LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & AVEST BRANCH FARMER. DEC. 3, 1858. a ill hi i , !! i ,11 A Sftr?er. ,,-ivc iu Atlanta, a notcI keeper i a , is i- i.is.dei-. J mrt J !.-, but be sometimes nictts Li? 1 1 'rav i vti IjI f u breakfast, i' 1.0 dly r 1 . ircl. feed" was nut .- u!l sorts of! - ill, feeling that the ' up to the in :i i k, m i l ijiiic tij.oeie'.e-i :ir..uul the1 tii ft who woiktd on in biiuncc, never raising Iiis heal Lcyoiid tlie affirmative iiiCuciicc uf Lis fork, or by liU Hut a-KiiO ltdii: vet, the freseuee of lijitiu 'ihis suikv iii ii,c:.ti' r rather iiul the Isiiiti!oi:, w Iik, cliaiigin;; the rri'i; .f l.i-s battery, stink Lis thumbs iu Ins veil arm Ii 'Is, e:;.;.oJed Lis chest jj j roLling t In room ol i.nif its uir, ami said: j "Now, M;ir, cui-foui.d me if I hain't ) made, ail the uji..l -i:y iieces-ary, aud wore, too, considering i lie I reukhst, and wlio pcto it; and now I tell jou, 1 Lave seen tiirticr, wolse cooked, worse lasted, worse looking, aud a deal of a fight smaller breakfasts than this is, several times." The wcaiy, hungry one, meekly laid dowu Lis swallowed the Lite iu tran situ, f'aecd die palms of Lis Lands toge ther, ainl modestly looking up at the vexed auJ fuming laiidl-.irJ, asked, '-Is what you siy, true '!" Yes, sir!" came with a vicdietivo rrniji'Li ss. " Writ, then, I'll le Wanted huff, if unu Jtain't uiit-tmcthtl Mr." About Girls' Kan.es. If you arc a wry .revise nnu, and wish to be certain of Lat you get, never marry agir! named Aim ; fir we Lave the authori ty of Liudley 'lui ray and olhers, that "an is an indi linite article." If you would like to have a wife who ii " one atuuiifi a thoui-aud," you should marry an Emily or an Emma, for any I-rinter can tell you that "etii:." are always Counted by the ihoeatid. If you wish to l aca bustling fly-about wife, you should marry one num. d Jenny ; for every toltoii spinner knows that " jen Lies" arc always ou the go. i if you want to mairv a I!-.l!e, ii is not necessary teat you jntraia oe a snrnn, jnrt because you have to 'riug" Ler at tLe alter. If VliU nih tn snrn. in lif.. ns vwt tcr, jou sliouid marry Caroline, aud treat t bcr kindly ; K.r so long as you continue to do this you will be good to "carry." The most iuctssant writer iu the world is Le who is always bound to Ad a line. j You limy ad- re your wife, but ou will i le surpassed iu love Leu your wife is a D..ra. .Many men .f high UK.ra! principles, and who would not gamble fur the world, still Lave not refustd to take a l!et. A Swtr IJor. My ueighbor, T., Lad a social tuny at bis house a few evt-uinrs Te'si" "olf'vtuS fiv'IfeJ ' wlih i.ermissit.u :u be teu iu the parlor. " J'a" is somewhat proud of Lis toy, and Cbuilis was, of i course, elaborately got up for so great an o.casi' ii. Among other extras, the little j f ifoiv's Lair was treated to a liberal supply , of Eu de Cologne, to bis Luo gratiSca-! ti iu. As Le eiilered the parlor, aud made i LU formal Low to the ladies and gentle man, " Enok-ec here," said he, proudly, " if auy of you smelU a smell, that's mi!" The liiLCt was decided, and Charies,having IMis iu one brief seuteuee, delivered au illustrative issay ou buinati vanity, was the hero of the evening. E.ery one could Cj'I to mind some boy of laiger growth, w hose self satisfaction, though not perhaps to audibly announced, was Jet evident, and cot better film Jed. IJi.b I " rtnaiui-d tut a lr ilit-cjcti little girl somewhat under six years of age, j parcd u, niake and repair lo a joui.s-ter, who was eeated on te coaches, Carriages, Bnggeys, Sleighs, curb stoue, uit-kiug Lasty pudding out of : al)1i an iher traveling vehicles, at the short mud iu tlie gutter ; "Hob, you good for- j est nnt.ee.in the best manner; and on the most i .. 1 reasonable terms, nothing little ra.-cal you, come into the , Kh .xr,h Fourth St. near 8t. John's, nouse tuis tnintite, or i n neat you tin tue fekia comes off." "WLy, Angelina, An gelina, dear, what do you meiu ? Where did you learn suck talking '!" Angelina looked up innocently, aud answered : 'Vby, niothir, do you see, we are play ing, and be is my little boy, and L am scolding liiui just as you did me tbis uioruiug, that's all The fat rcojile of Westfield, Mass., bad a cable celebration, on a bill, several hun dred feet high, called the Hog's Hack, tbe sides of which are very precij.itious. No person weighing under 210 pou'ids,was al lowed to j jiu tbe procession. The follow ing was the programme for tbe day : THE 11EACON', MEN WUUHINU "SO, FAT MEN YI ItilllNtl 50, COMMo.N i'.vr.Mr N WMUIIIMi IIL'T-20, MoHTIlli.l) FAT JltN WElclHIXU O.SL1' -10. A Hutu ,'oi i.Kr IHxiuar. Tbe other ; daj a lady gave a beggirwoinan a couple ' fif T.rm.i, Tiro ,-.-tlT !' rvfbiinii'd , . i ! exclaimed she, -Take tbem back, Mi-I a.ked for ! chari' I cant do anything with two cents." "My d.ar Madam." said the oolite ' donor, " I bpe you will keep the pennies and give tbciu to come poor person." Tbe bi ggr sloped. 1'auniT to the Last. A shoemaker, for the purpose of tclipsiug au opponent who lived opposite him, pa: over bis door I the well known motto of " M ns raw iu I recti," (a niiud tonsc'ous of reetitude.) Uis adversary, ta outdo bim, plated a bill on Ms winaow, with the words ".lt s and Utiea' CHitcia recti." There is a man in town whose memory is so short that it only reaches to his knees. I'.t consequence be ha 1 not pai l for Lis ,ast pair cf boots. printinjj an) pitting, in good style siiul on lair Terms, VX SJKlkT XOTI'-E, AT TEE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE, market Square, Lewisburg. RAILROAD. AT a meeting of ihe Hoard of Direc tors of the I-ewisbun Centre & Spruce ('reek Kail road Company a Resolution was adopted, That in order to defray expense of survey, -'?'i..r0 U called in on each share of stock subscribed on which nullum; has been paid, and where notes for 10 p'i cent, have been given, one half of said ii 'Hs be now collected. In puiMiance thereof, I hereby eive notice , that payment is rrnuired wiihiu MO days, and j those- neglecting to pay will be proceeded against according to law. V. MILLER, Treasurer. l.etr.sbur?, Sept. i, 1H.18. LAW OFFJCK- 11EM0VKD. John B. Linn, TTOKi:i' IT LAW Office at his house on N. larket St. beL 1st & Sd Lcn iKbur, I'tu JOES Disease originate in IS IMI'i'JUTY Of THE BLOOD? This is a question nf vital importance, and one wl.t-h lux i..-vi-r (m'h ft.-iti-fnctorily diK)!Nd of by tli. pr. fi-nr.-m In 1,-nrh tlie henlini; art- Some niaintaio auj. .l-eUll tint el J ft-honl rlt'M.-i:illit)tlil,t lite liveiu the b!..l. nod tlier-fur.-Mll .lis.-.-iM.. originate in it; liut m.l-rii faience aver tliat nilme-DO. liaT. their origin in l-..th the 8 .tidH and Uind ..f the uo.lv. That the latn-r ,'ruiK.n.lerat"-, hnweT.-r. in a tixed l".ct. aud uiediral rkill hitn elfurlv d.-uii.iitruted tlmt at leat tao-tliirdA of the Uts that biimau d-nh in L.-ir to. have their Bouroa in IVri llK STATE of THE HI.OOll! An. for Intanee, in the lonir eatnlopne, poch aeScrofula, I. -tier, "liirl.T ll.-h." rimilei., riiotrhen, Kryi-i.-la, I leern, Snlt lihenin. ili-ehnrifen from the Kr. Fever sore, or irrnl-tive tlienM-ii of any kind these are awer-tniii.-d l.y a-.-ll knoa iiDnnlie.il lawn to ariw from ha.1 hlo.l. while the hiln-.-.t niedirat authoritk. deelare that moiit leT.-n. ori---nale in the mime manner, and more ar-tii-ularly Typhoid and Searlet the former hetnir an in ti-rual. mid the latler an external irrutire dimM ; ami in all ter-D attaek.nl liy theae niuladiea. the blood in found U tw tiitber t-oa,;uiatedt or of a dark unhealthy dolor. To ward off a lurre majority of Jifeape. aa well aa to rare a number w hirb have already wiled upon the eys t-m, it is ueceffFury to 1't'KJFr THE BLOOD. Linitwr) '. Improved lllood Scarcber din-F not claim to be be a LMTUU14L PtTf tCKA f .r ev. ry di"eaae known, but the proprietor, etaim for it theixiM.-r not on.v ot draiiiioz out all iuil-uritte .d the I.I.nul. but. I.y the killul eomi.ination of well-known j vtvetul.le ri mi di.-.. it will eure all disease!" ariin frnm I a drrao-.-i-l .tote of the liver, drive out dispep-oa, and , c.v.- r to v.,-d tone and vicr M the Ktomai h. ? hwt the ! ItL n ii S. ai.i ui.it l.i all that is claimed for it, the proprie i tors e-au rodu.-e j THE Moor. i It wn. only a few year sinee it wa. diseoTered. and j yet it In." i-ro n ielo hu.-h a buniiit-iw that a lirra.- l-abur-I atorv hai. l.-n l.uilt expr--ly for iti. nianuriu-tim- a j Innre numU-r of iu.-n euiploytnl inputting it up, and ! nliil Ibe ai pplt ftriEa vot toritrnr irM,ro! eMMoM. Menitiwiem.tl iw-fltn- cine did no! (.(ween ill the virt u.-D rlnimed lor it! j The Proprietor- hitve liundreiln of eertifieates from : men of prohitv and tilnliI!T iu the community, .howiiii; what tlie uii-du-iue- i.-. doin: d.iily lor theruiri-rin;;. .trr!.trwh.thMrnliif waa iTi-nf. t the notieted iriye it a trinta aincte bottle will roo.ini-t- IP.- n.-i-t .;k,-i tirai ot it, erneay. Sold I t t'. W. Shallle. I.ei,lurr. 1 II. Miller. Mifllin- l urir; rrniht a: Uau.-k. ltolliooe Koa.h.; Kudy lliioml. rei. h. Farm.-ri-ville: Ciiinmilic'n 4 W illurr. liar tletoti; Ueuver a t'o., Wiotitld t-'uniuce; C. D. ItoUah, N.w Ue-rou. LINUS EV li LEMON, Proprietor.. rmTf.-; Ilolhdaycbur;, Pa. t " 'Octave tamx r -ai mm- aa, mw. Inquire of THO'S U.OK1EK. l,cu'isbur. June H, ioS $:,000 Wanted! IN pursuance of an act of the last Legisla ture of I'ennsvlvania, the Commissioners ol Union county desire to Uorrow money tn the above amount, in sums not less than $1(10, the interest to be paid annually, and the principal within three vears. Inquire of H. 1'. SHKI.LER, Treasurer. I.cwishur;, l'a.. May 26, IHoS. XOTAKY PUI3LIC. William Jones, A TTOIlTnEY at Law. Collections rromotlv attended to. OfTiceon Market treet, opposite the l'resbvtertan chinch. SUU LEHISHIKG.I'A. Kew Arrangement ! iicii purchased ihe establish- .7 1 ne.l he Rver-i Al Itrillm.IS Ofe- Lewihrg, I a June 4, !SMin6 A. U. BVERS. NEW CONFECTIONERY. In Beaver' $ Mock, Xorth Third ttreet, l,YlKlurK, l'a. C1ND!ES of even- varietj-, CHtACKF.RS, CHEESE, RAISINS, AI.MOXDS. I'EA M:TS. FILHEKT8, WALNLTS, I'lES, CAKES, SMALL BEER, SE(iARS, 4c. Ac, constantly on hand and for sale. tCE CREAM. An Ice Cream Saloon attached will be found the best place in town for cool.delicious rcfre-hn.cnt. Call and see. May -0, IS5M. S. A. REED & CO. James F. Linn. J. Klerrill Linn. J. F. & J. M. LINN, Atlnrneya at Lavr, LEWIsULliti, ft? I l.'nion County, Penn'a. .twsisiierN' ollcc. ON the 1 Till day of September, lS'i", John Neshit, Thomas Hayes and Michael Fu hthorn.iliiins business under the firm-name I i vwh,t I4ae A- Kirhthurn. made a volun- Iarv assieninent to Robert H. Laird and Wm. . r ii .1 t .itiint. mal noi-con nl an. 1 Jones of alt their property real, personal ana , Jones Of alt lllCI ... . , V .. . . I....).. raaU person 'knowing themes , j,e indebted to said firm either by Note or Book account, plee call and settle without further notice. HOUbKC M. 1.AIKU, WILLIAM JONES, Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 1 b58 Assignees I.K.VIS PALMER, RCIIITECT and BI'ILDER, LEW ISHVHG, PA nrOflice in the Tniversiiy Building floe K m.IV at di LZsxkth2. es, and Jewelry, opposite J.& J. Wails Also, particular attention paid to RE I'AIRlNli of all kinds. I have also the asencv for the sale of ihe celebrated Coal Oil Lamps, which will recommend themselves tn everv one. Call and see. Sept. 9, 1S5S A E L-EX0RMAND1K B I..WK Coi'raeis witS Tehers ami Or ers oa Trcasurerat Chrnici- Oifice. : j " ffl ( The undersicned havinr; THOMAS G. GRIER, (lueerrvor toJ.IYoDCK) vvalclimaker and Jeweller, Located two ilnor .lift t.f the .taint rrfa-nllt oreuf-ieil hy air Yodrr LK l'a. CtlOCkM, Watches, &c, repaired nn shoil nonce and warranted lo give sa;isla-non. Lif'An excellent assortment of Watc.he., flocks and Jewelry on hand Cheap far fmh. tili.T H(A.li:s i.l' all sizes made to order I.ewisburc;, April S!, BUFFALO ICUSE. i ISHVKG, L'MOX CO., PA. LEWISBVKG, u. iii:i:hi:k, I'ropriclor. rPIIIS House is the largest and most 1 spacious in f.ewisbur, and situateil up pusile tlie? Court House, on the most elevated and pleasant part of the lown. The proprie tor, who has recently purchased of ihe late firm nf I.aw.she & Sebold, has spared neither pains nor expense in refilling and rt-liirnisb-in the House, ilis KooniMare spaciousandairy.and not only calculated to add to the convenience and comfort of the traveling community, lint also those who woulti seek a pleasant summer re sort with families. His Table is spread wilh every luxury that the market ran afford. The Itiir is furnished wilh all the choicest liquors. The Stalilr and Carriage Ilousii are spacious, aud attended by Ihe most care ful cstlers. tiiiThe proprietor hopes that, fromhis long experience in the business, ana ny nnremil ting attention on his part, combined will, a judicious selection of the most careful and at tentive servants, he may he entitled to the fa vorable consideration of the public, and re ceive a share of their patronage. ("'Please give him a call and jnilpe for yourselves. July 1, 18.18 DR. W. H. WITMOR, of Lancaster Ci!y late of Pfiiiadt lphia,) Whetv hr titt been In uoiful frwtlr f.r m nnmhor of yrmrs, rrrir-4 hi -ituction mt Him bC Mtnlirx! Coll- pf iu thf L'nftt-tt Mate, autl iind n pt-rit-nn aiit prat tire in the tiilftirfnt Jlr..it.i1n tor wt-cral yi-arx ; a nit-ui Wr of tlm Annlytii-al tltili.nl Inrxtitutt of Nftr York, i.ti(l Itittr a .surjxwin in thU.S. Nyj t?rt'iri himfri to tiit jmUic to attend any jiroettwnai colli. rpi!K nrtwt m.jirinp alwayKon hand Jiivrt from th hf"t,l.ahon.loii.i in the country mikI the lMtanin,l iar.lii if tho Wo rlil. Nn pau-nt tncilirint rrrrilici! ir vfi'tuuicnufii. .M.mrioeit uh'u only nin win not hrt-Mk down th constitution, hut will rrnovnte th svn- t m from all injur.- it hn pustainl from mineral nit'tli 11 ufc. Chronic an1 difficult .Ji-fam-n mun iv treat' t?ii upon analvtiml nrinripli, which m to kni ami as- cfriuin whitt tliwajf tf. im nature ami character re- iiiTr a kmhwlr-tl-.'f of the cheniicatcoiintitumt ot rviry - and llui't of the human le-Jy th.- -han'Mi tho noini ami liut.in are raj-ahle or un-lf rfftiinf . io knot what nu-uiMit'- ti employ to cure uiM-ant-a. retiuitva ft nuoirietit:f oi in citfiuicui coticiittienu oi an atcnD cmj.lpvt-,. in iiit-tliciiip. atiJ if wt an in poKnefiiiii.no thi- knowiftlp,-, it in ww:mMj to eure any disfeaff no ni:.tti r of how lotiit tauJiui; and it;iT the patient iu a (leaiiiiv ana ierTTiiT ur-i couditH n. .M' laiit iioly, nU rration, that .-tat of alienation and we..kne.- of the mind, which n-ndfm person iucapahla n fHft lffi rt'VftfpVs?njJ lf-a7iffrlTdi-tr''yCr of health and happine". undfrtnininic the constitution, and yearly carry. ntf thousatids to untimely graves can Diont emphatically tie cared. Kim M.TI9M, in any form or condition, chronic or ae cute, warranted curable: f mimfv.t.T fallintr ipki.M " "hmrnc and fituoborn eaw-a of i-Vmale rdi. rn- n mufcu; jait iineum, & every aeteripttnn of i in-raiiona; i-iiva auu crultiir-us Ui seven, whu-h Lave hntll.-.l all previous medical fkill, can be cun-d hy my .i.niuiru., niir-ll HIT- nill ni Ul lin III UO C X liailMI'tl 1 di wiy all Ji-ai- (yea. ivnsumviu.n) ran he cured, CANCKIl CL T.ED WlTHtH'T Till! KMFfi OR DRAW- I will remnfn in my office od W ettnelaT and ?atcr- tlnj. froQi o clock A..iUtOwt P. M , to acrontinotlnte pat it-ntJ from a uirtunce, and consult in the Kntrliah and l.t-rman larspUHttf; will make Tifitn toanylittnnce it required: maybe atldrwed by letter, North Prince St.. near Fulton Hall, Lancaster ritv, Pa. rtyl W. II. WITMOR, M D. I'SIOX BAKERY asn COXFECTIONERY. fPHE subscriber respectfully takes ihismt I thod to inform the citizens of I.ewisborg and vicinity in treneral.an.l thel.adiesin par te.u.e,J . mm auuacl auccl, ID mr. Beaver's Ruildins, where he will be ready to supply all ho mny favor him with a call with the best of evervthins in his line of bu siness. BREAD, CAKES and CONFEC TIONERY on hand at all times. Being a practical llaker and Confectioner fi-rupwards of twenty-five years, he feels confident that all who favor him wilh a call er give him a trial shall not be disappointed. Weddings and Parties supplied at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. All sorts of Orna mental Work done to order. li KE A U delivered at Houses at all times when desired. CHARLES HEI-ER. Lewisburg, Oct. 7, 157. rriIE GREAT PURIFIER! L THE WOULD CHALLENGED ! CsTTO PKODCCE PPS EytAL! tirTHE DLtlOD SEAKCHER tsTGI OKIOLSLV TKILMPIIAXT! Sworn statement of DaTii Jl'Crcary, of Naj-ier Town phip, liVdlord couuty : lu Aprit, ls5i'. a" near ani ran remember, nnall pfm- pie made its appearance on my upper hp, which aoon he came enlarged and Mre. I unnl pulti'-t's of norrel, and a wah of bine uitrol, without lT ct. Finding the Sore I'Xtendintc. I call, d on Dr. fcly, of Sehellnhurg. who pro nounred ilCANCKK, and prexcritd a wa.-h ot nuicar of lead and hread poultice, rinoins theM remHieSof no avail, I ealled upon lr. Shsffer. ol Davidt-Tille, Somerrct county, who also pronounced the dit-ease Caueer, and piTe me internal and external remedies the iatti r con titin(t princijtally of raiiKtic ; hut all to no purf?e, as the disease continued cpreadiru toward the nose. J nex Uited a preparation of arsenic, in the form of salve. Thin for a time checked the dieaje, hut th- itiflamation soon increased. 1 next called upon Vr. Statler. of St. t lairs Til le. ltedford county, who 1m prononnoi-d the disease Canei-r, and a plied a salve said to he a never fail in K n-medy, tut it had no etfeet whatever in rheckini; the spread of the sore. In Ieeemlier of the same year, the din-ase had eaten awny a jrrcater part of my upper lip, and hal attacked the ncite. when I went to Cincinnati, where I consulted lrof K. Newton, of the Kh-ctic Med ical College. He pronounn-tj the t)i.ica.e -'a cutaneous Cancer, superinduced hy an inordinate use of mercury." lie applied mild xine ointment and pie me internal remedies. My fiice healed up, but the inflamatioo was not thoroughly removed. In r'ebrnary, s7, he pro nounced me cured, and I left f t home. In April the di pesse affuin returned and M violent was the pain that I could not rest at nirjit. Late in May I returned to Cin cinnati, and apain placed mym-if under the enarpe nf lr. S.-wtoo. with whom 1 remained until September, durinfr which time he used every known n medy. and partly ut ceedew in cheekinp the ditase, hut when 1 re tu rued home there were Ftill three disrharsinir ulc rs ou my face 1 continued ine Newton's p reparation, andalito m di cinc that I got from Vr. Ely, but the Canr.-r cuntinui-d prowitijt until it had fat off thr left ti'le r.f my nw, the prairr f-frtum of my Uft c.eci-, and hnd nttnrked my Irfl fff. 1 had (riven up all hope of ever heinfr cured, oinee Vr. Kly said he could only give relief ; but that a eure inn impoSKihle. In March, lH.r8, I boucht a rK.ttle of "Itlood Searcher; tut I muRt confess that I had no faith in it. I was lery weak when I commenc d taking it ; bat I fund that I eained strength day l y day. and also that the ulcers oou)m'need drying up. 1 continued, and when the third bott'e was taken my face wan healed as If by a miracle. I ued a fourth bottle, and I nave been healthier finee than I have been for the laat seren years Although my face is sadly di-Iitrurvd, 1 am ft ill pnatful to a b- iiin I'rov idence a ho hn fpan d my lifc.aitd which bas been done through the iuatrumentalitv of Lixn--i.'a lMi'Hovr.T Hiood Siab.hkr. DAVIW Sl'CltKAKV. t-worn and subscriheil, this .tint day of An rust. A. P. lM-i. before m-. one of the Justice of the I'cace in and fir the Borotth of Holliday.sburfr, Blair mttiuty, l'a, Witness U. J. JvStA JulIN OOllLtV, J.P. NEW I-TUPEXCE. Rein-air ftefl Wit h a pnetous teter on the arms and fllfart,.rtryinp many r.me,Meswhir-h utterly fiied to cure 1 was perudd t.y W. M. Burri A Co to try Lind sey's Improved lilt ml S nrrher; and now, six weeksafter fii.i.-hin ti the tvmd b-ttle. prom mired myself cured. The tetter broke out. something overs year apo.on the infill- of my arnis.exteiidinf from the elb)ws down to the wrists: also, on my face, immediately round the mouth and chin, and contin ued to be a perret tor m ml to mr un til curnl t,v Vie M'wxi Srarrher. My arms, at times, were almost u-4'U Ki. owinp to the eme:s and sores on them, liable to bleed at any time on the least exertion to lift or work, and sometimes so itchy that I could scarcely pre vent tearinp off my fleph. 1 hnve now been cured ix weeks, and feel it due to Mr. Lindner, and to the pnblic penerally, to make thi? statement, in hnpetlmt otherslike myself may be benefited by iuudj; Lis valuable medicine. her JANE X WILSOy. mark Sworn and snbseril-M before me. one of tlie AMermaw in and tor the City of i'ittburc- thin "fcth dav of Julr.A. V. lew. AND. M MAilLU, Aidtrman. DUVALL'S GALVANIC OIL IjEI.IEVESall pain and soreness in from S to 30 minutes. See another enlamn. Trice SO els. per bottle only. Shipped to all pans of the U. 8. For sale tr J Bak-rirv, L.w,hurg 1 UrCr-ieht k llanrk.nnf X Ra. C W Schnfn do WW l.imlrnnnitn, Ruff. lloW , C UK n-h. X.w ft rliw IWa-r, Morri. A Co, Winfield i rnmly. TiirlVrillr 1 Votinirman a en. uo Ji B Hau,nan. K. IijTb D II Sliltfr. Miffllnhlirg j Cumuiing-ACcliartlrta Marga M Stent ua Educational. AM Iron City Commercial Co?2c?o. PlTTsBt .UJ, PA. - - CHARTtRtC I Mi. j 00 JiT,;l,J''1'rf attenditttc January, 1VH Now th j lar-rfrt aud cw.-l thurnujih t'ommtTcial fc,i.nl of the 1'iiitci tati-i. Voiuijj men piepaivd fur actual duties j ot th- Couulio Kooiu. I J Omith.A.M ,1'ror.olltook keepinuandiViencerif Arc U. A T l iiiiiMT,T nj l.criit'Arithntiticaiidrom 1'alcul it.on. .I.A.Hi li'Sii and T '.Ji:ai.'..TeachTnot ii'-ok eepinji. A t '.iwu.r and U'.A.Jlli lkr, I'mfi. of 1'enmaniiiiip. tl.Mil.K AND Lm;LU1.I: KNi'UV ItooK UKKI'INt., an uitl in every d-partuicnt of hu.-iiich.. Cmriinercial Ariihmttic, Kapiil ltusin??-s Vri lin. Detect. rt Conntert'eit Moriey, Mercan tile i'crrespontience, ('ommcrcia. Laa't are taught, and all otl-r put jectn nefffcary f-.r the iuc-n-sa and thoru' ednratioa of a ractiral buoineM man. l'l l'KMMIUM,. Drawn all the Premiums in rittxliure for t!ie rift thrw y-'arn, also in Km tern nn-l Western ( itica, lor btut Wait iug, NOT ENUKAVKD WORK. IMPOHT-WT IXFOIIMATIOV. Stii'lenti enter at any Um no va?ation time unlim ited review at plcancrti j?mduatei a; i!ateU in 0S1 :iinus pituation- tuition fr full Commercial couri-e, '.'.i.'tO averae time H to 12 weeka hoard per week stat ionery fii entire cost to 70. Miuihter'e huus received at half-price. 4"r'ur 'ard. Circular, jieririen of Baoinenji and Or namental Writings, iuoe two Flairs 3 and inlilrwa ii4,i F. W.JK.NK1N.S I'liUoarfr, Pa- LEWISBURG ACADEMY. THE Fall Session of this Institution 1 will commence on MoNDiT,Kept.20,lH3x Sassioir : each to continue i: weeks, includ- lo be immediately followed by the Wifiteb ing one week's V acation during the Holidays. All the Branches of a thorough Classical, Mathematical, and English Academic Courr.e are taught and Youths are filled, either lor Teaching, for College, or for business. The Bible is a ten book. A large class of Voung Ladies is secured. TUITION per session of 13 weeks, including contingent expenses. PRIMARY rrtailinfr. Writing, lb-finer, Arithm.tie, Irrer. drain, ami V. g. Historr.) fS00 ADVA er li ENGLISH all nolinrlujvd above, 3.iU LAMHIAOKS. 8.00 fto additional charges; also, no dednetions except for protracted sickness. Tuition paya ble immediately upon the clo-;e of the session. JOHN RAMlttl.PH, Aug. 23, 1858 . Principal UNIVERSITY SCHOOLS. 1 PIIE WinterSession.consistin"; of hvo 1 Terms of Y.i weeks each, will open on Thursday, Sept. 2ad. COLLEGE Tuitian for the Swion of 2B weH 20 00 Ful, Lihrary, rare aud repairs 3 ;Ji ACADEMY Tuition fir the S. of e wk 10 00 l.')W.-rCla,a Fuel, care anJ n-airs 2 li FSM. .VSTriTC-TuiU-n jr ScMion W weekj : lifCiilar Courea 20 0(1 Frimary :t Oil Fuel, rare and repaira 1 40 Rooni r-nt and fuel in College lull Jinn S 50 do do do roomlnp alone 17 00 A. .:. BELL, Treasurer Lewisburg. Aug. 6, 18S8 Normal Institute and Academy, "VfEW Columhns, Luzerne Co. Pa...To 1.1 Young Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to become Teachers, this Institution offers the following advantages : 1. A Complete Or?anixation a a Normal Srhoo!. 2. A Thorough, Systematic, and Practical Courm of Instruction. 3. An opportunity for dally Vartirt in Tracking. 4. Wei-kly Lecturea on tbe "Theory and 1',-actiee of Teachine. a. Weekly Kcintitc Lertnna. 6. A richly lurnihel lo-illn; Itoom. w." a, i j wa tag Teac Hera of a tVmnty. ' ' Board, including room, lights and furniture (per week) 1 75 to 2 00 Tuition (per Term of II weeks) Irom v tin to n no l"7The Fall and Winter Sessions will com mence on Monday, Aug. 1ft, 158 For further particulars inquire nf Hon. J. KOONS, Sec'y of Trustees, or j Prof. II. V. WALKER, Principal New Columbus, July 31, Iri.ris) ILtl. AU FAMV BOOK BINDING. r I 'HE subscriber, having KENTED the J Uindery late of -Stephen I), and I.y man II. Wilson, of Milton, and added to it some superior implements, is now prepared to Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News papers, music, ixc. kc, in every style desired. Work may be either bound or half-bound, in Caff.Hoan, TurJ.eij Morocco, Sliccp, or other Leather, or Muslin of variom colors, and ornamented with MARBLE PAPER of different figures, shades and colors. Old Bibles and other Books or Papers which it is desired to preserve as memorials in a family, can be made more secure by the Bin der's skill. rrTBIank Books, Bibles, Hymn and Prayer Books, Pocket Books, Albums, Diaries, Errttered .vitb Cold in legible and durable characters, to order- MLSIC PORTFOLIOS, Ac, maJe to suit enstomers. Lettering and Binding heretofore done by the Milton Binders, can be executed by us in a ctnrresptmding style, as we have their tools, types, and designs. TA good Bindery nas long been desired in this vicinity, and we can therefore most re spectfully solicit the public patronage, trusting that it will be sufficient to repay the outlay and risk. LiTRent, tools, stock, and work men all requiring money, we shall expect l'A Y OS DELI VER Y of all work.rj We intend to charge moderate, hiiiosiili and uniform prices, on the "Live and Let Live" principle and hope to make it a permanent business. Produce 3vd Store Goods tn7;en in pay. Office in the center of Market Square, north side, second storey, adjoining the Chroxiclx and Telegraph cilices. CH. MILLS STAHL. Lewisburg, July 16, 1858 William VanGezer, A TTOIINEY at law, il I.rwlbiirK, I nion Co., Pa. I tr-1 itlice opposite Kline's Hotel 5,1 ABR'H E. BOWER, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Third door below Fifth and Market streeis, LEWISBURG, Would respectfully inform the public that he has on hand a fine assortment of Gold and Silver Lever and Lepine Watches a good stock of Gold, Cameo and Masonic Breastpins of the latest style Gold and CameoEarrings cVc, which he intends to sell very cheap also a splendid assortment of Eight-Day and Thirty HourCLOCA'Sand Time pieces. Every article warranted to be what it is sold for. The greatest care will betaken in Repai ring and Cleaning of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, and everything warranted to give satisfaction. Please make him a call, and give him some trouble to show his Watches and Jewelry. July 21, 1858 SEVERAL hundred pieces of Piano aluaic ju.it n-ceircd at the Le-wi-'-uri; pov.torf of WH. Ml'HKAY. fig Easton Fanning Mills FIlllE subscriber h.is !oratel in this plarp J wilh ihe view ot inirodticin tins Wir.il miil, which is beiieved i be M'peri;r to nnv in this region. Over -roo were tltsposetl of at the tai.su.n Kactnry t!ie pai ra-,on, ami ir.cv gave the best alislaciion. Price -j20 l.1 ilis i-hop, tT $"2 if drlivered. t-i'KMZKS ami others interestej are iuviied to cail an ! KXA.MINK specimens at the (' joper shop ol" S I) C'harpel oa 'M John siree! near tnc otearn tiristmill. ' -Windmills REPAIUrlL) 10 order Wire NISVUS for sale. W. M. liAI-NBHIDGE l.ewisbur;, Oct. 27, 18.ri8 SA.S1I aud DOOIJrf, Ulixds and Shutters, Flooring, Siding, Framing-, ic. I I 1 Por aale at the Hardware Store of J. MTAbUIX. Lewisburir, Oet 25 CO-PARTNERSHIP. jTrT'! Tlie iirnlirsiniitd Lavo as- sociated themselves into copii! nerGhir fer Ihe purpose of carrv- .v on Ihe Lt.mberir.3, Planing, andcarpenierirg business in all tasirvar.ou.; branches, at the Ccuilcbarg Steam planing Ulills, where they intend to keep a stock of Pine, Hemlock, Walnut, Cherry, Poplar, Ash, Ma ple, and all kinds of Lumber, Flooring Shel ving, Siding, Shingles, Lath, Joists, Studding, Fencing, Pickets, Door and Window Frames, Doors, Shulters, Blinds, Sash, Mouldings, Brackets, Vc. Planing, Slitting, Scroll Saw ing, Ac, done at short notice and ail work warranted to give satisfaction, both in j rice auu worninansnip. J. D. DIEFFENDERFER, MARTIN DREISBACH, BEYERS AMMOXS. tewiihnrir Planing Jlilla, Afrll 1, 1S58. SPROUT'S Combined Carriage Springs riMtE best Springs now in UEe, warranted to 1 give entire satisfaction. It pos,esse:i nine distinctarranYrgrj over the Eliptie, and a carriage can be made cheaper aucr paying me iouowing prices: Snlky Springs S 10 I Slide seal $17 Open Buggy . 15 4 passenger 13 Top do 16 I 6 passenger 22 All orders most be addressed to E.T.SPROl'T, "J xiugnesvine, Lyooming Co. Pa Fruit and Ornamental Trees, rr? The subscriber has on hand a splendid Cf eollectioa of both Fruit and Ornamental TREES, Ac. Ac. embracing the very best varieties of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Apricots, Xeeiarines,GrapesJGoose berries, Raspberries, Currants, Strawberries A Lao Large Horse Chestnut, European Mountain Ash, American Mountain Ash, Sugar Maple for street planting. Ever-blooming Rose, ar.d a splendid collection of Bulbous and other Fluw-ering Plants. lv"Nursery Grounds on ihe farm of Ja's F. Linn Esq. on the Turnpike, within hall' a mile of Lewisburg. All orders will receive strict attention. LiTTermt inrarmblii CASH. WILSO.N I. i.l.NN. Lewisburg, July 7, 1858. Young America CORN SHELLER: The Cheapest, Simplest, most durable C'ORX siiulli:!. ever Invented! TIIHE subscribers would most respectfully X call the attention of Speculators and Farmers to this wonderful machine, now on sale at M'FADDEX'S Hardware Store, in Lewisburg. County Rights in the Slates of Pennsylvania, Kenluekv and California.for sale on ihe most reasonable terms. Machines will be sold in I'nion and Snyder routines to all who may desire fo purchase, in order to test the utility and durability of ihe same. Tliry ihelt green ciirn as u-ell as o'r.y clean from the cob. Call and see them operate. Price $12. Or address L. & J. G. KI RTZ, Nov. 19, I857y Aaronsburg, Pa glover nyiLEns. THE subscriber is engaged in the manuf acture of the Latest Improved Hl'XSECKER Clover Hullers.which he offers at very reasonable rates. There have been a large nnmber of these Huilers sold in this neighborhood and county, and they give good satisfaction as the very best. Any person wishing to purchase a good machine. mil call or apply by letter to C.P.EMERY, 3m'J53 Laurelton P O, Union Co, Pa CABINET WARE ROOM ATORTII 4th Street. The subscriber 1 1 most respectfully informs the citizens ol Lewisburg and vicinity, thai he has on hand and for sale a cheap lot of i'l IJ ITl'lt E for the Spring trade, comprising ' Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sec retaries and Book Cases, Center, Card and Pier Tables, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Cupboards, Cot tape and other Bedsteads, Stands, Sofas, and Chairs of all kinds. COFFINS made loorderor short notice. The public are cordially invited lo examine his work.as he is sure that they will be satis fied with his stock of Ware, and prices. SOLOMON YOl'.NG Lewisburg, Sept. 15, 1856 LUMJiKIl! LUMIJElt!! riHE subscribers have for sale r-t (in lots to suit purchasers)?.HJ-.,-fc a iaree stock of ti?! lank &.C. Also ft,OOQ PISE KAILS, 26 inch Rawed fe'hit.gles snpenor quality Also Square Timber for Buildings i Which are offered low for rash, ai our Mills on Sonth Branch of the White Deer Creek in Hartley township or delivered on the Brush Valley Narrows road at ihe end of onr Road. Nov. 20 JOHN M'CALL & BRO S. Forest Hill P O, ITnion Co, Pa DR. I. BRUGGER, IIOMCIaOPATIlIC 1'IIlSIt I IX, 71 WJtrnwri'i New BLek, Market St, T3S (Utweon Fiftli i tfinth,) LLU IUfltG, Pa j f ork Adcrf iMcmcitf, 1 Ftim A. G. Jif''liAR'jS('-t A-ft'if Ajt, T.fri il.widtcag- ' O ()( i MoRC VEN WANTED as Affents tKJfV9 to circulaie rapid seltn c vaitiable Faun! Wori.'', uhich attract by their low pri-e. iiiteretii. cui-it. auJ nupcrhly c !i.r-J pint-. J-'ir 1 tr -ii :ui c, it !i pri ti imi, at.j.lv, if yuu ..v k-u. I, t I Jr. i . V llti,.IK..V, t 1.'. ..!ii M. .,f.w Vorit ; if Wrt, to tic bane. Ill Mti.n M. t"ii luuitii. 4 S. C'tf.i3i & Nt. 2i, Mai.! m J.ar:-, l(".v Vcr';, Miti FitT;-: (I'il.i ar.d Silver Pencil C'a'i --. an i (iu Of e7ery d.-.Jcrii-tIon.olT--r tit-r ; t-.i" tl.e trn.Je :tt 'he pric t,ir.T. cLar r:H do; I ,- , 'i pun h:i.i it- 'lt jy ere- til h;.-li : : il I-"it;:M from thetn. i J' liavi Ui I-av 111" iI-mI"! :l '. r fall uiil ,r.r- ; t o,r I i, r'.-t tr re ie.. .. . ur.uir. ai-'Kr:!l b- f.,i r.i -Ij.-.l tn tlnwi- 'Tlio :.... ti jr the p-'nl". 'it !!' ii .riul, anil can be M-nt L rJ.-.Iin.Mi', !lh l.ill UiC'in- t. T T. I2IO .V, Manofarluring JR'tVE g of a ,e,:cra, aS;.o.:m:nt .i:ai. ea !.a,i . oCers sinek, cimsisiin L.X Kl.TS.CHMN. eauh on-., iiresr o:':i:rr.e;i:5 f. r, uaily .New York city, epl. I, U btlju-fl. :m II. (,i:UAR7, VXTIST. Market street, nexl (I-.nr to 'Vnwi ,i Ritter's Store LEW LiBL'KU, I'A CENTAL CARD. THE new met'icd cf i.i-crii.r artili- I cial I eeth, l.um, occ., knov.n as j Af!cn'!. C'ontSnuoii., t-um Tjl,,l is, wi.hont eicep.ien, trie Tjest iinproveiuerit ' ever ina-ie i. toe art of li-r.-.i: ;ry. This vmrk. ! when p pcrly cor.;tiUc'.r,l. :s the zr: st b?e';:i- ful.llie c!far.est,ceriiriin'-s tin? rre-aio. t rren' ih with durability, a:u! ades n-.ore lo a c!.-.ir and distinct articulation, than air,' other kind i f -r I r-. j'.t b'-'i . tl. t u-i:... Anl not onS il.'.. 1 a f-,T;;j:ut '7 ! in coi:itiir.;iti' n will. M.:. Mvla of wr ( -hi e.vt t': fa. v m natural Tpri'-- xion. witb'.'jt.in tlie Itust, inter frriug vif .1 tti u lairje.- of t'.it t- !!i ia li ipO- .K .on. 1 wr.u.JlJik1 th'. ti-thtl of inff-rnitne thnn intcri-'ftl that 1 hare urrlianJ th I'j'.t-Dt Ki'ht fnrtlii- Tii.tr.t imrif ciiit nt, el the in''nt' r. J-.lin A il..iuo."f New ork.) tr tint n 1 several al iiiimir rouij 31111 lie. ami that in now Bianuf-ioriaif n nrlti! of Tvetli tC'KiMii tii;t wiil mm; mrr fT -r'-l y mttb ny1h:cr.D tl.at tine tt:t hnx cTci o.-ii mnilr in thi or any oth.-r -ountry. I ak nil. Ami L'Speri.iilY tlm- that nii i t--th i it t ii-y hnvc i-ngagt J thv.m or not.j to call, at.4 -Tnmin- ( t th f-rn -U Jllll l.')lhK.Lii-ii'i, OfTlr tn4 Hf-id-iir-won Third rtrcit. Dcwr )!arkt-t. Offlo in SliLToi,on ltmaJway.D'r('iJiiIiml-i '.-r. rnr West Branch Insurance Company, I (V Lnck Haven, Pa., insure Detached ! VS uuildings, stores. Mercnanaize, r arm Pri pertv, and other buildm u..., lents, at moderate rates. Doing business on bolht'ash and Mutual plans. Capiial,$:tU0,M0. DIRECTORS. Hon John J Tearce John I! Hall ('has A Mayer Chts Crist Hen (i (' Harvey T T A I rams D J Jacknian W Y.h.te Thrs Kitchen Peter Dickinson Hon. (i. C HARVEY, President. T. T. A BEAMS, Vice Pres. THO'S KITCHEN. See'v. JAMES 1). HAMLIN. .Aent. 6J7 Lewisburg, i'nita Co. Pa. NOT1CR. THE undersigned have this d day of Feb. A. D. 1S57, en'ered into t.'ei-l'.irtnership fur thi pvrose of carrying on a felvviY I'oiiik!:-; EJiiNiiJOS" at tlie Brick Foun dry in Market street, Levisburg, under liie name and firm of Fuck & I.iilev. WILLIAM FRICK, JOHN LILLE Y. Lewisburg, Feb'y 2, 1S."j7. A general assert-' ment of COOKING STOVEo I'crcoal or j wood, Siene Coal Stoves, Wood Air- j Tigat and Parlor Stoves, &c. in vane- j 4 ty always kepi on ! kinds made to order- T jit. suuMTUtiT con- f? f ! II ! . . ttnues to carry on the i"f-5 vO5 rhe iid .-r. ! on Sm Tlnt.r Mret-r, ;n-ar .Mjike sail i . . the rairi'iia-'1 ' j pur ..c ra!!v. I,ewi -Iisrc, May Cr? r r-TT n nr . W iaWiAaU JL-1-. O V.-IIOLESAI.K and KETAIL t- Druij and Liumtcol Jmjr,num Market Street - - - Lewisburg. Pa. James B. Eamlin, A TTOPtNEY at LAW, Xx. l-r-Oirice en Second JSt. west side,2no door south of Market, L.C 1 :sl;t:r?, 6m59J L'nion tu. Pa. WINFIELD FACTORY! A'ear ISarllelon, l'nion Co., l'a. THE subscriber, thankful for past raIr,-,I)ai would inl'crra ..iTJri ral, that he continues to manniac- ture all kinds of Yi uolcn C.ootli, such as ('loths, Cassimeres. Tweeiis, Saitineits, Jeans, Blankets and Flannels; also. Carpet and Stocking Yarns. His machinery being of the best kind in use, and having employed the best of workmen, he feels sate in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establishment in ihe country. A good sup ply of the above goods kept constantly on hand for sale or to exchange for wool, at prices that can not fail to please. WOOL will be Carded in the best mannerand on the shortesi notice. Terras for rarding, cash on the de livery of the rolls. MARK HALFPENNY. Winlield Mills, March :I0, 18S7. t" MARRIED Cl ET married when you wish, onlv so von T call at M'FAPIUN'S HARDWARE STORE, and get a first rale COOK STOVE at first cost, as 1 want to close out my stork of cook stoves. JOS. M FADDIN. twisburg, March 11, IS58. RiVEEPaE HOUSE. LEWIsBLKU, L'nion Co., Pa. It. G. Iir.TZi:i, I'ropriclor. TIMIIS house is located in the very center of J the business portion of the town, and the only Hotel in Market Square. It is by edds ihe largest and most spacious in Lewisbnrg, and is kept in the cleanest and best possible manner. The ROOMS are lar?e and airy IIEDS neat and clean. The 7.1 HI.E is spread with every luxury the season affords. The t A K is furnished wilh pure unadulterated liquor, nought by the Proprietor out of the I Custom House in Philad. The STABLE mi Hostler will recommend themselves. The Proprietor, having gone to a great expense in rc-fitting and furnishing his house employing al large cost a first-rate Cock and oilier servants who are attentive and obliging hopes by unremitting attention on his part to receive a share of the pub! ic patro nage. The public will please accept Ihe sin cere thanks of the Proprietor for the very generous patronage he has received during the four months he has lived in Lewisbuig. Riviere House, Aug. ail, 1S3S Dissolution. ri'HE Partnership existing nnder the name X of "Hayes & Meylert" is this day dissol ved by mutual consent. The accounts can be settled with either of the undersigned. The office of Dr.Hayes is as heretofore. The office of Pr. Meylert is at his residence on Market St. next door west of Itrown's new store WILLI M HAYES. M D A. P. MEYLERT, M D Lewisburg, Oct. 8, inos) i'l! Ai.l.KS 1. Isi..-.-. m i j I I n COOPER & WORIC. V-lf'I.ES.ME DEAI.UKS V HATS, CAPS, and STIi.UV IJOODS. Hi. 45 ITcith Third street, , rrr ... ,. ' Market and Arch, ,; - '. Ti-aiT I'lULADEU'IIU. ViA'flirSTER & 0. ul. ! . STORE, iiii utc:.t SLo::!u'eT oteara Shirt Manaf'r at t;!k o:.a stand, "' Mo. 04 "ir:riut hi. I'lif!,.., ef 0"w VfE nit tiglon H.,, give.a h-te-r, ' r-.-v.so.n nf ibe IJui.i,,. a,..' n-pr:n,enis. f)rd. r, f, r h' i.-niris anutoilars fi le ' , i: ' o :,.i.ii ii IVron -I fleiice. . (I-rsirilig to order Shirts, can be s-jp. I.eJ ap;.;.;iti. .'(.r.s!a of tienrlL' l',:?l la? I.itinula Ti.r mc. li by mail. ..: en h ind a varied and select stock lien's Furnishing (audita. U Wholesale Orders supplied on itertt tTr.ls ljiCS THE EtsT are manufactured ty CLickerin & Son;:, who have received 1 liirlj-Fj.ir Meduln. The first 1'rimiums oier oil Competitors in the United istutes. ; " f ESSRS. CHICKERLNG A s0.s. having I vj removed lo their New U areht.ue.lnj ( hestnut stieet, 1 hiiadelphia, are rrerarrii io offer a Iaree asi rtment of Grand, Pjr!ir Grand. Sijuare and I pneht Pianos, m varttus styles of cases and at prices which caa oi fail to please; descriptive catalegues srr,tti any address upen applicaiir-n. AEt-ritan Life Insurance & Truit Co., (Ciipi'a! Siock .f:i:0,!t(i(i) ; -.QMPAN i !:..,!,," v.l..t !r.., p . . et,Ti..r i 1 f 1- ftzr:hru!uj'l;,hia. I y Lives inL-nred at the ustiai ..lutual rates or at Joint otei !: ra'.es ab.-ot : per cent, leu t r at 'J'eitai Abstinence r'cs letrest io ihe wotld. A. iilLLDIN, i'resident JuH C. Sims. see. 7 17 Giii I. F. .V.'LLEU, Aent, Lewis! nrg NICHOLL8 HOUSE, i Elm oiu-an l'laa) 115, Soati Eihii St. lelow Chesnut, I'lULADllU'lllA. rfMIIsKousc i lerP: rmact-iii an JTransicri X l.e.l-jir.. Evtv e:!'.rt a.il Lc ma-ie tv ihe Pn pr r-ti r, E. NiCHOLLS, to give zs:.i laetien to his l'atrtins. This Lib;.!i!:in.t is situated in the hear r f tl:? c ty.cen'- r of business, ar.J c. aver.;er. lo all peaces e-f air.asetr.ent- Tne .'.lerraiiule an.i Traveling ei Uimnr : wi:i fed it a i!t s. ruble place ler ci i.. .-. e!t :.ess ai.d n i neiov. a e fi.t.,-!e rt-oms ty cts fer :. -'-. y v -week '-2 'id and i:: tearl ; fi;s'l;;!-'& i!C.'!.':-;.'s' .';; a.W. Cvn. hl.'.AI i.-D iLMI iTa, rmLiltl.-. Assets ?H-K,l.M 1J, mveited in Bnds, M.;! gai;es ani otliergcod securities. A. RE YPT "RED AGAINST I. JLJ" ,Ik..UVi' turWrewiminBi prrtuuncn. V. e olirn ee n announced inal perion n -! lie-t their t tk of (.cods and F.:r".i..:re. l. T-u'i of yt-ars tf jin!u:ry suepi ii ;. . l-y the devi.r.np element over L.ch lL . have no e.T.iroi but by bein: injured. Insurance pr, tfcts yuu Irrm ;he irjceiii..arf n -iince fi '-eryanis and tlie casuaiues ; 'T. Tl .11 :i.,T-tir: oUa.U-nr- to vt ur rr- X- r- . 1 t n ' !ir t i i priivlr uct lt.a.i j rectal : . . -. '.tl':: I.. II-. .:.! ' l ,l 1 v . mil Hin to in Mire it . . r.r.ti i t b( w n-tr. tl.-r .. ! i .-. t- I.H i .. -iT-.'r-- "a ii -a. i Dir.i..;rr. rr r ' - . ' if .-ur .-Ut it is MUaVal, jrii, tLt Lcs u tii in til ' r;.;i. Tr.; r. ii.,:i:-v in-nw FI JI .; rrr.f XHl A,ct-ii . : - ajv :i i ... jtf.i;. win aua.ot l Flittit $lvO TO ?oM'l, a thf l.i w. -t I..-.;. aii'l u; en the n. st rl Turn;, iLii 'A.j;i.ST i a th.- r.Jju-tiu ut L ft- MKErritrs. i- 11 At-. fin n.' t 1 ;." ii;r I .l urr-'l Lrwiti t 1..: A.: i.: i:.-am TU.liaJi.rtic:d liw U-.cl.,-'r. Uto. lit .ui1 ft t tn-burbl f upt.i nit- r.ti nt KHIN TII"VA?ON. llto S ;. u-jiENfi, ina:l. FHVD K. IlKLI uLD.-ivn-y. J. MEUU1I.I. I INN. Asent. C.17 LL KteVdCG, Union -. P X E V PAPER. FF.INTERS' CARD. AND ENVELOPE WAREHOUSE, Xo. 405, 1'fiuBierfc St., rhilaile!liia. Vi? Cash buvers will rind it for their icerrst to call.- Phila.l, Jan 1, 135S y MRK.VS CELEBRATi:i LIQUID GLIE! rrllH GRKAT AI'IIKSIVE. M.nl ttjeful nh.l A- inveiitt.,1. fer IjeuM tore or t-rlire. uri-a.-o. n to" ity Terj otlii-r -.rtnr wura. m unlace, ra.ii r ce ul -"r known. Ai.'.l As HKAOV ,1K Al'l LU A 1 1' e a .r fitren rajt-r. Cl.-th, 1 .-allier. Kurnuurt-. 1' rc-:i,o. i bl Da. Marble nr l.la.-s. For raanufaeturui,: l.n Aroc.V,, T..J. rtr . it has no pu-ner.uet on , . .-.-nv iit'atrr Ptrrnnth tlian an olher arta-lr.bul aJli. n-Biere -iii. al7, leavii.tf nn -taiu wherr tb pan are lut-l Niia fi;ia- V ithiR Ihe la-t tlir vri.r, ui w-r l, el wi ts-ll.'i of thl!.jtlf rrlel-rale.rLlll IlM.l.l t liatt- brrnwiJ. anil the Ureal c.Uni-Uei wl.i. L It lia ) O ird in trr rae. l.(ui .le-erveUi; wt-urtU :. r il a Jrmioiil wl ..li ifi nuinulai-tiirer ha., f unl it. at tun--. dill --u!l t air.t. at-kni wlrtl br all wle. Iiar u.-l -t.lh:t it nn-rr.aro UT alf.- any fime.ir artirle r-r lU-r.- t t. th puMie. l..'l 'i;5 (,. Eit -ir., uit,rin:.dJ"rrt U ltl ft "M. iv,-.,', O'irdf'l Ahwi-i 0 J''t". lakr no vt!i.r. TU E. 1 Y-t 1 1 A I ..V . ' t-'ULt- Mauulactureu ana Sola. v h.-U-a t lr"'-J w i r. v i t No. !HiT 1'k.Maut s'-. I Li.wirtibia. wta-Ulmal InJiin-m. uoC. rej to V' " " 0 arlOti thr alT. artielt. For tale bv NEVU S in Lewisburg Engraving and Seal Cutting OF all hinds, at 20-l,('henut Snert. PHIL.Ml. Visiting and ether CAUL Corporation and other SEAI.S.an i ever;n.i in our line of business, pronn tiv atiert!e: . in eood s:v!e. and on reasunat-ie terms. LT ders from City and Country solicited. S. 11. l'l ETON. W.li. MAS'1-'- New Arrangements New Goods! 1 USEHl L. IIAWN hat inn taken ti- J well known SI'YKEK .l7'.7'l'A'r.'.; refuted it. and filled in an extensive var.f ') " Hats, Ccj'S, Gentlemen's ClothiinJ. .1' Also a large and splendid slock of Cl.tf'-'' CASSIMERES, Ac, which he will mtk order, as he still continues the Tailenr 1 ness. He is prepared to exec-ite w entrusted lo his care, lo ihe aattsucu.-n customer. N. B. Cutting and Uei-air.rT ' '' order. Lewisburir, ? piii to, SA.Mi ti- ii. oun Attornry at law- o FFICE on South Second near .Varan" l.EWlsfll Rt;. l'A. , tj 'All Professional Business tatrs ' his care will be fatthlully auJ pn-in '' Jed to Sept. 1 1, 1-j' i ,Vv Zistj vumeintti;!' in , J - n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers