m ‘ I “‘ » \ ' - -;YA.RED‘D“S» ‘: 7 Noah WW 8; 9°: .ett.é::;§iz?w—=-.:..nglmavsr—w C L n T n 1 s a s , 9 MM: On at Rich: - " @Tfémrfim am not m. m. r-' ‘Wfsmawx ammo. m (11th pegple ml. viz: the entnnco ‘ ‘ , V « ‘ iqi’lhé calm-ed "gimenu with theliglitnmgs M m 16* Bum-9" sm": . «the old flag dancingovvr their heads. and ; , thqfiunllgrs 9f“J§hl= Blown" rollingfmm ;‘ - finggxs£iyltgngrg£nfinmle his momnri- ‘keep con’smnfly on land nlarge sud well in. Me Qeéent on Harper’s Ferry. lit: and liii fellé‘l-lrfimn organized n “Pro‘iisioual ‘ Govfimmpnt for the United States." The ‘pmperty lie cnytured at Harper's Ferry \m l-lldproperty of the Unitc‘d'Sta'tcu. The forq'l lenttay President Bucha‘nnn to‘re “kl thd property carried the flag of the ‘an Sula. The marina killed and wounded in capturing 'Brown wore the uni ‘ forlia oftlie United States. They were com. m-Ildod When E. Lee, who win than ’n‘ colonial in they arm} of the United States. ’ Why is it that negro troops now initlie Q Denies of qur government are permittéd to . «enter, ‘Riélupond pith f‘lliumlen M. {on Brown. 'K'rnlling from their lips?“ Did Brawn do n meritorious and a .pntriotic thing when Ire killed the marines, captured )ha property‘nnd tried (_o ove‘rthrow the gonxnmem. of the United Slates? ‘ J v , ...—_.__...oo’o. wv—r‘ 'fifle believe tbo’ extrema days of ad iedlii 'hre‘éndéd.’ ' fruit-e in' no doubt um hie Fmerican people will speedily relurrl to their seam. Very soon reason mung. re ];qu ll: "my. . And then shall [lie munch ‘full'y 41in to flag follies of fannicism, insist that!” great questions itil‘l more In for ‘mljnumenl than be leflled by stale-met} ’on Bpudmanllké principles. When that 'day shall fully «lawn. the ocdapnlloh of 'fnnallcal Imllticinxns nnd’politicnl preachers shall lie‘ga’ne lbreVer. ' ‘ ' ‘ fiNot a few of the Abolition lenders MB cut-sing Grunt, “nut loud, but. deep};- Uo doen'not seem to have sham: mfi‘ncient inul'igfiiti in his corrcsfiondcnce with Léb. 'Any manly and christiafi-lih’mtion they are unable to appreciate and unwilling to np‘nmvei But. still, we‘ believe that‘the mauo‘s'wtli stand by Grant in‘tlnis- matter ’——’and with such backing-up, he may laugh the grumbling (aunties to adorn. A day of 'co'inh‘fixi s‘ehae'wiflngnin dawn upon‘th'e ‘bountry. and fiber: it does, the‘ madmen of when: will be compelled to and their '.fop6r‘qu‘é]l‘ my); 11m pretjiétion. * ' f .‘ThQVPbiludelphin Ledger state’s that 'Gen'. Grant'teleg‘r‘nbh'od the followingmes saga to Secretal‘y Santa! some timsago: "We are i_n possession of Richmond.‘ A fargafit is'on fire; ufiall Mum?" About flwelve o'cléqk'ihe Secretary rend thé din» pllgh to ‘3 mi.“ of, people ii: from gf‘the Mgfiffiée, ind asked: “Whut ans’wer shall ‘I return to ‘Gen. Grant?" The rcply w‘u, E‘Let if. ‘Uin'n 1'? But $ll9 moj-‘e thoughtful Cried out—“l'm, 'no, C'n’t destroy it; we can .n‘nike 360 d use of‘il.” The noes our: 'ried it, and the fire was ”put out." Is this the way the Secretary ordinarily decide! igpofl'ant questibn'i?” . __ “If fie gholitiqpists are in earnest in ‘ their p ions of attaéhment to Itlie l Uuiop,‘why not all to have it udur‘ father: made in fi'flthese .talked~qf ne- ‘ gro-Ehu‘iliQy experiinenfé and (Ether equally ‘repqloiye arid unnatural schemes? The bid _Un'ion was godd enough for the men of I amt—«hymn for those at _186’5: Ransom; up“ gm: shon'kl‘p’adt 'né inore. " The Pennsylvania Ofi'cial Electoral Vale. ,Th'e ogiciai eloetora} vote can {or Preside; and Vice President, in vaepber lust, has hover been published. A certified cnpy :haéjuatbeen Jungle 9'! gbe vote of each ,‘el’tor; shoiiin'g the [aggregate majorities 'on the pepnblicsn ticket to be $24,896:. or ‘an 'Dvérdge‘ majoxity for the twentygsix electors (£20,149. ‘ The highest Republican vofie is 296,380. The highest Democratic, 276,308f7" ", _ ‘ c'l‘he N. Y. Daily News has a. dispatch from Richmond. dated the Tlh.‘which states '6‘)“ the rebels hid been ren‘fiving their Government archives“ to Charlotte,"thLh ‘C‘nrofluaflince the 15!. of Mai-ch, and iii}! 3th fi'é-esfdblipfi lh’eir GoFeml‘nenC. ! fi‘Hiées nl5 coming ‘down, and taxes go’mg up: Shofild ibeat, dome do—v'm 2b a 'dqllar", §nd éorii to‘ fifty cen'ga, haw would :lhe farmers feel undelktheir buxdeha than? ——‘—_‘.. —‘-""“"“_ _ ~ SJ; is . a noticeable fact, phat those Abolitionisu who yen ~kylulest‘aml dre‘ most. mulignnm now; are the very ones who was ‘mong ‘ ahx‘xbul to‘ ayoid shouldéring the ‘lnquet during the Exist year or two. chli “patriotism” is’ ve‘ry easily eefn throufly fiyhen the war is quy over—and tfit'time is probably not. far ofl‘c—tlye pjeo iwle will bd‘gin' to reflect, and est’imale what. 'Abolifio‘nislh has cost the oduntry. The ‘renpl't Will stagger many who give Ihe Sub jeét néfi‘honghj 15067. ' " ‘ V "iUnder the head.“unpublleledfiepmvl -13," llPitmburg paper relates the followingin ’slonco ‘of villainy' polyetratcd in mm ch)": “Some wholly abandoned, depraved, heartless spd ‘nnmitigllcd acoundrel, born to plus: thmugltioirimlhal “life lo an untimely death J-lhrough s succession of State prison}: to the gnllowanpick'ed' the pockel ol‘n Wellsville ed 1101‘ the other day. Picking sup-body’s pocket is bad enough, ‘tnt'adch \‘illnlny as bicking “a pocket. of an editor, is unplrdonnble.- ‘l‘hru men lurking shout. the depot, in‘rhe vi~ daily 01’ where the rubbery \tu consumed, 'were "rented on s’uspicion, und‘lockcd up." “WDennie, my boy." :niJ an English rcimolnuter to his IliLei'ia: pupil, {-I'fearx “I.llmi firming ofyou; you've no upplic‘n. tion." “fin sqre enough, nir," said LPG quihj-I ‘Mlttddid‘, “in': it myself thn'a lifilyixbeilfig mu‘d there'l Io ocusion‘ for it? Don't Hen} cvrry any in the nuggets, thug-nogrish 11‘:de my!” at in}, he in?" P 4133. ‘“’ Multan. in autumn; upon {0 KY”, say: OC‘SI-iiisisis: "It host: a: inch :9 board one 15$?! Inge ban, and ya miie u’z we’ll W.- 3" .0 to m a tanning will by running out: chm it." -~ » .. ' ' ‘ ‘“‘. . > «. 1| ET!» hegems of Ibo Smubsouiun insti ‘m ”a hnve‘daided to rebuild those portions 1 oflho building destroyed by fire, and to mokc than an proof, at. u cost of $120,000, mm _wm'hfi’fisda km :1» surptua fund 0: min; nim'ion. ‘fi‘ ’ z " A "" ‘ ' w‘a¢nntiotffl.expenles sre now thrée m-L’iom os‘uenarg pewdly. luau cgmuun. m. imam 80w Imfliou.‘ ' brush-mm warm-31:" at Magma on to by", 'u’p ”Wu-memo! finance: -* . {7* -.rmfi».~owwd Y . ,;, , 'mm isswi mats— ’ fiffllfwivu m 3: unschefld pf Inn f' "48% 10' the badge”; of ml} :1 "W”, ”W fix'wm n. 3 . Z ' ‘ n. ‘ BALTlnonn, sorm! flock of all kind: of goods It lodmlo prices. They anppli‘orden for. the finale the lowest prin-ed nuclei, oilher ready nude oi and. to measure, to In; mm. of the country Th:y keep :1” “insulin flock of mm. 13mm GOODS, munch: ‘onry Irticle o! (longlomen'a quer-venr. : A 150,, XIEITARY CLOTIIS and every variety of liliuty Trim- Mom, u We" .9 an inched flock of READY ) " “ADE MILITARE GOODS. ’ Hammonjnb. 22,1364 1865 ‘ ‘ Row 8: Woods, Ganmpnna. ‘ ° ' WAR muss; man pmcns: When‘ we guy we will sell goods at REDUCED PRICES ‘ " he mean 25%;! we 3:? Mid will do it. \ ~ We live]: constantly on huh} 3 lug: ”son meal 0" _ , HATS OF ALL STYLES, which will he sold chapel than they c“. M haughl. elsewhtrec ' ‘ ~ ' , Ugr‘assprtment of ' ‘ BOOTS AXD SHOES {or ,‘mvn, women and chi‘flmn, is mddo up ol the best. qualifies and ”flea, and so“ cheap. (finalock cousifls in par: 0! , HATS,“ . ‘ SEGARS. CAPS, TOBACCO. BOOTS. HANDKERGHIEFS, SHOES; S'rocxzxcs, mums. GLOVES, { CARPET SACKS, wmoow PAPER, on: suons,‘ , wmps, ‘ BUFFALO suoss, 5191:8318. ~ L'xnnusum'rs, POCKET BOOKS, wouxs, . PURSES, ; g ‘ . VIOLIN Bows, RAZORS, - u s'rm‘xes, , STRAPS, ACCQRDEONS, POCKET KNIVES, . counts, . BUSPENDERS, ‘ NECK-TIES, _ coax songs, UMBRELLAS, 310., m, £13., hi, kc ' now & \vouvs. Jan. '2, 1865. : 100. i so bush. Gram Wanted.l TEW If] . AT THE ‘ h , 01.1) wwwouss. W“. E. 31001, 1 1; CO. would‘ inform the public that they _hav leued the Warehouse‘ gq the corner uf‘b'tmtlo- street and the Rail liloud, in Gettysburg, who ~ nay will cnrry on I tm (GRADI- AND PRODUCE USINESS, in _nll its branches. The higheét p es will 81- wuys be [mid for , ' , « WHEAT, RYE, ,- COILV, OATS, . . . CLOVER. 6t TIMOTHY SEED, ‘ FLAKSEED, FUSI'AC, . -‘ i . HAY A: STRAW; Dried Frni‘, Nuts, Soup, Hams, Shoulder: nnd Sides, Potatoes, with everything else in the “counmy produce line. .3 1 ON, HAND, FOR SALE, 1 ‘ ‘ Cofi‘eel. Sugars, Molnasesfiyrupsflons. Spices Suit, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Bluckifim, Brushes, Soaps, l he. Also _COAL OIL. ish _Oil, an, kc.— FISH of all kinds; ‘NAIDS FAND SPIRES; Smoking and Chewing Tobucos. ' ‘ They~nro siwayl able lo supply A first rate grticle of FLOUR, will: the difl'erem kinds of ~'EED. « ‘ ‘ Also, 0110 an PLASTER, with GUAQSS and ‘other fertilizers. @COAL, by the bushel,lon. or car load. ~ ‘ Thein Cars run torßaJtimore and hnzktwice a week, end they. will behappy to carry good; 'either wny at. moderate chill-gen: Marketlnen, country merchants, and others, will' find it, to their advantage to patronize €11“ line. ' . They ask I share offlre pn , ic’a custom,nnd Will spare no eflorl to render latixfnction to all, sellers or buyeu. . WM. E. RIDDLE a: CO. Aug: 22, 1864. if > * New Spring Goods. MALL PROFITS a: QUICK SALES. § .4” J. L. SOHICK n uld- rgs'peclfully fly to the citipens of Get lysburglnud’ vicinity, that he in n¢w receiving at his store a splendid - ’ STOCK 05‘ SPRING GOODS. Th 6 stock con'si'stszin part of¢Fancy and Staple DRY 600045, bf every deteriptian. SILKS; V . MOZAMBIQUE, CHALLIES, '~ DELQINES, ‘ QMBAZXNES, . . 5' ‘_ ALPACCAS .« - ' LAWS, . ‘ ‘CALIGOES, of all qualities and choicest styles. which will be sold in PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. “ . FURNISHING GOODS‘ ‘ of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkeichlefg, Gloves, Stockings, kc. 41.0, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Lucas and Edgings, Umbrellas and. Parasoll.- - Mj flock of WHITE GOODS will be foundnfnll nud complete, and customers may rely ppon always getting good good: M. the Mutant puni blc prim. ' _ Gentl‘emcn will find it to then- advantage tc call and examine my stock of CLOTHS, - x ‘ CASSIMERES and . ‘ s I'l-ISTISGS," of a“ qymllties and cyoices: styles. May 24, 1864. J. L. SCHICK. Dissolution F PARTNERSHIP.—The Co-partngrship existi'ng between the subscribers, has been -di§solred this day by mutual consent.— We return~ thanks to our friends and the public; for the liberal support extended ch as. Our books will be leftft the more; and we earnest ly request thou indebted to n: to cull and . the immediate payment, .as we are desirous to stifle our busineu withogt delay. ‘ - ALEXANDER COBEAN, Jan. 30, 1864. JOHN GULF. A Card. 7 BE sub-crib“ hula: dispoaed ofhis in. "tere'st in the Store of Cobean & Culp to Jo n S.7Crnwford, Esq, respectmny "ks Ibe contiuéhnco q! his friends and customers to Entuniw his “cream—where Hu‘gninl ny e Ind; " JOHN CU! Fch, !864. ' ~ . : Another Change .. N THE HAT AND 8808 BHSISESS.-A. Comm: luring associated with him in bniinu John S. anford, th purchased the {menu «1 John Culp, mpectlully an. nauncea (a the citizen. of Geuyshwlrg and the public generally, ll}! as business will be con tinued u. all (Ed‘Suud on Cbunbersbw “reel. by A. CD HAS 8. 00.. who will cop stantly keep on handy: hfgo flock of (foods, inwolineo! 7 . ' ‘ ’ ‘ SHOES, HAT? CAPS. TRUNKS, ' r ’ QAR ET BROS, UXBffl-I'LLAS, kC., and they will alsu confine tbeluu‘fuwre u: Shoes. . - ' “ ' , . " ‘ hon; mg 109 g qperience in all the above .bmncb‘sldhc filmy; tpmselvu tbs: they can please the piglié, and will 101 l chhp for cub. 9-" u ' v ‘ ‘A. COBBLER, . .j J. B,‘ORAWFORD. . POMS .bq-ineu 3340 M” “an ad in of A. Ecum'g'Co‘: _‘ (Fab. 8, tau, ' W Awmw 9 ~ 1 r. ~ wand wmff'pfg3gfigg 1121=1 I 6%Ld—-Pens. . :FOR THE 3m, ION! ? em to Suit the "53,—1.1“! Price: Io Suil the ‘ Pocket. Tl: 8:51:00“: Pu: m 1'" Won»! 0n murmur the following mun, we will Sena, by mail, or u directed, I Go” Pen or Pens, sole-curl; the some ucgordiag to the de ncripuon, nimely: Gold Pens. to Silver PlMed Extension Cases, with Pencils: ‘ _ For $1 No. 2 pen; for SI 25 No. 3 pen; for - $1 50 No. 4 pen; tor 32 So. 5 pm; for $2 23 No. 6 pa These pen! are "Amped THE INFERIA‘L PEN,ldd are we“ finished and fine writing Gold Pun, with sand nridum points, Illlwugh they an- FE'QTT'EEEQJEN cn'nno'. If cinch” ugcd WARRAXTED GOLD PESS Our name (American Gold Pen CO., .\'. Y.,) in stamped on all our lat quality Pens, and the points are wnrmntcd for six month, except. Igninu accident. Out szcoxn emu“ l'eus qre stamped THE NATIONAL PEN, with the imtinla of on; firm (A. G. P. C 0.,) and up care fully made, having the same point: an our first qnnlity Pena, “l 9 only grant difl'erence being in the quaiily of the Gold. ' Gold Pens, ls! and 2d quilt! in Solid Silver Extension Cases, with Pencils. For $2 00 a No. l pen is: qualify, or I No. 2 pen 2d quaiiiy. ' ‘ | For 8?. 25 a No. 2 pen in quality, or n Sc. 3 pen 2d quality. ‘ For $2 25 a No. 3 pen 1n quality, or A No. 4 pen 2d quality. F 0: 33 50 a No. 4 pen in quality, or I No. 5 pen 2d quality. For $4 50 n No. 5 pen m quality, or a Nopc pen 2d quality. > For $5 {:0 a .\'o. 6 pen ls! quality. ‘ The same Gold Pane. in Solid Silver. 01’ Gold l’lnced Ebony Desk Holdora Ind Morocco Faun. For $2 25 n No. 3 pen ls! quniily, or A No. 4 pen 2d quniily. For $2 50 n No. 4pen is: quality, or a .\'o. 5 pen “quality. For 83 20 a No. 5 pen lat quality, or A No. 6 pen 2d quality. For $4 00 a No. Open is: qunlily. Po: 3:. 50 a No. 7 pen. For $6 75 a. No. 8 pen. For Si 2 00 n .\'o. I‘.’ pen ; all (int qualiiy. Unr pens rank throughout. the country as equal if nm superior to any gold pom manu lan-lured. Not only {or their writing qualitiel but durability and elegant finish. The great est. cnré is used in lheir manufacture, and none are sold with the slightest imperfection which skin can detect. ' ME i’nflies in ordering must specily the name. number and quality in all instances and whe ther stiff or limber, course or fine. , 'TO CLUBS.——A discount of 1?. per cent.wili he ulluwed on sums of $l5, if sent to one ad dress, ut one time; 15 per cent. on 5:5; 20 per cent. on $4O. ' Ml remitmncel “by mail, Regis‘tered, are at our risk) To all who‘enclose 20 cents extra for registering, waguurnnlee the safe delivery of {the goods. ‘ Circuhu's ofall our new stylea, with Engrav inge of exact. sizes, and prices, sent; upon re'- ceipt otfuhmp. if desired. Pens repainted for bo‘céngi', by mail. ' .Smtioners and Jewelers are requested to unrrespund withis us we can ofl'cr them great inducements. Address, ‘ AMERICAN GOLD PEN COMPANY, No. 200 Broadway, N. Y. Jun. 30, 1863. 3m ~ Nothmgl’filse ~ ‘ UT elegant. wellim: de, fine filling Dress B and Business Coats,“ PICKING'S. ' ANY QUANTITY of Cloth, Cnuimere, Snuius, Silks. Velvels, Saniugts, Plush and Cotton Vests, M. the well known Maud of I’ICKING. NEVERTHELESS TRUE ' Tlmt Fucking, in consequence of appxonchmg spring. is selling off his huge aim-k of QVEu "\UATS, at very reduced prices. Cull soon. 888 MEN WANTED ‘\_ to in ct and buy from the handsome“ al snrgmon! = WOOL OVER fiHIRTS, over nfi'er ed in this pa 2, to be had at PICKING’S. 'EEP TIME. . A few more of tho celebrated YankeoClock Time Keepers at _ PICKING'S. . ‘ FEET! . ET! - A few more Bufl'nlu and Gu n Shoes at reduced prices 43‘. . ‘ICKISG'S. ' ‘ . 5 MUSIC. Persons in want of a good Violin or ' cordeon‘ can be supplied at PIUKI. ‘S. ‘ NO‘l'lOXS. Suspenders, b 3, Hair and Clothes Brushe Razors and 11a 1' Straps, Soap, Spectacles, Pen Kuives,’Domluoes, Violin Strings, &c., at: PICKIXG'S. \ can be had by calling in Baltimore street, at —. . ‘ PICKING'S. CARPET SACKS. ‘ A few more left at , PFKLVG‘S. , KEEP DRY. , At Pigking‘s Store can‘be hndflmbrenas of all sizes. ' PdCK_I . N G is selling his goods at Ihé lowest. living prices and woulgi invite all to call and see him, nil he is dglumined to sell a! the lowest pricea. Ja‘n. 30, 1805. ,1 New Warehouse. ‘ BUSHELB 0F GRAIN 100 000 WANTED,“ thcne‘w Grain and Proguce House, in Carlisle street, adjoin ingr Sheadn a; Buehler'l establishment. The highest market price will always be paid in cash for GRAIN, of All kinds, _ ‘ FLOVR, SEEDS, he. Always on bind and for sale, at. the "mun! profits. V GU'AKOS. "SALT, FISH, -' ’ ~' -~ GBOCERIES, it, Wholesaln and retail. TRY US! We Ihnll do oml but to givl ntiafacxion in all open. ' » ' McCURDY & DIEHL. ‘ Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. 1y Dissolution. E partiilgship heretofore existing be- I [wet-n the ‘undersigned, under the lime and 51er of FAIINESTOCK BROTHERS, is Ibis day dissolved by mutual consent—James F. Fulxucstock retiring. JAMES F. FAHNESTOCK, HENRY J. FAIINESTOCK, ‘ EDW. G. FAHEESTOCK. HE undersigned, remniuining rartners of lbq firm of FAESESTUCK BROTHERS, vi 1 continue the businen‘ at 2*: same place, under the name name and style 1 firm. HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, '1 EDWARD G. FAHAESTOCK. _Jag. 9, 1865. . Fresh Arrwal F WI‘NTER GOODS AT A. SCOTT a SQN'S.—We invite the attention orbu‘y.’ era to our flock of Winter Goods, whiCh In“ be sold cheap, consisting of ,r’ ‘ LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, ,’ S‘IIWII, Cloaking Cloths, etc., etc. For Vani- Ind 8955' wen we hive Cloths, Caesim’cr‘u, Cqulidgs,‘\'estinga. “ill! a vntiety of'Cbnon. ndes, ac, he. qul antics. . / Sm. 23,1864. . SCOTT & SON. Estabhshed 1&0; ONCE OF RWOVAL. “C , N LAWRENCE D. DIETZ a CO., respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customers and the public generally, that the, have removed from No. 151 Fru’uklin meet, to the qgmmgdiou four-story Warehouse, > ‘ XO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will ‘for tho future condu‘ct tl/o Wholesale Buni ucss, sulcly ii: . ' A _ I Hosiery. Trimming: ’ ' i Furnishing doodg. . ‘ Per ninety, Notion]; ‘ l - .‘ ,' Summary, butler], . «r 4Tou.&c,,tc. to whispthcy inritp.‘ the “union of city; g 1 [cogmty‘phrchuerg feeling cohfident 01",“ng nhfllty lo'ofer Wheelie-m. 153' ‘33ch ad QWUEIOfQoqug: ‘ . ; “'2‘ ‘UMon-‘by mu! will reccin pony: um;- fildd. Add". - " "K " P aging“ I). am: a: 00.; 313115111th '.‘ “W ’m ~ “"fl‘fié’fi 1' I 9 an ‘fnnuury‘fi 1g“: ? TRUNKS . ind wan: ‘JMI CAITLF.‘ ”38mm ‘ 35:1 I“ 'F 0 UTZI, s -7 ennui» gfrg midi attic fowdas. murky“: w ‘ ltnn‘tb ‘ entheStomch and lamina, cleanse them from own, nutter, in“ bring them to shalthymtz. They are u pure greventlve of Lung Fever, and a certain may in' all Dianne: incident to the Home, Inch a: Gha— ders, Yellow “’l2:. Dis t e m p e r, Fonn d e r , H e a v o s, Sln'ering, Coughs, Fe vu-s. Loan 0; Appetite an ,Vitnl Ener -8! M . . . . in poor, low-spmted annuals, n has the most peneficial efl'ect. The use of them improves the wind, umgtlk en- the Appetite, and gives to the Hone a fine, mouth and glosty skin—thus improv lng the lppelmnoe, vigor and spirit of this noble animal. The property this Powder possesses in In creuing the quantity of Milk in Cows, giva it an Importance and value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping n Cow. By actual experimem R has proven that it will increase the quanmy of “ilk and Cream twenty per cent., and make lhe Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle. it gives them an appetite, loosens their hide and makes them thrive much faster. H O G 34. In ail Diseases of me Swine. met: as " \-'. ’P’f ': Coughs, Ulcers in 416395;; " ' the Lungs, Liver, ' ' ;‘E f ‘ -‘ :3. 58.)} putting \‘ »,\‘ I In 1 5 paper ’ ' ‘ :10. gape; of tléf‘sc ‘ 7’1”“ ow erulnn r- > 32' is ml- of Swill, me 'f-»'_‘~sA:\_‘\\“\ shove Discma can be cured or entirely pre vented. By using these Powders the Hog Cholerl. an be prevented. Price 25 cu. pér Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. PBEPA RED BY B. A. FOUTZ 8t BBQ, n mzm WHOLESALE DRUG AND MENCINE- DEPOT. No. 118 Franklin St, Baltimore, 111. For Sale by Drnggists and" Storekaqxl'l throughout the ['nitqd sum. . - For sale bv A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg; Lpughlin & Bushficld, Wheeling, Va; C. 0. Mendez-J: CO., Plusburg; Juhnsuu, Holloway & Cowden, Philadelphia. Nov. ‘lB, 1864. 1y , Globe Inn. - YOIIR 51”., NEAR TEI DIAMOND, ETT YSB L‘ [l6, l’ .A.—The undersigned (3' Would most respectfully inform his .nu merous friends and the public generally, that he has purchased lhnt long established and well known Hotel, the “Globe lnn," in York street, Gettysburg, run] will spare no gil‘ort to conduct it in a. manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. Ilia table Will have the beat the market can afl'ord—hia chambers are spacious and comfortable—lnd he has laid in ter his bar it full stock of wines and liq-ton, There is large stabling attached: to the Hotel, which Will he attended by Atteno tit‘e hostlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the tullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house as near it home to them [as possible. He asks a share nt‘ the public's p'a» ti'onage, determined as ho is to deierven large part of it. Rumombv, the “Globe Inn" is in York Street, but neatr the Diamond, or Public Square. kApl'n 4, 1864. [lf Provision Store. dersigned has opened aPROVISIOS " M. George Little'b old stnnd, in (eat, Gettysburg. where he will ' .nd, forsale, 5 EAL, max, ‘ ‘LES. SWEET AND floss. CABBAGE, 'Kveryzhing else in THE 810 . West Middle ‘ always ke‘ep on BEEF, MUTTOX POULTRY, .s‘ \ ‘ IRISH Pu ‘BEETS, TL'RNIPS, wnh‘ the provision line. He will sell at. small pfofitu, and spare no effort. to please. _ l ‘ FM Cnvle, Hogs, Sheep, Calves, to, ynmed, for which the highest prices will be P'lid. / JOHN NOKBECK. Oct. 'l7, 1864. in' , , New Goods. / EORGE ARNOLD has just receive fr: the oily n large supply of CLO Hl" Men’l and Boys’ wear, consisting of :1 in“ COATS, PANTS, vasrs, . SHIRTSLDRAWERS. PRAY; , NECK TIES,GLOVES, ll‘ -- n l a o A large stock of CLOTHS,‘ CASSINETS, JEANS, DRILL! all of which will bé sold u; had ellewhere. Givg us ac} not. please you in a suit 17 take you: measure and (short notion . -Ever art’s RANKLINHOU. , F count or no 7 11$er ’ This Home is o Northmeenlrul l rand Depots. l ' formbly arnn ( enterminmen r _ Oct. 313914. tf / Howard Association. HILADELPHIA, P.\.—l_)isenaes‘ of the P NeVéona, Seminal. Urinary and Sexual Systemp—new and reliable treatment—in re ports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—sent by his“ in sealed lclter envelopes, free bf ch'avize. Address, Dr.J. SKILLIN HUUGH TON, Howard Assoriuuun, No. {South Ninth Spfeét,‘Philndtlphia,Pa. ' ‘ Aug. 8, 1864. 1y nun J "Axum—fins", {Mom-1, m). .n direct. line between the Lfld Baltimore And Ohio [tail- has been ratified and com yd for the convenience and lb. of gems. ’ - Still at Work. , E undersigned continue: the I CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in I" its branches, at. his old stand, in But Middle street. Geuyshurg. NEW WORK made to order, and R E P_.-\ LBJ X G done promptly and at lowest. p’rices. ’J'wo first-mte.SPRL\'G. WAGUNS and n SLEIGH for sale. JACOB TRUXBL. Dec. 7. 1863. Somean for Everybody 0 MW AT on. R. HORNER'S T DRUG AND VARIETY STORE.— Just owned I fine Assortment of ‘ Drugs and Ncqicines. ‘ Paton: Medicines, antiohery, ‘ Fancy Dry Goods, Confections, , . - , Gmceriu, ‘ - .\'ouonl, TOBACCO, 356.3123, ac. in. Is, 1594. ‘ ___ kiln Miller. ( Wncr .KEB 8 JEWEL“; 'n. w . North’SECDND 333 e,, r eds-net onuggfiPfilhA EL. Flu-‘i‘éuxgnis‘fiflgémsro a ‘ r’ #:ng'fiuw fiamqfim LEW”? ‘5O A . rainfall) h? PRESENTS!‘ é? ' u: pnmquyE ”-31% :- Ind Jewelry ' 119.13, Im. 1y ~ , . AM, 330' Root, Corn Burch, Rica—lon ; um! mun for n: r :. 808 Drug sum. I } :' P' ”W; Jy. , mtinstion is va riously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from’ unhealthy food, impure air. filth and: filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending “from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be therod of Him who says, "I will visit, the iniquitics of the fathers upon their children." The diseases it originutes take various names, according to the organs it nttseks. In the inn . Scrofula produces tubercles, and flnnllfi'omumption: in the gisods, swelling: wluci suppurate and he ‘come ulcerous sores; in the stomach and hotels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous ntfections. These, all hating the some origin. require the same remedy, riz., purification and invigora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that “life of the flesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. . Ayor’s Barsspnrilla t, is compounded from the most effectual nnti dates that medical science has discovered for this nfilicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, in known by ztll who have given itatrinl. Thu: it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their efl‘ect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the grest multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of thé following diseases: King'- Eiril, or Glandular Swellmgs, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimple; Blotchec and Sores, laryngeal“, Rose or St. Anthony’shre, Salt henm, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the 111%1, White Swellings, Debihty, Biopsy, snrslgia. Dysgspsts or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syp 'tic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, [3lll3];me and, indeed, the whole series of complaints tshat arise from impurity ’of the blood. Minute reports of individuul cases may be found in At'mz's Aslzmux Auuuuc. which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution. wherein may be learned the directions for its use. and some of the remarkable cures which‘ it has mndo when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Serofuls depresses the uni energies, and thus lenses its victims for more subject to disease and its fatal results “than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to it. cure. This we now ofl'cr to the public under the mime of ‘At'llit'd SABSAPAKILLA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the host of Surauparilla in nlterative po\\el’. By its aid you may protect yourself from the autl‘er ing and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul eorruptions that rot and foster in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous henlth will follow. By its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system. or burst. out on any part of it. ’ We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarnwn'lla, thht promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by nhun dant trial, and therercmnins no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the-’ same name, it is a very different medicine from any other it hich has been before the people. and is fnr more ef fectual than any other which has ever built nruihtblu to them. SAM ['EL WOLF CHERRY PECTORAL. The World?s Great ‘Bemeddg for Coughs, Colds, Inclgient _ n carnation, and fort e rehef of nsmnptive pqtienu / in advanch stage: A of thadxseaze. his has been so long used-and no uni -ersally klfown, that via need do no more lmn umre the public than its quality in kept. up to Ith best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared b; Dn. J. C. Ann 8; Co.. radical and Analytical Clue-mus, . , Lowell. Mus. Sold by all druggists every where. S‘For sale by A. D, Buchler, Gettysburg, Ind dealers genernlly. ‘ ‘ ~ Aug. 8, 1864. edwly ' Good Thmgs from the Qty! E'nre rscoivlng twice a week” from the EU gilya variety 0! articles suirhd to the wants (if this community. viz: Fresh and Salt FISH, Hu’ms} Shoulder: and Sides, Hominy, Beans, Salt, Apple», Potatoes, Om'ugea, Lemons. Confemfom. Tobaccos, Sugars, with many olher articles in this line—all received in the but order, and sdld at the lowest pmfita. A Give us real}, in Bultimoro am-et, nearly opposite Fnhnelwcks' store. ‘ ' WANTED—Bunch Eggs, Lard, and all other country produce—for which the highest cuah price will be paid. SWEET POTATOES—beIt quillty, n low 2st living pmfita—alw.nys ou .hnn‘d. Also, OYSTERS, flue and fresh—in the shell or shocked. Reamurnms and families supplied. STRICKHOUSER & WISUTZKEY. Gettysburg, May 18, 1863. ' ,TS, SHIRY, he ['Assmmxzs, NGS, km, &c., :heap as can be :I], and it we can !ady made we will nke you up one in [May 30. 1864. ‘ New Goods. . ' AHNESTOCK BROTHERS < F Are mummy receiving (holco, Ind dc aimble goods, from New York, Philadelphia Ind Baltimore, Ind Are prepared to offer ,GRtgAT INDUCRMESTS in these about. purchasing. Having telected with great. cure, from the three leading mlrkilfi, the public will look to their on: interest: by cumming our nod: before buying elsewhere. cm .1 ‘ FAHNESTOCKS’ ‘ Mny 9, 1864. 'Red Front. GENTS WANTED.-—To sell the " 25 CENT AL LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK- A ‘." Each Package contain: 35 Songs, 2 Pp; 0! finale, 'lB Iheets of Paxton-ls Enve opes, l Ruler, 1 Pen, l Pen Holden! Lead Pencil, 1 Beam» for Undersleevea, l for Child's Apron, l tor meroidured Collar, l for Chris tening Robe, 2 (or marking Leuera, 13 Secrets neVer before published, worth mun Dollars; and other information. Also, on; beautify! arxicle of waunx'. Liberal inducement: to Agcnu. Send Stamp for Circular. SAMUEL BOTT. 4;: Sam Third SL, Philadelphia, Pa June 13,}864. I] NEWPORT _t mama, Mechanical Bak ers, South Wuuhiugwu street, halt square (tom tho Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG. Pa.“ Constantly on hand, the best 01 BREAD, CRAOKERS, kaKES, PRETZELS. to. Pet lons :iavbing fresh Bread win bu served WWI mowing, h, “mung their mgr Md puidmces pp”, .koty, Entry cfl'gn made tp please :in um 95111 [April 20,-’63. tf 4311103131.: Banana, limb...» m. £ ‘11,? of flu Dimond, (next door to up. allure usual.) (implying. PM, irberc he clll-IG a]! time: be found mdyto “audio all business in Eil film. He hurdle axcbllamn manic. .md' will ensure udshcflon.‘ Give him a can. ’ ' ~[Dem 3., 1800. : .—~ < -—— ' ~ w _ ; Isa mum A W“ ... Sm ' ’ BFE§ETO K 3303". tN-r‘fi'v-e“ . .nchllilr mint m -rio-"- which“ we I "tkoruu lurk- ' summation: of ‘ aflofmen. It produce: or in I :d by an un- : n \‘itintod sme I blood. \\ herein lid become: in- ‘ ten: to sustain l furces in Weir 1: action, and the system to no disorder and .A."*TMIL 7 B $lO a Day-! . New Bakery ! John W.'l'ipton, ‘ " - .pn...” a“my... _ ~..,,....‘-,..11. ‘VIA'V? .. f “3146‘; - - Agricultural Chemical Coll! .. .. .. .’ .tm CHEAP P’EBTILIZBRS‘. 0341'5“: ' The Fertilizer-u prep-nay the Agrlcnl- - oov turnl Chemirnl 00.. (a Company chnrtercd by ‘ M ATCIIEB. CHAINS, DIAMOND 313981 ‘9 the Legislature with n enpiul‘of 8250.000.) ONE NILMOX DOLLABB’ WORTH] ‘ have been provedrln procllee lo’be the chap-t To It cutout: or A! . 23:, most profitable and but, for the Firmer, ‘ 0N E D 0 L L A R E A 0!! (“"00” and Fruit-grower, of all concentrated Without reg-ml to anuel Not to be paid for rnnnnres now nlfered in any imnrkel. The until you know ill-ty‘u ore to rerelwlll company’s list embrncv the following: Splendid List of Article. I All to he eold lief ———'— ,: ' One Doll-r Each l ll PABULBTTB. This Fertilizer is com- 250 Genln’ Gold hunting-cue _ . posed of night soil Andi ‘Wntchu, summon”; the fertilizing element: of urlne, combinedl'zoo lAdiu’Gold Ind Enamellx chemically and mechanically with other film ed hunting-cue Watcher. 35 " nble fertilizing agents and übsorbeuli. . l, 1600 Genu’ hunting-case Sil- It 1! reduced to n pulvernlent condition; ver Wntches, 35 “ read; for ixnmedinte 05:, end willhout ion of' 200 Dilmond Rings, 50 “ its highly nitrogenous furllllzing prdpertios. 1:000 Gold Vest & Neck Claim, 4 “ lts universal applicability to I" crop: and 3000 Gold Ovnl Band Bracelets, 4 “ 30115, and itsn dnrnbility and netive qualities, ‘ 5000 Jet and Gold Bracelelr, 0 “ are well. known to be all thnt’ngrieullurlsu 3000 Chutelnine Chain: and Mn desue. 1 Guard Chain, 5 “ Pnlcx $3O no fun. 1 7000 Soliwlrek Gold Brooches, l M 5000 Corn], Opal and Emerald Brooches, t 0 “ 3000 Gold, Cameo, and Pearl Ear Drops, 4 “ 5000 )losnic,’ Jet, LlVa, and l-‘lr’nline Eur Drops, 4 “ 7500 Coral, Opal, nnd Emerald Elm Drops, 4 “ 4000 California Dlnm‘d Brent pins‘, 1‘ 2.50 “. 3000 Gold Fob A Vent Witch keyl, ‘ . 2.50 “ 4000 Fob h Vest Ribbon-slides, 3 “ 000 sets Solitaire Sleeve-but tons. Studs, 6m, 3 “ 3000 Gold Thilnlnlee.l’onclle,tc., 4 “ 10. 0 Miniature Lot-lieu, 2.50 “ 4000 Miniature Lockets, Magic Spring, . lo “ 3000 Gold Toothpicks,orouee, 2 “ 5000 Plnin Gold lllllgl, 0 “ 5000 Clmeed Gold Rings, A “ 1000 Stoneéctt Signet RlnzlJJIO -‘ 1000 Culiférnin Diamond Ringl, 2 “' 7.300 sou Lndies’ Jewelry—Jet ‘ and Gold, ,\ 5 ‘f GOOOnclsLudien'Jewelry—Cum~ , 00., l’enrl,opnl,k 0111: r stunner, 4 “ 10000 Gold l’cns, Sin-_er Extru lion holders and Penrile, 4 " 1000 Gold Poul t Gold mount ' ed llnlderr, - 6 “ 5000 Gold Penn and Gold el - Holders, ~ . 15 ‘- 5000 Lzldi s'Gi‘.l I'Jet Buckles, L’- “ 50011.ndies' Gill. and Jet llnir lhra und Ullli, 3 '- 5000 Silveonhltts and Drink. 1 ing Cups, ~ .1” l3"(' Slim-r (hutch, _ ‘ l 3 -' ;'_'ooo silver Fruit, C‘U‘d. njng, ‘ ane Baskets, - 20 " 5000 dozen Silver Ten Spooni, l 0 " ‘ loouudozeilSilver'l‘nble-Spoons and Pork}, ~ 20 “ 40 “ ARRANDALE & CO., llx-nulncmrers’ Agents No: [67 llnon‘mut. szuf You. CHEMICAL comosr "Mm." } ' lizer ‘3‘ lnrgL-ly composed nf nuimnl owner, Inch A" mean, bone, fish, leather, hairgnnd wool, 10- ‘ gather wixh chemicnls und inorgttic fertilize", ‘ which decompose the mass, and relnln Hm nitrogenous elements. ‘ It i nvery valuable fertilizer {or field crop. generally, and espechlly for potatoes, and garden purposes. ‘ Its excellent qualities. slrengjth and clump ness, have made it. very popular; with all who have used it. ' i ‘ PRICE, $4O rn 70x. = - - H' ‘ This 111 hlv Composlte Pemhzer; ”mm-c fertilizer ‘is paniculnlly ednpled tor the culti vation of [”254 fmiu, lawn: a d flowers. It will promote a Wary \igorou;l and healthy growth of wo‘ody‘nnd frlli',nnd Hugely inereue the quantity ¢nd perfect the ‘ lunty of tho frui‘. For hot—house and hfisehold pigm aud,flo\vers, it. will be lcund my indispensable article to secure their greatest Perieclion. It will pren-nt nnr’ cure diseased conditionl‘ of the peach and grape, and in | xcLueM for gun and lawns. ; Imomposed of such clem+ts as make iv. ndn to we grow“: of all ki Id! of crops in all kinds of soils. 3 The formula or method oflcombiuing it constituent {utilizing ingrcdr‘fnu hugs.”- ceivcd the highestnpproml ol e ineut chemists and scientific ugriculturisté'. ! PRICE, 530 mm Tux. l ' 1' 1e Auriculmml Phosphate of Lime. ch 32“, a“... puny manulecmre a Phuiphule of Lime in M:- cordnnce will) a new and \‘ulxm‘fle lormuln hy \\ Inch :1 very superior uncle is tnrbduved, so M to be uflordcd majesa privr lhéu other Int-_uu fnclurers change. Prank-a 1 “+9.9 lun- proud thutits value,“ a fertilizer. is equal In the heal Phosphate of Lime in film murky. Pmcn, $6O run was. ; __, 5 . - "mus CASH. All mixers om lam or more, will be delivered a: 'he Built-03+! sm‘mns and the \Vnarws of Shipment. frog ut' carnage... {Tunnge will be charged on $ll orders 9! 6 barrels or less. , , One dollar‘per Ton allowulcg for curmge will be made on all me. d liwml n! the Works of the Company. on Uu n 1 “'l:an AGRICULIURAL CHE‘HUAIJCUXS WORKS AT Cw 1. “'xunr, o.x ‘Tug't hmuuuz. OfliCC, 413} Arc/4 Sh. I'luMlr/plriu, l'u. \ R. I}. FHTS, G -urrul Agent. The Company‘s Pamphlet (TL-uh”, uul‘ruc ing I'uil direcziuus for using "cc above Ferti lizers, sent by mail. Irce, Mun cquesxed. Mar. 13, was. Gm . f u 1 . 828. Hopkins’ni 628. 001‘ SKIRT .\IANUI-‘AC'PPRY, ~ No. 618 A 110“ SL, nfimé 61h, PIIILA. , Wnuwsux nu “ELI!“ ‘ ‘ The most complete flasOl‘llé-lclll. grid heal quality and sblés ol' Ludirs', .\lpssea' and Chil dren's [loop Sinus. in the City. Those of “OUR OWN .\len,” are gol'en fp expr «sly to meet tha wants of Fusr Class "sun. ann embracing nll the new und dhsirnb‘e «fit-s, aim", lengths and size waists, ih trail and pluin SKlRTsrl‘rom l 9 to 56 :prirgsj. lrom 33 lo 44 invhes long, um] '_'". 2}, 2;", 31‘ :I}, 3}, “ml 35 yards round the bottom; nmkiqg more llmn 1L hundred varieties lur Lmlil-qun Misses and Children‘s SKIRTS we are he and nllcomnc u'lion , all that are made by u lime MIAMI‘LII ou the kid pad “Hopkins“ limp Skirt. Mum fnctory, No. 1328 Arch Slrgelpl‘ ilud.l., ' undauu “Armored to gift snmlnmioni lfi‘Auenls for the ."Nlfi: FLEXIBLE? SKIRT, the most plinhlr Hoop Skin mmiv, uqml to Dudley's “Duplex l-Illpzic” Skirt, Mid ni. much lower prices. ‘ J Also, comlnntly in recaipt qfn full flssm'l uu-nt ot'gooul Easiern ma-le jjrl.‘ uhich are vheing sold at very low prices. Kill [made-Land nwtnlic Listened ”springs 85 tit-m 4 20 spring; .\'l on, 22 springs 5| )3. Ju Splinus .\‘l :5 and .4” springs $1 5“. SKhfl‘S um :I' to unit r, Nl ler-d and renailed. Tum: cw. —-()m l'n‘re Only. .For Circular conmininng. mluune ul sulec, lengths, sizes and Prim-s, cull at or ml— dress by‘nuil. iuclo=ing Slump: lar Posh-gO, hllHl’h‘lNS' HOOP SKlllT .\l..\Xl'F.M'TUllY, No. on 51ch Street, l'llthDl-JLI‘HIA.‘ )lnrch a, was. 3m L L - ..) t .. ,_ ,- _ - . New Goods !—Large Stock! BIICHAXT “mama; bl JACOBS & BRO. have just received from the viii!" n lurgg' stock 0! goods for Guntlemeu's “1.14:1; embracing a variety or . CLUTUS, . . . , C.\SSI\IERES. ' VEST!.\'G§I.-' ‘ Cnssinets, Jenna, tn... with mu) olhfl guods for spring and “unmet Wear. 3 They are prepared to make hp garments M the shortest notice. min! in thelvery hes! min. net. The Foshloni nre rogulnqu received, and cloth‘ing made in any deairrd style. Thny al waysmlke neat fits, whilst their sewing is sure to be substantial. 9 They ask : continuum-'0 of {he public] put tromge, resolvgd h, goud I'Ol' Ind mualerule' chm-gas to mrn'it. ‘ * Gettysburg, Aptil 7, [862. ‘ ‘ Blacksmith: g. s THE undersigned would mus! respectfully _ ' inform Ihi- puhlit tln’nhe continues the BLACKSHITHLVG BI'SINIIHs', at his Ihop, lately Philip Dmraom's, adjoining Troxel's paint shop, in East‘ Middle urn-t, Gettyuburg. where he will a! ll] limo! he pic- Eued to do Blacksmilhing work to Hiring“, uggies, \Vpgons, to. That he know how to do all jobs 0! Ike kind will not he questioned by those who have a knowledgr at his long ,experiencr inz lhe bruineu. ('ome on with your work, Ind you will be “timed wing you “hit away—lnd for which he mll receive (‘nlh or Country Produce. } - ADAM HWZWORTEL MM. 20, 1903. if - W , The Popular 7-30 Loan. ; m: FIRST NATIONAL BA]. or am ‘l'l'SßL'RG bu been designated a Deposi tary Ind Finuncinl Agent of the United Staten, ‘ and will furnish the popular 7-30 Coupon Notes, free from all taxes, and convertible at. maturity inlo {-20 six per cent. gold interest Bonds. Will also {urgish 5-20 and 1040: Bonds, one year Certificates and all other Gor ernmem securities. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Conpool, sud minke collealionl promptly on all occcasible points. ‘ GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Dec. 26, 1864. :f 7‘” finds: Lands! CAPT. B. CHRITZHASthMingjuu total-il - from snip m use Wu: and um the LAND regions in ‘God’s gm". labyrinth, he would inform the cixizens of Gettysburg and m vicinity am he i‘ preparrd, not on‘ :0 ofl'fl' OIL. buns, but LANDS 0v 3";qu DESCRIPTION; Persons visiting Hamburg would do View") all, as he will tarnish Illlinv formation. 5. CHBITZIAN. Jan. 2, [B6ll' Pictures! Matures! IV! MPBB hnvipc nrébued Sum! L Wu‘r‘g'l vwrpaad’a. GAMEBY. u mod to execute work in bu flu up»; 3. II” ambush”: In the Stu... I! you deli» I good 1313 mm, finished Accordmg to them: jpprovemenu in the m, gm :1. the W" long-mauliahad Gallery, 1:: ,Wm um]. street, Gettysburg. [la. .9. 1355' " mm? mm for em ‘ L Jun mowed u mum; .‘\nnuunue'!h.|hll& of the nbfiré list of goods “HI he sold fur UM: Douala ouch. ‘ lu wnscqnouce ol the amt! uagnnllun nl innu- in the Brumfilcturing llllll'ch ol Bug- Lm-l. through the war luving rm ull' llll‘ sup. pl) 0! cotton; n large quantity 0! Vullub.e erelry, ul’lglfl‘llly inlt‘nlllflllfuf the English mnrkél. has been senbofl tor sale in this culm lry. AND \IITST M: sun!) A r .\.\‘ r chm. VICE! l'ullcr these l'lrt’lllnihlllrc-l Allll,\.\-‘ DALE wt ‘OO., lll'llllg as nguuls l‘ur lhc prim-I— [ml European mmmtiu-lnrcre. hwe rmulu- l upnn :1 GREAT (”PT 11l 'l'lll.sl'l'lU.\, {uh jeul lo the fullou'nr.’ regulmioxh: Cen‘fimu-a ol'lhe \uriuus “flick-:- re find. [mt lulu envelopes, mauled uj‘. and mixed ,‘nul whvn urderud. ure lakvn out wlthuul leg Irl lochuic . and son‘ by m lil, lhu! giung .1“ A full ch mcc. UH h trip! o' the rrrrificalv. run \ull :cu: u'h It yuu'nre ln lune. mu] then ILIH u: yaur union to 80ml llw dollar and Lake the mticle or mil, l’urclmserl In ly thm obuin n (lul-l “'Mch, Dummnl King. M any S“ of Jewelry on our list. l‘ur Us: Donn“. SE“) 25 CENTS PM: Cl'leTll-‘II‘ATE. In a ! PJn’Sflcliuns by mu“. m- rlmll charge for lul\\u|'din‘,.' the Cur'xfirxuu, 1m" lug pun-Ag», unul uh‘uilu the hminesn, 2'5 cams vm-h, whn-h must be :leosell win-u Uh.- Uu-ulfiwlc Ia amt. lot. -Fwe l'erlalicmes~ w.” be soul. l-vr $l, elcvrn for $l, lh‘my tor 5?», six!) dire fut Sm, and A hundred l'ur SLI. , :‘Ul~2:\TS.—\\'e mm: “gt-nu in evrry tog:- Inolfl, 2nd in mrry mun nul «mm; m Ilm m-mlry. xgml Illu~e Mung us such “m lu- Ai hmrd 10 runs on very l’urlifil‘nlu Ur'h‘rrd lur l'n-m, prmidod their rcmiuuwm :Ill) ”Ulla (x, 0m- ululL-r. Agom’: will collect 2.“: cums hy ru-r; t'trlil'u'me, um] rl-nuL 1.3 mm to In, ,cilllcr in (4:110? postage ”Amps. “ .\‘Uf \.\II \l.}: k‘ (m, J .01 hm dw‘), 3. Y. .\ert. 6. 1865. 1!. t& H. r. Anthea & cm. RI A.\l.'F.\CTl‘l{EllS UF I'HUTHHRM'IIIU ‘ v‘IATHRIALS, nummmu: AND KLhIL, :ulll BROADWAY, N. Y.—lu n Million in mm umiu budness of l'holngruphiu Mun-rink, \w‘ are lle.udqunrters for Na- tulluMLg. nz: STER I-zusml‘les k STEIN-ZUflUnl'lC VIEWS. 0! Int-so we have un imiueusv xmsuruuem, including \Vnrh’renL-s, Ann-rim" pun! I-uu-iun Cities Mud Lundsmpcs. (:ruups..."lnlulr.\’, kud kc. Also, erh’iug S‘creum opm, lLr public or privule uhibiliun. Uur Ilium-3w will me Fun! lo any address on re’m-u-l of Slump. PHOTOGRAPH!) Ahlsl Mai—WV sir-re the hrs! to introduce their inlu llw l'nig-d Shun, and “r mnnufautwr immeurg qumnitirn in are-ill \uriclh rnlfgiug in prire {mm 71" WHH Lo $.30 em-h. Our ALBUMS lmu-lhpwpuu. liull ul boing'snpvriér it} hrum} null Illlrnlnli :y to any olheu. They will In: sent by mail,‘ erP, on receipt ol prire. ‘ 18.1%”: Alhumd mzule l 0 uninfu CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Cntulouue now embrm-e‘ arer HVE THOUSAND difl'orom ouhjecu (10 which ud-Q dilionl are continually being undo) of For truits'ot Eminent Amt-rival", kc.. ti: : «bout. 100 Major-Gener-ls, (:50 Sulezlnen, zoo Brig.-Genonls, Izm Din-m, » 213 Culoneh, 125 .\ulhon, 100 Lirul..-Colonel.o, 4o Ar-iszs, 2.10 mher omm, ' 3:: Navy o_fllcer_s, 15’) Promi ion! [Foreign Puflf.{ih: 3,000 copiol offi'orks of .\n, including re production- of themoat celebrated Engraungn, Paintings, Statueu, kc. Cllulugnu nul— ml receipt of Sump. An order for Una Damn Pictures from our Cntllogne will be ulled on the receipt cl SLBO, Ind sent. by mall, Free. -Pholographen and other: ordering good: (I. U. D. will plane n-mil twenty-live [oer cunt. ofAhe amount with their order. ‘ 3,. t u. I‘. .\sruuxv 1 CO., Nhnurnctguen of Photographic M‘s-(mgr, S‘The prion and quality (3! our gopdn unno: fail to snfisfy. [Son 14, 18:14. am Lanes-tor 360 k Bindery. was: wusr, - ' BOOK BINDER, AND BLANK 300 K KAKCVACTUIII, LANCASTTER, PA. Plain and Ornaniquul BiuJing, o evéry de scription, executed in the moat uubsmminl and npproved styles. 8. W. Brown, Esq., Fame" Bank of Luann- W. L. Pelper, Es ~ Lnnclner County Bunk Sumac] Shock, Esq” Columbia Bunk. Samuel anner, 3511., York Bank.» 1’ Willilm Wagner, Esq.. York County Blah; I'. D. Canon, Euq., Bunk of Gettysbut‘. ' Peter Mutin, Esq., Proth’y olencnter cm, 'P. Geo. C.llnwthoru,Esq.,Regislfl' "' ~‘ ‘“ Geo. Wbiuou, qu., Recorder u In April 15, 186! " ”_..__._______ _ ~ - Sale Crying. W. FLESHHNG continhu the hating . of SALE (DRYING, Ind sulioitu (h! «in! Bed ”trauma 0! tbs public. m: hi! can. mun enduvor to give lafiifncfion. Chine! marinate. Resistance in Breckinridge megs;- Ouulblug, _ , m‘; .2 P. B. eh I licensed Auctioneer, and" “5 Tu law at the cum Bmm. 9 V Nov. n, ma. \ v XCRLSIOBI _ ) ‘ ‘ 1339353103 , . .1 “W" The Budd“ Waking Inching: In newt In the World. Cull.“ units. If a". “(h-i one. u Ibo Walking? ': ' Gum ~ . , ”A; y Wing”, u——-—-————————P—-.—-—z—‘_..___’—- ' . im‘as lu- -' ‘ “I Wm...» m .1 EMI =1 50 " 50 .4 s'o u 10 'l3 [ul J 25 Sum“, 60 Prominent Women Dbl lhTona'ruy, .\'ew York IFFICRENTICII 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers