6 g 4 ;' 3 . linen" Imm ‘ ‘ I!” g ‘‘- “o. the onto-«ammu- 0... m [gt QIDIII 1121.9! Immune-cw. ' k : We imblith to—dny the fieportof Hon, ‘ A ' | David B. ontgomery, the only Democrat 92"!2'7.’ .5153!ng ....ffhéngig' out of "in on the oomm'ittoe to which fl- 5- "Am-n 3mm“ AND FEQI'WW‘V’B'JWM referred the üboro one. In the Inn- W 'gunge of mother: "The Beport‘qflbctually m I'l-le ‘.'” THE qw‘ot’: “I"! the ml‘k (raw 4133’ m.m‘ D! m. A ““8” delEgation,‘helded by Fred. committee, who no buddy etult'tfied' then): {Longing ”53“ hawk“ Johnwu on selves; nullified the Stnt'elawa; thrr'ender “‘"fld‘y' "my“ View W,“‘f‘“‘ms {94h ed th‘ reserved right: 0!: the s(ale;'din the cum" ‘3' “‘9 ""5"“ 1° 5""! and Pam. {reheated and outlawed a number of citi -30“ “l""ml- “‘9' ”Wk“ b" ”"9“”. unearths State without due proceu oflnw; Pad Downing, the frestdent responded Int "“1 denied to the mop“ o! 9 portion or ”a" "“5"” We "° “Fry 39“". “a" of the States Repreaeutativo of theirown legal V "w” pron-nu '" from gmpg’fl m (ul|.— choice. He shows that the 21 real desert 119 suted that in ukmg the side he diuLig 1". 'ome to In" 'votod {orb-00'0“", in“! war I" had ”fled ”fly'hingfme' lwere [tot sufloieut to elect McConnu‘g‘by; liberty and property—that he thoroughly ‘ that the {8 votes for Duncan, Vb"! if “I understood the negro qugutlorl—tbnt metreprésepted had nblented themselves from abolition 0' ulnar} “I” an “Wide“ ol' the t’heit draft district ddnot come under the 79'9“} the oljecl—and that the right o"iltl'litnnd meam'n; oflhenotolCongreu; 31%.ng to V 0” did PM necessarily 10"”? find that the decision of the committee in 'their emucipntjuu. The question mm one ' fhvor o! nutkmughy rested solely upon 'whully {or the States. and in no one mun‘g'the 72 votes of non-reporting drafted men ”5“ «a forqelnegro “"2““? ”Po" “’9 "’o‘ Fialleged to : hue voted for Mr. punch". {:10 agei‘ml their will. To 5° Iqrce it would Accprding :to the drcwiou of Judge King. ‘3‘“! to - war of raises, “he“. -"°,uw most . (Republ‘léanh) of the Frhnklin county court, prohubly result in the exwrmxrtatlon 0! one lunch votero could non-é dmfnnchiséd with 'or Inn other. I 11‘ “WM nmn‘nux I“'iout due process of law. The doclunniou It,“ 1"“ Min-q I” ll“ black rm. {ol'a provost marshal, It Wm; held, in not suf -1" Ihort. “’9 President 3’“ them a very :ficle‘ht proofof the crime oldesertion, with pluin 3nd aensrhle‘thlk, and when_the dele‘ im the Intent and meaning of the not. In gntion 1"“ they 5““ "'s' “"193 fl‘m m :addluon to this the not was designated to their um Douglass wanted to argue ”wihe prospective and 0‘ retrospeatft'e; Rf lqueption, b'" ”’9 P'e’mm‘ ""“m “°" I which relation the grammes nre amena 91th 9‘0”” u? Ehm' “WSW“ therefore ”1“ Ith to they‘chnrgeof muhng the law,.in that the} "WM I‘s” 9“ 5° .L° the FEW-1° “9‘l km, :2: post mm. In addi‘tnon to these .8“ "5”" “31‘" . . ll‘nctn, Mrzuoptgomery‘atueg thalt Mr. Dun , The President replied that he had great Mm otl’erdd to chow thst Ml Mchnuughy huh in “‘9 Peol’l“: lb“ they would dovfrecEivcd the yotou ofdgluy non-rekiJelm, Mm: who} i“ in“ ““1 fights and ”‘1’“! tin: ‘Ptuzpaycrn and ultendtmd t/m'vom 0/ ”for: than quulwnwwld (u: zublllitlrdtu lhfpeup't for full $7,! douche“, 'l‘othii, however, the com “mfl- ‘ , 'mittoe_turned a deal ear. us was to be ex- The "signs 0! the times" are brightening! With Anktlrew Johnson at the helm. tnyw u imp. f 6: the whu'g mm. yell DnOt‘MTIO VIC'I‘OBY‘IN MXCMIEKI X ’ The 'Dembcrnts of tlm’ city of Lancaster pchioved nuofher hnuALome victory on J‘uuday list. re-eleclmg Eon. Geoi‘ge‘Snn dawn to the Muyoralty far we mien!!! Huge, by a m-‘jonly of,lzsl."l‘he Republiqunu yominuted their strongest mun—u xnu'n of firms: pcuohnl popularlly—uud expected, WI“! nhe agidmun of a liperal use ut fizqm-y and ‘olbe; ufiumcus aliphinces, to £3ch him. Ola Tbiad. und his followers Werg‘ga- ‘ pecially Inxioug for succeai, because in than. ,evenl. they mlendud w chum the ‘re ault u an Ghdursemenc of his ammerouu ne gro inhemcl. But they Val-rheauufullil ‘fiuored, a fact wlnch must b 5 gratifylng u? pvery «alum man In the" State. . The lilldu‘ycncer 5.11;}; ogmnz'enls on the? plgotion: ' The result'of the .eleoLion in (his city ye» len‘luy fungal. be exCeedmgly grnlilymg LO fiery nghl Illinkmg consrrvuuve man In‘ :La’nmwr. An‘ endunrguem ol Thaddeus Afitevem and In: rumous pulley was sought. ‘ flu lnends threw all their em-rg‘m into the pauvm. They luxrly dmgged Mr. Liviing- Juan before lbepeople‘, because they brlmv: pd ,he muld hecure some Democullc vote; , through his personal populurxzy. They ruined a large ll‘mq Olflmuney and Ilse-J n. mom. unscrupulously. No .lunder wus'loo vile lur them to utter through the columns _ of the Express agmnst the Dcmocruuc can! "Mme. They resorted to every known or .ponceivnble device to Carry [his good old Democratic oily. 'l‘heyyew veilectly con fident of mucus. Nellhbl’ Mr. meggtmf nor his friends would believe he could be uteu unhl the day of~elu’gtioul. Adeyv 3:31": trlulof the temper of the Democracy was suillicient. howave‘r, to snlisly them that they were in for such a fight n 5 lhey had . hoyseep for years. The; lungs! the Damo crula more mutilate and gleteruliued, 1t pus"- Qible, than cyan they saw them below. ‘ ’ln .- vain had they declared the Democratic purr 1., dud. Ilene lt utuud conlr'umiug them an brofily, as defiantly and “resolutely as ever. lure. 1t shuv’ved m tanner stunt and exhibited the same indomitable Luck 19: which it has over been noted. ~Ygsterl 'day’u work opimuovd eve’rj Republican m 'luncapler'oity that the dedulullfi party ls pull filming reality. They toun it lully "prepared to meet the vital issuesol the pres,- em. uni—Tile energy dlzplz-yed by n, Ha yesterday? eleption will mum the coplest 'whlch null commence with the uommutum of a candidate lor Governor on the filth at March next. We give uur 6;, poneuts' lair wuumg that we intend to exec-ta Demg‘ “craps Governur ne'gt fali and t 9 tum am the udxcgfl weruberp vl Cough»: who vote‘a _ lop negi'b 'su’ll‘mge. ‘We shall go mtu the fight lull)? determined to Wu), and with a _copflde‘ relianca ou the good sense, the ”Fonz-Hy, the patriotism and Lhejuu pride "of race Which chuiuuwnscs the white men .ot ,l’énflylvania. , g . ‘fl-Anthony..oi ltuode wand, flutrodu ,oed m the 3am!) Senate, on the 315),, d bill fo‘r .negro sum-use in the Dunn-Rot ol Quinn» hit, .9519. pmyisjon of "pick is. watvpen‘sons \ unable, by ayg, infirmity or potefly, to pay a ; ivipe'cipl polHax of ouehdouar, shall be am 1 tnuptédfmyn payment ; and. graces! shall buly } 33mm aguiuxgz thou who are assesapd forvreal ' ' snd .‘fiqraopal prdperly. This in a hew \. "wrinkle." Negroes‘ ara to be allowed to Mnidmut pagiguy warn, while whéle men, pveryphqm. any; vote without. regularly unchanging qui; 1.3: obliguudul. ‘We,cuu this “diachmipuling om uccqum of cblbr," -‘ gm; film worst. gum 0L «_h'sgrimiuauuntull. 3.1 m. ' _ o 9-»--- , 5 ”The shoddy loyal leagugra gre fee}- ’ 35113 the peeple on negro sum-age and equal fly by _cyculuung penuona all War“ the ‘Siiloit‘tyrgigquureljyfiug Congress to pan f" tg‘zeydgegt abolishépg 11l cxvil and per .1051! diaginctiops on «Peony; of rape of polar. in .II ‘we States. but. the wpgking Pen of QM country rplurn the "logiing" by épitlzing in “19 {we 01'"er “loynh” thjcf $59,919 91°}? hisfiflgm- “.'qu A. J. Gtoaibrenfier..beuu§e of 91‘” Congrusiofinl ‘egxgngemenu, 'h retired flan; {he :Pmlndelphnq Age. and ifiucqoed .ed'w Jaye: n. gum), Est}, We mun Mr. G. from the "prole‘bumnfl' wluofh he has ~ 10 long tooxqeq,’wx‘l.n .m‘ucp regr'ec. {The gnu. however, is. wqu‘epuwg 9y libel 19c} .M Mr. Robb in a/geuilexpan of when abil ‘ity 39d Eminen- capacity. ugd gags} undu '.‘“. 50:! firm, (Welsh & Mb.) 9‘l3}! Age willie-o _pone of. in vigor p;- mammals. W 59008:: to ill ‘ -mn3.c‘w;.le mama comes :9 us' in ‘gdrep of‘new ”pa. ind enlarged tq nun 3361“” per page. Thq Volunua Am :1- ‘ \ ’uppqqp n‘goqfl ”pen-. 1116 will; 1! pout. 7 “’e to better nadir Lnejoin} mun-gomantl * ——7-f--"—j- . _ or am- new w Kenn-d» "£3sl?tantrgmafiirgm ‘ WWW“ gutted '"u‘H‘° wf‘mm” (nipubham) ynom that. State Lu be very ..“oo flu! $1859 3"“ Meta!” be “0 )I"an bgum: u the conduuL-L of we mnjomy 1» ;J§._§yeep "yo skm] ,Ppppcqyticfiyuwrg and {Congress it} 810“]de loyal reprncuuuvu 3- mm“ "m”? 49‘Wv9‘fiwwvflfix‘u‘fzaifwé' 223 Bffn‘i‘tméfufiffifi" . ~ - .. . n ' . "'3 . ,9? by U»! gm?” MQM'MG‘ .116 prédiéc‘sgzhfi'mrten route 01,0116 party _ ~ o 'l3“er 'MP AP“ P" “Ir-"39‘" it, the run ‘aganfin; mey ’pébénsnn um;- “gm '3 - ‘ giant w9!s°: A ' 4 peeled 0t". mere pollnical parlislmg, and the outruge was consummated 5y giving Mr.’ Duncan’ageat to the usurper McGonuughy. Let nqne of 0m reader: lull lo carelully pe ruse'the yeponl. IL is replete with sound and luco‘ntrovemble éouemueiou‘ul facts Land reasoning.” w‘fld row 'l'lll': 'nw'rug When the Democratic papers, previousto the lastsuto electxon, charged on the Re publics-n lenders that they would attempt. to pique the negro on un’eduality mt’h the white duh, the Republnmu [tapers denied u umbduchyed that the charge wuaru‘mrue. John Cessna, the Chairman 01 the hepubtj nun Sums Committee, I.3qu an. u'ddxess to the peoplo'ot'the State, uiaunng‘them ting“: was no 5 ch ”vane betcha the Rooms and that the gopubhcnn yarty intended noth ing 0! lb? klud. Now, what fire they 40- mg 7‘ Stéévens, Sumner, Wilma and others havu'iutroduced At. least forty propomtious mto [Confirms to break down Lhe buri'iers God has utublfahed‘betweeu the black und the white malu. Théy m'enttempting‘to do it In the District. of Columbil‘nud m all the Souihern fitht‘ea,‘a’nd they will try it in the Northern Status at man as they can. Sum ne} has even introduced“ b 1“ into the U. S. SVnate-to allow negtoes to sit onjun'es wuh White. men. Oor "qua Vlaborers and me; chunics, many of theni‘at leasttmny not see the‘duugéa- they are in nhtil n, istoo late. —— --————f o o—————-—- P-LRTISIAS Lpaxsuflom A billibu'iunde‘ its‘appearusnce in the Pennsylvania Bouts; which, should it her come a law. wxll practically oust the Dr:- trict Attorney 01 Bedford county.v This is another despicable shoddy attempt to get control of the courls and to secure the po liticai lead in Democratic counties. it is .ut'apart. With the ':Pulice Bill,” which is designed I» place the Democratic counties oi anne apd Schuylkill under the dome, nation at Shoddyues ol' gubernatorial ap pointment; lmd uf-the "Jury Uommis=iuu~ ere” scheme, which 1810 dwide juries equal ly between the two political parties .u will the Democratic cuuuues, and leave sixteen or eighteen of the lnxgest Shoddy counties to the ‘entire control of the "loyal" league. There is certemly a desperate and deepl euhle se: 01 "loyal-patriots" in the Pennayl- Vania Legislature. They seem determined to carry out‘their onlhe ul prescription end Eczsecntion ot Dancer-ate with an poesxble irulence and devxliahuess. They are not content to acquiewe in the rule of majori ties. Whenever they can-fem. a “loyal” league minority upon’ a Democratic major ity by ' “rump? legislation or’ the arm of m-litury powu- they lose-no opportunity of domg IL. The Shoddy majority in the Leg isiature should be di‘eunouy informed mm. some thing: we subjects 01 legialet‘mn and some are not; had tniu, in no case, Will pO - or trump” legislation be tolerated by the Democratic communities of Pennsylva nm.‘ . . ’ The times being revolutionary, “$1394 socmcy can In well may at the‘gaa‘ne as we dudmsut wlhrbonnd "royal" leuguers, who are: Iquklug the must desperate efforts to acquxré ascendancy m this and other North em Stages before we udunnswu oi the Southern Space to repxesenunoxy. > l‘ne"lo_yul” leuguars fear a coming to gqther on we Noubern and Soumeru peo ple upon ‘a cousmulwnal Uuiou bums, which would prove a. death-knell Lu negro lamiund hence the f‘rump” legiuluuou mu tunng m Congreas and we various bmle legwmimes. ’Lel. the people ohmw my undulgm. conupuuwu Well and mean wnle mm was—mm wun totem—Plum: d: U- W‘snmarox, Feb. 8 The most noticeable ovum. of yeéterday was the wn‘vemuou bemoeu the Proficient. and Fwd. Douglass dad a comma delega uon, 1n felérobce :9 which n, u auifiulenl. w Mite that. tfié Eiecutive intermeu mam em phulically that he is opposed to negro suf- Muge in any' nlmpe; {hm u. would lead to a wiz- bemee}: the races, most aestrucme m its pesulu. {The “delegllicm” came utf eu myely dwippoxuted, and their tnepdu in how Hon»: are equally muignmta‘t the fiqnl and caudnd atawmem 0: MN Execume. The. queemdn'of negw sufllge'by Congres hwpln aptmn anywuérewmny Luerel'ure be .commered settled, 10 Im- n. the; Pressman! :cau do n. ‘ Thu ,cousenuuVe nien are m tine apigm “over we resulc. Day 1: begm {mug to break at. mu. '[Lm Jung nigykol Markus“ w rapidly disqypeuxug. and the :coquLry n": Rank for ecugratuuuou ‘Au - humus won a President. arieezzusx. Niggers. whue and black, will rejoice to _lpa'ru um. we,B.euonsu-uuuun Commmee _oonngre-Is hue agreed, ulmOH uu-uunous y. to report. an amendment, '.‘so-uullcd." w #lO gozuuwupu. gwmg Congress control we: all mg pohucal light: at alumna u: an we pupae. Tum 1» Lo enable congress to nudge #:l3Bme uugef. and Uongruomeu o! mggeu, upu gage: oL‘whne. bigot-m; mun. Wu any to whue mun}!- lg bun. Lo organza 1m- sch-detona— Jifum n " lmomt lam m: m recon- This i. “.‘. chm of .‘ . l . , . ' nted h l ’my ”ma-100:." mm 1 the’Stltes to the l‘edersfgorqrmgdieot. a: _ E besides those therein enumerated. the imp l To th Ila-tomb!!!“ o'peukcr and Members of deri'fin €¢knoWB 0‘ no others. l l t/i; o’qiuthfl'mytwma: l [l' bob ”Sport tllien‘ cites the prohibitions: l The mutual nod res tlull be ilesve Upon L. ° ”‘B' .. l l to present in: lollUWlll: mn’oritrreport he“ '."n “m‘ l” “WW“ “l" ”all“ ma ‘lroni the committee oi the Hep-its selected yond n" power: Ml?" by 2"“ fed". to try the.eouteetcd election cue iron) the mlflovqrnmcnt “‘1 I’“th tothcitsm; lmnereinib‘ Sen-mud District, harvest: the” “Phrgt'dulohuljecu'qhmh "I.“ lUulvin M.'Duncsn_thesilting member, and to the @085“ W 0“)! “‘1 Mof “‘8 ; Duvtd McUunaugliy the contestant; l £50919, mgr whichtlie mu" an, expressly l ‘ The petition ceinpls‘ininu of In undue ‘ muted, ythe wastituiion of the United Wham," unil lulse return til-Calvin 11. Dun- btetesl, to have sbeolute Jurisdiction and; (can, contained tilteen distinct nverments. comp ”9 control. I" Felicl’mg h." the d°’ {The fin“. ”cow, mix-d, ignrih. nun. sixth, mam-i orl i-sderai and mate Jurisdiction re-, - seventh. thirteenth, lourtrenth, and lit- :K‘N:l':z".v'e must ml): forts): tho ”.195 of linen“), alleged about ii i] voles to have ullfliglin‘ “’2' ‘1":“9h "° “:3?th by “3919;: ml tartar. Duncan, which were ille« 3w. Cdlfiflfufiogrml‘,“ "“3 F "1 W 1 mmmewsgsggngf‘thfffigfi’ 519:; L'l‘he report then defines‘the relative pow. eighth. ninth, tenth, eleventh and etwellth :2:‘;;i:?°‘:;“:2 ”3‘l. “‘3": lcig'islntuies, ‘ nveimentsofthe petition coiuplainedol one fro 'e' “3th s‘fi‘é'tgmt “' 9 1115'"- ?l Dul -Ihundred md wily-one votes out for the llclfm‘ lexclu‘i‘v l to Stiri iels” (121?. u it isiuing member. wuicii Were lllcgnl under Thl! if m' :. °.l 1 Me eth ”QD'L‘ o, m seam» W 2“; mos: 7:: an“; ' PXIIVN “add “‘3 lostrch, I&s' “"Iqu would ihterlere to change the rule adogpted i not to amen .lhe several acts hereto- by the heuple in r “in to it’ “‘3 h lane paused to provtde for the enrolling and fan) ll to co '1 193', it ~, ' ‘y' l ”u' ‘ cslnug out of the national lorccs, and loriuwupinow 31;: ii, ‘5l: latter d." an’ other purposes." 0 inimlll'lms mun u the . ' , . ' I Lon vress ev t 1 “‘8 “mm" of.Mr: Dun/inn .6“de "J use. rig 't to zprtriicrihl: the uulillcstiolils 0:" ‘ ravoiseil the allegations contained in mm‘the'el ctorv m the “0,1? ‘.l B ‘ hrst. second, third, fourth, filth, sixth, thir— ‘ this no ion n b-ised s lelu N ~n ziittvs,l . "l. ‘luzsugh- MW, mddfi'wemhjcmwgs Wm; manila: Ul.‘:.:.°‘r::::3 'o t e complaint, on deniurre to tel r i, . " ‘ l uigth. nintu, :lcnth, eleventh and lwelltll' fififitgeifblngli ifiifiii‘ligliegil"°“3‘9“ leverments. He also set lurth in his answer I with ‘ l ellir ion—that .'. h s ”3'5”“3'" lover eighty illegal votes of non-residents, [p or “mhcmfil‘glw a Sin L “:5: ”35‘9"“: lam-taxpayers and aliens whit-lr‘had been tied. 13 there any 011ng bold £10233? ,lf‘“d“:d ‘l’"an for A!" MpLynsnghya— , that Co‘ gross has the conhtitutionsl power | n a itiun tuthis henlieged but over hfty "to do“. N that “one but my ioes shall be ‘ deseilcrs had out their bellote lor the 000- l ellowe to Vote in Penns 'l é l l ltcstent. In order to avaid a tedious ,uml ; white on shell be nllowgdvrocy'torht “n "o .l protracted investigation into questions of . lil lie li attained the age of Suoyisrjt‘? tin-i lisct by the committee, Mr. Duncan agreed' Pres! ent Johnson In” mummy on more 'll’érlfi h}: ”91:; to the 5:“ “luff!” upon] than 0 e occasion, declared, in 'most cm: i ex yet is “ ester er’vu‘e. neitwas‘, bstic "as lb“ the whole thee: in celled. " e contestant, vuth npparentlyi P “ml ient ’8 code h‘ l‘ 2' o - I"! f‘greut reluc use. and alter a full day's de. g?“ hof fill" ‘1" Bin ."e ”“19“.” liberation, ecc ted the propomtion end in: solut‘e mi; fifiléztmisxcgzwe and üb‘l . . . statesman fifigsul’e the L “In" nature the 90“”: of any haruuter hufever questioned it siuco‘ , . ' .. ‘ I the ear ier dsys ol' the Republic. 1 l ‘ lher: were three "and classes of per! Ther port pronounces the not ofCongress .Lsnns w 0 were “”5 by complainant: "’ disfriin muting deserters as in the nntui-e'ol‘ "hue bee“ d‘slr‘ncmw‘l "‘9 3“ °f (“mile bill t' simiuder or iin expat: facts lsw ‘ fire“ of the tun-dud” ”l M Ch’ 1865' ’ 15"" l which is prohibitedby the Constitutionme: 0.” persons w 0 1"“ gone eyond 'he-lu‘: cuuseit'chsnges the punishment and inflicts ‘ ‘ risdiction 0f the provost muraha l the 10th lit great :- one than the law annexed to the district. or beyond the liniitaoft United l crime hen committed; alters the legsll -' TN“ “’.‘"os“ “ drult 51“” Old?” 3 and |‘iules ol eiudence, and receives less or dif l'hi',” 911?“? “‘d to ”PM“ forty-eight l ‘ “ferent testimony than the law required at l " j d _hose w”°.t‘.a""g be?“ actually “3 ' .{the time of the commission of the oflence.l tale lnto ““3 mam“, terrico 0f the Unite. The e'ct itsell declares that “in addition to (/«e‘ ..iiites, nnd deserted therefrom; and “mla er law/ulpenallle: ofthecrime of desertion ‘ Hm“ Wes alleged to contain twenty-Duel!!!) the military or naval service," be. 2 lvotes.‘ Mt “‘0“. “I‘o having been d‘flyl. Ari le 3at the amendments to the Con dreltcd into the military seivtoe of the U- ““I,qu declares that “ho poison shall be lnited sun“! had neglected 0" ”fused wllield to a safer lei a capital or infamous ‘1 ”PU" t; be mustered “’1“ We l’m’)’; ““51 'crinie mile on a presentment or indict-l lthis clii '‘ is alleged mountain seventy-two ,lu’iignt‘of 3gm jury, except In cases nris-l dwm' lhere "‘.‘” nonllegution ‘“ the coni- fhng lit the land r nJVuI loiccs. or :n we, lplalut that the tony-eight peinons who hld ' militia when in u util sen-ice in time of’ ‘lgo'ne beyond the‘wl’lndlcllvn of the suidl m“. or Public dang ‘ No,- shall any per‘ p'iuvost martial, or beyond the limits of the 4 son be subject, tor “,8 same onence, to be; l bfuiced 5””? 162 d dull“ 5° “[3" the. ”#31151? twice put inzjcopnidy 02' lite or limb; nor' ’O. lb: act ° ngress. 1“ eed. "' eou ‘, ~shnll be cougpelled, in any criminiil case, tol , an; thgyedid‘igdbthad‘iytgviiirsveell :13:le be a Witneastaigsinst himself ; nor be deprived; , .. s ' ‘ .~ I i that no 9”“ was ordered by the President . Z; (Zia, Ilium: or pruhuly wit/tout cue prwelsl tin"? Dzitedfbtafitesl after {butfdfi'e' LAX}; [The report also quotas the 6th srticle.]l coemmLon o t o unguqbe ‘l’} 9 “c, 9 ! Uur forefiithersro'gnrded these pl’OVlnlOusl '.hl‘blt'“ upllmtnfiyevery ""8 ligent “ml-d = as importeth bulwarks against the oppres’ ‘. at ""5 1’ “ml? and “ll‘loubl‘edly Pi'o’gfec' gions ol power, and tliereihre incorpomtcdl tive, so turns it speaks of this claim ofo en- h ~ 1 , -l' l , ‘ ders. Its words are- “And all persons 1 em into Lre orbeiiic "w" L mus uniongl v . , the waist acts of infuniy fthe lust Uongressl who shall hereafter desertthe military or [Ht-1 to pass a law which 101,- LY tore down and, “military we; , . .' .~ . [0 i'e 3 art and no on . tis contend ldhmmt 1“ “13'0“ he ’5 “plulledi 0' 3° .be' 1 ed, in’this (rise, tllsl Eoiizress meant that ,yond Uie‘hrnituiflhe United btates With th , 1 f ditd' ,' t b d' lintent to thtJld any ammo milit’aryl e_ m ureo a m 9 man 0” ey a ”n I . . l notice and report to it proves! marshal, was ornnvnl servxce duly ordeied,shnllbe liablel rind shall be conclusive evidence a sinst to the penalties of this SGCUOD."' It is] him 0‘ the.criine of deLertion, ’and a?“ hel menilost lrom “"5 .langunge mm Congress . shall be dislmncliised in consequence tli'ere' ‘ d‘ld “gram” 5° d‘lfr‘md‘“ “105.9 prisons ; of, beloro and without the sscei-tuiument‘ , san ‘3l departed (no? “.19 (‘lB:filc'ésdll'ofblrlgulll bynuy court, oivil or niilitery.l M“ h igégl’elliilfnm' eldpnzrhw e, ° 11l such be the true construction of the .sct, rc ' J ey °°.“ n” "a “as” I (and we confess it looks»: thuuitu it were;) more “mun“ ornnequivocal wofils to make men the slump not and' the duty upon tee‘ “'8 act prospective, Th“ class 9‘ _votersj which brought on the American revolution were therefore qualified electors Within the w" e respectable enactments in comparison meaning 0f Congress, ’3‘“ the contestant will tliisv's ecnnen of the enlivhie ed 'u'-‘ made but I: feeble attempt at denying the' ri' rudencpol to l 100 r j° H J leglality of their ballots. by ~ e g ea: 03 ft" is n regard to the twenty-one persons who ‘ ~ ‘ wer’e alleged in the‘petition to have been in l 003332;? 3:3l3:33lzlflim‘ltlfilwmbl‘ actual military sauce and to hevedeserted ber reads. clear and form“ 0 3 79f; therefrom, it is not worth while to discuss ‘ Judge King, recently deliverej inltgéUSOfL bfnlfafiia'lslgaqirlfelgxgfirfiectwfn org: téited election case tor District Attorney. in 13nd this elm: unzibering onlyg twang-one: l Franklin county. in which exifctly the sumo l tlieiLei ballots, even it illegalhilid not eiud algal-1:231 :tetfhirmlzgz,a:iieif;f:g‘er 1:13 00.3.} "0" chsnge the result 0‘ “.16 election. fervent loyaltyyol' Judge Kin-v, entitles his in question, therefore. which the un- opinion togreat weight “(fire ect He gerslgued {’wl’m‘e‘ ‘° dl‘cul‘s' isinsrrowed held that deserters could not is): disfrsu -0"“ ‘0 the ”mph proposdioii—whethgl' chised under the act ol Congress. until they persons who‘were duly drafted into the myths; had been tried and convi‘ted b due r _ 11 service oi the United States, and failed-{dam ' . . l; y P 06"” to report to the prowl”; mama" “e dwl 'ln {he committee the counsel for the’sit lmnwmedfly the “‘3‘ 0f Congress. The P 9" tin rmember ro led to rest‘this esEion til‘ioner alleged that ‘llleG were. seventy-I 5. th A p pose 1“ f “q! . t . Ifivo such_ persons 'who had voted for Mr.!;3;h we” dfitllggwudgnel o l ‘ btete, Frazillpm 1%: nggxrfilfimfitfildtlfist ‘23:} 1f uddltlulldl reasons ’were needed (econ , enty-twopersops had ”16d for Mr. Duncsni Vince the undersigned that he was right in land m we day of «Men M‘Jflll‘fih‘ifi attriti'wizzvistini'tiz ll’ligrfdrs {5352311- tbs {3:311 $3? fmlsitting member had 'proposed to rest the military union” and yhfl‘d"liled to reportl whole we upon-the 1‘33“” 0f the “deser to the‘provost martial end that upon thel ter vote," the contestant at first wholly re. records of his otfioe'they were set dovvnu lusod toaccepttheissue thus tendered 'hzuid descrters But/the answer wholly deniedl"l w!“ only alter twenty-tour hours "I de that they thereby'lbecanie diztunlified lelbel‘li‘lun that lhe felt safe in trusting his exorcise ll“, n mOl ”a.“ e iiill’enh I". ‘num legal queetiml to at committee compost-d hm l 5 8 3y ioi six luL‘LLllJt‘l‘s belonging tolliiii party. 2d. ,2 . ‘ . ._ Although the sitting ineuiier re eatedly t“llolll32?!gifiig‘eefdinbflllleflvszllfl‘l 1:18;; {3:31 ' “eluted h” "‘u‘fiflu‘?“ W ”We flie coni sustiiined for the follnvvin reasons- ‘ Imittee take the 09mm“. of the AWN“, lit. '1! is incompetentgfor Congr'esa. nn-, General, yen the contestant hits ulten, by der the Federal Constitution, to impair ei-I u}; gettiuint :ilglimzdzlgfl: It?“ he -w“ ther directly or indirectly, the right of sul- “a“: ":0“ 3w fi‘w 5 “y" ““5“ $535: mitts: 33.“; Con res: is «.25 9061 {A to I it will be observed that in the foregoing ' . 3 ‘ . 49 ' 1 report the undersigned has quoted lugel y en? therefore "01““ the bedei‘el bounti- from the Constitution olthe United States ll’“ ““1“ = ‘ . - -‘ l His only excuse tor dour so is. that m' l 3d' ,The not proposes to mflm.‘ "d lm-l than letter days that socredginstruinent has 1 F 0“ ”3“ 9:: psnnltier uptan “36:11:: bfy‘l been almost ‘vvorn away by the? fierce end are an m on a trial un conv c n . {due process 0] law, and therebre is in direct 3 ”$l2: “aggro“: 7;"Efg 414 W“ 2"” utusouum to tne"b3llofnsmB-" . {0: unders' '5 :1” ll grim“J % l ‘Tinis mil notallow :4 full discussion of . e “5“. . 3 m" a“ “l" m w" these pOQ‘ILIODS but m o a; tn‘put the case (null-" Midi”: ol his country; font is u. pow inirly on we r'ecoi’d m “damped mill or Wflh truth lor the redemption and sale, , 'ive his reasons briefl "i hit rt of each : vution ol tlre oppressed and enslaved citi ‘3‘. these propositionsy ppo zens trout the unul‘pifllofls of tyranny and No one will doubt that before the Fede- m" a“??? ok.h‘.nfiuclafil': d b rel Constitution wee iidopted aniline Union “Pew“ if“ “life!“ y was formed, all governmental power was in - syn) ' ””0“" the States. By the .i‘dnpuon oi the Constitu tion a. division was made of this power and certain ‘ptIILIODB of it were delegated to the United States, the rcruluum remaining in‘ the States, except so furuit was emu»: gnished by express prohibitions upon the} b‘tutes. Thus the Constitution of the Uni-‘ ‘ted States declares: "Bovven not delega ted to tht‘ United Suites bythe Constitution nor prohibited by it w the Slums, are re evrredjo the Slates respectively. or to the‘ people." We hevethus the Constitutional mot; thnt theStatce Ire to exuit concurrent lly with the Federal Government, buying ices-thin ‘puwus beyond the control of the“ United States. for they or tile people are expressly declared to he possessed ol all powers not delegated to the Federal Gov ernment; or expnssly prohibited tatiiem. llt eiil also be admitted. thin. whilst the United clam are WluKd/y sovereign over all subjects delegated to them. yet their ju risdiction beiugderivstive, is mmdyh ~ ‘itetl. We have then these two communal:~ sl mats: in. State! are- to not none-u}. reniiy with the Uuned ,e‘utes, havm‘ a. claim of subjects exclusnvély within their dominion and beyond the reach at Federsl power. . ' Second. The Federal Government is to must wnourrently into the Stem. buying an about: and caveman cont-ml over all inatteis delegiited in it. . The them y ol'our government is 'mpcn'uh M ”"PW- , . .' [the report they pmgeedoto cite the punt-rim Congressrquntmg trundle “Con stitutionl ‘ ' TOWN AND COUNTY. Item: WM “1! furl: affine Conny. BALE NOTE, pflan with new type on the bent of paper, {or side m. the WHALLB (mice. Alaml‘lu‘hfl Dammit “King‘s paper." with new type—bwdve tor a down. ‘ ' .. - SWO call attention to the‘aale and 091:: ad- V‘m mung mwe Column. Local advenuuncn Ls are local nuns, and make the paper an the more mtemflux to me weal rennet, hwy an: 111ka mg to mu prim»: too. as Withvul them he couldn’t kw}. m. £l:qu éhova water. ‘ ,a-Ghrysosunn Eppelnnu has sold his £9lm. h; Manual wwnahlp, to 13mm Conley—u: M's», at mus mac-. - n referred to s 'DI-loguo on our 11m page. 1: has lunches to new-spam in gen eral, and the “Amman Auk-mum‘s” in punk)- ghm—c paper wmch we read with much plm pad inmwén. 1m- heoomo the ton-most. ug glculuu‘fl purulent-ion of the wintry, and anon ”,WP“ maul-non. ‘ “ BAPIISM.;—Three gene:- were yMy bip used by llmncruon in Rock creek. neu- me Bon uughlown loud bridge. by luv. EL 1. M. (Jog-9;, or the Methodist. Church. 1% mm a but}: oun wum of people. ...—..____ 3 IMPORTAXT T 0 HCMUOL DIRECTORS.—The sum supennwndem hm decided that school Dl mwn elected meeunnu; spun. «and vamp: County Supemwnduntm 11-y.u flu: tan: 0! the old (11119010111106 not explx-e‘ unul J mm, and hence Uh :- an: mu prover mwm to yaw. .7 ‘ -.llt tt As. t. flu: may BILL—Th. 3mg We, on \‘ym- ‘ newly. gained a mu to compel "is We! Ad- ! nus, You; Fnyem and Wuhln‘no ‘ magnum 5 Heel Jury Commlpuuucra, mu- w u)“ ht. than: ‘ commas the .1 ury uynun Wm bu 9:qu flqce their cannon. ‘ I McComughy, mum» the people'n asking, has . ht) um mm; mm no u u Aun‘ub mum-med. He has um uu-uwu an Marmara-n: m- E‘tu we wen: 01 every Denna-pm: lawman. And can rvpmuch upon “)3 human“ Ind WV not.» 0: the county geumu'y. u comes win; an m xfiwc {foxy taconnushy-‘ um huputafluu or dishulhxly upon} erms. ‘ h he'wcrc Lulu-cl! honest. In the movement, he would at. haunt fincluge qukhu county m we Inn—om; or nus Wu L‘UL’NALL‘I boxwusu nu: mmucr. u the synem be good, why npyly 1L to the our. mud not no me other? H: preamp: to ~l2an than bum—way um. treat them how «ulna! Am the my]: ol—qukhn monument mam mum of Adams? No uur mun wxu behave ”Sand yerMcthy heaps nus luau“. upon a» own wuxn’. n he sud muse .who vote will; bun were not gm crned equrely Ly political luUuVes, u“) would, {I may assured u chums ul. ull. mum: um Jury Commission“ luw general, uppbxug u. to every county 1;: the Slate, each wuuu, men 11.01 qua. momma usclumm», would look rulr uu IL- luau, and no one count)" WM luv: mum Icubou to complain than another. _ . ; Mun Lula-blooded dunngocucl. have now men du). ILS end will be I'cuchut prescufly, and Lhuu m: mm. mug "with: clams» mu bu: done as Well “anthem." ‘ ‘ . We learn that IXr.n;l3B.fl.¢)!nrshxul and John Bmugh are, by we bill. made wxnwrury Jury Cmumhswuvra to: an. cuuuLy.w serve the- pm a cut year. The um chtmu ul Uouuulgwuun, wxu bx: M. the Lmurml Umuuu in October next. The bill pruvidu that [he Commissiopérs named and w lhrow out the umuul now m nu: wuccl. Ind proceed 10 ml the wheel sum dfuw, 6». I).&M.XG}:S.7A coumy meeting In {nor 0! a law I» paybur peuplu mrwlml. mcyrauuem'hy rebel luvuuiuyaflh ulna: In: hcxt, mmnh'u' . M. an Conn-nomu, The hunter suuumm havu Dunno lung and In" often hmuyu‘mud lu mguu w lhylr. hum-at chums, umlwe cuu unnlJyenmumgc Lhuu l I» hope now; but .uu. uxl‘re can be nothhlullmt by Lup “Landon of 4.1 m qucauou, and Au wry hu penance should‘commnud, as". no d'éubt. lel, a ‘ hush atwudJuuc or we uilecns or the Luumy. ‘ In the [mat qu [wmutum We puny In the nm- ‘ lanky vuw uuwu cwry mcuaugu ucsngucd tor sub ngmu'uu rcMet,‘ 43 um; WW n. 511“le um Mun gt-m-y in both Houses, the lucuuug no}; autumuy uhguld do something udruluwd‘w atuul'c the mp purl. of um xuujoruy‘. flaw it h, to be dam: We uo: nut know, but. tlluL' is [he only poiub may “111 mm unythg. ‘ ~ PROF. MAYER'S SECOND LELTURE was do. livered In Llw Gum-g; Uhupel on Monday m clung, to amu lluuuu. Thu; autuvq. “\Yuytn- wu-A mum- Vlcd 1n u very Intern-sung umnuur; 110 w mumm vd—lls hunt—ll.s cold—us um ls undu- \‘unuus ( uLumswhg a, were pleumugl) and unalrucunly set u'mli. Unglualrutiona begun wuh icc, pru sehuu '\’u'«l puuwgrapmc He“! or glamvrs tu kcu a: uaLLuiL-,uud ugcumpuuymg' mun “uh mu uut‘wklbmulury expluuuliuus. Thu: mum;- ud u numbvr ux (xpemm uh wuh the gdwscolu lvumug wulcr. muouuuug scwml' mrluls. and 'prmlm iug «ulg'uufd;umy emu Ls. Thu ‘nutucucu Wu: xhrquxhum. amply lulcrusk‘d, and u. 11.“! ray pan to he. ‘ The thud Lecture will be delivered this evening supject “fire." We undu‘alnuu _uml. the mm mmeehuvem‘ade arrangemvnis by which Twin-ls w usiugl‘é Lecture will In: will. A luulu'd num ‘ber can be procured in nus way for the urn Lwo Lectures; u up'plluutiuu bi: mule to Dr. LL. Homer or Cul. C. 5. Budget. H I'I‘TAG E HILL POLLICU 1:2: M York, has mum into nvw humls, mud Wlll re-upvn nu the an: of April next. IuL‘UJ‘ZDL-rly has Lhe hxstllutlou’m churgu, nud willbé usaistcd by a full und able cox-'3» of teachers. The buildings are beautifully located, on the wan. bunk or the Codurus,‘ and {or health the region cannot be exwuml. 'l‘o mum: of our rewlérs who have duughwm they wish to edu cate nbroml, Cottage Hlll College hulds out many inducements. ' ‘ . . NEW BA..\'D..l'mf. Uuudnuu has just organ ized u Brass {laud new. and us most. or the mem bcn; urn: cxpcrleuccd um um, We: may wpn expect, to be m-uml w some cuulw qublc. At prubunt mun are sixteen Inn-label's, bu’L Hw/l’rmeuwr m tuuds to raise the uumbcr Lo m’wly. Suww Lu the new Baud! ~ CONCERT AT LITTLENTO\VN.-The Littles town Brabsrlfiuud will give u‘Umud Concert. 111 mm pl.\’.ce w-murmw (runway) evening. Tlll3 13an u'lruwly pcnunus charmingly and is (know mg 0! gcnunu encouragement: ' We would my to everynudy lu Llulehufl-VD bud vlclmly. Go—unq the deb treat will much more'mau puy the small outlay asked from each. ‘ _ 145 mm l-zasc Burllu mas Baud recently paid vmw'w Pewqbnrg and New Uxfurd‘ In each case the cluzcnp were (lellglltul with the mu: mu sic dlmounscd, 21nd regretted mm It could nut be lungur couuuual. Ucuybburg would no doubt apprccuw u simllur vlml. . ‘ ALLES‘ PETRULLL'M (OMI'AS Y.-—A new 011 Company under lheubovu name wua omumzud in this “are on (runway, by the clauuou of Uh: lul lowlng ofllcers : ' Directors—Wm. D. Hunts, R. G. McCrem-y. D. M. Myefii' Wm. \Vlblu, Hum. .1. Tyson, U. K. buy ucr. Jeremiah plehl, ((mord.) The Board shbmquumly organized by the elec tion' of Chu, J. Tyson ”fragment: Jeremiah lglehl Vice Proaldcut. and 1:. G. Moon-my Mi‘rc‘ wry and n'eamnrer. The mlupany's land»; we lo cated m Morgan county, 01110, and are known my the Align Lens.“ Two well: have ulreudy been sunk wim a mu‘ 51:.th pr on. > - v A's-0n motion of MLCmumghy, John L. Bums has been appuiuted an additional .Lsaiamm Door keeper to the Senate. ‘ ‘ > _ _ Inwouaughy rpm-mes the prinolyle of “reward lng blendsund puulyu'mg eyemlm“'~'—probam9 be cause be has no mundii, and dogma this buying wnh-emuo equrse the only way to get. them. Hmuldu‘t Wonder 1: he tried'tu’aL-cuxe ,VIL-(Juug'hy m the same way. “Deed" uu‘utu‘ra me “my u long an; Hwy ‘m'e Lulu-d about. ‘ y CLOV’EIKSEED bTULEN.-—on Sundu): night two weeks ago, some cvfl disposed persons look lures; bushels of ‘cloveraeed In)? the hum of )11'....10hn Miller. in Strubnm towns kn. .mmun’coumy. Mr, Hamlet, living but the lar‘mflvent to some trouble w ferret. out. the thin-vat, but all proved unuwm‘llg. HPORTSMEN, BEWAfiE l—Thursday (Feb. lst.) the tum: tor lulllug game or all kinds, except, ducks and snlpe, explwd. By the game law 01' um; amt», plwusunts m‘e protected untlldle In of All3,,wualwck untll the 4th otJuly, warmer; and mbblm ml the lst. of 091.. The penalty ls ln all man. afiuc u: is”, one-‘lmll,fur the use of the in former, v; no 13 a competent. witness. ' “£an John liuy died at! York yummy week. 5&4 91 yum to months and 19 days. He served at nu early age with the troops who were called om, by President Washingwn to sumrtss the Whhkey Insurrection In the Western pan. of this smtemnd mked as In: :1: Mord. where tin-y wvru duchkrgad. He kept for many yam the Hay tavern mum, on Main BEH‘et, York. W‘e Pennswlvzmh(bnrercnce of the United Bren'nen in Christ met in unknown on the 25th ult. Amonzgthe nppomuneuu for my; 'coumy. are; York prlngs. Ea. P. Young. B‘endenvme Mission. 0. Lighting} mtlestown. H. A. slelchveg, a-On Wedlgoadny -w‘eek, a bu) was read In place, In the Hum 82an for, the relief a! awry Little, or this place. a some: of 1812. . w. Chimes H. Brenden or Yox'k, has been uppoxnwd by the Governor. Shel-mo! York coun ty, 10l- me unexpired term 01W. W. WOll. W ed, and has entered upon "a dunes, n-LL COl. 6, W. Frederick, 01 this place. has bten made 3001 mm! by bmvet. ‘_‘tor gallant and mutton-ton: aux-vices n For!» Swadman and Wick, Va." ‘ '- 110 mm 11mm CAUGHT.——We Emma it; our last miwo horses had men when (tom Mr. Rch' Mgmmert, near New Oxford. in this county. 01; Wedneodsy 0150 a! Bauer pun-mad Wm: one 01 um thieves. hum been nun in Schuylkill county. The omer thlef. I boy, made m. escape. The one brought here 1- m 1.11,.“ gives his name my mum”. The hone: have been recovered. 13.1119 two hams btulen w Plkuvflleaneu Magnum, levenu weekl use, were “he: “my m'meym-Jorm. murmur. Thelhlova mmmJl-flhmmubwmdoubue-léonbore moved on the requisition o: 11:» uovm 0! Maryland. ' ”Aye learn from the Hmover Citizen that a bone was stolen m me vtcnmy of Unknown one mam week before Mr, bunt gives no paniculua. fi’l‘he hilmd city mud-hobs. u M.- !icua. '6... were destroyed by- 6: x few gunk-go, and thirteen prisoner: urned to en —‘ , m 0n the In Inn. A! Lhe h-aldenco or Mr. Jloob Fund-tone. Bum‘nu, 01.10, by Rev. 5!. W. Hum mu. cape. J. J. LOCK. or chmlmwwu \'a., w m uAm VA. IVER-8.0! Gettysburg, Pu. In Hanan-r, on the sth $1.51.. by Rev. “Sign Lolu' if. NOAH SHEELY lo Minn KEBhObA Many IX. 0! lv‘rlukllu nu)“ Adan»: cuumy. 0n the am u! y Rev. B. A. snuru, Mr. (:03- NEIJUS A 131“ . or Mounfloy wwnxmpJu MASS AGNES HL‘K ‘V ODE, 0f uunlplvfimul. lwp. On an.- 22nd ol’Jun" In the Pn‘shfrberiml Humou- Me. In (immune, he: Rev. J. \ . \h-lg mum, Mr. CYHHXIUH H. F 'L\\'l-.‘ILER of Muunnxgsr hung, w mm .axxu; EAL'uU-‘fi. into or (.n.-on uuauu. Pu. ' on Tuesday mornln , Feb. 6th, b< Rev. Mt, Bmidenhuugh Cu£n T 650101”) C. .'OIHIIH L 0 )‘xhsu A.\.\'l ' Sr. usuwu, nflufmlgphwe. on the 16th ult..at the residence of the bfldq'u puren‘m‘l by _Rev. H. H. C. smith, Mr. DASH-J. COLLS‘ :06)» 01 Album: vounly, in Miss sLsAN I". Blt'hLE) ,0! L'hululmrahnrg. On the lath 11%.. hi Rev. S. P. R mher. m. 3!.A8L1-‘S [{p ‘51.» N, of (,‘ulnberfimd couul)‘. ma- MA“ 4-. aruxmmx, or Ashnns 00. On February let. b “111.8. Wilson E-q. Mr. CHRISTIAN nu’cé 13 was “unfit. WAR -1m), both of Mcuallcu wuuhlp. ‘ At. the Evangblhml Lutheran Parsonage Al)- botuuuwu, un’the 6HI Imm. by Rev. Dr lfnuurx Mr. SAMUEL \VAUNHR {0 Mini CA’I‘dAJUNL 5N YDER, Ipm or mmbnfi wwunlnp. All-um cu. 0n the uh Feb. M the Name-um: ut We hgde'n mum by m.lfi: M. BIMkWI-ldur’ m. J HN \VAL'I‘MAN to Miss ELIZAUULM bIIL'LIA, both of Adunu «_zouqu. m In Rtmham township, Jun. 31!“. M r. CHRISTIAN J'HUMAS. In the with year of Mn us". On the Int: Imm. Mr. PlilUfll‘EXCl-Z. of Tlnu ungwu my. aged bi! yegm 29 months "mm duyu. On an: [at hush, in N; w Halt-m Adams cough: Mr. JOHN HOWARD nwwutr. MM an n: and .3 months. THE MARKETS. Getty-burg. Flour ... ........ 8 cu to 8 50 Rye F10ur.............................. 3 50 While Wheat............... ...-...... .P 90 to 2 00 Red \Vheu1.....................'........ l 55 lo 1 95 earn..' ‘55. 8ye....... 65 Ustls,..--......1.. ........................ l 37 Buck\\‘l\cat,........ 7o Timothy Seed...” 2 50 to 3 00 FR“ ace! 1 7a 2a 2 oo Clover Seed.. 6 50 Lo '1 50 1517' Baluunoro. ‘ lour.. ............. B 50 '.o_9 00 L Wheat.............. ‘. 3 ("Ho 2 85 Rye as 1.0 57 (Aorn.. 75 I 0 33‘ Outs-.....u"..........'................. . 49 '.o 53‘ IClover-awed......u“.................. 7 75 to 8 00 [Timmy-seed 4'25 to 4 50 'Hogs, per hund....:..................13 OU 10H 50 BeefGMtle, per hum]... IO 09 1020 00 Hay” Ju 1018 00 Whiskey 2 24 w 2 25 SPECIAL NOTICES. DR. MARSHALL'S (‘ATARRII SNUFF ~ Thiib’qnfl' I.st thorough]; [umed ilsed‘lo be the best. urLiclu khh“ u [or cunng the Cuuurb, ('old in the Hun-J mm Uruilychc. 1! has been: found an cxc-llcnl rum-d) In umny cases of Sure Eyes. Henmrs. [ms ueen muuwd by it, and Hearing has ohtu beenn‘gre.uly unyruved by its use. ' \ It, in trngrant nnd “greenhlcmnd (uvls m- VIEDIATI nhmy lo we uuzl lmu‘y pains caused by disease: at the mm. The achunlluns uner' using it are de mlnxul and mngumuug. It opens and purges oux. nll übalrllcnohqhu("Kill ens the glands, and gums a hultuy nation to the parts nll‘eued. More than Thirly Yean'pf sale and use of “Dr. Marshall‘s Unt..rrh and Hmumhc .Snul)‘," has pxovcd ils grunt \nlue for all the cummon disensra 01 the head; and at. this moment. stands highcr’lhuu evar below. ll is recommended by man; ul the best. phy sicinus, and x 5 us'ed “llh grunt. auccess blfll surname-u \evrrywhere. ‘ “bud t“ Ceruhcntes of Wholesule Drug gists in 1854‘: The undersmncu, buvuug lor many years been ncquzluled with “Ul. .llur ullull's.Unmrrll and llcudm he Snull‘," luld will it In our wholesale Irndcwucerl'uu.‘ mule, “It“. we bthew it to be equal, to awry marten/t0 Athe ‘recummendutiuua gun-u at IL- 101' the uue o! Ca'uu-rlml Alfccuuus, uud‘mut in: du‘ldtd ly film but article We have ever knuwu far all common diaunses ol the Heud. ' , Burr 6: Fairy, 1505101,); Heed, Auston 5: Co., Bosmu; b'l'ownJ Lmnmu 6: Co., Boston; heed, Cutler & (10., Boston; hem W. buwle, boswn; Wilson, Funmuuk & 00., Buuuu; Hem-Shaw, Edmund a ‘30., Baum; H. 11. May, Punmnd, Min; Bunies .1; Milk. hew huh; A. I}. 8. L). Sands, Xew‘YorL; bltyht'n I'2qu ‘L 00., New hark; lsmel Minor .5: 011., New Yul-k; McKes son It Itubbius,hr.w \‘unk; A. L. Scan” 51. (10., New York; M. Wmd, must: a Um, mm h’urk; Bush & Gale, New \ork. ' F 0! sale by all Drugysts. Try it. ' . ' Dec. “4, 1865. 1y - ‘ 1 LIFE—II EAL’l‘Hv—S'l REXGTH LU” E—d hALJ xix—511114361” LlrE—hEALTHuS'ALiuhu'l'u THE G'REAaT FRENCH REMEDY Dn. Jpn Dauuuus‘s ‘ CELExmA'x‘r.» smunu PILLS, Preparud {mm wprusznpuon 0! Dr. Ju.u.u Déln mure, UUICL‘IUJ mum: ox lbe lluspnlul ' uu hurd uu Lunuumere ol Pans. ' This mi’ulunblc mudmuc Is no Imposition, but i; uulumiugiu the cure of b‘pelfimlorrllq or Scminul \\ w..- Mess. Ever) 51"“.ch ul (Jeni. ul ul- Unuur; lnuubuuy, lluvuluuusry or Nightly Semmul Emuauns lmm whatnot cuum :pruuuced, or howu’er aevere,wll| be yspeedily tanned and Ll“: Olgl‘Uu rcawml Lq huulhy-wlwu. ' l‘euu we following opinions of eminent. French p.|yzi‘cuufl; ' l "Wu have used the Specific Pills prepared by Unrauclem a Dugout, Ru. 2” line bolu lmrd, lrom Ihr prescnpuuu 01 Dr. Juuu Dyla mgu'rc, in our priluw 'prncuce wnh umlvrul sum-eh, uml‘ We Del-LVK there Is no other med wme so wed culcumled w cure nu pcrsuus sulfuring trum luvuluuuarybflmusium or In, Olhcr weakness ut the canal Organs, whelbcr caused by u. .uuenuuy quue qt hung, excesses, 9; abuse. ' R. A. Buuuumx, H. U. G. Dnuuuws, .\l. D. JEAN Ln humus, .\l. D.‘ Putin, My 6111, 1953." BEWARE Ul- UOUNTERFEITS. «. The Gcnume x'xllu uh! wld by u.“ we priu~ cipul Urqggnsu throughouuhe World. rrim‘ Una Donut pet box, or Six box“ [or Fm: Dollun. ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ Gaglmlnh & Daron, 8019 Proprepon, Au. 2“ Km: Lomwrd, Puma. One Dollar enclose-1 to any uulhunsed Agent; WI“ insute u but Lu “mun mull, securely penled lronftll Übicrt‘étlun;—lll boxes 10: Inc dolluru. “ t . b‘uLe‘ Géneml'Agents for America, MOE/Alt. G. nuslhs Jr. 00., " " u 27 Unruuum SL, 3. Y N. B.—French, German, album: and august. Pumpkin-u, cumuiuing lull yutxcqlqrpnud di xecmwu‘: use, wuL lrce Lu‘eVery address. a A. l). Buckler, Agent lur Ueuyuburg. Dec. 134, lan's. 1y ‘ THE GREAT EXGLISH REMEDY. l Sm Jun: Guam}: Cnsnnnz» Fun)! ' Puma. ‘1’“: and fro u prucnpuun of Sn- J. Ulurke, 3. 1)., Phyliciun Extruordiunjy m ; Lhe Queen, This luvilulble medicum is um falling in the cure 0! all thoae puiuffll nud dungeroun disease: to which the lemale con sLiluliou in subject. It moderates I" exceuea and removed all obeuucuouu, mad 5 speed, cure may be relied on. . ' 1 To Married Ladies n. is peculiarly lulled.— ' It «in, in n Ihort lune, bring on the monthly 1 period with regular-Hy. - Elflb bomg‘prqa One Dollar, bear! the ‘ Government bump of Great Bnuin, w pr“ venx couulmem. ‘ Y ‘ ‘ CLU'flol.—-Tbela Pills lbould not be “ken ‘ i by Remslel durlng the uni mu: noxrusyx 1 Pregnancy, u‘they are nuns w hung on Mll carruge, out ll- any other dwell”! In! "P- I la all use: ofNervqu And spm“ Afl'eguyul. _ Pun; m me Back And lambs, ““K“ ("filmm exertion, Pulpluhon uf the ”PM": 5) '.‘"Wl» ‘ and Whim, the": Pllls null ell-m a cur? when all other man- hevq nil“; “‘1 “Win“ ‘ ‘ yonnnl "mod ,do not conwn Iron, cglonluli. nntimony, or .4 Runs huruul to the copunu. ‘ "0;..." aired-ion! in the pumphlet Hamid such ”an“. '1;le Ihonld be cuetully preserved; 5‘,“ by .11 Dmgglsu. Sole Agent for the Uniwd sum mid Unudfi- . JUB flasks, 27 Conlnndt St" N. Y. ‘ 31. 3,4500 And 6 pause lump angle-ed ‘ to’ ‘n’ “mos-ind Agent, mu inure éuoulu, 1 containing :30 Pub, by return null. old by ‘l‘. D. Buehler. - [Dec. 18, 1833. 1, I DB. TOBIAS’ YINIHAN ”NIKE“. Mon antimony! 71m in to unify nuuor u" L”: fin yous} hue and in my finally Dr. Toblu’ Vanni-n Lsnimeng And In ovary human have found- I! fully equal tn hi. recommend-slam; I have fongd It to 3!" al most iuiuuntaneouu'relicffin cues of todth‘uhe, prong}, bilioul coho, 1010 that, pain in the cheat and back, and rheumatism. and} chur fully recommend in ni-l taunt, on. :11ch with any» oftho shove named diunu. ' ' ' ham 3. Wnun. '- Hartford_. Conn, Oct. Mb, 1881. Sold by“ 11l drfi/ggisu, Olga” 58 Goqrt unduumewg’ori; [F.b. 12,1896. 1n » nnmpmcl'ws Plans. ~ ~ A Conivencu, [Sunburn—They m then up by the alum-hum, ludgcarriud huo the circu lation, through- which mudlulu' lhex grip cun ve éd'to ever an of the body. ’ l , ' J .Y P . . If the pain ultecu‘llle jenny, I linélr‘dlolo prdducea remarkable benefit. Ann Hap uum 'rul‘e applies txfcoauveneas. ll'urrlren ‘hd dylf embry ',‘ though with lhe lut named lhey mny be inquired night and mgrning for mine duyl helm-e decldcu relief illobtumd. In “he: turns of the lungs, lulu-11, hem slid plain-Tu, Hug relief is certain; the excretory qrgnuu lhguw'ofl‘ with use Hm phlegm,nd um breath ing buconl'u freer. Spgmodia ”than i: of tezl uured by (I umgle do: . ‘ $30.12, 1800'. l_ln , ’ ‘ GROUP fawn: lells. ‘ '0 mean to any lan cr p neyuqklm en il 5 pru'leully ltlttfldfld to. It cerlpluly d %cu I) ull'u greu} many cluldnm who lI‘B tr _an wd undcr pruplr treatment; but we 4339’ ' m crvdiule per-on lo Wow that. llw he? “I" .pl umuu ol luuwny’s Kimmy Rellcl' to the ‘lh outnud cthL Lbs moment that. Hm sign: ’ol croup up car will not in: innaul‘ units. . 1’ K van ll lbnl. if ayulp of ipetm; be given in sulfl-' Lu] nl. quunliu'es Alter-ward: lu pruduce \oum lug, h Lure mum. Lerlnln to result. We kuuw iLJnrom experience. We have witucucd lllcll c res in nuuuruua iusmnces. The croupl th‘cruture, tnghuul M u. sueuul to mothers, 1: qu. sh mud n rmhpluint whcn you are uwnfi: othg'tm: ,wu mus: up when it preuenu mm. Imm uuL unsung try upon-uncut: nuh u m: ui;ml!.._ ltMillJlol nuswu’ to play wnh n. by rhmunggfu-r tuiafthul. and the other mu. lure gwthH wmeuudy reconfluendd ou‘lhe upur oI Luhmumcut. Tue cruup will perm”. on nu :qch' uxghgnucr, no such delay. A boulu uK‘ WNW“) A l'wudy Keller uuly wats Hity cent: ”8“)“ these high-priced Lines. Es'ery moth er uhuuld keep u. cuualuully‘uu huull, .u n In '1": prepdxtd to meet. the ucsuoycr with n gum able \\cupuu '.he iuawut he upproflchcs. The \‘umllihg by menus ul‘ syrup 0! ifwcau L‘lrnl‘d the thrust, kayo: uncumuJuLL-d phlegm, burn is Rum: my 3 Randy l‘cllul Lhul. mum! um group In us much; lhul duveu n. mm its mouth h‘uld; [um dislodge: the chukmg mucuu no u. mu) “my be rmuuvud; that. pl'uuugcn v, uouu ler-unmnuu mAhu unwind yum which owls in the maturation u: n henllhy reaction. ’l‘».- wu)’: llcudy “0116‘ u Illu‘only iuutlhule cure mr “any. , . N. U —l'hu followiurleuer is from Mr. John Hagggv! Cullixigwubd, 0. W.: ~ Jinan. Railway .5' 00.: . , - ~ the): Minx—A ululd a! mine, «igln weeks old,‘ has uuu‘u \mu u very uéverc Lulu. Am. bung mu-udgd mint once, it. lulled uu mu dusk, ml ulhunalely turned imu rump m nu n’ors: form. He beat medwut [nut/munrr m lawn mu: cqlléd unhuud Ac, alter «may (my/my m huyowcr w" uluve Inf, (nu all m cum, gm: her up An mud. {nowluok her In linuu‘mpw, nud rubbed by: cram. nud Duck um: “um” 14 IAbADY “MAM? umruugm), when, m the course ul a [cw name, we wus “all uguu, uud uuwAs 'us we“ uud beulu'ufi u «him emu Im. l mu. gguuumcn, your übcumn. :cnuut, ‘ _' ' " Jun.“ noun, Editor Collingwoofl (U. W.) L'uu‘lyuu. Mr. “053,111 a unvaianuuu, AIM-mac lu furuieu uur Lm‘vclc: [but iv. Lulu-l hm mm of“ sch‘re upluined ankle, Qucusmuud by mung uuwu u night ul'wurd‘ _ “whiny .1 Ready Relief is the chcnpést and be“: mculcxucgu Lhu‘wurlu. Um: Dunc mu ugmwex lor figuJ-Jturpuua. h WlHdwp [Lam qmcycr Lhuu uuy 01.1 w: remedy I}: mewmm; unu curns nll_ puuenls ol' the‘ mun uhmn.u,u and ngglnvuliug complaints—nu Imulur an.“ your “fitness may be, gm: u a lrml. A kw hum-a mu prmc eilur‘r n.- wnll humouu or am. 5914 by drugguu. Hub. 1:. 1.4 LYON'E I‘EIHUUIL‘AL mums; The (11ml lv'clnuu: A's/may jur Irleyulurma 'l‘ncse Urupa ale .5 aucnuucnhy wmpuumh ed fluul ynparnuuu, und belle: Hum Ah) l'ms| Ponder: ur Xuslx’ums. _ hung lhluld, Um: actiou-is dirttl and poaluuz, reuuenug them a Julmhle, blhcelly and wrmm apeczllc‘fur Um cure at all gluuuuiufl uud'nuppnuasmus o( .mmmu. Thur popularfly is Ilium-led b, Him I but that 'uWr IuU,UUU buLLles un: numull) 301:1 Ind consumed by Hm Lune: ul Lhc‘ Lulu-d Shana, cur; unr u! uuuw {punk nu ihgalmug ‘ {est lerms 0| pnuse u! that “mum-LC». 'lmy are mmdb uk'u‘; mu [11:00 01 evnjy, 0‘“?! hum“: “mum; , .uuLun- wusidclcd by “I!” [no Ahuw uughn at them; as (_Lae s‘uwbl, anion], pad Iqu iulmhhle preparation 1h the N'prhl, lur m».- cure o! «u leumle couq-lmulu. the jun." .11 of all ohqlquctlons o!’ unturc, und’ tu'é prumu tlun '5! health, rugululuy gnu ptrcnbzm. Ex phcn directly“ alnliug when luey may Do uch, uutl uphuumg whm and why" they would not, uur could uuL be used wilhuu producing efi'cgu‘commry t. unturc’a cllm‘cu lam, wm be lyuud turciuny lolded uruuud each bottle, wnh me v. mun sxgualure 01 Jun): L. Lion, without. whlch uune‘uns genuine. k’rqmwg by Dr. JULIA L. LYUN, 19:: Chapel Street, ‘.\uw fluvou, Uuuu., whu gun be: con. united enhur pul‘sunn“) ,or by mail, (melanin; swung) cuuwlumg all private dsgeuae: and remmu \venkuyuwa. Holu uy Druggtm every wuew. C. U. ULAKh a: 00., ‘ - Geu'l Agents (at U. “\uud Unauuus Nov. 0,3565. 13' ‘ V \ PUBLIC 8.31.13." ON MONDAY, lbs 19; may of MARCH next, the lubwnber, iulflflflug to rsmuw u; we Wen, nu sell at l'ublw anle, at hi: residence, 3 mile: trom Uelgysburg, LheJuUuw mg personal yrupeny, Vu: . um; nuns, 1 cans, 1 Chester now, 2 two haru wagons, 2 spun; muons, l‘uuulug‘ buggy, 1 “mug-lop buggy, onuum no 6mm, alugh harm-u, duuuh; nu’luess, calm”, lul wrs, c’ow chum, sc, the amt smith, gnudaloue, plows and unrrows, tingle uni doublp nhuv‘vl 'pluws, goublo and fling-u-trees, lurk», rakes, noes, shuvels, WIIIOCKI, gram cradle, pm, ac. Mao, Homenuld Ind human furniture, Hz: Cook aluve and p|pe, 4 bcdneadu, 2 tablet, 6 new chm", n-cw tucking cmnr, gum“ chant, tucking cudle, lookmg gimme-I, uuk, amid” oufc, cvrner cupbunw, buuu yhum, duugu {.n.}, un' ware, mos, barrels, nut vessels, gamma was, but burrel vunegureqppcr Lul ue, neg, maul and wedggl, uncon and Inn} by {he pound, um! I variety or otuer uuclu wo qumeroul w mgmiou. , ‘ 5 ”Sale to wmmentwu lofo'clock, A‘. K , nn'sidd (11;, when fitwndauce mu be gtveu u‘ud lama made known ny ‘ ‘ ADAM BOLUNGEE. Feb. 12, 18613. to . ’ , ‘ (Jounty Meeting. ~ Meeting 0: cjutem of Adam! county In A fnvur ot a law pun-ding for the neme msus Ihdhhnymom of loan lullllned lyr‘ur citizens in causeqnelgée of the invuißn o .aur {grnuu'y by rebel “mienl fluke held q. Ihu (tun-House, in quyabnrx, o'n SATUMLH’, [- ‘pflUABY uni,“ l o’clock,‘P. H. i Let every on’e mud, ~ fiv‘eb. 12, law. 1141“: SUFFEBERS. .r—.—_‘ <. . _'~‘_— ; ' Bur-18!”, 1 AME to the ruiuenpe o! thojublériber, ' reslding in Nonnuoy township, Adnnng' cvunty, shout the middle 0! Decem‘ber Int», 1- Wfllu: BUCK, wuh uom. 'Hq'wu wen u: a. ndghboxhuod About. thu in: at October 14“, {A6OS A. EAWH‘KA‘S. We». 12, me. a" —“ 7 r ——Th_9 x In“ hm po mpnced 1866 und (rig-it PICKIRG bug‘reuuccd “K’ yncus ‘ondgnugly: " " ' ‘ our. ALONG sud u. . 11...; m 1 :4! u lecud Itock'of Clothing, and wished #191929 1!“! “3°": u ‘Jk‘lflx 'L 5 “sumo: UNDER—PICSIXQH in; bi: Over Com}: .1. luck my figures“ u. u ‘f u 3.1} dong. '. ' . ~ •*- " ''?";ll4tr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers