:5“ Wm! 1m“. “451:”: mum {rd m} ” ‘ mi [4:ij tribute w spartan or the t ‘ ‘ dutynndtmdt compel Immune thflul' out :when In" not no mun-pri pity Ihr! confirming. lgnognnz. indniont fwkjhh Wagin- mauy and profuse. in trude themselves yPM' after-gm upon the finie and attention of (.he lupninlendent, ,‘ .Iho director. and (bedusen. and persist in rxpnlfnj their in“ 110 hnvé ' VIP Mrs to improve flix my to tepch “by an fumed occasional mannnnd only boom» not he obuinud. A r e m rti p 10,"? 510? an ye: ufl'orda me much 9. tanbhinq with lan man than I fall pr nmg WT"!!! sci clered‘ wchml room: The :prpjudine ngni ”whit-h in mum: am annfinml In a. few localilies of other in; nway._ In em 1 mnlés not bee'n elm A whnqh. . , metima.——l com' soon utter the open rontlnned them on .rclmols were visit: thnl'were not in at those localities. A .-.. , nnd tinge. —l lelllnm spent. lou than two lmunitiyx each uolmnl, and with the largest und‘moit interesting schools. [generally npq-nt ball a day“ From flute”: to twenty aiiinnton were usg‘nlly apentfln talking to the mholan. . ‘ , Dir/rid Ina/[lutm—These were organized 1 .nml kept. up some in fourteen districts, but the meetings were not. always so interesting and successful as thev should have—been. In h-ur diutlicts, owing to indifference on the. part of directors, and indolence and wlfisllnus on the art. oftenchers, they fail. , fl . ‘ nd utter afow mestings hml been held. ‘M GL,A .D 3r. I“ Sl' six llifllt'lclfl. little or no effort warmmle‘at You 1'"! uxron'ruqu orgnpiintmn. unti‘tenchers were ieqn‘rred to REY CAN BE USED WITHOUT DETEC tt-nch twenty-two dny~4 to flue month. -1T “ON, and do not interfere With business There is no doubt that when properly pursuit», and .\'o CHANGE 0!“ DIET IS NE _ an’atninea and rightly pondncted ;.(listric I CESSAKY- , _ ~in~titutes nre a powerful ngrncy in tfi'fj « Bq‘fl'g Speelflc‘Pllls "mm” of etlucnt'on. bV bring‘ngdeachem ' . Are warrantejd in all cues, tor the Speedy and ‘.’”"l’m" W'th ““011 other, nml m ”I“ w“! Permanent Cure ofSeminnl Weakness, Ureth rnmuluting them to further imprnvomonu ml ““1 Vagina] Discharges, Gleet, Sexual ’1“ tllstrtéta "h“l‘" ”WY have be?" f‘" Heyer- Diseases, Emissions, lmpotence.'(}onitz\l and nl y‘enre in ant‘cwsful operation. the“ i 8 Nervous Debility and diuenses at" the Bladder. visnhle a very marked nml :lecided‘improre- and Kidney a. , , went. in the schools. Nntwnhstamling that They" ure ndnpted for male or female, old or ‘change in the law, I hope'and trust. ”my young, and are the :only elmble known for the will not only be retained, but. conducted cure of MI diéenseslnuiung from m", “Mama ",0.” and ml. l . ” Yournrc . INDISL‘RETIONy. The Onmly Institute convened at. Bendereq in nll Sexual DES- uses, us Gonon‘hen, Stric ville, ln-ccmhor 29, and continued in sea; “"9, “la“: and "1 31} Urinnry “M 1 Kid"?! '39" three day». meg m inclement Lcomplnints. they a“! like-e (-lmrm. Rellet in weather, and other causes. the attentlancel “XPUV'L‘I‘Fe‘l-by '“klllg " “I!!!” “0!; 3nd from of tenchors was small, only {About thirty 110- l 'o': to 9" boxes “we?!” etlectn “‘"9‘ ~ in; prexent. 'l‘ho attentional} of citizens | D Told l.“ bo'xea contuuli‘lu‘g 6!: plilS: Price One w.“ very [mod throughout. We were kind- 1 o llg‘rl, or. at? ‘bone's, rue Dollllnrs; nlxzo, 1n ly assisted on the occasion UV Rev. J. K.'.l'flzlfeeeigfiarzonmnmg our oft esmnll, Price mall"- Of‘\re!"l'?v'lle' formality county “5‘ l‘rivn’te Circnlnrs to Gentlemen only, not [X‘rlntemlfm‘of Damon-at, "ho I’m-“film“ ‘ free on receipt ofdirected envelope and stamp. m ”‘9 (Hammer. and nddodwrently tolal'ei It you need’thc Pills. cut out his advertise: Interest. ‘Pd "we"! of tIIe-rneeltng.‘ 1 “5‘ men! for reference, and i‘you 'cannot procure heft ’W‘W 4"” be held "I Gettysburg, them ot'your druggln do not be imposed on by ”“00 time dming‘the month 0" 00“)va 1“ uny ether remedy; but enclose the money in a which time arm place it is hoped there Ifill , lam” to‘ ' . be 3 general attendance of teachers and Dlt. J. BRYAX, Consulting Physician, friends ofeducation. ' Box 5079. ~ 442 Broa’dwny, New York. and they will be sent to you secure from oh airviuion, by return nunil,‘post-paid, on receiyt 0 “0 money. . . . Dealers ‘aupplied hy Domes Barnes & 00., Whulcsule Agents, New York. ‘ ' olil corms unmuxas. It may not‘begeneralty known that great , rfi'orts are being made by the Pennsylvania ‘ shoddy leadership to resuucituto dead "King .Cot‘ton." and to make him a ruler in this‘ . Uommonwenlth. The L 1! ter cotton {.mill has bean purchaaad ‘33 Thaddeus Stew-m and John Wt‘Furnoy ; tlwllunis— ‘ , burg cotton mill has hem secured by Simon i Cameron. Dvacon Bargner. and others; find ,a null is prnjncted; at Chambersburg. :under the autpicea oi 'Cnlhnel Alexanderi M'Clure.§an(l others. All these men are radical in their toelings and go in for con fiscnting Southern cottnri plantations and flfllmg their) to radical Tavorites, or for do. pitting them to _nogrnea.,so that they can ‘ he g‘qbbled up by the Aden/ls and brothers 11f tha. "cnlorod r:u‘e"'at very levy rules..— All'of them me working-to this end. in _their own im‘prext, with might and main. F-irngy with- his I‘rrks; the Damon andi ' litmnn with their Te’eyi'aph. and Colnngl Aleck ‘ With his Rrpnsalmy ;-Wll'lle 01d 'l‘hnd ‘ lwluhes awav in the Rump llouap, in the mmwtmm with Ben Walle."Bill”Sumner, itlll Kelley, Wilson, and the [fhl, who havel l‘ht'll' mills and dullnu inteiests tehtteud to l ‘ tor their respective lnculltw‘s. All their roconstructmn plunflfin'lprnjl‘cts and nmendmvnts to the Clynstitutron centrp “I (ma grand “heme nl‘ indivulual profit and aggramdtzoment. Unjismtion, u diuisum of lands. andjrce mgro (alliu- Is to secure tor their mills nn nmplé and cheap supply of cotton; the (177011 umcudmenuro the Cunsti nation is to prevent cotton from being sent ‘ "almond. so that shoddy mills may have a monopoly; and a high protective tan-gt?" m to‘ keep out tonign manuluctures, enable these cotth ‘lordlingn to raise and keep up the. price of cotton fabrics, monopolize the'en-t tin business; and rob the consumers with ; "out any benefit to the Governmen t or even the‘people who run their mills. When the ‘ pooflg of Pennsylvania mad the speechet‘ of t no radical leaders nnrd’ peruse the coll mnua of the Press, and ~Tet’cgrcyult and the armory. let them think of the manner in which they are having the “cotton wpol‘l’ Ilruwn over their eyes by radical shoddy )hpde‘rs.— Patriot tfl’nwn. ” The Holdlt‘ Bounty nm. The rudlcal me bers of Congress are strenuously opposing the Soldiers’_ Bounty Bill. on the plea of national economy, while pat the sgme time they are en‘deavoring to page a hill appropriating twelve millions of dollars to“the support. of the freedmen.” Soldiers, what do you think of thief,— J.)oes it not shod that the re reaentativea of the Republican party oonsicfer that your pérvices and sufl‘urings are at no account compared mu: the welfare of the pauper lnegroes of. the South? These loyal mem ber: of Congress wished to give $lOO,OOO to Mrs.. Lincoln, and it We: only through the opposition of a few sensible men, who knew Ihaz many thousands of dollars had already_ . leaf collected for" her, that the amount. Was reduced to $25,000. Instead of econ pmiziug, these “lbyal” ip‘endthriits appear lobe trying to exhault the national trons may; but they are determined that. the sol diera shall be defrauded if necessary, for the sake of their negro darlings. ~ _ Rather hraml on Old Thai—ln the de lmto in the Rouge of Representatives, at Washington, on 'the 234 uh... upon the gunman of negro sufl‘rage in (be District of Julumbh. Thad. Stevens interrupted Mr. Brooks of New York, bi asking him if he in: i that ofgruntifigt e right of sulfmge 16 15mm. BrooksJ‘eplled um. be pre- Jgrrrd his own odor and while women ~{xl‘.s€.ye’the negrbec. Themhiiea it} the gal leria applauded this retort vowel-mm}— 11. i: not stated whether the old negro lover 190]; the reply as per/Mal. _ a Every tin payer. Democrin or Repubv litan. Connery-jive 01- Radical, sh‘ogld "'32 3:111:33“: avg: thirty mullion doings e pgyenyapemloaup rite Frn‘odmen’l Burma thronghou}. shngujLed Bum, uud mmqe _ls dgmanded by those who pretax 4 , gum blanks hieupwpers nther than gppouuge them In rely upon ' weir own Mm. ‘ . ' . ' " .' —-A-——-——6-9——-——«- , _ “‘1‘!” man“ pqx is represented to be mailing u. the South win alarming ex -999‘: The Huntsville (Ala.) Independent M” me qrganized elfort is no; made to luau in progress, ,un; it will sweep over it” ”polelgnd. '.. ( , fie 03-”!!! General: Hindi). flood, ' Rum and banana: have m“, been 1.. WW “4 mmmdr 6000- '“ . - .' . ”gamut phaflm " ~ j ‘p Advertising ”(3613me “ r P 0 BIPY THE BLQOD. fl. VIIATIIT lIDIOIII 0? fill 10'. SURE antidote for niéknefl, and I refuge A from Sorrow, Plin and Dunn. . . Bryan’s Life run, 7 _ uni-n "nuns, _ . ma ~ be the sxsr “sum MEDL ...»), Jig bi the An'wricun Nmuu, i ”you wish Blynn’a fife Pillshand gannot gm them ofynurdnfggl t,‘dun't takwnny oihcr, hut send 'l‘“ cuty-lh‘u Cents in a letter to (he plopllelor, and you will gm their. by,reuqu of 4111111, pun-Imm. :th'dncu,{ ' DR. .1. BRYAN,- HZ Broadway, Xew York. P. 0. Box 5079. Dealers can hr.- supplivd by Dennis Barnes & (30., M'holesnle Agcnu, New York. ‘ IMPORTAXT TO LADIES Dr; Harvey's Female Pills, . IIE most. infallible nnd_ 'popnlar remedy ever known; for all disejseg of the‘ female sex. They hnve been usad in m'nnyxhouszmd cases’wilh unfailing success—and may be re‘- lieu! win every case for which they are re commended, und p‘urticulurly in all cases iris ing from - DESTRUCTION, on STOPPAGE OF NATURE no mxlttcrfrqm what came it arises. 'l‘th «re olfuctnnl in restaring to health all who are suf fl-ring- Irouu-kaqoss and Dchility, Uteripe Dlicllnl‘gts, Nervousness, Am, 8:12, Am, and they “Acllilé a Charm," in strengthening the gystem. Thousands of ladieé who mammal l‘e‘rcd [or years mad tried various other remes dies in vain, owe a renewal of Ibeir health and strength wholly to the eflicncy of Im. HARVEY’S I‘EMLS PILLS. They are perfeq? harmless on the system, May be taken‘ at on time wilh perfect safely; b‘uliduring the early stages of Pregnancy they should not be taken, or a miscarriage may be the result. They never (muse any sicknes’s pain or distress. Each box contains 60 pills, Prime (me Dollar: ‘ _ Im. HARVEY'S GOLDEN ?ILLS, a remedy for special c. 5565, four degrees strong er than. the «have ; Price Five D 131)“: per‘bot. A PriVMeCirculnr m Ladies \‘vith fine ana tomical engru Ingi. sent free on receipt of ‘di rrccu-vl envelnpc and stump. r 1.: 6‘01“ this'oht ”you desire Dr: Harvey’z Billa,'aud 'rfyou cannot pro'cnre them bf you! druggist, do not take any other. for some dealers who am nnprinc'ipled will recommend Other Female Pins, tyey can make a huge: profit on—but onclos’e the money and send di. met. to-' ‘ , _ , * ‘DR. J. BRYAN,- Consultinghysicinn, Box 534:. 442 Brondwny, New York and you ill receive them post-paid seanel) tamed lrum obsermtion, 31y return mail. ' Dealers supplied hy'Demas Burnes‘ & 60. Wholesale Agents, New Yyrk. ‘ The Private Medical Adviser. ' ‘ (Exclusively {ol' Ladies.) N invaluable treatisé of too puges,by Dr A J. Harvey, published for the benefit 01 the sex. ' on receipt. of TEX 0161‘s, it win be sent pqst-puid,‘ in It sealed envelope, to all who 595 plffot it. Address . ' ' DR. .1. BRYAN, «3 Broadway, N. Y. Box 5079. . V . ' Manhood ! THIRD EDITION, Filly Thdnann‘d—joo pages, by Roman E. BILL, M. D: A can tion, Addressed to youth, the married, and those Conwrnumc Munrms. Sent by mail pom—paid, 0n recaipvbf TEN CENTS. A cure ful perns ll ofthis small bqok has been a. Boon T 0 m: Anne-Inn, and his saved thousands lroin a life of misery. and an untimely grave. 1:. treats on the evils of Youlhlul lndiscreuqn, [Self-Abuse, Semlnnl Weakness, Emissions, uSexupl Disensfs, Genital Debil'ny, Loss ol Wower, Nervod ness, Premqtqre Decay, Impo tence, ML, a::.,‘ which an!!! the sufferer from fulfilling the Obligations of Marriage. A‘ddiésa, . ’DR. J‘. BRYAN, Ccmulting Physician, Box 5079. 442 Broadway, New York. . Arm. )4. In“ I’. . _ \ ‘ Watches & I[ewelrh :' CHANCE?! I'oB Sudnnuu‘ A! Low 9) Prucrs {4100,000 Watches, Unnips, Lock ets, Rings, Bmcl-Ms. Sets of Jewelry, Gold Pena, tc., ac. To by disposed of“ ONE DOLLAR Meg, withou‘t regard to value, nbt to be p'nld (0 until yon know what you In} latex-ewe. V _ ' - . 'lOO Hold Hunting-qua Wstghu, ' L ‘ each, ~ ‘ $5O to $125 boosnm Watches, each; 20 to 35 10000 Gold Pens b3ilveroue,nch, I 5 to B 10090 Sets LAdies' knell-y, (u-‘ ‘ ‘ _aopédg ésch,‘ ‘ - ' _ 3go 10 And n'lar‘ge' assortment ofJewelry'pf every descrfpfidn tor lsdiu' Ind‘ genu' wear, vary ing mrmnomsz m $25 cach. Al‘hnqmemou of disposing of those 390 d: am On Dopfiu uchinufollowaz, ___-___-“, cam-mum‘mming an ARTICLE m 1 ‘ iuprico ué pinned in SEALED ENVELOPES 1 ml well mixed, one of which will be sent. by \ Mhil In any sddma on receipt of Price. One (Denim-m 25cm“. Five lb; 51. There we go BMNKS. You mus‘t 5'9! the VALUE of you money. Circuit" with pufiwlm FEEL Addfllfl A. J. HARPER t 01). A - m Emu-Iv.- 89,! Yr!» BEIM ‘ " "A‘Nfllflw, ‘ I‘l' ~ .110 met ONE.H- '- A x- w _ LAM!!!” as attend-4| new ' . . (moon? ‘AXD VARIETY s'romz. on York ureét, glam nu ofthe"‘(}lobo Inn,” -, ~ eta-burg, Pt. I!!! room ha been hadnomoly refitted. and m shelni‘nre landed with the but variety of goods inflix line ever offered in thin plum.— Thil i! no banning u'lk'. CI“ Ind no my yourselns. Hi; stock csnnot begidetniled In ‘the limits of In advertisement-38m he will mention the mate prominem, viz :‘ SUGARS, A” grid"; 4 . “GLASSES, seven different varietiel; COFFEES and TEAS. all kinds; .- ' SPICI-IS, a full assortment; ‘ L QUEENS-WARE.GIue-warefiutlxcn-‘wart; ~ LARD, Mackerel, Herring. km; ' GREEN APPLES, Dried Fruit, 3m; . HOMINY, Polatoel, Belnl; ’ »' CRACKERS. Cream. Soda, Snmrind Water; ' COAL UIL, Cunl Oil Lamps, Wicks, Bumers, Shndos. ((0.; ‘ l : - ‘ GLOVES, Stockings, and Hoaieryfin general; PINS, Needle], Thimblgs, km; E .lEV‘VELIIY, Soups and Perfumerleaz. SWOKING and Chewing 'l“obaccos,nllgmdes; SEGA RS, all bmnds, and n” prices; _ KNIVES, For-kl, Spoons. Culun‘ kc; PUCKE’I‘ KNIVES, Pucket Combs, Pocket Boqka; . . ~ 0 ‘CUNFECTIONS, of I“ klndé ;‘ FRUITS, Nuts. kc In short, ever) thing that could be thought. of in in; mg in a stock (drn’iirat c 1339 Grocery and Vnrioty Store. He intends to 3".“ CHEAP, going upon the principle of “qmck sales and' .umfl profits." , , 1 [Jam 1, tans. ' Don‘t Bend This, . x\ - SS YUU WANI' 'l‘o . ‘ l A V E )1 0 N E Y i How sad . how heart-tending are the evils ot Wnrl Nm that Pence has been restored the universal c is, How longl How dun-l How are 'we to ' e! Will the exorbitunl prices fiir the necessn ‘es 0! life never decline? From thn remote corm- ofAdums county, in the small but prosperons\town of'Fuirfi ld, comes the welcome musseug with tidings 0! better Hays. ‘WREAD AND PROF] "£2l ‘ DANNER A: SHIELDS have jug . returned from the enstern .cities, (having allow d their stack of grinds to be Very much reduce nit: ing for a déuline in the markets.) The tim at length arrived, they Mailed thgmselvca oft n opportunitynhnst ed to the city, and are now prepared to anplehe wants of the needy.—- Our stock 0! LANE. ’ GOODS in better lhnn fiver helore. That for he GENTLEMEN is un surpassed. _Toenumern would besnperfluous. " QUIUK‘ SALES AJND SMALL PROFITS,” is ouunouo. Our stock being relented wil‘h curenwe here assert that-ye are enabled m sell as cheap, und we think cheaper, than can be bought uuywnorc elie in the county. Ul—use buyer: pmuculurly, «All bud il. 10 their quvnxt mge u givu us ax cu.“ befuxe purchasing else where. . " ' WConntl-y wo-lnceimken in exchange for Good». Thnuxml‘ for past. favors we hope to merit. n conunuauce of the same. ' * i . BANNER RJ‘SIIIELDS NOV. 6, 1865. If \ . ' 'neducflon! R 13nd ufwrh’ovember", O lownng redured‘ scalu‘ adopted at, the “EXUELSI GALLERY,\'xz: Vignette Photographsflpvr U ' It U panes de Via: or plain, per 1‘ d A“ non ow sac mas: Vignettes, single copies, 40 ~. or 3 fol-......5L 00 Games de Via., or plain, sin le copies, 35c. 0:4 forl 0( In addition to the übpve every picture will be Leutly tinted without extra charge. Thpre is a feature in him above to which I wish to direc; special attention, viz: I will make four Vigngnea, or three plain pictures .from the firslnegmive. llaeml’ote it has bun a rule who make less than six of one and lo‘ur of the other. ' I take this opportunity tq/tlaank the citizens of Geliyshurg and [lie public generally, lor the film unsau patronage extended to the “Ex celsior,"~since its establishment, and hope by strict aneugqn [0 business, coupled wnh the advantage of over ten years uninterrupted pruciice of the an, to merit a".coatlnmmco of the same. , ISAAC GI TYSUN, Successo} to the,Finn of’l‘vsox Rims , Nov; Id, [865. Gettysburg, Pa. Fresh Arl'h‘ai. ,AIS, Cal's, BOOTS t SHOES. ‘ _ a 00355 z a co. ban-just received and opened another splendid assortment ‘af HATS, CAPS, BUUTS and SHOES, for Surname} wear, which they are selhng at. very low' prices considering the tunes. The latest. styles of Summer Hats and Cups, of every description and price. Buots and Shoes, of superior make, and; m wurxnnted to fit, alqu on hand. Work ‘ made to ord‘er and repairing done on short no 4ice, by experienced workmen. Also, , ‘ . ‘ HARNESS 'MAKING, ‘ carried on in at) its branches. Persona wgnt ing an) thin" inJhis line would do well to cull. ni‘lwu’t target the old stand in Chambers. burgku'eet, “you want Bargains. ~ COBEAN CRAWFORD June [9, 1865. " Fresh ”ring. , EW GOODS.—A. SCOTI‘ SONS have N just received nnotherjiue issomnent of LEW GOODS, consisting. in pin, of Cloths, Gussime Cnasinels, Kentufiky Jeans, and Twegdsf‘enuemen’s weir: A 150,: fine assortment o ' ‘ LADIES’ DRESS 'GOODS Our stock has been semcjed with great care, and‘ wen-e prepared to fell as cheap 98 any other establishment in we country. . We ask the public to gun qs a cull rind judge for themselves. We dzfy competition, both as to quility and price. A. 3500 [‘l' & SUNS. Sept. 11, 1865. Grain 6: Produce Wuntétl. HE undersigned having pnrchnsed the ln tel-est of Myers &'Wiennnn. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, in New ‘Oxford, Adams county, would respectfully notify the fflmfl‘l and the public gen rally, that he will continue thobnsinesa at fife old stand at the (150'. jn thnv, place. The ighqstmurket price will be paid for WHEAT, RY E, CORN, 0 ATS, HARLEY, CLOVER and TiMUTHY SEEDS, FLOUR; kc" to. Also, GUAM), PLASTER, SALT, LUMBER and COAL, constantly kept on hand for sale, together with a general assortment of FAMILY uuocmunst ' ‘ . DAVID non: Nov. 27, 1865:3111 ___ . .. Regves"Ambroslp, K " FOR THE HAUL—The Original and Genuine Amlmm'a Is prepared by J. Am." Runs, and in the best hair dressing and preservative now 11y use. It stops fine hair falling out, ctneeaiil m grow thick and prevents it from turning‘premntnrely grey. It. emdicates dan drnfl, cleanses, bennlifiea Ind tinder: the hair no“, glossy am; curly. .Bhy it, try it and be convrnced. Don't be put 01! with a spurious article. Ask for Reeves" Ambrosin an?! tnke no other. For Sui. by Dr'nggisle and Deniers in Fancy. Goods everywhere. ‘ Price 75 units per Bottle-$6.00 per dozen- Addreu . REEVES} AMBRQSIA DEPOT, . _ v 8;! Fulton St., New! York City. Oct. N, 1365. 6a: ‘ ' Notice. ACOB .GUIP'S BdTATE.——Leturs o! a . ministflflon on alienate/c! Jacob Cal , In. of we B wough of Gegtylbnrg, deeoase , having been granted w lbelnlen'rgind, resid ing in the dune place, he hereby gives notice to m pence: indobtog to said estate to make mink-dime pigment. and thou himg clgims ngn‘mn tutu-:0 to mount. “mu propegly umbemicaled tor ”Noam- A . ' j wu. a. omm, Adm'l ‘Janru, me. at CALL snd nee-tho mat betufifnl unort ment of mi JEWELRY, Inch 35 Brush-pin, WDtopa, Lock Oh i ; Fingm’ Rings, cu, :as c n J. stm's’, " Opposite the Bank. Gettysburg.- A»! HORNER’S you cnn get 18536. Bnuhu, Oombl, Sunpl, _Pexffuln an. “.3995 ”finmflmfly. ' ... 1. .._..‘ . , . ; . . “I?” bust. “unrated. ” . TB rm AT THE OLD WAREHOUSE. ‘ 11. E. RIDDLE & 00. would IBM-n ‘tllé public that they ban lecudfihe Wuebdnle on the corner of' Summon street. and the Buil ‘ road, in Gectyibnrf. when they will carry on the cum ma PRODUCE Busmzss, in Quill bunches, The lii/3h“! prices will Il ways he paid to? ; > WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, - CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEEDS; .- ' FLAXSEED, BUMAQ, , ' ‘ HAY t STMW; Dried Frni‘, Nuts, Soap, Hams, Shoulder: and Sides, Pot-moot, with everything elsein the cou ry pmdnceline. ‘ of 0)! HAND, FOR SALE, ‘ . Cofi'as, Sugars, flolnéses, Syrups, TOM, Spice: Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard. filarch, Broqmg, Buckets, mucking, Brushes, ‘Sonps, kc. Also COAL 01L. Fish, on, Tar, kc.— FXSH 0' all kinds; NA! 8 AND SPIKES; Smoking and Chewing Toliccos. , They are always able to supply "a first fate article of FLOUR, with the dlfl‘crent kinds 0'! F~E,ED. , _ Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS snd other fertilizers. VWCOAL, by the busliel,ton. or car load. , Their Cars run to Baltimore nnd bask twice a week, and they will be happy to carry goods either way at moderate cherges. Blnrketmen, country merchants. and others, will find it 90 their advantage to putrnnize this line. . Tiny ask a shnrevl‘ the pnblic'smustommnd Will spare no eflort to render satisfaction to ull,sellera or buyers. .’ . . _ WM. RBIDDLE #OO. Aug. 22, 1864. tf ‘\ rZINi Con], Lumber, Sto , &c. HAIUPES .H. BUEHLER Ex ’ 0 Would respectful)y inform thNlLblic um: he will couliuue the business lately on-! ducnd by the firm of Shanda A: Buehler, ntt- : ' old stand. corner of Cnrlisle and Ruilmnd‘l streets. ‘He will be prepared to furnish ‘ THE BrIST QUALITY 0|“ COAL, ' and ever} wriety ofLUMBER, including Doors, Shutters; Sub, &c. Alan, ever," vunety of Cooking Stovcsmmung which are the NOBLE cunK; ROYAL 000 K, WELLING TON, WAVERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ' ORNAVIENTAL CUOKV lac, Also, PARLOR, DINING ' . ROOM, SALOON AND SHOP S T O V E S . Also, every variety of TIN ‘AND SHEET 1‘ | WARE, mnuufnclured by' the bestvwork me Also, HOLLOW WARE ofevery variety, iixclu '\ za suprriourtiole of enamelled work. iuqlct-d Cit‘l‘y variety of Kitchen Ware will be kept cons ntly on hand. Also,thei -inmed“U.\'IYERSALCLOTEES WBINUER," which he is the sole agent in the county. t ' He is also the mg nt for Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Nun-hinea—Lh‘Qest in use. April 10, 1665._ C. H. BUBBLER. Notions & Wong. ‘ A WORD T 9 THE I‘EUPI.E TOWN AND HE s‘nhscrihor keeps a Notion ant} Confec- T tiomiry Store on Carliale atreel,“nearly opposite the Railroad‘ Elation, Gettysliurg, where he has censmntly'on fund, GANDIBS, NUTS, Figs, Raisins ,Lemons, Oranges. am; Tobaccos and Seam/er of all Linda; Pucket- Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Gollnrsgkcq Soups and Perfumerios; also some GROCE RIES, Sugars, Culfees, Rice, with the dilferen: kinds 0! Crackers'. lee-cold MEAD a: all times. He invites custom from town and country, and 51311541! small prams.“ ‘ LEWIS s‘I‘ROUSE.‘ Aug. 7.1865. 1}" . t ncllon! Hag. 1865, the fol \ of priica wifl be hug " .sm'LmH-r 0zeq..........54 00 ”I .......‘.‘.. 1 35 0chn.......... 349.? “\ “......n. l 70 ” ......t... 1 25 “ '.......... l 00 Good Things from the City-x E are receiving twice a week from the city 3 variety or article: suited to the wants of this community, viz: Fresh and Salt FISH, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tobaccos, Segars, with many other articles in this line—ail received in the hestorder, :imi sold at the lowest pr'ofits. ‘Gire us a cull, in Baltimore street, neurly opposite Fahnestocku’ store. WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Lard, and in other country produce—for which the highest cash price will be paid. SWEET POTATOES—best. quality, at low est ‘iiw'ng prams—always on hand. Also OYSTERS, line and (TUShg—in the shell on shod-Adi. Regcxnumnls and families supplied. S'I'RWKHUUSER A; WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg. May 18, 1863. ' ~ New Goods: Large 5: ock! FERGHAXT TAILORIXG. 11l , JACOBS a 1330. have just rect‘lr'ed from the cities a large stock ol goods for Gentleman’s wear, embraqing a variety of <, » ' CLUTHS, . ‘ CASSIMERES, - - . VESTINGS, Cnssinets, Jeans, km, with many other goods for. spring and summer wear. They are preparqd to make up garments at the ohm-test notice, and in the §erylzest man— ner. The Fashions are regularly teéeived, and clothing nude in any desired style. They al ivnyn make nent fits, whilsttheir sewing is sure to be substantial. They ask a continuance of the public's pn tromge, resolved by good work and moderate charges to earn it. , Gettysburngpxil 7,1862. BUSHELS OF GRAIN 100.090WANTED,at thenewGrain sud Produce ouse, in Gsrlisle street, adjoin ingfiheadl & Buehler's establishment. 'The highest market price will nlWays-be paid in cash-for , , GRAINHOf all kinds. . ,‘FLOUR, SEEDS, to. Always on lisnd and to: sale,“ the smallesl profits, ‘ GUANOS, . SALT, FISH. GROCEgIES, &c., Wholesale and retnil. TRY US! We shall do our best to give satisfaction in all cases. McCURDY & DIEBL. ‘ Gettysburg, May 11‘, 1893. ly {inninge-muklng Business. HE war being over, the undersigned have T resumed the ' , CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, '5: their old stand. in East Middle street, ‘ i ‘ GETTYSBUIRGp .‘ ' where they are again prepared to put up work - in the most fnshionabie, snbstautixil, and dupe ‘riar manner. A lnt of new and second-hand 'on hand, which they will dispose a 0! at the lowest prices; and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. 3- B E y. A l R I N G done with dispatch, 3911 M. cheapest nlel.‘ A large lot of new’ tug! old HARNESS or. had for sale. g ‘ Thankful {or the I§bénl patronage hereto fore enjoyed by themétliey solicit and will en,- denvor to deserve a rge Ihnre in the future. July 10, 1365; u ND A GOOD ONE—BLACK WELL £OO., A Gilsey'n Iron: Building, 171 BroadWly, New York. hue commenced the busiueu of taking SUBSCRIPTIONS to ,all the PRINCI PAL MAGAZINES and WEEKLY PAPERS, for SHORT PERIODS, (quarterly or half ymrly.) at the, lowest yearly rater, ofl'erilg ; gnu. advantage to lovers of unnumwho muyish to take Bevan! publicufionn paying but a little money at a time. Full particular: in a circular sent on application to armed dre'u. *.*A GOOD AGENT WANTED ,In each tom. POSTHASTERS are requested co lend In; our circular containing inducements. ‘ , BLACKWELL & 00., I'll Brondwsy, New York. Dec; 35,1865. 3m ,- . ~._ New Bakery: EWBOBT & ZIEGLEB, Hechnnicnl Bnk- N ers,Bonlh Washington street, h'all sqnnre from the Eagle Hone], GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Qonnunuy on hand, the beat, 01 BREAD, ORAOXEBS, CAKES, Pnzrzuns, kc. Per sona winking freoh Bresd will be served every nbrning, by loinng their tune: Ind residual Who Bakery. Em: efl'on nude ta pfpue an n .u 91,1}! {April :0, '63. ‘ g: COUNTRY New Warehoube, caagmcms; mamas, .90., D'mm azmuLm A Nwe Ideal, Gnu Remedy writing. Ews PMORAL ~ B , BALSANIC CORDIAL, on EXP-BOTORANT! A. Remedial Agent prepared to meet the cr gent demand nor 1' prompt and Info Autidqte for all Pulmonary Disorders. If properly med it wil! give instant r‘ lief in «lawn every in lunce, Ind wfll prove an efl‘ectunl cure in a majority of the [allowing use: of affection: of do THROAT AND LUNGS! w‘ch as Colds, Coughs. Aaflumntig Tendenciel, ‘ Whooping ough, Sureneu of the Breast. and Bronchial Aficctions. . When we first commenced manufacturing the Expectomnt for our home consumptiop it In! not our intention nor our desire to phi it befqre the public as a ‘-cnre-nll,",nor to pub lish a long lie: of testimonials as n evidence ofitu curative proper-tits, but (he demand for it being so gran. nndxleudedly on the inert-nae, has induced, and in fact. compelled u; to pre pare it. on n much larger scale. and also to establish sgencica throughuut this section of the country. - . All we ask is HIM. thosefiwus afiiicted'may give it a fairy-nil, thin it my prove its mnny udunl’ngrs ovur other prepAmtions of: similar nature now being émpluyed. The 'price too “new it within thetrenchmf all, being but 25 and 40 cents a bottle. Bell's “'oim Syrup. HE MUST INNUCHfiT, PLEASANT AND EFFIQIENT REMEDY IN USE—A Rur xm' Pnncr ix ITSEM‘u—‘VO L'nuar (hi to be Takm.—'n this I’lepamlmn we have xurludwl surfi rl-mmlies only a: have-been tried for years and are known to posws: powerful nnthelmimic x'r ues, combine-l wi'h mild 'nperimts, pleasant. arnmniics mu] sugar. An thclmiutics of themselves cuunot pl [form their peculiar functions or have the desired efl‘wt. unless the bowels are kept. moderately open. To produce thifi. gentle purgutives me move jury and such only ought to be used that car]: not interfere with the nn‘thelmiulic empluwd. Thistdvaumges we ulmui for thin Syrup arr: 15!.st powerfii ussrnunxc. A3l) 512;- PELLING WORMS! u 2d. hamild nyeicn: gfl'ect upon thqbow'els . 36; Its pleasant wate'uud odor uré advan tages ppssened or cluimed by \ery iew Venn? ifuges. 3~ . 41!]. Its lmrmhss influence upon the system, consequemlyno injunous . effects will regult from its usw should lha patient hnvg no Worm a, but an nmnrem diseme, arising from some other unknown qzuse, winch xs frcql'ncmly the case. ‘ ‘The constituents of~this Syrup and its elfects nre known to many Physicnms, who are now using it in their p‘rhctice‘ w a large extent. Price 25 ceuw a bollle The Greatest Liniment lnl‘se. . BELL'S WHITE (MlA—The Biandut, (,‘lenn eal, MI! [’6 rlrafing and malt Econonucal Lzmmrht in Una-ix powettnl Olenglnus Com peund for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Spruine, Wounds, Numbness of the Limbs, Frosted Feet. und, Hands, Spuvin. Sud dle Gulls, Pull-Evil: Rim: Bone. Bruises. Swellings of ’all kind, and in tact ever, dis~ ewe for which an Embrocattion is applicable, either in lilnn or Benet. l'rire 25 cents in hot tle.—This prepnmtwn, which is o'igimtl with‘ us, will beJound to be one of the nit-(st and at the same time one of the most reliable up— plicntions extant. ‘ Having been employed very extensively since its introdnction and feeling satisfied of its remedial properties, we I'N'ommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing that no one wlll he tfisnppointed in its use. It is, as its name implies, a white linime‘nt ol thuconsis teucy of cream, containing nothing cll'eneive, l)ut,. on the contrary,' will be found more pleasnut than othermse. Bell‘s Altemllvo, R CONDITION PUWDERSII 5» FOR HORSES, CATTLE & §WINE 25 cents a paper, or five papers fog-$l. ' . The Immenpe sale of these I’owdeJfidnring the-abort. period they halve been hg'ore the pnblici is a sufficirnt guarantee of thér great popuhnigy, and the decidqd benefits aerived from thi-n' use. They are confidently recommended not only as a preventive, hixt usin complete rare for all diseases incident to the HORSE. CUW or HOG, as Loss of Appetite; Coughs, lleaves, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glsnders', ha, kc. \ By their use the Horse's Appetite is improv ed, all derangements oi» the digestive organs corrected, softening the skin: hind giviug to the with sleek and shining appearance. and muy be used with perle‘ct safety ~st all times, as it contains no Ingredients which can injure 'll horse, whether sicker‘well. ’lhey cleanse the brqthing apparatus by ejecting from the air cells cosgnluted'mntter, or that founntion which so severely. clogs them, chasing a. tightness in'bren’hing, and by their peculiar action on Ihnt part; they cause the mucus membrane t 6 resurrte its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation of the blood and restoring the distended vessels to their natural size. ' l I For fattening cu‘lle Llwy an; invaluable, also paesesaing peculiar properties i}: incl-ens ing the quantity of milk in Cows, théreby giv -ing them an imporiance and value which should place them within the hands u: an in terested. ' ‘ . 1 All diseases {o'wmch'ihe Hog is? subject, a: Cough‘s, Ulc'ora inn-the L'ungs and Liver, land as [general purifier of lheA blood ’we gnurnnitee .‘.hoir efficmy if onre fairly tried. WSold at Gettysburg by A. D. Buebler, Apothecary. and by Drnggists and Sgorekeep er’s generally. Ask for Hell's l’lepurntiona. l Prepared (Exclusively by \V. 1). Bell, Apothe— cn‘ry, (GI-minute of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy,) Whit Wuhington $5., lingers wwu, Md. [Ucz.l6, 1865. Iy Forwarding Biuslnoss. _CULP b EARNSHAW’S LINE. ' AVING pnrchn’sed‘ ’tbe Warehouse and H Cars heretofore owried by Snmugl Hex-bat, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to lhg public that. they will run 3 H LINE UF.‘ FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimpre every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in nuyquuntityj. The) will attcudfifdesirednothe ranking of purchases in the city. and deliver ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Wnrehause' of STEVEN SON e SUNS, IGQ'Xorth llownrd street, (near Frnnklin,) Baltimoré. where lreight will be received at any time. They invite the attention oflhe public to their line, assuring them that the} will spare no efl‘ort to accommodate ell who may patronize them. . Having purchased the buildings and lot on the Northeast cornereof Railroad nrnl North Washington streets, Gettysburg. their Depot .n'ill remum there. Any person baring busi ness in the forwarding line 3.” respectfully in vited to call. CULP 8 EARNSHAW. Aug. 7,1335. 3,, No Humbug! EMOVAL. ‘. ' ‘ > _ O_LTZWORIWA.AY AHKD THIS W3jY FUR BARGAINS—JOHN L. HOLTZWURTH has. just returned fi'om th'e City wivh the largest und must. complete neon ment of HATS AND CA PS, BOOTS AND. SHOES, thnt {ms been brought to,“ this town since the war. His stock is no!~ only complete, but is GOOD and CHEAP embracing every variety of Boots and Shoes fashion and Boys, whilst the Ladies will find everythingdn their line, from the finest (hit?! to m: heaviest Shoe. children: Shot-l 01 every description, in great variety. Also, La. (1125' Hum, fine quality, And Children‘s Haw, on" style! and Price-2 ‘Also, Trunks, Oar -pe‘ Bags, Valiaes, Umbrellas. Glorea._Stock ings, Toblcco; Cigms and Fiction: 0! évery description. ' gal-Don's forget. mi- pines, Summon: Oor.‘ of the Diamondfieuysburg, Pn- ‘ . JOHN L. EOLMWOBTH. Ammo, 1355. u r Canaan’s * . M A R n_z,,x,w-o n K s, Smith-east Corner of the Diamond and hum more street, nearly opgosm the Bhr cum, GE'TTYBB BG, PA. ‘ Every ducrlpfioa of work u’e’cuied K} in . hues: ml: of the at.» .Agri117,1865. tr ~ Ll. who win; a fine Album, goto 2:11. A umwws Confectionery, in Chmnberl burg “net. ,7, ~ 7 mms’ puss than}p»gv-e Ltilt’, 93 , . «-_ BOBLCK'G. Urent - Itttftedini. OLD AND SILVER G lIOLIDAYGIFJS! $1,000,000 worn or WATCHES AND JEWELRY ‘ to be diuflosed of at - . ONE DOL AB EKG?! Without mud to vnlue I "Not. obe plld {or ‘ unlll you know what. you are to receive] 31’ A. H. BOWEN & CO.,' ‘ (Agents for the Mammalian.) ! No. 36 Bunnn thin-r, le You. ; fi-Re‘nd the follovnng Lin of Article: to b? sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH 2““ . lOOGoldHunting-cueWatchu.encb,sl2s 0% 100 Gold Watches, vnr'a styles, “ - 70 00 200 Ladies' Gold Wutchea, " so ob 600 Silvpr Watches. each, $25 00 to 40 00 1000 Elegant Sih‘er Pllted Cualur Stands, each, 20 00 to 50 00 1000 Elegant. Silver~ Hated . Emil & anc Baskets, 15 00 to 25 00 1000 a u of Silver Plated Ten Spoons, q ‘ 800to15 00 2500 nu of Silver Plated Forks,B 00 to 15 00 2000 Gobkw, engmved, 4 ’OO lo a on 3000 pairs of Table Spoons, “6:00 to 800 3000 pairs at squ Spoons, 3 ~90 to 5 00 45u0 m |gmficent ankin Rings, 4 (N to 9 50 80u0 pairs 0! Pendnnr EM Drbps, '(u-surlud tolurs,) 5 00 10‘s 00 3300 sexs of Lndles’Jewelry, imi ~ mlioquuz-y, ‘ 5 00 to 10 ‘OO 2500 Gold Lockets, eng‘d backs, match l‘uce partrct imita tion Lad‘es’ Wutph. 1000'} Ladies' Buck Combs, rich ~ and unique patterns, 5 co to 23 00 4-100 Belt. Bué’kles, Gold,Jet nnd Vulcuuite,‘ _ 5 .00 to 15 00 60001131er VesttNeckChains,s 00 to 20‘ no 5500 Gems" €n!‘« Diamond Pms,s 00 to 2u' 00 4nooonlif'BDinmoud Eur Ural-5,5 09 to lo 00 3000 Miniature nud Enameled ne- \oh‘infigms, V 20070 Cnhlornxix Uifumond and En ~ " Gents'ficurt Plus. 12 00 to 10 00 20(00 Masonic and Emblem Pins,2 w 16 10 00 2500 Gold Hand “nucleu, eu ‘gnu ed and plain, 3‘ 00 to 29 00 3000 13. um! Mumlc Brunch”, 3 00 to .10 00 2000 Came-d Breaches, riclrpnt- unw, \‘er; lusty, 5 00 to 20 00 3000 Coral Eur Ul'ups, 4 00 IO 6 00 2000 Lndies’ Uhulelume Chains and Guard Chains, 8 00 to 15 00 6000 Geuts’ Pins, a. splendid as- smtmem, ' 2 00 to 10 00 4000 Sollttire Slneye Buttons; ' 4 entirely new style, 3 0010 10 00 3000 Studs and Sleeve Buttons, ‘ in sets, very rich, 3 00 to 10 00 6000 Sleeve Builcns, plainh . enameled and engraved, 2700 to 8 09 10000 plain and lmndsuznely'cn- . gmved Rings, 2 50 to 10 00 80001.00kets, double case, rich- » 1y engnued, ' 2 00 [o'lo 00 15000 selsolLudies'Jewelrymcw - - ‘ npd lulu! styles, 6 00 '0 1': fl!) 5000 lmndsome Sm! Ringa, 3 00 m 8 (It! 2000 sets of Boson Studs, 2 50 to 6 00 1000 Gold Prns nndb‘old Ex- ‘ te‘usion Hulders, 15 00 to 25 00 ' 2000 sets Jet. and Gold Pins and Ear Dvons, 6 00 to 10 00 2000 GuldThimblea,Pencila &c.,4 00 lo 6 cu 10000 Gold Pens and handsome .‘ _Silver Cases, 5 00 to 8 00 10000 Gold Pells,und handsome ' ‘ _ Ebony Holdvrs, 4 0!) la 600 The melhud m disposing of these gout}: at. ONE DOLLAR em-h is as lollows: . Certificntes,‘ naming each nrticle avid iis value, are placed in sealed emelopes uu-l \vvll mixed. One Di those envelopes will he soul by umil to .ny fiddlerfi bu rccmpv. ql' '.'? cents. V (in the receipt girlie Umiifirule you will 3:0 what, you iu‘i: going to lun'e, then it. Is in )uur ,oplion to send tin: dollzlr‘nnd lake llle miii-le or not. 'Pmclmsvrs may thus obtnin n Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, 01' kxiy set. of Jewcliy on our list. for oer .D(!Ll.A[t~,.nnd in no case can they gel. 195‘ than One Dolhir's worth. as there are no blanks. The prici- oiTCe'nilicntos is as follows :—One for 25 cents; five tor $1 elevenfor S 2; thirty ior $5; B]Xl)‘-fi\lfi{ol‘ $10;; one hundrcil for 615. ~ The distribution is conducted fairly, "mi 1111 have an equal clnmce of obtaining the valuiwle prizvs by purvimsin‘g the Certilimtes‘. We guarantee entire satishu'liun in all «has. Ageuls Wanted to whom we uifcr apecinl Runs and yfl'llin'fls. Send :5 cents ior one Ceriifimle and our cirrnlnr with u-rins. Address, A. H. liUWhN a CO,, 1?. 0. 13m 4270, New York Jan. 8, 186}. n0v.27. 3m ' ~ Great Minn-Hon 1' BRINKERHOP‘F’S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FURNISIHNG STORE, M the Nortll‘ hum Corner of the Diamond. The ‘eubscribur is constantly in receipt ot’fresh goods from the Eastern cities: ‘llis stock of . READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the lnrfiest- and most nttrnctivc, as well u the cheapest estnblishment ot‘the lund in the country. You will there find L‘UATS, PANTQAND YESTS,-mnde up in? the most fashionable styles, nnd of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.» Gentlemen’s furnishinz goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, “leij Shirts nnd .“orino Shins. Merino. Wool and Cotton Drawers, llosiexyofcrer) description Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Glow", Hund kerchicls, Neck 'l‘u-s, Cmmts, Linen and Pnpel Collars, linls, Cups, Boots and Shoes. I'm brellas, Trunks. Vulit‘e‘l, Carpet. linga, QJothes and Shoe Brushes} Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blacklng,‘l’nckct and Dressing Combs, Ivory Gomhfi, Walt-hes, Clocks and Jeweliy, Guns, Pistols, Violin; and Violin Stringw, Soups and Perfumcries, Stationery of all kind-1, Pctket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tubnc co, Pipes, an e.tra quality ofSegnrb. ln Inci,’ his Block émbrnces everything nsnnlly found in a first. class furnishing store. I' imite. the attention of all to come and see for themselves, lg I am determined to sell goo-ls lchr than any ézhenesmblishment in the country. Don't forget. the place. Corner of York street‘and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHOF F. July 4, 1864. New Skirt for 1866. HE GREAT INVENTION OF THE AGE IN HOOP SKIRTS.——.I. W. BIIADLEY’S Lew Patent. DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT.-—This invention consists of *Duplex (01' two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steel Springs. ingeniously braided tightly and lir’m- Iy together, edge to edge. flanking the tough est, mqat flexxble, eln‘slie and durable Spring ever used. 'They sclgom bend or break, like the Single Springs, nud consequently preserve their perfect and beautiful Shape more tlnm twice as long as any Single Spring Skirt {hut ever has o’r‘enn be made. , The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleuure to any Indy wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced puticultu in all crowded Assemlblles. Upema,’ Clirrisges. Railraad (Jars, Church Pews, Arm Chains, for Promenade and House Dre‘s, as the Mir: c‘an be folded when in use‘ to occupy a smnl'. price as easily and cunieuiently u 5 Silk or . Muslin ‘ Dress. A Lady haying enjoyed the Pleuure. Com, fun Ind Great. Convenience of wearin'g the Duplex ‘Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day will newt nltnrwnrda willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Mines and Young Ladies they an sunflorm :11 others. The Hoops are coveted with 2-ply doable twisted threed end wfll wear twice as long as the single yarn covering which ie used or. a” Single Steel Hoop Skirts. The three button: rode on every Skirt are rho Double Steel, end twice on double covered to prevent the cover ing Irom “Ming oi! the rode when dragging down uninhuoue peeps, am, km, which they ere constantly euhjeot to when in nee. All Honda of the new endalepn'iCoeded Tapes, end. Are the heat quality-in every part: giving to the wearer the moat grime!“ and Pffle‘ct Shape punibl e, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comlortable and economienl'Skirl ever nude. WESTS,BBADLEY a CARY, PNPP‘C‘O" 0' the >_ Invention, and Solo Hunfnctnrerly 97 ghnmben, Ind 79 a 8). Reade smm. Nor orh. ' , For sale in ell lapel“: Stores in £th 0“,: Illd throughout the United State. “‘1 (nude, Hum. de Cups, lexico. South America. Ind the West India. ‘ . enquire {or the Duplex Elhptie (or double) Spring Skirt. . ’ . Nuv. 27, £865. 3n: * Dmiws PLANTATION 3mm a: on: Homucud Tonic, at Dr. R. HOHB’S Druz Smith ' 1 l‘ 2(" ANY Quail; ol,’ All til-Id}, figgfifihadg It. ham and cattle mam: I=l (MI ulna nu firmnovl w, rm Hl-zAvm fictions, m: “mm, In Vzu.musnr )88 0! API "RAND VIT, NERGY,&C. In Improve} In rlnd. lama the Ippdlw-glvu b Imooth and lost] Ikln—um gun-form! sh thenblo llele! ‘ To keeper! 0! Can this prommflan ls fnnhxnhk. 1n ham the gum“; bud improve: lhtquullly of the milk. It In! I ' been pmvcn by Ia ! (1'24 - . ‘ ILuul uxln-r’huent lo x . ‘~" w“ nmue Inc quan | M ’‘ “ my of mm: Ind ‘ .s‘? cream (wtntymcf ‘ ' ‘ v x cm! and make “1. \mfi ' bunn- um um! ,- .75, .‘3 men. In mum; \ ‘d 5 ‘cnulr Itgivuthem ‘ .§ .-', -, - an rum-rule.an "it '.‘. .1. I ‘:“"4.‘ j melt hlde. and 3;. -_ - mum: mun um" 10 00 Mluth hater. 1 In All dhcuul of Swine, inch u‘Co‘ughs, Clam In Me Lugs, Liver, ~ ‘ " its" this article -\ ,‘ {new :1 l specific. : . " , ‘ ,By putting from .3. ‘-' ‘ : I ‘ ion-Ill! wnr " ' A RHDquinhn ’ ‘g i: m: a I t a _“ I 5! [Above (11-euc- s' _.-_ V g "9' :2 lwmhccmflkakml '1 - fl _.« A for enumlytrmvcnwd if given In dine. t certain lprevemlvc and cure for the 1103 Choicn. EM” 25 Cent: per Paper, or sPnpen for t]. 5 00m 19 00 , rnnAnmn \ . S. Ar'FOUTZ & BRO . ‘9 u‘ my. ‘ WHOLE“! Imm no “mm! Mmr. ‘ N 3. £1165” ‘in %.8391fimore,uck ' or at: ru In: tore K “In" . out 09: Uninycd 8:11“. W ' \ ' For 3:119 by A. D. Bu-ehler, Gettysburft; Lnuxghlin k liluhfield, Wheeling, Ya {.(4‘. U. Hendrr £OO.. Piusburg; Johnson, Holloway .. '(‘uwdem Philndulphia. _ ' 1)ec,11,1365. Iy, UTI'AL FIRE INQURANH‘) C(“IPANY. [scam-mum", Mmcu IS, 1851. Uk‘l-‘ICEIIB. President—George Swarm; A“ '5 Vice Prvsinlent—Snmfilcl R. Russell. ~ Set'rcmry—D. A. Btu-lulu. Trcnsurer—H. G. Fahnestock Exeruxivo Cumminee—Ruben McCurdy, Anv ow llcmlzrhnnnflnrot King. Uhmunna —(¥egrge Swupo. D. A. Buuhlcr, I Mrlhxrdv. M. Hichelheracr, BJI. Rinse", E. *. Fuhnosluck, A. I). liut'hler, R G. Mum-“3w, euyshufg; Jnfioh Kingl Strnhnh "’Wnfil‘hW -‘ Heinlzelumn,- Franklin; Wm.’ D.’ "ilil‘cfi, ex Uxtnrrt; Wm. If. “'iliun. Bendrrsvilie; l . A. Picking, Strnbnn township; Jnhn Wpl l r'd, Lnlimore township; Juhn Picking, Hits: lurlin ; Aha) 'l'. Wright. lh-mlorsvillo; Ahdlrl -. Gin. New ”mel; Jam. 11. \lnrshztll, Hum i tnnlnln township; John {'unninglmm, Froc ‘ m town:llip;.lnlm ’llnrm'r, .‘lollnljny town -3 lip; “'11). llusi White, Liberty township. WTM! Comp-my n limited in its opera t film to thw- county of Admins. It has been ln pvrntinn for more than 15 years, Mid ln that lrrmd hue mnde but one nan-Hmong Inning [nid losses l-y lire ulnrinp‘llmt poriod nmnum ixg to $13,‘m8—56,709 of wlnqh have lm-n “lid during the hit, 'two y(*xlrl.§‘.\ ny person tvsiring un lnnmmcc mm 'flpplyfin any of the hoven:unml.\l:.n:mers forfurlhegi formation. WThc Executive Comémithh yams M, the Rice of the Company. at the hut “lines; n_\‘ in every month, at 2 o luck; P. M. i ' 4 Ucl. 16, mm. u l i‘ ”...i _ 7‘ _,N.l_:‘_v_<l_‘_v__~____ Pianos! Pianos! ‘ IA NOS l—‘l‘he Ilndt'rfiiznfil would reaper!- ‘Jnlly inform the ptihllc tlmt hecxln fnrnxuh ‘l lANUS of the following munufnctururs, or those ol‘other 'mnhe, il desired, m. the lowest. dossiblc brlceß: ‘ . ‘ .- 3 ClllxfiKl-IRING k SONS. ~ I mn‘mzu imam. , mum-0k Imus. _ , “USES “ROS. . ZGEO. bTERK.\ ’ - A. H. GAllLb‘fl CO ~ ' . STEINWAG wont. , x H‘Pnrlicnlnr attention is given to the le— l ction ol' Piano-a ; and when so spleen-d, in ml— t'nn to the munul’nrturcrs’ g‘ueruntee, the Pianos, re guaranteed by m. ~ ' MASON k HAW” CABINET URGANS AXD MELODIANS. ' The recent improvements in‘wese lnxtrn -0111mm: such n 1 to fully warrant. mying tluy re PAR SUPERIOR to any other mhka. om.- fthe bearer-Eden‘s of their merit \is, thnt n-ir improvements nre imitgled by \mm-r mkers. ‘ The new style, four stop ornamhuve I‘lfiuh-llass and ()ctnve Couplot, making it an ihdrunir‘ul especially udilpled to Church and sabbnlh School plli'pfll‘ll. A g ' DI-ZSURII’TH’E CIRCULARS ill be rent by mnil to pen-eons desiring flu-m. manna tuned rcgulnrly. l'iunos taken ln c;- thumge. PETER mmz, ( ‘ No. 30 Ensl, Market. SL, York, Pa. 1 Jane 12, moss; 1y , A 4-" A , V ... . ,_.__. “ Eutabiishod 1850. TOTICE OF KEIOVAL, b LAWRENCE ‘D. nm‘lz a: co., ‘eapecilfully hrg Java to notify their lrirnds, 'ualomérrtm’d the public generally} that “my '5"; removed from No. 151 Franklin nreec, w he commodiofi four-story Warehouse, NO. 308 BALTIMURE STREET, etweeq Howard and Liberty, where they will or the: future conduct the Whalgslnlq BM; en, su‘nely in . ' ‘ - Hosiery. Trimmings,‘ l ; Furnishing Goody. I ~ , I‘erl’umsery, Notions, l 1 ' ‘- zah'oner Uutc . ’ 1531. Jake. . o whlch they invitg the attention at: city anti ‘ OunU-y purchasers. fealin‘g confide!“ of their. bilily Io oUer inducement; in prices nnd unlity of Goods. ' ' Orderaby mull will receive promptanm‘ Alon. Addres- LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 09., j - 308 Bummer: street, Baltimore, flush H, 1864, ' ’ v 1 Cumberland Coal ! L’AR'GE Inp‘piy of superior BLACKSMITIICOAL, ‘ 40w 0}: build “‘teduced grids. Thil Coal is Juperi'or to t-dl olherflonl 'in the United Statue! r‘u'yelaing 3nd 'oum bla’ckmnh pajama; . 9. {l. firm. For role by on, cbu'nrd, Frederick clty,|ld. ; .lune 19,~1865. U" ‘n : Blacksmull-g. J M 1 an undersigned vould man "weak": T “form the public 1h» he continn’h the . BLACKSXI‘I‘HING 308124588, It'hil Ihop, Italy Philip Dmnum’l, udjoining Iroxel'l pint nhop, in Eu: Middlé meet, any-buts, where he will n. .11 time! be mu ppm! to do Blockamithing work to Carril‘ea, flugziu, anon:, to. That. he know-hogan do I_“ jobs at the kind will not be queuionpd by those who‘ hive a knowledge of bin long qptrience u. the business. Come on with your walk, and you will be “tinned when you uh it. lay—end for _which he ‘lvmpngeive Cub ofllkmnuy Pmdnce. u u a ’2 ; um: nomn'om ; I“. 30,1865. tf‘ ~-: ,7 ‘ . , Gold. , - 0m and CQUPUNS, bought at up mu ,N-tionnl Bunk ome'ub r . ‘ “ GEQ._M{3OIS, Calif“, : Oct. 30,1345» “ $8236 . lfyoil hue dig-ppm!“ 1’ . Eng-M}?! '3l. 355555131: ". it??? .1 hi: W In. M M known. will mop .nlhl, "1:"!an gum-dun Ind rapid hams, by mummy Ind clean-in; no munch NH! Inho unrl. ‘ 11 . 1. • !In per Adams ('onnty
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers