------ - There was a detention on the Cata.. I viiva Railroad on Monday evening last, caused by en nerident happening to one of the heavy freight trains. killing one of the breikeinAti and injuring one or two other etei ployees at the i•aine time. The mail train come in ut a late hour in consequence. We are informed (hut these are the lads ; and if so, it is the first. Pieriotte accident that has happened on this wail for n long series yenta. This road in nee (11' the most sue resat' in the State in guarding against the lees of life. FREE itAII.HOAI) w.-iiuti. Samuel Meetutoutt and 'lon. W. Davi., both Rads., sad both aspirants fur the Speaker• ship of the lower House of the Legislature, have written letters avowing themselves in favor of a flee railroad law, mid pledging themselves, in ease of their election, to place no man on the Railroad Committee who is inimical to the measure. The most singular feature shout these epistles is, that the Leg i,haters of a party which stands pledged to the passage of a flve railroad law should have deemed it necessary to write them at an. Donneratic Swami, AN ELEPHANT EILLA his KEEPER.— Thu E4-1 4 mA Romeo, known as one, if not the largo 4 in the country. was phossl a short time nine*, on a farm at dlathorn, Montgomery CounV, , For winter quar ters by his owner, Mr. Forepaw& and leaving his lou.per, Mr. W. 8. in charge. On Wednesday last Mr. Williams went to the place whore the Elephant was kept, for the purpose of washing the flee, tusks, and other portions of the holly of the animal, and while thus engaged Romeo attacked thrusting one of his tusks into his body and treading upon him. The et ies of the keeper slimmed a number of persons, when the Elephant allowed the wounded u n to to be removed without oppo sition. Williams Wll4 so dreadfully injured that he died in about oLe hour utter helps attack.A. * The La Coast heigiortai has Alan:- itn (brut. his trendy enlarged—pre• scenting right rays —and printed upon new type. We repot this paper It 4 one or the Le....t or our ltuasocratie exchange 4. It is true th.srware Pentoerats who do not think as we ll u r t hi s I,nper a s we do ; is our °pi ll ion, show men are a dm upon the Dawes:l6c party, awl we would Ise much lotter oi* without them. We want, at thin time. nod in Net ttlwayts have minted, more jibt :owls morn as the bt Citine y A#A14.411...4 WWII! IV. , might metai.m, to expos , e the in wissnps irltirtr l strA ars people the p 3.1 year; ly the eorru; tawl ruinous:par ty po tr. 1141, Quit-spo%en pern 3r.s wl'at the sant and•houisnore. Cir.-31E0e there paper.l and the people will I r o ligf from the heavy burdens that are now weighing them down to the earth and there grinding theta to powder. Sts i v e.—l'oeta—Pstinters—Preaeliers I'l itptr. -- Printers awl PIA dein n —all suffer trine spepsia, ervounsess, Loss or Ap petite, Liver Complaints. tot I till tliseo , e4 whiel l they limy cure or prevent by the we ur Plantvien Bitters. 1r those anffirrets these Hitters, the Poetry tvolltl he jjiar• or, the P.tire.inz=grontler, de:Seri:l(mi live lier. the actin;; triter. the Printing neate-. and the Polities hot - tester. Thin Apftmdid tonic t ti vi tt , o me s the synern. and enaltles the brain b, w.trk Perli.visQ 1;4 article W:V4 aver :to wNII calor sAl by ail who hare used it. MA 1:N t ILI IVATEII..-A tloligtfol to;let arti,.lo—ruiwrior to Cologne au l at halt' tho price. No. 46. FANCY THE ' L voul.l pr•ra%; is Vorifeshis Ifor•clo'Jr If it ►hne' I he .11,4,4111 y ntono.mer.l ni• a neheul the t eltc:l $14r,4 411 I, tedielt Wet Span. ncnii thcl us moo, 11: dr l'i:TrWrA errrimi It , el,l IV mmintae»tred. an 1 that hearefotth tho Comr 4frolesia, awl preventative orals 41 , 111 6q !Oat to the wor Id t The Mlomr. rtw r I. the Irlthel , r, the 4 ., :) tamer. 44 , Irththry etltherit : the her on Ow ((slitter Of etritivition : the tidier, ern , peil tip to ern.vied City tonentente ; nil • (rot Va. ,ccco, oeedinu nn ItIVth:4111:1 : the shirerlult Ott. OM of MM.. and the nctrotto rf hoth sears erctr. %%too, Would boon with et tel. too deep for W 14 4 ,10, tin„t'hr• re,e4 nor entrective, incnlnriott 4.1,1 lb. had h` •n 111.1U,1 Olt of natio ptep 14:thity ikl:l4.loth to epirnmie dOo '4 , :t 4ttheitllo, a )40sonter nt tonctitn. iror. an Teppetl2 . ..r, a shann3hie. and it mite dy for for , e:+ debt !fly no medicinal prep tration ha r atte: mei the reparation or IttorpErTMA I , llli Er% It in thn Ilot , lt:110L11 ToNic fir the Alt t I.1: Ithe 1 . 01 . twenty yearN, t 4.1 to Ills huninn prohatollty will let sn for centnries t” radio. The 111:4thate4 of rteimire recognise its 111 dd. stA 114,1 tt t? -, smpitati.,tity raft triefirinn of the in 000 r iy proved l.y its 142 A, and vVer increaring lll'h:tars I:r.t:Atot of Wild Cherry I* , ,r the owl. oft 4 , 410, , ” Ida ”Itar.enr., A.Ottin It, 0101)/3, cr;,up. tll.;;opiti3 Con 11. rourt;;llN ; re;ol.o.lthot to I 00111r11 ,tl, ThIA great triiietty ix 10.. %sell htloWil and is vvr rwitlVO ttiq ingeb pawl to Wake it 11+ , 441 4 / 1 0y ut els V. 80 Wle , Otilt" three*.lott of IN ttioi It , trteti it to Syr taut it AIN Iti curitig of 1:1e moat nthofqa';.: thatitilt4, and that L ll tctto r ;fret (foal tti , uAnva fittovloOlti, afle• Ittg 1 ..4 - . 1 tilt* tetilV , lY. tiehttoti 113tNt orentOtt to re eort to Olhor AltiOitttirtot t 7 IlitOrt , a 1011»i" t redo/a -n Tr.t! MOM' r I.:Ter if 9f. Wt.,' WI). no p, N. Y.. 19, for,o ‘t, tf. fios, Boston. boring tb.; won• o of loZ'el I tray very lunch out of lo , nlth, ortieted with n .rel.eto yalst in toe eido nod Longo, and o gener4l ibrpres e too or health to ottili eo 1 , 11. 0, 011. no greotly to ;thin. nty• li nun t'l+.l ,o * no to restlll Dort rig t. nue I 0rt..1 *vein' eit;ltty reenunnendtA remedies. will) ❑itbf or no pond rerolt. and hod ronetudod to try Itei o tr o et or o rtouttr rn climate upon toy hvutth ; but. 114r1 11/1. , C.311)13:: thll4ll4llllltVill 118 0 1 t. I wit* $114.10. d by Ilia fluent ettibitittion or your ;tarot, Mr. Ilontley to give Itr. triton% or Wild Clint. ry a Irl , ll. 1011 , 1 SO, 11l to tilY tr.; P lllll4 1111• 1110 , 011,.1 0 . 411101 perm tow it ft:li,. I by tb.. non of roily nue bottle. owl I out toiw to as goo , ' 9-41115 nO, eVer.. to here y our Italsoni ono sit ttel wet rionediew. run 1', . 11 0 .4 .'.. 00 1 0 1. 0 . rind all t.titt4 litoen,oo.. 811 W ,111 tine, 11110.11: 0 .11,0 v 4111 0 ,144 recutiAniqlit it its ouch truly. IT.Ttig W. r, l .arr.i I I sr. w ettwr.r; rot.lBTr..6o,ltt v ut,rtaly. e Curt, •nr tivroritia. 1 it. 111411 , r01d f.l-110.4 11,4,41, Lci. rerkerebure, Weft. VII, t tlt a to ISt Auds•e+. July 3, P.M, Re totems eel tri Itiliittlf.g ricers whuul tusiit.i.,,tieed telt log pule lieluie Wulff, aa,l utu 150 W futilely cured el SetoNet." pr. tuderr, lodine Water 10 *vim poi itirm of loditie, withotit 4 1114tVent, the ttoot .powerru - Vifislttiog Arita and Knoturnitve known. covninrs fn.!. J. I'. Proprbant :141Pey Otreet. Net , York, Said J4t,udrylif.—itts, T E fib,ALING POO 1., AND HOUSE OF MERIT. Itnernr , l Reporto. far YOUNG ME i the flit m E 41P 1 4 01.1 TV DE, omit the ERRORS ' WORM and DISEAREM ninth de*trny the manly ft*, nu , l create impediment, tit MARRIAGE, sure ernes rebut, Sent in ornled ten*, en ' • Iran at ehntte. hAdreen DR, 3. lOWAN , I VAIN, Pointeletphie, 07 t 14:nn. —We regret to hare to record the death of our old friend, Judge Satutud Oaks, who deported this life at his late residence in Limestone Township, this County, on the lAA ult., aged 71 years, Judge Oaks-woes much respected eitioen, and well known to most of the older citizens of this County and Colombia, having peen at one 011ie As sociate Judge rat' Columbia Comity previous to Mioitour being btrif-ken off. lle also served two terms as merrier of the State Legislature from this Itistriet.—Dttitullic lattiligenerr. PR OS P ECU. SOF Tsil: A E FOR 0 , 1401• A DELIIOCHATIC DAILY AND WEEKLY JOUR NAL DI 1/1111LADELPUIA. The attention of the Democratic, and rim servative citizens of the country is called to the Daily and Weekly issue at' Ms widely circulated journal. The diluiemination of sound political doctrines should commend the earnest attention of every trite friend of the Union and the Constitution. The events of the past political year are full of sigriitieonee. The uprising of the people in opposition to the destructive policy of Rad icalism, clearly shows that the maws are determined to restore again to power the gmat Demoeratic party, every page of whose history is filled with the glory and prosperity of our common country. No more effectual method for presenting the 'froth am be de vised, than in circulating Democratic jour nals. It is the intention of the Proprietors of Ins: Aug to make it, in every way, worthy of the support and eimailence that have beretotare been extended to it. Iso. prevenient, are eatitemplated in every de pertinent. and no pains or expense will be spared to keep it in the front taut: of Amer tean The Ape contains the LATEST txtut.tatoule lawn ALI, PAltTri SW Tim wiittmo, with articles on Government, Poli ties, Tmile, Finance, and all the elirrent questions of the dav ; Lwal Intelligenee, Market' Reports, Priees Current, yltoek Quotations, and tfoninicreial fide& gence, Reports of Tullis Gatherings, For eign and Domestic Correspondence, Leital Reports, Rook Notices, Theatrical Criti cisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Ma rie, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of whatever !.ili t it:444 are of' general interest and importance. lie-ides special telegram% it has all the &slum:hes of the Associated Press from every part of the I :nited states, awl also the. Associated Press despatches re mired by the Atlantic Cable; and the news from all parts of Europe brought by the steamers, is instantly telegraphed from whateverpoint the steamers fi rst touch. The Weekly Age will be a complete compendium of the news of the week, a n d la...ides the leading editorials from the I tally, will (-martin a Loge unionist of interesting matter e reinireil expre. %ly for the weekly issue. It will be in all respects a first class ramify journal. particularly adapted to the Polit Winn, the rarmer the. Merchant. the Meehanie, the Family rirde, and the Gen eral Reader, having, in fact, every charm , teristie of a live newspaper. At ass early day will be begun an intensely inter/04Mg serial, by one of the most popular awl As einating authors, and it is :lbw the intention to publish, from week to week, in the mum of the year, three or four of the best and iatert. TERMS OF THE DATLY.—One copy, one year, $9.00: six months, $4.50; three month, $2.40; for any less period, at the rate of one dollar per month. Iltyotest Li r,triably irr nil, gesce. ruAuge no die Daily. e e,,t, per ...planer, or wee dollar and twenty cents per annum, to be prepaid at at the office 11E4k:livery% Timms or THE WEELLY. —One copy, one year, ; five eopies, one year, $9; ten copies, one year $17.:0 ; twenty copies, One year , 4 1.33. To elidet. 'de re (he iMpfra MT MO to !Mt fldfir