:1, 1 Mlilaii• 11 ".' 4.7. Lm’i.:—a ""1" .. ~ - «t - e ,_-.. ‘ . . _ ... .._.-- ~ I . l DEATE 01‘ THE PRESIDENT. HE GIMA'I NATIONAL TRAGEDY. IMPORTANT SPEECH BY MIDI!” . l Thc‘inteiligénco of the nnauinntion of ‘ mr-chnesday'im'eshingtan Sun] i JOHNSON. .' . ./ _lpmidpni Lincolnixiiocited and appalled Higthmportont ArrestlgCaptnre of, Du Tue..day lasts delegation of citizen. . " )the people thmugfiiout the entire hind- . Oa or the Conspintorl. lot Imm}. paid their rm“ w Pro-ideal! :Aa evidence of the general. goofing. we re- Sulpicium . vipg been directed tlovlurdg Johnson. Gov. Ogleaby presented thédd h-roduce comment» Mm uni leudaugjour. for“. or}? A! n. “rig Eh-swrslu I Had awn min upe'ch, to which the newl l-nnla of New York lutl i’higde . lphin, pub- . 5133 f: “53:94. oat-coo; will}; '3" :IPresident responded as follows: ilished on l'ueldny- ~ ' “put" and n gorilla-in . connected wiihl “suntan-J have listened with peo ‘. The .\'. Y. tfournafo/ comment commer- the War l);{)utmt‘.ut. named Morgan, laat {ollml “Mention to the? kind word: you -ciul Offlflh "y.“ . night visit the premises, rind placing the {Nave gj'lhessml to me. The visit of this, . . ‘ ‘ ‘ . or e c e at’ n Alldthe land _ mourn: together. The Lflilmfifi'fimsolpiiifmitexfifiefifirfinfifil will. air. thgcsrlo wolfdfgiafnctguggelgmffli bi”: mpflthh hgnlgfsalongouutroeu, in ii. While doing 50,8 rw W 8" fiegml at 1m" "0? “““Filrnted. In the midst of the la: Inptei kegs It I most. the silent, the door. which w“ opened by Mr.‘Mor- saddening u-rcumstances ivliich surround, I 0 no» 00 on ever) countenance, ”I?“ grin. "ruling a medium sized 111-n. dress. fig and the immense responsibility thrown ; i are no formal demonstratiom; but ex rieJ \ , . - ~ ~ I. d .f’ all 11 Th . pd’ ed in a gruycoat and Vest. black cloth pan-\“F‘l’” {1“,- a.“ “”9551“ Of the Confidence i‘. “.9 5““! mil . eartl. 1:” “no "‘3 talcum. and fine boots. Upon discovering.or lnle‘duulS. and still more, of an lnflll'! =i ”Lens: 0 £0 lighzmolflg l e Simian”; the officers, be manifested considerable sur-.?““‘\u ”My llke “Ml below me, reprerent-l 1’32“; elf-wef-03from :5 11.93;: $82,335:” I prise. and remarked that behind gotlin the: “ll! ‘\ 8'?“ eOimlwfl'ieallh. cheers and i ll ital sense of'the overwhelming 'cal'unilyl Iwmng Zw‘e' In ”Ply ‘0 “‘9 ‘llmwl’m Of‘ titrengmgqu my hen”). burthened mind“ : , ‘ ' Mnjor mith he gave contradictory an? em tit as 3 for words to respond. In an 332...... ...... - .111 M... 7 - , " 'ea..' « ssi emo" . - " , W!- or ABRAHAM moon-i . .... ...... ...... .... ti:.::'.:::....i:r.‘:...l'.°:.i‘.‘:‘:.a“.3‘isitfbow confiiil‘iztfi‘fi.§f°2i”fi3§. IN WASHINGTON. °l “Uh? patriot deadbig’e 'lb°“l‘:’l}e9:h;°;' :; gutter for her. to-dny, and called tbnti to ““5" them. Perhaps the be“ reply 11 , '_'" , "I!" t‘dd‘ma’ "1". "O'Jgh 1; ‘9 an_ ". 'bll‘ ' night to learn wherait was to be placed, all COUNFIIkOi and the‘one moat readily ap-. . {if}! E N’s EC O l the nation :30. .t e_ men is :Ith I? Ihe would commence Work in the morn-lPWPrl!l° ‘0 VOL" kind assurance of confi - , T l‘ IgnglCOlmpl . Vic 03‘3lllIf'e’ ’9 ”Lplou; f ing before Mrs. Surart would have arisen. idence. wouldlbe to receivothem in silence. TJIO funerallof “1 ll“ thi‘” “1’; °' “‘i “I’. "'“ llfn rm“ d d . The man had a pick ‘with him, and claim-i The throbbing; Olmybean since the sail place in Washington on The; ""3me r ‘35" ‘tulleg' 'g, ‘mc: nu; 9“ led to earn it living by its use; but the deli- l, mumtrophe which has appalléd the coun-l “mm. “eh! ofthe moss Nd "' ,e "m P” ‘V " . - eate appearance ofhis hands. and his incon- l try. cannot 3’“ reduced to words, and op-' ‘ . - ‘‘l \l .“° ”l“ bury our dead‘ “uh honora and laiatcnt statement convinced the officers I’de ‘l‘ lam by the new and great re-‘ “Wm". character; and upon Ino- 9th" ”flu? leflfl, It'd-then mi"! our {“5 t 9 the 1 that he laid some; cannection‘wrth the tit-l eponsibllity "blob 1"“ (IBVOIVGd u Olbmen motion ""3 higher 110“" Fwd ‘9 the. "lllf’. ”Pd ”MW 00‘] " help. '"bm'w" itempt to assuinate Mr. Seward, and he was"“ddened' "Ml grief,l 03" With (flfilcfmyl that! r ‘ x 1:? ““153!279"“:l'rfsf;““fl;?::l;:”e,l:rm once taken to General Augur'l he‘dJi-espond toyou at all. Butlcannot permitl .' -' ' R 1 ”9'95 \*s men 0 ’3v 5 “‘0 l . ruchexnosa'o ‘ ‘ l ‘ The 1‘41?) ‘3} “Mil“ 3‘“ E‘l“ k :3". all order. \he firescirrvntinn of the Union. lquirpZ‘r-i‘reaching headquartea he Wfl! placed‘ l" “‘8 t{Y “ll? I:392:l3elgogilisgemlhrggflfgl ago Ipen co n. t ococ‘ olt a perpetuuoum pence. Leg; in builtli- " - - l 'k ld ' " ' " ' ‘ . I J . . A ~ .in the midst ofa group ofpenona, while an “0" e gment. 10 an individual likel Mbegan to IH‘H‘P, a body oTlnbout six- lup the balances the nobleahnomiment to ‘ntll d' ~l ~ in 39” “no i u . - : ~ , , . ; cer ivu ispuicirtl to the iuidenco of, Y - I .nei‘er thinned much, but: :1 clergymen from all parta'of the wunlgTfiTlWE‘EShly mm“ ' lsecretal‘y Sew-4rd .lor lhe-lelvanlq and at- who bar. it is true, received from a gener-l being the first to enter~tlien came Handel. )1 be 5‘5“" York M" Republican. ‘3‘)" Z 1 temlnut: who raw the unadlnnt of the Sec- ’ 0‘" people ("My walks of trust and honorl offboretnmentßureau-.Governnuufsmenl akflwautluro >9! wriggnlYY‘t brlgllthloi'elérfi h f M}; 11) t‘ ‘ " liOLlzlllflg‘xi'x'gé' 3°??? like thi’v “fill . i topple PnHOll\on¢ l \ Wire ago-1 as. part ere urno ea oer .le gm was . . u llc coin; to we -‘ mg:::; :5??? 1:; “24:32“ :Zdbii’fr. 3 Hem snailenly ov‘erfinstfiu cloud ofex- l turned down. and an the servants 'eritered¥;lmed.b9nd Piclllml‘lyHacceptable—sprungl _. 0 v E '_ D -- ending acknm. . ad l'iucoln butlived. the room the gas was suddenly let on With,l ronr lv 9 peop 9 mile . every pulse. ns‘onoi ‘ gt. )2 o’clock President Johnson. with thul we nrn‘contldent that no*ponféderute flagln full blue. The boy’ instantly pointed l WM: the popular heathfinda an immediate Cabinet, excepting Secretary Seward, a". would have been [lying in this country ion: lliem in'tfie groupus the one whoi’lfifls‘ie'm my 0‘70; By many men in punl ~ ~ nth ly «layi hence. Somme canno‘t‘rcad entered the ‘ecretar '3 house. The set-~11": We 811:1). occuiicns are often considered: .rlv . .2 i 'C. i. \ i . y .. .. Th 1.. _ . ‘ . ,~ )1 . ,llic future. write any cm-thtnty,.but only Viint at the c time betrayed riSible ex-lme'el)’ formal. 10 metheg are real—yom’ ‘ ’5 'B'W‘ c‘rmelll‘“ l' “’l‘ —°U“l' , trust that behindlthe cluudlnrc all tlloltars'piteiuenf eho , the dot» in: reseion . words Ol COUlllt’nunce and encoura enie 'menoed Riv Dr lla‘l of ti 9 'Epi copal of 11 en \ l \(d ' li' ll 'it tPth ‘P' in l ‘riuk drew in my be rt (1» [E r . . r . - v i s ear . - a eupon im te 5181 '0 count 8,1 n .all were even Church, rend n porn-mi Olllllu Scriptures ;‘ ”File New York World. Democratic: say-It lTlm. dsme’lfirt‘ Mt *3 ”“9“?" “I 32°: mtgzlhltfogg- bgatgather “'9‘“. ll ~ W 3...... WW; ”W“ . m .... ""va lill‘;li§.ei‘iii’..iil2.. 3372533523.“; ’ ~ ”...... , made the thinning Prayer: Rev. Drfiurley. ‘i deucelmay bringout of thial appalling viai- iassuminé‘ deathly “no; . ‘ Thus feeling. I shall enter upon the Prelbytenan. preached the Sermon : and ; tntlon‘, we can, as yet, see nothing in it but . After mkgtbcr investigation, there re- . chargeof my great duty, firmly and an .3 Rev. Dr. Gray. Baptist. closed the services ,caiu‘mny ;" and 11m, continues : ’ lmaming littloxdoublt as Ito. thefidiniity of ; lzslll’y. 17 not ninth the signnl ability thl .witb Pra er—immediatri it w l l '’ ‘ ' :"h9 “““b I” “’3‘ PM?" 3“ ll“ 8. “Fl“g' F_v my pro. ammo“ "“‘ch “3 5"“ fl . y . y a er it til thel _ The one! address made by the new Prop. I within iron mills.\> ‘he prisoner u ”“0“,” in our aurrovvmg mmdnuiced I repeati i corpse was removed tolililo hearse. and at "lent on inkingihemth ofom'39.llOPS|l-JL] k . - ‘l‘ i 'no heart loci l '- ‘ I . I . .. . . . nnwn no Paine, a s 110111.15, a has sev- a non: sensibly than mine Zoigloek the prooaaionmas forrmd. _ Icpiitnin anii‘.(LPcl.trfllllt\r(ll pf policy on the “3,“ “he, mums: \ {geniumuimmy _ . Pintfm 01110!“ who a iletnrlimem of “93-: 33:22:" lllllezgoliguli-a; ll;;'aq:};l?i?llfgx:l 1!] another article the §la§ remarks: id lln wind 1 say on this occasion [-3113]; ored troops; then followl-d white regiment: 3n,J i . l 1 . h ' The servant llitd no kuuiy edge of the nr- ,I‘£B m ”0 P 8“! Spirit of ringer—ho i . . . l ‘ um.on "‘3. l‘ “'33“ con known 9'“ ' . ‘ 'nv of revui . B In infantry “"lerg of qrilxlne-u ....i m. 2 W.“ will?“ ml decided "nine?“ fl“ lliiin°fiihiliis2’“iifé 2113533535 ’i“ififi,‘f . lair. emf: if u... iislllil'giiiiiieiili“ Ilfy'rnnvy. marina and in 1y officers on""."‘°“’~° “9 9”“ ."Slmn‘lbn'm’ "0" be: of paraffin]. were instantly exclaimed the milsf of the Amerlcmn pet) I .l . . . , . . . _ _ . p e w 1001-, the poll bearers in clan-1:155 'ricxt; ' {zldrggfrg-Izgm'lffilprgigfifilf igeifggemi {"Why, here is the man‘ that ‘cut erifw‘ I every ciémulis taught to obey law nnd . .. . ' . v , u y \ . . . the hearse drawn by in: white horses. and npiuions he may have formed unquestionr .ard. .. \ Valli; linii‘iikirileo‘ilgubéslgyd cofmll‘tlt' lb! com“ prominent toft‘velry beholden— that ha“, PM m laid-Y assumed alprlictiChl I PAINI, ALMS THOMAS, ,It’LIAS .iflll PREECE‘Hku been emsnssinnted andewlfena we“: The flOOr on which it reatléd wan strewn‘7l3s;En?::iga{w:;th.l;‘;n§srf: fig'inhg'el'l ’1". al t reditiorli‘tji: Star .2 a gth‘igcrime to its causc’. when we romemi . . . “i. ~,- I ; Cii :llc , . Ly: th , . ...".h "”8““? and the coffincovercd With ‘, rt terrible conjunctaro all the present. Ito-l There- is'reasnn to believe thnt the person ' infpi‘ffifis Ziznct‘lie‘g‘loglfufxlhdre‘: ‘ 'hl“ “0'6““, '} . ibndy can calculate the consequences of‘n : "rented last night. atlthe house on H street} m, étnnd‘tl’t more astou vi 3 t fire. . Then followed the Preairmnt and Cabinet, , false step or a :wrong committal. His re-ga; the party who attempted to take the: barbiirous'mmt diabolical :‘n? .t :5 ’ the Diplomatic Corps membcrs ofC' ea! [firming the mivmers of the late Preqidcnt islllfe of the Secretaiy of State is no other‘ Such o'criie as the a 3‘3““: ml Governor! o', Slate: ' fi’ro compnuigl%t:io a faiorablj. and promising indication; and than the Thomas desperado, the “French and good m InXQnored 3:3 Sailboat?) . . , ' ~ ,_ ,it i. great 5' to be. hoped that. On mature 'latly," who. it. will br- romembered. captur-, . ' ~ 5‘ .'- Illomations. the clerks of'tlie various de- refldclion. a‘ml cou‘ultatlori'witliwiec coun- ed the steamer St. .\'iclit-luu, in 1861, and Igzltozaignrtrlngt‘uh‘gfig‘flrftliexpefspleistfi‘ii rtflmenls. ~3lnd othera, n‘ll in ordg; of lira. snllnru, he “ill s‘rSe-it to be his duty to firm} who in: subsequently apprehended. tried, lso desperate wickedn Oy "H“l," “3 ‘0 C cession, togethcr w‘ith litany public and our the healing i'iulllcyi on‘ which his de.l|convicted and sentenced to the penitentinqmm“,ls through wears?” 55;: J 5? . . . 1 . . i = ceased lll’F eccsfior mi entered. It is our ' ry. from which ho got. out by some means.“ ‘ , K ' - P'lffi‘e “PU-“899. allclosmgiup “lib nlargo , (lei-nut ninh‘ flinttlie new Preiillcnt may Young Suratt, who has btcn in the (my::‘firzlellxggglgiéhtbenl berfefl‘back to number ofolololretl mend It was the lzirgcatl reapilllfl fruits blow into m'agnifi'cent vic— up to the time of the nemesinationm‘gs, it is ~Nn one “I; say {5532135 0 u lourlwov Janka] prodesaion that ever took place in toricv in n tranquil and prospercuw admin-i believed. fled Ito Canada, . .... « ltirndish not be arrested lic Slpltli‘rlpliiiiraltor it Washington. one [mm and a. half being lkirutlontntelpt united and approvmg poo-i I.rfer.—-'l‘he_cvidence against Pliinn is me exirrmistpennlir u”: 1”. knownsofifptgl occupied in ‘parsio I 1 iven ioint‘ 'lt “I“ pie. Hie Drmncratic antecedents. the un- . nnw conclusive beyond a “mild. He Was .\one will lav lliitf. inert-v :liould inlet 07 in tho hivhc t d 3905: ‘ Il nl. l ~ liilteiinlg nttnclimentdie uvom. to the some I this :iitcrnoon confronted by anor Seward; But is he aluiie 'iv 7 'llcirp ”mung" é ' 'a 5 “2f mpnmig. ‘l' many ‘_priiicii- or of riregotjwnmentlie has always Mi~< Funny Sowurd. the uurrr. who was perhaps expect '.m.l".° . ~ ‘. ‘ lilqoullnth olllenrts'tbmlibcdin £s.l3thle with minor-aim), and tho faith be ex irensea in lécverely \vounded.am_l another colored uer- of'mr liituro ulic _ pll):‘r' :Omh'lnd‘cn - ‘ i - I . . . - P ( llungl Will say, the solemn dlrgfg. 11-- a“. ”I,9me Emu.“ than final'aiiq permanent triumph, um iin- ‘ writ, who saw him, and tin-y all recognize cry eru teaches its lesson. The timed we . slowly upon‘ils .fi'ny. . I' gum-n urliiijli \i-r' ucccpt With favnr. We liimristha Anmsslq. . ”is clothing lns been in are not without iuqruclions. 'l‘lic Ameri— Arrl'v'ing “ the C 1 sl.o] ll e’ cnt'fl‘n w inn-d the tiny iii ueur when Mr earliectntionr taken off, and is undergoing rumination,‘ can people must be uuzhi, if they do not n.l - ‘0 “16 cent ‘lplb ' t 1 d p 3‘3. ”7'21 bflqa‘hzl‘d'h ‘b h w‘” bu remewberfid “15;: the "lllfilHJelt' ”m”! L‘W‘l; “It“ (roman is a crime 11-2.! must it . rou em un .i. reol- - Inow mm“ W iter series he egnn, ll slnu‘ch hat behin at' .r. Sevrurd's Oil-1"!""i" - ‘- dent John‘lon stood at the-font oft)"; coffin, ' Ergclfiligtzoaltu 5‘1““ Ilmgolhlrhnhné IFiidiliy night. which explains the precise} “IE“? ll“ GO‘lelnmfif: will not always bent ourr d ." . .I , s . _ ft r run you“ orn e a y cap ,5 wore. ‘r - , its enemies. it it is “root: at ‘ b. hounfid by. ath 01); of Suntan ”“diDu-pelled to furthest come" oftlic “5". " Other evidence make: it probable mat’only to protect, but to punish. WIFE!) I '8 ,m” try office”, and 1‘ email number '3‘" “mu“? ‘l‘“ “Radial-“e"! hlt‘“. he in one of the St. Albaus raiders We: "e ”"1 "° ‘l‘” Cl'lminnl 09118 "o'l examine the l of "Immune as chief mourners. l \ 150 “W" "’"l 1’! broils. “1"“ “WE ‘0 "s‘: hear the supposition is. that finding himself "what“. crime W.” there and “s°“ ll‘ld I . The entire com onv‘fillcd but. . r n” At home: the hateful names otluectionul cease, unable to et out of the icket line held‘m“ as :zmem-rth its appropriate penaltr. . p » m And fncunm Inull be wearicd into peace ” g r p ' lWe ther l the’t l h ' ‘ ... "10“.,wa cc. DEG r“ -1‘ . _ ' _ ' had returned .to Suratts houae for soccer. .. . ‘ 5““ ’O5 “I Md “Hull” P 0 . Q n «V. Ilflntlllu. v .e Lthe f h - - 5 'lhe .\ctv ‘lork Times, Republicanyuya: ___e,_4-.-.7__~__,___ g: o a’ai'cmnca, “"31 ”mm “’o' W“ “d ”‘9, a I o t e coffin, uttered. ‘0": In President Johnson “account has a lx‘m‘m'. “lie" “f““mes'lmfi’w- ‘V'll‘t‘lhr _bflef “‘l‘th lml‘l'ém"? T‘mnrkiiblflefiy ' mamof courage, of round judging“ and REWARD OFFERED FOR THE As‘if” ”£1 ”len“ offenses “lymph M“ (““‘H'l in noiemn words of Scripture. connigning;of a patriotism which has stood the te’st SASSINS. . la?“ S,I,3;Z'LEXEZT’WKFW' {Henson “‘55 ‘tho dead übea, once animated by the soul or “’9‘ “"3“ terrible trials. Ills sympathies; OFFICIAL ORDI-‘i’z ‘ lderriand tlirit ii is (hclbllltrkesp‘eg? frail? 2:; of Abnblrn Lincoln, to its original dust. _ igergstfimtlie pegploiiandlalll his ectltcns:.i| ‘ Waring-dram April 201—116, GM. D 229 will be surely punished. i make this allusion } A “5' Lincoln was l°° ill to h“ ”"3""- M- , séntimrntla grill brill :léulzslilz“ alum” Nata Yark:»«The murderer of our hite be- l“m ‘0 ”m 9 "'9 “”9“”. ”"l'cn‘l’d feelingé the funeral. It is raid that she did not see» N h h [,5 . ”' .‘ '_ loved ll’resiilc-nt. Abraham Lincoln, ia still of w" .P‘im’9' but.” pm“ m” Fl": P’ln‘ll’m' I . 2‘ or m e unmindful of the fact that at Lirge. Filly thonmnd dollars rewllrd.ofpnblic3us.tice which .horild guide our action hfrvhnobond a corpse alter the morning ofxthe general. line of policy which Abruhum l will be paid by this Department for hit a :ntthir particiglnr juncture, and, which accord; 1". death, 9 - . I Lincoln {as carrying out. when arrested by I prehcnsion in addition to any reward 615 E,» Willi Bound Public morals. Let it he engraren fl-The rcrnnim ogrrnidont Lincoln-I;";lmpifg‘cgrigmegiamandeggi: heart. }Rd by the municipal “worm" m. gm“ . ling? evelryx hjariébai treason is crime and‘l' ‘ , . _ i t . . . . ion 9 81-93 .- .. ‘. ' “._I, '; r voru sxou :1 er ll! penalty. . left Washington for flipringlfiiltl on-ang mum of. the American people. No manigob‘lofinilfi'; ”s3l3233;ligiujfigtgi-frg While we are nppnlled and overwhelmed at . All? morning. lu‘ld wore received I'- Boitl- IfVL‘Y‘Oam“ suddenly ‘0 power With—ll plain' 'prehensiou (\f G g Adler-L“ tom t' p. ‘ ‘he '9” clone man In our midst by ”IQ hand of more Illthi sin ho nra— ii im let path Micro him than that which lies ' ' ’i e ‘mesl‘lu‘lmrv’mnwe a110w,.l ““8 not "lull won -3 h a memo ll d P T b _ L . 1 'belore the new President. ‘ And‘ no one ca. 0 oft 0 “9°“: one or 500““ 3 3000 mm pans, to attempt the life of the State with im _l'prooesalon. ficl. 0n Filthy evening thrihtécd chr for a moment that the rebellion pltoes. _ ’lweutyzfive EllOllMDd donuts Ter‘punity? While he strain our mindsto compre-‘ .9 ruched Harrisburg. there the highest; in w “in "Whigs by the an”, 05 Pm» ‘l;er Will b 5 IN“ {0" the IPPPFIIeMIon of 5 bond the enormity of the nai'llllnntlon, ‘bnll ‘ honor: _lere allo beatodred. ~On Saturday ; dent Lincoln or by the accession to power co‘li'ilpdliigs llgzgletihlngt'lfiapfqlifiogms flfl- i welall'oivkthe nation to be «instituted-gt i Ive 'fl: ' ' ' 'ofAndr "Johnson ' u , ‘ .' . ‘ "~3 PM SP”- 1“ no Splrltf‘of unlundnens. leave “gtgnzglgsiait Philadelphia. whet-in: ° » “3 b” 5 ”9"“ for any information that. shall couduce ml the errhta of the future to be disposed of as v ‘ . i nine. in n epen .I the nrrcst of either of the above izaniedlfhey arise. Regarding myself as the humble .noa flail, until 4 o'clock mi, morning. criminglaor theiracgomphcea. Allperaons‘instrumcnt QFILhe American people, in this, as and u,“ be conveyed to New York-from. harboring gr mutt-tag the said persons. or I In 11l thdinbzs,3huetice itnddjudg'meul shall be de . , : oi er 0 t cm, or of ing or assisting their-""31“ y! em. 0 not harbor him-r or ;hl¢h the route will be through Albany. concealmentarescape, "in botreated as .0. "vengeful feeling: toward: any. In general 9M, Cleveland. Columbus. Indianapolis, oompliceo inltlie murder of the President. . mm!» l would my that public morals rhoulrl I ”d thugo to Springfield—reaching the and the ottempteddassauination of the Sec-iba."§t"}lll§b;fl upon the sure and infaliable‘ at. f - . . I . .reta oi Suite, an shall be eub'ect to trial ‘ 9”“ P‘“ ° 3"“{°°‘ ‘ l to: during the eprl) put of next wee]. befoza Military Commission arid the pun-l When tthquestion ofexercising mercy comet 'irhment ofdeath. Leuheslain of innocent. bfl?" ““5 V will. ll” mmmemd “‘lmly ““l i“- Ilbiood be removed from the land by the ”_l dicinlly. remembering that] on: the l'lxetuiire Erestdand nunirhment of the murderer. All gage“:“mixtmieingrifflnrfg.{Lfiliifi'lh‘zg t’ - . .. . [533‘ c 3):;‘13: 0:253:13 _cgfierwlgfi alibi]: of mercy. and how may it is to yield to this im loouaider his own condolence yh ' :1- uh l pulse. But we mul- notlorget that. wbnt may this salon: d t l t c ."Ee 3"! ho merry to the Individual is cruelty to the nor d nil 2;; m" “I‘. gleam” "'Sh‘l State. In the exercise of mercy there ahould 3y “9‘ ‘ acoomp l‘ - lhe no doubt ten thnt this high prerOgntire is E' M- STA‘VTON- . not need to relieve a fewot the apron of mu — J ny. Be assured lahall nerer forget that l om. ‘ l not to consult my own tooling: alone, but to give an account to the Whole people. i In regard to my future canine, Iwiil nor make no profelsions~no pledges. [have been connected somewhat actively with public in; fairs, and to the history of my past. public. actgl which"ia}amiliar Logan, 1 refer for thosepriue ciples which havegm-crned me heretofore and will gnide in; hérenfter; hr genemlJ will any thatl. havclong l'nbored for the nmeliotafiion and elevation of the great mass ofmnn'xiu . My opinion” to the unture of populnrgovern- . roe-it have long been cbrrished; and constitu ted aaII am, it in ncw'too late in lite to change them. lbelieve tbnl the governrneut was made} for man, not men for government. his struggle of the people :igunst the most ‘ gigantic rebellion that the world‘ever saw him demons'rated that the attachment of the “0- ‘ plc to their gorernment is the strongest nn-_ tionai defense ham in wisdom can devise. So long aa'each nun feels that the interests oftho goveranmentare hisilllfl'l‘filfii Solongu th‘e pub lic heart turns in the right direction and the people understand tin-i appreciate the theory of onrgnrcrnment and love liberty, our constiJ tntlon will he transmittrd unimpaired.~. If the time ever comes when the people lhall fall it, ihe government will fall and we shall ceasrto be one of the carious of the earth. . - After having preserved our form of inc gor-‘ eminent. sud'ahown its po‘ur to miiutaiu it: existence through the riciesitndcs of ntariy a century, it may be that it was nc-gerury for u: to pass through this last Ordeal of intestine strife to prove that. this government will ever mad able to defend itself agaiuat all foes, and punish trroron. . . In the dealings of an immutable Provident»; and by the operations of lhe'Cuusllultlun,l hare been thrown unexpectEdl)’ into this puni tion. 31; past life, and especiailj in; ,uour.e during the present. unholy rebellion, is before 3om~ l have no principle to retract: ‘l defy on} one to point to any of my public acts at vuiuce with the fixaderinciplu which have guided me through life . - - l have no profmionsto ofl'er. Professions and premix“ would be worth nothing it: this time. No one can foresee the circumstances that‘vifl hereafter stile. Hod my man gifted with prescient». {our your: ago uttered and written down in advance the mat: on» pe riod, the story would have mediums”- vcloul than anything in the Ardiiui Rights.— [‘11: not attempt to Inficipato the future.— Sc {Emixfi'rn I= OUR sl.on ‘I. I. "an, IDH‘OI up nonlnol awry/sauna, PA MONDAY MORNING. APRIL 24. \lph Jlr. Seward’: Cond:‘{ion.7All the: scc- M: from Wuhington represeht Mr. Seward’s condition In favorabla to his recovtln-y, and Aven’hil bon’s symptoms are more hope fill. _ The phyligians say that‘the wound: inflic ~ led upqp the Secrgury down lly‘lside of the flu ban greatly/reduced the ihflammuion md “to putiem’s suffering caused by the .fmtnred bones fxom his previous mjnry.- They also expr'ess the opinion (hntfiha sim ple oontriunce of mljuating hi: 14m in. w vim, which had just‘been applied, undmmdl; pruexglb‘ditbe Issézuin’s bhdo fr'oln layering the artery. - Gyhu «57323 on the mrfacoof the» wires qhei’o the edge bf the digger had smlck them. ' .V ' Lfingular GniniML~lL is curinul um is? thixd insu‘m‘of (ha‘aupgg’yaiou of: ~ c 9 Ptuidem to the vacant. chi! of the Meat- il tau-Red. u were w. two for- our finances. by the fact. min the vacancy couch in tho 0:1ny par; of (We term ‘of 6M PmidentHarriquiuauéurfléd Much 4, 1841. had died in of (Loam gag-. 55.. month nfm‘ h' inflation—Q Wt'fiylor was inaugurated eight yen-i _htnr..uncb 4.1849. :nd died July 9. of Ith. nus you, About. :6 610 mm unen- enter h‘nponoflee. President. Lincoin was innu {fluted for the mound term on eroh 4. .1835; and an killed April 14, less lbw too _‘ M 35: UM um~ commecmeat of the term of 080.. —_—— ¢ (ho-_— -—'.~ x fill.- meeting of the gemocrgfio ‘3" man of the. city or Wis‘hingqn, Chart“ . E‘qq president, resolutiiznl «31:: j .6”.ijst sdoptcd yicdging uni: efl'otig ‘ “Mandi” pubishmmmnmm . . of mm ”racing; camel. MW. 'l’. ‘8; Storage. 9:. Chmgs Mm. F. A. Amp, Wm: Hurray: “lupin and W. J. Mxl~ 10?. “I’m!” dmud lb, Maoist son. de- Mgh sl37oka mini 22m mi thinking "83“”: ' ' ‘ , "Tbofibnrnonofindima. Jimmy, 31' York wd Xenia-us, hgvo‘hwed vac-lamina: on a» “55w. at the 2m}, dept’o “negate. _' ‘fi-Atiernu bu: Mn Irm'téd in Md, - . .w', - >m~sm.¢‘mw The Pbihdelphia Age, Dexfiocrntic, mys: ~ In guchgan emergency. it is the solemn duly 0! every gbgd eltiaen to be as calm‘ as pouilale. This is a moment for the exer cise at: true patriotis n and fortitude,— ngen perils fun-round the ship, that. vessel is salon which holds upon its deck a crew ({eeffrom pamo and passion. We belieVe thst the same onvidence that watched over'un in the past, will‘proteot us in the future. We belse’i‘e that under lli's guxdin‘g are, un Rtrnnuc will emerge from its present gloom.‘nnd grappling triumphantly with all It’s Town will live in glory and gran deur "pntil the latest syllable 0! recorded time.” The men of all parties and shades of opinion must um? stem-ly uhite in up. holding th‘emmfof the new President in the perférfignhce' of :ll hi: comtitutifinal functip‘ns, lint]. aiq mm, with evvry pan-iot lc fmpillig; le'ni’a‘tli‘fllcult' path he i: called upqn {O-tfelfl“: ZGod'gtva hirngtreugth' Ind wisdom to meét’lhe crisisu“ ~ ' ‘ mu.- -P3ilnd‘elph§a ‘Evcning Burma}. cur bro-ghfki'uefioxpmsex the {digging opiuign I! 39.15. xfuty 014113 Amerépun peofde at’gjufidzhoun: , _ . LAWEBBEMEN.’ ~ We :ILfecL'thM. A. 3 “ Oobfullen low bath undo hil mulnpiuo !‘ Mast mrikgiomtmniu huh broke Open ‘ Tthox-d’uado‘lmerl temple (dd Itole thence The ufioimehnildingfil _ ~ ‘ By! whiie we mourn, fo'r‘tb'e illuitrious dead, und‘fed'all that. men shénld feel of detesutlon. for the most wicked and dam tnrdly crxme on reconL -. us remember that we ofie 3' 5012 mm duty to the nation. It mayh: urged thud in (in Mint: to be “Wise. mn'd», umpemte LndJarious, 1.6).! and mum] in t moment" < ’ But we mun. act with wisdom I: well u with feeling. 3 There must be na.king for victims w satisfy the honest. indignn. tion of the people : there must be no mob hing. no rigging. inshore; an uncut. Th 4 law Mug» supreme. or in thin great crisis chm m." avorwhuhn m, and our and-fen ed frehrygs bring upon as the unit/Im} wreck'g; mm wbxzb traitor emu hue {filed to'nccomplisb. If the ‘great c'rizug tint hmhmifled the nauun‘m the rem}: at: (13 'beralely Ilia plMS'lhfx very result. nabquén_m€ pfifié‘filaud 'o! the con spinqaufiabd '9 mpg}; 163! this portion of (is viviok‘edscbemeby an»; like unsg. his aunt! («bearing dust-us. a well as like lndigaam md‘hoxrooing men. Lanna luv. good orde'id‘tb‘o luyd‘iod-patriouc Rout: aadbtoarblbh (nu wbgrube} :ra merited. K IG‘On Tuesday ‘ho rebel [gs-Mixer! n. Paint‘liookoyt, thrifigh their “meant-s of diybigna; paged ruéluuoul. representing Iho‘ voice of 22.009 reblélprison’oro. expm . Sag thair lbhorren’co cube mimuon qf QahfiMnfi-amhir warm sympathy m Radian-ad? (unity. The mall:- Ham lONIO‘IO mm mm Wu- Dupe-9‘ meat that}? Gnu-II Dunes, :be com~ maid“; al. aim Lookcuc. - f?" 134%»? .y w .‘—;%4§’~~Wd§'~‘m#:i “ (2*; :1” mar: 37 'l‘: u: f“- "?filwm—.g~:wnr ammy‘rifiqmngraf®fi£zssWw:Q‘Wfibfiflivmwfiw :7. fl «7; L 4 , , , ‘ . ‘ \- ‘ , r , "u“ __ . .. '7 , . THE NEW PRESIDENT tn. cznzuoxr or I!AL‘GUMflOD{-nls xxsnx.‘ unox snxcn. Wanna-ran, April 15.~Al 1n early hour this morning the .Hon. Elwin M.l Sunlon. Secretary of War. sent. an oficiuli pomm‘tiiwjoufio Ibe'Hon. ‘LAn‘dqew Johnoi non, Vice Pneflident. that in cbhsequé'nce ofx the sudden nnd.unexpebte}l death of le' Chief Magistrate, his Inaugurati'on shdultl take place 35 soon as possible, and request-‘ in: him to state the place and hour at; which the ceremony Ihould be performed. } >Mr. Juhmon Immediately replind that, it: would be agreenble to him to have the pro-x ceedings take place a! bio rooms in we! Kirk'wood Homo, as soon as arrangements. coulil he perfected. l Chief Justice Chase wu informed of, the fact. Ipd replired _to the appointed place‘ imcompnny will: Secrezgry McCulloch, of} the Treasury Department, Attorney Gem-r -nlSmd, F. P. Blair.‘Br.. Hon. M. Blair“ Benito" Foot of Vermont. Rummy of Mm; ne'mu, Yates of Illinois, Stewart offiryada. i "'le of New Hampshire, and General \ Farnswonb o! l’llmois. . 5 At ll o’clock the oath ofoflcc was ad-: ministered by the Chief Justice of the Uni-,- ted States. in his u§ual solemn Ind imprea-I Give 111396". 1 Mr. Jobnsan'reoeived the kind expats” aionx of the gentlemen by whom he was surrounded in IL manner which showed his nine-st sense cf the great responsibility so‘ suddenly dcrolred upon hlm. :qu made a brief-speak, in which ho said : l 3' I‘he’dntiu.‘ of the alike are mine; I will patios-m them. The consequences am with God. Gauguin. 1 shun lam upon you.—. I feel am 1 mu need you: Bupporl. I am denply impxuild lith the mlenjnily of wel mm, and the ruponsibilily of the du‘ - he- ofthcnfiu I an naming." ' ’, WWI-‘3’. 3. Kelly his beer :ppointed’ {W n Induick city, 11¢, yieo Dr”. Jab. Wed. ; —r——~o-o—-;———- ' ‘Tho Kuhviui pape‘u’ when“ the I deuh pf Andrew Jackson. Jr., the a‘lopzed um 01 General thon. ' . . A l A; ere-nu occur. and i: become: “was": for; mgto act. I shall di‘nose of each an It "hex. defining any dermrmon or manage u“?! H tan be wriuen.pnragr:v.ph W paragraph, in mg; lighl‘l events an the: transpire. i _,.A__~_ .. M.” CAPTURE OF MOBILE ! On April 9th. the Federal troops enztur. ed Spanish Fort, on the en‘tern aidoo Mo bile bay. and about eight miles below the city. The garrison“ consisting ol three thousand Coniederatm. was aiso captured. Thin fort being the key to the defenses of Mobile. the Confederate hoops at once abandoned the cst)’. and retreated north along the Alabama river, protected by their gunboata. The Ffldrrni advance entered. capturing three hundred cannon. The We of Confederate retreat lakes them'rli rectiy in the course pursued by Gonerni Wilson's Federoigavnhy expedition, which is marching southvhlong the Alabama river, taw'ardn Mobile. The number of cannon surrendered it! General Lee, with his army at Appomattox Court House, w one hundred and seventy. Seven hundroasswagons were ulso surren dexed. The number of.pnsuen asked for the Confedémte army was ‘36 thousand so that this number cover: the Whole num ber of troops surrendered. General Lee, on April 9th, gave his parole. Ind since then has been at liberty. The labor of pa roling the Confederate army began on April ‘ ' ' ' '"eu infor‘ a». \\.. ‘ ' to :1 reuhnry upon Gen. Leé's terms, is true. a—Agp ‘ Wednesday. , I ‘ his a Jed that Genomls Sherman and Johnson ‘ eto nun-”tut Chapel ”111. Nnflh Carolina. lb miles “Tat of Ruhigh, on ‘April 15. A Mia mN-li'hg nn-nngr-menls were nmdtl fnr ‘agurrentlux o! Johmmn's army. Jnhmmn M retreated from Ra leigh to Hillsbom. {hwy-five 'milernonh west. On April 14 Sherman's advance nus west of It’deigh. \‘herman met with fut {ilfle opposition in tke capture of 31- Teiuh. The Confederate navy ynr\ nuke at llnlifo. ten Imles sou \ has been 4]»:er ryed. [I wing no u for it, the Confeilernlvs nhundnnen gunhouts werjf‘dr'rlru‘xyed in the nu, .\losehy suh‘cnplored with all bk .. General Chapman. commanding at 89, vine. in the Shenandoah vnflgy. He recer\ ed the same terms M were gmm‘ed Lee?—-‘~ It is report-'6l that. Rom-r has prbposml to surrender his cavalry commmd.-—AJe of ‘E-iday. . l DIS'RBANCE OF THE 31131416 PEACE. , The square on Chesnut street! between ‘Fourth and Fifth. pnrticulnrly in front of the AG: other. which occupies a building ¢' about the centre of the rquare, was on Sat ! urdnytlaat the scene of intense excitement, [inexplicable on any principle of common {sexism Early in the morning. the new. of ‘ the horrible crime against the nation com ;mitted by the deliberate mnrdm‘ of P 7305“ (dent Lincoln having reached ‘us during the .previons night,‘ our flag was displayed at sllqu mast. nnd duped with crepe, to ex“ press our sense of what we cannot but re-, igerd as the greatest misfortune, the most‘ terrible calaniityythat could have befallen jour land. Some pastors by reeing this—J i (and we have charity enough to hone that! at that early hour they had not .yet heard' of the murder ofthe Pregidrnt, or had nail , brains enough to connect the dirplay with‘ lthat appalling event)-—bccmne intensely‘ i‘excited, and propose!) to others who soon! ‘oollected in considerable nowhere to tear} down the ting, and with it. the office. 8001),, howéver—ns the sad news stirred—4ll6; crowd saw our exnnple followed in evoryi direction. ew ry 9 :5 up and down Chosnut; stre tassuming the same sombre dmpery,‘l and it dawned upon their intelligent minds-i lthntperh‘aps, afzer all, tlrore‘wns no Intent} “reason in pnying such tribute of respect tol l the dead. ‘ ’l‘uis seemed to reduoe‘ them to: 3comparative quiet for n winle, a‘nd'theyf l were grew dispersing, “lieu some run-l ‘ licious so drels nssc—rtrd that the An: ,had ”pressed gratification at. the assassinn-‘ iltion on’ne President L Of course this wusl utterly false, and not only so but precisely} the reverse of the truth; and the proof of; its falsehood being accessible in thousands; of copies of the paper. the originatom of it» ,mmthne relied largely upon the ignorance‘ fol" those whom they taught thin to infiu-i 'ence. The stories answered the purpose of; their dastardly authors. For hour: the: ‘ crowd continued to augment in frontof thei ofiice. uttering threats stimulated by COW ards who desired to urge other: to the comv mission of crimes which their malignity suggeated but two: which their creven 1 hearts *ank. In the early part of then proceedings a email party of police Appeared It the office, and were distributed in end :rnund thei building It point: that would ennhio them‘ efl‘mtimly to check any demonstration thati might He made. This wassoon followed upi by n stronger party under Chief Buggies.{ and the appearance at the Mayor in person, tirith hi; omcial silver mace. commanding] and enforcing the pence. The new tome! Mas soon juiliciouniy posted sons to block uti'the crowd, who were pressed East and West to the intersections otflesnut with Fourth and Fifth streets, fro hich points they gradually dilpefled. ‘ Thus ended one of the most ceaseless and utterly incxcn‘nl his attempt: to act the Inn It. defiance that we have ever witneued. Not one of then engaged in gtimuleting it, we Venture tony, could give a rough for itthat «he woman“ ' be ashamed (if—probably not one, now am he ’know- the Mama at theutntement‘ res-aims m can or “I. An} z‘lirldi show was. {or ante-ling onein r_ n and count: of ting taper. We think 33, public‘ tuli- 13109 with us tblt the ebullition WI! anything, but «editable m thei promplen; . In" ”lg pmmptggmggu S: Ifih simply very I ' .__ conl'empfiuelthd vel'y llgpld. . ; EDTLER‘S PIASCO lszrißn 0.1"”? dmi'ss :hm mam;- mamas; At Fort Flaken'u gamed; .mmr Ml fimfi. amamshwmamgzr u «mm-dew mm- m... °‘." Guy Ind the {out of police detailed by “w! hairdw: m'm ‘ bx: ordnr for film audition, performed their} TERRY AND PORTER“ "CTORY wholeduly. Mayor Henry repaired prnmpt- more complote, pcnoc‘ and glorious, inn ch |y 10l the Seenodtiiwrder. and by hie por- conqum “Me"; by '. 30"“ Preoeuoe Ind intro lid bearing contrin . . buted lurgely toward allluying lhé excitegl OR‘STADOROS "MR 3?. ‘l' went. The judicious plans of the Mayor over gr”, ud Il‘ld {lndy had: 0 m. h. for lhe disposition of his forms. which were} 0533110“ 5“ ‘5 ‘1?“ 0‘“ “I 5" minutes, rgndered efl‘ecmnl by complete orgnfilu-l land A mugnificent brown or blnck, .1011] Ind Normand pzoxlfxp: nhlilfiintelligsnt obegiencoflvnmuml, Ink” its plan. Aluminum-ed by J. on epm a he 0 cars nu mm '5 0 , CIzIsTADORO No.6Aator Home New York. the lorce, s eedxly 2M9 the officers o! the' '1 . x ‘ ' law “mm Peonlrul over ”me who wue Sold by Druggms., Apphed by :11 Half seeking to violale it—nnd they were almost Dmficu‘ . _ ,‘“,-__ (“will 1“ mnmmly, masters of the animation. For, A iIVGLE BOX OF BRANDRE‘I'H"! PILIB {he eulzre cilv, to which lhoy have,|hul I - ‘ . ‘ ' rendered a selrvice that will be recognized [v conlmnl more \‘Pgellblo ulucuve mutt" by all friends of law and order. and for om"; "I“ WGD‘)‘ 501“ 0f “H. 113!" in “'9 world “elves. wlxp are more dixectly intereswdtg b€sidfl3 fifty-five hundred physicians me than ‘elllllt’lrgcfsxti‘s; Ind“::ugtlhadtéonfikaab‘tmir‘!ev- in their pmtin lo (hp exclus'mf: of our." cord to Lh'efrhdnorr-Philangér-f Manny}. P“"“"""' 1"“ ““3 ‘9‘" °““°” "M " " ! yet. scnrcely Ipyrocmlel}. Whoa may no 'brurr known sudden death And‘ conlinuui ’ sickness will be of the put. Let ilnou who know them ape-k rlglll om 'rn their hunt. in CUL‘IIT.——Th9m was not much businen of i: a duty which will an life. impnrlanc'e tun-acted in Court Inst weeks—l Our race are subject to I nduhd-ncy M On Monday, slur the Inn»! preli+lnnry buli- ‘ vitined bile at this "you, Ind it 19 I: dun ness, Court. adjourned, out of reqpect fo‘r the: Remus u it in pnvnlbnt; but anndreth'n {Appropfiate ' I’m: mom an innlnsbh 9nd efficient prone. ‘Fisher and tion. By {heir occasional use we preven‘ thq Lblersnnd D. I\mtdlt-Niun of Rhone impurities, whh‘h, when in {an impres-l Buninon! qu»\ntilitl,-cnune to nine!) dung" to the bédy'u beans. Shey soon cute “1" com-‘ filaint. dypeplia, lou of appetite, pliu in the. hen-l, hart-burn, pain in the Luau-bone, indden fnihtneu Ind.couivenuu. . SulJ' by J. C.3Gu‘mn & Blot. Gonyzbnrg. ymd- by 11l rnpcfctuble dealers in medicines. [.\pr. 3. lm nu'd wus (image-i on hull] pi-Ic—a fnnlry and char H] on in (h:- «m‘ onynlry. .\IoSt ozfom ran-inlet! w-‘n ed at [he umc'nnd could not ‘zm lost “bout. ldb‘k‘flhnl, wuuudéd‘xnk Corp. 1:90. SUM, “'m. .\eruir. W John Xlrrriug. Tutor Mme. 04 and Aaron Fun-e, w'our c‘nmpan’; ing. Urdu!)- Sfirganl L. Breniz} ed in the bend with a snhre HAL. uu a flesh wound in my e.buw by Q 1‘ \I-j ,r-Bell and In lln: other offiv \onxlbe Roa \ nf\\'eldnn, \ r 1196: use ( 't. TWn u 'ynk n' to R ry ‘e ._ . TUE 133 T” P. V.-—The losa ‘ment on the :lJ of April was I l lwuundcd. 0n the (ill) of .\pril Khim-d rm! 3' wmxudrd. Sprg. [John Orrangl Jou‘vh W. Linn. n .Wcre \ligmly wou‘udmf uu :‘ne 2‘ '6 ha n 0 lulu. [ln [he 31!: m {Hm-Ix? of Conlynny G, wu. Lnlh \V. ARM, qr Company B, wounded \ 7 WCnpt. Nérfin‘l Complmch abou} two week! \xgn fnr Roma ('., to join the “ng Reglmcn their pusaage llnough Mlimon, we understand, prestu‘eafckeir (‘ bL-nutiful ‘swurd, inshand ka, esteem. \ DHATH’ OF \V. SHPHYKISG, b. Picking, Euqf, Clerk to [be ('l)h|l‘ll;i>l\b\ York conmy, dird '1“. his IN‘QI’DK’I‘, in uh rough, on Emmi-y morning Lug am: a Fgerigg'iilneu of Bt;‘érnl mutrlhs. .\lr. {'ickifi) ‘ ML: 1. uromiueut and cq’nsiiwm Demon“ nix-l :puXiliclnu in this county. and WM quiive m." ; sud favorably known upd Md several respon. Hib‘le offices. Ha m. one ml}: n-pren—nted the 4 county in the Legisiammk't’or seven! years J be mu I. Clerk ln’t'xe House 3,1 Harri-burg... ‘On His relhi'u ‘0 his late home, in 90mm tow:- ; ship, he wu elected I! )unics (I: the Peter, his term of five your! expiring du 'ng‘ the pH'p-j [ll-m mnnlb, nml lot going nix or seYen years In.“ fined the cm: of ohr}; to the Uomxniuinneun ‘ Ha- loss mum,- felt by a large family and mmj‘ l’uy friends and quusinlunceq. ‘ili‘iq rennin! } were‘mtcncdm mesdcm Churchmezu-th'e bnr- { , ongh ofDnvex-qoalcr‘lay. Ind Mire bin-pd} at. tcnfird: in Bucking urns Aged a u 56 )‘CU'J. 1 ——York We ofTuaday. . . ‘ fi‘l'he German nemma‘i‘cu Ergnlimfbff this ylacelavo just mndl- their bv.‘ med pastor,‘ 1 Rev. W. R. H. Dentrich, nnmheli prevent, in] medium. or a‘ new suit. uf elolfiing,'cosljng , $6O. Such .grjtleqcea of_ «'th m 1 h'gdfd: speak wrli‘fmpngonnnd peopl‘e. . _._—.~_ .___, —__—~.J—..__—‘ nay-Pb. Dim-ice. Provost Stitch“; have been directed to cause recruiting inwnflmg. The disc‘ontinmncc of drafting? and, other semi-civil. mifimrj' openlionn 0* recruiting, will when {mm duty thou: scveély thousand persons—proves: mnrsb‘ds, enrfilmeut offi ce", dclcclives, 31c. ' _.«L ' @Senuor ISO-ter; d Conn, lite} meg Vice I’tuitfien o! the'Uaitod Shues.. ‘ ‘ 38‘8“)“ {Bantam Circus iwiu éxhihit in this place xo-dty.‘ ~ L .’ ‘ Boga, tho'Amui.-u .ppmp from {sou coming 10mm um the mum {crime com mittal by Booth ran long mum-ted; that be bud made threats to that. efi'ect in Bar um, Néw YoxkfiPhiladelphfl ma pm.- burg, and Um. he was man! limes arrest } w! {nr'tbrsah or treason-8T43 éxpronionn. but through friends or his auédmg s|! 30" ciety was released. The Boston Gum, of Saturday the 15th, contained} this follow ing: : “Thurslhy who): the ”main an; in BM ton and grin moody and missmhropio. Ha made "on-fr all~hia property to‘b'u mum tome .Iwo vice-Ii: uince. find announced. ht intention‘br:joixning (be Uonfedbnte mun, 1 Indeed,j_hoa_e who knew him :beu. 10c” canfident “:9:th has commjtdeuuiciqe. ; 1 - “One of the most frequent dumbing J. Willie-(Boot? in “arr?“ ,vds t I touowin ram in um ‘ n _ '13); M m:’ "Effie during yanlhpcfiy ‘M‘flg’ Britain}! demo. out!“ it! may“? youth-«119m «Jpn» > .2 r_, >-—~——~\-« -¢O.l>~—-—‘- 1—- " . fil‘he plague ba- hokeu out: i; Rusk. ' 10m & quv'fiy. be m: Premium (Facade, Eu Judge )ch‘lmn. E. B. Bu‘ The one-Labia wan a: given mom: to 0:1 Ming several xxx-gum eran. (co!ored,) con-1 of In tumult upoi‘ «d .\lc“illnn, by shoe! with n piatol, was ham‘s Cqurt 11:3. ‘ icxed a: thei Ms luhmfl. in g nt him’ enlcnced m ' lug ”be! In ‘Hr'l- I.) who! ‘u (ficflmuunl “l ‘un k). “'o' M pri-Inm-H. Inn, HALF}. We) Crarn-r. 1')“ me min.— r i 4 Wuunll in] l Lem-Her! islu‘. bdl _— rs lure Safe." in [Hi ngi fillud and I). ‘n-ro u «re .4 ((.nyaily I; i l'uylpdn} Apri‘l Elm! d. and L'ovp ‘ .19? Flight” \ . ‘C' IMENI :1 Uurviflmxg i' Mum), N. , P. V. on he company, ruin with u !MEE '. .—-\V..“. I Mr” (J ‘lfi; be. \‘\!l’ EPEBIAL‘ Naflclsp 1m: om.” £565.15!) mam-2m: Fun Jun“ L‘unn‘; Cnnnxu'np Fun 1: Plus. l'repnu-d from n pnwxiptiuu or Mr .I. ('lurke, )1. IL, l‘byicizm tun-ordinary m llw Qua-n. This imalunblv nudwiue is my. “filing in flu: cure u! all Hume willful and dnngeruuu digcnac. to‘whirh \hn lvumll gon- Milil‘ion id ruljwt. l 1 mouthw- n'lan-I «m! rrnnoua all (Ibblluclmur. Mud I ”mt-Ty .~..rr Inn} in: yeficd’ um ' _ 'lu .\Xn-riccl Lavliru il 39‘ pct-11333597} suiluL—a ll “ill. in In short tum-,1 rizg ‘ n‘lhc uuiuu 7; pl [End vulh ninth-HI). lavh \wllle,‘4.rive one [ln]! I', luau 1i:- mnrtrgm-m Sunny of “I'an {iril.lu.(u [11"- \rnt L‘nnmcrh'i Au. L‘u‘nuL—wae {'ills' durum um be‘ SAL u i,_\ b‘uunlw during 1!»,- rusr ‘rnun unfin! nf l'rrguuucy, as (he, an sure to bring on .\lm curu‘mgv. hu-l ul 3m) other time the} Are “In. lu‘ujjghh‘li'h r\ uu~ :mdslnunl Ann :iuu‘. I‘nin-a mflw find .11“! LHIJI", hgigne on plight. I‘m-Him». l'nlpimliuu,ol the “null lfyslrriy -, n'ud \Vhilea, thue I'llla “ill cfleu n run- him: .1“ oxiu‘r mcunn lmw hi!” : "ml ulunuugh I Mme-r u} rruwd), du Iml vomuin irg-u. rulunml. “mu-.A.};nr un_\~lhw;l.umu‘. 10 lb: scum“.- lim'. ‘ ‘ Ful_l lir- ('tiom in IL. pmnphlrt “ruin-l ("I ’1 “db-gr, \\ hi: h :huyid he mm m), H"? v \ld‘. 50” by it” Uruggiuu. Sulv Agun (ur mo L'uiztd unusual L'uxnuln. Jt-B .\L SLE'H ('or’XxlnhS ...\'.\" .\'. !¥.-—sl,‘ O um! 6 rostfigr :lulxlgvs nm )1: «J u- rn} nulhui‘lrd Ayn m wxll inn-Im- u bulllr, rmrraini: ('.-O'I'JJ, ('\ “'qu 1: viii. .\u u ly A. I). limllier. {Von Hfl'fiM. I 5 UH. “ARSRALL h‘ L' \T:\ ('.R'l hfiY'FZ' Thu :‘hu \1 hm- manna.” lu‘m «~.‘. 1150‘}? if! “a m;- hmil “rm Xe anv n Our run my Ihn- LnL n b, Paid in thv [lnd and H-adu‘he. hhm tom-n hand an «Ln-Hull rum-. 3 in mm} C an" M humbly". lk-uxuré: Lnr hrrn tm and by“, m] Hm" Ir 01' In J) l A ’ J. 1% I] [he tn ll nrlwic su- Imu- cult klw“ mmmuu dinmm cl‘thc lic-«:1 4m" .2 Perry, Bolton: Herd, Ausmn & Cm, liostcu; Brown. Lnnwou l (‘o , lymoufll rd. Pull” & CO.,,HonLon; Sx 1h W. 1"; air, human; \Vilwn, Fuirhahk k (30.. Human; “mum“, Emu-and .! CO., “nylon; 11. N. Hl}, Purnmm, .\lr; ‘lhrucs k Park, .\'tw \‘urk: A. I) (c I'. Hunt“, New York; S:"pht:n Paul J: (‘o , .\rw Yolk; lmwl Minor & Cm. Sm Yuri: .\h-Kxs - 3 Robbimi, New York; 3.1.. N-uu'J 3"0, Sew YJrk: .\l. Wgrd, Close 8 l‘o., Ne-v‘i‘ork; hmh : (Me, New York. ,- Fur find: by all Drugg'mo. Tr) ‘n .\'.“. H; U 564. ‘ly , ‘mn'roxz nl;_cmmr.m. an 5151- With your vermin-inn l wi-h lo 13331 e r den ofyuur pup»- “my I u jll "My _l [.3 "mm mail, tu all who 11,331) n. (hat): Roy -4 ceipv. with full dirtfliuns fur Inlki/x and mu } mg a simple chnz-Me Balm, um will eflvu } unlly rrmovefig tn: dtfl. Puéplu. Blah-ha, ‘ Tun, Frecklei, Img mil Impuriliu nfune Skin, ‘mu'ing the um‘é mg, clear, smooth and bun-‘5 timl. ' x - ’ l'will alto. run“ In! to thone lining Ball 31‘ ml), or Blue Flu-ea, Simille direvtiam Ind in tum-xion that. will enable‘mum z ‘llnrlnA-{ull growth ofLuxuflnm lla‘nr, \Vhiabtg, min. Haus mcho'. in lets than ”THU day. . , Au apylicmium tinnwucd h,- ntnrn mail mum!“ xhagg'e‘. Reapwfuny you", _ '1 ”US. F. l‘H.\l'M.\X, Chbmiht, ‘ as! Broudl’nj', New York. m. :1, 1863. am. ‘ ‘ IF rut: “‘AST TU. How A ”pl: of even-min; rel-ting to the hnmu ._umn, name andncumlc; the cares mamm mcnt. o! diseases; :11: maniac wswm of m. wotld; how to marrywell not! I wound things nevu- pubmhed baton, read me xe \-ised and enllrgcd cdfciun uf "llcdjcnl Cum. man Sense," :5 ,c'urio'un bunk [or curiuus pvo~ ple, and a good book fur cur) one. 400 lug", 200 [Hunk-rims. I’l ice fit s'). Con tents üble sen! he: to In; widths. Bbfih may be bad at the Book storcn, or will be “'s‘ by uni}, you paid, or: receipt unhe prict.'- Addrgn ' E. unruom, M. 0-, ,”' Jun. 30 6m 1130 Broadway, N. ‘- THE BRIDAL CHAMUWL ' A note of tuning and advice "5 that!!! faring vmh Semi“! Wuhan, Gan-ll p.- bility, or’l’rcmnuro .Dccsy, from Whalzvnj cum produced. Bead, panama“ reflect! Be win in time. ' A - ‘ ' Sent FREE to any “dress, for gha M or the annexed. Sun by return in“. Ann" JAMES B. BRTLER, ~ _ 429 Broads-Iy, .\‘. Y. -*'¢«9 >~ « ‘ April 1’). 3m WHISKERS ! !! Those wishing I he lot of vbiakul, 3 file. moustache, or I Mama! hc‘ad of glossy hair, will yin” read the curd of T 303. I'. CHAP MA), in “other ppn of this puper.‘ MIA: Molt In": Revival—A mob a! mural, mfli-nl destroyed the WW Union can. It Pomlnomb, N. 11., an 'l'ueadny-ftermon.° Mr. Footer, Ibo editor. bu! I phin‘ my of Mb‘lfDemocnfie truth, that an Admin iumipn bckeyl didn’t hke;nnd : flag of mind's" obuiuod to mm- n 11:; In a] could nag WE f ligament"~ \Vo taut “a” fig")... up Winfimin _.Egptodu b) .159 [lme me right; 9“: In. yen- and» “fiction- It“ figs-”Ah “I butt? MW “3.? ..., ~. you by unnotieod md alumni-had: =MN LIBIS3
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