,‘ ’-. «ya Riggs t§st~ugfiw - 6&8. 7.30‘1m1 ‘ ' "_"s'+"-M’~W53Wy _' ' " mm‘e .- ‘ ’ ' . g IBY Intbority or the Secreur'y of the Tray 1 MERCHANT TAILORINg. . OB ‘ ::.;_»g_;=:.:. -‘- -- ~ s‘" ~...__-‘ ury. the undersigned hnl assumed, “I! . JAG ,8,8 t 380' ‘F BICK’EEA D A CE I 7- fll EMT SID'E. I‘Geneml Suhucription Agency for the Isle of : :fgégg‘giceézfigggffeigf':ggrrfigzct‘ in 8""?0“, Own A" CEH- ’ ; Mm: tho bright aide-41 is the right side. ’ United Sum Treuury Son‘s, bearing ieven - variety of ’ ' ! ~Thir ha: received iuvnnme from a constant m”... ”, go hm. but iL will make them 1 and mm my" per c‘m. interest, per annum,‘ CLOTUS, WW 0? licknm M the stomach. which 31° ‘ aw «fler by wearing n gloomy conm'enuncc.~ Lnown ‘3 "10’ L CASSXMERESPVEST’VGS ‘ ,tendgme pain in 1119 head. Thil headache *3 1: mm sunnhlnc and no; the cloud um mnkes ‘ snvsmmnfn P 05?" _ ' I ”mg", Mi": my Wm, may on," 8’0“" gm.“ be Pezin in fiber morning on man; from m down. Thorn is nlwnyu that belort of mum! at which Ihnuld chegr- nd fill our hum via: wnm‘b. The ufiy‘hbac ten than M it I! block once. You hue troubles; it .31 5t 30 h". others, none on frag from than Perhap- it 5‘ wall xbuoone Ihonld be Tbi] give that ad tone to hfc—Xoniwdo Ind court... a: nun. That would be I. dull on, all the allot would nem- {small when (hm VII nothing to disturb the surface of me an. JR In tho duty of any, on: Io enact :11 the hoppiuu and rule; mam he cm trillion! and with“: him, and Ibo" I‘ll be :lmulg look on tho bright old. of mint What though thing: do look 5 mm dirk? TL: Rue win Inn: Ind 111'- nigm vi}! end in broad dqy. ’ ‘ ~ —*—-——-'-mon._.——.——- ‘ A “031) T 0 HDTHERB. ' Itch mother I. e historian. She writer not the history oi empire: or of neticna on pm, tier, bet the grit" her own history on the int-J 'perllhehlo mind of her phfld. That tehiet and l phat history will remain indelible when tint; lhnll he no more. That history each nether _ yili meet spin, and read with eternal ‘10; hr unuttershle grief in the fur-coming _ages of eternity. Thin tlmught should weigh bn the, inind of every mother and 'render her deepiy‘ eimnlpe'et, and pmerful, and faithful in her‘ Dole!“ work of treining up her children for }nporteiit]. ' _ ' "The mind: of her children n'i-c Igsceptihle and eerily impreued. A word, I look, efrown, may engrave an imprenion on the mind of e! Ichild which no lip-e oftirne can efi'ue. Youj "walk along the in share when the tide is out _end you form chsrecters, or ‘write yordl,or{ \mfinu in the Imooth, while and, which in spread out no cienr and beuntiful-et your feet, according as your fancy may dictate; but. the returhing tide shell in a lay hour: wash -out and efluce forever all that you have written. Not so the line: and characters of trqthv-orl error, which you} conJuct imprinte on the mind of your child. There you writtimprea flour for everlasting gong or ili,‘ ivbich neither the flood! nor the rtorme of'the earth can wash put, nor Death's ogld fingers erase, nor the slow ‘ meet»; "u ofeiernily obliterate. liow car‘e- ’ ful, then, ehould each mother he of her tram-I [neht of her child. how prayerful, And how, perigee and how earnest to write on the mind thou truth: mat mu _he 2.1.3 an and teacher whenher voice shall he eilent in death. WOO iiMPT. "The spirit ofpaoh violence seems to prpvnil fibronghout the country to an Alarming extent. The New York Ezpme any: ihat ”there has been, end in etill. a. little too much oftbla go jn‘ on, wait is not enoqgh rehrobatcd by the Republic”: pep-I. Houses in thin city. at the time inhabited only by women, were mobbed, bccnnu they did not happen to haeten to put on mourn“. Ex-President Pierce wns threat. pned in Concord, Nerf Hampshire. Ex-l’reei dent Fillmore inf] .lzlie'houee blacked in Bum:- 10. Prensa have been mobbedlin Colifnrnia, and n editor just killed in Maryland. See the can reported to-day from Philadelphia. “if mobbing end killing becomes the order 01'pr dray, of course there will be two sideg to such proceedings. in this cit} there ore probably fife thousand fiickpockets, thieveshnd robbers, "who yogi}! delight in a mob, on any side, for pnythlng, end the locate of their operations _wonld be Wall Itreet and the Fifth avenue.— In other citlel, doubtless, therein more or less 91- like popnlau’on. Hence. it become: the interest oieveryhody to denounce mob law, jxm 4; they you); asuesinaljon—iorannui nation in but; higher order of mob law.' The in" fire the only guarantees of social order Pod eo‘cial life, and he who bren kl one low but Preperu hinmli to break another.” Mon Janet—" The unreasonable chnrncu is of. mob. end the injueficev'it in to commit, are eiemplifled in a one which oc'currcd lee: week In the oil region. NrL‘Stevene,‘n Jereeyman, aid to lelemble in some slight degree Jhe pho pgrnph of Booth, the assassin, wnnmken into custody by two detectives. When he goggle Ti‘nnille, he found the news hm] preceded him, Ind I movd, clamorone for hanging him on the spot, followed him to the hotel. An in .veetigetian ther'e showed who he win, and .‘hf’FKh the two etupid detectives who arrested him told thepob the: he wee not Booth,'they‘ nil) lnlhted thn heoughv. to he hung. When the deteotivee and he helonkbd to the State of New Jefeey end the Camden and Amboy Reil rold Company, eome chap in the crowd mid —‘sW:)l, 'd—naflm, he ought to be nho‘ any 3:07.". A” innocentnmn'e life may be pulin danger than; one): fignornnce and ‘brutnlny as pain. 'li in time ihnfevery one nno undertakes to m the lowa u defiance and to usurp its an ghority were punished. A Bosmnjury has be no 'l'” [Oll by giving n citizen $32,000 dinn lgee mines an individual who tried to set the pol) spirit a work Bgninsl him by e tulee ac ouulion.~—l’kilode@hia Ltd/jar. I‘9 Sun A Bun Hopsx.~Fnl'his mouth yith dirt or gravel from the mud, and he'll go. Now don‘t laugh at thin but try it. The pllin 'Phugngghy gfghe thing is, it give: him some; thing eye :9 think or. We pup spen i} triad ; hundred times, and it has never failed. I= Pol Baum—Put. unlocked lime into wuer 9nd npply (_o pale bnypgd puts every [aw mo penuf Aft" the pin hu 1m itapply linleéd _oil ._nd bpndugc with I loft linen cloth. Burn: ugly! in ”Ii? wn, lgue up scan. ' ”A bcélxelor Jen cnpuin who mu :0- pm-Hng the mhgr day nan ho wanted a good chldoflur “in promptly informed-by I young My prom", um nu. bud no objection. to be ‘hfi’nt qua. He took the hint—and {he Indy. ' ' '_' _____ __ 77«“_‘____~ G magnum» ha been: mndl for a, ver mit u commie: a gity raihny in Chaliestou, a- a ’ ' A "l'h'e Legmuure of Tannessee bu ntifi. 93 WII Constitutional nmendmonz nbolishin; 9"?“7- , .‘A you: an of‘lfegingpn, Xichigln, "mum!" his shoulder out. ofjoigg o (9y day; Place. . ‘ . '4 «pop-Ind floupg pay is ”Aiming in “I ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘A. f Vs‘ his Hlinoic‘azialnallway spends sto,oo§ I day. ' in}; of 301 an for Prison!" (f =“51:34.1 Tip nouns bu be? fixed by um Wu; " ‘il ‘0 uni “ nu t. wh’ h, .I ‘7 I'lbfigl 5‘ £2? for" rttiouulso EN”,IWQM ‘ epof w. or -_ mgeflip gpfinemcpt. n vim, g" . " "a”; P” 99 metal“! NW~ ‘7. “ “7.1:? " "box ban 0 eil,in.‘_‘|n"lnr ‘ H MGovpei'ioEFMizpn,gf ”on: F mm! -eis?d.° P: 959269: W! £32.... E V ' »‘ ' These note: no issued under duo of Juno lSlh. 1885, and we paylble three your: from tho: time, in currency, or no convertible at tho option ofthe bolder into U. 8. 6-20 Six per cent. GOLD - BEARING BONDS.‘ These bond: nv- worth a premium which \ncrcuu the Inn-. 1 profit on tho 7-30 loan, 3nd it’l-uemption Imm Sula lid mnncipll un'ion m 9. from one to three pot cent. more, According to tho nte levied on other property. The intern: in pnylblo semi-mummy by con ponc nucbed w each note, which my be cut 06' and told to any bank or banker. The 311 m”! mount! to = One on: per day on a $5O note. T'o cent: “ “ SXOO “ 0 TH,” ‘u u u . $5OO u go If u H S‘ooo u ‘ Si “, “ '5 $5OOO “ ' Notes of all the denominntione aimed, will be promptly‘ furnished npon- receipt~oi 3:5)- scripticns, end the notes furnished At once.— _The intereet to 15th June next will; be paid in edvonce. Thin Via ' ‘ 11(1) ONLY LOAN 1N MARKET - now offered by the Government, end it is con fidentiy expected that it: Inperior edventeges will nuke it the ' . ‘ ‘ GgEnrrormm'Lou or Till! PEOPLE. Lenthnn $300,000,000 oi the Loen efithoriz ‘ ed by the last Congress are now on the market. this amount, at the rate It whichlit is being nbeorbedh will ell be suhlcribed for within l four monthxfwhen the notes will findoubtedly l command a premium, as has uniformly been {the cese on elosing tbe subscriptions to other Lonni. 1 , ' ‘ I ‘ in order thht citizens of every town and sec ; tion of the country may be nfi‘orded fncilities i [cranking the loan, the Netionnl Bnnks, State Banks, and Private Bunkers , throughout the country have generally agreed to receive sub scriptions et per. Subscribers will select theirlown‘ agents, in whom they hive confi dence, and who only are to be responsible for ‘the delivery- of the notee for which they re ceire orders. ‘ JAY; OOOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. Subscription: will be received by the First ‘anionel Bank of Gettysburg, end‘the Gettys burg Nntionei Bank. [Fob. 27, ’65. Sat Noah Walker 8:. 00.. C L 0 T H I E R 8 , ' WASIHNOTON BUILDING, 165 mo 16'! Bug-won: Sun-r, ‘ ‘{w PALTXMOBE, kogp oogatgizll] on hand a Inge snd well Lu- sorted stack of :11 kinds of pod: at moderate MEI ’ ~ I- They supply orders for the flnegc to the lowgst. prigedjniclea, either ready nude 61- madg to measure, to any pan of the country They keep and an extensive stock or FURN- ISIIING GOODS, embracing every article of Genglemeln’h Under-vent. Alao,l MILITARY CLOTHSQnd euryjariety offiilituy Trim. wings, as mg)! as n anomd stock of READY MADE MILITARY GOODS ngtixizore, fem 22. 1864 Adams County UTUAIJ FIRE INQURANCE COMPANY ~, Yscouroau-xn, MARCH 18, 1851. OTFICZAS Prelident—éGeorge Swope. Vice madden—Samuel R. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Bnehler. Treasurer—E. G. Fnhneswck. ‘ Executive Comngittee—Robcrt McCurdy, An drew Heintzelman, Jacob King. _ Alumna—George Swope,‘ D. Afßuehier, R. .\icCurdy. D. )icCreni-y}, M. Eichélberzer, S. R. Russell, E. G. Fnhnesmqk, A. D. Bnehler, R. U. McCrenry, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Sun. bnn township; A. Heinizeimnn, Franklin; Wm. D. Himel, New Oxford; Wm B. Wilson, Ben domille; H. A. Picking, Strabnn townnhip; Jo‘hn WoifoidLLatimore township; John Pick ing, East Berlin; Abel T.‘ Wright, Benders villc; Abdiei F. Gitt, New Oxford; Joe. B. Marshall, Hamiltonbnn township; John Unn ningham, Freedom township; ~John Earner, Mountjoy township. . fl'This Compnny in limited in its open tion: to the county of Adams. It has been in opei'ntinn for more ihan [4 years, and, in that period has made but on: assessment, having paid losses by fire during that period amount ing _to sl],oBB—-$6,769 9‘ which have been pitid during the last two years. Any person desiring an Insurance can apply to my of the above named Managers for further information. [Q'The Executive Committee meets at the eflico of the Company, on the his: Wed‘nes. diiy inevery month, nt ‘2. o’clock, P. 3!. Mar. 13, 1565. tx Esfabljshed 1850. OTICE'OF REMOVAL. N LAWRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., respectfully bei leave to notify their "legs, customers and the public generally, that. t. y huh: removed from No. 151 Franklin street, to the commodion: tour-lmry Wnrebonu. NO. 808 BALTIMORE STREET. between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct. the Wholesale Buri n‘eu eolely in hosiery. Trimminzl, . Furnirhi‘ng Good]. . ' Perfumery, Nolloul, Summary, Gallery, '5 Toys. éc., be. to which mean“: the “nation of city and coumry pure len, feelifig confident. of" their nbility to offer inducement; in price- and quality of Goodr. Orders-by mil will receive prompt atten tion. Addres- LAWBENCE ,D. DIETZ t. 00.. 308 Baltimore unset, Baltimore. umh H. 1354- ' New Goods. EORGE ARNOLD bu jun meind from G the city I. hm uupply of CLOTHING, Men'l and Bo ’ war confining on!) kinda of cows, Mfrs; visrs. - SHIRTS, DBAWERS, CRAVATS. NECK TJES. GLOVES, HOSIEBY, to. --also-- A llrge neck of CWRS. CASSDIEBES, CASSINETS. JEANS, DBILLINGS, to" #O., m of which will be lold u chap u can be had elsewhere. Give In I ClH,'lnd i! we cnn. no: plans you in e wit reed] mde we will take yon: meagre and make you‘ up one in short notice. 7 ‘ [Many 30, 186‘. Albums ! b B U I} S I! ALBUI! S ! I I ‘ an receive}! 3 lugg 33;! beautiful upon. gm of Pfiptoig-ghip éfbgmnl'fli‘ch Haggai “may pripeg. YON 3301'!!! ’ . > H, 1068- AD 8' It Clogk‘n , new Inpply L ‘qurggjfil’c arguisgrcgox 8303'. A _ , h. we» gnfégm is: 9!! ~ Drapmfi’s' for twins and summer wear. . The; ere prepared to mnke up garments u the uhortm notice, upd in the very b 6“ mm ner. The Fabian: Me regnlnrly received, and clothing nude in my dtfitfli style. They tl - Maine“ fin, whilst their «ting is «lure to be Inbnunlial. They Mk & continunnce of the public‘s pn “once, relolved by good work sud moderate chug" to an: it. ' Ueltgsburg, April 7, 1882. Lancaster Book Bmdery. EORGE WIANT, ' A BOOK BINDJE‘R, up nu: loo: uucnctcnn, ‘ . LAN‘CASTER, PA. Plain and Ornamental Ending, of every de ‘ scription, executed in the mo" aubmmial gnd approved Itylel. 1= E.W. grown, Esq, Farmer: Bank of Lancaster W. L. 51p", Esq., Lancuter County Bank Samuel Shock, an., Columbia Bank. 3 Samuel anner, Eiq., York Bank. Wimam Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. ‘l‘. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Prmh'y of Lancaster 20., Pl Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Regime: “ “ Geo. Whiuon, Esq., Recorder . “ “ April 15,1861 New ‘Bakery ! EWPOIIT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, Scull: \Valhingwn street. hull square rom the-Eagle Hoiel,‘ GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Conntnnlly bn hand,.‘ the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, vPRETZELS. kc. l‘er lons Wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leavmg their names and residence: at the Bakery. Every efl'ortumude to please Give us a call! [Afiril 20, '63. tf Good Thmgs from thaCity! E are receivinm twice a week from the city 3 variety or orticlel suited to the want: of this community, viz: Fresh and Salt FISH, Hams, Shoplders sn‘d Sides, Ho’miny, Beans, Snlt,Apples, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections, Tobuccos, Segnra, with many other articles in this line—all received in the best order, and sold at the lowest profits. Give us a call, in Baltimore street, neatly opposite Fuhnestocks’ store. \V‘ANTED.——Bulter, Eggs, Lard, Ind I" other country produce—for which the highest cash price wlll be paid.‘ SWEET POTATOES—best quality, at law est. living prflfiu—BlWl3‘s on hand. Also, OYSTER'S, fine and irenh~in the shell or shocked. Restaurants and families supplied. STRICKHOUSKR & WISUTZKEYx. Gevnylb‘urg. Kay 18, 1563. \ Sale Crying. W. FLEMMING continues the basins! A. _of SALE CRYING, and solicit: uncon tinned patronage of the public. 10. is his con uam endeavor to give satisfaction. Chuges moderate. Benidence‘ln Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. _ P. ‘S.‘—He it a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Lawpf the United Shuts. . , Nov. ‘24, 1862. , ‘ Dissolution F PARTNERSHIP.—The Co-pnrtnenhip existing between the aublcribers, 1m: been dissolved this day by mutual consent.— “Ie return thanks to our friends and the public for the liberal support extended to us. Our books. will be left at the store; and we earnest ly request those indebted to us to null and make immediate-payment, “we are désiroua to scnle our business without. delay. ‘ ALEXANDER COBEAN, Jun. 30,1864: JOHN CULP. A Card. HE subscriber having disposed ofhis in ten!“ in the Store of Cohen 3; €qu to obn S. Crawfurd, Esq., renpdcttglly asks lhe continuance of his friends and customers to patronize his successor—l\vhere Burgnins may be had. -' Fqb. 8, 1864 Another Change NTHE HAT AND SHOE BIYSLVES&—A. I Cubean hafingJasocinMd with him in business John S. Crawford, who purchased the interest of John Culp, respectfully nn ‘fionnces to-fhe citizens achnysbur-g and the public gentrnlly, that the business will be con tinued m. the Old Stand on Chambersburg street, by A. COBEAN & CO., \who will con smnuy keep on hand a. large stock of Goods, ln th‘eline of ' , SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, UMBRELLAS, .tc., and my will 1150 continue the Manufacture 0! Shoes. . From their long cxperience in all the above branches, they flute: themselves than they‘cnn plense the public, ud will sell cheap for cash. > ' A. CORP-AN, J. S. CRAWFORD. Doing business under the nnme‘and firm‘of A. Colman & Co. - [Feb.‘B, 1864. 100.000 bush. Grain Wanted. TEW FIRM AT THE OLD WAREHOUSE. W3l. E. BIDDLE & 00, would intonix the public that they hue leased the Warehouse on the comet; of Strauon urea: and the Reil road, in Gettysburg, where they‘will carry ~on the GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its brancbep. The higheslpriccs will u]- wnys be paid (or WHEAT, RYE, CORN, OATS, 6 ' CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLAXSEBD, SUMAC, RAE“; STRAW; Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soup, 5, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the country produce line. ‘ 0N HAND; FOR SALE, Cofi‘cel. Sugars, 310 mm, Syrups, Tau, Spices Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Brushes, Soups, to. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, &c.— FISH of all kinds; NAILS AND SPIKES; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are always able to supply a. first rate 1:313:3ch FLOUR, with the difl'erent kinds of Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS and other fertilizers. WCOAL, by the bushel, ton, or car load. ' Their Cure run to Baltimore and beaktwice 5 week, sud they will be happy to our, goods either way at model-tile charges. Merkétmeu, country merehouu, and others, will find it to their “union to patronize this line, They uk : shore of the public‘s custom,end' will spare no eflort to render satiafoction to all, seller: or bayou. ‘ WM. E. RIDDLE & CO. Aug. 22,1864. if g ’ Provislon Store. 8E underlined bu opened IPBOVISIOR STORE u. Geogo Litdo'l old "and, in ¥ at Middle “net, euylbnrg; where he will all"): keep on hand, lon-10, BEU‘, KUTTON, VEAL, PORK. POULTRY. APPLES. SWEET AND IRISH POTATOES. CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNXPS, With everything else in the prpvilian lino, ‘ ~ He will tell _at 131311 prafits, and up”. no efi'on a: plan. ‘ m emu. Han, Shep, cum, to" wanted. for which the highest prices will he paid. ‘ JOHN ROBBEGK. Oct. 17, 1864. 1f Everhart's FRANKLIN HOUSE, ‘ can“ 9'. 59m?! team" mu": BALTIMORE, MD This Bonn is on s dine: line between the Northern Comm! Ind Baltimore and Ohio hil roul Depots. Iv. bu been refitted And com fgrublr unwed for the convenience And the warm: of any”, 061. 31, 188‘. t! {Rpm Bugpunglj‘m mind a S ... __ £1 ETHDEEEEL 3123’s PMAW 3m . or 93¢! J")! 5‘9? “ ‘ 31W “Wig: ' a I~dl 1 I deep ,alcep, land when some irregularity of diet has been committed on the day before, or sometimes {or urerll day: previonl. A: first there ll 3 dislreuingly opprelsire feeling in the head, which gradually merges “no a le vere bony pnin in the temples, frequently at tended by I eense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, end extending Across the forehead. There ia a dummy, unpleasant taste in the month, an ofl'ensive hrenh, and the tongue Lcovered with a yellowish white fur. The suf ‘ferer desire: to he alone in a. dark room. AI lloon u the patient feels lhe fullness in the Ihead‘mcl pain in the temples, lake 5 large ‘dose of Schenck'n Mundnke Pilll, nnd in in hour or two they will ieel I: well In our.— Thil has been med by lhonsanda, and is al- weyl sure to cure, and instead of the nick headache coming on every week or ten dnye, they will not be troubled with it once in three‘ months. Schenck’e Mandrake Pill: are composed of n numbeLof roots besides Podophinin, or con centrated Mandnke, all of which tend to relax the secretion: ot the liver,nnd ectmore prompt than blue plllc 5r mercury, and withoutleev ing any dangerous efl'ecta. In a bllious per son they will show themaelvea by the stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and all morbid matter from the system.” In sick headache, if they are “their“ directedlebove, (it full dose as soon as they feel the first symp toms of it,) Dr. Bchenck will and has dlreet ed his agents to return the money if they do not give perfect satisfaction. If n person has been compelled to shy out latent night, and drink too much wine, by taking a. dose of pills on going to bed, next morning he will feel in though he had not drank a drop, unleea he forgets to go ,to bed It all. They only host 25 cents a box. Whoever takes them will never use any other. They are worth a dollar to e liék man for every cent they cost. Don’t‘ forget the name—Scurzxcx’s Mu oun Pints. ‘ Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck'l Principal Office, No. 15, North Sixth street, Philadelphia, and by Druggiits and Store keeper: generally. 7 . Price for {’ulmonle Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,_ eirch Si 50 per bottle. 57 50 the half dozen, or two bottles of Syrup and one of Tonic, for $3 75. . Dr. Schenck will be at his oflice, No. if: North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Sutur pay to we patients. He makes no charge for advice. but for I thorough examination ofthe lungs with his Respimmeter, he charges 53.“ my. 20, 1865. [juc,'64. gum and wattle gamut _ ThcsoPowden will strength \ en the Stomach ‘ and Intestines, . cleanse them ;. from offensive ‘ matter, and . 1 L 5“, 1’ _ bring them to fig-'2 5--13'; '-?-—l~'\—‘-I_:';‘»‘"‘» alienlthysmte, " ‘ fl ' They are a sum preventive of Lung Fever. and a wrmifi remedy for all Discus» iuuidwt to the Horse, such as Glan ders, Yellow Water, Dis ! e m p e r, Foun d e r , H e a v e a, Slaveriug, Coughs, Ft» Yen, Loss of #pefiw and mi Encr gy, &c. In poor. low—spirited animals, it. has the most beneficial effect. _ . The use of them improves the wind, atrongth en: the Appetite, and gives to fine Horse s fine, smooth Ind glossy skin—thus improv inilum lppecmnue, vigor and spirit of this no animal JOHNCULP The property this Powder possessel in in- WIT the quantity of Milk in Con-s, give. I! an mpormnce and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping I Cow. By actual experiment it bu proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make the Bumr firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle. it gives them m appetite, loosens their hide and Innku th- thrive much faster. HOG 8 . h: an Disease: of me Swine, Inch 9 ‘ \-,CK/‘:‘:'{7‘ 31:. Cough, Ulcers in fi‘g‘fii 7 {i the image, Liver, ‘_agr‘wif- r. », . kc. By putting \‘i <,.\‘ I M buts paper . g ”‘y gnrpegohgue In. ‘ 2"” 1’ , ow era 1n u up 7" Ratifix 7. rel of Swill, the W' 3‘5"? above Diseases can be cured or entirely pre vented. By mffig these Powders the [log Cholera. um be prevented. Price 25 cu. per Pap er, or 5 Papers for $l. B. A. FOUTZ 8: BBQ, WHOLESME DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT. 10. 118 Franklin Bt., Balfimora, Id. - For Sale by Dragging and Storekeepen throughout the United States. “ For me by A. D\,'Bn'ebler, Gettysburg; Laughlin & Bushfield, Wheeling, Va; 0. C; Beaded-t CO., Pimburg; Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, 1864. 1y - Globe Inn, ‘3 51., xnn‘u- nuudzm, 3'1": I'B 8 U RG , PA.--’l‘he undgrlignad G would most respectfully inform hie nu merous friend: ond the publxc genenlly, that he bu pnrohnled that long Muhliehed sud well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn," in York street, Getty-burg, :nd will upon no efl'on to conduct it in a menu! lb“ will not demo: from it: {ox-mu high repnmion. Bil table mll hue tho but the muket can oioni—hia chsmben ore Ipncioue Ind comfortable—lnd he bu laid in for hi: I)“ 5 full stock of wines Ind liquors. Then in lnrge stobling attached to the Hotel, which will he “waded by etlen. tivo haulers. It will be hll combat endeavor to render the fullest utisfoction to hingueste, mokiug his house on net: a home to them at possible. He uks s shore of the pu'ic‘s in. tronoge, determinod as he in to deserve A large part of it. Remember, the “Glob. Inn" is in York street, but our the D'umond, or Public Squ-u. SAMUEL ~WOLF. April g 1364. u i amounts manna, 21mm“: m ‘ .9! of the Diamond, (next door a: lie, I. 012.43% 30”,) Wham. 5,, when be m an: than be foul! {Md} than]! to all ‘budn’ou‘ In his line. la u the swim”..- film And: will mm ”fixation. Gin k"! , «13: ‘ ' ' - 99¢ 3. mg: FOUT z 2 s CELEBRATE!) PREPARED BY Er= John W. Tipton. - .tflfln 1m 931.51.}: a‘ - , “-‘ye‘rs ‘ - 51“? pr lIItERS. 84R '- . Ths Fertilizer: pupa-ed by the Agricul- SAPAR‘ turn} Chantal 60., (u Comp-n] cluttered by lb: Legislnmre w'uh a capital of $250,000,) have been proud In practice: to he the chelp at, most profitable and but, for the Fumer. Gudner nnd Fruit-grower, of ullconceutruted ‘ mannrps now offered in any msrket. The’ Compsny’a lint. embrace; the fqflowing: - PABULBTTE. This Fertilizer is com posed of nigh: ml and the fertilizing elements of urine, combined chemically and mechanically with other “in- Able fertilizing agents and üblotbeuls. It is reduced to n pulverulent condition; randy for immediate use, and without ion: of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing propel-tin. its universal Applicability to all crops and toils, and in durability Ind lctive qualities, Are well knowmto be all that. agriculturims can desire. CHEMICAL COMPOST WM | lizer u largely composed nf animal matter,|uch as meat, bonr, fish, leather, bait and wool. to gether with‘chemicnl: and inorganic'fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the nitmgenoun elements. Iv. is a very valueble fertilizer for flelcf crop: i generally, Ind especially for potatoes, and ‘ garden purposes. Its excellent. qualities, strength and cheap- 1 non, hue nude it. verypopnlnr with all who have used it. ' , ‘ - ~ - This hi hl Composne Femhner. ghoaphfni fertilizer is particularly ndopteil for the culti vation of tree], liuiu, lawns and flowers. It lwill promote a Very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruil, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot—house and hou'aehold plant. and flowers, it will be lcuud an indispensable Article to secure their greatest perfection._ It will prevent and cure diseased condition: of the peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. ' It. is composed of web elements an intake it Adapted tolhe growth of all kipds of crops in all kinds of soils. The formula or method of combining it constituent fertilizing ingredient: lmve rc ceived the highestupprovn’l of eminent chemists and scientific agrigmurists. - h ' um Phosphate of Lme. Ehififlflémf puny manufacture a Phosphate o! Limein ac cordance wieh a. new and valuable formula by which a. very superiorfinicle is produced, so as to pe atforded are less price thin other manu fucturers charge. Prncticul tests have proved lhatits value,” a fertilizer. ii equal \0 the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. - TERMS‘CASH. All Orders ofu Tea or more, will be delivered at. the Railroad Stations and the Wharves of Shipment, freeof outage.— outage will be charged on all orders of 6 barrels or less. ~ ‘ One dollar fier Ton Allowance for carmge will be made' qn all sales delivered I“ the Woks of the Compny, on Canal Wharf, , A AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL COJS WORKS A 1 Own. Wuuu, on nu Dunn“. oam, 413; Arch 51.. Philadelphia, [’4l. R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company's Pamphle: Circular, embrac in; full directions for using the above Feni lizcrs, sent by mail, free, when tequcated. Mar. 13, 1865.‘ 6m ' Hopkiné' 828. UUP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 628 ARCH SL, above 6th, PHILA Wuousus um Rz‘run. ,TJIe mos complete assortment and best quality mu 3 lei of Ladies’, Slisses' sud Chil dren's Hoop ms, in the City. Thase of ”Out: wa Ms ," are gotten up expressly to meet the wants of First Cues Rim”. Tuna, embruting all the new and desirable styles, sizes, lengths and size waists, in trsil and plsin SKIRTS, from 19 to be springs. from 33 to 44 int-lies long. and 2}, Zé. 2}, 3,3 i, 3i, and 3; yusz round the bpttnm ; making more than a hundred Y-urietics for Ladies; in Misses end Children's SKIRTS we are bey’ond all compe lilion, all that are made by us have s'rurin on the kid pad “Hopkinl’ lloop Skirt MINI“- factory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philnda.,” and me warranted to give sntislsction. WARM: fur the "NEW FLEXIBLE" SKIRT, the most pliable Hoop Skirt made, equal to Bradley’s "Duplex Eliptic” Skirt, and ut much lower prices. ‘ Also, constantly in receipt ofn full assort ment of good Eastern made Skirts which nre being sold at very low prion-«Kid padded and metslic fastened l 5 springs 85 «[1530 springs '3l 00, 22 springs SI 15, 30 :priugs $1 ‘l5 and 40 sprtn‘gs $1 50. SKIRTS mule to order, sl lend and "repaired. v Term (Jaclyn—One l'rl’u Only. For Circular cootuiuiur' Cumlogue 0! styles, lengths, silt-5 and Prior-g, call at or ud dress by msil. inclining Stump for Postfie. “HUPKINS' HOUl’ SKIRT MANUFACTURY, No. 628 ARCH Street, PHILADELPHIA.” March 6, 1865. ~3m ‘ New Warehouse. BUSHELS 0F GRAIN OO.OQOWANTED,M thenewGrnin and Produce case, in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Sheadl & Bnehler’s establishment. The highest. market yrico will Always be paid in cash for . ' GRAIN, of all kindl. FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. Always on hand Ind [or sale,“ the smaller profits, . . GUANOS, x SALT, FISH. . » GRUCERIES, kc.L Wholesale sud retail. TRY US! We shall do our but to give satisfaction in In cases. MbCUBDY &.DIEHL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. 1y Blacksmithmg. HE undersigned would most respectfully _ inform the public that ha continues £he BLACKSMI‘I‘HINGBUSXNESS,_ ' . at. his shop, luely Philip Dmrsom’s, ldjoiniug Troxel's paint shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all time! be pre pared todo Blacksmitbing yvork to Cnniages, Buggies, ngons, &c. That he know: how to do nlljobs ol the kind will not be questioned by those who have a knowledge of his long experience at the business. Come on with your walk, sud you will be “timed when yOu taken nwny—and for which he will receive Cash or Couutzy Produce, ADAM HOLTZWOR’I‘S. Im. 20, 1865. tf ' The Popular 7-30 Loan. ‘ HR FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01“ GET- T TYSBCRG bu been designated I. Deponl tar] and Finnnciol Agent of the United Sum, and will furnish the popular 'l-30 Coupon Notes, free from all tans, nnd convertible at. maturity imo 5-20 nix per cent. gold interest Bondl. Will also furnish 5-20 Ind 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificates and I." other Gov ernment ucnrhieo. Will buy Gold and Silver, cub Coupons, nnd nuke collection promptly on I." Accessible points. GEO. ARNOLD, Cubier. Dec. 26, 1864. if t Lands! Lands! CAPT. H. CHRITZMAN, havingjmt "turn. ad from a kip tn the West Ind :11 the LAND regions in God’s great labyrinth, he would iyil'onn the citlzonu of Gettysburg Ind its vicinity, that he is prepu'ed, not only to oler 011. LANDS, but LANDS OF EVERY DEScBIP'UUN. Persons visiting'flnnisburg would do well to (3511, n he will furnish I“ in form-tion. H. CHRITZJIAN. Jun. 2, 1865. tf Pictures! Picturesl EYI IUxPEB baring purchased Samuel L Wen-av: {’ROTUGRAPR GALLERY, is pupued to execute work in his line equLto nu garnishment in the 51m. 1! you deliu I good lihneu, finished according $0 mm.“ taprenmenu in an m, an s: an nbgn long-umbliahod cum-q, g- wm mack my», quuburz. ["215 um. ~ BY 9x211. HORNER’S Tonic. nd Alter p figl’agm 73-11ng 9nd CATTLE "I“? ‘B' '5 II in~ ,3:‘ J“ anew §6 1261» , . ”W 553! “ mmfimumm Snafu-and mm From I’m Eu. a when: M qr W- Jbrd, Maine. “K In" cold lug! quinine- mm Sumn mLu Imm don-War Medan!» gm‘r‘cé elect Ind Lumnfito‘xagmm who «:1: lien no “mgr: In our community." Empatml. Phples, match“, Pmtuloa, Ul- Mom.mdunnm-motmukm Fran Ba. 1195:. Strollon, Bridal, E-‘shml. “ I only do my Out to you lfld the Eu} le, when laid mymthnauyaa unyoumblu “the um dlclml v mm 51°" 2, \nswumnu. “K’dluzlr ter. need “I. In mlcflnglhunor In r an, era, sad but for yen-I. I'M we were unble to cure until we trlcd your SAWARILLA. She In: hen will for some month." From Mn. Jane E. Rice. (1 nil-lawn and much tsteumlludy nfDenniaulle. Cape May 01.. N. J. “ M's daughter'hn lun’cred {or n ycnl' put with I ocm! out crustnon,wlnch \vu very troublesome. Nothing liar ed I?! talk! until we trlul your SAmPABILLA. will I soon completely cured but.” how- Charla P. (Page. Em“ of the widely he” Gage. {hungry d‘ (‘ll.. manufacturer: ofauamdud 9?”: In Italian, N. 11. “ had for several year: a wry troublolomo humor in my (Ace, Wthh grew constantly “on. until mm m'yfltfntum- md became an Intol mble u. I 'll almost every flung n nun could of both advice md medlclne, bu without my teller whatevernmtfl I took your BABuPAuILLA. It immedlucly made my {Ace wane. n you told ml It In t for: um; but In»: few woe I the M Olin to form under the blotcheo, Ind cou tfiuued untll my flee In at 1111th u mybod ’l‘ and I m without my symptoms or the dim” tint I know of. J envoy gem-ct health. and wlthout I doubt owe it to your 'ARSAI'AHILLA.“ mum—General nobility—Purity the From Dr. Robt. grin. Houston St, Km York. “ Dn. Anm. l dom full to remove Eruption: Ind Srrofulmu Sore: I? the pcncveflnguuor your SAMAPAIILM, and I unjust nowoumd m attack of Malignant Ergtipelu with 11. No dwnfl'o we pauses: equal- ! v s mumnxnu on have lup~ plied to me prom-non no wen u w J» people." From I. E. Johnnie». 12041.. Wakauan. Ohio. " For twelve yearn, I had the yellow Egllflelu on my riwhl um. during which um I m I the celcbnuea physician: 1 could reach. and took hum dredn of dulluru worth of modlclnel. The ulccn were no bad that the cord: became vlniblc, and the doctors declded um. my arm must be animated. I begun tnkiug your SAMAPABILLA. Too two bot» tlel. And some .0! your Plus. Together they hum an“! me. I am now as well Ind mud n my body. Being In I public place. my can la known ‘0 every lbfid’y ln uu- oognmuulty. and exam the wonder D Em» Hon. Henry Monro. H. P. P.. of Newt-tulle. C. m, a landmg member of the Canadian I‘m-um Item. “I hnve nml {our B.\R3A\I'ARILL\ In an; fnmlli. for mnunl,¢lrbi ntu. and for purif Eng 1 a blood, with vermneflmfl results, and fed wafidenee In «omen gn to [be amazed." St. Anthony's Fire. Rome, Salt: Rheum. Bcnld Head. Sore Eyes. From _Hafiey Skye)"; £lll., flu" 9b}: {lllM} thha ifiifiugq?béific'fi'dfi’e'xiyfiyiay-w. “ Our only child‘ about three yvnrn of age, wan Ittlcked by pimples on his forehand. Th? rnpldiy spmd until they farmed a luntbnume an virulunt note. which covered his face. and lota-Hy blinded his eye. for some (1331. A skilfui rhyuiciu applied nitrate of silver In other romed es, without nuy Apparent Elect. For fifteen day: we guarded hi! handl, lest with them he should tear oxen tho run. wring und corruppwound which coverv his whole face. lining tried Eeri’ thing chm \\L' had my has): from. ye begun Fiv uer your SAirulnuuLu. an npp¥ing the lot! do 0? potnsh lotion, nu you direct. he tore iwgan I 0 hen] Mwu “c hm giwn the lint bottle. md was wvli when we hml iiuiuhai the second. Tim chihi’u cyriuhcs. whirh imi mnm out. grew Igun, Had he in now as hvnilhy and mu u um other. The whole neighborhood predictui that e child must div.” Ind Mercurial Dyan.” M Dr. Hiram Slant, of St. Lani). .llkstmri. ' “ 1 find your Su¢s.u-.\MLI..\ l more ems-Jun! remedy for the mondnrf' symptoms of Syphili: and {or cryphmuc dim 1 1811 any utln‘r wr pone". The pro onion ue indebted to yuu iur home 01' the be“ medium: we have." From A. J. fimrh, M. D., an Millfldfflfllfliflfl of Ignorance, Mann. who in a prunu'mn number of the Legblature o{ Mnuachmrfll. “ DR. AYE“. l y dcnr bu: I have found lonr BAMAPMHLLA In oxen-Hem. remedy for sy‘p ilia. bath of the primary nnd uromlury type, Am cfl’m tunl in some upon that were too übsunatv to ylcld to other nmcdm. Ido nut know win“ we cm «In. any with mun: conduit? of success, when- : poww nlmnflve hi ruqum- ." Mr. Om. S. I’rm Lina, nf Xena Brumu‘irl; N. 1., M dreldful ulcers on ma logs, mum! by the shun: of mercury, or mercurial dimxu, Much grew more mm! more nggrnvnmd for year», in The of emry mmedy or treatment thnt cuuld be npp ml, until the fer-curing use or A) 1211"; S ms u-uum. \ n-lxuvcd nlm. Few cases can be found more lnvr-n-rmr nut! (Hare-slug than um. and n wok several dozen bottle: to cum hlm 628. Lonoorrluen, Whites. Female Women. armament“! produced by internal Scrq/ldmu (71- ee iamnn are wary often cured by fire dwrntlvo afoot o! 11:33 SAUSAPAIUIJA. Some mm "T“ llowrver, ln ud of the fiAllEAt‘AfillJ“. due I um application of local rent-dren. From the well-lumen and vridrly—cclrbmled Dr. Jacob Slurrill, of Cincinnati. . “ I hue found your mum? \nILLA an oxullont ‘ Iltenmve In dllcnscs of fvmnlel. llrmy mum of mlnflty, Lcucorrllmn. Internal l‘lmntlou. Ind dcblli: . Mining from the Icyofulmu dlatllcsla. llflVOyleld‘J to it; and than: are few that do not, when m efl'ect l: properly nldul by local “element." A lady, unwilling to nleblication of lAcr «u d m Twain In: 'e or an er An my ~ v c a very rK-bllltfitmg Lcuourrhma of low; by two bottles or your Ssxslmuum,‘ Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. D 73. pepsin, Heart Diaeue. Neuralzia, when tamed b Serra 111/: in the Iyntcm no n It“ cured by um in. Sinsammluh ' y ’ AYE R ’ S CATHARTIC PILLS poueu‘oo many ndyaatngca over the other purgnivea in the market. and their superior virtue: we so universally known. thnt we need not do more than to usurc the public their quality‘i: maintained equal to the best it over has been, and that they may be. depended on to do all that they have ever done. I’repnred by .L C. AYER, M. D., a CO., Lowell. Man. and wld by - wk): sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg, and dealers zenemlly. 0 Aug. 8, 1864. eowly ’ Something for Everybody ‘0 BUY AT DR. R. HORNER'S ’1 DRUG AND VARIETY STORE—:- Jun openod n fine nuedrunem 01 Drugs nnd Medit'inu, , I'»th Medicinga, ' Stationary, Funcy Dry Goodl, Confections, Groceries, Nuflunl, TOBACCO, SEGARS, &C. 383‘. 18, 1884. Still at Work. E undersigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSIXESS, in all its branches, at his old stand, in E 4“. Middle street. Geuysbnrg. NEW WORK nude to order, and REPAI R l N G done promptly nnli at lowest prices. Two first-late SPRING WAGONS and a SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TROXEL. Dec. 1, 1863. Ne* Goods. AHNESTOCK B‘no'ruans Ara constantly receiving chain and de lxrnble goods, from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and are prepared to oEer GREAT INDUCEXENTS to these about purchasing. Having selected wiik great cure,from the threelendingmnrkezl, the public will look to their own interests by enmining our stock before buying elsewhere. Call at FAHNESTOUKS' May 9, 1864. Red Front. $lO a Day ! GENTS WANTED—To sell the u 25 CEX‘B QB LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK: A ." Each Pncknge contains 35 Songs, 2 page: of Mule, 18 sheets of Piper, 18 av:- lopeu,l Ruler, X Pan, 1 Pen Holdenl Lend Pcncil, 1 Design for Undenleever, 1 for Child's Apron, l (or Embroidered Collar, 1 for Chris: inning Babe, 2 for muting Leuen, 13 Secret: never before published, worth many Dollm and other infatuation. Also, one bountiful article of Juan“. Libernl inducement: to Agenu. Send Sump for Circular. SAMUEL BOTT, 43 South Third St, Philadelphia, Pa June 13,1864. 1, Howard Association. PHELADELPHIA, PA.— Disease: of thy V kenonn, Seminal, Urinary Ind Sexunl blatemk-nev and reliable treatment—in rev. ports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent 2g uni! in salad letter envelqpeu, free‘ or use. um”, Dr.J.\SKILLI¥ 301 mm,, TON, Hawud Anqociau'on, No. ‘1 South Ninth Street, Phihdelphh, Pl. 2 Aug. 8 1884. 1y 011.3103! '3; . KOSHER 4 3103143103! Tho KmahiorWuhina lii-nth! In!“ “a? “m wa-‘grmamm 0 antlel’pelor y 1.1%.; :L ' ‘ ' ‘ flwwpwmxj Blood. QB! - T 53L! ‘ ma5mwn2133931031399.» on 'u’lLon’fi 'fidtfifiaWioaiul To ll DIIPOIID 0' If _ONB' 90151441: 194011: Without mind to anue! No: to be pm for ”until you now what you no to roam! N Splandid Lin of Articles! 1 All to b. sold for One Dollar Euh I H 250 Gentl‘ Gold hunting-cm Watch“, 85010315901“ 250 Ladien‘ Gold Ind Sumo“- ed hunting-cite Witches, 35 “ {:00 mm» hunting-cue Sil~ vet Watches, 35 “ 70 " 200 Dismand Rings, 50 ” 100 “ £OOO Gold Vest & Neck Chains, 0 “ 80 “ 3000 Gold Ovnlßand Bracelets, 4“‘ 8 “ 5000 Jet and Gold Bruceleu, 6 “ 10 " 2000 Chatelaine Chnlnl Ind Gold Chain. 5 “ 30 “ ' 7000 Solimirck Gold Brooch", 4 " 10 “ 5000 Con], Opnl and Emu-old . Brooches, ‘ 4 “ 3000 Gold, Cameo, Ind Pearl Ear Drops, ‘ 4 “ 5000 Mosaic, Jet, Luvs, Ind Flr'ntiue Eur Drop! 4 “ 7500 Coral, Opal, and limenld Ear Drops: 4 “ 4000 Cllllfornm Dlamfd Brean pins, 2.50 .. 3000 Gold Fob & Veil Wllcb‘ keys, 2.60 “ 4000 Fob & Vest Ribbonqlldol, 3 “ 4000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-bub lons, Studs, Bm, 3 “_ 3000 Gold Tu imblu.l’encill,&c., 4 “ 1000 lliuinlule Locke“, 2.60‘“ 4000 Minimum Lockets, flagic Spnng, ‘ 10 “ 20 “ 3000 Gold Toulbplcku,orolial, 2 “ 8 “ 5000 Plain Gold Rings. 4 “ lo " 5000 Cbased Gold Rings, 4 “ li “ 1000 Simu-SctézSignelßingl,2.so “ lo " 1000 Cnllfuruin Diamond Rings, 2 “ 10 " 7500 sets Lndies‘ Jewelry—Jet and Gold, ' 5 “ 15 ‘l 6000 sets Ladlen'Jewelry—Cnm eo, Pearl,opal,& olber stones, 0 " l 5 “ 10000 Gold Pens,Sllvgr linen siou holder! and Pencils, 4 “ 10 " _lOOO Gold Penn 8: Gold incant ed Holders, . 6 “ . 10 “ 5000 Gold Pens nnd Gold ex lenslon Holders, 9 .15 “ 25 “ 5000 Lml'h a'Gilt & Jet Buckles, 5 ” lb “ 5003 lmdles‘ Gilt and Jet Hair 0 Runs and Halli, f 5 “ 10 “ suuu Silver Uublx ts and Drink. ing Cum, 5 “ 3W) Silvrr Canon, [5 “ 2000 silver Fruix, Curd. and Cake Basin”, 20 “ 5000 dozen Silrer’l‘en Spoons, l 0 “ luuuu dozen Snlvs'er Tnbleb‘poonl and Forks, . (*4 20 .. 4o .9 ARRANHAIJ‘? & CO., annfnclurcri‘ Agent! No. [67 Bunnnwn', Nuw Ypun, .\nnnunce llutull of the nbove list of good: “31! he sol-I for 0H DOLLAR I'M'h- 1n vnnuofiuence o! the grout stagnation ht mule m the mnnufnclurinfl «limit-u uf Eng. Inhd, through the war having cut ulf the III]!- pl; 6t ('ultun, a large quantity at thn lbw Jewelry, Minimally intruded for th» Engllsh market, has been sent 0!! tur sale in this coun try, AND .\II'ST lII‘I FOLD AT ANY SAGIH. l-‘H‘EI I'uder these cirt‘nlnszum'u. ARRAN DAIJ') & CO., at ting no ngonlu fur tlw prim l pnl European mnuufiu-tnrt-ri. h-u'n ruoh‘ml upon n GREAT GIFT Dl-‘TI’J :L'I'IUN, lub jettlo thr- fullowihg reguhnimu: ' ('anicntva ouhc \urimu “Hides-me fim put into envelopes, sealed nu. mu] mixed pun] when ordered, nre lukvn out. mthuul H‘xul‘l to chuic , and svu‘ by uni], l'uui nlr'mg all ). ta 1 chum-e. Un rwuipt ot the c~t~rtificntr.-yuu wxll see whutynu are to have. and than it it :|\ your urtiou ‘lo send the dullur and Ink: the until-1c ur nm. l’urclmsvu Inny thus uLmiu u (:Ulll “Hutch, Dinmund llinz. or my Set of JewL-lry on our‘list for Us: Donna. * SEND 25 CENTS f 0“ ()ERTH-‘ICAIE. In all transactions by mail, wa 1311“!) charge for (orwnrding the Cer'lfunlu, pnying flush”, and ulniug the businesa, 25 cums mull, which must he inclusml when the "a-mficuxe is 'aun For. l-‘Zve Cerluiczuea w..l he m-nl Inr SI, ell-u-n for 5:, Hum [or $5, lixlyfin: for mo, and a hupdrvd For $25. / AUBNI‘S.——Wc wuul ugchu in every reg». ment, nun-Lin oxery tom: and county "I the country. and (limo acting us much m” be u)- lmu-d m rents on every Ucr'ificuu- ordered I'ug' I.lmm, pruvidcd their remittance nnmunh to one duflnr. Agvnll “ill ('uHecl 25 cfluln hy ew-r) Certificate, and renm. 1.? Lu“: to us, either In Nth or poamgc Humps. . ‘ ARRAMLHJI 4: CO., 107 L’ruudvvq, 5.. Y. Mar. 6, was. 14 _ ~ M” _ E. 8; H. T. Anthony & C'o.. I‘] AMIFACTUHEHS UP PIIL'TUUHM’HIO I MATERIALS, nlmuzuu up HTML, 501 BROADWAY, N. Y.—ln midiliomtn our nmiu bruinels oi Photographic .\lulerinll, \\o nrr Headquarters for Uni: foiinwing. "1.: STEREUSUUI'ES I: STEIHIOSUUPIG VIHWF" or these we have an immense ulsul‘lmel-l. illl'llldlllg War Scenes. American and Foreign Cities and Lnndecupel. Groups, Stutunry, ha. &c. Also, RHolring Stereos. open, h r puhiio or [lrh’iue exhibition. Uur UJHIIIIKIIC'NHI no soul to any address on receipt ol' Slump. I‘uUTUUIuPuIJ ALBl'Ma‘.~—\\'c were ”.0 Em. to introduce thug into the United Sinner, nml we mnnufurturo immcnge quanliliol in great \‘nriely, runginan price from 50 emu to $5O each. Our ALBUMS have un- lepuln lion ofbeing superior in benuiy nnd‘durubili ty to my omen. They will be not by mini, free, ou'receipt of price. , fii‘iue Albums made to ardenfl CARD PHUTOGRAPHS Onr Cuulozue now ombnuu over HVR THOUSAND different subject. (to which {ld-I ditiuna are continually being midz) u! l‘on trait“)! Eminent. Amerirnm, km, Viz: übouv. Job Major-Generals, 550 Sum-men, 200 Brim-Generals, 130 Dhinel, 275 Culonoll, 12!: Authors, 100 Lian-Colonels, 4.0 Arlilu, ' 250 Other Uflicerl, 115 Swge, 75 Na? Ofiicen, 501'rommentWomon l 9 Promi xent oreign Portmm. 3,000 copies of Work- of Art, including n prodnctiona of Humor! celebrated Engraving“ Paintings, Statues, kc. Catalogue: lent. on receipt‘ 0! Stamp. An order for One Duun' Pictures from o‘ur Catniogue will- be filled on the receipt of 31.80, and sent by mail, Free. Photographer: and other: ordering goodg C, U, I). will please remit meaty-five per cent. of the amount with their order. ' E. t H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Hanufsctureu ‘of Photographic Muterinll. ' 501 Broadway. New ,York . fi’l‘he prices and quniity of our good; clunot Ml to ntisfy. [Non H, 1964. an! Dissolution. BE partnerahip heretofore existing be tween the undersigned, under the nunq and style of FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, ig this (by dissolved by mnlnll consent-Jamel F. Fabnesmck retiring. » JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK, _ HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, . EDW. G. FAHNESTOCK. HE under-i ed remfiinining rlrtnnl o T the firm ofnm’usssmcz Bgmaxnax. vnu confine the huaineu I: me name pin-e 4 under the um. ”me sad :ler of inn. 1 HENRY J. FABNESTOCK, .' EDWARD G. FAENESTOCK. Jun. 9, 1865. _ ._4 fresh Arrival F WINTER GOODS AT A. SCOTT & O SON’S.—We mm the attention of bar as to our neck of Winter Goodu, which will. be sold cheap, con-Mi o 1 , LADIES’ 081385 GOODS, Shunt, Cloaking Cloths, m.,-etc. For Hon" sud 3013‘ war no hue Cloth, Cullnem‘ Cuntingl, Vestingu, with a uriety 0! Canon} was, Mn, kc. cw ud see. ~ Nov. 28, 1864. A.’ SCOTT b SOS. ‘ no You Will! ;‘ ._ pro-an. I coon 11mm! 0! yum? your children, or your Irma go a} once to lUIPIB'B GALLIBY; any» plug in we canny to secure gm cl‘uspkzum.‘ Junie, 1865. ' Give-Emmi gEm 7! ‘ ‘ Taxman mwéqfiflnfi- An n_ . V - cl; .1" . W ,uJthiiflgi‘fr' ‘ I J ' Erna 70 " EMI CZ] CM zo‘filnl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers