. 1110 only ob•
ject to to bonallt the 11101itted and ha hopes over/
, uffater will try thin prearriptiao .11. It wig coot
them nothttia, mud may matte 0 Mfattpc, Natal
N.'', EDWARD A .111/11.111011.
yin ,10 eoutb Second ettisot, tillamahttrib New
inPironitinn griarunte.l l 10 prodeve a luseilamt
rarib or pair ippon a MIA kid M ttwardlos. hob
alon ielrittlimi fur tI re/anvil or Maple", likolos.
Cropilonshilo•.erothio AIM 10.0,011 the eflosolll
dos', and Wontifill. et% Irained wawa% Wimp
by adtharaiiii THOM. . CHAPMAN 0.4.611.
823 oadWer, Mime Yet&
roe bALC Mr
To, re.. 01110N 91
Plo , Tobvti, Is,
AI. qpri.g Mil , 4,1
, I.cted gawk el latui.•4ol,l
ON. G 1406. Ur*
2(4. Ittetal4lo4l. Imp.. lAn.
area Chauile*lwgclisksaryi, at
largo variety 4 l'a41•1 '
r ilfr fat the follotiv
I...u4sed poi* vstons
rr ALL ELt:£47