amoturg llama/It LOCAL DEPAUTMEN I'. cdnesday, Jlurcu a7,1,04M " WN Will thNok our o9illotto Mt MI linsal otter. es In their obowNolo , lorelillrs. If Hoy do Hot to to i file 4 C14444104'411144 (Or 04 plifilfr hem ...Ira 110 4 littri Matehieet of eyorytheni VI ft cooonooltiow A 11$ of 1111144, deaths, tires, removal., host. titioNirw, tr. Wr win pot thou to form. Tho V on. of this hied WV see get the bettor it IA Ino 111111 rur tettitets, Who is Milo it 1 o AOVI6OIIOOOO. v eft isewoMo mud, 1144.tri brood atoll Toooday 04ortp to immr , *Of inefortiou 61r that w.. 011. sr We are bn4ly engaged in inti Ling it MIN of'nameaipaion and udvvi tiring dm: e toms of JAcnuT & SHUMAN, ;awl in t h e hands of Pomo Koper person loch Township in the County tier cave en. The nainvs of the persons with whom be bills will be left will be announced at un arty date in this paper. The amounts are Ot large, and will he paid on sight, in war ' every case, we have not the least doubt. he intention is to have the business of the rm settled up, and that, if possible, with ,nt giving offense to any of our rttroo, It ould be Much better Ihr both patron and mblisher that the subscriptions, and Ara • ing lir the past year be sett! I. The aceount b o f the jinn, only. on the oath aide. of the river, are left with the fol lowing person, to whom prompt payment is requested: MW /in Terenship.--JouN IL SAItrEL CHEAdY, !leaser.—Brits. ZimmEnsf.vs, Post 31,14. tor, -r J. C.,I3IPIILLL Polt 3Ja ter. Cutawissa. —STLI'I lEN BALM jbwriegerrek, add ..I, l dan,L - JOH' /IAItNER. All mistakes that tarty lame happened. if any, in waking up the accounts, Cell and x:111 be promptly corrected w e an calling our attention to tho matter. 6 "The Court adverthounents W ill sp• peal in our oust. The Jurors were drawn too late for this week's Prmnriut a i r Tim Willsobarre papers highly cow piiment the 11..rwi , 4; Comet Bawl which aas tffiing eu us:gagotiseut at that place thlt long hive. M. FrPill arrival of Dry OoOti and ruceries at A. 11,truttatt's Stow. tl~els;st. gal a 1 Ctitut /311{):$ 61Vkl ter ".'he young b•iloo or this !dace theinselves in a gllll4 Italsylk.rade an d thesis ball, in Snyder's Hull, on Friday eve ning last. It is said to have been a tiro af= fair, Dir Thne is a bill th L-gislature rdiehoriliog the erection of a Poor llotoAt for 1\01,44. rcetim, rie42 %* ' hive is converting the front, ro Aim in his frame house a !joining our oliee into t•tor rooms. for V. C. ~iarr of this place. lie propogc, to put inn lame fit*: (),711 font. Up town atm.! ! Th, Viltee to buy elicap goof, tcolget nod t 011, - e aitioak the late ronarnut• ttoLs by tl,t , S(wate the 133i10t , of :\ Ir. l'iltstib of Wilkcshat re tit. Postoitotor. Ile it 4 Detuoerat, Another Fet-Laek to the , rvcs thorn right, 311% tzt. f, rtt3•Vriy lived in Colombia County. fjvrioan It , j;krin e Congrcptiun have parchasvd a InAv bell fur their ebureh at this place. This Congrepti,n have one of ti.c finest chureht4 in Ihe County. There are very few if any churches in this section that have a better sounding bell, al though ' , owe of them sound Qom' Those persons de-irous of taking out h o t e l licen se should attend to the mutter at once as the time im short. The application iy reryrtired to be published in two newspa pers at least four weeks Leisure Court. We hare au excellent quality of blank imitions Lod bonds on hand which we will tell cheap, Ail orders for blanks by mail or otherwise will be promptly attended to, air The editor of the Repo Viola spe a k, •f a “contest between the IlElora.vr and Columbian." It would require the tined powns of the exceedingly astute •• • 1 visual organs of the Doctor, and the oil' lul combinations of the Kaleidoscope, natu over when and where any contest be be'llt.t these two journals ham occurred. The tit to 11.' may be a goof) bottle holder, and h t , I ' l°ll esirous of acting in that capacity. . 13 `" emw l ' ouhlwait until he is called in. i ii tee ms ••••••• 13ut be • the time is upprosehing 'When our be largely occupied by candidat es ' nd vouttuunications, we wish to state 44it we will adhere to the old custom of publishing the usual standing card for three dollars, a n d communications setting forth candidates claims more fully at two dollars for seventy-five words 14 time times and for a shorter or longer time at proportionate rates. We desire the cosh to accompany the order in every ease as debts of this kind tire not only hard to pay after the election but hard to collect. tior Ou 31unday of last week a Manger CAUJO to town, representing himself as a horse dealer, wihing to purchase about hf teen or twenty head. Accordingly bills were printed and posted, requesting those having horses to sell to bring them to the 'Exchange' by 4aturtlas. Upon this strength of this proceeding, Mr. Reiswiak, livew man at this 14nce, hired him two horses and buggy to go to Mifflinvide, se be said, to look at some hres, taking With him a buy, whom he left at the Half-Way house to uw tit his return. The boy having remained he was left fur lowly ono day and a heii, became uneasy and returned to Mr. Reis ick, reporting what had happened • him, On Wednesday morning last Mr. :Iteigniek started in pursuit of the villain, !.but as yet We have not learned of the re -4' coven , of the honer or terms of tlesootto• Cougronanum MIROUIt has our thanks fur a copy of sumbody's printod spoueb. Or Thu Pennsylvania Legislature passed n joint ronolution icing the time or final adjournment on Thumlay, the 1 Rh of April CHM. Zr ar The Paulding Brothers, "Swis4 Bell Ringers," gave an entertainment in Snyder's Ifall, to lllir)dielled on Satur day evening =I r . 42y-rn another robotic) of to-day's paper will he ~.o,ot the appointments as made in the E. CunAreneu for this (Northouthet , WO) disci jet, They will intereat tunny of our readero, sier Our 11'4'0 John K. Clition htorgone to Philadelphia to lay in his Spring *tuck of groceries, notions, &e. look:out for a large and excellent as.sorttnent, to be sold at re duced prices. Arthur's Home 3lagazine for April is upon our table. It is a handsome mine her; tho illustrations - being very fine, and the reading most excellent. Az4 a literary Mag. aloe it has no superior * Thou.:in& have been changed by r the wie of the Peruvian Syrup la protoxide (X Irful'i front weak, idekly, suffering crew twos, to t.trong, healthy and happy men and wo m en, and cannot rea-onabiy hemitate to I give it a trial For Dylpeplda and Debility ; it bi a speCitie. Fntnk 31agazine for April is out in eharming colors, assuming an inter esting and attractive air. The ladies are agreestay surpriisul to find this Go.zette of Fmhi , .n emu:titling f-vtur.! , b.‘you theiran ticipations and Mr ahead of what was prom ised. The pattern plates in the present uninher arc not equalled by any of its vo temporaries. send and get it. Price rt,-3.00. PownLit Ext.t.ostoN.—On Toes +lay ht ,t. our eitlxelt4 experienced the sell:411. doll Of tiVO t•hodo itt fitti..k sue,y,wion, re retnuiing Aight ettrtitquakes, A, few mo lt!eta% itikel womb a chino of oittifirke WaB ' te en ri,ing in the direction of the Wopwallopen Powde. , In the evening of the moue day we learned that two of tie. Dry houses had blown up, killing "tie man by the name of EA au I INN at rt,- jek A Request 10 Subscribers. Subseril,..Ts to the Ittemoravr use partio ufFtriy not to allow their indebted. , s to overrun one year. All subscriptions Ith , itdd 1e paid in advance; but under no co nAd vrat i, in i sh pal the year OM around w:th the subscription unpaid. 1 strict at. maim) to this will save us an immense amount of trouble and a very heavy loss. Dedication. The Petlittathai of the Buil , line of * the Bloottodairg Literary Institute will take place on the afternoon an ,1 evening of April 1. Ftninent speaker are f'%10 , ,0f: tas l the ....;:nti4.l3* will give nti elvhibirion ing of declanyttiun , t, e4.ety , . enlloquie. , , and music. The yteekholtlers and public are in vite,' to atten butler Zia i a 1411 before the Bump Muse empowering the military :1- traps "to asst 11 , 1 el t from wealthy reb. el 4 such mmrw a% are 10e1".411`y to prevent the di loyal poor from suf,, ring." Of course if , t, allug an<l robbing to he done (ami a hill of tlthi mot lb nothing els) Ben is the fellow to have a hand in it. Dn.., E. B. Hull, of Berwick, Agent fir the sale of Doty's Clothes Washer and the Universal Clothes Wringer, advertises in to.d.ty's paper these tuaehines. From what we know of them, they are the hest invent. ed. Their construction is simple, and the price of them is within the reach of all persons of inn !erste eireuttistancas. Every family should have both the Washer and the Wringer. sec athertisemenr. BLAx Ks.—Petitions and Bowls for Tar urn License ; Stumuoils, Salqwenas and Ex ecutions; Blank. School Orders; Bonds for School Treasurers, Overseers of the Poor and Collectors; Blanks fbr Coistables' :ales; Poitious for Naturalization ; Blanks for Justkes in Attachment cases ; Notices for Road View , t; Blank Notes for Vendues, and oth Blanks; 101 of which can be bad on reasonable terms and in quantities to :nit purehasers. v„y- The Gennuntmen reify/mph is the Lest weekly newipaper published in the city o r Pliiladelphiaifor rho/firmer. Its editor ials, communications, and selections, upon the subject of fft/Pietth'nre, are practical, plain, null in the proper spirit. Quite a birge space in each munher is devoted to the farmer and gardener. It is printed upon ;mod white paper, with medium isised clear type. Price of subscription, if' our mem ory serves us correctly. is three dollars per annum. =I scar The LTCOMINiI STANI.IRD, and Wal 111.9701 (lateral Adverb:lm published by our old friend Colonel LEVI L. TATV, made its appearance in our sanctum on TWIN. day last. It is a very neat paper, printed upon a first-class power press, with all new material, and in size considerably larger than our paper. In polities it is hardly ne cessary Ibr us to state, it is Democratic, us every one knows who has had any acquaint ;me with its editor, Mr. TATK, that he would publish no at/or kind of paper. The new enterprise bids fair to be s succ e ss if we may judge from advertising patronage displayed. The City of Williamsport, and County of Lycoming, hare the patronage to warrant the publishing of on the Dernocratie papers appearing there, and it is hoped these journals will rotative it. The tine ap pearance of the Standard, a n d the judi cious management of the proprietor, will socure for the establishment a full share of the poblie patronage. Many of 3.1 r, TAU'S old friends in this County will be pleased to loam of his having again engaged in the publication of u nowapspar, and will at once bouotne,pstrons. We heartily wiah the Colo nel success, and with a half chum he Rill mike his Piier tlWitsultilird beam of the Demostwv.of Old Ustawdsq. The Oundbue hteempodafionn, Emma IlLonstanyttoDOWitio:-1110 log occasionally road in your aseellent jour nal, mouthing shout the "Phienix Omni bus Lino," and its facilities, 'Flake pleasure, after haring enjoyed the amommodation, in speaking from experience. Mr, Jacob L. Girton, the Proprietor of this Line, is entitled to the thanks of the puhlie, for his untiring efforts in behalf of their necommo. &diens, Ills excellent horses and eleltunt coaches under his polite attention 8,141 ju dicious management, in timely attending the arrival of all trains at do respective Stations, nfford ample and satisfactory tic- 1...m111)4)404m0, Mareh PM the place or tun. country Irving nn le , yinnt for the o pproeged na tion+, it hns 0:1,t to hen grund lunatic ttsy• lulu rt. crazy Almaionists nnil their eitutio the thiek.tikulloi, woolyitated Afrienn.— BAjori• I I 'ff teh m Vir The Mivlngan Domeier:win Conven tion, in session at Detroit on We any last. adopted resolutions denouneine the Mil itarySatrapv(Rveett-truetiot ) mid 'e ing the r ofrandlisettient of the negroes and &Al attelo-entent of the whites by Congress inotti :w ea) to be uneoustitutional, arbitrary and revolutionary. rpar Chienao w:l4 in a hal way a few night, ?..iln.e, 111.vorilIll to the paper 4. unnatural mother threw her infant into the river; another heartlessly left her baby on the door-step of a citizen ; n worthless fellow deserted his wife; and \Vetelell Phillips le livered a lecture. Enough evil fur one night. Mn. EDITOR. DEMOCRAT : cannot fore. go the duty I owe to you and the public, of congratulating you upon the mater:d ho prorrmeois lately effected in the appearance of ill , - Ilt,nomancao DEMIR:RAE" You are no 0,',/ fogj, it is quite perceptible, us your ENEROY AM! EVTERPaIs E deraaon Irate. Go on in your tni.sion of making us a good, neat, and spirited Dottmeratie organ, and ; your efforta will be rewarded with ultimate success. A:4; Ow DE.mucttAT. 111 E . In Ith , mo-loirg. on the iti*t„ AtittuT Stiva, agt'a "15 year=, '2 month , and S taps. It is hard to meet with death in the midst of rigorous lite, It is hard Mr parents to part with children when these children are Just entering upon a career of usefulness to themselves, and the'community, and arc becoming a source of pile Ant plea use to their Wools, But hovidence, for purpo ses of Its own, and which are unknown to us, but which we km/4: to he en proper and holy as not to allow of criticism or fault fonlinz, sometimes makes, for as, 1.44 4 1 in roads on the domestic e:rele. This yout e Matt was yet sear,-clv in the prime of Ili cner , lerct d the most exemplary kited Novotny,: man of Bloomsburg indi,,trioum habits, o r w a s more correct in his morals. hr mos 0 chri.stion moo, nod his friends have the satislitetiun of 12:4' hi• Withilin is nut chanted 114" the worst. but for the better, At Weinnsi nr2. ou the rbth in 4., Mary Jain% wife il.tiam ilarson, agnd .;^4 S months and 17 days. At tlw (111 tlw Nth 'wt.. in font childl of WM, and :gory ;ars. 41, In this plaeo, on the 121 inst., Robert C.. son of Thomas mot Margaret V amtatta ago.' 3 )ears and (1 months. MARK ET REPORT. Wheat per bushel R.\ e, Coro, B tek IV heat Oats, is Che.erwed, X , 44 , 4 " d apples" Potatoes, Floor per barrel, ater era per , lozot Tallow per pound Lard ........ ......... ....... Shouhler , , Illy per tors. SPECIAL NOTICES THE SHIVERING VICTIMS OP rover find Moo. who frees. 'today to born row might have hoen exempted from their present trial* had Ibex avatleil thenoolaes in time or that aufecuard exaturt ail matatioue disestrea. If osT , TEtt.44 8 BITTERS Bat ii it too Into for prevention rt is not too late for aura. A sioslo bottio nl ibtt irrewubb, herbal WOW will >top the pool4p.os*. and K1,04(4131'14, of it o ilt te•tore the pian,' to a ixormi- health The prudent nod thought tot, *time vet - . who WoOld (Other far - 1,1411 diainee than wait tot ita newton., 10111 to tine ann. Ottfithrtt and romitt , ut tvara at the Clllllll*.lottomott of the Ititolloh when thy prite. , ll. Now is we iiato to fort , arm the system 424415 t ter aim ague, Whom , complaiote and dyepepoia— th<ea.iee %%twill aro often enseridaroit. and always altanvtta.t. t 'Y the chilli and Pampa of Winter sod early Spring, teiIAKAPVAttr: (V 4 INTelltXl The Rote at' Avon tell. no '1.1441 lot Narrh (Wit toroitripit Woo/ the. roloorit Is no true no it wee three hent.rt d veers ego. Hut lotion:101v, in those modern says !dumb Acres ran he roevented. llostetter's Hitters. to it steels Wee'. WO plot the system inn condition to resit every q 110 0 ,04 of in termittent lever. Ile. 11` r the. c 0 a prio , :i4oosttlott too lolloottootwooo dyser pain, this unequaled mutilator Wool onflitOrtiltt will jil4 tool certainly prevent that.— All the disorder. common to the an 10011 of PO 11114 (roots fluty he held :rt s h e rump try this potent anti dote. They mny 41,0 he ojtittoot truce th , system of ter they hove mode lodgment there. ley Its proowlio.r. tog use. it is itio•taufor Moral Moonily of one La uri. Iv to be without it. 1 blotch 13, "u7—lmo. WISTAWS BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. This reintqlv hal Innis rinonnbl'l by Oft tom* timuly for fr radmirkoldn surety relleemo, not find unrinu tbn moid Mod maim pionrni naming. siamime mum. of (Muth. Cold oft 4*!P EA Own Th first, lone, AOth• 111, InfLinneutien of the Ding*, while rv., CAM suniplien itoe If has yielded to 114 omen whin all other mime Mae farted. it. won't hi tory prove. that the mint hd4 produced no remedy of 414 COM 64 IhR numermis find danger. . pulmonary airettionn whieh prevail all over We land. UNSOLICITED TESTIOMONY. Prom intottitW Arcnell. Op, of Enittel,l. Me. Ationt right yeti's time, my ton, Minty A. Atrh• et, new ynotinittler at rairtml4, dome tart .41..u0ty, Me.. Wan sttstnted with spitting of blond. *malt. wedlttieto or Iditind emit 01 debility en tnitittrtio (Nit am (441111 p inntiarnd him to two: a •t.onteli einstinaptioto no Naenuder onottral trent wool f.t u nootto ototatto kilt forahoot no bunion, f rom it, At tenytit. from trio rolottauon of to innell ~„1 wh o , * I wee t,olonott t.s pnyettate boffin of W1 4 ,140M 1114144441,1 411 Wild (*betty. whit+ honetitttol Ono w morn shut t obtoier•d awatli.t battle, width it POP 11411/ 1 POPP/4 UPI to ben Montt PPM 111' /14111P14 1 441111 k 1 PHU 011/1411 Mpth3ll4.lld IN* t.,,,10,0 It Rita ronOitton. for it tn.l WWI. mh ti PO/MP to b41 , 444T111/ Wald Wag Remnity for this Eli.. *boy() marmots*, geoffOtorn, Jr my voluntary Hermit In you in fuvur or you ttatainn, slid to 1111 YOlll. 111.41/4111411. PIMP/41301 by SETH W. rewhe & Pit .% in Tre. 14111114 rat„ 041111.41114 and f..t rain by Iltouglito genetatly. 6 - 0 To BROWER'S 'it) BUY YOUR Ciber4D4DZIDA3. Tho Per Mtn. tiroatts, at itaaidya, Al, Y,, ;mu, In un 111610 Nsionisoot. hy Way (darling) , tor publish ins a medical outitheato to his Maitaidio, of thaws bly ana, ni all tiOria t "Odor Sho.ohittoo poortot movitsitts." °Wr publish this tootootont. hot rot pay, hid 114 MOW& (UMW oho has ihoo an. 4 , 0 14,,,i51ayer, 114 In Parrett Or. Aadara hutnr ..Putop.fitid that, 11/3504101 /11 Oaf ' WNW "WON •ar, whtifh the mat to or this Mrlealliaa will ` . O.IOMICn» £44404 tin btiostag to thew outwit circular. New. 11, Mows.' halloo WWI tot IMP by J. 0. DIN/4%4i thE, Proptiotot, Ara Ityy (IL, N. Y Awl by ad ittoaoloto. ',Weft 13, 'o7—tatit. If you row/ I f obahlit thowdy to fl.oo,llyouated whore if iiiVA tlr in4111)(11M)11, why no how tGu Gent t 9lurty y.ure ogperi.tore hop proyeu Dr. Harvey's Female Pilo, We no Egon, for Removing ribettorii one and Irreg. oloritiee. NO from What enuo tip" news 'viol not #461 litt , l MUM 01 avaty VW. Pitite, tNM troller per bra Dr. Harvey's Go:den Pllls, A TBAV UM. It a rem.* tour tiogroes otroaget than the abaaa, told wended for speck , ONOVII Or SOON EiVO iioil.tra pet Dot. A Ladies' 1 . 14114410 VirtUlOr, With Engravinaa, stut o an application. If you cannot kot the pills of your druggist, oothl the atopry to 14. J. Ittyan, rIP lirnadway, NeW York, and they wi li tot pent Imo from okkorvittioll by Moto of hoot. 1, Jan, 9. The .sperlreee er the pen ire years has defeats etrated the fact that reliance may be plated in thu of ficacy of Dell's Specific Pills, r„, the wooly owl p.ortu4tonnt yore, wont. ',etc t miesirrue. I'tlyuw.l and Seritton4 ot • pillett4 toot rtl putt er, the moult t 4 $t zu.l rrt. t .n, or Vouthor 111411.4..100.011,W1111 At Ileakeled rtifiva thy kappttymt. 1110 tondo. tbe kiifferot for 11 , 14i1W-$ 4 , 1 4 0 , ei141 riortely or Stirliage, and uft,n tyritunoten in anunlhariy pave. Niuku no delay ip . u nitell itto rYttooit. It Iw taittrfly vyzytubbt unit barmier,* on tba systym, cun lot, 1104 , 116111 or 1 , 11 , 1 r• ruttutrY with ton.)tot.t. poratltw,and HO eti.m.zo or 4.0. le 6 , 4: , '0 , :iry while fining di, no. PrirY. thin Dollar, Ir you cannot Jul 'twill or your .Irurgif.t. spud thu utonYr to Or. J. Wyatt, i Itt li•en.tway, WV York. nod How wtii be snot (tee (NM ole ,, traitch by return• Of matt, Private COPIOUS to rs.. o tfr wo f ine on npnli cation. ;Jan, ly k Cu. WONDERFUL BUT TRUE Ma WASIK itrMINGTON. the w irld renowned datinhialid and Clairvoyant, white 6t a rhiirvoyent *tate delineate,: the very texture* a the twraiin yoll *Mtn merry, and by th 104 Or n tio , rotheot of interim power. known 44 the rayrtio ,,,,,i,,,,,,,ipiieotees to preetne, n pettier% and life taw pit-taros"( the future tn,, , tioot or were of 0 ,, tip• plireil.with dote :Mil noirrodae,twoination, tending (tall* 411.1 etvirerier rite. rtui4 i. 110 without number Can 1 110 , 1 1 . uy twine Witte of birth. NV.. color of eye,. nod a., if , ana rurlaatttatidy teat. 1144 win Ifilit!ti "0 . , 0 1 ' 10.004 ' ,1 to veoreolt you will receive picture by MOM er mall. lapel to— at' tip ,tired F s ) A.6tr0..hl en aldose., MADAME, Grwrittifra: nio,ll P If, Utz It 7, Wert rm.). N V. Erb. 11.14*—ty A vouNa LADY ItETURNINV T. her country home, after a iennarn of a few month* in the City, was hardly fetal:mond by her friends, lo Ouse of a course, rustic dashed fare. she bad a salt ruby complexion of almost marble simodliness. and instead of twenty three she really rippeored but eightosn, l'nen inquiry mita the cause of so great a change, she pi sully Ohl thew that she used ttin Cirritralati 11,11 m. and considered it an in. valuable In sup Lady's toilet hy its use any 1.4.1 y of Oentleinan can iintirove their rfaarial appearance, all hundred fold It i.,daVer its rota. lonatien. N,lttire her; end to its stfirary in araWilia hnputitta, fr oa,, aka I,,ltitut.vtoaa,tatr, and Lew llyieig tiv• «Mu and rot+' plrxioEs. Ily ;teittr. r. - 4h I* , it drart'A ti'tetu II all ,r« tutpntna. a, 810,4 healing the t VIOL and IrliV as Nett + r, ir , t , adsd tt +loath/ be, iiem, raft « «ote.iti and h , antsfat, hbeo $l. *eat us tam{ or sspreas nn receipt of an order by tV CLAIM St Iro., tatrmPstr. tid t West r«yeite .."yrileti« , .!t; V • ./%14.! only Alll , 2lMtiv Agents for the seta of the 'oast. P 13; ly KKNOW THY DESTINY Madattie 11. r Thwuca 0, the great Engtirh Aotrol• f op*, irmaoydra anal Peychoinetticon, who has Norhafilhod Ow 'orient, tie claw* of the OW World, low now Ifitatool 110fir.elf al 11116600. N. Y. Mad aula Tat.rotoa p ootea t era woodetful pr.* era of ehz nod *Wit. Ha tt t noble but to Myatt koowledge of the greatest ilnportrilice 10.0 , /00, , :10. or married of eilhet 04. t WlllIo in a atate of .ranee, alin dclinn.. , *t*** the *ncY t. -01 0 ( g* 4 the tiepin. yens 410'10 loaf. ry, assn try the aid of all Inatrintt't of intro'' pow. or, known the Payoo.o 0.1r0p., rvirwil.p4,o 10 prie .e a of, like-10000101 1110 future Ititehatet sit wile of the applicant, to t : o li o .? ith date of t..arii,opt. pc, amok rut tilit , leaidtrog traits of character. die 'I isle is to liababis, oat lbw ails of le:dimwit:Oa can as nett 1 4 0 , Hill 4011.1 when desired ato 1110 t, rOllOl tate, o r alntrn go.trantaw %H a t what it purport' to he. 11,t sarlo a small lock of toot. and awing plate of her h. age, thspiialinTh and coop lesion, and 5,555 Nitta fifty rents and .initored eneel. ripe Addrea*ed to yiesr.elf pis will receive the pic ture and itawv,l intionat OM by rot u trn malt Ant ciiaiaiatikawina Addr , ..o in corthilet+ce, MADA,AIe E. F TOOK , : rON. o, ;at litsilaan. N. Y. !Fah *O-Iy. ) 10 !ft j tea • ) . Aril 3t . fi() MEM 21 i 1 lANDRAKE PILLS. 71.11 , 1! P.LO aro rouip.Lo,lot torten* taus, havout the power to to ax who outtoulotto or the Veer INI ti - ooittit end ettedtwir ta Nwitf 1)41 or *oil without prod whoa arty 01 those d'itotreeible or doutcrococtiocto which often tollow the toe of the Wirt, la ail bilious dltiortera theati P:11§ may he used with eand lent*. es they promote the diticharge of vitiated bye, and remain the," eletrection* fr 4 ,141 the liver and Wart ducts, et:eh are the reuse el billow sanction§ In (antral. PILLS cure Sick llealache, and an diaordem at the laver, Indicated h.) , gnaw Alai em:o4 We/me, coatvenea, &await:wee and a general Ogling at wearinsa and !solitude, showing that tha liver la In a torpid or obstructed. contlitkrn. la short, those rile may be used with advan• tam in all moo mhos, a purgative or ilterstire medicine la remixed. co,o Sal for "Hr. Schenek's Nandrako and Own o that tho two likelossi of the Doctor are ou tho Boventunnit stanut—one whoa lu the lid Mine of Coosuu,ptiou, stud the othor is his present health, Void !wall Druggists and dealers Pees 26 Hole pot hos, Prior pat (nice, No. 15 Karat nth Strout, PotAultephis. Ps. 'inners Witoless'e Anent': Demos Barnes It Co., 11 Park Raw Now La's. I. S. Mune, Pie Bahl• story Ba'll , er Md. Iota) U. l'arh, B. 1 . tor. 01 Fourth and Walnut 6. Hinesuatt, Ohio; Ws kw 6 Ta.lor, IA sad 15d Watson; Assume, Intua.o, LNBlttut Brothers, southwest earner a Ostend arid Ma., Louts, 61). mo. yr, FREE TO L\ LItYIcODY. A large t pp. el rrular, giving information of the arcatert importance to the young of both ecari. It hor hes how dor homely may hero tot bountiful. iho doctored resprotod. nod the, forcaltro No y oth lady or yecticuran chould fail to aorta choir addre so, and receive a ropy poct:pald., by ro. turn moil A 4 Irmo. Y. O. Drawer, til, Troy, N. Y. Fob V 144 v - DEAFNESS, BUN DNEFIg, And Catarrh, limited wub the Memel pummel, by J. IA AAt 'A, M. It. WU liot rend Anrint (formerly of imp den, Holland.) No, Alti PINK blurt. emI.AWA.... Teotimontalp, from tha thogl reliable %maces in the City end Comm, tett he Peen at hierpMee. The med. ire! twiny are invited 'lO tirtolopaNy their Whoop, ire he hue no secrets in hi. pip( Me A FM At. gygrt hipertod without rpm No dime Mr emote Motion, (April 23. LE m. OEII LI:ALLIER .1 o cto Joinabor Yard in. Illornnshorm imp; loototogioNtio *mitt hiuntoutatwo I tit Wittt lit illollll4 ttl , kt egilitiltloN It/ **Wait t Ir. and Infos tot OH• • 'nod supply .a betttttnit owl lodenni thetil e At Ili* N•k (; _ t i4l , olllllfth Itrtpe depot. *Mg rikt it - • tea-nimble taino• JAL • Illuannodotiog, 4111%* IS. NMI. TO LAMM. I'OENt; MEN DR. SCHENCK'S A Substitute for Calomel. WHAT SALg OF DRY GOODS ! FANCY GOODS! Jewelry & %Ovenware, Worth over $2,00),000 I AU to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH I AURNDME & 111•2 BROADWAY; NEW YORK At 11041114 NPR zumortimo MAUFACTUNKReI, nennionte the' In enniwennnee or the nveronekine of the En,lleh Merkel, en lumens. quantity of DRY AND FANCY 00008 i+nv, been enno s ,wd to thorn, with t ho o on i os , M im eltottolfoo Volt imatoointe {Koh. of *or 'Kenitra. A, k r o t eivea to offer them necardinOS to their opinion. 'View of inliotileer at Mt etall. with net ' ,lo r a to node. Th o nabotios hot phew, Oho nrivniti wbol ow l. pion 01 110914 a the Ankles WWI It (buy now o ff ur et 1%. 1104 14411 k .010 drowt IntlOft , * (Mil WA In 443 kolot itorego 444 V47titlits cloth* '• 4 i n 14 3444 41p4rist 14114 Muslin dpl;thifis 4 In 12 :mho rroinh M. ....nos $.1.4 rw.1... 10 to 20 4.102 l'outtohl, Thtildt in 4 1 1 3444 17 4 in 14 2(...0 1,y , .....2 i 10 10 WIG rorite4 nntirro.* 3 I , * 7 35140 0.. 1 / l orho ok.rts $ Cr N ho , io rin.. r,hthrie ..kirio 2 in 3 kikt SOIr. toot Lore voile it to N 41)110 *lir fine tuff* and ralliir• 4 to 2 h2.201 , ..1.0, hotpot' toollotd Litt to 8 3410 0110 lotrlk4ooo4. 1 10 3 volt o n stlia..... h'in.titelel ledltoirehl'o 7 t 11 tom - t Itto...ttihroi , l, o 4 W.110.1'11914 9 to 14 39.9 r),Evo 19 ii..' , . Y 9911 9491terchitars 3 14 0 (, 111 110100 vlit. ilo.timod o 3 to I I Homo (limn rOtolt holm S to 111 pool) Itototi tt oo'on Wow 0 to It 3.0. liotoot ha 1000414 lt to 10 clelll OrMilt .1.0.11•* C./11 ,, 11 hill boos 4 to 0 :I 00111 , 4 , ^tt own's woolen WO( hose ti In li 1 , 99 i.i9f.9 and cotton *hide 240 V, 0 to, oi lit. too tilloirolll7 , .* 2 511 It/ 3 MEET WOO ftl if . 1114 - ,lfin 41r.tworr •'.40 to 6 tn6l6 Pont* pa learnt t11041111,11f. detflAtfle 3 to 7 ocoO root .. brood clottitioltootoooN. 3 to l 3 Inann Yro frett ,- .rn. I n *ON vnitfoi,plusk, kg. rn 4. Hoeroa. kr. 650 to In :Inno {lrmo. n linen t.#lo« cloths 74 to 130 Iwo" V ntrne, I,lllWit tin.n tlntuntik 4 to it Von" itoz“o ohm , town otnpli inn 4 to tit loom , Vot , l, nu lOnatloot olootto 13 to 30 lotin. Yard. 40.a , 11) , t, muilin 6 , . to Sn Immo Ynt,ts trl.t lirtin 73 to 140 4... 'u MA II ttlff..l 5 f I.+J ft 39. 0 . LOH* W. n' ShaVO 4 ei# 1 ., ES Ofpg, Stillaro t.V nol OEIOIO 6 to 10 limo° I.n'to.' brenkr434 Bb*Wis 9 40 130 1510 , 111 1 950.011. or ri,ros ' 13., In 3 3000 130*.1 , n tt•.eJ. !VII 3. 3 1/. - ”10 03,04:14 330 In 0 1nn,,., Looor tot 0 ).011 V to itr0..41 V t 4 1.11111. SS 14 Su 1).1. ;rem.. 'hue" thread pow, 40 bbirk il.,r rs 4,110 4othl trroap *PUS g 3 to I :wee Lefiteo . .'i k velv" amt motive.° portinom ,, . Mtn 3 Anna t0,0 1 .. 4 ..,,T0it0t 1,14.4 2.10 to to :io.'forikov toorott.o port-ionio•wtof stirrot.t 2 to 4 5,-, 00 *c or k y N am nyeo walld.q and port. riot. io I 2 to 4 lt,ono Moorethsto a oiloot 3 to It t 0„,,,, Filo , 4 a Y.l I‘ ut4,1. , vortoo 440444 r,ott Nr.toiot tvol ivory it4toll .4 3 to 4 Non Loofett clorko, gilt 444 ht 4034. aohon I without stiO44ll 25 to too 200•11110.1C4i 00V3 /0 1 , 1 Kir . 1.00 Ii ,, VOIVOrk /0 N Aft e.g.. rO O, llOll Poo!" 23 In 73 Stir, I I mot e1t...0444. 244 net. It tomb* {Soto 73 1ha. , 11 pope' I , olore go to too ;A.O) 00110•1- Machu, KMICWOO4 Rad $/./ worol.loloo 2 50 to IO 34 , 4,0 Tortol,oo WWI cod Sitirtt cord ets.e. cod oio #riirio 3 to 10 50000 0100040. 1100.0631 and vcirot lommt, (from 4.110, Jou Wilms* 330 to 15 letoo Flow (molly MM.. 7 to 13 :moo tome por lei ashler V to 3 brew. EUVO.lopt** 3 to 7 loorm Its ims mats paper 3 to 11 10 '4l , Alf 1. , ,1 1 ,, q1t ii 1.10.41 3 to 13 00 We_ have also 'western 4 alelan4lll Assortment et J W L Y ! prktng Gent'. 0, , 1 11w - fling 111411. Waterte, risitseC4.l tilVitflll torte welettorot r Ventre fro otioe cattettllVer Wrilvhro, 1014 4.1414114 Yost watch tots ..1141,11, , 5t fthhidi 1 0 ,1,4vi0..1,01.604.11.. V*.t.Vot , 1•1.1 rt, gaLI thi ilbq n. 11,11 , 110111411/01 , 41 . 0 Web. I.l*, gold tfoOlr pick*. trooree, boon said Hug., Cali , fnrala 41. f ~,14 HIM* , Atlo la Ifre jeso , try, jet loot go 1 ,1„, .0,414 j«rtteltlf, t I ,, ated, p , 1 , 01 an. 4 other got , ' tool*, {-Over rttronian troMore}.MOtti wtwits. IVA , I Iwl , * 404 ;Lola , oSt«lilot , ,n 11 , 14144414. *444 ry ..018441 , 1 fero , tt 41191111 , 014 It' I mi., g. 14 11' , 4 1444* nrrk Our rot, rtota "vet baud b , ebler jet CI g, t (111143 1111 , 110414,1 40 , 44.1 v0r.,1„ "v 44144414 rt. *WI 14 tior , tt•ittt, rota, opal 46 , 1,4 44 *0 4144 drat,,. 4:41414144•1d1411Pti1ti 0.4 t .11 , 1$ 41,C ,to TOL , to INCH W hi; HT Vcrt•r,)*li'li isC44 Orts , , , r trr , ,Ole ,i)1.1 1.4 • , 111. 1.444114. lee pit, ht,r,l, *9 btp 4,,t1,.tc4t 0,0.101 k, 4 0 9ktA , 111“kt.4 4414*, grelr, tea pm*, rtr , r4t P11 , 11”1 , :air 4,.v«14, 114144 c 0,11,,k,1n c.f.{ intoA, , to, t nit koter - e 11111.Lift , 111114 *3ll. *4•4'4 e, ICII/kllll 444440. rip( %%ruse 11010'01. to Ail Ow above Idol of .orteltot to be 144444 foe ONE 1ttr1.1.%14 EACii. The •zhended air 1.40 by ih- ral.. of 11'..urnit• or Certificates 1..' •inc each articl..l., stack /1111 , 1 Ohl vame the Cr ►re e►dlud•d itt cnv.tupss, hot, ti 44. hit 4 'Add id 25 Vie Each; 5 for SI ; 11 for $2. Whatrimr arlsels way bit named ies Ito Colatitude do he wbtaturd it ONE DOLLAR! Tye article will be Amen to the holder of the eer I:Orate. meet at ;toll be et bre opijoo shriller be polo thr apt ter crud tubes Ihe lunch/ or not. In algae Ir. to lee OP et by waft or a spree* e.e Wit •sito.Lierory, lb. y iso• II tom«d Mod !ha w y wall r..rlimunr i.e... r;ertitleata et ttttt x• lbw bolder la **Obit; AIL. .1 . 1 4 : LE of mel'Eßll.ll‘44 V lI4VE WioUTII MAXI' Multi: IRAN A IiuLLAN. 1167 - P 13 0 0 F . -*a Proof or IhU wo Nov. for A to% er.ftrori. cATE Idyll/EU MY Ud. ANU UNE DUI.I.AIt. any or thorrollout i tog atUrlee: lims %WPM ime poit rf I.l,4llrs' ltalluntat Vuoi• • or grief Nl.Ntans. nue r liuup Seat kW, /omit.). ulta aim Uailroolisrt,iir paw lamina praxrre• tour polka 44 I:'a 11.119. =I WHAT TIIR l'llKsid SAVA fir CM; A. re... 1.011 4. l' e . M Ibis or. now 11.0.1141/ 1 1111 aar al V misty of 1110•• and Nut Pattern., Wel sal Skirts. 1.04P11. 61111% IA and null iv,. M slay 1 tutu) 1.1401.1011111110 ow•h. k 1 n eased... use 11.11 . 01,10 1 41 . 12 hoof lb.. I. dime, bill lb st It I. Allu. I. bet ..... I all ..... . Aro. IL,. had a lens and I. olorable Career. ais.l it Is 11l hir by No n.. 401. C.. 11041111.1 ..r ownidlosig 81.111.1;41i 0.11110 . f1i0 Nllh nlll.ll (Ills IIII•11 , 011$011.1 1100:11 alassuit.l4. We know Ms Wormer 'fa es.ll and fun per...bully Yemen no Ile . )m4 and lisitolld a. r • Vrisnoice sal all their cnistiarle. — Aidleard Onorkwea, Aloe lark, Fr!. t leb7. A Muaals... IA Ott. — Mr. 801 e... N. Can sal the tioss.,.. tallest ad the Jewelry talspersos... Ir. Mom .11.. i. ),.'till day • 111.1 after pays fide his tt c0a5t.....1.1.1151y found hioi.eif rnUlldJ to 114311•Icol Was. 1.014 0 4 a. 11.100 that he too. 11t 1 ( 1 ' tn., in. pi moosl beanie leavlin. Ille .4 01 . 11 , 11 1. 14,1.4 to Out N Ith It We pllbllad 1.1111 lin. is gnosis. 0 ell inv d. tVe linsies.ta... • 11.1111INO of 0111e1 valuable art... 1.• N.O. rcreaY. d. anenikst whorls wag a 81.141 Natoli is. 111.1 s by nee of the atiarbee of Min E.purer take. — / e pt. 4 1. INA. NT so. .....•t ell(lbla and puns:doe • an; .1 we 11t . 414 n 1 Isar Law.. Ile have fa e adsl.e•a lb • sill. sal vomit rot • Ins 11l Jewelry rtsle " of Art 411.14 10 a' Co A 101 l fin. Penn very sue. ....MI ~ sti y ria nitunt Ina 1.1/I'n plisse Iva also ni sluing , . Om to Illnse I n who*. On; 0 1 . 1 11 the tettlatilt".. ail WIII In: seen 1,0111 our .deer. Maths tido . 440.1 C4ll be thus entailed. — A. re.roloy Amery. Aim. 14 Pei. Mr..l W of 1 Ins city, y •sler.losy area Irons sli. Af 411 lyt• co.s. *llllll ot.set Very tins disable Weasel lot. Ulna piers. value.. at nee unbar for which. he %11, 10 .4 000 .1 10 04 the vs I) .. .. 441.1 VI our usallar.—laranarad /I GIB erpt. Tn. 1;114..1'11am ot .trransiale Aro . Igo aid Klee rdreet ,111 the Henn. is .lid the Pflo. • ad oilinsti .11 The 0 4 1....Ws 4114 gen Mean a N h • v Itlh .1 Wm ertobli...lllol.t wt ratuts.a. 10.1 sea , . we 1,...1 n i onnetlll.4 1 4 , 40 10 0..• TO , prinrinle .4 (barging a onion in prICV 414 tam .101141 filch 111 . 11.1 c is 01111 Cdlilltrt till I,t ht• Pow. al' 0111.101 Inn) Nlll . ll llid •10 , 11 0 00 1111.0.4. 111 lit Is .4.c, V.,1110(1113 crueler oI Hew 441.1 J-1% lily null VOA • ly Us. if 1 . 14,10 ill /Ohl li. Keotor.. U d 1011 en soon, No 91g brueJ 111,1101, bre 10141.) sot ..n.• 101 1 11's 0.1,1111 to contains... 4 , 1 , 1. 0.1 .p.tie,sa norm wood IMO 4:11114 . 11 1 4 11 • 4/1/I• Cimipb•ite Must. 11 null and aissathei rut is Kurrw 11,.1 111400. vat 0000 Nllll tot end .1 0 1 d. at sw now Dolly I.o' 1010.1. boo., 17, Mall. I. 10 , 301104 w lvro Won't' ot.ittt what 1./nrilfooo rb 1500.,,k0p ) nLL ',N s , I(*UI ratAl 01•101111.11 A. 41 n It'. ".<3 011 Itsfl 04• MK SIVOII, Wn f.'o4 0101•1101 11010111 e iff) rll I' 010 ) 1/.11..11.11 , 141, 001 1.41 11411 110111 114 Je*Uti MN NIV , I It 44. UNollirt .11ell %1 Ile lit V. r 1.. net', Vlv. Mlil Mild by C. 0. V., pt, tHE 'smug) litaqi vill) U Init 1 ON DELIVERY GOODS. ttrr• pt 11w enure 1114 , 410110i11ty UI 1114UUVI glee Uy 4Apre,,, eO.l Who, Order, UT MU% Walt • T vtutot Agelota V k;ltk 11 , to %hum I 1111.1111 COlllio 1.14.11U41 l ilk bo 1.41 J, whici IMO eV I , of Imo WI 111•10 i, t.;:f . 11d. , tow 10 0 rit.. tuur name •n6l Iddrek it. I ‘, thaw,. tl.luJ, glut 'tudfroo AtthASPALE k CO , Not 0183 144 1.1t,...u%% ;•.,. 4, reh. tn. 1,417. fiMIECIAMtit IMP MAN Ma drl'RENfil M. A grail«. aunt 1% l e t. •Isff, for louts. It Urattal 11011111 y. Nightly P.lllolslllllll. and &mina! ikroittir•., Ibe revolt ,fiu.hf .1 hidlrcrtllru. at 4: tfig neat Heins hl. eii)• ut,• log !spurt 14 ill, for the oar tof•affet Ina than. 'Pool to lag lits. NMI4 rd. tio afield« tarimo ti•ed by *Serb el cute la a lOW arils. Flit? thr «f .outiteraii• madicinea. "end a otirr•isil oriveiopirsitil Madap•ad it will cool jos nothing_ Adolfo,. 6DMAII 111Pilt K 1 1 1, Y. MIT. NEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE. MEN'S rURNISITING STORE. andhrelmial raopeasfull, annauneas to Mg Many rraninide MO It+ ha. opined a new 1 1.71 , 441ag end UPOrti.ffieu'• roorni.hing Moro, In Om le*Or 1 , 11119 at the Nauman Nalidl.l, woutheaot career ur Aga sad Moiled threats, Illawashars, 11%. !loving Imo stood final I'lollB4llolla whit a Imp stoat of Enda and IVisoler Clothing and li..nilemen'■ PornlohinoCnento,lac , Are. Ito eat• tote plwoolf tun% 111 can pious all, Me stoma eau , • Wool MEN'S AND Boys CLOTHING, 04Ch 49 'MESS COITif • SACK CUA TS, UYLBCOATS, PANTO, V C ITC 111 IRTd, DRAIPLRI UN DC RIM I RTd COLLARS, COLLARS, NECI , TIES. ROSIZAY. IIUiPEMDERA, LINDEERVIIEFS, UMBRELLAS, SC, In tut sverythini in the elothin. of n4llllOlllll I i tit Vary Low Price*. In addition to lbw above hos bas an elegant assort mein 01* Clothes, emsiluers, awl Vesting!). tr:r ClOllOl4 uWnd rto .Wier el flu olort/.4 Pollee eiii mid eau b4ore wirchising nl4owlwre. eoJ :!ERIE GULAT otitians, J. W. CHZMULUI.IN. October 10, 10110. NEW GOODS AT BM S EW STORE. THE NEW STORE OF MASI JOHN, n vs Now moms Cr 2 31 a3l cr.r aso sa IT.EAD-QUARTERS! GOOD GOODS! TULY seLL MANY GOODS% Tura SELL GOOD/ VIIKAP I!! They keep nee , y , blne ymi my want. r.rll ■nJ see Wein and you will Be 411,0 to buy. THEIR S FUCK. COMPRISES Schyllies, Girtgants, Shovels, :a *, Sc4alliet 12121 Lawns, Nola 's, /2pacaS, T 4 F r en c h Twills rim .41es roo t Cheeta C'lutTis ,rnit $ os:inieres D ;s 1 1 1 C tic ere S . , EIM 71G A big Meta 04 cloth Grain HMI Storkiag • Notions ALSO, Noon tehlrt•, ralwkstot Vim'', Winder Shade*. klue• . er.w too.. U , n..warn. I,..tkihk•elkwhol. , k.r. la Mort We anftfrthinc. Oar fu•inatt•r. two.' nit htk runt it 'hall be (It en Shiest.. Wo .tvlrnamr 111 to br tUtdrrrn d. All b•aa to( produce 'lkon nl the h.rhrt.t market poste. Alleoto, Then. i. rhothortha with tho rt.,* • T %if& %t %t, wn , •t.* entotherto lapel Mittllt* tts ur etootWlWlPot can lotvii them NW& up Anil nt.,tinedt and rnonp inr gala. The b.•t *orb leo.ll tote con,timilly emp owed. Mitch t:ltliAllY t JOON. NEW GOODS FOR ISBT. J. J. DROWER bail again rapledi.bed his sto,k from Nrf,l Vaal' and rbiladalph la If you want a baed•ome •et or Fur.. ga to of you want • beautif ri Frcurh r e , p li n , go to U you *ant a splendid Balmnriii, go to If you want take Do Lain go to it you want Cbi!dran'a Dm. Goals gn to If 7011 Minlll In bay G.l and Clie'p Cools, of any deacription. in to woniatebmtrg. Ina. 113 1867 EXCHANUL RE:zTALMANT. 'Ph„ Propo,thr having Tomerhted and refitted hie h! , :hrnvit ANT. th the to.teehteet uf the EXCHANGE. HOTEL,, 1,0 „.„„, dlb t p bpprifillly wllcic I ennlinwlttee of thu putt utmge• t curditilly vita the ul new unes tu Lis rutreisusuuts. shill!, oisTERs & f CAN E 1) OYSTERS Pt ic• oVeri"EttS. FUEssi vi4n. i ill P'f work. 111 , 01 AM) Ltaa", 1111 . 1: IIoGeNS A. th.tot• LIQUORS AND CIGARS. qr. ten bs vetted or to CUMQUATS It hi vAsi lout. %TV LES, trross% t.ll. CII APED FBIF.O. OR a•►WY. tss oust OW Wntr of tltts tricutian. LAWSON CALMAII. ftluou.rhuri, Feb. 13. Inn. 111,...,(111111 0 111111 lidtut* Of joy In .11. )..H. and la 11 111.10 prat 011.110 *NOM h u Mier *so. pa prectutl# .ud rata. I fur tilt , all. and NI ttlsy U. Nits BY THE USE 01? CHASTELLAR'S White Liquid Enamel, Frr litoroo . Vini red Idstol• Ina the Ceinple tine. t r woo vnottAlto end f at preparatest In tote ter ill'. sso taloa{ polotl•olko tort 014 ts .00lly 111 plan otolorkly toonnovon Teti Ftet k rotoroloos r , olrlose. WI" Si seller. raletre. or Ertl p . 1 ,0 fisioffitio. of the *kiss. it hotly hotithi lIIr ••1114. I. 4411 , 4 Ile' .hit* %Mt.! elt4 rIP Pr N. sloths. to.r. Ile U.•r•fflet arteries{ Is) the elno , ot tiny Red twine N vo go I hi. peepartilicts it pt erectly {meatiest's. It is III( Illy lows Ir t.t the Mow{ used Ire reettsh. awl Is tionoteentli NY Ihe Parstiao a r iti siorpeorthle on M pestoot falls ti.ortesis of NI OW letltles were .old ato..tva the tart yo oh, • freettillot et•notooton. It. I tricot,. Pikr mite le eon's— 'QM by mail. hest on receipt Of an Meet. by bERUEIN, 'HUM' & CO. Cbeibios, to 11011-4 Y IN4S Slum N., Trby. N V. A R I/ V AL OP NEW GOODS AT M. M. BROW & co.'s STORE 1111 CATAWISSAL. The subscriber/ having Just recereed their seal iorio ..Torment of Wisior Dry Good 3 and Groceries. They invite the 4peclal attention of tin polOto to the fact thst they have pureebeeed u /iris STOCK OF GOODS, with th• ■drrrtr/r of aredop rate Inducements Sir pinch nae, by Jelling CHEAP FOR CASH, encto erUele• a► hare beetterare demanded moot mt. trivagu.ut paws cs• 3s• Ipaczoces thaw sold In mast country rioter Country Produce taken at the ;market price in cichanigegoc goods CT Oita them a call before purchasing striswhara BROW k ABBOTT. Cat4wlsaa. Jan. Sl3. 167 Pm VATE SALE A Valuable Farm. VIE undersigned will nifir bin valuebia Arm et private sale. :innate in Madison Tawbsbip. Cnlum bla county, about "au and a ball mils, allot or Jeri teytown, on tiro public read leading to Blue Wilbur& contaanniz • UGIE TV AMEN $ Anti acres Or Which 1410 cleared :and, the bilisoll 'EM, TIMBERED, (TNN ACKCs OF' IVICADOW,) Whtlftnn Are orectel FRAME IiOUSE FRAME ILS 1t N,s *and the UNVIN wry 011 . 1 lmitdtn Thera is loud well of wua r at the door ; also t 5 9 04 APPLE ORCHARD on the. mildew', The terms will be wade easy to the purchaser. vALerriNE svEmAyse U4dietni, Jan. 30, 1007. C. W. SNYDER, WDOLEISALE AND RETAIL DEALER rn HARDWARE, i.:t. , IRON, STELL, so Tub. SHOT ELSE MB npe BUILDER'S HARDWARE, !two, Auger. View% E iIAair.V.ALLEL noel rindi..4t, titu.tus, 13 'ls POWDER AND SHOT S ervretEl, aviA emits, eleS, 410 . ENil rIAIIII4 T 301104, Shots re 1 - te ;,1 "y" riynit os ,- te 1 / 4 ,3 ~,0't1Q iei To 4 nr,6,4 rrorr ,, t s 4 BW4, Wrlsno *id iiwafts , spria,u, eaalk MW wh ,, et• %tight all.' Varuuol.r's TtNdY. and puraut l'uttiory. f irnarata,'Puys.Are.. fie.. With a lot at &Aber artivlts usually kept to a !lard. wart titter. Gaiters MA Carpets Illoomdmirg, /snugly, I. W4.-3m Cl vto ASTROLOGY. THE WORLD AS TONISHED AT TUX wand,fro 4..vciatinn. Minton , / the Great Astral,. tom. M%D %my; 11. A. pmtislito. 'the r e *** pi• eretlir n* 1304131 eve, knew. "bit resin,., to bappl• Ness those WI. from .t. 41111 rands sainptenshea. Cl o .6** in tote. WON of relillian. and friend.. 1 , 10 f noliwy have bee despondent. Shebat's* invite r those Ion; separated. Titres information too rename absent ((Wan* or laii-f0 rr.bitas lust ne stolen tunpetty. tells you the business y o u are best lumina' bonus., and in what you will ti• ain4 anC• ""," rno•alli marrows sal tells yin the very day you will annual/lees you Igon paws. labia nest nun rfroncterisiies of inn Vireon. Your well thouslos. we I by her 010 , 0 101p , tnalnial poNarli unveil- the dark null bidden . ysteries nf the Were. Varna the stars e a see la the tirisbiniena.. tile nialede stars that iiveraime or pat...wont° in Ms conflagration -Irffll/1$ the aagrectill and positiniis of the planets and the died St•iii in tan at lilt lin* 01 birth, ens deduces the ruttirt•nratity of wan. Vail inn to consult the 104 , 111.44 Allrolosisg iw eS'lb II aid Ind 3 trifle, run yus may ata.r altaila have an irelfotf,bie an apoortklinity. Consultation fen with Ultra... and all 111r01111411all. . Parties loving as a dialant• can conroll the Matlaniin by wail with ideal safety aid -all•farlion In thunrsisss as if in prison A full and exploit ghat whtlen but, with el hop an•wereil nod lignatese enetneed. alt .1 by wail 1011 he apt at pri above mentioned.— I he shit teat 'safe y will be inlinialnatt and a'l CO.. fripnnderCe returned or destroyed. References of the blithest order tarnished those destrios Write plainly the day n( the month and year in which ten were Will. • licloto fi g a sui ill In-at of hair. Address. diAIIASIL II A. PERitiOtr, Prbil; P.O.thawer 493, Buff du, Y. REPARATOR CAPILLI, BROWKrts BROWER'S furnw Away fake Mitre yrotr !Witcher. Tour Iffig; ihistriktii, of comfort. Slid lint worth n fit; v... 41041, CORI )014thrt11. COUP' tllO, Ana rejume io you/O*U lusurtent hair. etiowtiva. E PAU ATO it CA r ILL!. reitoring hair upon Loll heads (from whatever 1 . 1 ,, P6 It may here INlb n ow.) wl lonang a imwt 1 3 o r hair upon the Nee, It ha , nu ••• ii. It will force the heard to grow upon ale awd.. •• face in from gyp to right or. tar opoo lid I 3,1 I. In from tW , ) in three months. A rear ignorant preetlliou^ra h a ya asooted irint iiiiilitug Mid Will for a nr baott• n the hoe oh of the buir or beard. Their 11•1111,Si we err false. no ilioneenue of Habig Witnesses kfroia their caprileacel can brat vi I nee.. but rainy wilt oily. how err we to the genuine fiiiin the apurion* I II certainly le c_f the uilteretil Pieparatiole adverting.' for tho I, it ao4 boars are entirely worthless, and you may have at. ready thrown away large nuounite in their purchase. To mien we would ray. try the below our Copan , iti will root you nothing oriless II fully conies tin in on, repriosisitaistias. If your Druggist• does nut fiery It. aeno to our dollar and we n ill iiirward it. pooped. lotether glib • fiteelpt for the 111 , 111 , .4. whien Will ion 'muffled you nit application. providing entire au luuhnl Is DAIWA& AIitiTSISS w, L. CLAIM & :J. Chemists. ho 2 Woo( Payette IL. I.yrscum h. Y. felt: 'ut—ly BROWER'S. Olt OW CR'S EXCELSIOR! EXCELSIOR I ! CHASTELLAB'S itn IR EXTERAINATua FOR REMOVING MIL MOUS HAM II 1° the luties bb„"eibilYt tale lutaleablo depilatory' t0 ..,1s itsel f h. net rs On 11111110 st indlaponelble 011ielo to lem.uo• Imauty a easily applied, noon Opt burn or Inltyn the skin, hot acts d'rettly on the mot& It is warranted to resins. , superfluous Waitrons tow fer., .1., or Irmo any part the hod?: rum. pletnly• tololty old radically extirpating the elm., leaning the Ain sort. stnttoth and natural. Thin Is the only it, el article teed to) . 1101 French, and is the only real elt•etuel depotattory In ealesenee. Preen n relit per parasite. slit poet paid, to any adding. Inn reeeipt nt an ardor, by ItERGY & op.. F b. 81, 14-Iy. Lhenilets. tills awn IC Troy. 31. T. EVENWith the COTT AOC Milli Y and the printing tueteried tneip,ini one 16every than e•• de hie ewe priiitiattiestlf. MAII oekly cheaply. my NS eeneteuttioa that boy 11 reel oil ten emaiy mimeo. the tersest site. 1113 M.A. iootreetien• are seat wuh eAch tll r. ruabllq NIS p ,ri hoar logy %moat illith• t.,., ,•r vl , OlO 1.1( OWIV printing. A cirrulne 114 lull 611.4114 We, prowl. leetamietitits IC . *flit Iles to all. 01.11 105 1 ..411.140n Phoolo PRINTER 26 Anoi March 11, the?—ly. NbW BLANKSI BLANKS!! O( 111 1 / 6 ft droctlytton fit sate, atiodite ogles, Their sesortmeot of :CUL% SPIKES. 0 kS RAKES, C. W.SbiTDZI.
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