The compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1857-1866, October 02, 1865, Image 1

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    gw-M r'r‘ , w v‘
-» 9 ms.
_ W'—
The Column: in published every Monday
morning,~fiyrflun J. Snnu, at. $2 00pm
annum if pdd atriotly xx ADVAKCI-f-s2 50
per mnum if not psid in ndnnoe. No
subscription discontinued. unleu it the
Optjon of the pubfisher, until all marge:
are paid. ‘
‘ Anvnrmnuuinsertodltthoumnlntoé.
Jon Paw-um; done with names: md
dispatch. ‘ ‘
0:1ch in South Baltimore Itreet, usurly
opposite Wamplers’ Tinning Estublishment
-—“Cuuru.n Pun-mo Otrlcn” on the sign.
~13. McConaughy,
TTQRNEY AT LAW, (office one door west
A of Buehler’s drug and book store,Chnm~
herahurg atreet,) Anon“ Ann Summon you
Pun" AND Psysxoxn. Bounty Land Wan
rants, Back-pay suspended Claims, and all
other claims against the Goyernmentnt Wnslv
ing'on. D.- C.; alsoAmericnnCllimsln England.
Lsuul “"armntalocatud and sold,or bopght,nnd
highest prices gin-n. [Agent's engaged in lo
cating warrants in lowa, Illinois and oths:
voncrnStntel ”Apply to him yenonally
/ by letter. .
\ Gettysburg, Nov. 21, '53. , 1
-‘ Law Partnership.
‘ V .\. DUNCAN &J. If, WHITE. 1
\l'xll promptly attend to All legal businc‘ss
_ r-nlruxtud tq them, including the procuring of
Pensions, Bounty. mick Pay, and nll other.
ilnirns nguinst the United Staten and Slate;
(imrrnmcnls. ' A . _
(lilice in .\'orth West Cornet of Diamond,
(ii-[lyshnrm l’enii'n. 1
Alan) 3, 15155. 11 1
Edward B. Buehler,’
TTOIINEY AT LAW, will faithfully and
A promptly attend to All business entrusted
'm lum. lle npouka the German magnum.—
(Mic? at the sumo place, in South’ Bnllimore
NHL-t, neur Fornny's drug store, and nearly
qypndlu Dzlnnl'r s Ziegler‘s stole.
(jun; sburg, March 20. ~ V
J. C. Neely,
TTORXEY AT L.\\V.-——l'nrti('ul:lr {lnc-n-
A‘fixm [HM to collection of l‘omionw,
Ummty. :mvl Bark-lug.“ Office in the S. E.
tnr'wr uf lh_u hhmmxd. » .
Gt U'nhlll‘g, .\.pril 6, 1803. H
Dr. 'D. S. Pefl‘er,
MINT l‘s’l'U‘l‘fN, Allnuna ('oxln'_\',(-r»nt2111303
A Hw‘p :lylicc of his profession In "H us
M m hp}! null woulnl ru‘pcrn'uliylimiu- :11l
JH~l<q|H nlll run] “all :Iny old standing dltv
m 1 1» (JH .md rnzbult lnm.
Ha 3,18‘11. n"
Dr. J. W.'C. O’Ncal’s‘
VFIUI‘I null Dwelling, N. E. runwr ui “sz.
O ‘imnre xmd High s‘rucls, uuur \‘l'L-ah) 1: Han
(‘ln'u-h, (tellyshurg. Pu. ‘
suv. rm, mm. M‘ .
Dr. J. A. Armstrong. ‘
\\'l.\'U runmvd Imm Xt'xv Salem. chk
}I mum), mul 11:I\'illL’ loculozl In. Middle
(nun. :lli nu rnunty, ulhr: in": prufizr-in‘lfll
wn 1w 3 \u (he )mhhc. UM} IH, 7435.}.“1
Doctor C. 7W. Benson
( l’l ll l-Z n: ”H Hailrm-d ”nu-o,(fruntrohm,
mmmly um Kim A by Dr. Hum-L3) f
I.l'l"l‘l.l'l>2TU\\'.\', l'.\. 4
Jam: 10,155; If -
. 'J. Lawrence 3111', M. 1).
AS his office one , ‘ “Ev;
KI vluur'wezt nftlle.‘:‘.'uii¥r€'-f.§é
Lurh. mn Hum-h in ‘. -"”'
\"l.m.\:l-r~‘m‘;: :‘tx‘cl‘t. mm oppmm Pickmm'e
Fun. \\l|‘TL‘ thus:- “1:1:ng tn hwe 3.1;; “fnlnl
(m 1 -.' mu pun'pnm-d nzvrupe'ntnllj im‘ilrdm
1u: Humiunwae Drs. ilnruol', Rev. C. P.
Kn m \. '.\'. U .va. U. L. Ban-wow, U 1 Dz, Rev.
)Jw: \l J mans. ..’w'. .\I. I..sLu:\'cr. .
Ut-H.\~lJ!lx,'..\‘ull H 3233. :
7 'HF.underci”lnml,heingri‘m-nulhyrizrdporsnn
a m mah- wummls into I‘lu-r Uri-cu ('omc-
In“ \ ,l "1“" II: n knvh us Hum-mph!“ tho rt-uywu]
(nlhl.‘l('i\|.\\[l" ut' ;XvL-ousml whine: nr h'il-n-ls
\\ vli :|\ MI thump-1:: .= n! thicsmuun u: tin-year in
L H.- il ‘hvnv. “Mm-Yuk made “11]: promptnosg
m ms In“, runl nu HEN. hpztrml [u 1:11.“th
" .1?-2TH” 'I‘HUHN,‘
Keeper of flu; Coniflery.
V! V,- .. 7..... ‘ —‘l
“{rvh l ’l. "W
Hardware and .Groceries.‘
Y WHH c'l‘)‘"l"l‘llL‘rS I‘Mcjjusfi n-lurnwl finm
a the rnfits “uh :Ili iuuuvmv .Lupply (I
H \IIIHVAHI-I A; (HUN‘P—lelhfi, v hio]. they mo
*.‘l- Hm; at 11.011 Hid rum] in Bulluunru drum.
..1 Influx town Un- mucs. Uur_atmk-Lun-i.~ts
In In”! at '
171 ILIIISH \[\TF.IH.\LS, ‘ ' .
, L'.HH'l{_\".l 12155 THDLS,
llL.\"KS.\H'l'H'.\' TOOl 9,
unusuxyxman‘s 'l-‘lx rI'nES,
'ALL K‘Xl)s HY H‘.U.\'. M‘.
’ ()Ilgh', PAINTE, Mn, kc. There is no ullicle
Included if! the several departments menti- ncd
nhm‘c hut wlmt can '11:: land at. (his Summ—
En-ry class of .\lecl’mnics can be accommodated
here hith tools and fin‘dingsmull Iluu=ekveper§
mm find every nrlirle in their line. Give us n
CA", as We ure prepared to séll as low for cash
a: .my Muse out 0,! the city. _ '
Genyshnrg, .\[ny 16.'1864._ ' .
Grain and Produce.
AVINLMaken Illejnqge and commodious
Warehouse recently occupied by Frank
Hersh, 1631]., \
we are prepared to [my the highest. prices for
all kinds ofPRODUGH.' Also, sell M the low
nst prices, LUMBER, COAL and GROCERIES,
pf eyery description. ‘ ‘ ’
New Oxford, Aug: 10, 1863. tf
The Great Discovery
F THE AGE.-—luflummnmry and Chrdnic
Rheuum'tis elm becured by using H. L.
'IURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and
;lie adjoining counties, have testified to its
grout utility. Its success in _Rheumntic affec
gious,hu been hithcrm unparalleled. by any
specific, introduced to the public. Price 50
pent: per bottle. For sale by all druggists and
norekeepern. Prepared only by H. L. .\flLLER,
Wholesale and Baum Dr‘uggisl, Ensn Berlin,
Adams county, Pm, dealer in arugs, Chemicals,
Oils, Vu-ninh, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot.-
tied Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window
Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc, kc.
WK. D. Bnehler is the Agent in Gettys
burg for ‘i H. L. Miller’s Celebruted Rheumatic
Mixture." [June 3, 1861. tf
Young Men
'ND OLD MEN, .do not allow your mother;
and you when to wear out their precious
lvea, over me old Wall—tub longer, but. like
;rne men and behefuctors, present them with
an EXCEL SIOR WASHER, and named of
from" and cross words on wash days, depend
upon it. cheerful fuceaLwill greet you.
i TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, Pu.
Doc. 14, 1833. ' » )
Battle-field Views.
FULL set of on; Photographic View: of
the Esme-field of Gettysburg, form a.
up undid 343 for tip Baud-ya. The finest yet.
published on be new at the Excelsior Gallery.
| TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg.»
; FAR! in Aduné county, {or whichl will
oxchnnge choice Western Land», at a.
”in. ‘ GEO. ABXOLD. ‘
fins.- ~ me. = » I
30581;“) BOOTS.—Wn as now receiv—
S milligram: of abound Boo‘ulor ‘
neh‘ bays, hdiu, aim, and chndtontwhich \
we hells hvulpoulblo. 50?? &. WOODS. E,
° - li,
48th Year-
_ A Desirabje Farm
A‘m. an, of (){r'rogmn next, um um.
amber. intending logxniwurm‘mg, h’illofl’er at
l’uhlic S 21v. fill tlg-‘p I‘I'XESCS.
'1 [IE-FAR.“ on which he resides, situate in
Huntington tummlnip Adams couqu, adjoin
inz lands of JOSth ' rimmer, Michael Minter,
Slitlmel Bauer, Wm. Irgnry. and others, ccn
minin; bf. acnu, um ear Ivss, will: manna
.\chlmvs and Wood]: M. I’an ofthe innllims
been limed. "I‘Lc hupmvcmenls are": is ..
one und 3 ‘l)an bm‘r) LNG HOUSE, unc m:
and .2 half sn‘ary hog Shop, Double Log , '
“am: with nlhu'l‘ out-buildings ; three springs
or nm't-nnilmg water, two hurdunzl 0305011,
nenr tint dour ; with an Ample Urvlmrd, and all
other fruit. tome rat-ing ol whirl: the mayor'-
Uis mimimMy udaptvd. Poraons wit-hung to
new it me requested to call on the uiflbs‘tlibt‘f,
residing tlnrmn. ‘
Thl- pl'inrty'\\’iU he offered in two parts of
altogether. ns‘gnay best suit put-Ehtzgersmthe
one part hnvtug 55 acres with the buildings,
and the other übuut 30 Mart-s.
Wr'nle to commence a). I o'clov-k, P. 31.,
on said day, u hL-u_ ntwnnldnce \\ ill be git‘pn
and terms llytdk known by _ :
Sept. 4, man. ’l5
Public Sale.
N THE. DAY. {he 'Jd dAy of OCTOBER
0 In~\t,i pursuance of flu Urglrr of Ihu Or
phallx'd Go'ur af' A'lflme munly, Hu- >ll')*ci'ill(t,
.\nhninktml {of the tstule of Benjamin Fge
m rhdwczlgc , “ill ofl‘er an Public hale, on the
pn-miwz. H. qunwh-g rm! c-t:\lr-,..v27. ‘. ' -
_x Tmurn up mm, mlnme in armimjuy
truvnship. .\«lugns rmmty, P 3,, on 'thc roml
lending {rum Lin): Shawn [u ExnmiQhlil-pgalmnt
two and n hNLmiles m-‘t of “army. mljuhfing'
I.lm]; nl Duiid Spunglvr. (u'ufrrgo .\Luing, und
mhrrs, conhyui‘uing ‘_'U Avroa‘ m’de‘zil I’m-n-hcs,
lmring thereon n 'l'v'o.~torx “KICK m.
HHI'M‘I‘ with Uflvlhhnil‘linz, a ,N“‘}‘: _"fi'
BurnAY-xgnf .\‘ln-uv ('mu Crib, 6m, with H
u Ymmg .\piJ'e Urclmul, um! a mvcr-hnliug
m-H 01 “Me Hi LLB dour.‘ Pan 0! Lhchmdhus
lncn limo L ' ‘
[;fi‘b‘nk- to cominvm-c‘ at. I o'k-luc-k, P. I].,
on 5.11;] day, Mun “Needlmcwwili be gin-g 1
:uzd il'lms nan-lg I\lznnn ln’ 7 ‘
V .'.LA('nx: n’..l-‘F:l:>"En,_.\.'.m:r
11y ”(a ('nnr'—J. J Fluk,('lLll\'.' A ;
suit. 11, 1.3.5. 2: * ‘
Valuablc} Propertzes
4on SALE. - a ‘ '.
JUUN’ C'ZOF(‘K.§M.IIII .\gont‘,
. ~.\‘.-\\ Ounrd A|lnlll::'("J.‘_Pl\.,
1: W for znle :\ numhm or‘ dmifuhlo proporlire,
lu uh'n h hx- :ng‘“: {m- um-miun 01" those wkh
mg m lllln‘llflflf. ‘
A FARM u! 160 nrrvs,‘ in 'ilmxnwl'eumnt
township, with gum] .\'TUNI—I HH'USH. good“
lei, \VJguu Sin-ii. ('oru Crib, Wash House, .
(Luau-41,: &c.-—l'.},(mu l-usiu—is a! lime mg :lm'
Lxrm, mu! umlPr‘lin’c cilltix'.ition7~—is within 2
miles oé'Nt-w Oxfmd, v 1 quzjn'n- of :\ mile from ‘
lhe Gettysburg~ [Liilrmid and A‘ quarter at M
mili- I'roxn'lhc (ie‘iydnurg Turnpike; , "l
A _TA YERN} STAND i.| New OonrJ, at the t
Railroad Staliqn. it is ln'o-stoly, roomy and,
convmiiom, nndi; a good “Liar-fur Whine”. ’{
l-‘(Hi'i‘Y ANKL‘S ~'(JF LANE“: milvs i'rnmfl!’
Nrw t'Hmd. in Mnnntplenfinut to\\’nzi|i«|). “11):
:1 mar Two-Am.) ilUl‘Si-J. thunk"llau‘ur—Wugona
Stud. Cum Crih. (All uew.)j.l Urclmrds. plenty-,1
ul‘Hmd wuur. Xe. . ’ - l i
A [_H-M or lElfi‘uL-nes, near Hunterstown,
“ith :oer ”who, Burn, and otlxcx‘buildipgs.
Land In Em culunuion. ,"“ ' .
Srvuml Manse: and Lots in New Oxford also
luranlu. ' x K
pgrl'orsuns who “i";h to hnj Realmsmte,
ns will us thus}.- who ms]: to :cll,nrc rcqurmtv
ml 1n 2ch Llu: subscriber n can, as. his more,
in Nu“ (I\{LrCL . '
Supt. «1, 18,65. In)"
Real Estate’
[LT ['l'
J. U! ’in?-
BUG S.\l.E.——ln pursuance (if nu
r of the Orpimfi’s Qéurt of Adam;
.. Ill'be oli‘erul at" (’ublici‘ale, on {he
ilrl'lrli<l s. on SATI‘RDA‘Y, the 7th day of
“(Tamale next, the real csmtebeohgl Fmsor,
dung-od, cunsisling (f ' .7
I “may, W
.\ TRACT OF LAND. sitnnte in Mountjoy
Hm‘mhip. in snid cnnmyfloumining 90 Acres,
more or Ives, mljoininr‘lunds of J. VVntson
Nnrr, .lmob (hudatfl; Htirs ”TCEOI‘ge Keen-r,
du-easul,lmd others. The im'rove- ‘
menu are n STONE HOUSE, use and r‘
u hnlt sun-ies ~high: also a Frame 3%
Hnuse, 5 Fame Hunk Bum, with a“ 3.
good Orchard. 4 ~ 7 ‘
3%“Sale to commencelu 1 D’clock, P. .\I,
omsnid day, when ultendnnce‘will be given
and terms made knoxm h' .
' . 125'“)ng FEESER,Adm‘x.
By the'CourtéJnmea J. Fink, Clerk. ‘
Sept. 11,1865. £3 ‘ ‘
Orphan’s Court Sale.
N pursuance of (m Uriier of the Urphan's
I Court of Adam: county, will be offered at
Public Saie,‘ori the firmniizes‘ oh S.\TU “DAY,
-the 71h any of OCTOBER next, the Real Estate
at Adolph Pohlmzm, deceased, Consisting of '
A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Mount.
pleasant township, Adams county, containing
7 .Acres, more .01; less, adjoining lands of
Michael Little, Francis F. I’ohiman, Peter )1.
Little, and Charles Smth. Thcimprovements
are a one and a he" story Frame and Rouglh
cast DWELLLVG HOUSE, with a Basement,
Frame and ‘Weatherboardcd Bfink Btu-n, well
0! water, wood house, a good Qrcha‘rd—nbuut
two acres is set' ifi'fiufduw. The-property is
about one-half mile tom Mount Rock and
about two miles from Cbnowngo Chm-ch.
@Snle to commence at 11 o’clock, I’. .\I.,
on said day, when attendancelwill be given
and terms mude‘kbpwn by i
. N 1 ‘HOLAS FLEEGLE, Adm‘r.
,By the Court—gegieu. Fink, ierk.
Sept. 1.1, 1865. ts ' .
' Notice. 5 . ,
HE mmberspl the “Admné Count} \lutunl
Fire Insurance Comps ’? ue hereby no
ufied that an Election ‘fonlnnagera of said
Company will be held-at the ofige of tlzeSecre
tary, in Gettypburg. on MONDAY, the filthy
of OCTOBER‘next, between the hours of l and
4 d’clock, P. M.—each member being entitled
to one Vote for each policy hell! by him.
The Executive Commiuce will meet a": 10
o’clock, A. 31., on said day. ‘ '
finanngers hm‘ing‘in hands fees due the
Company will be required to pay the sume in
lo'the Treasury on or before skid day, to ena
ble the accountsoftbe currentfiarrto be closed.
' ’ D. A. BUBBLER, Sec’y.
Aug. 28, 1865. td , 1 .
.« . v
. Fruit; Trays
OR SALE—The subscriber stwiil 1135...
good usorunent of Fruit Trees for sale
a his. old place, (Plainfield N uncrieg) near
Petmbnrg, Adams county. Hei never had
better APELE TREES, nor‘n better assortment
of fruit. than be yet has on hand at. this time.
Be wishes to discontinue the ‘bnsincss‘, and
would like lo sell ofl’u last A. fiossible: Bis
common price will be eight cents a piece tor
apple trees in small- lots, lint. any person
taking one hundred trees can hnve theft (or
ss.°o- Or if “my wish to tote em thonnnd,
onupwar‘dr, they can hnvuhgm at four cents
Sept. n, 1865. 4c 1 , ‘ . ‘
A @Ememm Am FAWLV J©WRL _5
_ . ' Fo Salg. ;
TLE FARMS 13' .FR ‘DERICK CO,, bill—Tho
subscriber, intendin to dt'cline fnrming, will
offer at Public Sflle, am. the City Hotel, Fred
erick city, at 2 o'clodk, P. .\l , on SATURDAY,
the Ttll of OCTOBER; 18071, ‘
THE FAR)! on which, he now resides, lying
one mile south of l-‘réderick city, nnd ncccssi~
ble‘ by two ru-ida,liiel(lcnrgutorvii pike, within
a {'(‘w hundred ynrrlsJun the lcfl‘ and Keefer”:
llill road on the righ ~ in one of the most. henn—
tiful and fertile tlisli‘icts in Maryland. This
Fun: contains 123;; Acres of first. quality land.
The impruvemdms [consist of .‘l
coml’ortnble one-slop Mono and
liriuk DWELLiNG, Lmrilnining 41 g g
rooma,l3rge Uni-I nml C(n-n-hcinsc.‘.~ , ,
There is on in very 'oml Apple Othmd, ulrll‘
the hncst l’uch Urcfiurd in the neighborhood
of carefully selected grind choice lruit, in full
hearing. The girder? contains one and :1 half
ncrvs ol'grouml,mul {produces every variety of
vegMnhlr-s in ptrten’tion. On account of its
proxmiity to the "’l'3lv it affords many facilities
fur dairy um} market purposes. .
Besides the malnurl; prod-med on the {urnth
[nu received» in (he lhst ten ymrs lit-bleen six
and eight thousand .ushcls of‘Limo, and all
the manure l)r01lu(‘('\ nt chPrtll ~ot‘ illl‘ Lugosi
hotel stuhlr-a in tow fur that period. [uglther
. ..V.. ”up .
“ilhAlurge amounts rrom butchers and. oxher
fiaql'ct‘? 1
1.2:? arms maria 1""-
‘nown on day of snle.
-Valuafble Farm ‘
fiOI! H \LE.—Tl.clsuhscxihcr: offer at Pri
-14 rm- Sdr‘, on \' ry advantageous terms, A
MR); 0:12.30 .\mzr N', more or less, situate
near Hunterslnwu. imam: cuunly. There is
a largeq-ropqyiorggood Woodland.
[ngor 18“, fu, apply to either of the
undersigned. i
1 Somet
Firm: \vmmv mil
x cm smux
I ‘L\Nl'i‘<\Crl'Hhll n\' (‘ll‘
ms rely-b and l‘r'
machine uthe kind .
lic. Among its in“.
lrilmlv: the grain w
nmvr .lmlu-s or In
ground or (an m- s'
the qu unity .amvn In
. . ‘
hum “‘hll-‘t In mum;
bro :0 wnslrm-twl n;
in: in. (mun with
spring {fuck tn tin-'ir 1»
(~\ pry kin-l of grain \
nlso,mensnrcslhc qu:
to the were: and is s
and (sadly manwod.
'HIH (}[‘,‘\.\'(
This im'cmiuu {or sawing ALL KIM": M
Guano {-nd l'uxupwt m ‘ines (be Dri'l ]llitii
and run‘minm. i 1 5m 311 w grain nnd mummies
the grumru‘ m Hp: Hill I- time. This mnflrnv—
lion 0: the .\liflc‘llilfltt i< Very simyic am! is
easily rnr med. 1: w H sow izu'u 01191:: an IV
ty [Jilrill‘ls u) lin: uullc, and (Le ifflti‘t m In:
regulutvd whiisniu Immun, tn Mi: [mm or
rirlx ground. Thain ilnnchines mini 02in he
see" to be mimirud. ILU} who have tried liN'lH
pronounce them the ‘nofi complot; arrnngzea
mout {Jr the purpose w-r (rm-rod to We pub
lic. Hundr- ()4 m‘ roriilicnles can beprmhnod
from prxgn. :l-l finmcri iii Frnniilin county nnd
in .\Lirfidml [Shyl'ihl‘ ;khat the machine is no
humhug. mm' Inis‘ giv‘ n entire satisfaction il‘l
even-5 CHSL' whero it ball: been tried. ,
WIL lA.“ \\ IDLE, -\gent.
.\ug. 7. INK). (f 1
t ' 1 ' ’ ‘ ~ -
3 Teachers Wanted.
x' ‘UIJ St-hmd I)2reclJrsoanuowngatp., .\d
-1 mus mu. within; to employ three Tourh
01's 1m I\u- icrm oi fuu'r‘monlhs, will pay $3.!)
prr mnmh for ucm-pt‘nblc Teachers, to take
clmrg’u nl‘thne of {Mei Pubhc Schools of the
tmunlxijl. - k
.\ypxicufimx can be made to eiflwr of Hl9.
Dilertori. at :my tiny-. 50- en the Board on the
l-nb-ut‘Uc-mkvr next, t 1 o'clock. P. .\L
“ENJ. II [.O GFNI‘ICKER, Prcs't.
.~ .0 1 ”ml 1:. .11. SA’WBDLUM
-4‘).0 O llEll,;m1d~20,000 joint. and
1.11. MIIXGLES, at Wiexmun’a 11111, near
.-\1(-mll:‘.\'i-lle. i
. 'l‘Le lnmfi’er is mostly dry, and consists of
luck Pine boards, inch and half inch Poplar
hnfl‘rds. nud Poplar [think and scanlliug,
film-k Walnut boards, fie.
Then: is a large umo' nt of bill stuff, sawed
for fmme buildings 0 dni'erent slzusa—s‘llls,
posts, joist. studding a «l'r’nltcrs. Inquire of
WM. 0 LOTT, ut the Mill; or of GEORGE
BLUHUAI'GH. I&Sept. 25, 18013. 2:
. Tax thlce.
OTICE is hereby gi‘y‘en to the tumbles of
Tyrone township :9 pay the Bounty and
per (Ile tax, usvssed‘. in April last, to the
several Collectors. In (9859 this n'otlce is net
complied Wilh 5 per con}; will be added to all
persons failing to pay otter before the 2.1 day
'ut' OCTOBER next. By tde! of the Board of
Directors. HENRYISPANGLER, Pres’t.
Dunn. DELL)", Sec'y. '* '
Sept. 11, 1865. Id 3
. Notlons am: Confections.
.._—J . '
comma ‘ .
THE subscriber keeps § Nation and Chm:-
- tionary Stqre on Cprlisle street, nearly
opposite the Railroad Station, Gettysburg,
wkere he has consmmlyion hand,‘CA.NDIES,
NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons. Oranges, 4km;
Tobaccos und,chars of‘ all kinds; Packet.-
Books, Suspenders, Neck Ties, Collars, &c.;
Sonia and Parfumeriea; I, also some GROCE
RIES, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, with the difl‘erent
kinda of Crackers. Icelcold MEAD at all
times. He invites custhm from town'and
60311217, and sells at small profiu.
Aug. 7. ‘865. 13' 4
of distinguished indiridnl‘us, including Enum
ber of our prominent Génerals, and the old
hero John L. Burns, for s‘pJe at the counter of
the Excelsior Gallery, Gegyslmég.
Homer's Drug and , ariety Store. ‘
UEENSWAéE—Jin {kn set; or in Eggs.
A lnrgé gupply can {be fcnnd at
half the labor done ifiyon buy one of those
buperior anurl for uleby BOW & WOODS.
[LY Dr. R. HOBNER'S Tonic and Aim:-
T five Powden, idl- nausea It'd CATTLE.
Premdmnd sag only .‘ _his Dru Emmy
. Jam 1536;» 5‘ . 5 . ,
‘ . ’ ' " ‘ ’ ‘_‘” ,‘m" ’_‘—'_‘ " " ""“" “’_‘ '
i ‘ GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, OCT. 2, 1865..
Sept. 23,13c5. ts‘
I on mssn.
\ug. 28,1863. 6
‘- ing New.
.\'o\\'.\'l~7n ‘
‘ mun: DRILL.
I.\l\\: H .\ Imusox, GREEN-
.\.“:le rm, m. v
'l i: superior to fin‘ other
| M imrmhu‘ml in thqpnh-
Magi-x urc ”ll'ii‘ 9—11: dis
:h pvl‘f‘vct rcgul Iriljy". It
(Inks ll“: er.~.m. Rough
w 'dxh ing. “ill not \' |ry
1:6 Ame. IL mm LC unju
‘l. Tim (coll) nr smu rl3
not t.) l-rmk “hm can‘-
“ rnuxs nu". r’A n--~‘. hut
démrplwcd. I'. will gun'
in [ln sumo hl‘llpt‘l‘. IL
“my ot'gmm tu |n~ sown
mplu iu il=\ conshm lion
\TTAC U .‘.l EXT
Plug. F. Hmuucn, Skc’y.
Sew. is, 1305. an 1
For Sale.
“nu-m :3 mean" up wm. PRIVAIL."
@119; gm?!“
MM a Q a‘é’é'
REMEMBER, Democrats, that the
Election will take place in one wéek
from to-morrow——Tnesday, Oct. 10th!
The Rex-“ Mica“ in all the New Ensign-(‘. Sud-n. in lo“,
And Minnesota, hue diroctly, And in Penmylvnnia and
Chin, by implication, liken ground in {not of .\'cgro‘S-Ir
fngo. The following are “ailments uttered by leading
man in their organization: ‘
“1211015)! 0? THIS WAR, THE .\'J‘ZUHU BEAIDS THE
I'AlAL’L—Wendell Phillipa. ‘
UUI'NTS AT THE BALLOT liOXfl—ll \Yimer Dan!
““‘E ARI-l l'Li-lADLVG IiAItSPHI‘IA’ “I 1‘" THE
THE BLACK “ [Tlr THE \\ INTEL; THE } l.}.\'.\Tl“\'
01’ THE .\EUIKO TO THE G(|\'h|.?\(lli<llll'. I‘Hll .\HN
—ll. W. Beecher,
f. IZE! !." ~ .
AH that. is needed to enable the D'mo
'i cracy to secure a complete triumph hi ‘l’?
gcoxning election is such etlicient local or
: gunizllian as will emurc a full vote. This,
work must be done by townaliips, and time
' is not. 11' moment. to be luaL if we would in-
S U [‘o 5!]06055
We carried the Statelast {all a; the Oc
tober election by~a majority til at leaet sev
en thnutnnd. We can do much better at
the coming election. .\'ever had any pari'y
greater incentiVes to. exerti'wn. Let there
be one grand rally, then, and such l‘oc.ul
oxguuizulon as will emurp 11 full vow, and_
we slxall triumph mnwt ;luriously. D “mn
crfis, are 30u doin‘g all you (an to emure
succus‘? Remember, there is no time 10
b 3 loat. J i
“"9, “;nuld ,eqmc-iallj.’ mum“ Him” the
mind J may II mar-1 -.t m Hu- .\1 m the
L']«'l‘,”“l!‘,!'l‘~ :gnll him. 1 E hvt. 17..' u/
I’. (w »('H/r:[ In ”71.11.5'11J“. m. 1, ”my; 1,. a.
11, mlrw r‘./ .r' 1': {HUN '7 . u" I l»; 1""; I”, u, ”I
:m' [‘mr’l lt‘ L lth'iu- 111-H“ -h“ UHI‘ In I
jumy “111mm.:‘ivvhg.'\' LII,_U 1.101114. Hut
0! («Mu-nevi“ this Sm.» Nu: mun: bl [m
]?Hqu nrgn /,uil lL wlmh (ll'llhr m} 1% vi
!uiz‘v i‘v'um 1h (‘lme m mum - n “‘Ol film
{M :n ~ mu} “mm!" ui .\'.vw 1‘: ~‘ -x.rl. '
‘I Luv are .\nmo-vig' l-mn [minim-:1 duc
thm d dram-r in LL» .\x .:u. m \x xv manly
”A‘l‘ In: Hy. 7,4! (11:1’: 1*? II [/1116 I); new. .I/ c
1" ‘v'm‘ [/1 tum/4 111 //~ "flu/4] [m rf:W In 1w: tr/Z'h't
[/1 v. 3 .i/ w, /.n rim! 14%.. “HIJ nl ‘luut.
LN. every l)‘ maurnl “I. I hunk lhls think
of at, and then In! liim I--§ Mr [D .wo to rt.
Hut only mm- is ,jioncll. ‘(111 an: ‘l’“. vu'c
an! IL6 mum! (u? beaten. (
So says the Lnnézistor .In/dfijcnccy. The
secoml Tueaday of October Wlll wow: it. t 6
be true, every word of it. We hope that
every Democrat and conseivative man in
the State will think of this, and act upon it.
We- have relinbie information that the :
Abolitionisls are plnuning a scheme toi
cheat, on an extensive scale, at the coming{
election. One oftheir games is, ifpossibie,
to buy up men who will not b»: ans/medal by Ilemo- ;
cram, to givc‘oul Almtitiou aml 1/112'1"11II:‘K-c!3 I.—i
Be on your guard! We are on the tracks
of the Econndxeis who are [lying this game}
of corruption. If they attempt to put‘it in
practice we will not oniy expose them. bul
the [anti will be rigid/y enforced against theme—a
Dal/uni Guxlle. f ‘ _'
W'l‘his game may be tried in this coun-i
ty. Democmfia, \n'rm n! .
@Let all Democrats remember the
insults and outrages heaped upon tfiem by
the negro~loving party, when their cundi~
dates come tq them begging for votes. Tell
these loyal negraworshippers “you hhve de
n'ounced‘ us as traitors. capperheads._etc.,
etc., persecuted us‘and degluredDemocmis
bad no rigbie, but a ‘constitutional right
tobe hanged and the divine right. to be
damned.’ ” Now is the time of our deliver
ance. Let every Democrat vindicate his
@When General Slocum hahrd of his
nomination by the Democrats of New York
as their candidate for Secretary of State, he
promptly‘resigued his position in thé army.
Brigadier General Uartmnfl. the Repub
lican nominee for Auditor General in this
State, has not resigned. Heisstill drawing
‘bis pay at the rate of $3,690 per annum,
while he is stumping the Stage against the
restoration policy oflth‘e President, and in
favor of negro eqnamy. _ '
Will the peopie make a note of this? ' It.
shows the difference between the Demo
cratic idea of duty and the Republican idea
of the same thing.—Ayo. .
@The New Orleans True Delta and
Picayune state that the President has coh
fen-ed upon Governor Wells, (Dembcrat,)
of Louisiana, the title of Proviajonnl Gov
ernor. One not _behind lhe scenes would
warmly beliéve the strenuous efforts that.
have been made to displace the Governor,
hm they have failed most signally, and tha
President. in clothing him with new power,
has virtually endoreqd every act of his civil
Idministration that has called forth‘such
hitter ndloal opposition. \
”The pegs—sufi‘nge party any that the
Democracy inaugurgted the war, and. al
most in the same breath, they declare the
Democracy opponed the nu. These preo
cions “Tom Peppers" gan't stick to one
hhehood long enough for ,Anybod'y. tobel
Have it. J
365%” the White 113’: Ticket I
A WAII. FROM THE smurfs or
Col. A. K. McClure, the shrewdest and
best. informeti Republican politicinn in the
l Stdte, virtually gives up the impending 1)0-'
l litical contest. The leading editorial ofhis
l paper. the Uhambcrsburg Riposituiy, of wcel:
| . V -
before last, is a wad ovemho decaying
fortunes (ghoddy fortunes) and‘ the ruin
? ed hopes (hopes of plunder) of the great.
Abolition party.‘ - ‘ .
'l he Coldnel .sadly says: i . '
Immediate and th‘orcugh organization
only will save Pennsylvnnh} this tall. Our
opponents are well prepared For the conflict.
They will poll their full vote. In the
Nortliemt they will do quite a: well as last
year. , . ~ I
:‘H the Southern munitiis—those South of
thé Juniitln and Susquelinnnnnnd‘ Eist. of
the Alleglir-nics, rye, cxuinnt materially im
pmye the October vote ot'liist year. It. is
possible to' revluce the cru’i-hiiig m-vjoii
ties at York, Cumberland, Admins, liiilton
nnil Bmlt‘oril' a \llO'Jnllnt‘; but more. in not
to he expet‘lé-d~l(‘as may he the result:
l‘liila’idelpliiu niu~t full 011' é-Isontiri‘lv in
her vow, became the v‘ust manufacturing
for the sirmy lists been nlmqfit wimliy nrrrzt:
edhanil thoun‘mnls. of government. euiploy- f
ears and Opt‘rnllvefi on gm‘ernmmtm‘ork of l l
vniiou§ kinds, have been scattered in other i l‘
channels oi indihtry pvei‘ the county.”
'l‘liv:i"'i'eduotimi mu<t diminish the liz'ge IE
Union iiiujurity of last year from "2.5410 to
3,000, and the adjoining county of livin
warc can scarcely fail to be similuily efl'ect
ml by the same cause. .'
"l‘lio succeSspf the Union ticket depends
wholly onflhe organization and full volt: of-
Lancaster, l)fi“‘lhin,‘ S’olznerset, Redford,
quuehnnnu, Tioga, ].i'ie, Crawford, lndi
iiii'i, inwwnce, Allegheny, &c. If those
Union strongholds sliallihc syntetnnticnlly
and thoroughly organized and polietl, we
shall carry the State by a decisive majority.
It} they lull, as they did hut. year. in Unto
ber, the State will inevitably be last.
We believe Colonel McClure 'to he 7
thoroughly pound; He is by long oddsm
the bestinl’urmed llriiublicun politician in f“
the Shite, and he know: he ‘lni; pond ;l
ground for the nl:-i'n1, which fill; liiin‘ with I'l
t: Fl‘til‘lllltl fori‘hoiliiig._ Cfilll‘fl'l3lltt‘n, [Jem- i
net-.:tal Your chs quail lic-fore yuu, and 51
ht in‘ile Wlill the dread of Mining ilti‘i‘int. l;
l’uilect your locu‘. Oi'g'inizutlons: 't'vl onLl“
LVk'l)’ \‘nlv; rum 11.1: mime: wlth fight“,
and \irh ry will he run-:‘xly b 9 \vumw‘, 1151:
you must, \ka like mm who duuvc
bileCC -
5 h"
" mem «erlth (‘nmuf- \t. Ruuus,
‘ ’ J‘HILAULLJ u: x, 5.1.1, lil. ms.‘ }
You are upon the me of :rmOat. Impor
‘ tnnt «trctinn. ,
Buth pnhticut orgnn‘zatlnns, have sm—
ynuncmi their [1! xttnrms. and presented
thru- x-undulntes fur )7qu sum was.
t ’J‘helDeumcmtic pArty uhgzmt tj'y affirms
its support of tho pulivy nt h‘wmtmctimx
.:uloptul by Pubi-h m .luhmun, mm} (mm
uuunces us omxmtion to negro suli'luge un’tl
new“ rquahty. .
2 Upr-n thaw, nu: REAL ”was or'-rm: (.\.V‘
Ivus‘, the Itvpuhucm plnthnm ii atmlnpu
1‘ (‘l2:, iamnrimutcs are mute” ltd central au
thority is “lent. ' ‘
b We beheve that it is ymr right to know
; their sentiments, and they who seek, your
ltl-uypol't should be tmnk iu‘the exprc:sion
iot theinxnpinions. V
1 Cam )nu su<tain the President. hy voting:
for thou) Who refuse to entlorre his policy?
I W 1“ you hazard "(Ifi-Tupm-inrity of your
I raée by voting for those who zlre‘upwtl-ling
I to pr minim their behcf m the mtcnunty of
' the neglo? . ‘
Duct-nus or szxsnx \xu!
Press home upnu your antagonists the vi
tal issues 01 the campaign. . .
‘ ’l‘hrough the firms and the rostrum, in
a, the Md and in the workahqp, demand that.
they shall answer.
t Am: YOU row, 0?. AGAXNhT Funny-:31 Joux~
‘ sox’s ro'gl'lr'r m: RECONSTfi L'cnox?
' ARE you run on. .\uuxs‘r‘ snuno Sl (Erma:
AVD .\'rtma ml; \LITY?
t My order ot the Demoératic State Central
The Washington corre<pondent of the
Baltimore Sun of Saturday week, one of the
moat rel'mble correspondents in the coun
try, says: ‘ , ' -
“’l'be Constitutional Union, (Democratic)
emu-AH Coll Thomas B. Florence, has
been |_l gnated by the Presldent as the se
lg-cled paper to publish the Government
advertisements. This is regarded here as
;m endorsement of the conservatism and
democratic firmness of this journal since its
establishment.” '
. Although it has been charged over and
over again by the Democratic journals of 3
the Stale that Messrs. Hartmnft and Camp-i
bel! are standing on a Negro Sufl‘rage plat
form, dnd that the Republicans are running
on the Black Issue, not on; of the Slwddy or
gang has ever denim! thefact. By their silence
they admit tlwmuh o] 111.: charge! They dare
not. deny it! White‘ men—soldiers ! am
you prepared to cast. your ballots for negro'
sum-age and equality T ‘ §
Who robbed you 'of two-thirds of your
Beauty, by paying ynu only: Thirty-(bra do].
lags instead of One Hundred, to which you
were entitled! EdwinJl. Stanton, Secreury
of War, did that.
~ Soldiers, who thanked Edwin M.Summn?
{or his f‘valuanlo swim,” and declared m
be “qu barns kimulfso clear in In: great
_a: to merit the earnest gratitude of all loyal Mn 7'4
The Republican Slate vamlian of PennSylv
nin so declared in their gluform!
Soldiers. can you support the candida ,_
who and upon uplalform which 'endorm (ll
man who robbed yaw—syn, which ACTUAL].
”prov“ m: v'unr ACT or 303 mm whack :0,
Mandy” you I
f you are true to yaw-calves you cannot
_ 3Q. What, hold: the Abolition‘par
together 2 ’ ~
A. Bevexmhifly bonds.
Q. What do neven-thinietltmem f
A. Thu seven mgr: get richer by final
and thirty lfioumd poorer. .
ch of Hon. C. L. Pcrshin‘g, at
All, Lancaster. Sept. 20.]
g proceeded to expnse some
e Republican party by which
may shiven to omhii (or me
itlhe Ihymocrazin partyg "9
very first, recolulmn, think
-3 far their gniinniry, mm in.
in» House of Representatives
in by himzeif, after the hat
nelson. The very first reso-
Congress to increase the pay
. was introduced by n. Dear
xur‘idcr, Qi Clarion. The 119-
ritxrcfcrred it to a commit
a back enmevuiated. Mr.
ford, a Democmt, mnved m ‘
Mint 3 day. Thfxt ';.mpo;,i—
-(1 down by [he Konuhlimn
O 'wOuH puss n 0 rcaolulion
ier amount than that ainewly
Congreés, which was. (flirlcun
[#o3l the Spa
‘ Fulton
fr. Pershi
of thelios oft.
th v had com:
in Men; again
st 19.] that tl)
in y our Folrlio
tr )‘i‘lCt‘d in‘Yr!
of P 4 nnsylva
ll of Fort D
lution asking ‘
ii the soldier
J mt. Mr. At
)1 blicnn mnj
5‘ .' It m 1 1
. yors, of Be(
u lce it one
i n was vot (
u jorifi. wh
ing: ‘ y hi}; ‘
termined l;
I'm-s a man!
tn definite
\Lling tlu-y r
'.‘l', all votL-t
ll by n liepu
A great Hui?
.pcsition of
ldiers votin.
isue ot' giur 1
wing I’enns
rid is very n
nizs for m.’
rter. a-Lei
acted by_n i
la regiment.
Mexico 11 1
‘ 'nnpiy Donx
i t ranch in 1
1‘ ms the laws
v+niu soldier"
(l r the oldJ i
41 pmentag ,
Again the re I
u uoracy. ll
5 [diets a De 1
“ills lm'thgt i
p blicunpapv ‘
I. one and all: ‘
tiers under-to
neir Plcrtio
MO5 (as! by l
‘glih‘l' of wil
Pl'sihlr'l in n
90:0 that Ii“:
dilim‘s \'o p l
.m-od to 110 i
0U“, and ”I
.‘n-clctl. ‘
ln tlw mo:
then in l.u/‘
I nonnatitmion
t the Suprom
i‘wnl been infl
Tatives, llt‘ m
«(n as would
rmive offices
\‘ills of PhiH
t‘ientls ratimr‘
"ho bill nmem
tale. sn gas to a
ngin in a Dem
{m Democratsi
lluuw, and cm
lan in the arm.
Arm nnmigh of
flilat the sol-h
fihunce to voté.
it-s gutter] hp
‘heir only hop
omin. Lakt {.l
oldie: as lives
out; this year
ur Mnndnrd b
5 ever went. f
n their bodies|
o attest their (l
That they wil
erily believe.
hemselves and
ve hear of grali
crntic party in
bile its. oppon
apt: together b
ic Plunder. T
must cheering.
we' hem- 3 good
the Democratic
country and it wl
It still stands lir
“Like éome tall cl
[Swella from the v
i storm;
LThough round its I
Eternal sunshine I
’. ‘AI‘Lor striving in min lo
[um inserted. the Democratu,
Honld‘do no bettel’hn‘ (Le smi
;Qr the mh‘om‘ule bl“ puma
! man committee. ’
:6 ha; been made about (he
he Democratic party to (he
. All this. too, has [men a
rag fahclmndi. .The law nl.
-lvnnia sqirliers to vote in the
lid. It existed on our statute
.nx-yéms. Under Dayid R.
nocrntic Governor. it was re-
Demourutic Legislature, and
;f 001. I) wis no doubt voted
dor that law. The vote was
ncmtic, but the returns did
re in time to be counted.
stood in 1861. The Pennsyl
again voted in the field uu
w, which. if“. had any politi
i was a Democratic measure.
urns were in favor ofthe De
‘ the vote of the Phdndclyhin
)ccraiic sherifl‘and registe'pof
ity wvrnelcctal. TLenilm Re
-I|,the E‘vcmng JJullasz’orucy’s
rs, denounced the law as un
’ and lurpublicnn election of
nk o.ooth Democrzug out of
1 by xvlusing {o couut.tiir,-
he Phifudvlphin suldiera {on
I and for Kherif'f. ’J‘nia. Hwy
til Judge Lmllow ihiurmt‘d
y "light refuse to cnum the
t their peril. Then, when
I . Hwy admitted the mI-linr
5 Democrats were dcciarwl
mime mmtlmr contesthml
.rno omuty, whorn Judge
Ind (lt‘plnrwl the l:l\V to be
11. llutll oan Wu“) falcon
: Court. Ilml Judge Wood
lencul by any but, lhepux’uzt
gm have given such a duel
mve secuH-d the highly lu
ot' sln-rili‘ and I'P‘L'ISLUI‘ of
dolphin to his own party
than to their opppnents.
ing (he Constitution of the
low soldiers to vofo, lunl its.
tocmllc Home, :mniu lln-mn.
c. I mu; on it mywll'. But
voted ngavnst, it in the
z of them had linen a colo
. where he (lficlzll'b‘d he had
frauds to lend him to know
31% would not. get. a (am
So much for some of the
to influence the soldiers.
is in suuterfuges and fulsc‘
‘1 we gave you as gnllnn'. a
as our candidate for P i—
in Pennsylvania we my.
‘arors twops bravo soldiers
firth to battle. Tlrey bczu'
luumercua hounrublu scurs
ivotion to the Union.
be lriumphnntiy elected I
Men are beginning to be
to taik out. Eveiywhpre
ying changes. The Dem
!u‘H of vigor and activity,
-nla are divided and only
the cohesive power of pub
‘e signs of the time.» are
{FI-Oman parts of the State
riportv. Tim principles of
party are the hope 01 the
my»: gioriously triumph.
and immovable.
ifl‘ whose awful form,
ule, and midway lcdvps the
ase, dark} rolling clouds are
emea on its head.“
more F 0 :-‘<
Noblack Rep
State, so far‘ss I
against negro-w fi'r
blican nempnper in this
‘9 have seen. hue declared
hinge. Most of thejoumnls
= egpiesacd themaulvesm
0 that party hav
favor of it
üblicnns, in (hair coupty
meelxngu, have no). re
nitaxnlfmg the negro the
I . ,
ha whne man. Some of
‘d, openly, m favor of“,
My 80.
The black R9ll
conventions and
solved a word «1311.1
political equal of »
them have resolv
and other: indire
The black Ropv bliezln State Cnnvenfinn'
did not Intern we (1 again” giving the right l
of suffrage to the egru; but did say n‘wonl
indirectly favoring hat doctrine.
No prominent lack Republican politi
cian in this State has avowed himself up
posed to putting t e negro upon the same
platform with m white man, but Stevens,
Cannon, Reilly, ad other: of them. axe
known to be in fa or of it. The black Re
publicans in our 1 st ‘Logislatum voted to
compel the Stree Railroad Companies of
Philadelphia to c ry negroea in the same
cars with white m n and women! 1
Now, on the oth 1- band, the Democratic
newspapers, the mom-mic County Con:
ventiona sud- mdetings, the Democratic
Stave ConventionJ and the Democratic
members of the Legislature, all, are out
squarely and unmistakably Against ~this 1
black Republican lplnu fur equallzing the i
negro with the whlxe mm. 1
These five FAUl‘s.-Jej}'crmi¢n. ‘
l . «
mats are playing I ah
1:153 dividing the by}:
p hetween civilian and
on the ticket. in time
y aim elect, and‘soldiers
us. :This may be a very
erically, but the soldiers
[G‘The Aboliti
gamer—as they (12'
or: of candidateshi
"soldiers," in then“
They put civillamt
district: where ltd.
where they (:3an
equal division. nu .-
"can’t see it,” =
_e says that if a girl who
1; Wm gel. married, she
pn her eyes. If that
#5O to a More and buy
'OO drese at Abohciop rag
Ifshe can’t. “see W! then,
_he has too much “crass”
33-h) exchang
is born done-51in
will certainly op‘
uhould fail, let. be;
her first his, 5 ca.
currency Ewes. *
it will be came
in her eyel.
0033. OMBELUB “00313.
a Mich-Cm Mo! mam-g
oodeeleiy and truthfully upset! tho 198-",
tion: military record made for Col. Gimp
beli, the Abohtion candidate for Amine!
Gdheral, by his home organ. The Dam-rat
mites an foilowv
Tm: Cntgnxs.—"Tha Leo an.
not change spnts, nor the min
lii; skin.” Neither can the Abolition par
t cease from lyin‘g. not Avoid wsflowlng in
lieir own deep. damninfloorruption. -
‘ The Johnstown 73-17 mm anyl:
"Col. Campbell himself gallant! and
well led his own regimen» in both “in bu
tles named, (New Market and Piedmont.)
and in évery other engagement. with tho
single excvption of the aflisir at Sfiicker'l
Lisp—in which the rggimenl partici‘mtod
during the whole period of his three years'
Col. (‘.«lmplwll was not ’in the battle 0f
Winchester, July 23d and 24th. 1864. Ho
'met the regiment after the battle was
‘ fought and (.‘roaks’ forces were retreatin .
In 11. battle before Lynchhurg be run an
1 commnnd ofa brigade, and did not. in per
yon. command the regiment. These facts
We hear from dill'ercnl members of there i
mam, \v‘na do no}, wish to detract. from tgo
merits ol Col. Campbell“ During the bat
tle of l‘redmonl Col. hintnn‘ was diuhlod
by 'lhc wound received at the battle «New
Max-Let. From the «late of the battle of
Piedmont, Col. Campbell never in person"
commanded the fifty-fourth. Our neigh
hnr ohthe ng'lmm should not assert thou
things he cifjmr, know! to be false, or of
which 1m could so 'euily ascarln'm the
mnh. (Jun mammot- oi the 7Hbune in
{mm ua. in mm other bnules besidas New
Mul‘kv‘t, Piedmont. und the nilhir before
Lynchburg. either as 'commnnder of a regi
ment or brigade, Col. Campbell particl
putorl? . ' ,
(fol. Linton. unless disabled by wounrla
and guilt-ring intenaely by; reason thereof.
was convmnilv on gluly. H» mm 'nnr, mm
torcd n'ut. until long nfter his Han-e years
olnpml, nml then by an order of llro'Wnr
Department. on nccount of disulnlity by
wounds rewivnol in battle. , '
(‘JI- ('mnpl-01l commanded during 'thg
win(er of ISM—4 the first brigade of Col.
Mulligun’s divi‘don.’ ‘1! was stationed at
(llllbl‘l‘ht points, viz: ‘ Cacnpen rivnr, Han»-
lm' Ruck, Mummy and so on. 'l‘he'lfend
«punter» 0f.11.0 bugn lva were MS ringfiald,
.\'li. ’l‘hn ln‘inclle business of tlle ofllprrs
of 31m brigade was burning deer along the
Smith Brunch nl Lhe I’otonmc. ColfCamp
boll lived in rug-. 11 style, m‘ the bvst Mid
largest lmuee in tlio village, where he us
within its comfortable wnlls from revgillo
to tattoo, vnjoying the genial warmth of!
lilnziug'wood lire, smoking his pipe with
great complacency, [and is supposed to
have oct‘usinnnlly given some bmf order:
to his Adjutant General. ‘ -
During this Winter Col. Linton oobupied
his marque upon a Wlld, blenk mountain
sillo, employed in the weary and monoto
nous task of rendering the re iment elfi‘
cient m drill and discipline. fimring the
campaign in the Shenundoah the regiment
bore a. conspicuous; and important pan. nod
me long list‘nf-its killer] and wounded
shows how well the «lisoi line and drill of
Gnl. Linton had prepared) them to moelo
determined foe~ The maimed arm and
scars on his own person. attest how devo
todly he shared llie perils and sufferings of
his (:omrxulcc. li' heroic dccrls and perso.
mil bravery, the «lee» anguish, pain and
torture (mused by festering wounds Ind
honorable scars, are to be mode the requis—
ites, (or oflice, the}: Col. Linldn should
lmve the summit ‘of the entire_peopla—'-
wluln the luck ol these neooful requisites
would withhold their. suyporl. from his
545*“ is a little singular that Catholic
prim-d 3 leulzl ”011 K? first and only one:
lnrrefila‘i and hold to bail in Missouri for
”xi-ruching without taking the oath pre
lwrihcdlvv the rfow Constitution‘ of th‘t
(State. Undoubtedly clergymen in other
-Idr-nomimtions have preached without tn
”1:1,; the mth. These arrestq, under tho
iciicunxstnnces, show how swift the Abolition
ipm-ty is to make war upon the Catholics in
{this country when it mm invent a pretaxt
{or doing so, ‘lt hale: them, for the simple
{lemon that it believes the majority of-tbeln
to he llnmocriits, and por=ecutes its Erioatl.
inlthnugh they are the only ones oft eoler
l ical on‘lrr who hnvo i'efugedlto prostitute (
i their oll‘ice to political partizanahtp. 'They
I were the only ones who brnvgd the pest:-
‘lence mi'l mingled with the horroraoffin
demonvllle to otfm‘ religious consolation to
ouraoldiors. I’reqchegs ofother denominw‘
lions in,tlio South had turned domagoguoa,
M thnsg in the North, and were actuated
by the same sectional hatred. They were
hnmpuml to suy'of our soldier» as Parson _
llrownlow Said of theirs: “They had but
two rights-the rightto be‘hnnged and the
right to be damned.” Catholic priests hav
ling held themselv'es aloof from politicoV
l controversy: saw in a member of the Catho
-1110 Church in either army one entitled to
their kiml olfices and spiritual comfork— \
Chicago Tlmgs. ‘ .
The Radical! Bra-Mimi! Black Insurrection.
-—'l‘he Scienljic American says that Colt’l
pistol factory is running twenty hours I
day in order to supply the increeeed de
mand for revolvers, and ediflfihut most oft/u
orders rmnefrom Southern Myron. This [not
taken in connection with the statement of
an Alabama correspondent thtt huge num
‘bers of the newest 'and most improved re
peating rifles are scattered among the ne
gmes m tillfercnt localities of the South.
would indicate theta negro insurrection is
in contemplation; It is well understood
among the Northern Ridicule that the “ir~
represeihlc conflict” shall not end until the
Southern uegroes are allowed to vote and
to have all the privileges of white men. It
is easy, therefore, to conjecture where
these rifles and the money to buy'
them comes from. The negroes in their
ignorance end poverty, would never take
up the idea nor have the means of provi
ding themselves with the latest improved
rifles‘ and pistols. They are prompted and
encouraged, and money is furnished them
train the North to‘get up an insurrection.
The Yankee Radical hatred orthe‘South- ,
ern people” is more intense now than ever,
and if it should be left to them to shxpe the
Government policy the majority of that'
people would be banished or exterminated.
There is hardly a question that the Yankee-
Abolition. negro sufl'rage agents of “the
Negro Boarding House Bureau along with
others, are engaged secretly in distributing
deadly weepbna'amoug the ignorant and
brutish Degrees of the South. The Atten
tion of the authorities is therefore required
immediatelyjto this subject. In the no.
groes' need protection the Government
should furnleh' it. but it shoulcimct allow
the harming of hordes of semi-harboring
blacks by a lot of plundering, _bloodtnmty
political o dime, who have no norm for
the laws o%either God or man.- ’at'rioLd‘:
Union. ,
Grambmthen—A ‘oorrespondent offing
Lewistowu Journal says he overheard lh-n
following conversation between lflwmlt
urchins: _Says onv, "Ain’t you fl'fio‘
grandmother 2” “No." s‘l tell fir"? -
ponded thefirst, “they're {up top. m:
do as you please; give yerAu much gout
stufl'as yer can eat, md the amnion nurse
chem “label-ter ‘hey Elke M," ._ ‘
,W”Uheny lies the hut! that, wears a
crown.” This may be the qun why the
ladies have discarded flu; cxown} oLJheir
bonneu. ‘“ ».
‘ Last Ordlr 91' ”it abundant—{L noiifiéan
hon ,to. the Jacobi ndwah' thug. weir
mane bu come.” . , M w
Mow-9- O’T—T ,_
fi-Eourmn “mung five hngdmif‘gnd
“Vang-Imp chiugec' dud in 8574.3er
“swear: ' z > ' j ‘fi'm‘é .r-"evésameu