IJBWISBUllC CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER SCIENTIFIC fctPEBlMBNT8l Hessrs. Davidson fc Letter U'ouH respectfully announce that they will give a Scientific Entertainment and lecture on the subjects ot Electricity, Galvanism, and Electro-Magnetism, at the TOWN HALL in Lewisburg, Fri day evening, Aug. 30, 1850. For particulars, see the Bills posted up round the town. Amnng other novelties shown are an Electro-Magnetic Machine Railroad Engine propelled by Macnetism Colt Submarine Bat tery an Alcoholic Blew Pipe, to blow Glass Ibe Magnetic Telegraph, anJ explanation or House's Printing Telegraph, and other Telcgraphe-the Magnetic Slippers will be lead to be tried on, ic &e. Tickrta. 12 i elseech. A reasonable deduction made for Family Ticket. To the Voters of Union County. Fellow Citizens: At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I hereby oiler my s 'If as a candidate for the office of PrO tbOSOtary at the ensuing election, and pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ahilitt. JOSEPH OYSTER. Si-linsgrnve, Aug. 15, 1850 Executor's Notice. rM1E Register of Union countv having 1 this day granted me letters Testem votary on the estate of Jacob Housel, late ol Lewisburg, deceased, all his debtors are required to make immediate payment, and all his creditors, to present their claims. JAMES F. LINN, ExccV. Lewisburg, Aug. 19, 1850 PUBLIC VENDUE WILL be sold, at Public Vendue, at the late residence of Catherine E Ztl- 1 rs, deceased, in Lewis-burg, on FRID AY, J the 6 h day of September next, the follow i'lg projiertv, viz.: Tables, Chairs, 125 ards Carpet, 1 eiirht day llrass Clo-k, t'orner Cupboard, Q lectisware. Lnnkin;-lase-, 1 Settee, 1 Secretary, !ledstrad nnd Ui'dding, 1 Bureau, Stoves and I'ipe, Q lilts, Blnnkets,l Cooking Stove and Pipe, topper Keltle, I Cow, Hay, Rocking chairs. 1 lot Rook?, window Blind, and a ii umber of other arti.-les too numerous to insert here. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. SI., when terms of sale will lie made kt.own, bv FRANCIS ZF.LLF.RS, Auul 20, 1850 Administrator. N. B At the same 'ime nnd pVt-e'l." e will beoJered fur sale the House and Lot of the said dt cased, now occupied by F. Zelleis. Terms made known on the day of a.le, BY THE HEIRS. Administrator's Notice. ATOTIfE is hereby given that letters ol XI Administration on the estate of Cath enne E. Z-llers late of Levi.burg, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned this dav, August 13, 1850, by the Register ol Union co., indue form of law. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said es'ate are requested to make immediate payment ; and those having claims against it will present them dulv authenticated fur settle mem. FRANCIS ZELLERS, Lewisburz. 'Aug. 15. 1350. Adm'r. Auction. nUE subscriber will expose to sale, at L his Store at Buenn Vista, (near Gul iui's Mill) commencing on Saturday, Aug 31st, Wed. Sept 7th, and closing S:it. Sept. 14, Ins whole stock of STORE GOODS, com prising the usual stock of Dry Goods to he found in a country store. Also Hard ware. Qtieensware, Groceries, Glassware, Chairs. Wood by the cord, 500 ft of Dry Boards, &c Goods will I sold AT COST between this and the close of the Auction. Roasn. nablc credit given on sums above $5 with approved security. S. L. SHOEMAKER. Buena Vista (Buffalo Tp) Aug. 17 rain drills. THE undersigned wish to inform the farming community generally, that thjy are now manufacturing V. ROSS" JWy Improved GRAIN DRILLS, or SOWIXG MACHINE. Without stopping to discuss the com4ira tive merits of numerous Drills now offered for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS. GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850. NOTICE. I will be at the Public House of A. H. Blair, on Wednesday the 4th day of Sept. next, for the purpose of receiving the School Tax for the Lewisburg District for the present School Year. DAVID REBER. Aug. 2. 1850 Treasurer. S. KiIE, E., (a (rlut or the tnlversity of Pennsylvania,) Phjulclan at Surgeon. ttyOffice, opposite J. Deckabd's Hotel : Union county, Pa. June 12, 1850. 3mpd fPHE Partnership heretofore existing be 1 iween Drs. HAYES and DAVIS, ha this day been dissolved by mutual consent. Dr.HaTEs may still be found.'at litaOflice. Lewihijurg, July 30, 1850. TTHITE Lead, and Linaeed Oil. for sale by v 7 Dr. Thornton & Bakrr, . SAM'L ANDERSON, ruMooable Tailor, In the saw Brick building an Market etreet, ooe door above C. E- Bowes' Store CUTTING and MAKING Ldone to order. Lewisburg, May 29, 1850. LICTI JTCl SALE. f PHE subscriber having leased the Rock J dale Saw-Mill formerly known as Doughty in Sugar Valley, Clinton county. Pa., and bought all the stock and fixtures belonging to the same, now offers for sale 100,000 ft of Lumber at said Mill. Orders will be received for any kind of Lumber, by the undersigned at Lewisburg. or by his Agent. S.C.Shkl lek, at said Mill, in Sugar Valley. II. P. Stlr.LL.nK. Lewisburg, June 5, 1850 6w LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, Dyspepsia. Chronic or Nervous Debility, disease of the Kidneye, and all dis easee arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipation. Inward Piles, r ulnraa or Blood to Ibe Head. Acidity ol Uia Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, die gnat for Food.Fulnee or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flut tering at the pit of Ibe Stomach. Swimming of lite Head, burned and dilticull B realtime, r lut lering st the Heart, choking or suffoca. ling Senaationa when in a lying posture, dimness of Vision.Dots orWebs before the Sieht. Fever and dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perflation, Yellowness of tbe Skio and Eye, pain in the Side, Bsck, Cheat. Limbs, 4c.. eudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in ihe Flesh, conatant Ima ginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, cas Be srrscTraLLV ci'sie uw D R. 110 0 F LAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, prepared by Mir. C. aTl. Jackson, at the "German Medicine Store," MO Arch St. Plillad. 77ei'r u,ir uttr the abore disease is not cr- erllrrl. if eiuullrd, by any other preparation in the l iiilf d Slate, at the cure atent, in many case after kilf u I physician had failed. These Ulster are wonny ine attention in inva lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, eierri ing the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive organs, "hey are withal ale, certain and pleasant. Read " roTi!fCEO. The Hon. Chs D Hineline, editor ol ibe Camden Democrat, the hel paper in West Jersey, says, July Slat j lliKtFLANir GKRWAS MTTKRS. We have aero manT Sallerine notice. i.f thi wdirinr. nt tbe scarce wliriirc they crar induced us to make inquiries rcspectine V m.Til.. Fnn inquiry we wire Tu-l b w it.nl oust t we found it ipnti in it artion upon iinurr of ihe liT. f.oJ Jii-tiTCorwaiimaliit the powerful inlluenre .t exrrti" uiii m-r'U! pniKtration ii really sueprin. It ntm nj rtrenfthenii Uie nerree. bringing tkeai into a pUte of rrpow. ntakitix leep refrtwhing. If thie Mwdieine were more generally twed. we are nt lSed there would be leea nfckneM, aa feoa, the atomarh. liw. nl nrnroun mrrtm the great majority of real and imaginary dieaii emanate. Hare them in a healthy eoo .iii..n. umI ma ran bid deflanee to enidemiea generallT. Thi extraordinary medicine we won Id adsiae our friends who are at all hHliapraed to gie a trial it will Wen ree .immmd itarlf. It ebouM. in tact, be m every auaily. No other medldne ran prtduce such eridenera of merit. Fiora the Bmtun Bee editorial. Dee 22d rr. Iloofland'. Celebratwl German Bitters. r the enre of Liver Complaint, Jaundke, Dveperaia. and Chronic or Nerrmu lability. dei'redly one of the most popular medieiura of the dae. There Bitters haee DM went by tbonwmls. and a friend at our elbow ay he baa hinuelf eerHerd from the ue of tbia remedy an eSVetual, perma nent cure of Lieer Complaint. We are eouTinenl that, in Hie ii of three Bitfc-i. the patient conrtaatly gain. trcngth and vigor a fart worthy of great eonideratioa. They are plrawnt in t.ie and nnell, and ean be unci l.y privxiK with the mont dclieata atomarha, with afi-ty undrr any nmini-fftiio'C. We are speaking from experl ence, and to tbe afflicted we adviee their nae. SrotV Weekly, one of the beat literary papers published, said Aug 25th lla. ll"on.i" (iams Brrmis. mannfaetnred by Bt Jarkmn, arrnow reetimmended by some of the mont pro. mineat membim of I or Farulty. as an article of much rnVaey in eaiM of female weaknewi. As sneh ia tbe ease, we would adviae all motben to obtain a bottle, and time ave Uiemetvr murh eirkneea. Perwrns of debilitated eomditutioiie will And thene Bittera advantageoua to their health, a we know from experienra the aalalarj eBeet lory hare upon weak ryatema. Joilire M.M.Nwia. a gentleman of grest scien tific and litersrv tiainmentaaaid in his"N'ew Yoik Weekly Messenger. Jan 6, 1350 Dr. llntlamri Ormm Bittm. Here is a preparation wliirh the leading prewe. of the 1'nk.n appear unanimoun in recommending, and the reaeon ia obiioua. It i made after a prearriptlon f ornif bed by one of the mort eeletirated phyirian of modern timea th. late Dr. Chrtatopher Wilhalm HooOand, lYr.fenaor to the Uuieerrfty of J. na. Private Phyrielan to the King of Prueeia. and one of the . . itrM Germane ban ever prodnrrd. lie wan emphatically the enemy of kuwitmg. asdtherefore a mrdinne or wnirn ne waa voe iam wo. . he eonSdently relied on. He uprrUlly rrrommrlo.l it in Liver Complaint, Py.rrp.ia, Debility, Vertigo, Acality of the Stomarh. Constipation, and all complaint, arieing frran a dieordrred condition of the utiimarb, the Liwr and the IntcUor.. Hine Philadelphia papera rxpmw their ronviruon of its exeellenee. and rveral of their K.liU nxk of it effect, from their own individual experience. Under theec cimimetanrc, we fi-rl warrant-d, not only in calling the attention of our readers to the preeent proprietor (Dr. C. M. Jaekeon-.) preparation, but in rec ommending the article to all alllictrd. Moas EviBEwct. The Philadelphia Saturday Gasette, the best familv newapaper published in Ihe United States, tbe editor eje of Dr Hoofland's fierman Bittera It l wblom that we recommend what are termed Pat ent Mrdieinea to our render.' ftronage and confidence ; and, therefore, whD we recommend lr. Ilooflaiel's Her man Bittern, we wish it to he distinctly nndendonl that we are not .peeking f Ue nmitruia. of thr day, that are noined about sr a Iwirf period and are forgottm aftrr they have done their guiltv race of miix-hirf. but of a medicine long ertabliehed, univereallv prised, and which has met the hearty approval of tie Faculty itself. Evidence on evidence has been received (like the foregoing) from all aecUons or tne Lnion, in law vears, tke tlraxtt Mimumy in it aeoe, m, that there ia more of it bfed in the practice of the regular Phv.icians of Philadelphia, than of all other nee'rum. eacafcined a fart that ean easily be eaULlwhed. aud fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their oniet approval when preM'nted even in un form. That . ! i : iw.td.lub nv.nrnria.no tin. eWW witi rmrr win ' 't . . ' owe eaai doubt, aftrr ating it a. directed. It art. -pinc-ally upon tbe Stomach and Liver. It ia prefrrahle to Calomel ia at? fitlaw iunrn. The effect is immediate they ran be adminiidered to rsauLg or isr.urr with safety aad reliable benefit, at any time. Beware of counterfeits! This medicine baa attained that character which h is necessary for all to attain to induce counter feiters to put forth a spurious article at the risk of Ihe lives of lboe who are innocently deceived. Look well to the marks of the Genuine. They have the written signature of C.MJacasow upon the wrapper, and the name blown in Ihe bottle, icilisiit tc Ipf"- For sale stholeaala and retail, st tne ucn.n a is MEDICINE STORE, No. ISO ARCH SI., one door below 8iith. (lale of 178 Race L) Philad elphia, and" by reapeetaute dealers generally, tbe country ihrooghnnt. I y 3.10 Abo for tale by S F.L tKDALL,Lewulmrg.Fa FOR SALK. Two dapple, grey MATCH HORSES. Also, a beau tiful black Horse. Enquire M tbia office. July 17. 1850. 1 To BiacasMitiM. BITUMINOUS COAL, from the West Branch and from Hollidaysburp;, for ale at the Shop oT the subscriber, near the Hatyscalei on Third St. ALF.X'R AMMONS Lewisburg, May f , I8M Large Sales Low Prices & i tjui THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE ami filling up again brimjull with a stock of goods LAUl.KR.UirrTEi. and CIIEAPF.lt than ever! E have just received and are now openine a large and splendid aaaortmenl 01 Spring and Summer (&OOdi9 embracing everything e.iapted lo ihe varied wants and tastea of the community, and at prices tbat can not fail lo give univeraal satisfaction. Tbe LADIES are aaaured that we have a belter asaortment of DrefM CiOOdH than haa ever been presented in this market. We have every quality and description of Gentlemen's atd Hoys' Dress Good, Cassimeres, Vesting, Summer StuiT, Fancy Cravat., Ac. A aplrndid lot of HATS, CAPS and BONNETS, of the latest styles Ribbon.. Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawns, (iingbams, Ac. 1 lard wa re Queenswa re G laswa re, GROCERIES of all kinda also a large stock of Plaster, Salt,and Fish, at vera low p ices for CASH or COUNTRV PRODUCE of all kinds at Market prices. J. & J.WALLS. Lewiehurg, April 23, I80O UNIVERSITY at l.cwisbui'pT. C1IRCULAR for ihe Academical Year com meneing Oct. II, 1819. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Exercised in Spelling, Reading, Definition, English Unminar, Arithmetic, lieography. His tory U.S.A., Penmanship and Composition. Engliab Department of the Academy. The same studies as in the Primary Drpartm'l continued in the use of larger text liooks ; and lo these are added General History .Algebia, Lrgen dre, and Elements of Surveying. Claaaical Department of the Academy. Term Junior Arndtmie elas. 1. Knglihb (irnlumar. Latin Uruiuiuar, Arithmetic (two division.; l.civnM'by. II. The .ame .tude-. a 111 I. Term, aud IVnmnn.liip. 111. Engledi tiraiuiuar. t irimr. Arithmetic completed by l.t division, lins-k liralumar, History L.A IVu nuuubi, lk.tk-ketpiug. Senior Aemlemie elan. I. Casar, Greek Header, Algebra (Elements.) II. .rlnrkl, do do 111. do do do eomplrted. Gene- rat ll'wtory, ICnglwh Language and Conipcaition. COLIXGIATE DEPARTMENT. Frrnhman eliut. j I. Engliah Language and CompoMtion, Algebra, I.ivy, Anat.i II. Plane Iteometrv, Liry, Anabaei.. ! IIL Plane. Solid aiid r'pberiral Geometry completed, U vy, Aaabaeis. isiphnuMrt elats. I. Horace, OdyMcy. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry. II. do do Meni.urationurvrying,Navignte.n. III. do eompl.-trd. Sleet Oration, of llemo.thenea, Bbetoric, Analytical Geometry. Junior elan. I. Hemortbenea on the Crown, Cicero de Officii, Me chanic. llydrmtHtiea. and Hydraulic. II. Itemosthenr. on the Crown, Cicero de officii, com pleted, Pneumatics, Arountica, lretririty, Magac tinm. and Optic. III. Greek Tragedy, Tariiiu, Artronomy. Srnior elan. for Academical Tear eommeneing Ort. 10, 18.V). I. Logic, Natural Theology, Intellectual I'hiloeophy. II. tlrrek. Political Kconouir. Moral PhiloihT. 111. Bull. r' Analogy, Con.tiluUon of t. S, Clicmistry, Leeturca, General Keviews. No clasa in tbe Regular Coarse has leas than three daily recitations. Every Saturday forenoon ia devoted exclusively to Vocal Moaie, Declamation, and reading select and original Compoaitiona. Tbe atudenta are required lo altend, regolaily, some religioua meeting. Minors are expected to attend such meetings as are recommended lo ihem by their parent! or guardians. There are in Ibe borough no lesa than six places of public worship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text IlookH. Enfjlish Istnyuotr nnd Kfamtiim. The Bible. Torter Rhrtoriral Krader, Worcmter'. or Webxter . IMctionary, Bullion's F.ngli.h Grammar. Parker. Prognneive Kxerri are in Kngluh Conipontiou, Parker's Aids, Blair Lectures ll'niversitv IwliliiHi.) Latin JanvirTBnllioa'sGrammar. Bullion'. Reader, lverett's Lexi-on. llnllion'.Cirw. Srhmitx and Zunipt. Virgil. Lincoln's Livy, Anthon'. Horace, TharJier'a Cicero de OSiriia, Tyler's Tacitus- Grrmania et Agrirola. Urttk Lrt.fiMc. Ilullioo's Grammar. Bull km'. Reader, Liklell k Scott's Lexicon, Owen's Xenophoa's Annha.,.. Owen's Homer's Odyney, Champlin's Demosthenes, Fisk. Clanrieal Manual. JwifVwahcs. IhiTlr.' Arithmetic for Academies. Elem entary Algebra. Bourdon. L.-cndre, Surveying and Navi-gUon.AnalytiealGem.ry,uliMU-d's Natural I'hiliwophy (.tereotyped.) Olmsted's A.trommy. Kumber of Students. The number of atudenta during the past year in Ihe various Departments, was 161. The number ibst have entered tbe classes in the Ke- eular Course for the current year (exclusive of those in ihe English and Primary departments,) ia as follows : Couxua. Junior elas. - - S Sophomore rlass 14 Frcxbman class - 10 Ac.MT Senioe elana V Junior rlais - W...97 Teachera. STEPHEN- W. TAYLOR, A. M, Prof, of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. . . , . . GKilltGK R. BLISS, A. M, Prof, of Greek Ungoage aarl I Jis.ntlira. ! w K( 1 K W. AXPER WW, A.M.. Pn.fof Latin Irtfru.v an J Litt?rturp. ISAA' S. U1DMI8, A. M., rrincipal of tin Artvdomy. ALFKKU TAYU-K, A. M, Tutor Id the Kngllfh LtUJ ga-mgt and KkM'ution. Bulldlngfi,Ilbrary and 4pparatnt. The Academic edifice now occupied by the members of Ihe University, has been erected, si an expense of f s.flriO, and It is adapted to areommodate IM student.. Another edifice has been cnmmenoBd,whieb is to be Snisbed within the course of the prexent Academic year, and to contain study room, and ilormitorics for the srromBViation of 70 student, in thr Collegiate departm'u The Library contains a number of select volumes, and I tm mMtmmtlv tnerrasiii. ! Chemiral Apparatus haa been onlered sufficient to j supply tne immediate di-mand. The Apparatus far the Illustration Ol jieeu.nicwi rauwipuj, i. m. wm.ith-. Tuition and Hoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30, Aeademie H0. Prtmarv $13 per veer. Board, including lodging, washing, fori, and light, can be bad in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from 1,50 to fi.bO per week Semlona and Vacation. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on tbe Snd Thursday in October, and continues 27 weeks; Ihe latter commences on the 16th May, and conttnuea 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeka ; Autumnal. 6. By order ami m behalf of ihe Board: THOMAS WATTSOX. Prea't. UEORI.E F. MII.LKK. Sec'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. April 18, 1850 Dr. John Locke, HURGEOX DENTIST, TAT be found st hie Office and residence 1VL firat uMr cwt ' K,,n isotel lite two i ciiam,,- itui frvat Mondav of each month. where be is prepared lo execute all operaifosnj in his Una of bnstnese in a manner creJitabfe to himself and satisfactory to those who naay favor bim witn ttiew patronagv.. Dr. L. apenJa the tbttd week of aath month , .-r. a m Tmrh Psate. anf ua ss beauUlul DoveeJain botes, an excellent article tot keeping tba teeth dean and breath sweat, for sale at 25 Lewisburg', Ps, May, 1 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, Mifflinburg, Union tounly, Penn'a. RESPECTFULLY informs tbe citixens of Union county, and the public in general that he haa leaned tbe shove aland, for many yeara occupied by his Father, and ia now pre pared lo accommodate friends aud ihe traveling community in a manner acceptable to all. The HUliSE ia large aud roomy, well arran ged in all its departments, and every care will be taken to lender his guests comfortable and happy. Ilia TABLE will alwaya be furnished with the choicest delicacies of ihe season, and the best Ibe market ean afford. The BAR will at all timea be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquois will be kept. His STABLES are ample and convenient, and tbe OSTLER punctual and attentive. In short, he pledgee himself to endeavor lo give general satisfaction to all, and hopea by strict atlenlion to businrea lo merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. Mifllinburg, June 20, 1850 (srcci.soaa to c. a. wtktb,) e, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drills, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Sash too!s,Glassware,Putty, Dye-stuffs, Riushcs of every variety. Perfumery, Confectionery, Fruits, Fancy Goods, 6lc. &c. One Door-above tbe great Mammoth Store of J. k J.Walu, Markkt St. Lewisburg. All Drug and Medicine irarranted Fresh and Vcnuint. THE subscribers return iheir sincere thanks lo Iboae who have so iilierally patronized them duiing tbe past year; and we would inviie you. one and all, lo call and examine onr stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel confident that we sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct. cheaper, than others of the trade. Try us, and see for yourselves. N. B. Medical advice wiil be given free of charge by Dr. Thornton, at the Store ot Thorn ton &. Baker. T A H THORXTO.N.M.D. JOSIAH B KER Dentistry. WIS. C. STEWART, I- ATE of Philadelphia, ia now located on j Market street, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Sehrey er'e alore, where he attends to oblation on the teeth at a redaction of his former pi ires. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with Ihe aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setung on pivots or plates atten ded to according to the latest improvements in the profeaaion Ulcerated, spungy, and inflamed gums cured. Thankful for past tavoia, he solicits a continuance of putdie patronage. Ao impure materials used for fillings in teeth. ly'iss Or. SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS. AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! The Envy of all Pill Manufacturers, BECAUSE they sre safer, beUer, and more efficacious than any others. 500.000 Boxes) have been sold annually for the last five years. V.... . Ilvn Milt Itl FkSalK. . . I- w , - ran alaya Uke Ihem with equal aafcty, without tear. If Pill be neeetsary c nnM:n- .ml elr.n.in the Slnm.rh and Bow im rn1!"1! els, and purifying the Blood and fluids of Ihe bo dy, lake no otners lor no outer puis pruuuc those combined effects, or contain Sarsaparilla in them. f Drink ami .ire as usual. and pursue your ususl occupation whilst taking them, wiihool feat of uking cold, during all kinds of weather. . Onfi Thousand Dollars are wagered lhal more genuine certificates (from . i .i.raemen. Members ol Congress, and uiyrivi"'""! '- . e i. respectable ciiixens) can be produced of their efficacy tnan ol any otners. anu - M,ar . v . no , f...cU-A in mmtnm inatanee where One will sv ' .i. - - .- Box will not do more good than 1 wo uoxea oi any others. Fort? rms in a dox : : .i.t .i T-,nlufire Cent a Box. with as SI vi arvau sow - j directions and much wholesome advice accompa nying each box. TVv r no ftisfe or smncojoar , rrt trim . or rfrT ofmf ktwl, Pn n.4 arV "' , ,. VWov ao e-nw. tos.(ilsv. or hmlfi-hng, TUKV ARE GOOD AT ALL TIMKX. Jnnlrd to WOtf dlSfMCf CwStSOSt fc WONXiwI. No one having once taken them will be willing afterwards lo lake any others, because they al ways do good, and II tney uo not. men no mucin will. Dr. V. B. LiUy, Tba Proprietor and Manufacturer, ia a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of fifteen years' experience in Philadelphia ; Grad uate of ihe University of Pennsylvania; Mem ber of different Medical Institutions of Philadel phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Vc, end associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institution of London and Paris, Ac. Oitas3 asa IstFosiTtojt. Beware of sll it H...I lw n.m. noailv similar, cot no lo be PHIS Cl--w "J 3 ' " sold on the repntaUon of Dr. Leiily'aSarsapanll Blood Tills; tne nrat cmisapamm r"" v--trodured and Ibe only pills omuining Saraapsril !a. Take no oihera and you will not be deceived. Others by similar names, or nearly eimiler, sre a groaa fisud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! Principal Depot. Dr. Leidly'e dispensary, No, 114 North FOURTH ST., Philadelpbra and sold wholesale and retail be r w SPIl tFTTK. LewwrsTre IX It. Ca'low, Milton J MBenfer, O-W .Kesslef ,S tE-rtin! W. f. I. I'sintrr, M uney Tvi..r's a Stltarr-a. Mimtreaanrl lly limit b, Adamsbunr Vouorinn Walter, DryValley D. S. B. ,.c. 1-burg stTasIveTs. Kelly X Kosds I If AJmiia,Beavertw, l.7w rV (-l.o-sco" IKotsSmitVMjlrla.rx t! O Hetrrrr. WKre. i Fsll. Wtltt liiVrt,IUrlWt,rtt TbtLL wr. rhsmuiio D-u k.4 Koush.CentrevUI. Dr 9 it JuaaVWmiaassaort; aast by Druggirt. ami Store .ssrevtArsssrbsa tne Vntted BUtea. Tj3a7 QCHOOL-TICKlTrS prisXed and for O ALT and FISH on hand by Q A? 2 Rebet is IdsJttaaa . j M, if Public Sale. WILL be esposed to Public Sale, on Saturday, the 21st of Stptember next, in East BulTaloe Township. Union county. Pa , the following real otate, to wit : Thirty Acres of Land. More or less, with a Frame i louse and Bank Barn, and all necessary out-buildings. There ia well of never failing limestone water near the dmr. . A fine inula On-hnrrl and a Inri'e number of I I ' ' e rn other Truit liees on the premises. The - a . V (arm is situated about one mite ntiow iv- .inee. nn the rnnri leadintr lo Sclinssrove. on Ihe right bank of the West Branch of the Susquehanna river. Ihe land is nil cleared and in a good slate of cultivation. It will be sold as the property 01 me neirs of Jacob Sirohccker. uVt'J. N. B. Any person wishing to see tne larm before the day of sale, ean cnll upon the present occupant, Mrs. Strohecker. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, when conditions will be made known BY THE HEIRS. August 14, 1850. For the Letritburg Chronicle. Next U. 8. Senator. The Eastern part of Pennsylvania now has a Nbtional Senator, and so has the Western. The South lias had several.and ihe Norlh has had one. The Central part we believe has had none. The Western Senator's time expires with this Congress, and the Slate Senators and Representatives chosen-next Fall, will elect his successor. CENTRAL Pennsylvania claims the seat, and if she backs up her claims by sending true Tarifl men lo the L2isl;iture.she can readily secure it. Hon. JA'S POLLOCK. of Northumberland county, is the man. His location, his known ability, his tried integrity, and bis popularity, all point him out as the man for the times and for the station. The Wkst Branch. STEAM ENGINES FOR S.1LE. ONE of 10 horse power, with one flue boiler can be seen in operation. One of 5 horse power,with two cylinder boilers. Ifotti made ol the best materials, and war ranted perfect. Enquire of J. S MEDLEY, Machinist, Columbia, Pa. JFruit nno OR . . ENTAL TREES. The subscriber otfeis for sale large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, together wilh some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best native and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linuen, &c. N. B. Persona wishing lo procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. II. R. NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. LEWISBURG Wholesale & Retail THE subscriber, thankful for peel liberal pat ronage, would inform bis friends and public generally that he has just ree'd and is constantly receiving fresh supplies of pure Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Minerals, Tinc tures, Oils, Essences, Spirits. Gums, Plasters, and other goods in his line of business, which he offers with the full assurance of their being gen uine, and cheaper than csn be bought elsewhere. Physicians and others in the trade are particularly invited lo call snd examine for themselves. Alao conatantly on hand a large stock of Window Glass Whitehead, Chrome snd other Paints,Drug i.i.' .n.l Phvsiciant' Glassware. Mortars,Spschoals,Crucibles.Trusee, Copal,Jspan and Spirit Vamihes,Flax seed, Sperm, Whale, Lard. Fish .filberial. Fosgine, Camphene, and Pine Oils, Dye woods ground ami chipped, Castile. Bar, Rosin and other Soaps. Uold. Silver and Mrtel 1-esfe, Ro-in, Pilch. Tar. Tobacco. Segara, Combs, Brushes Wslking and Fb-hiiiar Canea, Jewelry, Ratora, Knives. Fruits, Confectionery, ate. Are. Ac. V. W. SCIIAFFsLE. May, 1850. Druggut and Chemut. LAST a?BEST ! e. e. amis 19 now receiving a large and a choice stock of SUMMER GOODS embracing Dry Good toicst styles Dress Goods, Silks, Silk Ieaces, Parasolettes, Lawns, Prints, 4c. the. GROCERIES AND QUEENSYYARE, a good variety. Our stock was purchased1 on reasonable terms, and is offered to old Iriend. and new at the cheapest living rates. The trading rmtn'ic are invited to call at the old Cheitp Store, south aide of Market Si. between 3d and 4ih Sis. 0, B. LOVES. Lewisburg, June 20, 1850. A! LOT of Fine Wool for sale by ime . I. HAlEel sk.CO.' gU '; ft 1 ij Latest Arriv.il I JII 4YC9 St CO. tak pleeawre ia annoor . emg to ihe public lhal we are now receiving rum the city one of the laigesi, cheapest and beat selected stock of floods ever ouVred lo the public. No labor haa been spared lo render their stock' complete, and lo obtain articles of good qu ility, so Ibal it can be relied upon th.it whatever they shall offer fur sa'e will he just what it is represented. They have an eicelleut assortment of 3 Dry goods, composing nearly every article usually enumera ted under this head, among which aie Broad cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Xatinetls Tweed', Caehmareltr, Draperies. Codringtons, Plaid Linens, Tickings. Drillings, Bagging, Cot Ion snd Hemp Carpel l.'hain. Plata and Fancy .ooi, selected wilh particular rcfeience to the laste anil convenience of Ihe Ladiea such aa I hangeaMe, Plaid, 'Irenadine, and Foulard Milks, Figd snd Plain L imartine Deelaines, t 'iape hnisbe.), Fizd aud Plain Linen Lusties, Boreze Dialaines, prin ted French Lanrns. i!k lllu.ions, Tink, Buff. Blue, snd I'rimou Tarlitons, Plain snd Figd Blue and Pink (doited) Swiss. Linen, Cambric, and Lawn Ildkfs, tilovea and Hoaiery.jpMa Bonnet, Fana, Parasols, Parasnlellea, atsoeoj Fine Moleskin, Leghorn. Chin Pearl and Palm l.eaf HATS, at lower prices than ever offered to this community. GvQttvitss a choice teLetivn. , Glass, Queens, Stone, and Crockery ware. To those who wish to procure anything in Ihi. line either lor utility or oraament.lneir aeeoruneni particularly recommends ilaell. Hardware ' cutlery, Grass and Corn Scythes, A tea. fhovela, Spadea, Straw Knives. Manure and Hay Forka (of supe rior quality.) Door Irimmings.Olasa.Pulty, Nails, Iron, Steel, dee. CARTETS BASKETS. Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work Baskets, also Market, Clothes snd Corn Baskets, Cedar tears. Rakes, 4'C- 4c In conclusion, ihey would say thai their goods have been bought at very low prices, and will be disposed of on Ihe most reasonable terms for Cash or countty Produce and lo saiisly the public (aa lo piices) just call st the Cheap Store of J. HAYES aV CO. Lewisburg. May 2. 1850 1 Alinn SAVIi'.n aietWashln JU aTS. JLs V." Bam V lte'i .Made Easy. F OR 8 ALE a aupeiior Washing M inure, which removes all dirt and stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the texture of tbe cksih. Persona wishing lo avail themselves of this valuable miiinie, with full directions foi its use, bad belter call at Ibe new Drug and Chemical Store kept bv, De THORNTON & B A KEK, Lewisburg Latest News from California ! CORE lAvlKjl COLD I s9KI " aV LL the world and the rest of mankind" are respectfully informed tbat e base opened an unusually choice asaortment of SPRING AND SUMMEIl comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRESS ROODS of the neweal styles Calicoee.DeUiua, Ginghama, Bsragee, Silks, Parasols, and Fancy Goods, and for Gentlemen's wear a large stock of Clot tit, CawalmtrTta, Summer StuH's,Veslinus.Siimm,-r I1aU,&c. Salt, Fish, Nail. Queensware, Hardware. G roceries, etc. etc. AH of which we offer for sate at our proverbially low pricea, for CASH or PRODUCE REBER & IDDINGS. lewisburg, April 23. 18SU tlo! all yon younjr aim whose fine frames arr eaiianliaic And who lei. tn uapport you, a gtmj umirrrtitmitng W hrn you Uiiuk how in timrpvkw.WK.e-mir. have hit you. Just nine a. tr.ta Lvxsui's for lk.ts that will fit joe. Do you want sntre arw Rooks O, so cheap an4 sn pecttyT Smne frrave and w me cay, an J some queer an.1 mmr witty? F.e a dollar r two, Hvr'va will aive yisa a trtssuer That will be all your lisV-titne a fountaia of pleasure. An4 if ynu ebanee to h. In want of Coat or Vest or Trownerimn!!, Jnet en to l.TWMi-1's, Sir you can't Hay half as rkeap at other 'conns. And now iTTnul wonts say just a word to the Ladies, For well doc he kntiw h hannrtant thrtr aid i- He has Shoe, of all kiwds Wauri rest r r-e Consarn it. Boat ! ibis 'ere Poetry Machine's j broke ! Howeotnever, the eobeUnce of all we bad ' in the hopper is this that SF. LYNDALL has the best and the a cheapest lot of BOOKS anu STATIONERY,- .' and the best aseortrntnt of BOOT'S and StiO&V, and Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, J that were ever seen in lwioburg or any olher great seaport. May 7. 1850. Dr. Rsm'i EtrdleiBet. Tfce subscriber havinf been appointed sole agent rut Dr. Rose's Medicines, for Union county, oilers ibrro to the public with (treat confidence aa to their i-flloacy and certainty of elTeciinfc cures in all cases for which they are designed. A single test only is required to establish the fact. Sept 77 S S BARTON Window SASH. A lot of 8x10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprotrt & Burrows, on hand, atHJ all sies got to order on short notice May, 1849 fOLawshei V i CJ TT not refused at the Office of X jfc3JLL the Lewisburg Kbrontcle. WOOL for sale at June ' Rebcr & Iddings'. rw"S' i -- and ; . . FRESH GOODS ' nARTOX,GLDDra .V HARSH HAVING lorint-d a CoparitH-rship in the M-rcjHi:ile buvim-ss, and enlarged the Stoiensinri Intel net upifd ly S S.Ilarion opposile KiiritN Il t-I are cow opening a well stlected and extensive atock of Mer chandize, consisting of nv (tos.y groce- ivtii vuuwa, RI.ES, IIAIlDiVAUE, CUTLJKHY. Carpenters' Tools, Queenvrare,' SALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Glassware; Window GLASS a general assortment, eoal, latrr, Dar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails, and Spikes,' Tinware, SUect Iron and Melal Pons, and a more general assortment thai is usually found in country stores which they fedge themselves to sell at ciy low prices. , Persons at a distance will find it to their adv.tntnte t buy lor Cih r e will lake in Exchmge fr Goods, Wrienl, Kye, Corn. O its, Ruckwheat, Tirriolhy and Clo ver Sttds, liuttcr, E;j!s,Talli',llard Snap, Ifat-swMX, Feothe-rs, and all kind ol" trad or muiiTry produte. ....... The pntroiiaoe of the public; is respect full v solicited, nd every ssuranre ivetT lhit noth shall be wanting to render enriie ulilantion. SAM'L 8. BARTON, HAMI EL tiEDDlip. JAMES S.MAK.b. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850- MEDICAL CARD. Respectfully announces lo his friends and the public jiener.illy, that he has removed his residence to ihe house of his fntber (formerly occuiid by Wm. Porter,) few doors norlh ol K:ine's Hotel. Office, Col. MTaddin's new brick building, next door above C. E H,we' Store. lwUburg. April 1,1850 JOHN IV MILLER TAlLOlt. respw fully inrorms, his patrons and the public !hnt his ?hp is now at ha hone the new brirk oppose Mr. James I. R's.s'. on Third St.. where he will Ui happy to wait on all who may honor bim wi'h iheir p.Vronane. Ijcuisburo, April 2, 11A0 HENRY C. HICKOK, A TTORNEY A T LA W, Lewisuarj, Union County, Penn'a. Practirea in Union and adjoining conntiea-i-als atlemla the eouna ef Perry county. OFFICE on Second Su, lately occupied by L. B. Christ, Es. IHE nndrrsioned rnntinties the LI IE'' 1ST BCSLYESS at the Old Stand, on Nurth Third Sr., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage cl his friends and tle public eenerallv. CHARLES F". HESS. Iwisb'ir", M.ty 22, 185U Spving Sc Sumincc GOODS. JUST rifeiverl, and now openintrM FOSTER'S NEW SORE, second duor east of K ine's Hotel, a new and' Splendi l Assortment of Goods, suitable for Ibis and the approaching sea son, consisting of t'sLOTIIS C ASSIJIEnS,' v"ESTICi, Ladle Dregs Goods) of everv aitle and variety new s'jle' H.irses, Lawns, Armure Delaines, Ging ham. vVc. A (re.tt variety of styles Cliints, Call cues, iki'.. A Iw-iiu'irul assortment Ladies' Pmsot M..r.e-ca and Kid SHOES and CUTERST tor L idtes and Children. Also a choice selection of GROCERIES, (Queens ware &C.&'., all of w hich are oflVred remarkhMet low for Cash or Country Produce, by the subscriber, J. FOKSTbll' Lewisburs, April 3, 1850 Fur the Ladies. r-v,l f. the breese That I make at ease "T7"!TH one of ibose nice and cheap FANS f f that can he bad at the lewisburg Drug. Fancy Goods. Notion and Yaiiety Emporium where toe largeal, finest, sfVl best asaortment of Feather. Fancy ami Paper Fana are kept. Alan latest patterns of Dnffilo, Shell, Horn, Side Bark ami other COMBS besides a great saiirty of ether nice fJhifrge. Catt and see at C. W. 8UHA7FI.E.'. I1RE9H TEAS. JTno her lot or ' superibr Black and Gre. n Tei? just rtvd from the tVrrtrrn.Tea I'om sjT- pany,' nnd !r safest ffew Vork eta if prices by J. HATES oi CO. Lewisoufg. April if. Agei.ts. BlarU afnal TfaBtexl.- A QI7A.NTITV of Bfack Wamflf. eiirler in J. loga or sswes) lo order also, Walnuf Crotches the whole to he delivered on ibe Pa. Canal, al or near Lew is I Org. For farther par Oculars, enquire of April 33 , ir. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg mi VrTrC for Justices,Ciinsia i W IVlJ i.les,&c ,m hand nt ihe Chron;cle ffa lwsAMJli 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers