E t * qua FLAG! l.:. unx,‘nnon up Hahn-rot. “NJ. Eli—‘f'rvénuiaffi MONDAY“ 11083101}, 001‘. a, was , ’- 3; g“ . . AWEITE MEN, RALLY! . JUDGE KI MM ELL, 7 601’ CHAMBERSBURG. Will Idd‘req the pe9ple, in the Court-house, ' ‘ ‘ E in Getgyuburg. Mudflay Evening, Oct. 9th. 30:? the same GVening i meocmtic meetinflwill be held at George A.Corwell's, in Funglin towgship. . GRAIN D MASS MEETING 411' NEW OXFORD, Saturday "Evening, October 7th. Spealqieu—Calvin M.‘ Duncan, Esq..J'udge Kinymell, Wm. S. Slenger, 1729., and others. THE TIME FOR. ACTION HA's ARRIVED! ‘ .DEIOCMS 0F ADAMS, ;TLRN OLT! RQAIN OR SEIINE, 90 10 THE POLLS, AND VOTE! THE ISSUE! Thesé whn van for the Abolition candi dates, v‘ w FOR Negro Suffrage! ‘ ' ' ' Thnsrwho vote for‘lhv. Demucrnti '/ an didates vnte AG AIXBT Segrn‘SufYrig/g! lag-£ll9 IS’THE 155135de the BALLOT m‘ual decide it! Vote accord": l . ' i—L—4-O———‘~—— g y mm READY! Democm‘tél We have oheering news from 11l parts of The State. Philadelphia cannot give, by sews»! tlwusunls. liar Abolition majority OH I; fall. Allegheny cnnnly will {all 0 ‘cqually In much,_'WhHe Bradford, Crawfn d and other strong-holds of‘tlie "blackf cuppa-heads," Will dwmdle consid erably; We must gvgrd against apathy and carcinoma: in (my own ranks. The enemy count ‘ll That, and that nlone. to give them wages: Let every voter who reads this article get ready to go to the election to morrb‘a! Nay, let him not only be ready himself, but see that every Dwnocral in In} neighbogrhmd i: also Win/y a'nd Willing to go.— POLITJEVERY VO l'l'lnnd su'cceu is certain! J —.——- _-<-o——* »——~:A ‘ EVOTE FOR COL. DAVIS ANDSOL. LIN'I‘DN. Both are l-apnhlnu—bolb, are honor‘nblp—nmi both are OPPOSED TO Meta) SUFFRAG E. LOOK OUT Foé Republican clap-trap stories, shnde‘rn Ind falsehoods, on the. eve oflhp election, wheq’ too late foi 'contradiction. We are .usedflo that [treatment in this county» by our Qpponenta. and we ihquld therefore be Brepyed for it. Farewnrned. forearmed! emocrat‘a, be ye ready to meet, denounce nnddefeat them i ¢V§BSUanUARD AGAINST IT. e Effie been shown a ticket. c'onmining the names 01,311 the Denmcmlic nomin‘ees, except the name of JACOB SHEADS, our candidate ior Treasurer. m the place qf which the namepf WM. F. BAKER, Lhe‘ab olition vcandsdnte, is inserted. This in a bun fund, which will be attempted lo be perpetrated on the people. Democrats, (3:- Amino every ticket. see that. xhey are right, md then vote. I “The Copperhemla in this county are the greatest rascals out ofjail.—- They “ill liefthey will cheat and _they will stcpl." -. = ”Democratarof Adams, this iswhat in; Abolition purer published here, ip Gettys burg.‘uuyn 0 you. You are denounced as LIARS, CHEATS andfi'l‘HiEVEsl And yet in the iace of such foul and siundcrous abuseyou are naked by Abolition candidates to vote, for them! Can you do it? No! Regard for your own bonnrnnd respebc for 30m- time-honored party FORBXD! Go to the polls, and hurl back the base libetby giving a rousing majority for the WHOLE Democratic ticket! ‘ ' . ’ _ -—r——-«lw—-—- WATCH THEM! ’mé Abolidonists are secretly a work, organizing their party. They will exert every nerve to get out their Vole, Demo tnu of‘the county! Roll up‘yo'ur sleeves and determine that you will increase your vote of last fall. Let eVery district, tin: lo finesse its Democratic role. , VOTE FOR CALVIN M. DUNCAN, for Sennor. He hns never been charged with bile-tings man out ofl2o acres-bf land, as has been his opponent.—- Valley Spirit. fi'l‘he Spurn has reference 10 Robert. McGuughy’a la‘nd certificate. ‘1! is laid that. there are two other similar crises ugaixm McConnughy. 1’ ‘ ‘ ,- VOLUNTEERS! Eyes Righi! Front. Face! Rememborgho following resolution is a part of the Demo antic Pl3llOl 1:: : ‘. "‘lbso’lvedhthat we no in favor of so equalizing lhe bountiec paid to soldiers in 1861-1“! 1862, (but they sbuu reed-he the sum pay and bounty u solihen 0(1863 ad 1864. and that. Congreu should M 0 an appropriation for such purpose}! , fl-Whifo soldiqn! you us ‘ukrd m‘ gn the band that «laps you in the face! _ on Ire expected w vote the ticket ofnpsr -11 than greeted: man. Wanda}! Phili’ga. uidih srecem. 5 each, that “AMIDT E GALLANTRY. $Bl5 PKFIEECE. THE BEROISM OF THE “313,133; NEGRO BORISTHE PALM !” Will you do it? ~ '.Varna. you who vote thin {all for )lan and Campbell. and the Mina! mum: tlcjset. van ran Nxaxo Smuu. ' "’Yo yho vot'u for Davis and Linton. Ind flu papal-mic county ticket, van :0! inn as to an; m: Coast" ammu- Swm Beau". . ' You who are in favor of allowing capital lonnnuol the whole machinery of gen-m -hum. Sm», as well 'n nahon'vd. vote for nukznirz'uud‘campbell-’ ‘ ‘ ‘ You‘w‘bo Ard in favor of oqinl rights to the poo: as well as the {11:11. value: Dans. Lingoh‘nnd Democracy. ,~ ' ' NOT A WORD. ' ' There in not. a viofd j‘n :he'Abolitiou Stale platform ngniust Negrb Sufl‘rage. Hintrunu and Clmpbell have been public y interroga ted an the same subject. but ha‘ve failed to onsmr” How then, can any funn‘wuo in Opp/uses! «mm doctrine, vote for 11.. r'tfunn ‘MoConnnzhy is Mghkned—And gel] ' Ind Vanish!!! ' > ' will bo. The 11, men o‘f‘h’amparch' ...‘—-.‘”,— ‘ v "#5; upon: \bim it’s sure tuner, 11:: ‘ _.‘KfObusggby um om thy TWES ic- tuin'uhrdug‘o‘in‘thogmou 1x mus: ‘ , - - , L.- l . . Aim F R A- U D l * l —— & l t. K I On Nomi-y. Connectirdt mind on the lm“ Y'OUR TIC - ‘ Ts. qdntlou oluriking the word “White" from | her (bu:titntion,‘und the popular verdict: in nuimt negro suffrage and equality. ; The nmondmfint wu defeated by 6000 1; There Wu no mistaking the issue in that; State. The Beputglicans took open ground ‘ in favor ot negro sufl'rngt‘. ’l'tieir jburmini “I’m-39d the adoption of the nmendmeqtg u of "(:1 importance tolihe nuccess of tha‘ party in the. steel struggle for negro "Mfr-gag and Equality; They were assisted in the cam-u by r» large mnjnrity oftha ¢lergy. who appealed to their congregations 9° vote {or the nmefidmeut. All that wealth and‘ influenge cou‘ld. do, was done in liver 0! thel meagre. _. § But it was defeated-églo'riously dare-12M; Let fth'e question be settled in the nine; Fly in Penmglvahin to—mormw l Remom-I her, Horace Greploy s‘uya “tfnegro sufrugz‘ 9': not an “we in I’mmylvam’a in the pruoil} cautellha know notwhntfi." A triumph of, the Republican party here will be cluiqmlv an a Lfiumph of the doctrine 0f Negro flu!- frngg. ' Remember that when you_go to vote. 7» ,1 m new-mm comm Ant-nar- mm “ ‘ BEVERAGE! , SOLDIERS! STAND BY YOUR RACE! Soldiersl you Who have home the brunt of battle and carried the musket, REMEM BER that the Black Rppubiir'un. Abqlitinn. Negro“ Voting. and Negro Eqnuhty~ partv ENDEAVOREDQO rob the OLD ARle 0? THE POTOMCAC of theirllemlv bnrlmd laurels in the CAPTURE OF RICHMOND, and triéd to give them to the NEGROES. Soldiers! do not forget that. the party beaded=by Hurtmnl‘t in this State openly proclaim 'th’ut XEGROE‘! WE'RE BETTER SOLDIERS THAN.WHITE MEN WERE. ' Soldiers ! do not. forget. that the A’BULI TIONJSTS fixed_up nice comfo:hblb bar racks‘for NEGROES'apd made ygd camp out in the open" field. Soldiers! you are now FREE to vote ns you lPasP. hnd we conjure you tbnt IF YOU {VOULD PRE‘ SERVE YOURSELVB‘S, YOUR WiVEs‘ AND, CHILDREN from the DISGRACE of being reduced to the LEVEL of the NE- GgiO, vote the whale Democratic Tuket. ;DEMOCR ATS,, REMEMBER! \Democrals, remember that you have but a few hours in which to prepare lor the; con tei-t. But a [cw hours to accomplish“ that whiclr is of more importance in you ' and your country,‘ than we lear; many of you feel. Are you up and doing? The enemy is leaying nothing undone that wrll insure you'r defeat or a. reduction of your majority at the polls. and it is only your own un- Liring devotion (01.119 good mus? in which lyou are engagpd, that will Jhwm-t llloir rnvliemm. AROURE! B_E_WAKEFU__L. BE 'WATGH FUL. BE VlGlLAS'l‘l Len no 129 mm of nqourily cause you to neglect. your duty! Let no prosreul. of success induce you to relax your lo mm. The greater our yictory this {all the easier the bunles will hercflter be won. NEGRO LEGISLATION. l , WTlmddeus Stevens, passing through Gettysburg, was induced by McConnughy to make a speech. which he (lid in the Court house on Mnndny night. The leading point was opposition to President Johnson’s plan oi“ restoration. He was furie in his denun ciations o.‘ the Dcmocratic party. and then impudx-ntly turned round and begged the vote: of the Democrats for the Abolition Candidates. He was particularly anxious to huge McConaugHy ond Uuuck Plocled—so nuwh .30 as to create the suspicion that he wants some NEGRO LEGXSLA‘HON t. Harrisburg next‘winter. Thaddeus is very sly, _but he nl - the cat at lpnst td“peep"outof the bag. Demdcruu and Conservatives, ynu have (av nythin: tn fear from an Abolition Legisla ture. McConnughy has all his life been a. negro advocate. and [lnuck would do ju<t what the leaders might tell him. Vote for neitherl , , S‘VOTE FOR DR. DAVID S. PEFFER for Tmbly. He Is qualified, and his 0;)- pon tis not. He will reflect. credit upon the county. and has the WI” and the al.lll - to secure full damages for our sufl'ermg people. ‘ QREMEM BER, Democrats, that every man on the Negro Sufimge ticket, during the past four years, stigmamzed you as ‘ tunnn.” "COPPERHEAD." &c EVERY ONEOF THEM WOULD HAVE GLADLY SEEN YOU HANGED OR 5801‘. We syy. remember this when asked to vote foraman on that. ticket. , ‘ ~ _ DISUN lON ! The Abolitionists are now striving to pre~ vent the return of the seceded states to the Uniofi. Thad. Swvnns says they must bl kept out, ur (La “Republican” party wih‘ Eve ruin ed .’ Thus. soldiers, your four yeurs’loil and sacrifice. the blood and the lfiea of your comrades. and the treasure of the country, given to én‘ng buck _the South. are. by these Aboiitionists. rend‘ered fain. ‘ thernm! Heroes! DOWN WITH ABOLITION AND UP WITH THE UNION! RDemocmts, Abolition candidates have had the Democratic ticket. COUNTERFEIT ED, with their own names stuck in here and there. Watch this thing! They cannot hope to be elects}! except by some TRICK ERY of this kind, knowing as they do “mt the county is decidedly Democratic. Amfin we shy ('0 Democrats.’ BE ON YOUR GUARD A'l‘ EVERY POLL! EXAMINE EVERY NAME! * _ . vm'rpnr. , - A glorious victory awaité us TO-MORROW if our frigndrsee to n that Inn Buccan xc v 01: xs mum. Let every Democrat. and every man opposed to thé ODXOUS AND DETESTABLE DOCTRINE 1:? NEGRO EQUALITY. be an!» pou- early, and do his wbql‘e dufiy. n-v‘om m HENRY s. BENNER for Protbouoluy. The office requires high qualificgtiom. These Major Benner hns. wb'imjgin opponent. has not. Major Ben ner. by‘gallant serviconpr'oso from Lieuten ant to ajor+l compliment. not often be lhwwed upon Democrats in the Army. { QDEMOCRA‘TS! friends of wh‘ito‘suf flags and opponents of Negro Equality, be .rigllanh'l‘mmorrow. Not. only vote the |WHITE MAN'S ’J‘lCKEl‘_youmlf, but see '11:“ your ndighbor comes to the election. Ba viylaut. and pea tbnt no Democrat is r suaded‘to cut I man on thy ticket. ”is eompos‘ed ofgood men and true, all of them oyposed to mono mun-7. ‘ AGAINST ANDREW JOHNSON ! Every man who vote: the Abolition Xe gro Sum-go Ticket at the cumin election. voles Igaiun. 4NDBEW JOHNéx, vole! Igmnet'endomng the President's muon tion whey. That ticket is placed on a platform which covertly disapprove: of that poncy. Ranamber‘ this, soldiers and cumin! WVOTE FOR WM. A. DUSCAN for District Anwruey. The mm, which he has diuplnyod u the pruecunug ofioer of tho commonwealth during the lost three yetriail known to all, and rum command hm ré-‘elemiou. ‘ ' —&—-————«..>————-_ We aré told that the Abolitionisln no circuhting Tickets. purporting to be Dem ocratic, flilh lha'ulme of WILLIAM A. DUNCAN for Senuwr, Ind CALVIN M. DUNCAN for Dmrict Attornoyi—whermu CA LVIN M. DUNCAN it tho Demon-am: candidate for Senator. and WILLIAM A. DULCAN the candidate for bum-Sc; Ab wrney l Democrata. match 1M» inlemal fraud,— Our opponents are desperale. and willjsmp at nothing. But. be vigilnn', and their denpzcnble game will recoil on them. 'ihe foiluwing is the genuine Democratic ,tic et: , ‘ Auditor General, WM.» W. H. DAVIS. ‘ Surveyor flanvral. IJOHN P. LINTON. Sonaior, LVIN M. DUNCAN. Assembly.‘ K AVID 8. PEPPER. . Protbonotnry, ENRY S. BENNER. Treasurer, :’ JACOB SHEADS. District. Attorney WILLIAM A. DUNCAN. County Commissioner. Amos LEFEVER. ‘Dxrector of the Poor, \ ABRAHAM KRISE, of A. JACOB C. PITTENTURF. County Surveyor. DAVID C. SMITH. SKIES BRIGHT! OPPOSED T 0 NEGRO SI’FFBAGE! DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS IQ‘The Demovracy nl'old Mountploasnnt turned out. in large numbers. on short no~ lice. n! the public house of Copmd Wag. ner. oh Monday evening. A substantial Inland ‘waa arecled in a. beautiful grave in frame! the house, proving a great con venience. The meeting was organized as follows : , Prea'ulnnt. \Vm. H. Lou. E~q. Vim Prpaidents. (‘apL A. Little). Samuel 11111, Elias Spunsler. fluid Sneeringer, Wm. A. Lit-“berry. Capt. S. Faber. Jacob Cash mln. i’v‘ter Ornrlorfi'. Jmmph Aremz. David B‘ebl, Francls )1. Buddy, Alloysihs Ecken rode. - Secretaries, Jo~Pph Spangler. Jmeph A. Hemlg‘r. Francie Rnudabnuyh. Henry Sneer ingenlfenry A. kavrt. Jul-n Slifer. Cal in M. Duncan, E 11.. Dl‘. D; S. Peffor, Jesse 11. .\'~-wmnn. E-q . W. A. Dunqun, £41.. 'm. McClPhn. E»q.. and 11. J. Stable addrefisod the meeung, wlieu iv. adjourned thh enthusiastic cheers for the cause and the ticket. WUn Tuesday owning, the Di-mocmcy of ('umherlnnd und surrounding townihlm had :1 mePLing at Francis Bveum's. on Mai sh crqckl Noiwilhslandmg the brief notice, the a tendunce was fine. The followmg was u 9 organization: Pre idem, lknnc Deardnrfi‘. Vic Prenidenh. Izzlllc ”orator, Henry Butt. Cornelius Daugln-rw, Ppter Smuer, D. C. Brinkethfi'. Levi M. Plank. Rimm uel Weaken, waiu ”nope, ancis lickon rode. ;Adum Unllzumth, Fraud: Bream, M. C.£ Banner, J. W. Lu“, 12-03., Ballzer Newport. Secéetmies. Wm. B. Myers, Henrv L. Breani. Raphael Sherfy, Frmlerir-k Dubs, Jacob 13. Hol‘zworth. John hrner. 4r. E. B Buehlcr. E=q.. Calvin M. Duncan, Ez-q . Dr. D. S. Perfer, lsMc Hei‘éter and H. J. Slahle vore the spz‘akers on the oc cm-iun. The meeting mijonrned‘ in excel lent cpirits. @Oll Wednesday evening A fnufiing meeting was held a! A. Benc‘hoof's. in P‘nir field. Thé attendance was among the largest we _ever saw there, and all was en lbnsmsml The officers were: ‘President, 1101 i. Jnnws H. Marshall. Vice Presidents, Wm. Culp. Andrew Sanderd;,lsuac llnreter. Aaron Woodring, Jense B. Topper, Jos. H. Bennett, Lewis Mchliiuglllin. Blnsius Kvbil, J. L. Firor, George ’l'i‘enkle, Robert Wutsmi. Zmlmnuh Myers, Zachariah Sanders" William Ballet, 4Moses Seabrcoks‘. George. Herring. William Winebrenner, Barney Biglmm, Win. Me- Cleaf, George FlSCel. Secretaries. Daniel Bieseclcer, John W. McConnell. Benj. J. Reed, Thomas Wine brenner, Henry L. Bream, Henry Hull, Georgé SellLJobn M. Reed. Speeches were made by Calvin M. Dun can. Esq" Dr. David S. Ifeffer. Wm. A: Duncan, Esq. and H. J. Stable, when the meeting ndjogrned Cwith jlong and loud cheers for the white inan’s ticket. Q‘The meetings! Middle'own on Thun day evening. crowded the salad-house.— Tbe organization consistetl of Ptesident, Isaac Myers. Vice Preeidpnfs, Jacob’ Mowery. Jacob Lents. Joseph Wolf,Valeutine SHhx, Jacob Peters, Wm. Crum,Solomon Orner, Samuel Eichollz, Wm. Ross. John Bream, Hezekiah Hofi'nqan, Samuel Leulz, ‘ Secretaries, Snmhel H. Eiclmlu, John Raffensperger. Aaron Wicker, Michael L. Hofimam G. W. Thomas. Henry Deardorfi‘, Wm. Bosserman, Henry Slothower. Speeches were made by‘Dr. D. S. Petfer, Calvin M. Duncan,‘Esq., J. H. White, Esq., and H. J. Stable. when the peeting ml journed, ready for the worlg on Tuezday. ’ n. 1,”! fan. when Mr. Sharpe, of Cham bersburg, made a a col: here, be was pre sented by several Rifles with begun.— McConnughy sneeringly ‘remarked than. "Mr. Sharpe must. feel complimented at re ceiving boqueu from In’rul guts!" New McConaughy would be only too glad to get the vow: of the fathers and brothers of {fired girls, who. because they are‘ poor, a’re oqmpelled to do work in the families of those whq are better 03' in‘ this world’s 50061:. ‘ 3313 to the Demoéxatic ticketr we oflnlleng‘e‘ comparison, from teginu‘mg to end. Citium of Adams! the Democmu of fer you a splendid ticket. from Auditor Gen eral to Surveyor! Vote it from to to bot tom. without I nume cruised. or IFeHPI' ul len-ct~ Remember that SOLID SHOT ,mnke a hnle wherever they but. #We understand that the Rapublioan meeting .1 Pelenburg on Mondnv evening Wu a slum nfi'uir. McPherson undertook to demolish the Democratic party from some urnpnmn. whim McCon-ughy tried m "wipe om" Judge Blwk ind the editor of the Compiler. The gun knocked it; own, or ever! . SOM Mchnaugby charge I poor hixed girl F 11" I‘Y DOLLARS for oolleoung I claim of slso,'merely by writing 3 leuer: ‘.Rem‘empe'r, that. when McClure, of Frankhn. presented n bill in the Laginh ture lo Idjud‘xcabe the losses bj rebel raids, the Republican voted it down! ”The New York Republican Conven tion passed 3 x‘eudlution in {not of the "full “3"“ c.fcitiwuhip ofall.":-_in other words; n. fuor of thee-gem wining md wag Mica. XVII!“ men, . you endow: mob a poncy ? n- . ‘ mngkffif-WWP’WW-‘M nun”; Q'HONEST MEN, READ! .A Card. Nine year: no 4h“ month, i, holding: Oa tlticeto Deed for 120 sores of land in love, meeting with Devid McConnughy, Exq , At torney at Law, in Gettysburg. and desiring a Pntent Deed tor the said lend, the nld Mc- ‘ Cnnaughy mentioned that he was going to‘ Washington city the next morning, and he ed vieed me to give him my Deed and he would get the'PJtent Deed for me, and save me the expense of: trip to Washington mylelt’. Supv péiiug nll would be right I gave him my Deed for the purpose mentioned. Some time After ward: l celled on him, Ind found that my Deed wzu still in his possession. Whether he ever went to Wungington or not, 1 do not know.— Time After ti e. hundredrot‘ times I may say, I called on him for the Patent Deed ;just as of ten he would my, “I Am busy, call now: other day." Getting no utin‘acrion. although I had paid him five dollarl, Ind getting tired of be ing put oi! in this way, I then demanded the return of my Certificate Deed; the Answer wu to that, time nlter time, your after year, “just pug out“ call in ngnin." Thin went On for eight long years, until last fall, on one of my Visit: to his office, upon my telling him posi tively, in the prSGIIc, of n witneu, I was bound to 11th my Doed,[ we: ordered to leave. About six weeks ago, having taken steps for the purpose,l dizcoyred (not through McCon nughy, you may he sure) that my Certificate Deed WM nlnng with Bflld McConnughy's Deede, at Council lilutfs, lownl Let the public make its nun comments upon such conduct. 1 pre uume the public verdict would he that i should have my Deed, but it is kept from me-in the wny stated. ' , l Mu a Republican, and a thorough onc,nnd intend voting all the,Republ\cnn ticket except for David .\lct‘ouaughy for Senator. It he can treat me in the way he has done, he can treat the publicr in the nine way, if he ‘get: the chance. A: far as I can prevent it, he can’t have that chance. Calvin 3i. Duncan is the man of my choice. Bonn MCGAL’GHY. Franklin tp.,Selit. 16, 1865. NOW READ CardNo.2! Mn: EDITOR or'm'r: Couriunz—Mr. Mc- Conaughy m n-ply to my card says he has paid the taxes on my lowa land. 11‘ they are pmd it is unknown to him. I called on him frequently for the receipts. but he never pruducad them. I acknowledge that lowe $3O or $4O taxes. I gave him 120 acres and $5, and if the.county thinks I might In [my more I will do it. He says I have fallen into bad hands. [do not want. the Democratic party blamed, I am respon sible lur it. all. He says something about inennity. I have never been in n Lunatic A>ylum, and 1H had [would think it no disgrace. ido ncl. think that. would be as had an to chvat three little children out of apiece of Gull-forsaken lowa land. Now, Davy. acknowledge the corn. No mom at pre=ent. but remain your “affectionate" chem till death. ROBERT MCGATYGIIY. V I will have to pay two more laWyPrs be sides bimwlf Inge: '.lm Lnryd Cermionw. which will be more expensive than the originulcost of the land. HORERT MLGAUG H Y Out. 3, 1863 xfifltohnrt McGuughy called tit nu}- ofiipe the other day, and declared. over and over again, [but he bad I‘m! signed :1 card to uppezu in the .s'mr. WML-Cinw's Chgmbprdmrg Ripon'lnry in Ming largely rircuhted In this county, bPl‘the it unnmme a little pufl‘cry o! McCon gughv. Mxt'ime need mil unfit-Nuke to ml the peoph- hora who and what )IcC'ni~- uug‘ny is. 'l'lwy Know him bell” than he duet, 31' he maxi/18 what In} paper sags. WYOI‘E FOR JACUB‘SHEAIR Jur Trvnsunw. HP is a gentleman ul «'xcvllent character and fine business qlmllficatinnfi. who u ill mnungo the fiuam-es ol the unmty ‘.HLII honesly. capacity and fideluy. [l4- ls n poor mun, "I‘M Hing lxii daily bread lvy the went. at hxa brow.” There 1: owe more deservmg. @Abolttiun newspapers are endoni‘nr ing to clean-the impression that itisthe clu ty of election officers to refuse the votes 0! men who lelt the district in Wllltll they were enrolled, to avoid the dralt. The election oificer who pnyt- any attentinn to the proclamation. or law. under winch this chm: of men are to be tlisfrnnchiaed. wxll soon find hiln~¢~ll in very hot water. Neith er Congrvsc nnr Abraham Lincoln had any’ right to interlcre'with election luws ol sov ereign States, or to dictate who mall, or who ehnll not, exercise the Ugh! ol'snfltage. The law of Pennsylvania in. that. every white freomen, over the uge of twenty one years, who has been duly assessed and pnul his tax, is a legal voter, and‘no law oi Con"- press or Presidentiul edict can deprive him of the rigllt 01 an elector. > ‘ ’ WDEMQC‘RATS. go to the polls early. [emnin all day, and WORK for the success of the ticket. See that every Democratic vote is pnlled. Let none rennin mny.’ A FULL VOTE 18 CERTAIN VICTORY ! ‘ ;e-vm‘E AFOR AMOS LEFEVER for ‘ Commissioner. In these times ofhigh and ,burthensogne taxation, it is very important ‘ to have in the Gommissionen’ office men .who willgcurefully guard the trauma offhe ‘ counly from unnecessaryexpendilure. Mr. ‘ Lel'ever I's just. the man for the place. ' < HE‘ML-Connugby has had published an hfl'udnvit (proven' to be a falsehood-manu factured out'the whole cloth) in regard to our arr-e” in 1863, but he does not. dare to deny his own malignant complicity in the infamous tmnuctiou. He knows‘ THE DOCUMENTS are against him, And fears :0: have them ! QBORDER SUFFERERS. rgmember that. two, successive Republican Legisluturel REFUSED lo give you a cent. lowuda your losses. Calvin M. Duncan and Dr. Pefl'er are Democrats, and will give youfiarneat and ho‘nedt help. Vote for them. and you vote 10:- YOUR OWN INTERESTS! W‘Democrsts of Adams, remember that even the Judges of your Courts are assailed by an Abolition journal with the Muskeg defamation I WVO‘I‘E FOR ABRAHAM KRISE of A" (or Director of the Poor; JACOB 0.. PI’I‘TEN'I‘URF for Auditor; and DAVID C. SMITH for County Surveyor. They no nllaoo'mpetem men for the respective peei tiom. g?) and rename Democnu, md honest en. w‘l‘h‘e Clumbenburg Repuilory say that “when the rebels invaded Pennsylv» nis. in 1863, Mr. McConlughy devoted his whole time Ind' energies'to aid the Union army.” , How did his "masterly len-at” to a neighv bar’s gum: "aid 1115’ Umon army 1" Sena. nible people don’t m n. In (hut light. 3.0! the mo Senators and eighteen members of the Legislature nominated by the Republican party of Philadelphia not. one bu ever rhouldered a musket or drum a sword in defence of his country. And ya. this in the action of the party that pre lends such you friendship for me solghezl Comment. is unnecessary. a‘VO l‘E THE WHOLE DEMOCRATIC TICKET iron: top to bounm. “It is a WHITE MAN’S TICKET. Not a mum”: it in in l‘nu‘ur of NEBEO SUFFRAGE and NEGRO EQUALITY, , Laborersl—Rocollect that. in supponing the Abolition ticket, you help to make our-elven liable for the tug- of the rich. ‘1 mun"; to snug Lbs money xh bun inn-min “hon " from mam? Are you in favor at doing so? - , mx‘wm mm 001'! 1 to l it to he my duty tnstnto whst I know, , __ , 3n Wt", tho mutter for which he is un-' - r ‘ or an . HlB L {ls—l.. GAS P. l “En the first of July lsst, while engaged! The public will remember am on the in the £191" of Gwyshurw wan wounded dny utter the'bsttle of Gettysburg. in July, "Id C‘lfd on I Efrem!" to his house. and , 1863. 'l, were arrested-ad sent to the head- , was. cordially flattened to his hospitality. L quarters of Gen. Pstrick, Provost Msrshsl :5] Md be” m ”’9 1‘0“” s‘” “mm/7" of the Army of the Potomac, o for mug, mwm whtn two rebels entered the cellar, south of this lace. This was on Saturday. 7 “”3 ""0 came ““0 ”‘9, WWW» ‘ 0n the next (lamina the evening. we had an: M‘y wound trOublmg “.19. I requested interview with Gen. Patrick, during which . Mr. btnhle to go to the hospital on the nexti he made, nearly wcrd for word. this decla- ‘0'?" for I ""390“ 1° “"91“? mo. U Wu! ration: “I was in town to-day on your now very daogerous to be seen in the streets,’ me_ 1 westhst it u a palm“; atl‘air. and and no emu—n ventured out. However-4 ‘will send you home in the morning for rev M" Stnhle "FY .kmdly made “‘9 MWWPW lease. But.” be dried, uwe were turning ‘0 “3"“ the hOSP‘Wlimd “PW“‘W'EWIM "110 nw-y, “if an afiduvit be 'made.‘ and there, 3814?"! '0 come 1° my "119,- . [ seems to he an effort in that direction. the “H" [the surgeon] seemed '0 be m 11"“1 case will be beyond my control.” This af- hséte, 53“ 11% could 00‘ attend 10. me at; fidavn (without which McConlughy’s man pr‘fsent. but directed that] should send for‘ lignantipurpose could not. have been a... a arbor to shavethe hair {rota the woundi ruined) wag mode. At whose jnétnnce the, I ilequested MI. Stuhleito obtain one, which ‘ render may infer. i 1194“"!- _ J , ‘ 2» Near the close of the first day's fight. a llturther desire to tote ”P“ ‘_‘““08 "‘PI ‘few minutes before the rebels not possession “"99 days ““d umhts ! lay in [“5 house, I l of the “3",. Lt. Col. w. W. Dudley. of the he _rd from Mr. btahle no word. _saw no ncts ll9th Indiana Volunteers, was. brought to ‘7’ 10h 1"“ me even ,l° suspect dlsl°¥£“,lb~‘ rour residence, by several of his men. on a 0. ‘l'" 4°“an his “1018 conversation, , stretcher. He was prom tly taken iu,qndll" “Cl’v End ”PD?“"“"°° made “P 0" my in"), attention bestowetfto make his con-1 m nd thesmpresemn‘of' unqualified loyalty. ldition as comfortable as possible. His i‘l‘ ’5 9““ 3‘o him “I“? "Him“ m“ during ;wound ",5., severe one. in the leg, ”,9 to; stay In his house I received from him_. 'hone being terribly crushed. we ,f and My the most constargt add cheer -4 his proper here to state that in five mlin- 1" ““9““0'“: and "E“? bun “-9 among '_‘/es after Col. Dudley’s arrival at our dwel-‘I m warmest and trueswnends. 'lmg. several rebelsoldiersentered the housei ' Signed) “ ‘"~ W- Dvnur. ” 'in search of Federal prisoners; and that, ,L'“ (3011' I,9‘h Infl- Vo}- ‘about the same time, nearly or fill the hou-, 9 COL Dad]?! 3 31*" “Vllz‘méde at unolh sea in the neighborhood were searched also. er line. he states “'3‘ 9‘" £OlO3 01“,“)? fl ‘ Aflidflgu' ”k", befol-e , proper officer nu geon was full or’-o hour: ajler the rebels soon arm, PROVED thatlhe'house of ms“ lewd lb? “‘_‘“- i , « . vid A. Buehler (the Post Office‘ building) I COPY “QMCCOMUEIBY B ”it". as s‘lso of Ewes included in their Search. The reader,‘ 1- Dudley AW” forwhrded ‘0 Gen. COHCh. ’ in order tpunderutand the case thoroughly,‘ B‘iCthbeflbm‘gv ‘0 whom ‘6 discoverEd Imust rememberthe 6n’gffntmalhetween thel “$909303"? had 9“?" denounced us.— : capture of‘the town and the searches "POJ “lhxlst reading these letters, the friend who ken of. - I bore them to him noticed a sudden cloud l Cnl. Dudley’s wound was painful, rind u, 0,“ l'ls.['"°"'“ “@9908 weib'h'y 503- ‘notwithstnnding the administration of such { P mn had entered lnslmlnd “5 “mush I“? ,stimulants as were at hand, he sufl'ered ti ,5"?! "“19”” “W ”’9 I‘Pr‘OMIEHHSO ‘much. A surgeon was' his great wn'nt. li'e w ‘gh prompted the efforts fol‘ourdlsgrrlco. ‘helievml that. his leg would ha’ve to be am-‘ “91"“ml‘9d 1° “Wk "“0 ”‘9 mHNP‘jlm' putatrd, and the sooner the better, he said. In drately, ““1 0“ “1," S“,}‘SHW‘3M Friday 'lt wns dangerous for any one .to go upon . e emng. a len-“KW“ '9‘“?le M- the -F_o|‘t the 'slreett the “whiz” oi the Minnie ball,“ in him. in which he stated that lmvmg being l'quuent ; but this man was suffering, l ddllblfl Of our gurlt._ hf? would “"88““ 0‘” and thinking only of help for him, we de- “SP6?“ 0“ parole—m lull“; 33W? 15“" ullu. termin’ed to make any risk under the cir- d 1?” ‘0 McConaughy 1:3 We {Nd ‘ --- - . ' ‘v'u took our depart re fr ,he lo" cumstuncca. We reached a neighboring llnspttnl in safety, and secured the rurgical "‘ aid he desired. But this was fully 'rwo _ not'as arm: the rebels had made their “ search of the houses in the vicinity. : 3'l ;’l‘he surgeon came, examined the wound, l" directed us to continue the cold water treat- l‘l ment. and to serum a barber to remove the ,“4 Hood—clotted hair from abouttlteuuund. "1 This luuher we also went, ultvr and net‘llltd "j —-i|e tht-n' residing in East Iliddle street, h] about two squares off. and in our mute of 3‘, course pn‘rsing the dwelling of D. A. Bueh lI‘T, as it is located in the centre ot'the ud joining block. But on going and ietdrniug, we were. entirely “on, a fact ful'ly estab lished by ;the olths of most respectable par tirs‘uho mp us pass along the block and the very house at I). A. Buehler itsell.- Hedda we have the sworn testimcny of Col. Dudley that we went out only to sedure help tor lam. leaving his bedside at no other time. and he is backed up by the‘ mxtlw ol hevFl‘ul other persons who had taken refuge in our house. .. The redder will observe, therefore, that the rebels searched imd captured the Fede r:t!,pri~oriers~ in this vicinity in u ,t'u‘v "unite: after thty pot possession of the tuun ; and. that we were not upon the street during the hrrt lu'n [mun thereafter, and [then only to perform tau act of humanity. Our citm n: will remember how general w is the alarm felt, and that all were glad to he allowed to remain securfily in their Lumen. not knowing what moment tho (‘lltlllt‘r's of battle would deal out death and destruction among us. We had he mlety of a wife and children to care forheaide our 0W", and itis unnatural to suppme tltut mn‘ muse not the tno‘st pressiuu could have itulut-ed us to go upon the street at all. llut the duties of hospitality were itiiprrntu'e, and “e risked our life to i-etlotnt them.— Distiess and suffering have newr‘nppeuled llu Us in vain, and never Let'qre did we. feel the doctrine of “doing unto “others up. we would be doughy" touch our feelings more terribly. , llut whag came of it all? This not, thus disinterestedly performed towmtht stranger, ,tt‘ns. through political malice. distorted mtn u treasonuble crime ; going upon the street «tune. for a surgeon and a balbel‘. was met amorphosed into being seen there with a rebel officer pointing out Union prisoners! [l'he honest reader may Well‘bo u<toundmt at the reckless, dewlieh maltgnity whioh could so basely pervert an act ot hocpitulity in’ order to compass our‘ruin—but such was the cue nevertheless; and m a result, we were torn from‘our home and imprisoned in :\ Federul “Bastile.” . We were sent to Fort lift-Henry, nenr Baltimore, upon what' clnirpes we did not know-and though frequently applied for, they were never furnished us. Alter being there about a week, (requiring as much time to get there.) we were discharged on parole, with the intimation that that. was the last of the matter. It was supposed to he personul and liticalpand so treated. We teturnefoto Gettysburg on Sunday evening, the 19th. That same night we were again arrested. by the military Ituthor ities here. but promptly released—McCon nughy‘desiring the .former, but not the lat ter. . On the following Saturday, we rece’ved a letter from the Fort, asking us to“ return.— We did it without delay, reaching it on Sunday afternoon. The same evdningflen. Morris sent for us, to see him at Headquar ters. Upon appearing there. the General remarked that he supposed we were aston ished at being ordered back. We' replied in. the amrmative, 'out said that probably it was all for the better. We suspected that news fiendish political Opponentyas It the ‘ bottom 17‘ it, and we could afford to sufler more 'yet in Order to discover him—and hoped Gon.Morris had now "We enough to enable us to place our linger upua Ma very man. We naked him why he ordered our return. He replied, "a letter from Gettys burg.” We asked to see it. and it was pro duced. There it mull—«‘in the handwriting ty'auddgnad‘by D. McC‘JNAUGHYI . 'We had lufi‘ered personal exposure for wash, and had been branded throughout he land a a. black-heérted villain and trai- Lr. But all was. on the instant, obliterated i by the happy discovery that. now the malig not. lying “informant" had been csught, and the means to rave his dumning com plicity no longer Beyond our reach. We so expressed out-self to Gen. Morris. and naked him for a cow ot the letter. He. granted the re nest, and on Thsday the; 1 copy 1m handed us, with the copy of a let ; ter received from Col. Dudlev, who. hearing iot‘ our again gomg to the Fort. could. not.l ‘ rent without raising his voice in our vmur ‘ cation. McConuugby’sleuer dated 1h 19th the ‘ - ' '0?! day of our fits! ”LL-11,) wuiddre'ued‘ u“ take you "be" ‘Pm "° some stands to Gen. Schenek, through whom he did 'nm of "s'“ “d some "h“kefl' fox-I mpmant. mppose exposure would ever Thl! "I _ltrong—-but it. had the m.) féllow. But Schenck sent it to the Fan, “P“ 0“ bemg“ too "’035 McComugby 9nd to that lucky clrcamsuace were "a; hlmlelf saw thxs. for in his legtgr to Gen. Indebted for the clue whlch led to an un- Schenck be fixed lle number at. only flvefling of the whole case. NW"! 0' “We", and said not one ""1 In this letter McConaulzby mid (hat “1133‘ about “stands 9f arms" or “whiskey.” He‘ charge against him [us] was that. he [we iuw thnt the Juli "a” would b 6 too much hm betrayed into the hands ef the rebel ; for rven Schenck to sylllow, and hence oflcen, twelve or t/mteen Union Soldier: 1m?“""ed it’down to simply “"7“" 0' who had sought refuge in‘ a ptivate dwelling! thxrleeh soldiers." : here.” And that by our mien” “a 8’9!“ Wuhan): also said (but upon “such: misfortune had befullen the service and that EOlqug 0'" ” “1° ”,1”! 05°" entered “'9‘ cause oféoynhy here. i I [MCConaughq T 371980 qnd-Lhzlggldlen‘ weg‘Mpml-edi‘...‘ ma sen on with this ‘ ‘ 15 1’0"“ ”‘3 I" “on 0 PW" il 9113:." y . acolry of the (031' I “figment ulterly_ fatige—beouiu met-i The letter orCoI. Dudle - ‘Pmon- residing m amml am the risb‘ “moi" M" oftenytggfl Bxfif‘yebegsynwr Mr. Buehler’s house within g dentisuy ‘5O. We subjoin the m 6» it: .._ fag mumta nfm they leapmudf ab ‘0'"; gm Wm“: W lhll‘t COL Dudley and on“: IW g“. .“Imningflni an. a. J. sumo. 019.912“? w“ " ""° ”m °“' °' °“' s°“! WIN“. 111-bye» refilled to Fofl Hofionry, *Gol. Lilo-in’! 39“un ‘ We took our de‘pa'rtiiro for t.. aching Gettysburg oh Sunday. The Compiler at onod opened out, ventila (ix the outrage, and! driving the blame imp where it belonged. to McConnughy. in: was done for several weeks, but did 9 reply I—Llid he deity his hand in the ;menction ?—did he leven attempt to drny ! Not one word. li‘nehug that he Wns nghl. and that be h ‘d no ground ql‘jmti ration before a tail-minded public. he ;ught only to slink iron) their gaze iaml A oid onmll sides "theipointing" 01’ ":COI “'5 u Gl'l‘lltfl finger.” Though fond of item-im p r scribbling. and etier quick tor persuuul r ntroversy. he did not dare to put one syl» it his in plant! Though defied m it at er fulul oxer runin. he wits silent as the grim. . LBul he (lid not rrat’. (‘uught and mu rd 2 he was. the venom‘rin his [Henri only be. chute l-lntln'r. Hg had stmted Cut to lzaip ul» din-grinned and Ille‘CWnpt/U' summ «ml. 'lfhr thing had recorléd upon him, and lu rxiuat seek some sort oi relief from the oilium ih’c sticd under. . l _ jWithout mu' knowledge, he managed to siir up the math-r ngnin, un't’. we we mam informed that it not undor inn-{tiuutznni lit-re tor eevunl \vu'lid, a [lug/ad,” Grmm/ ‘ [lilt‘n-I] [lte‘rr suit M‘n' mink/y fur [lull pulp/w .' ll cCuuuughy rnna=u-lt£d r wry hole and cor-1 n‘fr for something ag in=t IN, determined! that he would bt- win with us somehow! Ilut ht» laxlml—utterl . failul. in a court! .ol’ his own party, whole lmmnl his ti ethnoi if)! were henrgl dny ut' er day, (we not even : hnvmg a knowledge hat nuch 11 thing Was: 'gplng on.) he iuilinlt mukn :1 point :iguinbt‘ ug—unfl, as a norm qiienco. Gen. Cnurh is-i sued a speciul order qtmshing the nlmlc zit-I l'ilil'. ‘ ‘ Thin it ended. Render, make your own ‘ cmnments. 3 . t The impressions which thic attest mudn‘ upon our mind were (if an indellihle char -1 actor. and we determined not to Inge sight; 0; it—hut, when tlielproper time uriived,§ l (9 endeavor to colludt. a lull history, orcrut‘ ! as much of it was confidered to be. especial-l ’ly l-_v Mchnnughy. i . l i j We have, thvteiore, addressed inquiries “in various directional. and ure happy tat Islute that they‘ have met Wllll the must satisfactory respon~e~i. When all nre col-I lizcted. we me sm'e they mil cnnstilute al vmy readuble hiaturv, and ~how McCan-i uughy up in a light which Will_tnilucc everyi honest man in any party to tum hi: lacoi from him. ‘ i We suhioin a few extracts from letters, 'recpived. us a imetniite. A thinguished‘ fallir-er in the Army ‘of the Potomac, (thel j mention of wheae naiue would Maggi-r Mc- ConuughyJ in a lottfr to ue. duteitb‘ept. ‘22, 1865. after gmfih some particulars al ready related. says: i f “1 recollect. lltlle iniore on the nul-jecti than that earnest efi'qrtswere made to havel the paper you publish Jmpprexud. and thuthj several pormns, inc!u%ng Mchung/ty, worn . itupon me.” 1 I 5 i An nflicer in Coir} Allemnn’s regiment., : under date of Sept. ‘7 . 1865. writes: l ' ‘ “Soon after our u not at Gettyshurg. I i heard cf your arrest 11.1 What the charges were against you. ‘ think McConauiiiy told all nbnut it. in imy presence in r. l Duncan’h oflice.* I never doubted that be‘ -was agbthe bottom qt it. Before we left , l Getty: urg we were ordered by some higher} Slower to take the testimony in your case. ‘ ‘lcConaughy busied himaelf In hunting up the evidence. and I wins Informed was pru- l ‘ent at the examination. I examined the 5 testimony afterwards; und very soon made 1 up my mind that therein“ nothing in the me." i From a still higher otficvr in tlmt regi~ went, under date of Sept. 28. 1865, we have . {'this information: 1 I ; "He (McConaughy) was active in having‘ ‘the arreit made. and’ busied himself not I-Only in your arrest, hint was very anxious ' that. majlyotherl should be arrested." ‘ i We have more on; hand. but must ntopy j short in order to notice the latest trick oil l McConaughy. Attached as he was nboutit ’more than two years ngo,.n‘nd as be has 'been quite recently,J be his not dared a l word of denial. Bat: feeling the full force' [of our earposures, and driven to the Will, I he threw: himself on‘ mother fatty. in or der to screen himself from pub is odium. i We have said that the afl‘idavit on which iwe were arrested wu never furnished us. I McConwghy. however, supplies the curi ; unity. He h-s had a circular prigtzd eon ; Mining this ufidnvit, and is now ing it thunded about. by such as are willing to nerve him. In thirafiidnvit, one Francis iWilliams. (raid by those who know him t 6 ‘ be a trifling. halt-crazy creature,) makes out in ntory of thin kind: That we went with ;n rebel ofioer to the front of I). A Bach. I ler’s house, Ind remarked, “here are ninety fiva Union wldien in this house," end “i wicbln'lw how: am chit event 3 William: further mud; “This Henry J. Suhlo was: air-anger to me. but 1 ro cognizofl him on the street nnd pointeti him out to Mile Elmira Fromm-n, Ind dun Mr. David A. Buehler, (ha: awning, wbt} stated that his name was Ilenr J. Suhlm'» Now. the trth is. that DniJA. Buehle: WAS NOT IN TOWN u. the limo. Wan (If! wiM Me PM Ofica mailer, and dd and 7;. turn until after we run taken away! in brief. nomilbatnnding McCannughy'. devfliah determination 10 have us convict. ed in some Ihnpe or other—notwithstand ing his presence at examinations and out abunce—(he Mary was found 16 be IQ ridiculously unitue by even McConnughy'Q political miliury friends that they diamiu‘ ed in. thun vindicating our character, and branding him as a cowardly, cold~blooded and malicious pafsecutor. - A statement. iust handed us. by Q mac! respectable citizen. clinches the lie upon William:, and with it. we clou {or lhq present: '1 “About oné year ago I ypeni. come time at Harrisburg. nuiaiing in filling the quote of Cumberland township. Adams county.— Whilst, therefl. one day, fell in convene tion With a némlemnn, (whooe name I did not inquire.) who was no olficer in the U. nion army l". ,ihe time of'the battle of Get.- tysburg. rln~ilie course ‘Ofi said convem tion he found 1 was from the nei hborhood of Gettysburg, and asked me if fknew H. J. Stable. Ilold him I did. He then al luded to the arrest of Mr. Smile. and spoke ofit as an outrageous piece of business. re sulting from political and personal malice. 'l‘his officer said he knew the soldier who had made the affidavit against Mr, Stable, and that when, soon afzeriards, he (the officer.) in the presence of the soldier's brother; took him to mi: about 111-king luch an affidavithe conleused that. he knew nothing about Mr; Smhle. and (AM be new lo what other-MI.” people told Imin. Ila Inul no pen-anal Iriiou-ledgr qf his own On (he added.— 'l‘he ofiicer upbruidulliim for allowing him self to be (muffle the tool of others. and hi: brother and he was ashamed of him. The ofiicer seemed to be a highly honor nble man. and wlmt heusid to me was on tirely volumury on his part. (‘gmszuu DA t‘GIIIRTY." 01m mospzc'ra The fnllnwmg is an extract tmm a privnlo lellPr to the editor of the Cumpilcr, (“NM Philadelphia. Sept. 29th : ' Things look wall hma. Some of nur friends even~ hope I'm; the sun-Ma nrmn tick?! in Philadelphia. but I (In nnt go no fur as lhnl. vll we cut (lrm‘n tlw Republi can unnjmity lhree m fnur llloumlnll. (which I verily believe me will.) ynuul‘ llna IlNl-‘rlul' mm! do tlw rML We may 1m niI’SUOO n! 'the begvy Republican mnju-rily of lust. full. We expm‘l ln mun lmlLl~4mm-|v in All?- u‘wuy. wry lap-yoly (from u lncal must) m Vemmgn. nnll levtg a moat nan-vainlv lul ln-r "mm llhntr as In {he prawn-u thew.»— Svlnu llull “wk-4 lu-m‘r tllun ‘ mind. In =hmt our Moimnl: lrnm the intone-r primr nll; ;;n'e «Wuhan-cu that ii mm Ih'Ll‘ndh I1):- nn l "helm-silo w) “hula-r we “111 m...” [lu- hlatt‘. l ’ EIM z ‘ HUGH-YER! ‘ Jclm (‘.-551”, (ilmnmnp n! lhfl Ahuhlmn ‘Slats (‘ommiu’ma 1.: now (1 mhhg (In; coun v [IV wuh :l lugmphlvt‘ [ryllullllllu [0 contain gum xmfmcl of HlO Demm-mlu- puny {rum .INW In ”VI-1% Jnhn himw-H In I‘VE-II lunmLu ‘tbrPc yum: u'an :u hulf n) “In! rem-uni. u‘ul E-whrtlw‘: gun“ or Ind. hp I: Ir.-|unm|.lu ‘nr :1 gum! Khan-[U IL, Inn'l it no”. II M? I: - ‘mnnl‘ uno M “the dog ”ml ”mun-u. no 1 [IH kun 33-3111" , _ ‘ FUNNY ! Th» Abolifiunhh hm- lun HIP cnunlrv five bemn- dblullurs in I]! M : inTH.xu lim .9 ~ucce~>wv H ;"m. rlvnrun'lb h-lvnmnu ll llml lmH)’ Jmu- H-Mvrul rim 'l' rl «any uml hePn drivenpnm it in disgrace, 1h» his! one only thu- mlu-t day ; and _w-t )mojn Allunn Mummy. lhofi Want to 1 rim! mm lIH‘ 'l'ré-ut met-R nn‘inu, H o Cumnu-a mm-L' Mfiv» and the Punr Home (0 Ju mux'e alt-Mung I Yun nj’, isn’t '11? «In _ ~ BRAG! DRAG! BRAG! The Abnlitionifits are blowing to keep up lhvir courage. 'l'uvv nth-rt lu but thus .m-l so. bun lhr-y “cuvu” when called np-n x.) put up Lhe'ulough.” Let nu Dumncmt brL until after he husyvlenl. .\'H'm' mind Ilwir bragging. “Bung i: u gum] dug, but. Hull 0:1 is n bmlgr!” HOW THEY LOVED THE SOTIDIERS' In Lll9 winter 0! IM3}: n Wounded snluln-I', named Berklmm-r. lmvmu but his one fly» Ihm out In battle. m m 10' hm home in St. Clair Ip. on n Imlnuyh. lluppumng' in over slay his leave ot‘nlm-mm. on "would ng fx'uhlt‘nusi, armada of Ahnhlnm kmvm smvlc him am and burnt"! lnm ofi In 1m X‘i‘fllml‘lfl. for wind: LII/U :7" //.e mun n! Uur/.1 41-4/0”. 'lhgl'x lhe “-v the Almhlmnid‘ loved the withers! livlurnrd volrrnn‘! what dq you think oh: ‘3—Bulfurd Guzsl/r. _. . ...» masons Lao vom m WASHINGTON! Sequtox Wilson, . OLAIn-mchuselle, hm! declared that as soon ms angluss nwels, he an“ ‘mtrodhce a lull granting Hm rug‘ut. of suffrage to Um negroea ol (ha Dalricl of Columbia. 'l‘hiu wrlf prnclu‘ully put the city government 01! \Vashinmon mthm the control ofalot nfnegrnos, who "don’t know B from a bull’s £101.."- 'l'lwy can then elven negro Mayor if thryclvsuem ((050. Whu. a nice luture for the Federal capuall Down 0": Cutboliex.—Every German Ind Irish Catholic Lnborer lins'heo-n turned OR the public works by the Abolition authori ties of the city of Chicagn to make room for miti~Catholio Abulitianiats'nnd negro“.— No Catholic is allowed a day's work. Such is m be the rule in every city that fulll un der the entire control of the Abolition par ty. ‘ Negroes and Abolitionms ure mailing a monopoly of all public bemfiu. ~The Springfield Journal. a violent Republics; organ. says ”we have killed slavery. now let'us kill Popery." It is to be liopevl that. the party which suggests tpoliticnl crusade sglinst religion. Will be repudiated bithe American peoplq.-—Lanc¢uler Irdelligmer. ‘ 7715 Real Fan lo a Rama! ”Mom—NM n ‘ Reémblican Slate Convention has yet fully an fairly endorsed President. Johnson’- polmy, while every \Democraiio State Con vention has“ One Rfilub‘licnn State Con ,ventionijmnnuou) has directly con dcmne and denounced the Precident’s policy, mad the rest of them hue nken exception to and by inuendo condemned his ”mild and generous method of recon strdction.” Notions Democratic Conven tion has done so. Some of the Republican Conventions have sel»Btani.on above Ibo Pruidenl. ;nd four olhern have antiqued negro uufi'nge, to which Johnnon is opposed; No Democratic Conveniinn has thug "op. posed the Government.” Taking’nll these facts together. we find (but, the on], m. and WM :uyparl which i: accorded flu Prui dent. In his arduous labor: in n mmfio oi the Union, comes [mm the Dammafic party]; W. 6nd, also. that (In: oriiy ohm-Io barom raa'on oil/ll Uninn. North or Bmm), {lt/u radical wing of 11:: Republican yarty I—Patriol t 9 Union. fiT/w World wants to know “whit. Thaddeus Stevens will my to the notion of the President in respect to aonfllcuion, so soon after his confiscaiinn speech I" Be is.- asthe World truly observes, m‘ouupuken old gentleman, and We shnli doubtlonhelr from him again on this whit?! gt tho open ing of Congress, if not. be om. Whatever my be the merits of his remains; seems to nuke litsle impression on tho resident, who, before the neupapon ind been done commenting on Stevens! speech, ardent] 0 suspension at all confiscation proceeding in Virginia. . ' who: White Men: Rama-layer. am in nth. .qu manna: 9011 I“. ”3" support {a _- mu who lion- JOII 9" up better Hun negro“; - ‘3 ’
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers