-w -’ 4‘ saw ”M ~__ -V___:.==;.- CL p I'_Bl ii fig ‘s' ““3?! .5 Gino finolfill S———- iugood :éeounlal pm, but. like all men. will sometimes make mm ; and in arm ofhis bills figured up flint ‘8 times 8 nre 88.’ The debtor was not flow in discovering the mihtake and deman did In explanation. Bill examined the ac count: ":4 saw that it was ‘doévu,’ but did he! be lo ndmll it; s?) pulling (m- a bold hen, he “id—“ That's all right.” "How so?" wa- lho Enquiry. “It's; all owlnz to “K infiltion pf the currem- .” said Bill; 9' 0‘ multiplication table, lile‘ everything plu, h: gone up !” ' ‘ Rough, Willy, yet T2me.—-General Kelley. recently captured slop}; with General Crook I mdqle dnsh of film Confedgrnm into _ mberllng, Mnrylnu . was engaged to have muffle? wiLhm a few days, to a lady _ofthnt plmi The next owning afler the gupture, the ngng qt. ,3 tublmu ithe pong, .‘ '“Bo iilud me when he lgft peg" ,whereu I; ‘_' soldier in the audipnm ex plnilpefiond enough to he heard b{ thpqe pound him; “’l‘hal'a a d—ed iéffic Meir-'4 mtime 101m} his daemon." Went.—Contentmem converts eve ry minim" it. w Lh‘qhighmt perfection it p. apt lo pf. It. irrnd'mtes every metal. 9nd ontichealead with the properlil’s of Id; “heightens Imoke into flame. flame Em light, and light. into glory‘; a single my 9“! diul tea pain and melancholy from s4.lm moron whom it falls. In 3110 mm relen’pe mun-ally changes eyery plugeinto {kind of'heavexa. - '4 ' , “-Perln‘ps there is no such striking ex pmple of the decay of a large town trom utters! canne- as we find in the case of the once busy and prosperous village of Nan }ncket, Massachusetts, tQEnty-fivé‘ years 130 the principal seat of the whi-ing busi pm of this country. At present, grass pan it the green: there. and the latent indication of decline is found-in the feet wet of thé two newspapers rublished on the Mend, one has been bong It out by the other, and henceforth The Mirror will be the only sheet printed there. Sic transit. fiA phild asked, “who will; bury the pm. man that. dies.” Perhaps. swbet chug, p’dacendnnt of the little lobin red-breast glut buried the; children in the wood. fißrigham Young is said to be thg father 'of over NO children. W’ Liéfizflfé? CW“- Cumberland—Jacob Lott, (Foreman,) Francis Bream, Charles B. palley. peuylbfigl—ltobm Elliott, Jerome W9ltcr: gaming n—-Hen'ry Smith. _ nnkliu—George'E. [flank-Joseph Lives. Mountbuusnnb—Jncob E. Miller, Joseph L Smith: ‘ . . ' Monnljoy—Mose'a Hartman. ’ . gutter—Samuel Hewitt, George Kime. a -- trnblni—Jonna ltebert, lsmgc Miller." _ ‘ Tyrone—Peter Hummer. . gunman—Simon Altlnnd, .hcob Baker. onowpgo—Adnm Rhodcs. ‘ - Liberty Jacob Eiker. ' Hnlony— John Boblitz. ' , _ lug tunnel Hcinnfd. J fierwlfi p.-,-Snmuel Brown. , enslltn-o—Jos‘eph Cline. . - _ ‘ quiuun Jun. - - . Slrsbln George F. Miller, Daniel If. Bennnr, ' Jule McCpary Jucob Snuders,‘ Joseph Rum-301m BrJoks, Samuel A. Ujllilund John Weru, George Grass. ‘ ilerwlck—George linker. ' .iberty—Jolm Kempgr; Lewis Werlz. amiltonban—John W. McConnell. ranklin—Snnk'uel A. Swope, Gcmrzé Cale, ‘ Samuel Bucher, Samuel Luhr, Jmnes Rus [ 1011, John Lauver. . gCumbefland—lsanc Dem-dorm H. 8. Grammar, ,:_ ‘Jmob Hershey, John Grist. Qattynbnrg—Dnniel l’iucnturfl‘, Dr. Inc. A. Swopc,JVm;J. Blur-Lin. h , Hamilton—George Myers, Charles Kluuk. _ Me Align—Henry Eppclmun, Luther Unshman, gnome Peters; Jacob B. .\lcnls, Sump‘él Crilt’,‘ Gideon Bungbyr. . \ nmingxonr—fiebastinn Fickes, Juhn C. Miller. stimqro—Ar'xdrew Shultz, 11 your.“ lmhm—Henry= Mel orn,-'Frnncis .\l. Busy. ' ‘ . ' greodomq-Dnid Rhodes, Jr.~ ‘ ‘- .’ yronc—George Macklcy, Danirl Trimmer Conrad Bream. ‘ ‘ fixford—Chriatiun Zinn. ' i - oum‘joy—John Eckunrode. Union—Joseph L. Shorb. . hauling—Francis A. Omdorg. puller—William Guise. ‘ Mir. 20, 1865. to ' ' Registers Notice. QTICE is hereby kivcn to all Legnteesnnd 93-13." persons concernedl that the Ad , lhistretipn Accounts hereinafter mentioned ‘ yill be presented u), the inhnn’s Court ,0! Adams county, for confirmation and allowance, pn MONDAY, the‘mh any of APRIL, 1863, ' gut o’clock; A: M , viz: ' ' 119. The firstand final Guardian account pf'Suggel Roth, Guardian of Daniel Slump, 1.9 m child of John Stump, deceased. . The first account of George Flick . ingot and George Lough, Executors ol'Jyohn Fliekin%er, late of Berwick township. 137:" bird and final account of Solomon ‘Stlrgpfi Jr., Administrator of solomon Sterner, Sr.. deceased. , , ' 138. The first Account of Peter Sell and Andrey Sell, Executors of Abraham Sell, ,4 {39. girct and final account of Daillel fieker,(Potter,) Executor of Molly Ba. er, _deenecofil ’7 140. . eeccoun‘tof John Rodman Hersh, Enochtor of the last will and testament of . ohgl Hersh, late of Tyrone townshipL Ade ecounty. . ' I}}. The account ol William Weikert. ‘ gawk” of the last will and testament of _ lemon Sell, late of Littlestown, deceased” 142. Theft-ct and final account of Amos \ spefever, A, ministrator de bouis ‘non cum testament» muexo, of A'brnhmn Biehl. de _ .‘ a ‘ m.'The account of Lavihiu S. Diehl, fixegatrix of the will of Maria Reever. dec. " 144. Second and finallaccount oi Henry age}, Administrator of Albert 8. Valena in; deceleed. ' . 146. The second ~llnd final coconut of “In. D. Taylor, noting Administrator of he‘eetcte of Joseph-Taylor, late of Menu!- ‘en township, deceased. ‘ . 146. Stapplementfill account of Sarah M. Read, A ministratrix of Loni Beard, dec. 147; Gnardimship account 01 [sung Light er. guardian of the person and ‘estate of £3039 Jacob Fetterhofl‘, deceased, minor you 6?me Fetterhdl‘, deceased. v. 7 ”t 1418. Third looount'bf Daniel Geiselmnnh surviving Executor oi the last will and tea pmoutor Abraham Rtifi‘, deceased. 148; gift and fine account of Daniel Sufi eoutor of t last will and testo ‘ptent ofJule Morriso , deceased. 15Q. Tbefirst and 6 a] account. of Jacob .M'e' m'fiuxi'rdian cf ndrew J. Lockart [and t' Jane Lockut, minor chit: :dren 3f oce- L’ockart, deceased. 151. bird account of Christian mac-J Another Change , non‘undlenry Knufi‘man, Executor: of N. THE HAT AND SHOE. 8138013834.; Emilxwfi‘mn. Sr.» deceased. I‘Cobem hiving associated wyh him in 1.12. nyjjconnt of Wm. Ross White, business John _3. Crawford, who purchased .. .. pm the estate 6T Jeremiah the interest of John Culp,’renpecttully u; call. , ‘ . ‘ nounceetothe citizens of Gettysburg and the ‘153. he first account of William Rees, public generally, that the business will be con- Adminietgrnrof the estate ofJ-tm‘es Ew- filmed M- the 01d Stand on Chembersburg [in ”has frlnklin township, deceased. street, b! 6- COBEAN & 00-, Who» wifl con ffi. The 'ueond and final account of "“1“! 36°F 0“ h‘ndP first: stock of Goods malice] zfiftrich, Administrator of the in theline of - ’ ‘s3th of , imam Gardner, late of Butler SHOES, HATS; CAPS, 'TBUNKS. W. 'M~ ~ . CmeET BAGS, UMBSELLAS, is.. . angfiip eccOunt of Samuel and they will also continue the llanul‘acturo m finqmin‘of Mary Elizabeth Heintz- §m" '" '. . ‘ A ,lflépwpfiworf- 'r ~' * From their long experience In nll.§he ahove . _ Fit“ mm 0‘ Abnham w'y_ hunches, they flatter themselves that they can $3”: 3f "16 last will and testu loose the publicflmd W)" cell cheap for cash. pm mfignthére-fis‘dweédl' * . A ’ fiscfiifié‘tom mum? .. ammo-m .. ,PmrdMGEed' +1 .. e . . . , -A- “My!“ 00,; mu. ,8! [864. . ‘ I nu! ' ' ._ . ‘ - M "31 ”Midget-ter. Esrnuufloxmnm or on:- . :.-, H j . . . ' ngigm} . - gym s2W‘F‘PE¥s§9§§§F’§ _ . ...a.‘ .:’ ~'~‘ ”up.-.” _ " 1 _ ' WAsan'roN‘ ammonia, 63 no )6? Burma” 87”", BAL'nuogu, keep cogatnnzly on hand : Jugg Ind vg'il a:— K _ . j sortedygmk qr all kinds 0? gopdl u magnate GEM {hey mpplyi orders for lho’ fine" ’0 the lowest priced pun-ks, either rend, Andi, or V t - . made to messnre, town; pm 6! the c¢umry 'l‘be knp also an extensive flock of WRN {SKIING deDS, embrgcing fiery Irtgicle o! Genlemen'l,'pfidercjvear. Mm; HILK‘TARY CLo'rus unakevery mm, offiilimxi'kin minty,“ we" as mi 21320er flock diiiBADY non mum Goods, - i Baltimore, Feb. 22, 3864 1865 , Row '8; Woods, . ‘ GETTYSBURG. -- . _ 3 WAIi AGAINSTF—I-HGH Pmcsélr‘ When- we may ‘_‘e wil} sell good: at. 1 ‘ REDUCED PRICES § we mean mint wev'say n’nd will do H. 1 We krep constantly on hand rhrge‘ ”son mom of } HATS 0F ALL'STYLES, , A which will be sold cheaper thn‘n they cnn\bo.:‘ bun ht. elsewhere: _ u ‘V Ohmnmont of ~ BOOTS AND SHOES for' menpwmmyl and childzen, is made up'ol the hesl‘. qualities and styles, and sold'chenp. Our stock consists in part of HATS, SEGARS, CAPS , TOBACCO. .- 150mb, - HANDKERCHIEFS, filial-IS, , STQCKKNGS, “ TRUHK'S, > GLOVES: l CARPET SACKS, ' WINDOW PAI’YER, GUMFSHOES, ‘r. WHII’S, ‘. RUF'AM) SHOES,:' CURSETS, ~ .- UNDERSHIIH‘S, . POCKET BOOKS, , VIOLINS, PURSES, ' VIOLIN BOWS, ' RAZORS, . “ STRINGS, STRAPS, ' ACCORM'IONS, POCKET KNIVES, ‘ COLLIGRS, SUSPENDERS. NECK-TIES, ~ CORK SOLES, I UMBRI‘ZLLASL ' lug, &c., kin, kin, 81c _ - h _ ‘ .BOW 4k \vuons. ¢ Jn‘n.2,186’5. 1‘ l K '7 " _‘T ‘ ’ l ' . 100.000 hush. _Grzun Wanted. NEW FIRM AT THE _ - ’OLD WAREHOUSE. WM. E. mam-1 a: (:0. would inform the publiq lhnt they have leased the Warehouse on the corner ql‘ b‘mmon street and the Rail rfind, in Gottthm-g, where they will carry on t a GRAIN AID PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all ils branchfs. The highest prices will ul wnps he paid or WHEAT, RYE, . . CORN. OATS, ' CLOVER k TIMOTHY SEEDS, . ‘ ‘. FLAXSE,F.I)‘,SUMAC,' . llfilY‘h STRAW; . Dried Fruifi, Nags, Soap, ihms, Shouldcrs and Sides, Pointers, with everything else in the country prodme line. . " ~ 0N HAND, FOR SALE, 1 Cofi‘ees, Sugnrs, Molasses, Syrups, Tans, Siiices Spit, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mnsmi'd, Starch; Brooms, Buckets, Blucking, Brushes, Sou‘ps, kc. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tut, kc.— FISH of all kinds; NAJDG AND SPIRES; Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos. They are nlw‘aya able to gupply a first rate article Bf FLOUR, with the different: kinds 0! FEED. I . Alw, GROUND PLASTER, wirhGUANOS and other fertilizers. QCOAL, by the bushc],tou. or car load. , . , Their Cars run to Baltimore and back twice a week,‘nnd they will be happy to carry goods eitlnpr way at mddcmte charges. Marketlne'm, country merchants, nnd others. will find it to their vantage to patronize this line. I ' T&k 3 share oflhe pnlglm's‘custommnd Wi‘ll spare no eflon to render satisfaction to all, seller: or buyers. 0 ' WM. E. BIDDLE 8: CO. 'Axtg. 22, 1864. tf e ‘ i New Sprung Goods. \ MALL PROFITS & QUICKLSALES.‘ 4 | ‘ J . L . SCH I C K would respectfully any to the itizena of Get lysburg andJ’icinity, that. hei now receiving at his stoma splendid' ‘ ' STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. ' The ‘stock consists- in part of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of eyery d’cscription. SILKS, . ‘ ' MOZAMBIQUE, ‘ ‘ CHALLIES, ' I DELAINES, ' BOMHAZINES, s _ ‘ ,ALPACCAS, ' ' . ‘ LAWNS, ~ _ ‘ CALICOES, of nqunalities and choicest styles, wlilch will be sold at PRICES T 0 DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including Sills, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, arc. ' Also, a splendigl assortment of RIBBONS, Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parasols.~ - My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full and complete, and custbmers mny rely upon always gettinpgood goods at the‘ lowest possi ble prices. i ’ Gtfi‘tlemgn will find it to their advantage to call d examine my stock of GLOTHS, ' ’ CASSIMBRES and . » VESTXNGS, o! all qualities and choicest styles. lay 34, 1864. - J. L. SCHICK. Dissolution F PARTNERSHIP.—The (10-partnership 0 existing bet'weeu the subscribers, has been disidlved this day by mutual consent.— We return thanks to our friends And the public for the liberal support extended to us; Our bookS’will be left at the store; and we‘earuesté ly request those indebted to us to chi] and make immsdiste payment, as we are desirous to settle our business without deny; ALEXANDER COBEAN, Jan. 30, 1864. JOHN CULP. A Card. ’ E subscriber having disposed ofhis in ' leresk in the Store of Cohen a Cnlp to aim S. Crawford, Esq., respectmlly Asks the continuance of his friends .nnd customers In patronize his successor—where Eargninu day be Ind. JOHN CULP. Feb. 8, 1364. , " _Golslrens. F 0118! mm!" ““ i’ens to‘Bnit the Hand, and Prices to Suit tho‘ i Pocket. '\ ~ 1 TH: Bis-r GOLD Pns'nl rs: Wonnt _ | 0n 1' telpt of the {allowing sums, we will’ send, by mail, or as directed, n Gbld Pen mlI Pens, lelecting the same according to the de- ' scription, namely: _ . Gold Peas, in Silver Plated Exunaiod Cain-s, . with Pencils. ‘ Poi-‘5l No; 2 pen; for St 25 No. 3‘ pen; for ' $l 50 Nmtpeo; lor S‘.’ No.spen; ! for $2 25 No. 6 pen. 3 These pens are stamped THE IMPERIAL PBX, and are well finished and ‘fine writing GoH Peps, ,with good nridum points, nlthdugh they are unwnmuted,nnd cannot be exchanged. l " WARRANTED uuLp rnxs. \ Our nntne (American Gold‘ Pen 00., N, Y.,) ‘is stamped on nll our; lst qnnhty Pens, and the ipaints nre warranted for six months. except ngninstnccident. Onr nucoso omm" Pens nre lumped THE NATIONAL max, um; thel initials of our firm (A. G. P. C 0.,) and are care-t ,t'uliy made, having the same point: ns our first quality Pens, the only great diflerence being in ithe quality of the Gold. _ f . ‘Guld Pens, lst Ind 2d quality in sand Silver | ’ Extension Cases, with Pentila. For $2 00 A No. I pen In qpnlity, or 3 N 0.3 pen 2d qunlity. i . ‘ - For $2 25 I No. 2 pen lst quality, or it No. 3 pen‘ 2d quality. , ' For $2 25 a No. 3 pen Ist quality, or a No. 4 pen 2d quality. A 1 For 33 so I No; 4 pen lst quality, d;- n No. 5 pen 2d qnnlity. ‘ _ For $4 50 a No. 5 pen llt quality, dr o No. 6 pen 2d quality, ' I, For $5 60 I No. 6 pen Jst quality. i The same Gold Penn, in Solid Silver‘Or Gold- Plnted Ebony Desk Holders And Morocco Cases. For $2 25 e No. 3 pen Int quality, or s. No. 4 pen 2d quality. i ‘ _I-‘or $2 50 a No. 4 pen in quality, or n .i. 5 pen 2d quality. ‘ ' For $3 20 a. N 0.5 pen in quality, or it No. 6 pen 2d quality. For $4 00 n Eugen Ist quality. Eon $5 50 it No. 7 pen. rs 6 75 a No. 8 pen. For ; $l2 00 n N 0.12 pen ; all first quality. ~ Our, puns rank throughout. the country as cqitnl if not superior to any gold pens manu inctnrcd. Not only [or their writing qualities but dutability and elegant finish. The great-; est cure‘ie used in.their manufacture, and none ‘ ire sold with the slightest imperfection which skill can detect. Parties in ordering must specily the name, nunihi-rund qunlity in all instances and whe ‘ ther stitl' or limber, course or fine. i TO ULUBS.-A discount (if-t 2 per centwili .he allowed on sums 05 $l5, if sent to one ad dress, ut one time; 15 per ceht. on $25; 20 per ccnt.‘ 0,11 840. , All remittances by mail, Registered, are at our risk. To all who enclose 20 cents extra for registering, we guarantee the safe delivery of the goods. \ ‘ A Circulnrs of all our new styles, with Engrav 'ings of exact siies. and prices, sent upon re ceipt of stamp, if desired. Pens repainted for 50 cents, by mail. Stationers and Jewelers are .reqnestt-d to currespond with as us ,we can otfer them great inducements. Address, ' AMERICAN GOLD PEN COMPANY, No. 200 Broadway, N. Y. UM Jun. 30, 1865. 3111 Nothing Else UT elegant, well made, fine filling Dtcss «ind ’BusinemCoats, at. PIL‘KING’S. , ANY QUANTITY ‘L of Cloth Cassimere, Satfins, Silks. V lvets, Saltincts, Plush and Cotton Vests,M the well kuown‘slaud of ' PIUKING. NEVERTHELESS TRUE ‘ Thur. chking, in consequence of approaching syringfis selling off his lnrge stack of: (WEI:- CUATS, at very {educed yak-ea. Cull boon. :888 MEN WANTED : to inspect nud buy from the hundsomest ns s‘arlmcm of WOOL OVER. SHIRTS, gi’cr ofl‘cr ed in thxs place, to be hqd at. PICKING’S. KEEP TIME A few more of those celebrated Yankee Clock Tune Keepers at. ‘ . PICKINU'S. , , FEET ! FEET! “ L A few moye Bixfl'aglo and Gum Shoes M 1 reduced prices at. PIUK‘ING’S. ‘Pcrsons in want of a. good Violin or Accordcqn can be supplied’nt. PICKINQ‘S. , NOTIONS. ‘ . ‘ Suspenders, Combs, Hair and Clothes Srushes. Razofs and 'anor Straps, Soap. Spectacles‘ Pen Knives, Emin'oes, Violin Strings, &c‘,.al. ‘ " PICKING’Sr cjil be had by calling‘fin Baltimore s‘rt-ctgn ‘ ' - PIUKING‘S. CARPET SACKS. ; A few more left. at PICKIEG‘S. f \ KEEP DRY. \At Pickiug's Store can be had Umbrellas ofall SIZES. ‘ PI'OK I N i G is selling his goods at. the lowest lixin‘g prices and would imiu; all to call and see him, as he is determined to sell a}. the lowesq prices» .hu. 30, 1805. l“ —__.. . ._.V__ _._.—'-7—____l_& New Warehouse. ‘ BUSHELS UF GRAIN 100.000WANTED,M Lbenewumiu and Produce House, in Gatlisle street, pdjoin ing Shend‘s & Bnehler’s establishment. The highest. market. price will always be [laid in csslrfor' ’ . , ‘ . GRAIN, of all kinds, l AFLOUR, SEEDS; &c. 1 Always on hand and [or snle,nt the ainnlls‘. profits, ‘ GUANOS, ' SALT, FlB3. ‘ 7 GROCERIES, hi, ‘ Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We .3113" do our best. to gin satisfaction in all cases. ‘ McCURDY a: DIEIIL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. 1y . Dissolution; HE'pm-tnership heretofore existing be ‘ tween the undersigned, under the name and style of FAHNESTOCK BROTHEBS, is this day dissolved by mutuxl consent—June: F. Fa'hneslock retiring. ‘ » JAMES F. FAHNESTOGK, ' , . HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, ' . EDW. G. FAHNESTOCK. . HE undersigned, remainining rutntrs of the firm of FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, Will continue the business at the some place, under the some name and style of firm. ‘ HENRY J. FAHNESTOCK, EDWARD G. FAHSESTOGK. Jan. 9, 1865. i ~ Fresh Amval i F WINTER GOODS AT A. 800’le & SON’S.-—We invite the nttention of fin: - era to our stock of Winter Goods, whicl} wfil be sold chap, consisting of " LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ‘ snails, Cloaking Cloths, elm, etc. For Men’s and Boys' wear we hnvo- Cloths, Cassimeres, Coatings, Vcstings, with avoriety of Cotton udes', ta, «he. Coll and see. - ‘ Nov. 28, 1864. A. SCOTT a-sox. >9 Estabhshed 1850. i when 09 REMOVAL. N ’ LAWRENCE D. DIETZ a: ‘OO., respectfully beg In“ k 0 notify their friends, customer: and the public generally, that ”my hna removed from No,. 151 an‘uin street, to the‘ uommodioaa fourl‘btory \Vnrehous‘e, ‘ ’ NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET,, between Howard and Libmyfwhero they ‘wlll 'for the future conduct: theM‘hoiesnle Bui ness, solely in . i ' ' ‘ '. Hosiery. Trimmiqgg, Punishing Coach. A Perfumery, Notionl, ,‘ . Sutionery, Cutlery, . Trays, #O., to. to which 1.11:! invite she attention of city and comitry pnrchaggn, feeling confident of thgig lbility JR' ofier inhuman" in‘ pricéa and qunlity of Goods. I . Orion by mail will receive prompt uten hon. Addresq ~ ‘ , LAWRENCE D. DIE‘I'Z & CO., , ‘\ 3083;1‘1 ore urea Baltimore. WHILE“. 18' 1‘ t, 1 I BY an}; HQRNKR’S cronic‘aud mm. five Powders, {pr HORSES 19d DAME. P ed and sold only n ti. pm! flung. E ~ .. yawn-’25 1865. ’ ‘ “ :j MUSIC TRUNKS . FOU-zrz’s ‘ , CELEBRATE!) guts: and with 3mm lute preventive of Lung Fever. and a min remedy for All Diseases incidcm. w the Home, such as Glau ders, Yellow Water, Dis ! e In p e r, Fonnd e 1- , Bosv e i , Slavering, Wghs, Fo—_ Legs, loss of‘ petite and V 531 Ener gy. kc. 11: poor. low-spirited animals; it has the most beneficial eff-wt. The use ofthem improves the wind, slrength— en! the Appetite, and gives to the Horse 5 fine, smomh and glossy skin—thus improv ing the appearance, vigor and lpixit of this noble aninnl. The property this Powder possesses in in creasing the quantil) of Milk in Cows, given it an importance nnd value which should place it in the hands of every person keeping a Cow. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent.,, and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle. it gives them an» appetite, loosens their hide and mkes‘them thrive much faster. HOG 8 . In all Diseases of to? Sine, and: as ‘ (1:31“; ,‘:‘ ;‘ ug Ulcers in 4 '«v't3ss'gfga the Lungs, Liver, ' J‘f;%§2;j;:§);f§ to; By putting \‘s =3~"'r»‘\‘ I from 1181! a paper .5.) trgxgaper of age / u-u —" “1,: V.. ‘ ow ersiua p- .‘Z; s-{—{§ ml of Swill, the %‘ ’3‘ ”7 ‘\\\ above Diaeues can be cured or cntxrely fire veuled. By using these Powders ‘he 0g Cholera can be prevented. Price 25 ata.perPapel-, or 5 Papers farm. PREPA RED BY s. A. FOUTZ 8: 1330., ~ 121/EIEI WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPDT. No. 116 Franklin 51%.. Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggkts mu! Storekeeper! throughout the ['nilcd Slates. ‘ , For sale by A. D. nimble: Gotkyaburg, Lnughliu k Bushfix-ld, Wheeling, Var C. (' Bender k 00., [’lt.zbu\'g; Juhnson,'Uollu\\‘n & Cowden, Philadelphia. Nov. 13,1304. 1" l , ‘ Globe Inn, ‘ , . Your: 31“., NEAR THE Duuoxu, ETT \‘SBU 11G, PA ——The undersigned G would most. respectfully inform his nu nu-ruiis irlem‘ls and the public generally, that he has pnrclmscd lhutlong eslnhlishcd n‘ud well known Holt-L the “Globe lnn,” in York slréet, Geuyahurg‘ and will spurt; no effort to conduct ii. in a manner that will not detract frOm iis former high reputation. Hi 3; Luhle Will have the best (he make: (an afford—his chambers nre SlleOIR and comfortable—and he has “fill in For [US bur l\ full stock of wines and liquors. There is large shibling attached to the Hotel, which will he attended by atten tive hostlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the tallest satisfaction to his guesis, making his-house as near a home to them as possxble. He asks a share 01' the puhlid's pa tronage, determined as he is to deserven hirge' purl of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn“ is in York street, but near the DiumoadmrPublic Square. SAMUEL WOLF. . April4,lBB;i. if Promsmn Storefl ‘ HE undersignoll bus opened :1 I’ OVISION T STORE at George Little's oldi smm, in West Middle street, Gdushur; where he Will always kt-op on hand, for sale, ' BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, PORK . POULTRY, APPLES. S\\'El'-‘.T AXD IRISH POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, Wth Hamming also in he provieiou line. He will sell at. small profits, and spare no efl‘urt to pienso. : Fat Unl'le‘ Hogsifihovu, Calm-s, kc... wanted; for which.lhe highest prices will he p‘uid. Oct. 17, 1864. if. , . - New Goods. , EORGE ARNOLD has just received From the city a large supply of CLOTHING, Men’s and Boys’ Wear, consisting ofall kinda of COATS. 9AN‘I‘S, \‘ESTS, ‘ SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAVATS. ‘ NECK TIES, GLOVES, HOSIERY, kc.’ —‘n. ls o ‘ ' A large stock of CLOTHS, CASSIIIERES, CASSINE’I‘S, JEANS, DRILLIBGS. -&c.,&c.,‘ all of which will be sold as cheap as can be hldvelsewhere‘.’ Give us a call, and if we can not please you inla suit ready made . We will‘ take your measure and makegou up-one in‘ short. notice. . [flay 30, 1864. Everhart's RANKLIN HOiISE, CORNER Ol‘ HOWARD s! FRANKLIN BTBEI‘S, BALTIMORE, MD This House is on a direct. line between the Northern Central and Baltimore and Ohio Rail— road Dcpots._ I! has been refined and com fortably arranged for thc convenience' and the entertainment of guesti. , Oct. 31,1864. tf Howard Association. HILADELPHIA, PA.— Diseases of the SP Nervous, Seminal, Urinary Ind Sexual ylum§~new and reliable treatment—in ra poru of :be HOWARD ASSOCXATION—pent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of chums. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HUUGII TON, Howard Aasochtion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pu. . ‘ Aug. 8,1334. 1y . i . Still at Work. . undersigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, . in All its branches, at. his old stand, in East Middle street. Geuysb'urg. ' NEW WORK made to order, and ’ .REPA I R I N G done promptly and at lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS and a SLBIGH for sale. JAQOB TROXEL. Dec. 7, 1863.‘ Somethmg for Everybody, . U ‘BU-Y'AT DR. ‘3. HORNER'S DRUG AND VARIETY STORE;- Jusl opened '1 fine xssonment of , ”Drugs and Medicinea, Patent Mgdicinea, Stationery, Fancy Dry Goods, . Cpnfpctiona, ‘ .J Groceries, » Notions, TOBACCO, SEGARS, to Jun. 18, 1684. - I. K. Staufi‘er, 1 . ATCHXAKER 8 JEWELER, No. 148 ; North moan Sum, - ' corner onnrryiPflleDEL-& PHIA. An assortment o , WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WABE, constantly on hand, ' SUITABLE FDR BOEIDAY, P SENTS! fiprpnfring of Watches Jewelry proppziy wind '42. , ‘.c.12, 1864. 1y ‘ WAR“ am, Corn Starch n- - d Gehu : - I ‘°°‘ °" JW‘EWFE’: i‘g’ {9' ’9’ ‘l‘ P 5 ypuflfi ‘* “5“" g ’Sdafiigmw’ t m tom's al'nr lEIEDI’ ran _ Scrotum and Scrotuloua Diseases. g from Emry Eda, n wIl-Imozm merchant of 03- l ’ - ford, .‘(al/Ic. “I have sold large quamtitiul of your 8 \MAPA- ‘ IILLA but never iyet one bouie which toiled of tho . desired en‘ect md ull satisfitl‘lion toluene who tool | it. A: fast as our {N‘Oplc try it, they agree there bu i been no medicine the It lit-tore in uur community." 1 O . Eruptions, Funnies. Blotehas, Postal”, Ul ~cerl, Sores, and all Disease: of the Skin. Fro-t Rer. Row. Shelton, lirilhvl, England. u 1 only do my duty to you and the nubile, when t 1 add my testimony to that you publin of the men . dicinnl Virtue-mom S to: uuuuu. \. My dough ler. aged ton. on nflllctlnv humor in hér cm, I 051-s,de lunr for yours. whiélt we were unable to l cure until wt tried your SAKS uutnuJi. She lia- ‘ been well for some months.” ‘ From Mn. Img )7. [Hr-9,1: well-known mid much csteemal lady / Deunhrillr. ('npc .llny CO., .\'.J. ] “ My daughter hnl suil‘crcd fur a your past With a urrofulpun eruption, which won \‘L‘ry tronhlelomc. . Nothing ufl‘or ed on?' relief until we tried yonr Sttnsnmttttnot, wlnc i soon completely cured her." From (‘hnrln P. (Inge, 1317]., of the widely lnnmL Gaye, qurrug «f- l 'a , m mufuctun rd afammcllul 1m err in .\'ushm. .\'. 11. “-lplmd for lcl‘eral years it very troublesome \ humor in my fan}. \thlt‘ll grow conutnntly worm i, until It dilflfiflm my features and became on intol< enble nillic on. I trn-d almost ucry thingu mm could of both :tdt See and medicine. but without any I'L'hl‘f whatever. until i took your 8 \nstimmnm. It immeibntoly mule my face worse, no you told me it might for a tune; but in ‘n few wee s the new ‘ akin begun to farm under the blotohea, and con ! tiuued until my face is an smooth as any body’o. ,um i am Without nny symptom-I of tho I“th that i know of. I enjoy ‘rft‘t't health, and without it doubt owe it to your EUtSAPAIziLLA." _ Erylipelaa-Goncrol Debmty-Purdy the Blood. ' . From Dr. It‘obt. Smrin, Houston St, New York. “ Du. Arm. 1 Luthm hill to remove ETIIF‘I‘UI” Ind Scrofulou: Sort: by the persevering uneo {our SAKSAQ’AHILIA, and l hilt u just now cured at n took of Maliynant liryn‘prhm with it. No nltcmtive we posse-u equals the SUSAPMKILLA you have sup plied to the profeaulon as well as to the people." From J. E. Juhnuon. th.. Wakcman. Ohio. " For twcite ynnru. I had the fellow Eryflwl'u on my rinht arm, during which tme I tried 1 the alebntefi phyuiclnnn i could reach, and took hun dredc of dullurn \\ orth of medicines. The ulcer were I 0 had that the cords bennmo visible, and the doctors decldrd :1! my arm must be magnate-d. I began taking yo i ABSAPAIHUA. Too two hot tles, and some of your Pitts. Together they have cured me. inm n wus m-lE and sound on any body. Being in it public 31m, my case is known to every hfitiy in this community, Ind excite: the wonder of a . From Hon. [lnn-y Monro. M. P. P.. of Newmldle, (‘. 1:1, a leading number of the Canadian I'm-lia man . ‘ H l have uMdlyour S.\n§.\t’.\ltil.l..\ in In; family. {by general deb fly, nnd for purihn'ng “tho4l. with was beueflcin results. and feel m in common lug it to the nfllittpd." ‘ St. Anthony": Fire. Bose, Salt Rheum. . ' Scald Head. Bore Eyel. From Hurray Sickier. I-.'.«q.1 the tibia editor of the ‘ Tunklmnnuck Democrat, Penney/(mum. “ Our only child, about three year: of age, was “tucked by pimplcl on hll forehead. The! rapidly unread until they formed a loathsome an virulent store, which covorcd his fncc, :uid netuxdiy blinded his eyes for some dna'a. A skilful physichin nppln-d v nltmtc of silver on other remedien, without nny apparent eilcct. For fifteen days we guarded his hands, lost with them he should tcur (Egon the fes , - tering and corrupt wound which covert his \\ holc face. Haring tried every thing else we had any' ‘ haste from, we began gimw your SARSAPAIHLLA, j on applying the iodide of polnoil lotion. no you 1 direct. The sore begun to heal when we had )flven 3 the first bottle, nnd wns \u-li when no inn] fin shed l the second. The child‘l eyelnnhcs, which had come out, grow again, uud he u now as bpnlthy und fxur nu ““th other. The whole uctgthiliood predicted that t e child mutt die.” ’ Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hiram Stunt, ofm't. Lam‘s, .iliumlfi. . “ i tlnd your b.\L’.s.\P.\itll,,l.t n more ctreetnnl remedy for the atwudury symptom» of Syphiha and for sypylbtle disensc t mu any other we {mam-<5. 'i‘hr prom-tion are indebted to you tor some of the ‘ best medicmcs we Inn u.” \ From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Lowrance, Alum" irlw'aix a prominent limMcr (5f the Lcyi'lutm e of .lfi:smrlmsau. ' .. Im. Aunt. lily dear sir: i lun'e found flour S.\ns.\mt:lLLt an excellent remedy for S!!!) 'ia, both of the primary nnd rcromlm-y typo. nu ufl‘co = tool in some cases that were too obstinnte to yield to other remedies. ido not know what we can em . ploy with more certainty of success, when: npower ‘ l’ul ulterative is X'Hluii'L .“ ‘ Mr. (710:. S. Van Linn, of New anncir‘l‘, 31.7., 1 lmd dreadful nloc'rson hie h-«N, unused by the abuse of mercury, or mcnwriul Inflow, which grew more ‘ nnd'murc aggravnuxl for yearn. in spin.- of every ‘ remedy or treatment that could be npp led, until tho , persevering use 0? Arum HAM \r.\i:tt.LA relicvul ‘ iitn. Few case. can be found more inveterate nud . distressing timn tllls. and it took several dozen bottles to cure him ‘ ' Lennon-hoes, Whites. Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofuluus ('l - rm: are very often curul by the nltemtire ctfect of this Sine \r.uut.l..\. Som‘e cnncn require, however. in aid of tin: s \ltsAhtitiLLA,‘ tho skiit‘ul application of local remedies. From flu: mil-inoxPn. and trim-1y rrlebraled Dr. Jacob Mom-I'll, of ( ‘iurimmti. “ I have found your S it:.s.\r.\t:tt.LA an excellent nltmtivu in diseases of females. Many cases of lrreflulnrlty. LDlll‘Ol’l’llml, interim] l'lcerntionuuld lomfdebilltry, urn-in; from the serofulous dinthcuil. lune yinldc to it, und thenl nrc few that do not. when its effect ll properly added by local treatinentif' A lady, unwilling to, allow the publications 0/ her “ante. trritn : II lylr'llxlmghiter xltnd nryl;elf hutytl: been-cured ago very c to In; .eucorr mm o 0112 stluudiu , two bottles of your SARaM'MuLLA." g y l Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. D 73. I pepsin, Hem Dioeuo, Nam-akin, when caused by Scrofidu in the system. no rapidly cundby this Ex'r. SA naming» ‘ —— i Thxesc Powder: Vila! th the Bm}: . 1d Intestines, (cause them. 3m ofl'ensive Met, Ind ing them to nul'thymu. xey m n. Q 4 . . ’ AYE R ’ S ' CATHARTIC PILLS possess 56 muhy advantages Over the other pnrgntivcs in the market, and their superior virtues are so universallyknown,thatwe need not do more than to asmre the public their qualityis nmimni d equal to the best, it ever has been, and thalacthcy may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. JOHN NURBECK Prepared by .3. C. AYER, M. D., e; 00,, Léwell, Mass., and sold by -. ’ flea-For sale by A. l). Buehler, Gettysburg, and dvnlcrsfivencrnlly. Aug. 8, i 864. couly’” Good Thmgs from the Clty ! , E are receiving twicr a. week from the S; city a variety 0! articles suited to the wants of this community, viz: Fresh and Salt “iii, Hnms, Shoulders and Sides, Hominy, Be as, Salt, Apples, Potatoes, Oranges, Lemons, Confections. Tobaccos, Segnrs, with many other articles in this line—all received in the beat order, and sold at the lowest prplits. Give us I call, in Baltimore street, nearly tipposite Fnhnéatocks' store. , . . _ WANTED—Butter, Eggs, Lard, and all other country produce—for which the highest cash price will be paid. . SWEET POTATOES—4I9.“ quality, at. low est living profits—alwayis‘ on hand. Alsox OYSTERS, fine and ireéh—in the, shell or shocked. Restaurants and families supplied. STRICKIIOUSFIR h WISOTZKEY. Gettysburg, May 18, 183. New Goods. 3 , AHNESTOCK BROTHERS, F he constantly receiving choice and de nimble goods, from Néw York, Philadelphia and Baltimore,'s.nd nre prepared to ofl'er GREAT INDUGEMENTS to those abourpnrchasing. Having selected with great. cure, from the three leading markets, the public will look to their own interests by examlning our stock before buying elsewhere. 1 Call at - _ FpkHNESTOCitS’ May 9, 1884. ‘ Red Front. GENTS WANTED—To sell the “25 CENT ‘A. LEGAL TENDER STATIONERY PACK AG ‘.” Eltéh Package contains 35 Songs, 2 pages of Music, 18 sheets of Paper, 18 Enve lopes, l Rnler, lPen, 1 Pen Holder, 1 Lead Pencil, 1 Design for U udersleeves, l for Child’! Apro'n, l lor Embroidered Collar, 1 for Chris tening Robe, 2 lor marking Lenora, l 3 Secreu never before published, worth many‘Dollnrs; rind other inlormation. _Also, one beautiful article of'szsLnY. Liberal indixcements 40 Agents. Send Stamp for Circular. , . SAMUEL BOTT, £ '43 South Third Sr.., Philadelphia, Pa June 13, 1864. 1y I NEWPORT k ZIEGLER. Mechanical Bak ' \zn, South Washington street, half square l'wlfi the‘Eagie Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— ‘, Conanntly on hand, the best of BREAD, C‘RACKERS, CAEES, PRE'I‘ZELS, (cc. Per. 7:9" wighing he": Bread will be served every morning. by learmg their names and residence: at. the Bakery. Every efl‘ t made to please. Give us I. can! tKiwi] 20, ’63. if ASHIONABLg BARBER, Northfiut cor ner of thg inmond,‘(nex€ do ‘0 Mc- Allgn’s Hatch) Gettyaburg, P 3,, ‘wherpV be can 8% In time: be‘found ready to ”hand c an busing” in his line. He hu also excgflpu‘i M'- nlstnbee Img wfll apsggq 593' fiction. Give him 9 cal!3 1 ‘ ‘ 83w. 3, 1860; ; PEN-q ngumm just Mind 5: - - -‘ ' , “magma; LEW. $lO a Day! New Bakery ! , I.olm W- Won. l I ! GOLD AND stun-1n WATCHES, . [mu-fine ‘ ‘ ‘ em ' JEWELRY, ‘&C.— ~ 0. 3 OX Thioggmnonmn rmx. ‘ nonnacnmg, muoxn 312105.10. _ l rrocr or ' 50m: Gold and Silver Watch fl-nufnctory, ONE lefitzfilgglgf:§'s‘yofl?fll | lwo Immense Jewelry Establishments, UN: 0N E DOL L A 3 EA 0 II! ‘ :11; ”ges‘li-‘llgfkyflc'b‘msey 0“ GO“! P“ Without regard to Value! Not to be paid to; i To be dispozed of with dispotch l q lulu-iofiktngrfl-‘lgfll“helloéefii'el;l WITHUUTKEGAflD To Cos~Tt"’°"' ' '° - '°..°l' l The Goods ..re of fuhionnble styles nnd most I 250 Genu’ ocm; gggfizgfiu” ‘ cxrellrnt workmanship, and nrr suctificcd in' Watches 3 ssotoslsonch this tnannertn relieve the proprietors lrom rm-l 050 Lfldipsl com “d 'namell- . ‘burrossment occasioned by n distmcllrg civil "ed in - M. u l a ~ outing-cue Wutther, 35 70 llut tlltfuhould bl prominently swung/81M. 500 Gent" hunting-case Sil- ' . in lo nre most 3' of \‘er Watches, 35“ 70 “ 1 AMERICAN MANUFACTURE, 1200 Diamond Rings. 50 “ 800 ‘9 ‘nnd therefore grcntly superior to the good. ' 5000 Gold Vest 3: Neck Chninl 4 “ 30 “. imported from abroad and hawked about as 3000 Gold Ornlnmd Braceluu, 4 “ B‘s the chenpost ever sold. The simple duty on ‘ 5000 Jet and Gold Bruceleu, ,G “ 10 '! lr‘mported goods, and the lngh premium on 2000 Ch‘ntclnlne Chain and inch! (all foreign hills are paynhle in gold.)l Guard‘Chuins, 5 u ‘mnonnl to more than the entire cost of many 7900 Solitairckflold Broachen, 4 “ got the articles uttered by us to the public. To 5000 Coral, Upnl and Emerald ~fuclllt.im the sale - . llroochea, ‘4 “ our oxr. DOLLAR . ~ 3000 Gold, Cameo, Ind Pearl . will he charged [or any articl: on our list, and E" D’W’r ‘ “ ‘thls‘sum the purchaser mot-d nut pm” until he 5000 Mosaic, 1“” 1“"! “3d lanotvs what he is to gctl This plrnn nccordsl Flr'ntinc El" DWI”, ‘ 4 u with the method recently become so polvnlnr 750° 00"”; 0P“. Md Emerald “if disposing of large stoiks of Jenelry andl EM DWI”, 4: sitn'tlur productions. ‘ 400? California Dlnm’d Brent. 'rm-z PLAN 15 SNPLE! M" ‘ 2.50" T 3109 {ran-no 'of ouch article otfered for 5310—, 3022,30” liloh & Vest Winning-W n 115‘ ‘o Huntin \Vnt h" " a - ' - ' Brnjtolet,” “Pear? Breast-31in ggddEgrtDlrggsg 4000 FOb & \’.est_R.b‘bon:slldoa, 3 “~ “Goldl-Inamellcd mug," “Silver Plated Cake! °°° “‘5 53““? s‘”°“’"’“" .. anket," kcqisiwritten on heard and enclosed 303%]: filt'll'nsi :f' P ' 'li & in in a sezlled envelope; thestl ethlnpes Ire thtfn l 0 0“Q - m] ”i‘ Elm ’ :30 it placed in a. drxnter and well mixed; then as 4000 “Plum” flick? .' M - ' an order‘fis received, “ith twenty-live cents Qprinz‘am‘e ‘ “’1 “gm“, u for rain!“ postma- and other chnr es .one‘ol“ ‘ . ‘ ' . ‘ the curdsnnr certificates is tnkengnt’ random I:332grid’i‘go‘téraloks,orosses, 3:: nnd sent by first mail to the customer, who 5000 ““3“ d 2; “'12?" ‘‘ n will see at once what he cnn get for One Dol~ “mo minus xtgfi' , ”5:1 050 “ l:lr., ”be it plcnsed with his lurtuuc he mm 10002339; ‘. 53"" d'fip'“ 2.2 forward the money according to directions on 7500 ‘l i if“? 'l‘f’lEOll] ”:IKS' the‘clertificatok andh secure the prize ll' thel , “I‘d“(g‘dn I“ ewe ry— e‘ 5 n nrtice award d a ould be unsuit tothe ’~ . purchaser—us 'or example. a sgt misfits-l Enr- 60005:?Llaglelezwilhry—flnm- 4 u Drops and Br stpin to a young man who"! 10332) é:;d'pp“l S?“ ”g 0303' Icould not wear trem, nnd hnd no one to give] -- , h lde em’ Girlie“! “I. 4 ‘them Ito—we willgend any other article on the 10:3,? {:1 P" a; G ld 8’ t fcntslgglubnf {equil price which may be pre.‘ 0d lllllderfna 0 moon . erru . ri, forlmly reason on choose to . " ‘ venture no further,\then you orln let the mat- 5000 Goldli’eln‘l and Gold "-15 n ter drop where it is land spend, no more. Ex- I 503an1?_ .El-uvg'.) t 8 '1 r u . an; as; mi. man" WATC—II F) PARTMENT. Bus and Bglls, ' 5 300 Gents‘ Potent uov > Gold Hunt: _, 7 5000 Silveonblcts and Drink- jug CREE, ‘ \ $3OlO $2OO ing Cups, - . ' ' " 5 u 300 Gents’ Delnclied Lever Gold 300 Silver Casters, l 5 “ Hunting 035?, \ 40; 175 2000 Siln~r Frull, Card. and 400 Gents'SwlssGold llvfiilingCnsofiu - 100 Cake Baskets, \ ~ 20 “ 200 Lndies’ Gold Eunmc lgd lludl- . .5000 dozen Silver ’l‘on Spooni, 10 “ intz Cnso, _ 30 - 80 louooduzcnSilvcr'l‘ublcSpouus 400(z‘t-nts'PatentLererSil*rHunt- - I And [v‘m-kst 20 “ 40 “‘ ing Ci's‘“ 4 , . 30 ' 9° Allll.le).\LE .t CO., .\lmulnctnrers' Agenla 400 gents Pet. .ever ther llunt- q f .\'o. 167 mummy”. NW “mum é, l‘ng Ct‘te' . "o ' 85 Announce that :1” of the n‘lmve list. of goods 3’oo “9“” ”math“! LN" ”V" mll be sul-l for oxB DOLL“! each. i ' ‘_ Open~Fnce, , 20 T 50, .ln rouseanncn of ll:s'gre.u stagnation b’l 300 Genls’ Patent. ercr s‘l‘" lrnicxn the mumhclnring districts at Bag. ‘ Open-Fucg, . ‘1 2‘l ' ‘ .60 l; ul, :brnugh the war lxn'inor l-ul. iill‘ the imp -300 Uenls' Smss S‘l‘c'r \ 13 Q 4" pl? nl comm, n lnrgl- quantity (ll \'nluilmi i JEWELRY I’EPAP-T-‘llfl'l'. i ‘er-lry. nriginnlly iulendcd fur lhv Englidl ' 300 Dinmund Kings <4O lo sl2o mnrket. h.u hot-n 507 R oll‘ lor sall- in tllli conu ‘ 300 Gents' llinnmml Pins 20 - “.0 (iv, .\NI) .\lllSl“ llli SOLD .\'l‘ .\V' SAC.”- i 3000 (lents' Umil‘n Dmnmnd l’ins\ 3 - 15 FIUIZ! Under these circulnszm m» , Al’.ll\.\'- l 3000 Gem; Cniirn lliimmml [lungs .3 - 12'. l).\ LE 5: (10:, nrling ns 'L‘uls l‘ur lllu primi , 5001) (it-uls' Goid and linnmcled \ pal l-Zurnpcui ll]'ll||lf.|l_'ll|r|'fi. lure rumllcl Fob l‘hnina J . 40 upon an URI-211T» GIFT DPTHI .Ul‘lUS, xnh. ' 4000 G‘l‘nla’ Gold Vest (‘hxim " - 40 jeaio tin: following regnlnliune: ‘ 4000 Pnir Ucnls’ (191 d blccu: Bu:- “\ . (Ruffian: of the Yuri-nu ..rlillos are lint, limS | 3 \' ~ 10 pm. mm cmelupes, sealed up, and mixed ;nnl 400. Pnir 'Gl’nts' Gulll nnd Ennm. \\ _ wlu-n‘ orllcrenl. nrc lulu-n um Without re; unl glee“: Buttons 4 . Zl -\ 10_ 10 choic , and son‘ by nujl, llllld‘ givmg nll m ‘50“? St“ UNI”. GUI” sun” 3- \\ B lnu chum-e. (In l'lCl'Hll. o: the rvrnllt'nu‘. ynn Bum Gcnls' Stone 51!. and Sigurt \\ will see n'lnlyuu are to have, and llmn‘il is M. Rings, _ 3-, A I'2 your nrliuu lo Bowl the Ilnllnf nnul lnhc the 8000 Genls' Slnuc Set, and Signet “mule nr not. l’nnzn Lil'l‘i miy llllh u “in .L E'mtm. Rings ' \ 4 - 5 Gold “inch, Dinnan “in; or am" Sol. of 9000 “Mi”, Gold NE“ Chains 5 - s‘; Jun-1r; un-our list for Uxa “01.1.”. ‘ 9°oo 00‘“ 0“" "H“ ”mm“ 3 ' *‘ sI-zxn 25 (:EXTS 1'01: can: n'nurlc.~ .6000 (50"! "“‘l J” Bram-lets 8 ' 1f“ In nll xrnnaucliona hy mull, m- rhnll rum-ya J{l,ooo (mild and lunnnzrlm.Brncvlols 8 - .1" forlmwnnlln: the (..CT'lfidllLli‘.pll}lll;_'l-(:Elllgl'l 3°oo 6"}, Clhllelm‘u ( "3”” b ' 5" ml doin: the Inminvsq, '_'s runs «urn, w'hu h 500305;” Lndrcs Ibold 5'9”" RM” 3 8 I nsl he :ncluswl when [he Uigllllimle is MM. . . ‘ ' fr. Fm: Ifelullrm s \rnl be Il'nl in! Si 400“ 1"” LEW“. 6"” Enameled - vi \rn fur $l. llurlvlor s‘», sixu-llxt l'or sm: Slew.“ liuflons 4 - 1" um .\ lmllrl-ll l'ur SIB. ' 8000 Solituré Gold Brooches 3 ' I: u .\(ll‘73'l‘s.—-\\'c “um agent! in why regi mug—fulfill; UP“ ““1 ”new” 3 _ w'meu , :nd iilllewryllyun I:l;lucinun'l)‘~:’n ”i" ‘ ‘ ', "' cuuu r xuu MM: :0 11l 0 I'l In L' n.- V 5000 o°”,me'l‘ Pearl E‘." Dml's ‘5 ' 3 lune. l 0 cum: (men-1y fit 1' ilirnlr union-:1 lnr 7000. MVSMP’JH' I..u‘u.lud Hun.“- them, pxumlcd their rummnnrc .nu null: ur , t'EIQ‘En-Drom 3 ' In our 11l 1. r.. .\fivnls {\lll |‘ulll'|l. 2.1 rum: hy ”00056.0” Tlnmhlt-s ‘ K " ' lU erorv "\rlillmlc. nnd rcmll 15 will: :0 us, 10000 (Juml, Opal & Eluemld laur- . eilhériu Nah m pusmm- ”"I"th ”ml”. ’3 ' ‘O, . i ' .\i:l:.\\h.\l.l~2 .0 (“m 10000 .\lmmtnrqlmdrets V 4 - 10 \ w; llruullwd) N. Y 10000 .\lin'e lloL-lu-lz—magic spring 8 - 23 x MM 6 80'. H ' 10mm Plnin Gold Rings . 4 - :12 ' ’ " 10000 Sets L‘adics’ Jewelry, Guld ~l‘ E & ” 'nnd Jctv . 5 - 20 {\l'l’ ( 10000 Sets‘lmdics' Jewllry, Cnmen, , R] ‘\" “1} , Pearl. &C., 1‘ 5 - 20 001 l‘l’lj “,1“ 10000 Lndieg' Gill and Jr! Brncolmx, 4 - 17 " .1 .I‘F ‘. 10000 Ladieé'cn.maJewumup-l 1‘3“” ' porters. T l i , 2 - ‘ "‘ SILVER Ii’LATED WARE. 10000 rups, ' “ t ‘ 3mm Gonlets 10000 l’nir N.vpkin [tings 2000 Card Baskcls i 3000 Unke ankolg ’ 4000 Custer Frames-complete will) mum” - 5 _ in‘ PHOTONlt.\l'lliJ\ALßl‘.\la‘ —we were um 20001ce “who” 10 _ 20 that to iutluduce Uncle into the United Sum-oi 6000 PM! Butter mes 3 _ 8 mid ire mnuumttureflmuieme quantities in . , , i ~ ‘ . _ gloat \urioty, ruuging‘fin price from 50 evnln :ggg iggghg’dsisicthi-se‘: Ladies ;_- z to $3O each. Uur ALBUMS, have tlll‘lclllllllv 8000 00;" Ten Spoons, 1M», 4101.. 5 _ 15 tion oflieingsuperior iri\benmy and durabili -8000 Dozen Tublo Spoons, do. ‘8 . LL 1" to any others. They null be sent by mull, 6000 Dozen Dessert Forks, do. 8 - 25 tree, on ”3“” 0' price. ‘ f 6000 Dozen Table Forks, do. 8- 30 Wk“; Albums "mil" to (mien-Ga GOLD PESS AND PENCILS. - \ ‘ ' 12000 Gold Pens, Silver Extension CARD PHOTO APIIS. Holders . $3 to $lO Our Cntnloguo now em rave: over HVB 11900 Gold Pena, Silver Mounted , 'j THOUSAND ditferent subjcc a (to which ml— 2 . a ditions ure continually beinkmude) of Pub 8000 Gold Pens, Gold Mounted l traits of EminenLAuieriums, c.. viz unbout Holders ' 3 . 15 100 Mujof-Gencmls, 550 Stotesrnen, 6000 Gold Pens with Gold Exten- 1200 Brno-Gonml-y 130 Dir'nes. sion Holden 10 .25 215 Colonels, 125 Authors, - ‘ 6000 Gold Pens, Gold nomemud ' l 109 Menu-Colonels. 40 Arxi ts. . , pencil. . 10 -30 250 Other Utflcers, 125 8:133; 6000 Gold Pencils _ . 6 - 20 75 Navy Oflicero, 50 Prom: .entWomen REMEMBER THE PLAN: ' 15'.‘ From! lent Foreign Portraits. In all cases we charge for forwarding the 3300 copies, \‘i’o'rka-ot‘ Art, inoluding re- Certificete, postage, and doing the business, productions “It m 0" celebrate-l Engraiingn, the sum of family-flee Cents, whit-h must he Paintings. Sun 0-, &c- Catalogue! lent on encldxed in the order. Fire Certificates will receipt 0‘ Stamp—- An order {ol' 00° ”0"“ he sent for $l,- eleyw for $2 ; thirty 30, 55 ; Picture; from our Catalogue will be filled on sixty-five ‘tor $10; one hundred far 515, | the receipt 0131.80, and lent by mnii, Free. z‘ AGENTS 411 E WANTED throughout the Photographers and other: ordering good) Country\to operate for us. A [urge t‘ompen- C. D. D. will please remit twenty'iive per cent. nation will be paid. Send for terms, kc., en- 0‘ the amount With their order. closing stump. NEWBOBN & CO., I. & H.,T. ANTHONY & CO., llnr. 27, ’65. 3m 75 Fulton So, u, 1 lunnlocturers of Photographic Materials,k -‘ *7 .._..-“ 501 Broad'wu , New Yor . NQW GOOdB I—Large Stock! B’Tho prices and quality‘ if our good- BIERCHANT TA]LOR[NG_ ' cannot fail to sstiify. [Run 14, 1864. (in: ' JACOBS & BRO. ‘" ‘ . ' " " have just received from the cities 5 large stock Lancaster 300 k Bmdery' 01 goods for Gentiemen's wear, embracing n EORGE WIANT, vurietyvof , . BOOK BINDER, CLOTHS, \ ann nun: noon xnuno'ronn, i CASSIMERES, ’ . LANCASTER, PA. _ ’ VESTINGS, Rain and Ornamental Binding, of every: do- Cnssmets, Jeans, om, with many other goods Icription, executed in the moat aubatuntiul end for spring and summer wear. npproved Btylel. . * They are prepared to mnke up guments at nnnnncn. ’ the nhortest notice, And in the very best man- E.W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of hamster ner. ' The Fashions are regularly received, and W. L. Peiper,‘ Esq., Lnncaster County Bank clothing made in any desired style. They nl- Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Blah. way! make neat fits, whilst their sowing is nuro' Samuel anner,ES¢l-y Y 0“ WE ' to be substantial. wiuigm Wagner, Bath York County Bonk. ' They ask u continuance of the pnblic’s pn- T. D. Carson, El‘l'y Bonk 0‘ Gettysburg; tromgo, resolved by good work and modem“ Peter Martin, 31141., Proth’y ofmcut‘r om, PI. charges to earn it. ' ' ‘Geo. C. Hawthorn, Elq., Register “ ~ “ Gettysburg, April 7, 1862. Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder u '4 fl" ““ ' ’ ' '*-—>-- -~—- l “15 1861 ' ’ The Popular 7-30 Loan. ' L4W" THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 01mm. .7 3319 0171118- TYSBPRG has been designated a Dcposi- W. FLEHMING continue- the buflneu m! in}! Financial Agent oflhe United States, . A, or SALE ammo, and solicit: “moon. and Will furnish the popular 1.30 Coupon tinned patronage oi the public. It,l's his con. N°‘"Lf"’? from all taxes, and convertible 3‘. stant endeavor to give sotisftction. Charges mutnnty ””0 5-20 six per cent. gold were" modente.’ Beoidenoe 1n Brecklnridge street, Bonds. Will also furnish 5.20 and 10-40 Gettytbnrt. Bonds, one year Certificates end all other 'Gov-l p. B,—He in nlicanud Auctioneer, under the eminent securities. Wili boy Gold and Silver, T.rh' of the [mind Staten. " posh, Cop ons, and mute collection: promptly Nov. 34' 1303. ' on all ncgnlble pointl- - 1 ‘ GEO. ARNOLD, Coshier. 1864. it 7 1 Dec. 26, ‘ L B U 31 31"“ ll ¥ _ ‘ A , ‘ . - ‘ I. :1 gm required 9 bygqlgkéwngél “Bout: nzgozighgéegnphig #lyg‘gfiyvhh ‘ ofei ontyué'i‘lr ’3 I ,fillyfgéggé- é Blur. 6, E. & ~ T. Anthony 8: 00:. A.\l'F. ('TUKEHB} 0F I‘IIU'I‘UHHAI'IHU R 1 \IA'I‘H 'IA 19‘. u HOLFEAU‘: .Hn Mum, ,iml HRUAUKMAY, .\. Y —-ln_muhln'm "m _nnn mni’n blbinuss‘wfl' l'lmhxyraplnir “ml-rink, “a fll'l' Headquartéw by: the full-mug. \iz: STFREUSUUI'éi & STI‘IIIIth‘CUI’IC \ H-iWS. (n rhesr- we {LIVE an imuwnsu nsnmmem, imlm‘lmg “'ler, cues, Amerirnn nnd l‘Ofl‘iKli CIIiC‘S und Lnn-lnc pea.'(§rou]n-, Sluln'lr'v, kn, kc. Also, llrwlv lg Snen-us- mu-a, Ihr pal-ha or private ulnlflli I. Uur ("Alnluguc will my sent to nny addressflogl rem-ill! ul Smmy. 1} “S? (c s'lo 3 - l.‘ 4-16 I:- 20 u CELSIOR! ‘ E: EXCELfiIOR ' ’" '- - “mom! “The Enema! Walling Mil! lulu by! {3&9 Yogldi 0:13"?ng an]: pum— , an 13 1'93 0; s‘l or. a A , own: 050 v " Li; a “ 3;: C bommf‘ “'3 . g m ~~lrtum ._ z, ' ,7 'r: warm 9 A _ 20 q 10 ,I MO LEI EMI [llll 10 " 8 t , 10 " EMI DM 20 ll 8 u )0 Ik 1 l u 10 ll )0 fl DE2 11E2 10 1, IC " cog OM LE= ICI " 50 " 60 " 50 H 20 $lOl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers