1111 :1 13m Tail l‘hqéGoxnu-n in published um Méndly am“, by Elxui. Susana; $2 00 per snn'mn if paid ltticlly m “Juliet—s 2 50 per tannin if not paid in advance. Np subscription discontinued, unleu It the obtion of the publisher, until all nrwgea ue paid. ' Anvnuunm-s inserted at thaws! nus. Jon Pnumua done with Me:- sud disputeh. J , Omen in South Baltimore street, near), opposite Wnnplen’ Tinning Establilhmeng —~“Colm.u Yux'mm Cum" on thengn. PRO?ESSMNALS®ARB& - Edward B. Buehler, - o TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully Ind A promptly attend to all bunineu entrulted to him. fie speak: the German ltuguager— Oflice at the same place, in South Baltimore nreet, near Forney's drug store. and nearly opposite Dunner & Zicgler'a "ore. Gettysburg, March 20. - J. C. Neely, TTORNEY AT LAW.—Purticuhr atten- A tion mid to conecfion of Pensions, ounty, and Buck-pay. Office in the S. E. corner or the Diamond. Getlyabiu'rg, April 8, 1863. If n " D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAsv,(ot§ce one door went A of final: 1": drug and book atore,Cham ersburg mg» Anon“? um Somcnon row. I’m-nu Aun' Psxuois. Bounty Land Wur nntl, Buck-pay “upended Claims, and nll nlhenclni'mg ngnlnsl the Government nthsh lnz'on. D. 0‘; alaoAmcrlcnnClnimu in England. Lund Warrants located and sold,or boughl,nnd highest prices glven. Agents engn'ged in lo cating warrants in fawn, Illinois and 01hr: western Staten [Q'Apply to him personally or by lcuer. . , ‘ Gettysburg, Kov. 21, ’53. “- ‘ Law Partnership. A. DUNCAN l: J. H.-WHITE, . ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Will promptly Attend to all legni bulineu entrusteg to thorn, including thv prou-nring of Pensions, ‘flounly, Back Pny, and a“ other claim; Ligninst. the United States and 8m: (‘.overm’onts. Office in North West Cornet -of Diamond, (ift!3'nh,m‘l:. l’eun'n. _ April :1, 1505. u ‘ A. J. Cover, ”TURKEY .\'l‘ LAW,wa promptly Mtend A to Cont-cums and all other huninms en mum] to him. ()flica between Fuhnesfiocks’ mu] lnnm-r 4L Zioglr‘f's Stores, Baltimore =treel (.i ctlysburg.’ 9.; a J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. / II AS his omre one n _' ‘ door WDaL oflhe @fic’ Lutheran church in _ _ Uhnmbers’urg Eta-ct. and opposin- I’ickmg'z Bkm, wh -re those wishing to have may Dental Oper‘minn perfoxmed Me ruspactfully invited to mil. [anzumun Drs. Uuruer, Rev. C. l’. Kr. In“). I). 0,, Rev. H. [l. Bnughcr, l). D., Rev. Pxof. .\L JM-ul‘n, .’rof. .\L L. Stun—gr. Getlydmrg, .\lll'll 11,’33.‘ ' Dr. D. S. Pefl'er, BROTTS'I‘H‘XN, Adnmi mumy, mntinues A thew le'lict‘ a! his profession in all its branches, and would rcflnéctfilfily invite all purions nlfiigted with any old standing dis -9.140310 czlli and rnnsult him. _. Oct. 3,186 i. Ll’ - Dr. J. W. C. O’Neal’s FFIUE nun] Dwelling, N. H. corner of BM“ 0 “mare and llxgh streets, near l’reabyv riun (.hurrh, (huysimrg, l’n. , Nov. 30, 1303. 11‘ Br. J. A. Armstrong, :\\'l.\(‘x remow‘d (mm New Salem. York 11 cunmg, mu! having iomled tit Middle m\\‘n,'.;\d.-ms CUIIIH}, 011'er his pmfiusiunnl H nice: to Hm public. '[July 731. 'O5. On: Doctor 0. W. Benson. Fl-‘ICE an 1119 Klilronfl Home. (frunlronm, O formerly occupi-‘d hv Dr. Kiuzcr,) LITTLES‘PUWN, m. Jxxne19.1363. 1f ' ' f ‘ Removals. Y WEl“.undorsihcdmeingtlpuuthorized person 1 to make removals into [her (\‘rrcen Crmc: u-rv, Imponlun such us contemplate the removal oflhe rvnmius of deceased relxttives or friends will nvml themselves of this season uflllq'enr to imve it dnno. llcmovnk Inznh: with prompluess -—lerms low, an} no elfurt spared to please. PETER THORN, ~ .\(arch I'2, ’6O. Keeper of the Cemetery. Hardware and Gr‘o‘benes. f “B ..'uhscrihers have just rmurned frmi F the cilia-s wilh an immu-nse supply of HARDWARE .6; (ikUCEthS, which they are phi-ing 2y tlmr old stand in Bultxmore fired, at prices to suit the times. Our stock consists in 'pnll 01 BMLDXXG MATERIALS, CARPEN'I‘I-JL‘S TOOLS, ' BLACKSMITH’S‘ TOOLS, . . COACH HSDINGS‘ sues: Fixmxcs, x CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS. uopszexmrmu'q “‘anxs, ~ ~ ALL KLV'DS 0F IRUN. kc. GROCEBIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, &c., kc. There is no unicle “minded in the'severnl departments Pénfiuned nb‘ove but what pan be had at. this Store..— Every class of Mechanics can be accommodated here with took and findings,nnd Eonsnkeepers pan find every article in their line. Giv us a pal], as we are prepared to sell as low f 0: cash 5.3 any house out. 9f m: chy. " ' mm, ‘B. mum-fix, K DA’YID ZIEGLE . _Gettysburg, May 16. 1864. ~ Grain and Produce. AVING ukan the large and comuiodioua Wuehouae recently accupied by Frank etsh,Esq., \ ; . [X NEW OXFORD, ye are prgpnred‘zo pay the highest prices for H 1 kinds of PRODUCE. Also, sell at the low gst prices, LUMBER, COAL anfl GROCERIES, 8! every descriptiqn. ‘ - AXP. MYERS Q WIERMAN. New Oxford, Aug. 10, 1863. cf The Great Discovery F THE AGE.~ln(lnmmatop-y and Chronic Rheumatism canfi cured by “sing H. L. g LLER’S CELEBRA D REEUIIA’I‘IC HIX~ - URE. Many prominent citizens of this, and the adjoining counlieu, lmve testified to its great utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec titans, has been hitherto unparalleled by Any specific, intrgduced to the public. Pricg 50 sent! per hot le. For snle by all druggists and Jtorekeepers. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, P 3,, deslerin Drugs, Chgmicnls, Oils, Vanish, Spirits, Paints, Dye~stulfa, bot tled Oils, Essences and Tinctures, Window glans, Perfumery, Patent Mgdicines, Jun, he. fi‘A. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for“ H. L Miller’s Celebrated Rheumatic llixture." [ana 3, l 8“. 1.! Young Dien ND OLD MEN, do not alfow your mgthen 'and your wives to wear out their precious as over the old Wash-tub longer, hm like In men and benefictors, present them with ' an. EXCEL-9108 WASHER, and Instead of frowns and etc" words on wnh days, depend , upon it, cheerful {scan will‘kreet you. .TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysburg, Pl. De’c. 14, 1863. , ' ' Battle-field anws. ' {ULL set of our Photographic Views of “the Bums-Eek! of chygbnrg, {can a Q}: claim gift for the nouaayu. The finest yet pthishod an be lean saga Excelnior Gdhry. . ~ TYSON 31101 3RB, (impugn-g. ‘ Ago Arum 8,91» Con; Butch Meo- our § WWW. fnr’ um us primal” mg Store. . _ ' ' " Br H. J. STABLE. 4'7t11 Year. Fresh Confectionéry ADM) ICE CREAM SALOON. The subscriber respectfully iniorms the citi zens of Gettysburg and vicinity that he has n Confectio'nery Establishment, one door east of the Eagle Hotel, on Ch‘amberabnrg street, to which he would invite their attention. Cakes, Candles, and every description of Confections, together‘ with Nuts. Oranges, and all kind: of fruits‘, always on hand. Parties, public and private, I: well as fami lies, will be furnished with I“ kinda of Cakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal lorm or otherwise.) and other refreshment; 11. their houses, upon short notice. « "14"ng spent a life-time at H» bu‘sincss, he Halters himself that he underflnnds it and thnl he is able torrender entire ssrisfisction. (“all and sée his Confectionery. April 24, 1’865. If JOHN GRI'EL 7 EALERS IN D CBXNA, GLASS «E QUEENSWARB, PLATED WARE, FINE CUTLERY, . ‘ ‘ - CASTORS, .th No. 6 Huovln S_nn'r, If“: BAL'fllpll‘. Sl2, . —---»uuvnra, up. , GLASSWARE :r—Tumblers, Goblets, Wines, Luge", Flasks, Blk. Bottles, Candy Jars, De canurs, Pres. Dishes, Fruit Bowls, Sam, Uns tora, Castor‘Bofllee, Ker. Lumps, Ker. Chim neyn, Lanterns, kc.- . , QIIEENSWARE :—-Plnt:s, Fiat Dishes, Deep do., Covered do., Covered Butters, Ten Pom, Sugars, Creams, Bowls, PitChors; Chambers, Basins undnl’itchers, Mugs, Spilloons, Tea Sela, Toilet Sets, «he. 00.“. STONEWARE t-Jugs, Jars. Pin-hers, Milk Pans, &c. I [May 1, 1565. ' ly‘ . [Sc-pt. 5, 1859: ‘ . lAXOS !—-The undersigned would respeqt- P lufly inform the public that. he can furnish PIANOS of flu: foliowing mannfncmrus, or Ihoso of other make, it— dcsired, m. the lowest p 0 seiblc prices: ‘ . CHIL'KERING & SONS. ' DEUCE]: BROS. - HAZLI'XTON BROS. ' RAISES BROS. ' ' GEO,.STE(‘K. . A. H. GAIILH kCO. ' . - STEISWAG 8: SONS. ‘ [Q'Purliculur Mtenlinn is given tn the se lectioxi of Pianos; nnd when so saluted, in m]- xion lo llw mmmfmcturcis’ gunmnlee, the Piano: are guarumml by me. -‘ ~ CAP-[SET ORGANS AND MELODIANS The recent improvements in these instru ments are winch M m fully warrant 5n 'ingthey are FAR SUPERIOR to any othc'r maie. One of the best. evidences. of their merit is, that lht-i'r improvemgnts are imicued by other makers. The qefit‘ style, four stop pl‘gnu, have a Sub-Bass «nd Octave Couplel, m’nkmg it an instrument especiufiy adapted to Church and Sal/hm): Selma] purposes. - \ DI-ISCRH’TH'E CIRCUL‘. ‘S will be sent by mni} to persons des H lht-m. l’muox tuned regularly. Pianos tafiéufix u chauge. ‘ PETER IH‘ZXfiR- I No. 30 HustJl‘nrkct‘SL, York,‘Pni. . June')2,l36s. 6m ' WxTcumßm a; JEwtsLER, No». He . North SECOND Sueet, \u corner of Quarry, PHILADEL-fi I’IIIA. ’ An assortment oi , WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER .y PLATED \VARE‘ constantly on hand, SUITABLE FUI‘. HOLIDAYZPRESEXTS! wfiepniriug of Watches nnd Jewell-y prnm'ptl) “damn-d to. ( . _ Dec. 12, 1864’. 1y a Cumberland Coal! ' A LARGE supply of superior Bi?CKS)IITH cpl-\L,‘ now on haéd at Lii'gduced price, This Coal is superior to all other Coal in ihe United States for weldingvnnd other blacksmith purposes For sale by City Coal Yard, Frederick city, Md. June 19, 1663. Iy* ‘ V , ANTED.—The subscriber confinues to V buy HAY and GRAIN of all kinds, m Granite Station. [@ll6 also aellq, at the lowest rates, SALT, FISH, GUARDS, ch. July 17, 1865. 3m" ‘ Cannon’s - MARBL-E‘WORKS, S nth-enst'Corner of‘thye Diamond and Bulfi more street, nem‘ly opposite the Star oflice, _ GETT‘YVSBURG, PA. ‘ Every description of work executed in the ‘ hnest style of the an. Api-il 17, 186§. tr _ _.__.w_: A" .__“. _-_‘.. __ Piano Fortes. ; HARLEB M. STIEFF, ' nunncrunn or GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, Manufectory 103, 105 k 107 Franklin street, Wereroom, No. 7 Nbrth Liberty street. Constantly n large number of PIASOS of my own Manufacture on hand, with the Full Iron Frame and Over-strung. Every: Instru ment-warranted {or five years, with the privl’ 1989 pf exchange within twelve months if not entirely satisfactory. ‘ [S‘Second-hnnd Pianos always on hand at prices from $5O to 3200. Baltimore, Sept. 5, 18,64. 1y 3111* , RANGE OF TIMEI—On and after 'l‘an dny, November Ist, 1864, Trains on thh Road will run an fpllows: FIRST TRAIN will leave Baum-9r o; 8.1:: §. M 5, for Baltimore and intermediatn nmiona. ‘ ' SECOND T 3418 will leave at 10, A. 51., for York, Hlnisbnrg, Columbia, Philadelphia, and the North and West. _ THIRD mum will )ean at 3.27,, r. 11., for Baltimore. Paasengprs for York and Harris burg We train will be delayed two hours at the Junction, B. E; TROfiE, ' Hanover, Nov. 4, 1884. Agent. . EVI KU‘MPEE having purchased Samuel L Weum PHOTOGRAPH lemma): is pupa-:1“) gxecnle work in hisrline equal to any on: Hangman: in the State. If you amp. :5 good likeneu, finished apcordiug to thelntun Igprovemenu 5n the Mt, can u the abon lung-establishes ’Galfery, in West. vfludlg street, Gettysburg. ' (Jan. 9, 1855. QARD PHQTOGRAPHS q distinguished ipflfidnlll, including A unm ‘bor 01m prominent generals, Ind .Ihe old hm John!“ Ram, {9: angle at the counter, of rmhullioi 61mg, Davida“; , ‘ _ ‘ - ‘ Tl 5 N'QBO‘EQW- P. Bayley 8: CO., BALTIMORE, MD Pianos ! MASON & HAMLIN I. K. Staufl‘er, P. H. PYFER, Hay and Grain PHILIP HANN Hanover 3. Railroad. Pictures! Pictures! A ©EM©©RATH© AND FAMULV JOURNAL. j GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, AUG- 28, leés. The Adams County GRICULTL’RAL FAIR. A . rm: Gnocfié The Managers of the Adams County AGRI CUtTUnAL SOCIETY have the pleasure or Announcing to the public that the FAIR will beheld at the BENDERSI’ILI.E GROUNDS, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURS~ DAY, the 19th, 20th. and 21". days of Septem ber next. Until that lime the Grounds will be open to all, (subject to the regulotiona of the Menage") on the FIRST and THIRD SAT URDAYS al esch month, for exercising an‘fl training horses, and for pleasure driving. The public nre invited to bring along their: fut h'orses and fancy hours to develop their’mus clot and exhibit their Mtivily and metal on‘the turf. Gentlemen, bring with you your Wives;- your daughters and scqunintunces. Upon‘the Ladies, to 3 great degree, depends our success. ”they Will pnrticipale and assiat, we feel cer— tain lhnt the Fair will excel any one previous,- ly held, And be an occasion of which the peo pie 0! Adams County may be proud. There ocmsiona will divert the mind lrom the regnc hin routine of every day life and be conducive to health and strength. ‘ —ALBO— 2 O'CI.OCK. P. M., 01“ EACH 0? THE ABOVE DAYS, the Board will meet. at. their office on the Fair Grounds, for the transaction ufbnsineaa appertaining to the Fuir. And at. 6 o'clock, P. M., on each of the said dnys, dis cuss.ora Will be opened on Agricultural aub— jeus, wbigh ‘9‘” also be lurid on the Fail: Grounds. The public generally, and especial ly the ladies. are invited to be pr'esent and participate in these disuussions, wlifch are in len-ledlfurJhe diffusion of khOnlc-Jge on the subjeclsofFarming, Gardening. l-‘riiilurowing, kc. 11l lL\ 31 Ullll'lS'l‘, Pres’t. W]. B. WILSON, Sec'y. Aug. 7, 1865. M Horace Waters’ REAT MUSICAL ESTABLISHMENT, G No. '4ul BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Pianos. .\iclodcous, Cabinet Organs, Sheet .Music, Music Bov'ka, and all kinds of Musical Instruments and .\lusicul .\lerclmnd'isc, at the Losxsr nuns, wholesde and retail. Second hand Piunoa nmfielodeans M GREAT “nouns. Prices, $OO, $75, $lOO. $125 $l5O, $175, $2OO and $225. New 7 ncth Pumas for $250 and upwards. Pianos nnd .\lelodcons to let, am] rcntnflowvd ii‘purchuscd. .\lmitinly’lmymeuts received for the amine. ‘ ~ The Horace Wailers‘ Piano: and Melodcons are as fine and durable instrunn-nls as are made. \Varrnntctlgbrfivegears. l’iicesgreat 1y redyed for cash. . TESTIMOXULS. The Horace Wmers‘ Pianos are known as among the \cry Dosh—.\'ru' I’mk h'uanyeihl. We can spl‘nk oi the merits uf the Horace Wuu-rs’ Pianos from [Hrs-11ml lnmnlcdpc, us being of the very heal (ll!:|1:l_)'.—("lri€llull lm‘rl h'gencer. The Horace quors' I’innos are built of the husband mun lhorn-zghly seamuud mum-ml. —Admca!c .3‘ J'mmml. “'ulPls' Piano: and Melodeons chullmnge rompurisnn with the “111’s: unudc mzywhore m the cuuntx‘yr—llomc Juulrul. ' , Horace “'an'fi' l’luun fuxtt‘s Me of fun. rich and even lone,.und pmwrxul «.\’N Yurl _llcm (al Rtviua. v Uur hiends will find a! “I. Wn'rrs' store the very Lest ntsomm-nt or \l.x>i(- ilud of I‘Lmns to be found in the .L'uncd htntvSu—Urglmm'a Magazine. r ’.The Horace Waters’ Pianos aye all summer tone «mi elegant finish—dru- Yolk C'hr;.~(:nn Enquirer. Schedule- of prim»: m Inshumenls mud (‘nw logues ofSheel Music and an; .\luaic publiahed in the U. 8., mhilgd free. Sheet Kusic, a. flute suilml, M I} cems per page. . ‘ finbbnth School, and other Books, pllblirhfld by Horace \Vazerß. SJHBATH SCHOOL RELL.‘NO. I. SABBIATH SUdOUL HELL, No. 2, .CHURAL HARP, ‘ ‘ Tun: WADE)! PRICES : . Paper Covers, 33 pv-r doz.; Board, 53,60; Cloah Embossed Gilt, $4.20. _ BELLS, Nos. 1 and 2, in One Volume, $6,60 per dozen. Cloth Embossed Gilt, $7.20 per dozen. ~ V . ‘ DAY SCHOOL BELL, for Public Schools and Seminnries, Paper (Jun-rs, S 3 60 per doz.; Board Covers. 54,20 ; (‘lmh. SLSD. THE CIIRISTIA‘H IIELUUI§'I‘, a new Rec viva] Hymn and Tune Book. Price $3 per dozen. BJurd $3,60. , MAXUFACTORY AND WAREROOMS, , 491 Broudmfy, New York. Aug.‘ 14, 1865. s: Forwarding Business. CULP & EARNSHAW’S LINE ANING purchased the Warehouse and HACara heretofore owned by Samuel ller‘ust, ghe undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run 9. LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Balllmore every week. They are prepared to convey Freiiht either way, in anyquantity. The;~ will attend,“ desired, tothe making of purchases in the city. and deliver ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their cm run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SON e SONS, 165 North Howard” street, (nenr Franklin,) Baltimore, where freight will‘be received at anytime. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring then: that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. Having purchased the buildings and lot on the Northeast eorner of Railroad and North Washington streets, Gettysburg, their Depot will remain there. Any person having busi neu in the forwardingline are respectfully in— vited to call. CULP &-EARNSHAW. Aug. 7, 1865. State Arms. 0 CAPTAINS OF HOME GUARDR—The Commissioners of Adams county have re ceivednotice from the Quartermaster Gfineral of the Stnte, thut all the Arms and Accoutre meats issued to Home Guards in 1861. be im mediately collected and forwarded to his omce at Hurleburg. In pursuance of t‘hie. the Cam minioner: call upon all the Captain: of Home Guard: who have not yet returned the Anna and Aceoutrementa they drew at that time, to do go WITHOUT 0121,”. Should it be impossi ble lpr Captain to return all the arms to: which they made themselves reapogslble, they will be required to giveg. sutlshchr-y exphuh tion for every article lent. Without n {tempt compliance, the bonds of Captain: will e {or‘ felted. By order of the Commissioners. J. .\I. WALTER, Clerk. Aug. 21,1905.3:_ -___ ‘ Plcture Frames. GREAT variety or PICTUBE FRAMES, with ph‘m and convex sinuses, for sale at omer’a Drug and Variety Store. June 26, 1865: ADIBS’ mod. for (flanking, a‘nur supply ‘fi-A Frencli :11;th asserts that iftea jug; ncnvfi.nt«FAHNB3lrUCK 3303'. it. around. like co as, before to! water is no“ A“) ,BLIACEED 313514313, u put app}! n, it will yieldvdouble \b‘e mount B 12* Ind “mum I‘Mmmxsl' of eghlhrating qflrllifiefi . ' . ‘ “nu-m u nan" AND WILL "tun." POETRYO 91'. MICHAEL AND LUCII’BB, OI - flow I. Puninh I WG-11. A LEG‘L'ND. :1 Jun 9. mxé Bun! Michal 3nd Lucifer, misting one dly, nu Into nu lusty diam“, ‘ Though thy uguod the nu In ll civil n. In], 1 Al "filer. A chantry nit. ‘ , The mutt: In quutian—no trivial pm.— (‘Th I plumb). uory It least»— Wu, which 0! Un two Ind flu rightfulut china To I My qmu Inlely deemed- A woman of luhlon, who, landing IN, Lonhd on with a mwrul‘hu, , wum unfit-I utwmyl, b,‘ hhnet orpmor, Wu: ‘rylnz to uni. um cue. ‘ Wm. I bin. pd: one-Io- the trial beam; gut but virluu m min-l run, And furl] outpolu 111 the {cum In" linl That um I- an opp-in weight. Sc Michal, «lighted ut vluulnc tin pun, ; laugh-d out in the martial fly; “is”, lury . moman‘ 3" Sir Lucifer cria, “Just look It. um bundle, I pram]! Be laud (o cumin the charge: of dren *um wu accustomed to war; ’l'en Ilimpluou gown. you mu nunly contain, Were more “Ill! her Myship'l mun 3" “I name nrdanhnd yawn—hi: Revenue: and, (L'nmlling to Inn it nppenr 'nm ever a noxiun had entered his held Putaining ‘o feminine gvgr E] . “Of course," laid che Send, “you Judy“, I knew- Tun- wuknou it can or mylown ! . Yet lee Illnt the "nu": has livishpd‘fur lhow ' 1n costly apparel alone! in. humm- nnm. um in pride, Would lm'o decent!) conned and {ed . A more (If her nexghbom who luckenmhmd died For luck hf chum); and bred.” Then into the Baum. Hang with tin aim, The punk-mun budget he cut ; The virmes gu up Ind anifnr nun! szf‘mehux n ham: 1: (at! “Mn "‘ aid 01': Blink, “I mull fairly Allow ' . The mun-n In gra‘uy tn blnma In um miter or rniumm—pny «u me hour You mean 10 diupon or me dang” , . “Why, than.” uh! flu fiend, lith I cumin] (mun, “Do )ou fancy the you“: Imall ' Let her hnu every morning Anulher new man, And lhiuk 111-malt ugly in alll” ' ‘ Mont exgui-dte tortursr "‘ Miclu'al exdzliLJ; "l we that your Rrwn‘uce khll'l , (Quoxh hue-fur. bushing.) much mum about lume- Than you‘le willing to ban us summe " ’ “Go tow" erl, I am rathor reluctant m am The reginu from whence he ha-J came; "I‘m-n: lmrdl; su cinl, and jet ‘twn the x'une A: Il'lne hm] numeral. ‘ Ga hmue "‘ “I will,” mid (he fiend, ‘ filno’ I've nereradmmll 0f huainzu. whenu er I m; Fur Glnrermmmt mum, the guns! on earth, A: pmsan an Immznlhmw "’ ‘ 7 MLSGELLANY JACK HORNER. Hix T/ue ”(Mary—«Who ha; not heard of this famous individual? Who does not. remember being told in his childhood about Jack Humor? .\mi who has not. envied him in bla‘ good forume, wth 113- “Sal. in a cnrner eating a Christmas pie, Put in his thumb And pulled out a plum ' And an 3 what» many boy am 1,?" , Have (fie children ever inquired ivhn was Jacky Hornet? Here is the tradition : When Henry Vlll suppressed the man asteries and drove out the poor old monks frnm their nests. the title deeds of the Ab bey of Mells—ainnluding the sumptuous grunge built by- Abbot Selwoml—were He wnded by the commissioners. ,The 'Ab« of Glastonbury determined to d them to London, but as the ducqfla were valuable and the roads inlest y thieves, it was difficult to get the in safety to the metropolis; to compass this end, however. he devised the following plan: he~ordered a pie to he made—sa; fine a pie as ever smoked on a refecmry table; inside it he put the documents—the finest lining apie ever had since pies were first made—- he intrusfted this dainty to a. lad named Homer-to carry up‘to London, and deliver it safely into the hands of those for whom it was intended. But the journey was long and the day was cold, and the boy was hungry, and the pie was tempting. and the chance of detection small. So the boy broke 01? a piece of the pie and beheld n parchment; he pulled it forth, innocently enough—wondering how it could have tench ed there—tied up in pastry and arrived in town. The parcel was delivered. but the title deeds of the Melts Abbey Estate were missing—Jack had them in his pocket; these were thejuiciest plums of the pie.— Great was the rage of the Commissioners; heavy the vengeance they dealt out to the monks. Jack kept the secret, and, when peaceable times were restored. claimed the estates and obtained them. Whether Mr. Homer deserves the title of "good y" be stowed upon him by the nursery lament is more than doubtful—however that’s the story. “ Peas/a SMrtcale.—-Has any one ever heard of (her. other one who does not. love dearly, one of our old—fashioned, correctly mode country shortcakes—or a liberal section of one? I have never done no. But [think the addition ofgood, ,ripe, mellow peaches to the cake is or the greatest. unprov provementsof the age. . Make up your ehorrmke with sour milk, cream of Lax-tar and saleralua, according to the approved formula, plnoe it in a square tin or iron pan, deep enough to banks the cake an inch and a bnlffhick. mark it. ofl‘in oblong sections with a cue‘ knife. and when baked done, split. it with a longblml ed knife, and cover one half with a layer of good, mellow peaches eliced up, dot it with several small lumpa of wear butler, put the two halves together agsin, return ‘0 the oven {or a quarter of an hour. Be careful when the cake come: _to the tabla not to eat it. allo-u there may be when Present. who will hke‘it an well .- yoursel , ' fiThere was a singular firework hopi dent in Milwaukee, Wis" on the 4th, when a. gentleman who was standingjn the crowd wu struck by nmket, which tore his nose oomplmly ofl; leavigg it and the upper lip hanging by the ekm. 5 ~' ‘ .~ - #>/& \>\ g Eradication of Slumpsn-Wliere it is neces sary to remove lame stumps under circum stances which tender it impracticable to avail one’a sell of the assistance ofa “stump machine.” the work may be successfully accomplished by burning. ,Thia isdpne by i digging under, filling the cavity with com -1 bumble materials, ind covering it with l turf, in the same. manner that coal pits are covered. The fire will in a short time af ‘ (act the entire destruction of the slump— ! - AD the long lateml roots—awe: the soil lis very humid, in which case a burning i should beumlertaken during the dry weath ‘er of summer. If theodirt is excavated a , few weeks before the burning is undertaken the operation will be more speedily efi‘actetl. The ashes produced by the combustion will ufl‘ord an excellent stimulous for the soil, and. should be carefully in plied as soon as the operation is completed). But in all on ses where eradication by pullin is practic able, the Hump machine shouhf be used. ~' *- ' “..' * _‘"——"— .' fiAn gxiraordinary incident is related as having occurred at the fire which con sumed Bofitel’s Hotel, Bay City, Michigan. recently. A lady who occupied rooms on the third, floor became somewhat. excjied when the alarm was given and went down akin to discover where it was, leaving her infant child asleep in béd. 1n the confu< aion shé forgot it until the flumos'hnd com plete possession of the hotel. She then at tempted to enter the building to rescue it. but was prevented. The firemen and oth ers. in raving the furni‘re, threw the bed ding out. of the windu s. This identical bed was rolled “ti" thrown out. of the win dow, and carrie with other goods on to the bridge R):- sufety: After the fire, in re‘ moving {he (10qu the little innocent was loun_d safe and asleep. ‘ [@‘ln Michigan; recr-ntly, a young and. cultivated Mise, ju-t from boariling house (the daughter at a rich white Aboli tion Int-her.) I'envdead in love with. a likely colored man in her father’s employ. Sam bo réqiprocated the tender attachment of the fair one; but fearing the opposition of the parent, coaxed his love to consent to an elopen'Tent and a marriage abroad. She consent'ed, but was detected in the attempt. to get away, and the lathe-r, in a towering pmsinn,dro’ve the darkey from the premis- ‘ ea, anfl sent his frail child to an aunt in a ‘neighboring State. Samba boasts much of the conquest of the daughter's affections, and sayu he don’t see how the old gentleJ arm can object. to his color, when he has hem-d m‘m say a hundred times, "all men ‘ are equal, and one‘ color is as good as another.” ' ' ‘ ‘ Arrat of Gen. Heuw‘i’g'awl and Others.— New Orleans, Aug. 19.—General Beaure~ gnrd’s house was surrounded a few nights rim-e 1 and "Beauregard with others. were kopt in a cotton press tili morning. It was Sllpyorwl that Kirby Smith was conceal cd m the hhuse.‘ A .gentlfimnn much resembling Kirby Smith was mNukon for him. Bpnuregard complained toGen. Sher idan of the manner in which the military invaded his house, .the officer in command not bring in uniform. Gen. Sheridan was greatly annoy'ed at the occurrence. and righted the matter with Gen. Beauregard. Proposed Monument (II General R-‘ynolds.- We learn from the Philadelphia I’m: that :1 large number of soldier friends'fif the late Generhl Roynnhli, who lost his life in the battle of Gettysburg, met 2“. the Continen tal Hotel in that any, a few days ago, to continue their consideration of a. monu ment. for the dead. The report of the 'l‘rmsurer, Gen. Wainwright, announced $533490 in-the treasury. Subscriptions in the Ist A-rmy Corps were proposed, and a committee of three mu selected to-solicit further subscriptions in Phfindelphia. Ma ny designsfnr'a monument were olfcred, and laid aside- for consideration. Q We hear of several large fur-merit, says the Western (Charlotte, N. C.) Damorral, who say they \IWIH hays to quit farming alter this year, as there is no dependence to be an in (rep negro labor. The negroes can’t kept at work, and it i! not worth while to pitch a crop unless there is some plan to secure laborers who will remain until it. is worked out. We have heard of many in stances where the Degrees bargained to work a month or three months, and who, after working a few dnyp and gaming their bellie-s full 0! bread and meat; have quit and left. the crop to be overrun by grass. TA: Hamlin Family of Patrick—The fumi ly oFex-Vice President. Hamlin is well tar ken care of. Major Charles Hamlin. who has livéd in Washington during the entire war. draws $3,300“, amiher son with rank of Brigadier, manages to live on $4.500; ii brother of the ex~V. P. holds a ainecure of $4,000. paid in gold; awn-in law was made pa’ymaster as soon as he married, with the rank of Lieuunant-Colonel. and $3,600 to support his lilyle family on, all of which Uncle Sam 'payn. : > @A valuable colt, three years old, be longing to Mr. Stout, of Lower Heidelberg towuehip. Berks county, which wafi hitched into a light suty. one day last week. tor the purpose of breaking him to harness. became fracuousand ran against a stand containing sevenhives of bees. The beee. on being “up disturbed, swarmed upon thecplt, and stun" him so severely that, he died next day. it. Sloul and Mr. Kissing were also badly sung in their eflurtsw save the colt. ”A Yankeégvho his gone Sduth to raise mtlon, writes to a. {fiend in the north as foliowa:—- ~ ‘ "One of the greatest vegmtions we have is the cure of mu- bands. ‘They are free of courao. and receive stated waga, but free« dom With them seems to consist in sunning themselves on collar dam, and sleeping under l1]! south side of a barn. They ‘hwo a peculiar pusion for poultry Ind take as loviggly lo a. half-room. as a baby to meet mil ." How we Lou Riclmwi—By refusing to “36):. the "Crittenden Compromise" of 18 I. It would hove amt neither money nor blood, ‘ouly a little ink, 1 little paper, and a lime sacrifice of party platform and partimbifiemesa. to have kegt it. Ho- er6 750* Rw/imni— y four year: 0! horrible war ;by shedding rivers ol'hlood ; by sacrificin a million of lives ; by levying alax of $403,000.000,1nd accumulating a debt. of 9,000,000,000. 36.1051“ B Rings says: "I was once axed %f I believed in the find mlvation of men. and I did, buv let. me pick flu man.” - “autumn Ward guys, “We cm’uee t ip‘ those lamps." ‘ TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR. WILL THE lEOPLE ENJJORSE IT? Do the people of Pennsylvania compre hend the idea and aim of the Radicals who lead the Republican party, so-cslled, in the _ Eutorn. Western. and to a great extent the Middle States! Are you,fellow-citizens, prepared to kiss the hand that smiles you. and surrender without a struggle your up ble pride of race—your _lt' respect-the principles upon which fir Government lwzs {sundrid at the dictation of the men w o averreggedthe Re u lican pnrty into the mire .Negro Equalitg? Read what the New York Independcrd Allev. llenry Ward Beecher’s paper) lays own its the future before you. if the radical policy succeeds. in one or its late issues is the follvwing plain and emphatic avowal of what is ex pected to be accomplished for the Negro: “We are lending ea'inestly with the {Stain to abolish the distinction of caste by universal sufi'ruge. We see that this ‘will inevitably lead, not to the end the ‘present Governor of Louisiana declares. the surrender of that country to the black mums—but to the equality of black will. (kc while ; tire MtpanCy of qflice without regard to color; ble elevation oft/l: negro to (It's governors/tip, (lie senators/tip, the juriyeslu'p, by the aide n/lu's whi m: kindred : (It: obliteration of all mar/rs of dis , tinction and separation between men and men.— Cnn we prevent the Catholic unll the Irish from holding office in this city? No more can the negro be prevented holding office in MiSslssippi and South Corolins,.in every Southern State; tor, where they are not a. ’ mnjority in the State, they are in certain r localities, and in these will rise to office " and power.” . - i These are the sentiments, of one of i the most influential Republican papers in ’the North. It represents such men as l Charles Sumner. llnrsce Greeley, Thaddeus (Stevans. Salmon P. Chase, ands majority ,oi' the leading men of that. party in every {State north of Mason and Dixon's line. i This is the dark programme which is laid [down for the people of Pennsylvunia, and r for which your votes are solicited in Octo .‘ her next. In supporting the candidates of lthe Republican party, you must vote for i Negro Equality, socially and politically, r and all the hideous results which will inev iituhly follow such in policy. The issue 1 must be met. There is no ovadingit. The [ fanatics of New England have forced it up on the country, and they hope. under the {rod at party discipline, aided by military 1 pawar, if necessary, to compel you to an I endorsement of their‘diagustmg doctrines. i If you have a proper regard tor your race, 2 or government, ifyou are n free American i citizen, you will repudiate the leadership of. Isuch heartless fanatics and brazen-faced demagogues, and vote with your white ineighbors to perpetuate and strengthen s. white man's Government. Change indie Cuswm llouce.—Ourdespntcii es from Washington this morning announce the removal of Simeon Draper. the Colmc tor of Customs at this port, and the upppint: mam of Hom Preston King as his successor. The change is to lake placeon the lat of Seplomber. This proves that 'President Jobmon is determined to carry out his poiicy in regard to the! Southern States, and intends that. no subordinate officius shall be retained who attempt to throw obstaciea in its way. This is encouraging to all friends of the administration. and we doubt. not is but the beginning of the decapitation of the friends of Chase. This removal upseis many nicely arranged p'mm, and is the precursor of the overthrow of the Loyal League inlriguers. who have made the Custom House and internal Revenue ofiices \heir nesting place for some time pusL—Nm York Herald. | A rail to Alert. 11. Slop/mum-A gentle man. now at the Astor House, has just re turned from Baptnn. where he succeeded in obtaining an interview with Mr. Ste hens. lute rebel Vice‘l’resident, in his pYace oi confinement. at. Fort Warren. The apart.- ment in described upnrtiallyundergmund, and go dump that fires are‘built in the alter part of the day without reference to the ex ternal temperature. Mr. Stephens is said to have appeared* pltienlly submiuiive, ex pressing hrmselfaa having never beEn an enemy to the Government, huLas having accepted public office in the Uonlederacy with hopes of conlribuiing more speedily to a settlement. of the national dilficnlties. His health is precarious.—N. I'. Juumal of Commerce. . \ A Negro Ball Broke» up by Schliem— ' hursday night. a ball of the elite of the colored population took place at the hall wrner of Broad and 6th streels, Richmond. While the daincmg and fiddly were in progress, some soldiers ihtrud . and se cretly scattered cayenne peppennd oowitch over the floor. These olfactory inimu, flirted Up by the feet of the dancers, set the whole company sneezing. coughing nnd wheezing, and the gay assemblage was bro ken up In a hurry. - sWur/«lla.-—Mrs. Lydia Malia Child is down on the “waterfall.""She calls this female Idornmenb “an unbecoming head gear,” which "looks like I cabbage m a net tricked om with beads and wsmpum/L- Hoopé she calls “hen coops,” in whlch case we suppose the women in them are chick ens. ~’ . A Heallky (vim—”l‘m; .‘és of the health office: for the flan of New York amount to one hundred v. ousnnd dollnrs, and his pow ers are said to be more absolum and uni-av strained than that. of the Presidents! the United States. flThe State of lowa will base $500,000 expended to raise troops for the General Government, on vacuum}. 01 the ignorance or dishonesty of Repubhcan Sula ofiuiaia. “Brick” Pomemy wickedly adds—We“, farmers of lowa—it’s all for the nigger—- sweat it out! - , . wit II will now to dispute the fact that them in I. direct iuua between Prehi dent Johmon and the Cabinet of bin prede ceuor, on the question of re—enmblinhuwut ofithe qonitlmuonal relations of the South with the other States in tbe~Union. ‘ ‘C‘Tho Albany Joyrmzl (Rep) says "I 0 long I: the Southern p’eopia address them; when to the work of re'eetablishing their political and social inuitufions withinyon “National and legal “mm, they should in let. nlone." ' 33A Lmisviué'p'aper says so much rut. fianism pmnill inch“. city. that :9 wflk . dmen Iquu-es nits: “In WI. “‘2‘” lighted is more dangcmm We)!“ mun, ’ . . 59. x“ 'fi-A Itreel railroad Mi" ' ‘ rm lelinnvpon. —, _q. ~‘T._-..‘ ' , , 1 ‘.. 4.. ..-._ .. .A.-«rm... 32mm!) norm: '* ‘ The L: Crone Democrat (hm speaks of \“IQ acumen! received. bf the gnllant men whollhlbvo taught the hut e: of margarita: an e an of their formers cia r‘ we Abolitionisls: pe U (”some but yesterday that loyal indie! ilpd gentlemen. it” we may use the expres ‘ atom. were sending mittens, flannel shirts, religious ltmcts. abolition newspapers end i-lection trot-rots to the "poor when," The mittens end flannel shots were All right. ‘ The religioustmcts were all right, and were 1 very handy for the soldiers to have at oer uin times. Thanbolition newspapers were ‘ all right. for they were loaded to the mm. Jle with denunciations agninst Democrats, and their mission to incite mobs. personn violence and hate for All who differed Int opinion with the editors thereof. The elem tion tickets were all right. for they were lists of the ’nsmes 'ofloyel cowards. who dared not go to war, but were willingto ‘ stsy at home, get. in cities. and mesh tu‘xei i on the property of the soldiers in the field i to raise bounty that their precious lelVH‘ ‘ might be safe. Of~course this was all right, for it was snnctionedby the great. and good Lincoln. and was the Only means certain poverty~strickerv laborers in this wordly vineyard had to obtain it living, and dress their families in stylish raiment, or pity for beer, tsngleleg whiskey. or for the support ofnbiftless editors who would die, but: for the charity bestowed. beggars. It seems hut yesterday alkthis was the order ot the day. Men wrote letters to the dearsoldiers and Enclosed election tickets. Pretty girls sold kisses for five cgnts and embraces for a. higher sum, all for the poor ‘ soldiers; Men and women cried albud, "Give, or be damned l" "Contribute or- be spotted !" “Endorse, or be mobbed !" And the poor peeple gate. . . Now the soldiers-I t‘oot. sore and weary. came home. The mm who have followed the echoes ofonnnon down to the gates of hell. The men who live bathed their feet in the blood of their comrades, us! they fols lowed the Vlittering tlmhin;r ssbre up to shake mail. with death. The men who, were food for powder nnd‘bsll. for sabre Ind bayonet, for horses’ hosts and the tire! of artillery wagons. The men who wero grayed for by hypocrites, and prayed upon y army contractors, sutlers, nndn the gu'el'“ rillas of Heaven; known as army chaplains, are now coming home. They come foot sore and weary. They bring dirt-y looking bundles strapped _to their backs. Thai!" clothes are trnvnl stained, and their eyes wander hither and thither in search of their. once earnest friends! ‘ \\ \\\ No_ 49- Thry sit. on store steps, and in alley My eating (Snickers. cheese; mw pork, and but: bread. They have toyed with death an boy cracks a whip. They have dated the devil, the works of hell, rebéllinn, and abo litionism, that negroes and office holdexl might grow sleek and prosperoui. The] have been to war—they huVe retumod, and the ones who were once so loud in the“ praise of the soldiers now pass by on the other side of the street! Girla give 110 more kisaes. Hot com-a. sweét cake, and religious tracts are no more. It. is thus üb oliuumsm shows itsAgmLituJe. Diimu such hypocrisy ! .- _ “THE BEDFOBD KOMICIDE." Under the above cnption the Repository of last Week contains at hwy lengthy editm rial article in relation to the recentlamentm ble affair in Bedfordfi It would'eeem to those acquainted with the facts that the ar ticle could have been intended for no other purfvose than to place the Messrs. Read in nfsso position before the public, and“! prejudice their case before the jury which is to try them. The re iresentations ofthé connection of Mongol iteed with the rebel army and the expatriation of John P. ReeCL J r., to avoid the Draft, as contained in tho article referred torare so much at variance with the truth as scarcely to hear even a semblance to it., Itis not however our pur pose at this time to correct the miners":- sentntions of the Reporfluiy in these partron' tars, as the truth wilt‘be fully develo ed befores court and jury in a very short period, but simply to makea few comments on the lollnwihg extruot. The Rrpasitoiy says :' “Whatevur may he the determination of the law as to this fearful homicide, coir any dispassionnte and, conscientious citizen doubt where rests the moral responsibility for the murder a! Mr. Grouse i” We coniess we can see no room for doubt} as to where rest}; the “moral responsibility? for this unfortunate Affair. To even a. care less observer at" even ts. during the past four years, there can scarcely boo doubt about it. The spirit of lawlessness which impelled Jacob UfOUae to pursue young Read through the streets ol Beillord with joers and insults is the“Barne which _the Republican Press and Republican leaders huvs been instilling into the minds of their followers ever since the commencement of the war. Under the teaching and example of these man, man): were induced to think that to abuse,- vilify and insult n fellow citizen of in different po litical faith, was a meritorious not, and a strong evidence ofjmtriotism and.“loyslty." To the teachings of this same press was owing the spirit, so rife in the Northern States since 1861, which delighted in mobt. the destruction of property midlife; end the incarceration of men guiltless of otfsnce, in bastiles. to gratify the malignant hatorot’ men who sirdgaled to themselves all the “loinlty” of the country. It was a. spirit evo ed by the press and leaders of the Be. publicsn piu‘ly, which impelled J :icobCrouso to follow up Reed, good and insult him, 3:: til driven to the wall, his life in immin H t danger, he fired the fatal shot which termi nated the existence qur. Grouse. 'Whero then rests the “mrgl responsibility” of this homicide? Sim. upon the men who give sentimem'the party from which poor Grouse drew his inspiration and loomed that, to insult, bully and best nfellon than were meritorious actions. The “moral rp spansibility" rests upon these false and wicked teachers, and the blood to! Jacob Grouse stains, indelibly, their garments.— Volley spirit. j The Government Nagro Bfiardéng lIOWI.-A. Newport New" correspondent of the Bulfi more Gazelle nysi ‘ ' "The black: seem to have entirepoum sion of Hampton and vicinity. In the iii:- modiate neighborhooti there are some fif teen thousand, to the moat of whom‘the Government is figsuing rations. the issue in creming daily, as the negroes come down the Penlnsnl: and locate hereabout. Thai-e are said to 1m 'in the three counties of, Eliz aheth City. York and Warwick, forty thou sand blacks. but few of them have any vls ible means of money’ getting, although they seem to be well supplied with gre bnok'a. Many of the people feel great uniting”, {eating an insurrection among them;— Arouml Hampton such a thing in hardly to be feared, fur a sufficient nxilitaryrfoxbe {ram Fortress Monroe could be on the spot “half an hour. Indeed. things are in a V: y unsettled smte lxereubogls. and from Mien-anew promise to remum so for lama 11 a." - The Government negro belittling-I.lom ll getting to be immvnse. It hula fur upon to take in all the negroes of the South. w 111 that is nemry to get bosrd and lodfizg from the Government in to have It b I: face. The expenze comes out of the whim men of the North. - - / ' Amending the Courtituzion.-—Thelbgi,ilam to of Connecticut, by a pit" vote—tho Re publicans for and Democrats against—bu proposqd an amendment to the State Con— sfitmion, uriking out the word white, 59 as to permit negtoes unfinulauou to vote.— Il :- amass to deny the fact that tit-{’B3- publimn. or ni‘zgtion is now wholly 90m- Iniueddo tg: doctrine of negro 'pghflocl nud social equality with the whitmlngl us 11me to gun ‘l'. effect. _.. ‘ l1:- "Ice Minimum—An eat-Wl5 Ne." “3°25 m‘nflfaié'ryw} aW at Wuhan: . usual" thaw Mkfflptefi; 0110 mm " 4",“ ‘ ‘ (,_ .. A ‘ . ' “*‘ 3% ‘NM 9'l} K
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers