mamas. 1. .k V.:_ :1; V; 7-- ¢.71~"—:-. in‘—22,7” THE WAY TO AYUU) CAI.UINY.-:"Ir any one speak ill oflhco," Mid Epirletus, ”consider whether)" hallo Until. on his side; and if so reform thyself, m.» his «mun my not M'- feel. mu.» Wbea Anaxlmque: n: mid am the rcryyboys hushed u hl'p‘liuging, “Aye," said he. "then l‘mut Jenn 110 ling better."— Plun bqlng lold um. he had many enemies who spoke ill ol‘hlm, uld: r~ll. is no matter; I will live lo thu none shall believe them."— Hearing at another time an i‘uumflszvfriand 01 his had spoken dclmtingly or him; héwd: “I am Me In would not do “all be burnt. some realdn 10: it."' This is ‘ha figs! n 9 well as the nobles!» way of drawing Lhu alfig’out Ur a n-pro'aL-h, nail the true method of prawn! :1 mm fdr the item. nml only relief Agnlglxfihe Imin! olnghmny—nbood muddle-5.“, A mm“ BEGlNNlNU.—Riincmbtr, In .a thing, if‘you do mu begin you will mil came . In an end. The Em weed pulled up In the garden, lberfirst sued set in the ground, the first dollar melt: the savings bank, and the first mile trnfilclcd on njonrney: in: all impor- Annt thingi; they furnish n heglnnjng. n prom ise, a pledge Indusdrmco that you Are in enmesrwith whntyou have unde‘l’lnkcn. How" ninuy n‘poor, idle. crying. haunting outcast‘ ls now érecping and cmuling his wny through the maid, who might have held up his luv-u]. and proapgredfifmsleud ufpnuing ufl‘lais ru- Jolutious of amending“ mid industry, he had uuly made a lwglnningl ~ ' ’I‘HE TUNGUEn—A while {ur on the tongue am-mls simph- {per um! inhmmation. YU anLLes of the tongue nth-ml” derangement (‘.! lhu In", and is common to mkimu gun-l tH-hus Mora. A. Louguu \hidl} lud\w Hm lip 91' ulgo, or damn the ccnur, nr Mingle nlmle surface; Intends in’flunmuuuu» of 1.11 mucous! )lil‘mbrzmn of the utomm-Ifor imm‘ls. I\\\\’l|lc ‘ ulvct tqngue Attends mcnlul dcicaqe.~ A “ lungue red at thu ups, Lemming bronu, J? ! pm} gland, attends a zypluzs state. . \ A SHORT HONEY-MOONF-Iu lookingover Hm. wlum‘nsl‘ofth'e 19:19:0anin E 57213“, a few {1:133 aixwerwc noticed the following marriage IMEaI “In Phillipnburg, N. 1., on Fritlny,JulY 7th, Mr. L‘lmrlcs Wilson, of Philmlelphcq. to Miss Amy Skeeter, o! Pbillipsbmg. N. J." In tl‘m alum-issue In another column Appear pd the iollowing notice: NOTIBE.—-—Wberbas my wife Amy Wilson, late Sueetcr, has without any xenson left my bu! nhd board, I Muffin: cannon all persons ngnlnst trusting her {yr anything on my nu count, or harboring bu, us [will pay no debts ut'her contraction. . (Justus: Wusux. July 10, 1865. «4 A three dnys’ honey-moon ls omhorl dum tion. We were under the impression Vthnt n honey-moon extended forty days, bu‘Hu the 9le» case that custom 3083 not. appear to lnwe prevailed. W 6 ndlnirc Churlca’ pluck. QUID PRO QUO.——Mr, Foote said that he l'xvould writes little book in which ML Benton should figure very largely; Mr.‘B. heard of this, mud replied, in his characteristic may, _to the informant: “Tell Foolc {but I 'will Knit!) 1‘ Very huge book. in which he shall not. figure?“ all." Tho “Thirty Years" will show I}?! fulzhfully lbs promisé wns‘kept. Racism-1‘ FOB. HARD SOAP.—Buil rme dime soda and water togcun r Tur 12 minutes, find/let.“ genie. Throw nwuy ull “bite wnler and tho sailings, and put. the clear liquid into ‘ u. pot with the grease, and boil tngether lmlt an hour, or until it. looks Inke Sul'l. amp, when itcan he moulded in any luaulll‘r curvc‘nicm, hm] pllccd to dry. When ficrlnmod it uiukrs u very good soup for [he toile'.-~Com:lry Gm !!cmaq.’ ' : *~ ,WAn exchange givvs the folk) ”mg; scnyiv ble advice: _" " ‘ _“Stick to your home, paper. 531‘ manorgif you n": poor, remember none "to so pour as the ignomnt,exoept it. be the dcprmvd, and they too often go togalhor. Keep your home pupa. Remain er, thug, it it is lan so lugs and imposing as' some, it is the verliscr 0M your neighborhood and daily 11 slucss, and tells yumwlmt ls gpiugfln mound wt; iuslclsd' T 3” llgoqsmgd miles away.” ' l fil’resident thnsun, in his 4th of Juiy h‘lter to the Ge‘flysburg Commiuro, said: ‘ l mu greatly Ipishken Kin the Stokes lately in yeheliion we ldo nog hencehrth have m; ‘oxhi bitiou of such loyaltyfind pmrjmism :33 were ucv‘ccn no: felt‘lzefcre.” The mdicizls don't. believe him. ‘ wfludge Timon, at, (Rowland, he}. wcék, in the’ case of an enlisted minor, of lixtcon yearn oi ago, who applied fora diulmrgc from :he army, diskhurged the applicant, tin-Ming ,ns Jugtipe Thoinpsén did in this‘ State, that fine rebelliofi was at nn'knd, and lhareforc Hm pawn- of the Presidentfio nus-"pend, the wnt of Imm: emu: no longer‘ ép'szed. fi’l‘he follofiing is one of the resolu tions of therlatform adpptml by the con: vention {vblph nominated Lincoln at Chi cago in 1869. It is well 1g taken 109 k skit mansion-Ally; in order Loses where we havé dufled if. ‘ ‘ i ’ ..- 3 ' EW'W That the mainlennfice inviola , pf the rights of the States,nad especially the right of eac'lats to order and control its: own gudgment exclmively. is esnxeutial‘ to,‘ that glance of power on which the perfec‘} tion and endurance ol_our political faith. depends; am! we denounce the lawless‘ _invuion by armed force ofuny Slate or 'l‘er~, ritqry, no laymen- nmler what. pretext, as gmépg the gravest, gl‘primes. ' ‘ S‘Tho Néw York Tribune says, in its pharactuisflc way. Hm! the whok argument FEW!“ negro, sum-age islponlainedjn tha pom!» egmulufiau, "What, niggers vote! apathy § d—d sight. 2” * ' gflnd the Tribum could say that. the vbole argumem lagniml. amalgamation is ”mined in the popular ejaculation ,“Whu, M 4 gigs:- §~aoc by a‘d—d sight 1" 39-1; hag- heen discovered that afew influential Northern generals and politi~ inns have\goue who the pardon brokerage ‘ Eminpsa 39 Richmond, .aud Qfi‘er their in fluence t’ secure {he amnesty of weaflhy {blush for a coflsideratiou in greenback. Jgst what; we'expegud would be the re fifltrqf Rho $20,009 adoption frém the an}; mm. , - ‘ . . TB3. I‘. Sljaffimr éublishea a letter to show M were 19 nomre ptobability that the my! Minna cable wiH‘be a aucoesu pun: We“! Wu Ith» we former one would bow—A jig up {but it. vgill not be {3o3sch to tune, ngur five words per minute through it. 31.11% that 1'! even two or Lhree words ‘ Junta“ transmitted. the conducting make gable pill be dewoyed within .. I ... ' ' ' ,4" Ad'- 0 made by a blacks ‘(h Y’zfle Inlmch mud about TIES; m axis; comggsifiox: almost as fnon, m can 1:-- .d. thaw . yithonécaming “it”? i ”I m _P‘hr 9“” fi’ f‘mfi H“ Myoté'wrfimh‘mi‘ " ' ; 3mm; (munch. Hui gbtk.’ 'bm ‘3 date Ind qukflSfi-i. ‘kafl 9 gymwo.» ' Soluble Paciflq Guano. JOHN B. REESE 8'00“ * V wnouuu AID nun. Mn"! 'O - PAQIFIG GUANU COIPAHY, 7| Sow); Slrzd, Bqlhmm A The sum; I'ucrflc 01mm rpsvmblca Peruvian flumw in appearancr, odor. and .uompoailfin. The nine of all Guano: and Sup" Phosphate! of Line. of whatever namc,drpenlls, as he we}! known,'upou xhe per cent. of £79m, 801le Phoqmatcmnd 110 M sloka 0/ I’m they con tain. 5 TM: Guano ifl'e'rs' ftmn Peruvian only in the fun. that ii. 0911 mm less Ammonia, but this difference'jn Ammonia is more thnn mnde up by the {nut that igeonlning almost. double as much Soluble and Bone Pluwphau oflu'nle. This dim-fence makes it a durable Influenwich nil the activity of Peruvian fnfil‘no. Although flue price of this Gnann ii an y one-half the~ price 04 I’cruvian, and is not higher :hun the Super l’husphulea of Lime, yet. it contains, in} i 3 prawn by analysis and inxpeylion. vastly mum of ammoma, 101110143, and Burn: Plump/mu, llmn is fimnli in the heat. at" them. Hence its: i-conom) and intrinsic anuo mun n-ndper it an (flier: ofgrmt Ewen-n to inrmermmnemlly. _ We uish farmers to {Jim erpccial notice. that the conJitinus upon which we have the ngcncy of this ammo ai'e that every cargo i 3 regulariy imp-ded and mmlyzml by pr, Lie hig, whose authority’in such matters is punk nlmml. . ' . Thia Arrangement affords us and consumer! a protection noLhnd in thepntchmofgerilliz- M‘s gem-rally. IL mun: Mao be notic d that the phosphates of— this Guano. are not mineral. but. earthy l’howhaws, which is greatly to its advantage. - The touowing la a summary of analysis of but Cargo : ._ Moisture. ' ‘ 10 pct cent. Organic Comb'tihle Mmter,39.7l “ l‘ Knuth] Mutter, ‘ 50.38 “ “ r Yl'elxliug Ammonia, , 3.40 pe‘i- cent} Soluble Phosphfllfl o! Lilllc, 17.07 “ ” L'om- Phosphate 01 Lune, 24.22 “ “ _ ' W“l“ur sale by ~ ' - ‘MuCllle :8: ”Huh, ‘ » (lent-ml l'ruducc [)mlcrs, Juh: 10, 18M. 4m ‘ Henyabnrg. \ Bone Flour, \)'\.\l)llllTlull.\’l‘ED, .‘ U \ ‘ ~ MAWI-‘Arrlmfin‘uv 'rmc HUSTON ILLINQ AND MANUFACTURING . Guill’ANY. ~ The Value- (A; unhllrut, unmldllenued Bone, is \n-ll known.\\:fi’lwn‘ reduced to the conul'— ion at FLOUR, it R as active nu if dissolve} v-‘th acid, nud is {:lrfietter, because it regains all 'l3 lesplxulcs. lt_i\_superiurily over the comma Ila“ Dugrl~ is tw-lold or more. Inia n consu. malion squght fur‘n min for film last half cent" , nnd is dustlncd give new value to Done as A fertilizer, and Wm a revolution In its use. 'l‘ e' 13pr FLOURI made only by vthu nbovu (Mpnny; null is hm Jed with than trade mark;. 'hich is the gu nleewf its genuincnoss. ' ' ' ' JOHN . REESE k CO., ' 71‘ Sou! ‘lreet, Bulfimure, General Agents for M ylnnd, Duluwnro, and ~the Southern Stntv'a. \ . WFor sale by: ~ ‘ ‘ gicGURDY I: DIEIIL; Gcneral Produce Dealers, Jufy 10, 186.5. 4111 ‘ Getsysb'urg. Tailoring. , EMOVAL. I 3 , 1‘; ‘VECKENR‘ODE IN THE DIAMOND! (rHORGE F. ECKESRODE,FASUIUSABLE TAlLORl,.mforms his fri‘ends and the public generally, that he has RFgWW-ED hrs Tailor ing Esh'mshmcnn to the ccond floor of Sam son's building, (over Ikinkerholt's Clothing Store,) nortpunst corner: of the Public Squawl entrance on Yoi‘k stummherc he is prepared to do all work in his line in the best. mane}, and to the satisfaction of customam‘. Hc‘em plays none but first class hands, and receiving THE FASHXUNS R‘MULARLY, ‘ he can warrant fashionable fits and MM and aubsmminl sewing. He asks a share o! the‘ public} pntrnnugc, promising to spare no of foxl to (11.50111: it. “is ('hargr-s will always be louhd us moderate as thé times will-allow. ",y Cutting and Repairing done at the shortest gum-c. '[Gettg sburg, April—lU, IBGI». 7‘- V m 7 A _,,,_*_V _ '__..L____‘_._.'_. .. New (30qu zuLarge Stock! ‘ EILCUAX'I‘ ~l‘All.Ul{|NG: DI - JACOBS lz BRO. lune just rem-ind from the Gillefl a lurgt-stnck ul {zoom for Ueudeme‘u’s \vcnr, embracing r. xm‘id) at i " (JIJUTHS, ~ , CASSNERES, > ' _ VESTINGS, Cssshmgc, Jmm, ML. with many uthPr guoda 'l‘ur spring and summer 'wpnr. ' 'l‘lu‘y' nre prl-pnrod to make up’ mrmonts til the fihlll‘ll‘wl notice, and in the very best mnn~ nor. The Faéhions are regularly rccuivod, um] clothing xuadg in npy desirh‘l stylP. Thby- nl wuys mnke’nmt fits, whilst. their sowing is éure to be subsfanzinl. “_ ‘ , ' They ask a continuance of the pubfi’s pm lmnage, resolved by good work and mmjenne chmgns mum-n il..}- _ "5 uuuysburg, W 1 7, 1862., New 3 Warehouse; ' RUSHELS 0F GRAIN 100.000 WANT-Emu the new omin and Prodm-L- Hbugmiu ()urlisle street, adjoin ing Sheads &. Buchlcr's establishment. The highrsl maria price willfilways be paid in cash for GRAIN, of sill kinds, ‘ FLOUR, SEEDS. &c. Always on hnnl nhd'lor sale, at the smallest profits, ‘ , ‘ ‘ \ ‘ fliUANOS, o SALT, FISH, . ' ‘ = GROCERIES, ML, ‘ » " ‘ A JVholesale and retail. . TRY US! W shall do our best. to give satisfaction in nil cues. ‘ f McCURDY & DIEIIL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1563. by ‘ Good Thmgs from the Clty! WE m repeiviug twice a week from the cigy r. wrigty of articles suited to the Want: ofthis community, viz: . Fresh xghd Salt FISH, Hm , shoulders And Sides, Hominy, Beans, Sal. Apples, Potatoes, Oranges, Demons, Confecfions, Tfibnccns, Segara, with filmy othenarticks irh ‘this line—~3l} received in the beat on)“, and holdmflie lowest profits. Give us a call, in Baltimore street, nearly oypOsite Fnhnesmcku‘ aura. ‘ , ' 4 WANTED.-—Buner, 'Egg‘s, Lard, and ‘ rill other country produce-Jo: which the highest cash price will be paid. , - . SWEET POTATOES—hen quality, at low ear living prams—always on .hud. Also, QYSTERS, fine and fresh—hr the she]! or shocked. Restaurants and families supplietL STRICKHOUSER a: WISOTZKEY. \ Gettysburg, May 133, 1883. ‘ ~, The Popular 7-30 Loan. ‘ ’HE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GET TYSBURG has been'designnted a Deposiw tnry and Financial Agent of the Unwed States, and will [wish the papular 1-30 Codpon Notes, {tee f m 3.11 tugs, and convertible at maturity into 5.20 ai: pet cent. gold interest Bonds. Will also furnish 6-30 and 10-40 Bapds, one ya: Certificates and all othchov tax-imam, securitigs. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Coupons, and make collections pwmptly ex; All aeoe’ssible points. “ K GEO..AR.\’OLD, Cashien . Dec. 26, 1861. tl‘ ’ A Lands! Lands! APT. 8. CBBITZMAN, havingjnst return ed from a. hip the West and all the LANP regions in God’s gm: labyrlintb. He guild inform me c'uixens of Gettysburg and 1:5 vicinity, "I!“ he is prepared, not on'y to offetj OIL LANDS, but "LANDS OF EVERY DmDRIPTmN. Persunrvisiting Harrisburg wouid do well to call, as he will furnish I” in formation. 11. CHRITZIAN. Jun. 2&1865. ‘ tf ,~ Western Lands. E‘snbacriher has some valuable WEST. I ERR LANDS, which he will trade (of mm or'more FARMS in this county. :Tba 130 d! are well located and very deajmble for firm; ing. Early app‘lcntion desired, JACOB 8R1231311110191. Getmburg, April 3, lacs." u . _ , John W. oton, ASEIONABLE BARB R, Nomi“; cor . nerof “no Diumon, (next door to He _....__.#_..__.___..-————_._‘ fiqllnn’a Hang) ‘Gmy .urg, Pn. , when he namgme anmrgx—flesnpfngr can u. all am. be r. » «1 ready to attend to .u ’3 Ricmrel taken at "UH‘PERS bxl-lbudrmsin his lino. gnu flan excellgutnse . "I: GApLKRY, on West Kiddie 9.1-, are shim-ca 16d wm'yduu mtlafwtion. Give ulmugng‘ “'l“:qu at _nnon. Good Judge: [‘him a call. Dec. 3, 1360. ‘ 1013011399 them sq'peri to any ever taken in W £3. me. Call and e amine to: youraelves. L SCH-“UK has)!» teceired Ikn a! Jam/8,1865. ' . ch2l? Looking mung». Noah Walker a: 00.. CLOTHiBBS,’ \VAsninu'rox unwise, >165 um 16'! Bunion: Stu-r, kup constantly on bud a [use and well as- sorted stock on" kinds of goods at moderate 611311 G ‘ _ The; supply orders @Ol- the fine". to the lowest. priced nrticlcagith-Ji ready made or mule to manure, lo my‘plrt 61 the country. They keep nlso an extensive noel: of FURN- ISHING GOODS.~embflcing eve‘ry article ul Genuemen‘s Under-wear. Also, MILITARY CLOTHS and every Variety of Military Trim- mingp, as we“ as‘ an assorted stock at READY MADE MILITARY GOODS BultimornFeb. 22, 1864 Adams County .UTUAL FIRE. INSURANCE COMPANY Ixcononuuu, Mucu 18, 1551. Urnczas President—George Swope. Vice Prosiilvnt-zb'numel R. Rusneli. \ Secretary—l). A. Buuhlcr. - . Treasurer—E. G. Fuhtmstock. Exvutive Committee—Robot} McCurdy, Anv drew Heinlzelman, Jacob King. MANluiKltS.—Gvorge Swope, D. A. Buohlor it. .\chhme, D. MoUreary, M. Eicill‘iht‘l‘gl'l’, H. R. llnssull, E. (i. [“ulinestock, A. U Bu-hh-r, ii. G. .\lu Creary, Gull) sburg‘; Jun-h King, Stru lxuu township; .\. iiriulxviman, Franklin; \‘l'm. l). iiilnqs, .\'rw Uxiorii; Wm. H. Wilson, iii-n -dirwiflcr: H. 'A. Picking, Simimn township; thu Wuii'ord, Lnlilnore township; John_l’|ck ing, East Bmiin; Abel T. Wrighi. Bonnier:- \'.illr;, Ah-iiei |-'. Gilt, New Osiord; Jns. If. )imaimil, Hmniitonhan township; John dun ninglmra, Freedom township; John ‘Uorucr, Mountjoy township. wi’his Compmy‘is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. It [ms been iu operMion for more than [4 years, and in that ‘perimi has made but one assessment, having paid losses by fire during that period amount ing to $11,058—5G,769 of which‘imve boon [mid dining the last two years. #Any person desiring nu lmurance can apply to nny of the above named Managers for further information. ._ gray-The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Csmpuny, on me last Wednes day in erery month, at 3 o’clock, P. )1. ; Mar. i 3, 1865. H ' 0000 bush. Gmm Wanted. Q‘ FIR)! AT THE . - . \ OLD WAREHOUSE. WM, E. IDDLE & CU. would inform the public that. my have leased the Warehouse on the cornefiqf Strutton street. and the [tail rond, in Gettysburg, where they will carry on the GRAIN AND‘xQLUDUCE BUSINESS, in all its bramches.‘ '1 9 highest. pi'igcs will ul n «y: be mid tor ‘ \Vlll-JA'l‘, ILYE, CORN, OATS, \ ‘ CLovsn‘ a; Thiorny SEEDS, _ . FLAXSEI-JI),\SUMAG, , HAY a; sham Drit-d Frui‘, Kins, Soup, Harm, Shilling and Sidva, Potatoes, with everything e ‘e in the country prutlurc lino. . \\ ' ‘ UN HAND, FOR SALE, Coffees. Sugars, Molasses, Syrups,Toa§, SIN Salt, Cheese, Vim-gay; Soda, Mustard, Start Brooms, Jiuckcls, Blnyking. Brushes, Soaps, 6w. Also GOAL OIL, Fish; Oil, Tar) aim.— l‘lSli ul‘ all kinds; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smoking and‘Chcwing Tobacros. ’l'hi-y are always able to supply a first rate articlu of FLUUlluhihh the difl'creul Linda uf FEED. Also, GROUND MASTER, with (ll7.\.\'(\S and other t‘L-i'tilizvrs.“ W'CUAL, by we lnnhel, loft. in‘ UII' load. ‘ ’l‘heir Cars run to Baltimore and husk (wit-(- a week, and “my will be happy to carry gnmls rithor way at‘moilrmlr ltllJl‘gl‘S. .\larhl-tmru, t‘tlllllll‘) merchants, um] others, will [And 'it. lg their .uh’flnl‘uge‘to patromzp this line. . 'l‘hr-y ask n‘share uf the pul-lic‘s custommnd Will ‘lmre nu rllorl to tender :atistactinn to all, sellers or buyers; " _ WM. 1!. RIDDLE .t CO. _ Aug. 22,1864. u‘ . ‘ New Spring Goods. (.\IALL' PROFITS k QUICK SALES. - S‘ ' J. L‘.'SU«IIICI\: wuuld resprctlully say to the citizens ut Uri.- tyshurg and \‘iciuity,.thut. he is how reaching at his store n splondid . STUCK 0F SPRING GOODS. The Blork consists in purl. of Fancy mu] Staple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS; , MUZMIBIQUE,, . UIIAIiLIES,‘ - DELAINES, ‘ ~ BUMUAZINES, - ALPAGCAS, . " LAWNS, ‘ CALICOES,‘ of all qualities and choicest styles, which will he sold at PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. runmsnme GOODS ‘ l of all kinds, including Silk, Lilian and Cotton‘ Handkerchiefs, Glores,Stockings, be. 1 ‘ Also, a splendid tusortment ot'JIIBBONS,‘ Laces and Eulgings, Umbrellas and Pnrnsols.- ~l My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full and complain, and customers may rely upon always getting good goods at. the lowest. possi~ hle prices. ‘ " Gentlemen v'rill film it to their advantage t; call and examine my sunk of CLOTHS, ' CASSIMEI‘LES and VESTINGS, at all qnahtie: and choicest styles. _ April 24, 1865. J. L. SCHICK. In Established 1850. OTICE 05‘ REMOVAL. N LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., respectfully beg leave to notify weir friends, customers and the public generally, that. they have removed from No. 151 Franklin mreet, to the commodious four-story Warehouse, NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, ‘ between Hovgurd and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the wwale Busi ngss, soiely‘in , _.llosieryp'l‘rimmings, furnishing Gouda. ‘ Permmery, Notions, ‘ Stationery, Cutlery, - - Toys, kc“ be. to which they invite theauoufion of city and country pm-chue‘rs, feeling oonldom of thait ability to offer inducement: in prices and quality of Goods. . Orders'bx mail will receive promipt uttanl tion. Address . LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & 00., 308 Banknote street, Bahimou March 14,1364. / 9 Blacksmitmng. HE undersigned would most reapecu‘nlly . inform the public thin. 110 continues the ‘ ' BLACKSMJTHIEG BDSINESS, at his shop, logely Philip Dwrsom'a, udjoini Troiel's paint shop, in East. Middle an I Gettysburg, where he will at all times be :- pared to do Blickefilithiug work to Carr' r Buggies Wagons; to. That he knows r d 9 all jobs or the kind will not. be qu r by those who have a. knowledge of i experience at tho bucincsr. Com your work, and you will beentisfie ' ke it nwny—and for whichho i Cash or Country Produce. ‘ ,ADAM HO ZWDRTH. Maw. 20, 1865. ti Coal, Lu über, stoves, ,&c. CHARLES li. BUBBLER Would repec‘tfnlly inform the public HIM. he will conlinuejhe business IML-ly con ducud by the Mn: of Snead: k Buehler, a: the old Hand, coder 01 Cnrliale and Railroad gnu-t 2. Flo will be prepared to furnish . THE EMT QUALITY OF COAL, and every variety of LUMBER, including Doors. «Shutters, Sasli, kc. Also, every variety of Cooking Stoveg', Among which are the NOBLE 000 m, ROYAL COOK, WELLING TUN,WAVERLY. ancn ROYAL, - OBNNMENTAL COOK, ‘&c. . Also, PARLUR, DINING ROUM, SALOON AND SHOP' S T 30 V E b' . Also, everylvariely of TIN AND SHEET [RON WARE, nnufactured by the best work men. Also, ll LLOW WARE or every variety, includinga sul erior article of enamelled work. indeed every v riety 0! Kitchen Ware will he kept constant“ on hand. Also, the hu- huned "UNIVERSAL CLOTHES “'RINUER," f 1' which he in the sole tip“ in 'the county: BAwano'nn, He is dish .I‘ Sewing Illichil , April 10, 18 N’; 0008 A l STOCK are now open SPRING GO( («cation of bu ‘ In Bless G. _Bonmazms ‘ ALPAU ‘ SHA‘ of every styl fail to please For (iunflmeu's Wen we have a chqice He‘- h-clfon of 1 cw'rHs, ' fiANCY CASSIMERES,. VESTINGS, and low priced Pants Goods, 3! prices whim we guumnt' to give salislncthn. In Domes hvs, we mnrufl'cr MUSLIMS F 50)! 1‘21: CENTS UPWARDS ‘ 1n udditi to the nbove we have increased our stuck o Queeuswnre and Hardware at. re ducedprice” Also—-. GRUUERI S AT THE LOWEST RATES. In fnct, whfch cusl lowor than county. Alh satisfy all th OM May 1, 18' EMOVA ”Oh \i THIS W - Y FOR BARGAINS.—JUHN L. HOLTZWOI TII has just returned from the City with th- largest. and most complete assort ment got H- TS AND‘ CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOE ‘, tlmtrhus been brought to, in this town ~anB the war. Ills stuck i; nut only col wine, but. is GOOD uud CHEAP muhrnring very variety of Boats and Shot-S fur Mon nu Boys, whilst the Ladies will find everything ‘ their line, from the fim-st (Lniter to 111 he: evefllcsu du-s" Hus, ot’ul sum pet Bay, ‘ ings, I‘osz description mf‘flanl of me Dim April 10 7 ‘IIE p. \ {Wt-tn mi s’yle I!|i‘i\ddy d 1 1“. Ettmyu F ”E m llnekl UH: bu :mm name , HENRY J - EDWARD G Jm. 9, I\Sdb. . u 1“ («mill nuclei the . rent Attraction T I!“ Nl\Eßll(lFF’S CHHARQLOTIHNG A mm mmsum;STUßß,n\lheNunh Ens: Guru of the Diamond. The siflgsc-riper is muslanl _r in receiploffresh goods frmu the Eastern cit. . His stock of \ R .\DY-HADE CLOTHING \\ is one of he largest and most numctiw, :9 well As Illelcheapcsl establishment of the kind in the l'flll lry. You will there find COATS, PANTS A ‘D VESTS, made up in the most {l\shinrmbl - styles, and of the best mnterinls, of all size and prices, for men and boys.— Gentlcmr- - ‘ lurnishin; goods of every descripl lion, Wol Shirts. Muslin Slums, Hickory Shirts an- .\lerino Shirts, Merino. Wool and Culluu D Buclzask’ Len-Diets, Collars, hrcllns, T 1 and Shoe Shoe BIN: Ivory 00 Guns, Pis Soups and Pocket K 1 cu. Pipes, 9 his stock in a first' attention as Hm d any other forget the the Dium July 4, THIS -‘FAS} S ' BA :1 OurSp _/ r is the 13: U ’ ing ever » r all ‘he L‘ LAT STYLES FOR N 5 among w ich are fine fitti _ T mes Con , Cloth, Caesim , 100 mm V m, Dress an- ' every My! ,quulity an' 9 every des ription. A : GENTLEUEN'S P I' Embracing Gloves ’ ponders, asiery, « ‘NOTJONS 1 ' ' such as iolin Clocks, Mir :1 Razor! ad -' - Cantu, Pe .;. ; noes. Al ~ 1 TRUNK ‘ CARPET SACKS, UMBRELLAS, L g TOBACCO, SEGARS, l and in-oea uliule of eve’rytbiugwill be found in t : Store. Having made our pnwhases ; go: 0 ~11, gnd m. n favorable time, we are pre~ ! pad to :1! cheap. 1 EMEMBER THE PLACE. ‘ If you pesire to have a good fining suit, mde or ood mum-N, mu sud examine for } yourselve}, and SAVE MONEY. _ } April 2 , 1&5. F. B. PICKXHG. ,1 Fresh Arrival F WINTER GOODS AT. A. SCOTT & O SONJ’SF-We invite the attention or bug era to o 'r stock of Winter Goods, which will be sold :heay, consisting of .‘geii low to nionod ‘is long on with when you ill receiv’e *LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, Shawls, blanking 010')", etc., etc. For Men's and Boy ' wen we hue Cloths, Cusimrea, Coming; Vesungs, with a-vsrioty of Cotton udei, km, to. Call and lee. ‘ N0v..21b,1864. A. 300'” a soar. »3 Do You Wmh , 0 pflcseru a noun likeneu of yourself, T you? children, 0: Jonrifriends'! go at once w HUMPBB’S GALLERY! "rope-t piece in the what, Io secure first cl-sp'lctnrcs. 'Juqis,{lB6s. , ‘ 1 av - . 1L Hanna's To.(ua»An-rqp I‘ tine Fade“. for HORSES IDQOA‘H‘LR. frépam) Ind sold my}; at {is 9mg flop. . -. Juan} :5 "£64,, : ' '9 agent for Wheeler 3; Wilsonfa ‘ ea—lhe but. in use. 5. G. H. BUEBLER. w and Cheap fl REDUCED mons.—mnxg- BROTHERS have re'cnivgd and ng a Inge and varied stock of I DS,Io which they invite the at ers. ods their stock consists of MES, ELAINES, ' » MUZAMBIQUES, MOHAIR, MELAUX, CALIUOES, &c., and quality. and which cannot uur stock comprises everything ners may desire, and at prices lany other establishment In the we ask is an examination to 1!. it is to their interest to give us FAX!) ESTUCK BRUTH HRS No Humbug. vivom'n ALWAYS Anmb .u-st Shoe. Children's Shoes 0! 1‘ pm)“, in great “Hay. Also, Lu. 'uu quality, and Childrén's Hula, and prices. Also, Trunks, Ca:- ':\iisus, Cmbrcllné, Gloves, Stock .Fco, Uigms,nud Notions oI cvl-ry un). . ’ t forget the phme. South-east Car and, Gettysburg; Pu. . JOHN L. HOLTZWORTH 8.65. (1 Dissolution. (‘l‘phip heretofore existing be Ille undvrsizued, under the nauuo t' FAUhESTUUK“BROTHERS, is sohed 1:3 mugunl consent—Jame: {k rt-tiring. JAMES F.' FAU‘NESTUCK, HENRY J. fAIINESTtM‘K, EDW. G.‘ FAUIRESTUCK. J. n-nminining partners 0| \HNESTUCK HRU'I‘HEHS énes‘s “._t Mu: mum: plzxco,‘ \nd style of firm. FA H N “STUCK, FAHXESTOLK. liiMl SIM 'awers, Hosiery ofevery desariplion I, .\lerino and Ohtton Gloves, Hand‘- INeck Ties, Cmmts, Linen and Paper Ms, Cups; Boots' and Shoes. Um- nuke. Vulicos, Carpet BugsyClolhes Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, . ing, Pocket and Dressing Combs, b 5, Watches, Clock! and Jewelry, ! on, Violins and Violin Strings, l Perfumeriea, Stationery of all klnds, ives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac fm extra quality of Segars. In fact, lubraues everything usually found lass furnishing store. I invite the r all to come and see for themselves, (unlined to sell goods lower than stablisbrnentin the country. Don't place. Corner of York street Ind d. JACOB BRINKEBHOFF/ ,864. " Cheap Clothing. AY FOR BARGAINS! I F. 8. PI'GKI G ONABLR CLOTHING S' RE, 'nuons Sun“, GITTYSI ing and Summer anpply/ es; and best aelect‘d at; brought :0 Geflysbv Aunt opened [ck of Cloth rg, egxbmcing .. AND BOYS, 9’ Dress and Busi xe, Silk,B;llin and Easiness Puma, of /s‘ize, Under Clothes of 31 JRNISHING’ GOODS, Camus, Neck-ties, Sua zc. ‘Aiso, ENDQESS [4311?lel ‘ Accordeons, Violin.Strings‘, and Clothes Brushes, Combs, .aor Six-opc, Soap, Spectacles, nives, Pencils, Pens, and Domi- » Ho! for Bargains” ROW &' WOODS, corner of York Street and the Diamond, GETTYSHURG THE EEST ASSORTMENT UF GOODS IN ‘ ‘ TOWN IN THEIR LINE. ‘ ...L. , , HATS! HATSH HATS! ll IF YOU WAIT A "AT » , don’t buy it beiure you see the large Mr , . sartment at all kinds, 0F FUR, FELT. AND STRAW HATS, just. opened and for agile, cheaper than they are sold elsewhere. by " BOW & WOODS. SHOES! SHOES! I SHOES! ll MEN'S, BOYST, LADIRS’, Misses’ and Glniiliuru’afihm‘s of every ' style and quality, jun mceived and sold a Mule «Jumper than ‘nnybmly else will sell the emu: article, In ‘ RUW & WOODS. §NOTICE THIS.-Nearly all our shoes are what. are unlit-. 11 “Home~made Shoes,” nud are ‘mnde o! the best mntérifl. ~We say it 'boldly that he keep Ihr sale a b‘mter quality of Shncs than an genenuy found in Shoe Stores. Dry Goods "Slurefihoes" are the trash in market. 4 j ‘ __l_ . u FOP. LADIES, Misses and Chilglrtjn,w9 have Hals, trimmed and untrimqu.HosieryJilnyt-s, &c., All sold cheap, by ‘ RUW J: WUUDS. TRUN‘KS, Curpv‘t Sucks. Umbrclhls, Riding Whips, Window Paper, “'inflbw Blinds. £12., b ‘ ROW & \VOUUS. CORSETS, French, Shoulder-brace and com mun, urhca‘l mmcriai, at now & ‘VOUDS'. ‘RAZORi Straps, Shaving Soap, Shaving Brushes, all at“ the best quality. at Ihe,swre of now It WOODS. moxms BOOKS of all kinds, fur Ladies and UrllLl-‘ngun, by 120 W & WOODS. M“SH,‘ \L INSTRUMENTS l—Accordrons, _Violins, Violiu Itoxys, Violin Strings, Ilusm, Psp’edall) prrpnrml for use on th'e bow, sold at lo“ cal. pnccs By now}: WOODS. SPOOL ()01‘1‘! )N, Pucnt 'l‘luren'd Fans, Sus penders. (kittens. Bull's, Cgl‘luts, Shirt Fronts, Linen, Cullou null Udmbrlc Handkerchiefs, m. lbe'store of ROW & WOODS. COLLARS, Cmvhls, Neckdics, Butter-{llO3, somelhiug new, at ROW & WOODS. We assure those who have been ‘huying of us. and nll when, that our present stock of goods has been sob-cred “in: euro and will be sold as Che-up as pmsiblv. Give us 0. cu” be fuxe Inuflng whiu. )0“ need in our line and you shall not go away disappointed. - ‘ ‘ ROW 8: WOODS. Gettysburg, April 24, 1865. Globe Inn, YORK 51., NEAR THE mmoxn, ETT Y S i} U RG, P A.-—'l‘he nndoraigned G wuuld must respectfully inform his nu merous [rinnds gud the pubbo generally, thnt he has VPUFCIIHSOJ tlmt long ostablishqdhnd well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn,” in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no ellbrt to rmuluut it in n. m-umcl' that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table Will have the best the market can'afford—his chambers are §p3oious and comfortable—and he has laid in for his bar 0. full stock nt‘ wines and liquors. There is huge smblinfi: attached to the Hotel, which will he attended by Atten tiic hustlers. It will be his constant endeavor to tender the inilest satisfaction to his guésts, making his‘ house as near a home to them as possible. lie mks a share of the.puhlic’s pa: tromgo, dulerhinod as he is to deseh'e a large pm of it. Remember, the“ Globe Ipn" is in Yon-ll sweat, .Lutnc-ax- the Diamond, or Public Squ-tn'u . April 4, 1861. if FOUT Z ’ S cELEBRATED gum and mu gamma ThesePowdex-s will strength , on theStomnch \, nnd Inumines, cleanse them ' ‘ I from offensive . mutter, and . ’7 4‘) ,4 ; _.-_¢ ,'_J bring them to f;-,__~§4g :. 21:72; gpealtby amte. ’ They are a sure preventive of Lung Fvvor, nml n vermin mmdy fm‘ nll Diseases incident to the Home, such as Glan- ' ders, Yellow Water. Dis !cmp a r , Fouu d c r . x 510 a v o a , M avoring, \Gougha: Fe w?" Loss of App‘btito and Vital \Ener g)" &C. “- . ‘ In poor;\_low-splriu-d animals, it has the most" " "“ “ TY th- The property this Powder poaesscs in in min? the quantity of Milk in Cows, give. it an mportnncc and value which should pinch itin the hands of every person keeping n Cow. By actual experiment it has proven_ that; it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make tthutter Em Ind sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makel them thrive much fasten . HOG S . In all Bissau of _ , ' a: Swineinzuch gs ( \ gaff} *, ugh, mm m 3 i,‘—-‘“;_:,-:' the Lungs; Liver, ’ “43%: 3.., L . be. By pntfing- “\‘r °~ \ ( km W“ Paper . 1 helm £o:er mm ;~ ~ V _-.. ,1 Pow en: in a bar- f‘,’ $2131; : 1a or Swim, the "1"? we above Dine-nee cap be cured or entirely fire vented: By using these Powders the 03 ‘Cholanan be prevented. Price 25 on. per Paper, or 5 Papas for $l. , 4» Harman BY -‘ 8. A. FOUTZ & BRO" I= WHOLESRLE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. lg. 1133“ Franklin St, Baltimore, 11!. or e b Dru ‘ d Storekeepe , through“: thin Unit‘eflsgu: I'4! For sale by A. D. Buebler, Gettysburg; 'Lnnghlin k Bushfield, Wheeling, Va; 0. G. Bender & CO., Pituabnrg; Johnson,‘ Hollow” & Cowden, Philadelphia. . Nov. 23, 1864. ‘ 1y New Goods. EQRGE ARNOLD has" 3}. received from ‘ thefiity a large snppf; of CLOTHING, Jim's and Boys’ won, confining of all kinds of COATS, PANTS, VESTE, §IUKTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS, 1 L R \NE'C'K TEE-83.? Serf-8, ROSIE Y, be ' A large stack of CLOTHS, CASSIMEBES, OASSINETS, JEANS, DRILLINGS, &C., #O., all of‘which will be aold'u cheap as can be had elsewhere. Give us a. call, and if‘we can not p 16”: you in a suit ready made we will take your measure and make yea up oin _lhon notice. ' . ~ [Kay 30.&. . Albums! ‘ I. B U l 8 II A 3 A1.3U1 s v I I 1 m.minfi g. Inge um! beautifuk assort peu of Photographic Animus, which we on?" below‘dwricea. . . .TYSON BROTHERS. ' 02914., 1863. ’ - Ayer’s _ ‘ SARSAPARIL‘JB" From inner Inks, n null-bum mm o . - o ” furd. Mum. IO: u x have wld lug“ qumxlmn oflgour Snunm. mnu but newer {at one bottle wl I: filled or the dam-é cfl'oct ma all snumcuon to those who took It. A! fast up our Revue I? It. Hwy agree unm- bu been no munclue he 1: be on: In an: community." Eruptions. Pimpm. Blowhos. Pulhflea. Ul can, Bows. and all Diseases of the Skin. from RN. l-‘ubt. .s‘lmtfnn. ”T‘JIOI‘ England. u I only do yny duty w you and the Knuth, when 1 add macsulnouy to flu: you pubhu or the me dicinal v at: ufJ‘onr sum},l,,\. A! «Laugh» (or. ngud mu. In an uflhclmgi'lmmor In {or can. cyan, and hau- fgr yuan. whit we were unable to cure uuul we tnul your SAILSAPARILLA. she bu been well for some muuths." From Mn. June B. 115.11.}! wIl-l'nmcn and much attunedlmlyofl)eum'tri(lr. ('upe .Vfly 00., .\’. J. M 3% daughter 11le sun‘vrhl fur a year pas: MN: m mofu on: "11351011. which was vn-ry tmuhlcuome. Nuthlng arm «I an}: ruler until we tried your BAHSAYAI'JLLA, \\ 1m won completely cured not.” m. (‘lmrlea I’. Gage, EN)“ of (he Wkly-known . (I'M/c. 3114774!!! If (VD-V immufuclureru qfnmmefled juiytru in Nashua, A'. 11. u had {or several yum a wry lroublenome lummr in my flu-c, Whlcll grow constantly worm unul l: dlsflgutcd my features and became an smol— ornble unlimon. I trial almost every tlllng a man could of lwlh advlu-c’aml modu‘lnu, but Without my n-Ilcf wlmcw r, untll I took your s.\us.uuluu..\. ll lmnwlhzm'Ly mmle my not warm. as on WM me It mwhc {or a tlmv; but In a few wet-{n the new 3km Began to form under the bletelws. and con lnmnl mull my fan: Is as "mood! n my body‘l. and I am without any symptoms of tho dim-use that ‘ 1 know of. I I-ujoy Lwrfcct hmltanmd wlflwm a doubt owe it to your .\ummmhu.“ Eryslpulas—Gencm nobility-Purify tho From Dr. 1:01;! Smrl'n, Inuulnn Sh. Nan York. n Du. ATKIL I‘m-Mam M! to mmuvc E lion: and 'Scrnfulou: Sun‘s hry the pol-wwring use? 'our SAIL‘IAPAHIIJA. um} I nave jun now tun-d m) Jun of Mnhgmut Eriuwchu with it. No allcrnuvo we pow-ms minus I IC'SARSH‘AIHLLA on have nup phed to the pmfcunon m} well an to I‘m pmplu." From J. E. Johnstnu, £lll.. ll'ul'mnn. Ohio. « For tm-lvc years, I had the yellow l“ «I wins on my rl-vht mu, during whnch tune I “a all me Momma phynddnus I could machmnd took lum dmhs ol' mum \vurlh‘nl' mullrhma. The ulcer; were so bad that Ihu curds lxxxuno vlslble, ml tho dacmra «Jaded that my arm must be unwanted. I began taking yuur S APMHLLA. Tog two bot uu, and some of yfiflus. Together they have ourcd me. Inm In wall and sound as my body. - "dug In a puhlu: plane. my case In known to ever 11x1; in lhls wuunumty, and uxcltca me wonder J I l.’ . From ”on. Ham-y mm. M. r. n, of Ncmcruue, L'. If, a (“duly membcr (y (In: Canadém I’m-liar MPH . u l have used your S.\nsAu-.\muu\ In mmelly. {or goueruéfizlabfli "Y, Maura- lymw “win with ver -uc cm mu 3.1 m g' .m oonnncnxmg B to the millet/ed." St. Anthony’s Fire, new, Ba.}: Rheum. Bcnld Head. Bore Exes. A t From Hamy/ smm 15:11., the an: editor QflM , fluklmmwcl- lmuocrut, I’cmuylmnla. " Our only ehlhl, about three yearn or age, was attacked by pimples on his torched. The-1y rapidly unread ulml they formed :1 loathsome an \irulent Hare. which covered his face, and letunlly blinded his eyes for name dais. A skilful lxllyslcmn applied man“: of siltcr an other temed ea, without any nmmmlt efl'cct. For fillet-u days We guarded hm hands, lost with them he should tour open the res. tering and Lorrupt wuulll whlch covered hlu whole rue. Having tried every thing clue we had any ‘ hose from we began gn' u? your SAIL‘IAI'ARILLA. nu 'applylug the lothdc o potgmh lotion. nu you direct. ’lhc 30m begun to heal when we hul Jim-en the lint bottle, and was well when we had lln nhul , the wound. The child's eyelashes, which haul coma ‘ out, grewngnln, and he know as healthy and fair as “Lou”. The \yhulo neighborhood prodlutxd that t ‘ chlld must the." ~ A Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. ' From Dr. Ilirum Slam. qr‘St. Lam}, Miamnri. “ 1 am your S.\us.\rmuu.\ : mom mmtunl chdy {9l- the ism-outing symptoms or Syphilis and fur syphilmc dnsmsc um any other we pone“. Tho prom-Mon urc mdobtcd to you for some of the best mulldncs we have." from 1. J. Frcnvh, M. 1).; an minor: physiriun (y letgence, I|qu., who is n prominent munbcr (y' the Legfidqture of Maude/malts. ‘ H Du. Axnn. My dom- Sir: I have found your Sms‘truunm nu excellent. rvmcdy for 55;; um, both pf the primary and tcmmksry type, mud um. ml 111 some Well that were tou obstinate toylchl to other remedies. Ido not know whnt we can em ¥luy with mon; certuiutj of success, n here a pawn:- ul literati“: is rcqmrc ." Mr. Chm. S. Van Lint. of New Brunswick, N. 1., had drendfitl ulcers on his h-gs, mum! hy the “hum of mercury, or mercurial (“minim which gmw more and more aggravated fur yI-nrs, m sink: of awry remedy or treatment. that. cnuld be app ied. until the venturing use of A\ nu's Sum\r.\uu.n\ ruliurul rim. flew cases can be {unnd more inveterate nml distressing than this. and It took seven“ dozen bottles to cure him. ‘ SAHUEL WOLF. Lancet-thins, Whit/es, Fomnlo Weakness. arc (301)0me producul by inn-rm] Srmfillmu l“!- temtim‘n, an are very om-n uu-ul by tlu- nun-mum enact of this SAINAI'UHLIA. bumc mam rcu ull'L'. howcvt-r, in am of the SAILSAI‘AILILLA, the whim! application of loud rumuflvs. ' From. flu; well-Knmm_nyut Iqidqu-cdgbralcd IJr.’ ' Jacob .‘lurrill,'qf Ciurimmtl‘. ' “ i have found your S um \PARILI.A an cxu‘lll‘nt albumin: in din-aim or fi-mulcs. Many «we» of lrrw'nlm'it , Lcnvonlnm. Inn-mu] l'lc-vnmon, nud locafdv’oiua, uhdng from the sunfiuuus dimhmis. Inn-c ylcldm m it. and than: are fmv that. 910 not. when ".5 cfl'cct ls proxmly aided by local "mum-m." A (My. unwilliny to aI/nw the publication of hu « ‘ wmm. wrila .- “ a? daughter mu! myself have been uumd of A very vbilimliug lmucorrlnm of low: standingflv two bunk-s or your s.uu.u-.\nxLL.\." Rheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint. Dya pepsin, 11mm. Disease, Nour‘alzin, \vhm amped b Sew/um in tho nynu-xn m rapidly cured by an; in. Swunuunu. ’ CATHARTIC PILLS poscess so many advnntnges over the other yurgafivcs in the market. and their superior l \ irtuos are so universally known. tlmt we need um, do more than to 351 mm the pulnlic their qualily is unlinmincd equal to the best. it Wu has been, mu] that they may be (It-pegged on to do all that they have ever done. ‘ - Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & CO., Lowell, Mass.. and sold by Wilm- sale by A. D. Uurhler, ,Gt-ufiburg, and \l'o‘alers gnm-mlly. : Aug. 8, 18‘64. euwly ' ' New Goods. . FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS Arc constantly receiving: (Iloire nnd do smlblc goods, from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and um prepared to ull'cr ’ to those about, puu~lm=iug. Having select“ with great care, from the threoicddingmnrkrts the public will look to thrir ‘own interests by examining our SLOCL bufore buying j-lsowllcre CM] at - .Mny 9, 1864 Somethmg for Everybody U’BUY A? DB. IL. HORNER'S ‘ T DRUG AND VARIETY STOP-Eff Just opened a fine usortmcnt of Drugs and Medicines} Patent Medicines, Stationery, - : Fancy _Dry Goods, _ Coufeétious, Gioccries, ‘ , Notions, TOBACCO, BEGARS, t 0; . Jan. 18, 1864. A W. FLEMMING continues the bushes; . of SA‘LE CRYINj}, and solicits (be con unued patronage of the public. "is his con stant endeavor to give, satisfaction. Charges model-Me. Residgnce m ‘Breckiuridge atroet, Gettysburg. ‘ - P. S.—He is nligcnsed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the United States. “ Nov. 24, 1862. Still at Work. . , HE undersigned continues the. CARRIAGEJIAKING BUSINESS, in all ita.brancbos,at his old “and, in' East Middle slr’eet. Geqysburg. NEW WORK made to order, and . -REPA I n l N G done moxnpfly and M, lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS and a SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TRUXEL. Dec. 7, 1863. HILADELPHIA, PA.- Diseases of the Nervous; Seminal, (Irina-y and Sexual yueml—new and reliable “eminent—in‘ re -90"; of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent 5! mm] hv sealed letter envelopes, {we of‘ Chuge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN ROUGH TON, Howard Association, No. 2 south Niflfll Sweet, Phihdel'phia, Pa. Aug. 8,1864. ly ‘ ( New My . ‘EORGE ARNOLD but now on hand'his “wk of sPBING CLOTHING. mostly of hm?!” manufacturing, consisting ofall kinda of cows, PANTS, ? yams, nLousss. “ .SHIRTS, DRA WERS, to“ Also, . “We nook of Piece Goods, and: u CLOTBS, CASSIMEBES, DRILLINGSJHA'NS, ta, ta. Please can before purchasing uln- Num- They mas cheap. as the 659196; x [(9] 21,1865. ' m: noun’s (3fo mm! to: Scrotum and aux-omm“ Dues-as Blood AYER’S G [MAT INDUCE)! ESTS muxEsmcks' le From Sale Crying. Howard Association. Great Sale F WATCHES AND JEWELRY. ' , _ , $1,000,000 WORTH! To be disposed of— M 0m: Dom» etch, with: out regard to value, not to be paid for unm you know what you are to receive, - BY A. H. ROWEN $OO., (Agents {or the “mammal-uh) . o. 36 Burma Sting“, Nu You, Rmfi the following list. of Article! to be sold for ONE DOLLAR : 10000111 [inning-nu washes. \ tub cm on; 100 I- Wnlchu, nrlou lulu, “ 10 a ‘loo “ ham' 00m Witches, “ 5° 00 600 Silver Wukhn. “Ch I” 00 h 89 00 C4lOO latent Ilyla "n & neck clulm, " 500 lON. 0. 5500 llenl'n California Ilumunl lilac, “ 500 “.3 N.O 41m Dnllfomll d‘iunoud mumps, u _609 w 10. be 3000 Ilium-urn llcvolnng l’iun, “ »50°N ‘0 00 2000 California Diamond and calm . and mum ficarfplul, new mien, U 6nosolo no 2000 .\lunoulcunl Emblem Pm», “ 3‘oo ble 00‘ 2500 Hold [hand Braden, engraved " 3 'OO bio M 3000 J” Ind Mosaic Brooches, “ 300b10 .q 2001; Cuuw liming “ bOOM lo 00' meoml Ear Drum “ ‘ 1 on to aw‘ 2000 Ladies‘ Wntch chum, It anoln 15 ow. 6000 (ieuVl Plus, a nplendlil mt", “ 2onhlo ca Mflmlimlro Slow) Buttons. " 8 ooh 10 no: 8000 “mix ml Sleevr BMW, in nu. H aon b In,“ 1000 Elven Button, ruin, ud .ng'd, '1 lan m 8 no -10000 plniu m mgr-val Blow, ‘ “ 560 in loot.” .8000 Lockm. :19th ”and, “ - 2 ooh I. n 15000 mu Ladies’ Juv- ry, new 111-l __ _ -_ __ hum siylen‘ LOOO [lamb-um» Saul mugs, zoo“ set. lhnmlu swan. 1000 (iuhl Paul ll] Uuld lloldarl mu 5m m “a Gold Pm “a liar. Dfinpx, [amt nlylml, vary rich, “ 6onmo 00 2000 Gum 'l‘huuhlun, l‘anclln, flu: , “ lonto O W 10000 (laid l’uua Incl :llur emu, “ bnou I DC 10000 ~> " Ebony holders, “ ’ 4.00 to 009 This onllru' list, of heikuliml 39d \‘alulble goods will be sold for On DOLMII each. Cer tilic.rtcs 0! all the above articles will he plant) in cnwlopes, and sealed. These envelope: are smut by mail, as ordered, withuu‘ regard to ('huicc. 0‘" the receipt. ofihc certificate you :-.ill 5m what;ou Are to have, and then ill: 5! )our opllmi to send the Dullnr‘nd Lake the article, or not. iv‘he certffivitics can be Mir-red for $1 ; t'lflVCll lors2 ; thirty (or $5; sixty-five for $11); nnd one humlrml‘ lur sls.’ We will lend a amglc Uertillmle on the receipl of 25 cents.— AgL-nts \v auLul to whom we oll'cr special terms; send :5 cents for one certifivam 111-id our circu< "M with terms. A. 11. BOWEN a CO., 36 Ueekmuu Strut-ii NuY, ’9O. Do: 427}:- Muy 22, 1863. 6m Agncultural Chemmal COBB ' HEAP FERTILIZER?“ C The Fuxtilizers prepnred by the Agricul tum! Chemical (50., (a Company chum-red by the Legislaturu with n cnpikul of $250,000,) mm- been proved in pmclice lo Se the thesp cst, most. profitable and best, In the Fnrmer, (lax-slum and Fruit-grotto}, 0' nl] contentmlm muuures now oll'crrd lu ‘ nny market. The Company’s list. embn‘xces the following: ‘ PABULETTB This Fertilizer is com~ I posed of night soil um! the fertilizing elements of urine, cumbinul :hémicnll}: and mechanically will: other valu— able lertilizing agents null nllsorbeuu. It is rcfiuc'rd to u pnh'erulent condition; road) for immediate me, mu] willmul. loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing propertu-s. Its universal npleCflhlllly {o nil crops «an smls, aml its \lumlnilily and M‘liw qualilim, me well known to be all tknz'ngricuhmjaw can dcaiw. CHEMICAL COMPOST. fi'ii’i‘“: hug," 1y mmpuami. of animal mum-r, suuh ns' meal, bone, fish, leather, hair um! mm], to» gellicr with chemirnls and iimrgzuiic fertilizers, which dccumpnsu the umsa, nud remin tho uiergvnona elcmnms. . 'll is :1. var; \‘ulluilulu fertiliznr for fir-M Ch [)3 genera“), nud capeciullyv lur volumes, and gnrden purposes. ’, U ‘ ‘ .IIS cxwllcnt qulitit‘s, sht'nglh' um! champ nosa, have m ulc n'wr) popular mlh all who have uscd it. ‘ _ ' I ' - - - Tlnim llinlll Composne ,Feruhzer. “map“;uf; l'vruluwr is p.\rlis-ul:uly CdJilh‘d lur the culh vuuuu ot'lrtus, illlilr, Imm» and flown—4. ‘1; will promote a wry vlgmom nnd 1115'”qu grmuh ul woml u'nd lruil,aml lurgol, incrmsu' .tho qunnlily :uul [urrlect thy limmnly ul‘flm lrui‘. Fur luoL-lmuse nnd huuaql uN plan“ and lluuors, it will he lruml'nn 111-lispvusulnln :miclv 19 5| rum ylmir gnu-Lust perk-«lion. 11. “'1“ PTQ'VIH‘, nml vurv dimmed cumllhous m‘ Ile 11ml )1 and gray", and la xxccllvul lor grwa and 1.:.\ 1:3. » , ‘ ‘ IL I: mmpomul ohm-1| rh-nn-nls us Inuki it. :ulapu-ul I'.) Hw gum th of all kinds ufrrops in .\ll Mulla uf sails. ' ~ . 'l'm- iurluuln ur nwlhud nT combining it cmhlilm-nt ll'rliliiin: irart-Ju-uts lum' “Y“: (:l-H ml mu highestnpplm ul ol umiuL‘ul ('lu-misu and sudutilic ugl‘h ullurisls. - The A ricullmfl Phosphate of ‘lee. (,‘hvnu'rfll Cmu [muy nmnul'wturcn l‘hosphxm- u! Lime in M‘w ('nrdmwn with n m “'3qu \‘uhmhlc fur-mum Ivy whu'h u \l-ry' buporiur :u'lwle is product-11, 5:1 in; “1 he :Ilrnnllul M 31035 price leln other mnnn fiu-luru-rs chm-w. l'r:u-.iuul Inst; have prmoll 11pm.» mlm‘. as :1 11-rlihm-rI is mum: to the 1:43! [’howlmfu of Linn: iu the market. w TERMS CASH: AH Urdu" ofa Ton or—mure, will bv deliyurod nt'he Railroad Stations and Mn: “'lmnrs of Ship:ncnt,°free of curlu'gvlw unrlnge will he charged on all. orders 01H} bnTn'H or lrss. ‘. Unc dollar: per Ton allowance for “wife will be mule, on all sale» (ll'liH‘rcd It; :0 Winks of the Company, on (‘.annl Wharf. j AGRICULTURAL OlllflllCAla CO3B WORKS A-r Cu“. Wmuu, on nu; Hummus}, (Witt, 413} Jul: 51., I'lulmidphm, I’d. : ~ R. B. FITTS, Ueucrulfigent‘. The Company's Pamphlet Circular, ennui-£6- ing'fiill directions for using‘ the above mu lmfrs, sent by mail, free, when requested. r . .lnr. 13, 1865. cm ‘ - Lancaster Book Bindery, HORSE WIANT, BOOK BINDER. um Bun soc: “mum-min, *' ‘ LANCASTER, PA. -Plain and Ornamental Binding, of every de- Bcription. executed in the most. subsmnglal Ind np'proved styles. ‘ . . nun-up" ERW. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq, Lnncaaur County But Samuel Shock, an., Columbia Bunk. ‘ Samuel Wagner, an., York Bunk. - William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank; ’l‘. D. Canon, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg.' Petu- llnrt'm, Eli!” Prom” of Lancaster co., 1‘ Geo. G. Hnwthorn, Esq., Register “ ,‘A Geo, Whitman, Esq., Recorder “ 1“ April 15, lam A . .1 : Everhart's RANKLIN HOUSE, column or noun 1 ”an“: "nun, » ‘. BALTIMORE, ID. Thl: Half“: is on a dim». line between the Northern Cent’nl and Baltimore snd Ohio Rail. rotd Depots. It has been refined and mum fortnbly unused for the gonl‘cnience and» the entertainment of guests. Oct. 31, 1864. tr Bakery! EWPOB’E 8 ZlBGLERLXechanical Buk‘ N en, South Wuhington “reel, hail annro from the Eagle Howl, GETTYSBUBG, Pa.“ Constantly on hand, the best 01 BREAD, CRACKS”; CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. p". nonmwiahing fresh Broad will be sen-ed e'vé'r, morning. byAleavmg their mane: and midejncc' at the Bakery. Every etforrmade to pleas; Give ya a can] A [April 20’ :51 t! Revenue Stamps ‘ F any denomination constantly on bind and for ule at, the First Nation! smm of Geuyobnrg. (mo. ARNOLD, Miami. ‘ Gettysburg, Nov. 14, 1864. g Give‘ Himacfiyl ,7 j E lace toobuinspetrcct ho" hot I Angbrotype expen‘ed in the but. mfune; is a: mantra? GALLEBY, in we street. Jan. 9, was. _ , Excnsxom ,7 v , EXUBLSIOR . ‘ xz s; u, 3 The Excelsior Waning Hunting fifthgnben 3a“: Ytawam *gwmw— .cl twee k-n t n? - A ' *' fiéux? 330111333“ “ cwhuoo “ an!» loan H HBoWOoq “ lfiwmfiw
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers