Dims AND ”ms. g 0... nuns", an: and Humor, cu m my. A 89!?“ Clflofl!‘ 7mm. ‘ They hue l queer specimen of human upturn in North anlinn. Everybody J-e -' embers Ihe crlnbn‘ted “Cousin Sally Dif- EM» Cam," Ind hero is one recently report gd, whxrh in not [unbeh'md it. ‘ The writer give- ’it under the bend of "legs! pmceed- I! g. , ~ AMinn for work Ind lnbor done in cut ting ditch on defendant’s hind: Plea: Payment and me: off. in bacon and corn Ind-cl. . 'P'oinfif- son on the stand—recollecu the ditching perfectly, bu‘ new to (0:50 11l about. the bacon. ,‘ : _ ~"You say your daddy did all thin ditch ing! '9O you kno- Ihullho go: for it. 1" £llaner Colonel C. for delendnm. "Ho nevergol nothing. as ever I heard on; rim}: who! he never got," answered the Human. A ‘ "Did’nt your dnddy get coin and blonn from defendant in Payment [ordiwhing 2" "Never bend. a his getting no cum or bacon." ‘ ' ‘ "Whu dia your daddy and bin family flu 4m. lut lungmarf” - "Viuln, mostly." "Whit. um. of viclunlsf!" , “Well, men and broadmid some whin #9,.» "When did he gel. the meal and meat 1" “Well, fun from one, and then from the nu)". 'n "Did’nc he get some on: from defend pntr” , “no monkbu’ , ‘ "Do ou no! know he got some of it from the defzndam ?" __ '3‘] know he mought and then agnii), y.ou _kmw, he mounbtn't." ' With comiderublo .e-xoitexfiegt, and in tom:- of thundvr: ‘ “Answer the question. and no more nf thin trifling wilh your oath. did your daddy or did‘he not. go! corn and lucon from the dofendant l'or‘ clinching": _ . ‘ ' Well now, he thought. lldidn't oco'nrre‘d lu‘itly, you know.” Here his honor intrrferen, and with, a new judicial trown addresses the Witness (but: ' . "Witness you must. unaws—r the quewtio'n, or the court' Will be compelled m ueal mm yo“. 'Cln’t you say yes or mpl”. . 'jl reckon.” ‘ - - “We”, then. nrhwer, yes or no. bid 01: did not you! dnddy gut. corn and bacon from the defendant. at. the Lima referred to?” inhuirod the qoun. ' Witness. now fully amused and conscious or hm danger— " Wall, udge. I can't edzsotiy rgmembef, you know. m'm as how its dun bin gone and out up; but (planting humaelr firmly, an one determined to out do us) to the but. of my mkollekshun. if my-memory serves me right, he mought and then be ,mougmn'u’ ‘ ’ , , Thé plaintifl' saved' his bacon. Verdict nooordwgly. . Woddlns' Annual-ulna. One of the exahmges gives e‘ full list of commemorativeweddmgs, numberifig nev ed) The fifth Innivetury is the “wooden” wedding, when friends bring gifts of wood rn uteuillt The tenth in the "tin" wed. ding, when girl! of (In were are appropri nto. The fifteentb'iu the “cu-yin!" wed ding. with presents of glue ware. The "er. tieth is the “chin? wedding. for crock ery and urtDenware .gifts. The twanty- Nth it the "lilver'" wedding, when articles of like: nu are considered the thing. The thirtieth nhnivenary is the “fine’art ' wed ding, the gifts being articles of taste nnd mrtu. The lest. the fiftieth. is the "goi den" ,wedding, when the presents are of gold! 0;- Iruclga of great intrinsic value. , The Last Nan ‘l’he'l‘urtaga Register (Wisconsin) chroni cles the (loath at. Caledonia. Wisconsm, on the 27th uIL. of Joseph Crele? born' near Devan; Michigan, in 173?, and who hid “minim. therefore, Lhe‘a nzing nge of one hundred and forty years. lie was born gev rn yelrs before Goorge Washington. and in: fin, yoaggold at the outbreak of the Ama rican Blolutlon; so that he might, even then, bnv’é claimed pxempcion from milita ry service. He'wns 44 years old at the birth pr Napoleonxl. Hg was 62 yenrs old when the Federal Constitution was: formed, and R 4 whfin Abraham Lincoln. was Born. We know but. one longs-r lile than his in mod em times, that of Pair. the Engliahnmn, who in recorded to have been born in 1483. pad to hnv'e died in 1535. at. Iheqipe ago of 152. Crdo‘a baptism is said to be b‘nmord in the’ Frpnch Catholic Church in Detroit; po am hi: use wo‘uld segm to be duly au thentiutedz ‘1 weélerrr editor, whose stomach is not strong enough lo'digeut "the everlast ing nigger,” relates a drum he had not «long ago. 110 dreamed that he wan per ni‘med to look inside of the place where flue bafi nigger; . and he heard thejanilor announce that finddeus Stevens was out pide veiling for admittance. ' OldScrotch” geniuptorily ordered the janitor not to let im' iu.‘-lleging‘n the reason for his exclu pion thin il he got in he would turn every thif; uplido down. n he had done in the other world. - Thejanjlér departed w fulfill his orden, But. soon returned to inform 0. fl. that Stevens I‘misted on coming in. no he had nowhere else to go. “Old Scratch” at on n puzzled look and gee d not to £110" what to do; ‘butemldenlfi‘i‘s coun unlnoo brightened and he expla ed. "I has ill Tell theateward wgiveOJd Thnd' up bgsheluof brimuone end I box 0! mal chel, lull let him not up a h—ol‘ his own I” Ofooum this was only Idrenm. and name rule in that “drums go by control-lee." the {fiends of Old Thad may oohfidently nxpeol. thy he, likp tho famouslflncle Ned, will go ' when 1449 800 d nigger! 80-" .‘The Charlotte-ville (Va ) Chronicle illustrate: the present. political sums of the South hy an. humorous and striking figure: I! learns to us as hard to gel in the Union Mii in to get. m. The South respectfully pelt-4.0 move one way or the other. We pre like the fellow who was forced to oto the that. and then not allomd to go any' further than where he had paid for his ticket. We have been dragged into the doorwiiy of the Federal tent. and are not allowed to no my of the performlnce except to settle with the Le: oolleotors., We can heui the pnimnls growling inside, and hear the crack of the ringmuler’u whip, but we can’t see We ehow u_nlesn we pay for two and like in colored lady. And the worstof it is. they ‘00]: e ‘greet ,eegle perched over rho helm-anon. which, if yyu attempt to go beck, "oops down upop you and pzuks e hole iii your heed. We Juuly‘think this is unrea loneele; they ought either to let. us pm in. or relnn’d our money Ind lie tip the en gle. , . . Let mm Dan Bay —The manner in which our militnry belong)“ let down to their origins! level. on their 119 mm home, is sometimes more naming to the locker:- on thin fluttuing to the subject. A one in mint: Gen. Sam. 8. way: out; in a regi ut from the Badger Ema as captain.— More he let; the tondezvoul he win pro moted to colonel ; 9nd tor gallant cohduot. ill-the field in: bIeVQM brlgsdier general. On his' retirement to civil hfe he told u Wand “they let him down easy." At uhiagmq 'g ”as Gen. H. ; It. Madison. EoIJL; it 11130 Loan where he organism company. it was. “How age you, Catp- P am! yhep he got. up to 8.. where ho milieu. evi-rv boy. With fiooklsd nose, mu 553m1", “33110. San)?» Wabuk Emu. 'l'» ranching is tha oouolugion or an M 99 A gombstone in flux; Idluessee : “She hqu a lne of mane “it? died of M Ma mot-bi», caused by apps steep faith (burial hope off gables“: autumnal.- . . . v «9. 0 yam. mm; .343» zed-r .39 M M 419. . Receipts ad Expenditures noosvmoxn, in. Mammal-w or AOL?“ oovx‘nz FOR 1:“. P I “men. n: mt “913$:sz «Adan-. 15: 111-toxins“ ICE. mm! co. WynnMonmblymumldlfin‘ToWNhMoth-awn“ J Act to nine (hunky Rate- and Levin," mun-mg settlement, . .6” the thumb-loner: of the respective counter to QUWMW Ogunty Tu magnum ‘4 mm: gamma: 0! the newly" and Expendi- in bud! 0! mnemon, 7.” {cg-«.- yearly. We. the Commiusloncn of Taxes of County T“ w M 1&5. ”-043 ‘0 luld coon: , Report as 10110", lawn—from the m “‘o’“ u“lt-ll? W ”I” a an shy or imam-y 188540 u:- on: any “January, (,9!) Min Jno. w uubrennur. {or 2 stow-I. I 0 00 IMO-hon: a“? lncimwe: i \h . A. Duncan, m" Wm mum J .uxm mo 'Bl.. btq. Tremuer. und the Com- mm w W lutulonemancoumwnh memtyolm Mm Wlm tau. M W u follows: (”urge Hgm-ky, can. u, 9 .0 DB» 7693;,” \Vanwr, do“ ’6 )0 Tomb 1n hand- “human-1..“. I. .'Loct. Esq.,!9rmyl, an (lemnut. Co We 21 gfiv‘ughmnmwr'PflJddfdin'ber . a .11: lsumdln nnt Tm | ‘ w ' perm or , 1 0?“ hands 31’ Colleciym &Q“ ‘ “EM! 7” a Juneau. l-‘anlilg-M" cool (or when, 10 IX) County Rates and Lanna-cued bum: ' alumni “Ur Nu dun t) on Borough or chynbm , u.l a, gs. u. Bun-e] Esq" mof WmCu, lo 40 u “ QM! Bank, '11:, m 1 Additional? (mm sumlrz pawn“, V? II Cumfierumd “”7an 1.65 a, Banana dlw iregura by Loumy, W ‘1) n mm , . _— flnklln a 115,53? ~ 1 ‘ ‘-. may: a Stnhan , “ I'7“ 35 - ...—...- }{umllmnbun “ ‘ 1,272 a )lenallvn “ '. 1'12) 93 Mountplwnt “ - - my 5; “0.41 an n 71 Hamilton I " - w m net i u 4 . “x, 15 nfbn u - '53. a “man u ' no ” Oxford M 352 91 WW : .241: :o own .~ , ‘ Tyrone '0 “ M a tic-"rick - , w 01 Liberty - us so Germany " m n Fn-edom “ . m 29 Highland . “ . 671 W Bvrwlck bor.‘ - - ‘ u; 70 “Memo“: 510 16 37,0” 51 my 0» 40 N {nuns from mid persons, (ugh {ram Jno, me-brounur, two nova, cash from W. A. Duncan, 15”.. (originate . or ruugnlznnoegiu ' 1.2» 00 (2mm mm Adan ’hen, Rh'migry (ca. 299 07 ( 'th from Geo. anpr, cosh}, .. ‘3 10 (Imm from George murky, Ms, an, 9 50 (Juan {tom 1. W, um. Esq” far mm”, - 8! 005 Cash from Levi UhmnMa-r, Huh. lurmtnm 2‘ (40 Cash from'mndry perwmq to: uhl lumber. 2'! 14 (‘nm [mm J. J. an Dul.;'Yur coal for 1864, 10 (I) l'nxh {mm Samuel Lilly, 1551.. “ 1305 a: on man from Hon. 3. R. kfiunscl ,Trcunrer of' Water Cumwny, . ‘ ' 50 40 Addllhm.|erux, ‘ ‘ 97 09 Bah-needing Treasurer by County, 21‘!) w M The OntutnnnnngCounty Tax nnd Qult Ruin—9, and Slate Tux dun: munly. appear [tu be m the lmndg of me fouowmg Qolleclom. Do with ; J ' . ' State Tax \ mm. Bor. & 'l‘ps. Cnlloctors. Coll'nx‘ due UO. 1559. Uéuysburg. Emunucl Ziegler, 8411 l! BH7 88 “ “ , “ Qun Hunts, 1715 50 Ml). “ I‘. D. Armor, “ Q7O m 2. Hnmlltonlum,l(ulx:n M'Clenl'. , - 10 80 huhfluuyuhurg, John Slentz, 18 BS ‘ Huntington, Leonard Mcl-Ilwoe. W 2 04 97 71 156 L Gettysburg, Juhn 31121111,? 95 10 62 92 “ . “ “ gQull Rants, 'A'J 0} .-‘ '“ Cumberland, C. Daughvny. Ti 74 127 40 .“ ‘ llunllngwn, Sebastian swirl, 201 65 '5l M “ umulltuulmu, Rel ~rl. Wnlwp, - 36 “ Ynmkllu, Jélm Putnam. 207 11 “ Monuflon, \Vm. Rim-her. 112 B'l " lu-mhnq. Solomon Jucobfih ‘1 16 “ Imumurc, John 1 'oulmm,’ 197 06 63 '.fl “ Hmmlwu, Aumpnv F 911: )2} w 124' 05 " LUn-ny, J mm»; Hil‘uylor,‘ w3O " Hawk-k, Jucub limrbeer. ‘ - 67 50 42 'II. 1805. Uuttysbrrg, Wm. li. (..‘ulp, 1M 30 ('umlwr und, H. Hhuflyfi 7&1 09 . Franklin. Gauge Tin-our, NS 92 flumumubun, L.W.lim'tumgh,l $1! 35 Mountain-Haunt,Juolmnndomflml Ki . Huntington, Hum-y hum-m, 896 06 ‘ blmbnn, Daniel Slullummln «TI 66 ‘ . Mu-uulk-nJmlnh wckkmhumf 5m SH Butler, chryh'luyhuuahi' 607 16 Reading, menu} n. Bluusul‘ man ultimate. 000. L‘ lxundurn' 575 28 Hamilton, 15:“ “'(‘lllv‘rf 3:5 23 4 Union. lmulyl Akin-Hf - 313 12 ' (funownfio. .lucub Melhnrnf 5M 62 ' Oxmrd. umcs Thnmlxm’r 78 92 145 m Mnumdoy, Jumcu yeuvrrf . 724 11 I (inrmum'. Jumh h lunkt w 09 'l‘i'mnc. Jucoh A. Man-hf 657 3! ‘ _ L burly. Frederick Muluflrof 803 o'3 ' Lillmlnwn, Slmun s.Blshup.‘ 161 Z) _ Bewnrlfl Jacob Huu' _ 90 99 Bernie]. box-" Monty hoblo‘x‘ 111 59 - , ‘0 44.5 84 811133 08011.!“ In mu since lcttloment. . H‘nld midrt Mucc filtlzmenfi OU'I‘BT hhlhfl L U.'T\' OUNTY TAX. Year. Bar. 31]». Collectors. - 1865. OWE-burg John Slmu m 47 ~ Cum :lana, C. Daughert‘f (34 08 Huntington, Sebasglxul 5 ml '0 fl Frunkun,.!ulm I‘nflorfl' - , 151 10 , . . Mumllvn, Wm. W. Blocher . 06.79 InllmoreJohn Coulson ' fl so anllmn. Amhan; Fall! 48 18 amatyfiJJnmcg go £162: ‘= lg 4225 w c , two at > - . ...—41'194 14 By order-strum out as follows: By rimming and an ingpuhiic accounm, 6L3 (X) J. U. Neely, i'zeq" nunmor néiminted by 0 . Ih‘o rhurl to nudity public n in, 25 00: P‘rinring, (minim, (ha. . 451 as! Shoriif'u biiis 0! douri. roam. 5 6‘5 3‘.) ('mk'd pay, ~ ;' ~ 400 no Ahaumunt to collectors ois per oenL, lan H Fox and wiid mi swim, , 2i 10 Goncrul Jury nudriip stayed pay, 4 1306 8i ‘ Aewmwrh' pay, . ~ '11.; 00 i .iniior'n for: for keeping pri'mnoma~ turnkey. 739 S'i ' Wood and stone coal for public Unildiu‘fl. “8 (ii 'liupnirs at public buildings, il.) 5i 1 Grand Jurynnd “E siuveu‘ piiy, SF: 40 Register nnd Cior ' of Sewion's rem, 104 Ti Tux refunded to sundry Imm, H :51 L'uurt brycr‘afny, , 83 00 Certificates 0 constableg‘ return. 3! 04 Counsel fez-s - - 5 00 ’l‘n-Murer ofAims House, . . 13,800 00 ‘ I‘mmgo and stationery {or oommiuion orfl‘ ofllco, - 555 Notes and interest paid bank and sundry pvrmns. . , _ 8.85 H J ustlccs' and cousmbloq' feel for commit ilm; mammal. 1 25 M W. A. Duncan. Esau-dist. nttorncy‘n‘! . 332 00 Jn'hEppcixnw,i:‘sq.. mmmiuionen'gg' 216 5-) Samuel Man-ch, do. do. ' 2.16 50 Abraham Kris»: do do. 23“.”) Keeping plimnfii‘! M but. I‘L‘nlicminry. wBB Adam Lem-rt. shorlfirmrnveying prim- . , era to Eastern Penitent’imy. , 106 Si Michswi iirulJp co rt. homic- keeper. 33 00 Bedding sun denim; for priwn._' * 6 x 5 GM comp-ny‘ , , 10 60 Dr. J. W. C. 0 Neal, medical attendance on prisoner-n, ' . ' 31 W Tnvior a: Brothmwonimt infixii an mid— - die crwkbridge. i,“ 00 Brick. lumber-and work,for hospital room nfjnii, ‘ . $3 2] Ila iroud oompmy for height, 11 in Autumn eounlly agrii-ullumi society. 100 (X) Fnhnmmck iron, mourning good: ibr 81pnbiiclimiidimigrx. r Lin Z2l mon anur pay arm-resting ion and M'nisdr, from thieves. so 00 Drain atriail, ‘ 21 00 C. O. Fir dz. {or books (01' Clerk and Re;- I islter'sgomfw, dKI in t. (i 91 00 n" n, . not an a an no . thl‘m 180" ppol', ’ 150 00 A. W. Stan-f), pump at Jail. so 00 \Vm. Bushman. ramming stolen hone. ' reward raid bi); county, . m N Adam Re mrms 'rr. formmmoningjnron. 1“ $ Road durum and damage views, #3 - 332‘.“ M ”"1““: 1 u - Ti 0 u‘ anprn eec on - “ P 3, ran '1 u -' - 3m in Directors of the Poor , 00 no Hpecini court, For». 1&2? ' ’ I'lB 96 Special Court, Och. “ , . 140 D J Mob Troxoi,‘ Treasurer, tool on Stunt-x, 150 00 ( ‘oiioctorn‘ rm, 910 68 onncmtinnn w Onliocmn. ~ - f 252 25 Outstanding um and quit rent. in hand. or Grimm’s: 12,445 M Tremumr‘s Hy. an no ' “5992 95 Emu-:11; {gym To amount «handing mum fine- {or roller, 8217 00 ‘Ouwtundlng reliefmx f 1863, 185 70 Balance due Treasurer 35 county, 4- an 15 By Omani-Adi? military nun far 1865‘ .85 M Foe: allowed olleutors {or mid year, ll 39 Exnnomtlom «unwed Collector! “ I) 00 Outstanding Relief for 1862. 1&5 70 do. do. omitted In former no", 135 3 Fees nllowod Collector: for mid year. 2 Enact-anions allowed‘cmlecton (or do., )8 35 Dlnlmmmenm on ordgnr 145 on Treasurer‘s commhslon, 2 so ITA’I'E TAXEIS’IEUE COUNTT‘ To auzmnmngzrlg 11:11):th tax due «1.32.000 37 To Out-Landing ‘ do. GA 110. 25 $7 Stun tax media! was. _ 16,018 59 . _- . sums s» . m 9‘ m Bron d 1 ’mmastauaxmrlsefi. 9%!)8L, . A-New “I“ Ad.K ‘ » ’ éfififigfigfigx ’o’ “tag. 33 g}. aM) 1.4 60010 oxg.—gucxwm z 00., ‘ln Mug ' ’ ' -Gi sey'r ton nil iug 171 Brondlu 1' ‘3‘an3 “anew for “mm 13 '4‘}, ew York, hue conimenced' the busineu it! and sm'mumbyom'l‘mr. 15.00: m uking SUBSCRIPTIONS to 111 the PRINCI. nuance due count! “TW- 1.7““) PAL HAGAZgIES Ind WEEKLY PAPERS, ' 918.38 m for 81:010.! IJ'JRIUDS, (quenlerly or half- A 1 ”*4 leer], M the oven you-l: rues altering e WBBE-‘fi TAX. Even 'Mnntngo to lower: of literature, who NWT-x toe-18M. 05182 17 any will: to take several publication. paying , OK A but u little money at I fime. ~Full particulate gzam‘mnéficl’gjdmgfibrm Ag ‘ in e oirtnlsr sun on epplicnuon to my ad mflanwedMlecwl-I’m * 1,; mu. nu, GOOD AGENT WANTED .lin (Imogene, “Tm. 491 m 31 m 1; pwu. POSTXASTERS «Ire requeeled to ~ ~ “,7 lead {or aur oirculel‘lfifmmining inducements. 1:! testimony 41:94 the Wl]? swarm: o! ' 171 B;%W.EL:.:C&;L »--&~ the Receipt: and Expand; ures exhihfuad D 25 13“ 3 " ‘ mfimhmmmmwmwmy -. ...} - and compared with the orlféogrzégnfgmg 1; New Rake!) I '- me books onhle onlce, we we here no out. out EWPOET & ZIEGLER Mechanical Bak hand- and mad the nu omm once. at. Gann- N ' ’ m a, mu: day 0‘ luxury. 0“ Thou-um emsouth Wnehmgton street. hm squire flatware! IndSlxty-lour. from the E’gle Hotel, GET’I‘YSBURG, Pl. illl‘Am. Conn-ml on hand, the belt or BREAD, AWOLF, ' CRACKEES, CAKES, PBETZELS, Be. Per- Wb—J. Ewan. Clark. Comm-toner; I 011! wlehlng fresh Bread will be served every ’T‘m"-" morning. by lennng their unmet and residences ‘ ‘ Auditors’ Report. lu'the Bakery. Every extort urnde to please To an Wl. flea Judzel of the Court otfim us a cam [Apnl 20, ’63. tl' wiffifig‘mdw 33%“ Anmmu m' A; HORNE B’S you an get nmemmmfbehbflc Aocouzm 01mg. Tree.- . Brubel, combs. Smpe, Perfum wenu Wmflgfl:m cry, Nmimnl km, in {uni uriety. We. mfg-Imm” 7 H. 59“”! . ”a” i 3 Outstanding Tue- {at 1859. “an as y ~ H mm, ‘ m 76 u - um. 19: 0: ~ - mm, 1,112 a - - Im, um: 7; an, 161 I! rm, 711 97 a... m :1: Enact: J ~ « mu, m 12 “ Iw, , a 53 Dubnnemeuu'on County Order-I, 31.-m an WWI sound-flu; 3 par cent, 63 90 Erfrl w J STATE TAXEBEUE WU)“ To out-um 1t mussm. due co. :7 do. In‘gmlll do.“ do. "fig 3" Butte tux (or 1895, 10,01; 59 ' ‘7' , ‘ {mm t 5 ' _ CR. Oumndlng 1x mllls B:ng tax for Iw. ' 8911 83 FOBB “HOWELL Collectors for “aid year, 50 56 Exunmno I; allowed Colleen-n: do. 60 3! cumming“ mm state tax tor '62 & 1), 7s 4s FO9Ol. “flaked UOHerwrl for mu years, - 18 31 Exonenfllons do. do. ' do. I 47 Pull], smm 'l‘reuurur by Co. Trensumr, 15,”! 22 name. dun County by Treasurer, 1,791 la ¢ RELIEERFUXDS. ‘ ‘ To outmmdlng military n'neu 101' m 4, 217 on “ relief (or 1’35. 1 15 70 Balance duo Treasurer by County, , m 15 . CR. fly out; ding military fine. for 1865, Fees all wcd ufllcclors for said your, Exoner Hon. do. do. do. 01.1 mm: lng refleu‘or IW. Ew. allowed Collectors lor mid year, xnnemuons , do. do. do. Disbunexnum on renemweri. Treasurer’s ‘muuumou, COUNTY 1333.er TAX Outstanding tax for 1861, A ‘ CE. I Outstanding munty bounty tax, 1866, 31,194 It Fees ullnwc (Juliet-mm [or said year, 387 63 Exunumlluns do. do. do. 194 23 Balance due County by Reamer, ~ 4,406 1t ‘ We, thr- undersigned, Audliors o! the County of Admns, Pennsylvania elwmd and swuru in pur ltmneé a! in "(10’wa11 llml we met. did Mud" settle and mflwst. according tu inw, the acmunt o} the ’l‘reusurn-r and Comuusuunurfl at said Cunntf', conuncncl'nx on the sixth day nf Juxluury,A. l. 1865, to tho nnn ulny orunnuury, A. D. lSM—butll dun inclusive; that said wwunt us settled above and entered or record in &-tilenu-ut Book, in tho (.bmmlmiuners' min-e or A dnms countz'. is correct, and timt we rind a balance dun .Iwob'l mxel Esq" Treasurer of Adams bounty of County Taxes, Twu'l‘h‘ousand Thrm: Hundred and Eighty Dollars, (52,380 00,) and n. balance-duo County by mid Trum urer. omnue'raxen. or OneThoummd Seven Hun dred and Ninety-one 110 mm: und Eighty Cents, (‘3! 7m 80.; and a balance due Treasurer by County ofltelief funds or Two Hundred and Filly-four Dollars and Fink-en Cents, (sfll Ill.) and n balance 1 due County by Treasurer of (‘ouutyr Buuntly o! ; Four Thousand Four Hundred an? six Do inn ‘ nnd Twentyame Cents. ($1,400 21,; am in Outstand ing L‘ounh’ Tnxvs, Twelve 'l‘ituumlld Four liun- 1 and «I‘ll Forty-live Dollars and ElghtyJourCcnts, I £012,145 850 and Outstanding Htute‘Tuxr-s due - upty, Nne Hundred and E ghly-sove Imilm : Mid;Elßlllyv.ll‘ Cc; ta. (SW 36,) and in (“instanti- ' lng ;P.l-ller and Military 'l'uxu‘ Three 1 turned and: Fifty-four Dalian and Ninety-mo ( unis. (33M 92,) and In Outstanding County Bounty Tux ‘ {lit-van Harm-ml: al.l3llll3mety-lour Dollars and ‘oautoen "u (. ' - ' t 5, JACOB HULL‘ \ _ , .108. BURKEE . J. c.l’l'l'l‘bzxrimr. ,FebJ! 1866. it ' Auditors. Collateral Inheritance Tax. l {le lullowin‘g is the amount of Collateral T I hefitnnce Tn: received at the Register’s office d‘nring the year beginning Dec. 1, 1864, and ending Dec. 1,1865, item the estates of the following'named decedent: :. Anna )L Geiger, ' $94 '3B ' Mary E. Clutz, ‘ 52 ll H H 35 Jacob Greenholll, ' 20 00 Molina Baker, _ . 6 43 Hannah Bowers, 926 55 John Burher, a '_ 90 00 Wm. H. H. Denrdorfl', 105 06 . Robe“. Slcmmous, . N 43 Georgefieck, ((6 09 Debug-ah Letherman, . ‘ ‘4l 65 Mary Lobuugh, - ‘ 127 24 Moses Fickes, ’ ' 242 60 Jesse Johnston, 28 46 Conrad Walter, ‘ 66 68 x Fredenck Noel, 35 00 Total, ‘_ ~ ’ $1,727 09 Deanne-Regina’s 5 per cent. for Collection and the nddillional per cent. alloweq by'legislhtion , calculated on the amounts re ceived ainoo the plunge of the account, ; 94 63 Amount due Coxmnonwesl‘lm,~ $1,632 46 All of which is mafcutfnnywbmlt’led. _ .Ci NEELY, Auditor. Feb. 6,1865" *4: A New stdre, ND A NICE ONE l—“‘ A i J. 5. GRIXES has opgned a new ‘ GROCERY AND VARIETY STORE, on York street, 2 doors cut of the “Globe Inn,” ‘ , Gettysburg, Po. U His yoom handing“ humanely refitted, ond it. Iholvcs ore londehith the but variety of goodnin his line ‘ever offered in thin plea.— Thil is no boaulng tolk. Cell and see 101- yourselves. His atoek cannot be detailed in the limits of an advertisement—but he will mention the most prominent, viz : SUGARSmII guide}; NOLASSES, seven dia'erent vnrletlel; COFFEES end- TEAS, all kinds ; , SHOES, n full assortment ;' QUEENS-WARE.GIaas-\van,Earthen-ware; LARD, Mackerel, Herring. an; ’ GREEN APPLES, Dried Fruit, in; IIOAIINY. Potatoes, Beans: ‘ CRACKERS, Cream. Soda, Sonar and Water; GOAL OIL, Goal Oil Lamp, Wickl, Bowen, Shades, £O4 ' _, . ‘ . GLOVES, Stocking, Ind Hosiery in general; PINS, Needles, Thimblel, ML; JEWELRY, Soap: end Perfumerlel; SMOKIN u and Chewing Toboccol, ell gmiu; SEGA-Es. all bands. ond all prices; KNIVES, Forks, Spoonc, Custardtc; POCKET KNIVES, Pocket‘Combl, Pocket Bach; - > , CONFECTIONS, of oil kinda; ‘ FRUITS, Nuts, to. to. to. to. , in short, everything that could he thought of in isyingin o nook tor o lint clan Grocery end Vuiety’Storo. Ho intendl to sell CHEAP; going hpon the principle of “quick sale: tnd small profits." [Jam 1,1866. 8406 85 10106 RIS 41m month mo? mtg—n} cm. st ‘ my”. ‘ 100,000 bush. Gain Wanted. YEW HRH AT THE ' : _ OLD WAREHOUSE. i WI. 3. RIDDLE 8 09. would Inform the .pnbllc that they hue land the Wuehoun 'on the corner of Stratum ”not had the Bull ‘ raid, in Gettysburg, whorathey will my on fill. GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in gull it] hunches. 'l'ho highut price: will a]- l'lyl be paid for wan-r, 111's, 00351, OATS, , CLOVEB t TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLAXSEED, sumo, . HAY & STRAW; rDried Fruit, Nuts, Sonp, Hans, Shoulder: and -Sidel, Pot-tau, with everything,eluin the {country produce line. _ ‘ , I 0N HAND, FOR SALE, I‘ Com". Sagan, Muluaea, Syrup-Jul, Spleen . Salt, Chane, Vinegur, Soda; Hazard. Burch, rßroonn, Buckets, thking, Brushes, Scope. stc.’ Alto COAL OIL, Fish Oil‘, Tu, he.— irtsu of .u kinda; NAILS AND spins; flmoklng and Chewing Tobaccos. I They are ulwnyu üble to supply I 'firat rue Tlrltzicle o! .FLOUR, with the dlfl'erent kinda of F ED. Also; GROUND PLASTER; with GUARDS nnd other fertilizer-I. WCOAL, by tho bushel, ton. or car loud. -. -Their Carl run to Baltimore and bank twice 1 week, and they will he hnppy to carry good: either way nt moderate ch-rgea. larketmon, country parchlnu, and others, will find it _to their uduntage to pntronize this line. They llk n Ihnre oftha public'; cua‘tom,snd -ili lpll'e no eflort to render satisfaction to nli, Belle" or buyers. V Wll. E. BIDDLE t CO. Aug. 22, 1364. t! ‘ Notions & Charm-(ions. - M A WORD TO_THE_PEDPLE 0F TOWN AND M HE snbacriber keeps a Notion and Confec- T tionnry' Store on Cnrilale ltrvet. nearly apposite the Railroad Station, Genysburg, where he has constantly on hand, CANDHCS, NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, &c.; ”3323’ Tobacco: and Segnra of all kinds; Pocket .3o 00. Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, 5:6,; 2:1 40'Soupa and Re_rfumeries_; aiso some GROCE- I: g RIBS, Sugars, Cufi'ees, Rice‘, with the different 14500 kinds 0! Crackers. Ice-cold MEAD at. all flan—itimu. He invitel custard from town 3nd _ councry, and soil: 1! small [{rofita. ‘ . LE \‘lS STROUSE. ...... $llO6 PIS Aug. 7.1865. 1] “L 2 7 Good Things fiom tl‘ne Ci'tyx . E nré receiving twice a we'ek from the city a viriety of article: suited‘to the want! of this community, viz: Fresh andsult EISH, Hams, Shoulders and' Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Appfls, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, 'J‘obaccos, Segue, with many other articles in: am line-gnu received in—the best order, and sold at the lowest profits. , Givg us a. call, in Bnltimore street, nearly oppoaite Fahnestocka' store. £6,182 17 WANTED.—Bultcr, Eggs,‘ Lard, and all , other country produce—for which the highest : cash price will be paid. ' ' , SWEET POTATOES—best quality, at low est living profits—plwnys‘ on hand. Also ! UYSTERS,~ fine and fresh—in the shell on ’ shocked. Rcstaurnms and families supplied! STRICKHOCSER ll: WISOTZKEY. . Gettysburg. Kay 18, 1883. v ‘ New Goods! Large- Stock 2 EltCflANI‘ TAILORING. DI - ~' JACOBS {c BRO. have-just recchjed from themities a large stdchi ol goods for Gentleman's wear, embracing a varlety of ‘ ' CLOTES, ' _ ‘ CASSNERES, . VESTINGS, _- Cnssineu, Jenna, tn, with many other good. for spring and summer gear. . ‘ They are prepared to m'ake np garments. “I the (shortest _noLice, and in the very best ‘man ner. The Fashions are regularly received, nndfi clothing made in any desired style. They nl- . ways make neat fits, whilst their newing is sure to be substantial. l They ask a continunnce of the ppblic’s pa (mange, resolved by good woik and: modernw charges to earn it. Gettysburg, April fl, 1862 New I" ' 9219'ch ~. V ‘\ BHSHELS .L‘F GRAIN 00 0([0 WANTED,“ the new‘ Grain and Prosuce flame, in Cnrliele “rug-adjoin ing Shendi & Buehler's _esmblisbment. The highestgmrket price will whit be paid in cash {or - , _ GRAIN, of all kinda, ' , * ‘ FLOUR, SEEDS, be. Always on~hand and tor sale, At. the annular. profits, GUANOS, ‘ . SALT, FISH. ‘ ‘ . GROCEBYES, Im, - ' Wholernle and retail. TRY US]! We shnll do on; but to gi'n satisfaction in all cases. :. McCURDY 8 DIEHL. Gettysburg, May 11, 18153. ' 1y Carriage-ranting Bjm§uefiah HE war being; over, £1: undersigned have T remand the ' CARR]AGE-YAKINfiufiITSINESS, In their old wind, in E «I; Iddle street, GETTYSBURG, where they)” nggin propnred to Jul up work in the most fashionable, substununlmnd supe rior manner. ‘A Int of flew nnd nt~cond~hand OARRIAGES, BUGGIES, EC., on hand, which they will disuoae ol M the lowest prices; 3nd all ciden WI“ be supplied u promptly and utisf-ctorily'u ponible. Ifi‘ R h.‘ EA I R l N G done with'diapslch, Ind It cheapest. rules A [urge lb: of up! and old HARNESS on hand for “In. . ‘ Thankfulfor the libenl pntronnge barefo— l‘ore enjoyed by them. they solicit and will in deavot w deserve I lnrge share in ,lhe future. . BANKER t'ZIEGLER. July 10, 1865/ t! , ' Fresh Arrival. ' ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. COBEAN & CD. havejnet received and opened another splendid assortment of , HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. for Summer wear, which they If. selling at very low price: considering the times. The latest. etylee of Summer Ham und Cope, of every description en’d price. Boon end‘Shoee, of superior make, nod, w worn-Med to 6:, cl":- on hand. Work innde to order end repniring done on ehortno lice, by experienced workmen. Alto. . HARNESS MAKING. carried on in oil its branches. Person: won‘- ing Anything: in thie line would do well to cell. flDoult lorget the old eund in Chamberl burg street, it you won}. Bergeine. " COBEAN & CRAWFORD. June 19, 1865 Freak Arrival. EW .GOUDS.—A. SCOTT & SONS hut! in“ received number fine umnuam of n ‘W GOODS, confining. in part, of Olothl, Cusimereu, Oguinpu, Kentucky Jenn, 3nd Tweedo, for Gomlunen'l you. Also, ‘ flue momma! of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Oul‘ flock ha been "noted with gun: can. Ind Ire are pnpsred to all u chap as any on»: baublilhmam in the country. We at the public to give an I call nhd judge for themselveu. We defy competition, both :- to unlit] Ind urine. - A._SCOTT t SUNS. Supt. n, 1865. ‘ ‘ Grain a Produce Wanted. E undersigned heving purchued the in l mu: of Myerl & Wiermnn, Fonugding and Commiulon Merchants, in New Oxford. Adnune county, would respectfully notify the femur: end the public generally, lhul he will continue the bueiaeu u the old land at. the depot in the! plus. The high“ min-ht prlce will he paid for WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, BAKERY, CLOVER. end TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLOUR, .n., to. Also, GUANO, PLASTB‘R, SALT, LUIBEB and COAL, mutant]; kept. on hand for ule together with nyqoml umnmem of FAMILY¥ GBUUERIES. . DAVID BORE. Nov. 27, 1865. 3m ALL Indhuo‘tho moat. buutlfnl "can: C am“ of new JEWELRY, we): 5; Bruit-pin. Eu Drops, * ‘ Finger Rings, Imam. Ohm. #9., IQ ‘ ' “ J. SHADES. 0W the link. 9'59“"!- A COUNTRY Great Remedy hr Colds. st ncromu. _ _ _ _ plgayr‘c‘gggnmn, on EXPEGTORANT! A Buncdisl Again prepued to meet the ur gent demand tor I prompt And ale Amide” or I" Pulmonary Dlsorde‘n. ll' properly med it will give lnmn: relief in Ilium every in duce, sud will prove go eflncmsl cure in I. Insjorlty of the following cues of Ifl'ectlonn o! the THROAT AND LUNGS! such :5 Colds. Coughs, Anhmnlc Tendencies, Whooping Cough. Soreneu of ‘he Brent Ind Bronchiul Mentions. , When we first commenced'mnnufactnring the Expettonut for our home coulumption it. wu not our intention nor our desire to put ii before the public an a “cure-nil," nor to poi)- iish I 1011311111 0! tesfimqniuh u on evidence of in canine properties, but'the demand for it being so gmtuddecxdedly on the in c, has induced, and in fact compelled 11l pre pare it on t much larger scale, and I no to esmbiiuh agenciu throughout thieuc on a! the country. ‘ All we MD: is that thou thul nfiijcied me] give it n fair trill, than. it truly prove its many adv-mags: over other prepaniionl of a similar nature now being employed. The price/1.00 throws it within the reach of all, being bu} 25 old 40 cent; a. bottle. ' Bell's Worm Syrup. 33 MOST INNOCENT, PLEASANT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY lN USEL—A Rni IDY Planer xx lung—sNo Gator Oil to be Taken.~—ln this Prepnrntion we have included such remedies only 3.1 hsve been tried for yearn and are known to possess powerful nnthelmlmic v'rtueg, combined with mild nperients, plrunnt aromatics and sugar. An tbelmintlce of thenaelvel cannot puform their peculiar functions or have the desired efi'ect, unless the bowels are legit moderately open. To produce this. gentle pnrgativel Ire necel enry and shch pnly onglu. to N: usethnt can not interfere with the anthelminzie employed. The advantages we clnim for. this Syrup are: let. ltd power at DESTROYING AND EX~ PELLING WORKS! - .- 2d: ltsmild Inpatient effect upon the bowels 3d. Its pleasant. lane and odor n're ndvnn~ (age: possessed or claimed by very‘tew Your ifuges. ’" j . 4m Its harmleu influence upon the system, consequently no injuriou's efi'vcts will resuh from its use should Ihe patient hnve noWorms, but in apparent disease, arising from some othe’r unknown cause, which is frequentlyjhe case. The constituents of [hit Syrup and its Ifl'ecta are know} to many Ybysicmns, who are now nsihg it inglheir pr-Lctice to nlnrge extent. ’ ‘ Erica 25 cents A) bottle: ' The Greatest Llnlment In Use. ”BELL’S WHITE OlLl—The BlandésL'Clean. (at. Mon! l’endralt'ng and "mu Economical Linimml in‘ Jim—A powei‘ful Oleaginnl Cmn~ pound for the Speedy Care of Rheumntism, Su‘ninx, Spraine, wounds, Nuinbness of the Limbs, Fro§ted Fat-t nnd Hands. Spnvin. Sad. dle Gulls, Poll-Evil, Rinf: Bone, Bruises. Swellings of'all kind, and in tact every dis. ease for which on Exubrocntion'is applicable, either in MM) or Bengt. ‘ l’xiue 25‘cenls n bot~ (ML—This prepatflllun, veh‘irh is original with u: will.be found to be’one of the nicest and at’ilhe snme time one of the most reliable'np~ plicalions extant. 4 Having been employed very extensively since its introduction nn-i feeling antisfied of its remedial propertiea, we n-commend'it with the utmost confidence, knowing that ‘no one will be disappointed in its nee.~ It is. at its name implies. a white liuiment oi the cousin. tone; of cream, containing nothing offensive, but, on the “contrary. ‘will be found’ more plenum than otherwise. , Bell's Lucrative, R CONDITION PUWDERS! FOR HORSES, CATTLE & SWINE >25 cenu a. paper, or' five ~papers for S‘l. _ The Immense sale of these Powder: during‘ the short. period they h we been before the public, is a sufficient. ganrantee oftheir great popuhuizy, und (he decided benefits derived from their use. ‘ They are confidently recommended not. only as n'prevoutiie,‘but.us a complote cure for all disenees incident to llle HORSE, COW or HOG, as Loss of Appetite, Coughs, Heaven, Yelldw Water, Distemper,lGlandera, to, the. By their use-the llor§e's Appetite is improv. onl, 11l derangements of. e digestive organs corrected, softening the kin, and giving to 'the com a sleek and ehln ng nppehrnuce. and may he med with perlect safety at all times, an it contains no Ingredier s which can injure a horse, whether HER. or well. ‘They cleanse the breathing ennui-stun by ejoctiug (rum the air cells cungulaled matter, or that. formation which so severely clogs than}, cousin: 1: tightness in hreu hing, and by their perulmr action on that part, they cause the mucus membrane to resume its natural dimensions, lhumequnlivjug the circulation of the blood and restoring the distended vessels to their natural size. , 7“" For hlttening caule they are ’invnhmble, also possessing geculiar properties in inqrenis in: the quality of milk in Cows, lhéreby giv ing them an importance "sud :alue whirh abonld place them within the handful all in terested. . AH diseases to which the' Dog is subject, as Coughs, _Ulcera in tiie Lungs and ISiver. and «a 3 general purifier of We blood he guarantee their elfirm y if one fairly med. ‘ $BOl6 33 Gettysburg by A. D. Buehler, Apothecary. _and by Drnggists wig Sto'reke'ep ers genepuy. ' Ask for Kell's Prepi‘tritioni. Prefinrtd exclu-ively by W. D. Bell, Apothe- Mryl (Urfldu‘flfi of the Philadelphia College of Patrmacy,) West. Wnshingmn Stu Hagen- Low‘u, Md. ‘ ‘ [Ucl.l6, 1865. 1y Fol-winding. Businesg. (JUL? 3 EARNSHAW'S LINE. . AVING .purchused the Wurehouse And Cars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbal, the; undersigned take pleuure in' announcing to the public that they will run a ‘ - LINE OF FREIGHT‘CARS from Gettysburg to‘Balllmore everyweek. They ereprepered to convey Freight either way, in my quentity. They will et'Jend, if denired. to the making of pnrchuee in the city, end deliver ing the goods promptly at Gettyeburg. Their can run to the Werehoues 9f STEVEN SON‘t SONS, 185 North Howard street, (near Franklin.) Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They invite the attention of‘the public to their line, eieuring them that they will. spare no eflort to accommodate all wlio may pltronize them. ‘ Having purghaeed the buildings end lot on tint Noriheut'corner of Reilroed end North W lhington ureets, Gettysburg, their Depot will remain there. Any person living busi nen in the {orwerdink‘line ere respectfully in vited to cull. \ CULP & EARNSHLW. Aug. 7, was. - V N 0 II I! 111 I: uI? EMOVAL. ‘ 1 HOLTZWORTH ALWAYS AHEAD. HIS WAY FOR BARGAINS-JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH bu just. feturned from the City with the Ingest and most complete unort ment of EATS AND CAPS, BUUTS AND SHOES. me has been brought to,“ thin town since, the war. Hie etock is not only complete, but is GOOD and CHEAP 'emhneing every variety oi Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, whilst the Ladies hill find everything In their lineffrom the finest Guile: to the _heMiest Shoe. Children’l Shoe: of every description; in great variety. Also, Ln— diel’ Huts, fine quality, end Children'l Hats, of .11 style: and prices. Also, Trunh. Can-- } pet Bugs, Vslilu Umbrella. Glovel, Stack fings, Tobuoo, Ciga- und Notion: or every dolcription. - ’ , ,n-Don't forget the place, South-eat ear. of the Diufiond, Gettylbnrg, Pu. JOHN L. HOLTZWORTQ, April 10, 1865. u Csmisiel MARBLE (W'onxs, Soot we Come; qf we Diemo'hd Ind mm. more street, 1: fig opponiu the Sn: once, . can}?! 3030,?“ w l , _n. .. ‘ ling dueriptioh of work executed in lthe fines: style of them April 17,1865. « . LL who um . fine “undue 1:. u. A lINNIGH’B Confectionery, in Cinnabar:- > ram-net - ,l “-Ama'nmswmasuw \- L'ml' 5‘ ~ .. gr,‘ a): Ada-u (foamy awn. nu Ixs‘umm can“! hmtgluln, Mme" 18, 1851. °lnuits President—Geo: e Swope. Vice Fraulein—gamut R. Eumll. Secretary-4). A. Bnehler. - Treasurer—E. G. P-hneatock. Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy, An drew Heintlelmnn, Jncob Klng. HAIAOIII.—Georgo Swope. D. A. Bnehler, R. IcGnrdy, N. Eichelberger, 811. Ruuell, E. G. Fnhneltock, A. D. But-Her, R. G. McCreu-y, Gettysburg; Jacob King, SIX-Ibo}: township; A. Heintzelmnn, Franklin; Wm. D. Himen, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville; H. A. Picking 4 Sir-hen town-hip ; John Wol ford, Lntimoro township; John Picking, East Berlin ; Abel 'l‘. Wright. Bendeuvillo; Abdiel F. Gin, New Oxford; Janufl. Marshall, Hun iltonbnn township; John Unnninghnu, Free dom township; John Bower, Mountjoy town .hip; Wm. Ron White, Liberty township; 3Tb“ Company in limited in it; opera tions to the county of-Adams. 1: hate been in operation for more than 15 yen", and in that period has mode but ”annulment. having paid loneel by fire during that period amount- Hog to $13,')88—56,769~0f whichghnve been paid during the last two years. .Any person desiring'nn Insurance can apply to any of the above named Managers forfurther information. ‘ @lll6 Executive Committee meets M. the office of the Company, on the Ins: Wednes day in every month, at. 2 o’clock, P. M. ‘ 0ct.16,1865.' u Pianos 1 Pianos I lANOS i—The undersigned would respect ? lull; inform the public Linn. he can furnish' lANOS of the following manufuctunrs, or those of other make, it desired; in. the lowest possible ‘prices: ' CHI 'KERING &: SONS. DEPSCER BROS. , HAZLETON BROS. » HMNES BROS. . . GEO. smox. . g Au". GAHLEA’. CO. v». STEINWAG & SONS. 'Q-Pnrticnlax nmmion is given to the se lection of Pianos; find when so selected, in ad tion to the manufaclnrcrl‘ guarantee, {he Pianos are guaranteed by me. . , MASON a: HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS AND MELODIANS. Tho roe-cm improvelfients in these instru ments In such as to fully warrant’laying th‘ey Are FAR bUPERIOR Io any other make. One of the bes‘ evidencc-a of their Invent. is, that their improvements- are imigued hy olhor makers. The new nyle. four stop organ, have a. Sub-Baas and vein-e Conplet, making it an instrument. especially adapted to Church and S‘bbmh Schdo] purports. ' DESCRIP'NVH CIRCULARS will be sent by mail m poisons dealing than. Pianos tuned regularly. Pumas taken in ex change. PETER BES'PZ, ’ _No. 30 East Mai-Incl. SL, York,» PA. June 12,1365. ly '1 _ Bumblihhed 1850. OTICE OP REMOVAL. LAWRENCE 1). DlE'l‘z a: (‘O2, respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, cuswmera nail the public ganernlly, tlmt they have removed fiom No. 151 Frunklin street, to the oommodims luur-nury Warehouse, . NO. 308 H‘AIJ‘HIURE STREET, between llmyard and Liberty, where theywlll for the future conduct “.9 Whulesule Unsi nesa, solely in . Hosiery. Trimmingl, Furniahing qulfl. , l‘crlumery, Notionl, A Stuiouery. Cutlery, v . To”, 410., &c.' to which they invite thefittentinn of city and counVr! purchasers, feeling confident nf~thrir ability to otl’er inducements in prices and quality of Goods. Orders by mull will rcceivmprdmpt atten tion. Address 1 LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 00.. ‘ at-B Bnltimore street, Baltimore. March 14,1864. ‘ ’ ~ ~ ‘ Great Attraction; T BRINKEIHIOI’F'E UH BAP CLOTHING AND FUIINISHING STORE, at the North East Corner of the Diamond. The tuber-ribet l is constantly in receipt offresh goods from the \ Eastern cities. “is stock of i READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there fjlnd COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fashionable styles. and of the best mater’utls, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.— Gentlemen’s tnrnishin; good: 0! every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, .\lu>lin 'Shirtl, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shins, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiexy’ofevery description {Stick-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravnts, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks. Valiees, Carpet lines, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth finishes, Shoe Binding, Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. ~Gnns, Pistols, Violins rind Violin Stringl, Soups and Perfnmcrief. Stationery of nll kinds, PoLket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality ul‘Si-gars. In mu, his luck embrac’es everything usually found in a hut class furnishing store. I invite the attention of oil to come undysee for themselves, as lam determined to sell goods lower than eny otherestuhlilhtuentin theyountry.’ Don't forget the place. Corner OL, Yoirk street and tho Di'nmond. JACOB ,BRINKERHUFF. July 4, 1864. _ . New. Sigh-t for 1866. THE GREAT INVI‘ZNTIUN OF. THE AGE lN HOQI’SKIR‘I’Su—J. W. BRADLEY’S New Patent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKlli‘l‘.—lhie invention consist: of Duplex (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined 'Steel Springs. ingeniously braided tightly and firm ly together-L edge to edge, making the tough— est, most flexible. elastic and durnble Spring ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the _Single Springs. and consequently prelerve their perfect end beautiful Shnpe more than twice rte long as any Single Spring Skirt thnt ever he! or can b~ made. The wonderful flexibility and greet comfort and pleuure to any lady wearing the Duplex 1 Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all crowded Assemblies, Operas, Carries”. Railroad Cars, Church Per, Arm Chain; for Promenade nod House Dress, in the Skirt can be {aided when in use to occupy I email plnce u eerily end conveniently u e Silk o_r Nualin Dress. A Lady lining enjoyed the Pleasure. Corn- , fort and Gmt Contenience of veering the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for e eingle dey will never ntterwerrle willingly dimer)“ 1 with their one. For Children, Mince and Young Ladies they or:~ superior to I" otherl. , The Hoops are covered with 2-ply double twisted thread Ind will wear twice in long M the eingle ynrn covering which it need on all Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three bongo! 1 rod: on every Skirt ere elm Double Steel, end i twice or double covered to prevent the cover ,ing lrom weering ot!‘ the rodeiwhen dngging down “airs. stone steps, the, be, which they ere cpnstently subject to when in use. All are made oi the nelw nod olegee! Corded 3 Thpes, and ere the best quality in every port, 1 giVing to tht wearer the no” graceful end perlect Shnpe poenibieumd en nuqueuionibly the lightest, most. desirable, comibrtehle and economical Skirt ever mode. ‘ WESTS, BRADLEY i 5 CARY, Proprietorl of the luVention, end‘ Sole Mount-atom. 91 ghettbere, and '(Qt 81 Rude Streete, New or . ~ ' i For sale in an lint-cluu Stem in no. City, l and throughout the United Sula Ind Condo, Hlynno de Cube, Mexico, South America. Ind tho‘WelL Indies. filnqnire {or the Duplex Elliptic (or double) Spring Skirt. Nov. 27, 1865. am . g”! Howard Auoclaflon, HILADELPHIA. PA.—Diuuel of. fin Urinary And-Senna: Systems-luau sud re Ishlo nutmeg; Allo the BBIDAL CHAN. BER, In Eu“ of Waning Ind Inuruction, um in salad envelop", free of charges. Ad. than 0!. J. 881L141}! HUUGHTON, Howard AI-ooiuiou, no; 2, South Ninth Street, PM“. dalphis, Pa. [Oct- 2, 1885. 1’ __- If you vunt anything from . ' 66. Drug Stan, HORNEE'S i! I» ‘ \ 10 gel it good in}! che’p: .3 KY Guy-icy gfdlkglidldvml m: u A. ‘ ' ‘ 3mm“? FQUTZ’S Hursaiaml cams mam. ‘ M I?“ ha. and null, Imamnamw v EI-a’afioén M by "granted" And‘ clouds ho much an 59m. ““11“ l I nu m "an" of I" ‘l.- -M . 7393' _‘PQ’QFEL!’ this uluul Inch .- LU." YKLLow’ WA. 1:8,}! SAVES, comma, ms. fifié‘s’éo‘éknfi'i" 1088'!» in THEANDVIT. “33:35:. :3: 111 val x wind, Incmnu an App-Mei” ”0:300:32 u 3 a -.m. bun-forl- th a uni-ambit Ihleton hm 'l'c keeper! of Can thin ph‘vfimflnn in innhubh It. hm flu gummy and human Hie quill, ullh- unit. It hll been proven by to ' ’ "‘S- tu-l experiment to . , ' .... , ‘ We. Increue the gun:- “4" I" ~. my of mm. sud ' " cent. m o t ’ «'.‘ 4E" butter nu: And 7 * Ind. 11: muenlng ‘ 3fl4' p caule.ilgivuth~m ' ‘ V t ' .w ‘ an IppomtJoolenl is“. .'E‘ . 3“,. Imm hldc. Ind - 5.-- ;._.' 3“ ~ make: men thriv lnch Mr. _.___..._._~ In 11l dinne- o! Swine, nah Io Cough, Clan 113 91.11.1111“ Liver _ ~ in}. nu. ’mxclu’ I’4, ~ I: 111 lpceme. ,~‘ Bypuldnxjmm e’“ ‘ flag—hut I prper " I pm I: I E ' mamum \ s; - Bad ‘ Ibove dileuu 'H; P' gr 2:“: 56. win becndlcakd - 77.. » -.. " or pnfinely prenatal. If given ln “no. I mu; Nev-ll" Ind cu (or the; Una Uhulum. Price 25 Cent: gar Paper. or BPnpon for 81. rmnum BY 8. A. EOU'l‘___& 1330., ITIEZZI nunurnnm ma may: amt. ' No. 118 Franklin SL.‘Baltlmore, Bid. For Bile by Dmgmm And Bunch-2pm Wouxb on; m United Blues. . } , F 1' sale by A. D. Bnehler, Gettjsburg; Lau hlin A: Bushfield, Wheeling, Vn‘; G. 0; Ben: er & 00.. l’maburg; Johnson, Holldway & C mien, Philadelphia. _‘ 030.11.1865. 1y . .._J_-. __ ._...._ _.____. 7] 'thfifii? 13k:0rgahs _ .l , gnaw-um, uul they is. ab— -5 aolulely uneguutlu), by any ulnar [lead Lust amen: in the country. Designed express ly t 1- Churches and Schools, they Mp. found to b equally well Adapted to the parlor Ind dm ing room. F 0; sule only by I _ E. M. BRUCE; No. 18 North Ssvenlh St., Philadelphia. 1 . _ #Alsor BRADBUBY’S PIANUB, and A‘ couple“ assortment of the PERFECT ME~ LUMCN. , [Uct.2, was. I] Tlnnoastcr Bobk lander); Ol’sUE WIANT, GF m”. \ um nun: noun umvncwnn,‘ - .’ LANCASTER, my ‘ Plhl'n and Ornamental L’mvlmg, of ever} de‘ Icriljtion, executed in the must. substantial and npprmed stylel. ’; urnzscn. < E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bknk of Lanbnsler W. L. l’expet, Em.l Lancaster County Bunk Snmpel Shpuk, hiq., Columbia Hank. ' ‘ Smnhel Wigner, Esq., York Bunk. = William Wagner, Esqu‘York Countyvflnnk. T. D. Cnréon, Euq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq.,.Protb'y “Lancaster 00., PA Geo. C.-Hnwthorn,Esq.,fiegistet' “ . “ Geo. Wllitson, qu., Record“ . “ “ April 15! 1861 ,m - ' . - Railroad House, . T EAR THE DEPQT. L , HANUVER, YORK 00., PA. The undersigned wquld rolpcclfully lxllorm his numerous friends and the pulhic generally, that he has leased tho Hotel in Ilnnover, non; the ‘Dppol, formerly kept By Mr. Jerrmlnh Kuhlor, and will figure nuclhn [a canduc: it in umnuner that. will five gcnenll anxisfucliou. His wble will have use best the n'mrketl (mu. nlfurd—his chambers are Ipnuiuus and com-V tunable—mud he Jun lmd in fur his lmr a full stock of c‘lmice WIIIPS un’d liquors. The-re ll elablim: for horses awclud lu ‘lhe Hotel. It. will be l 8 0393 mm. endenror to render the lullen/thixmctmn to his gun», making his house 3 no-nr u h-nme'to‘ them as pus-s'l“». Hc usks n :hare of the .public pa'rqmlgl, de termined us he is to deserve a large part ml 11.. licmember th'e Builroud House, uenr lhe De. pm. ”mom, Pa. ‘A. r. “whim! Oct. 2, 1865. 1.! , R. I'. Baylor Jr. (30.; EALEKS IN ‘ , »‘ CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE, LATED WAREJ'INE UUTLERY, ‘ . . muons, “3., No. 6 8:50”: Stun, nu Bunion $l., , BALTIMORE, MD. GLASSWAREc—Tnmblonl.‘Gobleu, Wines, lagers, Flasks, Blk. Bunion, Candy Jnrn‘he cuntera, Pres. Dishes, Fruit. Bowls, Snlrl. Unu tors, Cantor flames. Ker. Lumpy, For. Chim‘. neys, Lnnternl, Bc. 7 ' QUEENSWARE :——Plntes. Pm Dishel. Deep do., Covered 89., Covered Butlers, Ten You, Sugnra, Crux nu, Bowh, Pitchers, Chamber-I Basin: and i’itcherl, Mugl, Spunoons, Tn. Sets, Toile: Stu, he. CUM. STUNEWARE :—Jup~,Jnn, Pitcher!l Milk Pans, tc. [lily 1866. Jy' } Noah N'alkcr & Co.. 0 L 0 ’l‘ E I E B S , I F , WASHINGTON BUILDING‘ 165 up 16'! EAL-rum Sfllllr, - - ." ~ BAL'rxuonn‘ koép annually an hmd Huge and yell n-_ sorted flock of ‘l] kinds 0! good! u qpfient‘ pricn. - _ ' They supply order: for we hell to thc lowest priced Irfliclol, amm- ready made. or nude to manure, “1 Any pin of the country. They he also mienenlivo flock of HURRY 1811le 080118. embracing ever; article of Gentlemen’l Under-vent. Also, IlLl'g'Aß! CLOTHS Ind every'nnfly of Ililim'y _ rim minge, in well u an isloned flock of READY MADEIHLITAEY GOODS. ‘ Baltimore, Feb. 22, 186‘. ‘ ..f.‘__-._.v ._- - 3 Cumberland Goal} LARGE supply of superior I}. human“! 00"“... ‘ nor on had I»! rodqco‘fl prion. “m- Ood I. 111 orlor no fifozhor 0,091 in tho gifted Emu {Jflld‘fll 9!"! WM}; 5199 mm“) pupae; ~47” “1° “1 P- a; mu. on: can ma. rum?! 9%)“. an 19, 1865. if .I.lus W. Itipto - et Asmosunrmnnnn, Nash-gig; ,c r on of flu Dimand, (nut ’ oor‘to‘ lice lm‘u may) Getty-bnrfiJ’n. when ho «alum Hum be round ready to mud to .u bl‘km. In El- Ilifio- 89 km sllgegoylignag nc\m n; ‘ only," I . anon. n “Q t ‘95“ “Doc, 3, 1800. . 4"“ ""fi-T‘Qiimx” :- 1 Pfiufisawwrazflw on 0 me It {VIM 1 oh ' , pFAmtEBTOOK M' 1 “16,1366.’ u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers