«mom N 02103:. canto: I")! I'll 4:133!ch wucn comm“ It lining come to our knokledgc flu: in!- utionn of the Amcncan Watckfinve been put upon Illa market in gun number. calculnted by their uttef worthleuneu to injure the re pumion of our genuine productg, to protect our own interest: ad the public from imposi tion, we ngnin puhhah the trade mark: by which our Witch» may invariably be known. W 0 manufncturc but ltylel of Watches. The Fill! bu the nuns ' “AMERICAN WATCH CO.,Waltham, Huh,” enunvedpn the inside piste. The chon Lu file name “’APPLETON, TRACY a: CO., Wnltbun. Mum," engraved on the inside plate. The Tamra bu me name “P. S. BARTLETT, Walthnm, Nani," en graved on the inlide plum. All the above style: have the nnme Ameri on Watch Co. painted on the dial, and are wnrnnted in every respect. The Founm h" the name “WM. ELLERY, Bouon, Elam," sugared on'tbe inside plate, and In ad: named on the din}. ‘ . All the above delcribed watches are mad: of vitriol" Ill", and I'm sold in gold or silver easel, u may he required. ‘ It in hurllly possible for us to accurately depcribe the numerous imitations to which "we have alluded. They are nannlly inscribed with unmet: no nearly nppronchlng our own an to elcnpé the ohm-ration of the unseen. tofned buyer. Some are represented as made by the “Union Watch 00., of 'Bpstou, ’Mhss." —-no such company existing. Some are named the “Soldiei’a thumb," to behold ma our Fourth or Wu. Ellery :tyle, usually known as the “Fohdier‘l Watch." 0% are hamed the “Lplllothn Watch Co ;” other: the ‘-P. S. Bunny," intend of on: “P. S. 'Bnrtlettf’ be aidcsrmnuy writ-tint tanned in ouch n Enhanci n; to convey the idea that they {are the verita hie p‘xod‘uctiom d the American Watch Com -1‘“- \ ‘ We nisb caution the mHiic,and wticulnrly ‘ holding, ngiinsi buying rennin «glides CALL-E m: Mamba, so freely advertised in iliugtmzed ‘ paper! as “A rm; Wnuhcs,"‘-KXELHB'Wuu-hoe," l ‘Nng r Timp Observers," “An-nun Watch-o," ‘. bu} pril‘es of which are stated to be from! mu [0 sixteen dollars. A gopd watch, in, rim-Minna”, cannot be afforded ior any such' (non _v. ’ . Ami'llc nth-tion on (he pnrlof buyers wifl (ma-Jr! maxi from gross imposition. V EEZUIHHNS k APPLETUV, ‘ Agontq’fur the American “'1ou: :00“ (a. $5 38. Nu , 182 Brawn-y, .\'. Y. Q '11) nil-21K .\ ".\D CAFSE 1 5: “fire who lulLin the gliel ranks nndoubb’l tally dn,’ is (in lills. llul. on ”I 0 other handl whim FOR A 6000 CAUSE a]: was» wbu are wise mu! [lrigdcpt enough to remedy Ric dcfcc's of n‘h'turE with (.‘HIiISTADURU‘S ”.\IR DYE, no doing any duly, in every City of the p. nion, is eminently prnisewur'nhy. TLis pence tul IL-mlminn is gning nn thrfiughuuc the ox lmlz- l.\nd, nu-l llhbheuuty «yd lmrniauy sup p‘uut houuimss m d invm gluil“. Mzuulfglc' mrcd a,» J. umsT.\um:o,.\'o. is Asim- House, M-w York. ,Suhi h}.DHlggi§t§f Apuliml by «11 llmr Droéu-rs. . [May 8. 1m _ W'JAT mmsmm Will be willmné‘ DR. TUBHS' [ENE-ITIAN mum: LISI)II£N'}‘?‘ V ‘ Tu .\‘ru‘s, .\l.\ss , Slay NLh,'|B6o Dr. Tubby: Dd.“ Sir JDxlrixlg 3;) ye u's Hm I him» been in the livery business, I have usrd and 31nd} great qnmfiigy‘uf various fini nmnys, qils. kc. Some two ycnrs sincn, bear i‘ng of so nanny wonderlul «fires. ‘hm‘iug been llllllll: by your Vrm-timr Linimen’t, I tested its nu-riLE, and i 1 [ms gimn the hetyt. sa'usfacfion «o! nnglhiugi ever net-4. I‘nevcr 301119113“- thing that gin-s sueh tinivormfl untishwtinn «mung hnrslmtn, It i:1 tie-lined {lfsupersedu h“ m‘ht-x'a. \‘uuyahlruly, ha, 'sml by all ulrug‘zish. Oflice. st: (lorzluudl slrec-t, New York. ,l'rice tme dollar for pint lmtlles aercmmlry donors nre infmmvd 41M na (rnnlors ure now seuLnu'i‘. [May 29. lm _M-.¢..V__ . Izn‘mvma'rn's PILLi A GE’XERAL‘ AS- SISTA .\ T 0]“ NA TURF) Wlmt is health ? Winn, is discgse ‘I “with is when Ugo sufiply and expenditure nre equnl. Disense‘when (he suppiy and ex pendilurr- nre unequal. IIIIASLRETII'S PILLS Imp"! certain ex plllalVe power: to all mailer: in the bodj' who-rel life is below the standard of the surrounding; party, or. which have remained longer than thg lime nature designed. So in fevers And all that class oi case: which soon- run into morti ficntiou BRANDRETH'S PILLS havemnrvel ous curutive qualities. Our bodies are con tinually changing, and it is by this change wo li\ e. Should nieuer rexnain in omens beyond l 3,“ time nature (leslgned, finln and inflamma tion an in, which-islnolhing more thn’n a pre- ‘ paranory elfort. {or our good. ‘All Brandrelh’a ‘ Pills are suppoeed from t‘n’e‘ results to do is simply ASSISTING THESE EFFORTS or“ hunks. * [June 26. lm ‘ n‘umxoxm. Indie: and Gentlemen: If you wish to marry you ban dose by addressing me. I will send you, withoutmoney and without price, valua ble iniormation, that. will ehable you to marry _tmppily arpd speedily, irrespective of age, wealthmrmcouty. This information will cost. you nothing, nod ilyan wish to many, I will cheerfully auxin you. All letters strictly con fidential. The desired iolbrlnn'lion gent by re turn mail,,and no reward asked. Please in close portage or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, = ~ , ’ " SARAH B. LAMBERT, ' I; . Greanpoiut, In, . 3m Kings co., New York. . f . -—<«->— ,_ INFORMATION FREE .I Ta' Ksayocs Sunnus.~—.A Gentleman,‘ muted“ HervoanebiHLy, lncompetency, Pre- ‘ mature Decay, And Youthful Error, netunwd} by I. delire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to I.“ who need it, (“II or annoy) the recipe Intdirectionn for making the sim ple remedy used in. his case. Sufl‘eren wißh-‘ _lngu profit by the advertiser’s sad experience,j end possess; sure and nlnnble remedy, can‘ do I 0 by “dressing him a: his place of busi? new. The Recipe, and full information—of vial importane—vill b 9 cheerfully sent. by return mail. Addrul - JOHN 8.0601331, 8 Nuuu SL, New York P. B,.Xmonl Sufferers of both sexes I! find this information Invaluable. [Apr. 10. 3m. at man BRIDAL cauam ' A not. of warning and ldvice to than M. faring Vida Benin-d Weakness, Genera! Do. bill”, or Prawn" Decay‘ from whoever can!- prodnced.‘ 38“. ponder, and reflect! B. the in time. , ‘ . 80:: FREE to any addrgu, (g the hen'efit of m gamed. 8w by rehrn mil. Addruq . , JAHES 85 BUTLER, April 10. u 429}mdny, N. Y. om nits nuns unw , * Wu; directing how to :3?”de ro uou “ _thd 311.9 In? spatula, without dd of mm: umflcme. Sen! hr mil, the, on nuipto! iii-M Address. * . 3.; 13. 10013.1. 1) 1.5.10. an user Broadway, n 3? . A CAR!) TO THE SUFFERING. Do you will: to balance” I! no, ‘ low two or three ‘hophudl at “Bucha,”‘ onlo Bitters," Smeperills," “Nu-mm An ates.” it, IC-v 16-, and after you ere ulinfied with the result. then try one box 0! OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN’S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS-and be restored to health Ind vigor in tees than thirty days. They are purely vegeublr, pleasant to tnke, prompt and ulntary in their effects on the broken-down and shattered con nltntion. Old and youngcan take them with ldvnnlnge. DR. BUCHAN‘S ENGLISH SPE CIFIC PILLS cure in less than 30 days, the worst cue. of NERVOUSNESS, lmpotency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weaknessflusanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Allen tione, no matter from what cause produced.— Price, One Dollar per box.“ Sent, post paid, on receipt ofen order. Addreu, ‘ \1 JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 429 Broadway, New York. Gen’l Agent. P. S.—-A box sent to any address on receipt of prick—which in On Donut—roar run.— A dexcriptive Circular tent on application. ‘ July 17,1865. _Bw ‘ PROF. J. ISAACS. 11. D., Ocnlilt and Anrist, formerly of Lay-den, Holland, is loaned at No. 519 PINE Street, PHILADELPHIA, where per sons emitted wicb diseases or the EYE or EAR. will b. scientifically treated and cured, if cumlx. 7N. B.—ARTIFICIAL:EYES inserted with t pain. No charge: made {or examin tiofi. The medical faculty in invited, as he has no secret in his mode of treatment. July 17,1865. 1y 7 ' DR. MARSHALL'S CATARRB SNUFF. ' This Snull‘ luff thoroughly proved'ifself to be the best 'Mtit-le known for during the Catnrth, Cold in the [lend and Headache. It has been fonna In excellent remedy in many cases of Sore Eyes. Deafness has been nmoved by it, and Hearing has often been greatly improved by its use. ' ‘ ' It is‘frngrnn: and {greeabiq and dives nt uzmnl mun to the,dullhettvy pnlns caused by disease: of the head. The sensation: after using it are arlighti'nl nnd invigorating. It opens and purges out all obstructions, strength ens the glandn, and gives a healthy action (to the parts nll‘ected. ‘ More than Thirty Years!» of sale and use of “Dr. )iurshnll’s Catnrrh and Hendlche suufl'," has proved its great valiie for all the common dist-nae: of the head, and at this moment stnmle higher than everbeiore. i. It is recommended by many of the best phy sicians, and is .used Jith great success and satisfaction everywhere, , ’ - Read the Certificnles 0T Who'esnle Drug giits in 1854 :\ The updersigned, hnving tor mnny years been acquainted with ” Dr. .\inr- Ilmll's Czunrrh nridflendache Snuil‘," and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, thnt we believe it to he eq‘rtnl, in ever); respect, to the (eeom'ncndutinus given of it {or the cure of Catxrrh-tl Afl'eetiuns. he: that it ii decided ly: the best article we have‘ \"er‘kuowh (or all common diseases of the 110:} , ‘ Burr .1: Perry, Boston; Reed, nslon {a CO., lloswn: Brown, Lxunso k (‘o‘, ostongllH-d, (lath rL: CO., Huston; goth W. F; e, Boston; “11501.2( ,l’n'ubnnk & CO., Boston; enshnw, Fainnmvl & CO., Boston; H. H. llny, 1’ thind,’ ..lle.; “linings It Park, New YmL: A. IL A: D.‘ b‘i'uuls, Xew Yoda; Stephen Paul & C 0 , Jew ‘ Yuck; brutl .\linm'xt (10.. New Yolk; )lclx't- - | non L: llohhius. New York; A. L. Seovill kCom New EOI'LJ‘ M. Ward, Glosé 6; 00., New York; Bush & Uule, New York. ‘Fo’r Bade by all Uruggsls‘ Try it. , , Nd; 14, um. 1y _ ' ‘ '8": Jun»: Cunnfa Canaan-rm FEMALE PILLS. Prepared from a piescription of Sir J. ('lzuke, 11. D., l'hysicinn Extraordinary to the Qmen. This irvnlunbie medicine is un tailing in the curcéof all those painful and idnngeruufi disensts t 9 which the female con . Etilu ion is subject. It niodcrntes all exress ‘flnd removes all obstructions, and a spl’edy I cure may he lelieul n. l I Io Mmricd Lad -s it is peculiarly suited.— lt “ill, in ashort ime. bring on the monthly period with regularity. h ’ ‘ Each: bottle, price One Doll r, hears the Government“ Stump of Great. Britain, to pre ..\‘ent counterfeit, (Influx—Those l’il'ls should net be taken . by F'. males during the FIRST 'runnizugoxrns of I l’rrgnnnqy,;|s they‘nro sure to. bring on Mis curringze, but nt any other time they are Fufc. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Alfeclionfi filing in the Buck and Limhs: Fntigne on slight 03:61 u‘on, l’ulpitnriofi of the Heart, ll’yslerics, and Whites, these {fills will cfi'ect nldnre when all oler‘lm-nns have failed; and although :1 p 0“ er‘ nl tome-Iy, do not c‘oq‘tnin iron. cnlumel, nntimon)‘, ornnytlyng hurtful to the commu tion. Full directions in the pamphlet Mound each flack-10;“ hich should be cnreiully preserved Sold by AH ”tugging, Sore Agent for the UnimQSmms and Canada; _ J()_B MOSES, 27 Cortland! s:.,x.‘Y. SA“ URL WILDE N. TL—S‘LW and I; postage «amps onvlosyd to {my authorized Agent, will insure 21 bottle, cuumiuing 50 film, by return mail. Sold by A. 11.13wbler. flow-.14, 1864. ly A little of everyxhing relating to the human. \systogu. malgnnd lemnle; the causes and lieut ayent of disensbs; the marriage custo‘ms of lhe world} how to many wt" and ay‘tho‘hsandl things néver published before, read the re-‘ \‘iszgl nud'enlarged edition of “Medical Conn; mun Sense," a curious book 1201' curious peo-‘ ple,‘ and .1‘ good bool': {or every one. 400‘ p.ges, :00 Illuslrutiuns. 2Price $l. 50. Cam in a table sen} {no to any address. Booku‘ film had at. the Book stores, or will be sent, ‘ hy mm], post paid, pn receipt of the pricg.— ‘ Addre~s E. B. FOOTE, M. D., . 1 Jan. 30 6m 1130 Broadway, N. Y. ———~ .9...;. A’ CARD TO'INVALIDS. , A Clergyman, while résiding in South Amer igai as n misdonary, discovered a safe and sim— ple remedy for the Cure 0: Nervous Weakness, Early Decay; Disease-i oftb'e Urinary 11945531)- inni Organs, and the whole train of disorders nought on by baneful and vicious [whim—- Great numh‘ers lmVe ”been dresdy cured by this noble remedy. Priznptcd by a desire to bene fit the afflicted and nforluunte, I will send the recipe. for preparing and ‘usinglthil medicine, in a. sealed envelope, to my one who needs it, Fen or Canon. ‘ Pleaseinclose a. stamped envelope, addressed as yourself. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, 0 Station D, Bible House, Oct. 24, 1864: y New Yu‘rk Cit)“. Composed of highly concentrated extracts frfim roots and herbs 6? the highest medicinal mine are infnlll'ble in the cure ohll diseases of the Live:- or guy derangement of the Digestive Organ‘s. They remove all Impurities of the Blood, and are unequaled in the cure of Diarr hea, Janndice, Dyspepsia, Scrofuln, pilioni ness, Liver Complaint, Fever-s, Heodoche, Piles. Mercurial Diseases, Hereditary Rumors. Dole, for adults, one pill in the morninghchildren half 3 pill. From one to three pills will cure ordinary men and Iron one to three boxes will cure any curable case of no mntter how long standing. Priee $l.OO per box. Trade Inpplied or sent biuil. , V. MOTT T LBOTT, M. D., 3: CO., L 62 Fulton BL, New York. , Jnne 5,1861. 1y ‘ Cured of Nervoul Debility, Premntu e De cay, and the «Reds of youthful indisietion, will be happy to furnish other! with the means of cure, (free Ofelmrge.) This remedy is sim ple, safe, and cumin. ‘ ‘ For full partiq’a, by return mnil,plense address * JOHN B. OGDEN, ' ‘ June 5. 3m 60 Nassau St, New York. ANTED—The subscriber continues to "buy HAY and GRAIN of all kinds, I'. Gr‘mife‘Sution. \ a . - fifle also sells, st the lowest ratel,-SALT, FISH, ‘GUANOS, and: PHILIP HAHN. I1]: 17, 1965. ~ 3:11? Estray Bull. LEFT the penile: of thnqubscriber, in Germany township, Adam: county, on um sth in“, A large yellqwilh BULL, abou‘ 3 Fe“: old. ’ Any person knqwing the wherea bonll of “id Bull will be aniubly rewarded by “dressing the nndmlgned, through the “$033.6ng out Ofiice. ll DUflERA ' A , . July 17, was. sum EYE AND EAR l :rm: Gran Excms‘n REMEDY IF YOU WAM‘ TO KNOW ' —-——< 9“. '_‘?” DR. TALBOTT'S PILLS, AI GENTLESIAN Hay ‘and Grain l 1- 95531.10 SALE—On WEDNESDAY, A the ‘2d day of AUGUST next, the who , eeriher, Administrator or the eetnte of David R. P. Deardortl', deemed, will rel! at, Public Sale, at. the lute residence of nid‘ decedent, in Butler township,‘Adaml county, at Bender’s 1 Church, the following Pei-tonal Property, viz: ; l MARE, 3 years old, 2 lilch Cows, 6 head of Sheep, 3 head of Hogs, 2 of them Brood Sowa with pigs, (one having 5 pigs, the other 10,) Broad-trend Wagon, Beudersville Plough, new Harrow, Patent Cutting Box, Double and Single-trees, new Sleigh, Hay Rake, Feed Trough, 2 Log Chains, Rakes and Forks, Grain Shovel, Horse Gem and Harness, Riding Sad dle and Bridle. Side Saddle, Line, Halters nnd Halter Chains, ,Cow Chains, Grain Cradle, )‘owing Scythe; and Snatha. Grindstone, Wheelbarrow, Llattock, lot of Bags, 9 ofthem new twilled Ban. Also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such on Bed: and Bed steeds, 2 Tables, one 3 Dining Tuble, 1 Break. fast Table, new, 2 acts of new Chairs, new Sink, with doors, Queens-ware Tin-ware, n large lot of Apple-butter, some émoked Mont, .Lnrdpvlnegar and Barrels, Tubr,‘ Meat Ves sels, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, Hathaway Cool: Store and Fixtures, Iron Kettle, Mantle Clock, Spinning Wheel and Reel, 20 bundles of Flax, mlnrge lot of Enrthun-wnre, nnd'n greatmnny othenrticlermot herein mentioned. S‘Snle to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 31., on said dny, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ' ~ l SAMUEL S. BEARD ORFF, Adm'r. July 17,1885. ts . A 'Splendid Farm T PRIVATE SALE—The subscriber, in ‘, tending to quit farming, 05ers m. Private Sale, his FARM, litonte in C'umberlnnd town ship. Adnms connty, about three miles west of Gettysburg, near the Cbambersbnrg- turnpike, adjhininglonde of Charles B. Polley. Abraham 'Plank, Jacob Lou, John W. Weiglc, and others, containing 228 Acres, ’more or less, about 40 urea being excellent Woodland, with n sufficiency of prime Meadow. The improve ments are a Two-story Weather- In," boarded Dwelling HOUSE, with _flfi" .. Bock-building, Wash House and 3;? HE“: Spring House, a. large Bank Burn, ‘1 94;" Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage liousy, n well 0! excellem water near the dwelling, with an Orchard of choice fruit. ' About one-half orthe Farm has been limed. lt isnll in n'higb stole ofcultiv‘ntion, and un der good fencing. The property was mgncd and occupied for many years by Mr. Daniel Pulley, now deceased, and is known as ”“i' of the has: and most desirable of Marsh Cry-k Farms. Mills, Mechanic Shops, School Homes, km, convenient. 4 "i Persons wishing to view the premisis, are requested to call on the subscriber, r iding illexeon. filhe‘Live Stock, Farming Utensils, and the Crops, would also be sold privately, should the purchaser of the Farm desire to have them. ~‘ , EhIéNUEL D. KELLER. Ju1y17,1865. , Public Sale F REAL ESTATE—On SATURDAY, the 0 5“! day of AUGUST next, will be ollcred at Public Sale, on the premises, ' A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Germany tnwfisliip, Adams céuntp', one and u. hqlf mih 5 ‘north of Liuhgtown, on l-be lulrnpikejendmg n Gettysburg, containifig ‘l4 Acres, .111 an m le; of well improved land. The ' $2O" imp vunenla are a Two-story _."55‘ ~ ‘ BIUL‘ HUUSE,wiLh Brick Kitchen p 73,: . 5“ attache Log Burn, a thriving *y—gfgi young Orc ard of choice fruit, well of Killer near the do of the dwelling, ch. his a wry desirable ho ,nnd ofi‘ers rare inducement to purchasers. ”Also, 2 Ac‘ 1 township, near 3% Mill. manic to rnmmexfie at 1 o'clock, P. .\l , on said day; when mte ance will be gin-n and terms made known h‘y . 115. Y L. CLAY July 17, 1865. m \_ a ofTIMm-IR-LAM), in 51M Lam’s (tbrmerl) Anion! «) Quarterly Report F the condition of the First. Xutiminl Bunk. 0 of Gettysburg, State 0: I'enmyh‘fi in, 1111 Mb: morning of the 15! Monday ol'JubNufi :, L ' nxsovncn. \ 'Notesnnd bills discounted, ‘ . $111,539 (1' lFumiture and fixtures, 700 C [Current expénses, 131 41; ‘Tnxes paid, ‘ 619 hC' Remittancesinnd other cnsh Hen-13. (PM 00. Due Iran: the following National Banks: “ FlrsL National Bank of Philadelphia, 9,1113 40 .\’intl) National Bank of New York," Luv: 09 lYurk Cuunly Xational Bank, Pm; 1,1.89 00 ,Thc National Exchange Bank ofß.ilt.. 6,876 09 ,‘U. S. Bands depOalted with U. S. Treas urer to secure circulating ntltES, 100,000 00 United Slates Bands, depuslts, 50,000 0:) l‘mietl Stnlcs llonds,,on lmnd, 230 00 Ca~h on hand in circulating notes of I this bank, ’ Cash on hand in circulating notes of other Niitionnl hanks, 24,418 00 Cash on hand in circuluing notes of State bnnlis, gm 4s 59‘1”“ lnwfiil mongy, r " 34 6] Total, LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in, $lOO,OOO 00 Surplus fund, . 849 72 Circulating notes received from ' v Comptroller, . 90,000 00 Individual de‘positaL .106,786 68 Unned State! deposits, ‘ 9,517 as Dividends unpaid, " 211 81 . Due the following Nulionn‘nks: First National Bank of Hanover, 3,736 13 Exchltnges, Interest», / Profit. and lqss, Total, 1, Guns: Anson), Cashier of the First. Nu lional‘Bank of Gettysburg, do solemnly swear that the above statement is txue to the best. of my Endwledge and belief. ' GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier. Sworn Maud anbncribed before mew day ofJuly, 1865. A. J. COVER, J. P. .Iqu 17, 1865. 1: . Notlce. ° HE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the Conrtaw dletribnte the balance in the hand: of Israel Little, Administrator of the estate of Conrad Waiter, deceased, to and among the parties legelly entitled thereto, will sit at the oflie‘e of*,Duncnn .& White, in Gettysburg, for the .purpose of bin appoint mentfln TUESD‘AY, the 1:: day of AUGUST, 1865. J. 8. WHITE, Auditor. July 17, 1865. id Hanover B. Railroad. RANGE OF TIXEI—On and After Tues dey, November let, L 864, Trains on this Road will run as follows: _ 4 FIRST TRAIN will leave Hanover at 8.15 A. IL, for Baltimore end intermediate stations. SECOND TRAIN wili leave at. 10, A. M., for York, Hun-isbnrg, Columbia, Philadelphia. and t a North and West. . 'l‘ TRAIN will leave at 2.25, P. l, for Ball: .‘ Passengers for York And Harris burg by this train will be delayed two hour: M. the Junction. ‘ - D. E. TRONE, Hanover, Nov. 4, 1864. Agent. Notice. ARIA BOLLINGER’S ESTATE.—Letters M of administration on the estate of Marie. Bollinger, late of Butler township, Adams county, deceased, having Seen gunned to the nndereigneuf, residing in the some township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having chime against the same to prevent them properly authenticated for set tlement. - J. HANES. Adm'r. June 12,1865. 6:. Notice. EFJAMIN FEESER’S ESTATE—Letters of ndminietrntion on the estate of Benja nnn Fee-gr, lots of lonntjoy township, Adm“ county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township, be hereby given notice to nil persona indebted to said enute to Innke immediate payment, and those having dun: ngninu the same to pre sent them preperly authenticated for settle ment. JACOB B. FEESEB, Adm’r. June 12, 1865. St N oto Dr. B. nomms’nng em. get his nnxgunn canon amt. . 1M Carriage-making Resumed.. HE wu being over, the undersigned have resumed the ‘ _ CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, n their old stand. in Kan. Middle street, Gangsmfne, when: they are again prepared to put up work in the most fashionable, substantialmnd supe rior manner. A Im. of new and second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGYFIS, ML, on hand, which they will disnose of“. the lowest prices ; and all orders will be mpplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. a- ll E P A I R I N G done with dispucb, and a! cheapest rates. A large lot. or new and old HARNESS an band {or sale. Thankful {or the liberal patronage hereto; for: enjoyed by them‘ they loliclt Ind will en deavor to deserve a large nature in the future. DANNER & ZIEGLER. July 10, 1835. u l A Valnfble Farm 1‘ PRIVATE S Lil—As the subscriber A intends to quit farming, he offers his All}! at private ml . , The Farm is situated in llonntplemnt :0 uship, Adams bounty, Pm, on the road lend ng from Huntersfown to McSherryatown,uhou six miles from the former and {our milesj'rom he latter, and about two miles from the Condwngo Chapel, adjoining lands ofßemardNoeY, Aloysius Hemler, Nich olas Fleigle, George Smith, and others, con: mining 63 ACRES, ni‘ore or less, about B acres nfwhich are Woodland um! 10 acres Meadow. The improvements Sure it Two-story s‘”; HOUSE, with a Kite en attached, large m 1”; Bank Barn, with Wu on Shed and Corn Crib to it, a. good rchard, a well of water convenient to the house, also 11 neverfailiug spring near the house. There is a stream of water through the farm. Churches, Schools and Mills are all cont‘enient. . WPerson‘a wish ng to View the property ‘ can do so by calling Lin thqplnce. ! July 10,1865. ; ADAM SHORE. , -.h,_,;., . . - Soluble Paelfic Guano. OHN S. REESE 5: CO., J wnoLzaAuz AND RETAIL [rains FOB THE PACIFIC GUASO COMPANY, 71 South .‘l'rrzel, Balltmore. TheSoluLle I'anflc Duane resembles Peruvian 'Gmmg-in appearance, odor. and composition. I The value of all Gunhos and Super Phosphates lof Lime, of \vhnteverinnme, depends, as is well lknown, upon the per‘ceal. of Ammonia. Soluble , Pinup/lute nnd Bone Illmcphale of Lune they can- Hnin. This Guano dllfi-rs from Peruvian only :in th" fact that it contains less Ammonia, bnt ; this difference in Ammonia is more than made :up by the [not that tit contains almoat double as much Soluble and Bone Phosphate oflLime. This difir‘rence make} it n durublefcrlilxzrr,with all the activity of Po, uvinh Gimuo. Although [the price of this Glinnn is only one-half the .price of Peruvian, and Is not higher than the ISnper Phosphates 0 Lime, yet it contains, as is proveu by analys s and inspection, vastly more of ammonia, no üblv, and [Jane I'liosphalr, than is found in the‘best of them. Hence its economy and intrinsic value must render it an object of great inter st to furniera generally. We wish farmers to take e=pecinl' notice, that the conditions ipon which we have the ’ agency ofthis “(IMIO fire that every cargo is "regularly inspected land analyzed by Dr. Lic ibig, whose uuthorii in :uch matters is para ? Inmnll. ‘ ' This nrmngement a pruteclion not llzld er: generally. It the plumgxhntes 0! H: but eathy Phosphn advantggp. The fullmfihg is Inst (‘tlrgfll Moismre. OrganicComb‘xibhn Earthy Imm, Yiel-‘iqg .\mnnnia.J Sululll'r l'husph: ‘ nom- I’i.o3phul gar'f‘cr sale by- Mel CPI“ July 10, 186 E 80, UXADI'LTEILAT ns'mx MILLING Thc'valne of uhbtfi. -cn kv '.\', 10 00 $312,999 32 the: duties of the office 'wifis iifiéfi‘tfrand to lEe best ofmy ability. 1 nge_b,lB6s. tc ' _ _ ,7 County Treasurer. IRB "iG 357 42 1,320 92‘ URGED by many, I afl‘er myself as n candi date for COUNTY mmsfinm, at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elecudfl promiSe to discharge the duties of he office with fidelity and lo the best ofmy minty. JAGUB SHEADS. June )2, 18‘5‘ tc‘ , $312,999 32 "FELLOW-CITIZENB2—I offer myself a. candidate for . the office of COUNTY TREASURER, subject to the decision of the Democratic Coumy Convention, and respect fully aolicit your votes. Should I receive that nomination, and be elected, I will endeavor to conduct myself and the office in such a man ner. that yonishnll never have cause to regret that you voted for me. Yours .in hope, Ml)‘ 29, 1865. in H. D. WATTLES. I INC-E peace)“ been restored, it has been ‘ resolved by the Board of Managers of the Adams County Agricultural Society, to bold 3. PAIR this fall, about theusual time,nt their Grounds, near Bendersville. The citizens are respectfully invited to make prepnrntlons to , make it interesting, by the exhibition of mn ‘, tel-iel. A List of Premiums for Stock, Agri -1 cultural Products, Machines, ancy Articles, ‘ 6m, Will be published in tine season. _ l ' HIBAM GRIEST, President. % June 19, 1865. - 19 Nance. , BRISTIAN HOSTETTER’S ESTATE.— Letten of administration on the estate of C risu‘nn Hostetter, late of Union township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned,,residingin the same town ship, be herehy gives notice to all pereons in debted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against the sa'me to present them properly authenticated tor settlement. ' DANIEL GEISELMAN, Adm’r June 12, 1_865. 61* _ ACOB ADAMS’ESTATE.—Letten tenta mentnry on the estate of Jacob Adnml, lute of Conowngo ~townahip, Adena: county, deceased, havxng been grated to the _under signed, renidfing in the Mine township, he hereby given notice to all persons indebted to Mid estate to make immediate payment, and tli‘pse having claims against the sum to pre sent them properly Inthenticated {or settle ment. MICHAEL BEILY, Ex’r. June 5, 1865. 6'." ARDWARE um inox, Paints and on: of every description. It neatly reduced prices, at FLEX ESTOCK'B. “AGO, Array Rom, Corn Minna-flout and (Main, M Ell" M. m. HORNEB’S Drug Store. . - |n-fl‘ords us nnd'cnnsumers 'iu the purclmseuf Iorliliz— “=1 n 13!) be noticed that Is Guano, Me not mineral, 03, which is granny toils . summary of n'nnlgsis of ‘ 10 per cont linuerflfl Tl ” I‘ L u. 2B i 340 per cent 0 0f1.31r0.,17.07 “ “ of Lime, '24 22 , “ “ ['RDY &‘ [HI-Inn, 1:»1 l‘rudusv Dozlhrs, . Gettgsbulg. ,e Flour, : u.\.\'lr.\(‘l‘rnknhv Tm: [AVD \IAXUFACTURIXG NPANY. urnt, ixnndfiltemted Bone, "'duced \di JEREMIAH DIEHL County Treasurer. Agricultural Fair. Notice. Now Goods! Cheap Goods! HE‘PSACB T 0 031,188! I ‘ IN HANOVERI a helohy inform the 'clllzena of York and Alums c‘ouuties. that we have established, M. the southeast corner of Centre Square and Baltimore street, HANOVER, formerly occu pied by C. E. t T. T. Wirt, 1: Branch Store, (the principal business houses being located in New York and York, Pa.,,where we will keep at all times a regular assortment of Dry, "Domenic und_ancy GOODSV also, *1 we" se lected assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIIIERES, CASSINETS, COTTINETS and CORDUROYS; Chlua,Glns and Queens-ware, Lndies'. Misses' Ind Children's SHOES; also, a. nice and full nuortment of all kinds of CARPET, Floor Ind Table Oil-cloth. i We have also established in'rooms adjoining \ the Central Hotel, a CLOTHING STORE, 1 where we will ‘keep. constantly on hand n. well selected assortment of Ready-(nude Clothing. of the latest styles, and a full assortment of Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, such as Hats, Cabs, Boots, Shoes, 80., which we will sell at reduced prices. , As our motto is, and always will be, “quick sales And small profits," we hope to receive a share oi the petronnge of town‘ and coun-. try. 0n? connection with the large wholesale houses in New York City and York, Pa.,where Ire always stared an extensive stock of goods, which we sell at_wholesale and ‘retail, enables us to supply onr old friends and such of our new customers as will give us a call,‘with_ the very best marketable goods, at lower rates than can be purchased anywhere in the State. Call and see for yourselves. ‘ JOS. LEBAC-H & BRO. Hanover, June 26, mild. 1y Martin’s Patent Gate. NEW AND USEFUL INVENTIONn—e A The subscriber takes this method of ca]!- ing the attention of the public to his Patent Self-opening Gate. which he is prepared to manufacture and put. up on the most‘reasona ble terms. . CERTIFICATE! NEW oxx-‘oyml June 12, 1805 Ihave been using Joseph .\inrlin’s Patent Gate for'some time and find it n very great convenience. We can ri‘de or drive through without stopping, as it gun he opened and closed as you are paying ‘through, without any inconvenience. Sum“ F. Nun. WWe, the undersigned tarmera and resi deits of Adams county, do certify that we hnve examined and used a Gate patented by Joseph Martin, and after a fair trial, do not hesitate “recommend it. The improvements in this Gate nre decidedly superior to any heretofore brought before the public. Among the advantages it possesses over the common Gflte are: ist. That it can be opener] and shut by any child without getting from the horse or wagon. 21]. That no stopping i§_re quired in passmg through. ‘3d. That it is not linhle to get out of repair. ‘ F. C. llellzel», - Jamil. Gitt, David Sherman, E. C. Gitt, - Jeremiah She‘rmun, A. F. Gilt, . 'II. D. Emmett, Sheely & Stock, Jacoh Peters, ‘ Peter Fieser, O Elin‘a’ Slugle, _ Wash’n Schwartz, Henry L. Gilt. [QEOne of the Gales will be put up in Get tyshurg KY tie Fourth of July. when persons will have an opportunily of exulnining it find judging lur themselves. ' JOSEPH MARTIN. ‘ New'Oxford. Adams 00., Pa. June 26, 1865. 3131* ' ,i A Valuable Farm . AT PRIVATE SALE—The eubscribexs, L‘__ Executors of the last Will and testament of Leonard Dolap, deceased. oily-fit Private Sale, the following Real Eslnt of said de ccdeulhviz: A FARMJiiuale in’l‘yrone townshipAdnms county, P:l..;djoining lands of David Yohe, Dnniol Brnme, Rudolph Deitnkk, and others. containing 200,Ac'ren, more or less, about 50 acresof which are woodland and 30 acres meadow. The improvements nre ‘.. o Two-story Wanulerboarded ..‘J‘fim HOUSE, '2 Tenn-n: llousei, large I'}; i i Log Hm? with 2 Wagon Sheds :33 <43", hunched, Corn Crib, 'Smoke House, Spllng House, Z'good Orchards, und “.1 neverl‘niiing spring near the house. There is a slrenm of wate’r running through the farm. ”Persons wishing to View the proper'y will be shown the same byealling on Daniel Dclap, residing thereon. . JOHN DELAP, « ‘ DANIEL DELAP, Feb. 6, 1865. if Executors. Fresh Arrival. ‘ ATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES. COBEAN A: CO. havcjust received and opened another splendid nssorlmenl of HATS, CAPS, BUUTS nnd SHOES, for Summer wear, which they are seHing at very low -prices considering the times. The latest styles oi Summer flute and Cups, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and,“ warranted to fit, always on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on short no tice, by experienced workmen. Also, ( I » ' HARNESS MAKING, - carried on in nu its bx‘anclzes. Persons wnnt ing amthinz in this Hue wou‘d do WP” to call. 'fi'Don’! forgot 1.119014 stand' in Chambers burg street, if you want Bargains. COBEAN ai CRAWFORD June 19, 1865. ' Carriage-Repairing. ‘ IIE undersigned would most reépectfully inform the public ‘3“ he has commenced‘ the nsiness of REPA RING CARRIAGES, BUG ES, SPRING WAGCNS. &c., Jim, at Dunner Ziegler’a Blacksmitlx'Shop, in East Middle a get, Gettysburg, where he invites all in need such work to call. Having much experiengo in he Cafringe-bnilding line, he is able to pl‘omisgkbat hisjobs will be well done, hnd will prove satisfactory on trial. nuis cvlmrges will he a ow as possible, the times considgrcd—for cps or country produce. . K. GALLAGHER. Jnne 19, 1865.- ; Cumberland 0,631! A LARGE suppiy ofaupekkrl ‘ BLACKSMITIICN, I now (in hand at reduced price. Thi'Coal is superior to all Ether, Coal in the United\s\ntes for welding and other bla‘g'ksmith purposes. ' For sale by . City Coal Yard, Frederick city, lid June 19, 1865. up Notice. ILLIAM BAUGHEB’S ESTATE—Let ter: testamenury on the estate of Wil liun- Batugher, lnte of East Berlin, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same place, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted t 9 snid estate to make immediate payment, and “105‘: having claims against the lame to pre aent them properly authenticated for nettle ment. GEORGE BAKER, Executor. June‘s, 1865. mi Notice. ACKSOS A. SNYDER'S ESTATE—Letters of nflninistmtion on the eeiate of Jeckson A. Snyder, late of Hamilloubnu tawaship, Adams 130., decused, having been granted ta the undersigned, residing in Gettysburg, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to aid estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against. the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. W. A. DUNCAN, Adm’r. July 10,1865. 6!. ' Teacher Wanted. HE School Directors of Gettysburg Dil mct will recoire‘npplicntions {or iTncher (mile or female) of School No. 2. Sclnry $35 per month. Application, ”companied by certificntc, on be and: R: either of the undel signed. The Schooll will open August 1, and continue nine months. A N ' ~ I‘.‘ D. CARSON P ’ D. A. Banana, Sec'y. ’ res t Jul, 3, 1865. at ”Sentinel Ind Star copy. , isamm’s mam; mums for sales: M Homer’s Drug uni Variety Eton. THIRD exams, sno,obo,ooo.—By Inthor {cf of the Secretary of the Trenury, the underlined, the General Subscription Agent for the sale or United States Securities, ofl‘eu to the public the third series of Tlemury Notes, bearing seven and three-tenths per cent. inter est per nnnum, known as the These notes are inued under date of July 15, ”65, and are payable three yam from that date in currency. or no convertible at the option at: the holder into ' ‘o’. 8. 5-20 Six per cent; GOLD-BEARING'BONDS. Theee Bonds ere now worth a hlndeome premium, nnd are exempt, as are All the Gov. exnment Bonds, from Stale, county, and Mum’- cipal taxation, which mid: from one to three per cent. per mm to lheirwlm, according to the rate levied upon other property. The interest is payable Berni-annually by coupon! attached t 6 each note, which my be cut off and sold to any benk or banker. The inkrut at 1-30 per cent. amount: to One cent per day on a 350 mm Ten . u u n $5OO It 20 ‘ u u H $lOOO N St at n (1 $5OOO u Notes of all the dmominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt. of s'ub— scripxions. The Notes ofthis Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven- Thirtics already sold. except that the Govern ment reserves to itself the Bption of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., instead of 7 3-101hs in currency.‘ Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the _time when they subscribe. _ The deliverypt‘ the notes of this third sdrics ol‘ the Seven-thirties will commence on th’e Ist of June, nnd will be made promptly and 'con tinuonsl'y after that date. l The slight change mzzde in the conditions of this (THIRD SERIES affects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, il‘ made. will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. , The return to specie payments, in the event ofwhich only will theoplion to pay interest ll! Gold be urniledof, would so reduce and equal ize prices that purchases made with six per cent. in gold». would be fully equal to those made with seven nnd-threc-tcntha per cent. in currency. This is , 7 THEDNLY LOAN IX MARKET now offered by the Gov‘ernmem, n d its supe rior advantages make it the , GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE Less than $230,000,000 of the Loni: nulhér ized by the last Congress arehow 6n the mar ket. This amount, at the rate at- which it is being absorbed, will all be atgbacxibed for with in sixty days, when the notes will undoubted ly command a premium,“ has uniformly been the case 0:: closing the subscription: to other Loans. . ‘ In order that citizens. of every town and section of the country may be afforded facili ties for taking the loan, the Nationnl'Bnnks, State Banks, and Private Bankers thrcughout the country have generally agreed to receive Subscriptions at par. SprCribers will select their o\vn_ngcnte, in whom they have confi: dence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes forAwhich they re< ccive orders. . JAY COOKS, wSubscx-iptions will/be received by the Gettysburg National Bank and the Fir'sl Na. tionnl Bank of Gettysburg. May 29, 1865. 2m New Flrmu-New Goods. ANTIS & HARNER, hnving taken the old Y andwelhknown Store Stand of Geo. W. Rowe, in LITTLESTOWN, Adnms’ county, would respectfully inform their frien 15 and the public generally, that they are prepared to sell Goods as low as they can be bought,nnywllero out of the cities. “flth many additions of new Goods, just opened. they offer ‘an unus ually large and attractive variety, consisting of DRY GOODS, for MEN'S, WOMEN’S nnd , CHILDREN’S WEAR, GROGERIES, HARDWARE, GLASS-WARE, QUEENS-WARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, , HATS AND CAPS. ‘ IRON, NAILS, GLASS, and in short, everything to be found in-n first class Store. The public are iDVlle to call and see for themselves. No trouble to show‘ Goods. With large soles and small profits, all parties will he benefited. May 1, 1865. 3m lANOS l—The undersigned would respect- P fully inform the public that he can furnish PIANOS of the 'following manufacturers; or those 0f other makg, if desired, at the lowest possible prices: ‘ CHICKERING k SONS. DECKER BROS. ._ HAZLETON BROS. HAiNES BROS. GEO. STECK. A. H. GAHUE' 8:. CO. STEINWAG k SONS. fil’aniculm attention is given to the se lection of Pianos; and when so selected, in mi tion to the manufacturers' guarantee, the Pianos are yuar‘antmi by me. - ' msov a: HAMLIN CABINET ORGAX'S AND Hummus! The recent. imprqremcnts in these instru ments are such 35 16 fully warrant saying they are FAR SUPERIOR (c any other make. One of the best. evidence: of their merit $5, that their improvements are imitfled by other makers. The new style, four stop organ, han n Sub-Buss and Octave Couplet, making it an instmmrut especially adapted to“ Church and Sabbmh School purposes. . k DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS P. H. PYFER, 'll be mm by mil to persons desiring them. i as tuned regularly. Pianos taken in on 1 'l2. PETER, BENTZ, No. 30 Eu: Market Sr.., York, I’n. June “, 1855. cm Wall I‘apers. REAT DUCTION . ‘ a nu rmcrg or W A l. L P A P E R, AT G BERTHORP'S, 19 West Market treez, York, Penn’n. [am now offering n cry superior nnd'cholce userunent of WALL P PERS, at ’ 13 CENTS PER PIECE, \ 20 CENTS PER Hahn. ‘ 25 CENTS rum mos, TIIOUSANDg§§T 30 CENTS; and a fine lot of SATIN PAP Sat the old‘ prices; a lot. of Upholstering goo .a. beauti ful lot of Noningham Carmina, Cor 'ces, and Curtain Randi. ‘ Also—Window Papers, Oil Shades; 'cture Cord and Tassels; White and Check “at. ‘ng; Floor and Table Oil Cloth; Venetian B ' d Trimmings; Damask; of All Colors; Guru fixtures; Duor Mata; kc” kc. WAN of which he will dispose of on as regional)“ terms as time: will permit of {or can . - ' PAPER HANGING ntlended :6 in any part of the Sure, on the most reasonable terms.— Sstisfution gumntied. June 5, 181:5. $5 g fix- HE subscriber has 10mg valuable WEST ERN LANDS, which he will trade for one or more FARMS in this county. The Ind; ere well located, Ind wry desirable for farm. lug. Early application desired, JACOB BRIXKEBHOFF. Gettysburg, April 3, 1866. u OOD' CIDER—Jun received a Dr. R. .G'HORNEH’S Drug Store. the pm Sn]- hnto of Line for preserving Cider. U. 8. 7-30 Loan! 7-30 LOAN Su'lucriplion Agent, Philadelphia Pianos ! Western Lands. Important Announoomgnt. ; s JREAT SALE ' a. or ATCHBS.CHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, to. ONE MILLION DOLLARS’ WORTH I i to u! mgr-03m or A! ONE DOLL}!!! EA CK! Without n-ghrd to Value! No: to be [mid flor until you know wlmt you are to receive! 1 l‘ Splendid List of Articles” All 0.0 be [old for . One Dallat Each lI! 300 Music.“ Boxes, _ $lO 1.03150 cut: 150 Musical Bales. with Bells and Cutineu, 200 “ 500 H 500 deer Teapot! Ina Cofl’eo Urns, 20 H so u 600 Silver Ghnfing Dishes, 30 “ 100 " 1000 " Ico Pitchers, 20 “ 50 “s 2600 “ ~b‘yrupoupswitb Sul- . vers, 20 “ ‘ 50 “ 5000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups, ‘ 5 “ 50 “ 3000 Silver Chum-s, .‘l5 “ 60. 9‘ . 2000 “ Fru‘nfiurd and Cake Basketsl 20 ” 50 “ 5000 Dozen Silver Ten Sp'bons, 10 “ 20 dot. 10000 “ “' Tnble Spoons , and F—orka, ‘ , 20 “ 40 “ 250 Gema’ Gold hunting-cue . Watches, $5O toslsouch 250 Ladies‘Gold and Enumell- K ed hunting-case Watches, 35 " 70 500 Gents’ hunting-case Si]; ver Watches. " 35 at 70 200 Diamond Rings. _ 50 ” 100 5000 Gold Vest & Neckkf‘lmins, 4 “ 3000 Gold Ovnl Band Bracelets, 4 ” 5000 Jet. and Gold Bracelets. 2000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Chains, ‘ 5 “ 7000 Solimin-ELGOM Brooches, 4 “ 5000 Coral, Opal and Emerald Brooches. 4 “ 5000 Mosaic, Jet, Lam, and Flr‘ntine Eur Drops,g ~‘ 4 “ .1500 Cori], (Hull, and Emerald ) . Ear Drops, ‘ .4 “ 4000 Cnlifornin Dium'd Breast-' pins. 2.50 ” 3000 Gold Fob 65 Veal Watch- keys, . 2.50 “ 4000 Fob & Vest Ribbon-slides, 3 ” 5000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-bul tons, Studs, km, 3 ” 3000Gold'l‘himlwles.Pencils,&c., 4‘ “ 1000 Mininture Lockets, 2.50 “ 4000 Miniature packets, Magic Spring, 10 “ 3000 Gol_d Toothpirks, Crosses, 2 “ 5000 Plain Gold Rings, 4 “ 5000 Chasm) Gold Rings.‘ 4 “ 1000 SloncSelJz Signetlliags,2.so “ 1000 California Dimnomi Hume, 2 “ 7500 sets Ladies’ Jewelry—Jet, \ and Gold, . 5 ” 6000setsLudics’Jewelry?Cnm e‘o, Peurl,Opnl,& other stones. 4 “ 10000 Gold Pena, Silver Exten sion holders and Pencils, 4 " 1000 Gold Pens & Gold mount- ' ed Holders, 5000 Gold Pens (nnd Gold ex- tension Holders“ l 5 “ 5000 Ladies' Gin & Jet Buckles, 5 “ 5003 Ladies’ Gilt and Jet Hair Bnrs nnd Balls, ‘5 “ 10 “ ARRANDALE & CO., Mnnufucturers' Agents, No. 167 BROADWAY.NEW Yonx, Announce um; All of the aboreJist of such will be sold for On: DOLLAR each. , In consequence ofthe great stagnation bi trade in the manufacturing districts of Eng land, through the war having cut qfl' the sup gly of cotton, a large quantity or ,Vniuabio eweiry, originally intended for the: English market. has been sent. offloa- sale in this coun try, AND MUST BE SOLD AT ANY SACRI FICE! Under these circumstances, ARRAN DALE k 00:, noting as agents‘ for the mind pal European manufacturers, have res‘olved upon a great. GIFT APPORTIONMENT to be divided nccc rding to the followingmgulntions: ‘.Ccrtillcntes of the various articles are firs]: put. into envelopes, scnled up, and mixed ”up when ordered, nrc taken out. without regard to choic‘,'and sent by mail; thus showing no favoritism. 0n receipzof the certificate, you will see what. you nre to hav'e, and then it is at your optioo to send the dollar and take the urtlcle or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a. Gold Watch, Diamond Ring, 01' any Set of Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAR. ' SEND 25 CENTS FUR CERTIFICATE. In all trnnsactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the Cer'ificates, paying postage, and doing the bu'gincss, 25 cents each, wblph must. be Enclosed when the Certificate is unt for. Five Certificates will be sent for $1 eleven for $2. thin (or $5, sixty-five for $lO, and a hundred for £l5. ' . WHAT THE " PRESS " SAY OF US~ The'Lnfng/me (Ind.) Daily Courier, Marci: LB, , 1865,,mye: “A better‘selected, more -voried ;‘ or fashionable assortment. of jewelry cannot be found on the continent thnn Arrandnle 8: Co. ‘ are now offering. Messrs. Arrandhle ll: 00. ‘ occupy a high p:sition in commercial circles RS men entireiy nbote the common trickery or . trade. Their statements may be implicitly re- ‘ lied upon, both as to the character of fix—Err goods and the manner of disposal. Ladies especially, in all parts of the country, are ~ realizing handsome promotes-agents, and if. any of our inir readers desire to interest them selves in the enterprise, they mny do so with perfect confidence." ' ‘ Gun Git-"r Disrnrsvrtox.——A r‘are oppor- ’ tunity is oilered for obtiining watches, chains, diamond rings, silverware, etc., by Messrs. 'Arrandile &.Co.,nt No. 167 Broadwny. They ‘ have on immense stock of articles, varying“ in ‘ value, and oil are oll‘ered at one dollar each. The distribfitiop is very in‘n‘ly done—you agree to take a certificate of a certain nrtiele, encloso ed in an envelope, m are not required to pay your dollar hinless you are satisfied with the article, will * nill certainly be worth more ‘ than that a cunt, and may be $5O or sloo.- .2 An excellen mode this of investing a dollar. . ‘—-Sund7y Tunes, N. Y. City, Feb. 19, 1865. l Messrs. Arrandnle & Co. have long been ,‘ personally known to us. and we believe them , ,to be every way worthy of public eon6dence.§—- :‘ {‘N. Y.‘ Scottish American Jenn, June 11, 1,804., r We have inspected, at the office of Arron dnle k Co.’s Agency for European Mnnnt‘nc tnring Jewellers, a, large assortment of fulh- ‘ ,ionehle and valuable jewelry of the newest . patterns. We olsonolieed 3 large quantity of . silrer plate, and understand that. the whole 01. i these newly' imported Articles are to be (lit, ,2 posed of one novel principle, giving great Adi-"Qt, vantages to buyers, and affording extensive .‘ employment‘to agents.‘ We know the firm in- , question to be very ggspectahle and thorough ly worthy at public confidence,nud recommend our friends‘ to read their ndvcrtisernentrllv.‘ Y. Albion, 85])!an 3, IBM. ExrtoylnJ-r ronLames.—The most eligible ' i and prohtnhle employment we have heard. at , for ladies is the sole of certificateser the v Great th Distribution of Arrundnle h'Ud.— i A lady of our acquaintance hlls been very sue cessiul in this “my, not only in filling her awn pulse, but also in doing a good turn to those to whom she sold the Certificates, as will" be seen by onrladvcrtising columns: Gentlemen can also be thus engngt d.—-N. I'. Sunday Mer wry, Aug. H, 1864. ‘_ _ The British Whig of Kingslon, 0. T 7,, says, Nov. 26th, 186 1, “One '0! our lady subscribers became an Agent for Arrsndsle is Cox, and by request brought some twenty articles sent‘a! prizes for her agency, to thispflice for inspec tion, and without hesitstion we putt-taint * each and fill of the articles were w h trehlo , the amount oi cost to the recipienumnd some v of them six times." - , We have seen some very fietty specimens of » Tsfi'ie sud ’l‘easpoons, Gold Watches, Ladies' Chains, Pins, Bracelets, etc., which harefieen - sent hy'Amndnle a: Go, to this place for $1 each—Angelica lirpomrJ‘. li‘Slatt,F¢b. lb, ’65. AGENTS.—We want agents in every regii ment. and in every town and county in the cuntry, and those acting as such will he ikl lowed 10 cents on every Certificate order‘ed or ‘them, provided their remittance emanates“; dhg‘duollnr, slso other inducements which can be arsed on application. _ Agents will collect 25 cents by every ‘Gertliicntehend remit is cents to us, either in cash or postage stamps. \ . armament; e co.. June A OR] A wit uflorn Juno ALL PAPER! 'ALL PAPlflf—Au ‘} W new. It)!” just «sing gD;g, ‘ Bullx‘Eß’S Drug nnd Vcri £lom '4' 4‘; ' Q, ’ l F In! NHL" '1 ALICOES, as low as 12} u, “r; mint»: ' ' ‘ ‘ PAH V TOOKS’: £5 u I . u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers