LBWISBURG H. C. IIICKOK. Editor. 0. N. WORDEN, Printer. Tli Lewlaburs; C'bronk-le H - 1 ' . al I .wiihtiriT 1 'f linn I county, Pennsylvania, Tim. $1.50 nor vear. for ca-h actually in i.7.v ,i:i t.i il.ree,:'8 ..- k. . f,n If ni U,t "k ' -.' il ; vs..!, the voir pi i-itcs : sinine numncrs. .t routs. ui - -,.;........ I.., .i n...t!. r lea i be iu.i.1 .n ., . :,,l ,;.h the! ....... .I.e the year i iiJ up. ....... : h....un,;.v in.erre! r.t ."0 ri?1 n,r.:;,e Wk. 5I m..n.l,. n.l 5 f..r i v-ar reduroil l-rtro f.r!wcr.-'a,!v(Ttis.-P,. i:. yr,.reuir i k ree,lintf f unrfrlv. ? III. i:,.t .JvenisemenU ii-U..I. work to t.e r.aij for hen ban-led in or .l. l.v..,e.l. -: 1 ..-..! ... 1 m I a ti I lV !) ni1iiral4 III ITIP JkTllVT- Il recri'e aitenlion. I nw r. I.itir e exriiisivoiy the "rri'tmnt to be directed to II. C ilifK-iK. F.-i . Eiilt'ir and nil on business to be J lr -"ivl to (lie V'iiilisher. ' "rtv AT irL-e' S- ---t-.fen S--cnnd and Tliird (). X. VlKl)i:X.'nnt''rHn.l Publisher. roa Tint l.r.wisaraa tflRiivirLi. 'Ka Cro3s. no Crown." Our' Croa! mel. m -.urnful theme A luble in tlic J.-wt' e!eein. Ar.J wnii.lal to the I. arneJ tirf ek.'' Who ajTtin. it sacred l.-soin nn-ek. They in dark, hopelcia graven lie Jon The Croaa haa '.if! r.-eai. a crown. Our being's day may have in pains, Karlh'a jlaves may hu? iheir gil.iei cliaina ; Dul 'rt the ih night each aorrow I'ri'uvn Tti hcay Cros. irmurfs the cr-nvn. T!i i'tje of the 1! '". JiKi, P:ooke-l the w:.t!i "I .-'n and L'isl ; I care not for lhe wnridliiu' frovn Hi knowa no fro , he'll kiow m cion. The story of the (.'ros -U-t s and VroTi sea to ra the ranli around. Hi- beard fioin Xorth to S utht-rn Where islands sie.-i or rives rtill r.cWJ in country and in livu " Tike up the f ro-a and wear tho crown." I,t othera chase the buMiIc Fame. Win Wartiora' or the Statesm-in'a hanie Let me prefer, to Time's rcr.own. The t'rosa on earth in heaen the rrjwn. I-el children play with Tolly's toys. And count Itlem aoul aullicing joyi ; lie thou a luan, and not a cIjii Take momenta' f rosi. anJ endless crown. Lai lhot who fvill, choose Wealth and Tase, And ruly, Paaiona vile to pleasf 1'I.ry, silken robea and beds of down ; We. rugged L'rua- and starry crown. Sincere mu-t be the heart that sc: ks, And pure the li s the Lobp that spcaka Not mitred head nor pri.atly gown Without 1rue,Croa. can ga-n the crow;.. "Tia not lhe form ihst God obscrvea, Tbe spirit's wish Hi pur serves ; T" o'wy His La a of Truth and I.ove Wili Mite us to His courts a'.iove. Where sVn's r. deemed with sorgs surround Earth's Crucified in glory crowned ! Lewiaburg, May 12, 1850. KA V. Ao old Engiifh work, ron-ntly t'-oJitol ly Bi-t. V k. Wiuuas, li.l. i.f Nt-w Vrtrk. "All de Resolutions." Not long since, a Missionary Meeting was held among the Negroes in the Wesi Indies, at which the three following reso lutions were passed : "1. We will all (rive somethinfr. "2. Wewill piveasGod bui enabled us. "3. We will all give w illingly.'' At the close ol the meeting, a leading tiegro took his seat at the table in order to mark down the sum each came forward lo give. A largrt number came and laid their contributions upon the table, some more, some less. Among the number who came up, was a rich old colored man, cs rich a all the others put togeihcr, who threw them down on the table a small silver coin. " Take dat back agin," paid the African receiver of lhe money seated at the table, dul may be accordin' to de first resolution, but not accordin' to de tecond.' The rich old mati accordingly took it up, and hobbled back lo his seat in a great rage. One after another came forward, and almost all giving more than himself, he was lairly ashamed, and again threw dow n a piece of money on lhe table, saving, ' Dar, take dat." It was a val uable piece of gold, but it was given so rlNtemperedly, thai lhe man al the table jain answered, " No, dnt don'l do yet. It may be accordin to de first and second resolutions, but oot accordin' lo de last ; and again the o4d man took up his coin. Still annoyed at himself and all around him, he sat a long lime, fill nearly all were gone, and then can e to the table, and with a pleasant countance, (the man teat a C'artanka) willingly gave a large sum to the treasurer. The receiver, as he marked down the amount, exclaimed, " Well, den, dat am accordin' to all de rttolulion Who wishes to know how to give and be happy t Let him follow the example cf the above rich old African. Commiss ion. "O, you're a'prentice ?' said a litlle toy the other day tauntingly to his com panion. Tha addressed turned proudly around and while the fira of injured pride and lhe look of pity were strangely blended tn his countenance, cooly answered, "So n$ Frnmtli. THE FOUR PISTAREEW5. t ' l-'rim a SWiiio! IVri.-liral by T. P. Jmes, rhil'l-''.hia.' , i -r ... f I,,,!,,, " ' .. . . t ths; importance of small tilings: vv.irn 1 1 ! ..real nriiiciul. are involved, the followim! ,. ...... i . .. , prove ii'jre-ttt!I .-P'l pr'lllaWf. It wns ; tJ , ,nc ,v lhe ,.,.rs,m ol horn .1 n- i . .. f , r ,.' c.doU: is n 1'i'ed. I h; whs a fni-ntl (Tinini-; . most excellfiit man ; and a ChriMian m : i.,rt .l ;r... II,. ,a,LM.! lor! I :,,.,;,,.. " t h:,., (r,.n ll!v kllliwll Irs integrity. L . . ..r-i i : i. . .i. , r Ml III NIllItT llfW 'II 1 1 1 1 i i I HI III him to sutler loes :n his railiei i : THE FOUR PISTAREENS. ' -From a S.I100I IVri.-liral by T. P. Jvmes, t'hils'J.-'i.hia.' i j . . i i i i - most I'etermiiieil to "ive u; v.ii honeM res- tnnn take tiiovp a1vnnlgi s which tile law , "' e , allow,., an.l wh r-h public ti.ii.., does not , "lu,i""- Pver-d, reached M: roi.Jemn, hut whic h an upright man will ! n'"1 ' dow n h,s ,oa,!- " ou ,,;,v" .lepie : and he attrihi.tej a treat ,are ! (." me too much rhan2e," said lit.-, pre Ofh.1. honestv of principle aud practice, to '""'r.' C't piS!areeus to Mr. W . ; the ev. nt I am ai,oi.t to n i .tr-. j " ! h:,ve m" ,,,lr 1"ar!'r loll 'rs i l i i.: :i)s'.(T.d of three.' And how hr had enrs i oM, he li lt his paternal roof in the rio-ih ' of New Jer-ev. t,nd cftn." to I'l.ila.kiphia s:"!' Mr- 1 n,s a s'u'"l" i :.. le-,r s ,r ie. He entrrt-d as an apprcn-' J"1'" haJ vcrrd it l-efore he left the tic- with I... hr.-ther, a r..arlm..,ker in th..,"'. Hmi he "nw . iiir .. .. ntiiuiiiUtit u ittitbf. u ho'e nrM!!il. i iiorrhern t-;ir! o !!ic r:tv. uu n ci rlrmt i i occosien lie as c:l to r. ,'r,.,, v!,r.. f..r o ... ....... , I hail" palion .f oil. He I ,- ,i.. lltlU I 1 1 II 'it 11 o ; S een s'-nt nn a similar errand, and li:nl lieen f :iC:-!isloiiii'd to ii.iv 23 een's for lhe nil. But it happened thai ml had laMen, and the . . rife- mi trie present oecau n war onlv V i cents, ol' which, however, he whs not in-I ' l-.r,i.e,l. 11- had taker, with him lo i-av ' i for the oil a one dollar lio'e, and having : ! . . it i I ohtauM d the art.e!o, he presented the note, . I . . . . t and u in change not lis lie exneci- a i ...I .U... .I..IV, t.i.t r... ' I 11111... 'j'l 11. l l-l Hi lliM.ill Oil I'.i.l - tareens. It mav be neees-ary to remark, ' . . ii i !h, the nistar-. .. was an ,.M Spanish coin. I ! of,!,,, value f ill rents, which was in e,- ! ! tensive eirou'.-i'ioii twenty years ago. A'. ! lhe nresent d.-iv ihev are hut rarelv rnrel ,th. and mv vomg readers may never i lave seen them. .luhn, who had never ! been m:.-i, troubled wuh nvnev changing. I and was ,au..rai,t of their value, supposed! .ievwep-"'',dili.itthe l ad eiwn h m feur instead of ihrte. He had been taught when a child, in he honest. He k.ic.v that he ought lo , do to others as he would have others to . i , . . , do to him ; and that it was as dishonest ; to lake advantage of another's mistake to , take what was not his own, as to cheat in i nnv ot'-er way. I lis fir-t impulse, there-1 wjrl .en.rn one of ll.e meees tolhe' lore, VVKS40 teturtl One Ol lllL pi. CIS IO lll , man ; but before he had time lo carry out j I Ins feilii.-iH into practice, the th..uht oc ' I curred to him, that he would give three of them to his brother, as the right change, ..iid keep the fourth for himself. He closed his hand upon the money, picked up his jug, and left the store. Ih stopped, how- ; ever, upon the step, and looktd m his money. There were certainly four, and he should have but three. Conscience be gan to reprove him, but selfishness claimed iho fourth as its own. The latter pleaded the hardest ; and fearing lest the druggist should discover his mistake and recall him he hurried off homeward, thinking of his j good fortune. The jug in which he carried the oil had no handle, and lohn was forced lo carry it by a s'ring tied around his neck. This so cut his fingers, that after changing it from one hand to the other several times, he was compelled to stop at the distance of a square, and rest. Setting down the oil, and seating himself upen a step, he look outthis supposed quarters of a dollar lo convince himself there was one too many. But although he congratulated himself on his good fortune, John's heart was not nt ease. lie knew that he should have re turned one of the pieces lo Mr. W., the storekeeper; that in keeping it he was act ing dishorcsily ; and that he ought still to return back, and correct the mistake. But cupidity wns as busy as conscience, and soon framed a number of good reasons why it was properly and lawfully his. The druggist ought not to have made the mis lake, and would justly lose by his careless ness. To Mr. W. a quarter of a dollar was but a trifle, and would never be missed ; whilst to him. it was a large amount. Be sides, it was loo late now'to return. If he did, he should probably be censured for not returning at first ; and then, he would be losing too much lime, and displease his brother. How strangely people will Bal ance the account of their sins by making the omission of one, lo atone for the com mission of another! John entirely convinced himself that he would be wronging his brother of his valuable time, by reluming to rectify so trifling a mis lake ! lie proceeded on his way but by the lime he reached the second corner, bis conscience (as well as his jug) began lo be very heavy again. He again sat down to rest, and to settle hit dispute between his principles and his desires ; and again went on his way, determined to keep tbe money, but by no means satisfied ibat be was do ing right. Tbe neit corner brought Jobu a third time to i tiand. Rett relieved tbe emart ;pgs of his hands, but the cuttings of hit LEWISBURG, we,. I lie n.r,lit;ili il some minutes. "..oilsC'cnce I .luW became Uri'rnt ill its demands. Bui I n he ashamed to p. oncK. in. -' h.. l...-i ..bewrl his first henest iin:ulr.C. - In.. ci. ........ ...,1,, hp. nint not 11 ' . " ' " . . ... delay. He hlld hlrCHllV lln B COO(1 tttil.e ulu.t hi orran.1. Hi! took tt hw Hi. i , ,1 "" '"'C.1eJ l- lf-r to go .orm or lo n-turil. 1 1 stood one moment, and ''' " rm"11 J l"'011-1'- It was a haid tak to trudge bark three U.nfi Mjuares, with a .. j- g ilhoul a hiirmle : on J more ihnti oiut, he dad ni- ' 011 he-lore you dicovered the mistalie?' - ' I S'anCe. Hut such was not tin fact. .Mr. v . Knew irint irom me i:me jonu had been gone, lie must nave got to some ns ; tance, and he wished to know how far. j ; Supi-oB. fr'lm ''". ,hal he d,d ! nr. i ,t..i!..i.-tn!i,t bmi ho r.-nr-ntod lhe nne- ' 1 1 :i,m '" """'her shn; ''1r' '"' '"'V, have you been since yon were n"ce ' recover. irom ... e,.,r firiif 'lit 14 Til ( 'i How lull Slrttf. SIT ratntnt. lo ..liow.u str.c . . V mi i ink ihere is a nuarter t'o ( i t '. II. -.1 1 L ...I...- VU well vou may have that lor your iiriiu'wTV. .iiiiiii il inn -.1 it. I.:, i 11 lull .. iionestv I i. .i I... J l.t.. lhe pistarrens into his pocKet, without "1 "',he resumed his burthen, with fsr diirerent fellings from those that had fii'ed his bosom half an hour liefnre. As he was about leavu.o ,l,e store, " Stop. "' M Mr. W., I wiil not da- rrlvP "' PU ,,ave Jour r,Shl chan-'!' I'he oil is twenty cents, and those four " not quarter dollars, they are ,ttrn c. -i.t pieces. nun. . u am .. c ntiiiue.1 the b nevolent store-keeper, '"-" u.-"i . ..-... "... . i i - i i" i. i ..ol 1 ou "ourc u": u'"e",uce between them ns Villi PO home: and let "rtw(f n M,in' ns ou 8 no,nc anu me adv,M; 'ou "'"'".V deal as honestly as .VPM h"ve to-day.' Who e.:n imagine the feelings cf the hov, wh. n he Fnw the real State of the nialter ; and knew, in nn instant, that, x . -1 i n i W" persevered in n.s s.u.ui 1irojeC1, 1 . . . ". "" lUe v"y n!it'e ol r,e -,rcum- ! have been discovered ! "Had I, ! e- . 1. . " J 1. . carrier! out my nrt intentions, saia ne to me, when hu related tho anecdote, " I should have handed my brother three of the pis! ireens. Ho would ol course have asked for the balance, and I should have been driven to add falsehood to my cr:me, bv sa vintr that was all heuave me. In all j probability I should have been detec.ed. ana sent oach .o my ... u, . would have stamped my character with; dishonesty, from which I might never!, nave recovercu. as ii vias, ne piceu ' up his jug, and with a light heatt and rapid step proceeded up the slreet. He was so rejoiced at the happy result, and so thank- ful for his preservation, thai he set out on a run, and did not feel the old string cut his fingers till he reached the third corner. where nenad reaoivea upon return,,,-. ... ; the store. During thirty-five years that he lived ; r. . I " . L - f. ...'s.t ikn Inoann I aner mis even., nu never .urgo. v.. . il taught him ; and throughout his life, in , private business, and in public oflice, he ever acted under lhe firm conviction that " honesty is the best policy." Gravity vs. Folly. It was said by Dr. Palcy that he who is not a fool half the a fool all the lime. Robert Hall held a similar opinion, for wheo reproached by a very dull preacher with the exclamation, "how can a man who preaches like you, talk in such a trifling manner!" he replied, "ihere, brother, is tbe difference between us you talk your nonsense in the pulpit ; I talk mine out of the pulpit." The eminent Dr. South, being in the midst of a frolic on one occasion, and seeing a digni fied, unbending acquaintance approaching, exclaimed, "slop ! we must be grave now, there 's a fool coming I" Coi.6F.ors. There are in the United States, 11$ Colleges, the oldest of which is the Harvard University, at Cambridge, Mass., established in 1638. The next oldest is Yale College, at New Haven, Ct. established in 1700. The University of Pennsylvania, 1749. Brown University, at Providence, R. I., 1764. "The number of volumes in the Libraries of all these colleges is about 650.000, of which Har vard University has 70,009. Whenever we hear a man (a man ?) say he can not afford to take a paper, we are inclined to tell him that he can not afford to do without it. A man who is really too poor to lake a paper, is like a person so emaciated by (amine as to be too weak to sat bread CGoPl Banner UNION CO., PA., Old England's Worthies. BY THOMAS MACKLLLAH. it ui nv b,.. t . tuna !.rr, t. a 1-, were also ocas. ; anj we ,, t w,... ,.,,, f n ,;,.nity 1 J : - ..-tons r tin- si... -Tis ..ur t.. slinw lMt '-.rm. m..t fr-. can : I! M i it . h t. ft. ( f w..!l.f.rel.-n k.r; t, h,, , ,y. ; T, I. n.l il.o run . f Kittk. wrll l-u..n r sViM:v-HAM!'lKX-4.-It..MWKl.un ih .-U. , An. l..rk Mll.Tox. l,., a ,.- .lij wM.i r.t ,rt..rl .Hb HyU n.m .i.f. und fa. Oh, irr.-st MM.ToV? m.-ntHl mnntti: iuit;it tlt rul't pnilili. t'i.) full uon thin lan.l, isi-s it;. fn-iHlnm i:irlty l'i hi.. Iianj, Tliat ilan-J U-tinu-s tin- t-arlMS Truth to wrilo Tht niriii-iniiiMrtal of our F!h-r-I.l-, Mi-, fulilf is :,!. ours. Au-I O that mrn W.iiilil yit likir rbi!In-n at his fw-t aliile AtkI wi.-lv h-arn nf hiiur Ail Nations tlirn WouM show llii-ir i;iantii. I winb in rain, I ft-ar. When h" wx ol.l an.l, Ih.-y itiitc him b-n 'Th.-y .r-.niis.-. tu-'-iitv) HHin-N fi-r his irri-at l'x-m, Arnl 1. 1 him .In-. An.l 't wut-l h.- o TIiu. Antr.s wnii-tiiiii-s m tli.' Kartlt ajip-ir, ilut till th- 'vi- irou.- to 1 1, avi-n no . nc sii-nis to know 'em y t l.-li'-ri-.l in miK'niinir m-n, I .1 raiicniz.- .lolIV lirXVAV. (T.iit, in-I.-.), I'm fi'tlnwi-r of a -t'-m an-1 im:U- cr--I. Tin' "'-xrt-lh-nt way" IVoll taught hy t"iii.i an! rcn Au-I til.' Tinki-r may content hioi-lf To taki- a jilr.-.' o;-.n my m'-ntal .Iu-!f n-i'l'' .h-hn Miltou.i Twi-lrt full yfarn was h-, A iruiHl- -ri-rn''r. ti.-li! in !t."lf-rl Jail; Au-I. 'romiatii.-l I-y his illuht.-r Miinl as-t f o M.-in liltt- h.- twrn th wrath f Ititrotry. "TtM not to he .-tflurv'l that h r-br'Uhl TT?arh Tli'-y ha.1 not ..-nt him." (thus the rrel:it'-4 n-asoncl .) " T.t ll...ip t. n..t. I... I.-..I -ii.t Vuu.h ; A.-l 'tr in -.- I w,.uM t.. l. t a Tink. r t. a.-b:" I I " -Ti. l.i.t.l... l.i.,..F ,l...., .Klc rn.m .i.lni. T k,,p thl. ,.f ,,, .,.,,,..., ' Ttl-ltif nf ti"f niitn'l nun ,...,. . . . . i w... a mr hii.-r ..ri o.t. u.n pi.-i mm nm iu'nvaN' a ty.n.i tiMr i-.w-r: o k-pi 'ir bars rnul-l l.ili'l th iinmnrtat tliou-MitP auil w.-rj . His s-iuu.. hi.i i.-n-ath th.-iruiw r.f .ln-amiiis. j ,. .,.,. in bl MaT S'.h' S-o.-n-iirn of tin- Ki-alm of Alli-ir'-ry t Tw.. hun'imi y.-nr hav.' r.a..-.i : y. t, brightly, t ams iirli f.LTiiialion m hi" iiii-romani-y) On us lh- nvlianif of his hriliiant fain-y. W hat i.l. a-aut fl- rarirh:ithaiu.hiorn.osJr.a:ns" Thnu. Xt-n. sian-1 hi.. Nol.l. CKoMWIXl.t Take thy j la Ani.-n- thy rouiitry'. liiii;htii-'t : f'T thr.u wort Th .rurl rhauiriinn ff thy .ufT.-rini ra-; Ana th"U .li.lfl Ifltil.-, i-Vn to thin, own hurt. For man an! truth an-l li.-l. Tli.-y slaiiil--ri-.l tln-c, ! Th." niini"ii of tin- S-con-J l'harli-s. Tli Jirt , of .lauil.'r now i. .Iriiil. att-l. vi-nly. Like e.i .i,i ituurar.'s rilirriin,'' thou art pirt Cromw.-llt then i t with t.rililiT ulory. A,, ,y ,r.. rou.i hamppkn scrn.,1 to bow ... ; " th' "f l'T'h Kln- i Human.ty arose in artn-s ; an.t Jin- j AnJ ful w.. . mort!ll liat, ,nd ire , Wh..n Tnony aUll rm a.wat OTdi. -smii thy rr..t.rtoraie, ol.l Knjrtan.f.-. fame ,., p!..ri..a Tby .,.te name i Sufnr..l tokl,.paturl.ul.-ntw,.rl,l inawe; A n.l ni-ople crrat ami small srcurvly ...,,, fM.r nf the r,Ui iaw ; an., at tn-r -.,m .... n,. ,o-., ..-.v And a-o.l.ii.iuil :.l When Ih-ath to tlii rmp rlT. p,nl ,rusI.,i : thou in Hi. who a.,a ..... thou hadst thy faults: but who, aia: is chart T..ww.nnl niomnri..s atnnftif-L ttiv imvia. ; - - - Bidding against his Wile. A few days ago, I chanced to stumble into an auction sale of damaged dry goods, where the biddings werC'spirited," and the large crowd were vicing With each other in their offers, when a pair of blankets put an(J a bids wefe instant. y raised fir auclioner) . nk. h ph ..h es, hifi h was a Q.uar from a i . , . . , ,., ,l , , seemed determined lo have them at any 1 ny ..Goins , , mae fifty ffom j of toom i . . . . woma- bowing her way through tho dense mass of females, who were separated from the bv a counter lpon which the j,-,,...,, functionary walked to and fro Turni ,0 lhe 0,her 8'de he commenced .,ereotypefi vocabulary of choice and amusing "figures of speech,'' till he touclSed on the finale. "Two fifty," nodded the man. "Thank ye, sir ; going at two fifty." Three !" screamed the woman. "Four," replied the man. Gin the fifty,' said the auctioner.turn. ing to the woman, with a half suppressed smile on his small, sober visage. A nod from lhe woman. "Four fifty, I'm offered; gin me fivei Come, don'l be afraid ; they're worth dou ble the money.'' "Yes. aud that's all,' said the fntfle voice. "Sold !' cried the dealer in hammers, almost bursting with laughter, "to Capt. Smith (not John) for five dollars." 'Smith !'' cried the woman, "what, my husband fn raising herself on tip-toe to cntrh a glance at him. hy, you good for-nothing man, you've bten bidding against your toie ! Oh, you impudence ! but I woni have them in the house." Tunnel through the Alps ! To complete the line of RaiUoad from Boulonge in France to Venice in Italy, tbe snow capped Alps would have to be pierced with a tunnel thro' Iheir rocky ribs. After five years'study on the iubject.the Chevalier Henry Maui has reported on tbe project its feasibility and practicability. The Sardi nian no eminent has taken up the scheme, and in all likelihood it will be attempted if not completed. It is expected that it will take five years to finish, and will be about mUttlong CHRO' MAY 22, 1850. Navigating the Atmosphere. The Srst complete work upon this sub ject, is now on our table, by John Wise, a veteran arronaut, of Lanr aster, Pennsylva nia. Hitherto we have had sernps of Infor mation from Efiryclopadiaa &"d Maga zines, relaling to the urt, hut here we have a book on the subject, written by one who has made many serial voyages, and who relate his own adventures. It embra-es a full history cf the subject, commencing with the ancient artificial flying pigeon of Archylus, the Greek, and ending with the mot recent expSriments. The subject of navigating the air has oc cupied the atlention of many eminent iro n in almost every age of ths world's history, hut it was not not until a recent period that ; any success was promised to an art which warmed the imagination of Bacon, and en- j gsged the attention of the cber I!. shop of) Chester. In 1782, there lived at ancient i Avignon, in Francr, two broti'.rr.s, young men, named Stephen and Joseph Montgol- fier, v. ho, being of an ingenious turn ol mind, coiieeiveu lilt- iroj.;i-k u: sm-iiu uj smnll hallooes inflated with rarilieJ air j : i .t ;... -r .r.. .. and by ni!iny experiments they discovered that as '?.ey enlarged their balloon's their ascendiii'' rower became ureuter. and from this they went on increasing their r-ize, till I hey constructed one of a capacity of 23, i 000 cubic feet, and w ith it they .ent ii I some animals in a basket. The voynoe ' : was sticcesful,nnd this induced to construct one of gigantic dimensions, viz., 74 feet high ami 4 in diameter. With this ha! - loon a brave and cool Frenchman, named M. IMatre de Rozier, volunteered to make avoyagetwoor three hundred feet high. the balloon being secured by long cords to the .,il. II mr1r dov-orri! a(pnls. anil fin tne iist .way , 1 1 t;o, ne. along wun uie J Marquis d'Arlandes, mide the firs! free as- ; cent into the atrial regions, rising to the heioht of 3,000 feet, and made a succesi- ! ful excursion over l'.iris, and finally landed a few miles from where they started. This formed an epoch in the history of serial navigation, and the firne of the Montgolfi- ers soon spread over Kurope and reached America. Although hydrogen gas was discovered long before the Montgolfiers t made their balloon, and its utility to the! purposes of a-rial navigation had been pre- viouslv suu-tested. vet it was never realiv applied forihat purpose, except for experi ments in the lecture room ; but no sooner was the success of the Montgoltier belloon j rsi-- ' spread nbroud, than the virtutw of hydro- gen became apparent, and it was firmly bo. heved by many at that time that bal loons would soon be as common as crows. Napoleon frightened many an English ma tron, when he threatened lo cross the chan nel with his Boulogne army in balloons. But his "paper walls," never ventured to baffle Old England's "wooden walls ;' nor does it appear that we are any nearer "a system" ol atrial navigation at the present day, than they were then. It is the opin ion of Mr. Wise, however, that ballooning is about half a century ahead of the age, and if the spirit of mechanical progress keeps pace with the onward march of inlel lect, he says, "our children will iravel to any part of the globe without the inconve nience of smoke, sparks and sea-sickness, and at the rate cl onft hundred miles per hour." It would indeed be a glorious thing if we could carecf through the region above at such a rate, but our dreams arc much more moderate than those of friend Wise. W'e would be content with ten miles an hour, only let us have lhe wings, an independent pair. Then, when like Jeremiah, of old, wc were troubled in mind and sighed for the wings of a dove to fly away and be gone, "lo a lodge in some vast wilderness," all that we would hats Iff do. Would be to mount and be off."over mountain andsea. Such things would be very pleasant eve rybody would be rejoiced if such things could be done.nnd many strong arguments may be used respecting the probability of such things being yet accomplished, but not, in our opinion, safely, conveniently nor economically, by any "aerial vessel," that we have ever yet seen, the opinion of aeronauts to lhe contrary notwithstanding. The "revoloida! spindle," of Bobjohn, which was in the course of construction al Hoboken, and which was propelled with two small steam engines, some time this summer, has been sadly damaged by the late tornado. K this be the means of pre venting the balloon Irom enjoying her aeri al flight by steam, we will regret it exceed ingly. Mr. Wise has made a great number of successful serial voyages, and his book is one of great service to science as a histor ical and scientific work on the construction of balloons, and the manner ol navigating them. There is one prominent and useful (act brought to light,vix. that ballooning is a conservator of heahh ssrial navigation cared Mr. Wise of disease of the lungs and chronic dyspepsia, and be is confident that it would be of great benefit to invalid. This we believe is a new idci, Lut e cor rect one and one agreeing w ith science and reason, bu! as these thing trouble us not personally, we have a longing eye bjt weak faith, to mount the ;erii! ship, cleav ing our way the ''blue e'.herial sky,"' at the rate of 10(1 m les per hour, laughing at your lazy locomotives and s'i unh I'lts crawling away below u as things god enough for a more benighted age. fjJcien tilic American. A Frenchman Studying English. Frenchman. My po id friend, I have met with one grand i!.!li':;ihy one- very strange worl How you call II o-u-g-h Tutor. HilT. Frenchman. Tres Lien, Hilf; and f-tiutTyou spell S-n-o-u-g-h, ha? Tu'or. 'J no ; Snuti is S-n u double f. ne ic: is, me wows in ouga rr. c i.iue irrep'jlc:. t i" Very good. Tis le-au'iful J.mguage. - ll-o-u-g-h is I Iiitr. 1 iii reno-riili.-r : and (J o-u-o-h is I'titV. I l-averr,o L;.J I'ulT.ah? i T. No, that is wrong. We say KauiF, not (. ull. ; F. Kaugh, eh bien. H'lff and Kauf, ; and parnunes moi, s tir, ' D-o-u-g-h Kul?'. ha ? i f- f"1 Uiifr. huw voj call F. Not Dulf Ah ' I undirMr.J,it is ' l);.uf. hev 1 I T. No; Il-n-u g h spells Die. F. Due! It is ' tine, w-inderlul ingiiage : it is Due ; and T-o-ti g-'i, Toe. .My beef-s'.eak was very Tue. ; T. One; you shou'-J siy ti.iT V. Tufl ! D .farmer uses, her D t.bie ! Artil the thing ye.j ca.l l'-i i.-u g h ? Piuff. Hi ! yon sini'e : I see I cm wrong : it is Piatlf No ! ah, then it I'ioe, !,ke Joe. It lit lientltift:! Ln iir-'- ' v-r fop. t - .... i. i are ..:.! wrng my .ro uu. is is Plow. F. flew ! ,vun Jerful "a-a -"; ! I shall understand ver' s.ion. I'lowr.Doe, Kauf, and ore more. R-n u-;--h ; whtt you call General Taylor? and ' Ready ? No ! certtiin'ner.t it is It .w atd , Readv j j T. No! R-o-u-g h spells Ruff. j F. Ruff, ha ? I,et me not forget. ( R-o-u g-h is RutT, B u-u-g h is Bull, tu ? T. No: Bow. j F Ah ! 'tis ver' simple lang'i-.-e. bu' ! I have bad what vou call lin o-u ir-h. ha 7 m t What vou call him T t.Monii.-ur T-.non has two m'ri Ier.on to b'arn, in oi-.'M. whi' h h.- may Cu t in th- fi-ll.-win c.tii.l.-r : o'-rii t "Tim' Tl..- t.ui;ii ci.ui:h an 1 hii---.iu.rh j '-oifh nv throu-'b, . Hurk !. l.l m- ii.iir.u 1 .1 .ui. j.ur.iii .'i 1 1 u-rr-uli. t.t tLuuh, hi, I ''if p. I lak.-.) Lxwisn. Cani.v. Hardy Ken of Olden Time ' iti(S for ,or, f"r ,nJu'aDt'e of inevitable It can not be denied that the men whoeviU. BnJ for cner?.v in combatting such sustained the labors ai d encountered the , aa ,hey ' w-me.are lhe ends which privations and dancers t.t the Uevnintionar-r I War. were physically a much stronger i and hardier race than the nretwnt : wc pretient ; vrc mean, taking them as a whole. Their mode of life was well ell calculated to harden it together the sinews, the frame, and kn so as to enable them to eudure exposure and hardships of no ordinary character. Their food was coarser and more sub stantial, their clothing cuarserand not so delicate, and their houses more open and airy. There were no fine and tuptr svper fine bolts to their mills, no bufl'ilo robes to their sleighs, no India rubbers to iheir feet, and no furnaces and air-tights in their hous&j. As an instance of what some r.f thr-m could endure, we will relate an incident in the life of General Stark, the same General who, when told, before the bttle ol Ben nington, that he must address the soldiers, compressed his speech into tfi8 following exclamation ; " Fellow soldiers ! yonder are the red coats ! we must whip them to day, or Molly Stark is a widow 1" Pr. Fitch, in his survey and history of Washington county in New York, states that Stark was, in 1757, a lieutenant in a company of New Hampshire Rangers, under the command of Capt. (nfierw&rds Major) Rogers. It was during the second French war,' 39 il id called in history, ln this winter, Maj. R. was ordered with sev enty-five of his men, on a reconnoiterin j expedition down Lake George. Traveling, now on the ice, and now on snow-shoes, Ihey on the thiiuT day crossed t ) Lake Champlain, and -seeing some sleds ap proaching, hastened towards and captured a part of them. From the prisoners ihey learned ihere was I large force at Ticon deroga. Knowing that those who escaped would convey intelligence which would speedily bring oat an overwhelming force in pursuit, Rogers directed an immediate return lo Fort William Henry. On their way back, tramping the snow in single file, 89 the foremost men gained tbe summit of a hill, they uaexpectly found themselves close upon two hundred of the enemy, who were drawn op in a semi-circle to receive them. The Rangers recoiled before tbe fire that blazed in their very faces, and, crimsoning tbe snow with their blood, ihey reached lhe rear under Stark. who was about fifteen rod distant on the CL Hid Volume YH, Mumher 8. Vvhol'eXanber 320. siimitiit of another hill. They here formed their line, ar.rl rrr.!y r'-xid, in snow four feet ii drp:h, and retailed every attack of therneniy f.-omtwo o'clock till nightfall. Iti,w;r o"nJvd upfri the head, and by a bullet thfomih his nr;.-i!, was so' d sabled 'ha; :he entire command devolved on Stark. At sunstt, some of the n.ea suggested that ihty ought to make their escape befora iho piercing coid of winter's night ob:ed upon them ; but C-trtrk, s'andmg himself wh-re the bul'eta fell thickest, and know ing that their snft ty Le?r.dd upon main taining t'Tjir gro-jn J iiii after dark, threat ened to io: i!.; f:r-. : rnnn that attempted to fly Evening cnnie, and the French j now e!.ird'r.ej t:e combat and withdrew, , Icrvin.'; iialf tht-ir numla r sca'terr-d among . the trampled and L'ood-s'aine J sno of tho j hill do, sleeping t!i'; sleep that knriws no waking. r rty-P'oht of the Rangers re-. ma:n J unn eye !: o, end the company now tlraprred t!:ein'.!ves throui'h the woods Minv, ih" !;ve-!mg n:gl.r, reaching the hwr s of L i'-f George in the morniptr. . tr; quite .!;auved wi'h their fa- tij-ues, on-i iho wot.sdt.-J were unable to advance faiiher on foot. Stark l-ncurn generously rHered lr triivel onwards w:'.h two others to fort ' William Henry, r.t the opposite end of the Lake, and obtain sleds for conveying the i wounded. He ucccrJ.iialv departed, and reached the l"tr: ! the evening. The sieiis bttng procure-', ha i::i::itdiately set ti !., ;.-!,r .-.- r,.l out w ith them tc return to h.s comrades, travillng iill night, and coming at their bi vouac u;icn the iol'owir.g morning. And finally he drew- a loaded sleigh bock to the Fort, reaehin-; ihere ;n the evening. ; lie thus stood rut through three days and tiro nights of i icesant toil, engaged fur nwir'l- fi-or hours in hot ennihnt. Mnrl me remunjer c; in; tune in traveling over the snows and :cp. Dr. Fitch very cor- rectlly observes that we effeminate men of the present day can scarcely credit thet any human frame wns ever capable ol such 'endurance. Maine Furtntr. Why Women are Unhealthy. Mai" cf the physical evils the want of vigor, the inaction of system, the langour 'and hysterical iitTcctions which are sc) prevalent among the delicate young w.- 1 nicn of i-present 1F. y be traced to u"Rt of l-trairte-l n.tntal power, and weii'-exercistd self-control, and to an ab sence of fixtd hah ts of employment. Real cultivation of' the intellect earnest exer cise of the moral powers the enlargement cf the mind by the acquirement of knowl edge, scJ the strengthening of its capabil- p"t'Caiion s to attain ; but weakness has hecnms i;,f5rniil"; Th power of the mind over ine oocy is imirenss. i,ei mat pow- er" cr.nea tcr.n ; .ei :i on trained an-i (" - " - wwi, ana vigor com 01 m.naana cooy w'11 ,he resuIt- There is . unpoirsnea raying, tnai u is oetier m wear out than rust out; but it tells a plain truth ; rust consumes faster than use. letter, a million limes better to work hard, even to the shortening of existence, than to sleep and eat away this precious gill cf life, giving no other cognizance of its possession. By work or industry, of whatever kind it may be, we give a prac tical ccksowfrrlgrnent of the value of life, of its high intentions, of its manifold duties. Earnest, active industry is a living hymn of praise, a never-failing source of happi ness ; it is obedience, for it is God's great law of moral existance. The Physical Training of Clrls ct School, by Madame de Wah!. Death of an Ancient Worthy.' The death of Mr. Samuel Baldwin, in. Newark, N. J., a few days since, aged 96 recoj.led in the papers of that city. He was born in tint town in the year 1754, and descended from oneol the earli est sellers. lie was the fellow student, in the College of New Jersey, (Princeton,) cr James Midisnn, Alexander Hamilton, Aa- ron Burr, Philip Freneau, ond others who rose to distinction. Mr. Baldwin was in Philadelphia, and amon those who first heard the Ljcaration of lodepndence pro claimed from Old Independence Hall. At one time he taught a Classical Acafi-mf ( at Charleslop, whera he became, acquainted with Col. Isaac Hayne, whose execution by the British, excited lhe indignation of the entire American people. After the cap ture of Charleston, he was taken prisoner hy lhe British.but refusing to take iheoatS, a. . i ; of alleeiince to lhe Crown, re wss oongeu to leave lhe place. He oiea as ne na live'd.a worthy communicant of lhe Presby terian Church. The vHlage of Little Falls. Herkimer county, N. Y., is no longer to be known by that title, ibe Legislature having passed a bill changing its name to Kocklon- The title ol "Little" was deemed intwmpatibto with the dignity of a village ol 6000 soul, but they will find it hard to chenae- 11 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers