I=!= fill: wampilsr. ~..~-_ I. I, I‘l'AIlLI, IDI‘I'OI AND PlOPlKl‘l’Ol gnwrtsnuna, PA. iMONDAY uofifiridf NwafJo; was runrw VII-rimnumg'u. ,‘lhc publication of TH: 0033”." cam p‘ou Mu double now whu it di before the 111, whim. "cry dollor’l var tibial maul-ill roqnlrod ,Inuu be paid cub. living but u '- limiud “ working capital," we are compelled Wat prgmp: settlements. Such I: the-rue ‘ in bulneu matters generally, m 4 it lhopld be aged-Hy in in the neupwor lino. N 9 mhcr ranch Inflera more by protrgued m ding. becunu in none other ue thé wcountl lo ‘ol unwed. ‘ _ Vinita: ls ,uguinJolHg lap—indeed, bu sl rpuly reached In enormous fighre—nn'd no matter how much hlghgr it Inly (o. 1.: Inuit have 12. Whilu 'l3 no. then, sparing- no ”pan" to meet the wunu of our pmom, 1: ll apps-pubic um we ask payments In ptompdy u '3 no compelled to ranks them ?. “ Dunning” ll '3'”, unplenlaqt, but zba lam dillylemnn I upon us leave no other mane. All who owe u- for luchription, Ml.- vouldng and jobbilm, will bu performlng n dot], upd conferring a favor, by psyiuz up ”Riga; 49!”. » - pawn and Other Imm“. :xr. Wolih has been alucléd deeer a! .Noflh Gui-cling, over Holden. by_ from five ‘0 tea thpuund majority. 9 . - The Ibhiane are ripening their hostilities on the plufns. Gen. Heath in «mm have recently engaged I party of them, killing \pwentyonine. 1 . , The voh gut in Baltimore in 1860 was < 30,146; the fmmber regiswrfil in 1865 was ~lo.o4o——on‘e-thil'u.L;_andllhe number of votes out 1;: 1865 wu 5,114-one-sixlh. ' The cholen is raging in Syria. That poqmry [up also lost. largely of cattle by the ‘ Plague, ind it’s green amps ixave been de vpured byjocusts. . . i 1911: has 86.000 dogs, and but year lost. $26,146 worth of sheep between them and ‘ 'the notion. Those are vnluuble "dorgs." Tjie ndy clerk: or the Patent Office are ’9 mi the plank on the 30th limt. flu frisky night week some negro gol gien Ipqrqered n marketmen‘ near .Ne‘eh vilk- I‘6"qu ‘ i ‘ John C. “reckinridgp in reported at St. ‘ Catharina, Canada. _, ,Genenl Butler has rented 3 house in ‘ Washington. ‘ Some pl the prinqipul Nofiv York hgtcln ;alk availing the price of board to $6 per .d-y- .‘ .i Gem, Howard recently told an usem’blcge of freedmen It Jackson. Miss" that the had: were not'to be divided, and that free 40m liieent work. _ ‘ Apprehensiom of a negro insurrection are tell. in Hie-imppi, And legislation to disarm them is suggested. Federal subo‘ficers lure neently been making inflammatory ”each“ to the ireedmeii. .‘ Petroleum he. been, discovered in Russia in thyndenee' end with easy facilities for parking. Thin will eventuallyleonfine A pexjpnn petroleum to the home mnkets. 7 Honfiherlen Miner;ex-Congressman from I finmlvenin. died ct Wilkeebnrre, on the 96th nit., aged 65. . 1 Major General John A. Logan has been paired the ._miseion to Japan, hut in: .fieeliped. E \Nr. Faulkner, ex-United States Minister ‘0 aneé, is influhington. ' _ Boner-l Kilpetrick. of New Jerky, has peen Ippointed U. S. Minister to Chili.’ It iere‘ported that John C. Breckinridge pillsnmove to Texas. if pardoned. _ From September 18 to October 16, 2,076 peg-nonunied of the cholera in Boris. ,fi Meetings hlvebeen held in various cities of Northern Germany to to“; up cubed-ip fien- l'or the freedmen in the United States. , ' The‘ War Department hujust paid J. T. Panford. otNew York..sBoo,ooo for the char ter of three steamers early in the war. Ten clergyman are elected to the Massa phusetle Legislature. ‘ There' was nieighiug in Montreal on Thursday week. ‘ Han. Jacob Collnmer, U. 8. Senator from Vii-mom. died at his residence in Wood ;cock, Vermont, on Wednasdny evening M. ~ , . - -1310 Cdmberlnnd County Alma-house Jul destroyed bffire on Wedneodny morn ing‘ The furniture was mostly sued, sad the inmates-ll gnu-pad. The firqoriginnted (told the beaten, it is supposed; ' The 1034 in putinlly covgred by jnlunnee in the Franklin Ingunnce (.‘onipan'y of Phjlndel 41in; ‘ ‘.On Wednesday oienipg, the liable. pf'l'homu B. Sohall and Frederick Grothe, in York, were destroyed by flu. Incen pfntiun. ' ‘Congreu meet: on Hand", Deogui- Que! ”In. A large portion of the martian pa onfixe :gronnd already. The session mil) hp ohe ‘of much excitemeng _ ' -"The Age my: am manypf the Con- W now in Washington have agreed to urge the temporary removal of Congress 80 Philadelphia, in view‘of ”yo filth of “(e-hippo!) end the prospect of cholen gimme ° (. . #lllO adieu] Shoddies have detainin pd um none of the Southern, members pun ontol- Congas. _ Than: It!!! four not: of In! topake the South send Bo pruenhtives. now when they. are retdy to .15 “ qr‘e'to be excluded! What will mylgnigger radicals? ‘ ,~ -All the Southeni Sines, gxcept Tex _'3. Eu. held State Conventioug. All hivq waited—alum. Four Alanna—Norm (bumpy, Fissiuippi. Afiblml hid Floridn 'f-hlle dpphfind HM? Winn ordinance: nu“. T 39 pf themésppth Cnrolim apd fgrlhrmud! rewind those Mia-n.- »‘ .__—...... ' _._..— _ ‘b'l'hm in much expimmont in Canqdn‘ (p reprd wreninn movements. An quack pa Toronto Muted» Ipd the arm-h mop -9- hdrl‘in twin“! to min in. “has in put nativity may; the milk-q "It New Dtlupg. Ind ”nu-g 1 Mi ;neub hm been firdered to 8-! twain. arm TL;- :- qzopgm a; hug ”@0901:- MM r 19.» @2221: :12: 3M» ~n-Whouti» W Fiona-m lug. fol- W the example of Connecticut, and re mm 995-9 Rafi-go by we Meriw: =EI Senawrlél. The llnrriuburg 'l'dtymplt is in I terrible nay nbout the result 0! the election for Sen nlor in this di-trict. In it: issue‘oftbe llth inst.,"‘we find the following. which!" cop! for the purpose of showing how many mis statements can be contained in no null a campus, The Telegraph up: The copperheads Ire makings" dupente efiort mutablith the {nine clnlm ol Duncan, the copperhead candidate for Senator in the Ad!!!“ Dintrtct. There is nothing unusual in luch a cleim beingpet up by those trick- Iten. but it deco not the: the wtunl result ofthe election in that Senatorial District. Without I doubt. and by aclear‘return, Mc ponnughy.=the Union candidate, him a man Jonty‘of the legnl votes received' for Senotor in t t District, end if the illepl vote. Id: cabled by eofmthead election officers had been roje‘cte , u was enjoined upon them by their onthe, McCom-ughy’a majority would be four or five times lltrgPl' thnn it really is. The return from thePenneyan uinloldien who held an election in Texas, will give Mr. “:20. 40 msjority.| But‘even with this fact in his form. we true: no eflnrt will be npered to expow the traitoroua and eowu'rdly—fruudl resorted to by copperheag election «Jaloers to carry the Admin Sen-lo riul .Dmtrict.i ‘ _ —;—. There is mighty little of truth‘ lithe above. The "copperheads" are not “mak ‘ ing a desperate gtt'oyt toestabliah the false claim of Duncan. the candidate for §enawr in the Adams District," for the reason that no effort wasor'is necessary in the case.— Mr. Duncan waa'duly'elected. and having received a majority 'ofthe votes—without objection from any one on the ground ,9! il legal voles having been given for him— was accorded the certificate of election, by [the Return Juglges. There has been no allegation ihade in‘the district of illegal votes, fraud, &c., by any one excepting Mc- Conaughy‘ himself aid the ex-commisaioher of the drnTt, Mcllhenny, who are now rats.- ing a cry of that kind, in order to influénce the action ofvan Abolition Senate in favor of McConuughy. ‘The story about the elec tion in Texas by Pennsylvania soldiers is about played out. The 40 majority for Mc- Connughy hasn’t. come to hand in the re— turns, and it he, or his trickstdfs. undertake to manufacture a return. they must do it neatly to escape detection. We admit the truth dope-allegation in the article; that "if the illegal votes accepted” “had been rejected. McConau'ghy.’s majnrily would be four or five times larger thanA’t really is ;” but a: "McConaughy’s majority” is a‘ma— jority of 25 votes agabut hij'lWe can'tvsee how that would better hiscase. The would be Senator and hifinends had better aban dun this business. Mr. Duncan has been legally and fairly elected, and they know it.. They are raising all this dust under covereof which they intend to ’perpetmte “traitorous and cowardly irauds,” by' _which Mr. Duncan’s seat in the Senate may possi bly share the fate of Mr. McGaughy’s wesl~ 3m land.— Chambersburg Spirit. - QC. M. Duncan, E~q.. the Democratic candidate for Senator in the Franklin nmi Adams district. has been elected by 25 ma; jority, but we know that an'efi‘ort will be made to “count him out." One of the men employed to de tne'fiwrk lives in this Qw'n; Mr. Duncan isa‘good man, and ge hope will succeed in defeating the nefarious schemes of the tricketers whq have deter mined to cheat him out. of his seat in the Senate.—-Bcd/'ord Gazelle. Ge‘neral Ste/dell going South—Major General Sick!ea huJJeen in Washingtnn fo}- a few dayis, and will' be ordered to relieve Major General GiTlinore in command of the De perinaent of South Carolina. In view bf the unsettled condition of afi'airs there, and the necessity of having: man of en lnrged and liberal conception in command of the military threes, the removal 9f Gen eral,Gillmore was deemed essential. , Gen eral Sickles left for Richmond yesterday.— Wmluington Letter ofgfondag. ‘ , _.__..” ... Wm... 'Q'General Kilpatrick was arrested for bribery on election day at, Newtown, New Jeney, together with the United States Deputy Collector and two or three others. He will be indicted at. the December Term of the Court. oLSuasex. his native county.— So any: a correspondent of the Newark Journal. '3 , , Bribery no. d‘oubs had mauch to do with the carrying of New Jersey by the Repub: licaus. and it is gratifying that there is s prpspect of brfnging the matter Lo light.— “Put. ’em through I" ‘ ne-The New? York Herald present! the question of the admission of the Sguthern member: to Congress ih this light : “It the Southern States are in the Union, if they‘bnd no right to secede, then an at tempt on the part of Congress to reject the Representatives duly elected in revolution ary. It in an ingunection. a‘ rebellion against the Conatitmionmnd the President will have full authority to exercise all the powers vented in him' in times of insurrec tion and rebellion to put In end totheir revolutionary work.” bflon. A. H. swphene in axfieoted to visiLMilledgeville and addrega the Georgia State Convention before the adjournment. The inovenrlent, to nominate Mr. Stephen: {or Governor seems to be gaining “rough, and the Agent. Nzw Era idlimteo that. he has consented to the me pf his mule. He pegemptorily refused {'o be ran a amndi: dim for Congress when solicited to don. fi‘Aooording to: dispatch from Wash ington, it is understood to be the intention of Pruident Johnson to pardon all person: gt the South with the exception of about fine thou-arid of the civil and mxlitnry lead qn. Theirrqasa he proposes to luv-co the action of Congrega. , mom-n! Frank Blair refused minke thy éonnilutippd: call: at the Missouri _ohction on, Tfiesdny. and his vote was. re fined]. He has entarod. unit. Against the judg‘é: of the election for $lO,OOO dining“. ‘G'Majo'r Rollins. u’ Maine faymutér, has been put in limbo for funds committed in bi: depurlment. Another "loyal" fel low gone. 4 ' ‘ flThe‘Supnmc Court. of Missouri hue ”yoga-j the deciniou of the Pike county pourt! by which the M. E. Church, No’nh. were tugged to gobble up 1' than]: pro [2”], —————<o.~o»~———.; fi'l’hq Governmem has dimovend that some pf in own detective. hlvo been for can)» time engaged in “shoving" the new counterfeit fifty dqfln gmnbncks. WIN. hang: could be expeon of the look at Samoa 7 ' q-(rho milieu, pour will not he will:- flmm ‘Lohi-ilm for some time. ' ebbflugpon In 00an Bishop of .8993?! .5! Dixie-g 99 ,‘Y#9Wy-_ . In View of the chemo in the condition cf the negro” it the United States. the in surrection in Jamsics presents matter to: serious thought. The doings of the nPgroes on that. island resemble in songs ferocity and dbptlngbsuielitthoagh on smaller scale. those of the oolebntod Bt. Domingo massacre. The first rising of the negrocs took place in October, when three white men were killed and one wounded. This was followed in as few days by sn outbreak wrong the negroes of Spanish Town, who, to the number of eight hundred. stormed the police sution. armed themselves with muskets and swords, shd than attacked the Court House. By this time a small de techment of troops had arrived at the Court House, and‘the local magistrate read the "riot act” to the mob. and ordered them to disperse. This had no effect. Iqhe ne groes assaulted the soldiers, set fire; to the building.’and danced and shouted like do mons around the burning edifice. The Rev. Mr. Herschell, Mr. George. the local magistratemnd his child, Mr. MoCommsck and Baron Von Kettleholdt, tried to es cape front the place, but were observed and set upon by the infuriated negroes. Mr. George, Mr. McCommsck, and the Baron, were instantly killed.« After mutilating the magistrate. they were going to kill his child, but some women succeeded in saving it. The tongue of the clergyman was cut out, and the-,Baron’s‘firgers were similarly treated. The _volunteers fought. well, and dearly sold their lives. Not‘ New Zoslnnd ere or Indians could have shown more cru el ferocity'thun the neglroes. At Port Mo. muteasimil’troutbreltklocwrred. Houses were destroyed, women' and children were outraged, and the Rev. Mr. Footehn vene rable clergyman, was butchered, end his body mutilated in the most horrid and dis gusting manner. The whole island is in a state. of alarm. and the authorities are ta king every means to prevent a repetition of the horrors practiced by the insurrec tionists. , '- ’l‘he stroeities of the negro revolt in Ja maica should cause thoughtful peOple to ponder the tendency of certain doctrines with reference to the status of the negro, now being promulgated in the United States. The proposition to raise the newly liberated negroes ot the Southern States to full political equality With the whites should be weighed in view of the ghastly facts above stated. . In two at least of the South ‘ ern States the negloes outnumber the whites, and in the remainder they are suf ficiently numerous to excite the gravest apprehensions. should the examples of Sun Domingo and Jamaica have iel-feet within ; our borders. It must be remembered that. 1 the negroes of Jamaica have been in pos session of freedom for‘ thirty years. and therefore should be acquainted with the restraints and obligations which liberty imposes upon those who enjoy its piivi leges. If the negroes are fitted to assume the position offreemen ; if they are capable of'the duties ot'citizenship, time and oppor tunityfhave :been afforded them for‘ the purpose in Jamaica. The- answer to all equalizing theorists is to be found in the conduct of the black savages of that island, who after years of prolmtion have shown their utter insptitude for the duties and privileges of civilization. ' ‘ Let us keep this fact in mind in settling the future ot'the emancipated race in this country. It “will not do to rely upon theo~ 1 rise when thehves of millions ofwhite men 1 and the peace snd'prosperity of the nation i are abstake: The negroes ot' the South‘ have thexir personal freedom. secured to 3 them. 'All the rights and privileges which ; under our form of government accrue from : personal liberty’should be secured to the, freedmsn. But when it is proposed to force l him to the level of the white man, to pad the ballot and the bayonet in. his hands.; wisdom, prudence and a due regard for thel perpetuity of our institutions bid as remem ber-St. Domingo sud Jimsiesié-Agz. i A proclamation for a National Thanks giving, has been issued from the White ‘ House, will: the negro 1:]: out. What can be the reason of this singular omission T. Oh ! we had forgotten that Andrew Johnson is President. Bu} what will the Radicals any to this? According tomthcir doctrine. the result of the war for which wé oughh to thank God most devoutly, is the freedom of the Southern negroes. Yet, the Presi dent does not say “freed‘men"onoel On the other hand, he styles the “glorious” crusade against slavery, a civil war! Nor does he utter a word about “a museleu r 5 bellion,” nor even mention that term so dear to every clerical Aholition lick-Ipittle, Legally! Nay, he even specified our “en larged civil liberty" (which means theabol iahmentof Lincoln’s butiles, the rev‘ tion of martial law and pardon of politiea otfeu ders) as something for which We on ht to‘ tbenk Providence. Why, what pper- ‘ hendish punks hove got into the‘ en’- heod l I "Loyalty” will never survive In flo grent an" outrage of its ideal of pro riety. —defw'd Gazelle. ‘ , . colondc Election-« Dementia Triufllph. , , Dlxvn CITY, Oct. %.-—The incl dis a “moon-i 5”. ol the official vote“ The emo crate will probably'hue ihe Legislnt re nnd‘ the Congressman. with the emlr Sate ticket, The oflioial canvas 01’ the at; on the adoption or ;ejection 0! “0.8 Con stimlion shows :- .. F'qr C0n5tituti0n.....................3,025 '_ Against C0n5ti‘nti0n.V..1..,.:......"1fi'10 ===l Hnjorhy for Constitution" "9..."..155 . The quenion of nogro sufl'rjge wn pre seated at. Rho name fimerwith the following mun-z ‘ K ‘ For negro “Eugen"......'......... 496 Again-t negro mfl’ri1g0.............4,17l Majority udm............ ...-.....fid l 1 ‘Tbo Republic“ Gongnu“‘oan un doubtedly um“ th‘e Proildom’s Attempted reconstruction. It the coming muffin. ’l’hry hIVO the numben. and‘ n majority of them do not lack the inalina’lion. But. under existing circumstance, mll they dare exert. lhevill! h is. indeed. poo-3M9. thu the ntngelio line: drawn around Hum by the Democratic party may "give them pun-e." If the Pro-idem in firm on him side. .u they can do on their: is to delny, antidote“. the huoceu of his plan: If they "re-t. his “a qwnguent, be bu only to Appeal to lho pie m Que conga-Mimi] electiom. len 1m 1: yenr elm-m. Hu mppouou would "map the mntry.~ World. numeral but! Green, or Magma. i! .not 4% 9' reported.- ’ ' - 101 ht 12:BELEEN The Negro Ontbmk II 11min. What Can the Matter Be! Mil luuclnum Patrlollm. 0n the 29th of August. 1775. General] Washington wrole from Cambridge, Musl chusltfiu. to Richnrd Henry Lee : "l have mule It pretty good storm nmong such, kind of officer: a the Min-unchmefls Government Iboumlu in since I cum W this camp, bning broke one colonel and two captmm for covet-4|, behaviour 1t Bun liar Hill; and two captains for crowing more provisions and pay then they had nzen in their companies. and one for being absent from his post when the enemy ap peared Inn] burnt a houlejust by. Besldes these. I have at. this time one colonel, one major, one captain and two whalterm un der "rest for trial. In short. [spare none. and yet fear it will not all do, n time peo ple new: to be attentive only on their-interalt.” Tint in decidedly n uuong indictment; but, we think it can easily be shown that the people of Massachusetts have been no ted for selfishness, if not for cowardice, from the day of the revolution to the prea ent time. ' fi'l‘ho Harrisburg Telegraph says : "The constitutional right of Kiuouii to ‘ exclude a claim of her people from the polls ;pn account of the color of their hearu. is ‘lquite m gcod an the constitutional right of ‘South Carolina to exclude a class of her !people from the polls on account of the Icolor of their i-kin." . s {A In Missouri ll lot of godless radical Abn ‘ litionis‘le have for u long time been carrying on the most gelling, and, unjust persecutimi of Democrats 5"“ Catholics. The lmhling I by them of any views differing from those 30l the atheistical 'dominationista there, fiwhose only governing principle is pOWer and plunder, is what the Telegraph calls the “color of their hearts,” and for which it {would have them dist‘ranchised. In otlmr‘ , welds, the Te'egrup/t believes that the igno rant and bestialgiegrnes of South Carolina I have a better right. to vote than Democrats lor Catholict Cm a deeper depth ol'infa {my be reached by any paper, oij any party ‘ that. suppoxts such a paper} I=l [Q‘There are hundreds of Democrats in the county who do not take the Compiler, or any other Democratic paper. That they should do 50, five nee?! not. repeat. Road {vhat n co'lempornry says on this subject : ‘ “If euch tine of these would get 3‘ gml' Democratic lellPl‘ into his house, it would lhuve n greatinflnenco, for men who will not. subscribe for a Democratic paper will still {read it if it hes nbnut. is convenient. and 'costs nothing. A simple new idea some ftimm nhtnim-tl in this way. will lead it mun ‘to rtflect, and finally be the cause or hrs lconversinn to the must; of lh-mocmcy. ll ; ii _in this way we 0 m nppma‘ch mnny pOO - whom we can approach in nn‘mlmr way. It is impnrlnnt. lhervtore, that every Democrqtic family have a quoorntic newe paper In the house. 'l'hp seeds of mrrn-ct principlex thnn sown silently. will be lee in the end to Spring up and prmluce a good . lmrvest. We ‘auhmlt thsP facts to 1h? l Dvmocmtn. Have Dt-Inncrutic paper: on iynur tables, Imll when your Ri-puhlicun lnaighbors came to vinit you Hwy will pick them up and Pea-I thug). and the truth WI” {in this way be pres‘ent d to many and pro~ lduce convictinn, wherem,‘btlzerwise, they : Would, through prejudice, a'lwuys stand in their. own llglit'aud never get their eyi-s open. A gnod D'amocrat slmuhl leel like supporting a county organ, nnll thus ltPlp to apread the truth. Many pert-mu- do nut think so far. 11-sillns ll p‘lpel‘fl (we w-~1l Bug-hurled their puhlhhnr; unll bu entour £ll,944! to make them more interesting and elm-lent." ' Let the Demwcmcy think nl‘ these n‘lat len, anJ by subscribing fur the Gunju'h‘r, makea small investment. Wllil'h will [my largely in good infllfc-nces on weir own families nnd friends as well a: for the Dun ocrulic cause. ‘ The Wine “Poison" Story. \VASHISG'ON‘ Nov. 12.—'Lewns" Schade. E-q , publlslms‘a cnrd denying the lrmh of '.he statement that, Mrs. Wa-ze introdncfid slryclmine Into her hu-ahnnd’s mouth whi a kissing him. Mr. Sulmde ulmws that»! lhe time oflhe [alleged interview. Mrs. Wine was in Kentucky. unxl 'snys whether the statement comes from General Baker or from nnyboxly else, It is an infamous («a from begmning to end. ‘ ' 80'! OPINIONS UP 1'". LATE CAPTAIN WIRZB Captain Wine, in his incomplete diamy, under digte 0} October 15!, says a man was at llmt.date pluceLl in his cell to prevrnl. any attempt he ‘muzhl. make wcoxnmil nui cide, hill. the watcher went. to Elbe-p. He says ”16188501! why he did'not put'un end to his existence was because what. he suf fered was the will 0! God, and in the BPcond place he owed it to himself, lus family. his relative and to the world at large, to prove his inmfheuce. ‘ LL] w: ncnnn owing. . The yof Cnplnin‘ Wine was directed by the,Preaident to be interred in the Pen itentiary yhrd of the Arsenll grounds, where Payne And other: were buried.— Wirze’a grave is the southern one of :9 row offlve, in the following otder—Mrs. Sun-alt, Payne, Harold, Alzeroth and Wine. ‘ Brutal llrdcr near Frcdcriclr, Md. i' A youth of about ten years of size, eon of ~Hr. Daniel P. Myers. lenrint on Mr. John Derr’e fem. nem- the Liberty Bridge. about 3 miles north of this city', was most cruelly rind brutally murdered on Saturday morn ing last. in as distant field on the farm. bye negro buy aged 17, named Sambold Ste phens Rozell Bowene. The black fiend murdered the innocent child by inflicting i numerous blows upon his head with n hee- 3 vycluhpzneehing the.skull oi his victim in 1 revere] plaeee. Truly the house of the af- \ flicted parent- mnet 'be one ofgrief and mourning. During the past summer. they lost five of their beloved children by the Diptherie; end they now weep over the mangled and lifeless form of another. the gitieble victim of the savage pensions and looqminty instincts den hired‘y‘rudman.” The death of will fiend on the Icefl'old unnot'restore the life ofthe murdered child. nor comfort the led hearts of his narrowing parents. Is anybody else directly or indirectly rev lponsihle for this horrible _murder? Have “lrr-ed‘men" been made to believe that among other privileges they haveelro the right to commit rapes and mimic"! Let. swift handed justice undeceive them.— Fredcrick Cittun. ° Drinking-‘6; (fixer-flint; 1E Result. [From the Columbus (0.) Statesman] Theodore Reader, A young man about nineteen your: 0! am, daed suddenly M the Smr Saloon. in Circleville, on tho 29th on. A coroner's jury warned, who say. in their verdict. that. “t (- deoon‘sed ohme to his Heath by drinkinglwmty-oight ounces 6! wbiuky" at. thn said saloon. between the hours of three and {our o’clock P. BL. of the above named day ; that wnmn tan min ‘mea after drinking the lust. nix ounces. the daoeued fell, anon became imemible. Ind died about eight o’clock. P. M. of said day. The jury further found that. “thus whisky was drank at. Hie immune ofJnoob Gophut, Henry Cook, Int] 'l‘. W. Hodgn, and on I barter made by them." Then three men wm urreued on the 111. inn. --« ,__.,_ ~<oon T—-———-——- fi-Gon. Roy Stone. Me commander of Oh» "Buck tun-3’l" datum]. m the Wu nn Ind Vemmgo Lagiulnlivo d‘mrict. u the late “radon. by 300 anyway. The Repub lloflp wt! «nod 151 nm hm. “Mien friend. 1" old L r . t , “'NOVHHMI Cpqn cqmmonces tony-y 35"" SWTZFJthESWJPm —’ . 1 l' • Kob,„ Konnt l . • OIL IN ADAMS COUNTY.—,Sek_9r.tl, inch of had nur Hunplon, in m: coil”,- Inn Man land by 3 Bolton gummy, with a view to boring [or oil. The' lithe. was» giro “lid“ be good. ( ’ ' 'y . .a-The Hunover Bpm ny- till pu tiu in thin. plsce hu‘e pui’chued I :90)! fgrm In the Pigeon Him, in an. coumy, n. 85,000, been“ ofthe oil indiu‘iou upon it. A 'WThere In fig“ of oil on the firm of My. E. D. Keller,lhrea unlel we“ of this pguce. ”.__ _._.“ . ”‘STRUCK ILK."——'l'ho Philadelphh, Lan cuter, and Cherry Bun Petroleum C‘ompmy hue struck 3 “two Hundred blrrel well," on their ground: u Pithole, Pu. Thin will be gratifyirig to many of on: citizen who have stock in this company) ~ ' . fiSergennt John KcAlther has been ap lioinled temporarily Keeper of the anionnl Cemetery, and will (9qu ppon hi. duties in a few days. He in to occupy the Keeper’s House m the Gntewny, and damn his whole time to «tending to the groundl. ' “ [S‘We are requested to announce that persons wishing to procure tickets to Prof. .\luyer's Lectures, should do so immediately, ssthe number is limited, and they are nearly ull‘disposed of already. Tickets can be bro cure! of Col. 0. H. Bnehlei, or Dr. Roberl Homer. The Lectures will take place-in Jau nary in the College Chapel. » w'The poles for the Insulated Telegraph Company have been distributed between this pluce'nnd Harrisburg, and inplew weeks we will be in direct comm'unicatxonwilh the Cap itol. We believe the line, commencing at Wheeling, VAL, and running through llugers lou‘n-nlld \Vnynesbo.o’ to this plumia almost completed. WThe remains of Capt. Pfeifi'er, who was killed at. Gold Harbor. were brought home, and re-imened M. New Oxford on Thursday, with military honors. Capt. Earushuw com mmrdl‘d the escort, ‘nnd six of the Caplnins of the old 87th acted as pnll bearers. Col. Hay and CollSlnhle, ofiYork, Col. Buehler, ofGet zysburg, and other’ officers of the‘ regiment, 'were also present. The ceremopics’, which were of u very solemn character, attracted a lnrge éoncourse at .people. ‘ WThe remains of Mr. Isaac ’l'. ngy, who died on Ihe lllh oUI-y, 1865, at. Long Rub, Stafl'unl county, Vt». were recovered by his Mothers and brought. home'tor ro-inr’erml‘m, which took place at Emmitsburg, on the 23d of October. He wits from Freedom township, {his counv.y,nlld belquged to the 99th Pennn. n-giment. Ul‘ (11141 at “wage of 27 years 10 months null3o days. MONUMENT TO'GEN. UHTTYSI-EML James G'ettys, formerly of thin inlnce, but now and fur many years a resident of Tennessee, hn‘a been sift-Ming some time here, finperinlcndih‘g the removiii ofthe remains of his p‘ll’cnl! from Black's‘ Graveyard to Ever Green Cemetery, The removals were made afew “'eukfl ago, and he has since had pluced o‘er the remains ulurge und bcnutiful Huiinn marble monument, seventeen feet in height, and surmounted by n drupcd urn. it occupies a commanuing ‘posi run. on laver Green Avenue, near the entrance, fund is the first. uhject to strike the eye" of the Visitor—u distinction due to the memory of (lic founder of the town.‘ 0n the ~~ide of the munu‘mcul from ting the A'venne‘are the folluw mg inscriptions in raisei! letters: ' GEN. J‘ASiES GETTYS, ~ Proprietor of the town of Gen; sburg, ‘ Born Aug. 14,£759; ‘ Died March 13, 18”). - MARY GETTYS. Born July 15, 17:57, _ Died_)hsrch [5, 1815. On the shaft, above the insgn‘ptiona. is carve}! a bust of Gen. Gettys, said to be a wry correct. likeness. We are pleased to see so hund same a memorial eremed to lhe founder at Gettysburg, and this giulifl'cniion is no doubt. ft". by all our citizens. ‘ GRANITE MONUMENT—We are glad that Adams county g'rnnile is being apprt-cialéd abroid. 11. is nol. only good granite, but is found on the field of one of the most memori— ble‘buules of the Int—lnd that should be A mnner of snmecodlidentioi. . Alrtflnrgrave, we‘ck beforehat, sent to Phil‘ aflolphiu, four blocks, for a private mgpumeuz in that city, from which it is expected tlvn many other orders will result. Two of the blogks weighed EJOh fully four tons—nnoiher six, and the other seven long.— They were truly very "solid," and xequin—d n swul'te‘nm tqhnul thorn w the nilrond. Bqt such a one wag furnhbed by Messrs. Lewis and Allhedore Buihmnn, 1: consisting of eight. fine horse». They received the anti o‘f $5O for the hauling—good pl], bit it wna n bolvy job. BASE BALL.——An interesting gum ol Bale Ball was played in this place on Saturdn‘y Week, the particular: in regard to which have been handed us by I friend, as follows: .‘ . Anon own. urn'snnan cufn. Playen. 0. R. Pluyeu. 'O. B. Gnrver, -I B 6 4 _Mye rs, 28‘ 5 3 England, SS 2 8 Martin, ' B 2 5 Kepuer. B 4 5 Carson, ~ 13 3 6 Hnmrichonse,2B4 6 Norrin, SS 2 5 Wile, ‘LF 2.' 8 While. an 3 a luhlenbergfil" I 8 Holtzworth,Cl-‘ 3 5 Hil}, RF 3 'l Brink’erhufl' 0 l 6 Cook, 38 3 6 Yonnl, LF' 3 2 Albeit, C 2 6 Knuth, .BF 5 3 27 55 Tom, IKNINGS Total, ' CLUB! ,1z34 5 e 7 a 9 Aux-om, \ 9139294811 Gettylburg, 12 0‘ 3. 0 6 l 4 3 11. Umpire, J. W. Hay, of the Aurore. Score", 0. Knuth, Wm.S. Freu. Len. on Knee, Aaron 8, Gettysburg 2.‘ ~ Run out h‘e‘tween Basel. by England I, Humrichonse 1, Cook 1, Gettysburg 0. .Fly Outchea. by Kepner I, Wile 'l. oi the Anrornfby Gettysburg, Knuth l, Brinkerhofl' l, Holtlworth l. ‘ . Time of plnying. fl honrl. , Both sides phtyed well,the Gettylburg hav ing improved on their preriouo eflort. Batting ll glbont equal, but the Aurora much snperlor in fielding, nnd play with better rpirit. The Getfiylburg expected to reduce the odd: on the previoun game, but st the eud of [he seventh luning,nll thought the defent would be worn than 'berore, Anrorn standing 52, Gettysburg 26‘ On the hut two innings, however, the latter recovered herself, scoring 14, while the Aurore [cored 3—rtnnding Gettysburg 40, to Aurora 55. Decision of the Umpire Were prompt and impartial. fi‘Roben G. lcCrury, an Agent for the Hdrl of Hugh Dentlddie, BL, daccued, hal sold the property on Bnhimore urea, occupied by Daniel Trimmer. for $6OO cub. Charley G'allngher purchaser. The Myen property, will: levenl lob. the South and of BnlLimoru mm, wu ' on Snark] week. The mnnlion , wu purchued by Hon. James I‘ 52,500 cub. , The swathouo, on din Eur vu purehued by‘ Duvld Yaw and nun um. 9! ground chased by Jacob Bails" ' #11:. price of l' thirty per cent. vi" HEAVY YIELD.—We were i‘nrormd, my a—The mam} City of Wuhington on." a", “u.“ 1,. John‘ 5_ you”, refilling bripgl foreign you to the 2| in“. B:l9ch ‘“ "I‘""'“°“ ”W“!- "M m" I'M“ ‘ 17.... .u‘i‘n’ 2251.13 “$33332? 822:3: two union okan Rochnued, tho plul half”), in Irellnd continued ; Imnng the number on a twelve new we, lug enormouu quantity ‘wu an .Americln officer. It ... "potted ofou Add. all“ bald; of Meltdown in Purim th-t the French troop- iu Mexico to the cm: were to be mmdnwn. The land had been wcll:limed, um) um In“ in mud to t “It, con; 0! mannre,juu he~ fore ploughing. The coin: val drilled, 1? indie: apart—the rows affect Ipcrt. Our in~ form-m any: \hu nurly dvery lulk‘bqre two mnmmoth ml. » No! min, yqn line. Mr. Fousl’l had In poor, but lime has brong‘ht it up to the point 0! fertility indicated; “Dime ii the fluff." 3 incl which we nnnov. 100 lone. impreu upon our lame: friend]. * TAPE-WORM EXPELLID.—Dr. John Geo. Frederick Fehtel, of New Salem, in thin coun- ‘ ty, in n determined enemy .uf those perniciou enlozoa that lometimel infest the inner nun. 0n the Nth of October ln‘n. from the person. of Charles Glntfeltor, who resides in North Cnidorys to» nllnip, About four miles nouth‘ of New Salem. aged about fifty years, the Doctnr succeeded in extracting a. 'quunlity -of Twnilt. One,‘ a specimen of the (aim lata mh'um, from forty to fifty feevin length, and three smaller ones of seven] lnchel. Some time time,” we had} occasion to notice at the tinge, Dr. Feiltel expelled ngenuine bolsrio-cqzbulu: talus. These monsten, evidence of tho aucgesstul treatment of Dr. Feintel, mny be seen M. Mr. Valentine Erncy'n Store, No. 13 Market btrcet, in this Borough.— York l'reu: fil-‘nrther intormntionl‘mny be had of A. R. Feistel, watch-maker, Cnrlinle street, Get tysburg. ' c x GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK—The wp‘ec. ms of Godeyts Lady's Book for ‘lB6l6’will be found in our advertising columns. This old and popular monthly continues to hold its po sition in Advance ofnll other Lad,» '5 migraines —lezlding in everything—and is, tfiizrelom, extensively read in every pin. 01 the mug. To such as desire a fiublicnlion of the kind, we unhesimtingly recommend Godey. _ Ilis “pro gramme" for the coming ycrnr is very name. tire, and he always gives as much us he promi ses, if not more. 1 DEFACING HANDBILLS. —'l‘woyoung inen ‘ were fined recently in Pnumilllc Im- delncing ‘llnlelbills. There Me a law )zlds in this plnce that. are dealing pretty cxtonsivcl) in: lhr snme } business, who‘ will no doubt be towed toward ‘ the Squire's office some of these days. “MELASOHOLY" Tl\lES.—Wilh IN ogre ugaim—lhe “ melancholy diys'l‘nf autumn". .Slmuld the necessaries nrhfr- mmium- in mi \'uch in price in they lmve during Ilia pad. mon’lh, we in'.- nlmid the “ mu-lum Indy day: " will continue all wiulter around anuy nu hum ble fireside. . THYCK-SULRD SHURS.‘——We suppose 'it will !cnrcety be considued improprr, if We, at this particular season. «admin. the ladies of the safety of duck-soled Ell-105. We fon- to ace the may hue of health humming in the cguntennnces-uf our girls, and in no] uthér uuy can they better promote it than hy keeping the let-t dry and Warm. Beside, us they are all supposed lc have some n-gam for [hell luuksr they should remember that health is Vcry nu-. cesaary to beauty. l Wfilnny at the humus Mound Uetorflmrg, Vu., will not plough Luir mud lur fen ul staking unexploded shells.——Ezclwnyc. , The same tlung was feared here, but no d Imnge having resulted (firing the two year: since the battle, no further npfinhcnsu‘on i} fell. Indeed,but few shell: gum-d themselves in the eurm, notwithlundiné Ame scores 01 tons‘fgund lying" Abdul on top of it. - TRUE—The man who tlkns 1 Icon! paflor’ and does not. read the Advertisements, can never, be said to be well posted. Th e udver liscmenu indicate not only the bqsim 39 en tcrpriso ol the place in which they are pub lished, but the entr‘rprise of the ad‘:el’liief.>— “'hcn _\m| seen mun who advertises lihemlly, you muy be sure of finding n good stock in his store—thnn! he hog}: ilp vmh the markets, and can always sell a llgllc cheapenlmn those who do nogadvertise. ‘ . CLEAN YUUR UHiMNEYS.——Now thM the fall season is at hand,when high winds nre prevalent, our (him-n: Ihould see that their chimneys are properly clung-(j. It may be the means of preventing the destru Men by In: of your own and you neighbor's house. . SCHOOL .CHILDREN.—Au cording to an a Ant 0! Assembly. pusseil April film-1865, nq, EDITOROF Tll‘E CZfiIOI’IIZER-zi _ . clnld c'nn be admitted m'o ;he pulmc Ichonlsl Dun Sun—filth you! prmluionfl wlshto of Pennsylvania that in under six 3231" of "gm; my to the remix-rs of your paper. that. l lill As children under the prescribed age are con- “Ran hy '°"";“r'““”k,t" ‘3' “hr" 'i’h;'v[r'°-'} _ 1. . ~ . _ . u gripe will u! m-c on: or 11).: ing nm small).seelxqgndmnmmeintb our uhools, nI using n l'imple Vegetable B-lm. an“ m” er. would be well for “"3 PM”? 0f ““05 to bear i (actually remmefinlen‘dayu,Pimplufillam‘hu, in mind the above requirement,‘nnd thereby Tnn, Fret-kl", and all lmpurilicl of the Skin, snv: teachers and themsely’u undue annoy.‘ lep‘lmg me name s°“: “'9‘": "mm!" “‘d bug/l ‘ln . ‘ wee. _ i W'flnre will be preaching, by the Rev. Mr. Tedford, in the United Presbyterian Church, Gettysburg, on xhe lust Sabbath in November, and Communion on the firs} Sabbath in De cember, a! 10} A. IL 1, @Democrats. be ‘ no}; discouraged ! Your‘rreum defeats mll ;Jnly add so the splm or of your future triumphs. Let the tunid tremble and canal-db quake; but u sure II the All-wise has not given over this nonntly lo hardneym of been and all Ilia may: 0! sinners. so sure is it yet, reserved for you to restore it to its former greatness and prosperity! Ba ofgnod ohee'r—"nll’l well thalenda well l"—-Cliulan Dcmoa'al. 27 40 On I!» 16th lost, hi (hi:- pllee. by R". W. R. H D... trick, Mr. AARON FRIED lo 111-II SALLII HOUSE, hull: of this county . 0n the Nth in-l. Ly flu Jnmb Zinglor, Ilr MARCUS J. uAmL'ros..or'cumu-mnl tom-hip, u. nu- um. I!!! ll LATSHAW. o! lnuklin Wimbip. 0: Tuna" t'fllfln' lull. in thin film. by B". 3! non, Imam: manual :0 man Axum now olGoltthurz. On m 8)" of od,, .3 the Oct 30!. Punt omm. by 11-". W. I. P. ”nil. Mr. JOSIP! RINK. of Unknown, (0 111. LUCY ANN 7’ NC: Oxford. WHICH! Ink n It.“ plumb] cannula and: :9 11. suuu A. v Alumnae-n. Mama county. 0:: thy 12m inn-L, It the m pl I. N. VICKIS. our Ila-donvllk 11. HOFFMAN, all! Anlduvlll' ()1: 111. 31“ I" , M tho Lul’ burg by Rev I'. My, Mr ' mg \f can, bongo: M. On “103 mu. by Adam county, to I” Cumbc_rlnnd coun" ’ On It,» am o: OU. . Mum nuns, H! u lhnhonburg, mrmm. (omm Annie.) on tho 1m .1 m In. AuhllA CAROLINE. 111. “Dr. In Faun, mount mum of i G Burp-r, lthuyubur‘, 1*... “.446 yunmd 1 month, .111: mu lIL. in flnuufll tun-hp, ARMSTRONG All“ mun-53mm l at, 0| HI 2‘ mm, in amun‘tun win-hip. .ADfll A. "I”. and of; yuan 7 month- Ind 24 dql 0! com-u .p'iun, on ma morning “Nah“. I‘ Ch. not lm o: In: (an-r, “mum. Mun county, w. “v; J. SHAAA.|.. «ml 17 Jun 8 Inocul- Ind 23 dql. ‘ On an hv. ".A.. \ try ”Manly. In amt «an», Ohio, REUBEN J rum, lan M V. a. lad Cull-rin- I. I, for. ;nuly alumn- any, h, nod 13 yam ; “.3. m xdul. On Saturday Ink, of typhoid (our, Ir. Hons" IWUPE. cl Lilllefl‘u'n. 33.11 39 you! 1 month And 11 dun. 0- m n» in“ , at dlthom. nun lIBWGA, 0.1, g‘m‘MJm All Jun-cu “-5310. “lye-n inn-s. p. g o. uu snug, ol «nub-m. mums: and". «kph-In: A ..l Hun-II l. mu moduli”. " ' .-"!'“_"§'“‘,‘. =I 2405 cub; lil‘, I“ put- per acre n; pupa winced put Iyo weeks. AM» we .‘JU‘JK‘iQ. MARRIED N." Jun! [l, m nu, Ir.‘ 1 both m' a] the nu, lr.' nu CA‘HIABIHI f 40 In Pm IMIY a: ll- nuns noun, or' .mrru “mun, or ”auburn u Mada-en} J 0 mm. M! nun! cut, to us- n. mzzu nun», at. _ mm). ‘ A?) uoucu 3 cent: per line {hr all men—nah to Iccompuny notice. I EEC TEE MARKETS. GETTYSBURG—Snmwn “n. ; Flour ... 9 00 to 9 50 Rye F10ur.............................. 6 50 White “’hent.............m.".._"... 2 10 lo 2 35 Red When.............:............. 2 00 w 2 )5 C0rn,...................... Rye.. 0|“.............. ... ...... 8uckwhen.....2... .... Timothy Seed..... .... Flu Seed.... Clover Seed ......_ ~ k 31 ........... -l 00 ......... I no to ¢ no l 75 lo 2 00 ....m... 8 M to 7 00 BALTIMORE—FIinn u". 9 up w o no ............... 2 10 1o 1 90 95 lo I 00 ............. M to 87 . 48 so ” 53 ............. 8 00 m 8 M) ............ 3 {'o to 4 00 ~..,.....Ia 00 um 00 a so non-w ~...20 30 1032 00 2 H to I ‘5 Fidnru. .... Whenu.’,........... Rye.....x... ............... C0rn.....‘\............... Oats . ..... Clover-need.............- Timothy-Seed .......... Hogs, pet-@und........ Reef Cutie, per band Hay......... ......u....... Whiskey ................. SPECIAL, NOTICES. ALLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTEBQ These phlsters have the comprctnesa of kid leather and mo fluxibility‘ol n rill: glove.— Thcy have cured vuricole veins and externnl n‘neurisms. For" all ntfectlanj of the chin, weight nbnut’the'dinphrngm or upper portion 'of IN [10“ «Is, in colds nnd conghu,tor injuries of the buck, for all strains or bruilez, for A weak hm-k, for nen‘ons pains of lhe bowls, and other nervous nll‘ccliona and crnmpi, {or heart nfi'L-ctinna.~——En all these case- they have who used to be properly appreciated. ' on. x. Lilzxntnsox'a ”Tim Fnrmille, Louia‘iulm. March 8, [B5O Dr. T. Aileock—b‘ir: l have been suffering under n rm ere attack at neurulgic disuse of _my bowul- fur ymni-s, with hnu rLr-nphy at the heart, um) hnn- trim! awn-thing known {a lha practice of medn ine {rum lhe wry but .\I D ...; hu'l. trulhprmnpls me to any that ynur plnslcru‘ ham, giwn me more permanent relief limn anything elsL l have used, nudl holicve will produce n p! ' The taunt is pruduced V _ _. Ihoy so ini'ifiumtc [he circuhuvou :nmund the ‘rlevv. rurc. . \ " ¥ »r-u ritum 'ofT- ct of your pin-tors [in such a mil-Ham] grmluul wuy, |.h they nre npp'ird, m d urn I'uu-I disensva sud; n prom. It‘d.l~ , lh ll I place lhryq NH [3 lrll'I) -l \‘H; llxull rmm It: luv. xx Wums, wry lruly, ‘\ n I 'l‘ HI-hllhlkp‘UN, \l. IL puns to ‘wl. upon all ner tive influcuc lhe hcml nf( Nm‘ ‘l‘) I 5 \‘EVE I‘l \\’ HORSE \l.‘._‘H\ll-Z\‘ l‘. HILTON \S Pint lmulu‘uan ail rm )1, fur I-nm "-1“, uuN, gull‘z, nulir, ~|-1.-ln~, &- .\vnrmnlml rlw-[n-r [lmp m-y mlnr. It is Inn-d by n“ [he urc‘ hunmm‘n nu Long l~|-lII'I I|).lsl"‘.‘\ I; mll no; cure' ring: lmne or I-puiu, M {hone in no liniliwnl in tutu-un- llm'l WI”. \Vl‘ml. it is slated to cure it porilh-ir docs. NuXcmncr of hours m“ be without (mor'mmg (mu huulc. Uur dose main-s mull ul'leu “\‘igrmu !ifc nfnn mer-henlv’d or «lriu-u lmrsc. Fur colic :nnd urn) «who it h N urn-r Failed. Jun. all who us the sun risrs, just Pu sure iifllpis vnhmhlc Linimv-ut in he the Horse Blnlnm‘n. tion 0! lb- dag . ‘Suhl by nll drn‘Aggi‘l‘s. Ulln'lf, 56 Curlluudt Sin el, Nx-w \‘nr_k. [Yut'lfih lmk LYUX. S I‘EIHUUH'AI; Mum.“ The Gun! l'rm :lr lu'rmrth fur lrrmll ml»: The-5r l‘mps me a u-imufim) y {-nmpuumi. in! fluid pr: lmn-lwll‘ and !wllrr llmn nln I'll”; Pnndvra ‘or Nuaunms. lii-ing liqnnl, \h- in , nclion is dirrct unnl ‘Hlsiihr' ii-ndemn: Ihc-w n Inllnhle, speedy and curtain specific for “.0 I run: of nil charm-Hons um] snum-rwsinm of I iuulm'. Their popularity is imlic mi in [Le ' fact. that over “10,000 bottles-m: nnnuuH'i ml.) and connuned by the Indie: of the United Sluts-a, u‘ery nne of whom monk in Ihellrung. est lrrmg ul prulre oi ihei: “ml! uwms. They lare: rapidly taking Hm [him-‘Ol eruy ulht-r , Female lleluwlbnml nrv unnldcled hynlluho know Night at llu‘m, mt the MIN-111, anti-u, mu) I mart iululiihlaf I"?! mniiun in Ihr would, [or I llu- l'llle u! nll fumulu t uiuplniuls. the n-mnnd m'nll olnalrncllunv m' mnure, "ml the prumu {lmam lu-nilh, nunhuily in"! sire-21m. Ex ,plicil uirm-Imns ;ialmg “lIl'H they may ho '; used, and “planning wha u nnd nh) [My ‘sllnuH nut, _nur cmdd not he used without Iprelim-ing t-fi'rcls con'mry lo nziluro'u Chou-u 'iqu, will lye iuund curt-full;- fiil-led nrnunl l‘kn'rh home. \\ ith llu} ;\ rim-n s'gnnlure of JOHN L. LYON, without which noun are genuine. ‘ ~ l'rcpxued b 3 Dr. JUILV L. 1.YUN.'195 Chapel Siren, New Haven, Guam, who cm: be con ‘sullcd l-ilhcr pvraom-lly, or by mull. (o‘ncloulng Hump.) cuucvrnlng all private (liq-um: mx-l frmzde wcukuckcx. Sold by Druggisu every where. C. (I'. CLARK & OH,, Gen’l Agents for U. S. and Canada! Nov. 6, 1865; I," [will also mail {rt-g to “1089 having Heada,,or Bare Faces, simple dirtcllo/ inlormution thn wlll enable them It full growth of Luxnriam llnir, ““li' Mouuac'he. in leunhan-thlny day All applications nnswerud 1) without charge. l‘wnpecnan THUS. I". UHAPM Nov. 30. 3a: 83| Br» APTIVES. Ming been restored to. in by a very Almple‘rcme; A!!!“ neural ”In, with g lion, And that druid d'uuu’ :- unxioun lovmnke known lg erenxhe means of curs. o dulre it, he will send aon f Iption nsenl, [free 01 chnrgeq Via .ctioul for prepuring mid using rhq which they mill find a "er cure for Cog: non, Asnnu, Bnuncnrm, Cochunflows“ . The only object. of the ndltflllfl’ in read ing the prescription in to bengfiv. the nfllicted. and lprund information which he conceivu ' be lnvnlunble and he hopes every lua'erer will? try his ”manly,” it will cost. I,th nothing, and may pron I bleuing. " Pumice winhlng Ibe prercrlption, will “o'3, addreu - REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willinmsbnrgh, Kings co., New York. Oct. 16. 3m - T 0 CONS‘ The undermined r nllh in I few wer dy, the? lining 5)! mm lung “72' Consumption— his fellmma’ To all I" an ptcty/ the div nme.‘ lUV' TO DIE IN 'A BAD CAPS]?- i , u than who tall In the rebel nah nid‘ubg: edly do, in foolinh. But on the bum hug DYE-SING FOR A GOOD CAUSE us those who no vlu snd prudop pnmfiq remedy the defecll 01'»;qu (m: cuaxs'unqgo's mm DYE, nn dolng mry any, la on" (in: 9! an 0-. nlon, ll emlnently pnlpeworlhy. Thl! pet“; in! revolution I: going on tho-gluon! "lg whole land, out! than bunt, nd‘humony lug; plum homelineu ‘_rd lncongruity. Hui-kc: lured by .l. CRISTApORO,No. a Altar Home New York. Sold'by Drmlul. Applled b}, all [hit Dresden. [ln 8. I! -~w - . IRON IN THE BLOOD. ' - , Tn: Pncvu- Snap suppliu the fluid with in Lu: EuuerßoNJufu-ing Sultan, V 100: Ind Rim Lflliflw 11;. Illa“ ”nun:— For Dunn“. DIOPIY, Cpouc Lunacy, Dunn-n, hub: Wynn“, to“ p in two.- cific. Thousand-mun ,bgen cp‘umg by "I" use a! pm mtdipine tram gang, 9 ctly. n99?- ing crrnturu! to Ilfuu‘, bell”! and pt”; I." and wougen. AB3 pay pppbloc up; fr”. .i , »~ um um ”anth at Itflfi-pb' x at ' J. P. Dmsx 113,26 De; ,8". 114%, _8914 b; Dmflisp 59131115.. P9P“ .53 . . u and sum. a Left, or u. rrtnm man. you", ' (H, cumin; way, New Yorh
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers