ttHt and junior. A Han with a Big Foot W heard, a 1 day eiiice, (nay: the Knickerkockt-r.) a laaghalU anecdote ol a nun with a big Toot. I la Buffa loaian, who inuat be living mw, for a man with io goid a bold upon I he ground i not likely to ' drop off' ia a hurrjr. He atepjnid one day inio the mal! ahop of a Boot maker, in tha tWithing capital oil fid Erie, and asked Crispia if be could , make him a fair of boota. Looking at Lis long aplay pedal t-itrcmitiaa, and then glancing at a huge uncut cow-hide that bung upon the wl , be saiJ Well, yea I giiee an." What time will you hava tbem done! To-day ia Monday." Well, it'll dfpend on eircumaiancaaj I gcet I can hare I he in duav for you by Saturday." On Saturday, therefore, the man called for his boon. ' Have you get 'cm done ! aaiJ he, a be entered the little ahop. ISTo. 1 haveu't I couSJl'i : it baa rained every day since I took your mea sure." " Rained !" exd.-uwd tlie aatoni.-hed patron ; ' w", what of that Whatthed that to do with it V What had that to d i i h it T" ech oed Crispin ; " it had a gosd deal to do with it. When 1 maka your boota Vc fot lo do it out doors, for I haven't room in my shop, an4 I cau't work out door in rainy weather ! Take tie Hat Dartholomew WiiUrd, (called 'Oarty' for abort) waa a queer cus'omar, one very el! known in the north of Vermont, for hi. carelesa vagabond hab:t, ready wit. aud rtmflrknblo ready facility eitempore at rhyming. Sitting one diy in a village store, among a crowd of idlers who al ways gmhared ah mi him on hie arrival, the merchant asked Birty, why he always wore that shocking bad hall Bartj re plied that he was ttoable to purchase a new one. 'Com,' -said the merchant, make a grod rhjmeon theold hat immediately without stopping to think and I II give vou the bt castor in the store.' Where upon B.ifiy threw bit old tile upon the tvjr an J Loun : Here liea rcf olil I at. And (ir b.t o! tbt t Tis s (i o.l aa the teat of mj raiment ; If tcy ni" a lnter, Vou'll mule me your daUor. Aiid io tn ja:i for the ymimtmt ! Th w hat cdjudged, by the unar.imou-) vo;e cf the house, to belong to Uarty ho wfre il orTiit great triumph saying "it a hut a poor head that cuulda't take care of it-!!"" "I wish I was ghost, blnmed it I dotiV aaid a poor covey the other night, as he aat t.oli!oq'j i ng in the cold. " They got wherever they p'rasea, toll fret-1 they don't owe nobody nothing, and tbat'a a comiWt. Wh var heard tell of a man what had a fcii: gia a ghost T nobody. Thry never have to buy hais and coat and vittnls and I'q jor, not has to war wood and run nrrints, as I do. Their shirts never gits dirty nor their trowses out at the knee, as I ever heard tell on. Ghosts i the only in k-pendent people 1 knowa on 1 really wish I was one, blame me if 1 don't." w They have soma "tali' specimens o( mosquitoes iu California, and their suction powers are enormous. They are said to be a'rong-limbed, too, that one will tke the edge of your bed b'aiiket in his teeth at night, and raise it up, an tht another may creep under aod bite. Fever and-eiu? "ain't a circumstance." "Isn't it strange," a.kvd a friend, the other day, " h t Sir l-nac Newton should ever have induced iu clonih freaks f Whcn did he?'' e inquired. "Why when he was dividing the m oi light, to be sure for vrn-i.'t he cutting up shinei?" Tun Ladt w! o is in the habit of stealing )ier husband's b .ceo to prevent hn using .he wrd,is informed thatth is- who were in the habit of burrowing of him.!;ave become very indignant, as now they are comp iled to purchase their own. Recipe for Curing the Sulks lake ol kindness three hioks of vivacity a bosom full n tid of kissing a hug and a hIf. Ap ply the miiture when the first frown ap pears, and iu a very short time the disease will be entirely eradicated. Is MiM S. at horru ?'' asked a pentla- nanof a servant, who answered the call rl the knocker. M I think not, air ; I'll f and ask her,'' wa the reply. " My wire." aaid a critic, ia the most even tempered woman I ever saw she H mad ail the time.' An oi l fellow One who pays the prin ter without hei'i dunnfd. Holland i the only country in t'hriiten iam where usury law arn unknown, and where capi-aliste are allowed lo demand and borrowers to pay any rale of interest. And yet it is an undoubted (act that the rate of interest has been Tor a very long period, lower io Ilollnnd than in any ruber country in Europe. TI e average rite of interest for twenty years haa been 3 j in S per cent. laa-, um in oii-iaoi ii ;s coinmnn y 9 rer eayst., aaj tberw usury laws !'. - r I BKAMTS Fill HUMID .""aaaa BRAWT'S Pui inmr,,. ' " 1 ia3 .A..i..hiiiiiiu ici f cfiniiiniDB mat, BMoalea, S. T. FUHEFY! PURIFY! UP! ui HKUTIl in ia the BL006. Claae. hiih. mm Herniate tlx Circulation, ami Sm, nmamt keif Kit kmt krv.'tk. I ht mmC mdaW aatf wW O f waaaa aiKt a mult, as BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tma I aim f artn br prodaead Vf f this rrwriaa ihap eaa ha Saa aaa aT a M4 bv a aa itlyr Cur pro f .) ! 9ktUp ywynwi bom Ftawlr, Mat ttmmtt, md loaf Muduif diae ml sjW Mou4, wAotat pmkmf. fm-gmg, mkmn$, or dMb Ud, imt jmmmm-940 tyt to lb wtMto BhUMT9 nmiFIKftto rOUt TlMtS CUEAPMB 9W9 aVaV vtaMCsff 9w world, hun ONI DOLLAR'S WORTH af a wtf aShata jiiaf aawat af aw Ihaai fmr tttmrt art af iaj or lay am ttmrit anltrr kuw ktrf Mr bdttaa maf aa Tka aaairtal aarakjoa for ro mt man aa Siaaiaiiaa. la, aa aM4 awr canartar tftct ail VW r wf Ik fWr f .iair U t,,Um,rt nrlk tf laa mifinli m araar raaua. W wilt hare aaj, Cm aVaa JMaiaaaa awl ani WTkm Wa laal yaar, 1(9,010 Feneu f iMftn Blood Bittuti, Hi 11,111 Cmm virt laBaUered Incurable! w an la a kahlt of aa. U va ahaall aaf aa, was wuaM bellr-a aat TUa wm Sa. ai. aanl aaaaS VMdv t Drcva bv rrfarrfaMa amaraata, aat aaairra mummmt oara aaxciea rarca m am r- -- aa ha( kaaaaa aaa. lha paat !. Ihaa mj aaaar aaaaaS hi lalaiari ii 4unaf lha ume tima. Haw aamaa. wlU a Dallu'a wartk CURE TWaafa larfa, daap Flora wan cara bj mtlnf eal lariat kalUaa af tVaafa "WJUr. TV Mlarlaj la OMi ajoal woaiarful and aatooiahlDf can Vaaa waa aver aoactra oa a aaaia Eainf, vj aaa IXorriel Scroftila Cored. Ka. J. B. Hun. of Urnae, OnriU Co . X. T., r-rUSea, tWember SOlh. 1S4C, thai ba had oen atSicted with Scao wcva tour feara. and lha hat y-ar confinffd to hia bi. with rrmr iarira. day. tmAmging L'Lcrm Uint hia axk waa aatra arnand from nr to ear a hole waa entea through hia Tina' JHa ao that ha breathed through tha kole hla flar waa atariy atmoyea oe aaa oi na arm waa whollv dratrovrd and aa LVer Mint tha ana, aa large aa a mao'a hand, bad arai ly mra through into hia Lunia that he had uaed all kui.ja of SaaSaraalLLa and alfca airfiri ilf . laaa Warjb. and thtt be waa aot apecut a Maa araMaear aaara waea ae eonuneneea hunt a laoian hmnna tnaacr that mik or tha Ptntmm tmut Saaard and carad isckt of tha twentr Clerra ae had whra ha eonnntmced uung It, and ahat a Aakaate aiore ellcriad a rciricr ccac. For full particulara of thia, and manj other aiaiiar ma, are omr Fajtmuts. Tkla Waa4arrat aa4 AalaaialitaR CFRB doe not alaafl aloaa la a mowtmnl of the grant dbaoj af BSairr'a ream, for wa could aire altnnat uolinv bed aridaMa af at, aurea, wall attealad. if lha wan 4aabsd. TUa can It aartiled to bj Fourteen Respectable Witnesses. By Doer. Taos. William, one of the moat reapeetabta phrafdana of Aumo bf Jfeeara. Blam. a Lbonabw wholatala and nM drarftMa hy Mr a r Baoww. pro. prtaioaaBd keeper or tie Wht IUks Uaxav-aail t Brant's IaOian Purlflor ana all Impure diaraaea af Ihe Mend. via. : AcaM Mm MKMnm. Itmniilm, C-uetiau. Ptplm en tka faa film. Buas, nawa, Owtecean, jfiramM Do am, IM Omplant. aaa m V Beak, AJa, and Miat, leak f BRANT'S-INDI AN PULMONARY BALSAM Tkla Ral.Mn naiaenaa an ee rleauta and fnfymt rVru, or the abiiai! ue-jad mmm ETacrr. anJ aiea pmaaiaa arranl oW ajK-dtmtiona, e-fJ.l and r jwT7wi4 W rare COfttrje iiw Vln II mtmi, n.l rare, rfcere e i Uem, and al-rwhrre im. aa rewl ty ead ea aaeilf aa Ska rmrtjrt "-' "rm"itTunm" Xwa of wen koerWet roranmptlej fntif iireaa r 'mn nrlraraleea r-j In nil duaaam T Ike 11 -a, TSkoaV. ad BW.kHT. A DVIXU WOMAN SAVED! CONSUMPTION CUREDI Wa giro Ska follovtnf eerrtrate aa n fact of tare, whlek (iMa prore Ska newer Io e life, even when the peraoa enean, iu he la a eeay teat nana of etrtatraoB, abas Sraan faiiu Fmlmimvi euaw ia wltam.rwtvd : Wa firnm tfje fbl'ewin7 aertScaw a n fec-t of care, whteb fora tw nruer A. tK.wer tu aeve lite, even when Ike perec ee-foe k ke ia ike vy laat of eziaeoce. whea aVo4 aden ruiwtonmwy IHw H adninirlered ; Ti.a aaae duea nut aland n!eii we could a..ntr- bant craaa aa arrilaae and aalemafa and knVHe nt koptlmm eax and oVraaaada ot raa. a calk d CON81 M 1'TIUN. Tilin ( LUK waa tt-al na the wite of Mr. Zia Its .,. ot aha oa f aell a. Jei aief e Co.. If. T. Mrs. Dyk'-mioi waa iirtaoanced dytn, and Mr. Dykemaa w.-al is ihe Mure of Mr. Jirw W err Iu parrAant alelk for a aareuet. and efkar kanal aaMnela, eauectioi hia wife would emm die. rlee wea in Ike lew etajrr ot the diaeian -wm eatick epyraMad aud lyiarnaiit and to relieve bee Crenf rfirtriii. and make dyi't peUea eiere aorjr. Mr. vk'-mnn we iteraudil tu ci her eume uf -BHANT'e UilllAN PUI.MUHAKV kAl.rtAM." lie tuok the aWenW bonje with Ike ehrund, and He a portion to bla wile II rellered h. ehr eutttinaod Io lake a until she recovered aoon anaLTH. and eke kaa nanetnaad aa4 fmr aearlp ear fere eee Pmmfhlm lur pMekrulan. Mr. bfiiaAN awore an ihe aiMve fart before Taos. aV Teaaa, L-J.. iif BaUaien Mjm, Win kpril, Ui. Taoa. ti. lorna, Eeq. Jumttrm, cerhtwa thnt he bat known Mr. Dyfceni) mt.y yeara and tual he la one of Ineirw0i wonktend retfmnmmlt eaeuene; and Mr. Joan Welt, the merejianl aix'ia ol ah .ve. eleo mtniJUm to tha food rhnrartrr of Mr. wlieaaa. and that be waa aw oaainLid with mil tueenev kavmg hoard luem elleo apak aa af !-y Vmkmmmm Brant's Pulmonary Balsam aurea CONSUMPTION Cauikm, Cold. Spminr .flier HiMdtng ml Mr Lukmm. I'm ,n r Hrrmu and Suit, AayM Seeeta, wrroa Ccawtlamla. PmlpuaUon mf Im Hmmrt, tWa aknlaei. riyamiary. Smmmmr Cemaleinla, and A Li rUMALK H atltMwwuj wlafrenr Dill TUBS AND rUYSllim REt'OSMEJiD. The following-named 2ve itnd rtyrirume have hlffc 1 reroramended BUAN Trt MCUIL'tNtd : Dr. N. HL HKAKIl., Conu. Or. i. N SMITH. Watertown, N V. lr. Itoss.M AN. 134 Henry, kreokty S. Vt. 1 M. Hl'Sr, Auburn, M. Y. Dr. OKO fHANClM. Middletown. Caaak Cr.dKO A rUMiEK. Bath, N. Y. tlr. S. WHITK, Fredonia. It. Y. Dr. C. B. OALENTINK, Byron. It. T. Dr. IU mdPMAN. Fayetleville. M. T. Dr. I. f-KINSKH. Henry eceet. Rrooklya I. De. U. HUirMAM. Cwlluid, . I. Beware of counterfeits ! There it no Brant'a trilicine arnuine, bnl uch bottles aa are put tip in square packiga or eh ape, and on one rjuare of the package in a label no wbit-h i rppre-fiiled a young Squaw, and under where ahe a'.amU ia a Note of Hand, which reade aa follow, via. Wt hereby prom'te.furralue rrccirtd. to pay to the bearer Itcretf On ( it, on demand, at our Mcdiane raciiwy in the Ciiy vj Brooklyn, A. r. Vattd at VroHrlyn, Itt April. 1 848." (which cote it tieyird wiih pen and rid ink) "31. T. WALLACE CO." None genuine but aurh aa have lbs Dole oa ihe label aignrd aa above. For sale by Thornton & Raker, Lrwis- burg; Edwd VVlljon. Nrw Berlin; S j Croure, iStlinaerove ; i & F 0' Mover, Krrebura ; H ?l Bdrkhauee, Middleburg ; W ill & Eilert, Hauls- ton ; Ames & Mrncn. Mifllinburg All letters and orders must be addressed Wallace 4 Co. 106. Broadway, New York Dentistry. WH. 0. STEWART, TATE of Philadelphia, in row located on J Market alret-t, Lewinburg. oppoaile Mr. J Sehreyer's atore, w here he Mini Ja lo operations on the leelb at a reilu.-lion of hia former prices. Teeth and roota of teeth removed with the aid ol improved fnatrumenta, and in an easy manner. Pilling teetii aud setting on pivotaor plates atten ded 10 according to the latent improvement- in the profraaion IHcerated, apungy, and inflamed game cured. Thankful for paat tavoia. he solicits a continuance of public patronage No impure materiale uaej for filling in leeih. Iv288 MkTAir nrM I BOM r, ..I- k.. IM Ap 34 RrJr Iins m (law ejMB one imm emr rwnni I, i:YISBUIU; CHRONICLE AND WEST holier. SUBSCRIBERS to the "Univeisily at Lewisburg" are respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the Is! Instal'l are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalment from the time they become due. HAM L T., TaaAS. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. re 5 5 a 2 a. c St5"- e?" P3 o O o c s e ss re t o 63 a n 3 O BJ 5 3 (m. ' n " o O S 2.o 89 eJ a - a s Si. Si8" a 2 C2w5 C e It I a e 6 r-- 9 IT S3 a (2) If. 2 T3 rr V. to 3 en P S ? 1s3 n o 2. -s. o) i Org sV a ffe, nfrs i or? a sr o HENRY C. HICKOK, 4 TTORNEY A T LA IF, Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a. Practices in I'nion and adjoining conntiea slao attends the courta or Terry county. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by L. U. Christ, Esq. Brandreth's Pills are sold at 25 eta per bos (with full directions) BY J. IIAYKS & CO., Lewishurg, and by omv one Agent, in every town in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency. Eiamine the box o' pills always and compare it with the fac simile labela on ihe Cerlifi-te of Agency. A there is a counteifeit of the new label nut. thia ia of much importance. the i ia a decided difference between the appear! ncc of the true labels and tboae of Ibe count ! feit. The counterfeit ia done on atone ; be ae luine are done on ateel. The appearance of tr t printing on the counterfeit ia ragge.l and blurp ; the genuine label ia the very pink of neatneae, both in printing, paper, and general eierution. Be very careful and goto the Agent.nhen you ant Brandreth'e Pilta : then you are aure of the genuine article. When you otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he knowa the pilla he oflcra Vnu ars the genuine Brandreth a! Ev ery man knowa whether ihe aiticle he oflera ia irua or false. Beware ot cheats I f"PHE subscribers otTt-r the public, at their L new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuiible Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tiaht Cooking Stoves, with a Brick Oven. Ladv Wnehington Parlor Stove. Caat Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 3 aitee. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 vise, It inch cjl inder. Louis Air-Tiaht Caal Iron Parlor Stove 3 aisea. Shield Air-Tithl Psrlor Stove for Wood 3 aisea. Egg Stove the very bent in use for Stores, Oflicea, Barroom, and Shopa. The celebrated lienesee Atr-Tigbt Cook stove. The Complete Cook 3 vises. Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings. &c. vVc. CHRIST & M'FADDIX. Lewisburf:, Dec. 12, 1819. LUMBER ! riHE subscriber still continues to keen a X large stock of Lumber in his Ynrd for sale, comprising the lollowing, vir. 100.000 feet goodMry Pine Common ami Pan 45,000 leel Joist and Scantling, nel Bard, 10.000 feet good dry Poplar and Linn Boards, 30 000 Joint and Lap Shingles, 93,000 sawed Ceiling l.alb, Pine Kails and Square Timber, Maple and Poplar Scantling, Weatherboards and Pine Paling, Salt, Naila, and Stone Coal, Oakum, Tar and Pitch ; all of which he will sell ot fair prices. THOMAS NESBIT. Lewisburg, Jan, 22, 1950 3m FRESH supply received at the Lewis XI. burg Cheap Bookstore i Fiske's Manual of Classical Literature Divie- Analytical Geometry Blair's Khetnric, (University edition) Comstock'a Mineralogy The Complete Farmer, vol. 621 cts The New American Gardener, 1 vol, $1 The Book thnt will Suit You, or a Word for Everybody I can furnish the a"bove works, with a great sariety of others, at very lote prices. Mae 30 8 1' 1. 1 .MIA 1,1. Window SASH. A lot of 6x10 Window Sash, from the cheap Manufactory of Sprout & Burrows, on hand, and all sizes got to order on short notice. May, 1649 I G Lawshe Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a. A LARGE and fresh aupply of thia celebrated Medicine, just received from the principal Depot in New York, and for aale at tha new Drug and Chemical atore of Dr Thornton Si Baiter NEW BUGGEY for sale, cheap. For further particulars, enquire at this office.. Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1840 Promissory. Judamenf. and Mat Net (blanks) at thiseffw. Dr. Swayne's Celebrated Family Medicines. CURB FOLLOWS CCSB ! More Proofs of the Efficacy ol Dr. S WAYNE'S COHFOCHD SVaCF OF Wild Chci sy , Vie Original and Genuine Preparation .' Consumption, Coughi, Colda, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver lom- plaint. spitting Blood,i!inicuny Ol ureauuug, pain in the Side and Breast, palpitation f Ibe Heart, Influenia.Croup.bro ken Constitutionore Thrdal, Kcrvous Debility. and all diseases of Throat, Brrsnt. and Lungs:, the most effec tual and speedy cure known for any of tha above diseasee is Dr. Swayne's compouud Syruj of Wild Clierry. Reliable Testimony. John Milton Earle, editor of the Worcester sin. Mann., waa attacked with a eevere intlama tion of ihe lungs, accompanied with a distressing cough : after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ot Dr Swayne's Compound 8yrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect health. Wm. Monlelius, a respectable merchant of St Clsir, Schuylkill county, writes, Jan 30, 1849: -Enclosed I send you s certificate of Wm. Beau mont, a citisen of our town. Hia case of Cone nrspuon ia well known here,snd of long standing; be sttributes his cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cheiry." Be not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cherry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretender., but see thai the aignature of Dr. Saayne ia upon each bottle, which ia the only guarantee agsinat imposition. Remember ! the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry ia prepared only by Dr Swiijk, N W corner of Eighth and Race etreete, PhileJ'e Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, , Safe and Effectual Remedy for Worma, Dya " nepsia. Cholera Moibua, aickly or dyspeptic Children or Adult",and ihe most useful Fsmily Medicine ever offered lo the public" This remedy ia one that haa proved succeasful for a long time, snd is universally acknowledged by all who have tried it to be far tuptrxor (being ao very ples-snl to the tsste. at the same time effectual) to any other medicine eer employed iu diseases lor v.hich it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it invigorate, the hole evstera It ia harmless in its effect, and the healih of the patient ia slwsya improved by iu use, even when no worm, are discovered. (ft-Beware of Mistake,. Remember- Dr 8 . Vcrroituge ia now put up in fqwtre bottles (ha iug recently been changed) covered by . besul.ful wrapper, steel engraving, vith the portrait of Dr Swayns thereon engraved. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. DR SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED 8 ARS A PARI LL A AN D EXTRACT OF TA R PILLS. The virtues of these pills can be appreciated only by tboae who have used them. They are adapted to assist nsture in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of the blood. Ac. They are a gentle and effective purgative, correct all ihe functions of the liver, and aa an alterative in dropsical affections they are very valuable snd should be in every family. They have an oulaide coaling of pure White Sugsr.whereby everything diaagreesble to teste or smell is entirely iemove.1 without in tbe least affecting Ihe eicellem quell ties of the medicine. Remember ! they are no put up in boxes turned out of tbe solid wood, covered with a red label bearing the aignature ol DrSwayne: none other is genuine. The above valuable Medicines are pre pared only by Dr. SWAYNE, N W corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Jl gents for Union C- unly. Pa. C W Schaffle, and Thornton & Baker,Leiaburg J Seebold and ,,.,;! Menrb, Mdlersbutg Ed Wilson. ft I..&Tavhr,Mifflinburg Mos Specht. Besvertown Will A: Eilert, llartletoo D J Bover, Centerville Saml Haupt do D.4 Schnure.Selinsgr've Youngoian waiter. Dry Valley D Smilh.Mos-ser e V slley KeubKeller.Nsvv Island BA Snmmers.Krecburg and by 8torekee-fs generally ly890 P TT II. K KRES II COD JLLivet HPih mHTS new and valuable Medieine, now I naeirl hv the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure ol Pufminorv Cnnsumotion. Scrofula. Chronic Hheumatism, Uout, general Debility, Complaints of the Kidneys, &c &c., is prepared from the liver of the COD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from the London Medics! Journal. V, 1. 1? Williams. M. D.. F.R.S., Professor of Medicine in University Collrge, London, consul ting physician to ihe Hospital for Consumption, Ac, says; " I have prescribed the I til in above four hundred casea of tubeiculous disease of the Lungs, in different slages,wbich have been under my care the last two year and a half. In the large n umbel of cure. 206 out of 334, its use war followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varvinz in degree in different caws, from a tem porary retardation of Ihe progress of the disea-e snd a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or lea. complete restoration to apparent healih. "The effect of tha Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases waa very remarkable. Even in a few days Ihe cough waa mitigated, ibe espce.oratinn diminished in auantilv and opacity, the nieht sweats ceased, the pulse became slower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and stiength were gradually improved. In concluaion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the ireatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicine), dietetic or regimenal, that has yet been employed." As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quarters, it can now be had chemically pure, by the eingle bottle or in btxes of one dozn each. Its wonderful efficacy haa induced num erous spurious imitations. As its success depends entirely on ita purity, too much care ein not be ued in procuring it orv ink. bvcry bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis of the Oil, with notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postage. JOHN C. BAKER $ CO., Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, Ij28h 100 North Thiid St. Philadelphia ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY t EIPEDITIOCSLT EXECUTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE BRANCH FARMER TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS. & m w-i ill m A' TV COUNTll X MAM"-" D R. J. N. HEELER & UKU. moat res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh ; ol English, French. German, and ate-ttfal American Drugs. Medicines, Faints, Che- .... . 1 aaeaeanavaa PorTll.. micaU. Oils, uvestuits, ui-i mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, &c Having opened a new store, No 894. Market si, with a full supply ol freah D-ug. and Medicine., we respectfully solicit couni. dealers to eiam ine our stock before purchs-iui elaevrhere, prom ising one and all who may fe. t disposed to ci ...!,. ... their natronaee. to sell ihera genome D-ugs and Medicines, on aa liberal terms as any other house in the to faithful y eiecu-s all oiders entrusted to us promptly snd with us- . L. One of the proprietors being a regular phyai cian. afford, .mple guarantee of the genuine nn.liiv of .11 articles sold at their eslsblishment. ' vol -;.li. invite drusaials slid country merchants, who may wiah to become agents for n. k..i: Chhrated Family Medmnes, (slandar.1 aud papular remedies.) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain. , J.N. KEELER&BRO., Wholesale D'"? ly84 No. 294, Market oi., SAM'L AMMON, rilHANKFL'L for liberal patronage heretofore re.beeifullv informs his old fiieuds snd tbe public generally that he haa removed hia Ijnilor Miop r i ' t i t li;nJin Market to the ttaaement oi nia on uwrim.. treel. neit door abova C. Penny 'a saddlery (late the office of II C Hicfcok, Es4) nere ne nope. suit all who may give hitn their custom, as he does all work in his line in the best and newest style and on short notice. He hir the Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, and is determined to keep u with the times and merit a good share c patronage. CUTTIXG done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work Le isbura. W, 1949 lyg.0,7 UNIVERSITY at Lewisburg. THE TRUSTEES of the University at Lew. irburg would respectfully inform ita Patrons and Friends, that. In the Scnool uncier tneir care, (at Lewifburg) the following .re theClaee,Sub jecta of Study and Eiercises for the current year. Department and Mudlee. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Six Claaaes Eiercised in Spelling. Reading. Definition. English (.irammar, Arithmetic. Geog raphy, History V S. A.. Penmanship, and Com. position. F.XGLISH DEPARTMENT of the Aeaiemy The aame studies as in the Primary Department continued in the use of larger lost booka ; end to these are sdded General History, Daviea' Atgebia. Legendre and Surveying. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT of .he Academy Jan. Academic Class. English Language. r:.rnnl!- Historv U. S. A . Latin Grammar and Reader. Greek Grammar and Reader com menced. Arithmetic completed. Sen. Academic Clots. Enclish Language. General History. Ceir, Virgil, Greek Reader, Daviea' Algebra. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Freshman Class. Livy.Anabasis.Memorabilia. Daviea' Legendre, Trigonometry otmmencrd. &Aomore Clam. Horace. Oilyreey. felect Orationa of Dcmosthenea. Ie?genlre completed. Daviea' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical Geometry. Biair'a I.ecturea. Junior Clan. Demosthenes on the Crown. Greek Tragedy. Cicero Je Officii", T.cilue, Nat ural Philosophy. Asironomy, Logic. Students in the English Department recite with those pursuing the aame a'.udie. in the Regular Course. No class in ihe Regular course, haa leaa than three daily recitations. All ibe meinbere of the school, (in three divisions.) are exercised every 8aturday in Reading. Declamation, Lnglih Com position, and Vocal Music. All the students are required I attend, regu larly, some religious meeting. Minora are eipec led 'o attend such meetings aa are recommended to lh m by their parenta or guardians. There are in the Borough no less than ix places of public worship, occupied every Lord's Day by as many different I bnsiieii denominations. Number of Students. The number of students during the paat year in the various departments, was Mi l. Tbe number that have entered the classes in the Reg ulsr Course lor tbe current year (exclusive of thoae in the English and Primary departments.) is a. follows : Coiaeea Junior class e Sophomore class It Freshman clsia - .11 AeinaaT. Senior clas. It Junior cla. SB TKACIIEHS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR. A. M , Profewor of Mathrmatics and Natural Philosophy ; GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M., Professor of Greek l.ancmce and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON. A.M. Professor of Latin Language and Literature; ISAAC K. LOOMIS, A. M, Principal of the Academy ; ALFRED TAYLOR, A. M., Ttarher in lb Academy. In order to meet tbe demand, of tbe Institu tion, the Board have taken measure, to supply the necessarv Apparatus for the department of Mechanical Philosophy, and to increase the Li brary, befoie the commencement of the winter session. During the year, the building now in progress will be completed, affording atudy rooms and dormitories for 70 college students. Another Professor has been added lo the Faculty, and means provided to enable students in the classes specified above to prosecute their studies with the greatest success. Tnltfon and nonrd. TUITION in tbe Collegiate Department f 30, Academic f20. Primary $12 per year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at vanoua price., from $1,3' j lo $2,50 per week. ScR8lon, Vacations, &c. Two Season, in a year tbe former commen ees on the second Tuesday in October, snd con tinues 37 weeks ; the latter continues IS week Spring Vacation, 4 wreka ; Autumnal, 6. Next session begin. 11th October. The Board are happy to add that Lewisburg is st present, as It ever has been, exceedingly healthy. By order snd in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATTSON. Pres't. GEORGE F. MILLER. Sec'y. Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. r-r I. 1, tB49. Dr. Rose's nediclne& The subscriber having been appointed sole agent for Dr. Rote's Medicines, for Union county, oflera thr m to the public with great confidence as to their rffi-aeir and certainty of effecting cures in nil casea for which thev nre descried. A sinole i.t only ia required to eetabltnh the fact. . T 9 S BARTON EQUITABLE LIFE ISSCRAXCEs Annuiij tana si-tiai vwaurasns. Office, 74, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. CaHTit, $250,000 Charier Perpetual. rilHE Comnanv ara now prepared lo transact J business apon tbe most liberal snd advanta geous terma. I nev are uiuorizru uj men (sec. 3) " to make all and every apper taining to life riaks of whatever kind or nature, and la receive snd .recuie tru.te, make endowments, and to cram and purchase annuitiee." The Com pany Mil annuities and endowments, and ael ae trustees lot minors snc netre. Table of Premiums required for the Atsurantt of 100 for the whom (eras ej Ago. Prem. Ago. Pram. Age. Prem. 16 16l 31 $2 U9 46 $3 3G 17 1 93 38 t IS 47 3 49 IS 136 33 3 30 41 3 63 10 16S 34 S 37 4 3 77 50 1 SO 33 S 33 60 3 4 ti 1 63 36 3 40 31 4 13 It 1 66 37 3 47 38 4 33 S3 16 38 3 34 33 4 61 34 1 73 3! S 63 64 4 71 51 1 76 40 8 70 36 41 36 1 86 41 SSI et 3 13 37 1 89 4t 3 93 97 6 33 34 1 94 43 3 01 6S 6 34 89 1 98 44 3 13 89 6 78 30 3 04 43 3 33 60 6 03 The premiums are leaa than any other company and tbs policies .flord greater advantage. Mar ried women and female children can maura in? liaea of either a huaband or Cerent free from tbe claims ot creditors. Tables of b.lf yearly ana quarterly premiums, half credit rales of premium, abort terma, joint livea, eurvivorehipe, endow menta and form, of application ara lo bs had at the Office or of lbs Agent. Rates for insuring $100 en sing I UJe. Aa- Far 1 year. Far 7 years. Far Life, 30 SO 40 60 69 fO 81 81 1 30 1 64 B07 SS7 i eo 04 S 70 5 S4 6 03 0 89 1 89 1 60 8 48 Example parson aged 30 years next birth day by paying the Company 99 CIS would accuie to hia family or heirs $100 should be die in one year, or for 9 90 ha secure, to ibem (1000, or for 13 00 annually for seven year, hs sscore lo them 11000 ebould be die inaeveo y.ere. or for 30 40 paid yearly during life be secures $ 1 000 lo be paid when he dies lbs inaorer eecuring bis own bonue by the difference in amount of piemium from those charged by other office. For 49 60 the heiie would receive $5000 ahouid he die in on year. PETER CULLEN, I realJ.nt. F. W. RAM'LE. Sec'y and For further pellicular, apply to HENRY C. HICKOK. Agent for Union and adjoining conn tilt. Consulting Physician Wm. Hstse, M. D. Lewieburg, I'nion Co. Pa. July SI, 1849 LEVISDURGJFOUiiDRY rpHE subscribers, thankful for past pstro I nap, would inform the public that they continue to manufacture all kind of MILL GEARING. Cast Water W heels 'J1 Threshing Machintg. One and Two Horse Ploughs. We invite prtrticulnr attention lo a na article Viard'i Potmt GINS rLOCGES, lur serding ia Grain. Farmers by this plough can seed in es much prain, in one day, a in three days with rnnirrwn plough. and Fittinu the same. HOLLOW WAKR Kettles and Pots of various sifs Smooth irtfcr Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles io suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the moat approved patterns now in ua. fn wood or Cfa!. Fancy, Parlor, Vood,Co.iJ StoTfs a ik. nun rsiut Race's Seir-reicntallnff Alr-tlghf Parlor ood Stovea. (a new article ) Threshing Machines and ether articles of machinery repaired in the best murine and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to b of the best material, and a prices that can not fail to pleate. GEDDKS & MAR?H Ltwisburg, March 23. 1848 f 1 y?08 Pianos ! Pianos. fTHE undersigned continue to furnish lo order X an the most reasonable terms. Piano, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philad.,vho9e iuatrumenl are too well known to need any pan egyric, having uniformly received Ihe rommend ations of the most eminent profeasors and compo ses of Music, snd ibe sward of the prtmiuma in N-v York. Philadelphia end Boston. For qtialitie of tone, touch, and keeping in tone up lo conceit piicn, mey can not be surpassed by either Amer ican or burnpean nanus. Inalruction. given on tbe aa heretofore, Reference may be made to any of thoe parents or guardians who have pupil commuted to bis charge. He may be seen at hia residence at Mr Maize', Market .treet, Lewjborg. where terma and particulars will be made known. The most popular and favorite Aire snd Music of different kinds received as it is issued from ihe different musical establishments in the Cities. May IS CHAKLE KAl.lSf H The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription of CASTINGS i kepi on nana or maue io order such The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for eilher Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, also PMUT4N:il of differ ent kinds Corn Plouuhi. Bull Ploughs. and the Self SharpenlnK PlonKb. a new article, and which can not bs beat n Pennsylvania. Call and sea and i,Ai,o for yourselves. CHRIST fe M'FADDIN. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 14 GOAL OF ALL KINDS liUK sale by 1' REBER rnnivrt 2SE3r lwwborg, Junt, Iff fd "An ounce of Prevention worth a pourul of Cure," io Ihat aicful disease, GOHSUhiPTieiJ ! DR. FlTCfl'3 Lectures oh the Preten tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Ltwisterf by S-F. Lynda!' J- Houghton cd at this office. Price. 75 cenls. - TRICKS OF tlCACKS- of r...insere. ' "hat f tr. atlem5erliwme.lica: aeheo awl " " J!!,"' ." N"w the trl'h a. Us nave." practiwl W4 . -. t . . k. an.l va-aTttV of tlW WSV t .- OOI,IM"W".'-. - . - . ii. ..... ml ia one auatC'apPt uUautmz lo mixture, etaunt tti in mixture. aia:ins ina - r, inr.iK-rment toambr In lha boamava. i xn iMtiliine and liaaliia aw ail pox i ,,,, iha uvb.K taith Ihe baiial : etw. a an i men have b-i Km tor i a wcrk I will eiva bin. ScV if ke wii' pi - duet on euielr .lnarv pr of Hu smsm i . Toomp-ori. SKil:man Co.. ara .hiat hat a um atlvrhwios. M'i'ly mte " lrr tha ponr, mom m -. tb Irulh dwwi. Iu retfanl lo him mtmrime, arwrwroa v. pouml. T' l" i " raiiil'fi the p-ii'ie tu purch vaj nou-. Olil lr JAI tiH T"n". V r("irilla. him oa -Old Doelor'a liker.ear. tin owf C'uol mf Armm, anf ' : auiraturearro-atirt.'.tatof Arms. ermrd UN .Voatr-Of JfO Old Dr. Jacob Townsenu, at ir- mtr.tvii nmcnvcrER OF THE Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. OIJ Dr. T..sriurl u noar ,. u jvij- v tajiarn k.. .... a. the A VTHOH m Ul) . ii v- r- l v ; (tllllilSAL 1 ' MAnSAl'AillLLA " Bn.:r k)OT, ..a ... elnue.l.i H Umii iia raai.ul.c ure, br winch mraua it h. ueen l.M ei mataeu a baa prwc Uie asia i baan ha. a! US WJr.V'ttlt HEALING POWER. Itla CRAVb AND I NEC.VAI.I Et) PHLFARATir?.' h Mnufctu:el9ntha iargnt era a. am: la aa. eJ eut iha is'h and breaJ:h ef -.liv ;ar.u. a:ec:a.:j u U fevnd ineapaS a of oVtfeneratijn or eeartura t-aj. Utilise viu.-ir S P Tjr.jO's, u imsrovrs mr.h at, od narr'cSj:-"but fnr !k bitr: ta JJ :"- P'a;.a en nenr p'nopter bv a inrf? man. Tlie a:j koowinifV .. l.'.-eriiwl.-y. : mm J'.e.-i u.arfver:aa o u in. have a. brouAi info reqci-rior. in ha rr.ii-'aa. lronet.d lrm Ss-aipa.' '.. -,r? r. k la wall twsmr. to ricdidl u:ea. ;?:r.r ir-j na'j?taa1 ptjpenae. mrA "ra proper. rv Woe " Wert ar --e tad utiiere. wiuvh il re aiu- ! ia crepariR u r sea. Stst ferment. taw siid o'a. .ei it ii i-ri ju to .!. tss. Some -f he i r.ysrtiee : Siaaril a are as aaa that ihev en'ire j e-. a-- -rare ar-.J are tna prayi.- I! tuar are n.n p-ererved bv a aceajir mntmrnm. anavn Iv la ihM axpanenced i:l i:e nwnu "c:ura. M-ra"Vat (haa, mnia:im prinzis fa, tt it. vtit, ex. as.aujn. uiwet fteai. aia is vrj mmmfmial itUtmai prmp, arars -1 :!ie r ai.icli irive to tt a.. r. vt :.'a Anv bamun can gr raw :he r..i a.! tree est a tmii eoiaraa uuii. aaicli u mJ.a liOi ita uii. u-.y.i the r.wrt Trt-rn a..viliin e'mm ; il, rsa iha. atraui tv i.r.i4 ur vj--nl :i it.1. !vie-.a w;.h ayr mj'awia. lilonN k "SAKSAP.lHtl.LA EXTRACT aVCI But eticN i r.rt -t:r a.-wT :i:a UEMHE OLD Da JACOI TOWNiSLVM 1Yttii ao prp'.arej tha a:! t.e inrt prpnj of kim rrjartl'a rua( are? f.Mt tm-wi. rrtUi4r ctj S bcuinin? mad rerraeauirica m ii-acid m.t.i rj.4 ium tery funic! 'i r.i 11:4! it::v u ecurfj in ft prt r.-l eor.rrr.iTn'r": fvnn ; n1 't'jp : i rtn-lrd wic4i Of jntttnff ar.y o! IV tuhi ai d tiriiiM pmparu. Mril ir. atv. w mwtc in, mi'M pi-r.uaa' t U rr? oflnaamrraMt ! aa. fimi'js in reivjft tf ra.r p..;mir:-a.:aiwi-oo mmtrnm d m it iast lj men, women, at4 a.arac- W tmst 4o:tw w 'fii!-- ir. tr-. cjr o COAr.vl Mf PTin .V, D yXFKrZTA, LI cojnPLAiT,u in iT:rMr&-V, next- VIA t'!T.K. t nKTirEVZS. : CUTASs Gi'S mRL irrS. PiXrLES, QLOTJrS Metis!! a;v-rthi arixnaf (r.-m iMFUitii V OF THE BLOOO. It wwwm a rrarTe.'loj eT-ac m estm't aaaV mzs, Irom thfrmtx', inm Act:y af IH S'-jwumca. f-.vm tveum cirtTTimttoii, ue'.r-n:r. mi ( b-a1 to Mm paip iatKH) n; ttK hf-irt, eul t: an ) haD ! i cHtt hui tfarbesifT.-r i!ie txrU. It h not iiaaqttal in CUaa4 IZmfhrn ; anU prtm-tea'v c.'ra':ao anl gtr..l pa firauon. ra.ajix.,' rr.ctiuo ot tit lsna. tiiroal ft&A Jior part. Cst in rvTt:n m i erf'Ire mra nar..rcLf mm mm rlaowiasiif 't -Hrt it a.i k'no - t atsx FLMALL C JMTLAtN T3. It wnrka wt!ni m eaa o: F.uor Alm si W.. FiilitftAj cthe V.mb, fMirn;. sd, Supr-MJ1 o mPmYA Acnrw. brgtt'ortty ("th mtritrua. keri. im. aa ! il.m ;i!jf cJ m (Trctuai in runr.t a 1 the form ot Kt.inty U Dj rvmovtnf obrrufu-n--!. ar,i ru at;ng turn rrmirn. it ivf- tone and atraojth to u bi;-. titan cn- all urtr- ot Xtrvotii ).uiMi nI D Witt 7 , 9T6 Ih'ia p't rr;- t-r rf. a (treat vartatv f -mAtsHt, mm tSjnnil irualvm. A'turd--iO, ,VI ft;' .w mJsMtnsnfm t'sU. Cmr mum, ft. i cei.a tna blooj. it.c thtj iiar taairV . -k mam tha ttoti.arh, art! ffiea rnJ .hcei.-r. rt e :c bowclaof r-rpor ami cm r.i-paiiB. a iaa inf Ainu..w nfiea lha aix, rrsidiica the citu uWi oi the i .-:, pr cing gen'-ir war.-nih t'.ual.y aii or Uk ttoujr. a. ia all nr-Krurftn-w. ad iavigontM itt ani (. yfm. ir p-t -hia then Tha Mertirln yon preflntlmjnfl7 mmtM t But can anv it t thine tmt l ; S P. TwraaaTa m.'tjior anit t Ti-s tom-j Trn't ! i ,( u- eOMPAfU.P WITH THE OLI PR'S, bffcao tn :RANT FACT, that tha ana ia iKCAf-Bl-E oi !trFE RIO RATIOS, a- 1 NKVElt SPOILS. hi?e th Pttr IMFS- mftrtnmf. frrmr msnf. am! ikt ' rnMainuiir it inta ir-mwnt; tha aoirr. at ho aid cxtIrti-ts.aii danin e h?r eno Mtt nn-thr aornhlv rijmp-infl h p"iiin.-t; u th m Wrn pul asriri tniJa itvn turmnri iMrit trf ntvt 7 Wat ca iiars tii,u out aii.l l wit ti a.i know that ktaa fonrt mur in tnir tnn..i-r. wit mtrhir? n pv,iucr Hamleticr. rteartburn. tM!pita:i vi ot the heart. hr rm p'ani!, diet v-rhTt. (ienier. en'ir. an I rtrrjy",rn tS b'.M'ill What tn Srnituia hn: an humor in tha V 1 What rtrtkitire a:! rh humoi fiich hnnc oo Erut'nror the SKtn. SmM ?!fa.1. .yt Rheum. FrripIaa. VV'va tSwe!!i!,(;-. Kever Sure, an) ait u'.-erationa iarna! vat lernm ? It i it.itLmr irn.ier hea-e:. hvr an aetrf ruKsnra which aour-i, anl ihtt- in:n ail the tljtaortha mi. inr or lew. Wtiat caue Kleirr,..iivii hvt a mnnt AnJ act. 11 lit, whi-'h in-oii!e i'-a-'f her : fnint an4 r'aa wheie. imtanne an ! mftimtnc the dettnea taafa uihw to! Her.tnTett f irrii:nort. and EearlT a.i the .i'r?.M whreh irTtiet himn r,tnr. Now w tt n-'t riiirnoic to maka aai I arvi mf,mr.mriir SOI Rl, FKRMrSTFXO. Arm TOMPOrsn" 09 N P. TmVMSfcSn. an l v.-t b W'"M ta.r he n ontVr-T.., that O . Ir riii T wnsei:.1i G'nuinr f ''trrnrtl S.Tstpnrtira it an I ITATION nt hit tnicrt.r proparaiiwii 1 llmren lorhi-! we -htoM .ient in an arti. V W wouli hear the mint dittam reecmliUaca ta S. F. Tcw m i a nrri e.' Wr wih it t.-Ierwifi. beraiMe H iath rvtoe tru.A that S. P TAwi.e:iVamr: ami ..(J Ir. Jr.DTiiH , '.- Saraapirilia -ire kruTcnvidc trpnrt. or.d fNi'. mar; inai mer are nniua m trv canicular. Uimr l ana sinle ilitr. tn common. A" S. P Twnier.'l tm r.n rWtnr i4 w ahamtftt, n" (-harntveutm know ao mra of oUci. "t tfweaar than ano'ht refnimav, wfic.m"ft'm-'' what riMJ'.wx can ihe nauiic hvve titai ib-t are ra- aeivint a tit t.tum c.ei!'n".c ine-tir itie.c-nttainM: i'l the tt. Mie ot trie article v.(f in tireinrinr n. and whirh a-e i-v apabta of rhan?es wliirh mi;h. retailer tliam :ha A(itTf af Diarara uiMejti ol hr-.i'th t It WFiat ei.te nliou'.I he xni,(f f-nm nne mhn knw ittHturtf OHnparatiTel oi rnedwine or ditvaftrt I'- teuirt a p-jrwr. oi Mme ax-icnetir u cimk rt aerva upeTurt a CtmnrMo tlecetit rtiea. II. tw mm h mora impor.-tnt ta H lhMirtferww. wh niatmiarmre ireirine tirtetr 1 WEAK STMAr!S A. F.NKF.l.ill.Cl) SVMFVU. ahoM know veil tha trtrdtral propenrrAr p;-.n:a,tSe two mannar oiarirme am! conrrmtrtiiutj tt.air heaim ;r a!ran eiterrre knowViljf. oi iha!-1." afac tha hitmau fuio. ami bow to atUt rrraaJ.a tlt..av- It in arret frantla nnoa the imfrtir-i?. rvurh! Into woun-tfil htimantiv. to k hmM trt the noaom, to reer health, artd Moorn, mnA w.etw mw !ha trwhe-1 am hnk'n. an! to twnn-h tn'irmity 'ha: Ol D OIL JiV tiJH!Vsrn fc.w SOiWiHTAnd FOTM'hao portanitjr and mean tohnn? ; Grand Ut1rrl Conrentratccl Rcmad. wultin th reach, ami to tha kn wfe itrr of a! I who oe Ur&t they rmxf learn ami know, hv onul aneririKa. ! Tranacentlatat Power io Haal Ackxts lor the above Medicine C v Schafilr, Ltwisbtirs John H Kiert .MH ton ; Foray i h & PrieM.y, Koilhn Larrf 0E Buey and Sett of Harnr m One Two Hore Wgoi. 'Ode TrurV v LflJ UlA SKLli "--"' " '- i i .a. It tiwil rear r.smU j it worn. iu "J "11 )I Iliauv. iK.qmiti-:., - r. - -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers