gw-M r'r‘ , w v‘ -» 9 ms. _ W'— The Column: in published every Monday morning,~fiyrflun J. Snnu, at. $2 00pm annum if pdd atriotly xx ADVAKCI-f-s2 50 per mnum if not psid in ndnnoe. No subscription discontinued. unleu it the Optjon of the pubfisher, until all marge: are paid. ‘ ‘ Anvnrmnuuinsertodltthoumnlntoé. Jon Paw-um; done with names: md dispatch. ‘ ‘ 0:1ch in South Baltimore Itreet, usurly opposite Wamplers’ Tinning Estublishment -—“Cuuru.n Pun-mo Otrlcn” on the sign. {PXQWSSWNAL cams. ~13. McConaughy, TTQRNEY AT LAW, (office one door west A of Buehler’s drug and book store,Chnm~ herahurg atreet,) Anon“ Ann Summon you Pun" AND Psysxoxn. Bounty Land Wan rants, Back-pay suspended Claims, and all other claims against the Goyernmentnt Wnslv ing'on. D.- C.; alsoAmericnnCllimsln England. Lsuul “"armntalocatud and sold,or bopght,nnd highest prices gin-n. [Agent's engaged in lo cating warrants in lowa, Illinois and oths: voncrnStntel ”Apply to him yenonally / by letter. . \ Gettysburg, Nov. 21, '53. , 1 -‘ Law Partnership. ‘ V .\. DUNCAN &J. If, WHITE. 1 ‘ . ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW,‘ \l'xll promptly attend to All legal businc‘ss _ r-nlruxtud tq them, including the procuring of Pensions, Bounty. mick Pay, and nll other. ilnirns nguinst the United Staten and Slate; (imrrnmcnls. ' A . _ (lilice in .\'orth West Cornet of Diamond, (ii-[lyshnrm l’enii'n. 1 Alan) 3, 15155. 11 1 Edward B. Buehler,’ TTOIINEY AT LAW, will faithfully and A promptly attend to All business entrusted 'm lum. lle npouka the German magnum.— (Mic? at the sumo place, in South’ Bnllimore NHL-t, neur Fornny's drug store, and nearly qypndlu Dzlnnl'r s Ziegler‘s stole. (jun; sburg, March 20. ~ V J. C. Neely, TTORXEY AT L.\\V.-——l'nrti('ul:lr {lnc-n- A‘fixm [HM to collection of l‘omionw, Ummty. :mvl Bark-lug.“ Office in the S. E. tnr'wr uf lh_u hhmmxd. » . Gt U'nhlll‘g, .\.pril 6, 1803. H Dr. 'D. S. Pefl‘er, MINT l‘s’l'U‘l‘fN, Allnuna ('oxln'_\',(-r»nt2111303 A Hw‘p :lylicc of his profession In "H us M m hp}! null woulnl ru‘pcrn'uliylimiu- :11l JH~l2TU\\'.\', l'.\. 4 Jam: 10,155; If - . 'J. Lawrence 3111', M. 1). AS his office one , ‘ “Ev; KI vluur'wezt nftlle.‘:‘.'uii¥r€'-f.§é Lurh. mn Hum-h in ‘. -"”' \"l.m.\:l-r~‘m‘;: :‘tx‘cl‘t. mm oppmm Pickmm'e Fun. \\l|‘TL‘ thus:- “1:1:ng tn hwe 3.1;; “fnlnl (m 1 -.' mu pun'pnm-d nzvrupe'ntnllj im‘ilrdm 1u: Humiunwae Drs. ilnruol', Rev. C. P. Kn m \. '.\'. U .va. U. L. Ban-wow, U 1 Dz, Rev. )Jw: \l J mans. ..’w'. .\I. I..sLu:\'cr. . Ut-H.\~lJ!lx,'..\‘ull H 3233. : Removals. 7 'HF.underci”lnml,heingri‘m-nulhyrizrdporsnn a m mah- wummls into I‘lu-r Uri-cu ('omc- In“ \ ,l "1“" II: n knvh us Hum-mph!“ tho rt-uywu] (nlhl.‘l('i\|.\\[l" ut' ;XvL-ousml whine: nr h'il-n-ls \\ vli :|\ MI thump-1:: .= n! thicsmuun u: tin-year in L H.- il ‘hvnv. “Mm-Yuk made “11]: promptnosg m ms In“, runl nu HEN. hpztrml [u 1:11.“th " .1?-2TH” 'I‘HUHN,‘ Keeper of flu; Coniflery. V! V,- .. 7..... ‘ —‘l “{rvh l ’l. "W Hardware and .Groceries.‘ Y WHH c'l‘)‘"l"l‘llL‘rS I‘Mcjjusfi n-lurnwl finm a the rnfits “uh :Ili iuuuvmv .Lupply (I H \IIIHVAHI-I A; (HUN‘P—lelhfi, v hio]. they mo *.‘l- Hm; at 11.011 Hid rum] in Bulluunru drum. ..1 Influx town Un- mucs. Uur_atmk-Lun-i.~ts In In”! at ' 171 ILIIISH \[\TF.IH.\LS, ‘ ' . , L'.HH'l{_\".l 12155 THDLS, llL.\"KS.\H'l'H'.\' TOOl 9, COACH HXI‘II.\GS SHOP. FINDINGS. ' CABINET \L\KER’S TOOLS, unusuxyxman‘s 'l-‘lx rI'nES, 'ALL K‘Xl)s HY H‘.U.\'. M‘. GROCERYES UF .\ LL KINDS, ’ ()Ilgh', PAINTE, Mn, kc. There is no ullicle Included if! the several departments menti- ncd nhm‘c hut wlmt can '11:: land at. (his Summ— En-ry class of .\lecl’mnics can be accommodated here hith tools and fin‘dingsmull Iluu=ekveper§ mm find every nrlirle in their line. Give us n CA", as We ure prepared to séll as low for cash a: .my Muse out 0,! the city. _ ' , JOM. B. BANNER, \ DAY“) ZIEULHIK. Genyshnrg, .\[ny 16.'1864._ ' . Grain and Produce. AVINLMaken Illejnqge and commodious Warehouse recently occupied by Frank Hersh, 1631]., \ IN NEW OXFORD, we are prepared to [my the highest. prices for all kinds ofPRODUGH.' Also, sell M the low nst prices, LUMBER, COAL and GROCERIES, pf eyery description. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ ’A. P. MYERS J: WIERMAN. New Oxford, Aug: 10, 1863. tf The Great Discovery F THE AGE.-—luflummnmry and Chrdnic Rheuum'tis elm becured by using H. L. _sllLLfiß‘S CELEBRATED BHEUMA'I‘IC .\IIXL 'IURE. Many prominent citizens of this, and ;lie adjoining counties, have testified to its grout utility. Its success in _Rheumntic affec gious,hu been hithcrm unparalleled. by any specific, introduced to the public. Price 50 pent: per bottle. For sale by all druggists and norekeepern. Prepared only by H. L. .\flLLER, Wholesale and Baum Dr‘uggisl, Ensn Berlin, Adams county, Pm, dealer in arugs, Chemicals, Oils, Vu-ninh, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot.- tied Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window Glass, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc, kc. WK. D. Bnehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for ‘i H. L. Miller’s Celebruted Rheumatic Mixture." [June 3, 1861. tf Young Men 'ND OLD MEN, .do not allow your mother; and you when to wear out their precious lvea, over me old Wall—tub longer, but. like ;rne men and behefuctors, present them with an EXCEL SIOR WASHER, and named of from" and cross words on wash days, depend upon it. cheerful fuceaLwill greet you. i TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, Pu. Doc. 14, 1833. ' » ) Battle-field Views. FULL set of on; Photographic View: of the Esme-field of Gettysburg, form a. up undid 343 for tip Baud-ya. The finest yet. published on be new at the Excelsior Gallery. | TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg.» Wanted. ; FAR! in Aduné county, {or whichl will oxchnnge choice Western Land», at a. ”in. ‘ GEO. ABXOLD. ‘ fins.- ~ me. = » I 30581;“) BOOTS.—Wn as now receiv— S milligram: of abound Boo‘ulor ‘ neh‘ bays, hdiu, aim, and chndtontwhich \ we hells hvulpoulblo. 50?? &. WOODS. E, ° - li, m H. J. STAULE 48th Year- _ A Desirabje Farm T PUBLIC SALI-I.—l:«,Un SATUHIDAY,Ihe A‘m. an, of (){r'rogmn next, um um. amber. intending logxniwurm‘mg, h’illofl’er at l’uhlic S 21v. fill tlg-‘p I‘I'XESCS. '1 [IE-FAR.“ on which he resides, situate in Huntington tummlnip Adams couqu, adjoin inz lands of JOSth ' rimmer, Michael Minter, Slitlmel Bauer, Wm. Irgnry. and others, ccn minin; bf. acnu, um ear Ivss, will: manna .\chlmvs and Wood]: M. I’an ofthe innllims been limed. "I‘Lc hupmvcmenls are": is .. one und 3 ‘l)an bm‘r) LNG HOUSE, unc m: and .2 half sn‘ary hog Shop, Double Log , ' “am: with nlhu'l‘ out-buildings ; three springs or nm't-nnilmg water, two hurdunzl 0305011, nenr tint dour ; with an Ample Urvlmrd, and all other fruit. tome rat-ing ol whirl: the mayor'- Uis mimimMy udaptvd. Poraons wit-hung to new it me requested to call on the uiflbs‘tlibt‘f, residing tlnrmn. ‘ Thl- pl'inrty'\\’iU he offered in two parts of altogether. ns‘gnay best suit put-Ehtzgersmthe one part hnvtug 55 acres with the buildings, and the other übuut 30 Mart-s. Wr'nle to commence a). I o'clov-k, P. 31., on said day, u hL-u_ ntwnnldnce \\ ill be git‘pn and terms llytdk known by _ : Sept. 4, man. ’l5 Public Sale. N THE. DAY. {he 'Jd dAy of OCTOBER 0 In~\t,i pursuance of flu Urglrr of Ihu Or phallx'd Go'ur af' A'lflme munly, Hu- >ll')*ci'ill(t, .\nhninktml {of the tstule of Benjamin Fge m rhdwczlgc , “ill ofl‘er an Public hale, on the pn-miwz. H. qunwh-g rm! c-t:\lr-,..v27. ‘. ' - _x Tmurn up mm, mlnme in armimjuy truvnship. .\«lugns rmmty, P 3,, on 'thc roml lending {rum Lin): Shawn [u ExnmiQhlil-pgalmnt two and n hNLmiles m-‘t of “army. mljuhfing' I.lm]; nl Duiid Spunglvr. (u'ufrrgo .\Luing, und mhrrs, conhyui‘uing ‘_'U Avroa‘ m’de‘zil I’m-n-hcs, lmring thereon n 'l'v'o.~torx “KICK m. HHI'M‘I‘ with Uflvlhhnil‘linz, a ,N“‘}‘: _"fi' BurnAY-xgnf .\‘ln-uv ('mu Crib, 6m, with H u Ymmg .\piJ'e Urclmul, um! a mvcr-hnliug m-H 01 “Me Hi LLB dour.‘ Pan 0! Lhchmdhus lncn limo L ' ‘ [;fi‘b‘nk- to cominvm-c‘ at. I o'k-luc-k, P. I]., on 5.11;] day, Mun “Needlmcwwili be gin-g 1 :uzd il'lms nan-lg I\lznnn ln’ 7 ‘ V .'.LA('nx: n’..l-‘F:l:>"En,_.\.'.m:r 11y ”(a ('nnr'—J. J Fluk,('lLll\'.' A ; suit. 11, 1.3.5. 2: * ‘ Valuablc} Propertzes 4on SALE. - a ‘ '. JUUN’ C'ZOF(‘K.§M.IIII .\gont‘, . ~.\‘.-\\ Ounrd A|lnlll::'("J.‘_Pl\., 1: W for znle :\ numhm or‘ dmifuhlo proporlire, lu uh'n h hx- :ng‘“: {m- um-miun 01" those wkh mg m lllln‘llflflf. ‘ A FARM u! 160 nrrvs,‘ in 'ilmxnwl'eumnt township, with gum] .\'TUNI—I HH'USH. good“ lei, \VJguu Sin-ii. ('oru Crib, Wash House, . (Luau-41,: &c.-—l'.},(mu l-usiu—is a! lime mg :lm' Lxrm, mu! umlPr‘lin’c cilltix'.ition7~—is within 2 miles oé'Nt-w Oxfmd, v 1 quzjn'n- of :\ mile from ‘ lhe Gettysburg~ [Liilrmid and A‘ quarter at M mili- I'roxn'lhc (ie‘iydnurg Turnpike; , "l A _TA YERN} STAND i.| New OonrJ, at the t Railroad Staliqn. it is ln'o-stoly, roomy and, convmiiom, nndi; a good “Liar-fur Whine”. ’{ l-‘(Hi'i‘Y ANKL‘S ~'(JF LANE“: milvs i'rnmfl!’ Nrw t'Hmd. in Mnnntplenfinut to\\’nzi|i«|). “11): :1 mar Two-Am.) ilUl‘Si-J. thunk"llau‘ur—Wugona Stud. Cum Crih. (All uew.)j.l Urclmrds. plenty-,1 ul‘Hmd wuur. Xe. . ’ - l i A [_H-M or lElfi‘uL-nes, near Hunterstown, “ith :oer ”who, Burn, and otlxcx‘buildipgs. Land In Em culunuion. ,"“ ' . Srvuml Manse: and Lots in New Oxford also luranlu. ' x K pgrl'orsuns who “i";h to hnj Realmsmte, ns will us thus}.- who ms]: to :cll,nrc rcqurmtv ml 1n 2ch Llu: subscriber n can, as. his more, in Nu“ (I\{LrCL . ' Supt. «1, 18,65. In)" Real Estate’ [LT ['l' J. U! ’in?- BUG S.\l.E.——ln pursuance (if nu r of the Orpimfi’s Qéurt of Adam; .. Ill'be oli‘erul at" (’ublici‘ale, on {he ilrl'lrli ' j ‘fi'm‘é .r-"evésameu Jl’hi-glg