Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 25, 1858, Image 1
LEWIS BURG CHRONICL 13Y 0. N. WOKDEN & J. R. CORNELIUS. ESTABLISHED IN 18I3....WIIOLE NO., 741. At $1,50 Per Year, always in Advance. LEWISBDRG, UNION CO., PAM FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1858. An Isdkpexdkxt Family News Journal. FOE Till LEV19UDR0 CnROMCtK. Commencement Week-Union Seminary. New Berlin, Pa., June 17, 1858. Messrs. Editors. The usual quiet ness of our town Las been agreeably inter rupted, this week, ly the annual closiDg exercises of Union Seminary. On Tuesday evening, 15th inst., Ex Gov. Pollock honored us with bis presence and delivered a most interesting and elo quent address in bis usual Lappy style. This was by invitation of the Literary So cieties, (the Excelsior and Neokosniean) connected with tbe Seminary. His sub ject was, "The Historic Epochs of tbe World." Our citizens without exception were highly gratified with the Governor's performance. On Wednesday, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the young Ladies had an exhibitioa, con sisting of tbe reading of essays, perform ances on the piano, and vocal music, as follows : Palestine Louisa Aurand. A Mother's jingits after deducting commissions to op- Changes of Life Harriet B. SwineC.rd. erators, repairs, and balances due other lines of tbe Lewisburg station, to tbe Telegraph company, since its location, shows that tbe past year's profits bave been above the average, and but a slight decrease from the previous year on the whole, a gratifying proof of tbe permanen cy of our business interests As We Gathered in llic Hay. Oh fir w the day. anJ I n.-T-r ran ftirp t How d.r to By hrt, m tli- mw nt roll.il away. For Will do I dn-am "I tl mornine that f nirt, and th-jo that wer- minf, a itli-r-d in 111- hay. Tb-aonoftii.birdwaiail.wrrul aaeouM bf. But I bard not tli- totie of ita merry morninff lay, For thy Toim likf a charm, with it murle came to me When 1 toi Ird by thy aide, me we gathered in the hay. Tbonzb few be the years that hare fa led ainee the morn, How yreat i the cbanpe a their ahadnwaall dej-art: Tbe daya come and po.tut their moment hare not worn The amile from thine eye.nor the lore within Uiy heart. Ob then is it not like a pleaaur to recall (A we tarn to the morn with ita sunny aeene mi cay) rioww-r-ate-1 'neaththeahadeof the tree ureen and tall When the aun waa on hich aa we Gathered in ttie liaj MUl)tV, JIXE 31, HsyMr. Giiier, Superintendent, bas been passiog along the Susquehanna Tcl grapb Line, renewing posts,&c. He states that the dividends of the last two years, ending with June, were two per cent. probably none this year, in consequence of ttie entire renewal ot the posts require , Lovesarah. Horlacher. Smiles and Tears but he bo&es it will be 4 to G Per cent. ' Melissa Kleckner. Novel Reading Kate if, i Swinefurd. Mother, Hume, and Heaven uereat r. I Susan 8. Gross. What Constitutes True 3i i . r -..,.,. r ' Happiness J. Emeline Aurand. The Recol- b . i lections of Childhood Kate Hurlarhf r. I lie The African Slave Girl Sarah J. Vallerchamp. The Cause of Missions Annie I.oiz. Music by the following Misses: Ella Schcch, Annie M. Maize, Louisa Aurand, bleanora Grove, Emma O. Boger, and Mary C. Orwig. They were assisted by Messrs. Charles H. Ham mer and Joseph Fisher, and all the music was superintended by Prof. Bassler. Id tbe evening, about sundown, the young Men made their annual display, others who are taken with tbe gold fever, are now making preparations to explore the llouyer lako regions, where gold is supposed to exist in great quantities. Should we discover some of tbe precious metal, I will send you a samplo ; but should we fail, I will give you a history of our adventures, and a description of tbe country. We expect to return sometime in July, and anticipate a glorious time with the Elks and Buffulos, whi,:h are plenty there. Yours, E. Motz. Conference of tbe EL E. Church,South, This Conference have recommended tbe establishment of a mission at some point in Central America or New Grenada, as soon as practicable. It bas also been de termined to establish a new mission enn ference to be called the Rio Grande Mis sion Conference. Tub Slavery Question. On the 12tb, a report wa presented from tbe Committee appointed to ascertain tbe vote of the anonal conferences on the Alabama and Holston resolutions, to expunge the general rule on "tbe buying and selling of men, women and children, with tbe in tention to enslave them." Tbe vote stands as follows : Year eudiug June l,lS52(profits) 139,57 J "i'1" speeches, debating, vocal and instru it ti M Total Average 1853 liOti ,4! mental musie. The speakers and subjects 1854 "CI, 13 Wcre as follows : 1855 193,13 j r,jfe as we make if H.8.Clemens.Springlown. 18o0 177.92 i Vi.iur. Charles P. Swengle. Midtllebure 1857 l!-ii),t4 j Mountain Scenery. Foster W McCurdyJ.au- 1868 224,0(i ! rllon- j Truth. Wm B Wagner, Millheim. . Woman's Wrongs. Preston Miller, Berrys $ 14 J,4 bl)rs Character Wm G Engle, Boyertown, 207,55 Moral Heroism D Gehhart, New Berlin. Klonuence. Thomas Orwiff, New Berlin. g,The genial, jolly John P. IlALE Moral and Christian Education. George B i ..l.i,ul t ilm IT a S!.,ni f,.e siv l r isner, r armersviiie. years from Xcw Hampshire. There were several emiueut competitors, but we think those who bad the choice acted wisely in Bending one well-tried, popular, and com petent. It was a sad day for tbe party when the Democrats of that State in tbe pride of their supposed indomitable power east John P. Hale from their Congres sional Ticket because be opposed the Tex as plot for the extension cf Slavery. sSome one inquires if Ex-Scnator Sellers is not becoming slightly south-side-ish, (in view, no doubt, of marrying a lady in Texas.) The lady, we under stand, was a resident of the upper end of old Northumberland county, iu Pconsyl vauia, until a short time past; and we were aware that Mr. S's Senatorial visits frequently extended out of bis district! KTbe Juniata S-ntimi refers with commendation to tbe course of Messrs. Haves and Witmer, Representatives of this District in tbe General Assembly of this State, last winter, and states that tbey are sustained by the people of that county. Tariff Meeting in Philadelphia. One of the largest and most enthusias tic meetings ever held in the Quaker city convened at National Hall on Tuesday evening, 15th inst Henry C. Carey pre sided, with a long list of other officers. A number of protective tariff resolutions were adopted, among which we find the following : "Resolved that the course of the Hon. Simon-Cameron in reference to this ques tion, has our most entire approval, con trasting as it does so favorably with that of his colleague in tbe Senate, whose votes on tar iff questions, in our opinion, totally disqualify him for worthily repre senting our State in the councils of the Union." Speeches were delivered by Senators Collamer and Foot of Vermont, Simmons of Rhode Island, Cameron of Pennsylva nia, Hons. Humphry Marshall of Ky., Co vode of Pa., Thompson of Ind.,and E. Joy Morris of Philadelphia. Sunbi'RV k Erie Railroad. Tbe al lotment of work on this road from Will iamsport to Farraodsville, embracing a distance of thirty three miles, was made on Tuesday, at the Company's office, in Walnut street, Philadelphia, as follows : Sec. No. 41. Riddle k lilackwcll, Bridge Sup.No.42. Sbifflcr Griffy & Co. Sec. No. 42. Field, Bubb k Co. do 43. Doland k Lane. do 44. Joseph Nicely. do 45. Chas. Douebertv. Br'ge No.5,Liuden Marr, Uriffev & Co. Fame Aaron W Orwig. New Berlin. Eulogy on Thomas H. Benton. Jas Schoch, New Berlin. Young America. Frank R Brucner, Grosh- ville. Conferences. Cuneurring. Abf concurring. Holston 78 4 Texas 73 0 Virginia '116 0 Florida 59 0 Missouri 1 46 North Carolina 94 0 South Carolina 115 IS Memphis 6-1 7 Mississippi 79 15 Louisville 14 15 Georgia 135 u..m.i.r 18 43 St. Louis 17 42 Tennessee 15 87 Louisiana 44 0 W. Virginia 23 12 Alabama 115 0 East Texas 53 0 Arkansas 17 16 Wachita 28 0 Pacific no action. Indian mission no action. Whole number of votes concurring, 1100; being sixty votes over tbe consti tutional majority. The subject again came op on the 14th, and an animated debate waa continued Industry vs Indolence John Schwartz.Phila. I f;i lOtk o ia.1. . :. Fashion-Isaac Z KemM, Berrysborg. untl1 the 19lh- 0a the 18,b m en"u" The Stars and Stripes. Elisha Albert Hoff-, tee was appointed to report without delay. man, Reading. ,..' On the 19th, the Rev. Dr. Summers, The Ancients and Moderns. Wm II Rosh- , . , , , ong. New Berlin. chairman of tbe committee, made a report, Of the aneakera. David Gebhart rer.ro- ! "and substituted seven resolutions the scntcd the Excelsior, and Thomas II. Or- wig the Neokosmean Societies. All the exercises were held in the grove, iu the rear of tbe Seminary, liy the kind providence of God, the rain, of which we have bad such an abundanee for a month or more, had ceased ; and fair weather smiled upon ns. Much credit is due the y 'ung men and ladies for their taste dis- first four to the effect : 1. That the rule be expunged. 2. That the conference by such expurgation express no opinion on the African slave trade. 3. That these two resolutions be laid before tbe Annual Conferences at their next session for con current action. 4. Power is given the bishops to direct the expurgation of the rule, if the returns show a concurrence of played in tbt creation of the stage and its three fourths of the members of the Annu adornments. Everv thinrr oasscd off al Conference voting. The vote was taken smoothly; judging from tbe showers tf Sec. No. 4G do 47 do do do do do do do do do do uo 51. 55. 57 58 59 CO 61 C2 C3 CI 65 Ira 0. Gibson. Davis & Bennett. Henry Shire. Porter & Glasgow. Wm. 51. Wiley & Co. Not allotted, liarstow k Ettele. M. Malone k Co. Wm. Parsons k Co. T. S. Mackey. I!. It. L'ridgcns k Co. John Fleming. Quipgle & Co. u Uun Brdg. Dull.Criswcll k Dull. There were about 600 bids made. The pices arc said to be very moderate, and it ib intended to complete tbe whole work in '0T. Packer's present term. boquets that fell upon the stage after many performances, and from tbe universal smiles in our community, we suppose thai great satisfaction bas been rendered by the officers and pupils of Union Seminary. This institution is in a highly prosperous condition. Yours, Ixcoo. A Center' County Han in Iowa. Correflpondenoa of the Lewiaburg Chroniele.l Magnolia, Io., June 1, 1858. About six weeks ago, I was in your office, and paid a year's subscription for your valuable paper. I was then about to start for the West, and after making the tedious journey to this country, was pleas ed to find tbe Chronicle awaiting my arri val. Tbe delay on my part wm occasion ed by muddy roads and inclement weather. Crops look fine throughout the State, but the grass-hoppers that emigrated to the Missouri slope last season (from parts unknown) had laid thir eggs here, and are now hatching out in countless num bers, playing fearful havoe with tbe crops in the western counties. Times were bard, here, as well as in the East ; but the largo amount of work cattle furnished by tbe western counties for the Utah expedition, has a tendency to better tbe times, and money is getting more plenty. New settlers are arriving almost daily. Building in our place is going on as usual ; labor and material are cheaper than tbey bave ever been. I was very much sur prised on my return to find so many new farms opened out ; it seemed impossible, considering tbe bard times; but, tbe fact is, people had to quit speculating and come down to actual labor (by tbe way, tbe best thing that ever happened to this country) and those who bad capital enough to buy stock and farming imple ments went to work on tbeir land. There are a great many others who are now ma king preparations to do the same. Look which way I will, I Bee teams breaking up the sod and men building fences. Great excitement prevails throughout the Central part of this State, in conse quence of the almost daily discoveries of gold. There are upwards of two hundred men employed in the quartz digging south of Fort Desmoios, and it is said by many that gold in its pure itate (however, in minute quantities) bas been discovered on the Coon river, in Dallas county. I saw several specimens of rioh quartz, which I should judge would pay, should they dis cover a good "lead." Myself aod Bcveral nd stood : Ayes, 140 : Noes, 8 : Ab sentees, 3. Members spent some consid erable time explaining tbeir votes." The Germans of old Lancaster. To tbe EJitorof the Thilad. Press: Girauu House, Pbilad., May 31. I saw with pleasure one of your articles in the Press vindicating the German char acter of this State. You are, perhaps, not aware that at Ephrata, in your native county of Lancaster, several years before Robert Ruikes, of England, established his Sabbath schools, they were io exis tence at Ephrata, tbe first in tbe known world. German Ephrata can boast of one of the first classical schools io tbe Uni ted States, under the auspices of the pas tor of that German flock, "tbe Seventh Day Baptists." Many of the sons of the citizens of this city got their education at Ephrata, long before tbe Revolution. When tbe Declaration of Independence was adopted, it was sent to Ephrata, and by Peter Miller translated, for the use of tbe United States Government, into seven different languages. These are a few of the claims of the Germans of Lancaster county to sustain tbe charge of ignorance, which persons, who do not know their past history, lay at their doors. You are aware that Franklin k Mar shall College is founded by tbe Germans; so is the Pennsylvania College at Gettys burg. However much she may be sneer ed at, Lancaster county bas ber full quo ta of literary institutes. Besides Frank lin k Marshall College, in successful oper ation are the male and female Academy at Litiz, filled to oawawflowing from time im memorial fir f s from all parts of the Union Jnl Academy of Mil- Ierstown, nnderVccontrol of Rev. Wick ersbam, with 290 students, in tbe midst of a German population, (the Institute now pays a dividend on the capital stock;) and the Strasburg Academy, the Church town Academy, the three Academiei at Mount Joy, with numerous other litera ry Institutes all over the country. The city of Lancaster has excellent schools, and the publio schools throughout the. county are all in a prosperous condition. Excuse me for taking your time to read this hurried sketch. I can not but feel a deep interest in your effort to sustain the honest German character. Very truly yours, J. K. Prime grass butter, as yellow as gold, atid as sweet as a nut, is selling at twelve cents per pound at ITollidJburg, Pa. i THE DOOM OF BRITAIN. HER LATE INSULTS TO OUR FLAO ITS PRECURSOR. bi kdward j. 0'ajtiu.T New York Mercury. The hoary empire's dying, Though pilots of tbe slats Are ruthlessly defying Her suicidal fate 1 For she, despite disaster, With strange, Satanic trust, Insults tbe Flag wblcb cast ber So often in the dust ! Ob, England haughty nation This bitter stroke of thins Shall sound thy desolation In every tribute clime; The millions now are raising A brand to view, in ire, Tby "wooden walls," when blazing With Continental fire ! As free as God's Archangel, When, viewless through the breeze, The ethereal evangel With heaven's fiat flies, Shall be the flag we cherish, O'er every sea and clime, Till, with its stars shall perish, Their only monarch, Time ! The sun of Britain's waning Behind a moveless cloud Of blood and strife, containing Her fated grave and shroud ; And ashes in ber glory, And blight on ber renown, Shall end tbe fitful story That brought ber sceptre down ! Tbe avenger is upon her He can not be withstood To furl, in dark dishonor, Her flag of fraud and blood. The sycophant may praise her, But there is not a breath Of phoenix life to raise ber From just, eternal death ! REPLY TO THE ABOVE. BY JAMES AIRES. O, Prophet-Bard O'Reilly ! (juite ancient seems thy lay : Poor Britain has been dying" For many a weary day. Al least the croakers said so. And sure ihey ought to know. But the way she "kicks the bucket" Is awful, awful slow. That Yankee bard John Trumbull, In good old "seventy-six," Declared that "Mother Britain" Was giving her last kicks ; And that the Gallic vultures, Croaking in dismal tones. As daily she grew weaker. Prepared to pick her bones. But the old Jade, confound her! Is heartier now than then Richer in gold and silver. And guns, and ships, and men. Her meteor flag still Sashes O'er every distant sea; And strange to say, it is upheld By men both bold and free. Her "morning drum" still rattles Where'er the rising sun Dispels from valley, lake or hill. The vapor "rolling dun." And when some lonely Yankee Io barbarous bondage groans. His heart exults when England's guns Pour out their thunder-tones. O Steam-ship Susquehanna! Tby stricken, dying crew, By wasting Pestilence pursued. O'er the dark waters (lew. And England, "hanghty" England, Whom Irish bards would ban. Then acted tow'rds our Yankee tars The Good Samaritan. Bat England hates the 8lave-Trade, And so John Mitchel's ire Would overwhelm the hapless isle In darkness, blood and 6re. "Plantation and fat niggers" Of Heaven is John's ideal. And if the slave-trade's "busted up," His vision proves unreal. On thy returning birth-day. Great Minstrel, Thomas Moore, Who toasted Nena Sahib With plaudits o'er and o'er? According to these sages, From narrow notions weaned, Great Sahib is a hero, And Ilavelock a fiend The blood of gentle womanhood And helpless infancy Is incease on the altar Of glorious "Liberty!" O Demagogues so fiendish. Why will ye turn to fire The warm and gen'roos Irish heart Which all good men admire! Could noble old Saint Patrick Re-visit now the world, At yon, base Popish leaders. His curses would be hurled ! How would his heart in gladness Exult in England's might, While o'er the world she scatters The Gospel's glorious light! "The sun of England's waning!" O'Reilly, stick to that! Twas from the "howly Church" ye learnt Your lesson all so "pal." When England's sceptre's broken, Then Rome will reign supreme, And fires Inquisitorial Around the world will gleam. Go on, great Bard O'Reilly ! Don't mind a thundering lie The Church grants absolution. If in her cause you die. Down with enlightened England! Then Rome shall reign supreme, And Saint Bartholomew once more Shall pour its purple stream. United States and England ! Ye men of kindred blood. Together stand and stem the tide Of dark oppression's flood ! Still let the Bard O'Reilly Pour forth bis martial lay : There's many a wag will listen, To pass the time away. The Time to Cut Wheat. This bas been made a matter of experi ment iu Eugland, and much more depends upon it than is generally supposed. From a very careful series of experi ments made in England, in 1840,4!, by John Ilanman of Yorkshire, with a view of determining the proper period of reap. The Honey Glut. 'The Tariff Demicrstic flatform" Io the language of Wall street, there is ; I contaiced an set fvrih in a report made a glut io the money market. The banks by a select committee of the II I'jc of Rep cin not obtain enough good paper to meet . resentatives, on the 10th of May inst , their ability to discount, and the private ; 1S.18. The report concludes by recum discounting houses are puzzlel to find 1 mending the passage of tLa fjlljaic re prufitaLlo employment for tbeir funds, solutions: The money glut is even greater in London I "H-solccJ. That the vast and increasing ing wheat, it was decided that the best ! than here ; and at last dates, first-class expenditure of the FeJenl Government ui-iicaies me necessity 01 a etiange in our time for performing tbe operation is, when : bills were readily negotiated at one-half of it is in a "raw" state, or when tbe straw, ' one per cent, discount. This state of the as seen from a distance, appears green, but, closely examined, is found to bo op proximaling to yellow, and the grain it self, being separated from the chaff, is pulpy and soft, but not in the milky ty is not so good. The chief advantages derived from this method, are stated to be, a greater weight of grain to a given space of ground, which fiscal system whereby the protective policy shall be cntirt!i abandjued, auj a resort had, at as early a pi riod as may be prac tical, exciusitc'ij to direct ltjcJtion. "Resulted, That the highest develop ment of the iudustriul resources of tha country is to be attained by the greatest freedom of exchanges, whie'u can ouly be thoroughly accomplished by the entire money market elves animation to tbe stock market, but it indicates an unheal-1 tby condition of business. The capital which should be flowing through all ar-! teries of trade, commerce, and industry, stage. This gentleman bas shown that 1 giving health and activity to business en- at least six dollars per acre lost by allow- tcrprise, ana employment io uoor, nas abolition of duties on imports and a resort ing the wheat to become ripe before it is ; been drawn batk iuto the great financial ' exclusively to direct taxation. cut, and, that at the same time, its quali- centres, until its accumulation becomes 1 "HesulvcJ, That the navigation laws oppressive. snouiu De so moaiuea as not to require But this condition of thins, tbe natu- ""! Por,ion bt ,,he " and n.e? of ,,... , I American vessels to be American citizens. ral result of ibe panic, can not long con-1 , ,u , , .- . t r r ' o anj that American citizens bbail be freo tinue, and when this accumulated capital i to purchase and sail forci-n built ships on produces more flour, of a superior quality; ! begins to circulate again freely through i an entire equality with American built the straw contains more nutritive matter, 'l the channels of trade and industry, j ships, anl that the American coasting aud is better relished by animals; and j new life and new vigor will be imparted j trade shall be open on t.-rms of perfect there is a better opportunity of securing 'o business enterprise, and labor will find ; e1ua'',J' ,0 foreign ships, the crop, and a saving in so doing, as abundant and profitable employment. ThisLecompton Democratic Committee, there is less waste in moving or reaping ! There is one satisfactory thought sug- ' mfe tbe BteB complete should have tbe wheat by the dropping out of tbe seed. 'gested by the money glut. It proves re resolution v.x : t. -,, i . .. ! .i. . .t i i . , ... Ilesolved, 1 bat the Declaration of Inde It will be seen, in this matter, how that there is abundant capital in the coun- . ,' much a farmer's success i fpriul and imnmrfmpnt If. 14 nnt mnnpr i r 1 that we want, but a proper use of the money we have, to revive our prosperity. There is plenty of money io the cjuntry to employ, and plenty of food to feed ev- pends upon an accurate knowledge of his business. Ev en in so small an item as the cutting of grain, the owner of fifty acres would lose three hundred dollars, by harvesting a few days too late. There are many other repealed, the Union dissolved, an J that the States return to tbeir ol mul depen dence under the mother couutry. Resolved, That Freedom is a curse anil Slavery a blessing ; that all shite men who labor, being slave?, should bave DO) arntn .nrl (Kit ,,M ...!..,-... I,.... n. . . farm operations in which accurate know-, ery willing w0.k i th ua , .uJ if ; . , . 'hpl ledge is quite as important Is it any : our capitalists, and merchants, and mauu- Resolved, That every Democrat'whore- wouuer that so many of our farmers do . tacturers will use tbeir means anJ tbeir ; fuses to suh-enbe to this, the true Le- opportunities wisely and well, they may make tbe close of 1S5S as prosperous and promising as tbe close of 1857 was disas trous and discouraging. .V. Y. San. not make money, when there are a bun dred boles in their pockets, through which the money is dripping out in dol lars, dimes, and cents? The whole year is a scene of prodigal waste, for want of a little knowledge. Wood is wasted, for waut of a good stove, or a tight house. Value of Buckwheat A late issue of Hunt's Merchant Ma"a- Asbes are wasted, for want of a dry place ; zinc in an article upon buckwheat, thus to put them. Fodder is wasted, for want ! speaks of it concerning its properties as an of a tight barn to shelter cattle in the edible : "Considering the good qualities of winter nights. Manures are wasted, for , buckwheat, it is probably less appreciated want of a barn cellar, and sheds, and ab- j ttan anT otller Drcai1 gra'D- Writers on sorbents. Labor is wasted, for want of '. gricultural products seem to eschew it as manure to produce maximum crops. Is . 'ooJ fur n,an and "gard it only as a mis- conipton Platform, be, and is hereby ex pelled from the Democratic Lecompton Party, and declared incapable of holding any office of honor or profit in said party for ever. it strange, with all these leaks, that thn farmer's till does not fill up faster ? Homestead. The Burning of the Steamer Fenn'a. Memphis, June 15. As far as ascer tained, eighty five cabin passengers and, one hundred and twenty deck passengers have been saved from tbe burning of tba steamer Pennsylvania, on tbe evening of Sunday last. This would leave the num ber of lost as fifteen cabin and eighty deck passengers,or a total of ninety-five. Speech The FOREIGN NEWS. j Chronicle says: "The Mormon chicVOUS adulteration of wheat Haur, o J a product of poor soil for cattle. It is of 1 a totally different family of plants for the ! cereals, and will flourish on sandy hill-1 sides which are barren for other grain. It is nrobahlv tha most pasiTv cultivated and agents in England have stopped euiigra- ,he c t breaJ grain ja ho wor,j Jt tion from Europe during the pending dif- j is extensiveIv cuitivafcJ) in Btf, iuia and Acuities, but probably will resume opera- j tome of France) whcre h utm3 ,he turn, as soon as it is decided to what quar- ; basis of fooJ for the innabitantj. Tho h to r thej shall direct tbeir steps." j . propcrtics arc Tery dlfferL.nt fram wbe;4t I The Times says : "In consequence of . it nevertheIcss quite as rich in aII im. j r xu.m, ( p0rtant coiupouQils and in extremely cola reinforcements are to be sent to the army j weather u js more gubitantial tban wbeat. ' 1 " however, less digestible, and apt to "Telegraphic news from St. Petersburg, ; dlM&ree wi(h weak st0macb3 or D3 dated 28th May, says that tbe whole pop. UDaccustomcil t0 it v lnil,,is buck. I . a" . t V . . I FWaj t 1 wf " " . , . - wbeat 13 second to wheat in gluten, but , if tbe weather is not too dry. Almost Caucasus, amounting to 12,000 or Id, 000 j.r , j.uw.lh-- ' r , , o ' I denelenr in Rtareh liv th mlJitmn nf pwprw l:irm(, lino niriL,.a nf nnh In 1.....J nno.f, nirffi nnnlirv nf A.t r. . ;nltnn ... .. T f to buckwheat flour, the bread is very much of Billy Bowlegs. Bill? Bowlegs male a speech at New Orleans the other day. Having imbibed trrnrs nf the "crather" than was good for him, ha spoke of his dignity, importance and abil ity to whip the L'oited States with seven men. Here is the document : "I stand np here, big chief, brave warrior. I kill heap your people before, I can do him a;aio easy ; give Billy seven good men to follow on the war track, and ha lick all the United States, and scalp his father at Washington ! Whoop I" Common Tuitxirs may be sown from the middle of July to the middle of Au gust. W e prefer the last week iu July, amis, were emigrating into Russia under the protection of the Russian troops. Tbey bad burnt tbeir auls, or fortified villages, j improved, t?t t 1 1 . . - . ... ; ocuaaiyi was collecting troops. Ills move ments were closely watched by the Rus sians." The Times says There was a vio lent collision between tbe Circassians and tbe Russian garrison of EkatcriooJav. The Russians are said to have lost 500 men. The Fair Tntxo all arousd. An where the young corn baa been destroyed by the wet weather of the past month, and such ground is generally well suited for turnips, if well plowed and pulverized. Or Important Letter. Hon. Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, bas written a letter to the Col lector of Customs at Charleston, S. C, forbidding him to grant a clearance to a vessel bound for Africa, for tbe purpose of "taking on board African emigrants to the United States." Such a clearance bad been applied for by tbe owners of a certain vessel, who doubtless thought they could thus re open the slate trade, under the color of law. Mr. Cobb's letter is a very able one, and will certainly command the attention and approval of tbe Ameri can people. He recites the laws ou tbe subject of importation for any purpose vliutever, and interprets with clearness both tbe letter and spirit of those laws. He correctly assumes that public opinion in almost every part of the United States favors a diminution, rather than an in crease, of negro population, tiood for you, (Jobb ! Chinese Sugar. Tbe citizens of Springfield, have voted in pnblio meeting to accept the proposal of two gentlemen of Cincinnati to establish a mill in Spring field, for tbe manufacture of sugar and molasses from the Chinese sugar cane. Tbe requisite machinery is ready, and the enterprise will be undertaken at once. Fifty acres of cane are to be planted this year, and if successful more will be added in future. Refined sugar-cane molasses now sells in Cincinnati at eighty cents per gallon. Washington, June 16. Nothing fur ther was done by the late session of Con gress with regard to the Ocean Telegraph, and it, consequently, remains a dead pro ject so far as the United States is concern- ltd. u. : . 1 ... .:n i - r r.L -l. auifc is uem-r ami vicar uu a pitee ui uew unexpected decision in favor of the rights i , cr l u - ground, where free from crass and weeds, of free negroes has been male in Missis-I ' . b ' t i i . l . I and after plowing or well harrowin , sow sippi. James Brown, a planter, bad two , , r, , ' , , ,. , tbe seed at tbe rate of one pound to tha sons by one of bis negro women, whom ; . r uc oca iiuc auia tuiaLcu iu auutaua, wiiu their mother. In his will, he ordered the Springfield, 111., June 10. The Ke- proceeds of his estate to be paid over to j publican Stato Convention met to day, these two sons, bis only children. His One thousand delegates and alternates, re- relatives contested the validity of the will, ' presenting ninety-five counties, were pre and it was supposed they would succeed j sent. James Miller was renominated as in breaking it, but tbe high court of er- candidate for State Treasurer, and W. rors and appeals in Mississippi bas made Bateman, Superintendent of Public In a final decision, sustainirg the will and , struction. Resolutions were adopted en- giving tbe estate to toe negroes. Ibe uorsing tbe Philadelphia platform, de- judges said if the negroes had remained in Mississippi the will would not bave held, but as they were taken to a state where tbe right of property pertained to them by law, they had the same rights in a Mis sissippi court as any other citizen of a free State. Destroy them. A little hint to our farmers suggested itself to our mind a day or two since, and which, if acted upon, may result in some proGt. Just about these days a species cf catcrpillar,pcculiar to orchards, is spinning its web over tbe apple trees and preparing to become the pest of the farmer as well as of the house wife. Just now there is a "spell of wea ther," and an active boy with a scrub broom can earn full wages in climbing the trees and destroying the web ia their pre sent half finished state. The caterpillars are now but about one third grown and tbe labor of destroying them trifling.com pared with what it will have become two weeks hence. Jlarruhurg Telegraph. One of the jokers says : "Women re quire mora sleep than men, and farmers less than those engaged in almost any other occupation. Editors, rcporters,prin ten, and telegraph operators need do sleep at all. Lawyers can sleep as much as tbey choose, and thus keep oat of mis chief. Clergymen can sleep twenty-four hours and can put their parish to sleep j once a week." i nonncing tbe Pred Scott decision, and re affirming the power of Congress over tho Territories. Maine Law Endorsed. The people of the State of Maine took a vote on the Prohibitory Liquor Law on Monday week. It appears to have been all on one side. The law was ratified by an almost unani mous vote. For example, Portland dis trict gave 1257 for prohibition au 1 only 23 for license. Uorhatn, 254 to 1 ; Fal worth 157 to 0 and tha other towus in proportion. Maine appears determined to i-ive no quarter to tha Liquor interest. We see it stated, that, while on land thir'y words a minute can be sent by tele graph, from four to eight words a niinuto are the highest number yet sent through the coil of the Atlantic cable telegraph. This would be slow work. An electrician, in Washington city prophecies its entire failure. Who Knows ? There is a word, and a very common one too, in tbe Euglish language, which, spelt either way, reads tbe samo. It is a word cf two syllables, and has been frequently used by every man and woman in conversation. Who of our readers can tell us what it is ? Old bread may be made aj good as new, by dipping the loaf iu cold water, then putting it in the oven after the bread is drawn, or a stove, an 1 ! t it be well heat el through. 1 fOPV Vfifytf.iv-r