C AND WEST BRANCH FARMER Delegate Meetings niid County Convent ion. The Democratic Whig Voters or Union county will assemble iu their respective election disiiicts on Satvrdav, the 3J day of August next, and elect two Delegates, for each respective District to attend a County Convention, winch will be held at New licrlin, onMond.iv, the 5h day of August next for the purpose of nominating candidates for the follow ii offices, viz : I Congressman, 1 Assemblyman, I'ro tli unitary, Prosecuting Attorney, County Surveyor. Commissioner, &c. Hy order of the Whig Standing Com'ce. VM. VAN CKZKIi, Ch'n. cw Berlin, June 27. 1850. Delegate Meeting. The Democratic citizens of Union coun ty, will meet at their resiertivc places ol holding elections, on J?attri.ay the 1 0th lay of August, at 2 o'clock. P.M., to elect two delegates, for each district, to meet in County Convention, on Monday the 12ih of August. For the purpose of nomina ting candidates for Conres Bnd Assembly. OCA general ullend.ineei requested. Ity order of the Standing Committee. June 27, 1850. J. M. BAUM, Ch'n. WIOKTAXT I" lloe hiving impurities nt the lilo.xl. B KANT'S I'l KIKVI.M. EX I K ' l', the most wonderful Purifier in the world, is now iut up in (j.A.T Hot rLt ... Jj'Sce .dverti-ementa headed "til DDISES." It is so xri.WK anil purifying, that one bottle lasts from tin to viVei days longer than Sarsa.arilla. Pr Thornton At Maker, agents, LewUbuig. 2m:i23 Public Sale. 'PHE Board orTrutces of the University I at Lewistinrg, will oiler lor sale, on Tuesday (lie mOi Ams. next, a number of handsome BUILDING LOTS pleasantly situated on the University Fane, between I he Cemetery and Lewisburg "u'so, some LOTS on the Riter Road. Snlc to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.. uhen conditions will be made known by the said TKU5TEES. L'-wisuurg, July 1G, 1850. Tit (irittryit fi-fr ''.' "f ','' Dr. Trask's MAGNETIC 0HVTME1VT IS constantly effi-cting cures of the utmost importance. The most credulous are co.v - im tu ; the most faithless, c mpelled to lelieve in the power and irioe of this great remedy .,f ,!,... nJ pain. II i.-T I l- 'h' "' ,.tB.-i.-tit lis-1.. r.-f.re nl.rol Ii.-alll. a.in I ,1... c,.illrv V.-.S. I, ..f 11- U.I.V. ,"';-- nr. .,(. ,.. 7, U...I. Il tin- ia'- ci.wr.llinir p". r ' cin.-.'i vt. r II.- nvi m.li:ii" f-Tnis of di.-;. li .mn n..t h.- ,.ltainnl from n ..lli.r r.i.il. miIi is I lie H.w.T .f Hie c.inl.inli"li. that il l n.-trl.- In i r ,il.W..fi..ir.ti.-.ti...n.ll"lin--"1"" ,",e- " 1 . ,.,.1115 .it.. '""' "" 'Z .M. r-n..M. -.a..i h.-lili ti unlM til" mi lM'sr tin' Tv tn.Mt nrtwv rttil hita riial i. im 'If- Jiil-.! 1 . . . ...t I flu- m linatiH-e any ,H.-et. u.-ll 11" ir.--iu.-.... - InflammaUon of the Bowe's. a imlW-nl .11 .lir iHi lif 'H "''f"'1."' SlinVl. ....lai...-.!. That .la.i-i.-n.us e,..l.-m..-. run-J l.v this r n"ly- ' Fl.A.VMATOItr ItUKr.VATIfM. ,,,i,Oit.o,-n. Is. I..- ort cnip!.-..- 71?.: In e-- 11 t'"'- " M ",,"r'' I r ;"r;i Z--.-t Nerrons Headache in " ...in.... .. r.r ..rv...., IH-. 11.- r. m.;lv ! ! """ rl, 4fl.tH,ii. ..f 1l- fl'in'. lih.uinBtl-m. Ij.ni.-n.-w. ' l JTSZ Tim" I, l'n,.rl,i.is. ..eris-.4Top. b. IN. .v"r S Jre, will be iuiin. liat.l.v n-he.. J ! th,' us of this r,-nie.ly. Sold by Thornton fr Hater, I.ewi.-burg. r,n326 E F Bi tteiiki tu., Travg Agt Notice. ft I T MfCAne intlclitril t(l the PtatPS of aU iwnn Hoi st l and Cant. William lion kl, late of this plane, deceased, arc reqties'ed to make immediate payment ihr. nndersicned ; and a! persons havi iu ing claims against said estates.or either of them, will present them to the subscriber for set ilemmt. without delav. 11. C. 11ICKOK, Attorney lor the Heirs. Lcwisburg, JulyI0,lM0 llUI'ERIOK Sugar Cured HAMS, just received at the tore ol the subscriber one door East of Kline's JJR(!TER Lewisburg, July 3d, 13-. takiTnotich, "PlIAT 1 have bought at Constable Sale, 1 as the property of John v ehtz., tne following articles, vii. 2 mantel clocks, I wood toe, 5 coal stoves, 1 spring waeon, I sboat, 1 horse. 1 settee, 12 chairs, 26 yards carpeting. 2 setts of bugey harness, and 7 twdsteads. And that I have left the lame with said John V era, dating my pleasure. JOHX WERTZ, J. Kcllv Tp, July 8. 18511 pd To the Voters of Union County. ir.uiAJv-w.i.w . . - - I MXLOW-CITIZENS : I will be a can- 1 dtdate for the c.flice or I'rolhonolary of this county at the ensuing election, (if :..j th Wbi.r f ,i.nventinn. and ..o.i.i.m.cu , ..... 0 epectlully solicit your support. M.1I.TAGGART. Evst Buflaloe. July 3, 1850 tnpd Rlack Walnut Wanted. VQliANTITV of Black Walnut, cither in logs or rawed to order also. Walnut Crotches the whole lo be delivered on the I'a. Canal, at or near Lewisburg. For further par ticulars, euouiie of April 33 II- lUCKOK, Lewisburg "iRESH TKAS. Ano'her lot of. lust rc,d from the Canton Tea Com t SUUCIIUI I, I o . - I ' U- . r .i ... r'.... nv ,... L A puny, and lor aie at aw i or rt-.aii . - , - - T- l. . I. tinees I by J.U.W L.C5 & Ui. Lew li ;. April C. A?etts. I vlUKD S) AvfK? !ur s.'i ! ni lit :;.-r c nr. t.r.tn"s SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, ahead or all cniKiis! The Envy of a!! Pill Manufacturers, T) EC A USE they are aafer, i(ter, ami more efficacious than any others. 500,000 Roxcs have been sold annually for the last five year. Yui'HG AXD OlII, Mill AD fKJlAl.S, ran alaya lake them with equal safety, without fear. If TilL be necesmrj for purging and cleansing the Stomach anil Bow els, and purifying the lllt'otl and fluids of the bo dy, take no others lor no oilier pills produce those combined effects, or cotitaiu tSarsapjrilla in them. Eat, Drink and .ice as usual, and pursue your usual orcualion whilst taking ihem, without ft a l of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars are wagered lhal more genuine certificates (from physicians, clergymen, .Mendiers ol Congress, on J respectable citizen..) can be produced of their efficacy tnan of any others, and TEX DOLLARS j will be forfeited in ever instance where One li.ii will not do more good than Two Boxes of any others. Forty Pi'ls in a Box ! ! j and sold at 7 ice nty-Fiee Vent a Bui, with directions and much wholesome advice accompa ny nig each box. Titty har no tuttt or vni4.atOHttw.il, Yw frit dutt or imxtrr 0 any timl, lit, tt'it yrijit the StomarA or iiowrlt. frtnlniv no FtrLmrs, romitinfl. or htrrl frrlinat, THKV A HE UOOU AT ALL TIMks, And attiijitrtt to most disflttt common tu monl'iml. No one having once taken them will he willing; alierwards to lake any others, because they al wave do good, and if they do not, then no others will. Dr. N. 6. LeHy. The Proprietor and Manufacturer, is a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Phytician, of fifteen years' rxiierienre in j'hiladeli.his : (irad. uate of the University of Pennsylvania ; Mem ber of different Medical Institutions of Philadel phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, &.C., and a-sociate and corresponding member of several MeiliCal Institutions of London and Paris, Ac. Octraoe asi. InroMTIox. Deware of all pills culled by names nearly similar, got up to be sold on (he reputation of Dr. Lei.iy's SarsaparilU Ulood I 'Ills; I lie first "arsaparilla pills ever in troduced ami the only pills containing Sarsaparil- la. J ake no oi tiers and you Will not be deceived. Others hy similar names, or nearly similar, are a gross fraud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! I "ST Principal Depot, Dr. Leidtv'a dispensary, No. 1U North FOURTH ST., Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be f. W'.SCIIAFKI.K. !-,- il,urff ; J. M. II. n fir. i. W". Ke I.t. Now Itrlin: J. M.Tvli.r. J. A J.flitxvr. MilHinl.uiv: l Oavis A S')inure. S,-liii.)frr.Tc: Youniimn A WslliT. UrT : iAL A Mv.ti.. K.-lly X ItiwN: I.. i. It.ihrrr, M'K,f Fnlls: TlK.ma.- IUi.t. Sli.imikin Ham: l(..tTt -until. lit,lli.,uri;: H. A. Sniitli. Itsvirtf,wn: 11,-nry miiii AJniii-ljurx: 11. n. Iluyr. Irm-liurs:; Wilt A Kilert, Hartlnoa: hln-kn-Ti (f.-u-h. IVntrvrill ; 11. J. Mi,nf f'T. M It.wi; W. V. I. r.-tiiit.-r. .Munry; Dr. J. M. JuJd, itIimM'rt: anl Uy I'mgioLy and tur-kwiT thm' "tlt the I IHU-.1 .t:ittf. Jv'tT WOOL. VI.OT of Fine Wool for sale by June 4 J. HAVES A CO. More Xewst Tor Ibe Sick ! ft.HTlFlC.tTkS .f.Yi TESTlMOSlALSy Sutlivtt tit t" till r jv i y r.Jtimn uf this ffiftrr -ran b prwlmrtl fttituj jfuiti thr trvmirrfnt ririms of lr.Sw:vnes irlclirateil Family -Medicines. l)v. SWAYAE'S celebrated Compound ISyrup of Tij."Hi.-o4XvW3ffi 18 That I wul.l not irive one buttle of - lr. tw.yne's ".muna Synnsif WIIH.'uetry for half . ii-u ol any other .n-ir-.t.,i-. I have tri.-l all tin- .uiar uw. t.ilt tins stands unmall.-J f"r tue cure of the following ui!w. l. IHJimr, !'., f-.,:,.-..l.. -f Ml- Wpfcll. of U lliarl. irvjy 1""SI; Tkklig -r Kitxttg t tf ntni in II" fUmiL. HrtmcltiUt. Aillii. or ll,(.l.M of Ui' .V.rr.M ffttrm, or im-i.ain-rt roBstiiutinn from ny cause, a.l to prevent .rsons from fnllinsiuloar(ii'.tliii me dicine has not its sU.I, an.l sli. n t.N. mu. h C.lonn-I or oinii has Vra used, Uli. mMicine will fn-v.nt its e.il Wfc-etsoo the rvsu-m anU r, air the biliary tuncUossb JihMMIKMiLE 11KB OF CVSSCMFTtOS. Abraham Hunaicker, 2 miles from Bhippack ille, I'a., conliacted a severe cold, .1.1 n..n his I.uucs. attended ' thich set with violent coughing.greai difficulty of breathing, an abscess ,.,..1 i.. his lunn. and made its way through Ihe side, and discharged large qualltttiea or pus externally. This mournful state of lb ngs con tinued for a long lime, until making use ol ur. Sway nc's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, which peifoimed a perfect cure. Have you the Asthma, Liver Complaint, or Bronchitis ! If o give this medicine I trial. It seldom fails to cure. ERV IMI UKTA i .;ai; Jiv.v. Be verv careful to enquire for ...Btv-v i!fMPOi;ND SYHUP DR. OF on.-i ii.u w . . , , . j WILD CHEHKY, as some unprincipled indi viduals have stolen the nime of Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from that alrea dv established. Remember, the genuine la pu in square bottles, covered with a lieauUful wrap per, (steel engraving,) with the porMiitof UK. Liu vhp ihr.n. also his aienature oln- ers are positivelv fietieiuutand enunlerfeit." saynt H Celebrated Vermifuge. -A sale and effectual remedy for Worms, Die pepsia. Cholera Morbus, sickly or Dispeptic Children, or Adulta, and the most use ful Family Medicine ever offered to the public" Extract of a Letter to Dr. Swayne. listed. Andersontown, Indiana. k mnn nurchased a bottle of your Vermifufe i the other day for bia child, and by iu uaa duv charged anty inree oi iue i.g- ever aeen ii.a amssDai ouncaii w k people tiy il, a they bava Deeo so oneu gui.o -.nasvtiia and arnrmiirn kui n htcuivim- nleabtant to the UsW, at the X UUIB anaaB J I - ..me time effectual. I ahall be able to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully, youra. Tswtimtii T. r5me. P. M, BEWARE Or MISTAKES! Remember, 1 n, Vrmitime is now out UP in equare bottles, (having recently been changed,) covered I with a beautiful steel engraving wrapper, with i the portrait of Dr. Swayoe thereon. Bear thia ' : in.t ml be not deceived. ik.l I ha naire alien correciij CLEANSE AND PI'RIFV. ; gwYNE'8 SUGAR COATED 8AR- .. '. tjii i". FVTHACT OF TAR PILLS. ,-An.a.r.. ------- .:.., rir,er mild ana enecu'e b-""-. -r " r , v of ihe blood, Ihe, correct .11 the function.. the Livernd ...n .Iterative in DropsH affections. I ,he, are very valuable. 0& dimness ol sight depreasioa ui .p...-. &c,.re cured t y these purifying rill. medicine ean have a better effect for monthly K- reeularilies, which occasionally Happen w ww ! men, they are perfectly safe, and will in eonjunc j tinn with Dr. Sweyne's Compound Syrup or Wild Chery, take all pain from every part of ihe system. , The above valuable medicine, are prepared on I ! bv D. 8 WAYNE, N. W. corner of Eighth i and Race streets, Philadelphia I'V.; i :Vi!i.n.N L.rUoSB.M. a-l-.lHlkr.i.u.v '-.t l...av.T....n lU.f iwrer,entrrv l;. c. w. Frit r. w k. wt.-rA i: w M . l-nv.s s '-rt .r. . : 'i -iKimaei v ".'i.;; !::! ! K -t'-i. .. r t r.n.i-.-i.-r.. S!.J iiv ?i uisrrov It , r Inland 'Vl.l F-iert. llP.t'-'l' J :i.K;;..'-, '. . in ketpvM lt ' ''' f'.''''1"' i Lame Sales & Low Prices 1 A J Vl fj&ir aAAA jj.ti.., ii 1'' "iniL. THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE and Ji!litg nj) njnin In utijiill with a stock of foods i.AUGI'.lt.nKTTKIt and CIIEAPKH that, . vur! E have ju-i reccivfd anJ arc now opening a Ijth iid i.ilt:iiiiiiJ asduitiurnt ul embracing everything a!aplcd to the varied w .inl and tastes of the community, and at prices that can not fall to give universal satisl.iction. The LADIES are assured that we have a belter assortment of Dt'CKS (aiOtl4 than has ever been presented in this market. We have ever quality and description of Gentlemen'' s and A'viat' Dress Gouth, ' Cassiineres, Vesting, Summer tltilT. Fancy Cravats. Ac. A splendid lot of II A I S, OAP.s and BO.N'NEI S, of ihe latrst styles )Ml)Oti-. Flowers, 8ilfcs, Calicoes, Liwns, li nihaiiis, &c. 1 1 a rd wa re Quit ns wn re (i las ware, GROCERIES of all kinds also a latge stock of Plastcr.Salt.aiiil Fish, at very low prices for CASH or COl'N'i'KY PIvOLl CE of all kinds at Market prices. J. cV, .I.WALLS. Lewisburg, April ill, IS.'ii UNIVlillSITY sit Ia'w isburir. c '1IRi;!'LAR fur ihe Academical Year com mencing Oct. II, 1S1U. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Depainncut. Exercised in Spelling, li'eailing. Definition, English (.'r.initnar, Aritliinelie, (ieugraphy, I i a -lory U.S.A., I'enmanohip and Compositiuii. English Department of the Academy. The same studies as in the 1'iimary Departm't continued in the use of larger ten books ; and to these are added (Jeneral IIUtory,A!gcbta, l.egen dre, and Elements of Surveying. Classical Department of the Academy. TV-nn Jttninr Arutltmic rlttrtti. 1. KnIili Cniniliiar. I.r.tin liramutar. Aritliin.-ti.(t' .liTiMollK.i to-,H4ra.liy. II. Tin nm.- !uli's a- in I. T'-rm. in.-l r-n!iiHi.-tii. lit. F.l.i;lth l.n.tiiit.nr. IV:ir. Arilliin.-li- rol.tiil.-l.-il i Kl division. i;r-.-k i:r:uiun:.r, l!i.-lor(v I -S.t., I'm-nian.-lii.. lV.'k-K.-.-1'in. Seninr Acatlt ttttc clays. I. CVi.r. lin-ek Keatl.-r. Alifi-Lni lei.n-iit.... II. .t;n-..i. io .1., III. ,1.. l .In ,-oni.1.-i4-.l. io He rat Itiftory, Kiili.-h l-iii'ii:i,. nii.l I ''ttifo-iti.-n. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. frtalttuftii class. 1. Knirli-li l.angiia.' an.i t'oiui o.-itioii. Al. l.ra. I.iv. . AIIHI41J.IS. It. I'lalt.-li.-ointrv. I.ivv. t li:ili:..-i.. lit. I'laii.-. Soli.J aiiu i-h.-rieal i;-..iiii-tr coml'fet.-d. I.i v, AiiMl.iiii. Sitplitni.ire rlnss. 1. Ilorai-... (Ktyss,.y. I'tititc hii.1 Spherical Ti i-riiiu.-tr-. II. .1" .1" l.-ii.ir:ilioii.Siirv.-viii'Z.N:iii:ilion. III. "to eoni.t.-l.-.. S I.-.-T llrmiolis of lKlu.n.ltien.- Kllt'lonr. Analitir:.! loom.-lrv. Junior class. I. IK-mcwilM"!" ,.n tli." 1'rown. ('iii-rt. oV fifflriii.. le-rlialii.-s- lly.lnMt:.ti,-s. nil.) ll.lrnuli.-i,. II. t,iuostln-ns (n It... I'loni.. I't.t ro .1.-. ifTi.-ii-. com-I'l.-t.l. I'll.-Uln:tt:.s. A.-oll-lir.. I:lti tri. il . l;i;;li. tiMn. and i i.ii-. 111. (ireek Trairty. T;i.-ilu-. A.tn.nonii . II ir."..k. I'oliliial 'S."miy.'M..ral l.l.ilw.pl.y. 111! Mutter- Analoiry. f..ut.lth. . l 8", -hemiftry, I.-turei. IJi'in-ral K,-ie. No class in the H. gular Cuise lias less than three daily recitations, hvery i-aluruay iiire.i...... devoted eiclusively to v ocai ..usic, o..,...u...u, and reading select an.l oricinal Companions. The students are required to attend, regulaily. some reliSi..us meeting Minors are expected to attend such meeting a-, are reemmended lo lliem by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no less than six places 01 pumic o..T, of as many different Christian denominations. TrM Hook. AW., I," i'.'"-"""'--T"- B-Je- Tl'' Kh.-tori.al K.-..I.T. Wor.vsl.-r. w U.lt.rs In. 11. nr. Bullion's KiiBlMi tirannnar. Irker s l;r.n-i.- Kx.-r, i in KiiKli-h l-..uiili.m, l'ark. r AuK IJ.nr I-.-, tun's University Kditiou.) o.,i..r Lotin Uinynn,ir.w Ley-retf" l--xi".n. Bnlla.n sfr. . liniita and .i . ...... 1 . I.ivy. Allllioll lloraii-, 1 linrlier 111.1 1't'S Tlinrticr's I'm-ro a offi.-iis. Tilers Taeilus' .iermaina et ACTie-la. rvrt Law" Itulli'" sliramuiar. Lulliou s Leader, li.klell rit's Leiro. le.r XnMi AnaK-i-is. wen II.wtV Mss.y,t liaui.liu lx-ni.jrtli.-ni-". risk ,.l,e.,f..-.-Iavie.- Arithuietu- for A.1..1. mi. . hi. ni enurv Alcehra. ll..ur.l..n. lren.ln-. Mirv.-yini and Nvi- SAnTvtiel.ie.....etrv...l...st.-d-s Natural -i.l..,d. stem'lyl-d.l 1.1IHSI.-.1 s .-, Ib'Hmber or mimic aw. The number of students during ihe past year in Ibe various Departments, was I lie number that have entered the classes in the Ke gular Course for the current year (exclusive of those in the tmgllsB anu i in.... ia as follows : ColXfiE. junior class - - Sophomore class Vresbnian el! - - AfiDiaiT. Senior .-lass - - ! Junior elas - 1 "-..Tf 4 Teacher. BTFPIIKN W- TAYLOII, A. 1, I'rof. of Mathematii .ml N.tnral rhikpIV-. ., . ... ., til-XKliK UH.a.'i r - MKTANDKRWN.A.M,l-rf...fUliuU..iruai.'. and l.iteratnre. ,..:,...i ,.r ,i tntrmr. ISAAC N. - "i - ; . AI.KRKD TAVUtlt, A. M., Tutor in tlie Knitlisb Ijti- ftiufte Mid Kloeutioll. Building, Library and apparatus. The Academic edifice now occupied by the member of Ihe University, has been erec ed. at a evnense of $H.wm. n.l it is ..Upt.nl to arc.mm.l:.te laO stadents. AwhTnliliee has ttnnt r,mno.-nr.sl.whi. h 1. bi be Boished within the course of thr .r-nt A.l,-unc ""' -nd to contain stu.lv r...ins ant dnrmitori, for the jmnwdatiou of 70 students in Hm- (V.ll. ale dpartra t. The Library contains a number of select wlium-, and sumdv thTlnimate d. mand. The Apparalu. for the illulnration of Mrelmnicl l'liilosopliy, if now complete. Tuition and Board. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30, Academic $20, Primary 1 2- per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from $1,50 to $2,50 per week. Sessions and Vacations. Two Sessions in ihe year the former com mence on the 2nd Thuisday in October, and continue 27 weeka ; the latter commence on the 16ih May, and continue. 15 weeks. Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. .. . . lA.lt.f.U It. ....I . By oruer ami in oeoan ... . THOMAS WATTSON. Pres't. UEORtJK F. MILLER. Sec'y. LewUburg, Union Co. Pa. April 18, 1850 Dr. John Locke, SUHGEOX HEX TfS T, - "AY be found at his Otfice and residence I I first door east of Kiine'a Hou l the two fallowing the fust Monday of each month. . , he :s prepared to execute all operations in hi line of business in manner cteditahle lo himaelf and aati-sfactory w mose wuo ...ay .a.. . . -.1. nirtniiffe. . - . . L L C - I)"l epends the thirJ week of each month I ln rX Tooth Paste, put ,p :n uufnl v.llin .,,,xcs. an eellenl urtiete lor krepma p ' " , . M ,wc.. fcr .ale t a .h.. teeth clean anu Drea:n . cts per box, ty sous i.ortfr r n ENGINES FOR S.1LK. I N,: "f 10 horse pi.wer, with one fl j V boiler e;,ii Id; nxn in ojieration. O. 1 5 hre imn r.witli two cylinder b:ilei IJolh made of thu ho.t materials und ar- r.iiiitd jierleel. Eii'jiiire of J. SMEDLEV, IVI ic.liinist, Columbia, Pa. t.i I'mlujitf ,.f Hi,- M:v-r..'ly of IVimsj lvania,) . Iliyslt'i:iii & Siirgroti. KjOili're, nppni:(! .1 Dki kako's Hotel: taint vg. Union county, Pa. J.ine 12, l-ol). amjid 'PJin .sn!str ril-'-r li ivin.5 l.-ttscil tho llnck 1. title Sntr-.Mill f.ir.'ifrly known ns Ibiulilv's in Siijinr V'itllfy, Clinton iruunty. P.i., nn;l boijolit all the stock mid fixtures uL'kitigiug to the satnn, r-j-.v olii-rs 100,000 ft of Lumber at s.i id Msi!. Onl.-rs i!l lie received fir utiy kind ol Lumber, liv t lie uiiilers'onrd it Ia' islitir.'. or li Ins Ao.-nt. S.CShf.l m:i:, tit sa;J Mill, in Sujar Val'ev. II. I'. SMKLI.F.It. L'jh ishurg, June 5: ISDO fl SAM'L AXDEUSOX, Fashionible Tailor, In Ihe new li.-ick builJing on Market street, one door above C. E. Ilnnes' ttnre. Crrn.Nf! and makim; dune to order. I.ewis'nurg, Mny 29, lS'iO. Tu i;ia Ksmitlis. LV TIMIXOIVS t'OAf,. from the West Ilrnnch ;iml from II jl'idd vsbur", for sile nt the Shop r.f ihe subscriber, near the I l.i scales on Third St. ALKX'U A.MMOXS. Lewi.-lmro, M iy 7, 1831) A UKAITIFF! ernbtissed Ti assoiimect of Scatlet Cloth de Covers, f r sale by -I. HAYES ei CO. lav U9 OHHM I''1"- "f Country cuej BACON" .vvi lor sale by ay 2 'J J. HAVES & CO. I t N" extensive i WAKE f. assortment U .llimore STON'E or sale bv May J. HAVES 4. CO. Dr. ITO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in llriiiS Medicines, Chemical, I'aints, Oils, Vnrnishi's, Window (Slass, tJ,sh toots.C'assware.Putty, J)ve-sttiirs. !!tushc5 of every variety, Perfumery, - onfecliniiery, Fruits, Fancy (jooJs, Ac ccc. Urn h.,ralvellie :-TiMt Manrm.lli .turi.r.l..V J.Waus. Makkkt ?t. Ltwssnrtti:. All Drit" anil MciUcincs warranted Fresh und (.inutile. rilll E subscribers leturu llu ir sincere thanks to I those who have so bberally pationi.eJ them ilu.ing the past year; and we would invite you one and all, to c.ll and examine our stock and prices licfore purchasing elsewhere, as we fuel oi.fidtnt that wc sell as cheap, if nut 25 per ct. cheaper, lhan others of the trade. Try us, and see tor yourselves. K. B. Medical advice wiil be given free of charge by Ur. Thornton, at the Store ol Thorn ton S; Baker. T A II TIH iliN" rON.M.O. I IQSIAH BKER A FHESH supplv of Old Doctor and . P. Townsend s S AKSAI'AKIL.1. v ieccieu and Ur W hole ale or li. iau ny l)r. Thornton & Baker, Agents. I LIST received and for sale, Pine Oil and I liiiinin Fluid, warrant, u pure anu oi me first quality, by Dr. Thornton or. liaker. w HI I'E Lead, and Linseed Oil, for sale by Dr. Thornton ct ISaker. Dentistry WBI. C. srniWJWiA, txrjws I- ate 0f rhilailelphia. is now located on j Market street, Lewi-burg, oppofle Mr. J Schreyer . store, where he attends lo operations on the leeth at a retf i:tion m nis rormer pu. Teeth and roots of teeth removed with the aid ol improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivots or plates alien ded to according to the latest improvements in the profeasion Ulcerated, spun(jy,and inflamed gums cured. Thanktul for past tavois, he solicits a continuance of public patronage No impu.e materials used for fillings in '-elh. ly2S8 BULL'3 HEAD HOTEL, Mifllmburg, Union county, I'enn'a. 1 -RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of V Union county, and the public in general, that he has leased the above stand, for many , ,,i, d bv his Father, and is now pre ' . ' i .. .f.; t- tl. vliiie pared to accomiiio..a.o o, - coinmunitv in a manner acceptable to all. The HOUSE ia large and roomy, well arran ged in all its department, and every care will be taken to render his guests comfortable and happy. Hi TABLE will always be furnished with ihe choicest dclicacie of ihe sea-on,and ihe best the be attended by careful persons, and none but the verv best of linuois ill be kept. His ST ABLES third. I ne u.i win at an innea are ample and convenient, and Ihe 03lLbK!S punctual and attentive. In thort, he pledges himself to endeavor to Hive sltie! a lit-. M gen. eral sat-slactn.n to all. anil nnnes ny a" :i ::i ti '."iniess To merit or.d rt..eie tut tha.e ; 'n.ne !:'.'.t-.t-...i -.. .'-tu" "' 1" rsr re.: 1 .It'll for :l' l1. .eli.l at. ! Laid 111'. j-i ft Hoke'. STEAM (i rr r.sstnis tj t. x. wtetii.) L E W I S Jt U 11 (f Wlirdcsale ij- Retail rilrirj subscrilier, thankful fur past liberal pal I ronai;c, would inloim his frien'ls and public euerallv that he has just ree'd and is Constantly recei.ing fresh supplies of puie Medicines, Drus, CLemicals, I0x'racl!, llerhi, Koots, Minerals, Tiac- lures, Oils, Lssences, Snirtt9, Gums, J I rhi.-,ters, and o'.hcr goods in his line of business, which he oilers with the full assu'ance of their being gen uine, mid cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Physicians and others in the trade are particularly intitcd to call and examine for themselves. Also constantly on hand a large stock of Window (ills-. White I.eaJ, f .'hroine and other I'aint,l)rug-Ei.-ts' and Physicians' (rlassware. Mortars,Siachuals,(-ruci.lfS.Tru-e, Cnpal,Japan and Spirit Vamihe.,Klax- . seed, Sperm, Whale, Lard, Kish .E herial, Ko.-gine, Caniphene, and Pine Oils Dye- woods ground and chipped, Castile, H.ir, Kosin ' and oilier Soaps. Gold Silver and Metal Leafs, , Kosin, Pitch. Tar, Tobacco, Negars, C'omlia, j Uiushcs Walking and Fishing Canes, j Jewelry, K.,2i,ra, Knives. Fruits, ) t.-onfectiunerv. etc. Ac. Ac. CM. Stilt VVIA1. May, IS.ill. Druggist anil Chemist. A of ice. I ounscRinF.us O Lewisburo" 8 ! to the " Lniversily nt , are respectfully requested ! to p iv their Second Instalment, now due to .he Treasurer. And those who h.ive not paid the Is: ini,,l't are re.peetrully notified ll .,!. .I..II . .:.i 1 . -u. . . Interest on their InaUinienls from Ihe time , w. iS n... uc Lll.i.uu s;i, they become due. SAM L T. WALKER, Tuns. Lcwishurg, Feb. 25, 1850. To Justices of Uic Peace. 11NN.V JUSTICE, new edition, can be had ) at Lyndail's Bookstore, in this place. Lewisburg, April 10, 1850. CHERRY PECTORAL: Fr Ihe Care mt COUGHS, C0Z.SS, BOABSENESS, BBOIT CHITIS, CROUP. ASTTT. s ,.f il.ls nrenaration its salutary effect i- T.t.-ov ,t rlive .ml cure affections of the Lungs, 1 have gained lor it a c. icorny e.uaieu uT .... medirine. We olTer it lo Ihe atilicled with entire confidence in its virtues, and the ful belief that j it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of j diseases upon the throat and lungs. As these ; result, become public, ibey naturally allracl the .Uention of medical men and philanthropist. , everywhere. U hat is Iheir opinion 01 tuerry Pen'ral. may be seen below. , VALENTINE .MOTT. M D, Prof. Surgery j Medical College. New York, savs : j II L.iTi-. me mat ol.-asure bi n-rtifv tin-value .n.1 efll- rarvofAvcrsUi-rrv ltor..!.. 1... li I coi.si.l.-r -uliarl j .a..- i i.. ...s.. .lis..'ns.s ol lliu Tliroat n.id Luuas. . The lit Rev Lord Un-uop f lr.l.IJ wrurs in a ( letter to his friend, who was fat sinking under an affection of the Lung-s ! Try lit- L-iT-r lcio,.l. m.I If any n..-.lt-ine ran give I'.'- - - I 9 you relief. Willi lue MeSMIl ol ...m llial will. Cnief Justice EUS I'ICE. of Lnuiiana.writer: That vnuiiir .lamrhter . f Ms was cured of wv. ral seven-attiu-ks ..I flint 1 by the llierry Peeii-ral. ASTHMA and BRONCHI 1 IS I tie lana- dian Journal of Medical Science states. That stlnu.i and llmnehitis. so prevalent In tins in.-l.-iii-nt climate, have viel.li d with surpri-inir mpi.titv to vcr' I'herry IVetoral. ae l we ran not i.a. atronily n-.-oi'nuii-ii.l Uiis skilful preparation to the PrubsMOU and pul.lic g-iu-rally. Let the relieved sulferer speak for himself: II .KtroRi.. Jan. 2. 1S4T. Pr -I f ver Hear Sir: Having l-n ra-scu.-d from a naiiifut and .tan.r.Tous disease, eratiliide prannpti. me In iu isl vaiu this ackua.wlediniiriit. not only m Ju-taav to you but for the information 01" others in like atllietion. sli-lit ea.1.1 iisn the hint's. n.-irl.lasl at lirst. K-came , that -pittin - of l.l.ssl. a vi.de.it ea.unh, and pr..- f ie nit-ht sweats f..ll...sl and fast. na-,1 on me. I heeaine ema.-Uit.sl. .s.uld not sl.s p. was distressed hy my (.nigh, tii.l a pain thra.iich nt rha-st. and in short had all the al-irmiiii: sMiiptoms of ipiirk o.nsuniptiain. Nai m.-dii ine -a.m.-d at all lo n-ila i. nij riw. ....... . s tried your liu rry IVi torial, bieh soon relie.ed and now ! has cured me. ..,V,CT I Vour- with respect. fc. A. STfcV, ALT. From a letter dated Auiixv. N. V.. April IT. IMS. Pr ay.T. Iw.-ll Hear Sir: I was affli. led hy Aslhnia in the worl form, so lhal I have b-en ol.lii.sl to sl.s-, in mv eliair for a larger pan oi ne n.ne. .......... ... hn-alh.. on my I-!. 1 h-i'l tried a en-nt many me-iinnes to no i.uris.s.-'. until mv physia ian pmrrilaal. as an y.ye riracnl. .ourliierrv l-n-toral. At first it sn-nnal ta. n.ake nu- wnrsv. but in h--s than a week I Is-san to experv-nep llie ui.t trratif.iaR c-ti.-t from it ns.-: ami now. m four we, ks the dii-we is entirely reiiia.va-at. 1 ran slwu oil mv l-"t with o.tnf.rt. and enjoy a slat of health whia-h 1 iiad never rll ,l to enjoy. IKO. t?. FAltitANT. V rjmrctt lni.l.C.A yer,Cliemit:t.,Loicell,lTs. For sale bv C W St'HAFFLE. Lewisburg ; J 11 Caslow. Milton ; I-aac Cieilurt, Selinsgrove, and by Druggists gene'ally r. A m IS now receiving a large and a choice stock ol SUMMER GOODS embracing Ow I.OOl la'cst stvlfs Dress Goods, Silk-s, Silk Laces, rarawieiies, Lawn, Prints, &c. &c. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, a gotiil variety. ! Our t.lock was pttrctiaseu on renmnmuic 1 t(.rinSl and is ollered to old friend an . cheapest living rates. The t ana new at the cheapest living rates, ihe trailing public are invited to call nt tne ow vneap Sinn, south side of Market St. between 3d and 4-h S :s. C. E. BCWES. Lewisburg, June 2C, i.''1-'- ,:.-,( .ii.'a- I , t-.i iii-i i lt 1 v. J i.ifiiclo Ciil c,.-r STi utt'J '" i"-r--- I I Latest Arrival ! T If I VC & CO. take pleasure in ennnun- 9f . ei eing to the public that we are now recri'inc In in the city one of the largest cheat.! and lel selected sI.hIi of tjotidj ever oltered to the italic. it. k... i... .i i... .u.:' ..- ,,9 ml-t.i ,iJini iu lenuc, turn silica ,, , . , , . - , f L e..n.plHe,,ndtoobiainafticfM 0fg,Hd... .lity.so e!l. selected nod .-xlive atock or Met that it can be relied upon that wha'eter llief shall chandize, consisting of oner l..r sale will be just what it 1 represented' They have .n celle..,so,ime. Dry oods, compiisjng nearly every article usually enumera- ted under thia head, limong which are Broad-! uu...., . 1.1a anu rancy Uassimere. Satinetl. Tweed, Cashmir, ties, l)raiette. I -odiingtoiis, Plaid Linens, Tieiog, Drillings, Uagiing, Col ton and Hemp Carpel Chain. Main and Fancy (.oofN, "elecleil wnh particular refeience l the laste and convenience of the l.aili.-s such an t htngraM , I I'laid. (renadine. and Foulard Silk, Kigd and j Plain I. iniartuie Dc-laines, Crape fnuslied, Figil ! and Plain Liiien liUotrcs, It.irne Deslaines, prin ted French Lawns, Sillt Illusion, Pink. Bun", lllue, and Crimson Tarlct.ins, Plain and Figd Blue and Pink (doited) S is. Linen, Cambric. and Lawn Ildkfs, Cloves and Hiwiery.V It.innets, Fans, Para-u.ls, Parasoletles, afso Fine Moleskin. Leghorn, China Pearl ami i'altii Leif HATS, at loarer prices lilan ever offered lo this eommnnlty. n eh-jice helietiiin. Glass, Queens, Stone, ant Crockery ware. To those who wish lo procure anything in thi line either for utility or orniment.their assort menl particularly recommends itself, I lard ware cutlery, Grass and Corn Scythes, Axes. Shovela.Sp.ides, "traw Knives, Manure and llav Forks (of supe- ,,0, 1ua,"y ) "oor inuiiuiugs.tjlaiis.rutiy.ails j Iron' crpr nA SA-rrs L. t fvi.x i 1 ll,mr nJ ( pets. Oil Cloth, W indow Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work Baskets, also Market, Clothe and C rn Baskets, Cetlaricure, Rukis, fyc. 4"C In conclusion, they would say lhal iheir goods have been bought at very low prices, and will be disposed of on the most reasonali'e terms for Cash or Country Produce and M sa'isly the public (as to piices) jusl call at the Cheap Store of J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg. May 2, 1850 LABOR SAVED, F OR SALE a superior Washing Mixture, which removes all dirt and stains of Various kinds in few minutes, without injuring the texture of the cl -lb. Persons wishing to avail themselves ol this valuable mixture, with full I directions for its use, had belter call at the new Urug and Chemical Store kept bv 1 THORNTON' & BAKER, Lewisburg Latest News from California ! 01 mantund" " arrKspIiy informed thai we have onened an rjnusuaiiy choic ePIJIVfi U nL.H.UCIV bFK W X?-fllaf HjW MtWnW f ) :,.. I AD1ES' DRESS comprising a splendid GOODS of the newes 'J' ' t.ii.g.i.u.s. - . , Hoods, and for Genllemen . wear a large .loci , Cloths. CaMlner, j Summer Stut!, Veslin-s.Su.nn.er Hats.&C St.,U Vih mls .Oil kJUll, a.s..., , , , , 1T.inlu-nn I. rnfpriPS. I I IHPI'IIMldlC-. IIS1U1TU11. v-. I!.-. ' .11 etc. etc. 11 of which we offer for sale at our proverbially low prices, for CASlt or PRODUCE. REBER & IDDINGS. Lewisburg, April 22. 1S50 II..! all von vminc m- whose ne frames are expanatin; " n' " " I - - - - fc. v.:, ,. . , . ... von. a on., wr. Who T tilrrtt-iHtlinfl W hen vou think how in lime pa"' " y - Just cuneWSTtVL bv.-l.lia. s K.r iss'U- .... p., roo want some ne- tlooks-O. sorh.P and so pn ttv! .n. erave ami some irav.ail saane U.s-r and some witty . For . .I..ltr..r two. .-n:vi will -ive .... a Irea-un-That w ill I all your lifetime . fountain of ul.-a.-urv. , An.1 if yon cbaniv to he in want I .M't'oat or Vest or Trowserl..e". Jii-t trr. to l.tr.L!.-s. for you emu t . liny half as i-urap of other i...is. n-l m.w lnti.ua would say just a wor.1 to Ihe U lh s. K ,r well does he kna.w hw miporu.lit tlieir aid is He has Shoes of all kinds Whurr-r-r-r-r-r-r-r Consam il. Boss '. ibis 'ere P.wtry Machine's broke ! Ilowaomever. Ihe substance of all we had in Ihe hopper is this that M F. LYNDALL has the best anJ the N. Mionnpst lot of ROOKS ami STATIONERY and the laroest and the best astortment' of HOOTS and SllOf.S) and . i ,1 Cllnnarc .fifties UU1IC1S BUU ' '"'"I that were ever seen in Lewishur.; or any other great seaport. M.iy 7. 1850. Dr. Rose's medicines. The subscriber having been appointed sole agent for Dr. Rose's Medicines, for I'olnn ennnir. oflers thf m to the pubif -.th rreMt confidence us li their i di acy and certainty of effecting cures in all cases for which Ihey are designed. A snj?!e test . . . . ni.t;sa. i bo furl. only is requirea tu mau"""(1tT. g S BARTON Sept 27 Windoxc SASH. A lot of 810 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory or Sprout & Burrow,, on hand, and all sizes got to order on short notice. Mat, f G Lawshe KVS ri'it ro; t!io !.: .! at the 0:Ti-e U-.ir Khr.'ni"!c TQOL. f..r Ji.tie T. III v3iar:vvy and' . FItESII- GOODS r ' niuTo;cEM'oEsiLnAum f TA VING formed a C''p.';n' ilip i 'lie. ' I I McrcaiiL'lt; business, and enlarged llie X .prcani,;.ls hi SrorenxiiH lately occupied by tj.S.HartOU I',;. t u ,. .. ' opposite Kiine'a Hotel are no opening . tL V O Brtn j iJX) VD00U5, RES E- haiTuwahe, c utlerv, Car peillers' Tools QireensWarC," 1 . , ' , 1 ,'. o m l. i , r ion, Furniture Mourtlihfj, Glassware, Window JLASS-"-a geuerul ussorlmeul, Coal, iJlnjstcr, Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails,' and Spikes, Tinware, .sheet Iron anA Metal 1 uns, anJ a more general assortment ll.an is usually lnund in country stores hichf they pledge themselves to sell at eiy low prices. I'erMins) nt a disiaace wi!I find it to their. advantage to buy fur Cor-h or we will ake in E.l -hTn fur Giwwls, W hent, Kyc, Corn, Oft, flu':k wheat, Timnthv nnd Clo ver Set tis, IJurter, Kj!gs,Tull. w,' lard Soap, Ueeswa.x, leathers,-and all kind of trade or c""n'ry j.rc'uce. 'I he ptil.onae of the. nnUi? il rejprpf. hilly s'lltc.te.l, and every asiu'once jjivrn that iiot.hin shall be wanfi.i lo render eiitiie satisl'.clion. sAM'L S. BARTO.V, SAMI EI. CEULiKS ' JAM S. MARSH. L-'wisbur, April l, 'io5b. Ucmouals. MEDICAL CARD. Respectfully announces to friends amf the public u iier.'ii!, that he has removed his; resi friice to the linu.-e nf his father, (formerly occupied by Wm. Por'er,) a few doors north id K ine's Hotel, (ttlicf, Ctd. ' rFad liirs new brick above C K. Howes' i?tore. Lewihtirg, April 1,1850 JOHN 15 MILLER, TAlLOii, respectfully informs his patrons' and the public that his Shop is now at his' hoiKP ihe new brick opposite Mr. James P. R-is', on Third St.. where he will be happy lo wait on all who may honor hiiw wrh their pa'ronai;e. Lewisiiur xrrrn i-ioui,, p.....r.s in Union and aiHoining eount'n also atten-ls the tourta of Terry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L- C. Christ. Ksq. '1 MIE iinrl'rioncrl rni.tinues tne. Lit -- . WWW' RY BI SI.YESS at iheuiu tano, North Third St., near M.tiket. ana .rul.. " " I - olicils the patronage ol His uJs and :he public cenerally. fllARLKS r. I.fwisWu. May 22, 1850 j UOAHDlSa. i rpHE ubsrriber avails liimscll'ol thf r?AV- I u.nn.s..f thu Chronicle in pnwkining i the riti..-ni t.f Lewis-btirs anJ vicinity lhaf he has opened a BOARDING HOU in th large and comfortably arranged house, formerly i kepi as a Temperance Hotel by James iveny, . i d.wrs east of the Franklin Hnn-e. Market street. ! He is prepared lo say lhal his Table shall have the be-l the Markets ean afford, and the Lodging . i.f Poaid.rs shall lie as c.imfoitatoV a fan I desired. I. S t tu-.t K. '; . R. A team and carnajre 1 will be kept to convey passenger I and Jro.n lh ' Packet U .ats. Le.,bUr,-, Ma.ch 1H. I5ll Spring V Smnmcv (JOODS.- .1 UST received, and now openinji FORSTER'S NEW STORE.- second door east of K ine's Holt I, a ne and tfjitendiJ Asscrtment of OixhIs- suital.le f..r Him an I tl.e approaching sea son, coii.istiii "I vtM riis, c.4s$ jm::.s,'T estFxi;, I l(f evcrvstle and variety new slvi j irv,,s Lawns, Ar.nure Dtla.ms, .n-- : hams, Aic. I A oreat variety of snto Chints. Call- coes, &c. ...... I A beautiful .MrwrrtPnr laBdiej Morocco and Hid SHOES and GOITER? lor Ladies and I'hildun Also a choice selection ol GROdERtES, HUfCHMHtllt, &c &;.,a!l of which are olTercd rernaf kablrT low for' (ab or Country Produce, by the--subscriber, J. FOUSTKlt twishurg, April 3. 1850 r l Ft.r the Ladies. I'.a.l is H- l-eww. That I make at ae 1TTH ohe f lhe nice ml'eh'trp FANt lhal can be bad at the LcvrH-bar Drug. Fanev ;hI. N-ti.-n and Variety KmrH.riurii h. .i- the latest. Cue!. anJ If t ti--r-ew; F. i-i Fanev at.-l Tip. r Kwis ket-t. A'-"' I ,...st patterns of V. A. .!. S'e.l. U-": 11 " A .,.,.! ce.li.r t .)V-': - e"-1 r,:"',v '' ! ,1 f I--'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers